r THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The ' Columbian. D ooiusburg, Friday, Maroh 22, 1872. PRANK COOLEY, AHSlHTAJfT i: I) I T O it. Railroad Tlmo Tablo. L.UKAWaNNA A Hl.OOMHllt'ltO 11. H. Notlli. Houlli. Mall 1V.1 A M. Cits Ace iiimndutlmi .,. H1A M. 1.x r.M ... it. fc.Hl'.M. oata u iha it. ii, rnoM nui'intr htation, UoluuNmili. (loluaHoiilli, :i 1' M, I'"' A. M, M. 10:-) I. M l):fl A. M. LOCAL. Lr.sT, A pair of oyo Rlnsfi's, steel frame. Asiiliabl.o rmmnl will be paid .t till ctlleo fur tiiolr recovery. Biaiiot' lliwi-: lulmttiUUrcd tho rlto ofoiitlnintlon nt Cvntratlu on Kililny Wr. aro under obligations to Hon. Curl SScluirti for copies of Ills speeches on tho French AriiHjob. 13 II Ltrrui has sold his properly nt tno comer of IViuk iiml Iron Streets t j J..ci . Millard for $1,700. Tin: youngsters of Bloom havo open ed tlio si'iv n of nuiblo-pliiyiiiir, but It lnw thus far Iwun u pursuit of pleasure timler iliireiillles. It cots the West Chester Norma School about $1,000 a year for i;as. Does this lticluiio tho balnrict of tho tcueheis? It will bo a risky experiment for our youtifj lady irieiitU to wear their Hprluir dri'daCd on Easter, utile;) tho weather adopts a milder tonu than it has hith erto. Tub fellow who threatened (Jueen Victoria's life recently, hold a petition in oho hand and presented a pistol, de manding of thu (lueen to ''ni;:ri or die.'' Sho postponed tho matter, sine die. Any person diMiriiignitrnng healthy boy, to b.iund until eighteen years o( ujf-t can hear of such a boy at this of fice. Ho has been living on n f.irm for two i'e.irs p.ist. Ir you want to talk heavy tcience, say "piotoxyil of hjdrojjen" instead of leu. It sounds bijTser, and not ono man in a thousand will Know a hat you mean. KnuM the first of March to tho first of Jtl'.e it is now IIIi j;ul tn catch pike in n-ij w.iy wiiulever, under a penalty of $5 iu-iI postexsirm is )rimu facie uvi ileiiei iiiiin-t .y peis m. Tin, h-aislaime lias dceiilid to ad jmiin on I he Jih of April. Krnm the bu.-inrss yi t n mainin to he trai.s icted It isalmobt rut lain that a poMpoitcuicnt to a laur date w ill be in ces-ttiy. At tho -ule.s of real estate in this town on Siturihiy last, the properly ofGeid. Knt was- li,iuj;ht in by his widow for SIO.GOO. Tho residence or the latoC. H. Dueliler wan l'Uicha&ed by K. II. Little for$i.o:;o. Tunnr. was another s'.: trp snow Fquall on Sunday last and during its continual. ce the air was llihd with ilti.Uititf ilakcs. Sol, however, Is too much lor snow and the ground was White but a short liiue. Work has already begun on tho ru ins of tho Exchange Hotel and tho rub-bis-h is betas rapidly removed. Tliis really looks like business and wo mav expect, to seo that "acliitr void" filled by a substantial and ornamental build ing before another year. ASusuvky paper says that Mr. Sol omon Stroh of that place, whilst mak-taKaninei-ion in thushouldcrofa horse cut upon iv bard substance which proLd, upon investigation, to bo a sli ver llvo cent piec s of 1S31. How it got there is what is puzzling Mr. Stroh and Sunbury generally. It having been stated that Harrisburir is t j have a Hoard oi"i'r.id., souio cynic prep i.se.s that tho prico of Legislative votes in publieaud private bills bu pub lished daily and thus onablo citizens in nil puts or tho State to estimate- very nearly their expenses in getting a bill pas.u (1. Tim income tax" is to bo continued this year and we regret that our iucomo dot a not Ju.sU'y us in getting as indlg limit und i!i..u:.ted as we otherwise inluht. United action on tho part of (IclIiMiueut .uib.-ciiliers would enable us iu a short time to bi emtio "JiijslitUUiy' angry. CoitN In iihctuly ltnce-hlgh In Texas ntid other crops nro well duvoloped. Heads well up hero whoro tho only crops po (ar nro colds In tho head nnd an (iceafloinil growth of rheumatism. Wednesday lust xvai a genuluo Muich day, cold and blustering. Tne tun eltouo occasionally hut fttrulshid no moro heat Until a copper kettle. Sap dots not run up, nor Ico In tho river urn down us yot, "Cotno ocirVc Spring." In Scr.inlon, It litis been discover ed Hint n nicnber of tho Order of tho Kulghls of Pythias, In that city, Is n woman in dlcgulse. Tho discovery was nnide whllo thu lady was being Initia ted into the mysteries ef the third de gree. A man having, ns Arteintt.s Ward once s ltd, "considerable litpunr conceal ed about his person" was lound on Sat urday in an alley way near Crntro St., having established his lodgings upon thocold, cold ground. Ho was escorted to tho lock-tip by Chief of I'ollco Cedilla. HkuuM comfort for farmers. It Is highly pn bablo that scaro crows may perish from tho fnco ol the earth and ho no moro known of men. A down caster bus Invented a a exposlvo In tho shape of a grain of com. Tho crow gobbles tho grain which Instantly explodes and blows the lop of bis head oh". Which Is good. Wild pigeons have not yot been seen In any number In the county, a few scattered Hecks only having made their nppearaucc. Tho vast corn and grain fields of the West olTor greater attrac tions for them and it Is not probable that they will over visit usin such num bers ns of old. A mout voto was polled at tho elec tion of Judges and Inspectors of election for Bloomsburg, on Friday last. The following were elected : But B'.wmis burg, Judgo, John Laycock; In .pee tors, William Kramer and J.S Kvan?j West Uloomsburg, Jutlge, T. J. Morr's ; Inspectors, John M. Clark and J. K. Eyer. Wasiiinoto.v county, Ga., with n pnpiila'iou of (1,000, does not owe a cent and has not a prisoner in jail. JCx. Columbia county, Pa., with a popu latlou of nearly 0 000, docs not owe a cent nnd bus ovei $7,000 In tho Treasu ry, whilst thero has not been a prisoner injiil for weeks. Tho last ono left on account of his solitude. AiivtutTisi.NO, as the means of pros pei ity, is not s-o well uuderiood as it sltmild be. .N'nthltig em take its place. It IsaftC that no one who has ttdver lined liberally and r-y stcinut Ic.I ly ha fell like disputing that it was thettist spent money he put into his business As a huiso was never made fat by a .sin gle bushel of oat-, bo asitiglo advertise nii.'iit is never u test of the benefits of advertising. Thu man with genuine wans to M.JI who has advertised them iu tho right way without success would boa curiosity. Wr. can not foil that tho operation U a pleasing ono to contemplate tho ro planting of a tooth but tho thing has been dune, and Is a triumph of surgical skill. When the tooth is loosoaud pain ful, with swelling at tho gum. it is taken out, the diseased parts scraped lioin tho roots, whllo the healthy por lions of mucous membrano attached to tho neck of the tooth aro not removed It is then washed in carbolieacid. The ocket from which the tooth was drawn is also cleansed, tho lootli replaced, anil n many instances takes root, and in a fortnight becomes as serviceable as tho other teeth. This is a remarkable illus tration of vital force. Thu sums contributed In England fou tho roltef of tho Chicago sufferers amount to 8800,000. Tho Houso of Kopresentnttvos or .Maine has passed n bill permitting women over twenty fivo years of ngo to voto at Presidential elections, . . (Jen. David M. Stanton, Internal Huvctiuo Collector for tho Fifth Mary, land District, was nrrestcd iu IJaltlmoro on Monday evening, on tho charge of being u defaulter for from $110,000 to $30, 000. St. Patrick's Day was very generally observed. In New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hlchniond,Vn.,Cliarlcston and other cities, thero wcro military and civic parades, and other demonstra tions. Nothing to mar thohurmoiiy of tho day Is reported. Tiiiiity rivu farmers of Chester county, havo signed a protest to the Legislature against tho passagoof n law for tho destruction of noxious weeds. Tito question naturally arises its to what "noxious weeds" nro worth there and whnt they use them for. On Friday morniug last Edwnrd C. Orecu, a school teacherat Centralia, en tered his school room and found thero thrco men waiting fur him. After the ordinary salutations and a few common Iaco remarks about tho weather, Mr. Green stooped to examine tho firo in tho stove, when ho was suddenly knocli ed senseless by u heavy blow on the head and then beaten in n terriblo manner; no of his ears having been cut off. A little girl who was in the school room was threatened with death It sho gavo hu alarm, whereupon sho fainted. Mr. Green's revolver was taken from him during tne assault. Ho now lies iu a tato of insensibility. Several arrests of suspected parties have been made but the girl who was iu tho tchool ltouso at tho time, testified at the hearing Hint ho parties arres'.od wero not tho guilty oms. Timer, is a law prohibiting the tear lug down of posters and hand-bllb which is i.r.ibably u-it kno.vn to soun peisnt'S. Thero Is loo much o lids kind ef thing done in B omnsluirg antl it wi.uid be well for thou- who havo do fne. ii or deHiroyed bills to deny tlmm belv--i in future or they may omim t grb f A word t'i tho wise is (r ought to t ) siillleieut. Wr. have receive.! a work on tho Principles -.f HI .cut Ion, by Emma Gar Hold, designed for the use of Tender Selmr.l- and S'uilents. Tho selection nl nieces, both p'O.o and verse, covers a extendi d range of subjects and styles and emhr.teis many ot tho gems uf lit er.ituro. Tho hook is well bound, print ed on tinted puier und is a very com pact work, well adapted f.ir the put poscsof its compilation. Tun bib to prevent tho selllngorglv log away of intoxicating liquors during tho tlmo the polls uro open on election day Imi hecuuuui law nnd, at ensuing elections, thlibty individuals will gov em themselves accordingly. Tho pon ally for hreaklug this law Is ono bun died days imprisuumeut and live huii tired dollars fine, und constables uro to etiforco tho law uiulcrtliomtno penalty It Is said that within tho last si yoars drunkenness has greatly decreus cd iu Svvediii, und thu cuuso assigned Is tho substitution of Friday for Satur day us pay day. A working day lm mediately following pny day seems to have prevented many from spending their tlmo und inouoy la debauch, trial of this plan would bo advisable in many places In this country, where largo numbers of men nro employed whoso Saturday nights uro given over to drinking and rioting. The Republican of this town states In Its last ifsuo that no arrests havo been mado of per,-onssuspictedofthoreceut assault on Edward C. Green In Centralia. This Is utitruo six persons have nlready been arrested on suspicion but not Iden tified ns tho guilty party. Tho remain dcr .ftho Republican's artlc'.o Is beneath contempt. Ii'a tc.ispoonful of genuino ground coffeobo thrown Into a tumblerful of cold water it will lloat upon thosurfaco of tho water, whllo tho substances us u.illy used In adulterating coffee s will sink under tho same circumstances. If, when tho suspected coffee is thrown up on cold water, part sinks at onco tho sample is quite suro to bo adulterated. A terrible affair occurred near Duck horn on Friday last, at tho resldeuco of Levi Cox. Mr. Cox and his family were nwny from homo and his aged mother was left alont In tho hou?o. Tho build iug, from somo cause, took firo and was tlcstroytd and Mrs. Cox perished iu the flamis. It not known how tho firo orig lulled, but, as Mrs. Cox was known to be a great smoker of tobacco, thero is a probability that sho may havo dropped a mutch upon thu bed. Site was very Infirm und perfectly tumble to help her self. Her charred and blackened body was recovered from the ruins and given Christian burhd. Tub value of the average Ohlo-.m would seem to be double that of an in Imbltaut of this State. Tito prico es tablish d for a citizen of tho former S'ato, when killed by a railroad. Is $10, 000, whilst hero It Is but $5,000. Per s ins desirous of smashing themselves in railrodd ills is ers will hem til their families materially by stepping across thu line. 'It is of course liupossib'o to -eta fixed value on human life which will give perfect satisfaction, for al though an estimable private citizen may he worth utero than the sum do tcrmined, yet It would hoellfllcult to es timate what a Itsdied politician would letch in any market, if sold at his actu- d worth to tho community. SoMiuioiiY said that tho "ground hog" had been ti fiiluro this year. I can not as-ont to any such usserti-'iti. Thu "ground bog" knows what lie is about, and returned to tho warmth and domesticity ot his liolo in tho ground on the 2nd of February with a perfect fuiesight of the weather for tho next six weeks. It is true wo have not hail many snow or rain or sleet storms siuco then, but tho weather lias been for tlw most part intensely cold, tho ground is said to bo frozen from lilteeu inches to two feet, now at tho end of six weeks, and if that is not winter, then I don't want to seo one. Tho notification of six weeks of cold weather from February 2nd has not been falsifi d this year. AN Old 'Un Thu now Bloomsburg Brasi Band, under the leadership of A. W. Monroe, made its first tippetiranio on Saturday evening last and marched through tho streets of town. Tho pluj ing was good and elicited much cniumeiidation. Wo aro glad to know that Bloomsburg la no ouger to bu without muie, ami there s no doubt that there is musical ability enough in tho Hand to mako it u thor oughly good onu and such wo predict It will be. On Monday tho Baud went to Plymouth to take part in tho celebra tion of St. Patrick's Day, and upon thtit return played an uir or two on Alain Stieer. Thero aro eighteen mem- In rs, eluht of whom belonged id the old B.u.d. Tho following aro tno offi cers: President, A. W. Monroo; Sec retary, Daniel Lsycock ; Tre-asurer, Ja cub EvutiH, Success to them all. Tin: boards iu front of Mr. David Loweuberg's now store, on Main street, have been lemoved and an opinion can now bo formed as to the future appear ance of thu building. Tho panes of glass iu tliu windowsuro 110 inches high and fiO inches wide, of I'reneh polished plate ami of great thickness. The door and window frames which wero made by tho Bloomsburg Lumber Company, uuder tho direction of Win. Saunders, uro very largo nnd heavy, und when hsmdsomely painted will look finely. Tho front Is by far tho most striking in town und will undoubtedly tiffect to u great extent, thu character ol other buildings hereafter erected on tho street. The plans wero furnished by Louis Ber nard and tho builder was John H. uter uer. Both gentlemen tiro entitled to much credit for their labors. When Mr. Lowenbcrg haa completed tho work outsldu and put Into position tho hand some counters for tho inside, ho need not fear comparison with nny building iu tho valley. Wo shall ultudo further to tho subject when work Is flnishod and fully opon to criticism. Tin: kalkidoscopi:. A mnp of limy lllo, -Its Ductttattoni mut vnnt conform. 1 Ol. Ilos Lair. On tho -1th day of March, A. D., 1S70 an act "to defino tho limits and organ izo the Town of Uloomsburg" was ap proved by tho Governor. It was pro vided therein that the Town Council should bo elected on the second Tues day of April, annually ; and that at the October election, two constables, two assessors, threo auditors, and when nec essary, Justices of tho Pi'aco and assist ant assessors should at that election bo chosen. School Directors wero to contln uo to ho chosen therein, pursuant to tho General school laws; which,astho town of Bloomsburg, is neither a "ward, "city'' or "borough" would seem to bo in October, as it is to beat tho samo tlmo and place that elections aro held tor supervisors anil constables. On tho 17th day of April, A. D. 180!) an net had been approved abolishing spring ('lections throughout tho State, And meh was tho law when "I ho Bloomsburg Act" was passed. It nnide no provision for the election of tho ufil eer.s of tho election, const quently by tho law ns it then stood, they would bo elected in October. But inasmuch as thero was no provision on tho subject, when, on tho !Sih ol June, A. D. 1871, tho law repealing tho October election law was approved, all city, borough, ward, townshli) anil election ollicers wero thenceforward to 'iu chosen uu tho third Friday in March. It was there in provided however, that tho act of USih Jum, 1871, 'should nut apply to any i lection provided for by spt elal laws since tho act of April 17th, 1800 " "Tho Bioomsburg Act" being ono of such special taws, and all tho town offi cers except ollicers of election having been provided fir by It, It follows that tho "officers of election" only can bo chosen by us In March. Thus wo havo threo elections atiiiu. ally, viz: Iu Match, officers of election. In April, tho Town Council. In Octo ber, town, county und Stuto ollicers, nud congressmen; nnd every four ears In November, u President and Vice President of tho United States. Isthat not a little too much election V Who ICnowh? Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Wes tern H.tllro.id Company timl tho Central Uallroad Company of New Jersey havo entered into an ngreement uniting and consolidating all their Interests under which equal dividends uro to be paid upon tho slock of tho two companies. Tho ordluary and current business ht. each company is to continue to bo tr-,J acted by tho officers of each compaif-w ns heretofore, subject to thogenorul con trol of a Joint committee, Tho roads represent n Joint capital of over $120,-000,000. A good many years ago, when George . Boal wus practising law in Muncy, Mr, Cottier of Mttticy Creek camo Into his oillt'O one day, and said I "Mr. Ilotil, comolnju.st to know what tho rale hog law Is." "Well, sir," replied tho quick willed lawyer, "I think Mr. Cotncr, tho rfehng law Is to havo good fences." Mr. Boal was perhaps as neaMy rigid, and conveyed as much Inform.t- lon In that ono sentence, ns if ho had spent half an hour lu explaining to his client tho uctunl condition of the statutes respecting "swine." Llko "Fish" und "Gatno"und"B!nls" tho laws relating to "swino" uro iu a similarly unomoloits condition ; tho regulations being different (or different counties, and requiring, llko tho sub jects abovo mentioned, tomo compe tent leglflativo nttentlon. Tho differ ent condition of tho country from that n which it was ono hundred and sixty- six years ngo, when tho statute digested n Purdon beeamo law.seems to requlro different Individual duties, nnd be-slow coricspondltig rights. And indeed, looking at tho foot notes In Purdon, It hns often boon a mooted question, whether thero Is any hog law, rate or other, in Columbia county, so my endeavor will bo to show what is tho exact condition of tho law, so f.ir as we aro concerned. In tho year 1700, 1 Smith 1:1, tho Gen eral Assembly ns It was then called, pased "an act for regulating and main ainlng feticrs ;" wherein it was provid ed "that all corn fields and grounds kept for inclosurcs, shall bo well fenceel with fence nt least five feet high, of sufficient rail or logs, and close at tho bottom ;" mid any person not having such fence who should hurt, kill, or damage any horte, kino, sheep, hogs or goats, trespassing upon his premises should be llnblo to the owner of said attic, for nil damage?. And that, if any of the animals aforesaid, brokolnto an iuciosure having such sulllcient fence then tho owner of the caltlo was to make good all t ho damages to tho owner of thoinclosuro; If by tho view of two persons for that purpo:o appointed by tho county court, tho feneo shall bo found and approved to hoof tho afore lid "height and sufficiency." Previously to tills, but tit tho same session, tho AsEembly passed "an net (or restraining of swine from runuing nt large," and which is referred to in the' Fence Act ; but It was repealed on the 17th of October, 1701, and Is not und in tho law hooks. Then in 170.' an act was passed, entitled, "An actio irovent the running of swino at large, nit which was limited in its effects lo tho territory "within fourteen mile.sof tho navigable waters of thu river Dola ware;" and within that compass "all wine, hog or hogs, sho.it or shoats, or figs without rings in their noses sulll clout to prevent their turning up the ground, and triangular or threo corner ed yokes or bows about their necl and to extend at least six inches from ho angular point or corner," wero lia ble to bo killed, taken , driven, or carried away by any person upon whoso lands within tho prescribed limits, they wero found trespassing. 1 Smith 70. On tho 10th of May, 1720, tho Assem bly passed "A supplement to tho net entitled An act to prevent the running of swine at large," whereby tho original was"exteudtd throughout tho provinco of Pennsylvania;" "Forasmuch as tho country is become moro populous, and It appears necessary to provide tho same reu oily for tho Inhabitants living in tho other parts of this province.'' 1 Smith 170. Ou tho snino 101b day of May, 1729, 1 Smith 173, was also passed "An net for erecting of Pounds iu cacli town ship of this Provitccj" but tho word ing of tho act extendsonly to tho taking up nny stray horso or horses, cattlo or sheep, trespassing within tho inclos tire," of tho taker. And on tho -1th day of March, 17fi:t, 1 Smith 2-57, was pased,"An act concerning cattle,horses, and sheep, trespassing within this provinco ;" and reciting that tho laws heretofore made "havo proved luelfec lual." And although "swine" are not mentioned in tho nets, yet they may bo held to bo included, for wohavealready seen that In an act passed in 1700, "For regulating ami maintaining fcuces," 1 Smith 13, they say hoise, kinc, sheep, hogs or goals, nnd lefer to them subse quenlly in the samo act collectively, as "said cattle." So that uuder the head of "cattle" tho Assembly may have in tended to include "swino." On the 27th day of March, 1781. 2 Smith 90, was passed "An act to regu late fences, and to appoint appraisers in each township in the counties of Bid ford, Northumberland, Westmoreland, Washington and Fayette, and to en courage tho raising of swino." Tho pro nmble sets forth that, "Whereas by an act of General As-cmbly of tho late province of Pennsylvania, entitled "An net lor ercctingof Pounds In each town ship," pa-sed tho tentlidayof May, ono thousand seven bundled nnd twenty nine, nud an act entitled "An net con corning cattle, horses anil shiep," pass ed tho fourth day of March, ono thou s.ind ven huntlrid and sixty three1, the heights of u lawful fence therein mentioned (to wit : four feet and u half high,) uro found to bo insufficient. And whereas a supplement to tin act, entitled "An net to prevent swino running at latgo. passed the tenth day of May, one thuusund seven hundred and twenty nine, is found to bo injurious to great part of tho frontier counties of this Stato for remedy whereof," it was enactenl that worm fences must bo four feot nnd a half high, with sufficient stakes and riders added thereon that It shull not bo Inwuil thereafter lo kill, take or carry away any swine, shoat or pig, hut iu ea-o of trespassing through or over tiny lawful fence, to tukoaudlm pound tho mute, and recover damages as directed In tho act. It provided for tho election, ou tho third Saturday o .March, yearly, of two substantial free holders to bo appralsers.ofdaiiiagesand fence viowers ; proscribed their duties and form of oath, fixed their wages at "threo shillings perday," nnd their lino for u refusal to serve, at "twenty shlll Ingsj" aud In easo of such refusal, uu thorized any two Justlcis of tho county to appoint others; and set forth in tho a'lihth section, thu powers or the nun docwers; and finally, In thu tenth sec non, repealed thu'Supplen out" of 10th May, 1729, to tho net cntUid "An tic to prevent Bwluoruuuinr at large," tho "act for erecting pounu- ot lutn iuy, 1729, and tho act entitled "An set con ccrnlng cattle, horses, and shcop,'' of March 4th, 17G3, eo far ca they wcro filtered or supplied by llila net of 27th March, 1781, so far aa respected tho counties mimed in tho net. So that on tho passago of tho net of 1781, rings nnd yokes wcro no longer required on swino running tit largo in Northumberland county. But, on tho 7th of March, 1800, 3 Smith -117, tho Legislature repealed tho net of 27th March, 1781, so far as It ro tated lo Northumberland county. Tho effect of that repeal Is to rovlvo tho authority of tho supplement of May 10th, 1729, lo tho act of 1703, also tho act for erecting pounds, of May 10th, 1729, also tho act concerning cattle, horses and sheep of March -lib, 1703. In 1813 Columbia county wus erected out of part of Northumberland county, and of course nil laws In force In tho mother county aro binding upon us, un-lo-s they nro repealed, or wo havo been oxceplcd from their operation. There fore tho law Is, that rings and yokes nro required for swino lu Columbia county, tho fences aro regulated by tho sixth section of tho act of 10th May, 1729, whereby they "shall boeslecmcd lawful or sulllcient, though they bo noteloso at thu bottom, so that tho distance from tho ground to tho hottotfl thereof, ex cceel not nlno inches, nnd that they bo four feet and n half high, nnd not un der." 1 Smllh 173. Aud tho county court is to appoint the viewers of fences, us per act of 17C0, 1 Smith 13. when over damages mo claimed for trespass ing swino, either by tho land owner, or by the owner of tho swine. In Is usually understood to bo tho law, that township nudltors nro tho feme viowers in suehcrttcs; butarof cienco to tho act in question, 11th March, 1S12, P. L.,02, shows that it has reference only lo lino or partition fences nnd not to their sufficiency ns to tres passing cattle. So too, tho act of 1700, relatlug lo fences, given In Purdon 175, pi. 1., is certainly not lawgiving super seded by tho general act of 10th May, 1729, 1 Smith 173, See. 0, as given above; and such, in regard to fences, seems to bo the opinion of tho Supremo Court iu Gregg vs. Oregg, 5 P. F. S., 227, and there wc leave tho question. Nisi Pnius. MARRIAGES. DIlAKn FOItCE On llio lltli Inst., at Ilia rest- .......... nf llin l,il,tn. fllllmi. V ItnV. V. iSnllI. Mr. Jnlui li.-nko.lo MIh Matilda Jnuo Purer, both of riMilugcrceit. aottDNI'll-SNVIlKK On tlio "111 Inst., by John I.oro, bin,, Mr. l'l.uliirdH.mtnor.loMlss.sur.iti Knyder, b itti of Lycoming county, I'll. mii.'.i.-.vf.YWKf.l.lVKll On lue llili lust.. Iiv Hie snino, Mr. Win, Uieonlr, lo Mln Martini A W culver, oolll ol iycuiuiug couoiy, w, WnMl-STACKIIOlMK-Oii tlio ll.tll 1ml.. by tlios.une. Mr.Jeieinmli iouer.to Misi Alainiu tasjliu kliuusc, of ColuintiU county, HUOl-.MAKKU-tlF.UM vS-On tho;. til nit., by I'.ov. Win. 1'. llyer, Mr. J. 1 Hh..oin.l:cr, to Miss S.iiuli U. llcnniui, botti of Lycoming county. liniNUOI.D-Nir-S-On tlio Mill ult, by tlio name, Mr. D.nti'l UtlubuUl.ol ltliwtuwn, Ph., lo Miss MngiUluQu buts, ot MaliivllU", 111. What Imrtrsw Mat Bun ItJ-tndlaejtlon in not lUtiKcroui, aay tho faculty, l'orlinp.i not In Itiiclf, rrlillolt rFtnnlnn mcto IndlRentlonl but look itth8cou!qneuoMto which It miyMonil, ami often ttoeii leal when It become n chronic dlscato. Anpntk of flroln n itnall Ihlnj. A pres. tutoi f the foot will wit It out) a bteaili win (txtlngultli It, Yet It may nro i owder mill, or klndlo a lUtne Unit will conmimo a city. Iu llko mnnner Indigestion may produca RMtrllls, can cer of the stonmcli. congestion of tlio bowels, apoplexy, liver disease, and many other dan. Kerens maladies, laltuotwlso then, to check It In tlio cctin? Nothing Is morocleoily and In disputably established than that Hosteller's Stomach Illtteia will eradicate djspepsta In all Its singes, Tho true policy, however, Is lo extin guish It In llio first stages with this wholesome, puwetful, nud Infallible tc.nlo and alterative. H Is caster to quench a apatk than a llaiue, and It Is easier to euro dyspepsia when It ts llrst devel oped, than Vt hen It has mado headway by neglect, aud becomo complicated with other ailments, 'llicto Is not tho shadow of a iloubl that the bit ter nro as dinctiy antagonistic todyupcpslaas watorlnlo llio. '1 hero urn ll.onsahd ot caseson record proving this fuel. The remedy ts s.ito and agrieublo. All tlio liquors nl commerce prescrib ed us atlmulnnta It-nvo a slltig behind, tint llio Btltig la taken outof tho spirituous hoMsof Ibis great It iiitily by vt go ablo medication, and more over, the fcllmulnut thus medicated la of excep tional purity. Uf all tunics taken as safeguards rt-ini-illcH for feavtir und actio, bliloua remit- cents, aud other ep dtmtca, It la tho only ono that tan uultormly be depcuut-U ou The Btirtt or Capllratlon. Features' of Grecian mould, a well turned neck nnd beauti fully rounded arms, nro no doubt very nlco things to havo, nnd 1 idles who poes tlieso charms have reason lobe llianltfultollotbcr Na ture; yet, after all, tho most captivating of all womanly ehnrins Is a pure, fresh and brilliant complexion, Tult superlatlva f.uctimtlou any lady may soeuto by using IIaoan'h Magnolia II a lu, tho standard beauttlylng preparation of llio present age. It dldels Iroiu "11 orJIunly cosiiiellcs In threo most essential particulate, inasmuch as It contains uo lnpurlous Ingredi ents, does not contract or shrivel llio skin as all tho astringent "blooms," "lotions' nnd "pow ders" eventually do, but produces a lasting love llnessby Improving tho health uf thesklu, Uu tier 119 operation tho toxturo of llio epidermis becomes flncr, nud theeurfaco soil ns velvet aud smooth as poicclatu. l-'ealurcs cauuot bo chang ed, but complexions can audit Is quite certain that a lady with no other charm than a fresh nud roy complexion, wilt attract moio admira tion In company than her neighbor with n etas, ale faco but a sallow sklu. URIiORS or VOUTIl. I'.vcry nervous oung Man In thu Union, will rpcelw, free, a Keclpo Hint will provo a blessing through llio, iy addressing, In confidence, JOllN U. OOIIUN. nox 617J I", O. Cedar BU.N.Y. Business Cards. Jg II. LITTLE, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllce C'ourt-IInUKO Alley, below tto COLtm iiian Ofllce, Uloomsburg I'a. c. imOCKWAY, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, HLOOMSllCltCl, l'A, U- Offict Court House Alley, In the CO' LUtllilAN building. (Jaul,'C7. Q W. J1ILLEK, ' ATTOIINKY AT LAW, Omcp Court House Alley, below tho CoMJM- HIANOHlce. Uonntles, linck-l'ay and l'enslons collected. Uloomsburg I'a. sep.aj'67 JOHN M. CLARK, AT1UB5U AT IW. DEATHS. DII.S In ISusarloaftwp., on tho morning of tho nth, ud., Mary Ann. wlfoot John l).l,nstd 3J yeaiH, II mouthsai'tl diys. Ti'on my dearest wlfo has lclt uk, Home ou missels' wings or love, Wlieie tho bltswl nro trto from Buffering In our a.iviour'a courts above. UNT-In Light Strco, on tho ISth Inst., I'eter lleibcrt.Bou of the lato Win. M Hut, and Ilui netta Hut, nsed 1 years, 6 moutbs nnd s d.tj s. SMITH lu lirlarcrrck nn Jan. Sid, Marga'et, wlfo of J. c. Mil lib, oged U) iais,5 mouths nud 3 da) h . UMITIT In llrljrprplr nil tbrt lit ll lilt MflTaa- ror, wife of John W. hiuilh, aged 3) years and 7 monius. MARKET REPORTS. r 8 ll 3 50 1 l 30 2j 10 Ulnomiburft .Market. Wheat per bushel 81.11 'lye " Corn " Oats. " Klonr per barrel CIover.eed Flaxti-Pd liutter l.'?H Tallow Wit nine llrl,.,l A , ...1 1 Hums 17 Hides and Mioiildei H 11 liiil i.t-r notiiio 10 llav per tou 21 CD Fou Rent. Two rooms over J. II Mttizo's Grocery, opposite lirown'.s Ho ol. suitable lor ollleo or xuuor nnoii Apply to J. II. Muiz2. nol2t2 Fou Rent. Two lino toomsover tho ollleo of Robert F. Chirk, on Mtdn St. Apply to Mrs. W. II. Eut, opposlto tlio Tories iiotei. -it. Low & RoiuiiNH nt Orancovillo mukes tho mutest, ehe.iue.st und best riutlorni Spring ugons nmi nuggtes n tno country. Aaron Wor.rn will offer nt tmblio stiln ti lltto lot of Horses, on tho :10th of March, in this town. Lovers or gooel horses will take notice. nou'l! Tin: nest term of Third Street Graded School will commence on Monday, April tlio 1st, by IS. W. Wyukoop. noitu l'li.i.H which contain nutimouy, iu! nine, and calomel, should ho avoided us Kovero griping pains would bo their only result. Tliusaio-t, surest, ami oest pllHuru J'arsona.i rurguMe or Ami Jiillwus 1'iUi. FAitMr.n.s. tlo you want a good plow, cultivator or tnriHiiiiig maciiinu? i; so, givo us a call, All our work is war r.iuieu us lepreseuiea or no sate, ite number, wo m.iko all kinds of first elns nlowa among which is tho "Hero' ueliiiowleilged by ull farmers to bo the best plow in uo. urungovuio Jirg. uo. Orangcvlllo, I'a. onito with Joim o. Building, lllromsbiuv. I'icczc, lq., r.rowor'H ROBERT F. CLARK, AllOl'.El AT LAW, Otllcu Main Slieet below the Court Houfc. iuoomaburg I'enn'n. QIIARLES C. LEIDY, ATTCRSJIV-AT-LAIT, OITICK ON OAK STIIHET, MOUNT CA11MEL. KORTUUMDEULAND COUKTV, TA. Collections promptly made. Conveyancing nt ally executed nn all otlip business connect ed Willi bis poleMon ourelully nltemleil to In .Momour, oriiiuiiioeiiauu nuu uouiuiuia eouu- tlCS. I1U.1S71-U. D. L'lWKXUERO. TREASURER, l?l ALLUUa L V LL1L .111,1 1 ,iV r U.11. DK. To amt. assessed for 1S7I. t,2T7 60 Iiy amt.duo nnd Com. aud E.v.nllowed collectors Hue, Heaver Iteuiou Iterwlek lltoom II Creek Cntawlisn Centralia... Centre Conynghiim - t.iteit -'rnaklln el. Wood llemlocK Jackson Locust Madison Main MiUlIu Mt. l'leusuut Montour i irango Pino ll creek Kcott tS. Loal 17 30 IS 00 a so 12i 00 It M 30 uJ It! 0) Vl 60 31 SO is no 1.1 01 IS so 8 50 l ro 3.1 0.1 111 10 Com. 2 13 1 62 1 T, I S7 1 7S 2 13, Ex. 10 tit) 3 fill 3 50 11 SO S3 SO -' no " 00 0 00 60 II SI 3 60 50 1 00 3 00 I 6) SIIS 0.1 n n 13S 60 10.1 ttl 72 10 II 00 lri no hi .so 312 77 HEAD QUARTERS FOU GHEAT GlaOSIBICS- OUT OF WINTER GOODS. In order to mako room for Spring Goods I will closoout tho balance of my FRENCH MERINO, EMPRESS CLOTH, WINTER POPLINS, AND nt great bargains. FURS AT COST. ALEXANDER TCID GLOVES, at $1, J. & P. COATS' Cotton 60 cts. per doz. M. P. LUTZ'S. MAIN STULKT, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE, BLooMsntir.o.PA' UDITOR'S NOTICE. Tlio unden-lffuMl appointed by tho Court ot Common Picai, of Columbia county, Auditor to ('Ulrltiuto la tlio parties entitled Ihertto tho monev In IXwrti proceed nrlnlng Jrom tho aherlll'a ale or tho property of Hannon & Par roll, will meet IhAimrtbvi intereied tar I lifl pnr pine of hla appointment nt hlaoinoeln Uloomn bjrg, on Friday, Iholttl day or. March, A. 1) 187i, nt lu o'clock n. in, All Pomona having claims ajatnut aald fund are required to preieut them or lie forever debarred from coming In for n nan or share ol tho samo. E.tt, IKELKIt. feblT7J-lw Auditor, A DMINIBTRATOR'3 NOTICE. xjl jistate or irostAS noAcir, nicc'n. letter of Ail m, ii 1st. r lion on the estate of TI obiai ltoach, lato of Halting Creek twp., Co lumbla county, deccatod, bare been granteil by the Ueglstcr ol aald county to I'eter Hrranlt of Locust twji. All peraona having clalma against the cstatH of tho decedent aro roonetted to pre sent them for settlement, nnd thoio Indebted lo the estate to make payment to the undersigned administrator without delay, I'ETEIt BWAKK feb.23720w. Admlnlttrator ADM INIHTRATOR'8 NOTICE. rBTATROrllAII WIIITKNIOIIT, DEO'll. Lelleraoradinlulstrauononlhecslatenf Ha rah Whltenlght, lato of ML I'leaaant township, Co lumbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Iteglater of aald county to C. W. Miller, of Uloomsburg. All persons having claims against tlio estalo of the decedent nro reoiiosted to pre sent them lor settlement and those ln.le.jted to the estate to make payment to the unde signed, administrator, without delay. L.W. MILLEIt, fcb23'72 Ct. Admlnlslrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KATATR Of BAMD8L 11LANK, Dlc'. ThO Underslirnoil nnttollited ntirlllnrtnillatrlb. uto llio fnnda In the bands of M.K Jrvcksoo, esi., trustee, to nud amonsstlho persons entitled ton shnt-o Ihereln, will meet the parties Interested Hi the ollleo or M. K. Jackson, esq., In Uerwlck on -aturJay April 2itb at oue o'clock p, m., lor the puipoio of male ng such distribution ! when and wheronll personBRterenulredtoappearnnd raaliu their claims or be for-vtr debaried from coming In lorn suaro of said fu id, JUU rlir.KZB, mcb!5'72-5t. Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. . no undersigned, auditor appolntedby the Or phaas' Cour. of Oiiuuihlu county, on exce tlona to the account of HyU ester J, Knux, administra tor of Clot worthy jVisber. late of sn.d nouniv. .1a. censod, will proceed to the discharge or the du ties of his appointment nt thu olllte of tho tjher ltr. lu the Court House, in Ulnoinsbunr. on Frl. ury, tho Uth day of tprll, 1S72, at 10 o'clock, a. iu., wiicu nuu wutre uu p.-rsoua iuiereiea may attend If they think proper. W. t llll, March 15, 872 -It Audi or. EW DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Hnvlrt; vutclmsed tbo LuhlncMofE. r. Lutz nnw oilers at tho old ttnntl.a cLcIccnstoitmen or DRUGS, CHEMICAI-S, TATEXT MEDICINES, Ily amt. due, on iluiilicatf 8. " commlsvlou Ut collectors. M " oxon rations to M ' onlerpaklM. K Jackson. 14 ' Unwman A Jackson. " " " LMi, Ilrocliwny, ' pa til uiKcssors ft uititi.ilns fund. " " treasurer's commiifhlou n 8J1U. " ' baluuco Uuo rtutj p.iUl over. Sl.'JiT 0i Wo tho mulcrslsno'l, Auditors of Columbia county. In the Htatu of IVnusjlvanla, )n liereliy certlly tliat vo met nt the Court Houhc, hi Hhiomohur, on ihu flnit day o January, A. D 1H7 and dnl roreed lo aud UM settltMtinl adlusi tho above account as required of us by law, aud to tho best ot our Judgment and nullity. In testimony whereof wo havo hereunto hot our bauds thKiM iiay of.Ianuarf, A. l , 1K72. U.J. CAMIMIHLIj, I County UANlhlLEK, Auditor. Q.REENWOOD SEMINARY, AT MILLVIH.E, COL. CO., PA. Tho Knrlne Term will commence on Mo nil a v. Apill Int. 187a, Yucullou fioni theiniddleof June, totbo .lib of August, when Him I'ull Term will open. Eleven week mako n quarter. For Circulars, Itoardlug, 'icrmM, Tuition fir other particulars, address Wil, BURGESS, feba7J-2m Prluclpah TOILET AIITICLES, A UDITOU'S NOTICE. rV 8TATEOP JOHN WAMPOM!, bF.C'n. Tho underslimcat nniwlnted bv tho Ornhans Court ol Columbia, c. uuty, Autiltor, to im.ko ittrinuunu oi mo uaianco in me rmrnii oi tno .Vdinlutntrator uf fcatd (tecedeut hh tier his no count nUd to the partleM entitled to receive tlio same, will meet the parties interested for tho nurpoHQ of bts appointment, at tno otltco of John (I. Freeze, Kmj,, In itloomshnre, on Hatur day, llin th day or April, A.l). ut luo'clock a. in. All tersom having claims nf-ninst tht estate n re required to prebeut theui or be Torever debarred Uoui coming In for a part of thtald inchS72-5t Auditor. l?XECUTORa NOTICE. JLli ESTATE OF CHAS. II, DOEBLKR. DEO'l), Letters testamentary on thueHLnie nt fii-m. ir. Doe bier, late of lttoomsburK, Columbia coun ty. deceased, have been trranltid bv Hie Itcclnler or said county to Mary JJoei ler, ofUloouiMbui t;, . aud Jno, II. 11. 1'arko TJios.M. UocblerandE. If. lliggf, or Wllllnmsport, I'n, All persons having claims against the estate aro requested lo present them to the Executors Tbosv Indebted to tho os uto either on note, Judgment, murtunge or boolc uccouut will muite payment to the Ex ecutor3 without delay. mAui uDtnuuit, jnoomsburg.m. JNO. II. II, l'AKK, ) Til OS. H. OOEULifc;a,Vms'port, Pa, E. II. BIUUS, J febW72-lw XiKccutorK, QOLUMBIA COUNTY, SS: in the Orphans' Court of Columbia county. In tho matter of the partition and vuluatlon ot the KKtato of Phllin Miller late of Centre townshltf. deceased. To Crui Webb, Thajer, KeodiA County.Kanban.tako notice that an inquest will bo held ut tho lato dwelling Iiouko of i hilip Mil ler, uoceasea, in me lownsmp or centre, uoium bla coi niy.on Tnuisda.v.tho louithdar of Atull. lSTli between tho bourn ol o'clock, u. iu., aud l p. m., of said dy, lorttie purpose ot jnaklunpaf t'tlon oft ho Ken I Estate or hhIU deceased, to und among his chlldien aLd legai representatives. If thenaino cnu be uono wiUiout prejudice to or polling of too whole, otherwise to value and ap praise mo saiuu accuruiug iu law, at wnicu niuo und pluco jou aro required to attend Ifyou think: proper. AAHONbMlTII, bherlff. Uloomsiiuuo, Manh 1, W2, OB RENT. A valuable farm In Centre tnwnsliln. Colum bia County, adjoining lands of John Fester, Win. iiuwer. iieuoeu cuter una outers, couuuuiui; m-i ncren, l acre, of which ni o In limber. Uood larm and outbuildings, irult and water. For terms nud full particulars apply to UAMUr.L NEYIIARD, Kiccutor of Krod'lr. BhafTcr, tleceaeti. Post Olllce address, Llmo Hldgo, I'a. foW'72-tf JOTICE. All pcr6ons hnowln? theraielvas Indebted to Isaluli Uletcrlck ou Noto or Book account will fcavo costs by calling upon the mbscrlber, resld Ins nt llupcrt, auy time between this date nud the ISth day of March, and thoHo neglecting tills notice will havo costs added alter tlutt date. JOUNU.tiUICK, J. 1'. Itupcrt, Feb. 21st, 1S7J. feb23'72-lm t-'ANCV SOAI'8, lir.USIIES, Ac, Ac. And aceneral ast.oitiut.ntof tho cholccit goods usunlly found In llrst cists establishments, I'liylcluiis" rrt-bcilpl Ions and I'ttlullv Iteclpes Cnretully Ci.mrounttt-d. nn Hunuays, open Irom Sn. m., to 10 a. m.,and fromL' p. m., to 1 p in. 0 Villi AN AND ENGLISH 8POKEN. feb 9'73 tf A HOOK l'OIl KAUMEIIS. "Tlio AUT (if TAMING IIOU.-iES." Vlinlalnlns how to break, saddlo nnd mount a roll, now lo break a hoi&o lo harness, to iiihIeo u horse Uu dov.-n, lollow you, nu.t stand without liol. lint;, alto, valualilH ii'ielpts lor dlkt-uLS Autnts wanted best terms. W. r.,t'lIAilTi:it,ilSri.ins,omSt.,rhllad'n, lilJ-lw HOOK AGENTS WAN'lEU. I desire to secure tho services of a lew more e.Mierienced njuutt, Honool I'eaeheiH nnd euer. KPtln men, lo solicit font new, popular nnd beau lllully illustrated walk, which Is proven to bo one of the best selllns books In tho market. For liescttptlvo circular wltti t.umplo p-iges. terms, Ac, nodrtss, II C'.JOIIHHON, furnisher, U)l ArcU Ul I'hlladtlphta. ulO lw Tun Hall in thu fourlhstory of Ilrow ers IjuiIiIiiil: ca.i lu rented for thu imr- poso or ti Ttiivn Hull, it will hold I- tvu Ilutidnil ticisiitis luul lut.-i In it a llr.-it- cliisb Mason t: llntnliii Caliinut Orun. I'arliei ilfsit inn to rent can ilti si) by ttii iiljltt; t U II. HiNfu.w;, HOllEltT llOA.N, K. (j. Knt, nol2w-I Committee. Mom: than forty yo .n havo olapscil ninco Johnson's Anodyne Liniment wan llrst invrnk'tl. (lurinir which tlmo liuti- ilri'tls of tliouniiils liavu beun uotiullti'd Iiy Its libit. I'rolialily no artlclo over lit cv.iw bo uiilvcrftillv nonultir with nil eld-si's as Jomaon's Anodyne Liniment. Uuown it Joneu. Wlio nro tlioy TlH'V urn an ci'li-riniM z vouni: linn lately I'Btitullbhi'il in Ctavls:iaiitl Irum tho ustoniblilii uiiioui t of Dry Gooil thuy bell ft ovlilcnt that tlio ii'0ilo aio attracted hy their low prices. They urn in constant receipt of fresh rood from New Yoik. They poll only lor rush, Klvjng tho hnycr overy pnssiblo rilvaittuiro ilerlviil from I his plan, A visit to their stoio will convliii'ii tho nailer of theso facta. n-Mf. Ukau mcn tkl,!. Mo talks: if they did. aim Ihcmas against the tlej.U-t lnj; l.tut-t-t, Hi- tlriutla purge, aud tho Itrrllilos.tuvanU of the muteila inedlca, would nrlso from overy graveyard. Tho motto of modern medical s'loucels "l'rescrvo and Kt-gutute, not destroy," aud uo remedy of our day is so entirely in harmony with this phllautliroplo logic ns int. wamceu VtaitrA iile Visi:(iAii liirrmiH. in this powerful, yet Harmless itstoiuitvo, tiyspjpsia, bilious com plaints, and all dlso-isoi of tho itomach, liver, bowels aud nerves, ouooimler an irivsUtildo autldote, ivr. .ftCEMTO WANTED FOf? III, .it.lult, ..Lll.b.d mui r.Oa...li.m rwuuJ. 'f 1 ANNOUNCEMENT ! THE CLOOlISDUHa LITEKAKY INSTITUTE AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL will open on MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1872, under the entire control of the BOARD OP TRUSTEES. They have selected ns Trlnclpal of the Insti tution CHARLES 0. BAKKLEY, lully tested ami prove. RAILROAD NOTICE. Notice In hereby elven that In pursuance ornn net incorporating tne said Company, nn elfctlnu for a President and twelve Directors of the Hun lockCreekand Muncy Kall-oad Compauy will be held at llenton Cotuntbla county, nt lkeler's Hotel, on Wednesday the 3d day or April next at lu o'clock p. in. J1UUU .tlUA lliUUU.l, JONAS DOTY, JOHN Kl IONS, W. M. MtiNKOK, ami HAntaxosr, WYIION FELIXIWH. March 13, lg2-2t Commluioners. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE or UE.VL ESTATE. n ecutlcman whoso nuslltlcstlnns havo ben ias hud charge of the t.ctiools o I'oui.ty ns Miperlntendents and they n-slt and which he has hud chari Cl.il. I'll" i.Ult . tot; mo.lt . tin it M.II.I..U. wr k e..r l..ud d lu the NINE YEAItSln or the schools of the have a rliht todetiiRnd lor htm mui tti Insti tutlon. the confidence and support of our own citizens, and of tho friends of thu enterprise nnd ol (ducntlou everywhere. In point or comfort, convenience and beauty of buildings nnd Mir 1 1. u ml hits, no school In thoHlnte surpasses this; nil we are determined it shall not be second lu tint kind, quality aud lliorouguneiu or Its disci pline and culture. Tho winter session of twelve weeks will com mence ou Monday, January 3th, 1872, and close MARCH 2Sth. ThePrrlns sfsslon of twilvo weeks will begin MONDAY, APRIL Stii, and close JUNE 28TII. EXPENSES: Tuition and Hoarding, Including washing and iieiti, tor tuo sussiuu ot iwoivo weeus, tj j ou. In rnrsuauce of an orderof the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, the underslguetl Adminis trator, sc., of the estatBof li.oigo M. llcsgle late of Hemlock township, In the said couuly, dee'd, wl.l esposu lo puo lo rale ou tlo prcnUes on SATURDAY, MARCH 23d,1S72, nt 10 o'clock In tbo forenoon of satd day. tho fol lowlnx described real estpte, to wit: The undi vided oue-half of a messuage uud TRACT OP LAND, sttuato In tliRtowiishln of UemlocK ill the coun ty of Columbia, bouLuetl nud described as lot lows, on Ihu north uu.l we-t by lauds of the heirs of Jacob Harris, tlccetsed, on ttioeiuttiy Uud or Uodlrcy Mellck, Mtd on the boulli by heirs of iSamuel Waulg, cout-ilnlug TWENTY-EIGHT ACHES and twenty-eight perches upon which is erected u three story Irauie i:rlst mill, it house, dc. truism i t- 'isrs ut .i,ii. leu H-TCeni.oinne-fourth of the puichasH mouey snail la paldut tli striking ttown of tha property the one- itrtli. less the ten per cent, ou the continuation of sale and tne lemrttulug throe fourths lu one year therenltcr, with Inirrcsl irom the coutlr matl..u ntsl. I'oksossIou mveu unon the imr. chafer securing the psymvut of ttie ourchase titouL-y. l-utciiasers n pay ioi- titeu itnu stsiups. ei.iri;?i ri. AiiL.i.r.1;, Jtnrckr72.lt Administrator. GIVEN AWAY TO ANY HOOK AGENT, $0,00 ORE E N B A 0 K and a specimen of tlio GREAT INDUSTRIES OF TIIK UNITED MTATCS. 13C0PAQKS ANDHOKNaUAVINa rfllNIED ir i..iuuioii n-.su vjit(3iAn. Written by 2) Kmtncnt Authors, IncludiiiK HOItACl', antSUI.F.Y AND JOHN II. OOUUH. Anenls wanted tn every town to solicit orders for this work, on lllieral terms. 1l kiis in i.ii i lusses, and utt lii.rury bli.iul.l be without t. It is u t-tiiiiint-te ittt.iir ui mt uraucnesol ludustry. nrtK-ossfs of luaniiftctures. tie. N'n lllr., w,.rir t.ver beforo pultklied. Uuo event sold im tn elaht days, another 1.5 la quo week, anotdoi UM . . . j M..i r itiuuicatiou win secure n eholco lu terriloiy. Full purtlcularHoudterms win uo .uiinitr, tvtittti jH-ciini.u oi iiiumeai work, and a t llrctubdck. J, U, UUHIt l DC, llarlfoid, Conu, nllMw ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Irom fifty to eighty cents Tuition for dav Iuthe modol school pupils, ono dollar per week. Mil. Irom flftv In nlol.tv renlu per week. Music, Drawing, I'aIuIIiil-, jtc, exlm other half at tbo middle ofiho session! J. li. rlllit Y.K, 1.. it. UITPERT. Bicrotary. i'resldeut. pUBLIC BALE OF -y"ALUABLE TIMBER LAND l'OU SALE. Tho underslcned olTers for sain about CI acres ol lino wood laud covered wlllt while plno, oak, chestnut Ac. In Orange township near James l'lUtorson's fiiw mill. For particulars s-s tu (a.... nn.A.r tn I J k'V'4V4 leu.v-iu Oresnwood. Columbia county, Va. 18T2. 1872, EYllE & LANDELL, FOUUTH AND AIICH ST8.,l'IIILADEI.riIIA. heai.ei:s IS FINE DRY GOODS!!! Establishod iu 1810. WANTED AGENTS, SsO to S JUO prr moiitli, by selllus Great FOHTUNES ! And How Huv weuis .Made; ok the tkuo cn.t.s AMiTu.i jii-ii- c' ui'u bni.i--iiAi.uMi.:;, by J, D, M cCu be, Jr. It slums now energy, talent and patient In dustry have itluuys met with success nlit-u propt-ily estrttd, nut! by forty fiulneut t-xam-pits, leaches huw lu sut'eteU lu lire, uud ut tho sitiiie time beuetlt mankind heud for psitlcu lars. notices of the ores uud extiu terms. f,tt. Ncatlvieodyl Anew book Horn uit ie.1 of wu hi-.wif, Ainettca'it most populsr U-oluier nud writer 11 health. 'iho world-wide rt't-utatlon ot the author, nud the lurue sulo ol nil ids previous works, cuttitot tall lu secure uu liumiu.o diuiuud lor th.s.liU latest antl best. ulu-fw UEO. IACI.EAN, rubllsher, rbUadtl'ii. VALUABU: llKAI. ISTATU In pursuance of nn orderof IheOrphans' Court of Columbia county the undersigned adminis trator, Sc.,ol the eslattt of Lemuel W. tlobeits. Into nl fsu.iirlo.il ttiwuslilp. In said county, tlec'd, will expose to public sale on the premises, un SATURDAY, MARCH 23l), 1872, nt 10 o'clock In Hie forenoon of said day, the folIotvliiK described real estate, to wit: A cer ium iiiti-i. u. iuuu buu ate tuDiieurtoai towustilp. lusnldcuuuly " CONTAINING 17 ACRES mure or less, adjoin inn lands ol Samuai nnt,rtu on the north, lands tr Fitinkltii Nnglo on the .u.i,mu.i ...iuukii'S tu liitJ UCIIH til JOUIll- rltX un the south, nnd limits of Dsiilel Itoberts ou tbn west. Wht-uou Is ertcted none and one half sto-y PLANK HOUSE and out bulldllifis. coNDil loHOF PAI.i:.-Tni ereut.of ono fourth of Ibopuicnuis.iuoucy tobttnaldut iti stnuuiEdowu of iho properly. Ono fourth of iu i.uuuwiuuiir it ss tne uu per t ent, at the t outlrmullou of sales und the reiualimi three fouiths In ono year thereafter, with intert-st Irom coutlrn-ullou nisi. J'orcluser to iwy lur deed aud stamps. 1'i.ftf sil.iu (iivm ou llio pur chaser seouriut; the balance of the purchuso Atleudance clren on day of sate by . MILAH W.McUIINltY, IlCQtou, March I, IsT-Ht AduitnUtrator, Kino BILK8. Kino SHAWLS. WHITE GOODS. BLACK GOODS. DRESS GOODS. s, LINEN GOODS. WOOLEN GOODS. Gooil FLANNELS. FlnoHOSIEUY. BPBtGLOVES-only. 3,000 GOOD BLACK SILKS. 11 liolcMilo and Itetall. mnrchlTJ-Ct no woutii rm:B to book auents. Hrud s our stldics, stutliiK experience, succeti uud book now stllluc, nud iccelve free our uttw AGENT'S POCKET COMPANION, Worth 110.00 to any Itock Agents. Agents nlso TI Ttl T , 11 V "NT THE WHITE timed lor IJ Hi I-i -U 1'j XS . CHI1.F. TWELVE YKAllB AMONG TIIK WILD IN. DlANn OF 'I HE 1'l.AlNH. Murdered Kcplcmbcr 1st, lb7l. Tho wild advemnrta and marvelous rxpeil. euces of (ito. 1', lieldeu, known ss the "I Ik Wutrior," ' Uical ituuit-r," uud latnons "White Chief," ut Uu louats. A bock of lurllllue luttr itl, richly lllustratfdi cliutiusevcrj tiody every where, and sells lu exceed suy book out, beuu lor lib slutted posttr and t xlru terms. llUllllAlll) 11 HUM., l'uullsheis, tachl'7Mt til fcauseiii bl., t'hlla, J USTICE'B BLANKS. We now havo on Iisnd n Urge neatly prluled assortment of JUHTIUt'o aud CJI Alll.LH IILANKH, to which wa Invite the alUutlou or these uUlcsrs,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers