UATKB OF AUVK11TI81NU. Una Inch, (twelve; I hi os or Its equivalent In I Nonpareil type) one or two Insertions, II, SO IS l'Ulll.ISHHI) KVHHY FUIDAY MOUNINU IMTIIK COI.UMI1IAM lIUILnlHQ WtAtlTlIK court House, iitooiisnvjita, l-A., lir HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, KiiiTon anii rnormitToit. tlirco liumUoni,t2.W. bpaci. lit. in. ttt, 6m. tr. IOnolncll.,.....JJ.60 U.CO 11,00 16,00 SI 0,00 Twolneliej.,..,3,M 8,00 7,00 0,00 I.1.M) Tlirco Inches....... 6,00 7,00 B.00 12,00 1(1,1)0 Four Inches........,, 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 S',10 I Quarter column.,10,00 13,00 11,00 20,10 80,00 Ualfcolumn......l5,00 18,00 MOO 80,00 CO.oo lonacoliimn......M,oo 80,00 0,00 00,00 100,00 Toms-Two Dollars a Year payatlo la advance. JOD ritlNTINO Kxccntor'a or Adfntnlstrator'n Notleo, 13.00 I Attdltor'a or Aislgnco'a Notice, 12.90. Local notice, ten eenta a line. Cards ltitIio',ItntncssDIrcctory"colnmn)la.lO tlinlliloscrlntlous executed with neatness and VOLUME V,--. NO. 30 BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1871. I per year for tho first two Hues, and I 1.00 for each I additional lino. dispatch nt reasonable rales. ' JilMIIir II IH IH in ill rsiii ibi i niwi m, ii ! m m l . I (JOL. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 23 Colurnuia Oounty Official Dircotory, 7VfjMfn(.7i!!7-Wn.i.iAM Duvitl.t.. Attoctate Judvet-lnAM Demi, 1aao 8. Mot. "5 Volhmotnm, e.-Wf ' '-"""on 1 1. TINT. HtaiMrrA Itecanttr WIl.t.IAHSo.v it. JACOI1Y. IHitrlH Altoney-V.. It. lKKI.Kll. RArriVr-AAlios Smith, AVnaor-lHAAO Dkwitt. 7rvurrr DAVin lownsnritn. omroilnfonerj Wim.iam O. llBicic, Cyiius ItolllltN-t, ltiitAM .T. UrriiKU. Ornliilfufoneri' CYcrJ.-Wlt.MAM KlltCKllAUM, AutUton 0. J, (JAMrnr.Lt., A, J. Ai.iikiitsuW, DAMIFt. I.VK. (orofirr John I). Iiouck, ,7iii7 CbiiimlMoiuTj IsAAOMcnntDE, John Mc- Count! tiiipcrtntentlmt CilAIU.r.9 0,11 Alt Kl.tY, Jllmm Jimr iWjfi-M-Dlrcctors, H. II., Wii.mam KitAMLit, Hloomshurg, nnd Johnson I ii i i.r ii, (J reemvood, chaihes Cosneu, Hcc'y. Dloomsburg Official Directory. Illonmtbiirn HtwUnff Oi. Joiw A. Funstom, President, II. II. Uitnr, Cashier. lint national Itmk C1IAS. It. I'AXTONj'ros't., .1. r. Tiistin. Cnshlcr. OttumbtttCtntnty MntunlSnvlnG Fimnnml TjonnAt' fKtatton-V.. II. I.ITTI.E, ITca't., O. W., 'jlloomihurtt Huthllriff and Scn-tntf itml Asiorta (toi-Jcill.v TIinKAB,Vrc't., .f.ll.IloniTOif.Hec. Jlloomttiurtr jrutual tStivtna rund Atinclallon 3. J,, l'rcsldent, il. Whitmoykii, Hcc'y. r Bloomsburg Directory. )Al'i:il 1IAGH Jut received nnd for bale nt tho BTOVEf3 AND TIN WAKE. IAOOII MT.TZ, dealer In idoves nnd tluwnro Maltl fdrcrt.nbovo court Iiouko. OLOTIIINQ, AC. D A VII) LOWKNllinta, McreltnntTnllor.Mnln St., 2d door nbovo Alncrlcun House. WM. MOllIUH, Merchant Tailor corner of Ceif tro and Mnln nt., over Miller's florc. DItUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac.'" " i,i 1'. I.UTZ, IiruKKUtandAnotliccary.Malu Bt, I'j. below tho Tost Ulllce. MOVIlIt 1IHOM., DruttiilstK nnd Arotbecarlcii, Ilrowcr'H bloclcMalu at. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. IIIlNHY.Ul'I'INMKIt. WatcheB, Bpeetacleii & I iJuwelry Ac., Jlaln Blrect near west t. Ct H.HAVAOB,dcalcrlnClnc!n, Watches nnd ) .lowelry, Jlaln st Just below tho American llnttie, I OlIIS IIKIINHAIID, Watch and Clock maker. Ii near southeast corner Main and Iron sts. OATHOAltT, Watch nnd Clock Mnkor.Mar kut htreot, below Main. Orangevillo Diroctory, MiBcellnncous. It. llj'.ltltmtl A IlROTHKH.Carpentcrs and il, llnllders, Main st., below l'lno, IlOWEtl A lIinilUNU, dealer In Dry Goods, I) Orocerlcs, Lumber nnd general Merchandise, Main si. J-EW HTOOIC OP CLOTHING . fresh arrival of BUMMKll oooua, DAV111 '.OWENIWltU BUIClv IIOTIlt. and refreshment Bnloon, by Invites attention to hli stock of ltob r M'l leury eor.ot Main nnd l'lno st. CHKA11 AND FABlIIONAItl Dll. O.A.Mr.(IAU(li:L,l'hylclattandSurKeon, Mnln st next door to Clood'a Hotel. DAV11I lir.HUINO. Flour nnd Orlst Mill, and Dealer In grain, MIllHlrcet. AUHJCLOTIIINtl. at his store on MalnRtrcef. IflHhlvn's lilnrtf. nun ,lnnr U'.utr.f ( f?. Mtrr'a .Inr. ' liioomsourg, I'ft. I nrlmpn nn l,a I,,., -AAlun.1 t HT... X'...,. . TAM1?U11 HAttUlM ..- I ... .. . ... j'.w .vn lUlttUUl) J derraker Mai.: t t lelow T' .' o?"' "uu uu ''""adclphlan full assortmentot f , . i aii:NANi)iioYH'rrTiiiMfi SC."dMn: tho most ;,l,lnablo. durable, and SAMUEt,SlIAnrr.IS,MalteroftlioIIayhurst , ., UltESHOOODH, Oralu Cradle. Main Bt. consisting of 77ZT0, -...T- IIOX.BACK.ltOCO.OUM.ANllOIL.OI.OTIt IV ."'" iiniwtii, niratiiuuiri hi,', llllllllllUC II 1 turerof Ilrlck, Mill Bt., west of 1'ino Catawisrja. I) K.1IAM.MAN, Merchant Tallor,Becond St. tlt.J. If. ItonillKB, Rurgoou and riiyslclnu 1J oecouu DV ueiow lain, piMlF.KT A KT.INH, dry coods, groceries, and vt eencrni mcrcnanuiHO, .Main mreci T 11. KIBTMJIt, ntlawlsMrilonseiNoi u , Corner Main nnd Becoud Btreets. KKIIXH, lllllnrd Saloon, Oyktera, nnd lee uieuui in bciirtuii .iiaui ni, L. II M. nitOIIHT, denier In UcncralMtrchnudlse 111. ury uoous, urocerlcs Ac, QUPQUKIIANNA or Ilrlck Hotel, 8. Knsten COATB AND l'ANTH. of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also reideti Is hvd his nlrcndy largo stock of AND WINTI'.lt SIIAWU, BTltll'ED, KlOUItni), AND 1'fiAIN VllHTB BIIIItTS, CllAVATB, STOCKS, COLIAUB HANDltmiCHlEKS, OLOVfM, SUSl'ENDi:H.S, AND FANCY AUTICI.E8 llo nns constantly on hand a larco nnd well-so. ectcd imsortmonl of CI.OTIIB ANT) VI21TINUB, which ho Is prepared to make to order lutonuy kind of clothing, on very short notleo, nnd In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo mnntifnctnro. UOM) WATCHES AND JEW'iMtY, ol every description, flnonnd cheap. Ills easo ol O bander l'roprletor.south-castcorntrMalnnnd Jewelry Is not surpassed lu thliiplaco. Call nnd w M, II. A1U10TT, Attorney nt law, Main St. Buck Horn. BusinonH Cards. B U)OM KKHHY. Thellloom Ferry pompnny lma liod IU flnU nnil mntn thoroiiKhly repnlrctl nna la now In renditions to Mo all muitf ferry lntt nt nny rciwon nlI hour, Tho undernlBJietl will ho in nttcn iUiico nt any ttmo to wnlt uion riiRtomcru nt call. nirl!l'71-ly JOHN 0.(1U!CI. Q Ij A It IC 1H niiUKlVIHO AND NOW OniNINU A nuw HTocic or S V II I X U (JOO I)H CAIJj AM) HEW. April II. 1871. HlMiUNDII) cj i; I, ij s t 12 om u x w Willi TWO RETT IlKIilWATJIUKKB'lOl'H, can hehoiiglilfur SlUO nt. J. V, iNIIilJ, I'liiim Ware rooms near Kurkn Hotel, mayl2'71Citi, JI-OOMSHUiiajiIAUBLKWOHKH. OUNTON A HTEEB, (Successors to A. Wltman,) Ucuppctriilly Inform tho rn..c thnt thoy nro now fully prcrrtrpd to do nil kinds ttf work In their linn of huslnesM, upon rrnsnnnhlo terms nnd Hhort notice. MalUfnctlon wiuranled In nil custf. lJuu.lJ,7I'ly HI O.A W. II. MIOEMAKKIL dealers In dry lu. KooilK,f(rnecrIfH nnd Reneral iiieicbundlvc. v irm Bioro in touiu cuu oi town. K, Philadolpliia Directory. jichak'uson L. WKiailT, JK. ATTortNEY AT LAW, NO. 123 SOUTH SIXTH STltEET, rini.ADKl.rlllA Inn. 1',1-ly KOOTS AND SHOES. IJ M. KNOItlt, Denier In Hoots nnd Shoes, latest I'j. nnd bst styles, corner Main nnd Market Btreets, 111 tho old l'ost Olllce. DAVID HETZ, Hoot and Shoemaker, Mnlnst., below 1 lartluau's si ore, west ol Market . Ul'.NKY KI.EIM, Jlnniiracturer ami dealer In Hoots nnil Shoes, Urocerlcs, etc., Malu direct, Lust ltloomsburg. JI. 11110WN, Hoot nnd Shocuuiker, Main street, under Hrown's Hotel. 0, D K. WM. M. ltEHEIt, Hurgeon and I'hyslclnn, 1'KOFESSIONAL. It. II. C. HOWEIt, Surgeon Dentist, Main St., nuovo mo uourt iiouse. I Ixcliangolllock over Webb's book sloi e. Dll. 11, V. KINNEY, Surgeon Dentist. Teeth extiiictedwlthoutpatn: Mulu st., nearly op posite Episcopal Chuich, (1 II. DAHKI.EY, Attomey-nt-Eaw. Olllce,2d . tloor la Kxchaugo Hlock, near the "Exchange" T H. McK KI.VY, M. D., Burgeon and I'hyslclnn J . north kldo Malu St., below Market. I It. EVANS, M. D.. Burgeon nnd Physician, it south sldo Main street, below Market. r l). ltUTTICll, M. I). Burgeon uud l'hyslclan ,J . Market stleet, abovo Main, I II. HOIUSON, Attoriiey-aMjiw, qtllcellnrl' it . man's building, Main blrict. JllLLlNEKY A lANOY GOODS. Il I'ETl'.ItMAN, Millinery nnd I'aney tloods, I'j. opposite Episcopal Church, Main st, MISS I.l.IE HAHKLEY, Milliner, ltamsey jU building Main street, MISS M. DEItltlCKSON, Millinery nnd Fancy tloods, Main St., below Market. MIIB. E. KLINE. Millinery ni Muln street below MalUet. A HADE HAHKLEY. Ladles' l.IoaksandDreas Palleriu. southeast corner Main uud Wcst&ts. .Ills. JULIA A. ill.l.11 riUIE Missies HAHMAN Millinery nnd Fuuey J. Uoous, Main St., nclow American iiouso, HOTELS AND SALOONS. IOIIKB HOTEL, by T, Hent. Taylor, cast end il of .Main street. JIEKCHANTS AND GKOCEIIS, I (!. MAItlt, Dry Uoods nnd Notions, south W we I), Htrurntr Alain nnd IiouHts, A, HIMM1Y, Hoot nnd Hhoe Ktore, boolts .IACOIIH, Coulcctionery,grocerltctc, Main hltt below Iron E. HOX a WElll), Confectionery al Uakery, l' wnoii'tiuio uuu ruiuii, iicnuugo iuui-u (. HOWEIt, Ilatfinnd Caps, Doots audBhoen, inin hi., uunu uouri Jiinihe, II. - H. MA17.E. Mammoth tlrneerv. lino (lm ,J, etrlts, rrults, Nuts, Provision, Ac., Mnln nnil lion streets. silKl.I.VY. NEAI.A CO.. denleis 111 llrv (loods U (lioeerles, Klour, r'eed. Salt, Fish. I roll, Nulls, eie.,rs. i-i. cor, main una Aiaruei sis. n H. MILLElt A KIN, dealers In Dry Hoods, Ij, urocerlcs, iguceiiMwire, riuur, nan, nil No) Ions, ttc,Mu!nst, JIISCELLANEOUS. (lONSTAHLES HLANKSforsnloat IboCoLUM I 1IIAN Olllcc. J 51. KEI'IIE KT, . mi DA UN US, DRO. A IIEItllON, HATS, CAPS, BTItAW CIOODS A FU1W, No. 603 Market Street, (Abovo Fifth,) Philadelphia, "yAINWKIGIIT A CO., N, 13. Corner Second and Arch Htreots, rillLADELl'lllA, Dealers lu TEA8, HVUUr.S, COFFEE, HUOAU, MOLAKSKS HICK, RI'ICF-I, DI CAItll &ODA, AC, ACt y0rdcr will rccdvo prompt attention, may 10,(,7-tf. Business Cards. c, II. BUOCKWAY, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, 11LOOM311UIIC), TA. OFFirv: Court Houco Alley, In tho Co- JUULU, LUM1IIAM hulkllllK. Ii. TURNEIt l'HYHiciAX and Hunanox, m.ooM.snuno, ia. Orifipn over I.nlr's Drue Htnre. Urkhhino Mnikot Htnet.IM door lielow lluv. D.J. Wiumt. ace i(i'7U. I oxiuiilinj his general afisorlmcut of CLOTHING, WATCH EM JEWELUY.JLC. Jaul71 U.VVJD LOWEKllEUO. TVrLLEIVS STORE. -"A . H. il. MXLLKIl iV HON, liavo removed their Storo to tho room fornutly occupied hyMendoiilmll.on Main street, Illooms- uurif, nearly opposite tho Eplscop.u Church wneio they aro determined toKcUonaHmodtrato terms as can bo procured clso where. Th h r stock comprlseM LADI1W OHESS (J00D.4 of tho choicest Mylen nud latest fahionH, trtlifr wltUuIarye nNsortuiont of Dry floods nud (iro- curleH.couslsllns of tbo folIowluKfl rtlrlra Carpotn, OUCIolhs, otbfl, OtisHinieres, Mhawls, Kllks, Wlittodood'i, Llticnn, IIoupKklrtH, M list In, lliiltowv.nro Cedarwaro tj,n oens ware. Hardware IUwIh and SIiocn, Hats nud Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, IjOOklng-tll.lriV!,!, Tobacco. 4ot-'.rs, Ulce, Allspice, OlUKer, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTION tlENHKALLY. In Rhoit, cvcrylhlnn nsnaliy kit In country tores, to which they Invito tho attention of tho public generally. Tho highest prlcowlll bo paid for country produco In exchange for Koods. H. II. MILLKll A BOX, lllcinnikbiir? I'm. npr 571 '.f gARQAINS BARGAINS. QUICK ST,K3 ANn (JMAU PROriTd. WAVE VOUU MONEY. (l.)tn East IlIoomRburK, Ta , for all kinds of tho best noinu uuu cuy iiihuh V U K N I T U It H. Prices reasonablo and the best work done. Jan l'Tl-tf OUAIU'LESS A IIARjrAN, In consideration of tearing down our works nnd rebuilding which will tut commenced very MKin wo nro nireilng plows, Moves, tic., at greatly reduced prices. 11. RSIIAUPLEHI A 1. H. HAHMAN. 1 1 1 onm sbu rir. l'n. l'rortrlelora c. w- MILLED, ATTOllNEY . Poetical. rNKI INK II INK! II llv Lnvlno: (lelir's Celebrated Ink Powders. von fan make, ink fur less than half tho money. imil far sllnrrlor to iinvthlni- vet 111 use. Will not corroue. sieei H'ns, erecting win not. nuoii;. Satnplo package sulllclent ror ono pint of Ink will bo sent by return mall to any ono sending twenly-llve cents to M. W, NUSH, apr 1 171 3m ' lltoomsburg.'l'n. C L A T E HOOFING, u v e n Y VARIETY MOST EAVOKADL12 KATES, JOHN THOMAS, Ann CASl'Ell J, THOMAS Hoz.277, Uloomsburg, Pa. J.ll.ll 17 AGAZINES, DA I hY & WEEKLY l'Al'ElW OF ALIj KINDS AT TIIH ItOOK fJTOUK OPPOSITE THE COUUT JIOL'SK. Also an assortment of Tortcmonnales, Vass Dookg nnd Account ltooks, constantly on hand. HoolcM nt mi luriil nlitulned nu hhort not loo. New iiooks nro constantly bolug nddcxl to the " liloomsburg Circulating Llbr.iry." Amoniitbo latest nto 'Oullt and Innocenco, "Molherlens,' 'Hlr Harry," " Hot HpurofllumblctUwatt," nnd Merquem." etc. npr 2S,'7I If M"EW ORGAN AND PIANO W A IX EUOOMB. OIKJANM A PtANOS lOR SAI.B OS INSTALLMENTS I'lanos from all flrst-elnss makors, from ?l"Wto siiuji. urtjans imm ? juio 57wt. a spif nuui urciiu A octave, 2 het ntds, nnd tremwlo with paneled I Uncle Will nut. Omr onlv 1'5.(N). Kluulo reed samoeaso us above, 310), I bavo inado urraugo- iticiitH lii Imvn tho luti-nt, music mi hand us MKill as pnblUtied. Teachers supplied atregutar dls enuut, Wareiooms, Maln street, m-ar Vtirks Ofllco Court Honso 'Alloy, below tho M-I m.s Olllco. Iiuunilt-H. llnck-l'av nnd Pensions I collected. It loom hb org l'a. nep.'J)C7 I Robert f. clark, ATTUUNHY AT JiAW, onico Main Btreet below tho Court House. Uloomsburg l'enn'a, JjT II. LITTLE ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofnco (ourl-Honso Alley, below tho Colum niAri uincu, iiioimihuiirji i n, yETE 3KINAKY. UOUST FHIEND, Into ficm (lermany, ollerH his services to ll.o puuuc as n eeuoraum HOUSE AND COW DOCTOK, and all other animals, for which bis charges nio moderate, llo can always bo louiul test side ol Herwlck roiul, miuiS.l!,.)acoby'M .Malblo )uul. liiooiiisuurg, may I;:, n-iy. n M. CIIHISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness J. mincer, uiuvo's lllueic main nireei. J northwest corner Main nnd Iron sts. y J.THOHNTON, Wall Paper, Window Bhrnles Ij, and fixtures, Hupcrl block, Alain st. (1 W. COHKLL, Furniture llooms, t In eo story I brltk, Mnln Btreet, west ot Market st, 1 1 HlisENSTOCK, Photographer, over ltobblus II A Eyer's Stole, .Main st. I S, KUllN,dinlerln Meat, Tnllow, etc., Clieiu 1 ' btrllirHnlleycur of American House, I) II. UlNOLKIt, dealer In pianos, organs and V melodeons.nt O.W.Corell'sfumlturu looms tJAMUEL JACOI1Y, Marble nnd Hrown Stono OWorks, East Hlooiiisburg.UerwIck road, "UfM, ItAHU, dealer In rurnlture, trunks, ceder " willow ware, near the Forks Hotel, n FOSTEH, aiue Maker, nnd Wlilto nnd Fancy U. Tuuner.Scottowu. n It. I1IDLF.MAN, Agent for Muusou's Copper; 17 J. T1IOKNTON I'J. u-nulil nn n on n rn tn tlm plttzmaiif Hlnnms bui g and vicinity, that ho hasjusi rtcelved u full nuu compieio ashurimeiu m WALL TAl-EIl, WINDOW BHADI, rixTUKKa, conna, tassem, nnil nil tilher iroods In Ids lino of business. All llio newi-ht nml inont approved patterns of the nay aro uiwnys 10 uo juuihi in iiik fhiHounuitiem, inar.o.'iii'-u jihiu ni, ueiow lurni i, EUSINKSS CAKDS, VJSITINO CAUDS, LE'ri'EU HEADS, HILT. HEADS, I'ltOUItAMMEB, I'ObTEltS, AC, AC. Ncntly nnd dimply Printed From tho Latest Styles of Typo at the COLUMBIAN OFFICC. TOOTS AND SHOES. CLARK M, IIIIOWN, WA1M HTIILLT, UNUCH IIIIOWN' IlOltL, A lull and eompleto nssorlmcnt of ready m.n hoots nna shoot lor meii.womeii unit ehllilitti J usl rceelvtd and for sale lit leasonable rales. Varlcths to sullall classes of eusloiueis. Ttn oesi or work none ut short nonce, as nereloiore, u,viiimuinn, jnii 1 il, JTEW STOVE AN J) TIN SHOP. Main Btreet one door abovo k. Mendenlinll' Store, Itanges constantly on baud, and or hale nt tbo inwt'hL run's. Tinnint? in anus urnncucscarenuiyauenuputo, Q O. M A R R havoJuMrccclvcd from the eastern markets 11 Jargonnd well hclcctcd stoek of DRY GOODS, (I O N H I 8 T I N (J OK Casslmors, Jeans, Dust blcacheil A Itrowu Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tnblo Linens, Cotton A AH wool flannUs, ac, Ac,, A good stock of Ladies dress goods, Latest styles A patterns, Kplves of all kinds, Oood hW-k gnit erlts, llueen.wate, Stono waie, Wooil A willow ware, Flour A Chop, AUn Kitchen Crystal Kiap fin eltaulng Tin, Itiiuts.Ae. All goods sold cheap lor caj.1, or pro- duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and caiefully selected uisorlment which comprises ovcrythlng usually kept In tho conn- tiy, feeding conlldcnt thnt ho can kill them goods at such prie.'snswtlle'isuiit Mitlsfacllon, Jan l'71-tf C. O MAHH. QIIESTER S. FURMAN, HA UN ESS, SADDLE, AND THUNK MANUKACTUHEU, and dealer lu CAIU'ET-DAOH, VALIHIS, FLY-NETB, IIUFKALO noDKH, IIOKSK'III.ANKKTH AC, which ho feels eonfldcnt ho can hell nt lower ralo tlinu any other person lu tho county. Kx- nmlnu for yoin selves, Mmp opposite tho Tost OHlco, Main .Street Xlloomsburtr, l'a. AUg. 0, lft7U. D ous operations In tho lino of his profession, nnd is proviueu wnu iuu micni. iinniuveu i uih,h.uvi Tkkth shlch will bo luscrted on pold phitlng silver and rubber b.iso to look aa well nsthe nat riiiti'f th. Teeili extracted bv all tho new nnJ most approved methods, and all operations on iu let-tit cuieiuuj uuu intjjn;ijr iitmuucu iu, Uesldmico and olllco u lew doors nhovo the 'rmrt House, same side. liioouisuurg. jan.i u-iy N ru now opening nt their old stand eonur of main .fcnMr.iCT.r Minims, ni.ooii-mii:ri, full Uuo of new good consist lug of IIIlY OOOIlS, (lltOCEIUEH, lIAltIIW.Mli:, (iUEENHWAUE, nd nil olhor nrllolos reipilrod tomeot tho wnnt-s orthopuhlle. may2671-lt. IACOH DIElTENHACH Hrooin Factory. Or. ,) dtrsleltut hlsrcsldee.e orutMilUr. Sou's toio pro mplly tilled. Hist gieen Western brush seil. TAMF.S CADMAN, Cabinetmaker and Chair mukcr; rooms Main street bel, Iron, -sllt'l-F. nnnl?H. and blank NOTES, with nr win,. il out exemption, for sal at tho Coi.umuian uiuce. Light Street. If F, OMAN A Co., Wheoiwrlghts, rust door A I. jtooYO ncnooi House, JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer lu u lioois aim nnocs, llETF.Il KNT. dealer In Dry Goods Orocerjes. 1 Flour, Feed, Salt, l'l.U, Jiui Nails, etc., Main 1 H. KNT, dealer lu Stoves and Tlu waro In it' 1 nil Its brauchis. Espy. I) F, ItEIUHAHD.A HHO,,deater lu Dry Goods, j- uiuivties, unit geueiui jtiireiiauuise, IJSl'Y STEAM VLOUU1NG MILIil, C.B, Fowl.r, l!i l'roprletor. ' I 11, VKltKItEJBI!It,tootiiiidHhooHtoroaud iiiunuructory, sboji ou Malu Street oj- I'iihiio iuvniv.ui sill. fit W. EDUAIl, Kjsijuehauua 1'laulug Mill I. iius etuuiimeior) nmt Rnllsfaellon irunrauteed. Tin work oi an muus wnoicsaie ana retail. JOHN O. JACODY'S DAKEKY AND CONI'ECTIONEKY! HEItWlCK, l'KNN'A, Tbn umlersluned would lesneetfllllv llilorm tbo CllletiH of Herwlek, nud vicinity, bo lias opeueit a coniectioucry auu ii.ti.cry in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Herwlek. Pa., whero ho Is prepared to furnish i an uiuus oi PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FltENCII CANDIES, FOltEIUN AND DOMESTIC FI1UITS OltANGF-H, LEMONS, U.USINS Ae,, Ac., Ac., Ac, BY WIIOI.K.1.U.K AND UKTAII.. Ainoui' tho nssoitmcut will bo found Cream Nuts, i:tigiiKii walnuts, ivnnuis, ahuoiius, rn hens. 1'lns. Annies. Cocoa Nuts. Jellies ol diner- out kinds, Mustard, Catsup. Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Fiult of nil kinds, Corn suith, Egg Ills. cult, Bou.i I'rneiters, oyster ciacaers, uueise, Mo.ip, willing liil'kr, Agieeineui. j-upeis, e-u tiopcs, FJSU AND OYSTERS, And nrodneo nf all kinds. Fresh Unnd and Cakcstery day. J( o Cream in Benson, ion putrona Is bollclted. Herwlek, Jan 1'71-tv 'tal Is rcaustcd, Jan 171 C O N F E O T I O N E R Y VT E W COAL. Y A R D. Jl TIIK undeislgned lespectfnlly Inform the fin-Ptiautf lIlnninttliiiriT anil Columbia count v. that they keen nil tho dltlerent numbers of stove coal and selected luinpcoul lor smithing imrno kes.on ineir narr, aujoining M iveivy, reiui Cu's Furnace; with agond pair of liHluto ncaie n. tlm ulorf 111 ll-lnh 1 ( ill I . lilt V. 11 lid StTUW iduewise ft norso nnu wagon, w uuuver io m those who desire It, As they purcluue u large amount oiconi.ineyinienn uimepu Buiernir r tlcle.aiHUellatthe very lowest prices. Please call and examine for youmclves before purchas ing eUewbcre. J. W. HENDEIUSllOT, rniTE iin(lc-ali?np(l will tako In ox- X change for Coal und (Irocerles, tbo following llUIUUd Urill'lVH I W lit Ut, li) V, V-UIH, VJlun, ( nu- toes, r.flnl limn rShnnlilt-r uiul hide meat.ltutter Kggs, Hay, Ac,, at the highest cash prices, at his utuvury a tore, uujoiuiug uwir foui juru, J, Wf HKNDKIWHOT. QKKKNWOOD SKMINAKY. Tim Fall Term of IhlsBonrdlngnndSelectScliool win eoiuiiiciH'u uu iiiouuny, July Hist, Execnses for one ouarter of eleven weeks I Hoard, Wushlug, Lights, ac., Itfftl 'lulilou. per oiurter, . 47 L) to 8S no I " Juvenile Class, . . 3Wto5UJ For parucu urs auuress, 1 Wf, HUntlFXS, Principal, Mlllvllle, Col. co l'n., June, wi. W 13AKE OIIANCE. I. . .ii Dll t A inni1-liriiii! " A flAti'l rtn nn. it pneo tJ73, cot fjiiU, 'lhls Kii rue Instrument! was bouutit nt an auction snlflof private property lu New York, nud had betu but a few weeks lu use. It lulu jKTfcl older and In mry re.iiect (oual to nnew pfuun. Terms pohslthelycosu Ju advuuee. Aduitssioruuoweijt, j'Qyxfjj way S071-U Muuch Chunk', l'a 'i'liounderslcnettivould respectfully aunnunce lO illO plllilJO (Ulil Iltl UllH UJICUBU H FIItST-CLAH.4 CON FECTIO N E U Y HTOHE, In thelmtlding lately occupied by For A Wtbb WUero uo is piepurenio luriiitu um kwuih ui PLAIN A FANCY CANDIEH, FHENCH CANDIES, FOHEIUN A DOMEBTIU FUUITH, NUTS. UAISINH, AC, AC, AC, BY WHOLESALE OK Itr.TAIL. bis Uuo of business. A great variety ol DOLLS, TOYB, Ac, suitable for tho Holidays, Particular attention given 10 li UK AD AND OAKKH, of alt kinds, frosb every day. OHHIHTMAH OANDIEH, UllIHTM AH TOYH. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b guarauioeu, Jan I'H-ly KOKHAHT JACOKH T N H U R A N UK AUENOY Wyoming H M I211.0XJ JKt nu ... 4 .ux).u i Fulton N. Y. - OI.UO North America Suu,xio City 4rj0,isj International N.Y UdVXo NlusuraN.Y l.UU.Oi) iiercbauU M. 830.0U0 Hprlogdeld 67U,(XO Farmers' Danvllle,N,Y,........M...M boo.oo'i Albany City ... 4j.ono Ih.uvlflo, Jjnrae Theft ...., Mutual. Atlantic, N.Y l.ioo.oio Ucrmanla, N. Y M),W0 WMsni-ir, FHEAS llUOWN. Attent. 11LOOU8BUUO 1' E NTIST11Y. H, C. HOWEIt, DENTIST, iiertfully otrers his professional services to i.uues aim uuniienicu oi nioomsuurgunu vi nlty. Ho Is prepaied to attend to all the van For Tho Colunlbtnti. On itifl Vlnua, nVTILLIK LAUIIACIL Hnndsomo Calvert on, Walked long with Anulo Leo, Afcsurtng her, lu swettet cadence, Of hU love nnd constancy, Am.lo listened, eagerly listened, Andslgblngsaldt "Ah 'tis true My Father's ailalrs nro very doubtful Whatl Is thlisad news to you 7" Hflhdsomo Ciilvert now Is frowning, Thinking, silly thing to tell, Kcornrully ho stoops and whispers, " lleautlful, poor girl, farewell." Cheeks grow pale, and pulses quiver, Annlo's dark eyes proudly Hash: 1'ulher, sir, holds linn n million Itut you no'cr shall wed his cash 1 On tho piazza maidens merry Seek for Annie every where, Annlo's Mjullng, light, amlsslvo With her little bands no fair. Hnndsomo Calvert roads a missive Asbejuccs his room alone, Bitterly ho laments tho fortune Which hlischemo so near had won, Annie loco's proud heart Is breaking, Ah I 'tis lovo that makes It sore. Hut stneo Calvert proved unworthy, Anulo Leo is his no more. From tho Lycoming Standard. A Kililcil Hosp. I1Y MKS, 51 ATT IB 1 lTUIlRr. Ho gathered n roso from tho garden wall, Whcro In royal splendor It grow ; Lading with sweetness tho balmy air, And fresh with tho evening dew And when tho moon from her eastern tower, Shed softly her dangerous light, Ho placed the roso In my trembling hand, As a parting gift that night O swirtly, sweetly tho moments lied, 'Tilt vanished that evening hour, And naught but the spell of tho past remained Savo my beautiful faded iIowy. 0 withered roso ! even In thy death, How sweet Is thy perfume still; ll en nsmem'ry dwells on tho past. With many allngerlngtbrlll. 1 know not It ever we'll meet again; Tho future, oh who can disclose? Still will I treasure through life what ho gave, My faded yet beautiful rose. Miscellaneous. Tin: HOX TUNMU TY CHAr.LES IIF.ADE. EW GOOD3 AT THE OIjD STAND. 1 T. O T! K M U T U A Ij ur IiIKE INSUKANCK COMPANY O K NEW YOKK. liny rreemnn, President, II, C. Frccmnn.Mc Cash capital over IS.OOU.UU, nil pnl.l, . ii. noi)isoN,i)LoojisnuKa,i'. GENERAL AGENT, For Hucrne, Lycoming and Columbia counties.'wi. jjiXOIIANOK DAKEKY A N U CONFECTION E K Y , IlLOOS'.BIIUnO, l'A. Tho undelslslii'd. suecissois of F. Wldniyir would lispeclllllly nlilloiuico Hint Ihey hilti , iIia v. oil. stulil Ihh, ,1 stnn, I leeentlv ocell pled by tho aboo uaiiied. In Hloonibhuiif, and pleured to continue the business of inauuMc- uriug anu selling, uy WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL, rnnroollnnerv of everv st!e and kind. Alo. they will linvout nil tlinesa eompleto supply ol tho best and freshest Hreiul nnil Cake. Pintles desiring anything lu this Hue will Una It lo tliclr IlilVUlltugo to can on us. AN ICE OKKA.JI 8ALOON Is ndded to tho establishment, and ladles and others who may imtioulu us, may rely upon U poll receiving piopii iiiieuiioii, t leiisitiiiuu, shaieofflibll" palloiiiigolsiespeotfiillysolli llid Haspheiry. Ia'Iiioii, nud oilier syrups, lu UUU SIUUII (lUUUlllies, ru,ii!iiuiy oil nailll.( ti.e.Jvi.ib ,v ni ll.uivl.1.1 Mayo. 1671. ly C. IIOWEK, s opened a tlrsb-chus HOOT, SHOE, HAT CA1', AND FUit STOHK. nt tho old staml on Mnln Street, Hloomsburg,nfaw doors above tho Court House. His stock Iscom- .euoi too very iiuesiuim uesisiyies ever ouei- In llin rlllzens of Colllinbln lliilmlv. HncflO aceoimuodate the ptiblle with tho follou'fnggiKKls ut the lowest rules, Men's heavy double soled ut.,,, hoots, men's doublo nud sliiclo tint soled t.n.itu in.n1, 1,1'flVV ntnirn ulinuu nfull men's tluo Uiots and shoes of ull giwles, boy's double soled boots aud.Bboes of all kinds, meu's glove kid Halmoral shoes.meu'e, womeu'sys's and messes' lasting gutters, women's glove kid Polish very fllie.v. omen's morocco Hnlluornls and ...I . w.i,'u v.rv Una bl.l l.i, I li.ain.1 milt. era. lu short boouo! ull descriptions both peg ged and sewed, llo would also call attention to his Hue assort' lueut of ATS, OA1D, FUH3 AND NOTIONS, utlilMi rnmnrlsos all the now and ttottolai varl etles ul prices which cannot fallto suit ull. These goods lire ottered at the lowest ciuh rates mid will he euarauteed to Ktve satisfaction. A cull Is solicited beiore purchasing elsowliere as It Is believed luai oeiier ourgaius are to no lo'inu lliaii at any oiuer piac. iu me eouuiy, Jan 171 Tho 10.15 train RliJcJ from P.ulillng ton. JIny 7, IS 17. In tho left compart mcnt of a certain first-class carrinRO wcro four passutigcrs j of these, two wcro worth description. Tho laily hau a smooth, wiiile, tlclicato brow, strongly marked eyebrows, long lashes, oyes that seemed to cliango color, and a good sized delicious mouth, with teeth as white as milk. A man could not soo her noso for her eyos and mouth, her own sex could nnd would havo told us moro nonsenso nbout It. Sho woro an unpretending gayishdrcss, buttoned to tho throat,with lo.engo-Hhaped buttons. and u Scotch shawl that agreeably evad cd tho responsibility of color. Sho was liko a duck, so tight her plain feathers fitted her: nnd there sho sat, smooth snug, and delicious, with a book in her hand and a soitpcon of her snowy wrist lust visiblotw sho held it. Her oppo slto neighbor was what I call a good stylo of mail, tho mora lo his credit, sinco ho belonged to a corporation that frequently turns out tho worst imagin able stylo of young man. Ho was a cavalry oiUcer aged twenty-ftvo. Ho had a mustacho, but not a repulsive ono not ono of thoso sub-nasal pig tails, on which soup Is suspended iiico dowon a shrub; it was short, thick, und black as a coal. His tectli had not yet been turned by tob.tcco smoko to tho color of tobacco juice, his clothes aiu not stick to nor hang on him, they bat on him j ho had an engaging smile, and, what I liked tho dog fir, his van ity, which wai inordiniilu, was in its rojier iiiaco his heart, not In Ills l.tco, Jostling mine and other people's, who lavonono: in a word, ho was what ono oftener hears of than mcot3,njoiiiir ijcntlmim. Ho was conversing in nn an imated whisper with a companion, a fcllow-oiUcer, they wero tulklngabout, what it is far better not lo do, women, Our friend clearly did not wish to bo overheard, for ho cast, over and anon, a furtivo glance at his fair vls ti-vis and lowered his voice. Sho seemed com pletely absorbed In tier book, and that reassured him. At last tho two soldiers camo down to a whUpcr, and In that whisper (llio truth must bo told) tho ono who got down at Slouch, and was lost to posterity, hot ten pounds to three, that he who was going down with us to Ilatlt and Immortality, would not kiss either of llio ladles op posllo upon tho road. "Done! Donol" Now I am sorry a man I havo hitherto praised should havo lent hlmseir, oven in a whisper, to such aspcctilatlon : but " nobody Is wise at all hours," not even when tho clock Is sinking llvo-aud twenty: and you aro to consider his profession, his good looks, and the temptation, ten to three. After Slough tho party was retluced to tlirco : at Twyford ono lady dropped lior handkerchief; Captain Dolignan fell on it liko a tiger and returned it liko a lamb ; two or three words wcro Interchanged on that occasion. At Heading tho Marlborough of our talo made ouo of tho safo investments of that day; ho bought a "Times" nnd a " Punch " : tho latter was full of steel- pen thrusU and wood-oiif. Valor nnd beauty deigned to laugh at somo Dilu ted humbug or other punctured by Punch. Now laughing together thaws our hiimnn Ico; long before Swindon It was a talking match, at Swindon who so devoted ns Captain Dolignan, ho handed them out, ho souped them, ho tough-chickened them, hobrutidiod and cochlncalcd one, and ho brandlcd and burt-sugarcd tho other; on their return to tho carriage, ono lady passed Into tho Inner compartment to Inspect a certain gentleman's teat on that sldo tho lino. Header, had it been you or I, tho beauty would havo beon tho deserter, tho nverngo ono would havo stayed with us till all was muu, ourselves In eluded ; not inoro surely does our bIIco of biend and butter, when it escapes from our hand, revolve It over bo often, might taco downwards on tho carpet. Thin Is supposes! to ntlude. tn two decoction? cauou (tori aim snerry, nun linagineu uy Q turlhly uullou lo purtuke o(u various nature. Hut this was a bitof n fop, Adonis, dra goon, so Venus remained In tete-U'tetc with him. You havo scon a dog meet nn unknown femalo of his species ; how handsome, how cmprcue, how expros-, sivo hobecomea : such was Dolignan nf tcr Swindon, nnd, to do the dog Justice, ho got handsomer and hnndsomcr; and you havo soon a cat conscious of ap proaching cream, such was Miss Hoy thorn ; sho becamo demurer nnd de murer: presently our Captain looked out of tho window and laughed ; tills elicited an inquiring look from Miss Hnythoru. " Wo aro only a mllo from 10 llox Tunnel." " Do you nlwnys laugh n mllo from tho llox Tunnel?" aid tbn lady. " Invarlnbly." "What for?" "Why I hem! It Is n gentleman's Joko." O, I don't mind its being silly, if it makes mo laugh." Captain Dolignan, thus encouraged, recounted to Miss Hay thorn tho following; "A lady and Iter husband sat together going through tho Hox Tunnel, thero was ono gentle man opposllu ; It was pitch-dark ; after tho Tunnel tho lady said, ' George, how absurd of you to snluto mo going through tho tunnel I' 'I did no euch thing I'' You didn't?' 'Not why?' Why, becauso somehow I thought you did!'" Hero Captain Dolignan aughed, and endeavored to lead his fair companion to laugh, but it was not lo bo done. Tho train entered llio tunnel. " Ah !" "What Is tho matter?" " I am frlghtonod." (Moving to her sldo). " Pray do not bo nlarracd, I am near you." You arc near mo, very near mo In deed, Captain Dolignan." " You know my name 1" " I iicard your friend mention it. I wish wo wcro out of this dark place" " I could bo content to spend hours hero, reassuring you, sweet lady." " Nonsonsol" " Pwecp I" (Qravo reader, do not put your Hps to tho cheek of tho next pretty creaturo you meet, or you will under stand what this means.) "Eh! Eh! Eh!" " What is tho matter ?" " Open tho door I open tiio door 1" Thero was n sound of hurried whis pcrs, the door was shut and tho blind pulled down witli hostllo sharpness, If nny critic falls ou uo for putting Inarticulate sounds in n dialoguo as above, I answer with all tho insolenco I can command at present, "Hit boys as big as yourself," bigger perhaps, such ns Sophocles, 'Euripides, aud Ar Istophanes ; thoy began it, and I learn cd it of thein, sore against my will Miss Hnythorn'a scream lost apart of its effect becauso tho cngino whistled forty thousand murders at tho samo moment ; and fictitious grief makes its elf heard when real cannot. lictween tho tunnel ami Jiatli our young friend had timo to ask lilmseif whether his conduct had been marked by that dolicato rcscrvo which is sup posed to distinguish llio perfect gentle- man. With a long face, real or feigned, he held open tho door, his lato friends at tempted to escapo on tho other side, Impossible ! they must pass him. Sho whom ho had Insulted (Latin for kissed) deposited soraowhero nt his foot a look of gentlo reproach ; tho other, whom ho had not insulted, darted red-hot dag gers at him from her eyes, and so thoy parted. It was, perhaps, fortunato for Dolig nan that ho had tho graco to bo friends with Mnjor Honkyns of his regiment, a veteran laughed at by tho youngsters, for tho Major was too apt to look coldly upon billiard balls and cigars ; ho had seen cannon balls and linstocks. Ho had alio, lo tell tho truth, swallowed n good bit of tho mess-room poker, which mado it ps imposslblo for Mnjor Hos kyns to dcicond to nu ungcntlemaullko word or action as to brush his own trousers below tho knen. Captain Dolignan (old this gentle man his btory in glteful accents ; but Major lloskyus heard him coldly, nnd as coldly answered that ho had known n man lose his life for tho samo thing. " Thai is nothing," continued tho Ma jor, " but unfortunately ho deserved to losolt." At this tho blood mounted to tho younger man's temples, nnd his senior ndded: " I mean to say ho was thirty flvo; you, I pre.sumo,arotweiity-ono!" "Twenty-llvo." " That is much tho samo thing ; will you bo advised by mo?" "If you will ndvlho me." " Sp?ak to no ono of this, and send Whitotlio3 that ho may think you havo lost thu bet." " That Is hard when I won It." "Do It for all that, sir." Let tho disbelievers in human perfect Utility know thut this dragoon capable of a blush dltl this virtuous action, ni bolt with violeut reluctanco; nnd this was ills first damper. A week nfter thcso ovents, ho was at n ball. Ho was iu that statu of factitious dUcoutont which belongs to us ntnlablo English Ho was looking, In vnln, for n lady, equal In personal attractions to tho Idea ho had formed of George Dolignan as n man, when suddenly thero glided past him n most delightful vision I a lady whoo beauty anil symmetry took him by tho eyes, another look : " It can't bo!-Yts, It Is I" Miss Haythorn! (not that ho know her namo!" but what an apotheosis ! Tho duck had becomo n pea hen, radiant, dazzling, sho looked twlco as beautiful nnd almost twlco ns largo as before. IIo lost Bight of her. Hofouud Uer again. Sho was so lovely sho mado him ill, aud he, alone, must not danco with her, spenk to her. If ho had been content to begin her acquaintance tho usual wuy, It might have ended In kiss ing, but having begun with kissing It must end iu nothing. As sho danced, Sparks of beauty fell from her on all around, but him, sho did not seo him; It wits clear sho tievcr would seo him, ono gentleman was particularly assidu ous ; sho smiled on his assiduity; ho was ugly, but sho smiled on him. Do- llgnan was surprised at his success, his ill taste, his ugliness, his Impertinence. Dolignan nt last found hlmsolf Injurod. " Who was tills man? and what right had ho to go on so? IIo had novcr kissed her, 1 8uppo30," snld Dolly. Do llgtinn could not provo It, but ho felt that somehow tho rights ol property wcro invaded, llo went homo nnd dreamed ofMIss Haythorn, nud hated nil tho Ugly successful. IIo spent a fortnight trying to find out who Hits beauty was, ho never could encounter her again. At last ho heard of her in this wny ; n lawyer's clerk paid him a llttio visit nnd commenced n little ac tion against him, in tho namo of Miss Haythorn, for Insulting her in n rail way train. Tho young gentleman was shocked ; endeavored to soften tho lawyer's clerk ; that machlno dld not thoroughly com prehend tho meaning of tho term. Tho lady's name, howovor, was nt least ro vcalcd by this untoward Incident; from her namo to her address was but n short step; nnd the samo day our crestfallen hero lay in wait nt her door, nnd many a succeeding day, without effect. Uut ono (lno afternoon sho issued forth qulto naturally, as If sho did it every day, nnd walked briskly on tho nearest Parade. Dolignan did tho same, ho met nnd passed her many times on tho Parade, and searched for pity In her cyej, but found neither look, nor recognition, nor nny other sentiment; for nil this sho wnlkcd nnd walked, till all tho oth er promcnadcrs wcro tired and gone, then her culprit summoned resolution, nnd taking off his hat, with a volco tremulous for tho first time, besought permission to address her. Sho stop ped, blushed, nnd neither acknowledg ed nor disowned his ncqualntanco. IIo blushed, stammered out how nshnmcd ho was, how ho deserved to bo punished, how ho teas punished, how llttio sho know how unhappy ho was ; nnd con eluded by begging her not to let nil tho world know tho disgrace of a man who wa3 already mortified enough by tho loss of her acquaintance. Sho asked nn explanation ; hu told her of tho action that had been commenced in her name sho gently shrugged her shoulders, and said, "How stupid they aro." Em boldened by this, ho begged to know whether n llfo of distant unpretending devotion would, nfler n lapso of years, craso tho memory of. his madness, his crime ! "Sho did not know 1 " Sho must now bid him adieu, nssho had somo preparations to mako for ball in tho crescent, whcro everybody was to lie.'' They parted, and Dolig nan determined to bo at tho ball, where everybody was to bo. Ho was there. nud after somo tlmo ho obtained nu In troductlon to Miss Haythorn, and he danced with her. Her manner was gracious. Willi tho wonderful tact of her sex, sho seemed to havo commenc ed tho acquaintance that evening, That night, for llio first time, Dolignan was in lovo. I will sparo tho reader nil a lover's arts, by which hosuccceded in dining whcro sho dined, in dancing whero sho danced, in overtaking her by accident, when sho rode. His dovo lion followed her even to church, whcro our dragoon was rewarded by learning thero Is n world whero thoy neither polk nor smoke, llio two capital ubom iuatlons of this one. IIo mado ncqualntanco with her un cle, who liked him, nnd ho saw nt last with Joy, that her eyo loved to dwell upon him, when sho thought ho did not observe her. It was three months after tho Bo Tunnel, that Captain Dolignan called ono day upon Captain Haythorn, K, whom ho had mot twlco In his life and slightly propltated' by violently listening to a euttlng-out expedition ho called, nnd In tho usual wny asked permission to pay his nddresses to his daughter. Tho worthytCuptaIn straight way began doing liuarter-Dcck, when suddenly ho was summoned from tho npartment by u mysterious message, On his return ho announced, with a total chango of volco, that, " it was all right, and his visitor might run along side as soon as ho chose." My render has divined thu truth ; this nautical commander, terriblo to tho foe, was In eompleto and happy subjugation to his daughter, our heroine. As ho was taking leave, Dolignan saw his divinity gliflo Into tlto draw ing-room. IIo followed her, observed n sweet consciousness which encouraged him ; that consciousness deepened Into confusion, sho tried to laujh, sho cried Instead, and then she smiled ngaln; aud when ho klstcd her baud nt tho door, It was " George," nnd "Mnrlan," instead of Captain this, and Miss tho other. A reasonable tlmo nfter this (for my talo Is merciful nud skips for inalltliH and torturing Uolays), these two woro very hnppy, they wero onco moro upon tho railroad, going to enjoy their honeymoon nil by themselves. Marian Dolignan was dressed Just as before, duck-like, nnd delicious; nil bright, except her clothes : but Georgo sat besido her this tlmo instead of op posito; and sho drank him In gently from under her longeyo-lashes. "Mar Ian," enld George, "married peoplo should tell each other nil. Will you over forglvo mo If I own to you no " " Yes I yes 1" " Well, then ! you remember tho llox Tunnel " (this was tho first allusion ho had ventured to It), " I am ashamed to say I hail bet X3 to 10 with Whlto, I would kiss ono of you two ladles '' ; and George, pathetic externnlly, chuklcd within. " I know that, Georgo; I overheard you," was tho demuro reply. " O, you overheard mo? Impossible " Aud did you not hear mo whisper to my companion r i uiatto a bet with her." "You mndo a bet, how singular 1 What was It ?" " Only n pair of gloves, George." " Yes, 1 know, but what nbout It." " That, if you did, you shotihTbo my nusunnd, dearest," " Oh I but stay then you could not havo been bo very angry with me, lovo why, dearest, then who brought that yiicrour successful rival Is injly tho blow Is uvuiiijr sutne. tfUBUiiii;, u tail uy uiuugeou we who thought the kteuost raider inbiht vsjr chance thrust ut n lu vnln, -i ' ncllou ngnlustino7" Mrs. Dolignan looked down. "I was nfrald you wcro forgetting inn I George, you will novcr forglvo mo?" " Sweet nngol, why, hero Is tho llox runnel I" Now reader, flo I no ! no such thing! ou can't expect to bo indulged in this wny,overy timo wo como lo n dark place,1 bosidcH, it Is not tho thing. Consider, two ecnslblo married people, no such phenomenon, I assure you, took aco. No scream issued in hopeless rivalry of tho englno this tlmo! Death Among Politicians. Tho Now York correspondent of tho Rochester Democrat writes : "Tho recent death of Valandigham calls my attention to tho rcmarknblo exception which it forms lo thnt of other departed political loaders. It Is indeed worthy of notleo that this class of men havo lived to nn old a'go or to Its near approach, nnd that they havo seldom been removed by violence. On tins nccount Mr. Vnlnndlghnin's caso attracts particular notice. Ills death and that of Peter digger nro nmong tho raro Instituces of tho death of political leaders by nccldent. Tho death of A. Upshur, Secretary of tho Navy, by tho bursting of tho big gun aboard tho rlnceton, in 1813, Is tho parallel ; but ho was not a political leader. Tho Kov- lutlonary patriot of Ma.ssachtisct?, James Otis, who mado FaneuU Hull ring with his cloquenco, died by n stroke of lightning. Lincoln was slain by nn assassin, nnd wns tho only ono of our Presidents who died by violence. To thcso may bo ndded tho inferior namo of IHscock, whose fnto whllo a member of tho Constitutional Conven tion is fresh in tho memory of our readers. Webster, whllo In Albnny in 1815, was on tho point of taking passago for Now York in tho Btcamcr Swallow, which was wrecked near Hudson, and had ho tlono so ho might havo been nmong other victims. Among tho short lived politicians, tho most distinguish ed was Hugh S. Legaro, tho bfight star of Tyler's Cabinet, who died nt Iloston n 1812. IIo was only forly six, nnd had served ns United States Attorney for less tiian two years, but had won eminence in that time. Of our states men, Clay reached tho t.go of seventy flvo; Jackson, sevcnty clght; Calhoun, sixty-eight ; Webster, -seventy ; John Qulncy Adams, clghty-ono ; Buchanan, soventy-clght ; van liurcn, eighty-one; Tyler, sixty-four; Cass, eighty-two; Mnrcy was seventy-ono, and Edward Evcrct, thesamo; Eenlon was seventy slx,nnd remarkably, Webster, Calhoun, Cass and Vun Burcn wero born tho samo year 1782. Going back lo men of older dale, John Adams saw Hj ninety-first year, Jefferson his eighty third, botii dying on tho fourth of July, 1820. Burr lived to eighty-one, which was n striking contrast with hisnccos tors, for his father was forty-two at tlio tlmo of his death, and his grandfather, Jonathan Edwards, was only ilfly-six. Monroo lived to sovcnty-thiee, John Jay to eighty-four, Patrick Henry t) sixty-three.- Wo thus learn that our politicians, notwithstanding their carca and vexntions, enjoy nn existence much beyond tho average, nnd that tho early death of such men as Legaro and Hen ry J. Kaymond forms tho exception. Nepotism Thirty Years Ago. On tho third day of March, 1811, Mr. Martin Van Burcn, about to termltialo his career as President, called upon William Henry Harrison, tho President-elect, and, after nn inter change of civilities, requested to bo in formed if ho could do nnythlngtoobllgo General Harrison while authority still remained In his hands. "Yes," replied tho modest old wan lnr, "you can do mo a favor; my son-in-law, General Pike, who died on the battle-field, left an only child, my grandson, whoso In clinations, Hko, his father's aro for tho army. I think hn will bo n credit lo tho service, but, of course, I cannot ap point him." "Is that all?" said Mr. Van Burcn ; nud In two hours thoe-om-mission was signed, and sent to tho young man. Onlho third day of March. 1871, thero wcro In ofllco,or responsible posts of somo kind, over twenty dlfilerent In- dividunl.s.each ono appointed byGenoral Grant, each ono his near connection by blood or marrlago, nnd nono of them even protending to havo any other claim or quallficillon for their rcspr-c. tlvo places than that supposed to bo bo- stowed upon them by their relationship to tho lixecullve. Washington Patriot. In n recent nrlldo on the political prospects for 1872, tho Now York JCt-c-niny Vast classed Pennsylvania among tho States upon which tho Kadlcals could confidently rely. Tho editor of tho Huntingdon Globe, who is n mem qcr of tho Kadlcal Stato Central Com- mitteo, doesn't qulto ngieo wllh tho Post in tills matter. Ho says: " Wo wnnt Andy Ciirtin to como homo. IIo Is tho only man to rally tho people nnd savo tho Stato from going over- to tho Democracy. Tho hearts of tho pooplo aro not wllh Cameron or nny of his dogs." The nowest Ynnkco suggestion Is thnt of compelling pnoplo to go to tho pollsnnd voto, fining them for absence A camjmlsory llfo nppoars to havo great charm for n genuino Yankee but his greatest delight is to compel others. Tho Khedive of Egypt is o well satisfied with his American olllcorshat, on n rccend occasion, ho declined tho profl'sr of tho services ol several French otllccrswho desired to outer his army. Don't hurry. Don't 4ret. Don't worry. Whatever you havo to do, do It with nil your might; but don't go Into a fovcr about it. , Not mnny years ngo women wero ashamed of fulso hair. Now they nro ashamed to bo without It. It Is stated thnt Ihero nro now moro Irish peoplo n tho United States than In tho wholo of Ireland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers