851tc dS'OUuvtbiuUt BLOOMSBUltO, VA." TIlO (.lIHslllllllollul ('OIIM'llttllll. This body from which bo much Is uxticoted by thn pcoplt,nml tliotloinnnil fur which whs nlmoat uonornt, mot on Tuesday of last weok at U.trrlaburR for tlio purpose, of porforinlng thulc reat funcllona. TliolilHli oxpcclauona form t'd us to tho course, of Mint body woro cloud"d nt tho outsot by tho fact that tho Infiimoiij caucus aystom was nilopt- o 1 by tho njnorlty for political purposes under tho load of such notorious tlom hkokucs bb Lluu HtrtliolomoiV, Wayno AIcVoiiKh, iiud Utrry Whlto. Party HniM wcro nt oneo drawn, and king Caucus compelled tho election of par tlsnn oIIIcom. Tlio IUiik not only succ3odod in this, but carried tho Convention to I'lillailol (ililn, that sink of corruption whoro it wim supposed that tho fascinations for wouU dolcsaU'3 woro tuoro nuiuor- nm. The pooplo, howovor, aru wrttchltiR tho iictlotiof tho convention with Joal om eyes and if not up to tho demands of tho times will not sanction tho rnoas- urc-t to bopropoaed, as tho amendments if any, mint bo submitted to tho peoplo for i nt I (lea lion. Wo fear the broad andcomprohonslvo reforms demanded by tho pooplo, and rofwi'd to in an articlo wo copy .this weflk from tho Philadelphia Ledger, will not be ndoptod, Partisan bias, cor nipt politicians, and corporato lnflucnco inscpn by tho largo number of corpora tlon attorney as delegates, will prevent wholcsomo and radical reforms, as such Interests prefer matters as they aro. rather than tho adoption of those meas ttroi which Would benefit llio massas. Wo will hope for tho best, and ro P rt tho proceodlnns cirofully, trustlni; that nt least as good a Constitution will bo adopted as that recently secured by (ho people of Illinois. Revising tho Constitution 8nbJ ft. to ratification by tho qualified votorsof th'i Commonwealth, ttio Con vnntion now in session at Ilarrisbure; is investpii wun neany an me political power of tho threo and n half millions of inhabitants of tho Stato of Pennsyl vania. Tho law and tho vote of tho people authorizing tho assomblairo of that bo:ly reserves but two subjects from tnu Jiign powers granieu to uie uonven tlon. Ono of theso prohibits tho Con. veptlon from chancing tho language of or in uny way altering tno "uociaratlon of rights" set forth In tno present Con stitution nnd tho other prohibits thcra from making any proposition to estah llsh a court or courts with "exclusive equity jurisdiction." The3o excepted, tlio Convention may submit to the peo ple amendments to any part of tho unnstuutiori or an entirely now Con stitution. This is the second time eince the year 1790 that such a Convention has been called, the first and last nro. vious Convention having concluded its woric in ibM. .Forty-eight yoars elaps ed before tho first general revision, and unri.y-io.iu uoqwoji ma sscoau anil third. On numerous occasions within tho last eight years, this Journal has pointed out tho necessity for some now provis ions in tho organic law of tho Stato, to guard against legislative and other abuses. These abuses were not peculiar to Pennsylvania, but prevailed to some extent in many other States, and tho prujier remeuies lor mem woro as ob vious thero as hero. Of tho States which nave embodied somo of tho ess ential remedies against abuse, Illinois has, perhaps, done the best in its revis ed constitution of 1870, and somo of mo reiorms in that Constitution aro entitled to the highest consideration of our Convention and tho people of tho Stato. Thus, in order to guard against what wo in this State call "snako" leg islation, it is provided In tho Illinois Constitution, that every bill shall bo read In full on three different days, and before tho final passage of tho bill it and nil amendments thereto shall havo boen previously printed ; and on tho final passage of all bills tho votes shall bo by yeas and nays upon each bill separately, which voto by yeas and nays shall bo entered upon the journal. It is clear from this that the people of Illinois have suffered from preeioly the same methods of scandalous clandes tine legislation that wo havo been afflicted with here, and the Constituti onal provisions we have Just referred to aro well calculated to put an effec tive stop to somo of them. Tho samo section in tho Illinois Constitution or dains that no law shall be rovlved or amended by its title only, but tho law revived or the section amended shall bo inserted at loneth in tho upw nut.. Those aro all essential provisions for the protection of the people of our own stato, and they were proposed in thoso columns years ago. But it is in tho section prohibiting cer aln kinds of specially mischievous legislation that wo Qnd in thene w Const! tntlonoflllinols.somoofthemost whole some reiorms. Itis therein ordaihod that the General Assembly shall not pass local or special laws upon any ono of twenty-three classes of subjects. Somo of these prohibited subjects will strike our people as if intended for Pennsyl vania. Thus the Legislature is forbid uen to pass special or local laws : for granting divorces ; for laying out, open lug, altering or working roads or highways; for vacatlug roads, town plats.strects, alloys and public grounds: lor locating or changing streets ; for re gulating county and township affairs : for regulating tho practice in courts of Justice; for regulating tho jurisdiction and duttles of iisM-rw rn n.nn changing or amending (he charter of rtmt nitt rmt-n ..111 . - . ' Vtlr.Yi' . , . "'"ho mr reguia ting tho rate of interest on money; for remitting fines penalties or forfeitures ; for creating, increasing or decreasing foes of public officers during the term lor which said officers aro elected or appointed; for granting to any corpora tion, association or individual tho right to lay down railroad tracks, or amend ing existiuir charters for minh for granting to any corporation, associa! Honor individual any special or ex c usivo privilege, immunity or fran chlso whatever. All these subjects havo iu uu ijruviuuu ior oy general laws ox tend Ing oyer tho whole State, thus pro venting the injurious and scandalous practice of referring to tho unfit or cor rupt xuembor or mombers of any city town or county, all tho power of the Legislature ovor suchlty, town or v.uuuijr, ur uvit u jiuriieuiar subject In the foregoing wo have very briefly referred only to some examples of the desirable reforms instituted in tho new Constitution of Illinois. Thero aro a great many others, somo few of which may oo mentioned, wniio the Govern or of Illinois la still invested with tho pardoning power, that power can only bo exercised under "regulations provided by law." This Is a whole some limitation. While the members oftho Legislature aro authorized to fix tho compensation of tho members of mat Douy, his strictly prohibited from making any increase or other chango In such compensation, to take effect dur ing tho term for which the existing members havo been elected. With re spect to tho representation of ininori tits tho constitution proscribes tho "cu mulative" system of voting for the members of tho Stato Senate, and for tho Directors und Managers of all cor porations. This not only seen res the representation of tho largo minorities which aro usually left without any voico, but gives an opportunity for the fcflcctlon of tho beet men. I'Aila Ledger Pennsylvania's Voto. novKiann. rnrswEvr. COtlNTfEH. Hint. tum im. 3033 10190 3100 282 2077 13017 3211 1131 7058 3110 3530 531 2533 3712 0310 3583 3132 2032 3320 0103 1011 5113 2038 1103 5271 -1021 -1182 1125 310 3150 2090 2M0 2217 1739 9001 1705 2821 0893 11133 1030 950 1598 1703 2839 8103 1023 8121 1303 2111 48811 1131 1012 9377 1372 1802 711 3103 2370 1371 -1115 2333 1992 30S0 0175 1791 8388 Aihmi "7(1. en nr. t.nmttt. ilSO All'l'i!ii,v...ai771 ArinitrMig.. -1 131 2.1310 D055 2078 1708 2105 10201 2183 3503 51 15 2531 2517 310 1910 2095 3802 2301 2329 1753 3001 1887 3557 3331 1100 753 3787 2003 31-10 808 155 2S29 1805 1200 1150 1203 6717 015 2070 1297 ui-avur iiiisri llodioril 2!)7!1 3317 2901 7711 1251 7152 0913 1015 2811 551 2152 3112 1)210 2558 1070 2003 2009 0938 3895 0951 1231 079 7502 3831 1301 737 300 1852 3099 13S0 2253 1300 11283 3129 1171 5312 12900 1123 lOiO 5317 1085 787 80S0 1381 -IS 11 1271 23G3 03792 339 1103 8057 1803 3195 410 1530 5730 1997 1780 3090 5131 2103 5112 J552 0299 IWIw 7008 Blair .t2fi3 Bradford 7-113 Bucks 7278 Butler 31)8.1 Cambria 2S23 Cameron fi72 Carbon 2111 Centro 3292 Chester 9380 Clarion 2727 Clearfield 1095 Clinton 2018 Columbia 2110 Crawford 7032 Cumberland. '1170 Dauphin 7150 Dolawaro 1330 Elk 028 Erlo 7107 Fay otto 39.11 Franklin 150.1 Pulton 707 Forest 118 Qroono 1703 Huntingdon 3210 Indiana 1172 Jcfferso 2107 Juniata 1352 Lancaster ....13771 Lawrence.... 3120 Lebanon 128.1 Lehigh 5355 Luzarne 112311 Lycoming.... -1039 McKcan 102o Mercer 5573 Mifflin 1780 Monroe 058 Montgomery 8111 Montour 1378 Northnmfn. -1880 North'land .. -13M Perry 2752 Philadelphia 9278 Plko 1UG Potter 1-100 Schuylkill... 8090 Snyder 1900 Somerset 3130 Sullivan 131 Susquehan'a 4333 Tiogn 5501 Union 2009 Venango 5071 Warren 3170 Washington. 5291 Wayno 2119 Wcstmoro'd. 5581 6022 10901 3337 018 3111 1127 2203 6113 1333 G155 3350 1741 23107 707 651 0983 015 13S3 571 2907 1777 910 293G 1538 3223 2152 1719 1899 0753 .Wyoming.... 1501 iorK inuu Total 353387 317700 319039 211901 317700 211901 Majority. 33G27 137723 Aggregate.071117 601050 A comparison of tho voto for Presi dent with that for Governor shows a total falling off 109.497. Tho Republican voto shows a decrease of 3,098, and tho Democratic vote a decrease of 105,799, giving a net increasj of 102,101 la the mnjority. The Constitutional Convention, Wednesday, November 13, 1872. Tho Convention mot at 10 o'clock After prayer and tho reading of tho Journal of tho day before, John Gibson delegate elect from York county was sworn in. Mr. Woodward, on tho part of tho delegates at large, to whom was ro ferred tho question of tho contested seat in tho Third senatorial district of tho city of Philadelphia, reported that they had decided that Benjamin L. Tcmplo was ontltled to the seat in the conven tion from tho Third senatorial district without prejudico to tho right of Rufus E. Shaploy to contost. The report was adopted. The president directed Mr. Temple to como forward to bo sworn, and tho oath was administered by tho president. Mr. M'Veagh, from the committeo appolntod to consider and report to this convention what other oificors were necessary to transact thobusino33 oftho convention and what compensation it would bo proper for them to receive, reported that tho committeo was unani mously of tho opinion that the follow ing list of officers embraced all tho ne cessary officers to transact the business of the convention, and recommend tho amount set opposite their names as tho respective amount of salary to bo receiv ed for their sorvices : One chief clerk, $1,600; ono first as sistant clork, $1,200; ono second assist ant clerk,$l,200;two transcribing clerks, who shall bo designated by the chief clerk, each $1,000; ono sorgeant-at-arms, $850; ono assistant sergeant at-arms, $000; ono doorkeeper, $000; ono assistant doorkeeper, $500; one postmaster, $800; ono assistant postmaster and messenger, $000. And tho chief clerk shall bo auth orlzed to appoint ono fireman at $3. 60 per day, and two Janitors at $3 00 each per day, and five pages at $1.50 per day for each day employed. Upon the sub ject of printing and reporting the pro ceedings of tho convention for distri bution among the peoplo tho commit tee was not prepared to decide whether it would be best to givo tho printing and reporting out separately or together.and thought that a now committeo should bo appointed on that subject. Mr. Gowen offered tho following res olution : Jlesolved, That tho president appoint a committoe oi ton, oi wuicn no snail be ono, to report tho names of proper per sons to fill tho positions of permanent officers of this convention. Mr. Gowen said that ho made that resolution for the purpose of excluding anything liko partisan scrambling for office. Ho had read In tho morning pa pers that the officers had been selected without consultation with all tho mem bers. Ho thought it was beneath tho dignity of a reform convention to per mit anything like partisan scrambling for offico. Ho would therefore ask that tho convention shall agroo to tho ap pointment of a committeo of ten, of which the presldont shall bo chairman, to select officers, without regard to partisanship at all, to prosldo over this body. Mr. Lilly moved to amend by strik ing out all after tho word resolved and Insort tho following : That this conven tion proceed to nomlnato and electa chief clerk. After an animated discussion tho amendment was adopted ; yeas 07 nays CO. Tho following officers were then elect ed. D. L. Imbrlo, chief clerk. Lucius Rogers, first assistant clerk. A. D. Harlan, second assistant clork. John L. Linton and A. T, Parker, transcribing clerks. James Onslow, sergeant at-arms. Cassius M. Brown, ossistantscrgeant-at-arms. (colorod) Clemont Evans, doorkeeper. Prank Bentloy, assistant doorkeopor. Honry B. Prlco, postmastor. li. Frank Major, assistant postmas tor. A resolution was adopted that tho sessions of tho Convention until other wise ordered be from 10 a, m. to 2 p.m. THE COLUMBIAN Tho resignation of D. L. Rhone, of L""rno county was prosontod and ac cepted. TiiuitsiJAA' Novombor, l i. 1872. Culob II. Wright was sworn in ns delcg'ito to fill tlio ptaco mado vacant by thn resignation of li. L. Rhono. Mr. Stanton offjrod tho following, viz: Jlesolved, That Mr. John A. Small bo requested to aid tho officers of this con vention. Unanimously ndoptod. Mr. Frcezo offerod n resolution calling upon thosccrotnry of thocommou wealth to Inform tho convention what amount of monoy had boon oxponded within tho past two years in tho various de partments of tho government. Agroed to. The following Standing Committees rccommondod by tho Ojmmlttoo of flf teon to whom tho subject was referred wcro adopted : A committed of nluo upon legisla ture. Fifteen on legislation. Nino on oxecutlvo dopirtmont, Its powers nnd duties. Fifteen onjudlclary, including aider men nnd Justices of tho poaco. Fifteen on suffrago, electors nnd rep resentation. Fivo on impeachment and romovol from ofilco. Nino on commission of ofllco, onth of offlco and Incompatibility of ofilco. Nino on education. Nino on cities and city charters. Nino on cbuntles, townships nnd bor oughs. Fivo on militia. Nino on public municipal debts and sinking funds. Seven on stato insitutlons and build lugs. So von on religious and char! tablo cor poratlons and societies. Fifteen on railroads nnd forelga c or- porations. FIfteon on private corporations. Nino on declaration of rights. Sovon on printing nnd binding for tho convention. Thoclauso providing for tho appoint mcnt of a commlttcj of nine on tho declaration of rights brought forth n warm discussion between Mossrs. White Kills nnd others on ono side and Messrs, Black, Armstrong nnd others on tho other, as to tho authority of tho legisla turo to limit the action of tho Convcn tlon. Tho yeas and niys bolng required on the appointment of a Committee tho result was as follows, yeas 100 nays 18. Mr. Gjwoii tendered tho resignation of John Q. Freezs Esq. which was ro ferrod to tho delegates at largo from tho minority. Friday, November 15, 1872. Tho committeo of delegates at large, to whom was referred tbo resignation of Mr. J. G. Freeze, reported that they had solected Hon. Charles R. Buckalew to fill the vacancy. The report wa3 accepted, and tho oath of ofllco was administered to Mr. Buck alow by the president. Tho report of thocommitteo of fifteen recommending tho standing commit' tecs was then taken up. Tho report had been considered yesterday down to and including thoappointmont of a commit teoon declaration of rights. Tho remain ing clauses, which proposed the appoint ment of tho following c3mmlttees,were adopted : A committoe of five on future amend ments. A committeo of fivo on constitutional sanction. A committee of nino on schedule. A committeo of fivo on revision and adjustment. A committeo of five on accounts aud expenditures. A committeo of seven on printing and binding. Mr. Pugh moved to add a committeo of nino on industrial Interests, to which shall bo referred tho rights and claims of labor. The motion was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Campboll n com mitteo on agriculture, mining, manu facture and commorco was provided for. Mr. Nowlln offerod the following addi tional rule: A committeo of nino on revenue aud taxation.to which tho word "finance" was added, on motion of Mr. Reed, of Mifflin. Tho Convention theuadjournod until Wednesday Novombor 20th. Theodore Tilton answers tho Whlto Houso organs, that are blowing off so lustily about an election carried by unexampled corruption and fraud, with tho following story with a mor al: Thoro Is a Buddhist fabio with a mor al to it, which tells an amusing talo ofa hog which fancies hdhas Inspired a lion with fear, and challenges him to mortal combat. Tho lion fixes that tlay woek for tho duel, and the hog, sea upering back to his herd, proudly declares that he is going to fight tho Hon. Tho an nouncement is received witli terror.nnu thn crestfallen hog takes the advice of his friends to roll in a dunghill beforo encountering his dreaded foe. Accord ingly on tho fateful day our hero pro aonts himself beforo tho lion nrmod in a panoply of filth, and tho noblo beast, scorning to touch so contomptlblo a foe, says: "If you want to fight,! loavo you tho victory." The story adds, with dry humor, that tho hog told ills friend ho had "conquered tho Hon." Issues of the Next Four Years' Campaign, Tho Now York iStm says tho Issues of tho noxt four years will bo, I. No centralization. No extension of tho functions of the Federal Govern ment. II. Congress and tho President to bo deprived of all excess! vo and unauthor ized powers assumed during and sinco tho war, and to bo brought back within the limits of tho Constitution. III. Tho States to control their own affairs, and especially their elections. IV. Reform of tho civil service V. Restoration of speclo payments. VI. Ilevenuo reform all internal taxes to bo abolished ; tho tariff to bo put on a rovonuo basis. VII. Only ono term for tho Prcsl dent. VIII. No ro-electlon of Grant In 187C. Tub New Codification of the Laws. Itis said that tho now com mission appointed under tho act of Congress passed in May, 1870, will bo prepared to report shortly after tho ro- assembling of Congress. Tho result of the labors of this body is tho classifica tion under sovonty-flvo titles of all stat utes enacted by Congress. If this co dification is ndoptod by Congress It will Biiporsodo tho present authorized ver sion of tlio statutes at largo, AND DEMOCRAT, Mask, off. When so larco amnlorltv was tleclnr ed for thn Republican Stato ticket on tho 8th of October, wo stated tlint wo did not regard tho result ns fraudulent. Ourjuilgmont rested on tho belief that uonorai urnnt's prostigo anu tho do mornllzatlon of tho Domocracv in con sequence of tho surrender nt Baltimore, had dono tho work i but ovory hottr'i subsequent oxporiouco has proved a system of frauds uuparnllolod in tho records of elections in this country, Tho lost ovldonco is that rovcnlcd In tho Court of Common Ploas on Satur day Inst, reported nt longth in our local department. It does not depend Upon nowspnpor surmisos, but Is tho result of an examination mado on tho authority of Judgo Pelrco, of tho samo court, by a memuor ot tno Municipal itctortn Association unr. Aiuort wuuams whoso affidavit was read by tho om nont counsol of that association. E Sponcor Miller, Esq., boforo his Honor Judgo FInlotter. Wo need only rofor our readers to this painful and oxtraor dlnary dlsclosuro, not tho loss painful becnuso ovldontly nornotratod by Re publican election ofllcors, and not tho less extraordinary causo. in our onln Ion, wholly unnecessary, oxcopt to savo from dofcttl tho objectionablo men on our Stato ticket. Judgo Finlcttcr mado a very signincant retnarK on tnis start ling dlsclosuro. nnd followed it by an order on Prothonntary Loughrldgo wnicn must le.ui to stui rurtuor ovi donees of tho dcenlv-nlanncd consnlr ncy or tho 8th of October last. Tho light thrown on this conspiracy on Sat urday shows a stato of affairs so dis graceful as to call a blush of shame to tho chock of every honest citizen. Tho affidavit read boforo Juugo Fin lottcr shows that various alterations erasures, and chances of figures aro apparent in tho returns; that some of tno onvoiopns containing tno hourly lists of tho division uro missing; that many oi tno returns cannot bo round nnd that numerous of thcra aro not signed by tho proper olllcors required by law to certify to their correctness. Tho exposures of frauds porpotratod nroconunouto only tnirty-nvo divis ions oi tweivo wards. Tho plan was systematic, nnd it is safo to assert that tnero wero numorous cases, as yot un discovered, of alteration of tho vole in tho other threo hundred nnd twenty- four divisions. Tho divisions in which the frnuds wero porpotrated includo about ono-tonth of tho voto of tho city, If they wero equal In extent in only ono-half of tho others (and fraud in tho groat majority oi tnem is not only poss Iblo but probable,) tho voto of Phila delphia was falsified at least ilftuon thousaud on the evoning of tho 8th of uctoDor Dy tno election officers aiono, This is cxclusivo of tho reneatlncr. per. sonating nnd ballot-box stuffing by tho tools of tho Ring on the same day. Wo now verily believe that an examination of tho entlro returns nnd a contest in which tho frauds committed, but not apparent upon tnem, could oo exposed, would put tho stamp of guilt upon at least fivo hundred men in Philadelphia, and show that Charles It. Buckalew carried riilladelphla by n clear and ampio majority. it is to bo honed that such an mum inatlon will bo had, and that tho mon who sold the honor of tho Ronubllcan nartv. and botravedthBenmmnnwpnllli may meot tho fato they doserve. Wo expect a chanco to be made in our laws soon, which, if it will not mnko tho perpetration oi irauus nt ctoctions im possible, will secure their certain pun ishment. With this chanee. an incor- ruptlblo judiciary, and a proper public spirit, wo are not approhensive of tho futuro. Fraud may triumph for a whllo but it will not flaunt the evidences of its guilt in tho faces of our peoplo much longer. This community, patient nnd long-suffering as It is, has tho vlrtuo and manhood not to connive at and en dorse a wrong. When once thoroughly aroused, Its power of truth and honesty will bo more than a match for nil thn corruptions and weapons tho onomy can uso. And for reslstlncr thesn wmnm thn Press has been mado a tariret for un- measured proscription by men calling thomsolves Republican leaders I Even the Union Lentruo was drntrnnneil in read us out of tho Republican nartv. and our merchants wero canvassed to attacK us in our business. Wo hono thn gentlemen of tlio League and tho great leauersoi commerce in this city will read tho record spread beforo our courts ou aaturuay, mat tney may understand at onco our motivos, and tho enormity of the Injustico porpetrated upon tho uauoi uux in tno name or tno lxopub llcan party. And this Is but tho begin nlng of tho end. Bear in mind, also, that theso proved iruuus were not necessary to mo re-election of Grant, as tho votnnu thn nanrll. dates for Congressmen-at-largo abun dantly establishes. They woro alono planned to savo Uartranft and Allen, and to send to Harrlsburg a corrupt Legislature. What Republican who loves iiis great party will not blush black with anger at outrages carriod on in the namo of that glorious brother- uoou. ionowea nv an ndlnus nqtrnnim of tho independent paper bold enough in uijijusu inemr wnac ltonnnnpin will not insist upon tho punishment of mo election omeers wnn nnvn thnaiin. llboratoly spoliated tho ballot and sent men into offices nnd trtiqta In whlnh they have never been elected t Wo look to tho Constitutional Con vention to reform these frightful nhmno- but is thero no way to punish election ofilcorswho havo boldly altered eloction returns.and so trampled undor foot our most sacred franchises? Thnnnnnnnn Thursday, tho 10th ult., after tho elec tion, when the return judges met and adjourned without being sworn or cast ing UP tlio VOtes.aroused the dnteatntlnn of nearly all our newspapers. Now wo realize tho secret or this stupendous wickedness. The frauds in the. dlnitinn could net be exposed by aair final count! What safety is thero for Philadelphia for our Pennsylvania, for our whntn country, if crlmo liko this is to go un- luuuituu unu unpunisncu r rress. NEWS Full returns or tho Presidential elec tion show that 30 States, having 291 olcctorlal votes, choso Grant olectors, and .that 7 States, haying 72 electoral votes, choso Greeley electors. Grant's majority In tho Electoral Collego, 222. A sovero earthquake occurred at Con cord, N. H., on Monday afternoon, last ing about ton seconds. It began with a sound liko an oxploslon, which was fol lowed by "trembling and shaklng,"tho apparent courso ot tho earth waves be ing from west to east. Buildings rock ed violently, and tho shock was plainly porcoptlblo to peoplo walking in the streets. Tho wonders of loiegraphy havo boen shown by a short correspondence which passed botweon tho Mayor of Adolaldo, Australia.and the Mayor or New York. celebrating tho complotionof tolegraph- ic communication arouud tho world. A delegation of thirty of tho leadlne Republicans of Pennsylvania.lncludini? Simon Cameron, Hartranft, and Mayor Stokely, called on tho Presldont last irlday to Induce him to appoint Air. Truman as postmastor, contrary to tho civil-service rules. After hearing their arguments through, General Grant re fused tho application, very much to tho surprise and disgust of his discomfited Pennsylvania friends and supportors. A, dreadful tragedy was on Moudny enacted in Now York city in tho court of Judgo Sutherland, resulting from a civil suit before him in the coso of Anna King against James King. Tho latter. after coolly hearing tho testimony against him of ono of tho witnesses, Am- broso F. O'Neil, deliberately followed him down the stairs and thoro shot him dead. BLOOMSBURG, Tho number of death, from tho horso ilisoaso in Philadelphia Is estimated nt from ICO to 200 per day. Boston was ngnln oxclted on Monday by tho outbreak of another llro In tho centro of Stato strcot block, tho hand somest and most substantial block of granlto warehouses In tho city. It was finally subdued with a loss of $200,000. Tho horso lnllucnz Is bocomlug gen eral in tho Schuylkill coal region of this Stato, and has oven nttackod tho mules in tho mines, Shlpmonts of coal by canal from Schuylkill Havon havo boon suspended, nnd it Is feared that sovornl collieries will coaso operations. No strcot cars nro running at Pottsvlllo. Tho dropsy Is prevailing among tho horses in Buffalo nnd Watortown, N. Y., tho nulmals which were workod during slcknoss or too hard nftor con vnlosconco being tho victims. Numer ous deaths aro roportud from this causo in various localities of Northern nnd Western Now Yoik. Tho horso inilu onzi Is now nt Its height in Cincinnati nnd Loulsvlllo. Tlioro was a sovero snow storm, in Northorn Now York, on Thursday nnd Friday of last week. At Wntertown, snow fell to tho depth of two inchos, at Buffalo four inches, nnd nt Angola twonty inchos on n lovol. All tho Buffa lo trains wcro bohlnd tlmo.and tho Lako Shore and Michigan railroad trains wcro blockudedat Irving station. In Fayotto county, Mo., a Vigllanco Committeo has been organlzod for tho lynching of Colonel Turner, who klllod Mr. Graves n few days since, for an al logod libellous publication, Tho Sheriff has called on tho citizens to assist him In preserving the peace, and a nurabor havo responded, thus protecting Tumor. Now, howovor, tho vlgllants uro noti fying thoso citizens to lea vo tho county and they nro doing so. Much excitement provails In London England, nbout tho insubordination of tho police, nnd tho likelihood of tho streets being consequently leftunguard ed. The forco showed such signs of in dlgnatlou nt tho dlsclinrgo of eighty of tholr number that 200 moro wore ro contly suspended. Insubordination hns spread through tho wholo force, nnd yesterday not a policeman was to be seen on tho Strand. Senntor Trumbull has written a letter stating that ho will no longer sorvo as chairman of tho Judiciary Committee A number of woalthy citlzons of Philadelphia met nt tho Continental Hotol last weok, their object bolng to oponn subjcrlptiou for a testimonial sum to ba given to tho widow of tho late Gon. Mcado, he having died leav ing horllttlo property. Thirty thou sand dollars was at onco ralsod, and it is proposed to increas) the sum to $100, 000. Repoktscohio from Dutchessoouuty N. Y.. ofa disoaso nmoug chickens ru somblingthoinfluonzi anions horses AtRhluobcck fifty-two chickens out of two lots have dloJ of it. In some cases tho head of tho bird swells to twice its natural slz3. the neavy - h w iij i pro- vailed on tho British coast on Wednes day or last weok havo proven very do structlvo or Hfo and shipping. Many wrecks aro reported, and fifty lives aro already known to havo bson lo3t. The gale off tho Prussian coast on Wednesday night was equally disas trous. Tweivo vessels woro sunk tho harbor of Stralsund nnd tho town completely inundated by wator. To add to tho calamity a destructive flro broko out, which destroyod a largo amount orproperty. Several lives woro lost. Thosamo storm ragod in othor parts of Germany. At Lubeck tho Cus tom-hotiso nnd many warehouses aro submerged. It is reported that J. M. Langston negro, is to be appointed United States Solicitor-General, in placoof Gen eral Bristow, resigned. Also, that John A. Bingham, of Ohio, is to bo appointed Minister to Russia, in placo of Curtin. A likeness of Thaddous Slovens, is to bo stamped on ono denomination of the national nickel coin. A tcrrlblo accident happened at mine near Chorlorol, in Belgium on Wednesday of last week. By theglvlng way oftho lowering machinery twenty ono men and boys wero precipitated to the bottom of tho mine and all of them instantly killed. Mr. W. F. Cody, letter known as Buffalo BUI," has been olected to tho Nebraska Legislature from Lincoln county. New Advertisements. OrncKorTiitsMfLiTAUY Board or Col. co. IIEIIWICK, l'A... Nov. Mb, 1872. To tho CommUdlonerH ofColamhla coautv. Pa. Ue.ntlemkw: Tlio Military Hoard, in view in tuo.uinii HdtoLiku, ..num. jiix recMiveu from tha Countv TrBfl.saror. renngf-triillv rannnut von to notify the tax col Ico torn tlmt thru mui collect and xaj in by the middle of December next. nil thm MIlllliL tn.i '!.- lb nnthmt T..ll...t-. Tnere has already been too jnncn rtoglecf In this matter on tbo part of collectors, and we deulro their particular attention called to their duty In U. JAUJVDUfl, JHUJOr, A A. JJ. C President of the Military ltoard, Couuisjonkk! Office:, i UloomHburt', Nov. IDtli, 187'if The ibuve communication wiu hnndml in n. ltnecds no additional explanation from us. ii. J. ki:kdku. i WM. H1IAKKKU, i-Com. Col. Co. HUiUAlllUJIi I Attest Wil. KIMCKllAUM, Nov. 2.M, !S7i.-2w Clerk. 'A Repository of Fashion, l'lo.uuto, and Instruction.'' Harper's Bazar. Xotlcteafthe Prctt, The llatar la edited with a contribution of tact and talent that wo soldora nnd luuny Journal uau me journal lueir in inn f.rimii nr t n woriuoi jasmon, jtotton traveller, The itaiar commends itjipiir to nvnrv tnnmW ui vuuumuum-u) iub cniiarou uvurn i mm pretty pictures, to tho young ladles by Us fashion-plates in endless variety, to the provident matron by Its patterns for the children's clothes, to )o(tranii;ioi by its tasteful UcsIkos for em. broidered slippers andluxurlonidrostlug-Eowns But the reading-matter of the llatar Is uniformly of great excellence. The paper lias acquired a wide popularity lor the flresldo enjoyment It affords. If. V. livening Jm(, SUBSORIPXIONS-1873. Terms I UAitrEa'H IUzaii, one year 1 1 oo. An Extra Cnnv nf either tha MlnixiNic. Wkski.v, orlUutn wilt be supplied gratis for every Olub of Five Huusukibkhs alti 00 each, in one remittance; or, Btx Uoples lor J) 00, without extra copy. Habscrlptlons to llAui'xn'a MAOArtMK. Week ly, and IIazau, to one address for oue year, f 10 00! or. two of ltarner's 1'orlodlnAls. Ln nna address for one year, 17 0t llftclc Numbers can be supplied at any time, Tlio nve volumes or IlAHrna'g IIazik, for the years 1SUS. 'tID. '70. '71, '7'2, eleguntly bound In f reen morocco clotn, will be sent by express rlght prepaid, for 17 (JO each. The postage on IIabi-eu'h IlAiAn Is 3) cents a year, which must be paid at the luitcriber'i nost olllce. Address llAUl'KH & llUOTilEltS, New York. QTRAY. Came to the nrcmlses of the subscriber nn nr uuuui iu ujst ui uciuuer iusi, a WHITE SOWi will weigh 130 pounds. The owner will come tier awuy or the will law. lorwaru. prove properly, pay cuarges, uuu lultu .ii yu sum ucouruiug 10 . . .,. mroOLFU BUMAN. Walnvlllo, Nov, 15thut. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. CIHHRIFF'S SALES. IO lir virtue of numlrywrllD iMUBit oat rf tti ununoiunmmon neai ntm 10 mt uirei-icu, wi uooxpotO'l to puiillimlfl nt Hie Oourl ItotHo, I Illnimvbtirff. on MomlAr. Ilia iliv of Daenni bur, ISM. al ono o'clock, p, m,, tbo follo.wla urnnnrMAN In wit 1 All thalrorUln piece or parcel of land Mlualo in uonyngusm lownvnp, uoiurnuin count, ru bounded una aeacrlbed us folloiVii. to wit I Com mnticlnu nt thn centre of thafucn of tho north abutment of thnbrhUe of ill New York mid ,M initio con notd iRiiro.iu ntm uai unnip.vi wnlclicrnssos the nubile rniil leiillua from th town or Ashland to Hie town of UAUwlssa .tliouoo north IW tteirrees. west 300 feet, thenco north M decrees, west 301 feet, thence north olghly-two Ifuj negroes oiwi. i to iuci, lunnco norm iwomy nine unu une-iiau ucgrucs, went leei, men north Si degreos, oast li) fuel, tliouoa smit h S d groes, ensii nil loei, meiou .uort-i tirfc uiiirod west .Ill feet to tlio nlilco nf bojltililn.r. Belied, taken In oxoctttlou nnd t In n)l,l ns tno property or samuoi ijjiuy. ALSOi Alltlmlnlo:oor parcel of lint sllttitol Uoavertswushlti. Columbia cajutv. mid Hint of Pennsylvania, bounded an 1 desitrttind as fol lows, to wilt On the west, south nn l oast by landsof Jacob lllnterlltornud on tlio north and east by lands otl'oter Knecht.contalnlug KIFI'Y ACIll'Smoroorlesson which nro erected n I04 uuusu nun unrii wun 1110 nppurieuancei. Hclzod, taken In oico ltlon nn.l t bo sold as the property 01 William uuip. ALSO ! Alt that certain ,1ot nl croiutl sttmto In tlio iiorouguorueuiMiia.iii 1119 county or Uolum iiln aud stale of I'enusylvaula. bouudod nnd lie- Vcrlbod ns follows, to wit 1 On tho north by land 1.111.114 iiicuii.uii liiu ui.. ny i.u .UBy,ijii ni'J south by land of Itelubol t & Kilifj, nnd on tho wcsi uy irutn uuu sireui(me same iietng iwcmy 11 vo feet lu front, by ono huudrod and forty feet III depth more or less ! whereon nro orectcd a two story rami inventus House mm carpet) I ortllifit. "A too lhiiliiln.n.ririlin.,.l.l .1 r.... .. In two other lots sltuatod In tho iKirough afore sum, uoiinuau nun (toscrtoM ns Pillows, to wit Un tlin north bv Ifiml nt ItnnhAn IviiliMn.nn th cost by an alley, on the south hi Itallrn.ul Avn uueaud on the woit by Locust Aveuuo, tho siiiiiu uuiux uny i6oi in irouii uy ono nuuitroc nnd forty feet In depth tnoro or less with the up purttiances. Moiled and taken In execution nnd to lie Hold as mo properly in iiuuuipu itcru. ALSO: All that real estate sltuitn l In M till In tow ship. Columbia ounty. Mtato of l'ennsvlvanl boundoJ and described as follow, In wit: O mo cav oy tanus ououn Hiiroii:, nna i.awrcm Watlers. south by lands of Abr-iham Hchwe pculielscr, west uy lauds of Charles Mnwt: norm oy a puuito road loaning from tho Mini iwnu ii. -i.wn vi u wiuuu uro utueieu i Dwelling House nnd Darn, with other out build Ings, said tract coutuliilngsovouty-Uva ncrot bo mo samo more or less. Also one other tract piece of land situated in tho County, titato and uiwnsuip ntorosntii, boundod nnd doscrlbed a follows. On tho north by If, ml of Klenzo Hchwcnnonhctflor. mul nn tlin wpst h lfiml n Isnao K. Hchwcppeuholscr. north by Josti Wat tern, east by a public road Ic.iillnz Irnui Mnlnvlllo 10 Mimin containing f ivo Acres bo tho samo inoro or less. Hclzed, tnltcn In oxccntloti ami to bo sold tho property of John H. Yoho. ALSO : All tint lot or oloco nf I mil situ itn In 11 town of Kspy, Mailt township, ColiitnliU en inly, Htato of l'eunsylviialii.boutnled nudiloscrlbed a ionows, to wit : on the hi 1st, by lot of William II. Csso. 1111 the Mouth aud West liv un nllnv. mi tho North by Main street, sud lot being thirty feet in front mid ouo Hundred aud eighty feel deep, ou which nro erected a story nmL a half irniiio uweuiag- nonso wan mo appurte nances. Helzod, taken In execution nud lo b) sold as mo property or jacKsonL.yuus, ALSO: tho following doicrlbodreiit ostato sltuato In tho county or Columbia, township or Scott and Mtalu of Pennsylvania, to wit: lot No.t, situate In the town of Espy, whereon nre eroded a two-stnry brick dwelling house, n two-story frnmo store MUU3U. u irumu suiuie anu otuer oui uuiiuitigs. bounded as follows, to wit: being on the North Bine i .iuiiu aireei, on mo uiisl uy toi NO. .1, o the Nortn by nn nlloy, ou tho West by lot No. I AISO. Olie Other lot Kltll:Ltn nn Mil. tfiirlh nl.ln .i Main Mtroet of said town, bounded on tho Knst uy iub ui ouiuuei i.T.iice, ou mo north by alley, on tho West bv lot of iteninn Worm whereon nre crccteJ u two-story ir.uno dwcllln huusennd out bulldlnirs. Also. Din nmiii-i.i one-half part of tho fullowlug described brlcit yard laud, bounded ou tho Mouth by land oi MAi-ijr i. ikciKumi.. cuwaru vctionu.icu unu Wes ley ItUCklO. Oil the East bv lumlnr.I. .1. ltnhlilnu ou tho North oy the same and West Market aireeb. couiuiuiug iwo acres more or less . Also uuu uiuer piece in sum town on the east side o Market, Htreet. IioiiiiiIaiI nn tho Month liv nn.n... on the West by land ol ltobert Eost, nod on the' North by laud of J. J. ltobblns. coutnlniug ouo v,, .uuia ui it.., rtl-UJ UUU UUier Hit ISO. SI OQ mo buuiu siuo oi sutu i mm uircet or said town, DOUUded OU llio West liv Int. nr .tunnli 1I11...I. man, on tho Month by uu alley, on the East by lot No. Hj owned bv ltobert East, wlmrunn ih erected a lrume ilwo.'llu- houso. Also the undi vided ono-half nart of the eastern nnn.tintr mirt ui iub nu, u ua mu isuriu amu 1.1 .laiu nircet ot said towu. whereon aro erected a two. story frame dwelling house, a frame stablo and other out. umiuings. aiso, ono 101 or piece of laud sit uate in the tuwuor Mlhltnvllle In tho townshli of MlUlln. In K4ld eotititv. hoiiiiile:! nn llio W.xi by Fair Street and Norm Water Street, on tile East by laud of Musau llarger, and on tho South oy Becouuoirce,couiaiuiugsix lots oac!i sixty hijl iruiit uuu luurieeu rous ueep, uu ll.e s.ltu more or less, wncrcou nro erected n divniiiii housonnd stable. Melzad and tulren In nri.nn tlon and to bo sold us the property of Iteeso J, Millard. Also, lot No. 51. sltuato in tt-nits. t?,i. lumbla ooun'.y. on the Mouth sldo of Mccmui Utrect adjoining lot of Ctirlsliuau and Garrison ou the East, ultev on the South, nnd lotol James Fowleron the West, whereon are erected a two story uweiuug uouse uuu out uuiiuiugi. seized taken In execution uud Co lu sold us iho proper ty of tf. M. Tlngley. ' ALSO i the following described real estate in wit- sitn alu lu Scott townsllln lu tho town nf llutiv ml Jolnlnnlandof Alfred llakeman nn thn k-.i nn u.-uj mu i.uuu, imiu u vieurgu r. uutlllgbl uu mu ,v 5b. huu puuuu ruau uu mo MOUlll, cou tatnlllir about one-ttilr J of an mrn mnm i ,r innu whereou Is erected a ouo uud n half story frame dwelling house. Seized, takeu inoxocutlonanl tobo sold us tlio luupeny oi iiur ireveuug. ALSO : ii cortalu tract of luni situate in Klshliigcreelc mwinmwiiuiuum county, uuu Mtaieur i-enu-sylvuniu, containing about lorty-uluu acres. muieui leas, uuuuneu aim uuscriuoj as follows to wit: on the North by laud o; Sylvester At bertson. on tho East bv laud of Atmir.i n,r. bon. on the Mouth and IV ..xt nv kmi it tr.i... n Moore, ou which nro erected ntwo story Iratiio ...u6 .iiuijo mi.-, ..i.iuuau4uiu mm mo apiiar, tenauces. " Seized, taken In execntlou aud to be sold us mo i'luiiui igr ui duel lb. AIUC1 ISOn, AAltO.V SMITH, Suerirr. Nov. 13, 187.'. nOBl'OBATION. V Notlco Is hereby given that nn thn ir.tli ilv Ot October. A. II.. 1K7: tietltlon lor thn Inrnr. iioratlou of tho Odd Fellows Ilnll Association of iiooinsuurg. was nrescnteu to tiieiurtnt i ?nm laou Pleas of Columbia eountv. wtitch un. amlued and npproved by the court and ordered to be filed, nnd that notice of Mild nnnth.iirinn biiuuiu uu iuun.uru iu uuu uuwsiiaper, uutlsti bii m rum viiuiiu, iui tuur wveibs puur iu uexi term, at which tlmo said Charter will bo con firmed unless good cause bo shown to the con, irary, lt.xl.HINUIiH.il, nov.B-iw. rrothonotuiy. TN 1 n THE COURT OP COM MOM 1-i.rjarjuK uuLiuainiA. cuiintv. Justii-ii 11. At-sfATcn TnusrEis of Emma Vai.e 111A UKKll VS. HUOOI.1MI tlKUU, Fl, Ka. No. til, September Term. 1872, alio auditor nnnnlntnil liv I ml nun in rvnnrt . i iV i u "w"uu in vyuurb arising irnm tiiu nuuuiia Haie, uuuur mu auovo Wilt, Will meet the purties interested for tho purpose of his annoluttnent. on satiird.iv tin. ti.i,ii.nth day ol November, A. D. 1S7.' ut 10 o'clock a. in, at his otllce in Uloomsburg, I'a.,wtieii aud where all nartles In Interest tim r.iinfri.il ti. nmmni their claims or be debarred from claims on suld ""u- V. W.MIl.I.Elt. nov 8-lw, Auditor, T 1ST OP (JltAND JUUOUS FOR ' Ul-.Ul.JIUlilt TlillJl, IXIl. iicavcr jiiuumnn iiaucic, .lacou narr iger, lleuton Ell. Mondeuhall Jr. llrlarcreek Qoorge M. llowcr. Catawlsun .TnrnH 1!. ttnn Inr lulm n n.ii.v centre Adam II HI. Flshlngcreek Samuel Shivoj. A. W. Putin-. sou, rranklln James Iluber, William Stoker. Greenwood Ueariro W. TTmrnr lllMiinir Vis. " jacksou John F. Dcrr, Jacob Uantz. Madison Theotloro ltnnvun. limit- rin-ult Diuuiuur i.ewis uoin, l'lnu Asher Fullmer, Sugarloaf-U. U Moore, Ezra StcpUeus. T 1ST OP PETIT JUItOKS vniL ur.ui.Jiur.n t cilJl, is;;, FI1UT WKEl, lleavcr Samuel Klslicr. Jr. ltentoii A. A. KIIiih. .1 Utiles. uioom-Evau c. Jones, Mlcluol Waller. ton, Harry Farnwult. llriaroreok Emmor lllottsrlck. Thomas Adams. Catawlsso-CasparHhawn, Samuel Long, Jr., Centru-ltlram Whltomlre. Flsblnecreek flen. M. (intiiup i.- t t,.irAn ry, Charles Kramer, Jacob Yuple. ' Greenwood-John Hands I'oter Ulrtou. jieiuioca Aiuiuius Moore. Jackson Abrum Kuouse. iiocust Solomou Struuiiser. Madison David Ptielns. Sfnrrlu T- ll..la llnnrpnW.HiinnlAn ' ' fliiuiin inouias Aien. Thomas IC. Hess. Mt. riensiiMt-Johu Vuulch. ' Orange Wm. Williams. Osoriro fnn, son. " l'lno Daniel Green. Itoarlngcreek EphrSltn Lloby, Hcolt O. 1'. Eut. UECONOWEK. llanva. llaln. UaIiII.I... Tnl... Ill- l.lll.. i.w,..-iuivi ui!.... t.Qi, duuii iiiuueiiier, llerwlck John U. Jaeobv. lluurv i,Viu.ip Samuel l'eiiler. Illoom Charles Vandorsllce, John A. Funs ton. ltrtarcreeit niomas Miner, Jlenry Do.ak. fttawlssa Henry l'ahler. Holoinmi iriu.ii. Centre Fred Uageubach. Mnrdewal Millard, aeorge.Conner, Isauo Eruwlne.U W.Wooley, II, tfenlralia Martin Uaughen, Flshtngcreek-Matulas Ever. l'Jilllu Annie. man, William T, Emery. FrunKiin soiomou Aruoy, (ireenwood Wesley Demntt. .Tni-tcunn Tfnii. bins. George W. UK. , jacasou v. u. r.veiimri jsmmanuel Savage. Matu-Wllllani II. UU. Madison Jacob Manulnir. Vtr Wntr Mlilllu-Isaao Iiuli, John Michael Jr. Montour Joseph Mauser. Hugarloaf Montgomery Colo, Alex, llesi, "t'lntiosllonably the best sitsttlhoit work of Ihoxlndtntlte WorU." Havpor'a Magazino. lYoticeiP the fret). Tho ovor-lncroaslug circulation of this excjllont inontnly proves Its uiintluiio t ndaptaiion to pop. ular desires nud needs, imteod, whon wo think Into how many liomoiit p Jiiatrntes every mu nth , wo must consldor It ns unu nf Iho olitoitors ns well ns outertalnors of the pitnllo iiitnl, for Its vast popularity nas liesit won by no itppenl to stitpfd pr Judlcos or depraved taslos. Huston Globe. Thoclmraclor whloH Hits Jf!7atln possesses for variety, onterprlse, tirtlstlu ivetltu, nud lit erary culturo that has kept p.wo with, If It has not led tlio times, should cause Its conductors to regard It with Justlllablo complacency. It nlsn etitlllesilhcm to a great claim upon tho pttblla gratitude. Tlio .U,iiiiIii lias doun gaud mid not uvlt nil tho days of its II fo. ltroiklyn lltjlc, SUD30B.IPXIO1V3 -1 073. Terms. HAUi'Eii'a MAOAzlNE, ono year It 0) An Extra Copy of rtlthor tho MvUAJitNit. Weekly, or IIazau will bo suppllod gratis for every uiuooi iivk nuiMuuini-iis lib ii.'inuiiun, lu ono remittance; or, Six Copies for 31,')). with out exirn copy. Subscriptions toltAut'Eti'.s MOAi!lNic, Week ..'...... tl . . .. ......... ...I.I Mjd r ....n a.n . 11 I. 1.I1U llilfiAlt,HWIIOIIlllllLll IUI IIUUJC,l,.ll'- 1IJ or. two of Harper's I'orlo Heals, to ouo nd- urcss ior one year, 91 ue Hack Numbers can ujsiipplloil nt any tlmo, A completoHot of llAttfEti's MAtlA.im:, now CUmm II v Ulllllli.--., 111 llO'.lr ..li.bil uumillHl wlllbo sent by express, Irolght nt o.tmino of purchaser, for 81 'J per volume. Single eilunici, uy Illllll, joir'Oiu, si uu. l,iuiu u bsus, iui uiuuiug, es cents, uy uiu-11, pusitiuin. The nnstniro on lIAlll'Rtt'a MAilAztNR Is 21 cts a your, which must bo pal J at tno ui'jairl bcr'i posi-oiuce. Aiioress HAttPEll & UltOTHEUa, Now York, T 1ST OF CAUSES PUH TltlAlj I 1 UECl.JtUEllTEHM 187.1. i-insT WEEi;. Ilrnnmnll A Co. vs. McNIush it Hlr.tma i. Clemuel U. Ulckets' iiluilulstrator vs. David MiviumeT nt. ill. Lewis J.Adams vs.Flslilngcrcok Hchjot District I-;. Mcatterinwaito vs. i-midncn iuercurntt, l-'rauklln township vs. John Miiltoynolds, Joromlnu M Itudy vs. Jacob Hohuyler. David Cot's heirs vs. Jacob Clumbcriln. Vcnlah lteece'siidiiitnlstmlois vs. W. A. Kline. Mlclml Mnlilou vs. Philadelphia $ llJadlug it-iiiroau kjo. Patrick Moniighati vs. l'hlladelpltl.i & IleaiUns Itallroad l.'o. Hoer Dixon vs. PiillaJclplila A Uji Uns Itilt- rnad Co. Mrs. Mary Connolly vs. l'nlladalpli'n A Uotdlug liauroau sjn. Francis J. Klluo vs. Jacob Horrlug. Divld Gelsluger vs. Jono D. Itl io. llor-artilr Ivrnmer vs. Wllllnm Itirber. A. W. Ei'on A wife vs. ilenj, F. Warno? A wife. jos-pii , i-ausey vs. jomi .uuiiiati. A. II. Mtewntt vs. Frauds II. Jolly. Andrew Crovellng vs. Ttioums Trenc'i. A. 1'urdeo A Co. vs. 11. W. Mi-llevimlds ct. ill. A. l'nrdcu .V. Co. vs. Danville.llaiiclou A Wllkoi- UAITU IblllUUHU VO. Ezra M, Lyons vs. Solomon Dirk. .1. W. Maukov vs. O. II. Mellck. Clark Mcrrell vs, A. II. Stewait, HCTOND WEEK. William Tiougonlicrger ct ul. vi, lln,'h W. Mc- ibeyuoius. William II. Abbott vs. Jeremiah H. nrobsl. llelilatnltl Wanller vs. Josenli it. ltliodes. II. S. lloivers' adiululslratoi- vs. Ii, F. Doan A II. u. iiarum. Johu Yoager'sadmluUtr.iloi' V). David II unit's ntimiuiKiraiur. William 1'. Gerard vs, John (1. Jaooby. Wilson Airer vs. C. II. llrockwav. Elizabeth Siuoycr's uduiiulstrator vs. Mlclniol iioucr. C. D. Fowler Indorsco of II. II. llorko vs. O. n. MClllCK. William Coleman vs. Hotvard Grimes. John Auspach A wllo vs. Emuuucl Uast, Jacob Mteiuiieitert, t-hinp llronli-l a A. AulOHbach. Ilenrv Miller vs. Abrahml Klase. William S. Wilson, Indorsee uf Tuomis Mot'jr- i.mu vs. j. 11, iiarmau. Johu Hoblson's executors vs. Jesso D. Hlce. Jeremiah H. llrobst vs. Dauvillo, HazletJU Wllkesbirro It illrni I Oo. Jacob Mellck vs. Lewis L-arlsh. Joseph H. Htuddeii vs. Heurv.l. MeKweu utnl. Ciituarliiu II, Schmeck vs. J, s. llrobst. M. M, Itrotistand Mlctianl Itrntwt. Levi Kurtz vs. l'onna Watts, iilmltilstrator of johu is. wans, noo n, Johu Ilrlillugor, Jr. vs. J, U iclnuau. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF AMOS IlIIOIIRS IlEO'll. Tlio uildersiiilied llDllollltod Auditor tnilUtrlh. utu Hie lituds lu tho hinds of tho Administra tor oftho estate of Anus IttlOdeS. llt.IM.KHll. will meet tho turtles Interested ut tne ollloo of W. It. Abbott, Esq., uf Citawlssa, ou Hatttrday, asuy. -Hi,iibu cine p. 111., wnen anu Where hii parties Ituerestod.iind having culms ngalu-ltho estate nre requested to preseut them to the Audi tor, or to botorover debirrod li-otn coming lu lor u sunro or said ebiato. C. II. IlltOCICWAY. uovl, Iw s Auditor. U1JLIC SALE Ol'' VALUAULE KKAL lUr.VTC Iu nursuance of 1111 oritur of t'ni lli-ti'i nw' f ! inrl. 01 woiuiiuua county, tno iiniersignoi Adminis trator, .-sc., 01 Aiirn liuu 1. uejoiseil, 01 tin township of lleuum, la said county, will epjso 11 on iu uu mu in uimsvi un SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1 J, 1872. nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day tho fol iuwui uejcnuiti iuai estate, to wit : a certain Henry, and on the westbvlaiut3of.Murv Karns ujumiuiu 20 ACHES, more or les.s.oii which nro erected n Plank trnim,. nnu a i- iiiiuu ijaru, I. K. IvRICKItAUM. AdinluUlnitor. Teuus OFHAr.E. Ten ner rent, nr mir..rminli of tho putvhaso , money shall bo paid nt the siriiiiuij uuwn 01 1110 property, ouo-lourtti loss tho tcu per cent, ou the continuation of sale aud tho remaining three fourths In 0110 year therealtcr, Willi interest Irom tlio confirmation ui si. rurctiacr to pay ior deed 1111, t slumps. 11 ir 11 1 Mm November 1, 187J. ' ' Uer'k. .' A Cotnpleto Pictorial History of tho tlmes."- -- anu nest, ciieaiiesi, nu.t mist succoi tut l iunlly Paper lu tho Uulou." Harper's Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTKATED. Ifotlees 0 the I'rcu. The H'eekltl Is tlin nlilmt. nml inntl. min.n-fii 1 iimsbiiiiuu puriuuicai jiuuiisuen iu mis t-ouutry. Its edlturlaisnro scholarly uud convincing, uud carry much weight, its Illustrations nt current events ore mil uuu rresu.uuu mo prepared by our best designers. With a circulation ol 150.UIW, the Weekly is read bv ut le 1st h uf u million nor. SOUS, and its ltlllucnco us an nriill ill" iiiiiiiliin U simply iroinciiuoiM. Tlio Wmktu maintains u iinsitivn posiliou, unu uxiiresses ilecltleitvl ws uu iiuiiueui uuu suoiai iirooieius. ijouitvtiu iuurit r-iuurmit. subscrx? tiokts -i 8 73. Tcrnm 1 JlAiu'Eit'H WKKKi.v.oaoye.-ir. ?1 10 An Ixtni Conv uf oil her Lhn Mauazinh. Wekkia'. or Ka.ak will be hiinnlliHl gratis for uvcry CiUb of KiVKdUascmiiKus al S I uj e u li, lu 0110 rumuiuuca; or, aix ujuus ior sjj uj, witli BubscrinUoutilo IIaiipkuh MA(iA.iNh:.Vi:iK- IV. aud ilAZAH to 011a utl(lrLi!i Iui uuu vwir. Slu.OU: or. i wo of HarotT'd I'urlu.limh. u ouo uuuicn iur uuu vuiu, gt v Back XNumboriiciu uo supptUJ atuiy tlim. Tho Aumuil Volume of Hahi'ku'h W'Kkivri.v. lu neuti-lotli blmtUm, will bu weal by uxirc, free of exneaso. Ior 37 uu oiieli. A (!nnmlHLH Hft. comprUlUK Sixteen Volumof, Hoatou itcelptof Ttio DOHtuuo ou llAHi'Eit'rt W'KKirr.v Ih til ooutu nyuar, wlncli intut bu paid at ihu subscriber' )UULIO SALK L ov VALUAIiLK HUAL Ir.VTa In nursimnco of nn orJor of tho Ornhnu Court of Columbia county, the tiiiderili:utjit ilJ inlubtrator. Ac. of llio estate of Jonathan Kult tie, deceased, latoof thutowuiiUlpof (Jouynjjliaiu, III BttlU VUltl41t . IT It Utlfl it 'J BtttO UU UtU I1 VlUt)U. SA-TUIlDAY.NOVEJIUERaotli.lSy, 1 o'clock In the afternoon, three certain lots of rouuu in aiouiauacuy, in mo township or con linham. Columbia couulv . each lot coutnlnlii! weulv-tlvo feet front. Iv ono hundred ami r,irtv feetlndeptli.bouudedby lotofA. W. Creumerou tho south. Letbv street on the west. 11. M. Alarr. on the north und on the cast by an alley, on twu ui which mere ure erteteu none uuu a uuu story framo dwelling house. Late the estuUUe of said uoceiiseu,stiuaui lullio towustupot uouynnlli iu uumuuif uiuiesaiM. W1LLIAA1 UUUlJ.11Ars, AilmlulstriiUii', TEltMS Ot- Hll.r. Ten tier rent, nr nnn fourth of tho purchaso money to bo paid ut the strlkluijdowii oftho property, the ouo-Iourlh less the ten per tout, lo be paid at the coullrma tlou oflhobulc. uud tho balahee lu one jour UT I I-, " I I iiiereiuier wiiuiuierost iromcouurmuiion nt: Possession kIvcii on April 1st, 1S7J. Purchaser to pay for deeJ. ii, ii. iiiisuiir.il, Cleric. lllcomsburg, Nov. 6th. IK.1. ZDOZLsPT llO deCClVeil. hilt for lnm.llU nnl, a anm tl,i.n'it .,u.abUi.o ,iuu uiuucuieui uiuicuiiies, use umy WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS WOrllllUSS ltnlLllt mill urn nit flu. ..larlriil lull. the only scleutilla preparation of Carbolic Acid tor Lung discuses Is wueu chemically oomblued with uluer well.knuwu rumfuttts. as Is tlieso TAiiLurs.und all purtlcs aro cautioned agalust lualleasesnr lrrltnttnti nr tlia miinnnu mnn. I lueniuiib'uaiui lobiu Krouun, siiuaien ill 1I3IHOU ml, t L A m n township, Columbia county nroros ud, b iu uded 1116 Wflat ABlOliCail TdaGOHlDlllV on the north by lands ol Jeremiah Stiles und ,, t ..,.,... '.,.,71 t 1 William Coleman, ou the oast by lands of John T. ! . , sntt,Kr,NuwYork Oily K UU.. Oil thO hOUtll bv land ol llHtllnmin Mn, 1 . U. 1IJX Jtill, llll'llw brune ihesoTAUts-rs should bof.eely used, tlieir I are luiluugerof ciiroulo Dlarrhooaor tho dread cleanslug uud healing proprieties aie ustoulsh-1 nil Inllammatlon oftho llowels. , . lUb. I 'i.Tl.n 1. ... ..Il.iu Irrllnllfin iiti.l wnnl nirtCIldeU- Da warned, never ueslect a cold, it is easily cured in its Incipient stato, when It licoomcs 5."r.u.,, "i '." uiuiy uiuioutt. uso Wells Carbollo'l'ablets as a specific. JOHN tj. 1CELLUUU, js piatt st.. New York. iiuyi ouiu niui mr uniieu mines, I Prlco cents a box, Heudlorclrculur. OUNU MKN.THCHKIU, LAUItSOUMlNtSTBIlSl f 10T11K WOlllCtNH CLASS in,t. ItOlnwceltguaMntee!! ,to,ne?ii?.,nr ' inont nthome.iUy orovctiltm 1 ."lo 'ni ;inlrd I lull liislructlon. u n," vl ii,,','1' ' t iRojds tistartwItlt sent frefl ill I' . 'Iress. wltlt 0 nent return Htsrno ,? ' CO., la Uotirilm.lt Ht., Wa" Yuri, Jl'S r AntK-s nnd aRNTi.r.Mi;v. Annul. ... . i.tn .."l "e.! Trcnltn, 4 largo A S "p'ipVrs' stuallZlles11 sure j siiinpio free to nnvmio Tit nil.'. h I"' i THO 11NTON A CO. B, llroadway' "v"'1' '",,1.iwv, SCOVIL'SSIIOHTIIANDsi Moslleslblosvstnm nil.nl ti. . l0 Thoi-lfectarAPurcCi!,,,-..,, ll nrinnl.,! 1,. ...... .. .v. w imiimi UllXCJ '-til For sale nt Wholes ,lBon,. tl.ellrctAII.lCM.p0(n 1 ll'.0.1lox 630(1, KowVo'l'. novl Iw Sor KfViS.,0 vl1 the most bo lutintl style nitd porfec "t ''':. n'lj. Illustr.ito 1 t'ltaloguei m.n 1 ."V1 ' Muslo A Music Merchandise, 1 ,' hovti. AGENTS S'0;' . ;y i-fes,deut, 'hi f 'if & .mi;.-,, in buio unu contents will emu- . k housatids of readers-why 7 lleca i,, lt'V.l.',.?..v.cr be. puhllsnol For S I. Fit EE TO BOOK AdENl's-' AN ELEQANTLY HOUND CAN VAMsiNut for tho best and cheapest Family iiibln 01 ,.' llstied.wll! besout lieo ol chawe ui , ',' iment. it pnntiiiw ,,., ,,i isnT, ,f . f? t.y i t ustratlous, iiud BgontsnVo Vucethii "e ' precodeuted success. Address, stai,ui u' etico, etc., and wo will show " ,, ,'UH. "r ! iffi? Pa. B' -N'ALl'UllLl iVlOJ ACJENT3 WA.NTKU ATO.NUK forourv.."" HOOK, thO I.1PK Of TUB IIIIKAT LXI-i uutK LI VINGSTOiYE, nhdhlsriii-.ecllou from n l,iV,4 STANLEY. l'orfull iK'Kcrlptlou nnd terms m.i. . nicdlalely HUllliAllD UUO.i., ! 'u,,',1, "i or lloston. "".isiuni'. ,t ti'ivUvr tfii. ninonsillolmsos. o'.dpcipi,. , 7. dlo-uad. thoso w 1 nr.. i.l. . ""'J- Ille, nod youtli ut bjih m, Ju' . g,read uu tho greatest proilt 2 My Jolly Frioad'3 S s-, run r i-iiriji i ii'i ""b llll l UClt U,l Wu His tnectltu with tho ,....., ' "l cess; uuu iiioro s money in It St 1 Mend fur 0,1 r ,.i-..l , . . Mn.tfrw.QBa MA ABAif, i-miuiV. promlucnt relormer, y0fT. A-' Threo Ycnra iu ti IMaii-Tran XfttWllht.tni.rltn. Itu I . . I extouditsltiiiueVoal r herT,:S "' aid lo lutrodueu It to overy"oru oi ? """ n1, ? "'Bh y eiulorseit by J, ,l"0 I a 'k i'"1,','' t rue, Neal Dow A others. Will d 1 ,?, J "i hauuny inohibltlon in- ever riitiU beyond parallel. Agents li ivo do H ?.'.r . , ''', r,?fe'!y.w'1!"!- """"'"""w.'veMKt!: Suable, "loo rrZr&w&Yifi" a co. phiia, u. .,1. .Muimutr llovHn DUTY OFE TEAS ! TIIKaHICATAarriiiniv " " iui msi invn htm n(it,.nni.n..ii nal pons oTclilua ,md J "17, n ' ' ! rf H' j' leas direct lrom placo ot Kr iwilt t s,vi, r, tlio consumer Iroiu 5 to 8 prullts! I li 1,0V ,u,f 11 years since tho Company was .1 r -11 1- 1 iV'T" "l'loudid sue? ess rron , tim vir, Ma l" tU0 Sm& THE BEST AND 1'UJtEST GOODS, and dlstrlbiileil them lo our cu ,tomn in n'l parts of the United status i..- .... " oiuy , hetweeu t 10 Pea-urower mil re -c er. Wo originated the systeiiini siinni,!,, . c0, . sumers lu distant parts ol the ci 1 iiiry wi o Tens, at Now York Cni-.ro Prices, mi tha 1 1,,? plau. And since wo ajupte I this pi in iVi h . eryday noo-sVity. " "lt'" riStirinl . i wlTl"'"'. w'c!i contains full ui. EXQUISITE AID-j to render HUM, MUlii; I1EAUTIFUL LOVELY WOMAN. New and Importautluventors, Holil for ladles' use. THM ATMimiMn-'irTn tiiTTr.v n... ..ii..i,i. llleteono. Porfentlnn In llimnrt hit- n klvlf.h m..i chnt-inlngly attractive nppesrauco 1 1 tlio .Ires uud lorm of every fashleuablo lidy. Price only 52 ut). T n K IA LITT AT tNfi IlItKAUT lA 114 nml. terfelt or Nature's (iroit .'h.uiin. in piuiuji und rounded be tttty irraceful uiidiilalliii: in iliti.nudoontonrofbustitiall Its lovelluen. Prlos only fim. THE LA I'KItU!. Nn lnili- r-in ,n . n 1.11 e Ask to seo lt. l'rlco only t'J.W, THE MOTIlEiiH nni.:4i pttdTivmii ,n i ncrleeitv becurltvwtille uthir-heit. Muiimrn nr,i delighted wila our inveulton. Price ouiy Ji.wi, Any of thonbovo nrticlos sent on receipt ut price, or samples ofull sent on receipt nfS'. -Wo want Mlillners. Ilroi.siniilfr.i-w lv, hii.ts ol KllUev rSloresunil AL.etits In I'piu.r.il liitntr,iliuu our celclirutod, justly poular. and List mIIIc; inventions. Inaildltion totlie nimve. mo in.uiti- lucturo the Child's llllilo, Dress Khlel.l, itubbi r lllovos. Ourlers, Crlniiers, Oarteis uud nil rub ber fnucv nrtleles tor iiulleM' nml i.liilil.i-n u jr exclusively. An extra llliontl dlsoomit t Iraje. Moud for Illustrated catalogue. Vs tlio La Poiiu Oo.'s tronds, uud laid no ni i-' Sea tout our trjdii.rn.irlr In kl'iin ,.,.,1 u !l KiioJs nono others nro iroiiulno. i.A 1 riiilit-i M'K'U CO., novl lw UJ Clumbers tweet, tl. AuentH wanted ti eanb-iiuw fir I :o lt blutitlon. TO The droit Illustrate J People's Wojily, fie best nndchea post paper puhllsho 1, Dl'i law lsaud acorns ot most nomilnr atPhnrs un'u exclusively for It. Wo give a c p7 of the itai, r ullcled chiumo. j U3 r so man, to every subscriber. Asonts tiko from tajiii. live to t lilt ty names a d.iy. No liusliieis U line this, Hcud tor terms ; mi l neeuro lenltni)' for Ibis irrent enternrlHO at once. .M VL'L -.AN srODDAltt' A CO. Publishers, 7J1 Hinsoin M. Philadelphia. novl In Tl la nnl .1 .,1. ..1. In ..-I, Irtl. i.irt v irlvil t ltnl 11 ir,H 3" rellef to thesullerer lorthoilrsl lew ilowis. hut wlilcli. from coutluued use brluus Plies ami l."; dtvd diseases to old lu woaliejins the tnvh'ii nor Is it adoetnred liquor, which, unilef the popu lar name of "Hitters" Is so lixteusliely pi " oll'ou tliopubllnas sovcrcUn remedies, but H a most iiowerfulToulo nud ulloratlye, prouoit me i 111115b 1IUWU1, 111 AUIIIU llllll 1I1IUI..II, V. I-"-" - .. bo by tho leadliiK medtcnl uulhoritlos of L01",1 and Piuls.iind has been limn used by lhon;i!ii"i physicians of other couuliles with uiiuiletim remeuiui rosuus. Dr. Wnlla' Extract of Jurubeto retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar I'llf'' nliiutuud must bo taken asapeiiniiueuteur.iiiie Is thero want of action liiyourLiver APplfcu? Unless relieved at once, the blood become "'J' pure by deleterious secretions, producing "j01.1"' ulousorsklndlseases.Ulotohes. felons, Pualiiu". Canker, Pimples, 4c, &. . ,,, 'lako Jurubeba to cleanso. purify and rcstoio tha vitiated blood to healthy action. Havo you a Dyspeptlo HlomacliT Unless illiiei.- Hon la promptly ulded llio system Is ilebllll'it' a with loss of vital forco, poverty of the lllissi. Dronslciil Tendency. General Weakness or las situde. ,, , ,, Tuko lt lo assist u hresiion wiinout reucinM.. .. wlllliupatt youthful vigor lo tho weary sullerir. unnn m. .unnimaea nt tlin Intmtlnesf You cy lo tnllaramatlon. Have you weakness of tho Uterine pr Urinary urituus? ion must procure uisiuut hi vmi aro liable to siitrerluir worse than death. .. Take It to strengthen organic weukuejs of iu becomes u utttueu. . , Elually It should be frequently tultcu to -cei I in ivglum.n nuif.nl linnllll nr Villi 11TU lllliv.- wlo In meat uanirerof malarial, inlasuiatlc or coutaztuus itiieases, nnrynlpimbot, not pit mono . ' J .i r moro readily acquired, Ea,l ,rJi ',''' to, , nfall prorosMous, W. E Sjivii b. '?"!. Street. Nnw Vnflr. " OJJIL, "ill WnP .J 'ZfSbB, Vntoimu-tiHiu7. rsHsWmSZ A CHEAT OFFER! will illsppso of ton l'tanos, Mi" e0n'."1!!'',-v i Katis.otslx ilrstlass makors, luclu "?ui S? 1 it Very low l'ricosfor Cash, or imrt ?, lL halstico in smalt in itithlv I11s1.1t,1,. .'.V-1.'. 1 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers