C0LUM1IAN Bfoomsburg, Friday, August 4, 1871. tint, r. llowrt.fj A Cn.,W Tnrk How.nrn mir only authorized Advertising Agents In Nciw York, (VK.WKTHKHiM,AtJ.,No.(li7.'lioiinut Hired, nre on r only Authorized Agents In Philadelphia. CO. MtJUWtv, u, liour authorized A Rent nt Crntrnlln to transact any business pertaining to 11m CoMJMllUN Olllce. 9i All Advertisements for tho forgoing locall 1 ttH mustbo endorsed by tlicso Agouti, or I liny wHlrecelvojm attention, Railroad TimoTftblo. LACK AW A N N A ft 1!M0MHM!IU H. II. North. Month, Mnll 11:14 A.M. S:,7IM. Accommodation Sii'th V'M Express ftuliMi (MtiA,M, CATAWIHSA. It. 11. KIIOM UUl'EHT HTATION. lining North. Uoing Himlll. Mil'. M. A.M. ' DefflocFatiF County Convention." Tlio ltemocratlo votcniof Uio novcrnl District Iti Columbia Comity, ?tll meet nt tlio Uhunl Iitnrrn of holding tlio general cloctlong.on Hatur ilny, Ilia etli day of Auguit, IS7I, lictwecn tlio hour or llirco nnd kcvcu o'elock lu llto nflor nnou uf that ilny, nml elect DolcKalei by ballot to represent Uio District. In ft COUNTY CON. VHKTION to bo 1ie;d at tho Couit House, lu ltlnnniHburi;, ou TUK8IUY, Till! STII DAY OP AUGUST, nt 1 o'cloik 1. M.( to plnco lu nomination n can illilato for Member of Aftficmbly to nomliiato ono pemon for Associate Jmlgo; nno person for District Attornoy ; ono ncrsou for County Trriw urcrt ono person for County Comtnlssloiier; ono person for Coroner, nnd ono person for County Auditor U bo supported by tbo Democratic pnrty nt tbo coming election. In tbo township of locust tbo election wlllbo bcldnt tlio l'ubllc lloiiso of l.vuhvlg Thlelci, In Numldla; and lu Montour townsblp nt llto Public Houso of It, W. Tubus, tit lluncrt. Also, nt tho snrao tlmo nnd plncesnud In Ibosamo manner, tho Democratic electors of each district will elect ono person to servo rm member of Uio County Standing Coin mlttoo. Tlio rules nnd apportionment of delegates nro ns published In tho Coi.umiiian. lly older of tbo County Committee, , WILLI AM 11. KOOJiH, Chairman. lllnomshurg.Julyitl, 1871, Tun poetry of Miss Lauuacii wlilch wo havo published from tlmo to time, Is milch abovo tho Kvcrngo run of such ef fusions furnished to newspapers. With further pracllco nnd c.iro our fair friend will take rank with truo poets. Tiiosi: of our readers residing In tho country will And it to their ndvnntni;o to look over tho columns of tlio Colum bian beforo storting to town to do their trading. By this means they will read lly ascertain tho best plnco to buy their goods, and disposo of their produce. Tim salo of tho Ileal Estate of Jacob Kostcnbadcr, has been continued to Saturday, August liUtli , 1871, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon ; at which tlmo it will bo oilered, at Hi': Into residence of tho decedent. Sco advertisement for amount, description, Ac. Tho property Is valuable and must bo sold. The Jackson Guards of !orwlck, havo notified tho adjutant General of tho election of al olllcers, bs follows: Captain, Andrew I). Seoly, late Qrst lieutenant j first lieutenant, William II. Ilucli, lato second lieutenant ; sec ond lieutenant, Martin M'A Ulster, lato first sergeant. Tin: barn of Jlr. DAN'ir.t, Lauuacii, about two miles from Kenton, was struck by lightning on tbo 127tli ttlt., and burnt to tho ground. About iOO bushels of wheat threshed that day, all tho hay, tho threshing machine and other implements, ic, but no cattle, were burnt. No Insurance. In tho easo of Nicholas Sr.YiiwtT vs Daniel V. Seyiiekt, an action of slander in the Court of Common I'leas of this County, a trial beforo 1). I.ow KNIIKHO, JAcon Sciiuvlkh and M. C. WooDWAiti), Arbitrators, at tho Court IIouso, was concluded on Monday last. Tho Arbitrators found an award in fa vor of tho Plaintiff for tho sum of $:)75. Had l'KAcricn. Wo notice that many peoplo nro In tho habit of tying their horses to tho trees in dill'erent parts of tho town. A largo numbor of trees, each year, which our citizens havo procured at conslilornblo expense, aro thus ruined. If a few of these thoughtless men wcro arrested, and mado tn pay a lino nnd a bill of dam ages, tho evil would eeaso to exist. Comiuai'ONDnNTei aro reminded that tholr articles must possess something of interest to tho general reader, either in formation, wit, mirth, suggestion, or something that is valuable or agreeable. Under this rulo sovernl productions ro ccntly sent to this olllco aro dccllued. Correspondency within tho rulo Is in vited nnd urged. Tho, communication from Cambra is not inserted becauso tho subject was noticed last week. "Tho years of I'ctcr" will appear next week. Mr. LoWENiiEltu will Immediately commence tho erection or his now building on tho slto of tlio recently burnt district. It Is to bo three stories high, with ill feet front by 70 feet in depth. Tho first lloor will contain tho sloro room, Hi feet by ,"C, and a largo dining room nnd kitchen, Tho second lloor will havo a parlor and 1 bed rooms nnd tho third floor flvo or six rooms, to bo used ns working and bed rooms. Tho plan, drawn by Mr. Heun. HAiti), is botli ornamental and ructlc al, and wo do not hcsllato to say that tho building whon erected will bo an ornament to tho town. Mr. Cad.man will also immediately put up an ad Joining building, corresponding In front to that of Mr.'LowENHEUCi, Thoblock will bo a very handsomo one. A communication In another column, concerning water supply for Blooms burg, will hint to the reader, tho wis dom,Justieonnd propriety ot tho tax provisions contained In tho town char ter. An outlay for this proposed object is important only to tho inhabitants of tho settled parts of tho town, and It would not bo reasonable or Just that farmers or others, outsldo the bounds of compact settlement, Bhould bo taxed sovorely for an improvement In which thoy can havo but llttlo Interest. Hut hero comes Into play tho provision tlrnt farm-land shall bo taxed half, and sub urban property but two-thirds rates, In the Imposition of town taxes. It Is evi dent that a Ecalo of taxation according to tho location of proporty Is tho only arrangement which will permit tho ex tension of town or borough limits bo yond a densely sottled district without Inconvcnionco or inustlco. TllK Lock 1 la von Democrat says that a Blngular occurrence took placo on tho farm of Mr. Jeff, Caldwell, llf.ld Kaglo township, a few days since. Ills beos loft their hives without nny apparent cuuso, mad as hornets on n skirmish, nnd mado ilrst for tho dog, and Btung him to death. They then betook them solves to tho Holds whero tho Imnth wero harvesting and mado so furious an attack upon tho horses that men and beasts had to tako shelter in tho barn. Having whipped every thing In their way they wtent back to their hives. THE l'or Tho Columbian. Water Supply. Tho losses by Uro In llloomsburg dur ing tho last twclvo months, partly borno by Insurnnco companies nnd partly by Individuals, havo nmoiintcd to n sum which would havo gone far toward fur nishing tho town n regular nnd full sup ply of water, not only for extinguish ing fires but for domestic nnd all other uses. With n water supply, Insuranco companies could alTord to lnsuro town properly at much lower rates, tho no. cesslty of Insuring property ntall would do greatly decreased, nnd at nil events those losses which fall on individuals In caso of fire, would bo mostly avoided. Theso considerations como homo to every ono Immediately niter n flro, in a town unsuppllcd with water, but too often pass out of mind nnd aro not ro called until tho next conflagration. Hut our town lias becomo of such magni tude, nnd properties nro of such valuo that tho question of protection against nro must ho kept in view, until such protection shall bo afforded. I'ropcr waterworks, howovor, would not only nfford protection ngalnst lire, out would supply nil our lmiicrat vo domestic necessities and social needs In regnrd to water, and tho amount which would bo consumed nmtmlly calculat ed In Its gross quantity would bo enor mous. However, tho necessity of wa ter supply need not bo enlarged upon, ns It wilt bo admitted by all. Tho time, manner ntid conditions of water supply nro therefore the solo top ics with which wo need concern our selves. Tho tlmo should bo an early date, for there can bo no adequate rea son for postponing it until wo havo u greater number of Inhabitants, nnd un til somo extensive nnd destructive flro shall starllo us, and produco cnergotlc nctlon. There Is but ono way by which Wo can sccuro water supply at this time. It Is idlo to expect that individual citi zens will voluntarily contrlbuto tho amount necessary to bo expended with out an expectation of profit In return, and our object cannot bo obtained by a water company, becauso no such organ ization exists, or Is authorized by law. But under provisions of tho general borough act of ISol, which nro applied to our town in Its chnrtor, tho town council havo complete authority to fako all steps and incur all expenditures necessary to supply tlio town with wa ter. As tho easo stands wo must look to them to supply our wants and ne cessities, and In nil proper efforts to tliatciul, wo havo no doubt they will ho heartily supported by public opin ion. Tho making of it town man Is well enough, as Is also tho protectlon'of tho river bank on tho southern sldo of tho town, tho projected removal or reorgan ization of tho Forks Hotel, and several new streets and other Improvements, but tho greatest necessity of all to tho town is wat uit, and that necessity must bo supplied. Hero wo como to two questions, tho question of location and tho question of expense In tho construction of tho works, and upon theao points wo havo a fow suggestions to make. In our opinion tho works must bo upon Fish ingcrcek nnd perhaps dependant upon that stream for power as well as water supply. Klther by water or steam power tho waters of Fishlngcreok can bo easily lifted to a reservoir upon either of sev eral hills in tho vicinity, ltcd ltock hlll, Intervening between tho settled parts of tho town and tho creek, will givosufllcient elevation to supply tho wholo town, except tho Normal School extension. Other bights eait and west of tho creek nnd oflrondale, will afford still greater clovatlon and can bo re sorted to. A .particular suggestion wo havo to mako Is this, that the water shall bo obtained from wells or pits, sunk in tho creek below tho level of its bed and covered over with several feet of gravel nnd sand. l'Ipcs for drawing tho water being laid from these pits or wells, tho wholo water supply will bo thoroughly clean nnd well fitted for every kind of use. It will bo strained through tho lied of tho creek and como to us perfectly clear and pore. A practical way to proceed In this en fcrpriso will bo to Invito competent en gineers nnd contractors from abioad, who, after examining tho facilities wo possess for water works, will mako plans and estimates of tho work nnd submit proposals for its performance. Wo feel confident that tliooxpenso will bo modcrato : thnt It is ono which tho town can well bear, that thero is no necessity for postponing an outlay for this object to somo future year, and thero can bo certainly no question that thowatersupplyobtained in tlio manner above mentioned will bo most excel lent nnd nbundant. Tho attention of riur " Town Fathers " Is Invited to tills Important question. (iitino l,.nv. "Game" is defined generally to bo, "wild meats designed for or served at tablo." lly tho English Forest Inws nnd gamo laws it seems that tho word had embraced within Itsolf: 1, bcastsof chaso, tho buck, tho doe, tho fox, tho marten and tho roo ; 2, of warren, hares and conies nnd rocs; .'1, fowls of warren partridges, grouse, heath or moor gamo, black gamo, bustards, snipe, quail, landrail and woodcock. In Pennsylvania tho word gamo may bo said to includo all animals and fowls of n wild nnturo, fit for food for man, nnd thus to cxeludo what wo call of tho chaso or prey, ns foxes nnd martens, muskrats, wolves, Ac, nil of which havo been left out of tho palo of protection "Though thoboiut of gamo Tlio privilege of chaso may claim, Though bpaco and law tho stag mo lend, Kro hound wo slip, or bow mo bend, Whoever I ecle'd where, how or when, Tho prowling fox was trapped or shiln," In tho year 1712an act was passed "to provent tho killing of deer out of season and ngalnst carrying of guns ami hunt ing by persons not qualified :" which was repealed April !), 17C0, by an net prohibiting tho killing of "any buck, dooor fawn, excepting only between tho first day of tho month of August anil uio Ilrst day of tho month of Jan uary," under a penalty of thrco pounds. That goneral law romalns upon tho statuto books to this day; but vory many local regulations for different counties havo been mado. In 1602, an act of 18.TO, J L. (115, "to provent tliohtmtliigof deer with dogs," was extended to Columbia county ; and In relation to dcor that scorns to bo tho law for us. liut tobhow tho utterly loose, careless nnd Inattentive wuy In wlilch laws nro mado at Hurilaburg, it Is only necessary to obscrvo that last winter, no less than six different ox plunatory and repealing nets on tho sub COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Ject of gamo wcro passed. Maklwn' tanglo of laws which n wholo dav would scarcely sufllco to unravel. Certainly It would not tako nny competent mem ber of tho Legislature. If th such, to digest tho Aovoral acts concern- ing tho hunting, preservation and nro. pagatlon of deer, and draw a gonornl bill, repealing nil local regulations! which, protecting doer under eovero penalties, would gradually ro-stock our forests, nnd proscrvo from uttor anni hilation tlio nntlo.'cd monarch of tho woods, of whpm wo read, but whom wo seldom soo. Thosubjectof gamo birds is in n moro hopeless muddlo than tho fUh or deer. Tho local laws aro Infinite, nearly every county great man having a theory of his own on tho subject. Tho following named birds seem to bo considered gamo, under tho various enactments, viz: ruueii grouso or pheasant, quail or Virginia partridge, wild turkey, wood cock, nnd rail or reed birds j nnd fox squirrels, grey squirrels nnd rabbits. Itall birds or reed birds must not bo killed from Juno first to September first pheasants from February first to Au gust first woodcock from February first to July fourth partridge from I'uDruary first to October first. And tlio destruction of thn nests or eggs of nny or tlicso birds at nny tlmo, Is strict ly forbidden under a penalty. Habblts aro protected from tho first day of Feb ruary to tho first day of October! and in most other counties, wild turklea from tho Ilrst day of Jnntiary to tho nrst tiay or October, and squirrels from tho Ilrst day of January to tho first day of August. It Is to bo observed that no Hereon at anytime, shall bo nllowcd to feed or balt.or build blinds for, or trap orsnaro any wild turkey, or ruffed grouso, or pncasant.orquail, or Virginia partrlclgo or woodcock, under a penalty of live dollars for each nnd every bird so taken, trapped or snared-of tho benefit of which act, 21 April, 1S(!!(, Columbia county is deprived. It is to bo Imped not for long. It Is perfectly obvious thnt thoprolee. lion and preservation of small gumo should bo mado uniform throughout the Slate, and stringent penalties Inflicted for a violation of tho law. There Is no good reason why tho shooting should begin in ono county a week or two be foro It is nllowcd in another. Uniform ity of operation and certainty of pun ishment nro tho only sure preventives of the infractions of law, but tho law should al.M) bo plain. irsomu member during tho recess would tako up the subject, and prepare a careful bill, repealing everything now on the books, and enacting such an ono ns observation and experience seem to require, it would bo vtutly better than tho careless, desultory and local legis lation which obtains at present. F. Damages fur Oncnliis Ktreols. In llloomsburg proper, including lis settled extensions, all damago for tho opening of streets, lane3, nnd alleys, is charged upon tho town. Ono of tbo provisions of tho llloomsburg act of Hh of March, 1S70, is, that such damages shall bo ascertained and paid as like damages nro ascertained anil paid under tho general borough laws throughout tho Commonwealth, lly tills provision of tbo town charter tho county treasury Is relioved from nil liability for such Improvements at tho county scat, liut it is proper to explain that this provls ion of Mr. Ucckalew's bill for tlio or ganlzalion of tho town could only tako elfect upon proceedings to bo begun in court alter its passage. Tho cae of tho widening of Centre street nnd tho up proprlatlon In part for tho Shaiu'liiss Foundry nroso In court and was pending u considerable tlmo beforo tho passage of tho act. Tho Court has decided that all cases of opening streets since tho act must como under Its provisions, and bo ut tho expeiiio of tho town. And this certainly cannot bo objected to by any ono when it is considered that a similar regulation applies toall tho Boroughs of thu State which aro subject to general laws. Tin: Stalo Agricultural Fair Is to bo held nt Scranlon, September 1!), 20, 21 and 22. Tho following named persons nro ou committees from Columbia County : Thorough Bred Herds Sylvester Pursel. Nalivo nnd Grade Cows Oscar J. F.nt. Stallions nnd Mares for all work Win, 11. Koons. Flocks and Fleeces Itohr Mcllcnry nnd Jos. P. Conner. Swine Mordecn! Millard. Poultry David I.owenbcrg. Plows nnd Plowing John KIcfl'er. Heaping and Mowing Machines W. G. Quick Jas. S. McNiuch. Steam Engines and Castings Gcorgo Scott. Iron, Steel, Copper, Minerals and Acids J, II. Ilarman. Flour nnd Indian Meal Peter F.nt. Collections of Agricultural Societies S. 11. Diemer. Vegetables John. G. Freeze. FWi Culture-Wellington II. Ent nnd Charles B. Brockwny. Wo trust all tho gentlemen named will endeavor to bo in attendance, In performanco of their duties. Tin: lit. Iluv. BWiop Stuvens, of this DIoceso, will administer tlio Apos tollo rito of Confirmation in St. Paul's Church, llloomsburg, ut tho morning service, Sunday, August 20th Inst. In view of that fact, tho Sunday evening sermons of tho Hector will bo upon tho Historical, Scriptural and Spiritual claims of tho rlto of Confirmation. Strangers, ns well us citizens nro nt nil times cordially Invited. A sexton or a vestryman Is always In attendance nt tho door to provide seats. Blackiiekuy Wine. Tho following is said to bo nn excellent reclpo for the mnnufacturo of superior wlno from blackberries! Measure your berries and bruise thorn, to ovcry gallon adding ono iiunrt of boiling water, Lot tho mixture stand twonty-four hours, stir ring occasionally; then strain otf tho liquor into a cask, to every gallon ad ding two pounds of sugur, cork tlgh nnd let btiind till following October.aud you will have wlno ready for uso with out any further straining or Dolling, Lovmwof ficshfruU, mc!ona, (ic.,can nowboiully supplied In IJIoorasburt; Amontr tho dealers, Mr. J. II. Maize la ono of tho largest, most responsible and ulwaya entirely reliable. Ills slock U tho bcdt tho southern marueta uiioru TUSTIOK'S 1ILANKH. Wo now havo on baud a lamo nenlly printed ULU1.ri...att nf .1IIHTII!K'H nml ID.MmTAHLLH IILANK'h, lo which wu luvllo tho ultoutlon of 1.01'At, NOTIIXS. WANTED, n girl to do general housework, In ft small fimlly-sltusllon permanent. For lur ther Information ivpply at IhoCoLUMiiIANOnice. ii30-tf. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY. ..XrifP."'! n'l nil kinds of HOUTIIEtlN ? ir ',",V. 'J!1??.' 'y- I lines on hand at 'L JI Af.IlWilAMMOrH OltUCEUY, nt bot tom prices. KLOUU nnd FEED, Ixsl rpiallly for salo cheap ntMAI.E'H MAMMOTH UilOCEItY. WOOD nnd WILLOW W AIU5 of nil klr.ds for salo at MAIKE'H MAMMOTH (lltOCEHY. NOVELTY CLOTHES WniNtlEIt, tho best In tho world, for salo nt MA1Z1VH MAMMOTH OltOCEItY. TAllI.i: CUTLEUY, very low, nt MAIZE.H MAMMOTH OIIOCEHY. ItUnn.VBWAltB, flLAfSWAltE nn.l CHINA WAItE, by tho setl, nnd sells filled p nt MAl.E'H MAMMOTH UltOUEllY. l'EACHES, MELONS, nnd FItESH FIltfIT Kcuernlly, In gieat nbumtanro nt MAIZTH MAMMorit (lltOCEllY. TEAS, COKl'EEH, Ac., In great variety nt MAlZB'ri. Imported HTONEWAltE, tbo very bcstnrtlcl tnbo obtained, for sale at MAl.E'H MAMMOTH aitOUEUV. HI'ICISt, HOAFS, Jn great variety nnd nrst quality, nt MAI.E'H MAMMOTH (HlOCEltV. HEOAIW.TOHACCO, Ac., of tho best quality, Bold cheap nt MAIZE'S MAMMOTH OltOCEItY. Il30-tf. . . Wiiiti:, Black nml colored Kid 0 loves can bo got nt M. P. Lut.'s for Si. 23 per pair. Conscientious Medication, Ger man Chemists nro famed throughout tho world for their conscientious caro nnd cxnctltudo in their compounding of medicines, and JfnnjUmiVt German jiuiers aim ucrman joma nro among tho purest nnd most wholesomo restor atives which thu fcclcntlllc skill of Ger mans has yet given to tho world. Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint, that havo defied all remedies of tho pharmaco piela for years, yield In a fow weeks to ono or the other of these potent vegeta bio Specifics. Tho only dlfl'ercneo be tween them consists In tho absence of alcohol In tlio Bitters, and its presence. in its purest lorm, in tlio Tome, sow by all Druggists. Persons In want of a Sowlm? Ma chlno will find It to their advantage to purchac ono with all tho Into improve ments, and mado by a largo responsible company. All skillful machinists and practical sowing machine agents Know the Singer Is tho best, their agents understand their business, and con duct It on honorable principles, with out misrepresenting, secret promises or selling second baud machines fr new. 11 you prefer competent nirents and fair dealing go to thu Singer olllce. A want has boon felt nnd expressed by physicians, for n safo and reliable purgutlvo; such n want is now supplied in i-arsonr i-urgaitve J'liin. Henry K. Bond, or Jefferson, Maine, was cured of spitting blood, soreness nnd weakness of thu stomach, by the use of Joinson'a Anodyne lAnimenl. Moiti: than ono hundred thou-and persons annually dlo In this country from Consumption, which Is but thu child of Catarrh. $.".0i) reward is oilered by tho proprietor of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Itemedy for a ciuo of Catanh which ho cannot cure. Sold by druggists, or send sixty cents to Dr. It. V. Pierce, lD.'lSen cea Btreet, Buffalo, N. Y., and get it by mull. Don't get swindled by men call Ing thcmeelves Dr. S.igo; Dr. Pierce Is tho only man now living that has tho right nnd can prepare tho genuine and original Dr. S.igu's Catarrh Itemedy, nnd his private U. S. Governmuit Stamp is upon tho outsldo wrapper of every package of the genuine. Mil. Samuel Cochkan, traveling agent for tho Singer Manufacturing Company, gives notico to the residents of Columbia county, that J. A. DoliAN Is tho duly authorized ngent for tho salo of tho Singer Sowing Machines In tho abovo county. Parties wljhlng to purchase said machines will bear In mind that they cannot bu hid from dealers In other machines except second handed. Tin: "Hcadly grovo Camp Meeting " o.i Blonmingdalo Circuit, Luzerno coun ty, will comiueuco August 23d, and coullnuo nlno days, (Providence per mitting). The ministers and blends of surrounding charges nro respectfully iiivueu to nuenu. Thcio will bo excursion tickets Nfticd v tho Lackawanna & Bloomsbun? Itailroad Co. to Shlekshlnny, good from vugusi -mi 10 aepicmucr 1st. li. P. Kino, Pastor. Legal Notices. T?XKCUTUIX'S NOTIOK. J-J JSTATKOK AM VNni'S HltODFS, DU''H. Jettein teKtamentaiy on thu citato of Anian hh Ithutles l.itu of Locust townshln. L'oUimbln iiiuity, dto'd, Imvuheen Bmnted by tho 1 Legist cr ifsnki eamty to Melasena Uhodes. All tiur&ons navuu claims agamsi uioeMuioaio leouchteii to pit sent them tr too l.xerutrlx in Columbia eouuiy. iiioso luiieiiicu to tno ewtatu euiitr on iioU',Jtult;im.'nt, mortiio or book lunmnt will imuu meni lo uu i:ecmriv without iielny, MtXAHUXA UlIOUKS, juiy .i, 1671-uw. Kxecuirix, A unrroH'.s notice, X. Fsr.YTK OF WIM.tAM MIINSINUEi;, HFC'l. 'iho uniloislL'iH'tl. iti iMilntcd hv thu Ornlninn' Court of Columbia county, Auditor to distribute timdf in tho hamlH ol aicouutnnt ot Wlllltim MeiisliiKcrdoM, will meet tho parties lutctcMcd lor tho nuipohoof bU appoint mciitnt his oitleu lu lllooiuhbuit;, imH tturday, thu ivth day of AukuhI A.D. 1571, at lOo'cIoelr, A.M. All pernoutf having lainiH on hiiai esiiue aro lequiiuu to nttetui or bo foieverU.banud Irum comlna In lor a part ut bald futitl. Julyl'71-Cw Auditor. ADJIINISTHATOH'S NOTICK. I A TAT K O F JAM fcS 11 RIM F., 1 1 KC' II. lA-ttern of AdmlnUtratlon, ctf bonit non, with tho will annextil, on tbo eslatu of .lames Urlmes, lato of Mount Pleasant towiudilp, fo inn 1 1. 1 eouniv ut'ceasiNi. iiuvn oeen irr it leu iv ho lU-ulhler ofisald county to 1'eter Kut. ol Lluht strpii. All oeiKoiiH ha Int: elalniH aualust Hh ostato of tbo decedent aro requested to present inem lor heiiieiuciu, uuo intisu uiueoieo 10 me ehtato to mauo pnymeni 10 mo unuerhiyneti, ml- mitinmaior. ,nnuuuiuitj. 1CTBU KM". Administrator. July2b71 t d. b. n, c. t n A UUITOIl'S NOTICK. FHTAIi: OF M VTItr.V-1 11U0N1 OEC 0. In tboUri'hans' Court of tho county of Colum hi Thu Auditor annotated bv tho Court, to distribute luuds hi thu hands ot Samuel Uhone. , admlnUtrator ot -Maiiiias Hiionk, Into ol Jaekhou township, Columbia county deteasml, will miei nu peruus luieiumeu, lor ilu puipoho of hU appointment at his otllco lu illooiusbuion S.ituiday,tho luth day of August. A. 1. l7't at 10 o'clock a. in, of bald day. An persons having claims auahut tho Raid estate will bo requited to present them nt that time, July ll'Tl-Ov, Auditor. XT OT I OK. Tho "imonwMlth of XN I'eiinuytvanla To John Hupp. Jonas Hupp, Mary Hupp. Intermarried with Michael Htlue, (ieoriro Hupp, Jonas Hupp. Ilarman Hupp, An ihow Hujip. Sarah hit, l.lUaboth Dotlnner nnd awry JinrHUl.Hi. I u aim iiku u j uh uiu urn- by notltletl, to bo and appear In your perKon lufi)i-H iho J oil iron of thu On 'ham1 Couit.of tlo County of Columbia, nt an Orphans' Court, to bo held lu lH.OOMHllUIUl. In and for Mild Coun ty, on tho Ilrbt MONDAY Ot HKlTHMlllllt IICM, Uli'iiuim uii'it' K' vti'mi ituisu t ti- tho Heat llato ot (Jeouo Hupp, lato of I.ocut Towiuliln. lu tjtilil county, ueeeasou.ai tuovaiu aliou, or Miow caiiho why tho bamo should not bosoldutcoidluutohvw. HtiEitiKtv OrrncE, July is l71, juny:i,70-(t AAUos HMn it, fihcrlir. VOTI OK. Tho Commonwrultii of .1 renusylvnula To Clara Jauo rBtf. liny I-Mleu 1'euK. Catharluo TeKifsaiah l'm. nil 1 1 III tU Hit I JllllW ! "Vllt V., 1 1 HHl " v Hehuii, Allied Veutf, Joualhau Viwtr. Tlieodoha l i gx, i uoiiuim niiifi- iiusuaiui in iitiri;nii v lt BK, du eased, William Lilly husband of Jane i't'tttf diecased, and Jul.n llauh, Vou nudeath of joii aro heriby notllled, to ho nud .ippear lu our persons, befoio tho Judges ot tho oiphani Court, of tho County of Columbia, nt nn Or plianti' court.tobo held in W-iOOMHl'lUl, in and lor Mild Countv'. on tho Ilrst MO.ND.W OF HHITHMUHH next theu and theio to accent r reliuu to tako tho Heal Kittate of William rcuu. lalo nf Mndlhou Townsblp, hi said County, di teased, at tho vwluatlon, or -how euiuu why tlio bamo bhould nut bo hohlaceordliiK to law, W, II. KNT, Clerk O.t. 8tI.HITS, OtTiCK, July in, lb7l. July'Jl71-Ct AAitoN Hmith, Hherlir, s U11IHENA IN 1HVOUCK. In Common ricaHof Culumbln counly.No, Ko hruary Term. 1671. Lavltia Uoldcr 1 , v. -Alt Buhoocna lu Divorce, Ih-ujutnlu Ooldcr. I Hint Vou uro lieu-hy rfriulrcod tonppear ou Monday tho lourth day of bvpttnibt-r. A. U, lu tho Hald I'ourt, uuU uiuivfcr lu thu mild com nlulut.or Iho uiullvr will ho thin d, lfiiiilm.il aifr, AAUONBMIHI. . Bhetlir, By order of Iho Court. l'lothouotury, Uloomtbutv, July H. b71-ll. BLOOMSBUHO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, V. &l''mU MACIIINK. si NomvaaH sun aUAUTIKS OK TI I M KM AM 1 10 WIS Bi:WJNO ilACUINUl lulmw up n nl Itch niyou ilo by I nnd, othrM uoiiot, Ilttlven thrc.nl for each fttltch nerrmllnn tn tho thlclmen or fnhrlfl ncwcil, other do not. It lisp a HtrnlKht nevrilo nnd ilnor fur somo tliruulthan any other mac hi no. Tho h I Itch is nllltu on hoth side. It hn In iiddhton tothrto nil ndvimtrtsps clnlmcd by olhcr innelilncH, It linn Ken tented and 1 Unan to ho tho most durnblo machine in tho mnrlcct, Tho f.itt Hint oUntf marhlno mm nro nnxiotn to obtain tho niM'iicy or tliU mnchlno ii eonettiiho cvldcnco Hint tho public nro largely In favor or Milium chine, which ban not ehfimjcd Iti principle aluco It formation viz t Drnwins a fctltch as you do by hnnd, Hold on iny term at cot, nji and nos lackawanna AVION UK, S011ANTON, PA. Inly 1 1 7b:un. TUSOAllORA AOADEMY, ACADKMIA, 1A. 'I ho Mlh Rchool.yonr bcglm Kcptrmbcr ttb. Lot .itloit healthlul, attractive nnd well ndnptud to phhlcl development, I'reo from Inutlnic I'Ihlth run! HiilomiM, tho ItilUicnccH nro moral, Moro than :,h jotinn men havo tcio been pr pared Jor Collcgo or buslnefcs. Terini moderate. Apply lor circular, to l. D.Hl'OXi:, A.M. J. J, I'ATTIMIHOS.A.M. Mutual Firo Jiwiiruneo Company At Wondhtoetc, ban been dolnu IjuMukh thlrty ono yrats. Hlx jenrn 11 bna laid no nM'Ssim-hle, nnd thu avcrnuo ratoof tmt'Hsmeht durlnn thu thlity-ono iaiM haa btenUJM i-kuckn r. a f.aii, Hie ii k 'Kinent lor tliojenr just ended 1m 1-1 l-fclti v sr., and thoComptny ban a clear mirplui ovci aU llubllltlon. noil n A 114. CW) norcM Ntipurlor Wjiitk oak I1 'U Mil Fit land, near Lock llmcn, l'n., 5KH) nrres IUmmx-k Timiiku land, Totter ro., l'n, 1 V.Hii:afkk. GeoloKlstA Ihitf'r. rolivllle, l'n. iioorr vmw si T h t H whutchomc, nble, and rc Int? Miiuincr M-rno can bo easily mad a nt about .1 rent per Knllnii, with AM'HF.NHAtll & .MlM.KltM Uuiuuio Knot Heer Kxtrnct, Ahk for It atour utore.or Kcndilicentfl lornvlat nnd direction to 410 North Third Btreet, 1'bllndelpbla. A" (JK.NTS WAM'HI) for tlie TltAXSMISSIOX OF LIFU. CorNHRMON THE NATUHK ANO IIVfllBNt: OF tiik Macumnk Kiinctiox. lly J)n. Al'Il:'H, nulborlty of "Tho l'lijhlcnl ld)o of Woiiinn," It relate to the tiuilc aer.- ln full or new laetf-jdc llealo but ontvpoken; prnctleal nnd populat; bluhly en dniM d: ellH rapidly. Sold by Mibscrlptlon only, i:cIuslvo terrltoiy. Termi liberal, l'rleu jfj. Aildit-HS :or rontenU, Ac. J, (J, l-'KllUUH A VO., 1'ulilh.hern, rhllailelphln, I'a. Agents ! lluutl 'i'liis ! 1VII.1. I'AV AOKNTS A S.M.AKV ' OP S JO l'i:tl U'KI'.IC nml l:ti.ilir, or nllow ii ninjo eominlsslou to m-ll our new nnd uniulenui im-eniiotm, AUdri-hS.M. WAU.Mill & ('(., MurKhnll, Mleh. A MILLION DOLLARS- Kdirowd but nulct men can mnlco a fottuiio by ievenlln tho fcctrctof tho business to no one. Address, I'.IKIAU SIMS 'isSnroiulway, N'uw York. l,00y GIFTS. i-tUANDOin' CONCIIUT and JJistrlbutlon Tor Utho lleneiltof tho I4iuiitll t ii AsIimi nl'thc SNrrs orciiailly luthcitv of New Yor!:. nnd HOl.DIKDS' nnd HAlhOlW OUl'HANH' HtlMi:, Walilimton, 1). I,, to bo lieut in VhMiiin;(ou, I). l niiiier nntl bv Miluo tif n permit trom Itnn. Com. mliuiier of Internal UcNcnue, on 'ihurMlay, Jul LTlh, positively. Alter tho Uonceit, the CoinmNsIoneM vlll aunrd to tho Rttectsalul tlcbct'Uoldoi's 1,003 (HI'TS AMOL'NTIXO TO -i-00,000. 0.70 TN 1CKTS only will bo Fold, nt Si eneh. non. ii, .MLUiuioujiii. oi i.iuion, iMtiii .ugor (Ji o, T, I'nFtle, Jialtlmorr, Mil., Commission. lion. Jus. H. Keyley, M, C. l'ltthburKh, i'a., Trustee. UcitTcnccst Mnjor-Ucn. I). Hunter, U. B. A., NVuHbliiRti-u, 1). C; Hon, Jns. H. Kryley, 1'lttH burgh, l'u ; 1'lrKt N'utlumil Uuiilt, lltiiiuihtown, M.l . Aorilerunn .t Co.. Ilnnkei. llinrerstown: l;pdeuitr A Souk. IInt;erhto'n ; Hon. It. .1, lit t nl Into Altiri)eytii)eiut, linlllmoti1; C. I-'. Abbott, INil., i'l 1'. O, AVO., liultlmore; John Jl. Kowler, INii.; W. H. MyfrH, of W. II. Myers A llio., i.xciuuigo i ,iuf,ji,itiiinoie, iHids oi tho Krai IMate, ceitlllod to by ciiiiihI. In 1 atulKol tlioTiUsiie. TUke's nnd clieulnrH tan bo bait of 1. C. iii;bi. mil i a Lent. Maiimifr inn muter. No. HI nhnu fctitit, a'uw Yoik. Tlcltets unit c. t. Ii .if Uifclm . Send lort iieular.eonlalninu docrlptlou ot pilreH. 'ilckdn for t-a!o nNo by limy & pniKeui, in incir ivews cuinuh, i iiiih dolphin, HarrMitiigh, 1'itb.biireh. t'.. nud on lliiu of t'enn. lliillioml unci i-onueetlons. OB ABA 'Tin; i.Giu:i)ir.XTrf that 'COMTOSr. H03ADMS nro puMishcd on every pubige,U.c re luroitiH not a cctrtt preptraliun, consequently 1'iiYSiciixs riiK.srr.iiiK it 1 1 4 3 a rTlil-l run fur S'crofull, Syphilis in ml us i..nu, Ulicmna-li-m, fcLni 1;- .m , l.ivcr Com- Ipljint and Ul lio:inc of tho 'in.,,..! ! 01!2 SOTILE 0? S03A5ALI: jwill do moro (rood than trn hollies uf tlio Sirups of riirtfjpjrtlla. 'the: tiwncntiQHED physicians li-lvtiiuoiUlosadalisinllu'iriirartit'O for llio yiA Ihau jicirnnnd Culy cmlurto it nt:i rilwblo Altcratlto and llluod I'linhor. nil. T r rt'r.n.of Ejiiiracn-. till. T J liuVKlN', " Illl. I-.. W Milt. lilt r n MVSI.U.Y. ' 1)11, J t,l'.l!i;s, ol NUlulmllV, Kj nit J I.. M..CARTUA, Ci.1iuiiI.Ii. s t Illl A 11 NOnLKS,r..lsoromh,.V.C. ,DSED A1ID FiftDOKSED BY J. 11. 1 ItKNUI Ii O.NJ, 1'all liiitr, Ma T V SMITir.Jic'. . V W 11 I.I I.I It. I i. Ml.li. 14, Oil 10. II HAM., I. nn... UU. I'lt.Wl.V 5U'.t .n'ttinillc, V.i. s.wrr t;. m.ialu:n, .Muitrns tLro,Tciui. I Oar -pace v jll not d!''t nf-.nypv. i li. U'il rcuviks ia I- i iln n to Ilia titties of It' 3'itb ' 'I ili' Updif.J I'ioIi"- Atn w oaiit i' a I'lniil I'.x- itraitfiipilort.i iii) tliey luuo ver utetl lu thu tri'iim nt uf il peaked ItlootU iii.'1 1 i i:htcd Mosiytry jl!u ad.ili i. ' . u. U to rcs'.orc I tj hcittk. t Jlos.iu.ili'. u ' tl ty nil PrupsUts, prKc Ql.OJjn Li AHo. AUtlit-i Xantftiitutiti-j Chimtstt, 1 All'liMllUM PTAXnS 1 We rekncctfulh' call tho attention of thoko dCHlrlim to purchaso our mnko ot ri.inos, Wo uro kniiKiieu umi wu yjin kivh Muiisiariiuii 111 tverv eate. Our wnrkmeiiRklllfuliind evturleu- ct'd and are under thu nuiMiiial Miiterintt ndenco of tho membeiH of our tlrm, Woum only tho ui'M. kensonen umner, huh tno material in i;eiio tal Is Mml class. Our I'lanos without eeeptloti n.ivo uio on ic n i. np'uiH'N urranu'cmeui uiinuu out. which In tho opinion ol tho most compo- ti'iit hi linen lit itronomiei il valuable, llv ihiu lm proemenv a iiano 14 imuio moiu nuiaoio aun keeps tho to 10 longer. Wo claim lor our iustru mints thnt they uiu rcond lo none. and they combine, all the CKbentlal elements thnt const! tnto buperlor workmnuhhlp. Wo Ull ulvu u wniieu nuuraiut'o ior nvo years. il ! LUMlAll 1' L MAX. IHCI1HKI VI OIIIIKIU, will visit HUmiiihhiiri' lotir times a inr to ro- I air and atteud to tuulnuof all Pianos. In tho absence-ol Mr, Khkiman, Mr. I, K.Mii.lkh will iittenil in nur lnikhiut-ii lo llloomsbiiri; nud In authorized to reeelvo and solicit orders. Wo can utvo tho very beht leferencci. UAKllhilifct'O. llaltluioie, M, I. I. K. MiLi.ut, J'enlir In riauox, Orauu and Melodeona llo octavo and tlvo Htop orynna of tho btht mako.sold at J 1 10, Teunseimy, Juno Zl jGiCKTS WANTKD KOIl lly SHJXOll 1SMTZ. Ilrlmful of fun and humor, with Incidents and ndveliluieslu thu principal cities or tho urld, U ih Kerlbet his tricks and fuata ivt a Mnnlelau ami veiuriioipiut, isoiu oniy uy suuhcripuou, Ulwral U mis toKood AueuU, Addtosi liUFl' lllLU AH1IM1;a1, 711SannomHtM Jul) l71-liii, rhlludelphML. martwsMVi Mil ii im '.r.i rs'jr o D Si IP! Public SaloH. p U 15 Ii I (ThA UK " . -o i - VAI.ttAIIIil: UllAI, IJHTAT . Ill vlrluo of nulliorlly nml onli-r nt tlio Orplmun' Court cf i;oIuml,l coinily, Uio under. fcluiit'il HilmliiUtrntor of Ihe mUilu or lllrnlii ilrmutl, will cxprma toiinU nt public mil uuo mi tlio prcmlitcR, on HATOHDAY AUOUrirmili lfll, nt 12 o'clock M., tlio following rcnlt-slnto, to wit ! A IIOUSK ANU LOT Itimtonii Uio north ulito of Mnln ntrrHIn Iha town or C'ntriMlMft. ndjotnlni- Inntl, or Henry IioUlnKNlic-iidniidotlicrD.conlnlnlnK nlionl rinn rourlli ol nu ncro, mora or Jum. wheroon In i-ri-c led n two HToiiY ritAMi: Dwni.LiitNU itotmi:, with nccpMiiry outbuildings. Thero If on tlio nromlnt-an a wei.Ii oi-' i:xcki,li:nt watku, will; nvnrlfly or fruit nml ilindo titc. All In Koodoondlllon. U. MAtlVI I TEWKHIlUItV, AdmliilAtrnlor. Tkiisii or HAi.c-Tcn per rem. of tho ono. rourl i of Ihopuiclumi money to bo paid nt tho trlklnii down nf tho i.ropittyi tho nno-rouilh Iim Ihu ten per cent, HI llutronllrinnllon ol Mlc: nnd tho rimnlnliiL' three-fourths In nun yenr "jorcintcr, with lnlcrnt iroiu llio conllrmntlou ' WHf.l.INOTON lt.KNT, Clctk. Illoonuburir, July Tilt 1171-lu. pUllIilO HAUK vai, uaiii, i: niiAii k.htati:. In pursunneoornu Order of Iho Orph.nn' Court of Columbia county, l'n., tho undeisljnul, Climr dlnn ofClmrleiUiiirlinlt, Unnlel (lenrhnrt. Ktf nboili i Ocnrhnrl, nnd Mtephen Oenrhnrt, Jr., min or children of Jacob Uenrharl, Jr., Into of Jlnhio touiiNhlp, In mid eotiuty, dccc-nniil, will exnoao .V.u.l.,!l.ttlc' "" 11,0 l'"mlif, on BATUHllAY,: Al UUHTIuh, IKJI.nl twelvo ii eloch, noon, lha folloy ln deierlbod vnlunblo teul iRlnte, t wit All that ccrlalu FAllJt AND TKACT OI-' liAND Kltu.lteil In Mnlno lownihlp,iinld eounlv.hound i.'lby lniidnr Uiidolidi Hhniii mi, John Ut'urhnrt, John Num., nml IJ.iuiel l-'enstermncner, CONTAINING IlliACIUS, ho IhoHamo mora or lesi, on uhlch moeueted n lloune, Inruo Kiimio ll.irn, nnd oilier outbuild liiKs, 'iluro Irt iiImi upon tho premlHet, n lino younit Applo Orchard, nnd n nrletv of olhor frull ireui. H, i:ST, Clerk. J-C0S'l)tT10VM Ol- HAl.V.Ti.tl nl.i'n.nl ...in. fourth or tho purchaHi- money lo bu paid by tho piHhn'.c'rnttneHttlkriTxilowii of tho property. One-fourlh IcnkUio ten percent, to hupnldnl Ilo. colillrmation of tho Halo. Tho halaueo lolio paid lu olio ) ear from tho conllrmntlou of Hale, with Inturttd horn tho tlmo tho puidiaser mcIh )ios-Mu-tdon ol tho Raid prflnlvo. Tho eralu In tho Kroiiml to bohold ulth Iho farm, l-oitChHlon of inopiemiveHloiioiflveu on luonriildiy officii tcmhciA. 1)., iwi. WILLIAM ClllIAHY, H'llU'HKN UllAHIIAUT, IJuardlaus. I) U llJi 1 C SAL K VAMTAnr.U ltHAIj iwtati:. In purMiance ofnn order of tho Orpbnns' Court of Columbl.i covin I V. thu imihTMlL'mil r.-ti-i Hwanlc, Ailmlnlstialor. dr., of IUnJiimlu Catii "Vionvu, Will l-AUIU in JlllUllt; mjuu (ill too premie, on HATUHHAV, AUCICHT 12th, 1K7I, at 10 o'clock In tho lorenoon of vuld div.lhn following deserlbod leiiU'Ntute to wltt All that T li A 0 T O V Ji A N 1) l-ouudod ami iiewcrlbo t ni( illovsi lly lands of Auam ( lavberer on tbo enst, IjuhIh of Ik.I'u l-'Kheron thenoith. lands ot Wtllhim riemliur on Iho v,est, ana IukIh of Itaub a Kolb on the Koutli, containing I-OUUTY-SKVKN ACHKd, more or less. Whereon Is erected a one nnd one ! half story DWIXLINO HOUSE, Jl.UIN' and other out buildings. Ihero Is a goil Apph' Orchard on tho premises nud other irult trett. Theio Is a well of yooil water ut thu doorot tbo dwelling house. CoMiiriONSoi',Hvi.K. Ono third of tho pur chase money tounmlii charged upon tbo prt-inl kosdurlng tho nalurul llto oi tho wldowolxnld intthiaiu ami thu luteru.it to bo anmt.illy nod regularly puld to her by tlio pmchnsfr or pur eli.tserx and to bo computed liom tho ltt dy or lteeemher, A. IMS7). Twenty per cent, or two-thlrds ot tho pmchnio monty to no paid at tbo htrlktnix down or tho properly, one third of tbo tuilnnco of tho purch.isi money to bo imhl on thu continuation ot tho halo, and tho balauco of tho punhxito money In one year thereatter with interest lioin the lhl day uf December, A. IMS71. ruichaser to pay lor feed nnd Stamps. , , . 1'j;ti:hvank, July lni-ts Administrator. . jUMINISTUATniX'S SALi: or V A L U A 1! L K K K A U KH T A T K. In rursuanco of n c.intliiucd otdt-r of Iho Or- pnun a Louri oi Columbia couuly, i'a., tlio uu ihTHlsned Adiolnli.lralrlx,tVo.tor.Iohu II. W'alti, l.Ui- ul d nlro toumOilp, lu said couuty, ih-ciMst.il, Mllloxposo lo riiibllu Mile, ou tho n uiUos, on RU1DAY, AUGUST IStli, 1S71, nt twoo'clocjc In tho nftemoou, tho following do scribed Miluahlu real estate, to wit : A certain IIOUSK AND LOT OP CJUOUNI), bltnnto iu tbo township of Centre, Columbia ttihii-y u.ritas; aiu jot containbiu about OXK KIQIITIl OF AN ACRK. HecoXD. A KUliill lot of urntinl Lttii-.t lu tl.r. tOWUshlO mill fount V nfiiri hiiltl mllnlnlmr l.n,lu ot Jejsa it. I'u'us, William u. riens. and tho propt-i ty bereinalterdeerlbeil, eontainlnir about Tillitn. 'IhouudMded ono-halrof all that cer tain pieeo. paicel and tract of hind, hituatoln ino luwusnipainl tounty atorusald. bounded by lands of (J, if. I'owicr tin tbo north and went, html ol , it. l-'uas on tno east, and lands ot Jtv-o II. I teas on theMailh, conialulntr i'ourttui '"ini muiu ui ivat, llt.-H.ua if UlOCieil a LAUCiJ: KltAWK GIUST JIIIL, n Uoublul ramo cllln Iloiife, nnd other nut bul dltips with thu wiiur-rlwl.t uppuitenant to Raid mill, ihero Is on tholut dcheiibetl proiwr ty u lnru bo.yor nl.Ho that is of aupuitormuU ly ftirthemanutacturlnKof paint, iftiwiM ui- MAMJi-ien pur cent, of om- foiirth of tbo t.mrtiiisi iiirnir- nt tint -i IIIikf down of thu pnpeity; tho ono-lourth lesnthei b-ti percent, ut tho conlli inatlon absolute, and (ho temalulng liiiee-rouilhsln ono j ear theieiif tt r. W Illl 111 Lei ist frnm fiinitrni.il Inn ui I'm-. ( baser orpurehai.ers to pay lor dtcdsanabUmps. Tossessluu tlvenonpa incut ot purchase mom y or MH'tirlui: tho iaiuo to bu .ild. itilntormatlon us tolho iiuantltyand quality of tho blato will boL'ten by uddrei.ln MAMUri. nr. i jiAiii, ijiniu uiugu, i-ommuin county, i'a. July CS -'71. It, AdmlnlstratiT. liCI.UUlitttn. 1 ilf.OOl kt ill 1 If. P Dil A', iiiij Ilny lit. tou.topy and send bill um, StAUAUV, Idmu DJOUKNKOSAI.K O n k a L V A I, U A 11 I, K IISTATl IW Virtue Of nuthorltvaiiJonlor nf thn On.linna' Court Of Cohinihl.L rnnntv. tlin iini1t-khnu.l ml. mlnUtratorM of thoostateofJacob Kostenbauder, deceased ullle.poM) tufcalo by jaibllc enduo on SATUHDAV, AUUUHT Cfllh 1S71, a larco nunntltv of vnlunblo land ultuato In 1 mukliu touushln in uilil crmntv .ti-tprnwi ul follows; I'liiST At ten o'clock in tbo forenoon, a lot or timber laud thu UtiiliviJed Kll.wovcnll ntl. Jolnlm; lands or h. Arlley, Wm. deorue. C, Artly andolheiH. To bo disposed of In ono nivto. or In three lottiorabout t v n x t y a 0 n 1: s k a o h, nstilinlibe deemed most expedient. Tho wholo property wlllbo oirered nnd tho tlllo tut ha one- nuvuiuu oiauo 10 1110 puixunscrs, HI.CON11 Will bo Olleroil iliTfilpn'u Inlutntt In n uact of land adjolnlnu' H, F.ciark. lands ol r.u ii.urK uiuKies lauus 01 r, Monuardt and II, i, eeuer, eouiaiuina SKVKNTY-OXK A 0 K K S, moro or hhs, Wbtrton aio eucted a Ilrhk Dwt'tlliiij Houko, a hunk Ham, Wnjitm House, a npriu. jioust uuo iiu oiner utcehsrv out ouuu lacs. Thero Is also aMnrlni! of excellent Water. a good OrclMird and fruit ot nit kinds with about Four Aci cs of Cbestuut Tluibvi. All inexcUleut uuur uim cuiuv-iion. Till II n A llJr nf In, i.l n,1 1 rtl lit n r l'Hfiu Won in. Wm, Htoctter, John iiout r and decedents home- sieau,couiaioing T II I U T Y-F I V K A 0 It K S moro or les. Wherron nro erected a Fiamo UvU'lUtitf 11 nunc, a Hank Darn: with n good Younfj Apple Oiebard. AU lu imod condition, Tho hinds wm bo oirered at tho Homestead In uiu otuerauwruseu, -mo Q It A I X I N T U E QllOUND Is reserved. Voehhion of tbo timtmr inut r trui is, Immediately upon pay Inn tho pun base money or .ei urlntf tho hamo hi bu paid. And of mwiiiiii iwu iiiiiiH on 1110 unaui ApillfA.I k-vii vuinjiimuiu mi uiu eounuioiis, O. I). I.. KOHTKN1IAHKU, JOSlil'il U, KWlTfLK. AdmluUtrutnrs, TKKMS OP RAI.l!.-.')Vll lilr nt. iT tlin nii.. foil i tU of tho pureluiho money to bo pa hi at tho striking down or tho property ;iho one.fourth leax the ten per cent, at Urn confirmation of silo: uud mo remaininu inree-iourins in ono year there after, with I11U rest fiom eoufli matlon nisi. WK1XINUTON Jl.KNT, CI.?IIK, lliuuiliauillll, J UIIU tAJH. 401 i M, ISSOLUTION NOTIOK. Notice Is hcrebv men thnt tbn iinrtorhhl heietoloroexUtlr.L' betueen 13. MKNHllNllALl and U I'. UUl'l.Ur, tiimMK'ilnii biutius undo uieuriu mime 01 jurJ;iJi,;NiiAi.ijniHi mJi't.u tins litttl dlhhdlil bv UUllual eoiihnt. All oe koiih knowluu tbiuiktfhtM indibtid tolho iiImivu 111 m, uie iciiutkituio innKoimuHinaieayiueni, ou muum uiu 111 1110 iiiiuos 01 1,, jirisii-.i 1IAI.L. lor biltUincnt. at H. 11. Miller A him', store, Malu hlnel.niar Forks Hotel, Hloomn- uihu, ra. i ah:nikniiall, Juuo-7Mf uh.huii:ht. JUHTICK HIiANKH. Kummous. Hxeculions bubineiias, Warrants, Ac, custunUy on baud CLARK'S COLUMN. MASON'S FRUIT JAKS $2 75 PER DOZEN, PORCELAIN LIND- MASON'S ONE QUART JARS POR CELAIN, $2 00 PER DOZEN. UNION FRUIT JARS, $2 00 Per Doz. I OFFER A RUnUCTION IN , mMl DllKSS GOODS TO MAKE ROOM roii FALL GOODS. O)po.iio brown's Ifolcl li LO O M s u uaiG. tt.l , II. J. C L A It K Patont Mcdicinoa. ION OF 1,1 VKS SAVKI), .It n ono of thoi Tmftftrnlitn fnAlo nflliU t-nmnr. kahlo nRe, not merely that mi many pernoni nro thn lctlirn otdyfltwpKln or IihIIkcrIIom, but 1U willing vlcilnifl. Now, wo would not be nniler muou hi Bixy mm no 000 rc(taninuyspepm Willi favor, or feels dlftpoKrd to rank ft among tho luxuries of lire. Car from it. Those who hnvn oxpcrlcnccd lis torments would cont nuch an Idea, All dread It, and would fthulty dlupcnui with Itu unplousnut famtllarltleii. MarlcTnploy, who wan Jolly under all tho trying clrcumttnncen Inwhichlie wiw plnccsl. never had nn ntlaek of dyspcpMa, or liln Jollity would havo ftpeedlly lariiuken him. Men nnd women Borne-times miffer Its tortures uncomplainingly, but whooTcr heard of n persirti who mijoyed them ? Of all tho multlJarlons dlsoRon lo which tbd liurnnii nj-Rtcm In liable, thero In perhaps no ono no Kcnerally prevalent uh ityipiiia, Thero nrn dlfleaacfltnoroncuto nnd painful, nnd which rnoro frequently provo fatal ( but none, tho elluct of which nro m rieprciniin tn tho mind nnd mi poHitively distressing to the hmly, If thero In n wretched bclns In the world it is A CONKJUMKJ) irVSt'KlTJC. Hut H la not our Intention lo dlsrn-toti tho horrors of Dynpepsla. To descrlbo them truth fully In simply an Impossibility, It In possible to nolnt out a remedy. We havo said lhatdv.en sla Is perhfls tho inont universal ol human ills cases. This Is emphatically the caso in the I 'ul todKtatcH. Whether this ncnoial prevalence in duo to the cbaractor of tho food, the mclhcMl 01 Its preparation, or tho hasty manner In w hlclt It Is usually swallowed, Is notour province to ex plain, 'iho great fact with which wo nro culled lu deal Is tbbf! UYHI'KI'iilA X'ltEVAIIJ almost universally. Nearly every other person you meet 1m a vlo tlM.nnd nppnmitly willing ono; for were this not Ihocaftu whv no many satTerers, when n cer tain, speedy and safo remedy Is wllhln tho i-asy reach of nil who deslro in avail themselves of It 7 Hut thoir.n orlty is 111 not. minded by prejudice, ordcterred by somo other unexplained lutlueuci, thcyrcUKO to accept the rellif prollered them. They turn a deaf ear to tho testimony of the thousands whoscsulfeilnxn havo been alleviated nml with stranao lufatuattou, appear ro rllug with desperate determination to tbetr ruUt'KKrf tormentor. Ihilsays a dyspeptic I What Is thio rciiieily ? to which wo reply: lhU great Alluvia torol hti mull i.ti lit rlna Is ulmoKtnMUldelv known as tho Ihiglltdi lanKiuigc. it ban allayed tho iiKonitH ot thomands, mid Is to-day curving comfort arid ihcourugement lo thousands of it hers. 1 IiIh acl:tiowldi'tl twinnceii Ik 1 in tut other than Du. 1IOOKI.AN1JH OKHMAN IllrriClW. Would yon know moro of tho mcrltn of thin uomlerrul medicine Ih.m onn lm iearmsl Irum tho experleueo of others7 'iry It jfairwdf, and uiu 11 it UtiH ruled to Uiltlt the aecaraiien ol ita elttcmy given by tbo propletor, then abandon lalth lu 1. Lirr it in: UEMnMimuED, hrt or all, that IIOOFr.AMVJS OKHMAN 11 1 T TKHS Is not n rum Uerat!0. 'Ibey nro not nlcobeltc in any wne of tho term. They uro eomposid wholly of Iho pure Juice or vital prlnelplo of roots. This Is not n mere iiirtioii. 'Ihu extracts from which lliev nro comioundcsl nro prepared by ono t-r tho ablest or Unman clutitJsU, Unlike any ollu r Hitters In tho mnrULt, they aro wholly 11 to fiom sprlrltuoiiH Ingredients. Tbo objections which hold with no much force against preparations ol this (hiHH, namely that n deMro lor intoxicating drinks is stimulated by their mo, nro not aliu lu tho case of tbo Uerman llltterv. Ho far from fhcourtiglng or Inculcating a tasto or ileslru for Inebriating boverages, It may bo eonlldcnlly iifM'rted that their tendency Is In AdiameilcuUy oppoNllodlr(s?liou, Their cllecU enn bo IIISN'mCIAL ONliY In nil easen of tho biliary .ystcm. Ilnoilind'a (ierman Hitters stand without nn trpinl, acting piomptly and vigorously upon tl.o Liver; they letnovo itn torpldltynnu rauho healthlul secre tion or bile thereby supplying thoMomarh with tho most Indls ienKfiblo elements of tound til KChtlon In proptr projiortlons, TheygUe lono to Iho Rtomnch srimulatlug Its fuuciluiis, njul enabling It to perlorm Its dutlts nn nature de signed It should do. They Impart vi r and streugth to tho entire system, causnig tho patient to feci Hko another being In fjut,tt vln nun it uvw tense 01 111c, tiiuv runiFY 'inn in.oou, cleansing tho vital fluid or all hurtful Impuri ties nud btipidautlng them with tho element ot genu I no bealthfuIneHs, In 11 word, thero is Hcarccly a disease In which they cannot bo wifely and beneficially employed; but In that most gfnernlly prevalent distressing and droadtsl iloj&e, DjapcpsLi, THEY KTANI) UNHIVALKU. Now, thero are certain classes of pet hour to whom extreme hitters nro not only uupalatnblo but who find It Impossible to tako them u lthout losltlvo discomfort. For such l)rt, II0OKLANI'S GERMAN TONIC has been fcpcclally prepared. II Is Intended for use where n sllirht alcoholic fctlmnlnnt Is re quired luconnectlou with thowell. known 'Joule properties or tho pure German Hitters. This Tonic contains all tho Ingredients of tho Hitters, but so llavoredas to remove the ex It cine bitter ness. This preparation is not only palatablo but combines, In modified form, all tho virtue of tho Herman bitters. Tho solid extracts o home of Nature's choicest reMoralives aro held In solution by a spirituous ngent of iho purest finality, lu cues of languor or excessive debility whero the system appears to havo becomo ex hausted oflta energies, JIOOFLANIVS TONIC nets with nlraost marvelous effect. It not ouly KtlmulnteH tho 'lagging and wasting energhs but Invigorates and permanently Ktrongthens Its nctlon upon tho Liver and Stomach thoruiuh. pel hapHleks prompt than tho HlttCH, when thu same quantltv is taken Is none tho li s coitnln, Indigestion, HilllouMiona, physical cr NervouH rrotrallon, yield readily to Its potent lnilneneo. 1 1 gl vm the Invalid a now and tdionger hold up on life, removes depression of spirits, and In spires oluerinlncsH. It supplants the pain of dU uuxti with tho 1 use aLd comfort of pvrKct lunllh, Itlcs strength to Menknchi, throws demm deiicy to tho winds, ruul stmts tho rctdou'd In valid upon 11 new nud gladnomo cateer. Hut Dr. UiMUl.ind'H bctufaetlons to tho human raiuuro nolfoiillned to hisitltbraled OEHMAN DITfEHiJ, or his liiNaluahlo Tonic. Ho htw piepnud unothfr medicine, which Is inpldly winning lis way to imiinr lavor because or Ha intrinsic met Its, a his U JIOOKLAND'S rononiYLLIN TILLS a perfect substitute for mercury, without any nf mercury's evil qualities. These wonderful TUN, which nto Intended to act upon tho Liver, aro mainly composed ol l'doph)lliu,urlhe VITAL I'HINCIPLi: OF THE MANDHAKM Nnwwodoslro tbo render todlstlnctty nndcr slnnd that this extract oi tho Mandrake Is many limes moro pouerlul than Iho Maudiako llseir. II Is a mod kino lrtucs or this hcaltli-nlvlnt; plant In a perfectly pure and highly cimcu. (lilted form. IU lieu It Is that two or Iho l'odo. phyllln I'tll constltuto a full ilo-e, whllo tiny u hero six to eight or uhandlul of prepniafUms o the Mandrake aro required. The i'odoph 11(11 ACTO DIHECI'LY ON THE L1VEK, stimulating Its functions nnd raustug It to mako 1U biliary fcctetlons In regular and proper quantities. 'Iho Injurious results which Invari ably follow the uso of meicui y Is nil Irely avoided ' v - uu, 1 nit iii jo nut iinoii 1 no 1.1 ver fin 1 v bat their nouers nro exertcil. Thn ovirnri ,i Mandruko eoutalno'i In them Is skillfully com bined with four other extracts, ono ot which t-u upon tho stomach, one upon tho upper bowel, one npon tbo lower bnwclx.nnd ono prevent .j ii'ii'K viivvi., uiu. iiiiieiiiK u iii nun Ki lt nonces tho entire digestive and alimentary system, In nn equal and harmonious manner, ihu 11s ui'uou eiinreiy ireo irom n-uiM'n, vomil nif or urlulmf nalns t onimon to all othor minni. lives. ' " roKsesslng these much desirable qualltlos, tho odophyllln becomes Invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No boiinehnlil should bo without them. Tlmv nro perfectly safe, icqulro but two for an oi-dl-nary doe.iiro prompt and ctilelent In nctlon, nnd whcti iifccdliteonnectlon with I)r, Iloollnud'a (Ierman Hitters, or Tonic, may ho regarded ns erta n siietiilcs in all cases of lav or uniinliilnt. DvtiiteONl.i. or huv of the dlnnrilpm in whlrh ilm Hykti-iii Is ordinarily subject. Tho rODOPIIYLLIN nctuixm tho blomach and bowels, canylng oir "'i''"l'V uNMiuiiiuiiB.wmmiiMi iiiiiers or iOlllO urlf tho blood, ktreugthenund Invigorate tlu ramo. ClVO tone mid nnoetlt tn tbn ktnninf.li und thus build up tho Invalid anew. r. iioounuu, naving proviuea internal reme dies for dlheaits,has given the w 01 Id out) innlnly 1111 mi tii'iuieuiiuu, 111 uiu nuuuiraa pro paratlou known as Du, IIOOI'LANH H ailEUK OU. This Oil Is a sovereign remedv for nntns n ncl ics of all kluds. HiKumaiutn.eurai.iatToothnehc.Chllblalnir, Kprnlns, Hums, Put 11 in the Lack und Loins, Hingworms, Ac, u)l yled to Ha external npptlcn- .on. ti v iiiimuti vii i ui v. i-urvuu vy lb 1 UklOll- Uhlng, and they nro Increasing everv day. Taken Internally, It U u cuio tor Htart-buriis, KlduevlMsciues. tshlc lliudaches. Colic, 1j ten. Iirv. Cholera Morlius. I'ruimm I'umn in lint Hlomach, Coles. Abthma, Ac 1110 urciit uu is compost u enuieiy 01 healing guum and (ssintlulolU, Ihe jirlucipal Ingredl out Is nn oily substance, piccuteu In the south ern part of Untie. luulicts us u Uestroyiroi paiu aro truly tnugteal. 'Jhoiuuiulu huo bun lunclUid by IU use, and atrial by thosowho 1110 skeptical will thoiougbly cunMnco thtia of lm Inestlmablo value, Theso HciucdUa will be stnt by vxprrrs tn any locality, upou iipplicnilon 10 tbo PHIM I IAL OFF1CK, at lh OEHMAN MLDlCJNrJ HI o it K, oai Arch Kt., rhlladilphla. HI AS. M. I'loinii'tor. ll.tie IltiKilliitii) K.r ml. hy DnigiiUta Htnrikcct'iu, aua MtUlcluu DiuKli, j wl.n
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