!&S. RATES OF UVTISING. AVI) I PUIILlHlIEl) EVERY FRIDAY" M0KN1MII IftTllKOOt.UMtltAtf IIUII.MNU NEAIlTllK eotiiiT house, ni.ooMsnuita,rAnv CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, uniToit and mornm-rott, Termj-Two Dollars a Year payable in advance JOB riUNTINO orAlldescriptlohs executed with ncnliicss nud dispatch nt reasonable rates. Ooluinbia Oountv Offloial Dircotory, VMlilcrif.fii.fOT-Wlt.t.tAM i:'WM H ,, A.SMlateJii(liics-ln.li Dmui, Isaac H, MON 'v'.otioMr?,.'.f.-lUiiol.ril II. UiNm.f.u. Jlc-rhler A (r'cor.'rr-Wit.i.iAMSoN II. JALOIiY. lihirii'l Kfonirj-.TAiui:'i.niitsoN, J It. Rftc,r-AAHON PMITII. iVMNryOr ISAAC DKWITT. qw.i.U'lt.MAll I.AMON. Otii.i.l.onrr I vni'H llouillNH, HlhAtt J. IIKKII1 II, W1I.MAM HI1AFFKH. (oiii'iiixfoiim' Clerk Wlt.l.lAM KitiritltAlttt, Ami .,. u. .1. Cami-ukm., Daniel Lle. I'lIAllMtCONMEII Cnron r CH Aitt.FK (1. MritrtIV, Jin ii Lommnsiuairt Li VAC Mi;IllilIK, JollNMC A NAM.. County t irirfn'cm'ei'-CllAitl.t.s U.Bahki.ky hVi.ui I'm.r in'rfrf Directors, H. 11. Mtt.i.v.it Wit u am Kr.Atut,Dloomi.burg, nml Johnson Iki i.iii, Giecnwood, L'llAiai.CONNKl!,t!eC'y. Eloomsuurg Official Dircotory, j:io(.mliirr Jltmktoti Co. John A. KunstoS i-icsmcni, if. n. unoTZ, Lnsuier. tint Xatlmutl JUmk-ClWH. It. lAXTof,rrcs't , .1. l'.Ti stin, Cashier. Ci,'iifc(Vimi.VHH(iI5V7i7iii7oi(IfirnI7ianlt i-i;. ii, little, Frcs't,, t. w. Mit.LF.n. tlon WM. l'HACoCK, I'les'l., J, 11. UoiilbOH, Hl'C, juu 'unburn ituuainq '.luuna anil Eavlna 1mm AssoPta- Jlloc immtro Mutual baling Ivml Association J.J. lluowtn l'tcslcleiit, u. O. UAiiKLEY, Hec'y. Bloomsburg Directory. nAI'I.ltllAOH Jmt received nnd formic nttho 1 COLUMIIIAN OfllCC. DAVID l.OWKNlliniO, McrclmntTallor.Mnln stMubovo AiucrlcnnlIouc. WM. MOitltIK, Merchant Tailor, over lloien. btoclCH conrectlouery,oiiio.sltoL'nilni(infur. nlturo warerooms. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. &a. If V. I.UTZ, Drii(!KlstuudArothecnry.MaIUf.t. 'j, below tuo Vutl Ofllco. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. (1 i:. HAVAOII, denier in Clocks, Watches nnd )' Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho American r OU1H IIEUXHAltD, Watch nnd Cloclc maker l nearf.oulhcast corner Main nnd Iron fcts. I CATIICAHT, Wnlch nnd Clock Mnkcr.Mar II. ket blrect, below Mailt, IiOOTS AND SHOES. y M.KNOItlt, Dealer in lloutunnd Shoes, Intest III. nml btst styles, corner Main nud Market .Streets, In tho old Post Otllce. Hi:NUY KI,i:iM, Manufacturer nnd dealer In ltootH nud Hhocs, Uroccrics, etc,, Mnlu Btieet, i:ast Hloouibburi;. PROFESSIONAL. Dlt. H. U. HOWKIt, Hurccon Dentist, Main St., nbovo llio Court House. Dlt. WM. M. Iimint, Rnrgcon nnd Physician. Ullico over tho l-'lrst National Dank. GO. HAHKI.F.Y, Attorncy-at-Law. O'Hco.M , lloorlu Kschuugo Uloek, near Iho "Kxehnnso Hotel." I 11. MciCKDVY.M. D., Surgeon nud Phjhlcinu J . north sidu Mil m St., below Markot. T O. llUTTUIt, M. 1). BnrKcon nnd Physician tj Market street, above Malu. 1 H. ItoniSON, Attorney-aM.aw, Olllev Hurt J . man's building, Main street. Dlt, 11, V. KINNEY, Surgeon Dentist. Teeth extracted wlthoutiialii: Main st utarly op osltu Episcopal Chmch, T It. KVANH, M. D., Huri;con nnd Physician, j) south sldoMiuu street, below Market. Dlt. A. D. TUKNUrt, Physician nm Surgeon, or Ilto over Ivlelm'H Drus Ktoie, it sldeneo ono Uoor below Itev. D. J. Waller. MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. 11 I'KTKHMAN Mllllnerv nnd i-'ancv (Joods. 1'J. opposite Uptscopnl Chuieh, Main st, TlTlFH MZZin HAItKLliY, Mllhuer, ltamsey building Malu street. Ml 1SS M. DKHItlCKSON, Millinery and Fancy 111 Cioods.Mainst., below Market. MUSI. JULIA A. a HA Tin llADKLUY, Llldlo" CloakHnnd Drest P.itleruj, soathenst coiner Mniu and West sis. Mill . MISSUS 1IA11MAN Illlli.ery nnd Kancy .ids, luiu St below American House, HOTELS AND SALOONS. 1nitKH IIOTKL, by T. Dent. Taylor, ei.it end 1' in Main street. MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. ('. MAltH, Dry (Joods nud Notions, noulh j' hi t corner Main and Iron Bis. iMX a WK1JII, I'onf.ctlonery nnd Dukery, ' u holt mlo and retail, ICiilnuure Dlock. HC. lIOWEIt, Hatscnd Cnps.Dootsaudahoes, . Main St., above Court House. J II. MAIZU. Mammoth Gioccry, lino Oro . ciTles, l'ruits, Nuts, Provhlou, dc., Mnin ami C'entie till eels. M'KUI.V Y, NEAL .ft CO., dealei s In Dry Goods, (Iroccilcs.I'lour, l'eeil,Kall,l'"lsh. Iron, Nulls, t-lc.N. Ii. cor. Main nud Market sts. (J II. MILLEH & ON, dealcm In Dry (loods, O. (Irocerles, (lueeusware, Plour, Halt, Hlioca, Notions, etc., Main St. MISCELLANEOUS. ( M. eilltlSTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness U. maker, bhlve's lllock Malu Htreet. DW. HOIHlINS.llnuordcalcrsecond door from uoithrrest corner Malu uud Iron sts. i.i .1. THOItNTON, Wall Paper, Window Bhadea Li. i ud fixtures, P.upert block, Main st. Gl V,'. COHHI.L, Kuruituro Hooms, thrco story ( LrlcU, Main Ulreet, ul ol Maiket St. UKOSrNftTOl'K.PhoU i'i.iphi.r, over Kobblus v Eyer's Ktoie, Main st. 1 n. KL'HN.tlralLrlu M. at, Tallow, etc., Chern 1 tierlm'u alley, icar of American Homo. OAMU1U. JACOBY', Marble nud Erown Htoue IWorks, East Uloomsbuig.llerwlck road. WM. ItAllIi, dealer In furniture, trunks, ctder willow waro, near tho Forks Hotel. I.i 11, BIDLEMAN, Agent for Munsou's Copper Li Tubular LIghtulnL' Hod. ( I'OSTEIt, Glue Maker, nudWhlto nndfancy U. Tuuucr.licottowu. NOTE HOOKS, nud blank NOTES, vitii or with out exemption, for salo nt thu Coluxuiah oilUe, Catawisea.- II K. DA LLM AN. Moichaut Tailor, Bttoud hit. tJ, , Kobbins' Uulldlng lH. J. K. UOIIUINS, Snrgcou and Pbyslclnu 1 becoiu oud St., below Main, .ltI.UF.UT & KLINE, dry goods, Krocorieo, end VJt mi tiotnl mcichaudlse, filuln Stluet 1 11. KlsTLF.lt. "Oittawlssa House," North i' . Comer Main uuu second streets, KE1LER, Illllard Saloon, Oysteu, and Ico e reuiii in bcuauu muiuoi, 1 M, llltOUST, dealer In UcucialMcichaudlso ill. Dry il onus, groceries ac nnsoiIEIIAHNA or llrlck Hotel. S. Kosteu O bunder Proprletor.south-eafclcoruerMaluaud rsecouu nueev. w M. II. AIlIiOTT, Attorney ut law, Muiu St. Light Street. UP, OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, Unit door , Hbou School House. TOIIN A.OMAN, Mnnufucturcr und denier In tl Boots und Shoe s US. ENT, elealcr In Stoves and Tin ware In nil Its biniiches. 1)1 '1 Ml 1-NT, Miller, and dealer In nil kinds oi 1 Uiuln, rloui.i'eed, Ac, All UtiiiUi otGraln puruhn.ed. Espy. 'I' W, EDGAR, SusquehnumTphiniiig Mill I and Box Mauufucturlug, Buck Horn, M& GAY. JI. HHOEMAKiat, denleM 111 dry goods, Kioeelerlps und uenernl inerclinmlse VOLUME VI, ---NO, 10. Orangovillo Diroctory. Dll. IinitltlNU ft imOTIIEU.Carpentcrsnud , Uulldcrs, Main si., bolow Pluo, BItICK HOTEL nnd refreshment Saloon, by llolir M'llonry cor.ofMalu nnd Pluosl. Dlt. O. A.Mr.OAUOEL.l'hyslclnn andSurieou Main St., next door to (Jood's Hotel, DAVID HEItniNO, PlournniiarlstMfliTnnd Dealer in fjrnln, Mill Street. TAMES lrriAllMANTcaiTt Makormd Uif. O dertulter. Main St., below Piuo. SCIIUYLKK A CO., Iron founners.Mnchlnlsls uud Mauufactutcrs of plows, Mill St. SAMUELSHAUPLESH, Maker of the Hayhurol drain Cradle, Main St. WILLIAM DELONll Hlioemakcrntut mnuulac lurcr of Urlck, Mill St., west ol Pino Philadelphia Directory. TJOIUriCUIiSTJXlAIi EAIili -LJL 1. FRANK SMITH, Proprietor. PHILADELPHIA, N. II. Tho location is central, tho assistants attentive, and tho tables supplied with tho best tho market ailords, fresh nud well cooked. (Jlvo him n call. "yAINWRiailT &. CO., WHOLESALE Or.OCEISS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PlIII.ADFLl'lIIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYI'.UPS, COFI'EE, SUUAIi, MOLASSES lucn, spices, m cAisn soba, ac, ac. J-0rdcrs will receive prompt ntl ontlou. may lo,0".tf. JJARVEY U. WALKER, with MEA.R, SC1IROPP &. CO. lMl'OHTr.r.S ASDJ0nUEI!3 0F CHINA, GLASS AND O.UEEN4WA11E, No. 108 NORTH SECONDST., PHILADELPHIA. 3r-Oilclnal nvsoitcd Packages of Oueenswaro coustaullv on baud, lelcl'Tll-tr. Bnsinesa Cards. g H. LITTLE, " ' ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Ofllco Court-Houso Alley, below tho Cot.UM rtiAN Ofllcc, HloomsburB Pa. 1 B. RROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IlLOOMSnuitO, PA. KV- Office Court IIouso Alley, In the Co. LOliiiiAN building. Uaul,'67. Q W. MILLER, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, fini.a r,rt... . Tr....nn A 11 An . 1. ..... niANOlllco. Douutles, llacie-Pny nnd PenslonH collected, Itloomsburi! Pn.sep.SO'67 JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAV.'. OFI'irii nlinvn lrnrr'H Hlnio fnli, cll.,.( Uloomsburg, l'.i. ROBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW . OHlCft Main Street below lhn Coiirt TIouKP. nioomsbutg Peun'n. B FRANlv ZARR ATTORNEY AT LAW, DLOOMSUURO, I'A. Olllco wltli J. O. l'reeze.Ilrower's Block. Cm bo consulted In dermal' or English. inch2'J'72-tf QIIARLES C. LEIDY, ATTOIirJ Ell'-.ft.'JT-I.AW, OFFICE ON OAK STREET, MOUNT cAUMEL XOltTlIUJIUEr.LAND COUNTY, PA. Collections nromntlv made. Convevanciui: nintly executed an, nil other business connect en wun ins poiession eareiuuy nueuiieii 10 in Montour, Northumberland and Columbia comi ties. ms.lS7IU. Eff STOVE AND' TIM SHOP. ISAIAH HAOENBUCII, Malu Utrcet ono door above E. Mcudciihall's Store. a largo assortment or stoves, licatern nnu Ranges constantly on hand, und for salo tit tho lowest rates. Tinning In all Its branches carofnlly attended to. and satisfaction guaranteed. Tin woik or all kinds vholcsalof.nd retail. A lal Is requested. Jan P71 jgLOOMSBuna as a r t: il, s: W O It II H. MAIN HTHEET, IIKI.OW MAIIKCT, PLOOMW11URO, PA. . Monuments. Tnmtis. Headstones. Ac. Work neutly executed. Oulers by mall will recelvo special attention, N, II, Work dellveied Ireool charge. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor. octl3'71tr. P. O. Ilox 15)7. "STETERINARy. AUGUST FRIEND, lalo from Geimany. oilers his services to tbj puuuc us a coieuriueu HORSE AND COW DOCTOR, and nil other animals, for which his charges aro nioueraic, tie can always uo iiiunu easi sum m uerwick roau, neais.ii..iacouyu Jiuriuu unci iiioouibuiiig, iay it isu-iy. ARGAINS BARGAINS. QUICIt SAI.I.S ANO (iMAt.I, PIlOlTn. SAVE YOUR MONEY'. Goto Xlit.V . 1 I urn. East Jiloouisbuig Pa., lor all kindii ol the Let homu uud city innilo F u it jn I l u li u. I'rlces rcasouublo and tho be' ' v',rU done. Jan 1'71-tf yULCAN WORKS, JJ A r V 1 L Li Ji I A. V1LLIAM H. LAW, Manufacturer of Wiought Iron llrldgoa, l!ollrj, (lasholders, Fireproof llulliliugs. Wrought Iron itoouug, liooun r lames, r louriug mm iura, Farm Uatesnuil fencing, niso Wrought Iron pip ing, Stack and all kinds of Smith Woik, Ac. uenairs prompuy aueiiueii iu. is . u. urawiugs nun xiiimaies suppueu. oct.7'71-iy. 9 NEW YOItK. CORK, AND LIVERPOOL. NEW AND ULL-POWERKD KTEA MK1I11U THE SIX LARGEST IN 1 HE WORLD. OCEANIC, CELTIC. REPUIII.IO, ATLANTIC. UAl.TIC, ADRIATIC, ti.Otu ious burdoo 3,000 11. n. each. Sailing liom New York on SA'l URDA YH, from Liverpool ou THURSDAYS, and Coik Harbor theduy lollowlng. Fiom tho Whlto Blnr Dock, V.ivoula Ferry, Passenger necommodatlons (lor all c'.osscb) uuilvalled, comblulug SAFETY, SPEED. AND COMFORT. fZBU Saloons, slatc-iooms, smoklug.room and bath rooms In midship section, wheiu leust motion is lelt. Surgeoas und ilewardcstej accompany these bteamers. HATEs-suloon, SO gold. Steciage, 1.10 curren cy. Those wishing tu send fur mends from tho Old Country can now obtain steel ago prepaid cerltilcalcs, currency. I'ussenceis booked to or Irom all naiti Ameiicu, Purls, lliunbuvgli, IJonvuy, Uwedcu, India. Austiullu. Cblun. etc. I'.xcuislou tickets ginnltd nt lowest rates, Draltu liom 1 limwilds. For lusi ucllon ot pluus nud other Information, nn i v i ni . luumuuHiir. xst,w iiiru. Age Ut, ur iu ii i I.HI.UU1 or to w. 1'i:acock. JaliUtf Bloom sburg.Pn PERFECT COMBUSTION. SIGNAL LIGHT. The ilibt tmd only beirfceUluR Authmcilo Coai tsioo ever invemeti inav win i trj-uu ('miMimnnit thn nikivj. Warrnuttd Iho BEST HEAUNU HTOVE Iu llio couuiiy, Send for Price List nnd Circular to MITCHELL, Ml'EVENSON CO., hlnvoMnuuincluimi, Plllidiuigh, Pu. Miocollaucona. E NTISTRY, it. i itnwr.n. np.NTiKT. Respectfully otrers his professional services to tho Indies and K'ntlcmeu of llloomsburg an'd vl, clnlty. Ho Isprvpnrcd tonttend lonllthe vnrl. ousoperntlous In tho lino uf his prolesslon,and is provided wllh tlio latest Improved I'oitCKI.AlN ikktii wiiicu win uo insericii on goiu piaunc sliver nud rubber bnso to look ns well nstha nni. urnllcelh. Teeth extracted by nil the new nnd mostnpnroved methods, nnd tell operations on tho tcclucnrelullyund propeily nlttnded lo. Resldeneo nud oilleo a lew doors nlmvo tho Court House, sumo sldo. llloonisburg, Jnu.1'71 ly T MIE GREAT MAGICAL E! A I II F o n c i: It I Will force a beaulirul set or Whiskers or Mus liicho, In rrom two to threo months, on any per son over twolvo years old, ltlsonoof llio best preparations to mnko tho whiskers grow that evcrwas known. Onobottloof it issnlllclcnt to produco a very strong beard. It does not In nny wny stain nr Injure tho skin. Try Itt It Is no humbug. Pilco 15 cents pr buttle. Scut by nnil post paid, to nny Address, on receipt ol price. Address WILLIAM C. WAGNER, Aicudtsvllle, uug. i 71-ly. Adams County, Pcnna I RANGE AGENCY. Wynmli.rf A'.'tnn I'u Hon N. No'tll Amen, r. 5211.000 l.twn.ow 4W,lll SbO.OnO 4jl,000 I.IOO.WD 1,00,1.00 880,(XK) .ITO.OOO f,90,0ll 100.000 Mutual. l.lW.OPU OOU.000 Cily inuruauouni m.y NlngaiiiN.Y Merelmnts Springtlold Albany City Danville, Horeo Theft Atlantic. N, Y, Oerninul.1, N, Y' FREAS IiltOWN, Aiunt, niAl2i'71 ly. IlEooMSUCHrj 1'u, JINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE THE SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST AND LEST IN USEI HAS BUT ONE NEEDLE! A CHILD CAN RUN IT I Designed especially ror Iho use of families, nnd adlcs i ho deslro to knit for tho ruatket. Will do every stitch of tho knitting In a stockiug, widening nnd narrowing ns rendily ns by hand. Alo splendid for worsteds nnd fnncy work, TAKING FIVE DIFFERENT KINDS OF STITCH I Aro very easy to mnnngc, nnd not liable to et out of older. Every Family should have one. A o rnni nn Agent in every town to Intrnunco and sell tliem.towhomwonflcrlhoinostlllinrnl Inducements. Send forourCIlculnrnnilSittiinln Stocking. Address, iUNKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., uov. 10,'71-ly. Bat h, Mo. C. HOWE R, hasofoneda Qrst-clasa BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND i UP. STORE. nt the old stand on Wnln Street, Bloomsburg.nfow dooisabove tho Court House, His stock is com posed of the very latest nud bcststvles ever oiler. ed to tho citizens ol Columbia County. He can nccommodute tho publicwiththofoltowinggoods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy donblo soled stogu boots, men's doublo nnd single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes ofnll kinds, men's nno boots nud shoes or nil grades, boy's double soled boots and, shoes ot nil kinds, men's glove kid Balmoral shoes.men's, women's.boys's nnd misses' lasting guiteis, women's glove kid Polish very lluo.womeu's morocco Baln'oralsand calf allocs, women's very lino kid buttoued gult- ?is. iu siioi i uuols oi uu ucscripiions uoiu peg ted and sewed, Ho would also call attention to hla fine assort ment of ATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil the new nnd populat vail otiesat prices which canuotfallto suit nil. These goods are oilered nt the lowest cash rules pud win no gunrnutccil to give baltsractiou. A call is solicited before purchasing elsewhere us it is believed that better bargains are to be fiiuud num hi. nny otuer place in euo couniy. Willi ORANGE VI LLE MANUFAC- J. TURING COMPANY. MANUrACIUhEllS OIT AGRICULT URAL I MPLEM ENTti of tlio most Approved P.iltcrns. r,3 1 1 Cicailti, .Joliliiisr, ami C:3s'ii..Ki; of all descriptions. DEALERS IN Ocnorr.l Morchantlisc, Lumber, &c. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo would nnnounco to tho public iu general that wo hnvo taken tho well known Agricultur al Works of this placo nnd shall inako it onr aim to mnmitacturo Hrst Class Agricultural Imple ments equal toauy other makeis In tho State, such as Tiii'CNli.iig Mtsc.ihiC'i, Both Lever nnd Tread Power. H'lotvu of everj- Description, among which will be tho celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by nil to bo tho best plow exlnnt lor the laimer, Also tho Cfli... union, StcrciN' I'aJctil anil '3'Iie lUuittrosb. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, L'tj311va4o:'t), Cl'OU ESClllCS, and 5'aslliisH f.t'evcrv ilesci lotion. Wo shnll use nonobut tho bet materials nnd employ nono but cumpclent ami experienceu meeii.iuics ami our prices will conipaie favorably with any other lnuauiactur- CIS. Countrv Produce. Lumber. Old Iron, taken In nvrlinn'',,. Wei nlso have n stmoin eaunectlon with our Agricultural Woik.s, where may bo lound a full assortment ot MKRCHANHISE which will bo sold nt small proflta. Give us a cnu ucioio iHUCLasiug e'isewnciu uuu wo gunr autce satlstactlon, mreliS.'7J-lr. Hotels. jgENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. This well known IIouso having been nut In thorough lepulr is now open lor tho reception ol vuiliois. jsu puius uuvu ueeu spurcu iu ensure the pel (eel coruloit of guests, Tho piopiictor nlso i uus a Singe Irom tho Hotel to Blnomsburg nud Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thursday tuid Batniduy ol each week. Jau l'lni HPHE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY', COLUMBIA COUNTY", PA. Tho undersigned would Inform the travelling 'ivbltcthutho lius taken theabovouamcdestub- lulniinnl nml tiinr(iLl!rhlv letltted tho Slllno lor 4. the ported couvenlenco of hlsgiifits. Ills larder will bo stocked with tho best thu market nilbrds. Tie choicest llquois, wines and clguisulways to ex lounu iu iiisuar. .. YILIjIA-U IT.llll. Espy. I 'ft. THE NATION Its Rulors anil Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing Ilko It. Strikes cvervbodv ns lust the IsjoU they need. It Is an EncyclopicdU of thu Government, slucle pages lu II, uru ol them i, lives worth Iho pilcoof the book. Over WO pool' aim only -.(ai, Auiuniiumi lor e.uuvttsseis ladles und geutlcniou furniers, teacher, uud students. 0euocn took 75 orilert tnujew dam, utth eiruclar eileiic, before the book apjKart it. S'JO u day can bo cleared lu lulr territory, Wlite nt unco for Circular nnd intormallou, NEW WORLD PUBLISHING CO., Cor. 7th nnd Mar ket btieets, Philadelphia. oet. 0,'7My,J J. THORNTON i-tuil.l nniiniiiipntatlia eitl.ensof Bloomu- bur;! n iir,t imil vli'lnilv. that he bu Just ucehedu full and complete assortment ol WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADIiS, FIXTUttES, C0UU3, TASSELS, and all other goods In his lino of buslucss. All tho newest aud most upproud putteins of the day nro always lo be fjuud inhlsestubllshmeuk mur.6.VJ-tl Malu St. bolnw Market. JUSTICE'S BLANKS. We now hnvo on hand a large neatly pi luted ncsnrtment r,r . I.'HTII'K'H uiwl I'llNHI'AULlH BLANKS, to which we invito the nlteullou of these omrers, w m , in I i 1 1 BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., REMOVAL!! r. w. jNilks', MUSI O W A R E R () O M H liavo been roiuoveil to tho NEW P.HIC1C BUILDING OPPOSITE tho EPISCOPAI.CII URCII.MAIN St. Whtio no will keep a genernl assortment of THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, mid nil KIND.-! OF MUSICAL 1NSTUUMENTS. Also MUSIC BOOKS for nil INSTRUMENTS. PIANO AND ORGAN STOOLS ALL STYLES AND PRICKS. tiTT7 CTtAiMr I tri-n -riT.e -vr- is the cheapest First Class Piano in the market. Havlns secured the Agency ol tho GEO, WOODS' UENOWNED ORGANS, for Columbia County, together with the CE LEI! RAT ED TEMPLE ANGELIC, lurnlshes niHnnlngcs to elsewhere. iiiiehasers not found STATIONARY- OF ALL KINDS. A full assortment or SQUARE AND OVAL FRAMEE3, 1.11 styles and pi ices consign tly on liadd. STEFL EGRAVINGS, C1IROMOS t COLORED i-m.MM, hi i;iiLuacui'ii.s a.nu vitiws. j-Call and examine. inch8'72-0m. EW DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Havlug purrlmscil the business on.'. P. Lutz now ntleis nt tho old stand, u choice nssurlmen of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MHDICINKs, TOII.irr ARTICLES, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, dc Ac. Aud n general assortuieut of tho choicest good usually louud in llrstclass establishments, Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Curelul ly Compounded. On Sundays, open ftoui 8 a. ni to 10 a. in., and from 11 p. m., to i p. in. GERMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN, fobU'72-tf QONNELL & BATTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, Rims, Hub and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, nnd PIPE BOXES, HORSE SHOES, ami HORSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER nud SAND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS und TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agents) for Fairlmnk's Scales ! PLUMBING. STEAM und OAS FITTING, tS- Orders by mail solicited, und promptly tilled. 118 Perm Avenue. sanvisrioisr, pa. upr, i,IS7f-lf. if Mr Mn FRIDAY, MAY 3, Poetical. TWO HOXtJS. II Y EDWAHIl IlKNAUD. I.-GOI All 1 not to-night my soul Is sore wllh pains Ah I not to-night, for thou wilt plead In vain. Though sweet thy voice n full o I summer rnln, Friend, I can find no other word, but no Thero l-lcavo me l-Uol I cannot hear lliy pleading, For my tears I cannot sco thy face. Tlioso wenry years Sweep wild across mo wllh their doubts and fears, Wilt thou obey my anxious 'hest?-I know But that word-Go I Birds pair not hero In winter j Soutli they hie, I dare not bid thee hope ; nh I no, not I. Weak henrts bravo not tlio danger, I must lly Lest through my weakness I should yet forego This whispered no. Go, friend ! the sun Is sinking down the west, To-moriow 1 may calm this wild uurcst ; But, nil I lo-nlght I would bo left uublcst, Seek ino ng.sln, I may not answer uo; Go, darling, Go I II.-STAY. Sweet, I have sought for theo long years lu vain, O'er wastes of barren laud and o'er tho main ; But now thy lovo, my Bwoct, shall make It pain. 'TIs not II is cruel volco of yesterday Which bids thee stay. Love, I have pined for theo long, weary years. Sweet, I have poured for theo a wealth of tears. Ah I kiss me, love, and charm theso Idle, fears. There! Iherol tho lost tcartraco Is kissed away, Aud now, dear, stay I Iu summer airs tlio swallows homeward lly; They seek their happy nests; so fain would I, As flowers lu rainless summers droop and die, So have I pined through mauy a weary day To bid theo Btay. I hear the feet of angels down tho west; And lu my soul a ycarnlug half-expressed Bids theo remain, my sweet, my wedding guest. Let Will rcqulto theo for my cruel nny: Ah I darling, stay! Miscellaneous. JASON CIU'.IX. AN INCIDENT IN PENNSYLVANIA. Tlio mist of tlio morniufr still hung lienvily on tho mountain-top nbovo tho villngo of ReilcliiF,but tlio roads which led toward It wero crowded with tho varied population of tho surrounding country from far and near. At Ayles bury tlio shops wcro closed ; tho ham mer of tho blacksmith lay upon its anvil ; not n wagon of any description was to bo seen in the street ; nnd oven thn bar of the tavern was locked, and tho key gono with its proprietor toward tho cliff, ns a token of an important era which was without a parallel iu tho annals of tho place. And savo hero and lliero n solitary head looking through a broken pnno in sorao closed up house, with an nirof sad disappoint ment ; or tho cries of n little nursling wcro heard, betokening that in tho gen eral Hlght, it had been left in unskillful hands j or, mayhap, hero and thero a solitary, ragged aud ill-natured school boy wiiasoen, or n not less solitary nnel 111-nattued tlog, cither seeming but half-appeased by tho privilcso of n hol iday, granted on condition of staying at home tho whole villngo exhibited a picture of desertion and silence which had been unknown before. But in proportion as you drew nearer tho ponderous cliffs, in tho midst of which tlio littlo town of Redcliff was situated, you mingled again in tho thick btistlo nnd motion of the world, of men nnd women, nnd boys, nnd horses, nnd dogs, nud nil living, moving nnd creep ing tilings that Inhabit tlio wild dis tricts of Pennsylvania. The vlllago itself was crowded to overflowing long beforo tho sun had gained n sufficient altitudo to throw its rays upon tho deep valley, in which it lay. Thero tho bar of nn inn was crowded, and tlio fumes of tobacco and whiskv, jingling of small change, and tho perpetual clamor of tho throng, wero sufficient to rack a brain of com mon flexibility. In tlio streets, thero WU3 a greeting of old and long-parted aciiualntanccsj tlio bartering of horses; the settling of old accounts ; tho buf foonery of half intoxicated men ; tho clatter of women ; the crying and hal looing of children and boys, and tho barkingnnd qunrrelingofstrnngcrdogs. To look upon tlio (cene, to mingle with tlio crowd, to listen to tho conver sation, or to survoy tho countonaticcs of tho assembled multitude, led to no satisfactory solution of tho causo for which this mass of heterogoncoua mat ter was congregated. Within tlio walls of tho old stono jail, nt tho fool of tho mountain, u diff erent scene had been that morning wit nessed. Thero chained to n stnko In tho mlsicrabloduiigcon, dump, nud ecarcoly Hiuminnteu by ono ray ot light, now Iny tho emaciated form of ono whoso final doom scorned near at liaud. A few hours before, his wife and littlo daughter had traveled n hundred miles to meet him onco moro on tlio threa hold of tlio grnvo j they met, and from that gloomy vault tho hymn ascended with tho ascending sun ; and thoj.tilor, ns he listened to tho melodious voices of tlncu puisous whom hit looked upon as tho most desolate anil lost of all in tho wltlo world, almo3t doubted tho ovidunco of his senses, and stood in fixed astonishment nttho ma3slvo door. Could theso bo tho voices of n murderer nnd n murderer's wifo and child '.' This brief, nnd to bo dual interview, had passed, however j tlioso uufortuu nto ones had loudly commended each other lo tho keeping of their heavenly Parent, und parted j ho to faco tho as scinbled multitude on tho scaffold, nud they, as they said, to roturn by weary Journeys to their sorrowful homo. Tho convict, worn out with sickness and watching, uow slopt soundly. His namo was Jason Creel ; his placo of rosident'O said to bo iu Virginia. Ho hud been taken up wlillo traveliug from tho northward to his homo, nnd tried and convicted nt n country town somo miles distant, for tho murder of a traV' dor, who had boruo hi in company from tho Lakes, und was ascertained to liavo had n largo sum of mouoy with hliu,nnd who was found in tho room In which thoy both slept nt n country Inn, near Redcliff, with his throat cut. Creel had always protoitud his liiuo conce, declaring that tho deed was per pctrniou by somo ono wmio ho was asleep; but tho circumstances woro against lilm ; and although tho monoy ill ill 11, 1872. UOL. was not found on hlni, ho was dcntonc ed to bo hanged, and had been removed to tho old stono Jail ut Redcliff for secur ity, tlio county Jail being deemed un safe. This wns tho day tho execution wna to tako placo ; tho scaffold was al ready erected i tho crowd pressed round tho bulldltiir. and frctiuotit cries of "Bring out tho murderer I" wcro hoard. Tho sun nt last told tho hour of cloven, nnd thero could In no moro dolay ; tho convict's cell was entered by the officers In nttondanco, who aroused him with tlio Information that nil was ready for lilm without, mul bado him hasten to his execution ; they laid hands upon him, and pinloued lilm tight, whllo ho looked up toward heaven In wild nstou ishmcnt, ns ono now bom, nnd only said! "Tho dream tho dream 1" "What dream, Mr. Jason?" said the sheriff. "You would do mo a groat kindno3i, if you would dream yourself and mo out of this disagrccabio busi ness. " "I dreamed," replied tlio convict, "that whllo you read tho death war rant to mo on tho scaffold, a man camo through tho crowd, nnd stood beforo us in n gray drc3s, with n whlto hat nnd largo whiskors, nnd that n bird flutter ed over him, nnd sang distinctly : "This is Lowls, tlio murderer of tho traveler.'' The officers nnd Jailer held a short consultation, which ended in n deter mination to look sharply nftortho man in grey with whlto hat ; accompanied with many hints of tho resignation of tho prlaonor, and tho possibility of his innocence being asserted by n superna tural agency. Tho prison doors woro cleared ; nnd Creel, palo nnd feeble, with n hymn-book In his hand, nnd n mien nil meekness nnd humility, was seen tottering from tho prison to tho scaffold. Ho had no sooner ascended It, than his eyes began to wander over tho vast concourso of people nround him, wilii n scrutiny thnt seemed Hko faith in dreams; nnd whllo tho sheriff read tho warrant, tho convict's nnxioty ap peared to increase; ho looked, and look ngain ; then raised his hands nnd oyes n moment to tlio clear sky, ns If breathing n last ejaculntion, when lo! as ho resumed his first position, tho very person ho described stood within six feet of tho ladder ! Tho prisoner's oyo caught the sight, nnd flashed with flro whllo ho called out : "Thero Is Lewis the murderer of tlio traveler !" and tho jnilornt the same moment seized the stranger by tho col lar. At first ho attempted tooscapo; but being secured, and taken beforo tho magistrates, ho confessed the deed, detailed ail tho particulars, delivered up part of tho monoy, informed whero another part was hidden, and was fully committed for trial whllo Creel was set nt liberty, nnd hastened, liko a man out of his senses, from tho scaffold. TJirco days had elapsed ; Creel had anished immediately after his libera tion, when tho pretended Lewis aston ished and confounded tho magistrates by declaring Creel to bo her husband ; that she had concealed the disguiso,nnd performed tho wholo part by ills direc tion ; that ho had given her the monoy; which ho had successfully concealed; and t Ii at tlio whole from tho prison to tho scaffold scene, was a contrlvanco to effect his escape, which having effected sho was regardless of consequences. Nothing could bo dono with her sho was set at liberty, nud noither sho nor her husband was heard of again. The Curious. Somo peoplo aro fond of puzzling over curious items, nnd for tho benefit of nil such persons tho fol lowing conundrum or rlddlo or puzzlo i3 insortcd among tho records of the reading-room. In the first place, an impossibility must bo supposed possi ble, namoly, that n man thlrty-flvo years old marries n girl of flvo, which makes tho groom seven times ns old ns tho brido. When tlio girl is ten yonrs old tho man is forty, nnd four times ns old ns Ills wifo ; whon sho is fifteen tho man is forty-five, that Is threo times ns old. Whcnsho is thirty, tho mnn is sixty, that Is twico n3 old ns his wifo, nnd now will somebody be good enough to ascertain how long tboy have to livo together to raako tlio girl ns old as the man ! It is Just barely pnsslblo that an answer to this question ii as impossi ble as tho hypothesis on which tho whole thing Is based. That is for tho curious to ascertain, howover. Allan Hwers should bo sent to tho office of tho San Francisco fiullelin, nnd tiio success ful individual, whether by actual oxper. iincnt or not is unimportant, will find ills or her namo recorded in the obituary column of the nforesaid journal. It was Done. Piggy got into n largo yard whero ho did not belong, nnd try ing to get out ngain ho stuck fast under a high board fence, and thero began to kick nnd squeal in tho good old way, His master, n big, fat Irishman, hear lug tho hubbub, ran out of tho liouso near by, and caught his pig by tho ears, endeavoring to pull hi in through tho holo before tho trespass was detected But this treatment had no effect but to make tho pig yell tho moro. An old ram In tho ynrd hearing tlio uolso, and seeing piggy's hlnd-legs nnd tnll flour ishlng away In n menacing maimer, no. ceptcd what ho thought was a challenge nnd lowering Ills head charged with nil his might. He struck his mark squarely ond fairly, nnd tho pig shot through tho holo Hko n pork cannon-ball, and striking his master full In tho breast knocked him Hat on his back. Tho only person who witnessed this closing scene wns Just entering tho ynrd, nnd not being awaro now many actors wero ongaged in it, was very muck eurprised to hear what ho supposed to bo tlio pig, swearing In Irish ou tho other sldo of tho fence. Comiko Down. Samuel Hnrrlman, of St. Oroix, Wis., retired from mili tary Hfo with u brovet-brlgadlorshlp. "Good-byo, Gouoral," wero tho parting words of his old comrades in tho army. "How nro you, Colonel?" was tho sal ututlou on reaching Wisconsin. As ho approached homo, this began to couio down to "How d'yo do, Captuiuj" und finally, when ho camo nmong tho boys at home, ho was greeted with "Halloo, Sum ; got back ngain?" DEM. VOL. XXXVI NO. 11, As Others Sco Us. Hero is n pretty stato of nffalrs! A traveling Frenchman has gono home, and, according to custom, written a book nbout us, or rather our fashlonablo society, which is hardly gratoful, nfter its dovotcd fealty to Napoleon nnd his court during tho Into fracas. Whether ho hits the null on tho head our rcadors must dccldo by their own Bcnsltlvoucss, nnd how fur It Is hurt. On tho matter of fashlonablo religion ho Is very plain spoken. "Tho Americans accept nom inally tho Christian religion ; but their real nffections und homngo nro placed overy where ; n glass of liquor or n plpo of tobacco Is oftencr in their thoughts than tlio sacred mysteries of tliolr faith. They bring their Infants, handsomely clothed, to tho font, but without any nppnrent motlvo or subsequent zeal for their salvation. But whllo thus dull nnd blockish In matters of religion they nro extremely subtlo nnd expert in all that concerns trado or proflt." As regards dross, our author n33orts Hint tho men nro properly clothed, but tho women nro neither decent nor clenn ly. "They grcaso and stiffen their hair insorting flowers nnd fenthers in tho nasty mas3, nnd daub their faces with various earths and paints. In their public feasts nnd dances, tho cxposuro of their persons is shamefully lowd." Of the treatment of criminals, ho says: "Theso barbarians delight in tlio tor turo of tlioso condemned to die, tho wretches being forced to look upon tho preparations for days before-hand. When tho execution takes place, It is made n kind of rareo show or holiday for tho wholo nation, nnd talked over with nil its horror in overy family. This is for the purpose of giving to tho children tho taste for blood and human torture." Wo bewail our dead, hosays, with vehement nnd unseemly outcry, burying costly garments with them and performing tho ceremony of burial with tho display of such wealth as wo have, so that it is apparent wo beliovo tho rich stuffs and nnd ornaments will give pleasure to tho dead in tho fuluro world, " so brutish and besotted nro tholr opin ions of God and His Kingdom." Men, ho nssorts, nro "exceedingly unchosto, often keeping moro than ono wife, though unacknowledged; marriago Is in fact among theso classes only a civil contract mado on tho grounds of oipo diency or nggrandlzement, rather than nffectlon. Thero nro certain among them who think it a hardship to be compelled to continue married to tho samo person for nny length of time.'' Our friend has evidently fallen in with tho Woodhull brlgado of tho Advanced Femalo cohorts, nnd stat03 their argu ment very fairly ; " 'How is it possi ble,' they say to mo, 'for a man to bo subject to tho bonds of marriago? Don't you sco how littlo reason you havo? My wifo Is not pleased with me, noither am I nt easo with her. My neighbor may liko her better, and I may liko his, whodoo3 not carosomtich for him. Why should you obllgo us to livo liko cat and dog, whon, by only changing ono with another, wo can livo at quiet ?' Thus their argument proceeds in favor of their brutishness." There aro cer tain jugglers also among theso people, ho says, who profess to recall tho dead. But on turning to tho next chapter wo find it treats of cannibalism. Surely wo reformed, in that particular ot least, somo centuries ago. Wo liavo been mistaken, it appears. Tho book is by Lo Sieur de la Salle, and was printed in 18G2. and It is not our fashionable society ho is describing, but tho man eating savages of Iroquis. But tho mistake was natural, nfter nil. N. Y. Tribune. Now branches of business nro continu ally springing up ns tho wants of society call for them. Certain persons having complained to tho iisitrance Herald that peoplo nro exposed to sundry physical perils in endeavoring to obtain settlements with Insurance-companies muscular individual "six feet high, fighting weight ono hundred and eighty six," unnouncos himself ns iyi "assistant adjuster," and makes tho following lib eral offer ; "Claimants accompanied to nnd from tho offices, nud attended wlillo thero Hioy do tho tulking, I tho fight ing. Adjusters put iu chancery tholr bread baskota punchod bugles bu'sted peepers closed mugs smashed with neatness nud dospatch. All work war- anted. Terms reasonable Widows and other unprotected females escorted nt half-prlco." An Episcopal Horsh. In ono of ills tours, Eldor John Lolaud camo up at night to n public house, where ho wa3 acquainted, and whero ho proposed to pass tho night. Tho landlord met him with a smiling countonnnco and told him that, havlug built a new barn. ho was nicely preparod to uccommodato tho clergy. 'I liavo," said ho, "a very good stable, with all tho Improvements, for Episcopal horses, and a comfortablo sort of stnblo for Prcsbyterlau horso3, whllo I keep tho old barn for Baptist liorso3 ; tho feed is according to tho stylo of thu stable." "Well," replied tho Eldor, "overy body knows that I nm n Baptist, hut my horse is nn Episcopal ian. A Now York dally says : In nil tho newspapers wo find notico of Catiiariuo Douavan of Springfield, Mass., tho peculiarity of her caso being that she has "taken no solid food for two years, and for tho last seven months nothing but water." "No solid food" is perfect ly consistent with nn amount of nutri tious alimont sufficient to sustain llfo; but that Miss Donavan has lived for soveu months on water nlono woslmply drcliuo to boliovo. Sho is said to havo becu lujuied by falling upon n flour barrel, but not o von a homeopat hist will contend that fulling upon a Hour barrel will nourish a patient for seven months. "Paddy, my boy," said a gontleman to an Irishman, whom ho observed fish lugawny nt a favorlto pool, "that must bo a fluo stream for trout." "Faith, nnd Euro It must bo that samo, for I havo been standing hero this threo hours, and not ono of 'em will stlrout of It." one Inali. etwelva 11dm or In cnnivilont In NuuiliU tyinlouo ui twolunerttom, tl.50 time lnseittona ?.' fiPA' t la, .II. 3:1. 6M. It Una Inch 1M 1J,) H.'H IWH f tn.n Thrco lnehMi. IWdlllCUI'H V.O fllW 7,W IV" IJVW . 6,i 7,U0 P.OD ls.ll Htt) . 7.(10 11.00 11.00 17.0) 2". Four Inches Ormrter column. Half column Dub cuhi'iin WO iV H.l '. W.'' ,lV(io IN.mi avio t'.in in.m ..ao,w 3D,w iu,ou m,n lw.w MvitnilntU nr Administrator' Notice. 13.(0 Auditor's or Atl(noe'i Notloe, IZO. Local nolle , twenty cents a line. ,n II.a "Ttiialnffatf THrmfyirv,' rvitmnn. tJ.UU )r roar for lUo Anil two lines, and ll.ojfor uacu uuuieiouni uuc. Humorous. A country paper recently advertised "black stockings of nil colors." Acltizon of Cedar Rapids hni fallen holr to an O3talo in Germany valued at $10,000,000. Tlio fall didn't hurt him. Why does n widow feci her borenvo mont les3 when alio woars corsets? Be. causo then she's solaced. A Minnesota paper offers n bar of boaji to overy subscriber who poys $2 in nd vanco for that paper. A Texas editor contends that n raoin ber of Congress from that Stato lias n right to his seat becauso ho bought It." Tho phra30 commonly used In calling dog3 has induced tho Japanoso to bo liovo that "como hero" Is tho English namo for that animal. A mau nrrlved tho other day lu St. Louis from Chicago who was nctually not a "sufferer." Hocxcllcd qulto nu Interest. A man escaped going to Stato Pris on becauso it was proved that tho doc tor cavo him so much iron It mado him steel. Tho Memphis polico tumblod a sup posed drunken man Into a cart nnd dumped him nt tho station-house. They found ho was only dead. A Gato City lawyer Included In his bill ngaln9t his client: "To waking up in tho night nnd thinking about your case.So." Cnllfornla, In order to avoid nil sectar ian squabbles, lias decreed that "Relig ion shall neither bo taught nor practiced in her public schools." Tho ontiro assets of a recent bank runt wero nine children: his creditors resolved to net magnanimously and let him keep them. Whon a corapauy respond to n senti ment In Nebraska, they glvo hearty "threo cheers, big injun, elephant, nnd shanghai.'' Geo. Francis Train now bellovos that he won't bo clectnd President. This is tho first timo ho over agreed with thn public. A Danbury poet named Button has written o poom; the first lino reads: "I am sitting nlono on an Islet." Pretty good for Button. A would-bo suicido in Malno Is going to suo tho apothecary, who sold him arrow-root instead of arsenic, for obtain ing money on falso pretences, An earrlo in Bartow county. Geomin. scooped up a Thomas cat In his tnlons tno otner any. xno xnomos cat, uuu somo talons lumseii, nnu tno mru oi freedom hnd to drop him. A forlorn widower in Ithaca, -Now York.had tho words "She's In Heaven," cut on tho tombstone of his deceased wife, nnd below tho saving clause, "I hope." Lucky escapo A lady, aged 93, lately fell down stairs and broke her arm. Luckily it has boeu mended again. At ouo timo fears wero entertained lest sho should liavo becu a cripple for life! A Nevada saloon-keeper advertises that although tho roso may lose Its frag nuco nud tho shamrock wither. hi3 11 o'clock lunches in their excellence shall enduro forever. In n list of claims presented to the ref erees iu a Now Hampshiro town recent ly was this: "For time spent in Wilton in coaxintr Mr. to co norao wnon drunk, $3." A fashlonablo clergyman In Chicago warns tho sinners of his congregation that if they don't repent thoy will go to tho "place of certain uneasiness." Certainly a mild way of putting it. A Richmond papor lately had ti.is statement: "Tho grand Jury mot yester day and mado ono Indictment tho name of tho party (Mr. Lohnman) wo havo been requested to withhold for the present. How lo boil potatoes. Buy potatoes. If you prefer It, you can grow them, but tho process Is longer nnd moro ex pensive, especially if you don't pay your grocer. Procuro something to boil them in. Boil them, in it. Thompson is not going to do anything moro in conundrums. Ho recently ask ed his wife tho differenco between his head and a hogshead, and sho said thero was nono. Ho says thnt is not tho right answer. Tlio youth who stolo a wntch and returned it to tho owner, who promised no questions nsiteu," is m jnn. xno ownor was as good as his word, ho ar rested tno youtu without, asumg any questions. Tho Cleveland Leader thus describes tho musical result of a sudden chango m the weniner in mat city: "A creat many Individuals who can't read notes, aro now heard twanging the light catarrh, and sounding tho bugle." A Boston L'Irl belnc asked Ifsho had not onco been cngnged to "a party by tho namo of" Jackson, who was nt th -Union Harvard student, languidly n plied, "I remember tlio circumstnnin perfectly, but I am not certain nbou tno name." An ill-natured couutemporary says that Pennsylvania should shnko lu her shoes, nt tho now3 of tho discovery of coal In Rhode Island; for, should the samo provo middling thick, and under lie mo wnoio state, tno prouueo woum bo as much ns seven bushels. A schoolmistress, while Inking down tho nntnos and nges of her pupils, nnd tho nnraes of their pnrents, nt tho beginning of tho term, asked ono littlo fellow. "What Is your father's name?" "Oh! you needn't tako down his nami ; ho's too old to go to school to a woman," was the reply. A Now York farmer laughed when his prudent wife- advised lilm not to smokoon n load of liny. Ho footed It homo that night with ills hair singed, most of ills garments a prey to tho de vouring elements, nnd tho Iron work of tho wngon in a potato sack nnd then his wifo lnughod. Tho Danbury Ketcs moralizes thus of tho peacock: Vocally tho peacock neeels cultivation, nut in nttiro it cannot no improved upon. Whon it puts up Its nwtilng and sails around tho yard thero Is a comfort in looking at It that is not experienced in looking at a woman. This is probably becauso tho plumago Is Inherited, Tho Norrsltown "Horald" objects lo tho following statomont in a Williams, port papor: "Mr. John Straw, of Up por Fairfield township, laid a very largo egg on our tablothls morning aa a speci men of what the hens of that township can do." Tho "Herald's" reasons for objecting aro that such action on tho part of human beings is discouraging to tho hens. In a law-suit, tho other day, botween two members of tho Bamo church, coun sel for ono of tho parties suggestod that the brethren ought todofor their differ ences for adjustment to tho high court above; to which his client responded that tho "same idea hud occurred to him, but tlicrosoomod lo bo an lnsuporu bio obstuclo in tlio way he couldn't contrive any way to get his lawyer thereP'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers