U. ITjie Columbian. Friday, July 10, 1S72. FRANK COOLBY, ASSISTANT DDITOK. Railroad Tlmo Tablo. LACKAWANNA A HLOOllSIlUItO 11. It. Norlll, Botltll. D...H K l!EZA.M. 4:57 1 fll, Brr(iniIHUUllUlJ t- '..'.. . ". 'I 1 1 i , ,.rcM KUI'iHi ll.'SIA. 31, ICTAVIS3A It. It. 1'ItOM lluPEltT BTATION, ri:lmrr,nnu, union poiou- I' jl'.M. A. M. LOCAL. l'ETEii Ent Io9t a vulimblo horso on jmirstlny Inst. rv our last Issuowosnokooftlio small Lix nt liuvlnp; broken out In "Mlllllti- iVilloi" H nhould lmvo read "Main- fvillu." "SVc lenrn that Uioro lmvo been tin less llinn four deaths In ono family ijii (hat place. Mn. Monmc.vt MiliiAhd was so un fortunate as toloso a lino colt on Sunday i'lwt. Tlio animal broko through a par- tilion of tho stall mm so entangled him edf with Hie linltor ns to causo stranRti Irtlon. This la n serious loss to Mr. Mil jard as tho colt was a valunblo one. B TUB UOltri liousu KruuI"lr vu in,- rorrio tho most fashlonablo and liberally frUronlsod cow pasturo in town. Wo cr.nntcd nvo oi mo usuiiu 11111111111-5 imu- j-i tlicroal otiotimo a day or iwo sinco. It 'nilRlil bo well to appoint a cow boy look after thorn, 10 no paiu ny ino mmissloncrs. After a brief but oxclllnn oxpcrlcneo Wmall and passongor carrying, Qcorgo I, llrown has resigned ino business Into tho hands of tho old proprietor of tliof-tflEO llnOi J. I. Olrlon. It would iwcbecn well if yip lower rates ostan- felicil by Mr. Brown had been main Inincil. Mm. Mary Uoeblor, widow of tho lato . t l . .: 1 1 ...111. n ,hi.loiit recently in Wllllamsport. By ;h ml step wbilrtt going down stairs she Wtitring hot- h?g. At last roports sho win recovering slowly from her injur- Haih'Kr's Weekly, ironically call- W a "Journal of Civilization," Is doing level best to bring about a religious w, by IlsunceaBlng attacks upon tlio hl'imau Catholics. Arc thcro not limits Wri'lho law can Intcrforo to prevent (In- publication of articles detrimental In (he interests of tho gonoral public? If so, (his would seem to bo a fair op portunity for (ho law to show it.i pow- r. Tun Festival soasou Is not yot onded. !Thc Iteformcd Church had one last week which was well attended. Thcro has boon imiimnonso consumption of berries and cream for a mouth or two past and it Is very probable that thcro will bo yet !mnro unless all tho Churches have bad j chance. "Tlio highly moral" black- iliprry is next In order. Wr. havo received the first number of llic Grant Standard a campaign paper published in LrtportoSuIIlvtui County ,T. ,U. V. 1 nglmm editors. It is issued, as its iwao Indicates, in tho interests of urant ami Wilson. It is a small eight paged fhoct, with "patent inside" and looks very well. Tun Sunday Morning Free Press is a now paper issued every Sunday atScran ton. Tlio number boforo ns contains a large cut of B. Oratz Brown, tho Vico- rreideiilinl Candidate of tho Liberals .mil Democrats. The paper is very neat ly printed and is a spicy, well edited -Iii'Dt which will provo popular. V MKGULAii accident befel Captain Urant, of Wyoming, a fow days sinco. 1 Stepping into his garden ho saw somo a chickens picking at a raro plant, and catching up a stick ho mndo for them. While, at fall speed he encountered a clothes lino.whlcli hit him in thomouth. 4 ills momentum carried tho lino back to ih lulle-sr. (niiclnn. nnil thn rnhniinil 31 throw him eight or ten foot. As tho lino left his mouth it took out thrco teeth ami all that part of tho jaw bono in which they wero Imbedded. Ir you want to part company with flics in your houso, fumigato tho rooms lightly with carbolic acid and loavo tho vimlowsopon. Of courso tlio pcrftuno h not pleasant but what Is that com iarcil with tho Intolerable pest of flics. We would not tfnlnl; from a temporary reMenco in it gluo factory to cscapo iIiMiritating scourge. Fiom tho ma iiumty displayed by these winged mil I'ances of lato wo aro inclined to tho bo ijtf that thoy tiiust liavo read tho Col anathemas against them. 'The Campaign Columbian. Wo aro crowding our advertisements into as small a spaco as possible so as to glvo n readers tho fullest Information about tho campaign, which promises to to tho most exciting ono In our history. Toaecommodato thosoof limllcdmcans, ot who may not bo subscribers, wo will furnish a copy of tho Coi.umman until after tho November election four months for fifty cents invariably In uikanee. This Is less than our usual rates, being less than thrco cents a num 'er. Send In tho clubs at onco. Jilt, 0.KOUC1E lCKAMEIl of MOUIlt I'Uasant has on ids premises a walnut treo which, in 1818, was In such an un healthy condition, that It was given up a' dying. A limo box was placed near It for convenience, when to Mr. Krn nier'a astonishment It began to thrlvo and It Is to day a magnificent treo whoso brunches cover an area whoso diameter h KJ feet. This is certainly a stron atgumont In favor of llmo. Should any ono doubt tho statement as regards tho fcl'-o of tho tree, It can readily bo verified J Inspection. A man out West, wo bco it stated, has succeeded In making both sugar and si'tup from tho sap of black walnut itcos. A specimen of tho latter, It is wuu would readily pass for a flno quail y or maplo molasses. It Is about as thick as ordinary storo syrup, but Its flavor Is vastly superior. Tho man ob talncd 2 gallons of sap In 10 hours from a walnut treo that Is only 1 foot in dl inictcr and about 10 foot high. Ho thinks tho walnut trees will yield as nich Bnp as mnplcs, whilst their fluid THE Class No. 15 of thn Sunday School of tho rrosbylcrlan Church will hold a Festival at Cadman'allall on this, fh day, and to morrow ovonlngs. Now is tho tlmo for all who dcslro cheap coal to purchase it, as tho priced of tho different miallllod have, In all probability, roached tho lowest point of tho season. Many persons mnko a great mistake In deferring to lay In their supply of this ludlspcnsablo art! clo until tho lato autumn or early win ten It should always bo dono in summer, bo stored in somo dry place, When It will bo at hand If unexpected cold weather should come. It Is with posllivo sorrow that wo hear of tho advent of a most injurious and unsightly fashion for ladies. "Wo alludo to "wasp waists" which have already mndo tholr appearance. It Is utterly useless of courso to attempt to convince tho lovelier sex that;any mode ls harmful and unbecoming, but such Is certainly tho fact with regard to this distorting and dangerous fashion. Why cannot tho dear creatures bo content with their thousand and ono ribbons, puffs, rufllos and bustles, not to men tion their gorgeous styles of hair dress ing, without making thomsclvoa Into a carlcaturoof an hourglass, provontlng easy respiration and Inviting disease. This world would bo a happier and healthier placo If all tho modistes woro Incontinently strangled. Wn havo on several occasions urged tho necessity of forming campaign clul)3 and wo earnestly hopo now that tho campaign is fairly opened that steps may bo taken at onco In tho matter. 1 n a contest so important ns in October, it Is absolutely ludlspcnsablo to havo out tho full voto and thero is no plan moro certain to prodtico that result than tho regularmcctingsanddiscussionsoftlicso clubs, By all moans let thero bo ono in every township. Now that the Demo cratic and Liberal Interests aro so nearly identical, tho club room would bo of advantage not only to tlio Democrats themselves but also to thoso honest and clear headed Komiblican who havo been disgusted by tho corrupt ions of tho present administration. Let us hoar boforo another Issito of tho Colvm jiian, that somo township has taken tho Initiative. AVo need energy and activity for this Fall's work and it is a good plan for these, like charity, to be- giu at home. Tun Jlepubllcan of this town is not a brilllaut sheet, but ils good opinion of itself is unbounded. Somo timo since, with rcferenco to ils assaults on tho I'ress, wo compared it to David tho litripling and the I'ress to Goliath, tho ijiant. This struck us at tho (imn as absurd enough, but tho Jlqwliltcan with a sublimo nomphtconcy makes tlio mat ter moro ridiculous by suggesting that in tho story David killed Clolinh, infer ring thereby tho destruction of tho J'ress by its own efforts. This is rather funnier than wo would havo thought of making it. Wo remember to havo read of a frog who swelled himself up prodigiously to attain tho si.o of an ox in tho samo meadow. Wo remember distinctly what becamo of that frog and wo hopo the Republican may road oT and protlt by it. Put it in Writing. How many misunderstandings arise from tlio lcnso mannor in which business matters aro talked up, and then when each party puts in his owncoiiRtructionon tho con versation, tho matter is dismissed by each with 'all right.' Frequently it turns out all wrong, and becomes a question lor lawyers and courts. Moro than ono half of tho expensive and useless litiga tion could bo saved if people were in tho habit of putting their agreements in writing. Each word in our languago has its own peculiar moaning, and it may bo that tho changoof ils posi tion in a sontcuco, convoys an entirely different Idea from that intended. When onco reduced to writing ideas aro fixed and inelastic. I k thero is any ono of our readers who thinks that writing locals is an easy or an amusing thing to do, with tho ther mometer hovering near tho nineties, such person is very welcome to tlio opinion butwodonotsharoit. Ifthoro wero a constant succession of livoly and interesting ovents transpiring daily tho task would not bo as onerous, but when items havo to bo, like tho German philosopher's idea of a camel, "evolved from tho depths of ono's own conscious ness," tlio matter ceases to bo amusing. If nny of our friends know of events worth putting in print wo shall bo moro than usually glad to hear of them. Tin: funeral of JuacpU il. Scranlon who died abroad In June, took placo in Scranton on Saturday last. Business was entirely susponded In tho city dttr- ng tlio afternoon, and tho whole popu lation honored th6 sad ovent with tholr presence. ProsidentCattolliOf Lafayelto Collogo, was tho olHciatlng clergyman Messrs. Moses Taylor, William E. Dodgo, Sam. Sloan, John Brisbiu and Benjamin Clark, of New York city John I. Blair, of Now Jersey, and A. McClintock. John B. Smith, D. B. Drlcsback, II. S. Pierce, James Blair and Joseph J. Albright, of Lu.crno county, were tho pall bearers, Many civic societies woro in line, nnd tho dirges from several bands of music added to tho solemnity or tho occasion. A argo number of distinguished persons from abroad wero In attcnilanco besides thoso named. AUof tho public and many prlvato buildings wero draped, and Hags wero generally displayed at halt-mast A poor German, out of employment and out of funds, camo to Centiallaa couplo of weeks ago, and for tho want of a hotter placo to sleep, tho hour being lato, ensconscd himself lusldo of an empty storo box on tho street, where, for a tlmo, bis slumbers wero poacoful. A passer by happonlug to notlco tho protruding legs of tho doad-aslcop man, and thinking him a "Molly," lying In ambush for no good purposo, Immediate ly notified and collected a half dozen neighbors for tho purposo of capturing tho dangerous fellow. Tho box was sur rounded and boforo approaching too closely a shot was fired Into it, tho ball taking offect In tho German's head, in dieting riulto a serious wound. IIo was then captured and taken to a hotel, when tho fact was dovcloped that In stead of boing a "Molly" ho was a poor innoceut German, out of funds and coni' polled to slcop In thostrcot. Wo under stand ho was sent to Now York tho next COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSBUltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. On Saturday ovonlng when Klcclc ncr'a Circus was In town a difficulty occurred between somo of tho mon caw ncclcd with tho show and two or thrco residents, in which tho latlorwcroqulto sovcrcly handled. Wo aro Informed that 111 feeling had oxlstod botweon tho parlies sinco a formor visit of a circus a ycor or so ago. Tho accounts of tho origin of tho dlslttrbanco aro so conflllct Ing that It Is lmposslblo to stato which ot tho parties Is to blamo In tho mat tor. Help Youit Town. Tho way to mnko a town is lohelp as much as possl bio every branch of industry in our midst. Judiciously aid ovcry ontorprlso that promises to add strength and char actor to tho placo. If your neighbor builds a houso, help him to pay for 11. It Is your duty. If you aro a property holder every now houso strengthens you, and It is but right to reciprocate. Don't hido a dollar with a penny. Look ahead. Consider what Is best for you in tho long run. Don't boso Jealous. If you can draw advantage from an ontorprlso forwarded by an enemy, support lt,ovcn If It does onrich him. What you want Is a Htart for yourself. You don't want (o keep yourself poor nil your days upon tho scoro that to help yourself is to holp your neighbor, livery community Is a partnership In which wo all havo stock, and wo aro only entitled to our shnro of (ho protlls. Tnr, Republican publi-.ho this week a lengthy article about D.in. Seyberl giving tho government sldo of thocaso. Iho Republican, being a government organ was expected to do this. Besides tho cowardlco of striking at a man who Is unablo to dofend himself, our neigh bor should remember that bis main friends and supporters such as Deacon Walton and Frank Slowart aro of tho samo school of politics altsclf. Notwithstanding all that Scybort may havo dono against our rot ton and Inquisitorial Itovonuo laws, had bo been a Ilepnbllcan ho novor would havo been convicted; but having been convicted, wo prophesy that ho will bo out of tho penitentiary boforo tho Octobor olccllon and working for tho success of tho Had- ical tinkct. Tin: haroaix is amiuady madtj, .Mid II. B. Swopo must either acquiesce or Cameron will havo Ids calp. Already by ordors from Wash- inglon the execution for tho flno and costs in this cfso has boon stayed. Tho rovonuo law under CI rant is a net which catches all classes of llsh. Tho big onos aro generally put back in tho stream, either because they havo moncv or promise political allegiance. Tho I 11- aieyor whisky never would have boon released except upon a pledge to sup port Meicur, and tho Executor kept his lialgf, cvon s-, far as to defeat a Demo cratic candidate for Cong teas. Seyukp.t has iti:aui of the cash. Accident and Smash. Our old friend Jacob Iloup, Sr., camo near ro- (cving his quietus ou Wednesday morn ing last. IIo was driving his horse and wagon over the C'atuwLv-a railroad crossing, on the Milton road, abovo tho Company steam mill just about tho time tho passengers train wa duo. Ilia loam, had gone over, ail but tho ltinii wheels of tho wagon, when tho old nag refused to budso. Jacob being latno could not get T b;foro tho locomotive struck tho wugou, ending it, tho horso and Jacob kiting. Tho (rain stopped and backed up to tho neighborhood of tho accident tho passongors all thinking tho man was killed, but in a little whilo old Jacob scrambled out from among tho debris and pronounced hlmsolf not much hurl, but considerally shaken. Tho old horso was also found very lit- tlo tho worso of this ground and lofty tumbling, but tho wagon was about as much played out as Holmes' 'ono horse shay.' It was a wonderful es cape. Tito Congressional (juestlnn. s yet but little has been said on this important iiuestio.i. I'lie District can bo carried by a good man ; but ho must bo onowhocancoucentraloall tho votes ' of his own party, a3 well as Eocuro thoso of Liberal Itcpublicans. Tho candldato should bo selected for party, and not for personal roasons. Wo givo below a communication from an esteemed friend in Bradford County recommending for that position Victor 13. l'iolotl. Wo havo heard tho names of several other gen tlemen mentioned, any onoof whonilin our opinion would carry equal strength with Col. Piolclt. If ho is nominated of courso wo shall support him as cordially as he would a candldato from thl3 coun ty. Editoii Coi.umman : Tho Democ racy or tho Thirteenth District must vOon cast about them for a candldato for Congress, to ropresont them In (ho Na tional Legislature and it behooves them to mako tho selection wisely, from among the ua.ru-m presented for their support. Honesty and ability should bo tho most osontial requirements in our can didates, wo having had very llttlo of this in our present member, wo should also present a candidate, who can and win rcceivo mo support oi tho many honest men ncllng with tho Republican party, aim wnoso support wo must so euro in order to succeed In this District against tlio present corrupt admlnlstra Hon who will uso tho U. S. Treasury to retain power and place, nt tho ox ponso of every tax-payer. From all tho names that havo been mentioned in connection with tho Con Kii:r3ivim. iiuiiiiiiiiiiuu, umi ... uui. Victor E. Pioletto. of Bradford, scorns to us the most appropriate. A life long siiiuiortcr of truo democratic principles, tho laboring man nnd tho friend of labor overywhero, ho has nover been a drono In tho great life's work, which seemed allotted him in planning and executing. Publlo Improvements his name has been Inseparably connected with, all tlio many enternrisos for tho public benollt In his own adjoining .lAinilln I. .l.n....l. r...nw... luuiiuvn, Having iiiiuuii miuu u iliuiKj and ability risen from humble circum stances to wealth and Influence, and still retained thoso dualities which al ways renuor a man popular witn ins fellows and which aroolton obscured by prosperity, no is certainly ino nest representative of tho laboring masses that wo havo In tho District. Ho pre sents another mid equally strong claim upon our support, having icd ino light in this uongressionni uisinci wncn no- feat was certain in two rresiueniini campaigns, when no ono was to bo found, who was willing to bo sacrificed lor tno Dcnenioi mo .Democratic puny. Ho has also given moro years of Eervlco to tho dear old party, and fought harder under her banner than any ono elso, and If this nomination Is Justly duo any ono, that man la Col. Plolott, and If tho members of tho Democratic narty act for tholr own Interest and for that of tho Stato Ticket, they will unanimously accord him tho nomination which will lnsuro us (ho election In tho District and place onuoftho best rcpu'scntallvos In tho noxt Congress that Pennsylvania can boast oi. DEMOCRAT. Bradford I'ollllcs. To WAN DA, Bradford Co., Pa. July 15, 1872. Editoii Columman : Thcro Is pro bably no ono placo In which a Just Idea of tho condition of the political senti ment of n county can bo ascertained moro readily and moro accuratoly than tho county scat, lloroarotobo found tho well Informed, mo3t shrowd and observant politicians nnd thoso best qualified to Judgo of tho popular fooling. From Information obtained from cer tain of such mon it would appear that thcro Is no division in tho ranks of tho Democracy olthcr aa regards tho Stato or National tickets. Tliero aro, as Is to bo expected, somo who yet feel soro over tho nominations of tho Baltlinoro Convention, but no considerable num ber of thoso exists, nor Is thoro nny or ganized opposition. To tho Stato ticket thcro aro no objections offered. It is lmposslblo to cstimato with nny degrco of correctness tho Liberal Itcpublicans who will oppose tho Grant wing of their parly. But thoso who aro open in their expressions aro equally opposed (o both Stale and National tlckots and will support Bucknlew and Greeley. Thero Is llttlo doubt that tho Itepubllcan ma jority will bo greatly decreased, but (ho various estimates differ loo greatly to justify any definite statement. II Is placed by somo Intelligent men at l,fi00 and by others at 2.C0O. Tlio former number would seem to bo most too small. Tho probable Republican nom inee for Congress Is Bartley Laportu although thcro la a chanco that tho can dldato may bo given loMontourcounly, tho small voto of tho latter county being tho objection to so doing. Strong efforts will bo mailo by tho friends of Judgo Mcrcur to savo him in tho county cvon nt tho expense of tho minor nominees. Thcro will undoubtedly bo a lively tlmo in this respect, as neither Mercur nor his friends aro squeamish aa ro- gards tho means by which they ac complish their ends. Thcro aro thrco candidates for Congressional honors on tho sldo of tho Democracy, Col. V. E. PIollot,Dolo3 Rockwell, and Mr. KIrby. II Is as yet too early to glvo an idea of their rclalivo strength. Mr. Rockwell has-slrength in tho western part of tho county and Mr. Kirby is said to bo able to control a number of townships. Tho strongest fight will undoubtedly bo over tho Judgeship of tho Stato ticket. Mr. Mercur Is a power in tho county but ho has mnuy bitter enemies, somo of them of his own party. Thcro aro those hithertohlssupportors who will bofounrt against him (his Fall. Hh majority in tho counfy will certainly bo I033 than at any timo during his Congressional career. Tho argument Is used that ho has had about enough of political favors and that now is as good a timo (o rctiro him as any. As timo passes the defec tion of Granules to Greeley will bo stronger nnd will tell on tho voto both in October and in November. No sano man longer doubts tho succors of Buck- alow and it is a hopeles3 task to try to elect tho Supremo Judgo on such a rot ten ticket as that headed by Hartranft. Judgo Morcur has not mndo such a rep utation in his political career as would Justify tho expectation that ho will run ahead of his ticket. His reputation is local and in tho Western part of the Statu ho is almost unknown. Ah the campaign progresses other facts will bo developed and it will bo possiblo to givo you moro dellnito data on which to baso tho probablo result or both elections in this strong hold of (Irantism. C. Wo lmvo given but fow of tho many complimentary notices of our candi dates by Democratic journals in tlio Stato and nation, but havo republislic.l tho opinions of leading Republican journals, as carrying moro weight with our Republican readers. It is tho re ported tostimony of our enemies. Bu low wo glvo somo extracts from tho Tunkhannock Republican, edited by A, F. Yost formerly of this county. Al though flying tho names of Grant and Hartranft It feels constrained to hit tho o.ie, and repudiate the other. We ro- punt tho following paragraphs: Thoso editors and peoplo who predict that in tho event of Greeley's election tho condition of tho South will relapse into tho semi-barbarous ante-rebel lion times, aro going out of their way afoar ful distance lo scaro themselves. We hopo mon can bo opposed to Greeley without being fools. It is chnrccd that Gen. Simon Cam eron already lias his agents at work manipulating tho Lesislativo districts, sccurlnp; tho nomination of doiiKh- lioads who wilt uo ins miming, tor pay of course and givo mm anoincr six years sitting in tho United Slates senate. Tho opposition by Ronubllcau papurs to tho election of Gen. Hartranft to the Governorship of tho Stato springs nmiu lv from a determination to defeat the Cameron ring initsatupoiultious effort.; to maintain tno control ot tno atnto it nances. Gen. Hartranft U seriously Implicated in tho dishonest transactions of tho "ring," and associated with Treasurer Ulackoy, ho has dovcloped a degrco of selfish llnanclnl "shrewdness," worthy of tho corrupt practices of tho riti"" am utr cretin v to tneir protus and robbing tho tax-payers. While wo speak generally wo aro prepared to particularize, nnil snail tauo eariy op portunuy io uo so. wo uo not innm uen. uimramt a roguo or a dishonest man, imt.ito nas been so ropett in uy tno prtmo movers in tno audacious sencmes ot ino uam eron Interests, as to no cuiiipeiieii to further their objects by roprelionslblo liriiptlpes. Theso and mnnv other tliun- aging facts coming to tho knowletlgo of tho independent Republican press Is It mutter far much astonishment that thoy rcfuso to support Ifartranft ? Wo think not. Tho ltopubllcan party can never succeed In Its mission bv condon Ini fraud and rascalltv. This being so. tho demand for a. chango In tlio ticket Is lust, and should bo regarded. Tho Central Commlttco declines lo tako any steps to rellovo tho parly of this Incubus, but has instructed tho press L'encrallv to read out of tho paity, tho papers and tho people who opposo the liner caniuuaics tor uoveruor ami ah dltor General. If tho success oflto publican principles is tlio oiycct or tlio prcscill campaign tno commiueo ihjcoii flinn 1lrItlplIllo liv mnliiloln. lug upon its ik'kci ineso oi'jcctionaoio canuitiiues. " 1 1 1 Olil IMnhlMicil roal Viiril. C. W .Nkal&IJho. WholeMiilOitRo tall Scalers In all slzca of tho best dualities of Red nnd whito Ash Coa ut tho very lowest market rates. Limo burners supplied at liberal rates with nest quality jno. u,coai. i.'orsmiiiiiircs In addition lo a prlruo nrticlo of lump wo havo a first class quality of Mtuml nnim conl. at tll.Sj nor ton on wbnrf. Largo stocks of nil sizes constantly on liniul. Strict personal attontlon given to Iho preparation of all our coal. Grain. Lumbor and Slabs taken In exchango for coal. Conl delivered to nny part of thu town, Orders left nt MelCelvy Ncnl A Co's. storo or at our oiuco, win rccolv prompt attention. OrncR & Yaihm a JIcKi:i.vy ,t Ni'Ai.'h Fl'iinack, Hast lii.Du.MHiiuiui, i our 1'iiuonngo rcHpcci DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET, ron oovKimoR OIIARLEM R. BUOKALHW, or COLUMBIA ("ODStV, roil AUDITOR URNKKAl.: WILLIAM HAltTLKY, or rmmtmn caonrr. FOH JUDGE W SUPRRMK COURT- JAJIHn THOMPSON, or f.mn coputy I'Ol! CONOItEflHSIKN AT LAUQE: RICHARD VAUX, ov 1'iiiiaiiM.ritiA. JAMES H. HOPKINS, or Ar.r.nanrwv, HENDRIOK B. WRIGHT, or r.U.KftHK c-ocktv, I'nr Jlcmljcn or Hie tinnitltnttounl Con. vcuOmi, 11HO. W. WOODWARD, PhlliHtelpliln, J'lltEMlAK 8. lir.ACK, Yolk. v M. IlttlLEH, clonriloM. W. J. 1IAKR. Homorw. w. ir. c-MtTir, Aii. i'tmiy. -. I-ANKl.tN 11. UOWKN. PiiHa l. lplilit. .OI1N II. I AMI'IIEMj, I'hllfHlolplitn H. A. IIEYNOI.DH; I. .nwr loi : -TKS ELLIS!, HehuyltH'I. H. V. t. DODI), Vennimo, IIKO. M. DAI L.V.l'hli'Hl'p'iln. UOIIEIIT A. fjAMIIKt.TON, Utiuplllll. A. A. l'UUMAN. liM'Pu. WM. L. COUIUOT, t'l.a i i. Democratic (.'omtty Convention. Tlio Dcmocintle voters of tlio sovoial illatilutti nf Columbia county wilt meet nt tho muni places oriiolJIii!; tho Rouoral elections 011 Hulimlny Iho toiilli ilny of AURUit lb".', liotwceu tho Hourti or thrco anil seven o'clock In thu afternoon mid elect itflegnlcs by ballot to represent Iho itlHtilrlH In n County I'onveutlon lo bo held nt tho Court lIoiiBi In lllnnnibur, on 'i'ues'lry tuo thlv tconlh dny of Aiiut, 1RTA nt ono o'clorte p. m, to pi' co in nomlnution :i nmll Into for Mi.nih ! 01 niiily, 'i ovullil ii" it, 1-1': ithoinliry atni Cle'l. "flue t'U -OUrt, 'l "IN'.tMiltO rjr It'".- I ter ti -n miicr, n fundi l. .le ,"jr County Corn mlnlonei, i (inmtMiilu tor County Auditor, nlat to npr-'im ronfeice to mett Mmilp.r ennfenoH from tlu , ,iai c .miles t ilieniiurciilili tllctn, lo rlioi),crnmll(ttilrH for l'nnltloiit Jrotgn, Collate, si, tho Constitutional Convention ami tho (Stnto P 'iintp, Alio, -t tun snmu tlmo mm plncpi ami In tlis Htiiin manner, tho Democratic olectors of each district will elect ono pcrton toservonl nvmbor of tho County .Standing Commute, ny order of tlio County Committee, 0. O. BAUICLllY. Chairman. CANDIDATES. IA11 w Ito arc nnnomioed III this list nio plods, cdtojiilde by iho decision of tlio Domoernlio Convention.) l'.il'. UKI'UttSENTATIVr. CHARLES B. UROOKWAY. uuioMsncRO. TOR I'llOTHOXOTARY JESSE COLEMAX, ui.ooMsnuuo. B. FRANK ZAttll, ni,ooM8nuno, for. ItliUlSTEU AND IHECOllUHK. WILLIAMSON 11. JACOBY, ULOO-Mnuno. KOll COUNTY C0MM!.-"SI0NE11 ABNEtt WELSH, OP ORAXbK TUWMtli". WILLIAJ1 LAWTON, OV OllKHNWOOD TOWNSHIP. JOHN SNYDER up ortANar. towksuii'. MARKET REPORTS. IIlooiuHbtirg1 Mnrlt ,i pt.r bustol "Wiiii Itvo ... tw ... ... ..i ,. . u t j 5 50 ... lfO "i n u JO l'j it D HI .... a uo torn ' on is. flour jifr uari t'lovct-hd i'lnsF-i Oi a:utur 'H'flK 'VaUi. rot.-: .. lrie ' ,-..(. jr it it l-!(ti - ,M. i-'MMI lAl.. I t jitl!i l(n.i i i ton ... Mr . K. W. Wyrikouji's next term of. sj.ioo' w.u coinnicnco .niiy ann. : . Hcluiylfi iV IjOW of OnitiKOVlllo miMi ttfacturo moro lmgsie.s anil wuRotw than any othor parlies in the county. Our iiiiaisumiiii: friontl, JTonry 7.it jiin;;or, Jlaln Strcut, West Hloomsbur?; ha.n a full rsortmiMit of nil klntls of 8n-P(jl!H:lc3 (oxcept with jolil frame t) anil lon-03 for spcctaclo.-i, with plaii:, coiivc.4 . double err" .., 'i'. urvl.ir: I'.n 1 o:.-i; o ii- lrc. r ). 1 .. .i i ..r.-i;p c:;p H1 :l iv i.l .iltiliir liini -.t-l.-clli.. iiwj'w i ov hi.: i ustomcr.s. r.nntiits ov toutsj. Kvory nprvoiis Yoiins Man in tlio Union, will upolvp, Ii-pp, n Itpplpollmt will proven blessing iiouuli lllo, ny uililtii-siiic, in eonuiipufp, .Mill . il. UllX'l..,. '-. i'. O. l2Ceilurht.,N. Y. Ion " Ir Timoandenllt.'blcncil cxpcricnt'i) liavo Hhown that certain substances formerly used and rolled on in medical practice, aro unnecessary and dangerous; yet somo of theso substances havo found their way into medical compounds. Dr.. WAi.KUti'B UAr.iroiiNiA i:u;iiai. Hi ri'Ens, however, contain nothing lo ur .i iH, iK'lllg cotnpo--eu cxcittaivoiy Ol vi. i i iiiio suostancos iroin uiniornin. Fo. ill disorders of tho liver, kidneys. bl.'.'l'int , skin, and digestive ovjrnns, and for purifying llio blood, thoy aro the most wonderful remedy known, n-ti-lw. TiiK TcsAiiTY or Ti.cin. l.eu a nation rs le.ii-beiutpilas tho Amuiian ono becomes con luced. lrom lonir ixtiei'leuco and observation that an nrtlcle possi-' os supc-nor escpllcnco as a mi'iiieinp.nni 1111 ui'i prpposiiTons cuiuior 01 an Ito woriuicss uosn 11111 euoi it 111 iiiu ill' verse an shake thclrbcllcf In Its pillelcncy. Truth Is a v tenacious tlilni!, ns ineso woi lines aro 111- Rlnnui'i to ill-, ovir. PL vni-ation lliTTKilshn too briu ahold upon the popular est rem Io bo in hp Mltfiuesi iiegieo eiui'uii ny u.unuii wiiiui liutillies whiili tho advertl-ers 01 tcimeulcit loj s. "without a panicle 01 uicuiioi, are mi loiut 1 iaunchlnu au-nlu-t all alcutiolic n.eparatlons. Tho nubile knows vpiv well that this nceiless renovant and tonlo doe- pout.nu spirits, but it also knows that thpy aio of tbo purest and mosl wholt'Mimo iiesciipiion, vi.. : uno 11111 hi, uroix, the most active and bencllctnl dllluvcr of Its remedial and luvlKorntliui propurllesthronuhout the system which could po lblo bo adopted. Mli'St'MMF.n M ii.aiiiks. The but solar lays thai ripen the hfi vests ijcueiutu iniiiiy dlslie-s-iui; dtsiasi-. it Iho liver be .it all predtspohd to lireuliulties, this is the season in whccii bilious atl.ii-lts may bo anticipated. A wlak stonuipli, too, weakest lu tbo summer nioiihs, and tho lo ot vitality lhtou;h the poies by ex- cessivo per-iiii'aiion is -oi;i-cai,uaia wnoicsoiii.i tonie, cotutiiiiin also 1 he pi opertics of adlllu Btvu stliiiul.ini uud Kcutlo exh lun ant, Is In many cases ueccsMiiy tohcallh, a id limb r uo clicuiu stnucts should bo dispensed with by tho slcklj iiutliletiiiitaieii. uinu 1110 preparaiions iiiii'iiimi thus to 11 Iresh, sustain, anil nrtuy thomimiiti frame, theio Is nouo Unit will pninpaio with llosleitirs Cetrbruled Htomni'i Ilitte s. They hnvu been weluhed lu thu balance ul expenei iv and not found wanting; have bjen recomuieni' ed 1 1 mil the Hist ns a great medicinal speclHe, 1101 n a iicvciiiKe, uuu in spuo 111 uiicrcsieii op position I rum Inuumci ably iiuarteis, stand, alter ii tueuiv 1 ais' trial, at the head 01 all inonrlc- inry uicdii'incs inipuneii or 11 opi'ueuiiounuu etlu- 01 all criiiuary euniiiaiuis 01 inu siiim.ii'ii ihoi vit. t a: DoiMi-. uuu iiioni'i'ves. iiiiuouu licallliy di-iihts borderluij Iho uroat ilveis of Calilo. 111:1 llo-titter's Ktoni.iPh dltteis may be classed as tut sianuaru ono lor every sjiceii's o 1 11 term 11 1 nit or reiiiltti-ut lover. The uooiilo wb Inhabit IIiipo dlslrlPts, plaio the most Implicit couildi nipiii Hie piepaiatiiiu a eoutldcuco tin t is incle.isiu 1 ' 1 y J e.il i'J Hie il'siui ui iisopci lloll. As bluets, so i.illed, of tho most pcrulclous character, mo si ihiuliiii up llku lunal oil c. ciy side, tho 1 ubllp Is hcieby loiewnruod niialnstthe ,l.i,,.kli.,n Irnildil. Ahlc for Hnslotters Itlttei H. see tlint Iho l.ibol, etc., aro correct, and lemeiuhcr 1 lint the gi nuliio nrtli to Is never Bold in bulk, but in bottles only, n27-lw eisx-iiALi' tho peoplo cannot tako CiiiiW Oil Horn Its tcirlblo iniuscntlug taste, and teenll In thu throat. Tlio Castoiln pupnud by Pr. Pitcher is ouielv vccclnhlc.nci-li'ctlv haimless. nleasnnt totako.niulmoroellcctlio than Castor Oil, It dm s not distress or urlpe, but legiilutcfl tho sys tem, nud opi rates u lun nil oihu reiuodliw bnvo faiKd, It acts llko ma,:k' tor Ktomacli Aoho, 1 oiistinutlon. l'lntuli npv. Ciiuiii and Worms. It loutniiis nellher .MI1111.1I1, Morphl.io nor Alco I.. ltssoothluii,iii r 11. . .1, 1 irahicesimtur. ' ut I'. and nut iliiiiii. .1.1-.111U i tn 1 rvlim and li .lll.nitehlldlell. o l.llli le ...1 . over mot sucli iiiniiinlli'id en.loiM mint by tliuphynlc.au. I. ,,p uo nioie Ihitii' Pills, Nurentiu Hyiups, lu iplnn Piugiitlvi'S or HIcKeuliiK Oils. TluiCa iniia costs but US cents, nud w hen oiieu tried you THE QU&Ertf the rnmmrn BUTTON-HOLE AND COMPLETE SKWIXH MACHIN'K. Thr i'p. Rod only nUtTON-HOLi: AND HPW SU MACIII.Nr. combined that I as mado Its aduut li' IbUftt a- y ii il, . cmtuiry. Wlho lolliiwlliii r.WMiis ' ro Ovi'n why tin' 11 tho U'M. Family Machine to Purchase. 1. d. can .1 Mil. p. i. l'i chohi p. win woils evaij ihliiKtli.itany ma n bountiful eyelet hob', rhino can do, sewing ?il.,,l.'0.,,J!,.,ln,,!,.l.,.-'' . H..cnu.so It can do Swinn r iwiiinS r.v !,!, '"Vor-ii.uici haamiiiK, ny bralt'Hn Wir. lnsatli-.iU?1,7i lurr. ...... iwiiiri, Kiir.iTU. mil ilitl snwllitt nil, nl. 0.VCil OVfl- ml ovc- tlio Ramo lliuo iiilillM.i tllltllw ntr) . lilt.f than nny otlier ma-! 0. llroatiso tho best ni.tiift rmculnulcrtnronouncoH iitu umi liumucti iinu nvido on tlio best prlnot- .in.wKu .ii n.i'T.t j.i .,., nniiiinir to ml on ot by th'1 hand. OKll'i". '. '.ccaitKO it v ill phi broHb-r ovrr tbu s'V maklin n licit mid bf an tii'n' 1. U'lircn a.ij 7. Ilmo it Is two maclilnoH In one, A if rroM-noi.r y'oii?;-i- it mm "cv r". M i-No otliuf ilacbinocatinccompllfih tho kind or Bowing Htated In Nos. 'i. i, I. nul .1. l'.irttcs niin rt family towinu macblno want a WHOL15 M.yJti:UJ.ono with all thu tinptovo IllPlllH. It i-i to last a UrKTIMB, and thort'r'.i'o ono n wanted tbat will flo Uio most worli, and do tl tho host : and this mad bio can do RQvertU kinilM ot'si'liiKltutiloliO on AW OTI1 RU MAUHINT3, bouidii Uoliiff uvory Jvlud tbat all others c.ui do Tho American or Plain Sowing Macliino. (Without tlio butlon-bolo iiitM. dot-uHll tlmt H dono on tho Conibluation oxci pt button-holo and ovor-fjoanilufj, S. J. FAUX, Agent, DI.OOIMSBUUG-, Pa. AUKXTS WANTED IN HVUKY TOWN. COMlNY'S WAIlKUOOrS, 1318 Oho&taut Street, Philadolphia, i: uninc them ntoro purciinsiiiK any other Sowh n211M7J-0m. IIorTi.r- l-rr.:. n JiKAtrrv. LudiuM, if you W""' 1 li.r. . bv " i' b-"'i i all you iiavotoi! mi 'omi"bus' rl-, .vlAwOUA UAi-M. Tb.u iH-'crlesfi ! ri iin.r -i mpk--"- ion not only lu luhU ns imi un.l iui i ih out it a Jors even plulnttt oja(t'ii-tnce ( vc otlluly itiiaclive. JtriHui -toti 'iuli .riicii''! 'jsy 4mh n l.tnltli, umovetj pl.nphs, blotcUt--, "ou,;!itieHfl, sail'iwness nint ot her bk in mich, and invpf.vts to :ho a m u !ic.u u u ;i.id softut. I' !.iin..)fhi's i.e I.i io' n i I iy thiii' or I'm.-, -iml ii! fuci ne(c uinl lum-Hmi plump and - nj-n appenninoo , out' al MTRty 1th-. 1 i.ompIlslK'tt by tho mot laUiral inuitn-, u oy u'-utty and m.tm.illy Hlliiinl itiiii, Ll.eelicaluuou in ..io oaplll iry blood eu-ieU. JkUlc.i bvhu; iu itn tibt'.-'. .Ilia jL'iu yJ;.! avd to moikna aUlucl. One-Bam- thu peoqieinnol tlto Cn.toi (hi .'roui it ternni" naa iatlnK tns'. ami ifcoll in hn throat. J't) f astorji prepared by l)r, litchov iHpuv )y vpvotaf lo, n-x ''''cMy hnrmlcit', 8Ioaant to take, ami moro citueiivo than CasLor U. Itilooflno; distrnsTcir I'vy l ui re;:t!;tt- tlio (htem, "iint otratee when ail oUnn tnt dlet lmvo in 1jU, t acts iilct lu.'u; tor Snuuuci Aohs Constipation, Fiiitolencv. (.'."tip and Woitns. it i .mtuin neil'ior Mm iu,. M"i phlno uor Alcjlnd, It i ootii'ti-j, nuietli..' etlu,1', u-odm es un tn ml Hlcun. and particularly adapt h .t to cry In k and leethln'r cblldreii. No aiticlo Irwt'V-i ni'-t sivli uii'ii.-iiliiu'l u ldorM-mi'iit in ho J'byHlcblUti. T.Hio no moin Ulttor 1MU, -'arfotlc SvrupH, OrlphM l'ur:atlvos orSicUen DhfOils. 'i'lvo Castoiia coMs tiut VI centH, and. 'vhen once tiled you will ui'ver bo wttliout 1. li-7 ' Important Testimony ! Tho followluf! Uttpri iirs nironn tlio inftiiy vro rro constantly i-pcpIn lu iioin pcrvonw whpiinvo bo-jn cured by SfhoilcJc'ri Sciienek'rf Si iir-nck f l'liliiionic yyniji, 8pt Wood Tonic, AND ;J.uitlniki- Pills. I'ciiimffroi e, lllJt,lu County, Xcn Jtrrry, FKURUMIV '.7, 1S7L". 1 c. J. ll.SUII.Nl.'K.N. i;.i'.i.-uirElxllinu,l An li i.ti-p ts, I'hlliulPlpUia, HPsin'Cted Hli I lulio jilpasuro In nilitinsr my tpstliuony to that of llio ninny otliprs who havo boou fined bv thuptlicucyol Hp icin U'n rulmonio isyrup, So'i Wood Tonlp, and Mimlr.ilio I'UU, L'oimui.iiittou hai been bi loilltury Willi my fitrally, uiuslnl 1U meniiiLM li-i Ini; itlutl ol 11 il eirlynsos, My moiln-r and tbiu-i hioilun.4 dint I n; tho uso of ill, one b..i'...u- ,iud my sister I a U. I win, when about ii yeai-d, seuod with liver o mi.iint, which r.ip'.illvtluvploprd Into 1'uliiio ! firv Consiimptlou, 1 was compelled to lcllti I il-i my employment fllmt ol a hlaclt.smlth.) I mniltcd Hlillllul nnd eminent ph)FldaiiH, i aullili-d many pHli lit u mm a b'.t ii.oui I a ir. . i, so thul niyfiiLLt' 1 1 un t.ir'. tin.. . I..I.IL. .OIKI ll 111..' 1 CI '. Jl . il" ' I 1 ' . llllllll.l 1 ..1 I i'l pounds to 101. anil was not ablo to do iiiiviblni; without u!.slstnuco. lly Mlml 1 now tool: upon as a l'l-ovlilcntlal lu tcrpoiltlon, 1 was lnduood In try your rempiltps, and nlnpo in sell under jour Ireutmcut, nnd so rapid and thorousli waa my recovery, that it seemed lus though somo superhuman power was at worlc, and to-day I am as well as aL any tlmo during my We. 1 ,ei';n IjJ poumh, io.i iyimrs old,alid loi sniiioliiiu' )i;t in on n (iulaily at tending to my liitslneih, blddlu ; lair lo livoloa good old uo. 1 am IhiinJiliil to you boyond epri sslmi lor havini; placed mo in n pouulun wherelulnmn beuilll Insloid of a burden to my family. Your .Manilla!.-!' 1'llln aro tho only iiiodleino I PM-riUiOUow, 1 think they aro tho best in Iho world. I can ii'ti'i' you to iiiiuilvi.li m my iielglibum Mho will verily a l I have Mriion.aud any tn foniiatiou any ot my lill-ov c i .' 'ii-. in iv ihs.ri will be Inn iy and t;la,li kIvi ii, upon iccipt o' blamp. by iHirs,elc. JOKN C. iii.wnr. Ht'J Vl'si, I'lSl., t'c:i. I!), ISTM. Ut. J. II. hit'IIMNCi;, N. II. P'.r, Hlsl.i and Audi slietts, l'hllailolpul.i. Ileal .sir I'loaso torwiiul, per tlrst steamer, six boltles Ken Wied Tonic and twelve bjtllas Pul monic Syrup, Your tiiedlclucs are o such value that 1 can not bo wllhout llsom in my household, nud lu f uct 1.0 family should Lo without them, j u;..' yiveu iiieiu 11 iairic-1, uuu npcniy op '..u 1 1. 1 in to bo oven belief than ou claim, Vti ' icsjieotriilly jours, Ac. 'V. A. i Hil'inU'iiisT. I'll 1 1. .li 1. I'll 1 v, Match 1, 11',.'. 11. j ii.i-iiii:n'uk. Ki'-pcited Hti I take plensuie 111 11 winding to ou litis eirilili ate ol II, m Muiiihiml euro your 'n.iuonl Hi run and Sua tod Tonic produced. Mv thro it nud briilieiil.il tubes were so lilchlv mln lip l lu 11 11 was 'i.iuost lmiiosslulolur mu to swuiiow niy ioihi. 1 an; 011 a visit lu iny uui-ii', .nr. cuai ics juiiu- son, No. UH Iwli ral siieet, who says your medi cines tuisttd him I10111 idmost dentil atler all oth er means nnd union, ami no having, lliereroie, lull I'ooliih'iico in the virtuo ot jour icinc-dics. slionulv lipoluineuded 1110 lo tivlbem. I did so. and In ono week lrom iho time I commenced taking them m tluo.il uniteriii-nl a verj great ehaugu lor tho better, so thai i could cut my meals without any dllllculty or pain. 1 can scarcely Hud words to expiess my gratitude for duced upon iue,uud I deem 11 bill au act ol grati tude to give you the acknowledgement 01 my appuelallou, Youis reHiiecllully, the earn- leltcr . our lnvalu.iblu mediclues mo- ji.viui.i, .11, j.uin;s, No, ill! Wist '1 lilily-thli'd street, New Yolk, sen r.NCK's pulmonic syrup, SEA WEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS. Theso nru tho nnly medicines that will euro Pulmonaiy Cou-umptiou, Dr. Hehenck has been lu cunstanL liractlco over tlnrlv vears coiitluu. ally examining lung-, and knuMs his niodlcliHw, 11 i'101 1 ny unit 11, 11 111 emu ciiisiiiiipiiuu, jus Muuitiako pills rlcuuso tho llwrnud stomach: his tse-i W'.id TiuiU UiHsolVPrt tho tood. stimu lates the I'nutlii ct Uie stomach, and makes It mgisi. 11 in I'liimoiiii' r-yi up ripens ine inatter, and ltatuio throws It oU ifltlioulau excrtlou, J'i In' ofluo Pulmimlo Bjiup and i-c.i Weed Toule, si,'.',s nt r lioltlo, or 7 00 per hall do.ru. Miiiiuiiu.e 1 ins.., 1 1 ins per mix. PniCPAKUl) ONLY AND I'Olt HAT R IIY J. II. SUIIEN01C A- SON, N. 11. Corner SIXTH and AllCH Ulu-ets, rilll.AIlEM'MIA, And by DrugglslN and IVulirs generally. JOUNSTOX, 1I0M.01VAY k COWDK.V, C02 Audit Stkkkt, PiuiiADKi.PifiA. HVioVfiff Agci.ls. npr 1J. l-.'.'-ty J USTICE'a BLAN1CB. Wa now have cm baxul a lusMinaaliviirliitr.t gsiorlnmut ol JPHTlcifrl and, lHJf.ffTAIII.Hrt lircAJJKM.tOMlllcH w ti 111 IiivJip 1 1.0 iilliiiiion ot A ROOD HCHOOL FOR YOUR BOY, WRM. TAfyiir, vj:li. Feu and wi:t.r. I 'AUDI) I' OB, Mm i in. ii.y nurrontnlliign, nu him l'i i hioiburalmrtf, I'd. LEBA1H VALLEY " "COLLEGE, POH nOTIl jjKXICB. lopftialii liuliaiUKH. lull tonii begins Aiik. 1UI li, ror raisioRUe. wmriu ino m niipni, HA5IJION1), A. il.. Aunvillo, i'a. Ii. II. COTTAGE SEMINARY I'Olt YOUNG UWES, otffovrn, Ulunteoiucry Co.,Vn. Tlui tWPllly-fourllinnn tnl .rmlonof thlolnstl tutlim niirn'4 Henl'iiilnr IJ'h. Kor C'lrrulnrii, mtarohi llov. JOlliN MOOHI:, l'llni-Ual, Af Fortitlowiii .llnlitoilicry Cn Vn. on l'i. Hi. ft IlLiulltiK K. 11. Tweuty-Hi icinil nil mull it'iAnlon oputiaHopt, I lib. i4.lan.io.. licallliy mill In .tut Jul. CUbi'i-iiI, Ilnij'inli unit M-illiiimatf-iBinmi , sof .tuily UioiLUtfli ittnl jmic. leal. I'or l'i .. : , ronlnlnln in I luilli ul ..'p. udilrcn I1KU. ). MKIU-sA, V.,, riibclt.il. i illliLRCIATH AMI CO.UMIJIUI.W, j s yvvi TOi v IIivm, Cniin, 1'rcnnra III!-.' M, l Olll'gH, HUII.IS'., I. .flltil! P 'lIKll, 1 MllHiify una NnVttl Anvlemu n. I'ttll rietilon, Mn i-'-iir, I" in h"H. II, 1 1 tatalogur, ml ill "(Oiii. WW. II. llt'HSLL, Prlncliml. A0I.NT3 WASTED I'Olt r.IFK AND TIMK9 OP ('onlnliiH blot-rnplilPH of Drow, Vaiiilcibtlt, (loulil, TwroJ, ftc, with a flnnnclitl hlitoryof tlio country lor tho Iitst tlireo vmirs, unit what (lilA.vr Ituewnlmut 'ISI.AUK PHIDAY." Ovor &)paiPH. I'rlcn;!.'. AiMrpmi Now Vorlc noOlf if)., UiNftWUHtreot.ow YoiK, CAMPAIGN GOODf! FOR 1872. A it' 'i nit,-1 tin f i.r i uiniifilcin 'iov' , Sell nt Mii I'.iy I OD in'iirlit, in ant N'lwlst.i tl-.i. . .-i m-l al fi.ico hi Iten r'lillvi- l'i.. ulun hi I rn. i.iili of iiui' l-'lun HUvl Unxrrv.inis oi nil tlio ,ui tlil.iti-, l iiniiminn lllornplilof, CliutM, riiotournjiliH, il:ii)Ki"i, Vius, I'lr.KM, ntul every tlilni? 6iifl.il to tho tlmiw. Ten Jiollnrs per day enMly inailn. l'liUHnniph" fiont for Jt. AililroiH itooui; K Oooiifrmro, l'i l'nrk How, Now York, I olITH WANTr.n. Auent'i mnlco mom mon A ny nt woil: lor ui luin nt nuvtlilins clc, 1Uik'iw.s llaht ui'i t'Pi-mnipnt. 1 nrtlcnlarn frpo, u. hTixviN At Co., Kiim Art l'tihllslier"!, 1'oit lnnil, .Maine. U.S. 1'IAM) CO.. No AglitlU. N. Y. 1'ltICli. CirciUnri fieo. 290 BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE ! I P il ; t V ' b, llllll lll ' 'Of IP . 'J- 101 ' il ! l I. ). JI.V t ni-llplol - M.uki't lor .ii illi iiir Lu .'I, nnil H U' X.lll'll'" IIMUil on ' put un ." ' r 'p orr, - ".. ynti Hpi nn.l -t., 1'iiiliululnnin, 11. H. WILI'lll'.ltlinil, fropilctov. l or p.ilo hy DiunUl.i uuu urocim, '-.'J';! .i 'mm V I all lohlil l. ' tol ' ol the blv l'i(llv'n, l'hoy lliln Is and w- Rla t, tlio digpfl- lloll. 'f.ll.nAMHUl.1 1 ?i:h Aj .i.iiN. ;.t used by lal.i.u.-. i ( lit vlmi all uei.iuit in' i i a moans ol LO.il.UM. Jl ."1 .iiui Ilt',-.lnt, jKi h u.1 1. if- v. 1. nit pain aucl liupinl- vi. ii.h It nurllios anil lemlnt 10M.M ol -nH"IuiS r to tii"-- oitfaii.- rtOIiU 11Y Al.b DUUUOIH'IS. For unv i-nseof Illmd, lllceil-lu-i. iUhliiK oi VU ended Mies that 1)B UiNu k Pile ilEitihiiviiini lo cun. It. Is pr 'pared oxprn-siio euielhorilO'',atiduothtni m', noiu o an urusi;,, muu, i n-i. P UOt'CHED AMENDMENT TO . i- m: co'bi'iTUi'io:) oi- i-ennsvlva- ;ia JOINT niOMJTIOX 1'iop.iihiA an umcnJuichl to the Coiuliluliou 1 1 IVu.isylva .lu. i It ll'iO'l-' (' bit t' Al 'I'l.'- iPll' f'l'JUi fi liifl' i' iii f!i'''? ' (v. i I'nwtalHifif l'.rm.vjlmnt'i it i.i'ipi U !iHi-ma'v trit. 'ihiit tho loltoitlm auionilun ut oi th" ("imsi itunouof this common wealth be proposed io the pcoplp for thPlr udop lion ov i'Ci'ctlu.i, p'i.-maiit to ino piovislous ol i ho tenth mucin Inuoof, to wtl; AJlESbllUST' Htrlke out iho MrtU section ot the nrticlo of tho Constitution, and Insert In Uou thereof tbo I mowing: "A wiaio xrcaHurer snail no cnoseu bv tho oualinail electors ol the .tnte. nl such tf-iiieu nud lor such term of bei .-le aa Bhali bo 1'i'oNeriopii by jaw,' Wli.r.IAil m.uuvr, Hpcalsirs ol tho liou-.e ot Heoiseiitatlvcfl, JAMhS 8. HiTl'AN. Hi eaUcr ol tho Hcnatc. Ai'i"Kovbii 1 ho twi'irty--ec.,iuld,iy in March, Anno Pomini one 1 i.juiauil eiht hundred and cvouty-two, i.NO. W. OKAIIY. P;epai'i .1 and cert lied Kir pabliiu'loii pur.u- iii: .1 tin i puii. Aiiipip o: 11. 1) i uum.iuuou. FUANC-I JOKOAN, r-i i relaiy of the Comutci.iwefillh. I i-i'!i.:. .i:i'i.r..kin ofii'i: Commomi uali'H, Iiaiti'ii'i ito, JuupSij!.!, Uo-', Jul Vli, If7., 3m, 1 0,000 AGTJurlTED ill 'A 1 U PU AUK imiiuttUTii uimni. Tho most attractive aril salable thing out. It is Indlspennbi.' to men ot all panics, tarnishing Ju-l tho tacts and llgurcs nfei'pd, for every ln 1. l.iaent --iti... 'iC'iitsaro selllii', f. ini lri 'i'0 I'll A DAY, Tco nn pit' i-l'irs. I I t liberal b 1-1-. 'Sej I tor ile-crlrtivo Aildipss, 1 '-. MM.VH Publisher, ,11 .uis 1111 leei , I'Ul'.AllEd'IIIAf Isschoico ueio is a on IHO ,S" J.tst ftii't ("Pnirnt tVUW. OUR DIG33STION, or. MY JOLl.Y l.'itII'MVHHi.'.iTiitri II 1- by odds the most taking and naleahlo boolt lu tho Held. 1 It in on a vitally important snb Jppi. lilt ts bv Ai.iei lea's most popular writer 011 HL.11111. ills, lor no pneo, tho largpstund l.'iu l'-omost book evor sold by subscription. A ip ills', the pei, p.. ,.ici ige-r lorsnch a bool:,nnd 7ill urge you lo bring ii to them. Write for terms, ac., free. OKOItni: JIACLIIAN, Publisher, nnr'I ai,7Mt. 7J.I Miuisoni Htieel, Pliiladelplila. I.O'JO AGENTS WANTliO tor our new hook, lly W. b WKIIU, tho noted Pioueer nnd Hum orist. A niostnccurato anil Inscinatlng descrip tlou of tho wllducss and wealth of thu botiud less West. Its untold 1 Icheu, lllg Injuns, Ilull'alo, Wolves, A:c. Crowile J with valuable In'ormatlon sp.nkllng with tin keenest wit and raciest hnnior, 1 ivahng Ma. k Twain's best, nudsplen dldl) lllusiiated. Will bo immensely popular and sell beyond precedent. Por sample pages, illustrations, tcims, .tc.. address, UL'liiiAltL) llltOM., Publlshcis, aprlHiii'72-tt Hansom St., I'hlla. Is EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. JJJ 1; STATE Ol' ITlLk orAUHAP.T, lllIC'll." I.elterrt tpstamcntaiy ou tho est-ito of Petri llearhnrt, lato of l!iaver township, Columbia couuiy upccasi'u, uavo ucen granted uytho llog I .tor ol Columbia county, to Allen Mann, Kxeeu tr to whom all persons Indebted to said estate am requested to make payment, and thoso bav in , 1.,lsn.- .1. .,.,.. nl,i,lLl :l.l ...Ill mako them known to tlio Uxeculor without ueiay. AI.r.i:.N MANN, JunrJi7J-lw rlxeculur. A. Dnl INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters nt llillilluistrnttiin ou tlio osLlto of Murln Kautr lato ol Hnnlon twn.. Columbia county, deieased, havo been gtnnteil by tho lii glsfer 01 said couuiy to I K.Urlckliatim admin fstiator. All persons ba Inn clulms ncalnst tho estate ot the ifppedcut aro reouosled to present 1 11 u in lor si'itiemiut, and thoso Indebted to l 1'statoto make paymem tothe undersigned, ad' mlnistrttlor f, without delay. J. J. K1UCKI1AUM Juno ij--7. aw. Administrator. -pXECUTOR'S NOTICE. S j ESTATU or Alll'.AM YOl'NO. DEC'D. Letteis testamentary on tho Potato of Abram Young lntuof llellton luwnshln. Columbia conn- , ul.. ........ u wvu .....un-,. ii 11m i.i.iri ui sain eoiiuiy 10 diicou rs. r.viiim, All person uaviug claims ngaiust 1110 citato arorenuestm to present them lo llio Kxccutor In Columbia county. Ihoso Indebted to tho estnto either on nine, juugiueui, mortgago or uooic account wu iuuuu luiyiuwui. io uie i.eeuior wiinoui in lay j at nil i-; Ai Juno 28, 1S72-UW Kxccutor, A DMINlHTRATOlli'.S NOTICE. iv. rsiAi'i. i.l ji ii s 1 i.nii.iir.i n. I.elb'rs ot Adinlulstratlnti , 11 thu estalo o John I. Li.ti. Intu ol licut'ill luunshtn. Co. liuu'ii.i loiiii'i . di -'I .ise.l, bau been irraulodbv tboltigisti 1 oi - il I ,'. .uiitj to 1, K. Urlikbaum 111 u, 111 i .. .111 iii-'iiis na ing claims aguuisl thu 1 it'tto ol ilio iloci dpiil are leiiuested to pro sent lb. 1 1 loi setth'i lenl, and l!u. .11 uidobled b Iho 1 nl n 1 tomulle tmyuiPiit lo Hie undersigned n iiiiiut.,iiuuu, niiuoiii i i.iy. I Ik. lvUICKII.VU.M Iuup2iI 78-tiw. Ad.nlntsiintor. 1UWNEKS CARDS, it YIHITINU OAUDS L'm:n iikXus, DILL 1IKA1M, PltOailAMMriJ, POHTEIW, All,, AO. Noetly nnd. Clicaidy I'rhitoa 1'ioin the Uttsa Hlj-lts ol Typo nt the (jOLummrt Os-iTjcK JL7VN1C DEEDS. " W now liavo the hncs.tu.builmuitofllI.AN OLlirH on liniul mid lor snlo that who ever kOPl In llloiiinsbmg. Ijircoslzuiin best iiarch- liiMil api'r, I'liliiliimi Hesds, Hiillllor's nud 1 1 jviiiuiiiisiiiiini'H 1 u e us KI111111 siiu gcsHl anil TyKUOUTION OF fK)-PARTMl?H- Iho po-p.irln rshlp licrptoforo cxlBtlng nnufr tho lliuinamo of flnyiior, .inrlmnn ft Co. IIIUl tolv od by tho doAlii of Ilenjmnln h", Skmilnf. 'Xlio booxi ottho lam Una are In the 1 1 audi of Piltilel HnyJpr lo whom nil parsoiiH kaowltiK theni Helves to bo ludebtod to tho firm aio requeued to mnko Immtidlnlo p.iymoiil. The bnslnws will liocontlnnoit nt tho old placo nnUur ILa nnmo of U. (jnydcr. A . J , bUYUEUl, A CO,. Esi-V May 17th 1672-tf TN T1IHDIHTHI OT CO t J RT OP Tl IE L U. H. FOil THK WU'JTKHN DIBTHIOT OI1' l'ENKSYI.VANIA. In IIankbuitov. ., . , , Tho undersigned hereby kIvus notice ot lilj np- Biliitment as Ailnee of I). V. Hwank of tho oroush of JIazlaluu, Luierno County, 1'cniin. wllhlii tinlil iiuirlet. whn ltnji lrfinll fulltldttOtl a ban Ii nipt on Ida own petition by thollUtrict Court of wild district, u, w. .'lu.l.i.ii, Amsnee, nioonniburK I'a JJOTIOE TO TEACHERS. Thoro will lion public, examination of teacher for Iho town of Illoonuliure In tlio o il Academy ou Baturday July Will, 172 oommonclnc at ID o'clock A. M. Thoso intcnrtlm? tn npply for rciiooik in mo uimrici win proBcui luiinseives forciamluallount thaltlrno. II. I' HAWK. MIUI, July IS, 172-31 Secretary. EXECUTORY NOT10I3. ESfATE 01' hllNJAMIN 11IK11EII, DIlO'l), Lcllerii liisljuneiilarv on tho opinio ofnonla- mln Ilieber, lata or Catnwlnsa, Columbia county, decennod, havo been minted by thu Ili'iiljter of aald county, to Jesso K, Khnrplcsn. Alt persons iiav ui; claims againAi luoefiinia uro requefiim to prcsont them lo tho Uxeculor lu Cofumbln county. Thoso indebed lo tho cslato, cither on nolo Judgment, morticiige or Iwok account will mako payment to tho Executor without delay. JliS.Sl'i K. HIIAIU'I.KIS, July 12, 18T2-0W. Exocutor, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KHTAtS or WILLIAM &SVDRR, IlRO'rl. TUo underslKnoit. Aivlitor, nppolntiil liy tho Orphans' Court of Columbia- county on excep tions to tho confirmation or iho third account of William Neul and Charles W. Hnyiler, oxpciitnrs of llio cslato of William Snyder,, lato or lllooiu township, dPCoaHPd, will meel tho parties In lorostod al hlsnllk In tho town rf Tiloomsburrt ou MalurUay tin third city of AurubI ut W a, in. whou nnd wheru ell persons Interested aro ro quested to m' o t nil i ialms or bo debarred iioiu cuiniui; in .1111 h. 1 ,-i'iin'. 1 . II. IlltOCKWAY, July 12, 1S7MW Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE 1WT VTKOl!' DAMIKL KnWI.1511 riKc'B. 1 uo unucrsiKiioii nppoinieu 1111 Auiuior 10 ills tribute tho fundi lu tlio bauds of tho trustee of Iho estate of Unnlcl Kowlcr 11. censed will meet tho parties Intel ested at his 01 ico lu Iho townof lllooinsburs ou Hnturday Aoijust Kill at lu o'clock a. m. when nnd where all persons Inter ested aro request od to present them to tho Audi tor or bo feic'pr dobaired from conllntf In nn said mud. ! II I,tTTLI, Juno27-721w, Auditor, milNIHTKATOR'K NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby slven that letters or Adminis tration havo boon prahted by Ino Hoglstcr of Wills of Columbia coiiuty.to tho uiulovs!i;uc J up lon llio esUito or William 1 Soudcr, lato of Kspy In said county, now deceased. All persons In debted lo said esUto aro requl red lo make pay ment and all persons who havo Claims ncalnst said cstato to make them known to tut under signed resident In tho city or Philadelphia, or to M. C. .McL'olIum al tho lowu ol Jispy afore said. c jiaiilds a. Hourvnrt, LOUIH It. HOOD. Juno 11 ln72-l AdnilnlHrators. AOEHTS TnV-'.:l f:t lBMllfr'4 WMIi'.te.f, Flaiis. Tho rcmarkahlo advouturPH of the iamouti WlilTK ClItlll'Hiid HI(J WAIUIIOK among tho HedSklna. Tl rMlltniaconnntunr Gloat Hunts, liulvl nud 1 1 J'"' 1 .and JorriWi- CoutOhts xlth 1 hi' Irgeruiiiiumd nortllo'rlbcs. Mplrlted descript ions ol U10 habits and superstitions of thai 'truno pi oplP, 1 no.r sports, r.cccnils, Tratll Hous. llowtbi y Woo and V ed. brailii, Doctor; A'orihii, Ap. Now, l'tosli nnd l'opiilur. Price Low. Ills selling by tho thousands with won derful rapidity. Axents aro making from tsn to f 100 tier week. Choice field yet vacant. Bend nt onco for samplo chaplprs, Illustrations nnd par ticulars to A, 11. lluimllllJ. iiiuusner, Janmi-tf. IWChi luutHt,. l'htln. XTEWDltUlTrrrORE. CUIUS. A. KLEIM JIavlui! purchased tho bmlniss ol II. P. 1.11U now uilois at llio old stand, a choice ussoiliut.11 of DHUU3, CIIIl.MIC'AI.'J, PATIINC AtUDKHNEfil, TOlI.r.TAttnitl.lH, t'WNCY BOAPri, liItimiIEy,AcA:c. And a Reiieral ns.snitmout of thn choicest goods u-uallv found in tlrstclnss iMnbllshnieiilH, I'lij-Flclan j' Prescriptions a id KuiiIIy Iter.lpcs Carelully Compounded. On Suudayx, open lrom S n, in,, to 10 n. 111., and fiomS p. m lo 1 p. m. G HUMAN AND KNULIfJlI SPOICKN. fcl)972-tf ; CONTINENTAL. Life Insuranco Company. OF NKW YOKIv No. of Policies M- 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. 1SSUi:Slilltl.o now f-.i'ill of I'olk'Ioi cnl picseiits ai favorable ifrmit is 'iiiyoom tuuy in tbo I'uitcd ril.ite.1. Tho company will make teiuixii-iry loans on lis tmllcies, Thirty days1 graco i.UowihI on oacli pay intuit, uud tbo policy hold good during that lime, iu our policies Hroinconiesiauio lor 1110 usnni cau-i-s. , I'oiicieo issued by ihls company aru iion-ior-Iclturo. No extra charges made ror iravoutug poriiut., Policy holders shaio In tho annual orolllsnr tho company, and liavo a volco lu tho olootlous and management of tho compmy. 2io puuey or meuicui me eiiiirscnii. JUriTUS LAWItKNCK, Pres't, W. 11. WYNKOOP, Ylco Pres't, , P. Hoi.rKs. Secretary . H. C, t hamuli if, J... Actuary. Central Office of Nortli-Easleni Penn'a. iifm TTAnTATv" I ill 1 I 1 1 r fV uoiuiiiiuiui auiuuiig BLO OMSBURGr, PA. CHARLES B. BICKWAY, General Agent. Jan.5,lS72-tf. jjfcKlCLVY, NEAL it CO., DL'AI.EllH IN DltY GOODS, GEOOERIEsi AND General Merchandise, III.OOMSRURO, I'A. "onu.tijirdrlchw (lay. Asfiland Advocate, itiny soiictieti. w ill nvi' lw without li- 11W lw Hic onloen". niup il linium 1'ciiln, sc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers