RATES OP ADVERTISING. r , v u. r ....... i. J, AND ("ruitWKHisi) eveky fhiuay mounino tKTHBt JI."MIIIAM HL'II.DlNa NEAllTHK rooiiT house, mooJisnuno, ta bv CHARLES D. 3ROCKWAY, KDtToii ahd ri'.oritiKTon, Tcrnt-Two Coll&n a Year p iyaHo In advanco, JOB rillllTINQ oralMescrlptlnns oiteculod wllh neatness and illiliii II nl I nt ".mull, ui. n, Oolunibia County Official Dirooiory. lejJrffiilJMitoe Wll.MAM Et.wn.1,1.. sltraclafeJiu'at'-lHAM DJiHU, IsAAO H. MoN- ''"JvooHnrj.itc-IWiint.ru It. HtNnt.r.n. JirnWtr.t Hccorttcr WtM.tAHWN ILJACOIIY. Ihslrlrl Attorney .TAJIKS IIIlYbON, Jit, cirrflT AAIION BM1TII. Nimmvrl A A (' 1 ) K W ITT. 7VMi'rcr WII.MAM LAStov. e7imitiil.niMier.t CYieus llnmilNS, HltiAM J, HUMlKII. Wll.MAM HIIAKI F.lt. Oimmtulonrrt' atrk Wll.t.lAM KulcKliAVtM, AwMnm U. J. CAMl'llEM., DANlKIi Lf.n, CIIAH '.kHCoNNKn. ( uranrr CIIAIU.E, O. MUHVIIV. .;., Vmmlttiou rrj Isaac McliittnE, Jons Ma ('ouiif'v A't'iicrlnlcntffnl-WM, It, BNYbPn. llhmi 7Trr Vi'rfrf-Plrcrtnrs, H, II. Mtl.I.Mi Wll.I.IAM Kr.AJint, llloomsbiirg, nnd Jou.nmoJI I KM.ki!, Greenwood, CiiAiii.ta vonkeu. Bec'y. Eloomsuurg Official Dircotory. J.i cn,,Uri, JlanUnu O.-.ToitN A. FUNKTON I'M tttont. II. II. Gnorz, Cashier. J mt Attltwud iiliU-ClIAH. K. PAxToN.Pies'l , .1. P. Till,. IN. MnIiIiT. I,hn,ihtit I imltl Mulmtt Har(n Villi nml .firm A a , ,.-K JI. Mttms, lWl C. W. Mu.J.vn, S'.. e U. ino, nt 1 IT0 ItitUdin a It wai. I'nAfot a ( W M. 1 UAl et a, I II M,, .i.n. iiuninun, r ... Kb nuMtrt Mutual tiaHnu Jwnti yHjorifllon . J. I i.uwi it I'tcsldciit, C, O. HAr.KLKY, Sec'y. Oliurch Directory. I'llH.UYTElltAS I1IUIIC1I. ffin lir IlfV. Hitftil Mllflif II. ,f . i ,w-ll- A.M.; 71'. JI. , ',7i haul- a A. M. r uia-' ill'"clny. ;!; r. M, St j Irte i.o I'i'WH ictttd; btrnugcrs wcl c inu1. Hlcors:r?1?rirg 7v5irsctory. 1 Ul'.Al.M Iiinl receive d iiiiil lorealonttliG CliI.VJIlMAN Ofllre. OLOTIJIKC), Ac. 1) AVID LOWHK1IKUU. Mcrclinnt'J'nllor.Mnlu t.l.,mnve aiihmiciiti iitnu i . CLOCKS VATCHKH, AC. VA II, tlcnirv In ;ioekn, Wtilchcs ami ' y, ult.inM., Jm-lbolow Iho Amcrlcim ! T si"' HNHAltn, Wntrli iiiul Cloclt maker lliii ' ou'lieiistuiinci Maluuud Iron t,tn. H. AT Al'.'r, WYtch iitid ClocUMater.Mnr ji fc'rtct, helow Main. litinTS AND BUOES. p .M.KNOItlt, Denier in llontd mid Hhocs, latest ii ml lifhl Mylei, enrner Main uud Market S-tlli If, lu the nlll I'nst Otllro. IIKSHY KIjKIM.ilniinfaelmer mid dealer In 11 liOOIK tlllil IjIKICH, UlOCCllCtl, UlC. , Main hi r cut, llluoiasburi.. 1'ltOFESSIONAL. Dlt. II. V. HOWKlt, Him;couDeutibt,Jluiust.i nbuvo lliu Court House, rlt. WM. M, ltr.IIHU, Hnrisetin and 1'liyslclau. Uoili over tho First fiilloiinl linuk. I (1. llAltKI.KY, Allorticy-nt-Law. OHIce.Sd U. floor lu Excliaiigollloek,ueartbe"E5chaUi'e liolul." I I). MoKKLVY.M. D.,Bnrgeoii and 1'hjMlclau J . nurlliHldo Main St., below Market. C. KUTTKlt, M. 1). Surueou and l'liyslclan , Market btrcet, above Mnlu. I II. UOMSON. Attorney-at.I.aw, Oltleu Hart- man's hu!dlu, Main btrtet. (lt. II, V. KINNKY, Surgeon Dentist.- Teith lcMiaci1!! wiiiiiHiipaiiit jiai nearly op- os-iiu j-ipiscopat cnutcu, I It. 1IVANK, M, D Hnrtieon and Vliyslclau, tj southHldoMiuUbtrcet.bclowMaikel. Dli.A. ii. TUHNKIt, I'liyBlelnnaudSiutii'oii.of l!co over KIcliu'H Druii Stoio, lesldi m.'o one door below ttev, D. J. Waller. JtlLLINEKY & FANCY GOODS. I, 1 l'i:Ti:it.MAN, Millinery end K my Ooodfi, II. opposllu i:plst'0.al CIiutcIi,Miilu hi, M ISH 1.1Z7.IK HAItKLEY, Mlliinir, Knmsey liulldlut: Maui stricl, ttlXS M iIUtlllCKSON, Mllllneiy ai.d Fancy 1)1 (iools,Malnst neiow iviariti-i. tlltM. .IUI.IA A A HADK llAltiC'.l . I-ndles' ill Cloaks and Dress l'attcruj, iioui I. imsi rovuer Main and V est sis. inllF, MISHKH IIAK5IAN Millinery and Fancy lOoods Main St., below American Home, HOTELS AND SALOONS. J.'OKKH IIOTP.t by T. Dent, Taylor, eatt end V of Maliibtitel. MERCHANTS AND GROCEH8. CI C. MAItlt, Dry (lnods iiiul Notions, mjuUi- west corner Main and lion Bts. VOX. WF.HII, Confectionery and l.nkny, 1' vholcsalu and tetatl, Exehanse llUu'k. C. IIOWKIt, Iialsaud('nps,I!ootsaudbhoes, Main bt nbovo Court Iloube. Mammoth Grocery, line Gio a. Nuts, l'rovlslou. e Main J . eerles. Fruits, Nuts, 1 Centrefitrt'ets. i 'KKI.VY, NKAIj A CO.,lealerslnDry Goods, III (Itorcrles, Flour, Feed, Halt, Flsh.Iion, Nails, t te.,N, K. cor. Main and Market sts. II, MILI.F.K A PON. dealerM lu Dry Goods, Groceries, Oiicenswiue. Flour, Bait, Hhoes, Notions, elcMalUhl, jriSCELLANEOUS. ft M, CllltlKTMAN, Haddle, Trunk .1 Harnett U. maker, Bhlvo's lllock Main Street. DV, ItOIlIIINS.llquordcnlorseconddoorlrom northwest corner Main ami Iron bts. 11 J.TIIOItNTON, V.'all 1'aper, Window Bhades u. turn nxiures, itiu cri oiock. iiiiu si. H W, COHKl.I., Furniture ltooms, three btory u nriek, Jlalii Hin et, west oi MarKti n. nnonNSTOCK.l'hotOKrapher.over ltobblui. it Fyer's Blore, Main at. I H, KU1IN, dealerln Meal, Tallow, etc.,Chem. 1' berlln's alley, l ear of American House, QAMl'F.I. JACOUY, Marble and Ilrown Btouo uworiiK, i;asi inooinbuurg,icrwics ruau. WM, KAI1II, dealerln fninlture, timiks, cedet " w mow ware, near ine j- orits uoiei, I; II. HI DI.KMAN, Atrent for Munson's Copper ii Tuuuiar i.iifuiuini: uou. n FOHTHIt, White and Fancy Tanner, nud u. ueaier in ice.scouown. E OTK nnd blank NOTKS.with or with out exemntlon.lor ialo ut tho ColumjuaN Catawissa, I) V, DA LLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second HU ii. uouuins' uutiuing. D It. J, K. UOIIIIINH, Burgeon and Physician Hecouu Ht., ueiow jviaiu, f IL1 KItT A KLINE, tlrv I U ueneral merchaudlso, Main Btreet T II. K1BTLKH. "( nttawlssa House," " , Comer Mulu and Becoud Btrects. North KEILElt, Illllard Baloon, Oybters, nnd Ico . ureain in season Aiaiuni. M. M, nitOllST, denier In GeneralMerchandlso ury uoous, uroceries ac. rttlBOITI'TrANNA or Ilrlck lintel. H. Kosten O bander I'roprletor.bouth-eastcoruerMalnaud (Huuim nereui. . H. AHHOTT, Attorney Bt law, Main Bt. Light Stroet. I1: F, OMAN ft Co., Wheelwrights, Urst door UUUVU PtUUU, 41UIIHU, TOI1N A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In ,1 Hoots unit Bhoes 1) B, KNT, dealer lu Btovts and Tin ware In IV' UU III, i branches, m.TElt FNT, Miller, and dialer In all kinds ol x i, luiu, j uur, feed, Ac ah hiiiij. wuium purrnabfii. Espy. ' W. EDG Alt, HliMiiu'liuljim l'lsnlng Mil i 'iHi mix nun isciuring. Buck Horn, M A G. W. II. HHOEMAKI.lt. ilrnliru In drv toods, utciolcrlcs uud ctueral incKhuudbu VOLUME VI. - - NO, 46. Orangovillo Directory. 1J 11. IIKIIHINO A UltOTIir.U.Carpcntersntid Ilullders, Main si., below l'mc. HHICK IIOTKtj nnd refreshment Haloon, by llohr M'llcnry cor.of Main nnd Finest, OH. O. A.MF.GAltUnii.I'hyslclannndSurKcon Main si,, next door to Good's Hotel, DAVID IIEltltING, Flour and Grist Mill, and Dealerln urnlu, Mill Btrect. 1AMF.M I), HAHMAN, Cabinet Maker and Uii ,1 dertaker. Main Bt below l'ilie, SCltltYIilJIl A CO., Iron founners. Machinists and Mnuufaeluieis of plows, Mill Bt. SAMUEIiSHAltl'r.FMH.MnkcroriheHaybnrst Grain cindlc. MaluBt. WILLIAM IIELONG BhoemakeraLrt manulfcc Hirer of llrlrk. Mill Bt wbt ol l'ino Philadelphia Directory. YyTAlNWKIGllT A, CO., M'HOLLBALi: GHOCLItB, N. K. Corner Bccond nnd Arch Stieetb, l'HII.ADEI.l'lllA, Dealers In THAS, SYHUl'B, COFFLE, BUGAH, MOLAN3L3 niCE, ei'icra, m rAnn boda, ic, AC. 4S-0nlcvs will receive prompt attention, may 10,(i7-tf, H AKVEY 11. WALKER, Villi sen koi' r M EAR, it CO., itipoinn AKDJoiinciiHoK ( II IMA, GLASH iND tlUEHNAWAlli:, No ICSNOltlll BIXONDST., I'lULADHU'IIIA, (ii lull ill nsnHed packages of (lueenswnre coiihlnutlv on hand, irljii'7'J.tl. Bncinosa Cards. E. II. LITTLE, AT'IOI'.NEY AT LAW, Ofl'.ce Couil-lInUFo Alley, below tho Coi.vh iiian Ofllee, llloomsbuii; 1'n, BROCJvWAY, ATTOItHEY AT LAW, nr.opMsnur.a, i'A. B" Oi'Kirn Comt House Alley, In tho Co- LUMiiiAK bulldlui;. (Jaul,'(i7. Q W. MILLER, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, OIUco Court Honso Alley, below tho Cor.UM niAp Othee, llountles, llack-l'ny nnd Pensions collected. Hloombburg l'a. scn.aj'67 JOHN M. CLARK, ATTOHNr.Y AT LAW. OFFICII nbovo DkiomsburK, l'a. llowcr's Btorc, Main ttrcet, T 1 EYERLY Has entered lulo the Law nnd Collection busi ness with John G. Freeze, Es q,( Attorney at Law.olllceln llrower's liullulu;;, Maln.Btiect llLOOUSIIIIItll, l'.v. Nov. ljtli, Isii-tf. JJEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAGEN11UCU. Main Blrcet ono door above E. Mondeuhnll's Stoic. A larso nssorlmenl of Moves, Henters and Uauijcs constantly on hand, uud lor sale at the lowest rates. Tinning in all Its branchescarofully attended In, ind satisfaction eunrnnteed. Tin work or nit kinds wholesale and retail. A . lal Is requested. Jau 1'71 B LOOMSHURO HI A II Bt I. 12 IV O It Si s. MAIN S.T1IEFT, 11FI.OW MAIIKET, lll.OOMhllUllO, I'A. Memumenls. Tombi. Headstones. Ac. Work neatly executed. Oiders !v mall will receive special attention, N, II, Work dellvcied lieool chare. T. L. OL'NTON, Fropilelor. octi3'ii-ir. l'. o. liox an. B ARQAINS UAROAINS. quick aAi.rs ako smai.1. TT.nrnH. BAVE YOUH MONEY. Go to HENUY Y'OST. Past HloonislmiL' l'a.. lor all kinds of the Lept home and city lo.tilu - F U It N 1 T U It E , Trltes rcasouablo and Iho be -vjrk drue. Jaul'7-tl "yULCAN WORKS, DANVILLE T A. WILLIAM; II. LAW, Manufacturer or Wroucht Iron llrldiies, Hollers, Gasbolders, Flreprool HulldlnKS, WroitKliI lion jitiumii;, ituoiuii v ranies, r loonug aim ioors, Farm Gates and fencliiL'. also Wrought Iron nln In!, Blacks and all kinds ofKiallh V'oik,Ac, leenaira promptly ntieiHieo i. r.ii, jjinwiugsautt i!.biimaies suppiiu. oct27'71-!y. JERNHARD STOHNEU v. ouki iniorm uisirienus unit tue puniictuai ho has taken possession ol THE OLID STISTDD, In tlin Kxclinnuo lllock. hn loiii: nccunlcil bv hhn ami will cany on tliu biuhichb ut a F 1 11 S T- C L ASS B A K K It Y , Ho brlutri tnllio busimKnn cxiMTlonruoi inanv yuirsHiicI iissuim tlin rumiminity Unit lit ill immMi inn ju ki ti nicati,taia'S,jtniJ,uin'Uii,tVo, IkhIi c-iry liny. Hi jiu)he8 nlso in lucpoii liaml u Iiuku ninl veil asor(cd stuck ol FINK COXFJiCTJONKllY, nr all smiles, French oaiullcs nml tlm-oof iln juthtic mnmtfaw uui, always tn bo bail, wlmli-salti unci ulall at lowrht iatrn. AUJnlnlti t lib Ualttiy and Conkctloiuiy in u wall cutabllslicd Avlicromnv bo found Alo nml I.nccr. ami Ito- liftthiut'iilH. OvstorHJn season nnd iho vniluus little ill HcitclLSWliicJi suit tbo nubile taste. Thuio ih aibo u FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, ovortlie confectionery Moro, wlioro ladU-Nnnd Ut iitkiucn can obtain the best of Jce Cream lu beubou, A fair fcliaro of tho rubllc (tislom Is rcniicstrd uim uuimuibiit ou fci uicu iu cuhiiio iui iiic tlon aprit ii),7MI N EW DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM HavlliK iurilintd lie I.usliuss ol V, 1', Liuz now olltis at Iho oUI fcltind, a eLoleeasboitnieu ue DHUUB, CIIEMiyAU'), I'ATENTMEDICINFB, TOILI.T AltTICLFB, FANUY.tOAr.?, llHUBHEy,ilcic. And n tencinl nsmilintnt of Iho choicest good osuallv loiind in llifeteliisHeslablishmenls. Phiblcluiib' PiiKCrlplloiis uud Family lleolpes Cuielully Compounded, On hiiudajs, opin IrumSn, m,, to 10 a. m,,aud J l out .JI, 111,, 11)1 'i 111, , OEltMAN AND EN U LIB 1 1 SPOKEN, ftb i)'7a-lf TASUIONARLEDRICSS MAKING A: Mrs, L. Jluwlev. Allium. Fabhiouahli Dress MaUer.nnd .'leather of llrlgg's uiirlvnliid sybteinor uiiuig uy measure, lu tiiospeediest moat slylisli and I erftct manner, muses, Pol. iinnlso and all ludleV und misses' garments, lu vltes ii cull from nil wlshluu to learn lh din. grain, or lo huvo rultlnu nud lining of suits elouuus well as lu 1'hiluelelphl.i, uud at muder. aLulateu. Bulls unido to oidir. Cull. Ihlld door nbovo Sin, 111 obbt'a Horo, Mulu Mint, below UHiiroiiii, wiseeiiu. Oct. 11. IWA-StU. MltH. U. IIAWI.EY MILTON, L MincollauGono. rvENTIBTItY. H. O. HOWEH. DENTIBT. ltespectfttlly olfcrs his prolesslonnl services to llio lauies alio Rsuiieineii oi jiioonibourie auo vi' elnlly. He Is prepared lo attend tn nil Iho Yarl mis operations In the lluoof his profession, nnd Isprnvldeil with tho latest Improved 1'oucr.r.AlN Truth which will ho Inserted on gold platlnis stlverand rubber base lo look ns well nsthe uat nrnlteeth. Teeth extracted by nil tho nowauif mostnpproved methods, and all operation, on tho teeth cnrclnlly nnd propcily nttended to, Residence and ofllee n row doors ahovo ttc Court House, sn mo side. Hloomsburg, Jan.1'71 ly jKSUBAN 0E AGENCY. Wj online fl'CO.Ut- .MtllH i.uni.r'K Orient fieo,lliO lleiytil m I.Herpno! lP,0"().tl0 jiaoviiiu .Mutual , ii Hprliialleld ., ftfu.oH Gormnnln, N. Y 5Xi.OfO Ititeruntloiial N ,Y 1,(69,;Bj rnrmers' luinvliie,, Mi,n i Lnnraslcr lily iMViOl Heme 2,OU',fOU FltEAB HltOWN. Auent. niM2l'7I ly, HLooMsnuno l'a, H INK LEY KNITTING MACHINE THE SlMl'I.LST, CHEA1TBT AND 11KBT IN UHKI HAS HUT ONE NEEDLE I A CHILD CAN HUN IT! Defclgiicd eti eclally for Iho use of famlllts.and tidlesvhoeletlretoknlt for tho ranrket, Will do eeiy slllch of the knllllnB In a Mccklng, wldeulugiind nnttciutiig ns rendlly ns by hand. Are spl ntlltl lor woislrds eiid fancy work, TAKING HVH DIlILllENT KINDS OF BTl'lCHI Alo eiy eny tn manage, nnd not llnlilo to i.e.1 out of older, Eeiy Family should line one, We want an Agent In eM-ty tovn to Introduce and n II Ihiin.to vhem wei l!ir the most liberal Inducement?. Bend lere.ni CliculnrandSnmplo Bloclcliig. Atldrtss. HI INK LEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., tiiiv, 10," l-ly. lluth, Me. C. II OWE It, has opened n flrst-ciosn UOOT, SHOE, HAT CA1. AND X- CIS WOIiH. nt ihcoldstaudon MaInRlreet,llloomsburg,afei7 dooisnbovo thoCourt Houn. 1 1 Is stock is com posed of tho very latest nnii be-stbtyles ever oHer- accommodate tho pubilo wllhlliofollowlnggoods nt the lowest rales. Men's heavy double soled iu luueiio'.eusoi e.oiuinoia uoiinty. iiocan oia boots, men siloublo and slncrle tan snipri Ip boots, men's heavy slogn shoes ofnll kinds. men's tlno boots and shoes of nil grades, hoy's double soled boots and.shocs of all kinds, men's glove kid llnlmoral shocs,men's, womc!i's,bojs's and misses' lasllnggnllers, women's glovo kid Polish very tliii,women's morocco linlniornlsntid call shoei, women's very flue lcld buttoned gait ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg ged nnd sewed. He would also cull attention to his tlno assort ment of ATS, CAPS.FUItS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil tho new and populni vari eties at pricenwhlclicannotfalltosultnll. Theso goods nio oll'ered nt tho lowest cash rates nud will bo guaranteed toglto satisfaction, A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains aro to be foand man ni nny oiucr piaco in tno county. jhu i i THE ORANGE VI LLE MANUFAC TUHING COMPANY. MANi)FAC"im:Er.s or AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of tho most Approved Patterns. Its 1 1 1 Kcarinir, .loliliiiiir, mid C'n.sliitgM of all descriptions. HEALERS IN General Mcrcliaiiilisc, Lumber, Ac,, Ac. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo would announce to tho public In cenernl that wo have taken tbo well known Agricultur al Works oi this place and shall mako it oiirnlm to mauutactiiro First Class1 Agricultural Imple ments equal tonuy other makeis In tho Btale, oei.it Tltrr.sliiu? Itlncliiitcs, IIolli Lover and Tread Power. IMous oTcvci'- licscriiitiaii, among which will bo tho celebrated KNOIJ MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by nil to ba tho best rlow extant lor UiOiJiiucr. Alsotho Cltnniiilon, Stents' Patent ami The Jllontrosc. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, t'nltlt iltOI'S, Iron liv.HlCN, ::nel Castings of cvety description. Wo tliall use nono but tho best materliilsiiiid employ nono but roinpeleut and experienced mechanics and our prices will 'ompuiu mvoiauiy wiiuauyotuer manuiaciur- i. Country Produce. Lumber. Old Iron, taken In exchange). Wo also havoa stole lu evinnectlon wiin our Agiiciniiitai work, wncro may no louuii a lull assortment ot jii.ki.iiap.)iii. w bieh will bo sold nl small profits. Give us u call I eloio liiiiol.aslug clseivhero and wo guar auleo sallslaclloli. miren.' ,-ii . V EEotola. r1HE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'A. Tho underslcned would Inform the travelling pulillolliat ho lias luken tho above mimed estab lishment unit thoinughly refitted tho biuno lor tho perfeet.convenlenceof his guests. His larder will lie, stocked with the best the market allords, Tho choicest liquors, wines and cigars alwuyH to uu iuuuii 111 uim unr, WILLlAil I'MIII, Espv, l a. 17 J- Uit won bmg and ' THORNTON would nnnnnncototho e lllzenKoflilooinii lid vlclultv. that he iia Jutd iicvivedulull nud coiupleto nssortmeut ol WALL PAPElt, WINDOW BlIAHES, FlXTUisra, COItDS, TASaKLS, nnd nil oilier goods In Is line of business. All tlio newest and most approved patterns of thu day are always to be found tn Ills establishment. mar.5,'()9.tf .Main Bt. bolow Market, CABIIYINQ THE UNITED STATES MAIL BETWEEN York, Cork awl Ifrerpl. NEW AND FULL-POWERED HTE A M 8 H I P.q , OCEANIC, HEI'IIHMO, BALTIC, CELTIC, GEltMANIU, lllllTTANIC, AIUHATIC, ATLANTIC, Balling I10111 Now York on BATUI tPAYH, from t.lerpoiii on TllllKBDAYB. call lug nt eJoiic Harbor each way, From tho Whlhi Hlar Dock, I'nvonlii Ferry, Jersey Clly, Passenger accommodations (for nil classes) umlvulled, combining BAFLTY, BPEED, AND COMFOUT. Kalonns, slnle-roouis, smoking-room nud bntli looms lu mldbhlp btcllou, whero leu si motion U lull. , Burgeons nud tlcwonlcssm- accompany theso bleituieis, HATm-Bulouu.ttSOKOld. Blcemgo, IMcurren ey, 'llioso wlslilug tiibcnd lor Irleuds Horn tho Old Country can now nbtnlu tlecrago prepaid ccrtltloutrs. S3.'! currency. 1'usseiigiiu booked to or from nil parts of Aiuerieii, l'aris, Hamburgh, Nonruy, Bwedon, Jndlu, Australia, China, Ac. limits lrom tl upwnids, For Inspection ol Plans and other Information. niiply at the Com) nuy's unices, No. lUllioadwuy, New York. Jau. IS7i. J, 11. BlViHKS, Ascut, BLOOMSBURGr, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1872. THE MAMMOTH GKO0ERY J. II. '31 A I V. 12, Main st., corner of Centre, Wooiiis burg, Fn. litis nn cxtcnslvo slock of FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, which ho ofrers to tho rubllc nt tho very lowest CSilSH PRICES. HI, goods are Iho best in tho market, and aro sold at rales so low that liocaunot sell on cred it. Ills plan Is to have first class goodsaud sell fur cash. FOR CASH AND CASH Hloonisburg, Oct. 11th, 1S72. ONLY. TO INVESTORS. To those who havo funds to Invest lu largo or small amounts, or who wish to Increase their income from moan, nlrcady Invested In other less profltnblo rocurlties, wo recommend, after full Investigation, tho Hovcn -Thirty Gold Bonds ol tho Northern raclflc llallroad Company. Hearing seven nud thrco-tentti, p;r cent gold Interest (equal now lo kj currency.) and sold nl par, they yield nu Income, considerably rnoro thanono-thlrd greater tlianU, S, 5-20's. They aro Coupon nnd Ileglslered, tno lowest denomi nation belng.flOJ, tho highest SlO.tCO. Nearly one-third of Iho Main Lino of tho Itoad will ha comploled nnd In operation wllh u largo business tho present season. Alt Iho properly and rights of tlio Comp.uiy, ncludlng a most valuable Lmd GrAiit, iivcrajlug about 21,000 acres per mlio of road nra pledged ns eccuilty for tho llrst morlgago bond, now olleioil. All marketable stocks and bonds aro received lu exchaugont current pneo. Dotcrlptlvo pam phlets audmnps.showlug Hon o of rend, Connec tions, Tributary Country, Ac., will bo furnished on application. JAYCOOKHACO,, New York, Philadelphia nnd Washington. Financial Atcnts A. 1. Ji. Ii. Iloud.i for salo In Uloomshurg by the Frst Na tional Hank, nud Il'oomsbutg Hank'Mg Cum pany, Oct. IS, :S72-lw. QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. O. 8LOAN A BUOTI1EP. Ilnvo on hand and forsalo ntthn most. r,vin.'n- bio rules n splendid stock of CAHKIAGES, BUGGIES, and evory description of Wagons both TLAIN AND FANCY warranted lo bo made of tbo best nnd mod ,tnr. ablo materials, and by tho most experienced woikmen. All work sent out lrom tlio estab lishment will be found to beof tho highest claas nud sure to give perfect satisfaction. They have also a flue assortment of HLUIQIIS ofnll tho newest nnd most lnshlonnblo styles well nud carefully mndo and ol tho best mater- min. An Inspection of their work is nked ns It 1 believed that none superior can be found in tho country. iHI, 171 THE BEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST i-yTT) ITlTn TY I 1 ATfllCI 1 Ui J 1 ) I J Vl V l tiow in uso aro tho . MmitnilV ftlntY P.iiiii c llXOllLOlll OltlLO a. tlllllS. ThCV COVer one-tllltd morn Ktirrncr. lnet lntifrnr and eost less than Whlto Lend, tho place of ui -.Kiy ueueniuy lamog wnero eeiuiomy, immunity and uentness aro Desired, Hear what our Practical Painters says : II UlVCS ine prent nlen.nro to wrnTiimpw T-nnr r-iuioi-ainis ns supplying a need wo he.voloug .en, nun uverroiiuiig a great eumcuity, which has long been acknowledged by all practical 1 uui ei, naiuriy 1110 oxioniion 01 wnite i,cau, llV llio ntmnsnliere. rnoslllfr It. In erlimhln nr chalk oil. I 11111 satisfied thev w 111 imlut one.tblrd mnro surlHconiul In a better manner than nu otner I'iniiiku.llluiutYVI MStU, GEO. C. GOULD. Kingston, June S3. 1'7?. We e liecrlully coiicur tn llio nbovo opinion ex pressed by Mr. Geo. C. Gould. 11. H. VANNA1TA. A. W. MON HOE, B. F.HIOKB, Hlooinsburg, r.n. MINI) lllll l llll i; LIST, AND SAMl'I.KC.Vlltl. DItEHEll, 11E.YY A CO., Bolo Mnuulactureis, i.ept, i!,';2-:!ni. unpen, 111, iir.A-rnr.RY's IiilliroKil Cai-uni1, rllunil I'liuili. 'Insleless, Dmnblo, Kllleieiit nnd Cheap. Tho best Pump for the least mnuey, Attention is I'speclully invited to mutch lev s I'ntont Ilniuovcd Hrnek- c I and New Drop Check Valve, which can bo withdrawn with out lemovlug tho 1 .imp or iiiiturning 1110 joints. Also, tho Copper Chamber, which never ei.icks or scales, and will outlast any other. For snio bv Deiitpi-M oervwhero. Send lor CnUiloguu and I'rlce- Msi. CHAs. 1?. Hr.ATCiir.sv. MTr. fjOacommiieoBI., PhllJida.P.i DR. CATtPENT 13r7 130 MULliERRY' STREET, NEWAHK. N. J. Is now treating buccosstullv. Ciiitsiimiition. llronclilf.s. and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, wllh bis COMPOUND MEDICATED INHALATIONS, I.U.. eii,.. x 11 1 1 Li' .uia COUGH HYltUP. During tho past ten years Dr. Carpenter has treated and cured thousands of cases 01 tho nbovo named etlseases. and has now lu hin not. session eerllflcntes of cures trom every part of luocouniry, 1110 inusisuuu is ureuiueu uirecny into tho lungs, soothing and healing over nil Inllameet hiulaces, entering Into tlio blood. It Imparts vltulliv as it permeates to every part of the, system Thu beusatlou is not unpleasant nnd the llrst Inhalatlonlolten gives very decided idler, particularly wheu there is much dliliculty ofbrealblmr. Uudcr tho lnllucuco of mv reme dies, tlio cough sooii crows easier, tho night sweats cease, tho beetle lleuh vanishes, and with Improving digestion the patient rapidly gains sttength, und lien 1 tli Is again within 11 la grasp, 'Hie Oint-riilriitcil loud rapidly builds up tho must debilitated palicut, presenting to the stomach food nil icadyto be assimilated and loiulo Into erood. rich neullliy blood. 'Hie I'ouirli Si run Is to be taken at nlaht lonllc vlalo tho couth und enablo the patient lo obtain sleep. .'u(lrcceWrtriceHi'iunie(!Ci box 1 ij tcttu'fcj, uifci conifer 0 One Inliuhr I line llnlilo o 1 lllcrnthe Inlinlnnt 1 One uoliie 01 Miotiuuir nuriiiiKe imiaiiiiii t uno ltottlc or lull Ilu-iiiorrlniiitc Inhalant! lino iiMiiiniuiit-i'iiirine'ii reuuj uu. inline u iuujii Si run. Price of Ho containing remedies In Inst moulli.slu! two months. S lb! tbreo lilou Bent to uuy nddrcss C. U, D, Pumphlets milling laigo list, ui puiieuia cureu sent Letters ol luqulry must contain uno dollar sure answer. Address. 1. 11, wrv i, 1 11. a.., , . 1-will 1. , 11 , Dr. Oaiii-kntmi'b OATAItllH ItEMEDY will L'lu Imificdintu lellel. nnd will elleet a neiuia- . 1, , . l,m..X!'P'I If 11 Vnn.l. uent ciuo In lrom ouu to lluee months, Prlco eif lemedylo last ouu mouth, 5: two mouths, is; tlino mouths, (10, t'AMiilt in nil lis forms suerettfuily treated. Bend lor list of imtlenu cured, to A. 11. CAUl'EN'lElt, M. 1., Newark, N. J, Julysilyi' i is 1 1PAHPC1 1 riAl 1I1,II)BI There Is ft AuLja lb LUUKllLluM oiiKATiicsii For tho Now Splendidly Illustrated Edition of 3 iincaino it is tiio most fascinating nnd popular WMxim. only tJ.tjOensy worm ta.u'. is a uieai 1111, t - ni t,.u in wl fust, 'lr t-inu or thin nml nur now jiiebllolllblee.iar tue niosi compute sujieruiy ii- liibtrnteHl und lust-sellliiK edition extuut. alto, iho "l'ocke t companion, worth lit) to uuy look ' . . . . . - . iH'enl.ient lleo Wrilo nl once, slating wbeio lilt niw this, lu HlllDAHD llltOH., upr,vo-ir piibii iurs,7ii Bnmeiiii--i,1phii. Si ' 2 Poetical. a si:cm:t. It is jnnrs?cret ntidmluolovcl Ah mo I how tho dreary rain, Willi n. slow persistence all day long, Dripped on tlio window pnno I Tho chamber was weird with shadows, And dark wllh the deepening gloom, Whcro you In your royal womanhood Liy walling for tho totnbl They had loled you nil In white, love, In your hair was n slnglo rose! A mnrblo rose It might woll havo boon, In Its cold nnd still roposa t O, paler than yonder enrven saint, And calm ns tho angels nre, Yon teemed so near mo, ray beloved, Yet were, alas, so far I I do not know If I wept, love. But my soul roso up nud said! "My heart Bhnll speak unto her hoar!, Though hero Bho Is lying dead I I will glvo her a last lovo-token That shall bo to her a situ In tho dark gravo-or beyond It I Of this deathless lovo of mine." So I sought rao n little scroll, love, And thereon In eager haste, Lest another's cyo should read them, fiomo mystic words I traced. Then closo In yourclasped flniers, Closo In your wnxcu limiJ, I plnccd tho scroll as an amulet, Sniu you would understand I The secret Is yours nud uiluc, love I Only wo two may know What word shone clear In tho daiknesi Of your smvo so green nnd low. But If, when wo meet horcalter, lit Iho dawn of n fairer day, You whisper theso mystical words, love, It Is nil I would havo lo say I -Tho MtWic. Miscellaneous. IMPORTANT RAILROAD SUIT. hkcwiov or .ii'uni: haicdinc. Iho Wllkes-Harro nnd Plilla-" delphla Hallroad Company v. In tho Court of Common Pleas for tho Cotinly nf Lu tin rno, slttlnulnEqul- ty. No. October T. The DruvllU, Hnzlolon and Wllnes-uairo uauroaii Co., tlio Susquehnuna Cool Co., Hlmon 1'. Knse, and Jos, E. Btlckuey. I 1S7Z. R11I0 to fhow cdtiso why special In junction shall not bo dissolved. diuigo naming siucr roviowniR 1110 liiatory of tlio eitso at 1,01110 length, pro ceeded m follows: In disposing of tlio matter now, it is not necepsary, nor would it bo either proper or possible for ino to go into tho general merits of tlio controversy exist ing between theso rival corporations. That can only bo dono after llnal hear inc upon bill, answer and ovidenco. All that is immediately requisite may bo summed up in tlio inquiry, Havo tho plaititiUs exhibited to us such a clear statutory right to tlio lino of tho railroad as set out in tho bill, accompa nied by such a showing of facts indicat ing on tlio part of tho defendants, not only a present, but a contomplatod fu ture anil permanent invasion thereof, ns should indtico a chancellor, under tho established rules governing Chan cory Prnctico, to discharge this rulo 1 Wo put tlio inquiry in this form, and shnll discuss it in this order; because, practically, and in ciiect, tticcasu stands now 111 tnosamo position us iiiougn no special injunction had been issued. In otner wort s. it may no cousitiereu aa an application ilc novo on tho part of tho DiaiutllB lor n special 111 unction Tlio nlaiiitiflH. in tho llrst placo.profTor an act of tho General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An Act to Incorporate tho Wlilcos-Jsarroand X'nll miMilll" avuuiuiiu wuiltauj, -uijuuvJU ., 1 .1 .. 1. ! , 1 : 1 f !, 1 April ltll, ltjlKl. isy inu terms 01 11113 net. inero was irnnfpil tn thn nnrnnrntlnn thn rlnlif. tn build and construct a railroad from a nnint on tho lino of the road of tho Littlo Schuylkill Navigation Railroad nnd Coal Company, and connecting therewith, at or near tlio Junction of tho East Uranch of tho Littlo Schuyl kill river: thonco up tho said stream. and down tlio Black, or Nescopec creek to tno coal uain. Known as tno Wyom ing coal field, and terminating at or near tlio town of Wilkes-Barre. in tho county of Luzerne, or by such other route as may bo deemed practicable ;" anil also tho right "to lay out and con struct branch railroads, not exceeding ten miles in length, and to connect with other railroads;" prohibiting, however inocorporation irom constructing"tiieir railroad, or any portion thereof, upon any route." boforo that tlmo granted to any other company whoso location had noon made, and tno construction com menced, in good faith, within nino months from tho passngo of tho act. tho act or incorporation lurtner pro vided, that tho road should ho com menced within ten years from tho date of tlio grant. jiy it supplement, approvea April 17th, 1S00, tho corporation was author ized "to connect their railroad with tlio Philadelphia nnd Erio railroad, at or 11 cur Northumberland, or Sunbury, or at such nolnt as their engineers may select, so as to form a continuous lino of railroad, of uniform gaugo, from tlio Wyoming coal lieut to tno namor 01 Erie, by tlio best practicable route, and miiv also make connections witli any other railroad, or railroads, now auth or zed. or constructed. leading to or forming part 01 a 11110 01 rtuirottu icau- ng to tlio city 01 riuiniiciphia ; ami for llio said purposes may cross any other railroad or railroads, at graduj" and so much 01 llio original net ns ro nu red tho company "to commenco tncirroati at any point on tnaioi 1110 L tt oSc uiv k 111 Navigation Railroad anil Coal Company,' and further design noted tho routo 01 tno roan, was ro pealed It will hardly bo questioned that this act of nssemb v together witli tho sup- plcmcnt, gavo to tho plaintiffs, prima facie, the right to locato a ranroau on tho lino now in controversy. Truo, tno legislation is exceeding general in its terms, being totally destltuto of any- thing illto specialty, or tieiinttcncss as to location, exoopt as between given fiiii. iriiifl. nnwnvor. is nv nn innnni an anomaly in moacm icgisiativo crants. particularly to railroad compa incs ; on 1110 contrary, 11 is 1110 common exerclsoof tho right of eminent domain inherent in tlio legislative body. Bo. sides It must bo remembered that wo havo not lu our Ktato tho English sys Secretary of State. Having llius Eeen mat inu jiiaiuuiis possessed a leglslatlvo grant to locato their railroad botween tho tervxini incu. tloned lu tho bill, tho inquiry then bo- onmoa iirmnrfnnr. enneerninf' inn i mo nnd innuiier in which this grant was ft I sought to bo enjoyed. In other words, bduuhi, lu uu vnjuyi.ii. ju uiuii nuiua, did they within a reasonable tlmo enter upon tho excrclso of their franchlsoto tho extent and lu tho manner necessary to secure Its enjoy incut to tho exclusion of all comers? Did they actually locato their road ver tho territory in eontroyersy ; and eus 1 11 mi, icici inn uivy uu u, unu iivieuii. Ho. I l,n. ,t., II ,, I.l,.-V L , .. , f.n,,,.ri.tnii T mnu .nv Mint III tills COllllCtllOll 1 may hllV, Uiat tho location of a railroad consists III I ,i.i.,,. ,,i n,n ,,ir ll,w, iLoi-onf '"" "'h ""' " ...... ...v. v.. , and 111 setting Makes, or erecting such llllVU line ill HI" Ullliu lliu uiisucilojB- - - - 1, , ...... iui mui, , iiii.ui;ii. 111 Hi"."'" iwuuij, uuu loilil il 1 1 B tl t ll lit ml POnilltlnil MlN 11 teni, whlcli requires tho datum lino to that ho found marks of a recent survey, menced In 16G7 to construct thereon ttmI di apidiucu conuniou. jura. jj. 1st onefbo surveyed and defined boioro tho which mem-rcii with tno original ioca- their railroad, und completed it to Cat- oncouiueieu miu m mu fuui uuu uh lhs.l-'.ij I r..,nl.tn 1 nrnnlnil . nn ltmn il'A f lin I tioil lit Soltllll lltl 4 HahL Itnlnli. tlin i"!,,. I ,tocii In i n l.,lt nf 1C7II II I l.lllni- Mnmnnliru UT alinll nnvni- nni.. ..." 1 Inrcnti D.iQlnm iirlitiili rrnnli-na fhn I let LOCK, at AHIltlnnt'li nnnrtlin l.'.irrln'a I Tl- n lit! lint lin nvnrlnnL-.il In t lila i.nn. I r 1 TTn..... 11 nnll...i 1.1. , ml, Hill U VI S3 V J OJ OIVU. If.l.v. .V. I ....vw - 1 ...v. 4...,. u . ,v ,..,, uvuu iv,,uuhvm.u tl vutf I jp 1(J1JIVI VUU, J,J.U!ir , VJLV I tl I ill UII II 19 torn- final location, as i soon m , It Juu. Jieeii do- Nest and at a .point "tar Si'lels!!l""y; V1, .l,h!!t.,tiV J.0.'0." J "".a .V"'!!1 f i!?: Incensed wife. "Couldn't help it my lr.- . i.i!,. , .. . . ... , .. ... . . . COL. other monuments ns would cnablo en gineers and laborers to go on and con struct tlio road j though ns botween rival companies whcio, in a proceeding Illto tho present, tho main question Is priority of occupation over n given routo, tho llrst company actually upon tho ground, and, in good faith, making llio llrst survey of n centre line, and in dicating and marking it by plain and proper stakes, or other HitiHcient monu ments, oven though tlio marks neces sary to tho actual constructed of tho road itself bo omitted, will provall against tho second company subse quently seeking occupancy of llio samo ground, fixing a centro lino, grading their road, nnd oven expending consld- ernblo sums of monoy in Its construc tion. Hut to recur to tho enic and maitcr of tlio plnliillHd' locution, as exhibited by tho affidavits boforo us. Wo havo seen that tho Wllkcs-Barro and Phila delphia Railroad Company was incor porated in Aiirll. 1SG3. Now tlio aill- davit of D. J. Waller, tho President of mat company, sets lortn mat tno 11110 of their road was surveyed nnd determ ined in lSGl.and that portions of tlio roatl wero about that time graded ; that tho balanco of It is already under con tract, and that tho plaintiffs intend forthwith and in cutiro good faith to complete and equip tlio samo; that ho lias recently boon over tho routo of tho road us located bv Mr. Corvell In 18(51. and has discovered somo stakes set up ty 1110 ucicnuanis niuicaiing 1110 11110 of their proposed roatl, and that in many places thoso stakes exhibit inter ferences witli tho lino of tlio plalntlll's; that tho Susquehanna Coal Company and Joseph E. Sticknev. defendants uNo in tho bill, havo already laid ob structions upon a portion of tlio plain tiffs' routo, and that they threaten to erect permanent works thereon also; and further, that tho Danville, Hazlo- ton anu wiiKes-isarrc Jtaiiroati uompa- ny havo advertised idlings lor tho work to bo dono on their proposed route, so interfering as stated with tho routo of the plaintiffs. Tlio nfllduvit of Samuel G. Turner altites In stibstanco, that lu 1H(!1 ho was tlio President 01 tno wiiucs-iurro and Philadelphia Rtilroad Company, mid that, acting in that capacity, nnd under instructions of tho board of direction, ho employed Martin Coryell, a compe tent civil engineer, to survey and locato a routo lor tno piainuiB' railroad ; that In pursuaneo of that employment, Mr. Coryell surveyed, marked, staked otiu and located a route, Ciimmeiicing at th 1 Court Jlouso, on tho ruiiitc squaro iti tills city, and running thonco down nlong the Easterly bank of tlio Susque hanna, nbovo high water mark, across and beyond tlio mouth of tlio Little Wapwallopen Creek ; that ho was with tlio engineer from timo to time, all along tho line, superintending and di recting tho survey ; that a protllo and draft of tho location thus mado was prepared by Mr. Coryell, and submit ted to tlio company ; and that tlio sumo was not only accepted and adopted by tho board of direction, but (hat immed iately aftorwards, and during tho fol lowing year, tho grading of portions of tho road was commenced, and a largo sum of monoy oxpended thereon. Tlio affidavit of Martin Coryell, be sides being corroboralivo of that of Mr. Turner, is moro specific as to tho matter of actual location. Referring to tholino run across tlio territory in controversy, ho savs. that tho survey was commenc ed on tho Oth day ofMay, 1SC1, and that in July or tno samo year no mane a ro port of tho location lo tlio company, ac companied by estimates of tho eost of tho road, a map of tho proposed lino, togethor with tlio field notes and such olher dalea. ns would affjrd a fall under standing of llio matters connected with llio construction and completion of tho road Itself. Ho further says, that tho lo cation was final, and as such, was ac cepted by tho company; and with re gard to its character or tho manner in which tho location had been made, ho adds, that "it was marked by 3takos regularly numbered." and that "num erous and proper monuments" werosot up, mauing 1110 cntiro lino so deliulto that "an Intelligent contractor would havo had no dliliculty In constructing tho road on that lino." He says in con clusion, that ho has recently been over uie 11110 01 tno piaintitis' road thus formerly located by hlni and his assis tants, and Hint ho discovered that tho Susquehanna Coal Company and Joseph biicuney navo commenced some work upon tho samo location, which is heavy in Its character, and which will amount to a permanent obstruction of tlio plaintifis' lino if curled to ojmplo tlon. riio allldavils of Thomas P. Rrodirott and Cieorgo Pfouls, tho assistants who accompanied Mr. Coryell in 18(11, fully corroborate all that tlio latter savs in rotation to tlio distinctness and com pleteness for llio location then made. Aim lurtner, 1110 niiitltivit or John McNolsh, Sr., for many years 11 civil engineer by profo-nion, states that 110 longer ago than PCDrui ry last, ho was employed by tlio North and West liranch itailrotul (Joiup my to locate a 11110 lor unit cor por.uion over liortions of tho very ground in en itroversv here: nnd that in ncrformitig his duties, ho saw at several named points, marks of 1110 burvoy ami locition mado by Mr. uoryoiuii iniii. Again, in .uarcii last, Mr. McNeisli says tlio defendants practically all thosonauicd in tho bill- commenced to mako und erect obslruc- tlotisupon tho locution of lfeOlata point near 1110 isanticoiio u.nn, which, lr con tlnucd, will prevent tho plaintllls from further constructine: their road nt nil. Tho iiilldavit of Richard C. Hughes, also a civil engineer by profession, and uiniiiuyun in coiij unction with nir. .HU emi: Ni'i SH, ty tnoiNortn and West Brancli It-itlrei'iil f'nnm-inv fnr tlm ,ni roadv lndta FPtt"y 'n.uJF?tca! l3..of tho same general import, both as to tho ovidenco existlne: r ' .' .r.V'.!-i'Pl0 1,100 ; ?" "Vi"V""y '"-i-"--a iiiicrj.iuaeu """-!i'" mrryiug out our oruer 01 mu um u dunu last, Mr. uoryen aims iuiuuiki mhuuvh, m wnicn no ueians his observations In connection with tho wuij. mui men uono. no says subataiitlally, that in company with 1 .iviuiitiiii j. jiuLriiL's. unu eirnnr lninm. Hum neoioiuuiB, no went over so inticii OI IHO original local 011 ns 1 es between Iho Outlet Lock ami tho mouth of tho lllg wapwanonon Creek, nnd found thereon beveral of thomoiunienls orig many mado by him and also several of too siai.es htm remaining ; anil further, soveral ulllerent points, all of which ap i"- mi" m pruperiy uesignutcii upon tho mups subm Itted, nud aro now filed in tho cato. Whilo this examination was being mado by Mr. Coryell and his tt&sibiuiiiH. wo loam mat jir. niri;uiirev. tho engineer of tho Danvlllo, Hazleton I and " llkes-Barro Railroad Company, ,,"'..Mu iii.iiiuuu v.umiuiiiy was present, nud that ho accompanied them over portions of tho routo at least. and saw them follow tho original lino aim miasuro 1110 interierciiceH. Tho additional affidavit of Richard O. Hughes upon this point lias also been ptesenied. It distinctly corroborates that of Mr. Coryell, though It Is moro explicit in tho detail of interferences lu tho lines of the two roads. Upon this8liowing, though not claim cd to bo a full exhibit by anv means llio whole merits of tho controversy DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 39. fur ns tlio plaintiffs nro concorncd, but rattier urged and inslstod ns cotisllttitln such astatoof law and of fact as wll Justify tho Interposition of tho strong arm of Equity to protect thorn In tho enjoyment of a clear chnrtcrod right upon wnicn inoy wero diligent 10 en ter, nnd caroful to distinguish, wo aro asKCd to coniinuo 1110 injunction ncro toforo granted in tho case, until llnnl hearing upon blli,unswcr and ovidenco, Iiiother worth, wo aro askod to dis chargotho present pending rule. Tiio defendants, however, interpose a most vigorous and persistent dissont to tho ciiuitv of this proposition, They deny not only tho present existenco of any legal right in 1110 pinintius 10 tno II110 of tho road us embraced In the bill, but they claim to havo established a complete controvcrtion of all tho mat ters, both of law and of fact, whereby tho enjoyment of any such right at this mis time, is enniieu 10 1110 protection which a discharge of tho present rulo would effect. Thov further sot ut. as bclonr-lncr to thomsolvcs. a prior leglslatlvo grant authorizing them to lay out and con struct a railroad over tho very ground named In tho plaintiffs' bill. They claim to havo been upon, and to havo occu pied the ground by an actual location of their road over it long beforo tho plain tiffs took any stons under their allcgod grant, amounting to what lu law is re cognized as locating a railroad, Priority oriegisiativo grant, howu vcr, was not seriously urged in tho argument. Indeed, that position was altogether un (enable, and could not havo been sus tained under nny view ofthoeaso; for, though tlio grant under which tlio de fendants claim, may havo been earlier in tlato as a statule, It was nevertheless in effect somo .vear3 subscnucnt to that of tiio plaintiffs On tho lfith of Anrll. 185!). nn act of tho General Assembly was passed In corporating "Tlio Wilkes-B.irro and i'liiston Jtanroau company," with authority to construct a railroad "along nnd near tlio Susquehanna rivor, and to uo constructed as uoar to it ns possi ble, on tho East side of tlio Susn uohanna rIver,from thoLackawanna and Ulooms hurg railroad, abovo tlio borough of Pittston, In Luzerne county, along said Susquehanna river, to tho town of Dan ville, or Sunbury .with tho right to cross and re-cross tiio SuMiuchnuna river ut nny point or points, botween tho Nan ticoko Dam and town of Danville." A proviso was attached to otio of tho sec tions of tlio act, requiring"that tho por tion of tlio said railroad, from tho terminus nbovoPittitou toSliicksiiinny, or to a point on tlio Eostsidoof tho Susquehanna river, opposito to Silicic shinny, shall bo llrst built and com pleted, beiore any portlou or tho re mainder of saitl railroad shall bo con structed or located," This was a valid act of incorporation ; and under it the e.mip.uiy might havo entered upon tho Idi.m lion and construc tion of a railro.id lrom tho terminus abovo Pittston to a point on tho East sldo of tho Susquehun tin opposite Shick shinny. Tho restriction con tinaed in the pro viso imposed upon them the necessity of completing tho road between these termini, DCiorotney had authority oven to locato nny otner part 01 it. No action , however,of any kind seems to havo been taken by tho company under this charter; oven tho enrolmont tax was not paid, nnd, honco. after tho expiration of ono year from tho dato of tno act, it ceased to navo any vitality whatover. It becamo emphatically a dead letter: it was denied a place in tliestatuto book. Thus it continued until tho 27th of Feb ruary, 1SG7, when tho Legislature, by a supplement of that dato, breathed into it the power 01 resuscitation. Tiio timo for tho payment of tho eurolraent tax was extended for one year then next. Again, on tho 10th of April of tho same year, tho Legislature by another supplement, stripped off tho restriction contained in tno proviso Doioro rcicrrco to, and arrayed tho corporation in a now dres3 almost entirely. By that supple ment, tho effotoactof Incorporation of April loth, itjuy, was galvanized into actual Ufo again ; and lor tho first timo stood forth a living statuto under the name, stylo nnd tltlo of "Tho Danville, Ilnzleton and Wilkps Barro IUUroati Company." Authority was given to tho corporation to "commenco ihoomsitruc Hon of their r.iilroi t (it nomt on lite line thereof TnB niii.:iui!iH issHr-rui-iny inueuuiie: still wo must presume that tho Legisla ture intended to authorize tno company to b"giu tho construction of their roatl at any point on tho Easterly sldo of tho Susquehanna River botweou the town of Sunbury and "Tho Lackawanna and lsioomsuurg rullroad abovo tho Dorotign of Pittston." By a furthor siiDDlcmcnt. approved pril 11, 1807. tho company acquired the right, inter alia, of makincr "lateral or branch railroads, not exceeding fif teen miles In length ;" and again, Uy n still further supplement, approvod March 20th, 1SGU, authority was given them to "connect their said railroad at Hazleton, or Janeville, with tho Lo high Valley Railroad." it will thus bo seen, that nfler tiio supplement of April loth, 1607, beforo rciiirreu to, uotu 1110 wimes-uurro aim Philadelphia Railroad company, nnd the Danville. Hazleton and Wllkos- Bttrro Railroad company had li'giala- tivo authority for locating a railroad uciwcon tno termini mentioned in 1110 bill. It follows, then, as a matter of course, mat 111 urn proceeding, pri'iiin- inary 111 its character, tho only ques- lion actually now involved, is 0110 01 occupation, or priority of location. Wo havo already determined what constitutes n location of it railroad as between rival companies seeking occu- iiiu.-y ui uiutuuiuiuuiiu, unuu ov.j.i.1- leglslatlvo grants; and wo have ais0 reviewed the ovidenco adduced n pancy 01 tno samo grounu.-unuer separ- also rovlowed tho ovidenco adduced In support of tho plaintifis' claimed prior- ity. Wo turn, thereforo, to tho ovl- 1 (ieco subm tted on tho part of tho do- fondants, with n view to ascertain when and now their location was mano. tho nllidavlt or Simon j. lvaso, tno president 01 tno uanvnio, iiazicton nnd Wilkes-Barro Railroad Company, is beforo us. Mr. Knse, after referring lo the act incorporating the company, and tho soveral supplements thereto, says, mat in pursuaneo thereof, tno do- lentianis "surveyed. locatcu. nxeu. marked nml determined a routo for a railroad from Sunbury to Catawissa, ami thcuco up Catawissa and Scotch vnlloyB. in Columbia county, to Tom- I hlcken. In Luzorno county, und com- - point of tlmo, and as far as Catawissa, inuugu suDscqtieiuiy couiiiiueii anil completed In another direction to con- ncct with tho Lehigh Valley Railroad at Ilnzleton, did not reach tho ground I now in eontrnverav nt nil. tin inn mn. trary, tho objectlvo point, or terminus of tlio lino was Hazleton, not "on tho cast side of tho Susquehanna river," towarus too xacKuwawanna ana Bloomsburg Railroad, abovo tho bor ough of Pittston, In Luzerno couutv." But to recur to the affidavit of Mr. Kaso, ho says: "In November. 1870. tho company instructed their cnclnoem to survey nud locato tho lino of their railroad from Wilkes Barro to counect with tho lino being constructed." And further, that " J, a, jiicNulr, then chief of I eiiL'Ineer of tho company, cnmmeneeil so lin November, 1870, to locato tho lino One Inoh, (twolvo lines or Its equivalent In Nonpareil type) ono or two Insertion, tAD tlirt e Insertions, ti.w HPACK. lM. 2. 8. 0 lr. onolHd Mtvi i.wi n,oo to,oa tio,no Two IncncB - S,l 6.W 7,1)0 ,f") 15,00 Threo Indies , 7,'W 8,00 U.mi IS 00 Four Inches 7,W 9,fW 11,00 17,oo nyio (iimrter column 10.00 12,01 11,00 V),m S0,(fl Half column 15.() 1k.uo 2,uo no.oo m,w One column .30.00 8(1,00 io.cq eo,w loo.oo Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13,10 Auditor's or Assignees Notice, VJSO. Local notices, twenty cents n line. Cards In the "Business Directory" colnmn, $2,0') per year for the first two lines, and II Wfor ee:h additional II no. upon tho ground. Ho procooded with competent assistants, and locMod, finally, a lino on tho eastern Imnk of tho Susquehanna river, from WllkfH Barro to n point on tho lino then boltr constructed in Scotch valloy, which was adopted by tho defendants at Tt regular mooting of tho board of fllren tors t" n map or profile being also mndo by Mr. McNalr, which was Attached, and marked "J. S. McNalr, A,;" that this lino "was well and permanently located upon, by driving stakes at sta tions ono hundred feet apart, nnd mak ing regular bench marks, which still remain upon thoground." Tho affidavits of George O. Bright, Thomas B. Taber.Isaac N. Lyons.J. W. Wlieolcn, John Shields nnd GcorRO W. West, somo of thorn nxmcn, aomo rod men, somo contractors, and somo en gineers, nro Incidentally corroborntl'vo or that of Mr. Kaso as to tho charade of tho McNalr location of 1870. But In tho inquiry at this point become some what pertinent concerning thf true character of that location, and as ttt. McNalr himself is unquestionably tho most competent to enlighten us lu this behalf, wo thereforo paa by the ov. donco of tho axmen, rodmen, contract ors, englneors, and even that of Mr. Kaso himself, to the evidence of the then "chief engineer" of thu ilofend. ants, Who did the work. Mr. McNalr says: "I was chiof en gineer of the Danville, Huzlcton and Wilkes Barro Railroad Company In October, 1870. In that month, by order of S. P. Kase, Vice President and Bu pialntonilinit, I began nn experimental survey for tlio extension of that, rail ro.ul ti Wilkes-Barre. Tho survey commenced ut the summit of Scotch Run valley, and followed the samo to tlio (unction of Black nnd Noseooei'lc creeks, mid followed Nescopeck creek downwards, crossing It near tlio Old horgi! dam, and tnenco swung around tho point of tho hill at Evurutt'n mill, following the foot of tho hill, crossing the Lohigli and Susquehanna turnoike near Thrack's house, and thence along, but woll up 011 tho sldo of tho hill. Crossing tho Big Wapwallopen creek, wo ran aiong tno 1001 01 uouiicil Jup, but did not get very near tho river. until wo reached Iho Littlo Wapwall open creek. From thence wo followed tno rivor pretty closely to South Wilkes-Barre, where oursurvey ended. 5t7is entire line was onhi experimental. ami in no wise a location. W'c sil no centre slakes, or any other stakes for lo cition. Our object was merely to act the topography of the country," &c. in audition to tins amuavit wo navo beforo us that of William N. McCay, who statos that ho was an onglno r under Mr. McNalr in tho mouths of October and November, 1870, and that ho ran "alcvet in tliooxperiracntnl sur vey of tho country between Scotch Ru n valloy and Wilkes-Barre. Wo ran two branch experimental lines, besides tho main experimental Hue." Ho further says, lie lias read the affidavit of Mr. McNair, and that tho same is correct in regard to that survoy. Manifestly mere lino running of such sort cannot in any sense bo recognized as locating a railroad. Ifseems, indeed to havo been dono with no such pur pose in view. And ovon though tho defendant profiled it; though they spread it over elaborate maps, nud adopted it as tno location or tnoir roatl, it lacked at tho very threshold every legitimate element. calculated to glvo It force; and especially so, as againnt n rivai company already upon tho samo ground, with a centro lino actually run, und stakes set, and other monuments erected to fix and to distinguish it. Considering at this point, then, tho positive testimony of Mr.Coryell, Mr. Turner, Thomas B.Blodgett and George I'louts, descriDing positivo acts dono ny them in connection with tho location of 1SG1, pursuant (0 tlio charter of tho plaintiff's, can wo say that priority of occupation over tho routo in contro versy has not beon mado out? Has not a clear case of right in this respect beon established on the part of the plaintiff.? If this bo so ; if the equity sought by them has been shown, and is free from doubt, then the injunction ought not to ho dissolved. Admitting oven that doubts may havo arisen out of tho mat ters set up by the defendants in the way of answer or defence, yet if tho plaintiff' right bo clear, and their equity be free from doubt under tho showing, tho rule remains unchanged. But it is further Insisted on the part of tho defendants that tho plalntiffV rights under their act of incorporation of 1SG3, and tho supplements thereto have lapsed, now lapsed : wapposo n lie conceded that their character orig inally amounted to no moro than an option, which, unexecuted, Is not pro perty ; suppose further, that it was nut exclusive) us against subsequent leglila tlvogrnnt for all timo; may not tlin power wnicn granted 1110 option mens tiro at least tho space during which It shall bo exclusive? Here was an option certainly, grniil-.! bv tho Legislature to tho plaint ill'-, in construct a railroad batween the termini named in tho bill, sit any time during tlio period of tenye.irs next ensiling thu ditto of tho giant. This time had 11 it expired nt tlio time of tbo nll.'ged Mo Nair location in 1870; it had not n pli ed when tlio lator location of 1872, now sought to bo enjoined, was continued ; It lias not expired yet. Still considering tho plaintitlV grunt but as an option, did tlioy not by promptly and diligently onteriug upon its enjoyment, ami by expending largo sums oi iliouoy 111 ino survoy, location and partial construction of their road, ralsothogranttolhodlgiilty or property; Wo say, in conclusion, that there Is nothing lu thocaso indicating either an abandonment or a lapsing of the plain- tifiv rir,hts. And furttier. though tho plaintiffs may not have compiled wuu . iiiiiiiiuiia may uui iiavu i;uiiiiin.-u win existing laws relative to tho right o wuv nvsr tlin hinds of tno Susiiuehanni f way over tho lands of the Susquehanna Coal Company, still this would afford no warrant, either for them, or their agent, Joseph E. Stlcknuy, to erect ob structions on the line of the plaintiffs' road. Tho rule is discharged. GAURICK M. HARDING, President Judge. In a Grain CoiiNEit. Mr. Benin disappeared from New York about a month ago. since which tlmo Mrs. Bo llln has endured tho trying alterna tions of hopo and fear. Thaothor day tho truant appeared in a most forlorn love," meekly responded tho guilty and humiliated Boflln ; "I'vo been to Chi cago." "Been to Chicago I" scoruruiiy riteratcd Mrs. B. as an expression of contempt swept across hor Grecian pro llio j "you've been drunk J" "Yes, my love, I got into the 'grain cor ner ! " The other Sunday the following wu posted up in tho lobby of tho Cambridge Washington county, N. Y., Presbyter ian Church : "Notice The person who stolo 'Bongs of tho Sanctuary' from test No. 02 tshould improve tho opportunity of singing them here, as ho will havo 110 occasion to sing them hereafter."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers