THE COLUMBIAN KNB DEMOCRAT,, BLOOMSBXJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. How to Plant tlio 1'otnto. l'iml novcr less thnu six Inches deep, bi tUr seven In Biimly soil novcr less Hi n ccvcti or tasvennnd a hnir. Tlio iciisnti h tills, nnd It will show how many points 11 will cover: It will put tlio rrop beyond tlio lmrtrul Inllucnce nf tho hent ntitt drought ; It will bury thi nlrij Hint (ho frost iiinnot ruieli it, fittiyus It Is put Into tho ground ', nml If It ahould roach It, being burled ho deeply, It will ilrtvw out grndunlly, which will savo It. It is ns well hero, Hi'-1 sued is, ns In tho cellar, and may better sprout hero than in tho collar. Tt will thus show nbovo tho ground In duo lime, when tho frosts lmvo disap peared and, tho growing season sets in. Tho faotl being well drained an India-pensabli-thing tlio rest will not hurt. Tin re being wgood mellow noil, with liunniH (vefielnblo lnalter) charging it, it will boomparatlvolydrynnd warm. This will -uvo ths need; providing nl ways it 1 4 Bound j otherwise, affected wlthro', It will bo lost. The di.-ttuico of planting apart must depend upon tho sort that is planted. A spreading potato spreading in the hill mutt lmvo moro room. Thus, wo plant the l'oach Blows farther apart than tho Early Rose Tho latter will put tho tubers cloao together, a nest of them, and the hills can bo put closo to gother, sny twclvo to fourteen inches, or drop the seed (u single eyo or two) coutinuouily eight inches apart, tho rows us near together as will permit with tho cultivator, tho nearer tho bet ter for tho closo-growlng roots. By thus planting, as will bo seen, nthcr close, thero will 1)3 no overgrown, and, con scijuently, csarsc, and It moy be, hoi low potatoes. Kelther will thero bo noct&.ully many small ones, especially wl'h fcomo sorts, of which, tho Early Jloac is a beautiful example. Tho size will ho medium, largo enough Just tho tiling- for cooking; and thero will bo in proed quality a tiling, woneed not rn,, of no secondary Importance. R"kct Mich seed for planting, as is wjnted to bo grown, of tho best, tho fiinst qualities nil around, and dlvido itiio ls many eyes ns you please a few eyes O' ly In a hill. Prairie Farmer. Informal !ou to Horse Owners, keep tho legs of your horses clean All dirt is productive of disease Scratches and heel cracks aro cured by tho following method : Wash tho feet clean then dry thoroughly, and ap ply Carbolic salvo at least twice a day l'ursuo tho eamo course for collar and saddle galls. Tho following is said to be a suro test of n horso's ago: After tho horso is nino year old, a wrinkle comes on the oyelld, at tho uppor comer of the lower lid, and overy year thereafter ho has ono well defined wrlnklo for each years of his ago over nino. If, for In stance, r horso has threo wrinkles, ho i.i twelve. Add tho number of wrinkles to nine, and yon will always got at his age. To get hoHcs out of a burning build ing, harness them ns if for their usual work and they will follow you out as if nothing was tho matter. To euro a balky horso, tio his tail to a whifflstrec, jii3t so that when his mato pulls a little, a strain will comoon Ills tail. Instead of beating and whipping a balky horso, try this slraplo romedy. To mako good harness blacking tako threo ounces of beeswax, four ounces of Ivory black, ono ncatsfoot oil, two ounces castile soap, two ounce lard, ono ounce aloes to bo boiled together, and poured In a basin to cool. Depth to Plant Seed3. Tho nron or depth to plant seeds is a question of copsiuerabioimDortanco,anuono which Hko many other similar questions re lating to plant growth, cannot receive a definite answer that would bo of gen eral or universal application. In dry Bandy soils; situated in dry climates, a deeper covering will bo required than would ho Judicious whero both soil and climate Indicate tho reverse of theso conditions. For instance, it has been shown that peas continue longer In bearing condition, on sandy soils, when sawn at a depth of sis inches, than they do when placed nearer the surfaco j aud it is said that tho Indians upon tho ta bio lands of Colorado plant corn 10 or 12 inches below tho surface with tho best n suits; but if planted with only o ,o or two inches of covering, tho crop fails. Sfleds also vary in their ability to nonet rate depths of soli in germinat ing, liffguralnoui soeds, and some of lo largest seeding gormlmc, can be , tr.ted deeper than thoso of a lighter character. It has been given as a gen end rulo that all seeds germinate most I'pocdlly when covered with a depth of soil equal to their, own thickness, and wLu-o thocousta'ht p'resencoof sufllclent moisture for germination can bo main tained; this rulb is, perhaps, as nearly correct a3 any that can bo given. Roll Tour Wioat. Roll your wheat byall means. It will do it good when oven C Inches high, in vory dry weatlic?. I sowed 72 acres last tall, when tho ground was very dry. My Wheat camo up and stood 2J or 3 inches high, and stopped growing. I pitt on n heavy roller, nnd It grow moro in ono woek nfter than in threo weeks before. 1 havo for sis years sowed ono bushel 6f oats to each aero of wheat in tho fall, and havo never failod to mako cood crop-i of vvhMt. Tho oats get largo csougn ucsoro winter comes to mako n good mulch for tho wheat, and doos not Winter kill. My wheat never looked better turiu It does this Spring. Tho farmers Iii tho.couuties around hero say their wheat Is all killed or badly dam aged, Ono. farmer that sowed his wheat on oat stubble, whero his niln hmlK- shelled out in harvesting, says his wheat is crood. Farmers think it ton oxpenslvo to westo tho oats, and tlmo to sow it, and call mo "fogy." Prairie warmer. soot ab a manuhe. Although al- most over sinco ORrlcultdro has boon practiced, and that wo bcllevo Is over sinco tho creation of thoworld, soot has ceu Known to bo n vuluablo manure. andyot intho 10th century thero aro hundreds of farmers who cannot bo persuaded to bcllevo this. It is really as vaiuauio as guano. Talsoa hogshead or water, ana uissolvo In it twclvo quarts of soot, and you will havo n splendid liquid manure for plants. At ply to tho roots ofcourso, nnd. then watch tho results. Young Folks. Stouv op A Risuiiheast. At Fort William tho following circumstances occurred : In n pantry, tho window of which wes loft open during tho day, ono of theso birds constructed Its nest early In tho Riiiiiinber. Tho plucosolccled was tho corner of a moderately high shelf, among plcklo-bottlcs, which, being four-Bided, gave tho nost tho singular nppe.ucnca of u perfect tquaro. 11 was nindo of green moss, nnd lined with a llttlo black hair ; on tho sldo which was exposed to vlnw, nnd that only, wcro dead beech-loaves. When any nrtlclo near tho nest was sought for by tlto housekeeper tho bird, Instead of flying out of tho window, as might havo been expected, alighted on the lloor, and waited thero patiently until tho causo of tho disturbance was over, when it immediately returned to Us nest, Elvo eggs wcro laid, which, after having been incubated without success for tho long period of flvo weeks, wcro forsaken. Tho room abovo this pantry was oc cupied ns a bird-stufllug npartmcnt; nftor tho redbreast had deserted tho lower story, n bird of this species doubtless, tho samo individual visited ItIally, and was as often expelled. My friend, finding its expulsion of no avail, for it continued to return, had recourse to n novel and rather comical expo dlont. Having a short tl mo boforo received a collection of stuffed Asiatic quad rupeds, ho selected tho most flcrco-look-lng cnmlvora, nnd placed them at tho open window, which thoy nearly filled up, hoping that their formldablo aspect might deter tho bird from futuio Ingress, It was not, howovor, to bo so frightened "from Its propriety," but mado its en tranco as usual. Tho walls of tho room, tho tablos in it, nnd nearly tho entire floor, wcro occupied by theso stuffed qundrupeds. Tlio persoveranco of tho robin was at length rowarded by a freo permission to havo its own way, when, us in deflanco of tho ruso that was practiced against it, tho chosen for tho nest was tho head of a shark which hung on tho wall (tho mouth being gagged may havo prevent cd it being tho si to); whllo tho tall, etc., of an nlllgnter stuffed served to screen it from observation. During tho opera- tlon of forming this nest, tho redbreast did not in tho least regard tho prosenco of my f(lend; but both man and bird worked away within n few feet of each other. Oa tho 1st of Juuo I saw it seated on tho eggs, which wero flvo In number ; they wero all productive, aud tho wholo brood in due timoescaped in safety. Value op a Good Refutation. A young man had voluutecred,and was expecting daily to bo ordered to tho scat of war. Ono day his mother gavo him an unpaid bill with tho money, and asked him to pay it. When ho re turned homo at night sho said : "Did you pay that bill?" "Yes," ho answered. In a few days tho bill was sent in a second time. "I thought," shosaid tohorson,"that you paid this?" "1 really don't remember, mother ; you know I havo had so many things on my mind.' "But you said you did-" "Well," ho answered, "if I said Idid I DID. Ho went away, nnd his mother took tho bill herself to tho store Tho young man had been known in tho town all his life, and what opinion was held of him this will show. "I am qulto suro," sho said, "that my son paid this-blll somo days ago; ho has been very busy since, and has quito forgotten about it, but ho told mo that ho had, and ho says ho is quito suro that ho did." "Well," said tho man, "I forgot about II; but If ho over said ho did, he did," A story is told of nlittlo four-year-old fellow who.havingdisoboyed his father, was about to incur tho penalty a switch ing. Tho father deliberately propared a rod, whllo his son stood a sad and silent spectator. As tho parent approached to tlio unpleasant duty, tho boy started at a brisk run toward a neighboring hill. Tho father pursued, and for a tlmo tho youngster increased tho diatanco bo- twrcn them ; but gradually his strength began to fall, and when ho reached tho hill, and began to ascend, ho soon lost his vantago ground. Nearer and nearer tho irato father approached, and just as tho top of tho hill was reached, and as ho camo within arm's length of tho llt tlo fugitive, who was ready to fall from exhaustion, tho boy quickly faced about iroppsd upon tho ground and with an indescribablo cast of countonanco, ex claimed ; "Papa, thatr-makes a fellow blow don't it?" This "changing of the subject" wa3 so extremely ludicrous, that tho father laughed heartily over tho strategy which his hopeful son ex hibited, and tho rod was not used. A littio boy, who had been told that ho musi novcr ask for anything to eat away from home, went into a neighbor's house, vrhon tho lady chanced to bo frying doughnuts." "Oh," said ho, "you aro cooking." Awaro that ho had been well trained, and anxious to boo whether his appo- tlto would got tho better of his manners, tho lady did not glvo him nny of tho doughnuts. "Well," said ho, returning to tho chargo, "your cakos look nice." "Oh, very nice," said tho lady: "thoy aro tho best I overcooked." After playing with tho cat a few min- utcs, bo remarked "And thoy smell very nlco." "Oh, yes, thoy smoll vory nice," was tho lady's tantalizing nnswer. 'Woll, I supposo that if any llttlo child that was hungry should corao In hero when you aro cooking, you would glvo him something to eat?" "Well, yes, I thluk I should." "Then," said ho, after another turn with tho eat, "I guess I must go homo, for I am very huugry." IIo got a doughnut. Humility. Farmer wont with his son into a wheat Hold, to boo If it was ready for tho harvost. 'Seo, father,' oxclalmcd tho boy, 'how straight theso steins hold up their heads. Thoy must bo tho best ones. Thoso that hang their heads down, I am sure, cannot bo good for much.' Tho farmer plucked a stem of each kind, and said, 'seo hero, foolish child I This stalk that stood so straight is light headed, and almost good for nothing, whllo this that hung Its head so modost ly is full of tho most beautiful grain.' Pntont Modicinoa. A N APPEAL To Debilitated Persons, To Dyspeptics, to tjuiierers irom ijivcr uoiiituaint. To thoso having no Atmcllte. To thoso with UrokotrDown Consti tutions, To Nervous neonlo. To Children Wasting Away, To nny with Debilitated Digcstlvo Orgaus, Or 8t(tJcri)i!t with tin; of thefollowinp Sjjmntomt. which indicate Disordered Liver or Stomach, such ns Con stipation, Inward riles. Fulness or lllooil to the Head, Acid ity of I ho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust Tor Foih!, Hour Eruse'tntlons.slnklnijor Flut tcrlnirnt the PltnflhoStnmacli, Swim minx ot tlio Head, Hurried nnd Difficult llreathlnir. Fluttering lit tho Hojrt. Clinking orsuirocatfng Sensations when In a Lyinir pos- lure, mmnessoi vision, hois or weus tieioro llinSlghl,Fevcrnuddull nulti In tho head, Dencleiicy of Perspiration, Yollniviics'i of tho Skin nnd Eyes, Pain In tho Hldo, Illicit, chest, l.lmiH, Ac, Hmlileu Phillies or Heat, Burning in the Klein, Uomtutit Imagining of Evil, nuil great Depression of Spirits. IIOOFLANDS (JEHMAN MTTEH3. A Hitlers without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind, Is different from nil others. It Is composed of the pnro Juices, or Vital l'rtnclple of Jloou, Herbs. nnd Jtarkit (nr as Medicinally tormed Kxtrncts,) tho worthft'ssor Inort portions of tho Ingredients not being used. Therefore In one Uolllo of this Hitters tncro is contained ns much medicinal vlrtuons will bo found In several Bailout of or dinary mixtures. Tlio Koots, Ac, used In this lmtera aro Brown lu Ucrmany, their vital prln riplcs extracted in that country by n sctcutltlc Cliemtst, nud forwarded to tho manufactory In this city, wnere tnoyaro cimipouudod nud hot tied. Containing no Bplrltuous Ingredients, this hitters Is freo from tho objections urged against nil others: uo destro for Mliuulants cm oo In duced from their use, thoy cinnot rauko drunk ards, nud cannot under auy clrcumstaucos, havo nny but a beneficial effect. HOOFLAND'8 GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not Inclined to extreme bitters, nnd Is Intended for use In cases when somo nlcohollo Btlmulant Is repaired In connection with tho Toula properties 01 tho hit ters. ICach botllo of tho Toulo contains ono bot tle of tho Hitters, combined Willi pnro HANTA CUUZ HUM, and flavored In snch n manner that tho ex tremo ultlernes.s of the bitters Is overcome, forming n preparation highly ngrootblo nnd pleasnut to tho palate, anil containing tho medi cinal virtues of too hitters. Tho prlco ot the Toulo 13 31.50 per Mottle which many persons think loo high. They must tako Into considera tion that the stimulant used It guaranteed to bn of n puro quality. A poor article could be fur tilshcdatn cheaper price, bulls Hunt belter to pay n llttlo moro and havo n good nrtlclo? A medi cinal preparation should contain nono bat tho best Ingredients; nud they who expect to obtain u cheap compound, and be bouellttoi by Itwlll mostcertainly bo cheated. ilOOP.VND'S aUUMAN MITEIIS, on HOOFL.VND'S GEHJIAN TONIC, with JIOOFLAND'3 PODOFIIYLLIN PILL, WILL CVItli YOU. They nro tho Greatest BJ.OOD rUKIPIEUS Known to tho Medical world, nnd will eraill catodlsoases arising from lmpuro blood, Debility of tho Digestive Organs, or diseased Liver, lu a shorter tlmo than any other known remedies. Tho wholo SUPKKJIE COU11T of Pennsylvania SrEAK rOB THESE REMEDIES. Who would ask for moro Dlgnlfled au JStrougcr Testimony 1 lion. Unoitai: W. Woodward, former Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, a present Member of Congress from Pennsylvania writes: Philadelphia, March 10th, 1S57. I And " Iloolland'a German Hitters " Is n good tonic, uselnl In diseases of tho dleestlva nruunH. and of great benefit In cases of debility and want of action lu tho system. Yours truly UEonun w. woooward. IIon.jAMESTH01i30,ai(fJili'c cf tits Supreme CXntrt of Fennsyhanta. PHILADELPHIA, April S3, 1S67. I consider "HooUand's German Hitlers" a val uable mcdlcino lu case of attacks ot Indti-estlon or DynpeptMA. 1 can certify this from my expe rience ofit. Yours, with respect. JAMXS THOMSON, Hon. Oeobqc Shauswood, Jus!keoftlie Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Juno 1, 1S03. I havo lound bv exDerlencothat'-Itooiland's German hitters" Is a very good tonic, rollovlng dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. UUOKUU OUARSWOOD. Uou. Wm. P. Ilogors, Mayor of the City of liuffalo . A'. Y. Mayor's Office, Buffalo, June S3, 15C5. I havo usod "Hooflands German Bitters and Tonic" in my family during tho n-ist vear. and villi reiruiuiiieuu mem lu nil vsceiieub ionic. 1II1 Iiartlng touo nud vigor to tho system. Their uso ins becu productive of decidedly beucllclal clf'octs. Wm. P. ltoaEits. Hon. James M. Wotxl, Jic-Mayor of Vt'Ullamsport Pa. I tako ureal nlnasurolnrecommcudlus" Hoof- laud's German Tonlo " to any ono who may bo nUUcted with Dyspepsia. I bull tho Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to kceD mv lood lu my htomach.and 1 became so weak as not to be able to walk half am lie. Two bottles of Tonlo iIIocted a perfect euro. Jasics m. Wood. ItaMEMItEIl THAT IIOOPLAND'S GEhMAN BITTERS, AND HOOFIiA.ND'3 GERMAN TONIC Will euro every caso of M A It A S 21 U Or Wasting away of tho Body. REMEMBER THAT IIOOKLAMD'B GERMAN KEJlIiDIiM Aro the medicines you rcqulro to purify tho Blood, exolto tho torpid Liver to healthy action, nnd to enablo you to paw safely through nny hardships or exposure. DR. HOOPLAND'S 1 O D O P U Y L L I N , Substitute for Mercury Pills. Tll'O PILLS A DOSE. Ihe most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Catluxrlie known. It Is not necessarv to taho Ahaiiilfnllof LlienA Pills to nroduca tho desired cflect; two of them net quickly nnd powerfully, clcanBlnKthe Liver, Stomach and UoweU of nil Impurities Tho principle ingredient Is rodophyllln, ortho Alco hollo Extract of Mindrake, which Is by many times more powerful, acting and searching thuu tho Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action is upon iuu iiyvr. cieuuuitf ii, speeuur irom an oostruo tlons, with all tho power ol Mercury, yet Irea from the Injurious results atlachod to the use of that mineral, Kor all diseases In lilcli tlio use of a cathartlo Is Indicated, these pills will glvo entire satlsfao- llnnlnnvrv.i,n Thow Nl'lKII 1,'AII. In cases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and extremo costlvcuess. Dr. Hoofland1 German liHtcr or Toulo should bo used Ir. connection with the Pills. Tho tonlo effect of tho Hitters or 'Ionic builds up tho system. Tho Bitters or Toulo purines the Blood, strengthens tho Nerves, urn ulate3 tho Liver, and gives strength, energy und vigor. Kocp your Bowels uctlvo with the Pills, and touo up tho system with Bitters or Tonic, and no disease cau retain th' Did, or oven assail yon. ' AtiS0AlecU1,Bt 11 19 COPLAND'S OEIl- MAN Itemedlcs that are so universally used and highly recommended ; and do not allow the DrUUUlSt tO ludUGB Vnii l.i tiikn Mtivll,li. lltnf Ii,. may say Is Just as good, because ho makes a turgor proa tou it, Theso Remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to tho PUINC1. PAL OKKICK, at the OEHMAN MEDICINE STOUE. oai Arch St., Philadelphia. CUA8. 31. UVAH, I'roprlotor. These Remedies are for sale by Druggiste Borekeepen, and Medlolne Dealers Very where Mirjcollnuooun, BOOTS & SHOES. AT E. M. KNOKR'S SPRING STYLES, TUB LATEST AND 1SKST. livery variety fur Men, Women nml Cldlilicn, OLD STOCK Selling nt Cost to elou out to mako room for NEW GOODS. Bargain's ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CTJTST03VC MADE CLOTHING. 11K IIAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS TUB HEST IV O K 31 C X. For cood ills and promptness lu filling orders tbcio Is tho placo to go. Ills cooils nro selected with caro nud his Cus tom Work will compare favorably with tho best cll'orts of tho fashionable city Uenler. he keem a L.vnac stock of HOYS' AXI) CmiiDUEN'S CI.OTilLVtJ AND GUSTS' FUitrViSUING GOOIiS, At AsloulshlURlv Low Trices. Bloomsburg, Hept. 29, 187M1 JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BEIiVVICIC, PEN N A. Tho undorslKncd would respectfully iulorra tho Cltlrens of liorwiclc, and vicinity, that he has opened n Confectionery uud hakery In ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Oerwlck. la.. where ho Is nrn.n.ire.l in r,iiMiiui all kinds of PI.AIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FHENCII CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC F1SUITS CHANGES, LEMON , 1JAI3INS AC, itC, do., Ac. BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ilVi10ils I!1? "sortmcnt will bo found Cream NutJf, Kngllsh Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Kll- . it, r :; v .vv,"t "i, juiiicm oi uiuer 'h,"i"v;V.U8,tn,CaViuej 1,1:lt'c9. Chocolate Canned lrultof nil kind Cornstarch. i.v,. iiiu. . vum ouircn, I'jei; ills- cult. Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Cheese. Koap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers. Eu FISH AND OYSTERS, And produce of all kinds. Freiili Bread nn J ....j. iiv ,vaiu iu OCUiiUIl. rotir patronago Is solicited. Berwick, Jau 171 tv ARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. a SLOAN BROTHER Have on hand and for sain nt tho most reasona ble rates a splendid stock of GAIUIIAGES. BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mado of tho best nud most dur able materials, aud by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from tho estab lishment will bo found to boof tho highest class and suro to glvo perfect satisfaction. They have also a Hue assortment of SLEIGHS of all tho newest and mast fashionable styles well and carefully mado and of the best mater ials. An Inspection or their work Is asked as itl believed that nono superior ceu bo found In the country. Jan 171 CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES ID OWN IN PRICE JT. XX. IVZ A I Z H S, Corner Main and Centra fits., liLOuMSBUIlO. Anew Hock of Fresh Goods Just opened at MAIZE'S. Tens. CoIIccn, SuKni'N. BYllUrS and SIOLASSES. CHKESE, MEATS. SALT, KIHil. etc VEGETABLES, IlKItMETICALLY Scaled Got sis. JELLIES and PUERKUVKH, P1CKIJCS. I'uutaun auu uujitaiiu l'ttuiiw. An Elegant Assortment OF QUEENSWARE 1UUMU11UV Oil 11UI1I1. Alto wnnn wit.ioiv m icuwitinnr All my goods aro of the first quality and at ex tremely low prices, decb71-tf J. II. MAIZE. AGENTS Wtt:l f:: Twol?e Years azs Wild Indians & Plains. Tho remarkable ndvenlurrs of tho latnous WHITE CH IKK nml BIG WAHHIOlt akiong the Ited Skins. Thrilling accounts or Ureat limits. Hairbreadth Escapes nudTerrlble Contests with Ihe big eamo anil hcstllo tribes. Spirited descrip tions of tho habtu and superstitions of thut tmngo people. Tholr Hporl. Legends, Tradi tions. How thev Woo and wed. Scalp, Doctor; Worship, 4c. New, Froah and Popular, Prlco Ijiw. ILIs helltntr bv tho thousands with won. a. rfiil rapidity. Audit aro mukiug from D to tloo per week. Choice field yet vacant. Send at once for sample chapters, Illustrations and pur- livumi. vu d. Si, JlliJiiuilu', . uuiiniier, Jun71-tf. 40U Chestnut St., Phlla. B LANK DEEDS. We now have thn tlnchtassortmeutof ULANIT DKl.IiH on hand and lor uulo that wero ever kept Lu Bloouiiburg. Largo slzo on best parch meul paper, Conimou Deods, Kaeculor's und Administrator's Deeds-small size good aud iieuji i-uiuiuuii Ulceus, sc c Mificollnneono. riLLER'S UTOilE. B. It. MlLLKIl & BON, havo removed their Store to tho room formerly occupied liyMctidcnliall.onMalnstrect, Blooms' burg, nearly opposlto tlio Episcopal Church whero thoy nro dotermlnotl toscll on ns modcralo terms ni can ho procured clso where, Thler stock comprised LADIES' DUESS GOODS ot the choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n largo assortment ot Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following t rllclu Carpels, Oil Cloths, oths, Casslmcres, Shawls, Flnuuols, Silks, Whllo Goods Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, llollowwnre Ccilr.rwnre liueemware,. Ilardnar Boots and Ohoe.i, Hals nnd Cap) Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glassoj, Tobacco, Coffoo, Sugars, Teas, Itlco, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GENEUALLY. In ihcrt, overythlng nsnally kept in counlrj tores, to which they Invito the attention of the pnbllo generally. Tho hlghtst prlco will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. 0. H. MILLElt A SON. octS171-:f Bloomsburg Pa. N EW STOOIC OF CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlval of SPRING GOODS DAVID LOWENBEKG Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLn CLOTHING. at his store on MftlnBtrcet, lu tho new block, Bloomsburg, P.i whero uo has Just received from New York and Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fnsli!n.iblo, durable, nud ndsonie ultras iinnna consisting of BOX, SACK, HOCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of all Borts.nLics and colors. IIo has also rep len ishcd Ills already largo stock of CLOTH AND CA831MEnES, STIUPED, FIGUUED, AND PLAIN VESTS BUIIITS, CltAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAltS HANDKEltCIIIEFS. GLOVES. SUSPENDIUW, AND FANCY AllTICLES no noa constantly ou uanu a large and wcll-sc' eclcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared to mano to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd lu tho best manner. All his clothing Is miulo to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'SLUY, of overy description, lino and cheap. Ills caso ol ewelry Is not surpassed lu thlsjplaco. Call uud oxamlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELUY, AC. octl3'71 DAVID LOWENBEKG. Tin: i.c:ni:Dii:.VT3 that COMl'OSt: KOSADAUS aro published on evet y package, there fore it is not a sci ret preparation, consequently I'lirsiCIAJfS rKESCBIIIE IT His a certain roro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all it, forms. Uhcunia- Usui, Shin Disrasc, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho lllood. 0113 SOTTL 07 EOSADALIS will do moro ooil tlian ten botllcj ot iho byrups ol barsaparilla. THE UNDCn'JICNEO PHYSICIANS havo used Ittitadalis in their practii J for Iho past tlirco years and fitcly cndorFo it as a reliable Altcntira and Blood Purifier. 1)11. T. C. PUOU, nf Ealtimctc. U11.T.J. IIOVKI.V, " Dlt. II. W CAIIll. " I- O. OANNKLI.Y, " 1)11. J. S. Sl'AllKS, of Nlcholasrlllc, DK. J. L. McCAItTIIA, Columbia, S. I . dr. a. n. noblhs, i:d0-ccomb, n. c. USED AIID ENDORSED BY J. D. t-nCN'CII & EONS, l'allUUcr, V. Vt.'sVITir.J.iciwn, Mich. A. 1' WllKI'.l.l.ll. I.1I.U, Ohio, n. HAM., Luna. Ohio. flf-IAXN & (;().,(m.ii1oiisi111c, Va. SAJI'I.. 0. McPADDLN, Murfltcs. boro,Tcnn. flur ppaco v.-illnot allow of any ex. touted lematks in rtlntlon lu tho imucsof P.osailalis. Tothe tcilicj 1'iorcsslotiMc guarantee a Kluld i: lra:t superior to any tlicy haio ever useJ in the treatment of diseased nftisli and to tliontllteteil wo say try llosaitalij. mill vou will bo TLstureJ to health. BosaJ-ilh Is sold liv all Drurclsts. price 01-50 per bottle. Address DB,.CL21!SUI3 ii 00. Mnvfaturing Chtmisti, Haltiso&l-, Md. ) ALTIJIORE PIANOS. Wo rcsnectfullv rail the Attention nf thnhe denlrlDK to purcliaso our mnke of Tlnnos. We nro Hatlstleu that wo can give biitlsructloii In every case. Our workracnskllltulatid experien ced nml are under tho personal superintendence of tho member a of our tlriu Wu use only the best seasoned timber, and tho rniUurlal In u'eno rul la lirat class. Our l'lanos without exception Iihvg tlio natent airalles arrauirement thruti"b- out. which In the opinion of tlio miwt compo- ! tent Judges Is pronounced valuable, liy this lm provuinem. n I'taco is maue more ourauiu nnu keeps the tone longer, Wo claim lor our Instru ments thai they tiro second to none, nnd they combine all tho essential elements tlint consti tute superior worknutiniblp. Wo will glvo a written uuuruntee for live yearn. Mr, I'hnkai) FitEiMAN, member of ourllrm, wlUvUU JtloomsburK lour tlmeiayear to re pair ami attend to tuning of all IManos. In the absence- ot Mr, Kkkiman, Mr, I. K, Millkk will nttend to our business in llloomsbur and Is uuthorUed to receive nnd solicit orders. Wo can uWo tho very best references. OAEIILE & CO. Baltimore, M, 1. I. K. MiLMsii, Denier in Pianos, Orguns and Melodeons Uvo octave and live stop organs ot tho best make, bold at 8UU, Terms easy Juno J JJcKKLVY, NEA.L & CO., RlALliUS IN DHY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSllUllO, PA. Jan:C72-lf YAIiUAULE PROPEUTV FOU HALli no undcriilKUeil wltlilliK to rcilro from busl. nctm now oIutm at private bulo hU entire proper tysltuHtnl in Oruuuovlllo, conmitlng of a one half luterttt lu the well known FOUNDHY AN I) AQIlICULTUltAL WOUKH, tocetlicr with tho Knjilno, Lalhcn una other Ma. chlncry hulouglni; to the mine, iiUo tho entire ctock now on nana, together with a valuable pair of horuea, anil tho wukous, hIihIh, HuruCM, dc. also hl town lota on which la erected a good frame tlwelllnn, alHO, Iwciity-Uvo ucrea. known xa the Dr. Lntl projierty about tea ol which ir cleurtHl, the balunce timbered, Prices reasonable, l'oaaoaalon given at tlmo to null purcbaaera. Applr to or uddrw WILLIAM HUllUIliKU oct,B,7Mf. Orangavllle, Oolurabt. I MifjccllanoouB, 1872. 1872. NEW SPRING GOODS. M. P. LUTZ Hnsjust rclurned from New York with n full lino ot I1LA.GK AND COLOIIED SILKS, LYONS' fllLKVOl'LTNS, SILK I'ONOKKS, plain slrlpeauil chene, S U I TIN as, sttlpo nnd plain, OltASS CLOTHS, sit lpo plain nud chene. WASH POPLINS, black and colored ALPACAS, FAXCY FLAWS', 0 O L O 11 E D 0 A M 11 11 1 C li , PERCALES, 4 W51ITE GOODS, SUISSE, TAHLATAN, VIOTOltIA LAWN, 11IS1101M.AW.V, NALNt-OOKR, I'KiUES. CAMUUICS, LONG CLOTfl, LINENS, NAPKINS", DOIYI.M, TOWEI-S, LACE CUIITAWH, NOTIONS, TIUMJIINQS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, and overythlng ucntrnlly kept lu a flrst-clasa DHY G0OD3 STORE. BIIOWER'S BLOCK EAST OF COUKT HOUSE, MAIN HTUKET, ULOOllSDUnO.l'A' Br. 7ALZiY.-.- YINEG-AIL 2 Hundicda cf I'maz-jzC: ..6 Dear tPEtlmony to tholr AVortilar- C P. HA WHAT ARE THEV? Sl'ii TTTPV RTTT VDT A VTT.T! Hi " 19 uu2FAWCY DRINK. P.!? Miloot Vttgt um, Wlildkor, Proor Bplrllu uud Kcflisu l.lcuurafloctorctl.eplcctl andbwect cncil to please tho tactc, callcd"Tonlc6,""Appctlz crs," " Kcstorcre," ic, that lead tho tippler on to drunkenness and rch,tmtaroatnio Medicine, mado fromtiioXatlvo Itootscnd Ilcrcaof California, Trco Iron, nil Alcobollo Stimulants. Tbcr&ro tlio tJIICAT ULOOII PUKIFIESt nud A LIFK (UVINC l'KINCI PLE a perfect r.cnovntor nnd InTtgoiator of tho System, carrying off all polsonoca natter and rcctorlng tlio Hood to a healthy condition. :.'o person can talio theso Bitten according to dinv tlon and rcmalnlongnnmll. G1UO wlllba glvcnforcn lnrurahlocaso,piui"t'i to bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, ncd tho vital organs wasted I'JTsnd tho rolnt'of repair. rorlnlliimmutcry nnd Chronic llheunm t!et:l nud Gout Drapcpala, or ludlgcatloa, lillluua, Ileuilltcut und lulcruiitu ul Pot era IilBCitacaof tho lllooil, Liver, Hiducja, nud llluildcr, tneso lllttcro havo been moit siiccccc Tal. bucli IllccuHca cro canted ly Vitiated Klcod. 7hlcU la incrally rrodnccdbyderacgtmcnt cfthoDlacEtlvoOiEnui. HYM'CPSIA Oil 1NDH1ESTION, Head achs, Talu In I'm Chcaldcrs, CotEhs.Tlghtnccsof llo Chest, Ulzzless, Conr Cructatlons cf tlio Etemach, Lad tcstj la tha iaoath, unions AttaeUs, Palpltatlea r t iho Heart, IcCimiLaUcn cf tho Lucgr, Pain In tho . locs cf U.0 Kidneys, nrd a hundred other r-.'cful i. i.i, :ou;s,aio tt.o cCsrrtocsof Ilyrpcpsla. ii- iar.gyratQ tLo BtomacU and stlmnlato luo tor r la l.vcr end to7clr,TThlc!i render them ofuncctiailcd iacacyl'1 clcanrln; tho blood cf alt Impurities, and imparting new l.:a and vigor to tho wholo system. I'Oi: 1- Ii IN I) I hEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Catt I.I.ilu, SlUcUi, C pots, rimplcs, I'ueiuIcSiBoIIs, Car lu.clts, i.i:ig.. cims, Ccald-IIcad, Boro Eyes, Eryslp. m It-1. Ecatfa, Wscoloratlons of tho ElJn, Ilumors nai. IJls uses cf tlio bhln, of vrbato cr namo or nature, i-fj l.ic rally dug up and carried out of tho system In a short by tho use of thc6o Bitters, Ono bottlo la inch rates will convince tho most Incredulous of their ccratlro effect. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you and Its ircpuritlca bursting through tho shin In Pimples, Erup tions or Bores t clcanso It when you Snd It obstructed and Huggish In tho veins clcanso It when It Is foul, and ycur feelings will tell you when. Eccp tho blood puro and tho health of tho system will follow. PIN, TAPEandothcr WOK21S, lurldnglatha system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy od and removed. For full directions, read carefully .tlio circular around each bottlo, printed In four laa Eusgcs-Euglisb.acrman, rrcncbaad Spanish. . J, VALEEH, Proprietor, tt. n. UcDOXALD tt CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, Ean Francisco, Col,, c and S3 and 81 Commcrco Street , New York. EVEOLD BY All. UliUaQISTS AND DEALERS. 1 o any person producliiB uuy Medlclue fchow Inn half aa many living, iiermunent cures as I)u,'h Vkoktaulu Hiieumatiu 11km ed v. Uieil inwardly only. A ploabuut .Medicine, free Irom Injurious drugs. Wurruuleil, tiuilcr outh, to havn permanently cured Win every 100 patients nhla's oldest regular physicians, nud Prnlessor ol Chemistry nnd 'foxtcolony, who has made Neuralgia, Chronlo aud lullamtuatory llhcumn tlsiu tho speciality of his entire professional life a fact vouched for by tho signatures acrani panytugeuch liottle,ofiuany nrtiinlueut renown, edphytlcluua.clorgymeu.iiuil other testlraoululs. To protect fcullereis Irom polwiious cjuuck nos trumi, and useless expenditure of mnuey, n legal signed euurantee, Mating oxuet number of bottles warranted ta cure, will bo forwarded trails to any sutlercrsondluB by letter a full description nfaUllcUon. In casoot failure to cure, amouut nnld positively refunded, Medicine sent auy. whero by express, collect on delivery. Allllcted Invited to write for advices all Information nnd medical advice seut by letter gratis. Principal ijlllco.iD Bouth Fourth street, Philadelphia, i'a. i ik, llemody Is sold or obtained by Druggists, M,' W71-"lv ifs LA ti hi wW III r if mmmmmmm Miflcollnnooun, CONTINENTAL. Life luourauco Company. OF XUW YORK. 1. of Policies M 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. ISSUES nil tlio now form of Pollclo3 and present ns lavorahla terms ns nny coin puny lu tho United Htntcs. Tho company will mako temporary loans on Its tmllcleM. Thirty days' Rraconllowed on each payment, and tho policy held gooddurlnu; that time. All our policies nro Incomes table for tho usual causes. Policies Issued by this company nro non-for lelturo. No pxtm phnrenn tnniln fnr (rnvHllnt liprmtts. l'ollcy jiolders shnro in tho nnuunl profits ot mo coiupauy, auu nave a vnico in ino cicctiuus ami iiinungcuicni nr ino company, No policy or medical feo chareed. JUHTUS LAWHKNCll, Pres't. W. II. WYNKOOF, VlcoPrcs'l, J. P. Ilonr.r.'), Secretary, M. C. CUANiiLKK, Jr., Acluary, Ceuiral Office of North-Easteru Peuii'a. "Colusibian" Buildine: BLOOMSBURG-, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKfAY, General Agent. Jnn.5,lS;2-tf. Hail Roads. T AOKAWA.NNA AND BLOOJIS- UlJIll! lblLilllliU On nndffltjrNov. L7, 1871,1'assenscr Trains will run nu futlmta Going North. Arrive Arrive a.m. p.m. ... 0.40 1.11 ... S.1S 11.52 Going Honth Leave Leave n.m. n. m Bcrantou... Pltlston.... l.r 10.05 2.H io.:ij SwfuarUc'i'H 3-3" Plymouth HlilckKhlnny,... 7.30 llerwick 7.8.1 llloom s.05 12.25 12. U0 11. SO 11.11 2.10 H.C8 .'!.SI 3.57 unuviiie.. 1.27 Connection made ntHcrnutnn bv thn 10.40 n.m. trul'i for Gi ent llend, Illm;li.imtou, Albany nud 1131 i.UU "Vlki U.T. HOUND, Sup't. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On and aftor Nov. 12th 1871, Trains will leave HosnunYns follows : NOKT1IWAKD. 12.30P.M. DallV to Wltllnmsnort. Klmlrn rnnnn. dalgua, Uochestcr, UuUalo, Suspension Urkige, 12.40 p. m. Uutr.ilo, N. Falls, Ac. C.50 1'. si., Dallv, (except Sundays) for William sport aud L'rle. 4.3.J I'. M.. Dallv. fescentHnuilavs for Klmlrn. nntrulo nnd Niagara Fall, via. L'rlo lullroad iioiu rauiir i. TUAIN3 SOUT1IWAUU. 1.47 A.M. Dally for L'altlmore, Waslilnntou aud l'hlladelphfa. 10.03 A. M. Dally (except Sundays) for Baltlmor- Washington ml Pnlladolplila. 1.10 1'. m. Dully (oxcept fSuuday.s) lor Ilaltliiiorc, i iiiiuueiiiui.1, clv. i:d. 8. YOUNU, QonoralPouscuger Arjeut, Alfiikd It. Fisk, Gon'L Sup't. Q1IORTEST ROUTE EASTWARD MvillB.MeM&Wilkestoe R.K WINTFIl AliltAXQEMEXTS. EASTWAUU. WESrWAUD. :.uavk. A. M, J.KAVH. Hunbury Dtiuvillo Cutawlssa Hailetou 11.211 7.02 7.2S. . 0 08 "J I Now York. ti'J Kastou. f Phlla 4 J J licthleh'iu. 1". M. Ilethlehem, 1 d 12.10 Philadelphia I xjj 2.15 llnzletoii, l 12.tti New Yurie, j U5U llnzletnn. Catawlssn. Duuvllle. Suubury. Tho nfleriirvin trnln enntiertsnf. Hiitilmrv with tho P. ft K. 4.S5 p. in. train going West; nrtlves at lyiiiiniiisporte. w; LjOCKiiaveu.oi p.m.,aliil Willi Iho Northern Central 1.60 p. m moving South, reachlug Hiirrlaburg 7.00 p. m nml Baltlmoro 1u.11 p. in., nnu uiso wuu iuo Munuury anil iew lstown Itnllroad. Comfortablu and liandsomo C'mches 011 this new rouie. J, IIL'IWEY KASE.Su, trlutcndeut EADINO RA1LROA1 . WINTEIl AURANOEJ! ' T. MosnAY, May 27, ir,. Great Trunk Line from the No-' mid Noith WebttnrPlllladelnhiii.NewYnllr.l; rtliin. I'nttM vlllo, Tamanuu, Ashiautl, Shami '. .11 Lebanon ueuiown, fusion, upuruia, l.u iy, L,,iiu-a,ior iiiiiiuui,ui;i, Trains Icjivh TlfirrlHhllrf for Kw Vni Ij f.u lows: At 2.4 j, b, 10. a. m., nnd 2,00 )i. 111., enu nectfuc with similar trains 011 I', mini Ivji. nla Itallroad, and arriving at Now York al lu,U7. n. m., 3.5. and H.I5 p. 111. respectively. Sleeplug ears uccompuuy the 2,45 u 111. tialu Wllliout ciinngn, Heturnlm'! Leavo New York nt 0.00 a.m. nml 12.30 noon and 5,:xi p. m. Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.S0 u. 111, uiiu o..,u p. 111, meepiug curs accompany mu 3,00 p. 111., iruiu irom 1 wiiuoill cuaiige. Leave Ilarrlsburg lor Heading, l'ottsvllib, iu mu, ll, A.I.I I ul .1 lentuwu uud Phlla' H.lUu. 111., and 2,011 nml 4,U3 p.m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way niuiiiuiH: 1 u u,, uop. 111, train conueciingitir i-iurn Pottsvlllo and Columbia only. For Poltsvllle Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill huu nusiiituuuuua iuiuroau, narrisuurg a 3.40 11.111. Eat Pennsyl vanla itallroad trains leave Head ing for Alleulown Eastou uud Now York al4.32, 10.30, a. 111., and 1.03 p. m. Heturiilmi, leavo New York nt IMA) a, m., 12.30 noon and 5.3 1 p. ro. uud Alleutowu ut 7.-U ll. 111. 12,25 lloou, 2,15, 4.25 Way Passcuger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7r'Wa,m couuectius with similar train on East Pa. railroad returning irom Heading ut (1.20 p. m stopping at all statlsBit, Leavo Pottsvlllo tit 0.00 ft.ln.. nml 9 no ivm Herndon at 10.00 a. m bhuinokln at 5,10and 11.15 a. iu,, iiHiuauii ui i,uj u.iu, auu iz,ij uotiu Aian anoy Clly at 7,15 a. m. audl.2 1 p. m. al s.:i a. iu aud 2.10 p. m. lor Philadelphia, Now wim, l.uuuiuil, l.llll 1UU1,C. Leave l'OIlHVlllu via Hii-.lilivllclll nml SllMnnn. hanna Itallroad at 8,15 a.m, lor Ilarrlsburg. uud ti, w a. iu.,ior i inourovu uuu i remoni, lteadlug AccomraiHlutlou Train leaves Potts, vlllo ut 0.10 a, m., posies Heading at 7,30 a. m., ar riving at Philadelphia ut 10.20 tt. m. Hoturuluii leaves l'hlladeltihlu tit n.15 n. m.. nasslui' Hem). Ing at 7,55 p.m., arriving at Pottsvlllo al 5.10 p.m, t ui.o.u.TM nnumuiuuuuuu .iuiu,ii'iivuni uiuf. town ut 0,so a.m., rolurulug, leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 p.m. Columbia Itallroad Trains leave Heading at 7,20 a.m., and 0.15 p.m, for Ephruta, Lltlz, Lancas ter, uuiuiiiuiu, tve., Perklomeu ltall Uoud Trains leavo Perklomei Junction at 7.17 U,05u. m3.00 0.00n. m, return. lug: leave ncuwcuusvine, b.iu a.m., noon & 4.1i n.m.. conuectltig with uliullar trulu. or lteodlm: Hullroad. Culebrookdtilu Hullroad trains leave Poluitown al u.loa.m,iS: p.m. reluming leuve .Mount I'leusuui ut 7.ou auu ii.-i u. m,, .t.uo p.m, councet Imr with similar trains ou Ht tiding Hullroad. Chester Valley Itallroad Trains leave lli.ugo. port at s,J0a. in. und 2.05 and 5.u2p. in, leturiilni., leave Duwutnutun at 6.40 u. in.. 12.45 noon and 6.25 p. ui., connecting with similar tiulus or Heading Hallruutl. on suudays, leuve New York al 5,34 p.m., Pali phluut 8,oo a.m. and 3,15 p.m., (the b,oo a.m. trulb running only tolteudliig;)lcavePottsvlllotj,,: Ilarrlsburg ut 2.40 a. m. and 2.00 p, m. uud leuve Alleutowu ut 0.15 nud KSTi p. lu., anil leave lteadlug ut 7.15 a. in, and lU3ip, m, for Hairls burg, at 5.U)a. la. for New York, al 7.20 a. mfor Alleutowu and utB.40 a. m.' und 4.15 p. in lot Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School ami Excursion Tickets toutul from nil imlntu. ill. r.v duced rates. Ullggago checked thrnurh too nnunils nllowoil each passenger. j, wuui'ir,n, Asst. Bupt, A Eng. MucU'ry, Heading, Pa., April 3, ini. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CAltDS, ETTElt HEADS, BILL HEADS, I'llOGKAMMES, POBTEItS, A3,, AO. Neatly nnd Choaply PrlntoJ From the Latest Btyles of Type at the COLUMBIAN OKFIOii Pntont Modicinoa. UNRYT. HELMltfiTlVv H1 j, COMPOUND F I, U I li KXTBAtir OATAtniA Q 11 A 1' 13 PILL H, Component Parts-Ituut Extract tthularb n, fluid tract auauba Urape FOU LIVKIt COMPLAINTS, JAUNDK p .. IS AFFKOTIONH. BICK OH NFli' vn! A 1) A I ! 1 1 l i. I ! mt iv i.' i..Lr u . ' " VO L d ioua Vi:uETA..LK.CONTAIN 1NG NOM MINKHALS OU DKLKrEUIoSa imVOH. Y Theso Pills nro Hi thostomach. T.ioV: "V"? ' . 'V el la,,,"to lien, such nu inv.aoratlou of tho enure lakes plncons loappear mlrnculous to tuo we .tr una enervnteii. pi,nn,.. '"oneut denco or dUca,o. u. t". lielmb" d's Con uua -". "" no laci. inai sugur-coalcil Pl,ndn hold SOlVe. but nnaitlimiml. IUO ,, , , ""-,"wn"JlliaCUWIt!inii S"f;0"r.:!?r-'co,hel beltiir nlcasnnt In . " . "' . . .. . . . uuur,uo not ueecsiti. tale .their being siir-coatc. PIIICF. FIITV HI KT9 it'll llnv I 1 UENIiY T. IIEL2W OL D'S. IIIatil.Y COKCENTItATED OOltl'OUNll FLUID UXTItACT HAllSAPAnir.I.A Will radically cxUrmlnnin rmm it. Scrofula, Syphilis, I'overHoics, Ulcers, Boro Hyis Boro Lees. B6ro Mouth. Hnm iton.i i..,i... Skin Diseases, Salt Ithcuu, ankers, Kunulniu ...... ,,,iu neuiiigs, xutiiors. Can cerous Affections, Node, ltlckels.ainndars wo nigs, fligni wweats, Hash, Tetter, Humors ol in Kinds. Chronic ItliMiiiiniUm n, .,.., ... . dlseaso thathas been cstabllshtd In tho PjiUia Ilelncprep.iredEXl'ltrHr.v rnrii,i.i,n. plaints, Its BLOOD.PUIUFYING proprlelles nie greater than nny other preparation ol Sarsiipu. rllla. It Rives tho COMPLUXION n clear nod healthy color nnd restores tho rntlent ton state ot 1IHALTI1 nud PUUITY. For Purllylug tlio .....uj, iviuuviiiK "ii mrouic consiuuilonal Ills. arising from nn Imnnrostnin nr lim 1.1.....1 And tho only rcliablo mid effectual known rcme- uy iur 1110 euro oi rams and Swellings of Hie Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat nnd Lc matches, Pimples on tno FacaJ Erysipelas uiiil all scaly Krnptlous of tho Skin, nud llennllfylrjg the Complexion. Price, SI SO per Bottle. HENRY T, IlELMBOLD'S CONCKN1ICATED FL UID EXTItA CT B VCh V, THE OIIEAT DIUItETIC, has cuied overy cuho of Dlabeles In which It lins boeu Elveu.Irrltntlon of tho neck of tholllnddir and InUammatlon of tlio Kidneys, Ulceration o tho Kldnsys and Uludilcr, Retention 'of Urlno Discasesof Iho ProstatoGlauil.Stono in tholllsd. dcr, Cnlcnls, Gravel, Ilrlckdust DeMislt, anil Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebleil uud Dv'llcutu Coustllutluus uf both Boxes, atteu. ded with tho following symptoms: Indisposi tion to Exertion, loss ol Power, loss of Memory DUIlculty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trem bling, Horror of Disease, Wakeiulnehs, Dlmuem of Vision, Pain In tho Buck, Hot Hands, Flush, lug of the Body, DrynchH ol the Skin, Krupiien on tlio Face, Pallid Countenance, Uulverm Lasslludo of tlio Muscular System, etc. Used by pei sons irom tno ages of eighteen to twcuty-llvc, and from thlrty-lle to lllty-ilvo ur in tho decline or change or life; afler corilluo mentor labor pains; bed-wetting in children Ilelmbolil's Extract Buchu Is Diuretic and lllood-Purllylng, and cures all diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses nml Imprudences in Life, Impurities of tho ll.'oo etc., superseding Copabla lu affections fir wlilc It Is used, and Syphilitic Allectima-ln Hunt diseases used lu connection with IIELMllUL" HOSE WASH. LADIES. In many affections peculiar lo ladles, tho I s tract lluchti Is unequalled Is Chlorosis or Hetentlon, Irregularity, l'.uu lulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuii lions. Ulcerated or Schlrrus Statoof tho Fti-nis Leucoriha-aor Whiles.Stcilllly.andforull com plaints incident to tho sex, whether arising trnm Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pro scribed extensively by tho most eminent pltysi Inns nnd Midwtves for Euleoblcil and Delicate Constitutions, of both Boxes and all ages (at ten-do-l with any of tho above dlsoases or Hympt uns H. T. HEL.M110LIVS EXTHACT 11UC1IU CUIHW DISEASES AHISING FI10M I.MPUU- DENCE, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., In nil their stages, at little expense, llttlnor no change In diet, no Inconvenience, and uo ex poKiire. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Provcntlug and Curing Strictures of the Urcihn, Allaying Pain and Iiitlauimatlnn, so frequent In this class of diseases, nnd expelling all Poisonous matter. Thousands who havo been the victims of In competent persons, nnd who havo paid heavy fees to be cured In a short tlmo, have found they havo been deceived, and that tho "Poison" has, by tho use of "powerful astringents," been dried up In the system, to break out In a moro aggra vated form, aud perhaps after Marriage. Uso II ELM HOLD'S EXTHACT BUCHU for all Afflictions iusd Diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing In Male or Female, from what ever cnuso originating, and no matter of how long standing. PHICE ONE DOLLAH AND FIFTY CENTS PEK BOTTLE. HENKY T. IIELMBOLD'S 1M PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo surpassod as a FACE WASH, and wll bo found the only Rpccltlo remedy In every species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee dily eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCOIIBUT1C DHYNESS, I NDUHATIONS of tho CUTANEOUS MEMI1HANE, etc.. dispels HEDNESS and IN CIPIENT INFLAMATION, HIVES, HASH MOTH PATCHES, DHYNESS OF SCALP OH SKIN, FHOSTBITES, and nil purposes lor which SALVES or OINTMENTS nre tisoil ; restores the skin to n state of purity and softness, nnd In sures continued healthy action to tho tlssuoo Its vessels, on which depend tho agreeable clear ness nnd vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. But however valuahlo as remedy f.r existing defects of the skin, II, T HelmboM's Hose Wush has Ion: sustained Its principle claim to unbounded pitrou.igo, by possessing qunlltlOK which render It a TOtLET APPENDAUK of the most Superlative uud Congenial c'lttriictor, combining In an elegnil formula those prominent roqulslts, SAFETY ami EFFICACY t ie Invnrlablo accompaniment nl Its use ns a Preservative nnd Ilefreshcrofthe Complexion, It Is an excellent Lotion for dis eases ofn Syphilitic Nature.and as au Injection lor diseases of the Urlnury Organs, nrlslug friitn habits of dissipation, used In connection with tho EXTHACTS HUCHU.BAHSAPAKILLA.aiid OATAWHA GHAPE PILLS.ln such diseases as rocominended, cannot bo surpassed, PltlCE ONE DOLLAH PEH BOTTLE, Full and explicit directions aoootnpany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character furnished on application, wlh hun dreds of thousauds of living witnesses, and up ward or 30,0(10 unsolicited certificates nnd recom mendatory letters, many of which arofrum the highest sources, liicluil'ug eminent Physicians Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor u novor resorted to their publication In the news papers; ho does not do this from tho fact thu his articles rank as Standard Preparations, aud do not need to bo proppod up by certificates. Honry T. IIclmboIil'M Genuine Preparations. Delivered to any address. Secure from obsei vatlon, Established upward of twenty years. Bold by DruggUU everywhere. Address letters for lu formation, In confidence to IiENUY T, HELM BOLD, DruggbUand Chemist Only Depot! H. T, HELMBOLU'H Drug aud Chemical Warehouse, No, 691 Br pod way, New York, or to II. T. IIKLMBOLD'U Medical Depot 101 Bonth Tenth Btreet, Philadelphia, Pa. BEWAHE OF COUNTEKFKITEH8.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers