THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Humorous. A mong n savage clan Of cannlballsh peoplo A missionary man Hot up his modest steeplo. Ami there each day ho would Purine his noblo, 1a burst llo told them to Ihi good, And hndo theui lovo their neighbors. Tho cannibals, with grins, Oave ear to thomofl he treatod They crossed their tawny shins, And on their hams woro seated. And yet they were not lost, That missionary's labors; Untaught them to hts cent Iho way to lovo.tholr nelBhlwra. For one day, when for prayers Thoso cannibals they met him, They canghthlmuonworcs- They killed him and thoy nto him I They said they found him good, llo'd pracllcod what he taught thorn And now they nn Jorstood The goodness ho had.broughtlucm. And when they filled each maw, They said, wullo they deplored lilra t They'd lovod hlm-llve and raw Hut, roastod, they adorod him I" What tlo (jreat liars do whon thoy dlo? Thoy llo sttll. Can n lover bo called a suitor when ho don't suit her? A nnuNivAitu ution hcarhiL' that th world was round, said that accounted for lils rolling about so much. An .lncorrlglblo boro at our elbow wnnN to know If W-o-r-c us-t-o-r spells Wooster, why xi o c-n-o s-i-c-r uon spell Uoostcr. Doo.9 beat tlciitUts. They Insert nat ural teeth. But It Is putting them ir that hurt", rather than tho pulling then out. A Cuioauo paper sjys a good deal of our religion Is slinplo starch. That's tho reason It washes out of some folks so easily. A sensitive old bachelor says that pretty girls always affect hltn Just as or namental confectionery docs thoy glvo him tho heartburn. Somi: ono says that tho Hon and lamb may Ho! down together In thlswotld, but when tho Hon gets up It will bo hard work to find tho lamb. The Mobile Jtegister of n recent dato contains tho following : "Tho Honors- bio Judge of tho Circuit Court was on ono of his customary sproes la3t Tuei day." "What substituto can thero bo for tho endearments of ono's sister?" ex. claimed Mary. "Tho endearments of somo other fellow's sister," replied John. A Woman at n revival meeting in Ohio, said sho found her Jowelry was dragging her down to perdition, and so gave it to n youngor sister. A New York clergyman recently spoko of ft woman having "tho pearl drops of affection hanging glistening on her checks." IIo meant to say that she cried. A Milwukke woman, whoso hus band had been persecuted to death by o creditor, married tho creditor and. per scouted him to death in less than six months. Time seta things oven. A btrong mind is sometimes moro easily Impressed than a weak ono. For example, you cannot so easily convlnco a fool that you are a philosopher, as you can a philosopher that you aro a fool. When n Badleal politician leaves with a largo amount of govornmont funds In his pockets, tho government organs announco that his accounts aro "adjusted," and his stealings aro called "irregularities." A little bit of a thlng.Jwho had Just got back from a party, was asked by ber mamma how sho had enjoy her self. "Oh, mamma!" sho said, "I'm Bo full of happiness; I couldn't bo no happier, without I was bigger." At tho dinner of an Irish association not long since, tho following toast was given : "Here's to tho President of tho society, Patrick O'Rafferty, and may ho llvo to cat tho chicken that scratches over his grave." A balmy fellow bragging that ho could carry ft barrel of pork without difficulty, was suddenly put to his trumps when told that ho was frequent ly seen staggering undor n load of less than 175 of corned meat. "Now, my boy," said u committee man, "if I had a mlnco pio, and should give two-twelfths of it to John, two twelfths to Isaac, two-twelfths toHany and should tako half tho pi mysolf, what would thero bo left? Speak up Joud loud, so tho people can hear." "The plate," shouted tho boy. The Columbus (Ohio) Stato Journal tays: "A deformed chicken of common breed, the deformity resulting from a broken back, was entered at tho Musk ingum county fair as a Hungarian cock of tho 'Slavl Magyar breed,' Just Im ported, and thojudges, after inspecting It, awarded it tho first premium over one of tho finest poultry shows ever Been In tho county." "Well, Sambo, Is your master a good farmer?" "O, yes, very good farmer, ho makes two cropsjln ono year." "How is that, Sambo ?" "Why. ho soli all ills hay in tho fall, and makes money onco; den In do spring ho sells all do hides ob do cnttlo dat dlofor do Jack ob de hay, and makes money twice." Bewake op Tiin Cuhls. rcoplo nhould bo careful .In tho application of acids. A young lady with golden tress es fainted tho other night, nnd nn alarmed friend bathed '.her forehead with vinegar, and in tho most expedi tious manner bathed all the golden col or out of her friend's linlr. This act of mistaken kindness spoilt n matrimonial engagement, and Imparted such an acidity to. her disposition that it is almost lmposslblo to llvo in tho same houso with her. At a recent spiritual sitting thoro was presont a woman who mourned tho loss of her consort: and, oa tho mam festations began to respond, tho spirit of tho departed Benedict appeared upon tho scene. Of course tho widow was now anxious to engago In conversation with tho absent one, and tho following dlaloguo ensued: Widow "Aro you In tho spirit world?" Tho Lamented "I am." Widow "How long have you been thero?" Tho Lamented "Oh, somo tlmo." Widow "Don't you want to como back and bo with your lonely wlfo?" Tho Lamented "Not If I know my. self I It's hot enough hero." Miscellaneous. Tlio TWtli. Why do somo pcoplo'ii tooth como out moro readily linn others 7 Tho reasons for thlsnro probably many, Aliotil tho middle of Iho last contury 1'otor Kitlm n Swede, visited America, and wrote M'hsIMy tuiotit what ho saw. llo ob served n frequent Irm of teeth among settlers from Europe, especially women, After discussing nnd rejecting many modes of explanation, ho attributed It (6 hot tea nnd other hot bovcrnges ; nnd tamo ton general conclusion that "hot feeders losu their teeth moro readily than cold feeders." Mr. Catlln, who somo years ngo hadan Interesting exhi bition of Indian scenery,,wcap- (ins, Ac., noticed that North American Indians hnvo better tooth than tho whites. Ho accounts for tho dlffcrenco in this straugo way that tho reds keep tho mouth abut, whereas tho whites keep it open. Tho teeth, ho says, ro- qulro moisture to keop their surfaces in good working order i when tho mouth Is open, tho mucous mombrano has a totuloncy to dry tip, tlio teeth lose- their needed supply of moisture, nnd thenco comodlscoloratlon,toothacho,ticdolour. cux, tlecy, loosonfss, nnd eventual loss of teeth. Mr. Catlln scolds tho human rnco generally for being less scnslblo than tho brutes in this reaped, nnd tho whlto raeospcclally In comparison with tho red. Wo keop our mouths open far too much j tho Indian warrior sleeps, hunts and smiles with his mouth shut, nnd respires through tho nostrils. Among tho virtues nttrlbuted by him to closed lips, ono is excellent when you aro angry, keep your mouth shut. Chamber's Journal. The "Aiue." A welter In tho Over land Monthly gives tlio following inter esting description of what tho pcoplo of Buenos Ayres call tho aire : IIo was sitting .with tho American proprietor of n quinta, ono warm noontime, with doors nnd windows nil open, and sip ping a glass of wine, whon ho exper ienced a sudden but not unpleasant sen sation, ltko n quick, light chill, which lasted not longer than n quarter of a second. At tho samo tlmo a sharp click proceeded from tho bottlo and wlno glasses, as If thoy .had been lightly rap- pod by somo small object. "That's tho aire." "What's tho aire1' asked the guest. "If you attempt to lift tho bot tle," said tho host, "you will find It cut in two; and you will nlo discover that tho glasses havo shared the samo fato." This was found to bo true. No tatlsfac tory explanation urn bo given of this phenomenon, but It Is thought to bo entirely electric it. If n dog or other animal should happen to bo heated at tho tlmo It comes in contact with tho airt. It Is instantly fixed in its then po sition. If a dog is about to scratch his oar, his hind leg would bo held rigidly as If In tho act for sovcral sucessslvo days. M'liiklnd are not wholly exempt from iln inllucnccs, and people who havo been caught in that position by tlio mVc aro frequently scon with their heads turned half rouud, as if looking over their shouldors. Tho effects aro readily reduced by poulticing, and havo novor occasioned serious results. There Is only ono torrltory of nny size, nnd never has been but one, occu pled by nny consldcrablo population, from which woman Is absolutely ex cluded. Yet such n placo exists to-day, and has existed for centuries. As far back as history reaches, to all females It has been forbidden ground. This bach elor's Arcadia is situated on a bold pla teau between tho old poulnsula of Acto In tho Grecian Archipelago, and tho mainland. Here, in tho midst of culti vated fields and extcnslvo woo dlands, dwell a monastic confederation of Greek Christians, with twonty-threo convents, and numbering moro than soven thous and souls, and. not one of the monaster ies dates from a later tlmo than tho twelfth contury. A few soldiers guard tho borders of this antl-foinalo 'land, and no woman Is allowed to cross tho frontier. Nor is this all; tho rulo is oxtonded to every femalo crctturo, and from tlmo immemorial, no cow, marc, lien, uuetc or goo30 has been permitted to mako acquaintance with hill or val ley of Mount Athos territory. A trav eller was startled by tho abrupt ques tion, "What eort of human creatures aro women ?" Tho very Idea of wo man, whether as mother, wife or sister, is almost lost. To nil woman-haters, to bachelors of over forty years' standing; to all men who seek rcfugo from tho wilos nnd ways o( tho opposlto sex, this region can bo safely recommended as a haven of rcfugo. Japan. James Brooks writes from Japan that tho national food is filsh. Thero is not an ocean or river creature that the Japs do not eat, oven sharks, and theugllerthomorenppetlzlug. And most of tho fish sold aro not dead fish, but living, Jumping, wriggling, fish. You buy an eel nil squirming. Tho llsh-markot men bring their fish to tho market In water tubs, and tho fishermen keep a hugo bamboo water filsh tank on each side of thojunks, into which thoy throw tho creatures that they haul up, or in. So much Is thought of tho fish hero, that on a certain festival day every family Hint has had a boy bom during tlio year hangs out a great painted fish toboastof It. Mr. Brooks says: '1 thought once, Willo on tlio Nile, that tho Egyptians, who could turn sands into gardens, wcro tho great farm ers of tho world; but tho Egyptians could mako no Btich funning gardens as theso. Proud lul inn of tlio arts, mnrvel ous doings of my own country, I blush whon I comparo American funning with this I Hero are rich fields artificially created, luxuriant In beauty now. ter raced from hill sldo up nnd down, and watered by tho hill streams, or not watered, as tlio husbniidmau wills, Thero aro barley fields, and bean fields, and fields of nil sorlH of Japan agrlcul tural productions. Forests cap all tho hilt tops. Two crops nro raised In Japan in ono year, oven on tho rice fields." Whitewash. Tho following receipt isuuuot inoso iiiuorseu oy mo iiigni Houso Board of tho United States Slako half a bushel of unslaked lluo with boiling water, keeping it covered during tho process. Strain it, and add a peck of salt dissolved in warm water; threo pounds of ground rlco, put In boiling water, and boiled to a thin pasto ; half a pound of pbwdorod Span ish whiting, and n pound of gluo, dissolved in warm water; mix theso well together, and let tho mlxturo stand for several days. Keep tho wash thus prepared in a kcttio or portablo fur nace, and whon used put it on as hot as possible, with painters' or whitewash brushes. Court Advortiscmonts. QOURT PROCLAMATION. WnimitAii, thnllon. William r.lwcll, President Judge of 1 ho (lourt of Oyer nnd Terminer and Ueneral Jail Delivery, Court or (luarler Sessions of tho l'earn nnd Court r Onmmnii Pleas nnd (Ir plum's Court In the 2i;th Judicial Plsiriel, com posed of tho counties nf (Silomhla, Hullltnti nnd Wynmlng,ntid thojton, Irani Herr nnd IsnnoH. Mourno Assoelnlo .Indues of Columbia county hnvo lssuod their precept, bearing datn Ihulltli day of Heptember, In tho year or our I,ord, ono thousand, eight hundred nud seventy-ntie.nnd to moillrectod lor lioidliigaCourlnf Oyer nnd Ter miner nnd (lenernl (Quarter Hesslousof Iho Peace Court of Common Pleas nnd Orphan's Court, In ltkhunsburit, In lha county of Columbia, on tho llrst Monthly, being Iho till day ol December nest, to continue two weeks. Nofleo Is hereby given, totho Coroner, to tho Justices oriholVnio,oud tho (Inlislnhles of tho said county of Columbia, that they bo theunlid thrro In their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of snld fill day ol December, with Ihelr records. llHIuUllions noil ntlnrs,tmtnliinti,.,.. In ilothoselhfiigs which to their olllecs npertnln ..mi itui.u iiiii. mu lhiiiiiu oy recognisance, to iiroseculo lumlnst tho uru. oners that nro or may bo In tho Jail or tho said county nf Columbia, (o bo then and llicretn proseculn them as shall bo Just, Ju rors nro requested to bo punctual In their attend, unccngrccahly tolhclriintlces. Dated at Blooms. i -i ouru.iuo mil day ortcpl.,lll tho year l"l of our lord, ono thousand eight him. 1- . llfeil mill KiivMl.'.ri..n.l hi 1 1 in itl.i.ilv fourth jrcar or tho Independence of tliollnlkd Htates of America. AAltON SMITH, lllimtll.liltn. Mi.v- II Ifi.l iil.ii, IDOW'H APPRAISEMENTS. The following nhnrnl.nmpnls nt rnnt in.l sonal property set npart t widows of doccdeuts hnvo been llled lu the oillco of the ltcglsicrot Columbia connty.under tho Rules of Court, nnd will bo presented rornbsoluto continuation, to the Orphans' Court to bo held In llloonisburg, In ami for snld county.on Wednesday, the Ulli day of DcconjbcrlK7l,nt2 o'clock r,K.,of said day, un less exceptions to such confirmations nro previ ous ylllod, of which nil persons Interested lu 8ald estates will lake notice l 1. Widow of lsaao Urjvir, Into of Centre town ship, deceased. 2. Widow of Oeorgo -Masters, lato. of Oreen- wooil township, ileeea.ed. 3. Widow ot John Maslcller, lato of llrlarcrcok township, 4. WltlOW or .Incnl. Vn'm liln tT MltTlIn Innn. ship, deceased. o. mow oi uoorgj w. vcajcr, into or iocusi township, deceased, W. It. J.VCOBY, nojlstcr. , . Hegtstcr's Olllce. 1 Illoomsimrg, Nov. 3, 1S71. J REOISTEIt'S NOTIOES.-NOTICK is hereby elven to nil loaatee. creditors and other pcrwons Interested In tho ctHtulOH of thn re Bpectivo decedents and mtnori.tlmt tho futlow Iuk mlmlnhtnuioti nud Rimrdlau accounts hfive been llled In tho olllce ot tho Uelstcr of Colum hineouiuy.nud will ho iirenenU'd lor continua tion nnd uUowatiCG in tlio Orphans' Court, to be held in Illonms.Htrg.nn Wednesday, thoCtli day or Uecerauur, 1571, at '1 o'clock lu tho afternoon of 8ftld dny i 1. Tho account of JoslnhD.Ktmliucr.OiifmUan of tho person nud catnto of ltuih 1). M.irtcc.iy. n minor ciiuu oi ucury jinrieeny, i.uo ci leniro township, Columbia county, deceased. 2. Tho account of Jmvld Demott, Unnrdlau of tho person aud estate ot McKelvy Kitchen, n minor child of Henry Kitchen, lato of Green wood town-ship, Columbia county, deceased. IL Tho ncCAlllitnrThniTif..i.f. iriit-li1nvriit.f limr. dlan of the persou nud estate ot Amanda K l'u don, a minor child of James 1'aion, late of Flsh- mgcrecK lownsuip, roiumum county, deceased. 4. Tho account of William II. Abbott, Admin istrator or John Wampole, Into of Catawlssa township, Columbia county, deceased , 5. Uheilrstntid llnnl rcpouiU nf M. K. .Ticrrsni.. Trustee to Hell Ileal hstile of Humuel Itlanlc, lato of Centre township, Columbia county, de ceased. II. Thn ntmnnnt nf llnnlmnln Trs.l.nn.. A ,1 nilulstrator of Andrew J. Hloan', lato of ll'loom township, Columbia county, deceased. 4, mo rn.-ruuui.ui lmnict oiiy uer, j r,, i iig sur viving i:.Vecntfr l)nnlr1 Hnvilnr Mr Intn of Uloom township, Columbia county, deceased. t, ins Httnuui in i, ii, i iirKcr, ijuuruiaii oi tho persons and Kstnto of l'ranlc Cottier and Hurley vomer, minor enuurcn oi mmon comer, lato of Madlbon township, Columbia county, do ceased. ). Tho first and final account of William II. Fan Ids, Administrator of KllMibcth Cook, lalo of Hcolt township, Columbia county, deceased. 10, The account of Joseph II. Never, Adminis trator of Daniel never, late of .Ml ill In townsliin. Columbia county, deceased. 11, Tho second and llual account of Conrad K reamer and II. b l'ruit. Administrators of Dr. HI ruon Cotuer, lato of township, Colum bia county, deceased. 12. Tlio ilrsl anil final account of H, IJ.Iiowman, Executor of Frederick Nicely, lato of tho Itor- oiifjli of llerwlck, deceasod. j.t, too ursi una unai account oi unucri 11. 'owler. survlvlnir TrustPo of Isiulc Fouler. Into ii. i no ursi iicfoiiuL oi uciiri'i) Henii. nil n n lstrator of C. II. ltclfHiivder. Ijio nf Cuttawisst. V.l)lUIIMll.l CUllUiy, Uiri!UiCtl, i). ruoaccouui oi .1.1COUH. i rnz, guardian oi the persou and estate of lVriilla Frit-, a minor child or John Frilz, Lito ot KuKailo.if township, lUFuld county, deceased. Uenlster'H Ofllcp. 1 l)loomtbur, Nov. ;i, 1S71, j t ist 01 .lunons JLi HI. It TKU.M, a rand jur.or.s. Illor.m John Stecho. Bainuet Jneoby. IloHtn Hubert h. F. I'olloy. llrlnicnelt lhnaz Ilowcr. Centre .Stetthen Iluttou. Centrnlla Patrick Klllen. rain wiHua Nathan llelwl. Frnuklln CUutmi .Mendouliall. Flshlngcrcelt Hllas .McUcnry, Iovl ItNhirnr. Uemlock-Hylvester l'urscl, II. I). McIIridc, Locust John Dclly.BhuItz Knlttle. MUllin-lJ. II, MoutKoniery. Aladtson Adam lloat. llobeit Ilullcr. Thomas J, HwlMicr. mi. I'lcasaut .lonn Giordan. Main UoorKo W.Fisher. Orange M. C. Vance. ' l'lno Thomas McIIridc, Kugar loaf Cyrus Larlsh, Kzcklcl Cole. TUAVEUJE JUi:01W t'lUST VEHv, Bloom James Cad man, W. W.rurman, Mont gomery H, Williams1, CtmrJcH Fornwnlt, L'iiurtes Thoinns, Ln fa ye He Fuller, J. K. Kyer, llenton Jeremiah tiles, John A. Kline. JJrlarcreelr Oeorge W. Miller, llerwlck William Hoss. Heaver Samuel Usher, Jr. Centre Tllmnu Btrouse, Jcs&eo Itoll'mnn, Jo seph I'. Conner. Catawlssa OanlelOelcer. Centralla Joseph M. Frtck. Cony DKhnm James Dewey. (irtenwood A. J. Albertson. Hemlock Charles II. Otdterlck. I).inlcl Nev- hard, John Miller, Ueoigo Weuuir, ijocusi ucorge j-eiieriuHu. Mail lsoti Jacob Confer, Albert Olrton. Mllllln Michael Heller, Jotph O. Wlnter- b tee n, Kleozer hchweppenheUer, iioniour ueuuen uoucn. Orange Kills Hower. Flue Luther A. Garmnu. Kusarloaf John Colo, Aud row lltss, ticolt II. F, Oman, John 'lurner. Hloom James F. Mcllrlde, Judah P. Hoone. Ifrtarcreek LamonMartz, Freas Fowler, Henton John Halter, Hnniucl Appleman, IteavLr Jesso Hlttenhouse. Huoch Hltlen- house. Herwlclt Robert Mannlnsr. Catawlhs.i Josenh llarluiAU. John Erwlne. Henry J, Miller, tenire wamuei Lrevennff. I'lshlngcreek Win, W. McCollum. O reed wood Hd ward Heorv.J. II. Ikeler. Sf. M. Kllno, John P. Kehter, Win. Uycr, jacasou jucoo i ouug. jouu jajejea. I,oci-st Win. Hllllg. Mltlllu David Ilrown, Lewis Ecltroto. Maine David Hhuinau. Madison bolomou Harnhart.Wm. H. McIJildo Montour John Weaver, A ml row CJartt, Orange Uenlamln Wertmaiu Abner Weli.h. James Ferguson. jiue jacou urei moots. Hcott 111 ram II. Hrown,, Hitjarloaf AmorfHtfss, James Howard. LIST OF CAUSES FOH TU1AL AT DUCKMHKU TKHM, ls71. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania cr, relatione I'airiCK iHirnoami .aiiciulci luuiguu vs. mw lenco I'u rruii nt id Michael Mulouev. lUward McCallet. al, vs. Johu Hweenov. (ieorgo A. Frlck vs. Thomas bUi"khoiHe, Kvrs, in, iougeuucrger, vi. ui. va, jiujii w, lctiey nolds. Wm. Htackhouso b. Andrew Freas, Admrs. L. Herdlc'H line vs. 11. II, Crevellii et. al. David J. Wnller vs. Johu .M. Htackhouso, A, li. Klewarl's use vs. James N, Jones, Mlcuni 1 fl rover's uko vs. Havana it Hright, Michael U rover a uso vs. MavHiru d: lirliht. JokCih M lllcr vs. N. U Camplwll. I'eier iiiiyiiiuu hmj jvuh nuuni-r, ur, llrambalt Co, vs. McNlnch A Hhuman. Harvey C. Hess vs. Hnmuel Creasy adm'r. HhultK A. Funston vs. Alfred Irwlnc. Wm, A. Jviine vs. james v, iiiiiaKpy, James V, Ulllihpy vs. Win. A. Kline. Clem lie I U, Hlckells udmluistrator, vh, David Hweeny fi. ni. .TohiMib H. Klluo vs. Charles Howard. John Uray vet. handersou Hugcuitueli, Thomas o uouuor . ainriiu uaugmiu. Lew tsJ, Adams vs. FIshhiKcreek bchoul district, Win. A.'I'iuiovm. llloom Tuwushln. Hllm.n Welhh vs. John HuUmnu, Peter J. Kckrot vs. Alfred Irvine. Johu McAnall vs. Wm. Jaroby, j raneis j. ivnuo v, jih-iu nurriug, Huvld J. Waller vs. Wesh y Wirt. Hu-phen Thomas vs. Tho l'eun'a Canal Co. jsicnoias Heyucrtvr. i.iuoi r.nuynm, u. H.MullIck vs. John Yeagers, adm'r Johu L, K lino's use vs. W. H-, al. i;. Hatierthwait vs. jtou. r ,Merei rou. haulel F. Heybrt vs. Klluetob & Walton, Van l Ah Iteuso'ssiidiu'r vs. W, A. Kline. Michael Mulon vs, Philadelphia aud Keadliie H, H. It. Co. b Patrick Mnnnyhan vs. Philadelphia and Hcudlny It. H. Co, lUxlgLr Dixon ve, I'hlladetphla and Heading H, H. Co, Mrs. Mary Connelly va, Phlladolphla and Head ing it. h. Co. (loorgB W. Huckel vs. Philip Appleman, et. ni. Charles Itrowu vs. Jos. H. Vuudersllo. David Khaller vs. Hiram Thomus, Holomon Hluey vs. William Wnlii. Joseph Fry vs. Kliuon Htedy, Win. T. Hhuinau vs. Luckawauna an4 lllooms burg H. H. Co. Daulel Bnydvr's uso vs. M. O. McCollum et. al. Ttlinau Ht rou be vs. WUson Mlllor, IU Q, HlcUetU vs. Johu Uweeney et. al, Uoorgo K. HfcJs vs. Joseph WImj et, at, J, Miulth & Hon vs. Uboigo K. Hess. Kuuellno Meusch vs. Levi bred bender et. al. U. J. Campbell & Co. h. Wlliium Uouck, Hoifurl & Kroumer vs. Win, Ha r ber, Mhtiuel McMahou vs. Nicholas KUidt, a, W. jetton vs. Johu L. Hossler. A, W. Hatou et. aUvs. 11, F Wurner el. al, Joseph W. Kausey vs. John Mulligan et, al, Columbia Insurance Co. vs. J, M. Freck. A. H. Hlownrt et, al. vs. Frances li. Jolley et, al, Wm. Mllues vs. Jouus Doty. Andrew Crevelius vs. Thomas Trench. Jeremiah Hess' uso vs, John Huifiuau et. aL Frank 1', Urockway vs. Daulel F, He bert, J.P. Llnnell's Kxrs vs. Aaron W. Hess et. al. Oeorgu Whltmoyer's exrs vs. Johu miner, A, Pardeo & Co, vs. Dan V 11 10 Hazlelou audNVHUos barre H. H. Co, Husuuah Uiiham vs. Martin M, D rob it. Mury Lltweller vs. Aaron Hiullh, Huury Fry vs. Jacob lkdflenbach. Mordecul Millard vs. II. W, McKeyuolJa. Thomas Williams vs. John Cain, Daall J foyer vs. Wellington Ytuger, Miscollanooun, MUHIO W A U..K 11 O O N & A iiirral nssoitmeiit of MUMCAf MKItCirANDIHK AIAVAYH ON 1IANU. VIOLtNH, t.ONCF.HTINAH, I'fiAdOl.KTH, IIFIW, IIAHMOHIUAH.Ac VICMN HTUINOii OF TIIIJ IIKHT QUALITY. THE TiATKST HIIKKT MUSIC. I'fANO AKI) OltO AN HTOOt-4 AUh STYLES ANUl'UtCH-?. A I1ICTTKII ASSOUT.MIO.NT OI-1 OUQANS THAN CATi If IS FOUND Ki.smviiutti:. run TKMl'Li; ANOnLIO OUOAN WHICH hah Tin: HWixTixrr toni: that can nn I'OUNJ) IN A HL'ED OKOAN. ASrCall nnd cxnmlno before purchasing else where. Wnrerooin Alnlu Htiref, below Mnrltel, npjHJHito Corell's lumlture warerooms, Hlooms burg, I'a.',71-ly J. EVAXS. BEADY MADE AND CUSTOM CLOTHING. in: has tiii: FINEST GOODri, LATEST STYLES AND i:.MIT.0V8 Till! i: i: s t iv o ic ii ai i: nr. KnrBon. fits nml prompt ness In IIIIIiib nnlcrs llicio istlioi.lucu In tfo. Ills Koiitls nro uplcrlpil wlln rnro nnil Ills Cus Inm Work will cMiinpiiro ravnrnlily with the ltht cir.irlHur llm r.ihlilunnlilorlty Uuilcr, nn KKKI-.S a i.ARor. htoui; or imvs' am) (:iiii,i)im:s cmitiiino AND i:xts' noons, At Astsulstilngly Low Prices. Blaomsliuri;, Kept. 2), ISTl-tl c. C, I A 31 It havejustrccelvcd flora tho eastern markets large nnd well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CONSISTING or Cass l me ra, Jeans, Etfst bleached A Hrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton & AH wool flan u eld ftc, Ac, A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles k patterns. Bplees of all kinds, Good stock crocerles, tlneensware, Btono waro. Wood & willow waro, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Boap for cKnnlnz Tin, Bras,.tc. All ucMds sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call the attention of buyers to hut well and carefully selected assortment which comprint everything usually kept fu the conn' try, fMt-Ilt.K confident 'hat he cm sell them hi iu'h prlcisns will "Miii' nliunc tl(n. Ct 11 71 I f (M'MARU, it c. no v e a, hus opened a first-class HOOT, SHOH, HAT CAP, AND FUH HTOHE, at the old stand on Haln Street, Hloomaburg.nfew UOOrs uu uiv unn 1, imudu, inn MUCK 1SCOIU' nosed of the very latest aud best st vies ever otTer- ed to theeUirensuf Columbia Conuty. He can accommoilate the publ lo with the following goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled Btotju boots, men's double nnd single tap soled klu hoots, men's heavv stoea shoe nfnll kinds. men's flue boots and shoes ot all grades, boy's double soled boots and(shoes nfntlkluds, men's glove kid Halmoral shots, men's, women's, boys's aim inissf ittsitus Ku'i-ri xuiiiciis giuvu mi Polish very flue.womeu's morocco Halruoralsaud can suoes, woiuvu n wry nuu KlU uuiumeii ers. In fchort boots ot ail descriptions both jfej ufii and sewea. Ho would also call attention to hU fine assort mentor A'M, CAIS, rUHS AND NOTIONS. which romnrlies nil the new nud nontilm varl ctlesat prlceswhlchcaunotfnUtohulinil. These Koout uru cuiureu at ino lowest riuu raies uuu will bo uuarantced toulvn satlsructlnn. A rail Is solicited betoro purchasing olsowhore as It Is ufiioveti 1 n m oeuer oargsius aro io ue iuiuu lUHii si iiuy ovuer putce in tuoconniy. j mi All E LOOMsnurut n x n 11 1. 1: w o 11 k s. MAIN HTHEKT, 1IKIIW HAIllCEr. m.uwiouui.u, 1 A, lolitlliients. Tumbi. lleiulslrmps. Ai. U'nrk nuutly oxecutil, unlers hy mall will receive H kh'iui mieimuii, is, n, wurK iienvcreil ireu m cimre. t. Lt, UU.T1X1N, 1'roprlPlor, iiciu 71-11. r, o, Jlux ai7. Hotels. MONTOUIt HOUSE IlUl'KHT, l'A. WILLIAM DUTLEH, rroprlclor, Tills IlnusehavliiBbcen patln tlinrniiiili repair U uow open tor the receptlcm of utie.U. No .lulu. tiuu bjwim mi cusuru 111a perieci rum. tori of tho travelers. Tno 1'roprlolor nullrlls u fchare of publlo patronage. he bar will be slockeil at all times with floe Honors ami clKart. Jaul'71 JJENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprlotor, J1ENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. This well known House having been put In thorough repair Is now open for the reception' of visitors. Ho palus huve been spareU to ensure the perfect comfort of guests, The proprietor also runs a HUtge from the Hotel to Ulooiusburg ana Intermediate poluU ou Tuesday, Thursday aud Balurday of each week, QaarittfJ T HE EQVY HOTEL, K8PV, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. T.h.? nndertlgped would inform the travelling publlo that he has taken the above named esttb? lUhraent and thoroughly retltted the earns lor the perfections entence of hli t;aeU. HU lurder Will bfi StOCkfcd With th hftrt tfT raVb --.1. The choicest liquors, wines and clga always to be found In his bar, Jan 171 jcipy, p. possunirTiox, ITS CUHE AND lTf3 PltKVKNTIVK, BY J. II. SCIIENOK, M. I). IWany n liuman hcliiff M passed nwny, for whoodcalh there was no other reason than tho lie elect of known and indisputably proven means of cure. TIiono near mm dear to family nnd friend are nleeplnz tho dreamiest slumbor Into which, had thoy calmly adopted un. joshph n.Hcnr.Nni'H bimplu THi:ATiIi;NT, fliidnvalleitthomclvcsof his wonderful (fllca clout inedlcliicn, they would not havo ration, l)r, Hchenek has in hli own case preserved that n hcrover sulllcleut vitality remains, that v Hall ty, by lils medicines nnd his directions for their use, Is (julckcned Into healtlilul iKor. lu thii Klalrincul thero Is nothing prcsumplu nus. To tho mllli nf tho Invalid Ih tuado no ro presentation that is not a I ho man d times Mib Ntantlalrd by Hvln nnd vlslblo worftn, The theory of thocuioby l)r, Hchenck's medicines U at simple as It is unfailing. Its philosophy ro qui ret no nrutuncnt. It it huir-usnmlng, self convicting. Tho Hon wood Tonlo nud Mandrake Pliln aro tho first two weapons with which tlio clUdtl ot tho matmlv It asH.ilIed. Twothlrdt of tho racs of consumption originated lu dyspepsia nud n functionally dltoidorod liver. With thlt eon dlllon, the nruuchlat lubct "sympilhl.u" with tno siomacu, ihcy retpond ut tno inorhiuo action ot tho liver. Hero then comet tho itilml nallinr icsiitt. and tlio setttmi in. with all lit distressing fiymptoms, of CON.SUMPriON, Tho Mandrake Pills mo compotod of nno of Nature's noblett Rilts tho Poioph Ilium Pella turn. They nossest all tho bUxwl Ncarchlmr. allernltvo proper ll et of calomel, buttiutlko calo iuei, luuy " IiHAVH NO HTINU DUIIINlV Thn work nf euro U now bcjtnnlnc. Tho vitiated aud timeout deposits In tho bowelt and liLtheallnieuUiry canal nro eject ml, The liver, lino 11 ciock, is wouiui up, it urouNt'H iroui lis tomlillty. Tho stomach acU lusponslvoiy, nud tho patient begins lu feel thnt ho la gttius hi ljrt, A HUPPXiY Ui' UUUU HUUUH. Tho Hcnwecd Tonic. In conlunctlou with tho PlIN, permeatLH and tiislmllatei wllh tho foad, rhylitlcatlou It now progressiuy without Its previous tortnrct. Hiijeiitdn bocoiiu't palnlc.n, and tho euro It feoeu to bo nt hand. Thorn Is no moro flatulence, no exacerbation of tho slo.nach, Anappelltosotsln. Now comet tho greatest Hlood rurllur ever yet given by nu Indulgent father to hiitlVrlutf man. HchencU's Pulnionlo Hyrup comes lu to I etform Its lunctlons nnd to hasten and com pletothocurc. It enters nt onco upon ll-iwork. l-tiiluro cannot ho cheated. It collects and ripeus tho Impaired and d .seated porllutii of tbo luut. In tho form of gathering, It pieparos theiu lor expectoration, and lot in a very short tlmo tho malady Is annulthed, tho rotten Ihrono that 11 occupied It renovated nud made new, n m I tlio patient, lu all the dignity of regained vlifor.stcpi iorui lueujoy uiu lununuoa ui tno wu.iiuiiuuoa that v uj, OlVr.N UP A3 LOHT. The second thing Is, tho patients must stay In a warm room until they geiuell; ItUuImostlm no,slblo to nreveut taklni! cold when tlioluncs are diseased, but It must bo prevented or a cure cannot bo cllccted. Fresh air nnd riding out, es pecially lu this section ot tho cuuutiy lu the fall and winter beasou, am all wroug. Physicians u no rccoiumeuu inai ruursso iusu uitir piiweius, If their luuirt are badly diseased, aud yet. be cause they are In the houso they must nut sit down quiet; they must walk about tbo room as much and as f.tst as tho strength will bear, to get tlpa good circulation of blood, Iho patients must iivi'p in guuu rqui ita uu ui'i.'. niuieu iu well. This has a great deal to do with tho appe tite, and is the great point to gain, 'io despair 01 euro alter such evidence of lis possibility in the worst cases, and moral certain ty lu nil others, It sinful. Dr. Hellene It's personal statement to the Faculty of his own vino was lu theso modest words 1 'Many years ago I wat ln the last stnget of con sumption; conn ned to my bed, ana 11 1 one time my physicians thought that I could uotllvua week; then, llko u drowning man catching ut straws, 1 heard of and obtained tho preparations which I now oiler to the public, aud they made a perfect euro ot ine. It seemed 10 mo that 1 could leel them peuetrato my whole system. Ihey soon ripened tho matter lu my lungs, nud X would r-plt up more than a plut of oiteusivo cl luw matter every inurnlugior along time. As soon nt that begun to sulmldo my cough, fover, pain and night sweats all began to leave me, and my uppetlto became ho great that It wat wliu dltllculty thai I could keep from eating too mueli. 1 soou gained my strength, and uavo grown lu flesh ever since." "I wat weighed shortly ntter my recovery," ndded tho Doctor, "then looking llko a mere Bkel elou ; my weight was only uluetyseven pounds; my present weight It two hundred and twenty llvo pouuds, and lor yturs I luvoeujoed unluleriupled health." Dr. heiienck has discontinued hit professional vlsltstoNow Votk aud Hjiton. Uoorhlssou Hr. J. II. Hchenek, Jr.. still eoutlnuet to heu pa Plilladelphia, every Wtunlay I10111U a.m., tui 1. M. 'ihoho whoish u thorough examination with tho Hesniioiiietor will bo churned S.j. 'llio lttsphomeler declares (ho exact eomiitlon of the luiigs,nud patients can readily learn whether they uio cuiablo or nut. 'I110 dlieotlous lor taking tho medicines aro adapted to 1110 lutelllgencu even ol a child. Fol low theso illieetloiis, aud Uludisuluio ulll ilo tho test, esceiitlng that 111 houto eases tbo Maiidinlcu Pills aio lo ou taken In luciea-scd doses; tho Unco undlclues uied no other lu'eompanliueutH lhau tbo umplo lustiuctlous mat accompany tliLiu: 1'llsL eieato nnnelilo. Ufieluriilni' hi-alth huugLrlsthoiiiost vveicouio s mptom. When It comes, ils It will come, lei tho dcMnliiiur at onco buol (;(Hid Uood blood al oneu lollows, tho cough loosens, tho night mvuii Is abated, inn hhoittluio both of menu luoibld symptoms ato gimo foiuvtr. lir. hi hem it's medicines aro constantly kept lu tins of thousands ut families, as a luxntlvo r puigutlve, tho MaiidraUo Pills aio a btandaul pieparatlou : while tho Pulmonic Hyrup, us u ttiltr of eouhs and colds, may liu lctfaultd ils a jiroiiiyiaci.riougaiusiiuusuiupiiou m uny uiiis forms, Prlco of tho Pulmonlo Hymn nnd Seaweed Tonic, Ulrju a bottle, or S75j a hal 1 doeu. Aluu- diako Pills, i'j cents a box. For saloby all drug irlhtsanduialers. Johnson, 11 ol lawny A Cowden, 10J Arch htieet 1 .uiuueipiuu, wiionnaiu ugcuis, iiiuy iv .1 ij iiu iNcnuDin.vrs that COMl'OSE IIOSADAUS nro published on cvci ypacknge, there I'uro it is not a Ectrct preparation, consequently riirsici.vxs rr.KscniBE it It is a certain euro for Scrofula. Svphilii in ull Iti forms. Rheuma tism, Skin Di.-ratc, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho III00J. 0112 E0T7L3 OP B3SASALI3 u ill do moro f ood than ten bottles of tho Syrups of Sarsjparilla. iTHE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS liavc used Roriadalis in their practicu fur the past threo years nnd fruly endorso it as a reliable AltcratUs and Hlood Turiucr. nn. t. c. rcoir. or Eaiiimcro. Dlt.T, J. IIOYKIN', " lilt. It, W OAllll. " 1)11, r 0. 11ANNF.LLV, " Oil. J. S. Sl'AltKS, of Mcholajvlllo, DH.'V.'L. MrCARTHA, Columbh, S. ( . DR. A. !l. NOBLKS, Wsecomb, .V, C. USED AHD ENDORSED BY J. E. fllE.N-CII !i SONS, I'all filler, P. V . SMITH. J.irlwn. Jllrh. a. t wiii:ki.i:ii,ui.ii, uhio. 11. HAM., Lima, Ulilt. t.'Ili.vav i: l'i.,f,iiilnnsll1e, Va. SAM'I.. O. HcVAUlUlN, Jlurfriss. l'ore,Teiii. Our fpico v.-illnot allow of any e. tctutcd rrtnniks in leLillcu tu tho ilrtursof IlosAitalli. TotheMpillcJ I'lofcssion m o guarantro a l'luld Kx rasumrlor to anvtlipv l.aio rci ucd In tlio treatment of illseascd Uloiiilt and to thealilirled wosiy try ItosaiUlls, and ou Mill la restored to liealtli. HosaJalll is stld liv all Tni(.iTMa. prlco 81.311 prrlutlle, Adilresj Manufacturing chtmittt, IUItiuobe, ilu. ilOItK PIANOS. Wo rcsnertfullv call tho attention nf thn,o dtslrlmr 10 purchase our mako of Pianos, We aro sum ned tnai wo van ivo Batistaciion lu every eiu,. Our worlimenskllllul and oxncrliii. ced and oro under tho personal superintendence uf tho members of our firm, Wout-u only tho uuii! BunnijiiiHi umuur, nun uiu iimicnai 111 yene ral Is tlrst cluss. Our Pianos without exception have the patent Bgralles arrangement throuKh ont, which lu tho opinion or the most compe. Is pronounced valuable, Hy this 1m tiroveimnt n Piano Is mado more durable and Eeeps tho to'io hmucr. We claim for our Instru ments that they are fcocond to 110110, and they combine all the essential elements that coustl tuto superior workmanship. Wo will give a wruieu guarantee lor uvo years. Mr. Conuau Fhkiman, member of our firm will visit lllfKimsbnrtf four times n venr tu ru. pntr and attend to timing of nil Pianos, in the abseneeot Mr. Kkkiman. Mr. I. K. Mii-i.tii will attend to our business In Uloomsburg uud Is uuiiiurifccu iu receive nun huiiciv oruers. We can give tho vory best references. UAK1ILH A CO. Italtlnuire. I). I. K. MlLLEit, Pcaler ln Pianos, Organs and Melodeon five octave and rive stop organs ot the best umlte, sold at f 110. Teimseasy, Juno ;si rjpiIK OltKAT MAQIOAIj hair rone u'iu Will fore a beautiful rat of WliUlfcrs or Mus- tsckt. In frois luo to thruo months, on iinv nfir. sou over twelve jmmoU. It Is one of tho best reiurmiuu ui uiue in wmsueri grow tnut eve; was known. OuebottUof It lssunicient to praar-jft vrry wtrontt beard. It tiom not lu any whys tin err 'uro the skin. Ttv ltl It 1 m. hvrabuf I'rl. j bS cents per bottle. Bent by vciXX pc ' njd. to a or addrMt, ou recet tl pricj.Ae,rebii WILLIAM 0. WAOWKH, Arr,dt ville. augawoy, Aiiums Cyriniy, Tenna ROSAOALIS m Drags and Chemicals. A GREAT MERIGtU T. ' r Dr. WALnrwe o-'r - VINEGAR. Lil' J j! 4 Hnntlrctla of Diotuujuta Bo&r tfstlmeny td their Wonclci. m lul (.uraiivo uuuvia. U WHAT ARE THEV? ggg TltET KOT A TILE FANCV D Ft I N I? ttadocf Poor Itttm, Wblfkcrt PrniT Pnlrlts tmd ltrfuoo LUuortJ doctored, iflcod ftflduvrttt mcd to vlcaaotlio tato, called ,,Tjn;cB("lArpctl2 cr?,M IIcfltorcrE," tc, tliat lead tlo tipflcr cn to drunkcncccji ntdrulii.tntaroatraa Medicine, tntdo fiotntlioXaUvo IlooUaad Herbs of California, frco from nil Alcoholic Htlmutnnta Ttcrcro tho (lltCAT 111,0011 l'UUIFICEl nnd A MFH (UVINC1 PIMNCIPLEapcrfcct Ifonovator and Iavlecratorcf thoEjetra.corrriisojr tllroleonona r.-tttcr tad rcrtorlns tno tlood to a hctltty condition, i.Qptrica c&ataU tlicso Dlttcn according toClrcc t'i itndreao.lnloccnnT.tll. C1U0 vlUbo clTcafgrnn Inrtra'blocaac.rroTl-lcsl t' : tones wo not ilcttrojcd by mineral poLioa cr ctlar means, tail tho Mial orcaaa vatcd bcrotdUia rcttcf repair. I'rlDflaiaaiitory nnd Cb rente niicunin tlnu nnd (loatt Drereprlo, vv InJIcostloo, UiHous. llcmlltciit tnidlntcrixltlcct Pecrn IMttntcsof tholllood, Hvcr, Kidney r, tied llladdcr, tacco llltttto Lcvo leca inert lucati fal. Buch Dlccnscs cro cacicd ty Vltlntcd Wood, which la Eoacrilty rroducci by dcrtCi;tt:.cit tftiio DlccEtlvoOrtratis. DYyPL'PSIA OH lNDlOESTIOX, Kctd tcl.o, PrJn la tho EhoaUcrs, CcrchcTlKl-Uccs of tLo tht.-t, Dlizlncti, Conr Eructations ef tho CtoKach, 3 alt- (ula3 llouh, tlllius Attache, Talpltatlca cf tac Heart, Icaau-tnatluacf tlioLurgfl, Palatatho icj lots Lt tlio lCldatya.r.ndahnnch'cd other falcftl 1. - pi a.arijthocwFFrlccocf Uyrrcpo-a. J . ylLT.ratj tho CUcacli ad cthnalata thu tor I silver xi 1 torclt, t. hlch render them of unequalled ti-tJcyU c Inj tho Mood cf s.Iluipnritlci, end .ui'crtlnj new l.f j t:U Isor to tho wholo tyBt:ia. l iJIIMilN :)::tAHLy, Kmptlona.TctUr.EaU Mictir., Llctchcc, Cfots, I Imnlcit, 1 ni tnlci, Delia, Car-LuncUs,ijn;-V.oriuB, Ecnld-lIcftd,Eora Eyca.Errdp tlaJ.ltc'.i, tcurfJ, thcoloratlonaof tho Bldn, Iluraora tal Pl.nBos cf tho tkln, of whatever namo cr caters, L7-4 l.tcr-lly luj cp and carried ont cf tho ryttcm lu a chert tlnioVr tho uio of thccoDlttcro. Ono bottlo 1.1 tcth caeca will com lnca tho most Incrc Jcloi cf thc curativo cCcct. Clcanco tho Vlt'atcd Klood irhcnovcr yoa And lu lxparHIcs tcrtticjj throngh tho tthi lalimplcs, Crap tlou3 crEorcst clcansoltwhca yoaflndltobEtructcd nnd ilagclflh la tho veins t clcanco Unticaltlafoal, and your feelings will tell yoa when. Keep tho blood tnro and tho health cf tho tystcra will follow. PIN, TA PC and other WO KM S, larblnulntho cyEtcm of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed la four lan ETiaffca-EnnUcli, German, Trench and Spanish. J.TTALHER, Proprietor. r.n. JJcDOXALD & CO., Druirslsta ond Gen. Accnta, an Franclico, Cal ' ud 3iftad81Coraincrco Btrcet, New York. tVCOLD BY ALL DKUCGlSTS AND CEALLm 00 C370-tf. To any person proiluclnff nny Medlclno show lug half ns many living, jtermanent cures as Diu Fl ir.KIt'8 VFIlhTAllLU IlIIKtlMATfO ltKMi:nv. Uacil inwanU) onfj. A rleasnnt Modlclno, freo from Injurious ilrut. wnrranteil, under onth, lo have permanent ly cured H n every 1W) patients treated 111 tho pist Ion years, (eo teKtlmony.) It Is tho sclentlilo prescription of Professor Jos, P. Filter, M. 1 , a ijraduato of the University of Pennsylvania A. I). 1H3.1, now ono or l'hlladel phla's oldest leuutar physicians, ami Professor of t'hemlslry and Toxlcolojjv, who lias made Neuralgia, Chronic and lullammatory Uhcuma Usui tho speciality or hU entire professional lllo a tact vouched for by tho Ugnatures nceom pauvlugeach bottle, ormauy iiromlneut renown ed pliyMclan., clergymen, anil other tesiluton la W. To protect sullerers irom poisonous uuaclc nos trums aud useless exieudlturu or money, n Ugal slanedfiunratilee, stating exact number of bottles run unfed lo euro, will ho forwanied gratis to nny Nuuerersmmim; uy it-uer a iuii uetcripiion of allllctlon. In cahoot falluro to cure, nuiouut mild nnsltlvelv reiuuded. Alitl clno sent nnv whero by cxpiess, collect on delivery. Allllcted Invited In wrlto foradvlco: all Informal Ion and medical advlco sent by letter trratls. l'rinclnul nnico.i'y houtii i-ourui street, rnu.uicipnia, r.i, ino itcineuy is soia or ouiuiuuu uy urugisis, mar 2171 ly a: GENTS WANTED. wo want tiOOO active, cntcrnrlslnir. thorough ....... n...l .,.,... tl III II 1.1.1.. II ...1 III ll,..SI.Illt work nwl gwKi W. Wo I'uiiiisii iim ii KMT 1100KH; woKlvoimrngcillsTHUllKMTTlUtMW, TiioucsibciiiiiijuooKuown II)- SIUNOll 1I1.1TZ, Iloscrlblnglilswonilcrful fentsnml tricks, Willi iHiiglmlilo luclilents aiul ndVLiittircs. .Agents are selling frnm 'M to 411 roplcs n ilay, Alsu. our NEW FAMILY 11IIIM!. lontnlufni IIi.ack. wood's t'oMriii.urNsivi: Aiih to the sttuly of I no scripluros.iiiMi niivis anew 111111 iinproveil DlCTIONAUV OF TIIK ltlllLH, toyttlipr Willi KIX- 1'im: ktki:l I'lath, lour innps In colors, nmtEiiu superior ciiuravlngH on wool: Family HF.t-nltll, rASlllA'AMU'M, Ac, c, ACOMl'I.KTK I'liospKcruMoi mis uiuio niui agent's ouiutitiru' Islied l'lEKE til nil Mho menu work, llnr urn. griiiutiio of N KM' llOUICs for Ihe l-'ALt. Incltulcs ,-hucccssIiil Accnis wlll receive first cliolco nf teirltory ou MAllli TWAIN'S forthcomlUB Ureal wora, uirctuars, jtrms, ,c, with full Information, sent free on iimillcntloti to mii.'i.'i i.'i 1 Auiiinvii, i...... septi'J'-l-l'f 711 fcan'som street, l'liilaiiilphla. Jacou K, Ha it 11. J. n. SnLTZca g MIT II & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers lu Forelmaiid Domestic II A R D W A R E, UU.NH, UUTLKKV, AC, RO. m St, THIKD STBirrr, All rAI.llWHILI,, , i-iiir,Ai)i:i.i"i(iA. Jan 1'71-ly T K S U It A It O E A CI E N O Y Wromlnir .. ..... ejiijii! ..... i,"U.W i 0,UHJ imviio tua Kulton N, V, North Anurlca t-ity IntvrimtlonHl N,V ..,, Nlajtara N,y M Meichaum Hiirius.ii'i.i Kannerx' l)aiivllli,N',V City , Dauvllh-, llorhw 'ftifft Atlantic. N. Y SIU,IIIIU l.lKI.'Wj ,r." jiul!!! V'"""'; German la, N, V - i.ion.uu 1 FUKAH lliuiwN,''Ii'iii. M'm ronlSni-ly, llLnovsnuufi I'a, THE NATIO Ita Ilulora and Instllutl IN ENGLISH AND GEItMAN. Not hltiBllko. lt. Blrlliis eierylmdynsjtutlho ,1.7. ; rr.' . ' , .rv . ' . ult3 ul inem. ....;:,..,..,;;, ;.'.. ..''. ' v,,u,'lt. ''"raw jiui QIIE3TKR S. KURMAN, HAIINDH, H.UUU:. AND TitUNK MAKUFAUTUHL'll. and dealer ln CAIll'KT-llAOS, VALI8ES, n.V-.NCTS, UUfrALO 110II8S, II011SK-nr.ASKt.TS Ac. Which ho feels ennn.lont lin U.., ... mi,. inn .r;,r"i". v; lower imtii. r,r,v,.',,,;':.'.v.i'"""u owr. Hbop opposite the' Tost Office. Main KIreel iiiuoiiisourK, fa. ' u. 0, ism. ... yULUAN WORKS, DANVILLE PA. WILLIAM If. LAW. Manufacturer nr Wpn,,ni.. t. 1, buuJjS iiilf.siiacjM aim nil kludi of Hmllli Wofk 'in rtepulw promot y attended in. " worn, Ao. 1 oct;rn.iy:lns,ao,,l:kUrao,uri'ii'i. In ijli it! WMF I ! M V. tl V ti 5 m -lailleti nud Kinlleiiieii-i.iriners (,i" ,.,,, nd Hndenls tin, agent Mllwl,' ,,, )i ti lth mucltir ufuir, Uwe the hook inm " 'l, iui a tl- mu cl nri'.t lii Mir i. rrlic.ry " Write t ifrtimffllM Miscollancoug. gOMKTlIINa NKW! Tho nnderslgnnd wontd hcrohy Rive notlco Hint ho has lust rnmtv nmpleted A FIIl It-ST CLAHU IH-'AltMl-'.nnil thnt. ho finallin rnclllllf4 fnrrnrrV' lng on tho business of UNDERTAKING In all Its branches IN OITV HTYLM, He linn ongnged rxporlenrM persons who will tako charge of tho IxHiles uf thn deceased as soon as they ''shutllo of this mortal mil," aud attend to washing them, shaving, dressing, Ac. Hhrouds rurnUhcd nlso tobrder. At much oxponao he has nHo procured an I HON I0K BOX, In Thlcli bodies can bo preserved Inn rleanly and diy condition. Carriages furnished for fu nernl occasions. In MiorL ho Is prepared to take charge of n corpse ImniPdlntely after death, and save frlcnd.inndiclatlvcsnll further trouble ln reirnrd toll, ilo also carries on tho business of CABINET MAKING Upholstering ln nil Its branches, repairing furnt tore, resenting enno bottomed cbnlrs,AC., AC Place of business ou Iron (it rent, below Main, nuiii:uT uoan, nioomsburg, July , 1870-lf. ATENT ARION PIANO. Thoonlvjirrrc Instrument In tho World. It liwtrquatUtt ln ltlchness, power, Itrllllancy nud Durability. Hpeclnl terms to Ttnch rs. larked lavors to Ultrgyiueu, Hcnd for Illustraleil Arlon Pamphlet, tt V, ro.STnt, Oenernl Agent, mnr 10'71-tf. Mallii Chum;, Pa, QARIUAGE MANUFACTORY, TJIoomsburs, Pa, M. C. SLOAN A imOTItHH Havo on hand and for salo at the most reasona ble rates a splendid stock or CAHKIAGES, BUaOIE-H, and every description of Wagons Iwth PLAIN AND FANCY wn rra ni ii In 1m mndn of thn best nnd most dtir able materials, and by the most o.xierlencPd wnrhmpii. All work nent ont from tho estab lishment will bo found to bo of tho highest class and Buroto give perfect satisfaction. They have also a nno assortment oi B LEIU IIS of nil tho newest nnd most fashionable styles well nnd carefully mado and of tlio best mater ials. , , An Inspection of their work Is nuked as ltl believed that nouo superior can bo found In the uountry. Jan 171 -il h OF TUB AGEI Patontbd Decbmdiir 7TI1, 1869. OUR CHLEUUATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Il4omWfHBIJ. Acltiiowlcilircfl byi.llhonoT OMil It tu ' tho bct IVn itiwlxur wild In ihUvvilii; I'.'fti yt III not itirrijilis fixly llnriwrlllfn rS I wllli imo IVnoritiM Will oulurnru tidstii r? I bent !! IVn. I'ul tin tit ut ull.h- bin. Hlll.ll IINIiV 1( A li KMN und fur this mtaon ttnjr i Mcrtfollw n-rttn mn rt-ulli; tf)UO per month. lrvBtavtrV(HpcPiiit.l '1 HUHuntplu IVn, lOsfitUt two Lou , AO -rnf 00 biisun, lI.UU tucU baxi, fV,UO. AtldrtMs, Western runLisniNG Co. Minufacturcri' Agent, Piuslurli, Ta. N C IPTION. Tlio orcnl nonnlnrlt j of Him VJ I lViisi It ii led Lo limit) tin diil loimof tin lull' v; rl.ipHHHlr. Iliir only tlio crtiulnc hll'Si O TI (r.N4i.thvll.UC mint. Innrl. . 11 HIT 1'ur I'enit el vo )uiir .Nutni'. 'lonn, Coiiulr, Hint Jan ly "VIEW FIH3I AT OltANOEVILLE I JLX mnw Tmtvnnv a v-r iMiimm TUHAIj WOIIKS. dlUUT I.MI'nOVKMKNT.-5 IN TLOW8 AND Tiinraui.N-a machines. Mr. .Incoli Trlvk-iilQPo Imvlii" purcliasoj the InU'.rcst nf t'linrlca W. Uw In llio nlioi u nnmoJ works, tho liuslncsa will lj eo illnueil nmler tlio llrm unmoor W'ii.t.iam sIlvr . ... 1... illscovered kcviral Imperlectlons In the plows inaiiuractuic. n 1S7U, ihey luvo streinilfieneJ ami Improved llietn, ami mhieil somoeutlro new patterns. They M 111 open the. Hprlui; traclo of 1S71 far liuiilyiince ofaujthlUB eer ollereu totho public, beluB bath practical mechanics, and hav liilt their work all done under Ihelr own super vision they (juaranleo their work superior In material uud llnlsh to any hcrotofiiru ottered. Dealers should not accept of nny other agricul tural Implement, until ihey havo examined our Mauiifucturo. Farmers should try our plows before buylngany other. They also manufacture ALU J.INDi OF CASIING8, usually mado ln first lolass rouudrlos, saw nnd grist mill faslliifs, made nud lltied up to order, TIIIlESIIINa 3IACIIIXE3 nro maJen specialty, nnd somo verv decide,! in. prirteiuoiils hap been introduced luto their ma chines, l'rlces loer than v..i. mi i,i,i . country proilucoaudold Iron taken In exulunee Order direct Irom the mauulactury. Old auen cles supplied duilng the winter. Auuiess all orders to WILLIAM SCHUYLER A CO.. AQIttCUIrURAr. VOKKS, OUANUEV1LLU (i COLUMUIA COU.NTV, l'A, Twelve Years' Will Miaasi!i'.Piaifls( ltBUHkins: fir r,n,;nr"'.:,",''.".',''",,.,""Ki' llalrhleadlU Eciipes"aud Terrible Uout'esls Willi' onxouT WJIUKLKR A WILSON MA0IIINKS Inthom.iikit. Why is It? MANY WOItV.niTT MAf!IIfVI.' .-w. of r"""'urtio In tho market. Why Is it T llecauso, Willi nu INX'ItUASE OF l'OWlilt, Thero Is a DECmiAHi: OF l'llIOTION, In other words, It Is slinplo ami udjustahlo, Its fnsv. snrluhtlv molloii. wl... ,.n,...i uin. .1..: ... ':!.."''r" !." bllllttle inilCllllies.ovinreM lhU. liny i Wheeler , t rt'llsou, uud you will Imvou ...... ...... . 1111 , Bold by II. At. bikiiuu. ni 1. w vn,.u. ....... K - ' oa.t'lul JJXCHANGE BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, DLOOMSUimo, l'A. The undorslgneil, successors of F. widmver would respocllully' uiiiioiin iifnt ,K.VT i.. iiie.i Viv lh w , 1 u""' reccutly occu. T,,.,i ?,.uU".V "'i'd, In llloom.burir, and I repiirid towiiitiiiuo tn0 business of uiauufao. iiiuiiiuiiq selling, hy W1I0LKSALE AND UIJTAIL, j',n;clpiicry of every stylo and kind. Also, '!'y will hnyn at all limes u eompleie supply o! es una iiread uud Cake. I'urtles .iniig uuyiui.iij 111 tuts nno will nud It to their uuvuuiatfe to cull ou us. AN ICE CREAM SALOON is added to tho establishment, and ladles and others who may patronise us, may rely "11 noli unou riielvluir nrfmi r ml, n..' 4 "R0." uua "mali "l,uul"f,'" SWIG'S IT May S. 1871,-ly 0't"ulIoinUNTA,N VEXa ,ur chellP l!n.?Tr.e"haVil siiauijo people, Their Kporls. ljiieuila. Tradl Wnr.l lp, Ac, Jiiw, Fiesh and i'opular. 1'rlci! lS:,ilitit'it ,JuAt,y f" 'm"ds wlt ,o," sZ ).l ,'L'y,r.Al,"11.f r, huiklnit from i to iiuupcr veck. Choice lie yet vaninl. Mend at onco lor saniplo clinplers, llluslratlons nud win "fa" "ir Al " ""Ul'Altl). fubll.1 2r Jau.7 Tl-tf. m Chesiniu nt I'hlla, Patent Medicines, H ENAY T. llELMBOLU'e;. OOMTOUNU FLUIIl XXTKACT CATAWI1A 0 B A P 13 1 I L Ii H. Onnimtcnt IMrttHuUt JUtmct llhubarli unit fluid tract UtUawba Orape KOIl MVEU'COMl'LAINTH, JAUNDK'I!, nil IOUH AKFECTIONH, HICK Oil NUHVOf'C 1IEADACHK, COSTIVllNESS JiTO, I'OHULJ VilOKTAllLK.X'O.NTAINlNO NO MEltt'UI'Y MINKIIAW OH DF.LETI2ItIOUH DHUOS These rills nro llio most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, mug. ncsla, cto. There is nothing inoronceoptabloto tho slomncu, They clvo tone, and cnuso ncilliei nnusea nor griping pains. Tlicy nro coiiipujta of the Until Ingredients. After a few days' uo llieni, sueti nn lnvlgorntlon of the cntlro system takes placo as toappear mlracnlous to tue weak and enervated, whotuer nnsing from impru. denco or disease. II. T. Uolmbold's Compounu Fluid KxtrnctUatanhaOrano Tills nro not t. coated, from tho fact that sugar-coaled I'lusilo iiotdIsolve,hutpassthroUL'Uthostomacli wl 1 hou dissolving, consequently do not produce, Ihedc sired efTect. THIS CATAWI1A OllAl'U WU.U being pleasant lu tasloand mlor, do not neces'. lato their being sugar-conled. l'ltlCIl FII'ty C13NT8 I'EHBOX. m:xiiY t. jucunior.irs: 11101lr,Y CONCESTftATKll COMPOUND FLUID UXTltAOT HAIiaAI'AUILIA Will radically exterminate from tho system Hcrortila.eyphllls, Fevor Sore), Ulcers, Horollj 11 Horo Legs, Horo Mouth, Hi ad, llrotichlil Bkln Diseases, Salt Illienu, ankers, nuiinln, from tho liir, Whlto Swellings, Tumors, U.111 ccrousAtrccttniia.Hniles.lUcheti.HlniiilarHirer lugs, jigut Hwenus, itnsti, Tetter, Humors ol n Kinds, Chroulo'ftheuinallsni. Dyspensln. nnd a illscnso that has been cslabllsheilln tho sj stu ior ycuri. IlolnsproparcdllXI'ItCSSLYforthoabovoLoin plaints, Ils ULOOIM'UIIIFYINGI proprieties nr greater than any other preparation ol Harsnpa. rllli, It gives tho COMFM'JCION n eleir nn hcnllky color nud restores the patient to n stale ol IIUALTlt nnd l'UMITV. For lMrlfylni? the Hlood, removliiB, all Chronic Constitutional Ills eases arising from an Impure state of tho hlood And tho only reliable and eltcctual known rem 1 dy for the cure of l'nlns and Dwelling, of the Bonn. Ulcerations of tho Throat and Leg lllotthcs, l'lmples on tno Face, Erysipelas nu all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, nnd lleautlfyln the Complexion, l'rlce, S 1 M per Iiottlo. HENRY T. IIELMROLIVS CONlXNTIlATKD X VID JlXTJtA GT li UCll U, the oheat diuuetic, has cured every case, of Diabetes In which It ha becu given, Irritation of tho neck of thollladde aud lullamtnatlou of tho Kidneys, Ulceration o tho Kldusys and Bladder, Retention of Urluo Diseases or llio l'rostato (lland.Hloue In tho Iliad der, Cntculs, Gravel, llrlckdust Deposit, aud Mucous or Milky Discharges, nud for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Pcxes, ntteu ded with tho following syniptonist Indisposi tion to Exertion, loss ot l'ower, loss of Memory, Dltllculty of llrenthlug, Weak Nerveo, Trem bling, Horror of Disease, Wakemlncss, Dimness of Vision, l'aln ln tho Hack, Hot Hands, Flush ing of tho Iludy, Dryness ol the Hkln, Eruption ou the Face, l'allld Couutcnnnce, Universal Lnssltudo of tho Muscular Hystem, etc. Used by persons irom tno ages or eighteen to twenty-live, and from thlrty-llvo lo Illty-ilvo 01 lu tho decllno or chaugo of llfoj aflcr eonlliu mcnt or labor pains j bed-wottlng lu children. Hclmbold's Extract Duclm Is Diuretic nnd Illood-rurllylna.niid cures nil diseases nrlslng from Hnblls or Illsslpallon, and Excesses anil Imprudences In Lire, Inipuiiiics of tho lllo'id elo., superseding Cnjiabln In nllectlons fur which It Is used, nnd Byphlllllo AnVctlous-ln theo diseases used Ih connection with HELMIIOLli n K03E WAB1I. LADIES. In many nflectlous )ecullar to ladles, tho Ex tract lluchil Is unequalled by nny other rcmojy as Is Chlorosis or llctcntlou, Irregularity, I'atu fulness or Huppresslon of Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Kchlrrus Htato or tho Uterus Leticorrha'a or Whltos.Btcrlllly.and tor all rom plaluts Incident to tho sox, whether nrlslng irom Indiscretion or IlnbltsorDlsslpallon. It Is pro scribal extensively by the most omlnent pbysl inns and Mldwlvestur Eiileeblod mid Delicate Constitutions, or both sexes nud nil ages (atten ded with any or tho abovodlseasesor symptoms. H. T. HELMnoLD a EXTHACT BUCHU CUItia DI.SEASES Altlal.NU FUOM IMl'UU- DENCE, HAI1ITH OF DISWIFATIO.V, ETC., ln all their staccs. at little ex nenso. little nr 1111 chango ln diet, no Inconvenience, nnd 110 ex posure. It causes a rrcqueut desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removlug Obstrnc- uoiis, rrevcuung and Curing Btrlctures or llio ureiua, Allaying l'aln aud Inflammation, so frequent lu this class of diseases, nnd ..xiipl 1 1 ni- all l'olsonous matter. Thousands who havo been tho victims of lu. competent persons, and wlu havo paid heavy fees to bo cured lu a short time, have found they im.o ueeu urceiveu, and that the 'Toisou" lias, by the uso of "powerful ostrlneents ." heon ,in,.,i up lu tho system, to break out in a more nggra vatod form, and perhaps artcr Marriage. Use HELMBOLD'S EXTHACT BUCII1I for .ill Atrections nnd Diseases or tho Urinary Organs, whether existing In Male or Femalo, rrom what ever cause originating, and no matter or how long standing. 1'llICE ONE DOLLAH AND FIFTY CENTS TEH BOTTLE. HENRY T. IIKLMHOLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot he surpassed as a FACE WAHII.and wll be round tho only speelllo romMy in ovcry spades or CUTANEOUH AFFECTION. It spee dily er.ullcatos l'ISII'Lm.BI'OTH.HCOUllUTIt) DHYNE.SH, INDUHATIONHor the CUTANEOUH MEMUHANE, etc., dlsneis KEDNIxa nnd IN. CII'IENT 1NFLAMATION, UIVEH, HAH1I MOTH I'ATCHEH. DltYNKHSl 111.' Hf'.Ti on SKIN, FltOSTBITEH, and all purposes tor which HALVES or OINTMENTS are used j restores tho skin to a state or purity und softness, nud In sures continued healthy action to tho tlssifu o Its vessols, on which depend tho agreeable clear, noss nnd vivacity of complexion so mueli sought and admired. Hut however valuable 11s remedy for existing defecUl of the skin, H. T Helmbold's Hose Wasli lias long sustained Ils principle claim to unbounded patronage, hy possessing qualities which render it 11 TOILET AI'l'ENDAUE of the most Huporlattvo uud Congenial character, combining lu un elegant formula those prominent requIstts.BAFETYuiid l.'FFIUACY-lho Invariable mmmniniiuni .,1 Its use-as a I'reservatlve aud Kofrcshorof the Complexion. It Is an excellont Lotion for du. eases orn Syphilitic Nuturo, uud as an lujectlou lor diseases or the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used lu conuectton with the EXTHACTH BUCH U.HAIWAFAUILLA, and CATAWBA ailAl'Il FILLS, lu suoh diseases as recnmmeuJed, cannot be surpassed. I'miiK ONE DOl.LAK l'EH BOrn.E. Full aud explicit directions aceoruDanv the medicines. Evidence of tho most rosnouslhlo and relhibln character furulshod 011 application, with liuu. dreds of thousands of living wllnosses, aud up ward of 30,000 unsolicited certlflcatosand rocom. meudntory letters, many of which are from tho highest sources, lucludina eminent iMiv.tnin... Clergymen, Btotosincu, etc. The proprietor h nevcrresoneu to their publlcatlou lu the news papers! he docs not do this from iim f,u.t . i.- his articles rank us Btaudard I'roparatlous, and do not need to bo propped up by certificates. Ilcury T. IIolmboId'M Ooiiuliie I'roiiiirnOous), Delivered to nny address. Becura rmm niv,n, vatlou. EsUbllshed upwards of tweutv vears. Hol,i i. Druggists everywhere. Addiess letters for ln. formation, iu confldenco to llh'NHY T, HELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist OUly D01WUI H.T.IIELMBOLD'H Drue and Chemical WareLouse, No. 691 Broadway, New York, or to H.T.'H mHiki n.,i 101 South Tenth Street, 1'hlladelptila, I'a, HEWAKB OF COUNTEHKEITRtm. In. llh'NHY T, IIELMBOLD'S TAKE NO OTIIEH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers