THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TltEOLUMMAN "Bloomsburg, Friday, Nov. 10, 1871, ()RO.r.llAwi'!.t.A(,,o.,IO l'ork llow.nre nuponly MUlinrlrml Ailvrrtlilnit AepiiIii In New York, (K,VKTllitiilu1AUi.,No.(7C'h'sliiuiHlrert, nnxmrnnly Api nl In Philadelphia. (!, (I. Muiirur, Km, Hour iiutliorlited Asint nt Conirnlln lo tmn.nrC nny Ini.ln prrtnluInK tu tlinC'Ot.UMlllANOIllCO. Jtg' Alt Advertisement for the forpolnttlomll. He. must bo endorsed hy theso Auonla, ur they will receive, no intention, tf. Tlio Yrnrs of St. l'otcr. Mr. Olivia Btnrtcd out by making llirco distinct nssertlotis. Ills uuthorlly In support of tlicm was rceiiccfully ro qumtcili After nit his nltcitipts liu litis not Blvcn nny, and It Is fair to Infer Unit tiono exist within his l;iiowle(le. If ho did not know thnt when ho Ik-riiii, that Is his fault, not mine. Thnt ho finds himself obliged to escape from his dllemmn behind n frffrtMefotiso, when tho question Is ono of historical act, Is his siibtcrfURo nnd not mine. I nm not obliged cither by courtesy, or by what no cans fairness, to let hltn shift his Rround, Mr. Onvis scetiM to supiioso himself tho very first writer on Church Government nnd Doctrinal Theology. A short cotirso of reading In early church history would greatly surprise him, nnd could not fall to teach hltn something. Ho cannot draw mo Into u dIs6usslon of collateral questions, Ills original nssertlons still stand unsupport ed. They nro his own, nut) by tliein ho must stand or fall. V. ArroiNTMKNT. -On Tuesday last Gov. Quaky appointed Huuoi.vji II. Kinolku of Hloomsburg, to bo Pro thonotary nnd Clerk of tho several Courts of this county lo fill tho vacancy occasioned by tho deatli of Gen. Knt. Tho appointment will run until tho fall of 1872, when nn election will tako placo for tho cholco of n regular Incum bent. Tho action of tho Governor In this imo was strictly upon party grounds nnd overruled nn implication mndo lo hltn for tho appointment of Mr. ZAiti!,Ueputy under Gen. Knt, fur tho renmlulng months of tho pending term. It was proposed by gentlemen of both parties that Mr. Zaimi should con tlnuo to perform tho duties of thoofllco until a regular election could tako placo In tho Interest of tho widow and child of tho deceased thoy receiving from him n due proportion of tho proceeds of tho olllco for that time. Hut tho Iladl cal Uepubllcm ring of Uloomaburg presented IttNOMiu for appointment and tho Governor acceded to their de mand. Wo ato admonished by this transaction that Itadiol Hympathy for tho fioldlers nnd for their widows nnd orphans is a very managtablo emotion and can bo perfectly controlled when occasion requires. It is not n kind of sympathy nt nil likely to cau'.o nny sacrltlco of personal Interest or disre gard of tho smallest morsel of patron ago which can bo appropriated from tho hands of political power. The recent vacanty In tho ofllco of Prothonotary In this county shows nn Imperfection In tho law which should bo corrected. In caso of vacancy in that olllco no provision exists for tilling It temporarily until an appointment can bo regularly mado by tho Govornorj nnd it might easily happen that heavy losses would bo suffered by individuals in consequence. A delay of a single day In entering a Judgment, in conso quenco of n vacancy in tho olllco might cause tho loss of a debt, and other lu convcnlonces nnd ovlls might bo occas ioned by tho samo cause. It would perhaps bo well that tho Iteglater or Ilecordcr of n county should bo author inod to act pro lem pending n vacancy in tho latter ofllco or In that of Clerk of tho sovcral Courts, so that thcro should bo no interregnum or possiblo Injury to individuals from a vacancy and tho In terruption of public business. To Correspondents. Wo have sev eral nrtlclcs of "original poetry" on hand which cannot bo Inserted and which tho authors can hnvo by calling for them. Writers who cannot In'dict respectablo proso or describe a common event in plain, intclligiblo und correct need not ilatfpr thnmsnlvfts that thov can wrlto iioctrv even of tho hehavior havo not received a single lnu.rat rmlpr Tt i fnllv t mnfnnmi reprimand, ami tlioso mentioned for tho similarity of sound i i the last reeuIar "ttendanco havo not missed n words of HtioH wllb i.ootrv or even slnK sessiu of tho scl001. or been rhvmn. nnd nil nntiinr nm-lir. tn know C0 tardy through tho month that to constitute! truo nootrv them For industry and good behavior :- ,o( iww,w,ot,,,i ii,n,,i,t ,,,,r,,,in,,ut Frank Wltmnn, Mngglo Urown und The best cloak manufactories In this country aro surmounted with steeples! When tho rising generation shall havo dono rising, it will havo rlz to a vhlblo height. Wero It not for public nlllccs nnd tho opportunities offered by "outsldo bar barians," the yankces would bo riduccd to tho necessity of picking each other's pockets, which wouldn't pay. This might drive them to tho necessity of adopting HONESTY AS THE 11EST 1'OI.t- oy. Prlnciplo will never do It. Jlcspcclfor grey hairs has been super seded by tho general uw of hair dyes. "Young America" having flnlhcd tho education of her 'granny" In tho art of sucking eggs, Is now persuading tho old lady to part with her spectacles and "flo it blind!" Offices wcro formerly Instituted "pro bono publico." Now, they nro "pro forma," use 1 to rob tho public. "Qirn" Tm: New York Oisseiivek. Those who wish to tako u religious paper which at the samo timo has n Depart ment of Secular Newd, nnd expre-i.-'cs freoly Its vioivs on public ntralrs, main taining tho right nnd denouncing cor ruption wliorover it sees proper will find It in tho Mew York Observer. Tho Publishers announce that it will enter upon Its Jublleo Year In 1872, and that tho event will bo signalized by tho issuo of a Now, an encyclo pedia of information nnd statistics In regatd to tho Church, and civil and business affairs, such as can bo gathered only from an extonsivo Library. This will bo sent free to every subscriber to tho paper. Copies of tho Observer and a Prospectus of tho Year-Hook sent fieo to every ono who will apply. New subscribers will receive tho paper frco until January 1st. PiOMiOFlIoNort. Tho students nam ed bolow havo received a " perfect " mark for their industry, good behavior and regular attendance in Ilooin Num ber 2 of thu Graded School, during tho past month. Those mentioned for good expressed, flno imagery, puro diction, faultless measure nndrhymth that Hows ns If natural and unsought. So much at least to make poetry passable. Mero rhyme may bo put together In pleasant and even witty form without somo of theso elements. Doggerel oven is good If tho poetical idea Is well burlesqued. Upon tho whole wo advlso all people troubled with that species of itch qual ified by tho term scribcmla to practice upon proso unless poetry or rhyme gushes out so spontaneously that thoy cannot help ndontlng that form. Tho, selections sent hero as original might moro safely bo kept nt home, or bo pre sented for whnt they aro, as our stock of good nature may not always insuro tho perpetrators against exposure. Articles concerning cvonts and hap penlngs in tho county aro solicited. Tho writers of theso need only concern themselves to givo tho facts wo will put them together In proper form if that Is not convenient to tho writer. Wo think tho "years of St. Peter" aro about spun out, nnd wo suggest to tho disputants that now subjects nro always most Interesting to tho public. Tllllo McCarthy, For regular attendance: Frank Wit- man, Magglo Drown nnd Harry Cham- burliu. Several students whoso names would havo appeared on tho roll wero trans ferred to Itoom No, 1 shortly before tho closo of tho month, Indian Summrk, Indian Summer nppcars to bo now upon us. An ox chango thus paraphrases this delightful season of tho year : This peculiar season lsn period of warm, pleasant woalhor, which usually occurs every year over tho northern part of tho United Stoles after tho nutumnnl storms, nnd often continues wlthou t Interruption for two or threo weeks, when It Is succeeded by cold weather and tho chilling blasts of winter. It nppcars to bo n moro decid ed season of the year In tills portion of tho eountry thnu nearer tho coast, and In tho region of tho great lakes It Is especially noticeable. Tho water during Its contlnuanco remains placid, In marked contrast with their disturbed condition In tho early part of tho au tumn, tho weather mild and tho atmos- ihcro filled with t peculiar haziness. At this tlmo tho forests nro In their brightest colors, tho leaves beforo their full nisumlng tho brilliant nulumnal hues peculiar to tho American climate. This "Indian Summer" Is so called after tho natl vesof our soil, as It appears to bo Indigenous to this eountry. It was regarded by tho aborigines, from whom It derived Its name, as a favorlloscason,and as stated by Kov. James Freeman, ns a gift from their most Honored Deity, tho God of tho Southwest winds, and to whom they be lieve thoy go to after their decease. An ingenliH Frenchman, who was win recently brought beforo tho Com-ml-salio of Police, In Paris, charged with beating his wife, patriotically vindicated his action on tho ground that tho woman was tho daughter of a Prussian. This mitigating clrcumstanco ensuted a lighter punishment than would otherwise have been Inflicted on him. The officers and soldiers who served In tho army under tho Kinplro aro ex tensively signing an address to tho ox- mpcror,whlch will bo sent to that per- aonago when a sufficient number of sig natures shall havo been obtained. Tho contents of tho document havo not been mado public, although It may bo pre sumed that It expresses, at least, sym pathy with tho Emperor In his exile. HEAD QUAltTERS FOP. BOOTS, SHOES Al GAITERS, IS AT E.M.KNORKS CHEAPEST AND BEST Tho County Affords AT CASH 1MU0ES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Ik1 fore ruri'luifcing Elsewhere. E. 51. KNORR, BLOOMSBUHG, pa. PertrmliorS lS71-!f. TACKWANNA AND BLOOMS milld ItAIl.HOAl) On nmliMur July 17, 1S71, Passenger Trains will run as louowsi aolngNorth. OolngSouth Arrive Arrive. Leavo I.eftve n, m. y. m. yi.m. a. in i.n i.n in.ra 11.3J 2.11 10.: Hcrantou i'.lo l'lttstou Ma KlncHtim 1 HI. sni, 4 W.llurroC'ra Plymouth 8.11 HliiPlislilliuy..., 7.l n-IWClL ,,rt. Bloom fc.e j lwnvlllH.. 1S.1I 13.1 11.00 In tho German Parliament, tho pro 12.SH 2.11) u.oo :as .1..M n.ii :u7 Kl.f.O 1.17 Connection mnde atHcnuitnn for tho trul'Hor Orent llend, ltlntetmniton, Allmnyauil 111. J'Ot III H Drill, II 11,1 V ,'M, portion to pay salaries to members 0f j0HTIIEftN "r-RAIi JlAIJj Hint body was defeated recently by a largo vote. 1871. Trntn will LOCAL NOTICES, T3KIXSONS bavuu Deed and Morf- L fatrt'H recorded. I Ins; In this olllce. will nlenso cull tunl taso litem out, for rcusoni not W. H.JAttmY, ULooMsnuuo, Nov. 3, ltfi. lit confer. Hr. vr Ilocliclle,(Lawtou) Ulnckbcrry vinos for I tale, to. for lmmlrcO, hy .Ii.m 1-11 aAituisoN Iiloomsbnrtf, 1'a. SlNHKRNew Family Bowing Machines tcu dollars ens h balance In monthly Installments J. A. DoitAJf, Agent, JiIoom6burg, Ta, no.30-tf NEW o o n s AT M. P. LUTZ' DR VOO ODH A ND NO TIONS Kor ICvory I'ody. CLARK & WOLF'S COLUMN. Real Eafcato Sales. Wo otrer n BILK GOHUni) 1'OPLtM tlml ttold nt 1.50 now tit f 1.33 per yard. A uplcmlld JAVANIWU HlllU'K ftUl.OO pjr yard. A full lino of llLACIv ALPACA from 30 cents tofl,V3 per yard. Our W rent Alpncacnu't bo bent, our 73 cent Alpnm prime. And you know our r5 ct, Alpaca In Iho host In tho Market lor the money. A B W 1 ecu bon 0 CO IlB 1ST nt 70 ccnU. Our 81.50 Long bono COlt-SF.T Is worth buying. Jlleiicheil nnd stock. unbloichtd ML'rtl.IN, i lull Logal Noticco, Al'I'LTiTON A., at H centfl by Iho bolt, 1 Scent by tho yard. OIL CLOTHS i-i, C-l and M wide. ti:a HirrT3 otw I 8,1.75 per sott, ,lccea, Iron ttlono ware nt -:o:- GIItTON is receiving tub, can and shcilOYS TEHH almost dally, at his new placo on Centre Htteet, near Clark nnd wolf's Btorc. It. A. CAKMAN of Ucntou has Just leturned from thorlly with a llneiiKnitment of millinery good 4, to which hho Invites tho attention of thu pcoph U We would advlbo all that want ko1 Furnl turo to no to (l.W.COKUKLL, holms Just return- ed Cm m Iho city with a splendid assortment of t'uruitiuo which ho will nil chrnpi r thnu over for caU or rcaJy pay. Ills motto is quick suits and bmall prollts. L)coiuiii!j Iiisnranpo Company. Tlio Secretary isout with a BtiUoment in which bo gays tho lobaes by tho Chi cago ilro are now fully nscertnined and amount to $150,000, Also, that the in sefcsment levied will llriuluatu tho amount and leavo a surplus. IIo adds 'the Capital will remain unimpaired exeept to such an extent as tho Com pany may deem it expedient to reduco it by thn canccll.Uiou of undesirable risks." "Wo understand that a considerable number of tho members of tho company will refiio to pay tho assessment on tho ground that tlio mutual branch of tho company Is being required to malio up thu losses of tho stockholders branch. The statements mndo by dealers in other ma chines, that they well New f finger Hewing Ma chines Is lioL triu', Tho Mnger Mntmfitr tnry Mtipply no machlnts in Columbia county, except tu their nu thorlzcd ngent, J. A, Dnkan, no.ofi-lf C'LAUK & WOLF havo an assortment of goods 1 now that would bo a credit to any town or sloro In tho State. Ken their lenj-lhy adverllsemont can not do Justice to tho subject. It 1-t well worth tho tlmo tu call and seo tho woods and how cheap they can bo sold. A ( EX Ell AT ossortmeut of SCHOOL HOOKS and STATIO.VAUY, wholesale and retail ntA, 1. Whim'H Boole Btoio, opnoslto tho Couit House, Miscellaneous hookn, portmonales, ster eofccolc pictures, Baincs, picture-boons, blaim- boo'.ts of all kinds, etc., tc, On and after August (ith loaveau.vnuuv as follows i NOItTIIWAUD. 1.10 A. at.,l)nlly (except BununyHoWilllnmsport for Klmlrn Ccnandnltma, llnduKlf r, iiuiiaio, HUMpension uriuo, nnd w, tails, 2X0 A. sr., Dnllv, (except Htmtlaysjfor William . Dallv. fntcentBunilnvKl for Klmlm liuiralo and Nlngaru Fall?, vU. Ilrlo railroad iroiu ijiniira, THAINB MOUTinVAUI), MO A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Bnltlraou WILMINGTON AND PlIILADKLrHIA. 10.5. A.M. Dully (except Muwlny'sHor Baltlmm-f wasningiou ana Je,uuaii3ir,"n. I.Jl. "S. luimw, Ofiierall'as'icuger Aueul. Alkrku It. Fisir, Ucn'L Hun't. riATAWIPSA HAIIiROAD. 1S71. HUMM I ft AUANQKMENTH. 1871. IMsemrcr Trl In i on this road will run as Jot- Mail South, STATIONH, JAtfi North Lv. 8.2.a,m WIlIlamspcHt, Lv. c.vrn. m ),m " Mimcy, o,.vi fl.10 " Milton. M(t " lu.'Jl " DanUllc, " i.:m " 10. U ' Kupert, " 1.12 " 10. l ' CutawlsHa, " I .Hi U.50 " ninatow.i, " isa " 12.-1 p.m. Summit, " 2.U) " Ji!..i.l " IfHIl llll KU, .HI - la. is ' I'J. Mahouy .Tunc, 14 1,1 ' I,.i0 "IHnoTamaqna, Dino. ' u M Ituiillnc, " li), 10 n.n. 3.U " rmisMllp, " " 7.00 " I'lilladf-Iplilti, 11 K.H l.'-"i "dlno Maucli Ciiiiim, dlno" J.u p.m. IVH " Uetlileliem, 12.W noon SIT " I'hlU. via Bethlehem, " l.t a. m ..55 " Kaston, " 11,35 ' A'ev l on:, n. Mocrty et la L. t H. II. It. OA hi j AND MAKE YOUtt OWN SKliKCTIONS. S TI A W L S At Last Ycar'n Prices. NO ADVANCE ON HUNTS. TUB LARGEST AND 15 EST ASSOHTIIRNT 01? DRESS GOODS TN BLOOMSBURG. Oar utock of THA8, COFFEES, SPICES, &a Is fall and nt tliolowetlllRiiics. Our stoclt of NOTIONS Is lull nml complete. 1I00T8 nnd HIIOI'.S, ft fall lino. CI.A11IC & WOLF nre closing out their Block of SHAWLS nt rod need rrlcos, many of them nt cost. We carried no utock ol FU11S over from Inst season, our present stock is largo nud nil now, and wo offer .hem from 82 S) to $25.00 per set. WATEH-ritOOF CLOAKINO at 81.03, 81.33, 81.50 and 81,73. I Ladles FIlINalll) BUITINO CI.OTI1 forl'iilo- lmlne? ut 82.00 per yurd. liARQE STOOIv pUDLIO HALE OP VALUAIILn ltUAIi KSTATI3. Ily vlrtnonf authority and nrdcrof theOrphinV Court of tVilnmbln county, lh nn-lormied al mlnlntratorN nf tho entatoof .laoohKnut iihaurlcr, deernncd, will rxposo lo salo hy public romtuo on tho premtftcs, on THUIiaDAY,NOVi;MIinil 23rd, 1871, a larsrn quantllv of vnlunhlo landA Rlluate In Krimtcllit township in nald county, dcucrlliod as follows t The home tens farm of tho decedent, lyJn In Franltllu township in Columbia county, Winded hy lamlH of J, T. Itepder, lundi of l'lilllp Mon hnrdt, lanN or Yetler's helrn, landu or Mfwes llowi r, IntuU of II, .L Herder, landu nf Klla Wea ver. landu of Wm. Htoher, landt of John llower nnu Ueorge Hcott and othern, contalnliiH! TWO 11UNDUEI) AND roltTY-KIOIir ACItEfi and twcntynlno p'rchoH whereon aro erected it luru unun uwciuiik iiouot-, n uhuh uiiui Bh od !i and oulhouoK, with alarno apple and fruit orcnnni, wnua wtu ni nfnise, ami a pprinfr, aim well at hurt), and a second t-xcelleut and largo unrlnif nn houlli side of tho farm. Thorols on Iho J.irtu :n Acnns or Tbe properly llc threo inllei fromCutawlsa,nn iho pnbllo roi l lendlud from that rl"R 'f lly' InirL', IhotielRhborhood gohlntid liealthy, and tho land In on excellent fttatnnt rultlvatltm. No mnro delrahh) projwity liui Loen olWied fur ninny years. ANo. a lot of timber land-tho undlvldcil lx- KPxnthH adJolnlDK hmda of h. Arlley. Win. George, AUlyand others. To lie dhpostd of In ono riacOiHn threo lots of about TWENTY ACHES EACH, RifihftU ho ilppmed mtHtcxriodlpnt. Thowholo (property will ha ottered id Iho lllh In tho ono freenth mado to tho purchasers, ANo.wlll ho niroredntrnctof Iniiil ntijolnlni? II, V Clark, lands of Hlocker &. (UhkM, lattda of 1'. Monhavclt and T. Itmler, eontulniuif SEVENTY.ONE ACRES, moro or lesH, thereon nro erected a hrlck dwell ing house, a hank barn, wagon honio.n nprlng Imuse and all other neceMiiry outbuilding. Therolsnlwianirlngor exctllunt water, a ycoml ort haul ami fruit of all kinds, Willi at unit four aciCH of chestnut timber. All In ei. col lent order ami cultivation, I Iho landnwlll hn one red nt the Homestead In tho order advertUcd. Tlio GRAIN IN THE QUOUND 19 IIK3KUVKL), rosoiilon of tho timber tract or tracts. Immedi ately upon paying iho purchaso money or secur ing the samo to bo pa'd. And of tho other two tract on tho first of April, A. 1. l&Tl, upon com pllance with the conditions. stamps nnd conveyance? to ho at tho expense of tho purchaser or purchwers. O. U. It. KOHTHNnADEU, JOSEl'll 11. KNITTIill, Admlnlbtrators. Teums of HAr.r. Ten per cent of tho one fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at tho strlkliiK down of tlio property; tho leis tho ten per tho connrmatlon nt sale , and tho remalntUK throo-fourths In ono year thereafter, with interest from cnntlnnatbn Nist. liloomiiburt:, Oct. Jlh, 1S71 Ui. UD1TOIVS NOTICE. KHTATK Of llKREtnA VA M np.lixt.1fir n Thotindersliined nnnotnUsl hv thn 0,'; . Court of Columblacounty, Auditor to dt i A to funds In tbo hands of Administrator of l p vanoorsme, cioceaeu, win meetioepir in tcrested for fh9 purp-wo nf hlsappolutut n ui his ofllco In Inomsliurr,o.l Tuetdy. Novr ..i, r !Mth. IH7I,nt 10 o'eloclca. m. ofsnll di U pornons having claims on said cMatP, j tp rp tjulred to nil end or bo forever dehaitu : lnm coining In foro partof safd fund. 0,11. JJIIOCKW , OCl3Q71-0t All i A UDITOIVS NOTICE. Xl. MTATB OF JAMFS MFAlt.1. 1Fftn. Iho tindcrAlgned, appointed by the O. Court of Columbia county, Auditor loiii' funds In Iho hands nf aroountant or Mears, doceaspih will meet tho pari Irs li for tho purpose of his appolnlment, u1 h ' In llloomsburg, on Wednesday, Novrtmi WJ, at ID o'clock a. m, All person I claims against the citato nre require1 i or be forever dobirred from coming In f or said fund. O. Ji, IfUOUKNi octau71-lw Ai Ml 4 rt A UDlTOUft NOTIOi:. .V. F.HTATKOF JdlfMTKAUn, t) K.& I), 'llioutiderslgnetl, appointed by thn Or; b vns Court fdColumblacfiutity, Auditor iftdfn ", ii funds In the hands of accountant ol John i n'i de?caiod,wlllmcettho parties liituffisUid i " , purposonf his applntmentatthooillfw i.f ''. tl Abbott, K'.. In Catawlia, on Moo la ' votnber27th, W', at 2 o'clock p. in Alt p nm having claims on said fMnWaro miulrrd -tendnr be forever deharro-l trom eoniltiic in i pirt or (.alii fund. C. It. 1IP.OCKWA Y, ncUU'Tl w Anal' .1, "X UDITOIVS NOTICE. XV 1VSTATH OF (IKOUOK RUIT, DKO'l). In thn Urnh'ins' Court of Die county ot lum hli. The Auditor appointed hy thu Court, tn tllstrlbuto rand- In the hands f nommntint nf Uoorgo Itupp. deceased, will meet nil irnon Interested, for the purpose of his tiptvdhLnieiit at tbe olllco of W. If, Abbott, 1jhi, tn I uiitwlm 11 nn Mnnrlav. NovciillRT 27th. lMl. nL ll o'nhu'lf a, m., All pprsona having claim- imilnst thu said cstato will be require! to prettoTit tli'-m at that limp. ott'JU'71 6w, pUHLU! SALE OF VAtUADIJS UKAL AND riHWXAL PKOPKUTY. In nursinnco of nn order nf tho OrnhanVtourt I of Columbia county, will bo exposed to nalo at tho late reshlenco of Ihmlel Lclhy, In liflCUSl, lOWUIIlip, Oil A UDITOU'S NOTICE. XX KSTATW OF J OH N J'.tClTAItrH. IJKo'tt, Tbo undersigned nppolntod by tqo Orphans' Court or Columbia county, Auditor, ou 'Xcip Hons nnd to miiko distribution of thu b'llaiir-o in tbo hahdA 01 , a. uiemer, Jiiecuior or Kiitii at cedent, will meet tho parties Interested for tho tiurpnso 01 1111 nnpuiiumiii, at uio oince oi toberl F.Clark, In Ulooinsburp, ou SUurday, thy 2 Ah day of November, A. V. : i o'clock a' m. All perKOnn luvlng claim- ugOiiKt the f Btate are ntulp'd Ui present tliera or im torever ueij'iricu irom (.online 1:1 lurnptit ui liih eaia fund. 1V1I, LaI.UY, oct.7'7l'lt. Auditor, A UIJITOR'H NOTICE. FSTATK OF OCOIiOB KLIKT. DElil. Hie undciHlL'ned. Auditor. aDPoinled by tho Orphans Court or Columbia county to make distribution nf tho balance lu tho hands of tl o Adnilntntrator or said decedent, as per his ac count tiled, to the partlca entitled to rucelve tho HBtnn. will meet the parties Interested for tho purposo of lits appointment, at his ofllep, In BloomRburg. on Katurday, the '-'Mh dcy nf No vembpr, A. I). 1K7I, at l'J o'clock a, m. All pir Bnns having claims agatnst the cURt" of the ald decedent are required to present thtm Iw loro the AU'Jltc nt that time, or be forever de barred from coming In for n part, of thn nald fund. C.G.UAUICLUY, ocUT7Mt. Aulltor. s UIH'CKNA IN DIVOKCK. OK, FALL GOODS Ml In I.. H. It. it. " P.OO ' l,,V " " h. Valley it. it. " n.lio ' 5.50 a.m. lloiton. " D.00 o.m 1'avi.riieer!, tnklr n tlio H.2'1 trnln from William- (.1'iirt, will have two hours 111 New Yoilc, lor sui ik r, ami arrive m ih'miiti hi 0...11 n.iu.. eieveu hour in ndvaneo of all other riulch. New i!av coaches nccomnanv fill tinlns lio- tiutu Wllllatusnort. New York nnd l'hlladel jilila. iraiud run iuruuu u)r unjiijjiii, UEO. Wlllil!, Hupt. On tlio llrst jiago will bo found an ac count of n duel between John Uinns and Samuei, Stewaut, clinractcra well known by tradition or othcrwlso to tbo elderly portion of our readers. Nor thuraborlnnd was onco n jilaeo of much moro rclatlvo !niortnnco than It now la and was the residenco of sovcral per sons of considerable) distinction, Incltid Ins tbo renowned Dr. I'mrsTi.Y, "Do Guouohy, (brother of tho French Mar shall whoso tardiness or treachery lost thobattlo of Waterloo to tho French) J uugo Cooi'Eii and others. As illustru tlvo of tho dlfferenco between that era and tho present, wo bring forward tho, fact that Juugo tooi'Eit was prosectitod for libel for asserting; in a publication that "tho I'rosldent (John U stlllln tho Infancy of political mistake." Timothy I'ickeuino, a statesman of much celebrity and then tho Federal beeretary of State, personally conduct' ed tho prosecution, Cooi-eh was con vietod, and sentenced to u lino of 51,000 ami six months imprisonment. Wo bo- SIlSS CATlIAltINK IlAZ Alt I'rl has been appointed Postmistress at Omnrjevlllo In placo of ItiGiiTEi: W. Bowman, lato P. 51. deceased. Wo understand that n portion of tho Bads tool: asnapjtulxmcr.tonthoothcr portion, removing tbo Post olllco fiom Its former location, and that much dis satisfaction prevails. A UKWnnd elegant nssoi truent of fall nudln. ter Koodi lu, Just been MlLLKR A Hon, which they olfer nt very low prices. Also all nrlic-los ustinlly kni.t in n dryKooils (.1 ore. Hiclr fricnilHnnd the publla uru iuvlli'd to call nud exnmluu them. Ci: Mrs nud ivilns In Iho stomueli, ara tho suit oflmperftct ludlKestlon.niul nny bu Im mediately lelleved by n doao of JoUNfeON's Ano. dvni: I.inimunt. A tui-hpoonrul In 11 llttlo sweetened water Un dose. Hkavv oils nro koikI lor horses; uniin will d; ny that : but oals can't malio u horde's coat loolc smooth and wiien ho U out of eon dltlon. HHKitin VN'rt Condition ruwui'.us will do lhU when nil elw fnlls. jF.Al)lNO KAlLiHOAD. Monday, May 15, 1S71, flreat Tinnlt Lino fiom tho North and North- Vestl'orl'hlladclphla.Ncw York, lteaulna, 1'otts vlllc, Tamanua, Ash'and, HliainoUln Luhatiou Alleutown, KaMun, Kplnalu, Lltiz, Lancuter Coluinhla,&c, inuusieavo ii:u riiinirii jorisew inov. us ioi 1ov;h: At f,h, a, in., una p. m con- nectln wnn hiiunar irnmn on renniyiva nla Uallroad, and arriving at New York al Hurt. u. in.. 3.Ca. and IfJl'j n. m. reeiioetlvelr. Sli't'jilny ears a(cou)iauy tho l!,l) a. m. train lif'iurnlni'! Leavo New orlc at 9.00 a.m. and noon and 5,W p. tn. Philadelphia at 7.I", 'W u. 111, auu, tHft'puit; cars accoiniiHnj the 5,00 p.m., train Horn N Y without change. JjeHB JlUlllhUIUi; Hll ivUttlUNg, t tlLLSVHiU, mitiuia. illucrnville. Ami anil. Miumolc u Al- U-iiiosu and riilla' 8,10 a. in,, and 2t0J and r.ROWEK'S liLOCK, mm' to court house. M1 A caso of (hronlo rhcumatMn of severity, cured by "Joiinson'h anoiivnk I.ini. mknt." is enticed by ono cr our exeliauges. A l.ireo bunch enmo out upon Iho breast of the suiferer, nnd nppenred Itto part of the breast bone, a ,e5 p.m., slopping nt Lebanon nnd principal way luns: i ue 4 mo p.m. train conueeiun.ior j'nii'u rottsvlllu and Loluiublti only. For 1'otlsvllle Tho sweetest word lu our languaeo is health, At tlio 111 st Indication of disease, use wolbUnoun nnd unproved remedies For dyspepsia or lii'll- ucsllon. uso"I'aiisiins' I'oiuiativk 1'ills." 1'or cough, cold, soro or lama stomach, uso "John son's Anouine Linim est," In Iiuzcmu county thy election of ShcrilV Is beintr contested. Tlio Demo cratic cundldalo lmdHinpjoi'lty of about COO as counted at tho meeting of tlio ro turnjudgos. Tho ullc(,'atioiis of fraud as specified hnvo n frivllous look. Ah Intefirlty cannot bo looked for In the Court thcro, tbo result may bo doubtful. An adjourned mcetliiK of tho Presby tery of Nortlmmberleiid, will bo held in tlio Presbyterian Church in Jluney on Tuesday thelilst of November, Inst., at " o'clock, r, m., for tho purpose of OrilalnliiK and Installing tho Hev. Lyman D, Calkins, Pastor elect of said Church. INVALIDS AUUsr.l). NothlDg can bo moro uel thau to decelvu the slclt and alUui;. et deluilu them H lltenlly a business, Iho Kest plan Ihey (an pursuo in lo avail them Hcs of specltlcs wnicu navo noon mo lestoi me. and nio recouinieiulod by persons ol ingn social stuudllif;, by tho lucdled profession, nnd by tho latlonul claims to pcbllo eonlldence, put irlli In llielr beiiair. l'-oivmosiuinonn iniseiass f remedies stand Jfoojland'v Herman vaurs ami (It rmtm Tonic, Iho Approvid Vegelablo llemC' lies for Dlniersla, Ueuernl Debility, Liver uom plaint nnd tonsiipaiioii. boiu uy an uiiii,b'.i. Tim: llrst throunh train from IwU llovn ho was aftorwards rolloved from a town to gcllnsKruvo, over tho Hunbury portion oi tins penalty hy President nnd LowMown Uallroad, arrived ut Jefk-ukson. If ovory editor now-n- Sollnsgrovoon thu 1st lust,, at 12 o'clock uayswno cnarges ino l'resldent with JI. There was much rrlolelne; at Bcllna political misiaico" wero similarly Krovo over tho ovent. iretueu ineru wouiu go somo walling from tho prisons or tho land 1 on Sunday nlirht a week, an Inr-ci diary match wits applied to the ware KicilAltl) I'ai.mek, convicicu ot vol- room of tho Adam's Kxpress Coniiiany untary manslaughter at September near tlio Ilcrdlo House. Willlauisport. icrm, ,ibw, in Columbia county, was uno building was destroyed, ,but tho parnonett by Uov. ueauy on Tuesday goons wcro all saved. last, upon a recommendation wobcllovo unanimously mado by tho members of tho bar of this county, including Iho District Attorney, and other citizens. He has boon In tho Penitentiary over u year past, and was In tho county Jail two or threo months previously. It will bo remembered that Pai.meh was Indicted for tlio murder of John Phil jars, and that tho dofenco mado on his trial was that ho had killed Puiu-ii's in tho heat ol blood upon detecting a criminal intimacy between tlio latter and tho wifo of Palmku. Tho Jury took this vlow of tlio subject and we- quitted him of murder but convicted him of voluntary manslaughter Tho Governor haB now interposed and re mitted about 10 months of Ills term of confinement lu tho Penitentiary, Tin: I-ewIsburg, Centre, and Biuuw Creek Uallroad, has been finished us fur as Jliilllnburg, and freight ami luuscn gcr trains mauo regular trips to that placo from i.owtsburg. Hon. Wm. 11. AitMSTitoNti, ofWH llainsrort, was recently tendered tho appointment of Commissioner of Indian affairs, at Washington, but ho declined It, We havo used tho printing Inks of U E. HoiiiNsoN A lino., for long tlmo and thoy havo always given thoutmost satUfactlon. ecu card, Dit, UiciiKiv has removed Ills olllco to tho rooms over tho First Notlorial, Hank. I A (JKNTS WAMTKU FOll K N 0 T S UN T 1 E D . lly the celebmleil ifcd'rdicomccr, rn.'.n. s. iroWATTBKS. a ,,,wm, niirinmo ufa lenrs I'Siierlenco In fern tlni! out nud brliiKlns: I" Justice hank null. JIVI1H, lolINTKKrMIMls.llIir.VH, I'lCK-lliCKl.TO, IIAMIU.I'KS, HWINIU KKH, 1'ONI I USNl K H, .IC. IIIIlllV III II 11 11IOM TtllHll Kttutc lll-.i. " riiveullim ihijWuhl ttuibulkal nhenien lor I'l.l ! ,.. ...wi , ii. in llfonsMellas ow II to, nud illkclnstm: tl'o plans used 111 uiimcirtfiifl Ibii inosi inn a: ami ai'(ien viiiamy, ins tii"" nJInl, e. full nf sl'iui 1 1 li yi'UA.'i'illyitl.Vl ly t and sells almost ut aioif. llUllll.VUD IIUOM., I'llblMielk. OClini'tf 7JIHSUSH1I1 M.. 1 ik, nlla. jOOK IlEItU! Art) Villi 11l-til nr nlitn tiliK. (I 1 Villi' II lahor? It ho, i hHo lor wilt A UANAh Ut( t:i;itY and KKKI) KTOllK with dwiltliii; utU uiuufcy and comioriuhlo living, und II ymi Ujr can char live Imndrid ilollnis u ciir lahlde. All Un ino mum hum ot two Thousand imimia, MoiUand IUiuich IncludiHl, ready lor hUhliu'. Come ami beo for yourbelve or addrehB 11, OAUIUKON, HhlcUKlillin no'712m I.u-ierno Co., 1M, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via behuylkill andhustjuehauna uauroau,ieavoiiarrisouri; ai Iuk lor Allciitnwu i:ahlon and New York at'2, It'.ju, a. in,, tinu i-vj in. iwiiiiuuiu, icnYc nvw Yorit at IU)0 a.m.. noon and 5.11 n. in. and AUeutovwi ul 7.-uu,ju. r.',u5 noon, 2.15, ii'' k.oj p. in. Way I'uh'.enKer Train ir.ivfs rhlladolplila at .in.. , , .1.iii.1...lnr. (L-ltli kltnll ir Irnin An I'nat Pa. rallioad n-turnlnif lioin UtudluuattlUh.m blopphiy at alt hlullous. IK-rndon at lO.Oi) a. in., Hhauiokln al 6, 10 ami 11.15 a. ui., AMlianu at ,uj mm u.iniouu uui anoy City at 7.1 j a. m. and in. Tamaqua at ,; a, m and 2.1U p. m, lur l'hlladclidiln, New Yum, UuiimiiH, iiuuLiuuiy.ivf, J amino 1'otuvlllu via bunuylktll and Hunque huun.i Uallroad at M.15 a.m. lor linrrlalmrg, aui m,,ior t'iiiuuiovu turn xruiuoui, Utuidlna Accoinmodaliun Train leaves rottn- vlUu at5.-iu a, iu., ji.ishtu iU muna at 7,0 a. in., ur rlvlnt; at I'hlhuli-lidiU at Ut.U) a. m, Keluruthx Icuvuf l'hlladolliia ut r,io p. in., patisintf ituuu lm; at 7,Vi Mii., arilvlnijut rotuvlllu p.m. 1'otuiown AcuuiuuiuUatlou Train, leavoHl'ottit town, rctuuilug, Uavud lhlladulphla at , p.iii. Columbia Uallroad Trains leavu lUadlug al 7,',and 0,15 p.m. for Kphrata, Lltlz, LaneaH. i'erkioinen Hall UoadTialnH leavo 1'erlilomteii Junction at 7.17 U,U5u. m 'i.w AH.uup. m. return- tUU: lUJf DCnWfllKBVlllW tHU.., n,lJ U.IU., iJW noon A 4.r p.ui,, tonuucUuu with blmllar Haiti o' UyadlUiiU-illroad. UOlt'OrOUKUlUO Hit U l UiWJ IIUIllD lfUDl UUUJtt U aty.l0a.m,& leave Mount riua-sunt ut 7,00 and 11.26 u. in., K.WJ p.m. connect Inir will) kluillur tntlim ou Ueadliiit Uullrood. tJUPHHir Uim iv.iiiiii.i.4 umiiw tut AJi.Mfii.-- noit at H.uoa. in, ami and &.si!p. in. returnluif. leavo Jiuwnlnul'iti at t'.Jit a. in., 13.45 noon ami'i p. ui., fomuttlna Hh similar traluti or Ueadinu UallKiut. ., On Huiulay., lea o lU w orlc at 5,00 p.m., I'hlt phla at b,w a.m. and J, 15 P.m., (thu ,oo ium. t ralu Jutinlnsouly toUiwlliiswU-avt I'ott8vlllo8, HariUhum at 10 a. in, and 2.00 p. hi. unJ Iravo Alli-ulown at i.S and h.:l p. iuand loa H(Mdlii al 7.1) a. ui, and VjM p. m.tor J I mi is. I)iu H, at &,tHa. in, Jni iJi'W Yoil,at7.2ua, mfoi Altt-nlown and alU.lO a. m.' uud 4.15 p. in hi' 1'hthtdelphia, Commutation, Mllc-aye, Swiwin. Hchool -iLu KcuihIoii 'licktln to ami liom all poluta, at ro ducod ratei, UatfjiigHt'htrkodthroush; 100 pounds allowui eachi'as.-uKer. j, ,t WooiTI3f. Ant. Kupl. Jk, Kui', Mauh ry. ILLEU'S BTOUK. H. If. MII.LCIt A SON, havo removed their Htoro to tho room formerly ' occupied hyMendcnhall.on Malnhlreet.ltlooins- hint;, nouily opposlto tho Kplscopal Church whero they aro detcrmlncdtosellounsmoderato terms as can ho procurud elso w here. T hh r (dock I compiWi-H of the cholcoblBtylcs and latcs Wash Ions, together I wlthalaruo asHorimout of Dry Goods mul (U cerlen, cousldtlng of tho followlns l Uclc Carpets, Oil Cloth, oths, Cawhini rs Mm In, Fl.iiiiu'h., Hllkx, Whlto UuodH I.lUlUb, Hoop Hklrt., Musllit, Uollowware Cedar wure Onetnitwcic. ' Hard war,, llooU and Fdioes, Hats aud Cupi Hoop ott., Umbrellas, Looklns-Ulas'.iv?, Tobacco, Coilce, iuyars, Teas, Hlce, Allsphe, Glncr, Clnnnmou, N'ulniegr AN1 UOTIOKH OliNKUAUA'. In short, everythlns usually kept lu country which thoy Invite the attention of tbe piiuno cemerany, ThoniBiieH pnrowiii no pjo for country produce in exchange for trooda. H. II. MIMtEU A BON, jjjoomBouru i n, oot 1371 f jyKW BTOCIC OV OLOTFIINO. I''rt't.h arrival of KAIJj AND WINTKU GOODS DAVID LOWUNBEUQ Invites attention to his stock of CIIUAl'AND rABIIIONAULECI.OTHINO. at Uls store on MalnRtroet, inBhlve'u block, one doorYlto WHICH AUK NOW JN fcTaui: SATURDAY, NOVKMDKU 11, 1871, I at 10 o'clock, a. m., tho following described prop- i uri v. in wu i rso, i. All that certain messuage and tract or land situated In Iiocust township. In tho county ot Columbia and Htato of IVuns Uanla: Begin nlncnt a stone corn r. thenca nlnnc tho puhllrf road by lumlsof thu late Ivter Hoirmau, notli elshtydhrco de(iitr and forty-Keven inlnuteH Ii-aanweuiyt'iKui ami inrt!Picmin percnf s io a , theneo hy lanils of Layfett Winn, north fonr denrofs west one hundred and lony-uve percnes to a , tneuca bv laud iifVVm.H. Knir In Rltrbt nf Ann t.otn I dHh, houth clnhty-(ljr tkipf n and llllpen min utes, wtfii iweniy-t lpni nnu inito-ieniu pcrcnea to a Ktone. thenco hy lamN ot Henry Keller. Ifrouth four dcRreeH.tast one hundred and lorty hlx and tour tenth pel dies to tho placo of begin ning; containing TWENTY-TUItKU Adit TO I aud lorlv nnd a halt rercht-n of laml. anil thn ni. iual allowance, Ac. Whereon 1m i'it,cird a two Htory Tramo Dwelling Uoute, n hank Darn aud other out bulldluRS. Ijno. v. au mat certain piece or lot or land Mtuatoln thn township und eouuly aud Slate aforesaid ! llrirluiiliiir nt a nnst rniiipr nnar a I uhltcoak, thence by lands of Joseph Wharton, luuneata dfly-ono and four-lenth perches to a iw, iiirm-u uy Mime, norm nvoutgrecs ana loriv.uvo minutes, west twenty-one and six- I of t.ayfett Winn, .oulh elghty-tKreo deKrcea and inriy-huvfii imnuies, west iiiiy-ono nud lour- iKuui pcrunuH mu . - , tuenco ny ine Mime, south Ilvo decrees and forth-soven mln. utes, east lui-ntv-oiHi ami slx-tenth ptrchts to G ACItES AND 41 rERCIIES of Intnl. aud tho usual allownnrn. .tp. ai.-u, ni ino samo nine nud place, tho follow imr dohcrlbed rerf-oual iironertv. to wit: I'iirn Iiii.;uli.n1 nn. !..( f 7.u I,.. .i. 1 .... I and hay and straw by iho ton, and Com KoJdo by the bundle. Terms made known on dny of sale. JIKNUY KKLLKU, October 2, VSil, Administrator. oct. 071 -tit. In tho Court of Common rieos ofColumhla county. It. A. IIoUendc!u, " vh. y Alias Bub,, in Idvnrce. Clara A. E. Hotteustcln ) Mapam! You nm hereby requlreeJ tt appear ou Monday thn luiirtli day ol Deeemter, ls7I, In tho said Court, and answer to tho said com ntalnt. or tho matter will be then determined ex t'irtet AAIION HMITlf, By order of tho Court, WCfjMNGTOK lr.KNT. Trot ho notary. Dloomsburg. Oct.ET, 3971 It. A UDITOU'S NOTIOF. XV ESTATK OF ItKNBV OST, DCC'O. Tho nnderslfrned. annolnted hv tho OrnhnnV Court of Columbia county. Auditor t'dlstrlhuto iiinos in mo nanus 01 uiu acconnuint oi jieury Yost, deceased, will meet tho parties Interested ior 1110 pucpnso 01 iiih appointment ai ins nuico In Utooinsburg, on ilouday.lhe uoth day of No- ember, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock a. m. All per sons naviug claims ou sani estate mo roqueted loanonu.or ue jorever ueuarrwi irorneounn in for a partof said lund, E. U. IKKLKH oct2J'71-4t. Auditor. JNCOIIPOHATION. Xotlcnla hereby given, that on tho,Cth day of September, IS71, sundry InhaWtanH ol Columbia county presented a petition to the Court of Com mon l'leas of said county, praylns the i-ald Court to j'.rant a Charter of lneorporatloii, under tho namo, stylo and tltloof Coneonlla Lodio No. w. ot the Independent Order of Odd follows of Deuusylvaula," with tho rights and privileges therein slaled, and If no butllclent muse H shown to tho conlrarj' on tho llrnt day of net term, tho prayer of tho petitioners will Ikj grant ed, according to tho Act of Asheuibly lu such ca.mailo ami provided, W. H. ENT, ocl-0'71.4w riothonolary. t ha li;. PIIOPKHTY FOR TIIKY WILL SKLIi Til KM The umlerhluned wlshlni to ret Irn from hnsl- I nesi now iilcrs at private sale hl-i entire nroper- 1 1 miuitii'u ui iiniuKfviiie, eousiBiing oi a ono half Intel est In tho well known FOUNDI1Y AND AOHICUI.TUUAIi WOUKH, together with tho rnellifi T.nth rind nlhnr fn. Chllierv belotli'lm' lo thn witiin. nK.i tlx, utitlrn mock now on nana, inrther with a vnluablu nulr of horses, and the wagons, sleds, Harness. .vr, iiiMiiniTouu iois oiMWiien js ei ee'd a gofxi lrilinil dut-lllPU. 1. 1 so. lUMilv.Mvn niTtm L-nnu n f"ithHjr. J."U piujurty about ten of vhlch aro vifuito, nut nuiaiiee uninerea. I'ric- reHonaiiio, I'oasettslou given at any tlmo to suit purchasers. Apply to or adilress. oct, fl71-tf. Orang tvlllo . Columbia (o. Tn, ADM I N J STI t ATO H'rf NOTIGK. hhtati: ok niuirrrit v. howm kn, dkc'p. Letlers of ndmlnlstratlon on the i statu Ulphter W. llow man, late of Oranso township . ouiuiuiii county, uni u., iiuiu mru ur.iunvt t, ho lLtnister ot hliU count v to IZUxabetli v iiinvmnu and John M.Welsh, residing In Or- nnge township, Columbia county. All persons havlnir claims acalust tho est ato of t ho drcuimit aro rtquesteit to present them lor settleir eut, aud limine lndebtid to tho es.ateto make pay ment to IhcundciMgned, atimiuutrator, without lay. iAis.ui:in w. uuwian, JOHN JI. WFLSII. oct n.l-Sy Administrators. gANKUUPT NOTICE. In the D str ct Court of th o Un od Hta es. L'or the Western Dlslrlctof rennylvanla. m uioinatieroiAnrnii iIn vn,,i:rm,t,.v 1 uhiier. llankrunL f Jn lafentf.U. It is oidereil lhat a si com! general nifttlna of Ihi creditors of said liaiikrunL he held at tho olllco of M. liJiKiinsbtirg, I'll., hi li oisu iei', on inn iirsb nay oi noveiuoer. A, , ten o'chs'k. A. AI.. ' eforii K.Ovtrton. ilr imo of thu Itegistcr lu llankruptcy in Mild iiltnct. for tho iurpfs nnmitl In tlio i!7th si-c. tlou of the l.auUtuptuct of Idaich 'J I, iwrj. ii. iiixAiui ia:, et'.T71-tr Ai Iwnee. Low For Cash OH ITiODUCTC. J) ISSOliU'l'lON NOTIOK. ,n,'n lu liiri.hv iilvin that Iho narliuritliln Iiuh liilimi rxlkllui! hilw L'tli J. J, ItulililNH nml l J, TAW.OK, triiiimcllUK IiuhIiukh umlcr thu nnu namo nl ItUIIIIIKH J! TAVLOit lnm hini ulnMilvtil hy muiual iiiiuciil, J. J. Itoiuiiha will carry nil iho Uum1ui'.h, as htiutoiuio ami Bttllu ihu aiTimiit. ul tlio linn. ,..u .1, J, HOMniNH, 1 J, TAVLOH, llloom.lHirg, Oct, V7, lS7"l-3t. QUANOKVIUiK ACADEMY. Dig Winter Term nf t Ins Institution will open 1UKHPAY, OCTOllKIt 31HT, 1871, nml rnnttnuoi'loviu wiiks. Tulllnn fromSUW tilts.'1!), ItlhtlUrllllll glvtll ill Ull tlio I'llllllllIHI anil liliihi'r Knutlhli hiiiiii'liis. loui'ther u Ith lu, Mlui'lc, iTLMivh auu Ui'iliian. (Jiunl lnuiul t'lili hu uhluliuil at SI wnir ut'ir,or rumns ruruii,'ii-il to IhoMi who wish to Imam ibuiuelvt. rol furllur iiailliuliirsiuiili'fuH J, 11, t-C'UOOMIN l.l'i l'rlnclial, nr lir. ii. A. Mm A lm 1.1.1, wtmuiry, Orantuvlllt', Uit.'A, 1971.1m, QIIAlU'IiESS & II AUMAN, In coiulucratlon of tci irlua down riir wort" ami rtbullUliiK which w III ho coiiiintiicul vory hliUII WO UIO OlllllUii J'lOMS, slovts, dc, ut iircatly rt-um't-tl jn u-i s, 11. r.HHAltl'LU ' 4 1', B, II AUMAN, lilooiukiiuiu, 1'a. I'roiirlotors Mr,l,'bU.f, JUSTICE'S ULAI 1KB. Wo now havo on hand a larue ncally nrlnleil asaorlmeut of JUHT1U f.'H uud I'ONnTAllUM 11LANKB, lo which wo luvlla tho ullciillou ol lli ollkxrs. M 4 i rpowN "lit Hi' re jiAi- or iiLooMsiiuaa, rotiri of Quarter fasalont ot Cllumtut comi'H thtnnutttr the town map of VHonw lutttt matte fcyNtmu' A'tyhttrti and tntOmitttU for correct im and approval to mi id (urr,- Notick ia llKHSUl uivnrt, j ui mu uimciiiuucu v umm o- tdoner appointed hy tho said Com t to report tho UVluuueu uncivil viiifciuowiiuinni, nnu iu ... ilia nirnu'lncMM of milil limn, tntrelhcr With hU opinion In regard to any matter complained i( lu relathm thereto, will attend at tbe Court llOUie, IU juounuuurg, on itiuuuu, inn nwu- tleth day of November, proximo, at ten o'clock in i i.n f.irAiinon nf iinhl iinv. to ilUcharue the du ties of his appointment, at which lime and place Ull porsuus imi-it: uiny iihcum uvj think i'roP and ho uonrd. R JACKBQNi 0CtV7'7t-2w Commissioner, CLARK & WOLF l1 i!. Miirr's sloro. jiiooiuauuri;, l a., whero no Imi Just received from Now Yorfc and I'lilhulclphla a full assortment of 1111!! AND HOYS' CI.OTH1NO liicluillni; Iho most fashionable, durahlo, and U.indsouio DltEHH flOOlW, cotihlstlng of UOX.BAUK, HOCO, OUM.ANU OIL-UI.OT1I COATa ANI 1 ANTH, ol all sorts,, Izps and colors, llohaaulso toilcn Islicd Ills already larue stock: of KALI, AND W1NTEU HHAWLH, HTltll'CD, F1UUIIUD, AND I'I,A1N VIMTH BHIltTH, C HA VATS, STOCKS, C'OI.LAllS IIANDKEUCHIUKH, UIX1VIX, BUSl'ENDEtW, AND FANOY AH'flCLEH Ho nas constantly ou haud n 1 ante and well'sc- oi tod assortment of CLOTHS AND VKH JlNaS, which he U prepared lo mako to order Into any kind of clothlug, on very short notice, aud In tho best manucr, All Ills clotbluK l made to wear, aud must of It Is of homo manufacture. QOLD WATCHUH AND JKW'il.ltY, ot every description, line and cheap. Ills caseol Jewelry Is not surpassed lu thlsjplace. Call uud examluo nisgeucral osbortmeui or CLOTUINO, WATCHES JEWKLUY,4U. OCH371 DAVID LOWENHEIIU. HAVE "WIDE AWAKE A PAaT.i'i:E1' Twifr of suncili I'reuch Oil Chro-nos snhloct' l il f Jr, ni ii',--ex(piiM t o (trw)Hit j oi original Ull l'alntlnt,fV.V.4 KM l'toeery subscrlbLrto JIIJINKY WAJtU liKUlll'JJt'a RttKAT IdTmtAllY. UKLKHims. U'KlMvTA Ni;V8l'AVKlt. Agents havlnir K'eat snccoes Ono took I,Wt nanu s lu 3 monlhs; another U72 Jn .'lidays; auother 11H In ono weolt; one 47 in ono doy; aud many others equally well, makltitf iromciumi 8iu to siu per uty, Tauei ousiiim An old usentwho hiws, mys: "I think it the brut bu miens for camvvtsrra ei tr ojfertd. taorry I did not eagayo soouer." I'as better than any boose b (jency. rara ennnee to umi.c i,imt v. Intellitjeut men and women wanted everywhere, 11 you wish irooa lerrnorv. setri eartu jr c reir Hrand terms! J. It. KOUI) A CO.. 7 l'urlc nhuo. i i.; ii jiruiiiueni rt., Jnosion; v ni-Sb itiaui ikou m t nicaKo, AhKjTs VA.ii:u roil THR YEAR OF RATTLES Tho History of tho Warhrtwitn l-rancofltid Oermany, embracing hm raris under uie mm inline. 160 illustrations : OlJ naces: price. SiS) 6(,0tn copples alreaily sold. Ilaionly complete work, is'othlnuceiuals It to f 11, Alaltliii; JoUJt) copies per month now. In I.uiish uud (Jermau, Terms unffiualled. Outfit Sl.'iV Address U.S. (JOOUSl'KI'.D A CO., 117 Talk !low,Iuw ork. "ifAAiVt! HOUllllOl.D .M(lAlNi: M of- i UUjy V3 ferultrendiirlut:thoeoniinB'm to every subscriber of Metry's Miueum, tho To- 1 ledo UlaJo, Tomeroy's Democtat, itc, which la an tvldeuco of Its worlh nnd populailty. Ilpr- aco firoeley, James Parton, Theo-loro Tllton, (Jail Ilnm I'tmi, etc.. wrlto for every number, I oners three llrst Uus iiorlodlcals for thoprlco of ono of them, A variety of r rein: I urns ou ((jually liberal terms. It Is an original llrst'Class mngazlno, Vohimo X btttlns- with Jau. '72, Three specimen copfea fieo. Address H. H, WOUD.KewburKh, Ji, V. EVERY "FARMER Is JnlUd tohehil his add ret mid reeolvo I'iisk ami n hiAui'i i aid a copy .ii i tie AMK1UOAN KAHM JOUitXAL The most Traetlcal. the Itest and CheanesL II Inn. Irated Acrleultural naner In tho United kijiIph. I Only 75 cents per sear, Snd for a specimen I top-. jVUUltl IUlljL,.l,i,UV lli. uu,. loieuo, onto, Ecduccd tho Prico on Many of their Spring and Sum mer Styles of Dress Goodrf Holli iu.1 by MbNN .t CO, publishers bctattiflo Amort- cm. i!7 I'AltK llOW ,T, V, TwpiiI v it vftn r niiprlinr.. I'amtihlets contalnluu Patent Laws, ullh full uiitenous now io outain mtents, irie. A lifilltlil Wl limn lT UK mitruu .ill fn I 111 HIT II New Ch.NhUs by couutloa and all liiiitlBS, 1W KtiKtavluH or Mechanic il Jiovt'iiifiin i-hihih i Laws and rules for obialnlm: I'alents, on iiceipt ui w cents. mailt iNCOHPOUATIUN. Notice is Leiehv dven. that on lhov'd dnv nf October, h-71, mndry InhabltantH of Columbia county pre sunt ed a pi tltlon tojan adjourned Court ol Common Plean of said county, piaj ln the sin j touit to trantaunarter or incorporation under tho nuine, style and title of M'Ihe lUuton llutual PaiiiK Fund nud Loan Association" .Ith the riKUiM ami privilege therein stated, nd If no ulllcleut causo is tdmwn to Iho con. rurv on the nrtt dav ol next term, thu otaver ol Him iiptillotiers Will Iih f-rutiU'il iicnir.nriL In tin. Act of Assembly In euch eaui made and pro men. . it, 12 i, oct. "Ut, Pr)thouotarr. A UDITOIVtt NOTJCK. EfiTATK OF DE110KA X) JAN, UKC'D. 'Iho uuOersli:ned.ntinoliittd bv thu Ornhflus ourt t( Columbia county. Auditor to make dls rlhutlon of the halaiuo In tlio hnndH of ('. It. lirockwov. L!sii.. Aditiltihtrator nt thn ft. tuts nf Debora Dean, will meet thu partus Interested, ior ire puipohe-ni nit apjiointment, on Hiontipy, the loth day ol No ember, IbTl, at JU o'clock a in. at his ofllco Jn Jfcuiifchritf, All ieisons ha v Inn rlalius ou Milil (.state ate uqrested to attend, or be foie(r dcburr. d from cjmlnc in for a part of KUU lllUU, V. Vt , Lill.I.L.U, i eiri i I'Hvr, AUU M or. A UDITOIVS NOTICE. JrV iKsf A'ri; up ci.KMCK.i. a. juoxims, hkc'd, 'Ihu tiudersiKiud.appohittd In- t. ihnns' Court of Colmnbla count. Auditor to dlstrlbuto Minus in mo nanus w uceountaut t lemuu o. ltlcketts. late of Oranee towunhln. Onliimbtu rounty.dec'd.wlll meet iho paitbrtluterested lor iiih puipoHu ui in uppoiiuiu ui, at tne omceoi C. It. Urotkway In IlloomsburK, on Irlday, No- L'IUIJI A I HI, lot 1, IJ V UIKK 11, IU, jl pt'iaoiiH havliii claims atoitrsL sihl eftatearerrqulroil ti attend or he forever dibairr-d trom comlnlu iur ii puri oi mihi i unit , . ii, Annul i jov a, 'ii iw, uuitor. A DMINISTRATOIVS NOTICK. JM. ISTATKOF I'AIJII V. MOOUK. DlCP'n, a tins oi aaiuinisiiationun theuttata nf Cal b I' Moot e. late of (IrwiiwntMl townntiln. t!,tlnni. Ida county, deceased, have been granted by tho iu'Kiii-i ui iu.m L-uuuiy m i.aac a. iJewilt oi Kohisbura. All net sons liavhu; ilalms against the estnUi or the doeedent aruu(iiested U pre sent them for settlement, and those indebted in the estato to make pa meut to the uudtr sluued, udmlulblndur, wllliout delav. I A AC A. liKWITT, nov3 '71 lit. Administrator, PXKCUTOH'S XOTJCK. . ha TATB Of fKTKIl MIt.LKIt. HEU'lJ. I .titers tustiimentarv uu tlm fniut(ii itrf Miller, late of iocut township. Columbia cntn ty, deceased., havo bueii tfrantud by the Ueslhter ot wild touniy lo Chsiha Mllfer. or Lonest tow nship, Columbia county. All persons hav in t clalmsitKalusl tho estate aieieiiuestodtnptCH at them to the nxccuiur in Columbia Comity, Pa Those indebted to thu estate either tm noleji ih: meu., mortKayo or UtoH. nccuunt will mate payment to the Ux ecu tor without delay. jiil.JLiiii, ntiv37l Ow, Kxeeutoi', JJKNTIBTIIY. JI. U. 1IOWEU, DKNTIST, Keipectfully offers his professional services lo the 1 adieu and gwutlemen of llloomsburu aud vl clnlty. Huts prepared to attend to all the vat l ous operations In the line of his profession, and Is provided with the latest Improved J'ouoki.ain Tbstu which will be Inserted ou gold platiuu silver und rubber base to look as well us the bav craltoeth, Teeth ei traded by all tbe new autf camt appro yed methods, aud all oj rat Ions on luf wism cuiviuiijriiu piupuiij- hivvuu u w, lHJClUHUt uuu uuiru k tow UUOI CALL AND Sh'JC, Opposilo Brown'n Hotel Tim nldt'ki nml most rc'llublu lli.tltulloii fur uli. luiiiluu 11 .Mcrrunilli) Kiluciillon. 'du'iifiii 1'iikiuiK inf 11 ui. man iifiiird. tur lulurliiiittiin irltu furii In I'jJDUhT A SONh, liitsturir, Va. T,,c CONGHESS ARCTIC.""" VTIm MIST nlMcrOYEUSUOKI 2Si NO ltrt'KI,KStnl)rc!il;I SSSfeia NO TUOUIHr. to put on I fi;' Ncat.Ofiiteel.SiJllshl .isk YoimsiioR iimiEU ran iti 1 u 1 N'1"S anthi. Xkt'iiUlual.i'liiorenicu.i'y i lit vuilc lor lliuu ul uni ttiiui; flM. iiui.1 inHH lli;lit 111,11 1 triiuiuf-ni. I'miii'i Ins fri'ii. (1. HIINS1.NAIU, jTt I1A11A. I'orUllllU, Ml, 111!'. IIUH' C! (OK A MUM 11 1 V'l 1 n lulu. lm iilu il. I a II. il.hll.VW, Allml, Mi'. Oourt House, name .Ida. Uloouuburii, Jii,r7l-ly ulmve th. B L O 0 M S B U II G. T K a o o i'" i n o, T OLA CVC11T V A U I 1 MOHT FAVOKABIjE HATES, JOHN THOMAH, AWli CAUPEi; J, TllOMAti pos, yrr, Uloousburs. Pa, Jal.un OUIJLIO NO'nOE.Wliorea.s, by tho X lllh section or the Act nf the Ueneral As semtily ot the Coiumuuw. i 1th oi IVnusy)anla, nppiuvcdMay SI, A. D, P7J,ui titled "An et lor Ihu protection of haliuon, black basn and olbtr luodll shes uewlv luliodtii-til. or to bo lntroduo ed, Into tho rlveis Delawato und Huscjueh.iiinu and their tributaries, tor the proUUluu i.loi.r i loses uKBinst unlaw uu muiui, una to preve t tne luirtsiiieiioii 01 jufoiuoiy hmii uud irout stietims n ul tor other Keimutio putpob:'' it Is made the duly ol the sutuiul hheritls id iho counties of aid Cominouweatth ha mi; jurls dlctiuu of the strtunis (hertot, lieueei thty hliall ulscoM-r, or ho Juhnmtd nt the ii it' to or any cmittlvam-c for the t tttihiPK of iis.t, nu ll us aie (ominonly known ns tlsh basktt, i t I welis, kklUks, unibh or lasclue nets, tr ati olhtr puiiuuiuiitly setmruifi ol taking thih, lu the natuio ot a nine, to me tin da s iiutue In two rit wspapersof Iht Ir lefe(iiveeuuutieK,il-al tho tsald eonirlMHictb aie known to uxUi,and am declarnl lominou liulsanets, aud to inltr llu in to be ilUiiiantlid bj l Inir ownets or man asirs iheieini, lu niitt'iinlty tu iiilduit,, A A HON Hiinii, Hivillf ot Loluiubla count luiihy give Notico to All Whom it May Concern, that thu (tiitrlvanuH for tho taking of flfh In aid act mentioned are known to txlst tu thu North Dtaiu hoi l he huniuehsiiiiarlver.und oilier stitains llhln tl e eouuty ot Columbia, that il e Miuioaru ileduud lubeti'iuuiou nulsuiHestiui that tbo uwnt is und uutlianers ot tatd toutriv uueeuatu htieby it((UUid to dUmantle uud re iuou thu fcume within tin das aiur tto j ubli cation hereof, mule' ihe ithalty of havlnt; the saiuetiismautltd aud itUiud, ss In satduci lit provided. AAliUN trMPill, Bhtrln olColumbla county. Pn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers