THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. rontimfl from First laj. rwtiect, rind If nnythltic will mako Juilao Davis our next rroahtont, It will bo hi) rostrtct for civil law an demon Rtrnted by bis opinion In tho MUllgan decision. Mr. Chairman, I never hail my rcspecf for tho hero of Now Orleans , hclelitoneil moro than whon I road or tho Instance or his respect for civil power. After tho battle or Now Orleans ho was arrested and brouRht hoforo JujJro Hall, for contempt of court, la ,fls'nl$ tho mnndatos of a writ of habeas cor pus. Tho people wero excited. A great victory had been won, and tho people worshipped tho vlrtor. A. nation rp-lolml-iho peoplo of tho city wero wild with enthusiasm at tho dollvoranco from tho foreign foo-nnd Genera Jackson was tho hero of tho day. But tho letter of tho law had Ivon broken, and atthouRh surrounded bv 'nn excited populace and Indignant soldiery, Judge llall, In atrombllng voice. P"! tho soMcnco of "Oul lty V Tho crowd BWayod to and fro, a riot was Imminent, but tho grand old soldlor aroso and said "Fear tVtit; tho Bamo arm which i to Dolled thn oncmy will protect tho deUij Iwllons ot this court:" Tho fine was paid-tin violated law vindicated nor would "Old Hickory" permit tho cltl sions of New Orleans to relmburso him. a .i miuiaro rhinftnln as ho was ho but simply "followed in tho footsteps or his Illustrious predecessor, General ) whn nn nil occasions y nmiiiiutuu, " : . curbed tho military power, and mado I. ...I...,l!nln In (tin nlvll. Let us. learn by historyfollow tho . - I. a iHnlnf nn tltft examples 01 our miiiuin, umbiuh thn nlull nnwpr over the military and wo lay deep and wldo tho lounuiuion ior iuiucu pruoicmj. Agricultural. To YFcnn a Colt. It Isnotnccosarynorovondoslrablo that In woanlng, tho colt snouiu do ro- mnvpil frnm thn mart). It lS a COOdplan to have a closed stall or box for her colt next to each mare's stall. She can then communicate In her own way with her colt, and will not bo so uneasy as sue would bo woro It removed out or sigiii, nor will tho colt suffer In any way. Caro must bo taken to give tho colt water four times a day, and feed with tho best of tho early-cut hay, and grad ually a few oata,a handful at a feed at first, until a pint twlco a day Is fed. Colts must bo kept thriving if a good horso Is wanted. Tho curry-comb must boused, but gently; tho young'anlmal bo caressed and taught not to fear but to lovo Its owner; to bocomo used to tho various movementd made around tho stable, and the various articles contain ed therein. Itshould bo taughf'to lead" now, If this has been neglected up to this time. If thero Is any danger of tho inaro becoming troubled with excess of milk, It must bo drawn from hor, and dry feed bo given her until all dangor Is past. When sho Is quite dry tho colt may tako exerclso with her, but pre vious to this It will be better In tho sta ble. Tho SeTentU Year Kalny Season. Mr. J. E. Hlckok, of Whitesvlllo, Missouri, writes as follows to tho editor of tho Farm Journal. Wo submit with outcomment: "Would it not be well to draw your readers' attention to this year, 1872, as being the regular septennial rainy sea sou? 'Being forewarned Is being fore armed.' In 1858 T was farming in Illi nois. We have some 40 acres of corn we could not cultivate at all. In 18G5 I cultivated in the mud. No matter how many wet seasons intervone, I think wo may surely prepare for abund an co of rain every seven years. Let our far mers all strive to got their corn ground ready for the seed early and plant while fresh, before tho weeds have started. Then, perhaps, one good cultivation can bo given tho crop, which on new lands at least, will glvo a fair yield. Tho great secret in raising a good crop of this Important staple, (any season) lies In getting tho young plant started ahead of tho weods, when it Is compara tively easy to cultivate properly." liaising Goslings. A correspondent of tha Massachusetts Ploughman gives his method as fol lows: "I tako in tho Spring of thoyeara box and set It In somo good place to mako a nest for them. Whon they begin to lay, I tako tho eggs out and put them In cot ton wool and turn them over twice a week until I sot them, when I put thirteen under a goose, nnd when they hatch I tako them and put thorn in a pen until they are a few days old, and feed them on dough and sods of grass ; then I let them go out, but don't let them go Into the water until they are two weeks bid, as thoy aro apt to get chilled when so young. The greatest trouble Is getting turned upon their backs, as thoy will die unless turned over. At tho ago of four weeks they are turned out to pasture, and aro no more trouble. Qeeso aro the most prof itable fowls of any raised. Tho breed for poultry is tho Bremen gooso crossod with a mountain gander, as the goslings aro much larger when bred In that way. Hot-beds. This Is tho month to mako hot-beds. Early vegetables can not bo obtained without them. Such beds aro so little, that thoy are really within tho means of every farmer, and nf their great ndvantago thero can bo but ono opinion. Assuming that tho manure has been hauled, tho hot-bed frames properly set and that tho heat has risen, six inches of rich sifted soil should bo next used to form tho seed bed; and as soon as the temperature Is such as to admit of seeding lay off tho bed Into compartments and sow tho heeds of early and lato cabbages, toma toes, egg plants, lettuce, Ac,, sowing radish seed sparingly between tho rows, as radishes mature early and will not tbercforo Interfere with tholatcr plants. In planting an orchard, regard should bo had io th.o proper selection of varie ties from the earliest to tho latest. It is well, however, not to plant too many varieties, bat havo tho larger portion of tho lato keeping sorts. Kinds known to succeed well In tho neighborhood should bo selected. Young trees are tho best for orchard planting, many persona preferring those of only a year from tho bud or graft, as these aro moro likely to bo healthy and vigorous than older ones that havo been crowded Into nursery rows so long, An English traveler asserts that whero wheat la very subject to rust it io com pletely checked by tho uso of salt. lie recommends about five hundred weight per acre, applied during tho winter or in early eprlng. Who will mako tho experiment and let as hear tho result? Young Folks. Choosing A Profession. nv s. u. It Is really wonderful, to noto tho number of colebrltlos, who chooso their professions nt n very tender ago, Lord Nelson, entered tho nnvy whon only twelvo years old. ThoDuko or Well ington graduated from n military school at seventeen. Tho Duka of Marlbo rough, deserting tho splendors of tho court, sought tho battloQold, when nn ardent youth of fifteen. Two of our wealthy Now York merchants, whon only twelvo years of ago, engaged in tho business which they still followsuc ccssfully. In fact, It seems to an ob servant eye, as If professions, Impatient to bo chosen, often select their own agents, nnd storming heart, hands and brain, mako them captivo to their will. Whttcflold tho eolobrated preacher, was not only called, but chosen, for ho com posed sermons whllo mopping tho rooms In his mother's tavern. Many children are born with n lovo of ndvonturo, and nn unconquerable fondness for tho sea, or tho woods and fields, which thoy find It imposslblo to resist. Of this class, woro Sir John Franklin tho explorer, and Audubon tho naturalist. Occasionally, natlvo conlus, nnd peculiar talents, assort themselves so plainly, that thero can bo no question with their possessors, as to cholco of career. Tho Quaker s wore forced to ucknowlcdgo this, when thoy saw what the child-artist, Bonjamin West, could accomplish with cat-hairs, charcoal and chalk. But early surroundings or tho forco of circumstances, docido tho profession of tho majority. Georgo Stephenson, of steam engino fame, was born eight miles from Nowca3tIo,and ralsod among tho coal pits. When a very llttio boy ho amused hlmsolf by making mills, and clay engines. Linnaeus, tho eolo brated Botanist, received hid tasto for flowers in tho llttio gardon where ho spent so many happy hours of child hood. Daniel Wobstor was obliged to copy law briefs and other legal docu monts, to partially support hlmsolf whllo attending school. This practice, first inclined him toward that profes slon ho afterwards adorned so brilli antly. Now, if any of you nre free to select your own profession, unbiased by sur- roundlncs. forco of clrcumstancos or guiding talent, tho world Is before you. Reflect seriously, nnd solemnly, ero you decide upon your life's vocation. One may remedy n mistaken cholco of pro fesslon. as did Sir .John Hunter, tho first of English surgeons, originally a carpenter, but thero is always a mourn ful recollection of wasted time. Do not rely altogothor upon your inclina tions, but uso Judgment and discretion. Ask tho advlco of parents and frionds. Tako into consideration your habits, constitution and temperament. Aim to seek tho calling you aro best qualifi ed to adapt yourself to. Determine whether natural gifts and education, havo fitted you for tho labor of head or hands. Bo suro which kind of employ ment, sedentary or active, is suited to your tastes and constitution. Then If your heart bounds with Joy, at tho prospect of mastering a learned profession, or if your fingers tingio to ply the mechanic's tools, let no consid erations of social rank or foolish prldo Influence your cholco. But unless, on calm reflection, you recognize in your self a peculiar fitness for tho study and practice of law, medlclno or divinity, I would advlso each of you who can, to first learn a trade. Many young men who aro dependent upon their own ex ertions, acquiro tho art of book-keeping, as a preparatory step to business. Whiio they always find tho knowledge they acquiro desirable, and valuable, thoy also find a lack of permanent situ ations. And it is a notablo fact, that In a new country where book-keepers, and professional men generally, aro at a discount, the carpenter, blacksmith, and oven tbo jack-of'all-trades is at a premium, commanding plenty of work, and the beet of pay. Of ono thing rest assured, in learning n trade you will gain a reserve capital, and to quote plain, but homely language, "will al ways havo something to fall back up on." Hugh Miller, tho geologist and writer, first chipped the rocks as a stono mason, and if you will conscientiously select a department of labor with regard to usefulness toward God and man, you may also 'rise to emlnenco and influ ence. Whatever; the business of life, act well your part, and provo to the world, that tho man ennobles tho profession, not tho profession tho man 1 Leaves and the Wind. Onco on a timo a leaf was heard to sigh and cry, as loaves often do when a gcnllo wind is about. And tho twigs said: "What is tho matter, little leaf?" "Tho wind," said tho leaf, "Just told mo that ono day It would pull mo off, and throw mo to tho ground to die." Tho twig told it to tho branch, and tbo branch told It to tbo tree. And whon tho treo heard it, it rustled all over, and sent word back to tho loaf: "Do not bo nfrald, hold on tightly, and you shall not go off until you want to." And so tho leaf stopped sighing, and went on singing aud rustling. And so It grow all summer long until October. And when tho bright days of autumn came, tho leaf saw all tho leaves around becoming very beautiful. Bomo wero "very yellow, and somo were scarlet, and Bomo wero striped with colora. Then it asked tho treo what it meant. And tho treo said : "All theso loaves aro getting ready to fly away, and thoy havo put on these colors becauio of their Joy." Theu tho leaf began to want to go, antj grew very beautiful in thinking of it. And when it was vory gay in col ors, It saw that tho branches of tho treo bad uo color In them, and so tho leaf said : "O branch, why aro you so lead-col orcd, and we golden." "We must keep on our clothes," said tho tree, "for our work Is not yet done, but your clothes are forn holiday, bo cause your task is over." Just then a jlttlo puff of wind camo, and tho leaf lot go without thinking of it, and tho wind took It up and turned it over, nnd then lot it full gontly under tho edgoofa fence among hundreds of loaves, and it never waked up to toll what it dreamed of. Patent Medicines. i N APPEAL To Debilitated Persons, To Dyspeptics, To Sufferers from Liver Complaint, To those having no Appctlto, To thoso with Brokon Down Consti tutions, Tn Nnrvnna nnnnln nv ir 'n ' 4 aw viiiiuiuu wit-niun; aiwtiy, To any with Debilitated DIgoitlvo Orirnns. rti IfrTff-.'itT tntff. .till rf thn f,)Vi. ,,),.. Symptoms, which indicate Disordered Liver or Stomach, Mich as Con stipation, in war J I'lles. Fulness or lllood to the Hend, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust Tor Food, SourKrusci'.atlons.Hlnklugor flut tering at the 1'lt of tho Htomacb, Hwlm Ming or the Head, Hurried nnd Ullllcillt llrealhlnff. Fluttering ut thn fin irt. rhntrincr or Suffocating Bensittons whon In n Lying Pos- lutu, AJiiuurnn ui y laiou, uoiH or IV COS ueiore tbotjlght,Fovcrnnddullpaln In the head, DenclcncyorPorspirntfon, Yollownoss or tbe Hkln anil Eyes rain In tho Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Huddon Flushes or Heat, Jlnrulng lu the Plena, Constant Imagining) of KM, and great Depression of (Spirits. HOOFLAND'S CJEHMAN BITTEHS. A Hitters -without Alcohol or Spirits of any hind, Is different from nil others. It Is composed of the pare Jnlccs, or Vital Principle of Itoou, lltrbs, and Harks, (or as medicinally termed Extracts,) tho wnrlhiossor Inert nortlnnsof thn lmrredlentji not being used. Therefore In one Homo of this Hitters were Is contained as much medicinal virtue as will be round In several gallons or or dinary mixtures. The Hoots, 40., tiled 111 this Hitters are crown In Germany, their vllal nrln- rlples extracted in that country by nsclcntlflo unemisi, ami iorwarueu 10 me ninnuractory 111 this city, wnero taeyaro compounded nnd hot tied. Containing uo spirituous Ingredients, this liiiwrn is iretj irom me oDjectious urgea ngaiusi All others: no desire for stimulants can no in duced from their use. ttiov cannot inako drunk ards, and cannot under any circumstances, havo any um u ueueucuu I'licew HOOFliAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not inclined to extreme bitters, and Is Intended for uso In caBes when somo nJcoholle stimulant Is required In connection with the Tonlo properties 01 the Hit ters. Koch bottle of the Tonlo contains one bot tle or the Bitters, combined with pure HANl'A CHUZ HUM, and flavored in such a manner that me extreme oitterness 01 tue miters is overcome-, rormlug a preparation highly agreeable and elnal virtues of toe Hitlers. The prlcu or tho Tonlo 15 $1.60 per Uottle which many persons WIIUJ& lUOUlgU. AUUJT lUUBh Ult&t, 1UIAJ CUUHIUUriV' tlon that tho stimulant used is cnaranteed to hn or a puro quality. A poor article could be fur nlsbed at a cheaper prlce.but Is It not bettor to pay a Utile mors and have a good article ? A ined I clnal preparation bUould contain none bat tho best Ingredients ; and thoy who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and be benotUioi by It will muebceruuuiy uncaoaieu. HOOFLAND'S QE11MAN BITTERS, OB HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO, WITH HOOFLAND'S 1'ODOFU Y LLIN PILL, WILL CURE YOU. They are tho Greatest ui.ooD runi fiers Known to the Medical world, and will eradl- eaiouisaascs arising rromimpuro blood, Debility or tbo DlgesUvo Organs, or diseased Liver, In a shorter time than any other Known remedies. The whole SUPREME COURT of Pennsylvania SrHAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Who would csk for moro Dignified andStronger Testimony ? Hon. OEonaE W. Woodwahd, former ClUfJui ttce of the Supreme Courf of Tenmylvanta. a prttenl Member of Congress front Vennsylmtila write 1 1 PaiLADELI-IIIA, March 16th, 1837. I find " HooOand's German Bitters " Is a good tonic, useful In diseases or the digestive organs, and of great benefit in casesor debility and want of action In tho systom. Yours truly George W. Woodward, Hon. James Thomson, CMef Justice (J the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 28, 1807. I consider "Hoofland's German BKlers" a val uable mddlclao In case or attacks 01 Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this frorn my expe rience of It. Yours, with respect, jAHfcS TUOM30.V, Hon. Georqe BijaiuiWood, Justice of the Supreme Vourt of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Juno 1, wo. I have found bv exDerlenco that'-Urjollarjd's German Hitters" Is a vory good tonlo, relieving dyspcptlo symptoms almost directly. UttJJIUJS duakswood. Hon. Wm, F. Rogers, Mayor of the City of Buffalo. Mayor's Office, Buffalo, Jnne 23, 1809. I have useJ "Hooflands German Hitters anil Tonlo" In my family during tho p-ist year, and can recommend them as no excellent tonlo, ltn- Eartlng tone and vigor to the system. Their nso as been productive of decidedly benellclal eflects. Wm. F. Hooeks. Hon. James M. Wood, JSz-Mayor of Wltllamsport Pa. I take creat nlcasnre In reoommendlnr llnof- land'a German Tonlo " to any one who mny be afflicted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to keop my lood In ray stomach.and I became so weak as not to bo able to walk nairamllo. Two bottles orTonioUeoted a perfect core. James m. Wood. ItEHEMDEK THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO Will Curo every case of MARA S M US, Or Wasting away of the Body. REHKHBER THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medicines yon roqulro to purify tho Blood, excite tbo torpid Liver to healthy action, and to enable you to pass safely tbr;jgh any naiusnipa or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S POBOPDY L L I N Substitute for Mkrcury Pills. nro PILLS A DOSE. She most Fouxrul, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic knmen. It UnctBeiVflurvtn taVn n htinilriillnr th.u PllU to produce the de-sired effect) two of them act qa clcly and powerfully; cleansing tho Liver, Btomach and Bowels or all Impurities Tna KnucJiiie lUBreuieabig l'uaopuyiuu,orino A1CO olio Kxtract of Mandrake, which la by many times more powerful, acting and searching than the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action is upon tbe Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruc tions, with all the power ol Mercury, yet frea from the Injurious results attached to the use or that mineral. For all diseases In which tho use of a cathartic Is Indicated, theso pills will give entire suthifao- Mnnlnau.Mn,. fTh.wNWVVI! L A I In cases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia aud extreme eostlvencss. Dr. Hooflands German Hitters or Tonlo should be used Ir, connection with the Pills. The tonlo eOVot of tho Hitters or Tonlo butldsnp UiesyBtem. The Bitters or Tonic purifies the Blood, strengthens tbo Nerves, reo ULATEti the Liver, and gives strength, tnuriry and vigor. Keep yonr Bowels active with the Pills, and tone up the system with Hitters or Tonic, ami no disease can retain the hold, or even aisall yon, ..1le0.1,Ueltliat K DR. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN ileraedlo tfaaiaresouulversallyused and !v5.uly. "oommended j and do not allow the Druggist Ui induce you to take uuythlns that ho may bay hi lost as good, because bo makes a larger profit on It. Theee Remedies will be Bont by express to f.1yr '?fjyfZb0,10.n PP"on to the VllINGl PAL OFFICE, at the GEHMAN MEDICINE STORK. 031 Arch St., Philadelphia. "'lJ11'1" CUAB, QI. fcVAIVH, I'ropi-lctor. The Remedies aro for salt by Dracelsu, Borekespers, aud Medlclno Dealers very where MiBcollanooua, HEAD QTJA11TERS vow BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, 18 AT E.M.KN ORE'S CHEAPEST AD B.EJU' The County Affords AT GASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Come M Examine Before Purchasing Elsewhere. E. M. K N 0 R It, 13LOOMSBUKG, PA. Sfptom'ior J. EVANS. HEADY MADE AND OTTSTOUVE HVEAJDIE CLOTHING. HE HAS TIIi: FINEST aOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS TUB BEST WO It K HI E For Kood nts and promptness In filling orders thei o is tho placo to go. Hlscoodsnro selected with cure nnd his Cus tom worlt will comparn favorahly with tho hest otlbrts ui tho fashlouahlo city Dealer, nE KKEP3 A IfARGU STOCK OK HOYS' AXI) ClIILDnr.N'S CLOTH 1X0 AND C:vts rwitsisaii.vG goos, At Astonlshlnglv Low I'rlcei, llloorasuurg, Sept. 1"J, 1S7M1 JOHN Q. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BKKWICK, TENN A. f .1. 1 HIla.l.n,n.l . ..1,. t , the Citizens of Berwick, and vicinity, that he has opened a Confectionery and Ilakcry in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, tlrrw1rtr Pfl Xu1ioA Vin to nronCH.1 Ia riivnlnl. alllcludaor I'liAIN AND FANCY CANDIES. FUENOII CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS GRANGES, LEMONS, RAISING 3.C, ic, tic., Ac EY WUOLK3AI-1C AND RETAIL, hn rnn.i r,-,., Nutfl. KntrllRh IVntnnf. laovs,sla 1,M.1 tVM herts. Finn. Annli. (Vw'ui Nut tnu.a nf .ttr. ent kln.lH, Mustard. Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate Caiined Fruit of all kinds. Corn HUrcu, Eije; HI- WORD. Wrltlne I'Hlwr. Aoranmunt InnBPU velopcs, ' FISH AND OYSTERS, And nrnilni-A nf nil khi,!c. Prmh nn.i CakCS everv lluv. Ire (num tn H.mcMi, v.,. patronage Is solicited. Jtlll.N ll, JAfOHY, Ilfrwlck, Jan 1'71-tv QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, UtUUUlHfJUlK, I d, 11. a 8 LOAN A imOTHEU Havo on hand and for sale at tho most reasona ble rates n splendid stock of avmiiAOEa. huooieb. and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AJiD FANCY warranted to ho made of tha bent nnd most dur able materials, and by the most experienced woramen. ah worn suiu uui irum urn tsiau lishtncnt will bo found to beof tho highest claac and snre to Klvo perfect xatlsfuctlon, Thcyhavi also a line assortment of BLBIOUB of all tho newest and most tnshloinhlo Myles wen ami careruuy nuuieunu 01 mo near, nuurr laW. An inspection of their work li asktd a it I believed that none superior can bo found in th country. Ian 1'71 CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES DOWN IN PKIOE 7. ZZ. IV1 A I S 3 S, Corner Main and Ccutrn Rts., ULOOMBliUIta. A now stock of Frtbh Goods Just opened at MAIZKU Tciih, CoHt'CH, SuRiirN. HYKUrS and MOLHH.CH. Clll-IMC, MEATH. HALT. KIHU. etc VUUETABLD8, 1IKUM J3T1CAI.LY Bcaltd Goods. JELLIES and I'llKHKKVKH, PIPKLUN. . roiu:iuN ami domkhtio niuim An Elegant AssovtniOnt op QUBENSWAHB CniiKtantlv on hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW uud ULAEHWAUEoI uvcry variety. All my foods are of tha fUbt quality and nt ex tremely low prices, dectnl-tf . J. II, f.IAIZl;. ffniii ri 't" Tlio remnrhable ndvcnlurrs of tlio Unions WIIITIO Cilllil'and 111(1 WAIIIUOHumihiu the ltod Hklns. TlirlllliiKuccciuutMof (Jrrat llunta, llalrl-readth Dt-rax andT.-rrlhle lmlu In will) tho hie Kumeund linntllu tribes. Hplrltt-d dcscrli tlons of the habits and suprrstltlrins of Unit t-trnnge people. Their Hpori", I eiteuds, Tradi tions. How thv AVoo and Wed. Kcalp, Pof-tfir; Worship, Ac, New, l-'roh and PopnUr, Prlio Jj)w. Ills Helling by tho thonxnnils will, won derful rapidity, Agenta are 111 a It lu a Irum IV) to IIOO Iter week. Cholti neld vet ucutiL Uf,,l t ouoe for tauiplo ohuptrra, Illustiatlnnsand par- tlculars to a, ji, iiiiiutAiw, iiittiuiier, Jau277l-tf. iW Chesluut Kt 1'lilla, TWClrC IBB IS1 WM MiMSiRsiE. MiBcollnnoono, jIJL,l,EH'H UT01115. H. II, MILLUIl A HON, havo reuiovetl their Htoro to tho room formerly occupied by iloudcnhnll.on Malnstrcet,lllooins burg, liolrly oppmllo tho llplseopil Church whcrolhey nrotlclcrmtiiosllowlloiinsmoaeralo lerms ns can bo procured cite w litre. Thli-r stock oomprlsei luVDItit)' UHKBH UOOUH ol tho choicest styles and laMdt fnhloos.tOBei lie with a large assortment of Dry Goods and Unv corlM.oomlsUiieotlhofollowlncntllclos Cftrpcls, . Oilcloths, otM, UuMliari, lilMWls, rianneU; Sllbi, wxitt atoA Ifllieui, TtboptmirK, Mmllns, , IIolloTrtvtiri Ciiiniwar. BMluivrMrV, MarJrfar lioota aad !, 1UM nltd oipi Htvip IteM, ' 5 Umbrellal, LooHlnc-UltHfi, Tohaeoo. CoflTRi, T(, lUoe, Allspice, OlDRcr, Olnnamon, Kutwcn AUD NOTIONS OKNKKALIA', In snort, cverylhlcg usnnliy hrl.t In connir toros, to which they invito tho attention of tin pabilo Benerally. Tuohlghoat prlcowlll he pair, tor country prodtioo In exchange for goods, S. II. MILLURARON. octl37i- f , moouisbu.gra. jEW STOCK OF ULOTHING. KroRh nrrlvnl or FALL AND WINTEll GOODS DAVID LOWENUEltO Invites attention to his stock ot ClIKAP AND I'ABniONAllLE CLOTIIINO. -it his Rtaio on MaluHtropt, lntlhlvo's block, ono door West e llloomsburg, r,t., whero no has Just received from New York unit Philadelphia n full assortment uf JtHN AND IiOYH' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashlsnnblo, dnrnblp cud anndsomo D11E.J3 GOODB, consl-,tlu5 of DOS, BACK, ItOCa.OUM.AND OIL-QLOTU COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes and colors. IIo has also rcplcn ished his already largo stook of FALL AND WINTEH SHAWLS, STUIPED, I'lOUREI), AND PUMN VESTS UIIIUTS, CltAVATS, BTOCKH, COLLAKS HANDKIUlCIItEFH. QLOVEH. USiENDEltS, AND U'ANCY AIITIC1.EH uo nan consiantiy on nana n largo nud wcil-i.t ected assortment of CLOTIIB AND VESTINOa, which ho is prepared o muKO to order into any kind of clothing, en very short notice, and in the best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW! .11 Y, ol every description, fluo nnd cheap, llhctso ol Towclry is not surpassed In thlblplace. Call nnd examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELltY.fSC. ocll3'7i DAVID LOWENDERO. The i.giii:dii:nt3 that COMPOSi: ltOSADAUS aro published on cvciypacliaga, there-. iuioitisnofa secret preparation, consequently piiisiciAKs rr.EscniDr, it It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilid in all itt forms, Itlicumi tlsm, Skin Ditrasc?. Liver Com plaint anil all diseases of tlio lllood. 0113 B0TTL3 0? T.03A13AL:3 will ilo moro 00J than ten liolllej of tlio Syrups of Sarsaparitla. THC UNDEnUlGMCD PHYSICIANS havo used Uor ailalis in tlicir praclici for tho pasl three years and freely cnilorpo it as a rcliablo Ailcratitg and LllooJ I'urilicr. DR. T. C.POGII.of Ealtimcic. Dlt. T. J. IIOYKI.V, W UAltH. " Dlt.f O. DANNIXI.Y. " Dlt. J. S. sr.UtKS, ef Nithclosvlllc, DR. jVl.. McCARTIIA, Columliia, S. f. Dlt. A. B. NOBLES, Edsccomb, N. C. USE) AHD ENDOESED BY J. D. FRENCH Si EONS, Pall Itlvcr, r. VI. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. V WHr.r.LKlt.I.ima, Ohio. 11. ItAl.I., Lima, Ohio. CRJ.VEN & L'().,loidfnsvlllc, Va. S.lJl'L. O. JIcPAUUEN, Wurfncs. uuru, 1 vim. OurMtaco v-lllnot allow ofnnv ox. tctidcd icmarl.s la lelalion to tha itrtucsof ltusadalls. Totho Jlcdlc.-I pjofesion wo guarantro a Fluid I'.x tratt superior to any thr-y hao ever uscJ ia tho trcitrncnt of dircascd Illt-od and to thoatlllcted svo asy try ltosaklalis, uu-I jbtt vill Lo restore! to health. Ilosa lalls 13 j- !j y all Drupf-Ists, pri.o 0 1.3U per batlo. Addresi 5?,. ii 00. .''j. fatvring Chtmutt, D.M.TIU0.1C, ilu. kALTIIORE PIANOS. Wo resncctfullv cn tho nttcutlon of those iteniiUiK 10 purcliaht? our mnko ot Pianos. Wo are sttistied thnt wo cn nlv fcatiKfdctlon lu every cicp, Our woiUmciiHkllirnt unit experlen ceU mut aro utiiicr the ptrsonalMiiwrluteiidencw of tho metnlieru of our flrin, WoiihO only tho hest hO'ifioueU tlmbur, urnl tha lnuteriul In Keuo ra la tlrst clnns Our IMuuoh wlllioul exccitlon Imvo tlio patent Ryrntfes a mm cement ttinmsh out, which In tho opinion of the mnt rornpft tent Jti(Utn Is pronounivci valuuhlp. IJy this lm nrtiVuini'UL n riano U inn tit morn durable and lie'pH iliHto je lotiKcr, We claim lor our lustru in utN that theyuro (second to none, and they oomblne all tue cutoutUl fit men I m tUnl couBtl tute Kuperlor workiiiHiuthlp. Wo will istn a written yuamuteo for live ytuiH. Mr. Co.sitAi) Kiikiman, mendifjr of ofir Ann, will visit UlooniKliur lour timtnaycar to ro pair and n'tnud U tunlut: of ui I PlanoH, In tho uUHeiictiol Mr, Kkkisian. Mr, t, K.Mn.LKi; will attend to our huKlnQMi In IflooniMburi; aud H authorlK.'d to receive and holtctt orders, WocHuyive Iho very beat y'ehi'k V CO HaiUmore, M. 1). I. K, Milt.kji, Iealcr In IManos, OrKaus aud Melodeons Uvo ooUve and tlvo stop oruaus ol tnu boil make, faolil atfillO. Ternueusy, June IcKKIjVY, neal a CO., DI2ALEH3 IN EY GOODS GROCERIES, AND General Merch andise, ULooMsuuna, pa; JauM'VS-tf YAI.UAHLK PllOI'KHTV FOll HAI.U Tlio nmlcriilKnrd lthlnr! to ret Jro from IhihI lifftH nowotli-rfi nt prhutp. ualH Ills entire prnimr t.v Mtu-tcd in Ornueevllle, conklstlug of it imo half luterfst In tlio vtell known FouNimy ANU Aamcui.TuiiAL wohkr. lovetlier wttli Ilia Kiiglrio, IjIIich nmH'S11'" rlilntry lit If.rylnir to Uiu mine, nito ,lup'luii hliM k miu mi luiiifl. tfii-fllier svllh n v.u Illt-u- lilr of linrbm, mill Hio wiik'nim, .It-tin, Ilutlltu up, 1t1.11 in. 1 uwn 101 on s.iiiuii lit ereo-i-ti i )i Iroinu ilu, lllnv, 1k, twei ly-Ilve aert-ii.Ui' rtrt hh ihi. Dr. ixil 1 properly ttlmut ten of wlitc) -lit clrlil. lilt. bululiCfi timlif-ruil. ITlrm rriu-oimlilo, rohsot.lon given nt an tuuu to .uit jiurt'jiui-erM. Apply 10 or aiiure... WILLIASf HPHIIVLKH. 1 1 oct,tv7i-tr. Orinm vlllo, Colamblti Co Rasaoaus Si Drnga nud Choinicahi, ' K IIH CAU15 AND LUitK Ol' JL fONrtUMl'i JON. mo pruuiuy I'austioi uonsiimpiiimin dcTano 1 1 iciu ot too dlguulvu oihi'Hh, i nln ucraltntiii.ut.t Motiuii ueuuieni umiitioii ami aniiuiuititi 11 Uy aftslmilailoii I inuaii thai. iiroLtwM iv wIiiph the nutriment ol ttio food It convened Into oiiKn-itHuu menco iniu wio houus oi inu ootiy lcrRoni with dlgesttyu llnw l in retlt Imvlntf the BllghloHt piedlspoflltlon to puluiuuiiry dls i!ttROtorll t liny tn u noli), wilt be very lUUloto nave loiiMimpuoii oi me ij.tUKi in odiuu oi us lorms i and X hold Hint ll will oe inino.altilo tu cuii' any rase of I'oiiunptttJii wllhout llml ro MioiluKagood iIImIkim aud iiu.ildiy a-niitilia nun, iipj ver lUHiiuiiin 10 ut nouuit loeit'aiinu ihe fttoiimi'llatid buwtlt iiouiaUuiseHtted ntuuiH and huiiio, wnt' U U 1'iOKgitig tiiiMu oii(,ins to thnt tlu tan not pLiloiiii iheir liiiictunt, and then lourte up aud lentoru the liver ton ueulloy action, for Uil pnipono inu Miirtnt uim uiist reuu'dy in Hchenuk'n Muliiiaku l'llln. TIiumj l'lIU clPRti tue tontacll and bou'elu of ail tlio iload and inoibld blunu Hint U causing dlMtfaiso and decay m toe woo.u Hyium, i a -y will clear t.Ut lint Jiverolttll d 1st -used Ulle tout Inn acciim ulaitid theie. and rounu H up to a ruw uud beullhy iicuou. by winch natural uii.lhe.Hthy bile Is hociuKd. The htoinaun, bowels, nnd liver an thus cleatii id by tiiu ttau of chenuu'H Maudrrt iu l'itui( but thutu ieir.uiua lu tlio btuinacti an t-xt'cso ut ucid, ibuurgiiu 1 torpid and Uia poor, lu Uio btjwtls I ie lucieuU are Mf.Ut, and r.'iiiirlut fitiLiiHiii uiuUup) Uh in a t until; luu like this liiut ttciRiKii's oatecd Tome pio en lu Uu the luuHt wiluuulo leiuedy efui ih'CJVeiud, it M tilUaline, him lt uso will netur.ulKe till t-Jtcufn ol ucut, inauuiK lite hioiuucu wee Land ireidi; ll Will giu pfiiiiiiiiuul tone to tula liuportaul ur gun, and tiealu a Rood, heal 1 uppttiic, and pie jiaU'lbu h Hlciiiloi Uiu in it pi'OsAiioiol n jdou dt Kefuluti, Hint tiluiu.dely luaxo tiLHd( iioaUhy, UlLg blood, Aiier tlila picpaiutoi trcatuuut, what ikiuuiiiH to cure moil eaniu uf Cjiuiiuiii tton In tliu ueu and iiuieiiug ue of noiieueii'a l'iiduoiiieyiup. liiel'uuuoijicn lap uouu-itiei the Hjbteui, ptiiidt'ti tue uiood, aud It iuadit au toibtdinio tliu encuiuiiuu, una llieuc uisttiu uied to ihu dibeaned iun, lialu it lipeuiutl inuiutd muttons, uueiliLi lu tliu luiniot hIjauhj vhui lUOiiclus, alia tnuii uhSiiU jSaiiliu loexuel alt the uineubd inaiur. lu tue lor.u ol liuoex pictuiatlun, wiitu unto H riiieUB, 11.I.1 tneu, Oj tbe greut tiLiiliug nnd ptuiiying piopurlten ui acumtlui ulnaniio sjiun. iuai ud ulLViaiiud eavmeaiu beulcd Up Hound, aud iny patient ia The rBenttnl thiu to bo ilono In cur In 2 Ton KUiuption is to net una Knodnpm'tllo and a wood digestion, m that tlio uod will grow lu Hush and yet strong. If 11 person hns diHcuM'd lungs, n cavity or absfem there, tho cavpy cannot heal, the matter cammt ripen, o longn t!ioiss leinililow par, vvtiatN neciN ary 10 cure mn new order ot thliiR, a ood appt tile, a g.o.l uulrltlou, the body lo grow lu Ueh uud get fat; then Miturr 1h hiip-d, th" cuvltttH will heal, tbe utuiter will ilpeu and be lliiown oil' in rge ii'uiuiuH", 11 on niv pi ton icg tut si re 1131 1 1 ihU Is ihe t tie aud only nlau to eulu Consniim lion, and If a peimiu In very oud, 11 ihe lungs are not entirely numroi (-(i,oi t'eu 11 ono uiug tn en titely gone, 11 there Is enough MUlity leU In the other to be it tin Ih. re is lio m. 1 luehi-LH nutny peiKuiiMeuied with only ono vouiid miu, live and e j tile 1 a good old ,ig, l'bls la what McbeiicK'.-t Medicines do to cine 1 oiiMii in piiou, inev win cieau o.ii inebioiu eMi MWeeleu aiabstreoi'then It. tret uoiitiood iikn tlou,and glvealuiu the uhiUijuicu sbo ueeu to near tue ftyMcni 01 an me uise ihu mat h in the lungH, whatever the lorm may be. It N lumoituiit that while iiltiif Hehpnr.r'tj .Medicines, care uhoilld bo exuiciifd lioitolake eoiu; Keep inoooiM in euui mm uainp weuiner ; uintuir, nun luiati wutiitnji BAt;iuiue ouiy lu li eLMiinl nnd Wtii to hiinsliliiH. I wish ltdlvtluctlyundertloodthatwhcnj rec ommend u patient to boturrtiui In regard to tak ing cold, whllo using my .uedlclnci, 1 d so for a "peclal ltuaon. A tiiuti who has but puutally n eovi-rtd hoin tho til eta of a b id cold M lur more liable to a 1 elapse than one who has boon entire ly euied; nud itl- preclsuiy Ibo hauie in regard to OouMimntlon. Ho loim as tlio luu"s nre not (erficily healfd, Jut hu long Is tbeio imminent uiiiigiT 01 u mil leiuru ui iuh uiy,io, iifuce 11 Is thrtt I mi htieiiuously cunt Ion jiulinonary pa IkntH against tocpo-lng thcmelVfs toau almoi ('lure that Is not genial and pleasant. Co nil rul ed Consumptives' lungs aie it man ol mores, IllUU UIU irU'it tUJ-UtiW Ul AUIlUspilt r Villi in llaiue. The urund seciet of luv aaei rss with mv Mediclucs consists In niv ability to n dulim in. tlammatlou Instead of movoaing It, usm.iuvof the laculty do. All luliaiued lung ctniud, with Ktifetv to the patient, bo expired to tliu biting blaslH of Winter r r ihu chilling winds ot spring ur tiuiuuio. 11. hiiiiuui uu caiciuiiy suieiueu iroai all irritating influencis. 'Ihu uttnuit. cjoitlnn Khould be observed In this purttculnr, us wltuout ilulutu unuer uiiuojji any cnuuiuMauceH is an Impossibility. 1 he jieisoo bhould beltcpt 0111 wh.i'esomeniul nutritious diet, nnd all the Medtcintrs cmliiuu i until the body has tesloredlo U the natural miantttv ot tltvh uud stremith. 1 was m hd I cuted by tuts treatment of tho worst Ulud of Coukiimpttou, and have lived to get tat and heaitytheMj many jears, with one lung mostly gone, 1 uavo cured thousands hlncu Him vtry many navu neen cured by this trcat- iiirui wnuiit 1 navu uevei' Men, About tbo Klrtt ol October T expect to take ini-ei'3M(ii 01 my new utuioing, at mo iNoriueas Comer of Hi.ili and Arch Mu-hIk. wn.-m 1 uimi bo pleased toglve advice to uU who may rcqulro Full directions ncentno inr nil nu- so that a permm In any part ot the world cm be leauny mmi o n hinei oosorv ucooi tliu Mime. J. II. HUIJUNC'K, M. 1). I'hll.tUelphU. Johnson, Ilollaway A Cowdeu, w: Arch street riitladelpbla, whoUsalo agents. novl771-iy. A GREAT Dr. WALrr- TOTEGAI- . v. 4 Hur.dicilj c'i Hear tPFtlTionr tn l'i 'r . 1JI LLUUVO ffjJi WHAT ARE THEW i tiiey Ann Kt ot a ran rj y a d r 1 n it. Bjjtj k S (-" A W C V UUocf turKnni.WuIclicr, I'roof Dplrlto t.utl Ccfusu I.icuurtiCoctorcd.Fplccd anaewtct enca to plca30tlio taetc, called 'Ton:c8,"'Appct!; crV "Ilcttorcrs," -.c, tlict lead llo tippler ca to ilrurJj-cnjicM cad rcu., but arc a truo MctUclac, mado from tlio NatlTa r.oota and Kerbs of California, frco frnm nil Alcolivllo feilinulbnts. TLcyaro tho tJIIUAT HL(IOl) I'UUIFIEIt nud A I.irE tJIVINU I'llINCII'LEn perfect Kcaoator cad Ivlsoratcr of tac System, carrylES off all polfiosocs laaltcr aad rectorial tUo Hood to a ticaltay coacltlof l.'o person can ta-c lUeco Ulttcra accords to fiu-r-t.'oa aad remain I0D3 uawcll. r tlVO Trtllbo Eivcnforaa lcmTatlo ca8, piwrt--I t' 0 bones aro not destroyed by rclacra' olecn cr otlicr xaeans, aad t-o Tltai orcana vastc j"?nd tao ; cf res air. l'lirlcDamrai.ttry nnd Curoalc !:Lci:mii. t!n:i nutl Cout, Dyepcpiflii, or Iutllct-stlou, IillloiiH, ItouiUtcnt nnd luioi:nltlct I'ovcin Iltcr.t.cii of tlio Ulocd, Lici, lil.'.uop, r.nd Illi-.dtici. tutco Illttciu 1-aTo bjca n.oct taccte tal. (inch UlsenMca cro caarcd ly Vltlntcd Ilacd. T-lUcUIsfcacrally rrcLuccdty dcracjicracat t . t...' Ulccntlvo Orcnns. DVSl'Ul'JilA Oil ISDItiEiSTIO:;, V.tzl ae'.i?, Void la t:.. ccot:Ucis, v'oasts.Ticlitacis of t'a t..wtt, Vlzz -,, J-iuCLat.oaa cf t!.o CtciracS, :.adtrxtelat:.j J.nttli, JUIoas Attaea, ra'.?:taUa cf Uueart, li uauatt, l'alalat:-.o ; !u.s cf t..o :..iaty3,ncdnl.aud.--d clLcr n-.tlal I. :rt-.a;ii,cro t'.,o clTipr.ccaof Dyppcptla. .1. ylat.cratj tl.j8tcu.acUadEtaaulat3 Uo tcr- I I. 1'. vcraad 1.g.V.,s71:Ic:i rcndLrtl.ocioi!ineciuailtd tnar.oyl.1 cleaa-los tlulloodcf clliaiptsritlci, aal .uipaitlaj l.fu aid vlyor to tlio t;1io!o system. 1 ,i::M.l Ir.AliUS.ErcptloTcttcr.Ca'.t I ..t : : i . '..L.r, i ; c:. , 1 :i. kt, Ic:tc'.cr.Eci:, rtr 1 m.t.1 .... ;-,,uu, CcaU-:icad, Ccro Ilycj.Crytlr. I.-., tv-...:i, 1 :.coli.rat;oLcf tlio Ekla, Huiacr3 a I r.JT.3C3 ef tlio i.!n, of T.batcvcr namo or natarc, aro literally ils j Kp and carried oat of tlio cyetcci la a f Uo:-i Ucilytliossoof tbeco Kttcn, Cao bottlo la t at a cacon r;l!l com inca tUo raort lacrcdalona of tliclr cnrattTo effect. Clcanoo t'jo Yltlatod Elood 7licneycr yoa Cad Its la pnr.tlca barntlag tliroiiali tUo ctla la rimplo, Crap-H0.-.3 or Bores 1 cleaaaoltvlica yoa find It obstructed and ElusgtEli la ta3 vclna t clcaaso Itnucnltlsfoul, tad your foclings trill toll you wliea. Ecep too blood I ure and tlio licalta of tho 6yctcra will follow. I'lN, TATEttadotlicr WOItaiS, lurlilae ta taa rytteni of 10 many thousands, aro cfftctually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefally tho circular around each botllo, printed la four liu caaseii Kngl.sli.Ccrman, Trench tad Epaalih, . J.TiU.SEi:, rroprictor. n. IJ. ilcDOSALD & CO., Prngsisu aad Ccn. Aceats, Can Francisco, Cal 'aud c: bad ci Coan.10.-cj Btroct, Kew Vork. O-60LD BV AW. UilUtiQlST3 AND DEALEES. 58-TO-ti Tiinnv perhon proilnclPit nn,i v, ''clue show Jim Imll n ninny living, periniuieni .urt8ni4 Dk. 1-T-Il.KK'H VKUtTAULE ill tt M AT0 ItKUKUV. fiid ininmUy only. A i.teiiuunt 'm 'Ici'lio, frVo jiimi'lnJiirlnuH tlrtiKH, W armiitetl, untlur natli, to Ititv trt-nlei , .'J t utt-uuJIU u fry lini,iailt'lllh el In tliu IMM It-n yo.irn. (y 11 K kllmiiny.) It Ih the M-leiitfila prvkcrlpllon ofl'ro I'roft-hsor Job. I-, ntlur, II, 1) ,11 uimliintti of the llnlveri-lty ol l"r mylvnntn A. li. 1M13. unw ono of l'lilludel phln'n oUlcut iruular pliyxlcliinx, nml I'roituibor ol fnruiUtry nnil Tuxrtilnuv, who Invt innilo N ninliilii, Clirnnlo huiI liilUmnmtory Kheiinm tliiu tliu Npt-cliilllv of Urn vntiit) luiilt-ssliiual lilt n latt vouched fir by tho slitmiturt'ii nccom puuyltiKounli IhiiiIv, oliuauy iiriiiulnent renown oilplDblc tans, clergymen, ni'ilotht r liBtlmoiilulii. Toprotut't i-ullt-rt-rk Irom poImoijouh (juaclt iioh tilliim ami iujln ezpunditiiiu of iiionoy. 11 Ituul Kluneii i;uiiranlteli.tiitliiKer'ii't nuinberof IioiiIch wiirrniittid lo cure, will bo lorwur-ltnl c-rntU to utlerer heodlim by letter 11 full i!f-h(-rit.tim 0 illctlou, III pans nl failure lo cure, iiiuouut piudtlvely rcluuilMl, Jetllclna kent nny. .noro by exnrti. culluct on tlellverv. Anlipiii tvlttKl lowrlio lornlvltHii all inlorinntlon nud miilioal ailvlee xeut by letter erull. Principal otllt-e, ill bouth fourth ulrtet, 1'hlladelphU. Pa. Thn lleinedy U iold or obtnlued Itr DruimlstJ. innrmi-lv o Miacollnncoua, CONTINENTAL. v Lifo lusuvanoo Company. OF HEW YORK. Ho. of Policies tail 43,000 ASSETS $5,500,000. TS3UK3 nil tho now form of Policies 1 nnd presents; ni Invornbln termi n nny com- puny In tlio United Hintes, Tim eoininny will Innlto Icmpornry loann on Itspollcl-H. .... 'Ililrty ditfV urneo nllnwcil on each payment, nnd tho policy hold Rood durliiK that tlmo. All our policies nro luconlcstablo for ihouaunl cimse. policies issued by this company nra non-ior-leliiir", No extra rimrcjes mado for iraveinuir permits, l'ollev holders Hlniro in tha ntinunl profits nt tho company, nnd haven vnlca In tho elcoilons and iiiniiiKeiiicutof tho company. no policy or nn-oieai leo cnnrireo, .lUHl'OH LAWltt-.Nl'K, I'res't. W. II. WYNKOUP. VlcoPrcs't. .1, 1'. ltonKni, Secretary, H, U, UiiANDLKti, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of Irttsleru Ma. BLO OMSBURGr, PA. LUDWIG & BROCKWAY, General Agents. Jan. 5,lTMf. pA'L'ENT ARION PIANO. Tho onlv perfect Instrument in the World. It Is unequalled In ltlehTiess, Power, llrllllaney and Durability. Hpeclnl terms to Teachers. Marked favors to Clernymen. Mend lor Illustrated Arlon i-ampuict. O. W. rosTEIt Oeneral AKent, ma' 1071 If. Mauck L'uunk, Pa. Hail Roada. T AOKAWANNA AND BLOOMS U nimn itULitoAi On nnd piUr Nov. 17, Irtl.l'nhsonger Trains wll rim as follows : (loins North. Avrlvo Arrive doing Hnntl Leave j.cav' n. in. p. m. p. m. n. m Hcrnnton tun 1.1 1 I. it lO.O'i Pltlsiou ft.18 11.5'J ".11 IV.a"i S'wuSeJai 1231 "M n'W Plymouth H.H 12.21 2.40 shleltshluny..., 7M U.0O .es lh-rwlck 7.: 1 1 .-ft 3.51 liloom 8.US 11.14 8.57 Danville UUD 4.27 Connection made ntKcrnuton bv the 10.40 a.m. trnl i lor Urent llend, lllinrimnitou, Albany nnC an points .Norm, iasi nnu ivest. U.T.llOUNU.Bup't, njORTHEUN CENTKALi RA11 On and altar Nov. 12th 1S71, TralDS will leave HtliinuitY ns follows ! NOItTHWAItD, 12. T) P.M. Daily toWllllnmsnort. Klmlrn. Tanan cbih;ua, ItcK-hostcr, llutlalo, Huspcuslon Urldut-, nnd N, falls. 12.H p. m lluirato.N. Palls, ac. 0.50 v. M., D.illv, (except Kundays) for William Hport uud ICrle. 4.i I-. St.. Dlllv. foxefintSnndavsl for F.tmlrn Iluiruio nnil Niagara fall-, via. Erlo railroad irom i-.tinir i, TKAIKS SOUTIIWAnD. 1.17 A.M. Dally for Balttmori, Washington and 1 Jlll.tUUlJllllll, lO.Oi A. M. Dally (oxeont Sundays) for Ilaltlinor wasnintitou ' mi.-vio'pnpt. 1.40 P. st. Dally (oxeept HunJays) lor Ilaltlmorc. i-iiiiaueipuui. itc. r.D. S. YOUNO, aencrcirasscnger Agent ALjT.i:n It, I-'isr non'l. Rnn't. gHORTEST KOUTE EASTWA1U) Danville, Hazleton & Wilkesliarre R. K WINTER A RRAXQEMLNTS. KAKTWAltD. l.KAVK. A. si, Hunlmrv n.'-O Danville 702 WnSTWAUD. I.KAV1E, New York. Knstou. I'hllit DethlcU'in, Catawls.i liazletou , .. 7.2S 0 us V. M. llethlelicm, 12.10 Phliailolphla I--.-,- 2.15 nzleiou. ih'i; 12.;i-j Hazleton, falawlssa, Dimvllle, NewY-rk. Jjs.'"i 350 Haubuiy, Thenfterno n train ronnectsat Runburv wit thn h, s- K. 4.W p. m. train Ruing West; arrives n WM 1 -m-oort i.or-k !lavt-u;.5.j wltl tho Nurlliein Outrnl 4 .50 p. in, moving Houlh ri-iieuiiig i-iirnfiourg 7 uo p. m., ttnu iinitimor' 10.1) i, m., nnd also with tuo Bui.bury nud Low intnwii Knllioad. Comfi-riablo and handsome Coaches on Ihli- new route. J, IIKUVKY KAEIK, Superintendent READING UAILUOAD. " WISTEIl AnUANQnSIENT. Monday, ilay 27, 1871, Great Trunk Line from the North and North West lor Phlladelphla.New York, Heading, Potti vllle, Tamaiiua, Abhiand, Khamokln Lebanoi .tiieiiiowu, i-.aMou, bpurntn, i.tiir, i,ancasioi ifiiiiiuoia, cct-., TratUH leave Ilarrlftlnirf. tor Nnw Vnrh nji In lows: At 2.15. .H. 10. it. oi.. nud 2.U0 n. m.. eon iieotlng wllh hlmllar trains o Penusylva lila ltallroitd. nnd nrrlvllit! at New York it l",'7, n. in., 8,5.', nnd n,45 p. ni. respectlvelt leepliui euia nccoiupauy the 2,1 it in. train W ll 1IIIUI t-iiiiuKt'. Itt'turnlug: Leive New York nt 0,00 a.m. fin. 12.30 noon aud 5,so p. m. Philadelphia al 7.30, s.:u n. in, huh .i..hi p. in. tsie eping cars nccomiutu tbe 5.30 n.m.. train trmu N V witliouL cbaiit-e. Lriive llaiTlhhiirt! lor Iteadlntj.Pottsvllitj, io muiua, .Mlut-rsvlllo, Ashlaud, tshamokln Al luutown und Phlla'd. at 8.10 it. in., nud 2.0) nui 1,03 p.m., stopping nl Lebanon uud principal wu Ktallons; tliel.uo ii.m. train connecting lor Phil' i-oiihviiio iniu fjotuuibla only, Kor Poltsvlll. .Schuylkill llnvun nud Auburn, via Hchuylkll mid MUMiucluuinu ltallroitd, leave llarrlsburu h 3,10 p. in, Ku-sl l'ennsylvnn'n Railroad trams leave Ilea., lug lor Alleulowu Kiiston aud New Yolk at 4.32 l-UO, it, m uud 4.05 p. m. KeturulUK, leav New Yolk ut V.OO a, m., 12.30 noon uud 5.31 p. ir. uud Alltutonu ut 7.20 a. ui, 12.25 uoou, 2,15, 1.25 an 9.15 p. m, Way 1'asi.onBer Train leums Philadelphia, a 7,.' connecting with klinllar train on as Pa. rullruud returning from Heading at 8.20 p. in blopplug at all nlKtioos, Leave Pottsvilie at 9,00 a.m., nnd 2,30 p.u. lluudou at 10.00 u. in., rilisuiirfcln at 6,40und 11,1 a. in., Ashland ut 7,05 n.m, and 12,43 noon Mali itnoy Utly ul 7.15 u, in, and l.Di p. in. Tuinariurt u K.I. u. ui., nud 2.10 p.m. Ior PUIladolpUla.Non otn. Heading, llarrlsburg.tic. Leave Pollsvllle via bciiuyiklll and Busque liauua at H.15 n.m, lor llnrrldhurg. un 11.4 a. m., for PlueUrove aud Treuiout, Iteadlng AeoommiHlatlon Tram leaves Potts, vlllo nto.40 a. m., rstsses Heading at 7,30 a. m., ur rlVlU!! Ill PlllUllellihluul IOil Hull, ml.. , . leaves Philadelphia r.t f,15 p. m., passing Head lug nt 7,65 p.m arriving nl PotUvllle ul U.40 p.m. Pottstowu Acooiumoiatl.jnTraln,leaveH Potts town at ii.30 a.m., returning, leaven PhlladelpUh at 4,3) p.m. ' Columbia Hallroatl Trains leavo Heading nl 7,50 a.m., and 6.15 p.m. for Ephrats., Lltli, Lauca ter, Columbia, dec, PdlklomeU ltall RnnilTrAlnul-nvnT.j,rlrl,ma. JnuctlonatT.n 0,05 u, m 3,00 O.OO p. m. return, iniii leave Bchwenksvllln, 8,10 a.m., 12.6. noon A 4.45 p.m., connecting with similar train, o Heading Ibillrnad, Colebrookdaloltullroad trains leavePotUtowl Pt0.l0n.m, 1.15 0.41 p.m.relurnlng leave Mouu Pleuhaulat 7.00 und 11,25 u. m,, 3.00 p.m, oouuect Iul- win i,lmlhir trains ou Heading Hallroad, Cuestcr Valley llallioad Trains leave lii.Uge i -if -1 ut o,ou u. iii. miu k.uo uuu o.ip. in. reiuruiuii. leave Downlucton ut U.40 a. in.. It 45 iwMi d,t. 5.23 p. in., coiiuectlug with sliullur trains oi itt-aiuug ituuiouu, t)u Huudays, leave Now York at 0,80 p.m.. Puli- tlllln lit 8.0O U.Ill.UIll):t.l5 11.111. fthu U f.f in' I. niuulugimlytoHeadlugjJlejivel'ottsvllle' llurrlsburg at 2.40 u. m, und 2.U) p, ui. am t, .'. v.,,,.,, ti ui, ,jo unu s.i, p. m.. ulio leave Heudluii Itt 7.15 a. in n.,,1 in !-..: ... J... il.t. tiL: bun:, at fi.iX)u. iii. lor New Yurk,alV.i!Un,iifur Allen tm ii and atu.40 u, in.' uud to Plillailelolila. Commutation, Mileage, Henson, Bchool ,a Lxcurblon licktts to uud irom all points, at r-dui-ed rules. 1 Uaggagu checked tbroush: 1) pounds ullowe each paiieuger. J, K. WOOTT KN, Asst. Hnpt, A Kug, ilacli'ry, Hoedlng, Pa., April 3. 1871, BUMNESS CARDS, VIMITINCJ CAItDtS, LTTEIt HEAPS, 11 ILL IIEADH, I'I'.OOHAMUErJ, POSTKIW, All., AC. Neatly and Cheaply PrlnlcJ from th loitest Utyles of Type al the COLUMBIAN Officii Patent ModiciuoH, H ENKY T. 1IELM1JOLD'.-.. OO UfOUND r t, V I I) EXTRACT OA TAW OA Q It A 1' 13 1' I L L 8. Comonenl I'arf-IUUt Extract Rhubarb mid fiiid frncl Oifciuta Wrnjie OltLlVEH COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE lilt lOUa AI'TKOTIONH, HICK OH NEIWo N ItEADACUl',C03IlVi:NK-J3, Hit). PUlll ri VEUETA11LE, CONTAININd NO MUIti 'lf'ltv MINEHAIJJ OU UELIU'EUIOUS DIIUU8 Tlicso Pills nre tlio most dollghtfnlly tik.i,, purgitlvo, sitporkoillng castor oil, salts, ni.ij. nesla, etc. There Is nothing moro acceptable to tlio stomach. Tiiey elvo tono, nnd cause HDltlici nausennor griping pnlus. They nro enm ,... of tuo tntuf inoredicnlt. AHer a few days' tuo ineiii, sucu nn luvigoratlon of tho entire Bystciu lakes placo ns lonppeai- miraculous to tuo Wenk and enervated, whether nnsing from lniBrn itenco or dlscaso. II. T. Holinbold's Compound KluldExtractCntnwbaUrnoe l'llls nro not r coated, from tho fact that sngar-coatod l'lua do uuvtusoivcuiiipasninrougiiiuostoniacliwlihou dissolving, consequently do not produce Ihe oc. sired etTocL THE CATAWUA OHAPE VlLlt luilnir h!rnntit In,1 a . - 'iw.-im "uvi tiu UUl UCCCHII. tute their being sugitr-coatej. l'HICE KUtv CEN'TU I'EH BOX. JIENRY T. IIEL2WOLW. ItI01II.Y CONCENTKATED COMPOtl.Vn 1-LUIIJ EXTUACT HAH3APAH1LL.V Will radlcallv extirmiuato from tho sysl. -"Crofllln.Hvnllllls. PnvorHnm. in. u.. ' Soro Legs. Horo Mouth. Ho,i n,nn.i. , .-Jkln Dlienscs, Halt lthcuu, ankers, Hiinn,,, ..u... tuo, w otto Hwelllngs, Tumors. ( cerousAirectlons.Nodcs.Hlckets.Olandarmf. ' owcais,, Tetter, Humors oi a Ivlnds, Chronic Itheuniatlsm, Dyspepsia, mm a llseaso that has been establlslitd lu tho u-nm for years. lleugprcparodEXPi!E-,9LYfortlioabovetM plaints lis HLOOD-POHII'YINO proprieties a trculor th-iii nny other preparation i H.,r,,,, rllla. It gives the COMPLEXION a clear an henllhy color nud restores the patient lo a sure ol HEALTH nud I'UHIrY. 1'or Purlfyl,u ti.e Hlood, removing nil Chronlo Constitutional Div eases arising Irom nil Impuro state of the bio, And theouly reliable uudellectunl known run,, dy Ior Ihe cure of Pnlns and Swellings oi t llones. Ulcerations of the Throat nud Lea Blotches, Pimples un tno Puck, Erysipelas ni, .ill scaly Kruptlons of the Skin, nnd Uemilifi ia the Complexion. Price, JtGOper Uottle. UENKY T. IIEL,MBOLJ)'S CONCCS1HATXD FL UID EXTRA CTR UOI1 U, THE OH EAT DIUHETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which it lu "ecu given, Irritation of tho neck of the llladut uid Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration o tho Kldutys nnd lllnddor, llotcutlou of Urlim Dlseasosof thoProstatoaiaud.btonoluthoIllail dcr, Calculs, Oravel, Urlckdusl Deposit, un1 Mucous or Milky Discharges, aud for Eufceblci) and Dellcnto Constitutions of both Sexes, nttca (led with tho following oymptoms: Ihdlspoil tlou to Exertion, loss ol Power, loss of Meiuorv Dltllculty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Treni bllng, Horror of Disease, Wakciulncss, Dlniun of Vision, Pain In the Bsck, Hot Hauds, I-'juju. lug of tho Body, Dryness ot tho bkiu, Kruptio ou tbo Puce, Pallid Couuteuauce, Umvtr. Lassltudo of tho Musculur Hystem, etc. Used by pctsons Irom tno tiges or eighteen twenty-rive, und from thlrty-tlvo to llity-ilve In tho decline or chaugo of lifo; alter con incut or labor pains; bed-wetllug In cblldre Ilclmbold's Extract Buchu Is Diuretic nnl Illood-Purlfying, and cures nil diseases nrlshi from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses sua Imprudences In Life, Impurities of the liloo etc., superseding Copabla in uilectlous for vine ll Is used, and Syphilitic Afroctlous-ln thes diseases used In connection wllh HELMUOL" HOSE WASH. LADIES. In many affections peculiar lo ladles, the r.x tract Buchu Isunequalled by nny other remeilj is Is Chlorosis or Hotentlon, Irregularity, l'.on rulness or Suppression of Customary Evncua Ions, Ulcerated or Kchlrrus SUito of Hie Uteres Leucorrhcrnor Whltcs.atcrlllty.and for all coui plalnls Incident lo the sex, whether arising frora Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation, It Is prr scribed extensively by tin most otnlne-it pjjsl- Inus nnd Mldwlves for Enleebled aud Dell (oustltutlons, ot both sexes and nil iHes iiiiteu led wllh any of thonbovodlseasssorsympt ims II. T. IIELMBOLD'S EXTHAC'l' I1UI IIP -UBES DISESI2' AUISINO l-'HOH IMPHP- DENCE, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC in all their stages, at little expense lltMoor no change In diet, no Inoonvonlenco, and uo ex posuro. It causes n frequent desire, and gives strength loUrlnnto, thereby romovlng Obstruc ' Ions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of tue 'Iret'in, Allaying Pain and IiitUsumntlnii, so frequent In this elnss of diseases, aud cxpellinc, ill Poisonous matter. Thousauds who havo been tho victims or In competent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured In a short time, have found lliey uuve been d.celved, and that tho "Poison" bus, 'iy tho uso of "powerful astringents," been drleJ up In tbe system, to break out in n moro nggr i vuted form, aud perhaps niter Marrlnje, Use IIELMBOLD'S EXTHACT BUCHU for all fIectlouh and Diseases of tho Urinary Orgnus. whether existing lu Mulo or Female, Irom what ever causo originating, nnd no mm ter of bow long standing. P1UCE ONE DOLLAH .VJD l-'IFTY CENTS PICK BOITLE. LTENHY T. HEL.MBOMVR IM I'UOVED ROSE WASH csuuot bo surpisse.l as 1 FACE WASIl.snd wll bo found tho only spectrin remedy in every species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. V f-pee- llly eradicates PIMPLE-l, SPOTS, SUiiltm1 1" DHYNRSS, INDUHATlONSof IhefUTANEOt S MEMBHANE, etc, dispels HEDNESS nnd IN CIPIENT INFLAMATION. 1IIVKS, HASI1 MOTH PATCHES, DIIYNESS OF SCALP Ol. SKIN.FIlOSTllITES.nnd all purposes lor which 4ALVES or OINTMENTS are used; restores the skin to a Uto of purity nnd softness, and la snres continued healthy action to the tissue o Its vessels, on which depend the agreeable clear ness and vivacity of complexion so much sonjlit tud ndmired. lint however valuable u remedy fur existing defects of tho sklu, II. 1 llelmbold's Koie Wash has long sustslnul In prlnclplo claim to unbounded patronst, 7 possessing qualities which render It a TOlI.KT VPPE.VPAUE of the most Superlative Jid Congoulal character, oomblnlng lu an eletant formula those prominent roqulslts, SAFETY ami EFFICACY tho Invariable acoompsulnipul ot Its use as a PresorvfttlTo and Hefiesherof tb Complexion. It Is on excellent Lotion for tin eases ofaHyphllltio Nature, and as an injection ... ,i i. if tlm Ilrlnnrv Ornans. arising from habltn of dissipation, used in conaectlon will) tho EXTKACTS BUCllU.BAlOAfAiui-i." CATAWUA QIIAPE riLUJ.In snch dlsesses al recommended, cannot be surpassed. PltlCt, ONE DOLLAH TEH BOTTLE. Full and explicit directions aooomptny ti e medicines, . ., , ,,.,, Evidence of the roost responsible and rellsl-le eharacter furnished on application, wltli luiu dredsofthonsauds of living witnesses, and up ward of 30,000 unsolicited certificates and rocnin mendatory letters, many of which aro from tbe highest sources, including eminent Physicians Jlorgymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor h never resorted to their publication In the ueirs pnpors; ha does not do this from Ihe fact tn Ills nrtlcles rank as standard Preparations, aud do not need to be propped up by certificates, Henry T. IIcIiiiIjoIiI'h fJcnuliu I'rcpnrntlouR, Delivered to any address, heeure from obn vstlon, established upwards of twenty years. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Aildre.s letters for lu mrmation, In confidence to HENBY T. HELM HOLD, Drutilst and Chemist Only DepoUl II. T, UKLMBOLD'H Urns and Cliemlcal Wareliouhe, No, Wl Broadway, N York, or to H.T, HKLMIIOLD'M Medical Depot IM Bouth Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. UKWAHE OK COUNTEHFEITEIta.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers