THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO OR AT, BLOOMSBUR0 COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian Friday, Dcc,27, 1SY2. PRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT MITOlt. Railroad Elmo Table. I ACKA WANNA A llt.OOMSIltJIta II. 11. Norlli. Bonth. t P:f2A M. i'IM, Actiulnodatlon 4:IUA.M. 1 1:nl 1" M, tirrin U:C0P.M. ltliA.ll, , ATA W1KHA It. It. I' ltOJI llUPIUtT STATION. (loluir North. OotiiRfinmh MM 1'. M. Hill A.M. LOCAL. Now U tha (ltno to stibscrlbo for tlio CotiUMIltAN, Tub Legislature will from TtitBilny. moot n week Thk Laclcnwnmia A ttloomsburg road uoultl havo tin express agent In town. It Is too far to cart Kootla to tho Btntlon. CIiiustmas was duly colcbrnletl hero, and largo numboMof turkeya disappear oil. Dullness, oxcept nt tho hotels, was generally suspended, Runaway. On Monday last Mr. I'auxM horse tho Morris one ran off, spilling Sylvester and smashing; tho sleigh, aucit iittinfss don't pay. Wo tried It once. Tnniin Is a project on foot to forma now county out of parts or Schuylkill, Northumberland and Columbia, with Ashland as tho County teat. Can wo sparo Centrnlia and Conyngham? Tm:nn is n law provontlnga man from spiling tho samo goods two or three i times. Wo nro told that somo naughty I boys in Berwick havo victimized one of ur landlords in this way. Tiiekk is a petition in circulation, very largely signed, for tho release or Wesley llnrtzol, convicted somo time , ajo for passing counterfeit money. If ho had stolen halfn million tlicro would havo been no question as to his prompt rcleaio. Saturday night Inst was coldest of tho sca3on, thus far, tho themomctcr on j Sunday morning Indicating, woaro told, i ssven degrees below nro. Last Saturday was tho shortest day of tho year, tho sun rising at 7.13 and siting nt -1.03. Tho days ceased at that llnio todecroaso. On tho 21st of March days and night's aro equal In length. Wf. call tho attention of our readers ct tho advertisement of tho Conimis- Vfionors and Treasurer. It mny savo i them ti-i unnecessary trip to Ulnoms i lurg. Coli'ax will not Ix c.imo rtlitor of tho Tribune, but it v, ill ho managed as heretofore, Whitul.iw Iteid assuming tho chief editorship. Lost. A lady's Sablo fur pill.r, on Christmas night between Olmmi'u Hall and tho M. E. Church. A liheral reward will bo paid tho Under, ly lav lug it at M. 1 Lutz's Store. Tiikuu was quite a snow s'urni on Thursday night last, which win follow ed by a rainy, warm ntiiin-ilnn, con verting tho snow into slush mid render ing tho walking execrable. Tho leither tas not been discovered as yet which will keep tho feet dry under such cir cumstances. At WIlkes-Barro Novonilii-r Itih lS7i2 en motion of Agib Rickets K-q. (). 0. Kahler Ksq. formerly of Dhmncburg Columbia county, now orShlckslliuny, Luzerno county was admitted to pmctlco In the Courtsor tho said cjuntyof Lu ztiic. Postal Decision. llusbauths, j 'al um of their wives will bo iiitcrcsU'il and wives too, for that matter-in knowing that tho acting lVst master General has decided that letters can only lo delivered to tho person to whom Ihey nro addressed. In tho caso beforo tho department, n husband demanded litters written to his wife, but was re fused them. Hi: cahe i'ul. Tho largo number of destructive tires reported all over tho country should warn our peoplo about mo condition of their stoves and Hues. Thtso cold days wo aro apt to overheat Mr stoves and In caso of tires thero aro ni facilities for putting them out. 1'AitDON oi-' Daniel F. Seyiieut. A Pittsburg dispatch announces that mo President has nardoncd Daniel F. Soybert, who was tried and convicted lieforo Judge McCandlcss at tho Juno term of tho United States Court, In Wlllinmsport, of illicit distilling In Ltizorno county. IIo was sentenced to ptyailno of $3,000 and bo imprisoned iur rour years in tho Western Pcniten mty. Tho pardon lolieves tho prisoner lf Iho Imprisonment, but not of tho iluo or costs In tho caso, which ilgttres up nearly Sio.000. C'UAitiTY. Wo aro now In tho midst of tho holiday season, and our citizens senorally wo moan thoso who can -mora it seem to bo making tho most of their timo In fun and frolic. This all very well, and wo havo not a word o say against It; but wo hopo that in Iho whirl of their festivities they will uui lorget their poor neighbors. Ro member, that "ho wiio giveth to tho 'oorlondeth lo tho Lord," and It Always "moro blessed to givo than to Receive.'' A llttlo wood, n littlo coal, a littlo elothlnirnnil ll llMIn mnnnv pun tsily bo spared by any who read this nd wo trust tho anneal will not bo in yam. j. - Local News. Tho establishment of tho Columiiian worked a rovolutlon hi tho conductor tho press or tills Coitu ty. A'ews was mado a specialty, and tho Ipian has been kent tin bv us over slnco. Mntlers of local Interest especially havo received full nttontlon, and wo havo .givon in dotall all tho laws affecting on Uounty or tho Interests or its people and nil tho Court proceedings. 0 courso tins requires labor and oxponso, and pernnps for this reason our Cotompor arles copy such matters from tho Col OMniAN Without credit. "Wo Invo only to add that our patrons tan riHt assured that for tho coming tar we will sustain our tiast ronutatlon ' ud all who doslro a live, fearless nowu I should subscrlbo for tho Cor.u.u IAN. I Now is tiii: time. Thero nro only Iwcnty-sovon candi dates for United stales Senator In Missouri. As wo go to press tho onow 13 steadily falling, but It can hardly lmprovo tho magnificent slolghing wo havo had for a week past. Ii1 you havo monoy to spend, spend It with tho man who advertises most extensively. IIo sells tho cheapest. Makonnotoofit. Tin; editor who was such n fool as to publish n newspaper that mado nobody angry nt him was obliged to abandon business. IIo is now engaged in tho moro congenial labor of peddling skim med milk. Days or Grnco on promissory notes will bo abolished In Oulfornlu on Jan uary 1st. After thnt dale, commercial paper must bo paid on tho day It is duo or bo protested. Ruviinue Assessors and Assistant A&scssors will booh bo dono away with. Tho bill providing for tho abolition of theso ofllccs has finally passed tho Senate, that body receding from its amendments. Tho bill only awaits tho signature or tho President to becomo a law. Ajiout thirty Inmates or tho Stato lunntlc hospital wero transferred to the Danvlllo Institution for tho treatment of the insano yesterday afternoon. Tho lunatics occupied a separato car on tho Northern Central railway and wero guarded by a number of attendants. Their insanity wab generally of a mild and harmless typo. Tho crowded stato of tho lunatic hospital near this city has rendered tho transfer necessary. Moro will bo removed to Danvlllo In a short limo. Patriot. The Town Clock: got tired again on 'rhluy last and stopped. That clock is too much for tho Court House authori ties, tint Is certain. Wo had fondly clung to tho idea that thoy might bo able to keep It going and incorrect time, but wo feel compelled to yield our opin ion which wo hereby do with great re luctance. ClrtEASiNO the Gnmnr.E. As tho buckwheat batter season is in roll flow, tho following is given a a receipt for greasing tho griddlo : Take a turnip,cut it in half,rub tho griddlo with tho inner slde.and you will 11ml tho cakes tocomo 11' nice and smoothly, and you will bo rid of the disagreeable odor of burning fat. Tho btreets of Uloomsburg wero un usually lively on Saturday last. Tho good sleighing, and tho fact or tho day being just beroro Christmas brought any number of peoplo to town for pur chases and forplcasuro,and Main Street looked liko Broadway in miniature. Wo presume tho store keepers profited by tho influx or visitors. A man rrom Danville, fell down tho upper flight of stairs at Cadman's Hall, on Saturday night last and was severely bruised and cut. Several of his front tooth were knocked out and his faco disfigured. Wo aro Informed that ho was intoxicated at tho time. Tho Meth odist Church Festival was in progress and doubtless tho man wont there, attracted by tho lights, and lost his balaneo on tho very steep stairs of tho Hall. Count Institute. This body has been in session in this placo this week, but wo can glvo no details, as nono havo been furnished us. It should havo been a success, lint if not tho public aro to blamo. They tako too littlo interest in educational matters. Few visits tho schools, few earo who aro teachers. Paivnts who aro very careful n3 to tho physical welfare or their children, pay no attention to their mental culturo,or, in many cases entrust it to ignorant teachers selected by mercenary direc tors. Our school system will prove a failuro unless tho people tako an Inter est In it, visit tho Fchools encourago good teachers, ami pay Mem, aid tho superintendent. In so doing thoy will prepare their children for futtiro useful ness, and accomplish tho object of tho law. Found! On last Friday night, a gentleman nttendingtho Normal School exhibition, observed a lady immedi ately in front of him drop something. Ho picked it up, was about to return it, but upon examination dlFcovored that It was a chllds' pillow which had been converted Into a bustle ! Ills well known modesty prevented Its Inimedi- ato return, and it Is now nt this otllco awaiting an owner. Ho lias directed us to advertiso tho aforesaid estray.and wo thereforo givo Notice, That tho afoiesald pillow, alias bustle, is now In this ofllco await ing identltlention and prool of owner ship. Also Wanted, tho owner of tho aforccald garment, (or whatever it may be) to call at this oflleo.provo property ,p.i.y charges and tako it away. 1 1 don't look well in an editor's sanctum, especially a mar rled ono unless his wife claims it ! A Recipe in Season How to Cook the TuitKEY. Select a flue, plump, yellow skinned turkey, weighing from ten to twelve pounds. Examine It thouroughly to seo that nil tho pin feathers nro taken out ; Hold it over n blazo to singo any flno hares that may remain ; wash It thoroughly Instdo and out, and rub It over with salt. Tako tho gizzard, heart and liver, put them In cold water, mid let them boll until tender. When dono, chop them very fine. Tako stalo bread, or tho largo Boston crackcrs.nnd grato or chop them. Add salt, pepper and somo sweot herb, if liked, to tiio bread crumb3, after which beat two eggs with which lo moisten tho crumbs; and mix thor oughly with this chopped "Inward," not forgetting to put In salt and butter. Fill tho insklo of tho turkey with tho dressing, taking care that tho neck or crop is mado to look plump, and eow tho openings, drawing thOBkln tightly togother. Then rub a littlo butler ovor your turkey, and lay It upon, tho grato or your meat pan. Cover tho bottom or tho pan well with boiling water. After a half hour basto tho turkey by pouring ovor It tho grnvey that lias begun to form in tho pan. Repent tho bastl ng onco in about fifteen minutes. In an oven of average toinporatttro a twolvo pound turkey will requiro nt le.ut thro o hours ; but ovory oven has Its own way of baking, and tho cook must bo gov erned by It, Cominu. Tho Tremnlno Brothers' Operetta Trotipo will glvo a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert nt tho Court llouso, on Monday ovcnlng, December 30th. Thoy nro very highly spoken of In our exchanges, nnd will no doubt glvo a very satisfactory entor tnlnmcnt. Reserved scats can bo so cured at Moycr Brother's Drug Storo without extra charge. Do not fall to hear them. Backed Down. It will boromom bored that somo timo ago tho Philadel phia and Reading railroad, In its clTorla to prevent tho Berks county railroad from getting through tho city oi Read ing, laid a track through tho street granted by tho city to tho now company. This caused much indignation among tho peoplo, and tho City Council order ed tho track torn up that had been laid at night by tho great corporation. It was now Mr. Qowen's turn to becomo indignant nt tho opposition displayed by. tho City Council, and hostrnlghtway threatened to removo tho railway shops rrom Rcadlngand found a town of their own in somo ollgiblo locality. This threat soon produced great consterna tion in Reading, and on Mondny night of last week tho City Council meekly bowed 'to tho railway king, by rescind ing its provio.ts action by a voto or ton to nino, and granted tho prlvllego asked ftjr by tho company. This settles tho question nnd all visions or n now rail way city havo been dissolved In thin air. Gazelle anil Bulletin. The Columbia and Montour County Medical Society met nt Cadman's Hall yioomsburg, Pa., on Tuesday afternoon 17th December 1S72. Tho rollowing members wore present. Drs. McIColvy, Turner, Evans, Sonderling, Swisher, Vastino, McReynoIdf, Kline, Snyder, Thompson, Maustclior, Caso and Rebcr. Minutes of last meeting read and adop ted. President appointed Drs. Mclielvy, Tumor and Rebor, to draft a bill Tor tho provcntlon or quackery to bo presented to tho Legislature. Dr. Snyder read an Essay on Scarlatina and Its treatment. Tho following gentlemen wero appoin ted to represent this sosloty at tho next meeting or tho Stato Medical Society, which will bo held at Carlislo, Pa., on tho second Wednesday or Juno 13th. Drs. Thompson, Tumor, Kline, Minis lcller,Sriyderand Rebcr. Drs. McKoIvy and Simington wero appointed to rep resent tho Society at tho American Medical Association in May 1873. On motion or Dr. Turner tho Secretary of this Society was requested to commuui calo with tho Secretaries orMedlcal So cieties in tho rollowing counties, Brad ford, Susquchann, Lycoming, Luzerne, Schuylkill and Lehigh for tho pttrposo of organising a Medical Society of Nor thern Pennsylvania. Society adjourned at '1:30 p. m. to meet at CatnwKsa Pa., on the third Tuesday in March 1S73. Body Found. Murder no Douist Co.MMiTTED.-On Friday afternoon last, Mr. John Beacham, miner, while in specting tho mouth of an old mlno near Mausdalo observed a slight wall of stones built up within tho mouth of tho mine. On pulling away tho stones ho noticed tho faco of a dead person, tho body lying on tho ground, and, with the exception of tho face, covered with small branches. On investigation tho body appeared to bo that or a man somewhat tall and slim, or middlo age, and with a black moustache Mr. Boachem stat03 that imprints of fingers wero plainly obsorvablo on tho throat Indicating that tho man had been choked in a struggle. There was a wound in tho head and ono on tho breast. Tho nppearanco of tho legs indicated that after death somo person or persons had dragged tho body a considerable distance to liido It in tho abandoned mino whero it was found. Tho deceased had on rour shirts, threo muslin, and an undershirt. IIo also had on two pairs of pants, and a summer overcoat. Esquire Hendricks, of Valloy twp., summoned a jury and held an inquest, who gave as their verdict, that tho de ceased came by his deatli from violence at tho hands of somo person or persons unknown. Yesterday, Dr. Orauol, and other per sons in tills placo, tool: legal measures to havo tho body exhumed, and hold a post mortem examination on it. Tho impression with somo is that tho ro- mains nro thoso of a German Catholic priest, who formerly visited this placo. A Catholic prayer book was found on tho person of tho deceased. Altogether, thero is a tcrrlblo mystery surrounding this no doubt brutal murder. Danville Intelligencer Bold Roiiuery in Luzerne Coun ty. A most daring robbery and cruel treatment of tho immates of tho house was perpetrated on Friday night near Carboudalo. As near as wo could ascer tain, tho following aro tho particulars or tho affair : On Friday night last, be- tween tho hours or elovon and twelvo o'clock, six masked men went t tho house or Anthony Battle, a merchant living on tho turnpike in tho suburb or Carbondale, about 200 foot rrom "Old Lookout." Threooflhem entered tho hoii3e,wliilo threo remained outsldo as spies and to guard, wo suppose. Tlio bed room occu pied by Mr. Battio and his Wifo is on tho samo floor with tho storo. This thoy entered, and found Mr. Battio and his wifo in bed. They told them to mako no noiso nor gi voan alarm or thoy would kill them. Mr. Uattlo showed fight and struggled manfully, but It was useless. Ho whs struck on tho head with tho butt end of a revolver and stunned, secttrod and gagged. His wifo was also bound and gagged, They then went up stairs whero a servant girl and a nephew or Mrs. Battio wero sleeping, bound and gagged them. Having tho houso com pletely at their mercy, and pait giving uu alarm and It would havo ninouutud to nothing if thoy had, as tho houso wassomodlstanco from any other they rctumod to Mr. Battio nnd demanded of hliu to go to tho storo and open tho safe. Ho kuuw it was useless to ho was completely In tholr power, and ac ceded to their dotnand. Wliilo ho was going thero and during tho time ho was unlocking tho safo, two rovolvers wero pointed at his head and ono at his heart. Tho safo was oponed and thoy took thero from $1,000 In currency, nnd two $20 gold gleces nnd n gold watch and chain. Aftor getting tholr booty thoy left, leaving Mr. Battio in tlio Btoreroom bound. Mr. and Mrs. B. aro badly Injured Mrs. Battio Is confined to bed from tlio Injuries rccelvod. Mr. Battio Is a man about forty-flvo years of ago. Tho burg lars havo boon tracod ns far as this city fieranton Republican, 10r7. The closing oxcrclscs of tho First Winter Term of tho Uloomsburg Slnlo Normal School, which took place on Thursday ovcnlng of last week, were, perhaps, of moro than ordinary excel lence. In mentioning thoso which seemed to us tho most entertaining wo havo no desiro to bo understood as depreciating tho good qunllly of tho others, which together constituted a pleasant ovo nlng's exhibition. Tho reading of Poo's Bolls by a number of young ladles and gentlemen was not only very well dono, but possessed in itself tlio merit of being unique. Wo never remember to have heard this most dllllcitll plcco of poetry cs--aycd by nny but slnglo readers. It Is thought to bo a triumph of elocution lo render It correctly. In view of this tho result of tho reading by tho class Is deserving or praiso. Tlio Model School did finely , tho marching or tho children, especially, was or n character which would havo dono credit to "children of a larger growth." Tho oxcrclscs or tho very young pupils havo always been a marked reattiro in thoso exhibitions and never rail to call forth tho approba tion of tho audience. Tito Indian Club manipulations wero well performed, and tho colloquy oT "tho Bashrul Lover" and tho tceno from Henry VIHth wero both excellent. Takon ns a wholo tho exhibition was a success and reflects credit nllko upon tho teachers and thu scholars. Tho small boy element was largely promi nent in tho audience, but wero as quiet ns such an element usually perhaps thero is nocspoclal eau-o for grumbling. Coramunlcntjcl. Mifi'linville, Pa., Dec. I llh, 1872. At a regular meeting of Concord Lodge, No. G20, I. O. of O. F., held in their hall nt Mlilllnville, Columbia county, Pa., tho following prenmblo and resolutions wero adopted : Whereas, Our Father has taken homo our Brother E. P. Klingaraan, thereforo bo it Jtcsolved, That wo acqulesco with sorrow blended with Joy. knowing tnat "For mo to livo 13 Christ, to dio Is gain." Ilcsolvcd, That in him Selenco lias lest a talented votary, his pupils an adored teacher, his family a cheiished idol, and our order ono of its most bril liant jewels. Jtcsolved, That in weeping with the aflltetcd wo extend a sympathizing hand anil point to thnt bright homo whero God shall wipo away all tears irom their eyes, and thero shall bo no moro death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall thero bo any moro pain. Jtesolved, That a copy of theso rcso. lutions bo given to tho family of tho deceased and they bo inscribed on our minutes, and sent for publication to tho local papers. Ed. C. Green, R. W. Sjitii, . J. J. Brown, Committee. That State Wo publish tho follo'wing communi cation, but for lack or information ex press no opinion as to tho merits.of the controversy : jun. urockway: i noticed pome nroccediiics In your paper of last week of a meeting by certain persons, held nt tho Owon llouso In Berwick, represent ing themselves as Commissioners or a stato Jioau, running in Columbia and Luzorno counties; said meeting setting forth "that E. L. Koons was illegally acting as Commissioner when thero was no vacancy, iC-2." Ono of tho number present nt the meeting was Mr. B. F. Ileadloy, who moved to ssaw Jersey witn ins lamily In tho Spring ofl871, prior to commenc ing work on tho State Road, after which a meeting of Road Commissioners was had per advisement of M. E. Jackson. Esq,, Attorney, nnd by virtno of the powers cotiferred by tho Acts or Assem bly declared tho scat or said Ileadloy vacant nnd nppointed E. L. Koons a commissioner in his place. In Sentem bor or tho samo year n beginning was mauo and tno portion oi tlio road in Columbia county, was completed Juno 30th, 1S72. In October following tho Commissioners began to open tlio road on tho Luzorno county sldo and mado tlio same up to within nbout fifty rods or completion (November 19th) when on account of tho severity of the weather further work was susponded. During a portion or this timo from May 80th, 1S71.J. C. Smith was irreg ularly in attendance, wiuioui in a man ner assisting, employing no hands, at tempting to assumo control, oftimes in variance which well considered plans ot too otner uommis.iionersj wiion tins would not bo permitted ho mado It a point to retard tho work as much as lie could. Tho general tenor of fault And ing with "Jerry" that, "his propositions to mako unnecessary expense to tho county1' was not listened to, conse quently ho imagined tlio slights too grievous to bo borne, sworo vengeance, "that ho would havo a now organiza tion of tho board, that ho would, nnd havo Koons put out ; he's no Commis sioner anyhow. I, Joroiniah O. Smith, (bringing his fist down on a stump) Will show them what I can do," and left to carry out his threats in holding tho meeting above mentioned, tho pro ceedings or which, ho hastened to Wlikes-Barro nnd thrust thorn under tho noses or tho Luzorno county Com missioners, forbidding thoni paying further bills uoJU they had orders from him as "General Superintendant of tho Road." Did they do It? yes, Just ns tno uomissioners oi uoiumma county did when acting under tho protests of -jerry" at a lormer time, i. e. paid our accounts In full, on tho 20th day or Isovembor. "Jerry," ir you would oust Koons, tho proper way would bo to test tho legality of his appointment in tho Courts. Resolves and publications of them won't do tho business: ir thoy did, ho might retnliato by telling tho tax-payers ot uriarerecK towusnip "what ho knows" or your conduct for capacity nnd honesty ns Road Master. UNE ("!' THE COMMISSIONERS. "How to s.vvi: Five Millions or 1)ollahs."-A very sensiblocontrlbutor to tlio columns of tho Oreensburp;,Ve$t morcliiud coutltyiVpuWcwi and Demo crat throws out tho followlnp; sugges tions, which wo comment! to tho careful perusal of School Directors ntul tho parents of school children : In many families thero is n continual strngRlo to maUo tho most of ovcry dollar. Kven tho rich tiro not oxctnpt from thu (oil and calculation of how to get tho most for ovory dollar paid out. It Is proposed In this article to inform tho peoplo how to doublo tho value of tho niiinoy paid for school purposes: 1. Iliro nono but tlio best to.ichers, Tho dlllcreuco between tho wages of tt goon mm a common leaeiier is very littlo : onlv a few dollars added to tho wogesof anordinnry tenchorwill procuro tho services of tlio best teachers. Tho instructions of n u'ood teacher nro worth moro than twico thosu given by it poor teacher. U. 1'rovldo comfortable, convenient and Attractive school-houses. Scholars cannot loarn In old rickety houses whero thoy aro crowded and kept In Impuro nir, or whero thoy aro pinched with tho com. uno nay in u warm nntl eonven leut houso is worth moro than it wcol in a houso wiiero tho children's feet ttro encased in ico. Seo that tho houso is warm curly in thu morning, that not oven a part oi me tiny may ou lost irom coin, 3. Bend tho children tho firat day of tho term and ever; day of tho term. Morotlmn half of tho monoy now paid for schools Is lost bocatiso tho scholnts nro tardy or absent from school. It is found by examining tho records that less than ono-hair or tho children of school ago attend school nt tho samo time. 1. Sco that tho children nro punctual at school ovory dny,both in tho forenoon nnd in tho nftcrnoon. Every school suffers from tho tnrdltioss or tho pupils. f. Provldo tlio chlldron with sultnblo hooits, ami provldo them thcjlrsl day cf the term. 0. Often nsk tho children about tho school, and Bhow thoni thnt you tako nn interest In tho school. 7. Visit tho school it least oneo a month. Who would send a coll to bo trained nnd nover call upon tlio trainer to sco how ho was succeeding? What parent thinks so much moro or tho breaking or ids colls than ho docs or tho Instruction of his children? What jinrctit would turn any blooded animal Into a item lor six moiiins nnu not Know mat It had plenty to cat and drink? How many parents kuow whether their children nt school havo plenty of nour- isimient ror uio initio ; wneiuer mo teacher is cnpablo of administering wholesomoknowlcdgo to thotr children? 8. Always Biicnk woll of tho teacher In tho presenco of tho scholars. Chlldron cannot learn, and Will not obey, when tney daily near tncir teacner evil spoucn of. 0. Glvo tho chlldron time, nnd sco that thoy study somo at homo. If thoaliovo directions nro fnlthrull v followed, ovcry dollar used for school purposes will be worth moro thnn two dollars, as usually paid for schools, and in n slnglo Stato tho amount saved will bo over live millions of dollars. MARKET REPORTS. UloomBlmrg Hsrliet. Wheat icr bushol 81.W) Kvo ' .) Corn " f O.ils. " .. -10 Kiciur per barrel u io Clnversced 6 CO Fluxsrid I w lluttur :J EgRS "0 Tallow JU rotators 4i) Drlcil Apples 10 Hnma 15 Hides luid Hhoulilurs I) Luru prr pouuu 1U liny per-tnu 1"i CO MARRIAGES. IIILE I!OYER.-Doc. Id.bsr A. R. Hotlrniloln . I'imlel Hllo or Stockton to Mary jr. Roycr ol ctcopecir. lir.?S-anoVnU.-Dce.5tl,l)-tlin fnmo Win. Si, Moss, lo iiks Angelina, urover, uoiu oi Hobble. COI.K rsilinnXH Deo. 71b. Iivtbosuno. Alvln 1. Cole, to MlfcK I.lz.lo Gibbons, both of Uracil liaen. BM ETHERiS Kill ITS. Dee. tlio simc, Tobias Hmctbers to Miss Marlba J.blilpp, both omnium. DAYrON ANDREWS. At tho Methoillt Pre tettuit paraonture, IMno Creelc. on tholSlh of Dee. by tno uev. A. l; Kline, a : j jiwaru Day ton ol New Columbia, to Mlsi Kato Anurous, oi ix munition, i.uzcrno co., im. ERITZ-COI.E. At tho reslcleneo nl tho ItrJUo's l Hi ner, in .laeUBon, on tno mil n nee. 7., uy 1 '.liter J. J, Harvey, .Mr. l'arvin Fritz, nnd Miss uostanuaM. uolu uoih or loiumuia cuiituy, 1M. SPECIAL SOTICUS. Till (JKUAT l'lCTOIUAL, ANNUAL. Hostf ttcr's Unlled Statrs Almanac for 1873,for dlstrlbut Ion. BHi(.i,throughoul tho United States, nnd all civilized countries of the Western Hem Ispheio, is now published nnd ready for dell very, In iho English, (lerman, French, Noiweglau, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian nnd Span ish languages, and nil who wish to understand tho trim philosophy ol health should rend and ponder tho vnluablo suggestions 11 contains. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on tlio causes, orevcution and cure of a great variety, It embraces a latganmouulof lnlor matlou interesting to tho merchant, tho me chanic, tho miner, the farmer, tho planter, and professional mau ; and tho calculations have been mado for such meridians and latitudes ns aro most suitable lorn coriect and comprehen sive National Calendar. Tho nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary efleets ot llostetter'sStomach Hitters, tho bta plo tonic anil nlleiatlvo of moiu than half tho Christian world, are set lorth In Its pages, which aro also Interspersed with pictorial Illus trations, vnluablo recipes for the household and tarm, humorous anecdotes, and other instruc tive and amusing reading matter, original anil selected. Among tho Annuals to appear with the opening of tho year, this will bo ono of tho most uselul, and may be hmlfor the usklny, Tho proprietors, Messrs. llostitler di Smith, Pitts burgh, l'ii ou lectlptni n two cent stamp, will lorwiud a copy by mall lonny pertou who can not procure nuo In his ueighboi hood. Tho Hit ters are sold In ovcry city, town nnd village, and are extensively used tluoughoul tho entire clvill.ed world. dec (j Iw. Tlio largest lot of slippers just recoived at E. M. Kiiorr'ss. No ono in town provided moro toys candles nnd lancy conrectionery Tor tho littlo peoplo on Christinas day than Thomas Webb, on Main Street and ho linsfully tHlnrgonsupply orgooil things ror Now Year day. Ho has also lor tho older peoplo, tho finest Cigars nnd To bnccoes ever oll'ored in tho town. Dont rail to givo him it call. If von vont shlinlrs nud sicli lileo ror do feet yottst go to do storo vot stand-? on do corner ron Main tint! Markot Streets; dero da keep nil sieh dings sheeper nobody also doso. Sozodont. This word, which has boon staring everybody in tho r.tco ror tho past row vears. nntl is now trottinsr into nearly everybody's mouth, isn preparation ror cleansing, iieauiiiying nnu preserving tno tcfctn, sweetening tno uroatn, nnu arresting tl to progress or decay. SpHlding1 Glue, up to tho sticking point. Tho jilaeo to buy your fancy slippers is at ill. iv.norr'd. I'or Rent. Soveral lino rooms son nralely or in suites, in tho Into residonco nl CI en. W. II. Ent, adjoining tho Coutl llouso. Apply lo Mrs. W. II, Ent, opposite Korku Hotul. nul IU Go t.) E. M. Kuorr's lor yoin- bint cholco ol suppers. Now is your timo to savo money, by buying it Silver Mould Whlto Wim Clothes Lino; guarnuteo given tigainst rusting, freezing, wearing or Injuring clothes hung upon It, In tiny hhapoor form. Cheaper than a ropo line; apply lo A. IJaklow, Agont, Uloomsburg, Pa.; alsoiigont for thu Now Wheeler & Wilson Sowing Mneliluo. dec. 10 hv. UllllOKS or YOUTH. l!verv nervous Youtur Alan In the Union, will receive, Irio, ti Iticipothat wlllprova n blesslui; UUUU2I1 uie, iy uumchMiic, ni eoniiiii nee, Uox 517'JP. O. iUili It, IJUI'l'llI, 42 Cedar hl.,N. Y., ly, Old IMitlillslicil Coal Yard O. W.NuAL&Uno. Wholesale & Ho tall Dealers in all slws of tho best (malitics of lied and Whito Ash Coal, at tno very lowest, mari-ci rates, inline burners sunnlleil at liberal rates with best (limllty No. O.eoal. For smith Ilres, In addition ton prlmo article of lump, wo imvo a nrsc ciass quality oi uitumi nous coal, at $ti.'2o per ton ou wharf. hartro stocks of all sizes constantly on hand. Strict personal attention given to tho preparation of all our coal. Grain. Lumber and Slabs taken in exchnngufor coal. Coal delivered to any part of tlio town, uruers leu ni iweiveiv.v iscni Co's. storo or at our olllco, will receivo prompt attention, uiu'icn it YAiina at Mc'KkI.VY & NKAL'ri KUUNAt'K, HAST Ui.ooMsr.uitti. Your patronage respect fully solicited. IIavk You Hkkn II Kit? A lady who lor the last tlvo years has been u lender ot Ushtou lu New , ork, utid who may be seen twico a weelc In her elegant cab chu driving apUr or superb poults lu Central Purlc. bus recently stated, lu the select cllolo tn which she helonits, that the only article In exlsteucu which linpails beauty and bistro to thu complexion without ultimately Impairing; tho texiuru or the slciu ami ll to vollapsu ami wiluklo. Is 1 lupin's Miittiiolia Halm, Tliu name oft he dlstluiiuUheil member ot tlio bum inoudo who made this diclsrallon t-aiiuoL with propriety be ttlveu, but ll may bo mentioned tn Viittimle that shu has spent seveinl years of her lllo 111 lCuiupeuud is lamlllar with ull tho lilts unit preparations employed ny tno court ucuiv ucsui tuuuiu woii4 tu im'iinuc'j mcir cuarius. Important Testimony! Tim fnilntrlniT IMtrrft urn nnioiitf tho rnnnv wo nrnconMnmiy receiving ftom persons who finvo been cured by Sclicnck'a Pulmonic Syrup, Sclienck'a Sea Weed Tonic, AND Mnmlrnko Selicnck'H Pills. PtiiniRrovf , gnlem County, IStxr Jnit)', rulllltlAllV 27. 1S72. Dr. J. II. BC1I ENCK, N. E. corner Hlxth nnd Arch streets, rmiaueipmn, ttesnecteil hlr I talto iilcasnro In nddlnemy testimony to Hint of tho tunny othcts who havo been cured by thoelllencyof Hchctick's rnltnoulo Hvrup, Ben Weed Tonic, Mid Mandril l(u l'llls. fanilly, most of Its membots having tllnt ol It nt enrlvnues. My mother nnd threo brnthorsdlod i;onsunipiion uus uven uereunary wim iny nl tlio nso of al, ono brother lit 27, nnd my Blstor at. 1.1. I wits, when nbout 31 yenrs, telrcd with liver complaint, which rapidly developed Into l'ulmo- linry Ollblllil I'liuii, i i.miiuiit:ii KJ ruilll. fiulKli my employment (that of n blacksmith.) I consulted skillful nnd eminent phyBlclaus, nnd tried innny pntent nostrums, but without success, no thnt my friends wero Hiiro that thero win no hopo or my recovery, lor I was reduced from HU poiindi to 101, nnd was notable, to do anything without assistance. lly whnt 1 now look upon nsn Providential ln terposltlon, 1 wni Induced to try your rcino lies, ntul nlnco myself under your treatmout, and so rapid nud thorough was my recovery, that It seemed ns though somo superhuman power was nl work, nnd to-ilay I ntn ns well ns ninny timo during my Die. I wclfh 15J pounds, am SO years oui.nuu iur somo iimo imvo ueen lcguinriy at tending to my business, bidding fair tu live to n goon OKI 1 ngq, I nm thankful to volt bevond expression Inr having placed ma In ii position wherein 1 am a bencllt Instead of n burden to my family. Your Mandrake l'llls nro tho only medlclno I over uso now. I think they nro tho best In tho world. I c.tu rofcr you to hundreds of my neighbors who will verily nil I havo written, and any lit formation nny of my fellow clllzens may desiro will bo freely nnd gladly given, upon recelrtol stamp, by Yours, etc. JOHN f, HEWITT. Etcy Wcirf, E'la., Fell, it), 1S72. Ur.J.H.SCHENCir.N. E. cor. Sixth nud Arch streets, l'hlladolpbla. Dear Kir Pleaso forward, per first steamer, six bottlesHeaWcsdToulcnud twelvo bottles pul monic Hyrup. Your medicines nro o mich valjo that 1 can not bo without them In my household, nud In fact no family should bo without them. I hnvo given them a fair test, nnd openly dc clnro them to bo oven better than you claim. Very respectfully yours, Ac. W. A, WHITEHURST. Philadelphia, March i, 1872. Dr.. I. H.SCIIENCK, lie). peeled Hlr I tako pleasure In awarding to you this ccrtlllcato of tho wonderful cure jour Pulmonic Syrup nnd Sea Weed Tonic produced. My throal anil bronchial tubes wcto so highly lnilamed that It was almost Impossible for mo to swallow my fond. 1 nir. on a visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John son, No. 012 federal blrcct, who says your medi cines raised him liom nhnosldeath alter all oth er means had failed, nud ho having, therefore, lull eonlldetico in tho vlrtuo of your remedies, strongly iccoinmended mo to try them. I did so. and In ono week from tho timo I commenced taking them my throat underwent n very great chnngo for tho better, so that I could eat my meals without any dllllculty or pain. I can scarcely llnd words to express my gratitude for tho early rellot your Invaluable medicines pro duccdtipon me,nnd I deem it butauaet ol gi.itl lude to glvo you thu ackuowledgcmenl ot my iippiechiilon, Yours respectlully, RACHEL M. .lACOllS. No. 110 West Thltty-lblrd stteet, New York, KCUKNC'K'S PULMONIC SYRUP SKA WUED TONIC, and MANDKAKE PILLS, Theso nro tho ouly medicines that will cure l-imiiijuary lousuiiipuou. Dr. Hcuenck nas itecu in cousiuiii, lirueuee over miriy yenrs eontiuU' nlly examining lungs, nud knows his medicines ir properly taken, will euro Consumption, His Mandrake Pills cleanse tlin llvcrninl Elnmnr-li, his Sea Weed Tonic dissolves tho food, stimu lates tho eoatlmr of the stotnaeli. nml ninl.-e.ilt digest. His Pulinoulo Syrup ripens tho matter, t.uvt ,L,..u ,u.v,ta lb Uil miiiuubuiiy CXJ.'U1UU. Pllco Of tho Pulmonin Rvrnn nnd s!ffi Wepil Tonic, Jl.25 per bottle, or 7UU ner half dozen. "luuui.iLu i ins tj eenis per uox. PREPARED ONLY AND TOR HAI.E P.Y J. II. SCHENCK & SON, N. E. Comer SIXTH nnd ARCH Streets, 1'iiii.Aiir.i.i'niA, And by Druggists nud Dealers generally. .T01IXST0.V, II0IJ.0WAV ic COWIHiX, C02 Alien Street, Philadelphia, Wholesale Agents. opr-12. ISTl'-ly1 THE Git EAT WEEKLY THE 1-fARRISBURG PATUIO'J The Weekly Patriot Gratis ! To every new subscriber to The rutriot for tho year 18711, whoso name, accompanied by Two imnars, is received alter tins date and prior to malnder of lili, gratlu. iniiiiiirv next, wo w in senu ma nnner lor me ro. AVEEKLY PATRIOT: One ropy, ono yonr S2.00 OnoOpy, six mouths , i.m i' our Lonies.ono yeiir, tacn 17.1 Ten Copies, ono year, t'ach l.-M) Twenty Con es. ono year, each 1 "." l'lfty Lopleh, uml upwards, ono yeai, eacu An cxlra cony. free. U farnlsbed to tlio At: cut kmkIIuk in clubs nt ten or more. A copy ot the Hani I'atrioi will ho sent, Jrcc to tlio Agent semlltu; tn rluln nfllfty or more. All pupcrs wilt n.epara(,ly atldressuil, hut raiut go lo ono post olllee. (Sco directions helow.) Tfll'J IXULY PATRIOT, Published every morning, Sundays excepted. Is a llrst-cluss newspaper, foutalniut; lull telc uraphlc reports, spucfnl Wnshlninu dispatches, tho most complete and nccurato market reports, full accounts ol proceedliiks of tho Constitution al Convention, Longretsnnd LcflsUtaro, spicy editorials, etc. Ono Copy, ano year, by null, 57; l'lvo Copies do., 8J2; Ten Copies, do., Silo. Larger Clubs lit the last riito. Papers may bo separately addressed, but must bo taken In one package. Tho money must accompany tho or der loln&uiu attention. DIHKCTIOXS. Additions to Clubs may bo mado at any time In thujear nl tho above Club rates. Chuugosin Club Lists mado ouly ou request of persons recclvliiK packages, stallui: (lain or subscription, edllli ti. pnsi olllco nnd State, to which ll has been pievlouslv sent. TUKMS.-U.isli In ndvane . Send Post Offljo .Money uruer, imik until r Iteitistered Litter. Hills scut by Mull, win h- at tho rl-k ot the cc.iucr. C-Scnd for Prospectus and Hpcclmcu Copy A dd less, novKTJ "lUi: PATP.IOT." Thou imam Holed success of Iho " Victor Hewluc aiuciunu," i'.nsi ami west, opens uoou oppor tunity lor newuiK iuruuio ucmx una lewponsi' bio men to tuuo tno agency tor this Comity Por cliculars. sanmlesof work and teims. ad dress, The Victor Sewing Mnchino C-j I- Xj PEBGUS03ST, isro. 1227 CIIICSTNUTSTJUiKT, I'lIIIiADKLl'iriA. w A Vl'F.IJ. llcsponslblo men as Local Agents to sell fruit nud Ornamental Trees In neigh borhoods wiiero they reside, To tho right par til's very liberal terms and nn opportunity toes- uiuiisii u suie nnu iniiuiuuiu im.iuesH, Atitiress Tho Dlugeo .v. Con. ml Co.. Wholesale Nursery- men, West drove, Chester Co., Pa,, novl'J'Jin Ageuts Wanted for Cobbln's CHILD'S COJiENTATOR o.v Tin: in ii I, r. rm- tne; ciuci. 2i 0 nsires. H.O l:tn-ravlnifs. Tlio best enleriirisa in urn mr u.euis. i.verv iriuiiy win nave it. zoni ng nun ll now miiui.iiei I. f or c ircii- larsadiluss II. U, UOODsl'UKD iV CO., 117 Paik now, Mow lone. iiovvuiw IfilO.NTh WAX'i'lill,-Wu gualiilileij em l ploynieut lor all, ellher sex, ul fi a day, or Si.OiUor milieu yiar. Now works by Mrs. II. II. Sloivo and olheis huperli piemluuis given away. Money Hindu rapidly and easily nt work lor n. Wlllo and tee, Partlculais tree. WoiiTllINUiov, Dcstin is Collutlfotd, Ct. nuvJunv Si in ftln Iur U11'l AgeiiUwautedl AH V" iu v-" classes of working peoplo, of either sox. young or old, iniiku mure money nl work fonts lu inelr spare moments or all the llmu than nt nnythlug else. Particulars free, Addiess U. hl'INnO.N .V. CO., Portland, Mulnc, In sure In tiiuTHAV IXCU rtl.Ml'KUIAl, lit SSLVN ML'HTAHU, U Wlioie-uni lo the trad.' HIiikiii ems sent, W. ill HMAN T, IIOV.U !' .islti.ud. on lccf-lntot 11: I'lH.' I AVVV Itcidlug. I'a, lUUKRIM-.l'INU Mtvta I '. I .very elerk ami 1) inerclmut can leitrit ut once. Hook mailed ACCIDENTS i:l.i:iW ol IIirlloi,l,t'i.,i IOC. II, (jOUI.HINU IlllYANT, llllll'.llo, N, Y. FALL AT M. P. ITJTZ'S pOLUMBIA COUNTY s. s. Jm tho Orphans' Court of Columbia couutv In the mutter of tho partition nud valuation of tho estate or Philip KUtlcr. lata of Mouut I'lens nut township, deceased, to the heirs of said es tate. You urn hereby notified that on petition of John Kistler, ono of tho helra of .n!d deced ent, tho Orphans' Court of satd county granted a rule upon tho heirs ot std decdent to accept or reIuo tho estate, at. the valuation or show cruise why the same should not bo sold. There fore you are hereby commanded to bo nnd ap- Iiear at au Orphans' Court to ba held at Ulooms mrg, In ami lor the said county, ou tho flrst Monday or February next, aud then and thero accept or refuse the estate at the valuation put upon It by the inquest duly awarded, or show why tho sumo should not ho sold ameeably to tho act of Assembly In s,ucu ctso mado aud pro vided. Hereof t ill not. Witness tho Honorable William lUwell, Eq.. President of our Raid Court, at HIooombur, the Sail dav of December. A. I), ono thousand tlnht hundred nnd seventy-two. .AU'I. tt.U i 1 II, DecCCth-l- Cw Hheritr. riOLUMBIA tor.NTY k. J lii ihetnpli ins' I'uiirt of Columbia enualy. Ilithemsl erol ttie iaitltlou and valuation nl the estate oi Muicohn Mason, lain of the Town of HloMiushui dtci-ascd, to the heirs ol said es tate. You aio hereby untitled that on petition of Walter Mason, one of tliohelrsof said deced ent, the Orphuus' Court of said county granted a rule upon the heirs ot said decedent to accept orreiuseiu esiaio at, nn vaiiiaium or snow ciuse why the samo should not be sold. There foro you are hereby commanded to bu and up pear at an Orphans' Cou rt tu bo hidden at ltlooms- uurs,-in nnu inr ino s.iiu eouiiiy, on me nrsi Monday of l-Ybrtiarv next, aud thou and thero accept or refuse tho estal e al I lie valuation pu t u p- ou lioyiuo iiiquesiuiuyiiwiirueii, in Miowwily thes.ime s-iouht not be sold uirrccablv to tlio act of Assembly lu such case made mid provid ed hereof bill not. Witness tho Honorable William t;t well i:s., Presldout of uur said Court, ut Uloomsburg, the LUth day ot December, A. li , ouu tliousauu eight huudred and sevcuty-two. A.VltOK SMITH. Micrirr. Dec. J 1S72, Cw. CIOLIIMIUA COUNTY s. s. J lutho Orphans Court of Columbia county, lu tho matter of the p.milton utiil valuation ot the estatoor .Mury llarmau.lato of Urau-j town ship, deceased, to the heirs of said estate. Yon aio hcrrby notllled that oupetitton ot Jacob M. llurmuii.oueot the heirs ol said decedent, thu Orpliuns' Court of said couuty uraulud a rulo upon tho heirm of said dtcoJent to accept or iu Iiuo tho estate at the valuatlou ur show cuufco why the sumo should not be hold, Thereforo you aro heieby commuuded to bo and appear nt in ortihiuis' Court to bo held nt Itlooinsbiirtr. In and for tho said county, ou the Hist Monday of February nexi, www then aim ineio accept or io I'nsii thu estate at the valuation nut unou It bv thn tunucst dulv n warded, or show why the same should not bo sold iireeahly to the act of Assemuiy iu sucn euo iiiutiu auu pruiutu llurcot lull not. Wltnesti the ilouorablj William Klwell. lUn. 4 lrnkliletit. ff nur kiilil I'miit nt. I til umiktiii TL. 1 Iih I nut ti nay ot ljeeomoor, u. ouo inouaauu vuui mm urea una seveiuyuwu. tw .Aitu.N njniii, Uec. U-1S7.. Cw rfhdiiir. A1 UlHTOR'S NOTICE. Tlio iindcrslmied annollitcd auditor to dlstrib titu tho funds In thu haudsof tho Administrator. s. Knurr. In lien creditors of A. Wllniau.deeeased. wlllineetthe parlies interested uiuisoiuce liune lliwu Ol itiooiusourif, im csiuiiiay, jiitiuaiy in. isii,. III iu o ciucif, ,v, Ji., wueu nnu wneio uu jierhons luteiested uru requested to present them to the auditor or be foiuver debarred liom coming lu lor bald land. JUUi 31, IJL.AI11V. Auditor December Will, ni.. Iw TTOLIDAYS! 1 l l Tho most complete ussoituieut of TOYS, FRENCH CANDIES CONFECTIONERY and a number ofnrtlolos suitable Christmas uud New Vtur som lu nun .l lllo store THOMAS WEBB, Muiu street, below Centre. Iu addition to tho above, tho larieU end stock ol bost GIARS, TOllAUCO.SMOIvINaanaUIIEWINa PIPES of nil kinds ami prices In this county can bo in i ml nt the sum- ishiblUblncnt. Uivo him u call uu l obuilu the best of goods lor reusuuuuiu jiriees. Dec, 13, m:, lm CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company. OF NUW YOUk 1. of Policies lad 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUES nil tho now form of Policies Xaud presents ns favorable terms as nny com pany In the United mates. Tho company will mako temporary loans ou Its policies. Thirty liars' jrraeo allowed on each payment, nnd tho policy held Rood durlni; that time. All our policies aio Incontestable for the usual causes. Policies Issued by this company aro non-for-leitnre. No extra charges made for travelling permit?. Policyholders share ill tho annual proms of tho compnny, and haven vnlco tu tlio ulecilona and management of the company. No policy or medical ice charged. .JUSTUS TjAWKF.NCE, Pres't. W. 11. WYNKOOP, Vlco Pres't. J. P. Itoar.ns, f-'ecrctary, S. C. CitAMULEn, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of M-EataPentfa. "Columbian" Building BLOOMSBURG-, PA. CHARLES B. BROCmY, General Agent. Jan. u,lS72-tf. )UULIO SALK 111. VAI.UAWjE HIlAli KSTATE. In pursuance of nn order of thoOrphans' Co :rt of Columbia county, thnundsrslKued ns admin istrator Ac. of I'ttcr llltuer, Isio of tho t'twii ship of Locust, In Slid county, deceased, uW expose lo sale ou the premises, on Fit ID AY, JANUARY UJ, 187-i, at lOo'cloulr. in tho forenoon of Mild day tho fol lowing described real ostatd situated lu tho township and county, nforcsald, f wit : A cer tain tructcflaud, containing 103 AOIIE3, AND 31 PERCHES, neat measure, adjoining lands of Michael Mine, Jr., Joseph, mills, 'lidwnrd Htrausscr, Henry Cable, and A. 11. Kisher, whereon nro crcctfxt a good dwelling house, a good bank bam, nnd oth er buildings, a good spring of water at Iho door of dwelling: thero Is also on Iho promises a good orchard nnd n lot of goail elk timber trees. Also a tract containing. 33 ACHES AND 02 PERCHES, neat measure, adjoining lands of Joseph lulling, John Wills, nr., Charles roltcrmau, David Krelshcrnnit EdwanlBtrausser, Vlj acres of which Is well timbered with good timber trees. TeiimsokHai-e. Twenty per cent, of ono-third of the purchaso money to bepald at thn strik ing down of tho property, oue-lhlrd less the twenty per cent, upon tho delivery of the pos session of said property, one-third of tho pur chaso money in ouo year from the. delivery or the possession, with interest from the date ofthe delivery of the tpossdsslon, nud the bal-ineo of the purchase money In two years troni the de livery of tho possession, with interest from date oftho delivery payablo annually. LVs3eson to bo given April 1st. 1S7J. Unpaid purcha&o money to bo secured by llond aud Mortgage ou tho premises. Purchaser to p.iv for deeds. oiioitoi:, JOHN A. HITNllK, Administrator. Numedla, P.i., Dec 0. 1ST2 P UULIO SALE OF VALUAIILT3 HEAL T-STATU Vursuant to directions lu tho last wilt an I tjn lament of IMnlel Kitchen, late or ri-ldncuPlt township, Columbia couutv, deceased, will be sold at public Falo on tho premises, lu Fishing- cieeit luwusmp, biuu county, ou SATUllDAY. JANUARY lltli, 1S73, the following described rcil ostato, lite of Dan iel Kitchen, deceased, to wll : A VALUABLE FAUM, .situate In Plshlnscreck townshln, Columbia county, I'll.. ou Iho road lead Imr from llloo(n burg to New Columbus, nboul lour mites Ir in Hohrsburi;, bounded by lauds of Wm. Trexler, Peter Ilveland, Wm. and George Udar and oth ers, containing about EIGHTY ACRES. Tho improvements nro a GOOD FRAME DWELLING HOUtiH a largo now bank him. a now wuon house, wtih corn cribs atiaehedaud m excellent spring of water and well of water, Tho laud Is lu u sood state of cultivation ; nbout twenty nrres is timber land. There Is a Iluo youn npplo ot ch.ird, as well as clierry. peach, pear nud other mill tices on tlio premises, Sile to comnieiicoat one o'clock, p. m., when c.mditlous will bo made known by NIlilKSIlAU ICITCIir.V AdmUlslrar. ltulir-sbure, Dec. Mth, lS7i iw. jTulTUtJSAlili o r V A I, U A 11 L i: It K A L K S T A T E In puisuanco ofan order of tho Orii'ian' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned ad ministrator, Ac, ot thoestnti'of Christ au I.u . deceased, lite or the township of MlUin lu said couuty, will oiler at pubhusale on the premises, on MONDAY, JAN. VMi, A. D., 1S7.1, at lo o'clock, a. m , the followlns real estate to It: 1st nmessuanonrtr.ictorland situate In til township aforesaid, hounded by lands of Isuio jMiurcws, iieniy iit'llier, aouu floury, iiui-.iiiiu Swank and others eoutululm: ah)ut eluhtt-iMo acres, ir.oro or less, wLereon is crt cted a DWELLING 110 US 13, stable and other oul'jiillilu Uie the loid. n. m ot ald dieeased. :d. n lot of iluiberlan.l also s unit in i.'. township atorcs.tld,e julaluing uboat EIGHT ACRES, bounded by lands of Jacob Lougenhei'KO ', iini y iiemer, jonii i.ouu nun ueoige awHiiu. tekms ofhi.e. leu rer cent, of fiiu-iou n ol thu purchase . money shall bo paid at i( less the tell per cent, oil tho coullrmallou nt sa uudtho lemaiulug tlneo f mrths lu one ynn .iriniiiii uown oi me . properly, nuc mini i tnerenller, Willi liileiewl Horn the conurinui in 1 kl. ruiciui-cr to pay lor deed mi l stanitis. I.I.N l i.uu, dec. SOIS72, liv Ailmlullr.itur. PUDLIO SALE VAI.l Alll.l. Ul.Al. Tlio undersliznedKxeculorofthecstate ol Mis. Margtrel Crinsy, deceased, into of the town oi Itloumsburgt will uxpose ut public salo upjti tho premises, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1S7.1. nt 2 o'clock, P. M., tho (jllowliii doslrablj i. ii tstiite, to wit .- A eeriiuu loivn iui sun uu on inn itc. m EaslKtreet.of the lowu or innjinitnir. ndj u lug lot ol John .McUeynolils ou tho suutli, .mil Murllu W. Nitsson thu north, bclut; fifty FEET FRONT on Bald street, by nbout 191 fjet deep, w'...i.' .4 is ercclod ularjunul ojuveuleut I5RI0K HOUSE, nud also n large stablo with other neoes.iry ou'. uutiuiugs. i-osuwiiou ij uu Kivuu .vprti isi. i-., The said executor also otters ut public, silo upon the premises, ou SATURDAY', JANUARY ISth, 17:5 nt 1 o'clock, P. M,, FIVE TOWN LOT3 In tho village of Centrevlllo, Teuvs of salk. The above lUsorLbe 1 pii.u.s cs will be sold at the following terms, I, i Ten per cent, of the liurcluue moiiiy nl tlio striking down oftho property ; one tlui.l 111 th tmronsso uiouev less uie ten imr eui. upon 11 u llrstiUynf April, A. 1)., lH7l,undtlie rem i.iide. Ill two niuiii iiuiiiuii iuviueui, nnu from the Urt day ul Apill, IJ7J, piyable uutiu- T ilJ.VI-IVTLI nnuiLV Kxeeui,. r. l.lmo Illdjo, Dec. 20, IS71, OR RENT. A dwelllnif.houso and llUeksmlth slnrh nuj Ulacksmlth tools on moderate terms, upuly lor purticuiars 10 JOHN MOWUSll, Mlllltu township. Dec. 13111,157.', St TVTOTIOE. XI Th The stockholders of the North nnd W'. lirancli Hall ltoad Comiuiny are herely nl 1 i.ud that au election lor l'itidntiiud iw- vu um- tors to serve for tlio ensuing yor nlM uV the tilllce of J. 11. ltoblson, i'.s'i. lu 11. iinshuig, nu the second MoiuUy, buiug the l.U'i day ul Juutiary next, between the buuis ut ouu ttad threo o clock, p. at. iiy 01 air 01 iuh unaru WM- Nr.AL, Bierettry Dec. 17th, I'7i,I,w
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