THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SjUhe ololumbian. nmoMsnuiia pa. Friday, May iJ, 1S7S. Tho Constitutional Convention. Wu print this week nt length, anil ac curately, tho Act passed nt tho luto icss Ion of tho Lofjlslaturo culling n Conven tion to nmotid tlio Constitution of tho Htntp, potlmt our readers nt as enrly n tlntii H8 pofilblo tuny bo put In possess ion of the whole plan lorsolcctlnj,' mem bers of tho Convention anil for regulat ing tho proceedings of that body when itnlmil c'invemo. Upon the wholo wo think tho Act U well adapted to all tho purp'HtH for which It was pas?od) that It wIP, in an probability, securo n good Oonvi'titlonnndjudlctouichangcs In tho mnibiincntnl law of tho Slate. The p'nn nf representation provided by thi net, will securo substantial Jus tlce In nil electors of thu State. All elecilnnn of members of tho Convention nre to hi) upon tho plan of tho limited vote, ho that nil tho voters of tho State of both parties will bo represented with rftwmnlilo fairness in tho Convention The ptovMou In tho net that ono thhd i r nil the members of the Con ventlon shall havo tho right to demand a separnto popular voto upon any amendment proposed Is a most valua uie ami 6aiutary provision. A mere majority of tho Conyontiou cannot compel tho pcoplo to accept bad or doubtful amendments along with good ones; In other words cannot by sub mlttlng their amendments to a popular voto In mnss, compel tho pcoplja to no cept or reject all of them together, Thero can bo discrimination by tho pco pie when passlug upon tho work of the Convention nnu this fact will check the intrusion of party politics or other sin ister inllucnce into tho Convention pro ceedings. Thero is a remarkablo but judicious provision in tho act for filling tho vacancies which may occur in tho membership of tho Convention. Tho expense.Inconvenlenco and delay which ordinarily occur In filling official vacan cies by popular election will bo entire ly avoided and yet tho vacancies will be properly as well ns promptly filled. In any case of vacancy tho dolegates at largo who shall have been voted for by a majority of tho voters, who shall have elected tho member whoso placo is to bo filled, shall fill tho vacancy.thus securing tho continued representation of tho same class of voters, who choso tho member originally and tho balanco of power In the Convention, or rather tho proportionate power of partios in tho Convention as flxod by popular election will remain undisturbod. This provision Is new but an obvious Im provement upon former plans for tilling vacancies in representative bodies. It would seem from the construction of tills bill, although it Is not declared ex pressly upon Its face, thatsoparato tick ets and soparato boxes nro to bo used at tho election in voting for and selecting members of tho Convention. As wo understand the act, ballots tor members of tho Convention, cannot bo placed upon the Blips headed "State" "County" or "Judiciary'1 providod for by recent laws. This point should of courso bo attended to by tho Secretary of tho Commonwealth and by Sheriffs of coun ties in tho making up of olection proc lamations, so that no blunders shall bo committed by election officers. Wo congratulalo tho people of tho Stato upon tho passage of this very ex cellent Convention bill and upon tho fair prospect which we havo. now pre sented to us of good and salutary re form, so much needed and so strongly called for by popular sentiment. "The Dutchman." Tho bad boys of Radicalism have paid Mr. Carl Schuris tho highest com pliment thoy could unless they apoth eosized him. Thoy havo mado a "bogey" of him j thoy conjure by hlmj they coddlo to sleep tho long-nursed plans of their fraud and chicanery by the mention of his name, and turn honest by fear of him, as "Panama's maids" turned palo when Bertram's and Blsingham's names were whisper ed In tholr ears. Tho War Depart ment began to purge and forswear sack and livo cleanly as soon as It was ascer tained that "the Dutchman" was on the track of Its misdeeds. Tho long dor mant seeds of tho Civil Service Reform began to swell, germinate, and sprout in that "cold frame" of tho President's bosom, then first when tho fiery rays or "the Dutchman's" onergy were poured upon them. Tho Robcsonlan commerco in hrlckdust, which had be gun to prosperously irom Now Jersey to the P.tclflc via Cape Horn commerce unexampled Binco Solomon fetched gold und sandal wool by a threo years' voy. age from Ophlr, to build his tcmplo withal discovered Itself to bo a bubble suspected Itself to bo a cheat, and col lapsed suddenly a3 soon as "tho Dutch man" bent ids Inquisitive lunottes upon it. This is a glorious roputatlon "the Dutchman" has earned extorted as It Is from tho fears and hatreds of the nn tlon's plunderers. In some respects It Is tho greatest contemporary honor that has over been bsstowed upon an Amor lean statesman, this that Senator Schurz has won, viz: that his presonco alone should havo power to quell, rebuke, and Intimidate tho spirit of fraud and peculation In his own party that Is so rampant throughout tho land, and that Radical rogues should hido away from him as sneak-thlovos slink round com ers from tho sight of tho representatives of tho luw. Wathtnglon litrlot. Tho President ha3 signed the bill In relation to bounties. It provides that every volunteer, non-commUsIoncd offi cer, privato, musician, and artificer who enlisted Into tho military service of tho United Stato prior to July 22, 1801, under tho proclamation of tho Presldont of tho United Stated of May 3,1801, and ordors of tho War Depart ment issued in pursuanco thoroof, and was actually mustered beforo August 0, 1801, into any regiment, company, or battery which was accepted by tho War Department under such proclamation aud orders, shall bo paid tho full bounty of $100, under and by vlrtuo of said proclamation and orders of tho War Department In forcoat tho time of such enlistment, and prior to July 22, 1801, provided that the camo has not already beon paid. Oov. Hoffman has vetoed tho now charter for New York city on tho grounds of doubtful constitutionality, and other objections. Tho legislature sustained his veto by an overwhelming voto. The Const Hut lonnl Com cut Ion Act. )i Acttoprorld,forcalHnp aOonvenllon la amend OmUllittlon, HnrrioM 1. Itn Itennfled. &. That at the enteral flection to ho hold nn tho wcoiiil Tuesday In Oc'loher tmvt.lhoro shall bu elected by tho qualified electors ofthls commonwealth delegates toncon ventlon to revise aud amend tho consti tution ofthls Stato. Tho said convention shall consist of ono hundred and thirty- mrco mcmnors, to no elected in manner folIowIng;Twonty-elghtmoiiboH thoro of Bhall bo elected in tho Stato nt ln.,',0. ns lonows: iiacn voterortno siaiosnau voto for not more than fourteen candi dates, and the twenty-eight highest la voiuHunu uo uecinrcu elected. JNiuoty nlnu delegates shall bonnnntntcd to and elected from tho different Senatorial Districts of tho Stato ; tlwco delegates to bo elected for each senator therefrom j and In chooslnc nil district dolccrntcs oach voter shall bo ontltled to voto for not moro than two of tho members to bo chosen from his district, nud tho thio candidates highest In vntn Hlinll ho de clared electee! except In tho comity of Aiicgueny, lormmg tno Twcntv-tmru Senatorial District, whero no votcrshall voto ior moro man six c.wuniaios, nnu tho liiuhost In votti shall bo elected: and in tho counties of Li'iicriio, Mo.iroo ami i'iko, io.inltirr tho TiilrtoJiitn 3.i ntorlal District, whero no voter shall voto for mo 3 than four candidates, and tho six highest In voto shall bo elected: and six additional delegates nhall bo chosen from tho city of I' a voto at largo In said city, nud In their election no voter shall voto for moro than threo candidates, and tho six birch est In voto shall bo declared elected. Sec 2. Tho following regulations shall imply to tho aforesaid election to bo helu on tho second Tuesday of Octob or nent. mil to returns of tho s.imo. First. Tho salu election shall bo held aud conducted bv tho nroner election oillcersof tho tavcral election districts of thocommo ,wealth.and8ha lbocovorn ed and regulated in all respects by tho general election laws or tno common wealth, so fir in tho same shall bo an plicablo thereto and not Inconsistent with the n ov'sions ofthls act. Second. Tho tickets to bo voted for mcmbe.snt Inrironf the convention shall havo ou thooutsldothe words"dolegntcs nt large," and on the insldo tho names of tho cMidldi'tes to be voted for, not exccadlng fo.vlcen in number. Third. Tho tickets to he voted for district members oi tho convention shall havo ou tho outside tho words "district delegates," nod on tho inside tho namo or namc3 of tho candidates voted for,uot exceeding tho proper number limited as aforesaid; but any ticket which shall contain n creator number of names than tho number for which tho votcrshall bo entitled to voto shall be rejected; and In the ca3e of tho delegates to bo chosen at largo In Philadelphia the words "city delegates" shall bo on tho outside of tho ticket. Fourth, in tho city of l'liiiatioipnin tho return Judges shall meet at thoStato House, at ton o'clock, on tho Thursday noxt following tho election, and make out tho returns ror salacity or the votes cast therein for delegates at large, and city and district delegates to bo mem bers of tho convention. Tho roturn judses of tho several election districts Within cacn county oi uio stato, exciuu iug Philndolphiit.sliall meet on tho Fri day next following tho election at tho usual nlacofor tho meeting cl tho return Judgcsoftholrcounty.nndshallmakoout tun ami accurate returns tor tno county of the votes cast therein for members of the convention nnd for district members of thostme; and the proceedings of the return Judges of tho said city of Phila delphia, and of tho several counties of tho commonwealth in tho making of their returns, shall he the samo as those nrescribed for return iudsres in tho otso of an election for governor, oxcept that returns transmitted to mo secretary or tho commonwealth snail be addressed to that officer alone and not to tho speak er of tho senate. Fifth. The prothonotary of Philadel phia nnd tho nrolhonotarles of the sev eral counties, with referouco to such returns, promptly and faithfully perform an mo duties enjoined upon them by rno eighty lourtn anu eighty fifth sections of tlio general election net of July2d, 1839. Sixth. Tho secretary of tho common wealth shall, as soon as tho returns of tho said election shall bo received by him. and at all events within fifteen days after tho election, in tho presonco of tho Governor and auditor-general, open anu computo an the returns receiv ed of votes given for members of tho convention, aud tho Governor shall rorthwun issue ins proclamation declar ing tho names of tho persons who have been chosen members of tho convention. Sec. 3. It shall bo tho duty of Undel egates el cted as aforesaid to assemblo in convention, in tho hall of tho Houso of Representatives, at tho Stato capitol, In Hurrlsburg, on the second Tuesday of November, one thousand oleht hun dred and seventy-two, nt twelve o'clock iu. that day, witngenorai powers or ad journment as t time and place; it shall bo tno duty oi tne secretary ortho com monwealth tocalltheconventiontoorder at tho timoof ltsassembllng,and to sub mit all tho returns of election in his pos session, and to road tho aforesaid proc lamation oi tno uovernor, anu tnoreup on said convention shall nroceed to or- ganiaoby electing one of their number president, and, after tho members aro sworn in, such other officers ns may bo nceuou in mo irausacuon oi Dusiness. Sec. I. Bald convention, so elected, assembled and organlzed.shall havo tho nower to nronose to the cltlzons of this commonwealth, for their approval or re ection. n new constitution, or amend ments to tho present ono, or spociile bo voted for separately, which shall bo engrossed and signed by tho president and chief clerk.and deliv ered to the secretary of tlio common wealth, by wliom and under whoso di rection It or thoy shall bo ontorod on record in lus ofhco and published oticoa ween in at least twonowapapors in oach county, whero two papors aro published for four weoks noxt preceding tho day of election that shall bo hold for the a doptlon or rejection of the constitution or amendments S08ubmltted: Pi-ovided, that one third of all tho memborsof tho convention shall havo tho right to ro qulro tho soparato and distinct submis sion to a popular votoof anychungeand amendment proposed by tho conven tion: AndprovldedJurlherthoX nothing herein contained shall authorko tlio said convention to changothu languago or to alter In any manner tho soveral provis ions of tho ninth articlo of tho presont constitution, commonly known oa tho Declaration ofRlghtsjbutthosamoshall bo excepted from tho powers glvou to said conventlonindshall buand remain In violate- forovor : And provided 'further, that tho said convention shall not creato, establish or submit any proposition for thu establishment of a court or courts with oxcluslvo eaultv Jurisdiction. Seo. 6. Tho convention shall submit tlio amendments agreed to by it to tho qualified voters of tho Stato for their adoption or rejection at buoIi time kor times nnu in sucn manner as tho coiv vontlon Hhnll nrascribo: subloct.howov. er. to tiiu limitation as to tho soparato Bubmtssiou of amendments contained in tlilsactand all amendments accented by a majority voto of tho doctors voting tnereon Biiau uecomo u part oi mo con stltution. Sko. 0. Tlio election to decldo for or OL'ttlnst tho ndoptlon of tho now const! tutlon.or8neclfioamcndmcnts. shall bo contluctod as tho general elections of this commonwealth aro now bv law conducted nnd it shall bo tho duty of tno roturn judges oi mo rospcetivo counties, flrdt having ascertained tho number of votes given for or against tho now constitution, or soparato specific nmoudme'its, if rny, to mako out dup licate ret urns thereof oxprosbcd In words at length, ouo of which rotuuis so mado snail uo liicu in mo omco oi mo pro thonotary of tho proper county, und (ho other scaled and dircctod to tho secretary or tno commonwealth, which said returns shall bo openod, counted, nud published es tho returns for Gov ernor aro now by law counted and pub lished; and when tho number of youss given for or against tho now or revised constitution, or fur or ugnlust separate specific amendments, If nny, shall havo been Fitmmi'd up ami imwiniiicu, anu tho ilniillf.ito cerllflrntca thereof deliv ered toilif proper olllceis ; thoOovern or shall ik-clum by proclamation Iho re sult of tho election, anil If n majority of tho votes polled shall bo for tho new or revised constitution, or for nnyecp- urate specific anicudmt! us, sucn now or revised constitution, nud Hcpnuita spec Iflo amendments, shnll bu thenceforth tho constitution of this commonwealth. Sec. 7. Tho ant ro coinncnsatlon and alio .atico to each member of tho con vent on 8 hall ho as follows : for salary, ono thousand dollars; for mileage, ton cents per mllo circular, not to bo allow ed at more man two sessions ; ior post age, stationery and contingencies, fifty dollars; tho clerks and other olllcors to bo allowed buc'.i compensation as tho convention shall direct. Wnr.ants for compensation of members nnd olllcers, and for all proper expo.ibes of tho con vention, shall bo drawn by tho presi dent ami countersigned by tho chief clerk upjti tlio Stato treasurer for pay ment. Sec. 8. n caso of vacancies in tho membership of said convention, the same shall ho filled as follows: If such vac incy shall bo of a member at largo oi tno convention, mosomomuors at largo who shall havo been voted for by tno same voicrs, or oy a majority oi tho samo voto who shall havo voted for and elected tho member whoso placo is to lie Illicit, shall nil such vacancy. If such vacancy shall bo of district or city member of thoconvcution. those mcmuers at largo or mo convention wno shall havo been voted for by tho samo or by u majority of thosamo voters who shall havo voted for such district or city member, shnll fill such vacancy. in either aso mo appointment to nu n vacancy shall bo mado by tho mem bers nt largo afoesald, or by a majority of them, in writlnc. nnd all such writ- ton appolntraoats shall bo filed amoug tno convention records. Sec. 0. That thosecrctury of tho com monwealth shall nrenaro a form of no tico of tho olection, to bo hold for tho nurposo of choosing members of tho aforesaid convention, including such portions of this net as shall bo necessary and proper for tho Information of voters anu oiectiou omccrsatino said election, ns to their resnectivo rlchts nnd duties in relation thereto, which said form so prepared shall bo transmitted by him to tho sheriff) of tho sovoral counties, to bo observed bv them in making proc lamation of tho holding of said election in their resnectivo lurisillctioirs. Sec. 10. That tho secretary of tho commonwealth bo authorized to obtain for said convention, prior to tho meet intr of tho same, such publications rO' luting to constitutional umoudraontnud reform, and causo to bo prepared such statistical information as may bo con venient aud useful to tho convention iu tho performnnco of its dutiis, nnd tho Fire per expense so incurred, not exceed -ng six hundred dollars, shall bo paid at tho treasury upon sett'ement made in mooiuco oi the auditor general. W. ELLIOTT, .Speaker of tho Houso of lteprcscntntlves, James S. Rutan, Speaker of tlio Henatc. CONGRESS. In thoSomito on Weducsday of last week, Mr. Sumner presented a petition signod by moro than 13,000 citizens of tho United States, against recognizing Q od iu tlio Constitution. Thu Dell ciency bill was takon up und discussed, but without lliuU action. Tho report of tlio committeo appointed to consider tho action of tho Senate in amending tho Houso bill ropealing tho duties on tea and coQ'co oppresses thu opinion that tho action of tho Senato was not altogether Justifiable. In tho Houso, Mr. Ranks introduced a resolution calling upon tho President to demand tholmmedintorclcaso of Dr. Houard and tho restoration of his prop erty from tho Spanish government. No action, however, was taken on tho resolution. The bill known as tho Goat Island swindle, with several slight modifications, was passed by a voto of 1G1 to 85. In tho Sonato on Thursday of last weok tho consideration of the Deficien cy bill was proceeded with. Mr. Mor rill's amendment as to tho jurisdiction of tho Court of Claims was considera bly amended aud agreed to by 22 against 17. Dr. Hotiard's caso was again warmly debated In tho House. Fernando Wood, contending that Dr. Houard was an American citizen and thcroforo ontitlcd to protection from tho United States, said ho took that ground with a knowl edge of tho fact that it might involvo tho country in a war with Spain. W. R. Roberts soverely animadverted upon tho conduct of Q rant's administration in tho matter. In tho Sonato on Friday last, tho report of tho Committeo of Confereuco on tho Legislative Appropriation bill was concurred in by 33 against 12. Tho Houso resumed tho consideration of tho Houard resolution. Tho pream blo which positively assorts Dr. Hou ard's citizenship having beon amended by tho Insertion of tho word "alloged,'' the resolution was adopted by 113 to 45. Mr. Dickoy thon offered a concurrent resolution for a Until adjournment on tho 20th of May. Finally the fsolu lion was rejected by 108 nays to i: t yeas. Iu tho Sonato on Saturday tho Postal Telegraph, DeQcIoucy and Naval and Post oillco appropriation bills were dis cussed. In tho Houso tho Tariff bill oixuplcd tho session. In tho Senato ou Monday nfior tho presentation of a remonslrauco against tho repeal of tlioEIght hour law Mr. Scott moved to limit each Senator spotk lug upon the nmcudmonts to appropria tion bills to flvo minutes. Tho motion was earnestly opposed by Messrs. Trumbull aud Cassorly, but was finally carried after a warm discussion, all tho administration Senators votlug in its favor. Tlio Hou3e, boyond concurring In a number of Senato amendments, did littlo of Importance. In tho Senato on Tuesday tho De ficiency bill was passed. Tho bill ro pealing tho duties on tea nnd cofTeo was also passed. It docs not go Into opera tlon until July 1st. In tho Houso tho ten and cofl'co bill was discussed. NEWS Tho extcnslvo car works nt Harris burg wero destroyed on tho 25th Inst Loss placed as high as $500,000. Fivo hundred hands wero employed iu tho works. A mob of 75 or 100 men stopped an Eastern bound train on tlio Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad at Qunn City, In Oass County, Mo., April 21th, and murdered J, R. CI I no, J. O. Sloven son and S.E. Dutron. Stevenson and Cllno wero both lawyers who had beon interested In a bona case. Mount Vesuvius Is in eruption. Two hundred persons havo been burned to dcatii and a largo amount of property destroyed. Tho Inhabitants of neigh boring towns nro flying, It Is stated that tho United States havo virtually withdrawn tho claim for Indirect dainnge against England, Thk Liberal Republican Convention met nt Cincinnati on Wednesday, nnd Juilgo J. It, Slallo wag chosen tempora ry 1'rosldcnl. Tho convention then nd- otimcd until tho following day, after resolving that each Stato delegation shall elect delegates equal 111 numbor to doublo tho votes of each Stato in tho electoral college Horace drcoloy, Chas. Frnncls Adams, Judgo Davis and Qcn. Cox aro tho most prominent names be fore the convention. Now Advertisements. JSTHAY. Came to enclosure of Iho subscriber ou27lh nil., nincdlum-ftlzo HrludloOow: horns rising straight rrom her head and bending back nttho tips, mho Is n finlcudld lumner. Thu owner Is tmtlllml to como forward, provo properly nnd tnko her nwny, nrter pnrliiK clmrucn. OtherwlsoKho will ho ills- uoseu oi uccoruiug 10 law. 1). .1. WAI.MUt. May Sd, 187J-H riMtK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X Columbia County Aqrloiilttmil, Horticul tural nud Mcchniilcnl Association, for tho elec tion of olllors for tho ensuliui your will bo held In tho Court House, In Hloomsbiuff.nn HATUlt- j'Ai, ino uay m May, a u. JB7-, iu a o ciock . n. isy oruei oi ino Ainya-iw r.xKcurivi; coMMiTTi:n. OEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF -I.Vi Iho Klrst National llauknf ltloom&burg, nt llliinmshlitv. In tho Statu nf IVmi,vlv.,iili. nt closa of business, April I9ih, ls!J: jtr.sorr.HM. I, nans nud Discounts ?IOn 'J21 S7 Over drafts .51 IS 11. H. Jlonils to Rpeilro elrculalhm 01,01) Duo from Redeeming nud Itescrvo Aceuts 17.SI3 117 Duo from other Nutlmial IIjuUh U.CjO Vi Duo Irom other llanl; i autl lian'u'rs r.,9)) uU Current Uxncuses 1.404 Til Taxes 1'aUl J.ul HI rash itemB (lucliHllui; Kuimps) a si 5 II iraciionaiuurieiicy lnciuaiugnici.eis). in IiegniTcwlor Not'i 18,119 f33I,9Jl CS LIAD.MIIKM. Capital Stoclc paid lu $ 61,ft Huiplusrund ."jMjO JiIkcouiiI G.ll'lo Co i:xcliani;c 1 .00) SI Interests M l'rollt nnd Ixix.i... 21,l;7 01 national ifauKuircuiaiiououisiauuniz. ismz Individual Deposits VM,Wi "0 Mshlei'H Clieclts outstandluj. 4tt"i 11 Duo to National Hunks X,W2 31 l).io to other llaulti un l l: inkers o;o M 5-1)1,001 CS KT.U I) OV l'KNN'A, . County ol Columbia. " I, J.. I. Tustln, Cashier of tho Kir. I National It inlc ol llloomsliur, do solemnly alllrm that the uuovu Bi.ueiiieni u line, 10 iiiv uesi oi my cuoivl edge nud belief, J.P.TUSTIN, Cashier. Subscribed and nlllrmed to beforo mo this first uny or .May, WM. TBACOCK, Hotnry Public. Coircct Attest: c. n. vaxtox, :-v.! Ol rectors, I. W. McKklv Vinegar Hitter nre not avtlc Fancy Drink, maJe nf Poor Hum, Whiskey, I'roof Spirits and Kt fuse Liquors doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonic?," 'Mrpctizcrs,'' Kcstoren," &c.( that lead the tippler on tu drunkenness and ruin, but aro a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of Cali fornia, free from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the Great ISlood Purifier and a Lifc-siurig Principle, a Per fect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrin2 olf all poisonous matter, and restoriuR the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, rcfrcshimr, and invigorating botli mind and body, 1 hey are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease, Ko I'crsou can talto these Hitter necoriT (ng tn ilirrrllnin. nnd remain lotijr timvi-H, jirovided their bones are not destrwjed by mineral injiaon or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Imllgcstloii Headache, Pain Iu (he Shoulders Coughs Tightness of the Chest, neas, Sour K nictations of the Stomach, liad Taste in the Mouth, Uilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lunj Pain in the regions of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful simptonn, arc the olf jprings f Dyipcpsia. Iu these complaints it lus no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its laerits thin a lengthy adcrticment. ( For l;"cmitIo Complaints, in ount; or old, mar ried or single, at the dawn of womannood, or the turn (f life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an inllucnce that a limited improvement ii toon tcrccptiblc. Far IitUammutoi'y ntut C'liruitlo Itlicti iuutlm and Gout, Djspcpsia or Indigestion, Uiliou, K eminent and Intermittent I'ecr, Diseases of the Ulood, Liver, Kidneys and 111 adder, these Hitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated lJIood, which U generally i roduccd by derangement of the Di gestive Organs, Tlicy nre nv Gentle Purgative ns well nn a Tonic, possein also the peuilnr merit rf acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion rr Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, aud in Uilious Diseases. For Skin DUeuacH, Lruplions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Utotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Iioil, Car buncles, King-w onns, Scald Head, Sore Kycs, Krysipclas, Itch, Scurfs Discolor at ions cf the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up ami carried out of the ejstem in a short time by the ue cf these liittcr. One bottle in such cases will convince the tnobt uicrcdulutis of their curath c fleets. Clennao tlio Vitiated Illootl whenever ion Cud its impurities bursting through the tUn in Pimples, Kruptions, or Sires; clean e tt when jou find it ob structed and t-luggisli tu the eins; ilcanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell jou wlwu. Keep the blood pure, and the lie-vlili of the nystem will follow, Urutcful tlio inn ml -4 prudaim Vinpgar Hit ters the most wonderful luvigurant tlut ccr sustained the sinking system. lIn, Tape, nml other Worm, linking in the s j stem of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. Sis a dUtinguikhcd phyuologUtt 'J here ts scarcely an individual upon the face i f the earth whose body is etc nipt Irom the presence of worms. It is not upon the heilthveleinents ofthj body lhat worms exist, but upon the diteased humor and tinny deposits that breed these living inu.i tcr if di eu1. Nu fslem of Hedicin, u) vermifuges, no autl u'i aim i'.c, will ficu (he sytei)i froi.l wo"ia h'.u lh-jj D.Um, Mcchniilual IKv.iwom. Perum engiged m Paints and Minci.i's ruJi .u PIuiuUt , i io setters Gold-beaters and M n-i , as .uhai to 1 1 hfe, will be subject to pauljsit 't t!u PhaiI . la ctnul a-;unst this take a dose of Waik1 s Vi n a.; Ill rii.R-. or twice a week, ns a Preventive. Villous, Kcmittent, nml Intermtttcut Fevers t which are fa prevalent inihevallcs of our Sreat rivers throughout the United States, especially lose of the Mi-sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois Ten nessee. Cumberland. Arkansas lied, Colorado, Ura:os Kio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Uoanoke, James aill "y others with their vast tributaries, throughout ournutitc country during the Summer and Autumn, nud ie.narkab!y so thiring seasons of unusual heat and driic s arJ invaiiably .icLonipauied by exten sive dij range) neiiti vf the bioin.ich and liver, and other abdominaUiscera. There are alwavs mote or kss ob structions of the licr, a weakness nnd irritable state of the stomach, ami rcat torpor of the bowels. bem clogged up uiih itutcd accumuUtions. In their treat, incut, a imrgative, cxettin a powerful influence upon these aiioui orcans. is ccntiallv uecessarv. 'llieru is these i no cathartic for the purpose cqtnl to Dm. J. Walkkh's Vinegar Uittkhs aa they dl Fnccdily remote the iUik-colored vUcid inittcr with the bowels arc loaded, at the same time fctimulatmg the secretions of the liver, and generally rc-toiin the healthy functions of the uiResuvc organs, Sciofulu, or JCIau'n lZxllt Wliite Swcibngs Ulcers, Kryeipehs Swelled Nctk, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Iiululuit lnilammauoos Af fections, Old Sores, Kruptions of the Skin, Sore Kyes, etc,, etc In these, ni in all other constitutional Diseases, Waiker's Vinmj n UirThKS hive shown their Kr"t curative powers 1,1. tho tuoit obstiiuto and Intractable cases. I)r.1Vulkcr' Calli'ftriila TlnrRAr lUtleiu act on all theie caics in a muhI.u uunucr. Ity purifjmg the lilood thoy TLmne the cm e, nml byusolving away Uie effects ol tlu iniUmuuticii olu tubercular deposits) Oie affect jd art ivtc i lualth, and a permaueut cure u effected. The propertlci of Dr. WaikbrN Vinegau Hitters are Aperient, Dnphnrellc and Canu'mativei Nutntus, Laxati c, Iimretic, Sed live, Co jnter-Irritaut, Sudorific, Alterative, and Autt'lJihous. Tlio AiierUnt and uuld Laxative properties of Dn. Waikbu's Visran IHTTriti are the bcst njfe cuard In all cases of eruptions and malignant kci$, tiTeir balsamic, healing, and nothing pro;crtics protect the humors of the fauces. Ihv'ir bcditive properties allay nain in the nervous s stem, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, uinJ, co.ic, cramps, etc. 'i heir Counter-1 rritant inllucnce extendi throughout the system. 'I heir Diuretic properties act on the Kidneys, correcting and regulating the flow cf urine. Their Anti-lliliou4 propei ties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents r the cure of liihous Kcver, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify the limly unltut rtUcase by purl' lying all its fluids with Vinfg iu Kittkks. No epidemic can Jake bold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, tlu stomach, the bpwcls, the kidneys, and the nere are rendered clisoaie-proof by this great Invigorant, Tho KlHcacv of 1k, Walker's Vinegar Hit this, in Chronic l)pepsia, Tcvers Nervous Disorders Constipation, deficiency of utol power, nud all maladies affecting the stomach, liver, bow Us pulmonary organs, or muscular system, lias been experienced by hundred of thousands, aud iiuuarcuioi tnuu.anus more are a' ing for the same relief. Direction -Take of the Hitters on roint to lied at night from a half to one and one-half wine-glassful!. Kit good nourishing food, kuch as bccfteak, mutton chop, venison, roait beef, and vegetables, and take out door exercise, 'lhey are composed tt purely vegetable Ingredients, ana couu.u no rpirits. J, WALKEK, I'rop'r, II. II.?IcDOXAM)CO.t Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., sod corner of WaUungton and Charlton Ms New Vork, HQLV UY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, n 187a 3ra BUSINESS OARDS, VIHITING CAHDB, KTTEIl IIEADB, BILL IIKADH, FUOOHAMMEH, AO., AO. Neatly and Cheaply Printed From the Latoat Btylea of Type at the COLUMBIAN OFFICE'. TO THE CIO GROCER & TEA DEALER, Opposite tho Stono Episcopal Church, W. H. liUOWN Ih now oirorlnir on terms which challuniro comiictltloii, n now stock of PJtKSlI (1001)3, Groeorios and Provisions, Flour and Feed, Tca3, Spices, ColFetvi, Sugar, Syrupy, W. II. DIIOWW Ueeps tins IkhL Now to iJiouiii3bur;( nnu nroF.oui at o.viremciy low nricej. uoanuHeonis Ki3li they aro flno and good; J, and full barrels aro all fullwHtfht. liUOWN has a full assortment of tho he-it (iiicarnwaro wlilch ho sells very low. Ills Iron Stone China aud Glassware, aro of every varlWy. Vegetables of every Description. Scaled Goods, Tomatoes, Peaches and ijima iscans, urocn i;orn, unerrio-j, atrawuerriu.s, rino ippic.s, Dried Corn, Ulackberrlos, Greon Gajro3, Damson Plutns, (iuliicoj, Pcarn, Raspberries, Jellies, Flavoring ltracts, Onsup, MuUards, Haucen, Shell Fish, Olives, S-trdlius, OIlvo Oil, Ac, As., Ac. tsy llo keeiH nothln;; but ftrst-chtss fitutlon to overy one. tjCS Proiluco and Grain lakou April 10, 1872. KHNNrDY'3 HKMLOCIC OINrMEMr. Tno proprietor, haa. by tho nssls tniipn nf Kmlnent l'hvfltclnus nml (Jbcuilsts Riiccccilcil In utilizing the 'mcillPlnil propertli contained In Iho oil, Pitch, nnd Itcsm ortho Hemlock Tree, nnd obtilncd n vnl liable prepnrntlon to bo applied ns nSnlvoor Master for Itheumatlsm, Croup, rnluorHorenPsof tho Uncle CheslorHtomnoh,PlleM3ult lllicum Hcurvy. Sores, UlcerM.Ihinlons.Horo (Jorns, Frost llltea, ChllblnlUR, Horo llrcasts and Nipples. Utugirornis, Challnc nnd skin dlsmiseii of In . lljimmiitorv nature. CIIAKLtM A. f!Rl fl'hNl'ON, Agcut, 7 Hixtli Avenue, New York, nlH-lw. The Best Paper! Try It,!! Tho Scientific! AMnr.icAN K tlio cheapest nnd best Illustrated weekly papor published, livery number contains from II) to 13 onclnal engrav lugs ofnow machinery .novel Invomlons.UrMRcs, Kuglneerlngworlis.Arehltectiiro.lmproved Fnrin 1nip!cnictit.s, and every new discovery In Cliem lslry. A year's numbers coutnln Kli pnnes nml Bevernl hundred cni;ravltiKS. Thousands of vol upica nro preserved for bludliiR and reference, jjio )ractlcal receipts nro well worth ten times tho subscription pilcc. Terms, S! n year bv mall. Specimens sent Iree. May bo bad of nil News Dealers. I'ATENTS obtained on tho best terms. Models of new Inventions and sketches examined, nnd ndvlco tree. All patents nro published lu tho Sclcntlllo Aiuorlcan tlio week they issuo. Send for l'amplilct, III) pages, couuunint; laws anuiuu uirecuons lor omaiuing imenis. Aflilress for Pnner. or coucornlnc Iatcnt' MUWN&C0.871'nrIt Itow; N, Y. llriinch oillco. cov. V. nnd 7th 8ts Wnhlilugton, 1). U. nln-lw GIVEN AWAY TO ANY BOOK AQKNT, A $5.00 G 11 E 10 N 11 A O K nud a specimen ol tho CHEAT INDUSTRIES OKTIIUUNITHDnTATKS. 1K01'AUI'M ANDfiOOKNGKAVINOH VHIN3 JU) IN KNOLISH AND OintMAN. Willtcnbv 20 Eminent Authors, Including UOltAUh UUUELEY AND JOHN 11. GUUliil. Wo want agents lu overy town to solicit ord ers for this work, ou liberal terms. It cells lo nil classes, nnd nn library should bo without It. It Is a completo hlstor) of allbrancbesol Industry, processes of manufactures, etc. No llko work over beforo published. Ono iiont sold 133 lu clfbt days, nuothor li In ono week, nuothcr 2(j i lu two weeks. An early application will securo a choice in territory, l ullpartlcularsnnd terms will bo sent freo, Willi n specimen of this great work, nud n 83 Greenback. J. 11. llUItll & UYDK, Itailfoid, Conn. ulS-Jw N OTICE. All ncrsons are forbidden to trust mv wlfo. Jano Applcinau, ai I will pav uo debtHofhcr contracting. 1MIIM1' D. AlTl.KMAN. l'lslilugcicck, April !, l'flWiw RADWMV8 READY "BELIEF CUKES THE WOltST l'Al.NH In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR t.rur rc ..llns ll'is 't.i rl'mcnt nncil any Cl.o Ml i l.r. Willi VAl.V. IUDV.'AVS I'.U.MIV UKLU.P IS A CTHU I'Ol! lA'LUY I'AIX. Itwaitlin CritanJ Tlio Only Xaln llcmctly thnt lnht.ii.tty itopn the rmet ttcmclatlnc jiain, alU;"x J 1 ioa nii'l curci V Monifu.Ii, liuutli or vlb. tion, in rnoM o : Nomititcr liow li,lfi MA11U, ltd rliMvtt, In tr j roatiattd with dioa : r..i i:ty iintti:3, i in Ihu i.iin Uie Khi't' u u ti, Crli il(.J, Ti'iivots, LUiu . st. may BUllcr, 3 READY REUCi- Oltl) INSTANT UAbC. , RADWAY' WllJj AF IMrLAMUATIDV 111'' 'i'HV: KIIII.VH. INH.AMMATION IIK Tlin IlLADiJI:. i:rrLAUMATio:i or tiii: powki.s. 'omii:mii)N mp Tim llni.;. eokc Tiir.o.vr, pii ticiii.t nitiiAniiMi. I'ALl lTATION Ol' '1IIK llEAI.r. IIVSTEPIC?, CT.OU1', Dll'lllllKIllA. cATAKim, ism ".:za. IICADAC1IG, TOOrilAfll!:. Ni;n;Al.mA, nilH-MirisM. COLD CIIIU.P, MWK C1III.I.M. llio ftpplic.ulcn . f tlio ltclief ta II c .i:tor tails wbiro tlio palu ir uhhc illy lLU .l!luUulil i;uc asj comfort. 'IVcnty drora In lialf a tim.l.'i p cf water m 111 In n fow nraiOTiM cilto CliAMPf. M'ASMS, Nifll blOMAl'II, UKAIlTIUIItX, MCK lll.MiM'IIB, IIIAIlllll nil'HItNAb l'AIN. iravi-icrs fiioiiui niu.p r n- iMln rjf Hnlnns ilioi'd 111 ' ill i ill iii'ujy itiinr uiiii ii A I iri'vt'iii fcickin'ss ir ' 'iiii I i bail I'rcUvll llrnlly 01 1) LU i lxvnr.ANu Ann: c- . h rcmcUUI n'cl.t in tl. i . Aeup. fiuil nil otlkr i i . . i u.ilu. n ' t.r l.. il.u.1, ( ttiliU. i i.Hi.iitn. Tlicro Is tct In t w ill cure IVur Yillovv, urn! dllicr Kcmui . I I I! u'lWAV'it I'lLLS) io iiuick iu iiadwai'S lit'.U' . l;KLli;r. ldtyccBla 'IT .VIUV. PVIU U) .lllt"."l l-. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! MRONQ ASU 1TUH P.'. 'i i;Mi)I)ixci:i:abi'. oi- n.i:sii ami w i.u-ii i XUUb t'OMI'LtXlu.. lt A.MJ iikAt - .Hill TO ALL. BR0 SSAbWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MAPI! Till: AM'oNIhHINd Cl lillS- Kit CitlllJK. W IJAVID AI.K 't'lllJ iMIANdLH i 111! iouv itndi:kuhks iMU'ii tiiu im'litm u THAT 'llXV1A X ' H'TSJr L. MM"l'i!J, Evory Dny nn !ncnso In 'ioch and Weight is Coon nml Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUniPJER. Every drop i-f tlia AU" I' ".U. 'AN i:it)I,Vl.N i' roromunicaii'S ur tit;ii it' i- i. MuIJjauil Jalc i f tim fjVt'Ht tu j,i the wajtm of tlu IkmI .it.t i Scrotal i, Byt'lil! i, iir.i .. t. . i, i In tho Thrukt, Mnit!i, Tu'tmr , ; . ctltr Part-tot tlu t v-u it, s . i; from tno Kar, nml tla'.tn-'. f.i'n,.j tloas. Fovcr butt'd, HimIiI IU il. U -Kr'Jpel w, Actio. II! iok ;l ' ' Cancers tn Ilia Womb, ;tnl ,i'i ,t ' clar(teB,MlttHwt'ftt", lm . Ufa principle, tio wltli-i tli i i. of XLnltTii ('lu-mUtrl'. i i . . lir It repairs (I mut.n '. 1 I t iluful UU- iii i unfilia . h f titU Dii tit r 11 v ill frave to 1 ll ) ' f t' it anypcrv)ii u-htj It for i!tli.r jtoffut power to tuia tlari. It the TitlMtt d .lly liccn rulJ t y tM waptcsartl decomposition thr.t h contlin. ."v tr , - ng, fitccvtiU In arn-Btliiji tlina waMii, r. , ,ntr -- l iitunt.-n itn iilmid'ifrom hcjllliy I .d . 1 l t KUISAI'AUIL LIAN will ii'iid utirur, JitA ouly ltiv4 tl. Mniiiiir.ltl ii'jivLtP citI q'I known rcinnlliil u-enti 1 1 ilio tu 1 1' t im ulc. t-crofulouii, Cumtltutlbii 1) una bk4.i di a-1 1 lutt it 1 uuly pokltlv c cure for Trlnary, tiint V'"i.i' 'l m-j, (Jrivel, ttt, Dropty t5t H'lUfo of Witttfr. I tn tutU.fiiCA ff Utiiir, lliljl,t n J)tsvae. Aluminium i, a-nl In 1. 1 c mk wlit ro tlicro tiru bikkju-t (lc i.nlln, or tlit w.Xn li liiUk, tt Ui, iiiUk' 1 wllti nuMance j Ji:.ll.a wlu-f i' : ii ..,or tiiJ ll.,u .un .ilk, tr tlir-n Ua morbl I, il i'k, ti i . ..pj ..! nice, mil wliitj lioiicriiitt tti-ni,ltit, i,l ;n n tli ro H it litUlng, I'tirnliijt soinut, m v.Uiti i ij t.wtcr. mi I vAn 1 1 1'.t3 H-iiull Kit tho llau u Utiit-rtiip . 1'iliA', ti i-j, ..WORMS,-Iho oil li.unii irul b-irc r.t'im.'j f i Tumor oi 12 Year' 3rovUi Cured I)y Buclway'ft Hciolvout. 1e ubi r. llxti,, July 19, 1CJ. Jt, H v I I. It I 0. 41 1 m ' In lh otuHut mJ lottvli. All M p.'Dlon i ill "lln-rc It." 1 IrliJ tvtry lltliirf Hi il ww r 11 " . ' it n iMhk lulruj mt. I iaw our lit .litut, mill Id it 1 w ltr il, l.ul lia.l tto failb In It, I ! ati.a 1 LM iiiUf. t f r t j -ti t. 1 . jit ili loitlci c f llit lUnlwut, nut! vii 1 f 11. 1 I H', ii ho UtlUttf your lb -lly Ktlivfi nn 4 Ibrru It n v it ,i, i t- r t It ictn er Ml, b X ( ft J U'tUr, nirtr, m t Lt I Ur lb m 1 b4 fur I wait ytiri, 'ill wurtl la ti t tn In tU I ft Mi tf id ovtr lha kiuIq. I writ lb I U iMi Utt-v u uffili , vt riu rt-Hl if )tu lUoanr. 1 1 N.N All '. KNAIT, PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tiwtclcn, tlopintly rohtct vltliwcft rxtm. ptirco lguUU, jurlty, LliiuikC, mil Mr.itptlit n, Itnlttuy't 1'uK for tho curttof nil tliriurtUrdof tho Mumicti. Liver, ltowcld, Klumya, lllaililrr, Ntrvou DUonifH, Ilemlm lie, Conutji n lloit, CcMtlwnciM, IniUii stloii. DHtrpbj, ll.llou.ncn. Jlil lout t miT, liifunu iili'ii U !) lionvlii, J'llc,rntJ all I) ranyetinrit uf the Ji'leru-il Vliotra. Wntiaiito4 to tffict opoiltlire ctirp, I'linty VttUUi", cuntalulrg i o mcnurr, luWr ilMr tit U t h ilni, tr" Oimorv" ilia fi,loiiirf j t ti KruUIrit from PU Wdert Of llig 1 HtftMU u Or4 ai s : rh(UMUii, l.iarl 1 t,11m i ,1 ll lr .1 In U ImJ Acidity f Ihi blonu'ti, n(l.., Ivaill ntu. looJ.ruU iifti W.VIil In ihu Mum ..t,, buur l'Ul!tu,itiiiklr.r tr 1 Utter Inrtt tU lllif thu H.muli, ! HttJ, iluniud t4 piiUiult Uvutiiiitr, l iuttniiir m iiw lit -n, t Itukii t r butTurtUiiif SfniftWDi Htivn lu ItltiK 1'Miuro, I (f Ulmi, Ikl tr U UlurtlifMl.t, ltmi4 pull I'n a In 1 v lliJ. livUUafy tf rvrtMratlun, ).Uwn., ,( (U n rjt'. I'tln In tbt hUU. tl.l, MuW, lu.'ij )U Ui d, Utblbir In Ui I Mill, A few duct ( f II ADV. AY'S I'l M S 111 free tht ykttm wm!d nv mtniMuilu Ul'rdiN r,lw' 5 MU ' Kx ItKAll KAI SK ANnTllITPti Kr,,l nn Ia UilllViV A, t'4 L. ir.u I i . " vf. .7 "if luformatloii wt.tih tl.uiwiiudil will U Mfcldrn Ijine, Ncw.Vnrlc. 1 libi you. w nl872.1y PUBLIC. TO corner of Matu and Iron fits., Woomaburff. Mq1u33C cutfj, Cheoo, Vhh, &c. Hrhrht. lAit Mackorcl thai aro brought IVara, Green Peas, m,U which nro warr.jntol to i ;Ivu fiatis in oxchnngo for Gooik mm. i .Air, iatr.orv Mi Jw ' 'h t' ,:" TilBlttTtU In llio wontli llCVCillO It 14 c tnro'a mi-'t . UOlI llH llHllt!"1 hcillnz tlio fK'!c ii. li (he afflicted it nl. tin- (li- tt tTLT hc .i i i . i titii'ii 'j tiHiro nf Na . . -1 i 1 1' Hf which I i ii t i e ' lai.K Uiiiijtloiii for t!. u ,..m'it I f.iio combined . V:t v i.h u of thU fact is In o iu iiicsvtic 1 ft Iouim in Uioi;rcit a.i or i.m-t oiuuato ulf C14C3 which tt hi ht -i 1 Mini liniuirjucr. In the euro of CSroiititiiii S.oro ('ourIin, mvt tlu cirl eti r ' t hi mptlon, U haa n3t(i!il!i I t!i3 m ' I -il Ii .'i-. iiml (tnlmtitphy Blclriinnii if it i i l' itxi medical dlcoc ry of Uki n. V'n'-1' . i tii.i "-cu'icl Couali?, tt utrontli mh tlu - i a I ptirltiON ihu blond lly tt - i ill !h tii;li blood purify in piM;3rti!, it c i. 1 E2n nuti h. Hum the w.hL Scr.inlii t it .t.u ,) '.i tsiolcli, 11 iii or liiivuptlon. 'K iIlfL'a-p.Mliic-ral IMUdu, an I tlui. oX is mu t tadlcatcd, find vi 'iiroui h'jilt'i a I a cciitltulton Cbtab-li-tliel I'ryHtpohn, S.ili r:!ivuni, rover Soros, Scaly o EStnipfli Sliln, In t-hort, an nu n-imLTOH (iii'i nro conquered hy t Iii i vL'orathu nuMIcl'i Ifyoi hjol dull. Or -. color nf tUln, o- y !! i . . i b'Jly.freq'unt h -i It f moiitli. Intern il h t o r lliiihe, U.v Hjti it-. ii'id r(nl irni:utlt '.ail 1 1 i c.ii-e'tl liy 1)(1 l)inoij, tlfbillt tf fil, Iiavo fallow lnouii i-jiiilt on face or ili:;'itn"'i. bail taato In M. iilt'-iiialcil with hot j'tioiti Itiiclioilinsf. If- 1 1 .tK-ii, jttii urn tuner tn- fmn 'Siriil.t liiu-r or "IlilIoiiK iii.'M-," I.i miu i i o. ''Jilvcr (Join plultit" o ily ii . o. Di fMiii)tomBarccxt'C riencoil. Ai n i I all cmh caeoa I)r. Pierco'ti O jM Mlt il Di-rtivpry )irt9 no ifina), ailtcfl'octiui'U-ttM. , 1 iliif,'thelhcrhtmiKtli cnctt an I h"ilthv. Tor tlu cino of Blaltitnal Constipation of the bowels ItHancvcrfalW Ins, and thoo who bae iited it for Ibis pumojuaro Unl in iti pral-o. Tho proprietor niter $I,(H)0 icuaid for a mcdi clna thit will ciml it for the ruvo of all the ilte c.iC4 for which it is recommendtd. Sold by dru-'l-t at $1 ncr bottle, rrepwfl ttj II. V. Pierce, M. 1) . Sole Proprietor, at lna Chcnn. cal Lilnntorv. VI 1 "i i -trft .Hull.iln, N. V. J Send yonr a1 lr.- i i . m 1 nIS721y. Ity vlituoof btiudry wi IU of venditioni ex ooinw JhsuoU nut ot tho Court of Common I'loas of wimauin county nnu to mu iitros'.tui thero will bo exposed to publlo halo at Uih Court House, in tlioTown of ltloonisbui'tr, on .MONIJ.VV, tliotitti nny of May, at ono o'clock, p.m., tho Jul lowing All that certain nloco or nareol nf l.imi f.ltnit In locust township. Columbia couutv.lM.. bound od ami described as follows, to wit: nn tlio went uy lauas oi jonn jonusou ami Mary Htewartron tlio north by laiuliorPetciHtraus'ier;on thoeabt by Clirlbtlan Hmall, and ou tlio south by tho same, containing forty-six acre, moro or less, on which aro erected u dwelling houso and hauls uurn wnn i no appimcuancc-s. Hcl-ul, tnttcn in execution and to be s iU as th propeuyoi jiiram x. Jiowcr. ALSO, All that certain trait of land with tha nnnur tCHiince.httiiati3iu Montour towushln. houiiiluii and described na IjUowh, to wit: on tnubnuth by Kinds of (JeoiKQ Lynn, on tha woH by 1 uids now or juio oi I'Ticit tv mu iy, on tiionoriu uy land of William Huberts, on thoeast by 1 mds of Cad watlader Hobcrti. ad lin ! now of .Ihh.i'i l-'rv coutaiulu thhty-slx acio in jioor lois, to 'ether Helzml. t liton In nxciiitln.i mil t. u l tho properly ofyimou llitdy. ALSO: A I that COrLllil Int. iitnflni- nu.Ml nf im n,l sltuato lu tho town of Kipy, ColumbU dimly and Htato of Pennsylvania, bouudu t nud do- Bcribed as follows, to wit: On iho Kouth MJo of necauu siryei, nnioinin lot ot ciirislunn & ( rlKon OU tlio rast and litrim nllivmi tlmumiih and by lot of James Kowfor on tho wot, whoron ia uicuiuu w tw.j-Kiury jinmo uwitiiun uoiuo Willi Bcizcd. taken Iu osocutlon nnd t ih i im uie propariy 01 ti, iingiy. ALSO: All that eertiln nlGa or nirrnl nt lnn.l kiln it. lu lrcenwood twn.. Coluinot.i iMiiutv nnd sintn "i i-uiiusyi vaunt uuuuueu nuu uoacriueu as i ji lowtf. to wit: On tho hontli and wa1 liv 1 mil n James Vauhoru.ou tho north by J.iml of Hnry Uiiiuuiz uiiu 014 mu ijusb uy jauii oi William VU son and Jauic Mauiitujj, ciilaiiiluu i nty aeros, ju iiiu Htiiuu iiiuru or lusi.ou w u a urn Mfpirtu ti Iramo dwutltim hoiuo nudu haul: barn, with the Ul'jHIUUUUUm, ALSO: Another lot or piece of laud Mtuato lu tlio town or UoUrdburK, In tlio couulv or Columbia anu Miaio niorcsiun, uouuucu an nillows to wit: OnthoEotitli by lot or Ahrnham Klluo, on tlio wesi uy lauu oi jncon ucrun, ou tne norm by IUIUI DUII1UUI UlIIUl UIIU UU IIIU UilMIt U 11 jiulilio road lcailliii; Kolirslmrn tu llenton bald Jot Is Blx rods lu Iront nnd Ion ik'on. when.. on nro erected u story and n hair dwelling liouso, u iruuiu Biuru uuu a biuuie, wuu mo fllililirte UttUOCK. Btlzoil. taken In oseriitlcni mi l tn bo old as no iroi3iiy oi james v. Wilson, ALSO I All that certain lot Mtuato In Hcott twp Co lumblii county, l'cuiisylvaiila. bounded ami .in. horlbcd lis lollows, id wit: OiitlinwcHt by laud or Isaao lluss.ou tlio north by n nubllo road, on tlio cant by laud of John llunlnguino. nnd cm tho south by fund ol Isaac White, containing about iniiuiriiTtii mi ui-ii', uu mu hitiao nioro or lo uu wiiieu it e.t'eicu 11 uweuiiig uouso. SoUcil, taken In cxecnlloii ant to bo told as iiiu iuiii' . m . ii(iii vjiuuaui, ALSO ON MAY lllli li7 Another tract jiltco or parcel oi LmiUltuato iu mu luwuuii i oi i'iuinucretu IMIumlil county Htato of lcnnEvlmilu li,,n ,ii im.i .1... scribed as follows to will on tho We ithy lands of jiiiiu uuu j.uuut-i jjritKa anu ou tun 4orth and Hast by lands of Wick Ktawai t and nu tho Houth uy iimus ui ibuiuj JMcrreur couiuiuluis twclv acres moro or less with tlianmwrtf .nnou Helped taken Iu execution and to lio sold ns tho 1'rujieny ui niifenu Jvencr. AAHON HJilVH.BUerlir. AkoiiIu Wanted for tho New Work OUR OIIILDIIUN, Hoy to Mnko mid lvcoit tlit'in Ilcnlthy Itv AUOUSTUi K. lAltl)Ni:it, M. 1). T.nto l'rofessor In Now j ork Medical LYilleeG. It treats of Ainusomcuis. IMucallon, Physical IJovolopiueni, Diseases, Aawnn. inninages, ao., imiiariinis u vusr uiuuuiii.ui viiiimuio inior nation conductive to tho Health, Happiness, nml Wfilfnrn nf tho Youinr. Wrlltftl in 1. tilpns. lug style, it is exceedingly Inlerestlngas well an lusiructive. Kvery 1'iiiiilly should liavo It, and no Parent can nirotd to bo without it, Beud for circulars BlTlug full particulars. IJUWJKI.U ASIIMIUD, I'ubllsher, dcc:!7Mf 711 Hansom Blrcel, I'lilludelplila NEW NORTH-WEST! AND ITS R15AT RAIL ROAD ! 7-30 GOLD LOAN OF Til 13 Mm Pacific Rail Road! A SAFE nnd I'KOFITAMjE Invest ment Secured by Fifty Jtlllion Acres of Lkind. ItOKlstcred, $100, SOOO, 1000, ,'000, $10,000, Coupon, $100, $500, nml $1000. Holders aro ex. cmiitfrom U. S. Tax. Tho 1'li-nt Mortgnno Laud Ornnl OoM IlonJs of Rclllnu nt Tiir una nccruoJ Inloroil, In currency, nml uro uiihtltnlliily recommouited to nil rluHtos ns nu luvesiuioni umv coinuincs u iru Iltqulo rnto or lnirresi wnn nusuuuo Hocurivy. FOlt, SALE IN IlLOOMSliUIta BY THK l!i.0OM3UUK(t llANIvI.N'O COltl'ANV, IN CATAWISSA 11V lir.l'fMIT AMI) HAVIN'QS I1ANIC. nprlliu2'lw I im nulillo nr.i hereby notified tint tho nxra e ment hcroio'oro exlitlug bolwoon Iho Ceiitrp Hall Jliuiuurauriuu uoinpiny, nnu nuarniusn 111. 1 iu 1.1. u, . iiiiuiiiium voiced, ns 10 1110 nuiuoriiy in mu uitvur n ,uti. ulucturo and sell In Colitiuliln county Tlio Koy Bt mn i!.irn Pluntr-r. cmntnonlv known as tlio "Ilnrpter I'Untcr," nnd tho said Company navo resuiueu xueir original riuuii ui iu .uu .ui.u.uu. turlns nud selllua of said 'nvonllon. nirll 20,'7Mw. Vecrctnrjr. QTEIMIEN llALDY. I'oor Oversocr KJ oft'al UaliwlssaTwp. iu Account with said Twp. To nnionnt ofbal. duo from 1870-A iim't or duplicate 1371 CU, 5S11 lly c.nh paid oxpeuiej of Marlh.i 11 ins hart, ilycasli p'd expense! of Harah lloech, 3 31 85 110 M ouiiiu oiaitiw. " .Mlclmol ivuslngor Ocoro lluszhcs (rent) Samuel Kostunbamlcr. Heirior Duplicate, Exoneration. ISO V. 130 11 :i s 1 m 7 tfl ity pcrcenlajo on 871 J -'1 0 5 por eon'. ,11 in y serviu"., S.HI 87 lly balancD 1I119 township, fJSil 23 Wo tho nudltors of ditawlssa lownsuln havo exainincii 1 10 necioi Hien nen 11 uuv ns 1'oor uvcr- scerof sld township nnd Hud It correct ns nbovo biaieu. wuuess our naud tins bin nay or April mil. M. V. II KI.INi:. ) 1IUNUV. HOI.LIN'aSIIH.VI), Auditors, C. IJ. MAHOnilUJl. 5 ANNOUNCEMENT 1 tiii: ui.oo.Msnuna i.itkkvuy institoti- STATE NOltMAL SCUOOIi will open uudcr the cutlio control of tho I30AKD OF T11U3TEE3. They havo noleclcd ns 1'iiuclpal of tho Instl lUllUU UEV. J0H IIHWITT, n Kontleman whoso qualifications lmvo been niiiy ipsieu nnu nrovoii in oilier ouucaiioual en terprises nfn llko nature; aud they nsk nud navon rijiitto'iomand for Mm nud the Instl tutlon. tho confidence and sunnort of our owi cltUans, nud ottho Irlendsof thoeutcrpriso nud ui uuuua.iuii every wiiero. Jlljioiuiot comiori cunvonlenco und beauty of bulldiusrs nud sur. roundlnss, no school In tho Htato surpasses this: huh u uiu ueieiuiiiieu 11, hiiuii uui ou secuilll 11 ino itinu, quaiuy nud tuorouguuoss or its disci ptiuo nun cuutiie. Tho "nrli3 session of twolva weeks will beiu MONDAY, AIMUIj 8th, nnd cloo JUNE 23TU. EXPENSES: Tuition an 1 Iloinltug, includliii w.lshln? nud uuui, iur iiiusuisiuu 01 iweivu weeas, 91 uj. AOADE.MIO OEl'A HTJIENT. Tuition for day pupils, ono dollar per week In tho model school, Irom tlfly tnulghty cents tier wccit. iiiusie, uui. lll, I'.llllllll, ,vc., cxir.l. oiiisuru iiavuuiu. una iniisi uj irti i nromnnv ouu'iiuii ub ruu ueniuuiuir uu i iiiuu.imr nana tho middle or the session. J. (I. FltUKZK. L. il. llUPHIir. Seeretar. IVesiibuit, A DiMlNISTUATOH'H NOTICE. or josuim wkiss. hko'o. Letters of ivlinliilstiatlou on- tho o-itato o josepu wciss, laio oi .Malison iwp., LJolmnlil county dec'il., iiivoiieuuiirauiud b tho ltd 'Uie or said conutj. to Oscar 1". ijut ol' Limit atreot Columbia eo., i'.i. All im'aons Iuviiil; claims or ueiuau is against iu i ilo:uiL'iit nro request ed In in iku them liu nvii, nnd Uinw indented in ni.uco Divm int. UdU.VIt 1. is NT, npill 19,'7J-Uw. Admlttlbtiator. fIHEA! SUHHii'a SALE Or' UliaiiATKD LAN1JJ IN COI.UMI1IA CO Aurecnbly lo tho provisions of an Ant nt am. seniuly entitled uu Act directing the modo of senium uuse.tieu i.iuus ior uixes uuu otuer pur poses, passed tho thirteenth day ot March, 1813. uud mu further supplements thero o passed on the Uih day ol .March. 1H17. nml tlio iiiii Mivm March,, nnd tlio um day ol March, 1SI7, tho Tusurcroi Columbia county, heieby Klves no- .ivu ii. uu iicinuus euuuei ueu luureiu, 111 lb unless tho County,, school, Poor, llouuty nud gimu uiaij. uuu uii luuiiillilwlll ir.rjk.ul uusoai' ed la ids. sltuatu lu Columbia euu iiv. nru n.ih beforo tho day ol sale, tho whole or s ich p-iris or eaeil iruci. us will pay iuuu.isis eu irn t io:o UM1C on, will be sold al the i:nurt. llousj in I te lowi ol lilooiusburg, l'.i.,on tho d iy ui Ju i.t. is7J, and l coulluiio by nljoiiruiii jji, u iaidiy lu u.iy iui ui icuiuKcs oi nnu J.l'l., anu uuu us ueei uuu uu uaen iiai;b i eipjcti , - iy. li'iirraifej or Oioncn. iy. tit, Heaver. 3i Ui.iy William ;i) Ainlrow, tract. i'5 luvlsisau Ul l-'ry David 'JM l.litlo Mathl.K, iu) l.ltlKi Kobail. 7J .Morris Umlel, 1UJ Noyer Hcorgu, UI Nuugesser Oejrgo IU uiimau K. 1,. 7 Hluiiuau K I.. 7 tjiium iu V. I.. J0I Hluiiuau Oooro A Cj 110 Shlpman II. W, 71 Heuuluser Christian, ll Hhuiniu K. I.. I!.' I Shiimau I''. 1,. 10 lluiler Ja;oU, ilee'd., Jienton. I) Clulstmau-Ann, Wells John IS Applemm Petor, si Penuiiutiiu Jesso H. llriurcrcek, COO Apple Paul Ui liiillaln William A, J. tin) llllsli Iloubon, 40J lleacli Nathan, 1U0 lleacli Nathan, 210 iiryau (Jity. US Clem W. T. D. r.ev, 218 Headly H. K, IbJ Headly H. R, 5UJ Headly ti. K, ll) Hicks Jesse, 2U0 ltecer Abraham, ll'g l'ealor Hamuel J, UI Htackhouso Joseph, '.MO Mluckliouso Joseph, 1)1 rituckliouse, Joeiih, KM hull Adam, 1W Hponoubers riilllp. 3 Hlltlcr Jacob, 7 Truugh Henry, 30) Doty i Pealer, 10 l'.iilis Jamos, 10 K Issuer & Kuoir, Catuwinsa Toivnnhlj. Si McNliich JamoiH,, ll Cleweil Jacob, Jr SI llrobstJ.H., 101 llrobstJ.H. Ui UrobslJ.H., UI HiobstJ.H., 0 llliliuyer M. Si (1., CeiUralkt JSorou; 2 I.rts Arter Johu, 1 " lloylo John, 1 " Cruno Michael, 2 Chadwick Ann T., Vi " Colllus Potor l'., 1 " Cunnou llernard, 1 " Cotllhun James, I " Keiurniaii Alley, 1 HrliUlh Uenjaniiu, 1 11 lllno John, 1 Holmes Thomas, 7 " Jones Aim T. Mis. I " Klluo Caroline, i Klluo A Itelubold, 1 " Keller widow, 1 " I.ovcll'ild II. A. 2 " iJingou Pat'u I " Morgan I), Juhn, 1 " Marks I-iiyd, 1 " Marks Oonrge, 1 " MeehauThoinas. 2 " Monro Uruce Mrs. 1 " Novlu Michael, 2 " Parks 1 " lluluu Putrlck, 1 " Kelly I " Hhephard II. I", 1 " Wllllck Krcd. 1 " ZUler William, 1 " Hughs John J, 1 " Ciilu Terrenco, 1 " Uiivls Henry, i ii o i 3 Uj 3 CO !( 00 1 3 a uo 21 1 3 7 1 11. I) SO IJ CO 8 27 I 71 1 h'J 12 0) 11 85 4 10 0.1 ill S' a ui 12 11 8 111 17 78 10 117 20 (-'I (JO 11 83 6 U 10 Jl 11 83 5 3 6 1) 5 U 17 N) 2 !)7 il U 4 U' 5 il) 2 11) s u 27 Ti 13 1)8 S 70 II 110 2 li UO 8 H 8 U 1 10 i 11 i w u so 8 UJ 15 W 8 U 4 M 1 10 8 li. 8 8 81 8 u 17 8 (il 17 27 8 U0 4 8 Ui 1 31 13 V, 0 111 3 81 7 62 Centre Township, n Conner Isaiah, estate li Conner Hiiniuel, estate CH Hewitt A lleuedlet, 7 FrlU William, estate U (Jood Jacqb, 0 28 0 it 0 81 172 03 MIE Klefer Daniel, KlUcniliill ,t Creasy, lliinbacli Dniilol, Hill Jacob estate, Conyngham 'Jbwnshlp. Jordan ltobcrl, 1)1 51 2 Ul on on en at ft'D :ii 'm ..a so m 3) 01 SO Ci .78 70 111 11 11 Mi 7J 8D 011 Ul 20 SI I) hi H CO 11 00 01 li lit 71 3 .11 IM 1)1 .1.1 U IS!) Si 3.1 .1.1 21 .'11 20 f 1 17 Hi li 37 11 S2 uu hi .lit 70 2 121 Oi 1 10 3 12 21 7tU S St 3 Ul 31 2 2 '-'.' SO Is 1 so 3 70 II) 5 it 0 tt) 1 00 3 10 3 "0 1 11 4 I) 8 li U 23 f 170 Itimtou Thomas. stsu iiusion Mary, lluelicr Peter, lleasley Johnson, Hlltitilnior Thomas, W Ickcrslmin Amos. Hhatition William, m- lllckhnm Ooorge, llarncs Thomas, Hon A. W. Ilea A, W. Ilea A. V. Klluo, Liudoamiith JtOo . I.lndeuiuuth Ooorno JJ.. Walker Lewis, Young Johu, llruimnii Kboaor.or, llenm Joshua, Dellaven Peter, Miller William, Porter William, ltecao Diiulnl 3d I as 1 ,0 881 1UU 30 1(K 00 tw a s 101 11 l.-l ri m Warner John, 1 leaver A Kline, lteese M nhn,.t ' it i;i 1 llimii Nntluulol, ,ot l.elby .1. M. 1 1 1 inarr jtouryB,, Itelubold W. 11 Westiuau Daniel, Vocum Frauk, Cleaver Klliah, Cook David, Kllngamnu FroJ,. Knchelries Heowe, IJooduinu William, Wnlluco William, liartAudiew, t nlu Tcirenee, llelmbach Plullji, llcwlg P, ., ' Joyce Peter, Kt Itlle Joniitlian. .MnsitlroTerretice Mat r Morris, I McMiinainau Mix, McMiimunau Peter, f . . ':,.url'"' "ntiiony, 1 Lot Murphy Klcharuf, 1 ' Murphy Tiioiuas. 1 HSlvely Matthew, Preston liuproven ... i iesiuu im nroveiiinni n Fishingcrcck Ibwnshh). Doly A Pealer, Doiy A I'tnlcr, Doty A l'ealer, Ikeicr William, Jouts James H Lemon Jllchiiel, Mcara William, Montgomery 1).. eslalo, Pealer Samuel. I., Uimugst Abriiiiaiu. 1'arks James ll., Mcllcury Kd., a taxes. Lemon Thouius, Frandin. lloyer L'dwaul, IIowerAloses, I.'.lley Abraham, Lloyd John, 3 11 13 20 11 13 ll 71 I SJ 1 IS 21 uu u) lo Cli .1 Hi 5 211 1 f. 3 71 (17. wo SJO m 15 07 110 10 01 11 SO 3 W 38 Qrccimood, Kllno Daniel, ,'.,Uu" H miuel, IW 'lltmaii Abra., sta!e. 00 Watts & Itodllno, ' Hemlock. 30 Campliell I,. N 0) Lunula James, ftxekson. Kf 210 KHo John, Jiof2:H Kilo John. X'.mnB Abriiham, 100 Woelever Jacob. WO Hess John U . ' Locust. 200 lllliigtonTlioiiia. ill John Hamiiol, "1 Johu aaniuel, 1W) llhodes John A Joseph. Ui llecso Michael. :W Haven William, J. or Km Huston Thomas. 15 ot 1UJ Iteeso Daniel. Honuo ltiuton .Mary, V, ol 200 llustou charlolle. J3 ol 200 Heyuolds Jouu. J 2 of 200 Myers Mary, 3 or luo Huston Thomas. HorillO Daulel. J; or 200 Huston Mury, li or200 Huston Clurlotle, 3or200 Heynolds Jolm.1 H or Myers Mary, rl i..';',,'r Allro e Sanuiol, &i Miller Jacob, !! 2 7,1 17 60 17 IT. 3 .14 3 50 9 74 10 IW 2 SO 15 Ul (1 SO 11 7.1 2 00 2 Hi 7 M J S7 2 W ;i ui 7 20 7 20 7 28 7 211 7 2ii 3 bl 7 2S 7 28 7 .'il 7 20 7 28 8 ill 1 Ul Miller Jacob, 1 11 I il II 73 1 70 IUI (ii Jieiiver woorgo A J, I,. Kline, Hewer "eorgo A J , L. Kline, Keller lllcliard, ' Madison Township. Hills William, estate, Moser Jacob, Main. i''iuohor J. p., Plncher J. p., Hosier Jacob, Sihirnau lludolph, Hliuinan (leurge, Mliumau Daniel, heirs., 1 ...... 1 . 1...1.... 35 loo 10) IM 101 u; .07 111) 10) I'll 3) 171 U ".uuiumi, leiiera: nauclt ;.JIaxos237 Yetter Isaac. 4 etter Isaac A Daulel. YotterJ. li., ' Yetter A Klase. Luujcnbeiger Ucorge, e.-itato Mifflin., Creasy lleury, Durtibach JNuoml, Keller John, Num;esser Ueorge, .ihiinoimanti Jusnu.i VoauJohn It., Montour. (Jigur Jiiiin, eitale, Itamsey Joun,, Ml. I'icasunt. (iritiiei Lorenzo, Ms'.'uriy Daulel, Orange. Crovellng Hamuol, ' iivurett Muses, Jones Hlcliard, Kltno J,, Kline A. J Trelplepleco Jacob, Pine. lisnileld Thomas. Davis f nomas, estate, Heath Hylvesior, Vaudeisllco Thomas J,, Jloarlngcreek. Haul) J. Miller, I.itllu Hobert, lluclier Peter, llarncs i'honiis.Jr., l'rick A Hliiiiuau, Huston Jouu, turt of, Trleu Jacob, Morris Daulel, Yucum l'.lin,i, Yooum r.llsli.i, Weary Uabrlel, Morris D. A .M. , Hughs. Morris 1). A AI, (J, Hughs, Morns D. A M. (J. Hughs . Mortis 1). A M. o. lluShs Morris D. A M. U. Hughs, Weary Uabricl, 1 Weary U.ibriel, it tub J. Miller, Keller lllcliard, Heaver Ueot'ao i J. L, Kline, Hugar Loaf. llucialow Jamos, Colo t:euiel, CiHtind Mary, (loss Nathaniel, Uray Hobert, Moiitg jinery iioberl.e.tate, H 41 07 QUO 173 17 7.1 11 2S 11X) 17 1 Lot 111 1) 11 00 0) uo I'll) 30 131 111 10 7 13 0 OS 20 (JO ;u 21 201 si 7j .OJ 2li Ji) I)) Jiof 110 Kilo John, ..uuv.. U.U1SI1, CO Iiloa;nsour0', Apill 3, 1572, Treasurer. fJJlEASUHEU'ri SAliH ue'SliATD LAND.-j IN COLUM11IA COUNI'V. Also tho f.illowluj lots, pieces or parcels of Healed Lauds, lu.uiuei by the tax collectors, 1110 to bo sold ill tho b.iiuo time, under the provisions ol uu net ol Assembly, untitled "An Act reining totliotulool lauds lor taxes in Columbia Conn- Acrr. ICVimiiirtTj or Owners. Heaver. S3 Miller Ellas, 2 (liover sjlepheu, 1 Halter Tiioiuas, 3i) Luce Ueoi'o'o A Jienton, 60 Conner Pr. servo, 00 Hhttltz K.ol;lcl, 78 ICoons John, 111 HwarU'out John, 43 Couuer Muthlas, 23 Musi us IMri'in, 01 llriuk Johu U., JitaOiil. 1 l.'il Puisel. 1:, II., 1 " Preull'. .slmioy, I " Murray J ieph P., JJriarereek. 100 Miller'ien, Dul, Cti, xuoinas jo.iaii, Miles Luoy, Vanpe pelt uru i, Cunyiiyhum. 2 lliovn William, 1 i:gan Patrick, 2 C.isey Laureuce, 23 1'ie.stou luipruvomoat Co., L Lot Vorkoy William, Greenwood, 8 21 111 3 Drelik'pleco James, Watts uisopli, Colo .Nicholas, Hock Chi Istliu, Hemlock, fiusijuchauna Slale Company, Jackson, Halstou J., William A John, Rosier John, Locust, lireacli Joseph, (haul Jacob, Doiiehoo Corucllits, Mota Charles, Millard William, Mvers Jacob. 3 fi 48 81 11 31 Jl Iit HloyerHarah, 1 uuiuas jiir.un, Watlctus Hobert M,, Yeagcr Henry V Hupp Ueorge, estuto, Hlrauser Charles, Madison, Whlpples James, estate, Pin. Fox John, Mliiler Charley, (trcenly James, Bwlsher Philip, lioarlngcretk, (shcrman Catharine, 111 2 21 3 00 43 (WILUAJt I-VMON, llloomslmrg, April 5, lbTJ. TreosureJ-, I 111 310 11)1 s 10 I SJ .'! :io .1.10 8 07 a 00 21 10 5M 1 01 10 1: 2lll 7!)l s.ll 2 It 2M lllj 1 Ii IU 1 27 177 Till li S 1 il 111 fiSO U31 . j . 1 3 11 I to 11 01 2 21 22S 2lili HI 10 7 11 M 271 1 l.l 3S7 1 11 7 b0 7 t'J 1 13 .VJ 3 tu 0) rs ji ii i"i 171 1 13 Si 01 11 11 3J 2070 IS Oi OS 70 tlb.i 131 2s ml lrw. i2t u u 1170 172 2 IU 10 3 34 1 Jl 3U0 37 20 Sh) 7 31 10 30 2.-0 2 23 2 20 0 00 1 00 01 11 70 1 13 12 Ul 03 53 121 C) 110 10 9 89 8 71 .113 160 123 107
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers