u RATES OF ADV WISING. AND UlU'lHLD KV1R FRIDAY MORNING ,Tir . toMjaniAH mjitniwu hbakthk CjcuTiiauaK.ii. ooi8nuita,rA.,iiv CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, r.Dnon Ai rnorninton. JOB PHIWTINQ i rlnUoim csccun il with nmlntm and i-,pa.tcn nt r ' iiublernieB, VOLUME VI. ---NO, 47. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1872. COL. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 40. Ono Inch, (twelvo lines or 11" equivalent In NonpnrelllypJ ono or two Uscrtlons, tlM tbreci Insertions, ti.W SPACE'. hi. 2, :m, a IV. Onolneh 15 m J' (v) U,00 0.00 tl0.no Twt.lucoe . S.fO ' '.?, Threo inches tM) 7,ftO Itf") Wl 1"M KoitrinohM..:.".;;:;:.; t," !no n.ni zm ihv rlcrcoliunn )0,() la.ui H.oo aj.no B0.M) Halt column 15.00 l"1-"' W TO.0" .m-m Ono column ao.W 8' ,i'J 40,00 UVJO 100,00 Eteontor's or AtlmlnlTitor'a Notice, t3,C0 Auditor's ot Asslsuco's Neltoe, iiff). Local notices, twenty cents n line. Cards in tho "Business Dlrnctory" ooinmn, 12.00 per year fur tlio flist two Hues, nnd II ui'for each additional Hue, Columbia Oouutv Cffioial Directory mrtWrn. .llr-v u.i.i vi ow" new i JiMii UiA Hfcltll, ISAAC B t t Ci Mow io(iri,.tc-llL'i)ui.rit H. tUfttll.rn. .1 j. unlcr W U.LIAH80N II, JACOIIY. .t.f irnrii .TAMb . i.HVBON, Jll. ,1IIIN KMUIt. . hIsaaC Dr.wli P. ,r-Wll.UAJtl Wow. I Inner) YKI'H ItMllllM), llillAtl .1. . Wll.l.MM 1 1 A l l rlt. i ,0,1. ' t'trA wiu.tAM UittrKiiAltii, ,-t. J. CAMrilkl.I., HAKIM, I.I.K. , CllNtlKIl , -CIIAlll.MH.Mim'HV. r . lito;iuJ--l1AAL'M(.llillDK,.I01INMO li prtnlr tin M. It.BNVBMt. .., . (-f'.i'ftorR, S. it. Mlt.i.r.n l.n nm, lllnim.i burg, nnd JoriNsnit . , iLiiiwood, cilAiil.isl u::t(Klt.Bca'y. FAwiuslurg Official Directory. j m.j liutilmi) ro.Jonx A. l'u.aToH Ficsli tit U. II. Ouoiz, l i.shlei. r.,f .wml JM.-A-CHAS. H. PAXTOK.Frcs't, .I.T.Tl TiN.Cn .hli r. Cu, , i(tiiij.Vi.rimIitiMirfVmlentlnIi' mmim i li. 1-hji.i:, Fres't., C. W. MII.LKD, TtiM . .i"7 -WuiirfiiiB nut! Stiimtf timl vltsucta I ".-v, a. 1'iiAc oi K, I'res'l., J, 11. IlonisnN.Hcc. lno .u ilvluul tatiV Muni ylMoeierfton- J J. x i.ttt 1 U l'l' lULlll, l U. UAISKLBY, HCC'y. Oburcli Directory. rr.ruviTr.itiAN ruriicit. Mini.' i-Ucv. HIOMt MI'flirll. AMWrf. ,Tff-10! A. J!.; V,i 1. II. Salibt'lh t 'lionlV A, jM, J'rawr M'fiti'V Vnllicitny,7!5I'. JI. Hcnts ir-'ii ; lo rw ic" conic. "teas' Mtnugeva wel- Blocicrl Virg Directory. r Col V ... i dlcr. I; t'..i CLO'i'IIlKCJ, AC. i TIm .Jtu. Merchant Tnllnr.Muln In 1 1 .nlilioiiiu. 1'.. ' WA1 CLOOKH, WATCHK8, &( icrln I'loi'Ts, V.'ntches nml ., Jiv.t lickiV thu Aintrlcnn 1' i M Wn'rh nml Cloclt maker ' r . . mil I Main n ml Iron HtH. Ri 1IKAUT, WulouanilUocfcMnlicr.Mnr. , Uflnr.Tt, IjoIdw Main. HOOTS AND BIIOKS. Il M. KNor.lt, 1 i ulfr In Hoots mul Blioch,lntcl I1;, i u.I hiKl slyliN, i!ier Slnlii null ilurliU btieiti1. in the oU l'okl Olllie. UKN11Y KI.KIJI, Miiunteturer nml ilenlfr In lloiitu mid tiliocs, O rnrlcn, etc., Main utrcet, .Illnouitbnru, l'ROKESSrONAL. Dl!. II, C. HOWIIIt, suriicon DentlEt, JIalu st. nljovotlloCiiuU House. i) It. WSI. 31. Itl'.IIIClt, Bmseon nml l'hj-clclnn. OIlkooMT thu Fliht hutliiiinl llunlt. ( (1. UA11KLKY, Attoruey-nt-Law. OHlce,2.l (j, ilnorlu lxoliniiseiiluc!t,ne.iniii)"Ex.haiitfe Hotel." l 11. MeKlIIA'Y.M. I.,Hurgcnn nml Vhjsl.Ian j , north bhlu Main t lielow Mnrktt. t ('. lllirruit, M. 1). Hnrgeon and l'hyslelau tj , Murtiot htreut, ahove M.ilu, 1!. UOMKON, Atlorney-nH.aw.omi-mau'H hulldlnfi. Main utreet. I 11, V. KIN.VKY, .Hiirunn Jienllsi. 'lcetli l'Xtriic tt'd wlthmil pnlm Main bt., ne.i.ly up ofcllH Kplscoiial Cliuicli, )H. l'.V'ANH, 1. I)., SurKpnn nml l'liyslcluu, . south Mile Main stri et.helow Market. nit. A. I Tl'itxv.n. l'hvK'rliiiiiimlSm"! on, cf- !'in over Klelm'H DlllK HI lie. lenMinen OUO door lielow Itcv. li, J. Wallc-r. .MILLINERY & FANCY CJOOBS ii I'KTr.ltMAN, MiUlneiy nml I'ni.c (joraia, I!;, opi'osltii i:ilsropnl Chinch, Mam si. li IKS MKZIE HAIIKI.KY, MIKli'tr, Itpmsey iSl hulhUni! Main Mrrei, MISiS ,M. DKHUICKSON, Millinery and l'lincy Ooods.Maliifct., holow Miuk.t. lilS. JUI.IA A, A HAIH", 11. Ill t'loak inml Uress l'littem.,, mhiu aim fhi iis. Orangovillo Dirootory. DM, limniNO DUOTHKn.CnrpcntcrBRUil . llulldern, Main 8t.,uolciw l'luu, illllCK 1IOTK1, and relrcsUment Bnloou, hy ) llnhrM'llcury cor.ofMnln And I'lnoBt, Oil. O. A.MliOAUOKI,,t'hyiilcInnnnilBurgcon Main BtMnoxtilonrtuaiioil'B llolcl. llAVll) Hl.UltltiU 1 . t...... rl-ti, Mi 1 1 .....I l V tiJ lllllll,U. UIHll nU.IUII...'HlI.UM Dunlcrln ginln, Mill street. 1AM1M 11. II AHM AN. Cabinet Mallei Uil Un .1 ilertaker. Mnln Bt., helow I'lne. v'CllUYLr.U A CO.. Iron louunerii. Machinists O ami MaiiurHiluieiR of plows, Mill bt. j A M OKI. HI I A ltl'MK. Maker of the II ii hui Bl O Urniu Cradle. Mnln Bt. WII.MAM DKI.ONO Bhoemnkernnitmiiuutac Hirer of llrlelr, Mill St., west of 1'ino J-JENTISTRY. .1, u, iiuvi..ii, jiifN j jni, Respectfully oirera his pinrosBlonnl acrvlccs lo tho ladles nml gmitlemcn of nioomshurgnnd vl clulty. He Is prepared lonttcml tnnllthe vari ous operation In the line or his profession, nnd Is provided with tho latest Unproved 1'oncKi.AiH Truth which will bo Inserted on qold plntlnK hllver nml rubber bftso to look ns well nslho nni' urnlteclh, Teeth extrnctcd by nlltho new and most approved methods, nml all operations on the teeth corefullynml propeily nttemleil lo, Hcsldeneo nnd ofllco n low doom nhnve the Court House, samo side. nioomaburc, Jnn.1'71 ly Philadelphia Directory. WAiHWRiairr & co., wncLrsALi: unoci:iis, N. F. Comer b'ecend nnd Aich Btrccls, rnncrLviiI.'., Dealers In h, hyuui b, cori-ti:, BuaAit, uoi&e bus RICE, Bl'lCra, ni CAI1U BOCA, AC, itC. JIB-Orders wlllicc.lvc prompt nttrutlon. may 10.J7-tr. TI. XJARVEY ii. WALKER, " WITH JIliftR, SOHROl'l' & CO. n'voirrti s and jomiKitaov 1 1 j :.A , OI.AtiS AN1J aUCLKBWAUK, No. VS SOUTH. SKCONDST., rillLAUIiU'IHA. co S'Orl;;lrnl otMHttd i i.cl;aces of (Ineenswnte ustiiutlv on hand. itb'il'7'J-ll. Bcuiuosa Cards. II. LITTLE, ATTOIIKKY AT I.AV, Olllco Courl-Honse Alley, bclew tho COM'lt niAN Olllce, r.loomnburi; l'a, r R. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, m-ooMHiiunu, r.i. jr- OFncn Court nons.e Alley, lit tho Co. LCJIliiAN building. JsnVC7. p W. MLLER, ' ATTOUNUY AT LAW, Ofllco Court Honso Alley, below tho Colum niA.v Ofllco. Homilies, ltacK-1'ay and Tensions collected, llloomsbnrs l'n. sep.EO't" JOHN H. CLARK, ATTOISNEY AT LAW. At 11. P. clatk's Into cf.lco, Main Mrcct, llloomsbura, l'a. l' EYERLY 11 ..u mtrrpil tntn tb f.iiw nml Colic l tlou IjUR'- nc.s wllh John (J, ricc.o. i:n., Attorney at Law, oillca In Ilrowcr's Jlulldlus;, Main ..Street lii.ooMHiiuitd, I'., Htn: nth, lt7i'.-tr. MiacollancotiD. NaUEANCE AGENCY. vomlue. tICO.MO r.iutl , i,inni,inr Orient mofm llojal of Liverpool 10,000.1(0 Danvllh, Mutual - G".UX) Hpilncllclu fj70,K0 Oerronnln. H. Y f.no.oro International N.Y 1,(C!),7HI Vnrmers' Uniivillo -., roo,ii Lnncasler City Heine 2,0C0,M) FRHAB BUOWN. pcnl. tnni!r7l ly, lli-ooMSBunri rn. II INKI EY KNITTING MACHINE Tin: UMi'irtT, ciirrrsT amihibtin VSKI HAH I.UT OKI! NEEDLE! A ClilLD CAN HUN IT! I.'iKlgr.cil i en elullyforllief.se of famlllcF, nnd i.i,l(s v.lio lUilre Iohr.lt Inr tho imnlict. Will do nery ttlteh of (ho hnltllrc in n steckins, wiikulDi; nml iir.nowliu: r.s limllly nsby hnnd. Ale spin, did for WMslfris nrd fnncy work, TAKINO lIVl: D1I1LHENT KIM'S OK STITCH! Ale very tnsy lo inannno, nml not liable to tit out of older, Evciy Family should have one. We v. nut nu Agent In iciy town to introduce nnd sell Ihim.louhrinueollfrthcirioMlibcrnl Inducements'. PilcI lur cur Circular uudBample Slockhi". Addrfss. . 1UNKI.HY KNITTING MACHINE CO.. nov. 10,'7l-ly, Hath, Mo. "pjEW STOVE AND Tlfl SUOr. ISAIAH HAOENEUC-If, Main Btrcctouo door ahovo E. Muuileuball'b Htore. A larac assortment of moves, neatcrs nml Uaugeb constantly ou hand, and fur snlo at the Iniri tl. ml ph. Tinnlut! in all its brunches carctally atlendedto, huh saiisiariion cuareniitn, Tin wmk of airklmte wholesale ami retail, A . 'Ul is lequcstcd, jau i ji IIAltl.I.l . I-idles' .u'bi.s! coiner 'HUE MIfSEH 1IAISMAN Mllllnerv nnd tnuoy 1 Onc.ds Main at .. hi low Amerii an House, HOTELS AN II SALOONS. 7.10UKH HOTKL, by T, Hull. Taylor, ei.st eud I! ol Main street, jrERCIIANTS ANIi GROCEliB. T ) L003ISBURO il A l ii i. i) w v a is a. 1IAIN STIII.FT, m iOW MAI1KI.T, DI.OOMhlJllHO, l'A. iMiiiinbK,G n,.i,ilts. ltrmtstonrs. Ac. Work nintl.v tMcnifd. Oiders by mull will rfcelvo tnec alntieiilii.il. fi.ii.wuiK nemmu n-uu cimii!''. T. I..OI1MON. Tropin tor. oclis.l-tr. r.u.Luiii. C. MAT.lt, Dry (luoils nnd Notions, south. west corner Mnln and lion Mr. X A WElifi, Coufictlonety and luiktry v.holesalo and if tall, Excuiuiko Hlock. it i , HOWFH, lIatnoiidCM.s,HiotM.ndShofa, i. MalnfctabovoCouit House. ! Jr. MAT'.E. Mnirmclh Olocrry, lino Oro- il. etrii", I-1 nils. Kut3. Tinvlsiou, Ac., Mam niiti CiutroStirelii. iiil.i LVY, NI'AL to., dealers in Dry Orods l fii ocerles. Flour, Feed, fait, Fish, lieu, Nulls. p.,N. E, cor. Main ami Market sts. ,i 11. Mll.T.l'U a (.ON. ili nli rc In Drv Goods. p. Ciiocirlis, (lueei.baic, Flour, belt, Bhoea, Motions, etc.MalUKt. SIIf-CELLA NEOTJS. 1 1 M. CIIUIRTMAN, Baddle, Trunk ,t Harness. ' . n.nker, Bhlvn'H Hlock MnluBlrcct. 1 1 W. ItonillNS.lluunrilealerseeoniltloorfrom 1' noithwebt corner Main and Iron sis, Ti'OHKTON, Wall Tapir. Window Shaken ilixinif'S, jiui'fii nun i. .iniii ui. , , i 1 1 I I I u.ul'uro Hooms, thi'o story O, Ma.n Sl.irt.v.cstoiMnrKiiii. ti i i WWit:,l'lioti.'ii pher.overltoLblus i m 1 yci h atori', Muiiiki. Kl UN, denier in Vrnt, Tallow, elc.Clu-ro- . u snl'ey, naroi xnieririui jimin. ill. J-M'OllY, Mhrblo mid Drown slmie .H, I. Hi. I llIO01t.l.Ur.VK,l."'lW!C;i li nu. 1 AII11, denier In lm iiltnre, liuntiw, cider n now ware, near mi) roras jum i. ii li. niPLLMAN. Aprat for Mumuu's Cop) i'jiTubular Lluhtulri: Hod, .1 VOSTMl, While Bin! Juucy Tauucr, ami i. iiinifr in lee.Bcoiiowu, YV!' oTT TfiOKB, nml blank NftTFH.wHhnrwIlii. -i mil eiin.plion, lor salo nt Ihe Columbias filee, Catuvsrisoa. B A RGAINS BARGAINS. HLjLK SAI.ril AND PMAI.l. rKOJlTS. HAVE lOUU MON1-.Y. do lo . 11 S XT1Y YOS.T. East liieoi." bi il l'n.. 10' nil kirn's f tte btst l.onic end elly jpaue ... J u Jt is i i u Jl k , Ti ii f mi aniiirble end the be-' "nk t'r if. jmi T71-U VULCAN WORKS, DANVILLE PA. WILLIAM H. UW, Iliim.reciti.ci'or WiooRht Iitu llrldges, Colli rs, cinsholili s,r eo.o. f Lulhllugs. Wioutiht Hou hi.illii'i. Hiioii.iu F.nmes, I louring nun uoois, I'nimi;. . ,et,l ftiii'iuK.nlH) Wrouchtiron pip- in- s ...,. n.iii mi 1,'iin:.. nrtnniu wom,ic, j; ' . . eiii.-iiy n..euoiiiio. . II I i. i.lns n'jtl Esiimaiessuppiieu, i '.. .!-'. 1ERNIIARD STOIINER Would Inform hW friends nml tho public that Ho has taken possession ol THE OLID ST-dILSriD, in tho Exchange HIlcIc. so lona oecui led hy him Him will eairy on mo ijiibinusb oi a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY Ho brings to tho husliiCESniiexpcrlenco ol many mhi.s i. ml nssuies tlio louimuulty Hint lio will luinibh Ihu bistof biiiid,eukib,iolls,blnill,&c, Iresli eveiy day. Hopioposts also to kecpou iiauu n laiKC nun wi'u tissoimu biunn in FINE CONFECTIONERY, nf nil nniliH. 1 if . it'll rnnillf H mill 11l00 Cif lin ing' v iiuuiMafit..f,(ilvljijsl(ibolinj,wliolesnlo nml n-iail nt lowiM latnH. Adjoining tlioilaliery aim i ouiociMiicTy is n wen thiuuiibtitu wheiemay bo found Alo nnd Lnger, ami lto liisliiiiinls.,0.vstirslu season nnd tho wlous gj" O. IIOWER, httii nr-cued a first-class BOOT, BIIOE, HAT CAT, AND FUH tlOHE. at theoldttnndon frfaln Street, rtloomsbnrg.nfew iloors ahovo tho Court House, His stock iscotn ,.osidol thevciy latcstnud hcststyles ever oiler oil to tho citizens of Columbia County. Hocnn aecoimnodato tho publlcwllhthefollowlnggoods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy doublet boled stoga hoots, men's double nnd slnglo tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kiuds, men's lino boots and shoes of nil grades, boy's doublo soled boots nud.slioes of all kinds, men's glovo kid Halmoral shoes, men's, womcn's.boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glovo kid Toltsh very flnc.women'B morocco Hnlniorals nnd calf shoes, women's very flno kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg god end sewed. Ho wouU also call attention to his flno assort ment of AW, CAPS, FUH3 AND NOTIONS. which comprises all tho new and popnlai varl ctiesnt prlceswhlcucaunotfalltoMiltall. These goods aro otlcrcd nt tho lowest cash rates and will bo guaranteed to glvo satisfaction, A call is solicited heforo purchasing elsewhere an it is believed that better bargains are to ho fonnd than at nny other place in the county. Jan 171 npiIE ORANGEVILLE HANUFAC- JL TUI1ING COMPANY. UAXCrACTCEEKS OP AGRICULTURAL IMFLEJIENTS of tlio most Approved Patterns. Mill Gearing, Jol)I)!:;gr, a:: el C;tr,li:iffS of all descriptions. DEALEDS IN General Merchandise, Lumber, &c.,&c. ORANGEVILLE, l'A. We Wf.nld nnnonnco to the nubile in ccneial Hint wo have taken the well known Aeilcultur- nl Works of this place nnd shnll mnko it onr aim In manufacture First Clnss Aericultural Imple ments tuual to any othir makeis in tho Btnte. such as TltccBliiiin niaclilrics, Eoth Lever and Tread Tower, PIowi of ovcrj- Description, amors which will bo the celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, ncknowlulced hy nil In ho tho best plow extant lor tho larmer. Also tho (Jlmmplun, Stents' 1'atctit nnel Tho Kloitti'osc. ALSO, ROUBLE CORN rLO"WS, Cultivators, Iron Slcttlcs, tin il Cablings or every description. Wo shall use nooobnt tho besl materials nnd employ nouo but competent nnd experienced mccuunics uuu our pru-i-s win coinpaio lavoittbly with any other manufactur ers. ronntrv Produce. Lumber. Old Iron, token in pv-plniii!.!.. Wnnlsobavpn storo in connection wllh our AEilcultnial Wolks. whern innv be found n lull nsborlment of MEHCHANDI'-E which will bo sold nt small protlts. Olve us a call beloro purctaslng elsewheio end wo guar autco fatlsiaetlnu, in-uch-JTi-ly. Hotels. THE MAMMOTH OllOCEltY ! j. ir. .ii .viz i:, Main st., corner of Centre, Blooma barer, l'n. lies nil extensive slock of FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, which ho oners to tho publlo nt tho Very lowost CASH - PRICES. Hlsgoods nre tho best In tho inntket, nml nro sold nt rntcs so low Hint haennnot sell on cred it. Ills plnu Is to havo first class goods and sell for cash. FOR CASH AND CASH ONLY. Uloomsbnrg, Oct. 11th, 1S72. TO INVESTORS. Tothoso who havo funds to Invest In largo or small amounts, or who wish tu increase their Incomo from means nlready Invested In other less proOtablo securities, wo recommend, after full Investigation, tho Seven -Thirty Gold Bonds ol tho Northern raclflo llillroail Company. Dearlug seven and tlirec-tcntris per cent gold Interest (equal now loF currency.) and Koll at par, they yield nn Income considerably moro thinono-thlul greater tlumU. S. 5-30's. They are Coupon nnd Heglstcrod, tuo lowest denomi nation being S1W, tho highest S10.C00. Nearly ouo-thlrd of tho Mniu Lino of tho Road will ho completed nnd In operation with alsrgo business tho present sea.on. All tho properly and rights of tho Company, ncludlng a most valuablo Land Qrjm',, nvciuglns about 23.0CO acres permlloofi'OAil are pledged nj security for tho first morlgago bonds now oiTcred, AHmaikctablo stocks and ponds nro received In exchange at current price. Descrlptlvo pam phlets nndmaps.showlng Hon o of road, Connec tions, Tributary Country, &c will bo furnUhcd on application, JAY COOKE A CO., New York, Philadelphia nnd Washington. Financial Acenli N. r. II. It. Bonds for sale In Bloomsburgby thoFrst Na tiounl B.ink, and Bloomsbuig Harklng Com pony. Oct. 18, :87;-lw, QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsbnrg, Pa. il. C. SLOAN & BROTHER Have on hand nnd for salo at the most rcasona Die tatcs a splendid stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and overy description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY ' warranted to bo madoof the best nnd most dur able materials, and by tho most experienced workmen. AH work sent out from Oio estab lishment will ho found to boof tho hlehcst class and suro to glvo perfect satisfaction. They have nisuu uuu Hbburiiueuv ui SLEIGHS ofnlllho newest nnd most fashionable styles well nnd caiefully mado and of the best mater ials. An Inspection of their work Is nsk-od nn ii.i believed that none superior can bo found In tho uuuuiry. jmi 1-1 Poetical. voicii or Tin: ska. I looked from tho deck o'er tho bounillcu sen, As It bubblod and tumble. I In Booming glee, Ami tparklcd'nud rippled under tho lco Of tho ship that was bcailng my friends and mo ; Whllo tho sun-rays peep With a gladsomo shoeu Thro' the waters; green Adownthodecp, And I said, "What thins cm I loam ot time, With Ihy wavelets leaping unfettered and froo As 'twcrosomotlilug Joyous simply 'to bo 7 '" Andlt told rao n lalo of Liberty. I saw tho wavoi In tho r mighty play- Now idrong as the giants now gono fur nyo ; Llko tho things of tho earth which cuduro for n lay I Each conies llko Ills fellows to pass away ; A moment bright With sllvtry crtst, Then sluks lo rest In endless night. And I said, "O, yo waves of a turbulent Be.1, Which nro sprung from n common maternity, I prny you, what lessson havo yo for mo 7" And they told me a talo of Charily. I loan o'er the rati at tho midnight hour, When the waves uro wild nnd tho storm-clouih lower, And my face Is wet wllh tho spr.iy an 1 tho shower, And weird, wan fn:es seotn to glower Out of the foam Which marks tho track Norn furlong back In the ocean's glo im. And I said, "Black waves of the midnight sea, That nro laililug the clouds that aro blacker than ye, - What thing will yo teach to a thing llko 1113 ?,' Q Through tho nljht-rack comes back Sublim ity. I look ngatn, and tho ocean lies Calm, bouudless, blue, whltotho bluer sklo I Bo blended In ono continuity rise, That tho cyo no horizon descries, And tlio only speck Whlchhasaplaco In tho bournlcss spaco Is tho vcscl's deck. Then, from tho deep calm of tho plllowlesisca, So cudlossly peaceful, In vast unity With tho bright ompyroan which o'ermantlcs me, Thcro comcsa falutccho or "Eternity" I'cenlng roil. Miscellaneous. IX TIIL' MO.VS HEX. A STOT.Y TOLD ON A MOUNTAIN TOP rjMlE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho undersigned would inform tho travelling public that he lias taken tho above named estab- llbbmcninnu inorongniy reniicu me wiim nr THE BEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST DURABLE PAINTS now In use nro tho Montour Slate Paints. Thev cover one-third morn snrfaep. Inst lnoppr nnd post less than White Lead, the place of which thev nro very pcnernlly taking where economy, durability and neatness nro desired, Hear what our Practical Painters says : It elves mecreat nlfamre tn rprnmmpnil vnnr SlnloPalnls as supplying a need wo havo long ii-ii, nuu overcoming a great tumcuiiy, wuicn hail long been acknowledged by nil praetlcnl i-amiers, immi'iv tuo oxieaiion or wnuo j.eao, bv tho ntmosnbere. causlm. It to rrumblR nr chalk oft. I hui balisneil they will paint one-third moro hiirfaeo and in a better miimicr thnunu) other pigment I havo ever used. GEO. C.GOULD. Kingston, Juno 55. T77. We cheei fully cencur in Ihe above opinion es prosed by Mr. Geo. C. Gould. 11. If. VANNATTA. A. W. MONROE, B. F, HICKS, lllnnmsluirc P.". tr.NU 1 OK 1'HKT. UtT, ANIl SAUI'LE CAM). DREHElt, REAY A CO., fa'olo Mnuufneturers, fept, C.'TI-Sra. Rupeit, l'n. 1'r.ATCIILEY'H, rillJU'OTCll llll'llllllllT liCCll I'llltip. 'lasiolcs, luuable, EiUcli'iil nndChenp. The host Pump for tlio least money. Attention is especially Invited to lliateh ley'x I'ntent Improved lliack it ami New Hi up Check Valve, which can bo wlihdrawu with out it-moving tho Pump or ill. tin hlng tho Joints, Also, tho Copper Chamber, which never trueks or bcalcs, nud will outlast nny other, For halo by Dealers everywhere, bend lur Cutalognoand Price LUt. ('has. H. Bi.ATtnr.av, M'l'r. C I'liCummtK-obr., 1'bllada.Pii "1 111 hlihiililhatlibhtih suit the public-taste. There n,e perfect conveulencoof hlstinests. His larder linlsoa will he storked Willi tho bC6t tho market uUordK. Tho eholcest liquors, wines nuu cigars always to uoiounuiu utbuur. FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, over Hie rrnfcrtloncry store, whero ladles and genllenuii can obtain tho btst ol lco Cream In hiasou. A Inlr shateof II o public, cusle.m lb requested, mill nopUlllSV.Ul uu spnitll lo fHMim nuiwiiv llo-i aiuil VU.'7J-lt WILLIAM PETT1T. Esiiv.ra, TEW DIIUO STORE. I, F. DALI.MAN, Merchant Tnllor, Second Bt, 1, itopbius' liiuiuiug. J. K. itOltlllNB, surgeon and Physician l) Kecond Bt below Mfilu, rillllERT A K LINE, dry goods, grocerli s, and IT genrrnl meiThaudlse, Main Street r I". KISTI.ER nttnwtssa Honso," North . Comer Main nud Second Streets, I KE1LER, lllllnrd Knloon, Oysters, and Ice L. Criam in sensou Mulntlt. M. 11 ROUST, dealer In aeneralMcrchandlso Dry fiuoils, Groceries c, SUHCU'EHANNA or ilrlck Hotel, B. Kostcn bander Tioprlttiir.bouth.eastcurncrMnluuud Hecond Street, CIIIMH. A. KLEIM M. Hr.vlni.' luitl ntfil (In U'.RllKts of V. P. Lt.ui now i.lcibtillhoe'IiUtni.d,u eloliofnnlitien or EJ. THORNTON t would nunouncetolho rltlensof IlloomB bin:; nud vicinity, that lie m. Just itcelvcdi lull una complcteabboitmenm' WALLPAPER, WINDOW BIIADI-y, l'IXTLT.r.8, COlina, TAbSKU, and nil other goods lii Is Hue or buMncbj. All (ho newt'St i.uu most uj.ioeii puiu-ius ui me day luonhinya to be louud Inhiatsinbllshment, mar..'liU-tl Main Bt, below Market, Sept. l.'l, 1S72-1- DKUGfi, CHEMICALS, w M. II, ABBOTT, Attorney at law, Main Bt. Light Street. TI T. OMAN A Co., WheclwilKbts, Cut door u. above School House. 10HN A.OMAN, Manufactnror and dealer In J Boots nnd Bhota RB. KNT, dealer tu moves and Tin ware In all Its brunches. ViLTER LNT, Miller, mid denier In nil kinds 01 1 anilii. Flour, Ftiil, &c. All klnels oIGruln iiurciittbtu. Eopy. M W. EDGAR, Burquehamm I'lmni Mi and llox Muu facturlug, Buck Horn. if o. w. it. RTrnr.MAirr.lt. dealers In drv JU'uoods. erocelirlca and general merchaudbo PATENT MEDICINES, CARRYING THE TOILET A IiTJCLLH, FANCY hOATH, BRUBHEy,AeAc, Anil n ttneinl ntsoilment of Iho cholcestgoods ciiniu. fmiiul in llistilabstfalnblthhineulN. l'liytlrlnim' Prescriptions aud F'umlly Recipes ..... . Ti.lK. IVtiii-mmilt il. on h uiioii s, t1p1.11 jruiu ou, in., iu .u,i, iu.,uiiu uurivuiuu, COIUUlIUUg UNITED STATES MAIL BICTWEEN New Yori, Cork and Liverpool- NEW AND FULL-FOWERKD BTEAM8HIP3 OCEANIC. ItF.l'llllLlC, IIALTIC, CELTIC, lili.H.nA.UL-, iiitrri-Ar.il-, aijuiaiii;, ATLANTIC, Salllui: fiom New York on SATURDAYS, from l.lvirnool (111 THURSDAYS, rnllllil! nt Cork llaiborench wny. From tho Whllo Blar Dock, rnviinia reny, jeisey i-iiy, 1-nFsenger uecomiuouuiions tir mi cjopscbj DR. OAlirENTEH. 130 MULBERRY STREET, NEWARK, N. J. Is now trentlug bucresblullv. CoiiNitmption. Bronclillls, nnd nil diseases ot tho Throat ami Lungs, with his COMPOUND MEDICATED INHALATIONS, CONCENTRATED FOOD, AND COUGH SYRUP, Durli-g tho past ten years Dr. Carpenter has treattd and cured thousands ot cases or tho above named diseases, nud has now in his pos session certificates of cures irnm every pait of I tho country, II10 Inlialatlou Is breathed directly luto tlio lungs, bootmug uuu neaiing over nu lnunmcu suriaces, enivrirg into tut, ujooo, it imparts vltalliv as it permeates to every part of tho system Tho bensntlou is not unpleasant ml iiiuiirbt 111 iu lai 1011 01 ten gives very iieciucu t-llef. nartlculnrly when there is much tlllilculty ofbrcnlhlug. Under tho lutlueuce of myreme- lilts, tuu cougu boou growls tasit-r, tue nigut sweats cease, tlio heetlo jleuh vanishes. and with improving uigebiiou tuu puui-m rapmiy gains lll'llKlll, uuu Jlllillil ikukuiu iv.iniu iiingitiaji. II10 (nnrrntriitril l'ooil inpidly builds 1111 tho most debilitated patient, presenting to tho biomacu loou nu iiuuym ui, ubsiiunaii.u ami mado Into good, rich hi nllhy blood. 1110 t ousn )rnp is 10 uu laiien ui uigui 10 aue into 1 lit. corneli and cnublo Iho patient to obtain sleep. 7.'iilifricfmiHrcemipa?i2e.itc boz v my remtfltfs. xtldch comlst 0 One Inlialrri One llollle 0 I lllf rallip Iiilinlanl Ono iutiie in Mioiiiinir 1 i-uriiuet. iniiHiaiitt 0110 llotllc ur Anil llaiiiorrlumlr liilinbiiit 1 ftouillp. m to! p. m. GH1MAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN. feb 072-If TjiASIIIONABLEDREh'S MAKING. SUH. L, naMicy, juiutiu, I'ukmouauit, in-psu Kfiikrr. ti ml t, nplit r of lirieu's u 111 iva lied bj-btcmol IlltlnK by measure. In lliospeidli-bt, mnsl btyllsh and rerfect manner, Dresses, Pol iinnho end nil ladles' and inhtes' taimenls, In vlles a cull ficin all wishing to h urii tho dhi eruiu, 01- lo have cutting and lilting of suits ;ir,,.u nu wiilI as In I'hllntltdnhtn. and ut moiier. uternUs. Suits mado to older. Cnll.thlid door nbovo Mr. llrobst'B Holt, Main Mitel, below Uullrnml. ll'ist CUd. Oct, II, iwzisn. MRS, L. IIAWI.EY M1L1 ON. SAFETY. SPEED, AND COMFORT. Bntnons. statp-ronras. smoklnu.room and bnth lonniBlu mldslilp billion, hiiy Icon motion Is lelt. ... burgeons nuu iicwuiuitbt'H uccuiuj-uuy tliiso m turners. 11ATSH nioon. ihi, coin, nii-ernct.. Eaucur1t.11. iv, 'i i.oso wishing lofetnu lor jrii-uus irom 1110 Old Country can now obtain Mumgo preiuld , , , UW-iit, m. fp:l piirrpupv. Puistnaets hooked To or from nil paits of A in 1 1 it 11, Pari, Hambuigb. Norway, Sweden iinllii, Auslrulhi, China, Ac iitiiiiu irf.in 1.1 nniviiriiH. For lnmt I'lltin ol nlans nnd otherlnfniinatlon Ri.plv nt Iho Cempau 'sUIUces.No.lUBroadway, New York. Jan. 1'.', IW. J, U. BPA1IKB, Agent One ltuttIeCeiiuulrult.il Feoil (lm. llolllo lo leiyjli Si mil. 1'rlpi, tif ltov rnntnliiuii. remedlts tn hist 0110 inoulh, 10; ruomonths. 118: thno liionlhs.CiJ Sent In nuy nddress C O. D, Pamphlets con taining JaigO llbt UI pulltMllb L-Ull'tl bt'Ul iit-i-, 1fUeis ol lutitilry must contain mio dollar to In- burewuswer, Aitdress. Jl .1, l. ... .-A- .., I'..,...,. .. ... B, A,. U. Dr. t'AIn-KSTElt'H UATAItRH HEMF.DY Will t.lve Immeillato lellel. and will ellectn ncuna- 11111 1 rure in li 0111 one tu tluco months, price of rimeilytti hut ouo iuoulh,t5; twomoutln, &b; llirre mouius, ( IMl il in nil its foims suectssfully treated, Send for list of patients cured, to A. 11. LAiU'J.r.ir.ii, 01. li., xscwnru, , j JulySOlyr . 1 n p-vniCT T nmr 1 1 p ru I There Is a AItCIUO LUU1V 11 EiUIl ! CJHEAT 11VSH For tho New Splendidly Illustiated Edition o! I ROBINSON CRUSOi Becauso It Is tho most ratclnatlng nnd popular book In rrlut.und excels nil la mil (ftgeincc uud I.. .lust. ..ui. fiL'S t.BL'tH. Unit ti rarer. only i'.fiueasy uoitbt3.n. Is a tltint lilt, telU tlUICK null IUbl. iriiuoti uiiBHiiiiuiii tivw .... ,i,,.k,ip iin.lpR. fur Kin most roiniiltilf, suiierblv it li.eirafpil ntWl tnkt.Slltlltf odltlilll fXtUUt. lllSO. Iho "Pocket Coiupnulon," worlli tlO tu any book BgriLt, beiitlito. Willi) ut mice, btnliugv.hcro r.(Rn. iiii limuiAlll) BllOS.. sir.S(l-U l'ubllsli(rH.7SJ fctintoiiifctl'hila "Nice pltica to dine; isn't It?" said Frank Llghtfoot.aa wo seated ourselves round our wcll-illlcd provision-bag on tlio summit of Mout Blanc, with tho panorama of forty-eight mountain ranges outspread beneath us, and the echo of tho Chamouni cannon still In our ears. "I wonder whother tho march of civilization will over erect a hotel up hero; thero's just room for a moderate sized one. "And a photographic studio at tho head of tho corridor, nnd a telegraph station at tho Grands Mulcts, and a post- ofllco beside tho Chalet do la Pierro Polntuc, and anything elso in a small way, eh, Master Frank?" chimed in Harry Sinbad, who had gono through nearly aa many voyagesandadvonturcs as his illustrious natnesako and had Just accompanied us up Mont Blanc as a slight reposo before crossing into Algo rla via Marseilles.' "Nobody knows what may happen," replied Fratik sentontiously : "you wouldn't- havo expected, this time last year, to bo dining threo miles above tho sea to day!" "Well, I had a funny kind of dinner last Autumn," said Lightfoot, "when my guido and I got caught by a mist on tho Grand Combin. Wo piled stones to keep off tho wind ; and behind them we shared our rum and cold mutton, as if wo had been In tho trenches boforo Sevastopol." "Well, I can beat you both there," said Harry with a chuckle; "for l'vo had a dinner worth any threo of those, though I'd hardly caro to try it again but it's a long story." "Never mind," Bald I : "wo havo lot's of time." "I'm your man, sir," responded Sin bad; "out, before I begin, does either of you know whero Fernaudodo No ronha is?" "Never heard of him," said Frank, who is not exactly qualified for a goo graphical professorship: "Is ho any re lation of Fernando ooti, o-er America?" "None of your nonscnuo. Frank," I lntprnosed sternlv. "Fernando do Noronha Is a small bland oil' tho cor.s of Brazil, though In what latitude or longitude 1 would rather not guess, if were up fir a clvll-servlco usamltia tton." "True, O king !" .said Harry : "moro power to your atlas for that tivno. Well as I was going to tell you, It was tow ards tho end of my third month In Rio do Janeiro that T began to think of shlftlntr my quarter.-). Had I intended maklnir sclentitle explorations la Humboldt, or going In scirch of bi trees, llko that fellow who wont up tho Rio Madeira tho other day, threo months would havo been rather short measure ; hut ns it was, I had kcoii all 1 cared to fcp. I had walked round tho harhor (110 trifle of a walk elthor, mark yo!) ami counted the flags of GGnattons; I had eaten oranges at four In tho morn ing In tho groves outsldo tho town, and dived by moonlight through tho ' rol- Icrs,' 011 tho shoro ; I had bought somo cry good local viows on thoja;a, una taken somo very bail sketches from tho bay ; I had been bitten by a tarantula (It that was any good) ; and I had lived at Pctropolls in ti charming llttlo villa, with 11 painted veranda and projecting roof, hidden, llko a humming-bird's nest, In n basket of broad leaveil, tropi. eal folhigo a perfect gentof quiet beau ty altogether. "Pctropolls Is n plaeo about four miles from tho town,' whero tho grandees and most of tho merchants llvo during tho heat of Summer much tho namo thing, In fact, with regard to Rio, that Tsar8koo Celo Is to St. Pelersburg, or Tientsin to Peking. Weil, as I was saying, I began to plan my next move and mado up my mind to do boiiio voy. ago or other In a now direction, whoroi might tco something ti llttlo out of tho ordinary tun; for Just then, us it Imp pencil, I was rather tired of perpetual coat, hat, mid umbrella; of smoking paper-elcius.ehatterlng bad Portuguese and dining on moiikey-uoiipiiiid rd.ist rraadlllb; nnd had got my head fill) of fairy Isles, light pcrlnguas (whatover thoy may bo), and "noblo savages." "Ona day, after much wnlthisr, I heard of a bark that wai going to pail for Fuyiil, with u Portugueso eklppor, and a crow half Brazilians and half In dians; for somo of tho nallvcs don't mako such bad sallow, only they're not trong enough to stand much knocking about. This was just what I wanted, chanco of visiting a placo whero I'd ilovcr been, and a longlsh voyago In company with n bovy of picturesque agamufllns, who, If they weren't par ticularly ' noblo,' wcroat loast 'savi'go' nough for Salvalor Rosa himself. So paid my pasago-money, nnd away I went. "My chlof assoclalo was thosklppcr, queer fish enough to look nt ; for ho had a complexion Hko a half-decayed lock, and a pqulnt that mado him look ns if ho werotrying to sco down his own throat ; and ho carried a scent of garlic and tobacco about him that would havo choked a Hottentot; but ho know all sorts of stories, anil could sing a good song or two, and seemed a merry fellow altogether; so that on tho wholo ho asn't bad company, provided I kept well to windward of him. Ah for tho crow, they worked very wen ; tuey couldn't help it, llko Brazilians in gen eral; but thoro was ono thing thoy didn't do well; and that was tho storing. Thoy had stored tho provisions In such a bungling fashion that half of thorn got spoiled ; and thoy hadn't moro than half filled tho water casks and thoso they had wcro leaky ; so that, not long after sailing, wo ran out of water, and had to think about getting more. 'An hour or two after this discovery, tho sklpp'er camo aft, to where I was standing, and said, 'Now, sonhor, wo will show you something rs well worth seeing ns Lisbon ; tho nearest land is Fernando do Noronha ; nnd we'ro go ing to put in there for water and fc sh provisions.' " 'And what is thcro lo bo scon t here." asked I. " 'Why, it's a pretty placo to look at, In any case," ho replied ; 'but tho great tb'ng is, tin t it's tho plaeo whero tho Rr.iy.lIIanssend all their (7c,'ae?rt(Zo4'(coii victs); 'and thoy'vo got quito a flno col lection now; when you go ashoro you'll bo ablo to get a good sight of them." ' 'But they don't go about looie.sui'O- ly ?' ajked I in soraoastonishinont. "'Tho sainti forbid! they've , it a governor and a guard lo takocaro of them. Ah! bo's a ral'o man, tho Son hor Gobernador! many'.s tho ca'c of rum ho's sent mo when wo'vo touched hsro before.' "'You scorn to know him prttly well,' Slid I, laughing. '"Sanloi! that'd not difficult! he's as friendly cm a ccntrctbandista.' (A flno definilion of friendship, thought ' I.) 'If tho noblo Ssnhor lugloto will bo pleased to go rt-ho.'o with in, the Senltor Gobernador wi'l bo sure to in vito him lo h' houo,and show him all tho curiosities of the is'and :' and with that ho gave such an e.itraordinaty gi'in that all his features seemed to change plac.'si, llko a gutta-percha .aco in a toy shop. I couldn't think, at tho tlmo, what ho wa3 grltuilni at ; but I found out later on , as you'll see. "Wo sighted tho island next morn ing, anil by noon wo wcro p -etty near tho shoro ; and it struck mo that tho ilegradados had a be lor berth than they dcsors'cd ; for a sweeter littlo spot I uovcr saw. Tho coast1 1 right and left was rugged and broken ; but just ahead of us it curved into a beautiful llttlo bay, wllh a smooth, sandy be: ch above which roso 11 broad sweep ot wooded hilMdo, liko a b.nid of green velvet, dotted here and there w'lh such flower j s you only sea In tho Ironies. In tho hollow of (ho b:.y was a small woortea jetty, on which stood a man in uniform, whllo behind him clustered a dozen blacks, In red caps and white cotton drawers. " 'That'-i bis Excellency's secretary,' said the skipper; ho must havo seen us heading for thoshoro; aud it's lucky thoio blacks happen o bo with him ; for they'll belt) us to ,- 't the water 011 board.' "I must own Unit t is 'lucky' coin e'dencoof tho ni'groe'- presence mado mo begin to suspect that tho worthy Eklppor was himself ono of tho 'friendly contraUmtUstaaUtt whom ho had spoken, and that his dealings with tho Scnhor Gobernador weroof a nature to mid little to tho imperial rov onuo ; but before I could mako up my mind as to whether tho alleged want of wator weroall a sham or not, tho skip per shouted something through his speaking-trumpet to thoolHceroii shoro who thereupon gavo somo orders to two of his b!acks,whlch Marled them off llko eyhound.s. .1 They're- gono to tell tlio Scnhor Go- rnador that wo'vo got a Scnhor In- leso 011 board,' said tho skipper ; 'aud ds Excellency will mist likely cometo meet you in person.' "And, sure enough, In about half an -.our Micro tamo round tlio elbow 011110 ill ha'fadozsn soldiers armed with nuakcts, followed by threo men in nlform.the mld-mo-t of whom was on hursoback. Tho moment I touched iho shore, tho governor (for ho It was) dismounted, and grooved mo with r. bow that would havo mado Iho fortuno of a courtier. "'May you llvo a thousand years, most potent Scnhor Gobernador,'sald 1, in my best Portuguese. " 'I kiss tho dust beneath your feet, noblo and valiant senhor.' replied he, with a second no; which an nut mauo good his words. 'If his English Excel lency would so far honor my poor house as lo coiuo within Its walls, it- would bo my hlghoit lileasuro to enter tain him. Will tho noblo Scnhor Ingle.so lu pleased to mount, and fjllow " 'Noblo scnhor', said tho govornor, 'you will pardon my leaving you for a fow momculs, whllo I sec whether all is ready for tho ontortainmont of yoursolf nnd tho ofllcors of tho colony, who do mo tho honor of dining with mo to-day; In tho meanlltno, let mo bog of you lo consider my honso and all that is In it ns cntlroly your own.' "'Well,' thought I 'this comes of traveling; I might havo waited long enough boforo any 0110 would havo dono as much for mo in England.' "And I had reason to think so a few mlnutcj lalor, whon I found myself seated at tho governor's right hand, over ns good a dliineros ovor 1 ate.wlth fifteen gontlomcn in uniform on each sldo of tho table. Thoy wcro all strong nnd rather flno-looklng men, with a brisk, buslness-llko air about them which I had not remarked in tho ofll cors I mot at Rio, who were, for tho most part, us confirmed 'Joafera' ns over lounged nbout n boulevard ; but every faco at tho tablo woro ft curious expression which struck ment once, a watchful kind of look, llko that of a sen tinel on guard, tho result, as I conclud ed at tho lime, of their constant sur veillance of dangerous convicts. Tho governor himself, now that I got agood view of hlm.was a handsome, dignified looking old fellow, with a he.ivy mus tacho and board that gavo him almo.st tho alrof a cuirassier; but thoro was something I didn't llko about his eyes, a shifting, restless look.such as I havo neon onco or twico in tho oyo.s of a vicious horso. Still, nothing could pos sibly bo moro courteous than his man' nor to mo, as ho helped mo to tho best of tho good cheer, aud congratulated mo on having arrived at a time when tho larder was well stocked ; whereas they had been wofjlly slr.ii'rhtenod tibout a month before, tho rou;'h weath er preventing tho arrival of supplies, nnd tho is'aud it elf affoid'T-r nothing but fish and fruir. "As to tho dinner I'm not going to descrlbo it. Tho old govorno- took tho lead- keeplnup thoconvoisa Ion when "At last wo camo out In front of tho llttlo Jolty, whero, lo my great delight, I found tliosklppcrjust going on board. Tho governor, wishlnp mo every pros perity, tool: a ceremonious leave of me; whllo I, standing up In tho atom of tho boat, rnponded ns usual, 'May your Excellency llvo a thounnd years! And may it bo aslong before T sco you ogalnl' added I, mentally, ni wo shot away from tho shore. "Well, sonhor," cakb.l tho sklppar, with 0110 of I1I3 peculiar grini, as, a fow liouw later, wo watchrl tho receding coast of tlio Island, "how did his Excel lency's hospitality ploa 10 you V" '"Tho dinner was worthy of Dou So bastlati,' answered I; 'but I can't say as much for tho company. It soems to mo, my friend, tlutyou'roamongrath or a suspicious set.'" "'What would you have, scnhor?' ropllcd ho with a shrug : 'wo poor fel lows must llvo somohow ; and with tho blessing of tho saints wo manago to mako our tradoke?p us. I'm suro sueli a .noblo seuhor would nover think of saying nuyt'alng that might harm n poor contvabandisla who has had work to got g irllo to his broad I' 'i "Tho appeal wasaf rcibloone; and it was rendered additionally oonvlnelng by the f ict that not a .nan of tho crew was without a weapo-i of soma kind, wlil'o Iio.io3t Diego hicoselfh.nl a braco of vrry busluesj Hko pis' jlsstttek in his waistband, and a knifo nearly f a long ai a b.tyotieton lilaslde. t reflected that after nil, it was no business of mine, an I that It would be cruel to worry a gang of poor devils who had never dono mi; any harm ; so I answered very read ily that the nocret was porfeclly safo with mo. "Now then, lol'.s bo moving: wo shall get back to Chamouni in time for tlio table d'hote if wo step m,."Jkcry Saturday. Humorous. "I mounted iiecortllnnly ; for thoy hud a horso all ready for mo, just as If I had been expected ; and wo rodo round tho hill, and though a small plantation, to tho prottloit llttlo villa lmaglnablo,lluo un enlarged duplicato of my Jiummlug bill's ne-jt nt Potropoll.s. t seemed inclined to lag, and sending round tho wino ns If ho had tho key of tho imperial cellar; aud toast3, songs, jokC3, storic3, followed each other in unbroken succeisinn H'l X corld almost havo fancied myself at a bo .ting-sup-per at Oxford. A : Inst I began to think it was about tlmo t bo mo lag ; so I luiiied to tho Govo jorand srid, 'Mcjt illustrious Sonhor Gcbe' nador you havo kindly introduce 1 me to tho b"fc din ner and tho gayc-,1 socioty I have over had tho pleasuro of mooting ; but now do mo ono favor more, and obl'ga mo with a siht of tho couvlcln.' "Along tho wholo table, as I spoke, ran Uo romo extraordinary gc'n which had perploxcl rao somo hours before on tho face of tho skipper; but tho Gover nor moiely bowed, and replied simply Sonhor, somes tod03 dogradadc3' (wo a -o nil convicts I) 1 won't attempt to dctcr.bo my san3ation3 at thsanrounco ment. "'Qood heavens I ' said I; 'your Ex cellency surely cannot moan that all theio noble gentlemen rouno tho tablo arc-are what you mentioned ?" " 'Ever-Miian of them.'iepliodf ooid geullemon, looking round with an air of pircntal pride chat would havo be titled tho mother of tho Gracchi ; 'we aioall pjlkohere.' . "'But in that fe,' stammered 'your Excellency' own self(l hirc'ly da 0 hint such a thin?) must bo a a " 'Prm-No'v t-o.' nim'.vr "1 li'i with a boo'inant s ii'Ih: 'f'm c 1 tvldt, to i, 'hooldr -'of tUm loll I -'"v tiiv.l -pTolilets; whilo tin governor, evidently Harden oy my cmol'on p"oc:edod to point out in tie tall all tho varied beauties of his coMec tlon. 'This gentloman on your r'ght,' ho heran, wllh tho alrof connoisseur cril'e'.sing an undoubted Titian, 'signal ized himself by oun tho boldest nets of vengeance on lecord scaling tho wall of an enemy's houso with n knifo between his tcslh, and slaying him on the spot. Unfortunately (and yet not unfortunately, as it procured mo tho pleasuro of my friend's acquaintanro) thos'.aln man happened lo bo tho rear relation of nu otllclat of high rank: ncod T say moro? Tho sonhor on my left hand had an unhappy difference w.th his .fo (who alonu was to blamo In tho matter) ; ho attempted to sootho her 'with ndoieof medicine, which un happily succcsdc 1 ill : you will divino tho re3t. Tho two gentlomen next In order wero concerned In nuherolcat tack on tho houso of an obnoxious min ister somo tlmo ago ; and certain Jowols being mlsjsd, suspicion wrongfully foil upon them. As to the scnhor oppos-iie' "And so on for anothor quarter of an hour. In lact, ns old Virgil says In that pa lago that Used to puslo mo atElou, 'if I had a hundred tongues, and voice of iron, I could not reheaiciu all their crimes.' SuiUeo it to say, tliatofall tho villains then unhanged, tho most atro cious appear to bo the?o friendly, opon hearted gontlomcn with whom I had been hobnobbing so affably for tho last hour. At last, when tho Governor paus ed for 11 moment to tako breath, I ven tured to Inquire what achievement had arnod him his promotion. "Nothing very Important," answer- oil ho carelessly ; "merely an absurd story about somu forced nott 1 that ap peared ouu morning." "This was tho Iu-.t straw which broko tho camel's back. I Instantly recol lected that I Had at least a dozen things of tho last Imporlanco to say to thesklp per, and must go on hoard iignln at once; whllo tho Governor, lamenting my untlinoly departure, announced his intention of seeing mo down to tho shoro. a courtesy whlchjl could very woll Havo dispensed with: butthohoat and tho Governor's stories, nnd tho ro cont startling revelation, had eo upset me, that ( ns i'nicA's bailor enys) "you might ulmost Havo knocked mo down with tho butt end of a nuiskot.""AU tho way down to Ihobcfich-I felt as If every bough that brushed my clothes wero trying lo pick my pocket, and f9 If tho very ground under my feet wcro going to start up, and knock my brains out A Janesville. Wiscor.-io. trlrl fright ened her serenaders away by falling out of tho window. "Kcrosenility" is the l.tMt character ization of old women v'io aro conti.t uallv isnltlntr themsolvia with kero sene oil." Why waa Robinson Crttsoo unable (o get up an oyster slow? Becauso iio hadn't tho skill-it required. Lock Ha von has a mon so bow legged that ho has his panlalootis cut with a circular saw. Tho following questions aro proposed for discussion In a debating society : "How many is llvo? and why?" "What Is ducks ? and how ?" "Is it or Is it not ? and whence ?" In Iowa thoro blooms a newspipor which tells ot'a nro thU3: John Bald win of Grundy County, owned a tlefec tlyolluo. He doesn't own it now. L0S3 SbUU. A young man hunting turkeys at, Kalamazoo, Mich., thought ho saw onu In tho grass, but a coroner's jury decid ed that It was tho head of tho farmer who owned tho premises, and was tak ing a nap. A ladv in Lewiston, Me.. ha3 a dres3 which sho has worn overy summer for twenty-llvo years. Tho dry-goods men look upon her with porfectscoru, whllo sho is beloved by overy married man In town. Jano Howard, of Dubuque, wants $1,C00 becauso John Collins said sho would carry off a stovo if It wasn't too hot and too heavy. Peoplo should bo careful how they converao about fctOVC3. Tho Rondout Times his beMi viuti i ized by n traveling "jour." print 't who is descrlbo.l as "a short scrawny Individual, with mora j iw than a gov ernment mulo." Tho Albany (G.i) Central City cim pares a lady on a dashing pslfrey lo "h iMtfi-h sliding, on a slippery sii'i bc.nii." A California man tied ono end c.f a tu iiiturouud his waist and lii-saod a cow wl h Jluiotlmr. He thought ho had lb i cow , iiut ut tho end of tho first hall mim id Ii -sau to suspect mat tuo cow n.ti lim. Tho St. Louis Qlo'je says : "When a Iloston man trios to wind his wate'i with tho door key, he is a llttlo twor trie. Thoy don't sail whisk y there." A Rlo.miitiiilon. l id., jowtiler advur- tises hltu.-ulf by furnishing an Item in which It is stated tli.iivi l irglar enter ud his shop with Intoul to slii.il, bit. ro treated, bcrti.tuiiug "Hie," teirill "! by tho glare of a ilUiiiin 1 ihosiziuru 'tn cup. a. Parisian landlady ri'iiii!sted a Christmas party on tha third 11 jo.- 10 eeao dancing, its a man doiow was uy ing. Tho guests ncqulocol. Return ing an hour later, "My dear children," sho exciaimpii. wuii in imw i" lent smile, "You miy begin ugain- he's dead." A lady wished to have nor husbaanl's life Insured in a ISosuiu olllou thootlur day, giving ns a reasou that s'ae want ed either 11 husband nr somo money, "sho didn't caro which." Sho never expectod bith nt tbo siAtno tlmo. A Main gentleman named Bri k, having an unfortunate proclivity to g n himself In his hat, has publicly nolill 1 1 nil liquor dealers that he will proseci'.n to tho full extent of tho law any on who sens to nun jiny iniosicauiig r- crago. "Sir." said an astonlsho I landlady m a traveler.who had just sent his cup for ward for tho sovonin time, "you muni lm vcrv fond of coffee." "Yes, mad nm.lnm," ho replied, "or 1 never should havo drank so much water to eta little,'' A Rtinoilntondentof nnllcomada 01c an entry In His register from which tho following is an extract : "Tho prison er ECt upon me, cniicti 1110 tin r.!, it jiru clous doit, a senro crow, ragiiiuiuu uuu Idiot nil of which I certify to bo true." A eroeer being EoHc-ikd lo eontilbuio to tho building of a new church, promptly Btibfprlbed His uamo to tho paper in tho following eccentric iiian- lier; JOIIU Jones ituu uuiy inuro in town whero vou can uct 11 pounds good sugnr for a dollar) 23 cents, A babv Had tho misfortune to swal- low tho contents of nn Ink bottle. lis mother, with wonderful presence of mind, immediately iiuminisiereti a i ox of steel penstitid two sheets of foolsrup papor, nnd the child 1ms felt write tvt r tince. A fhort tlmo slnco a Mr. Knoll wis tried in an Interior county of Gei i la for a violation of law. Tho veidiet of tho Jtuy wiis, "Wo And tho diftnt'iirt Knott guilty." Tho juduo un nt a loss whether lo sentence Knott r net to sentence.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers