RATES OF AW"Vi'UtiIhG. 1C V AM" 1 fCIILIHHIin BYKBY FRIDAY MOtttHO i -i ins uoivMnjAK nnir.nmci xaAftTria ioubtuovsk, iu.oo',i:una,rA,,UY CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, LDITOIi AKI) mOPKlKTOB. y ;---?--o Ccllwa a Ve pnyMo In 4Trt. JOB MftWTIKG r ' ic .crifl'onFi cnttil,wltu ncntna and tl imihi nu hi rettionhbltrftlw. - v,rrlttttAMSMfeatMia!a'll'.r' Oolumb'a Cotmtv Official Directory, ,. l.lmlat Wild iam Kl-WBrx. f ' ' J.'I-IHAM UliliK, ISAAC a. JloS- ,.. HpoT.rn II. ntnor.i'.it. J' ' nt. ..Vorilll' WH.I.MHI.D.M li.J.UTOlV, , , '. ' I All il. ..II UMBS.llllKH'fi I". ' , J, AAKOS tUUTU. I ,,- IMAAODtWIlT, . , . s' Hi-Wii-MAMf, ;r i i , ,vri-i:Miia KhI'Mmi, 1IIHAM J. 1 . . , 11,1 TAM UA Pint. i , . .,. i .' ' .t''--Wiii.tvKmrunAtt(r, I ' , - I . .1. CAMl'llM.I., DAOlhl. ITP. ( A I . i -i i ' i ' U. Mu)i'llV. ,( ' I .noKPf-IXAAl'.tl'llUItiKiJOllNMC. A ' r . . . . ' lltull- L'j'Al::.S O. 11AHKI.KV 1, . , MtiUt-t)lncf, H. II.Mif.t.Kn "iii m vmi.ic, l'lnmii' 'mr;;, nnil Joii;ol Mil. . C mll0t!, (.liAllI.LSUlNMill.KlC'r. liiutiLBliiirg Official Dirccloryi l.lom JUmfawi fb. Ililin A, l'USBTON , i( -nil ill, II. II, Oi:i)i7, f'nslilcr. J , i ;,,.,,.,iwt .'mid-I'll Aa. It. rAXTorf,rrCs t , I. .'.'li ri . I'milildr. t ii'.mf i iiiMiilunlS'irlniFimdantlTMMAt- . 1 1, ;i. Ijiitlk, 1'ru.t., C. V. jIiu.kii, '; 'hi lllttUUnu mill Hunttui VumlAwvia it i v . I ,..u-(irje, I'rcri't., ,1,11. l!0!iIf0M,llcc. i i Hitml f. .lin.' )' lilt J. i. ' i . I'lCeMcnl, V. U.UABKLUY, Bic'y. Cliui'ch Directory, J'lir il rruiAN CHUKCll. ' . -T,l '.. olll..lLill!lllllll. , i ' i ',', -"H A. Sl.l TJ-lMl. , ill' Ih ,V7rnJ-flA J-T. 1 i,ii,i r Mi-illllJ Vllll'."m,?! 1'. M. mil, ij.i-; l.u ' KUUU URliBCI'3 WOl i3Icomctiaig Divcciory. I) ifi n I A(,4 iii't rocelvctl nuU ror snio Dt tits Cni-i am v.Milllne. , CIiOTHING, &V. t.'. LOtVJ.MBURCl. Mi'i:aalTnllor,MaUi it i.,n.iv'Vi' AniBTicaiiuoiisui t .r. jro'l'UM, Horehnbt Talli.r, OTCTHonrn (l io I s ("iii fi otluucry.orpoijiicCnilniiilisnU" Hi' an1 vur.'voomi, l;;'V(i;, CHEMICALS, Ac. , i.li'J'., nipitrclitnnilAiTOtlieenry.Mrtluat. tlic 1 wit unloe. v uOCJCR, WATCHES, 40 a v via:, iciioi In Ciooltn, Watohts nail i !iy. t.il:i St., Ju.it bi-lnw t)i Atucrlcnn I FVNIIARD, "NVntch nnd Cloi-lt miiltcr . rsnui a'f.'itroraorMnliifiuillronst, p i TIH'AHT Watch art'irouU Mnltpr.Muv- 1 . . I 1,1... billO'i.-ilHiU. j.i ..' . K .-'ulili, Dcnlar In llooln nml SIiock, lntesl J j, 1 1 I lii i.t, HlyU cmicr Mmu and Miukct tvii" i : ,iii Die u'li I'oRt oiilce, HIM.V ui,".i; , M'.'iametn'iT ar .1 I'onlrrtn ." ' ' ..8, Uroc.--.!( ,...., . MlO'Jt, i -ion. ,iiuia. .It'jKf-'STOKAL. , r. Jiu .I'tic, rtnrgoc.'. D'titl' .Mxii t.; . I. tJiMH' J.I.UHe. . J(K..:u, ("iirsc'iu ii", i i'liyslclr.a. i.'i Urn 1 ist tJuUouall'.iiiilt, Aitorntj-nt-I.., 0!.ko,2a i jiXclmntoiilcioK, near the "nichaugo XVY.itf. Ii.,iiir:f n inul I'liyblclau v M.tin i,U, bi.lu'A' .Mi.. ii U r.: 'i i . t I'!', M. 1. Suiwusi tiutt.abovti Miitn. I I'liyclclnu ''N, Attorucy-.il-1 Mtug.M.llUbtlci t. KINNEY, Burgeon JMitlnL Teeth i wii houtiiolni M'!d ucrnly op i iioiurcn, .. J. 1,1, aursnii ' riiytlclnli, : ..l.uusirciit, beio'.r --iiilcct, i UMI tt, riiynlfl.'iini'dSuiRiMjii.iif i M. I n i j JUua nU'Ui n.iUtLiii.0 ntio i. . i, 1. W.illoi'. .i-.ll'i &. FAHCV OOODH. hi J, JIUIIui-ry nn i Vnncy (loads, wo.'al Cunich,. I iiu6l, '.IK UARKTjKY, M'niuir, Itam-icy ; .M 1 1 ii Hlreol. i " : i. j; 'i.i a w :i.l!lcKe(ON, Jvliiimuiy anil fancy tin hi., boluw Muiki-L, . HADJI IIAUKTATV, ImW' I In cud PutU.'M, houtliaast cnricr , -1 ll. niAK Mi !.,,ir nr.iU'uiu'y ill .., IC .i..i., . ll'JliftO, i .:i a 1 . u, I --llLlCt, Tl) KAi-dOSS. Hi .'I. T;y'm',' cil '"ill " i'. lfAN'i'd AND GEOCEBP. 1 "It, lry Gondii and KoUuiia, soi.tli u, i' ;m;u niiJ lion ata. . t', illl, t'ouiectlonerj" ard wiLay, , ' ,ilv ..Luliemil, lAcliniige Ulocb. ,oi. r 1, Tl.impmlCniB.IlooU.iuilbhai;,, .1 ; ., ,,u,, t UOI'.H U,)UnC, . M.M'T, Jlarmnoili Oiocory, flno (lio 1 mils, I!nU, 1M civ li.!.m, A.e., Uftln . 1 . Sla tila. 1A i, ;i'K.VLivC-).,ilaKimiiry"OiIs, am, I'lnur, Jicr(l,8nlt, i' lt.i.Ifim,,'.i,"iH, . 1 . cor. Jlulu ciul Mnrlfat !J 1,1 ". .V hPV, dealers In Drytloo.li;, -. ('..tri'. .in, Kl'-rv, Salt, Bhois, Mi, JY.ui.SX nous. .! . .".MA M. i-'1 111'-', 1'innli . UnruwH r, .-hive Ulurlr Ma uMrcot. .:i:;9 . COl lordc ilfrs''OULldooi':toui . w.iln n.-.'l Iron hid. '1 1' 1, , I'l-.W'Mdew S, J.lslunl, '. us, i, tll ", -iUH, I'lltt -U , J u st c: Market t. I"; il ;;", 0Y r r.'bUnn ,m ,i i s.i'.al i Meat, 'rallnw, i u, Clum i ll.v, r, . tu American House, ' ' ' " i iM 1 .M.Tiblo and Ilirwn Si ono iiii aiiihare.Ucrwleli toad. .' v ' ',, iliinlerm iiunltnre, ininljs, c.df ' wiuii. mar Hie Foilu Holel. ' Hi I , l" H N, Ai'ent tor Uuntou'u Coiici i ..iliii llllll.j; i id. , , 'i'i iM. no ."M..Ki.l. .aid S litifl uUil r'. m, ) , , i, - lo'ii, ,,il I nolo uii.l i,l inir NOTrs.wlllicirwilh- .t ti iiijii urn, l.u tale at the, Columbian Catawifisa, Bv. DAI.I.MAN, Mcreliaut Tailor, BccoudBt, . UobblUb' Uulldlug. 1 , '. J. K. llolintNH, Burecou and riiyfslclan 1 necoud Ht below Main, G'1-L.KltT A KI.i:ni,diynooilii,BroccrIcii,aml fcxui-i il meicliaudU.0, Jlalu HUcut I 0. KIsTLTIK, ' Catlap lifa llonse," North J . i ui Ui.r 5!ulu and Heeond Strc ets. j ,:i:ii.i:h, Biliuul H..!inn, Ojkitrs, ami ico i:. i ii am in beakon MuinM. ,1 M. HUonST, dealer In aoneralMcicliandlso ui uiinuK, urneerieH .re. ill - II'IOHANMA nr Hllrlr Hotel. H. KnSteU' O b udirl'ioprleiiir,soulli-iahtioriurMaluaud r uuiiiiu niuii, w I. 11, A1J110TT, Attorney at law, Main bt. Liglit Street. li I', i man .v Co., Wheelwright, urtt door 1 . 1 1 vo .'-diool Uoute, j'i'is A.OMAN, Maimr.iiiurcr and dIor In .' 1' iHiin.lHhoM R i. l M', dtalor m Mo.i' i'inl Tin ware la ,u It . lil.luchu, lji il It 1 .NT, Miller. Mid dc hr In all kinds ol I In. In, i lour, iVed, co, All lupds oldraiu liUILIlli ,1,'tl. Hpy. 'M W. KDUAlt, BniKinel nra l'lunlng Mill i 'iii'uiii'i diiiu mriuiui' VOIiUMB V1.---W0, 30. Buck Horn. M O.W. U. BJIOl.'MAKm, dealers In dry ll'iodi, nrocclerles and eenornl lntrcliaiulso Ovangovillo Directory, OIl'llKItltINO ft llltOTIIl It.Cirrenlersftiid , llnlldcm, Ma'n l,,beVw rin ", nlllCIC H'ltKfi aril n luRliineilt Halnon, by AJ HolirM Htiiiycor.ol Main and 1'luoKl. Dir. O. A. .n:('Alt(ir.I,,l'liyilelmi andBiUKiion Main st,, nest door to Good's Hotel, DAVID IIHIUMNO. KlonrandOrlstMltl.nnd Uealcr iu Kr..iii, :.llll Btie.t, T A M lis TCi t AltitATf , Cabinet Maker and On u ili i IhUi r. .11 iu n HI., below l'liio. ycllllYf.KIt A CO., Iron founrterii.Mai O and Mauul'acluieru of plows, Mill Bt. Machinists (tAMUnt.fUt Vlin.mM, Maker oflhollayhurst O Ji ain Ciadlo. Main HI. WII.UAM nr.I.OJKl Hhocmalterniiitinannfae tin er of Hrlelc, Mill HI,., west of l'ino Pliiladclphiu Directory. A J N WBIO HT a co. , VtllOLKHA I.U OHlll'FUB, N. K. (irnsr Second and Arch Strccln, I'ltii.Anm.rirlA, Dealers In THAU, BYltOTU, mvi'UV, BUOAIt, MOLAMREH hick, si'iosa, m csnn eooa, .tc, ac. .Oiiterii will revvlvoinrmiiit iiltenllon. ma? ii),T-tr. gARVEV H. W'ALKEIt, WITH M EAR, R.01IHOP1' & go., lai'OKTrn', AKDjomirtiaor i 111NA, OLA14 AND QUtlEJTSWAItK, No. 108 NOimi BECONDST., rUILADIU-l'lIIA. SOrlj(liin! nil nrted rieltnsui of (Inernnvvfi'ro coaulaullv on hwid lebKl'?J-tl. j5. i' IJ. HTSLE, ATT0r.UBY AT LAW, Ofllco Co.irvlTr.ii'.r Aller, below the Colom ni.'.M Ofllce, HloomsLurg lre. Q U. imOOKAVAY, ATTOltNUY AT IiAV, SLtoasiioiio, v.K. it's- Orrit'T; Court Jlouse Alley, in the. Co jStrutAtr bnildlas, Janl,'C7. rj Vv. MILLEli, ' AaXOKNI'.Y AT XiAW, Ofllcc Court ffonBO Alley, below tlio CottiM jiANMJfllcc. Bouutlce, ltacSc-Viiy and rcnMinn 'lolloctod, llloomhbuig l'n, scp.lW'07 Tohn sr. 0LA1UC, it ATTOIINin AT LAW. OVT1C11 almvo Howoi'3 Blove, Main slicel, Bloomsbnrg, l'a. 1OIiEKT V, C'LAItK, ATTOllNKY AT LAW, OmcoMAluSlicot below tlio Court House. UloonisburK 1'ciin'a. B. FitANK ZXXlll ATTOllNKY AT LAW, llLOO-MfllUltO, I'A. (Hike wilh J, (I, l'rcez,i:rowcr's llloclt. Can bo consulted In Oomiao or KnitHs-h. incli2'l7'J-tl V STOVE AND TlJN WIOl'. ISAIAH irAUEHBUCH. Main Btrcot ono door abnvo E. MendculiaU's Stove. A largo assortment nl htovei-, Ilealern and lt,iii';es ciinstuiitly on hand, and lor salo at the lowest rates, 'rinnlnlnalllt!i blanches eurefullj iittondwllo, nml i,atlslactloii "iiaranteed. Tin woilc of all klinls wholesaloand retail. A l.ll IsluiUestiil, J.m 1'71 i . M A It It i: W O K I S. :i vx:f Riiivrr, m.row irAiiM.r, DLOOJItellUIta, TA. ;.ro)iiniHiil.i, Toml.i, Itrailslonf , &c. Woilc ( l.j i unud. (lull rs by ii.-II will iteelve ii i il aileiitloii, N, II. Wnrfc ili Ilveied lieonl clni je. T. L. UUNiON, l'lopili lor. octU Tl-tl. 1'. O. l!ox 1117. i" a n i a i vn , lid a l n. QlTICir Ar.F.S ANO K.IIAI.I. l'HOLlxa. HAVi: YllUIt MONkY. (In to 1II1N11Y UT. Zifl nioonir.bnrs, l'a., lor nil ilndd ol tl.obedt homo and city mudn !' u it ; i t ii it ii . i'rlcr ' iinonablo and tho be ' M'orl: dono, J.lll J'7l-lf yUl.CAN WOI5KS, I) A VI Jj Ij ii I' A. WILLIAM II. LAW, Mamir.iclv.rer of Wrought lion l!iidi:e(!riileis, L libiililei-i, I'lieproof lJiillilint!. Wionjdit lion Ko-iuii, iioouiii; i nuni'i, i-iuiuiiih nun jioiun, r.n m C.ile nml fi lirlii''. nihil Vrnn2lit Iron nln- liiK.HlacUi and all klndi of Builtli Woik.iVe. Iteiialrs promptly attended to. N.ll. liiawliiKs and Kbtlinatci Miiipiied, orl"7 71-ly. MAY -iOllK. (Oni.-, AND i.IVKlil'OHL. NEW AND l-UI.L-rOWritKD MTIlAMSllira, TIIUSIX LAllul.M IN Till; Wlllll.ll. ucuaniu. cixTic, ni:i'i'iii,ii'. AIIjATIL, 1IA1.T1C, .MIHlAiiC, I., i ii tun- I im:,' '1,' i ,i li. p. i .'i li. i .Mils' 110:11 Ni w N r u nn HATCH 1 1. Ys. Iroin 1 Ivcrponl on 'I UUiiSDA Y, ami ( mlc Ilatbor tlioday lollowli'j.'. From tho Whllo ut.-.r Do' Is, I'.ivunla Perry. Jersey Cliy. I IlHM'IIi;iT liri ouuiiutiiii lui: vin in. vitii-M-n mulvalled, combining ?5Al'l.i . Hl'lil'.ll, A1N1I lO-ill'Ulll, Baloous. htater rooms, niiokiiiit-iooin and bath rooms In uihlblup section, wlii'io Iojhi nioiluuis felt, surgeon: and ttowaulonscs acconiiauy tlieso steamers. Hati s s.iionn, s-iu coin, Mcerngo, siiicunen- cv. Ihoso wishing to fccml tor li'leiuU Horn the OldConntiv can low obtain Mverasu menald certillcatcs, 53 i currcuey. i',if.scu;i'iH nooiuii iu or Hum en pans oi Viiieili.i. I'aiH. Ilambur.'h. Ni rw.iy. Bweden. India, Aubtinlla, China, tie. incursion iukcih tjiaiiicn at iowti.t laics, Urallb 1 ri ii ii upwauls, Vor Inniirclloti ol nlans and oilier Information. apply to No, I'l Uroadway, New York, U. ,i. r. .i.,t-i, vi-iii, Or lo W. DDAl.'UCK, JaulSlf llloonisburg, l'a, JJEHXirARD BTOIIXEIt lio Ints taiicu iiobsesslun ol THE OLD ST.3STZ33 In tho nxchaiiKO Illock, ho loin; occupied by him and will cany on tho business ol a FIRST-OIi ASS D'AKERY, Ho brlnss tolho business an experience ol many years nml unsure tho community that he will luinlsh tho liebtofbread,cal;es,iolls,blscull,Ae, Irish every day. Hopioposes also lo heepon hand a Iihko uud well ussoitid block ol FINE CONFECTIONEIIY, ntallgrades. French candles and thnsoof do nieslle manuraeture.alwayslobo Iiad.M liolcsale and retail nt lowest rates, Adjolnlm; tho liakery and Coiihctlouery is a well ebtabllshcd RESTAURANT, where may bo found Aln and Lager, and Ito- lli'slillli Ills. Ovsteistll scasilll nml Ihn vtiilims lit lie ilellcaelebhh)i bull tho publlo taste, Theio is nisu II FINE ICE CItEAH SALOON, over the confectionery Horo, where ladles and ginihuiiii can obtain tlio lust of Ice (.'ream In beabou, A lalr.iiaii ot the public custom Is requested and no rains will Icn-aiedto ciimiio mtisinc- null, upiii u, u-ll OTIOE TO TKACUKn.S. There will boa iiiiblie i-Miiaiiiatioii ol teachers f,ii. Mm IniTii ,,riiri.wt.iii.. In 11, n .i .1 Ami, lnmi on Falurday July S7Ui, 1TJ (ouiiiHUCInc nt l'a neiui'M. 4i, iuom) iiiienuiug in nppiy nu schools Iu the district will prusnit tlivuiselvet jor exsumiauon 11 Hint uiue. II. I l'.A.NK ZAlllt. Inly l:. IT'.'- I Seci'i-laiy 3 " I KMJIl 8 111 I 3 ST . ew Miacollauoonn. ESTIB T 1'. Y . 11. (!. HDWHIt. H11NTIHT. Itesiieolfiilly oiais his professional services lei tno mutes nun Kciiiicmen oi liioomnnura anu vi. ciully. Ho Ispiepared lei attend lo all I no varl. ous operations In tha lino of his profession, nml is provldod with thelalesllmnrovcd l'onuKr.AiN Tkktii whl.li will ba Iniirlrd on onld rlMluir P.lverand r.ibbi rbi c to loon as well nslliti nni oraltcetli, Teelli exlraded by alltho newimj most appi ovod methods, and all operations un tho teeth carefully and properly attended to, ltesldenco and ofllco a Tow d 'ors chovo tho t'ouu llouxcbnino blJo, Uloomsburs, Jan,l'7l ly rjMIE GltHA'L' rAGIOA U ii a i ii roue i: r ? Will forco n beautiful Bit ot Whliheru or Mus lacho.ln from two tn thuo inonths.im any per son over twelvo jenrs old. It Is nno of luo best preparations to mnko tho whiskers grow Hint ovorwas known, ouoboltloeif It Issulllclent to produce a very strouK beard, Itdoes not In any way stain or lnjnro tlio skin. Try 111 It Is no hnmbini. l'rko ill cents per bottle. Bent by mall post paid, to any nddrcf, on lecelpt ol price. Address WILLIAM (). WAdNHIt, Arendtsvllle, nuij.t 71ly. AdamiConnly.renna r n is i'lANfil' 'illKNOY, iV oiulll yT.lllil tJll.l l,Hl,OH0 lul.oui mio.i j IW.UKl l.lOVIO i.KlO.IXI 3.10,1X0 S70,liO 600..HMJ HHi.nno Mutual. l,ll,iml DOO.UUO Klllltri : . 1 Nmth Amcriia illy llileriiatlonal N,' Nla-mraN, Meiebanls HnrltiBtield Fnriueis' lianvllle.N.Y Albany CI I ..,.... Danvl'le, llorso Ibelt Atlaiilie. N. Y Ocimaula, N. X FltUAB IIIIOWN, Aticnt, mRt!l'7I ly, l!r.oovsnuitn l'n H .riNKLEY KNITTING JIACIIINE THK BIMl'LKST, CllKAI'IMT AND 11FRT IN Usrt HAS HUT ONK NFLDLEI A CHILD CAN RUN IT! Designed est eclally lor tho use of families, ami adles who dcslio to knit for Iho market. Will do every stitch of tho knlttlnt! In n Mucking, widening ard nairowlngas readily as by hand. Ale splendid for Moistrils and fancy work, TA KINO FIVH Dll'l Ul'DNT KINDS OF STITCH! Aln ery iasy to manni;c, and not liable to tel out of order. Every Family should have one. , Wv want an Altera In every town lo Introduce and bell them.tovht m we Oder Hie mostllberal iiidueemeuti.. In ad lor uui CliLUiai and Nuuplo Stotkllii;. Ail'res. HINKt.DY KNITTING MAC H INI! CO., nov, 11', 71-1;. ll'ilh.Mo. C. il 0 W E R, hu'j oi cned a flr-,t .cia-is TOOT SHOK, DAT CAP, AND l UHSl'OUD, at tho old stand on MalnBtreot.Illooinsburix afew doorsiv'nivo t"- Court llnusu. Unblock ijcom posedol the very late st and bi'stslyles ever ollcr od to 11 iic lttzi :isol Columi'la Ci nnly. lie can nccmniDodato tbn public wlt'i tho foilowlii"t;ooil3 at tho lowest rates, Men's hcavs donlno '.oltd s'ora boots, nien's doublo end sluslo tati poled kip boots, men's heavy Moi;ahhet'i ntnll kluds. men's lino boots audshoi's of all crnie, boy's double solod boots and.shoesofnlllcluds, tuen's glove kid llalmoral shoes, men's, women's, boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's (rlnvo kid Follsh.very Une.wumen'smorocco lialroornland calf allocs, women's very lino kid buttoned ttait crs. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg ged and sowed. Ho would alio call attention to his flno assort ment of ATS, CArs, FUltB AND NOTIONS, which comprises all the new and popnlni varl etlesnt prIeeswhlelicannotfalltobultr.il. TlitbO goods aro ollered at tho lowest cash rates and will bo guaranteed In give, satisfaction, A call Is sollclled beloro purchasing elsewhero as It Is believed that better bargains aio to bo found than at any other placo in thoeoiintr. Jaul'71 Will: ORANGEVILLE ArANUFAC X 'i'UlllNO CO.Ml'ANY. MA.sur'AL-uiiiima of AGKICUIiTUUAIj IJIPLF.AlICNTC of tho most Aniuovcii l'allcniH, .inn riciuinif, ,!o!il)ins, illlil C;)s!iii;s ol all dcscilptlous. DFALl'U'B IN Genwul Moii'iiiiiiilise, Lunilicr, Ac, eve. ORANGE VI LLE, I'A. Wo would Tlionnip In lb,i nubile In rn-nf-inl I hnl Wil tl. VP I llri'll thr 1. 1 II l.mu I , .'.-nil nr. al Works ol this plnco and shall make (l our aim In niauulae'.uro 1 nsl I lass Ateiicnltiiril Implc ments criii.il toanv other luakeib In A.i. stain. Mich a'l 'f rM'"ill!l!S I.'ltllilKS, Until Lover and Ti cad I'owrr, Plows ofcrciy Hosti Iiillon, ninoiirf which mil be the celebrated - K-XOl! MOUNTAIN 1IEHO, arl:iiowledi;c(l by all to bo tho best plow extant 111. I1IU lill IIIL'l. .UMI U1U C.'tiamiIoii, Sterns' I'ltfc-nt :iiul The Montrose. ATiSO, DOUBLE CORN I'LOWH, Culfiiiitors, Ifon ICi'Glos. ' :iiid as(ln-s ol evi ry deserlpllon. Wo shall tiso none hut tho best lintel I. lis and employ none but competent and experienced mcehanli'S and our pi Ices will cominuo l.ivotably with any other imiuufactur- CIS. country I'roiuice, i.nmncr, uiu lion, tauen In excluinge. We nl-o hnvea sieno In connection Willi our AftrlrnlUiml Winks while mav bu 11,011,1 a mil io-i, runt nl nt :ii;ui iiaejdi.si; .'hk'h will be sold nt small Mollis. Ulvo us n eull ben, ii' puieliaslug 1 1-i-ivbere end wo guar antee iiilisiiii'lton, inircli'JV7-ly. Motels. rpil L-: ESPY HOTEL. KSI'V, COLUMHIA COUNTY, I'A. The uuilcisli;iied would liilorm the travelling public llii.l lie lias taken tlio .ibovonami d c ,lab Ilhhiiieut end thoioagnly n filled tho h.imo for the peili tt.ftiUMinluica ol hlsgiiests. Ills larder v. 111 be btoct.ed with tlio best tho maiket atloids. Tho eholecbt liquors, wiui.u and clgarbiilways lo ui' lounu in ins uar. WlLI.lAil I'KITO, Kbpv. l'a. E. J. THORNTON lit would nnnouncololho citizens of lllooms- burif and vielnllv. Ilial ho ha lust lecelveda lull and complete ussoiliucut of WALLI'Al'iUl, WINDOW H1IAIUM, yixTunra, conns, TAssri.s, and all oilier goods in his lino of business, All mo newchi nun inosi, iipprnviil paueius in mo day am always to bu loiind in hlsistubllshment. nuir.S.'W-tr Main Bt. below .Market, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES DOWN IN ntlOE jr. n, maizd's, Corner Main and Ccntrn Bis., IILO0MB11UUU, A new tnck of Fresh Ooodsjubt opened nt MAIZK'H. Trim, CoflToos, SnprarH, HYUUl'H and MOLAHNCS. C11KF,HK, MEATS. SALT, FISH. etc. VF.UKTAULF.H, 1 1 1 : 1 t.M l.Tl CA LI .Y Bcalcd (looils. JKLLIIiS and 1'llF.SF.KVlX. TICKLIX, FOItWUN and DOMlWriOFUUITS. Aii TClogrmt Apsovlmont OF QU3DBNSWAHB CnnstAlltlv on hnnd. Also WOOD, WILLOW uud OLAAVAllKo! every variety. All my goods are of tho first fiualltyaud at ex tremcly low prlf 1 . lUoVfl-tt J. II, MAIZK, 11 fflMttlf BLOOMSEUKG, PA., Poetical. llocr. Tho AMtnc, liinollclng tho new edition ol"Tho, Fuels aud forms of Amerlsn," by It. 1 1, HUstdonl, icprotlnccs tho following from (leorgo Arnold, which Isn leal gem In Its wayt Heio Willi my lioer I sit Whllo goldou mnmi nt'i lilt : Alns! They pass Unheeded hyi And as they lly I. Ilelngdry, Hit Idly blpplug hero My bocr. , O, llncrinr Tliuii fame, or riches, aro 'IhogiaielulHinoko-wrenthsof thlsfieoelgarl Why Bhonld I Weep, wall, or sigh? Whatlfhick haspassid mi li? What If my hopes aio dead My pliasuio lied? Have I not still My nil Of right good cheer Clrf.trj and beer . Oo, whliilii'jyoulh, For sooth! (lo, weep and wall, High anil grow pale, Wcavo melancholy lhymea On old times, Whosojoys like shadowy ghoits appear Hut lenvo to mo my beer I (lold H dross Lovo Is los.s Rolf I gulp my sorrows down, Or sco them drown, In foamy draughts of old nut-btown, Then do I woar tlio crown, Without the cross. Miscellaneous. AN UJtt'KAVAH.YXr WIIT. 11Y 0. A. BALA. Al tho bCRinnlii; of tlio fifth yoar of her wedded life, Mrs. Surbiton Jlellor wns deMiiernlely in debt, and whs us desperately dunned on every aide. She had numerous dealings) with a fat Dutchwoman named Schuinafcer, a pawn broker or money-lender by pro fession, and whon this ogress discovered tho straits into which Mrs. Mellor had been driven, bho threatened to expose everything to Mr. Mellor, unlcs.-i she handed over u hundred pounds as part payment of her debts. This threat was uttered on precisely tho tamo morning which had brought Mrs. Mellor by po3t a number of pressing inquiries for cash from certain Westminister tradesmen. Tho poor woman was in despair. Slio hart spent her last quarter's pin-money to tho last farthing weoks before. Only fivo days previously her husband had presented her with a check for fifty pounds, "for tho missionaries," as ho jocosely said. Alas ! alio had paid II vo-and-forty pounds at onco to tho canni bals, and tlicy still liungercd fur her fWi and blood. "Iluwanil to finda hundred pounds'."' sho cried desporatoly. "1 could as ea3ily Uud a hundred millions. I can't give you a hundred penco ; and if you speak to my husband I shall bo utterly and entirely mined." "Dalit" replied tlio Dutchwoman; "fat vor you drubblo yourself so much, niein tear'.' It Is easyonof. Do mo neys is comcaltcrful. You haf your tiainonds." "My diamonds ?" " Ycj, burely ; do peautiftil tlamonds Mr. Mellor (tho kind shcntlemans) ho puy you only last year, nn' gll you on yuiir boll'day, ven you waa dweiiily duo." "But Air. Mollor likes mo lo wear thiwo diamonds. Ho was looking at (Item in my jevel iwo only tliia morn ing and admiring them; and I am to wear them this very night nt the French play." "Rail I I say agon. Fat a tear liddlo Htoopid lofor a laty you aro! Dcro is tiainonds and tiainonds. Bring mo do brlddy liddlo dings and I vill get dem mutch by vour o'clock dis fery afler noou; and I vill lond you vivdy bonds moro, and geep dem in bledgo, and lent you do oders vich is bivslo, and your houspand ho not know nefer ono ting about da drick vo blay. Ah, ha, ha I" and Mtulamo Schumakor took anuff liko an ogress if ogresses ever took snufi", which 1 bcliovo thoy did. What was tho wrolched Maudo Matilda Wllhelnilna to do What but bow down beforo tho demon ami obey her. Tlio real diamonds which had cost tho aflVctiuiialo Surbiton, 1'. Mellor fey-en hundivd and fifty pounds, wero handed over lo tho Dutchwoman in pledgo for four hundred and fifty pounds and tho p.ulo imitations wero given to Mrs. Mellor Instead. A few evenings afterwards--thoy werotodlnoat homo and alone. Mi. Mellur was, contrary to his cstabli lied habits, fully three-quarters of an hour late. When ho did como it was in a atato of great disorder, and with a palo and disturbed counlonanco. For a long time ho remained silent, and tho dinner was cnt down tintasted. Then ho hastily swallowed a glass of sherry, and after pacing tho room for somo time, thus addressed himself to speech : "Mall," this was her petit nom "I havo somo terrlblo nous lo tell y!!'" . sno turned paio anu leit ready io swoon ; sho thought for a moment that tho bank had broken. It was not that, however, but so far as hor husband was concerned, ovou a worso calamnlty. Ho explained that ho had recently em barked In very hazardous speculations, and that tho.io speculations had proved unlucky. Ho was, ho said, on tho very vcrgo and brink of ruin. Ho had em bezzled a largo amount of tho funds of tho bank, and investigation which might take place at any moment would Inovllably lead to his arrest on n criminal charge Ho hart raised money, ho said, on all hla available property. Thcro was a bill of salo on Iho lino fur- nlturo In Gnlllpoll Villa, tho leaso of of tho houso was mortgaged s but ho still lacked four hundred pounds to completo Iho deflcluncy in his nccotnits. "Four hundred pounds.'' hoconelud- ed, "would sivvo mo, or at least glvo mo tlmo to turn mysolf round. Thcro nro thoso diamonds of yours, Mall, I gave seven hundred and fifly poundu JAXtlDAY, JULY 26, for them, and surely thoy ought to ho good for four hundred. Mall, my own dear, tr no wife, yon must let mo havo (hoso diamonds, and wo must pawn them. It gilovca mo to tho heart to do bo, for you looked su ptirh In thorn last night." liho blushed, tin lied palo, Blamruorcd, equivocated, asked what tho world would way, nnd wholhcr (hero wero no oilier meaiifi of tldlug over tho difficul ty. Sho was told that there was none, and as for tho world hor husband crldd out passionately that it might say what it liked and go hang. Sho offered him all her other trinkets; ho told hor dis dainfully that, altogether, they would not fctcli a hundred poundu, nnd that ho must havo tho diamonds. Sho satd faintly that sho could not let him havo Iheni. Ho stared ut her for somo mo ments in blank amazement ; aud then, passing from entreaty lo command, Insisted on having Iho jowclj Immedi ately ; adding, that if ho did not in iJtitnlly obey him, ii' would tako Iheni iiom her by foree. Sick with terror and apprehension of discovery, tho wretched woman went up stairs, and returning, brought tho morocco case, and laid it Irombllngly on tho (able. Sho remembered thu falsity of tho sloncs, and tho marrow in her splno turned cold. After n night spent In infinite- and sleepless wretehodncss, tho cheerless morning camo. Mr. and Mrs. Mellor drovo in their elegant brougham down lo Reaufort Ruildings, Strand, at tho corner of which, at tho tlmo of which I spetik, was tho woll-kiiown pawu-brok- ng establishment ol Mr. Amos Scantlc- Deny. They enloiod tlio "privalo of fice," in which loau3 of too much Im portance lo discuss in tho vulgar boxes where tho poor pawned their clothes, wero negotiated, and tho diamonds wero submitted to Mr. Amos Scantlo berry, who was reputed to bo ono of tho best Judges of precious stones in Europe. That gentleman examined Mia. Melloi's diamonds minutely, weighed and tested them, and did nut hcsllato for tho moment to advanco on tlicni the sum required four hundred pounds sterling, He paid over tho amount at onco in bank notes, and a bond for tho loan at a rato of interest agreed upon, was made out. This doc ument Mr. Mellor handed to his wife, telling her, sardonically, thatsho might very soon redeem her finery if sho would only practice a littlo economy for a time. ho went homo half distracted. In tho cour&o of a fow hours sho was cer tain tho spurious naturo of tlio gems must bo discovered, and her )ui3band would bo prosecuted for fraud. What was sho to do? Ho would not havo killed her had sho confessed that her real diamonds wero in tlio possession of Martatno Scliumakcr. But then thoso embezzled funds belonged lo tho bank, and tho awful peril lio was in. It was too late, and something must bo dono. Sho sat for hours revolving in hor mind scliemo after ichemp, but nono pcemcd practicable. At length, with siiruno and horror and ghastly loathing, sho hit upon ono which appealed foasiblo. Shoeould nonweight hundred pounds; somebody had told her so over and over again. Why had sho not gono to him when tho ling Schumakor oppressed her? Rccauso sho was afraid and ashamed. But tho worso was como now, and sho must bravo it. "Somebody" was Mr. Algernon Moss by, an acquaintance of Mr. Mellor'3, a frequent visitor, who lived in grand stylo at tho Albany ; nnd as ho sat in his oilico ono day, Mrs. Mellor rushed iu and bohoughl him lo savo her from utter ruin and destruction. Mr. Mossby behaved with thorough gallantry. Ho admitted that eight hundred pounds was a very largo sum, but ho thought, ho said, that ho would nt oncoobligo her with a cheek for tho amount. For all security .ho merely demanded her noto of hand, payablo on demand for eight hundred pounds and for "valuo received," "That is enough, my dear Mrs. Mpl lor," said Mr. Algernon Mo?sby,tis ho haudod her the check aud locked up tho promissory noto in tho cash box. "I mako my demand all In good tlmo." Half distraught sho hastened to Mr. Scantleberry's, stopping on her way at tho bank to got tho check cashed. Mr. Scantloberry Ecomod somowhat sur prised to sco her, but on her reproduc ing tho loan-bond ami the rcqulsito money handed her ovar Iho diamonds. She hurried then to Madamo Sehu- maker's in Foley Street, who was de lighted to see her; tho moro so, she said, as sho was starting for Rotterdam that very ovoning. To her Mrs. Mel lor handed tho sum of four hundred and fifty pounds, and received hor Jewel case and her own diamonds. Now sho felt reliovcd. Sho would haston back to Mr. .Scantleberry's, repawn her dia monds, and then give Mossby back half his monoy. Ho would suroly wait for tho rest. It was four In tho after noon oro hho reached Beaufort Build ings, aud in a fow half-incoherent words explained that, through unforeseen events, sho was compelled to ronow tlio transaction of tho provious day, Tho pawn-broker bowed, observed that such things frequently happened iu tho way of business, and proceeded to oxanilno tho jewels merely, ho observed, iw n matter of form. Mrs. Mellor felt per fectly at easr as ho weighed and tested them ; in this, ut Wst, there was no fraud, bho thought. Suddenly tho pawn-broker fixed upon iter a bcarching glance. "These aro iiottliostonosyoubruught mo yesterday, madamo," ho said. "Al all ovents," Mrs, Mollor faltorod, "thoy nro my own jowels, nnd fully worth tho .sum I ask for them." "I only know," replied Mr. Scantlo berry, very slowly and deliberately, nnd handing her back hor "diamonds," "that tho stones you brought mo yew tordny wore geuulno, nnd of great ynluo, nnd that ihe.se urn raise." "Fulso!" 'False, mnduinc , you may lake them to any lapldnry-to any Judge of pro clous stono) Iu London, nnd ho will tell you they are not worth ton pounds, Th( re 1'.- ln'Oii somo very ugly mistake illllL. 1872. 0OL. horo." And with n low bow Mr. Scatv tle.bcrry retired into his back ofilcc. Sho found horeolf, sho know not how, In tho street. Sho wn.i now utterly, en tirely ruined, Sho had no dlnmondfi at all cither In pledge or In her own possession ; and Mr. Algernon Mo'sby of tho Albany held hor notocf hand for eight hundred pounds "for valuo received." Sho would go homo, oho thought, and kill herself. "No, my darling," said Surhllon I' Mollor (hat night, when sho had thrown hcnclf at his feet, and with passionate tears and outcries confessed nil, "you aro not ruined j no harm has como to you at all, or to mo, either, for tho mat tcr of that. I hnvc merely been reading you n littlo lesson to euro you or your own fault extra vaganco. Tho dla. mond3 I gavo you on your birthday wero fal.-o. I knew thai , pooncr or later, thoy would como Into possession of that Dutch beldnmo Schumakor ; I found tho hag out and tool: her inlo my pay ; I entrusted to her tho real diamonds, which sho gavo you as Imitation ones. Tlpy were tho real stones wo pawned, and tho sham ones which you vainly endeavored to pledgo. As to Mr. Al gernon Mossby, ho is my very good friend nnd agent to command. Hero is your noto of hand ; and It may relievo your mind to know that I was concealed In tho next room throughout your In terview with that obliging gentleman in tho Albany. Ho will como no moro to this house, nnd ho has fivo hundred good reasons for holding his tongue. Now, then, como and givo rao a kiss, and to-morrow morning I'll givo you your real diamonds and your sham ones, too. Only, under any circum stances, don't tako cither tho gonuino or tho spurious ones to Foley Strcot, to Beaufort Bul!dIng,or to tho Albany." Tho euro was efficacious and complete. Mm. Surbiton P. Mellor Iia3 3inco made considerable additions lo her Jewnl-ca3n, but sho lias ceased toralun money either on the hypothecation of iu-r personal effect!) or notes of hand. TIIOSU ULrSSKU TWINS. "Well, uurso, what Is it?" Inquired Tim Twiiikloton, placing on his plato tho crust of brcad-aud-buttcr nt which Ids teeth had been nervously nibbling for tlio past twonty minutes. "Oh, sir, It's twins!" "Good gracious!" exclaimed Tim, overwhelmed with tlio doublo blessing that had fallen upon tho matrimonial hearth. Tim Twinkieton was by trade a jour neyman tailor, nnd as good-hcarlcd a follow fts tho sun shed light upon that Nov Year's morning. Tim was blessed With a good wife, who, to aid her part ner iu fcodlu tlio ten mouths already provided for them not counting tho twins did tho washing and maugling for n numbor of worthy families, and did it superbly too, as I can prove out of their very mouths. "Would you like to stop ttptoseo Mrs. Twlnklcton, sir ?" tho nurso in quired, after TIm'y astonishment had iu a measure abated, "because, if so, It's perfectly convenient." Mutual congratulations having en sued, aud Mrs. Twinklcton having ro- eolved tlio assuranco from hor husband that ho had not been disappointed by tho nppoarenco of two boys Instead of a girl t ho happy wlfo began to tall: about arrangements In connection with tho washing nnd ranngling business of tho cstabll3hmont. "Whoso is that basket of thin; by the doe'.?" Tim asked, when ho found that Mrs. T. undo no mention thereof. "Oil, my dear, I'd almost forgollon that! It's tlio Chelmsford wftshing,"sho replied. "Is it all mangled?" "Yes ; I finished it last night wilhnu efiort," .signed Mrs. T. "It's nil right, and only wants lo bo taken to tho sta tion." "If I was to mako haute, I daro say I could get It off by Iho mid-day train, Thero'd always ono about twelvo o'clock on Sundays, and Iho New Ycai'a day's trains Is just like Sundays', ain't thoy ?" "Well, Tim, if you wero to run to tho station with it, It'd bo off our hands without fear of tho children tumbling tlio clothes, wouldn't it?" "So it wouId,"rcpiied tho good-natur ed Tim. "and I will do it." Prompt to aut,Timordcicd tho nurso to tako tho best caro of tho twins, gavo his wife a kiss, and picking up the neat ly covered basket, Bhouldered it and starkd on his way. Ilo hart only twen ty minutes lo mako Iho train, but ho know ho could doit, and havo fivo min utes to sparo. "Now, then, wheie's that washing to go?" inquired tlio clerk, whoso business for tho day was over as soon as tho noxt train was dispatched. Tho olllcial, indeed, liojitated for a moment as to whether punctuality should not for onco tako thoplacoof courtesy j but his ill humor was quick ly dissipated when ho saw Twinklo ton's rosy faco and cheery smile beam ing upon him, "Well, as a special favor, I don't mind booking It," muttcro tho dork, who smelled roast turkey In Ihoair, nnd was nfrald his own might ho ovcrdono if ho didn't haston home. Howover, Tim was In such a happy niocd that ho didn't caro whether tho eleik mndo It a special favor or merely n matter of business, so long its tho flotheu wore dispatched; therefore, without being in tho least disturbed or humiliated by tlio other's gruffness, he bade him tlio cuslomary NowYcai's salutations, ami mado his way homo ward Just as tho church folk wero Issih ing from their places of worship. Ho was soon homo, wns Tim, and his first Inquiry win tifler tho health of his wifo; and then, of couifo, tho present condition of tho twins. "Mrs. T. Isgeltlngou capitally," wns tho reply, "for tho bloated twins have not uttered a cry blnco you have been gono." Nurso spoko ns If It wore a part or hor busiiions, which sho fully understood, that twins should not cry. Thcro was no littlo of prldo of vocation In her tone, and Tim wn happy. , i v t u . ',1 P ' J! I DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 23. Tim nnd tho ton who could, nnd tho nurso, sat down lo their Now i ear's dinner. Aa ho carved Iho fat gooso, Tim said In a very paternal way. "1 3Upposo, Mrs. Tomklns, It wouldn't do to givo tho twins Just a littlo bit, would It ?" Nurso smirked and raised her hands in protest against tho very UKi of such a thing. "Not oven a littlo bit of tho gravy wouldn't do fur 'cm, inn'amY" NurnO again raised her hands and satd simply, "go ulong." Sho was nuxIou3 for hor portion of Iho dinner. Nurso was helped, and dinner was getting along, when Tim, whoso thoughts nil rnn Iti ono channel, nskert again after tho twins. Nurso know thoy wero well, hecauso thoy did not cry, but sho said Bho would go and see. Sho had been gono but n second, when slio returned, "which of you havo moved tho basket with the twins In ?" slio asked. Almost ere tho words hart quilted her lips, Tim dropped hid knlfo and fork, and gazed from Mrs. Tomklns to tho children, and from tho children to Mrs. Tomklns, with nn expression of coun tenance that mndo tho nurso rush to his side nnd Bay, "Bless me, Mr. Twinkle- ton I you aren't ill, nro you ?" "Basket! what basket?" g.npcdTIm. "Why tho clolhos-haskot that stood thcro by tho clock. I put'em thoro bo- causo they fell asleep, and It being closo by tho flro, I know they'd bo all right." A loud groan escaped Twinklcton's i lips. Then, with his fucn of an ashy paleness, ho gasped. "Unhappy womau l that basket con tained the Oholmsfordlwaahlug, and it's goncoff by tho mid-day train. Mrs. Tomklus, without a word, gnnk into a chair. "What what's to bo dono?" groaned Twiiikloton. "Why don't you ppoak, Mr3. Tomklns? Tell mo, somebody, whnt'dlobo dono?" Tho children, open-mouthed, gazed with surpriso upon their elders ; but in answer to their parent's inquiry as to what was t o bo done, it was on the lips of a least seven out of ton, that porhapa tho best thing to bo dono, under tho cir cumstances, was to finish the gooso nnd tako up tho pudding. Tho unhappy Tomklns groaned aloud ; then, swaying her30lf backward rind for ward iu tho rocking chair, began to weep copiously. Tho bereaved father was tho first to speak, and it was plain to sco that ho was in a most unhappy fratno of mind, and that his voice was husky anil chok ed as ids words came forth. "Como, come," ho said, "this won't do. I must go to the station, aud sco if there's another train. If there ain't, I must hire a trap, and go to Chelmsford. Perhaps, howovor, when I get there, tho children will havo been smothered; or suppose, Mrs. Tomklns, if they've shoved the clothes in a hi2;gago van, and n heavy box or something's been put a-top of 'cm, why, they'll bo squash ed to pancakes !" "Oh ! tlon't, don't, don't talk liko that, Mr. Twlnklcton !"roarod Mrs. Tomkins In a paroxysm of emotion. "Oh, my darling littlo prcciousos I" "Well, ma'am," exclaimed our hero, "I think it would bo more proper to call them my prcciousos, you wero 30 con foundedly careless with them.when you had Ihcin in charge." "Oh.Twinkleton.thts 13 Indeed cruel," was nil tho nurso could Bay, as sho work ed herself to nnd fro, and wopt. Poor Tom started off hastily, his mind almostdlstracled. IRV.thouglit only of his twins and their unhappy fate. Ho looked not to Iho rigid, nor to tho left he only rushed on for tho station, and ho novcr found tho diatanco so great bo fore. Each now imagining was moro horri bio than tho last, and seemed to givo fresh impetus to hi3 heels ; for Instead of decreasing in paeo as ho appionchod the railway station, his foolslops grow moro rapid. "xnat's tnc man j I'd swear to him," said a loud volco In Twinkletoa's car. Involuntarily ho turned, and ere his acattored senses recalled a knowledge of who had spoken, a sturdy constable had lelzed lilin securely by the collar, aud, drawing his staff, had whispered to tlio startled Tim that if ho didn't go quietly to tho station, "it'd be tho worse for him." "That's tlio man ; ho came in just as I was closing tho doorH,atui;wislicd partic ularly to have the basket booked by that train." "Oh, you're tho clerk at tho station!" cried Tim, Joyously, recognizing tho surly tones of tho man who had been in a hurry lo get homo to his dlnnor, nnd, owing to tho Chelmsford clothes-basket, hadn't succeeded yet Iu accomplished his wish. "And tho blessed twin3 aro they all right .ire thoy safe ? where aro thoy?" Tho tall policeman gavo the hand that grasped Tim's collar such n peculiar twist that tho poor littlo tailor was near ly whirled oifliis feet. "I caution you not to speak; co3 what you say may bo taken down In ovldonco ugin yer." "Oh, you wretch I and thoy wero dear littlo twins too!" Thcso words wore evidently spokon by n fomalo voice ; and turning his head as far round as tho c.mi-lablo'M knuckles would allow, Tim wa.iistoni.shr.l to seo that a numerous hut not select party of hooting boy.- a id dirty men and womon were following him wlth.menaeingges-lure-. Poor Tim. Ho had counted upon suth a pleasant Now Year's, and ho Im l been so happy. Such a blow. "What's tho charge against mo?'' Iu quired Tim, in a husky volco as soon as ho could speak. "Oh, you know well enough, I dossiiy; why, abandoning o' hltifants lit courso; nnd a good Job for you It's no wor-o,' replied his custodian. Tho rough words of tho constable- mado Tim happy. lie felt now that tho lwlit3 woro sato, nml his own inconvcu ioncowasof noconsequonco. llowK'"-!'! lied ho wns when ho outorcd tho con stablo's ofllco mid found tho basket there nifrt In it tho twins, smiling gloriously, as If thoy bnrt Inot boon tho innocent cause of all the trouble, I need not say. . Ono inch, (twelve Ilhori or Its onuivd, 'it In Nonimiciuyneioaoor two Inset tloiw,ll.n ' ,r o HfACU 111. 221. '8M. 8 IV. onsjiuoii......... ,.u). flew two tn,. jm.oo Two Inem!.. ..u ,W 6.00 7,W ioK) 'three inches ,' 7,W 9,0) lii,w n o Four Inches :.!, y,w 11,00 17,wi k.,il (Jimtlcr column. ... lu.oi lt,t 1,(J ayio Half column,.. .L,..,iR.uu is.w vim ti,t" ,m Ono coluuiu :.,.W.w 30,W 19,1X1 W.Ou l'Xi.oo Kxoctltor'd or Administrator's Nolle , J),M Auditor's or AffsfijuCO's Notice, Local nolle, Uvortly Wills a line. CfirilA In lllrt "TTn.tfiriiit Dtrfrlnrv" ritntiin. e2,oupor year lor tho Hist 1 wo linen, anil f',jfir uitcii iiiiuilionui Hue. Moro gratlficrt still was Tim to find iu tho stallon-houso an old customor of his employers, who nlwaya specially praised Tim's workmanship, nnd In sisted upon being moasurod for his cloth Ing by Twiiikloton alone. It nftcrwnrd transpired that the oldgontloman wnsn friend of (ho Inspector's, und hart Just casually dropped In to glvo him a Now Year':! greeting when tho prisoner Tvvlnklolon was brought In. But for tho prcsenco of tho old gentleman poor Tim might havo had to spend his New Year's-dny within tho wall orihosta-Uon-houso. 5ortuuo, howovor, bofricml ed him; and tho shrewd Intolllgouco of tho Inspector, aided by that of Tim's acquaintance noon proved tho real facts iu tho ease. Tim's friend, in ord r to rccognl.o tlio efficiency of tho pollco forco, Insisted on handing tho constable n gratuity of fivo shillings ; and, as com pensation for missing tho hour at which ho had appointed to dine, nn oqunl sirn was tendered to, and accepted by, thr railway clerk, and Tim was dlschar,"-d. Showering blessings upon all Indis criminately tho now happy Tim left Iho station-house, and it was not long cro ho found himself onco more faco to faco with Mrs. Tomkins and hi3 littlo ones. Of courso Twlnkloton's first Inquiry was for his wife, and a load seemed lift ed off his heart when ho hoard that i ho was still asleep, and therefore uncon scious of what hart happened to h" niT spring. Tho worthy nurso, when sho saw tho twins had not suffered from tho checkered events of tho day, gave vont lo a flood of tears that seemed to relievo her feelings Immensely. Then,ofcourso, tho children had a fow tears to shed ; but at last tho sunshine of happiness spread itself over tho littlo room, nnd it wns wonderful how every body cheered up when nn intimation was glvon by Mrs. Tomklns that probably 'twould bo as well to have in tho pudding. Tho twins havo uow become fiut-, healthy, roguish lads ; and though they display a wonderful capacity for street games and all out-door amusemonts pcrhap3 occasioned by their experiences of the first day of their exisleuco Tim Twinkloton and his wifo havo novcr had cauca for regret that tho twins, preseuco in tlio basket became known lo tho railway officials ero they wero thrown into tho luggago-van and smoth ered beneath the heavy luggage. A Cool Robber. Polieoman Badger, of tho Touth sta tion, had a bit of experience last win ter which ho is not fond of talking about. It was past midnight as lio was lolsurly pursuing his boat through Jos sup street, and as lio came opposito to Dayton & Fogg's jewelry store ho ob served gleams of a light through tho chinks of tho shutters, and rapped at tho door. "Is that you, polieoman?" said a volco within. "Yes," answered Badger. '.'Well, it's only me. It's nil right. KIndo' chilly out, isn't it?" "Yes." "Thought so. 1 was just fixing Iho fire. Goort-niglit." Badger said "good-night," and pur sued I1I3 way. An hour nftcrwnrd Badger passed through .Tcssup street again, and again ho saw tlio light in thojovvolry store. It didn't look right, and ho banged nt lle door loudly. "Halloo!" cried tho voice wiih't. "Is it you, policeman?" "Y03." "All right. Won't you como in ai d warm you? II won't hurt anything nr you lo slit) from your boat n fow ui n utefl." Tho door was opened, and Policemin Badger entered, and found tho Inmato to be a very gonllcmtinly looking man, In a linen duster. "Como right up to Iho stove, polieo man. Exeuso mo a momcut." Tho man took the ash-pan from tlio bottom of tliostovo, and earriod it down cellar and emptied it, and whon ho had returned and wiped ids hands, be said with a smilo : "Chilly night, isn't il?" "Yes." "Chilly outside, and dull in. oi (Another smile). Now goodj f r iiin spring trade, and havo to keep our , i s open. Lonesomo work, this watt ' all night ; but I raanago to find a bit f comfort in this. Won't you join mo i a nip? You'll find it tho puro thing." And tlio man In tho duster produ - I a blank bottle and n tumbler. Polleemnn Badger partook, ami ., Ing wiped hid lips, and given ... gcrs anew warming, ho left the o .in and resumed his beat, satisfied ih i was right in at Dayton it Fogg's. But tho morning brought a in. w vcaluicnt. Dayton ex Fogg's slur ,1 been rubbed, during thu night, ..f n thousand dollars' worth of watches . i Jewelry; and though Policeman iJ.nl carries in his mind an exact daguoii i typo of tlio robber, tho adroit rascal u . . not yet been found. Xtxo York Po , Mental Power in Jlcn ami Vomen. Reoaudino this Oft-Ul.'lHert u -tion, Proressor Maudsloy says: It 1 ,n been nfilrmed by somo philosoji' is that tliero is no essoiitlal difierenci be tween tho mind of a woman and that of n man , and that if a girl were sub Jccted to tho same education as a buy sho would icsemmo mm in i.'.-d' a, i Ings, pursuits, and powers. Tn i mind it would not bo one wliit moro absurd to affirm that tho antlers of tlm slag, tho human beard, and tho (ck comb nro cfi'ect.s of education; or u nt by putting a girl to tho same tducaium ns h boy she could bo sexually tr j formed into one. Tho phyhul e d mental diu'ercnees between tnc s intimate themsolves very early in ide, nnd dcelaro thomsolvod most ili.si.i,i"'y at puberty. If tho person Is iierni ipit rodite, tlio mental character, liko tlio physical, participates equally In that of both 80X03. If cither so, Is mutlli I, It approaches in character tho oppi i'i sex, Whllo woman preserve-, In. r ix, Bho will necessarily bo feebler than man, and, having her spcclt'l In My and niontnl character, will have, to n corlnhi oxtcnt. her own splice of activity. Whon sho has pretty well dlvostort hOHelf f her ex, fho uiy then take his ground nnd do hi w ! ; but Bho will Imvo lost her f 1 1' Urn attractions, uud probably ftj" ! r c hlcf fomlninc ruuctlon.-.9(ir6Hcp'.s r Ait' fftlsf,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers