KATE8 OF ADVERTISING. One fuel!, (twelve line or 1U equivalent In NOnparoU tjrp) on or twto lntorllbns, 11.50 threo Insertions, 13.00. IS PUBLISHED F.VEUY FRIDAY M0RN1NU INTlIBCOLUMlltAH IIUILDIMO REAI1T1IK to Wit house, iiioousiiuua, i'A nr HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, KntTon Ann rnormicTon. BfACI. Ju, One inch -mm 2K. M,00 8,00 WO 3k. 11,00 7,00 0,00 11,00 11,00 2000 flu, tr. ,00 110,00 9,00 15,00 ,00 18,00 11,00 20,00 2O.S0 80,00 80.00 60.00 Two inches........... s,50 Tnrca Inches.. 5,00 Fonr lachafl ? no ,00 Qnarkr column, .10,00 12,00 liaueoiamn .15,00 18,00 On celamn...-.J0.00' 80.00 10,00 00,00 100,00 11 if 1 1 1 in h r wit Cy W f w Iff W f It W4 Terms-Two Collars a Year payaUo In aiwncc. JOB PRINTING lllnlldcscrlptlons executed Willi neatness and dispatch at reasonable rates. Columbia County Official Dirootory. JWinU Jto-Wl.LfAU Ktwittt. luoclalaJlluVfl lttAM lJEUK, IAAO 8. MON- "?viyiiiotorv, .Ic-IVf-MNOTOS It, KNT. JlrntMirr liccottln Wit.I.rAMfloa II, Jacoiiy, lllttrlrl Attorney K. 11. lKV.I.mi. klurtff AAllON SMITH. Nimtuor Iraao linwirr. JVciwiirer Daviii LowrNiirnn. . OiMmMjfoiieri WlI.LIAH O. OUICk', CVnl'S llolllllNH, 1I1KAI1 J. UKMICR. Oi;,iiti(onerj' Gerk WI LLI A H lvMCKnAUM, .luiMiiM 1J. J, CAMrilKLL, A. J. AI.11KHTSON, ItANIrf. TiTK, CanmrrlaltX D. Itoucir, Juri QiinmUiloncrt Isaac MCTnlDE.JollN Mo. Anai.u vitrify M'jicWnfentltrit CitAnt.ES U.TtArtKLRY. ;Wfm Jtoir .Min-M-Dlrcrtors, H.H. Millkii, Wtl.t.iAH Khaku, IllnonisburK, nnd Johnson iKrl.KH, (IrcollWOod, CIIAUI.KH. CONNK.lt, Scc'y, Bloomsburg Official Direotory. Jltoamrtiura' llanltna fh. JOHN A. l'UNSTON, President, II, 11. Uiiotz. Cashier. first national tanfc ClIAS. .U, PAX.TON, Pros'!., .! P. TtTBTIN. Cnslilor. Ctitumbtniyninly MuUtalStivtng hytmland lAan As tocinlltm K. II, Little, Pros1!., C. W. Mlf.LEll, See';. JllottmsliHrn Jlutltllnfj and tSavinrj Vnil Amorta flon JOHN TII011A3. PrcS't,, J. II, HollIHON, Sec. Jltonmsbura Mutual Nactny Mind Aaiociatton J, J. ltitowKii, President, M Wjiitmoyku, Sec'y. Bloomsburg Directory. l)APi:nHAUH Just, received and for snto at tho J CoLUMIlIAN otllco. STOVES AND TINWARE. 1 ACOIl MKTZ, dealer In stoves and tinware tl Main street, nbovo court houso. OLOTiriNQ, AC. DAVID LOWnNIlEntl.MorchantTnltor.Mnln St., 2d door nbovo AluerJcan House. WM, Mounts, Merchant Tailor corner of Ccn lio and Main St., over Miller's Bloro. drugs.hemicals. Ac." " J P. LUTZ, Druggist and Apothecary. Mnln et. 'j. below tho Post Ofllce. liOYEIl BROS., Druggists aud Apothecaries, hi. L Drawer's block Main at. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. II riiiti aui nmifjii, wnicnes, tiprcmcius a Jewelry Ac., (lalnHtrcct near westst, ft i:.NAVAOE. dealer In Clocks, Watches nnd j juwciry, iviam si., just, oeiow uio American Houso. I OUIS H1:UN1IAUD, Wntch and Clock maker. Li near southeast corner Main aud Iron sU. CAT1ICAIIT, Walch nnd Clock Mnkcr.Mnr . kct street, below Main. 1SOOTS AND SHOES. If Jl.KNUHK, Denier in Hoots nnd Shoes, Intest j. nnd best btyles, corner Main und Mnrket niieeis, 111 1110 oiu I'OHl uiuce. D AVID HKTZ, Hoot nnd Shoemaker, Main st linlnur llnrttunti'uBlirn u ,.r .. rlr .., HKNItY KLEtM.Mnuufiieturcr nml dealer In Hoots nnd shoes, Urocerlcs, etc, Main fctrect, 1 iii-it Illooinsburu. CM. IIIIOWN, Hoot nnd Slioemnker, Main . btroot, nnderUrowu's Hotel, I'llOFESSlONAL. DIt. It. C. HOWEll, Surgeon Dentist, Mnln St. nliovo tho Court House. DIt. .WM. M. lir.IlEIt, Surseon nnd Physician, Kxchnnge Block over Webb's book store. DIt. II, F. KINNEY, Surgeon Dentlst.-Tcotll extracted wlthoulpftln: Mnln st., nearly on poslto Episcopal Church, 0(1, llAIlKI.UY, Altorncy-at-I.nw. Otllcb, 2d lloor in KxchnuBo Ulock, near the "Kxchautfo Hotel." f II. MclCKLVY, M. I).,Hurgron nnd Physician P norlhsldo Mnln si., below Market, T II. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and Physician, south sldo Main street, below Market. JO. ItUTTElt, M. D. Surgeon nnd Physician Market street, nbovo Mnln. 11. ItOHlsON, Altnrni-y-nt.Uiw, odlcollart , man's building, Mnln street. MILLINEIW & FANCY GOODS. 1 PETEItMAN, Millinery nnd Fnncy Ooods, j. opiioslto Eptscopnl Chuich, Main st, M ISM 1.1Z.IE I1AHKLEY, Mlllluer, Kamsey uuiiuiug tuiii Hireei, MISS M. DEIlltlCKSON, Millinery and Fancy Uoods, Main St., below Market. II US. E.KI.INE. Millinery and Fancy Uoods . Main street below Market. MIIS. JUI.IA A. A SADII IIAIIKI.EY, Indies' Clonks nml Dress Putteiu.), soulhenslioiuer Main and WestbK fllllK MISSES 1IA11MAN Millinery nnd Fancy L Uoods, Muln Bt below American House, HOTELS AND SALOONS. IXlllKS HOTEL, by T. lleut. Taylor, cast end 1! or Mnln street. " SJEirOlfANTS AND dltOOERS.- (1 C. MAltK, Dry Uoods nnd Notions, south I west cornerMulu andiron His. DA. I1F.CKLEY, Hoot nnd Shoo store, books . A stationery, Muln St., below Market, V JACOI1H, Conlcctioncry, groceries etc., Main . st below Iron 1JOX A Wr.llll, Confectionery nnd Ilnkery, X1 wholesalo and retail, Exchauge Illock, II C. HOWElt. HllUntii! rnntt Tlnnta n,,,l ul,nAO , Main St., nbovo Court House. ' Tit. MAIZE, Mnmmoth Uroeery, flno Uro. . eerles. Fmlls, Nuts, Provision, 4c, Mail! nnd Iron Streets. 'KEEVY, NEAI, A CO., dealers In Dry Hoods, Uioecrles, Flour, Fred, Salt, FIsh.lron.Nalls etc., N. E. cor. Main aud Market sts. S". MII.LEIt A SON, dealers In 'Dry Uoods! . Urocerlcs, (imenswute, Flour, Sail, Shoes, riotlous, etc.,Mulust. MISCELLANEOUS. rtONHTAIII.ES 1ILANKS for tnlo at the Coujm. j iii, ian Olllce. OM. CIIIUSTMAN, Raddle, Truuk a Harness. , maker, Slave's lilocle Mulu Street. DW, HOItniNS.llquor dealer seeoiul door from ' northwest corner Main und Irousts. n J.THOUNTON, Wall Paper, Window Shades U, nnd Uxturca, Hupcrt bloek, Muln st, GW, COHEEI,, Furniture ltnoms, threo story ' brick, Mnlu Street, west ol Market st, HIlOSENSTOCk'.Photographer, over Itobhlns A Ejcr'a Btoie, Mnlntt. I S. KUIIN.denlcrln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem. 1' beillu's ulloy.tcar of American House, R II. HINUI.EIl, denier In pianos, organs nnd nieloueous.nt U. W, Corell's furniture rooms rjAMUEI, JACODY, Mnrhlo nnd llrown Btono QN orks, F-nst Hloomsburg.llerwlck road. WM'. .'.'i''.'J1' ,1'1 In furniture, trunks, ceder w lllow ware, near the Forks Hotel. OFOSTKll.dlue Maker, nnd Whlte77uTFancy , Tuuuer,hcottown, ' V, .!'' ,,",1,,':,M,A,Nf Aut, fur "uuson's Copier tj. Tubular Llghlulng Hod. 11 TACOII DIEFFENIIACH Hroom Factory. Or tj deisleltnt Ills u-sldci'.o or nt Miller a Sou's lore jiru mptly Illled, Htst green Western brush scd. JAMKH CADMAN, Cnblnetmnker nnd Chnlr. maker; roouis Malu street lel, lion. NOTE HOOKS, nnd blank NUTEH, w Ith or with, out exemption, for sulo ut tho I'oi.i'muian Ulllee, Light Street. F. OMAN A Co.. Wliiuilwri.1,1. ,ii 101IN A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer lu O Hoots uud Shoes. TICTEll KNT. llenler In Drv (loniln nr,,.n,,. i. Flour, teed, Suit, Fish, Iron, Nails, eto.,Mulu street. 11. un:u,Xviu?he..,n sl0VM ftUd T,U v"ela i5py. 11. uVoeSs'K"?-'" , .viui tflCIUllUUUlKV, KHProp,TehtorVXOUltlNUM" J. J.',,.WU!:llEISE.n' Uoot " Shoo StorTIud T $i M'altfilc1 V0LUMEV.---K0.31. Oraugovillo Directory, I !!;,?,,i:l,KLJ!(? .nu"Tr;".Carrcnteraua I. lliilldcrs, Mnln el., below l'luo. noWF.tl A linrtllINO, .Unler In Dry (loods, !,!. fcr'cs' '-""ihcrnnd (tcnernl Merchandise, BH.K'.K 'J.9TK'' nd refreshment Rnloon, by HohrM'IIenrycor.ofMalnnnd Plnosl. r D DAVID HKltltlNO, FlonrnndarlstMIU.and Dealer In grain, Mill street. ' TAMl'.sri.ltAnMAN.CablnetMakor aud Un. o dertaker. Mnln St., below I'lno, SCliyyi.KK & co., tron fountiers.Mnchlulsts, aud Maunfnctuicrs of plows. Mill St, SAMlIKt.HHAllPI.JSS Maker of Ihollnyhurst UralnUrncllo, Malu St, nTII,T.rAJtt)Kf.ONO Rhoemnlteraii.1 mnnnrnc ) f turcr of Urlck, Mill St., west of Pi no CatawisBn. B .Uobblna' llatiaini. I) H.J. It. nonmNS. Burgeon rhU riiytlolim G ILllIIRT KLINM, dry Roods, Rrncerlcfi,niul h'.v.u. ...viuiii.ivuutu, iiuiii nirt'ei JJl. KISTLEIt, "Cattawlssn House," North , Corner Muln nnd socoud Streets. 1 KKlMHt, lllllnrd Hnlonu, OyHers, nnd Ice u. C'renm In senson Main St. M .... ,,.hir.j. iivnitsr ju uuueruimerciiiiuuisc , Dry Uoods, Urocerlcs c. m nnntiw, .1 ... , SUSQUEHANNA or Urlck Hold, S. Kosteti. bander l'roiirletor,80uth-cnste.onicr Main and Second Street. yM. It. A11U01T, Attorney nt law, Main St. Buck Horn. MO. & W. It. SHOIiMAKKIt, dealers in dry . uoods, groceries nnd eeuernl merchandise, e Irst fetoreln south cud 01 town. Philadelphia Directory. JICHAItDSON L. wmaiiT, Jit. ATTORNEY AT I,AW, NO. 128 SOUTH SIXTH STltKET. 1'Hir.AriKU'iiiA Ian. ni-ly JM. KEPIIE ItT, . nit UAIINEH, XHIO. & IIEIUION, HATS, CAPS, 8TIIAW OOODS FUHS, No. 003 Market Street, (Abovo Flftli.) PllILADELI'IUA. "YyAINWItlOHT & CO., WHOLESALE OIlOCEllS, N. E, Corner Second nml Arch Streets, PlIlLAIlKLl'lllA, Denlcrs lu TEAS, SYIIUPS, COFFEE, SUUAIl, MOLASSES hick, spiers, ni rAiiu soda, AC, dC. -Orders will receive prompt attention, limy 10,W-tf. Business Cards. Q n. BllOCKWAY, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, HI.OOMSllUr.il, I'A, e-Oprit-E Court House Alley, In the Co I.UHIHAN building. tJnut,'67. A. L. TUItNEH PHYSICIAN AND SUIIUEON, HLOOMSDUHU, PA. Ol't'irP. (IV l.r T.lll7M llrit.r Ult.rn llnut.tn.m Mnik.t street, 1st door below Itcv.D. J. Waller. uei'l'l ,u. Q AV. jriLLER, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, unieo I'ourlllouso 'Alley, below tho Coi.um n'AN Olllce. llouulles, llnelt-Puy and Pensions -"""'i, uiuuiiisuiiik: 1 it, nei,..u u, JOHEIIT E. CLAHK, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, flflliin Mnln Ulrfr. I.nlnu ll.a f'i.l Mmim Illoomshurg I'enn'n. II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ortleo Court-llouso Alley, below tho Colum 1HAN Olllce, Hloomsburg Pn. V ETEItlNAHY. Into from (Jcrmnny. oilers services to tlio public us u celfbrntfil nnd nil other nulnmlH, Tor which his chiime aro lieiwtclc road, ncarH. H.-Woby's Marble YuU. u(uullinuillB H1UY 1, iOH'iy, J. THOHNTON -1J would nnuounrn tn theelllTennnr rtlnnm.. burg nnd vicinity, that ho has lust received a full and complete assortment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, yixTuitKs, count, tasskui, and all other goods In his lino of business. All tho newest nnd most approved pntterus of tho day nut always to bo found In his establishment, mur.5,'Wl-tf Main St. below Market. BUSINESS GAUDS, V1SITINU CARDS, LETTER 1UIADS, RILL HEADS, PROtlRAMMEH, POSTERS, AC, AC. Neatly anil Chcanlv Printed From the Latest Styles of Typo at the COLUMBIAN OFFICE. JJO0T8 AND BIIOES. CLARK M. IIIIOWN, MAIN STllEiT, UNDElt IlltOWN'H I A lull nnd ronmlrln ncGnrl,.,n..t r.r ItfklllK mill tlin, v In ... .... .. , .r.n , ...rti, noiuci uiit, eiiuiiieu V i r',ct''vl''1 anil for bulont rensonnbio rsles. ......... u,.n,, ,-iiuisun ui rusiomers. 1110 best or work ilpno nt short uotlco, us heretofore. Ulvo hlui aeall. (Jan Hi. JTEW STOVE AND TIN SIIOI JHAIAll IIAUENBUCH, Main Street ouo door abovA v.. rn.ia,,nina Store. A largo assortment or siovos, Healers and thinned couslalitlv ou hand, anil fni o, ti... lowest rates. Tinning tu all its branches carefully attended In. mil satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of nil kluds wholesale and retail. A 'Inl is requested. Jan I'Jl NE W COAL Y A II D. The undersigned respiclfully Inform tho citizens ot Hloonishurg and Columbia county, that they keep nit tho dillereul numbers olstnvo coal and selected lump coal for smithing pin po se's, mi llieir wliarf, udjoluluu M'Kelvy, Neal A (Io'h Furnace; with a Eood pair of Hnlulu scales on the whnrf, to weigh coal, hay, nnd stiaw Likewise n horsu und wagon, to deliver coal to those who deslro It. As they purchase a large amount of coal.tbeylntenil tokeep n superior nr- sui, ui. iiiu very iiiwvni iriees, ,-ieusu call and exnmluo for youi-selves before pnrchiui. lug olsowhere. J. W, HENDERMHOT, TTT AUUUSTUS MASON, HE umlerBlgnetl will tiiko In ox change for dsilnnil Urocerlcs, tho following named urtleles l-W)ieat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Pota tins. Lard, Hani.Hlioiilder.aud side meat.llulter Eggs, Hay, c nt the highest cash prices, at his Urocory store, adjoining their coal yard, lI.oom.burg Mar. lO.fj W.HENDERSHOT. G KEEN WOOD SEMINA11Y. The Fall Term of this Ilonrdlngand Select School win etiiiiiiieiii-u un iiitiiiiiiij', juir aisu Exienses for una quarter of eleveu weeksi Hoard, Wusblng, l.lglits, Ac, . j:ej on Tuttlou, perliuurlir, 17 00 to Is in " Juvenile Class, fSuotoOlU l or particulars uddress, WM. miWIKftS, Principal. Mlllvllle, Col.eo., I'll.. June, 1W1. '.'in JAllE CHANCE. Foil Sale A second-hand "Aflon'' piano-forte, price ifiS, cost fMu. This surbo lustrumeul was bought ut un nuct Ion sale of prlvato iroiRrty 111 New York, and had been but a lew woelcs In use. H Is lu jtrrtt order und lu h'itv resiieet ruual to nuew fuiio. Terms povsllhelycasu lu auvuuce. Address for one week. U. W. FOSTER, may 2071-11 MuucU Chunk, l'u. Miscellaneous. JEW STOCK OP OLOTIIINQ. Fresh arrival of SUMMER UOODS. DAVID LOWENI1ERU Invite attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FAHH10NAHLE CLOTIIINU. at his store on cnil',,MreC'' '"S1'140'8 block, one door Wisto' Uluomsburg, l'a., whoro no has Just rocolved from Now York nnd Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHINO, Including tho most fashlonablo, durable, and handsomo , ,, . DRESS OOODS, consisting of HOX, SACK", ROCO, HUM, AND 01L-UtX)TH COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, slies and colors, Ho has nlso replcn tshed his nlreaely largo stock of FALL AND WINTER HI I A WW, STRIPED, PIUURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, ULOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLIW lie lias Constantly On hmul n Inrrn nn.l u.nll.. eclod assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It is or homo manufacture. OOLD WATCIIIH AND JEW3UIY, ol every description, fine and cheap. Ills cnsool iowclry is notsurnasscd In ihU'ninn n,.it examine his general assortment or CLOTHINO, WATCHES JEWELRY, AO. Jau''?' DAVID LOWENI1EHO. JyJILLElVS STOKE. S. H. M ILLER A SON, have romovod their Storo to tho room formerly occupied by Mondcnhall.nii Mnlnstreet, Illooms burg, nearly opposlto Uio Episcopal Church whero thoy nro dctermlueil tosell on as niodcrato terms nl can bo procured clsu where. Thlr .i.ir com prises I.ADIES' DRESS O0OD3 or tho choicest Blyles and latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Dry Uoods nnd Urn. cerles, consisting of the following i Hides itiriiuis, Oil Cloths, oths, OnKslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Slllta, Whlto Uoods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, .Muslins, llbllowwaro Cedarwnre ilaidwure Queeuswaro, Hoots nnd Shoes, tints and caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, . Lnoking-UlasHo.1, Tobacco. Co tree, Uugars, Tens, Klce, Allspice, Ulnger, Cinnamon, 'Nutmegs AND NOTIOJ.S OENERALLY, In short, flvnrrllititn ,iun,,tiv Vrnn. in . tores, to which they Invite the nltonllon of the public genorully, 'rue highest price will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. a. II. MILLER A SON, npr57I-;f Bloomsburg l'. c. O. MAR It havejustrecc.vearrom tho eastern laarkcU a largo nnd well tieleetca stock of 1) It Y GOODS, CONHIHTIN(J or L'asslmers, Jeans, licit bleached A lirown Muslhifi, Od levies, TIcltliiKS, Tablo I.lnons, Cotton A All wool llnuuelfl, dC, Ac,, A'bkm1 Block or Indlea Uret.il yoods, XJitest fitylfH a i:itleni8, Kplaeu of nil kinds, Ooml Block groceries, (Queens ware, Htoue ware, Wood A willow ware, Flour A Chop, AlsoKUchou Crystal Hoap for cluanlug Tin, HrnjjS,Ac. All goods sold cheap fur catth or pro duce. Ho would call the attention or buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment whlsli oomprlsoMeverythluKnuiially kept In the coun try, reeling confident that he can soil them goodft at such prices as will ensure Katlsfactlou, Jnnl'71-tf CO MAKU. JOHN Q. JACOUY'S UAKKHY AND CONFKCTIONKHY! BKHWICK, I'KNN'A. Tho nnderslKiied would reaped rully iulorni tho Clll7i-iiH of lU t wick, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened u CuiileclloucTy and JIaUery In ODD l-'JXLOWH' HALL, Herwlek, I'n., whero ho Is prepared to furnUli nil kinds ot PLAIN AND KANOY CANDIEH, KUKNCJI CAN1HIXS, FOKK1UN AND DOMUSTIO Fit U ITH OUANUKH, I.KMONH, HAIHINB AC, Ac, AO., Ae, I1V W1IOI.IHAI.K AND KKTAIL. A iii on j tho asiiortmentwlll ho round ('roam NuIh, KnglUli WuluutK, IVunutM, Almonds, I'll bertH, FIl'k, Applet, Cornu N11U, JellleH or dltlur cat kluiN, MUhtaid, CatNiip. 1'lckleM, Chocolate, dinned Fiult or all kinds, iWu HUuch, Kki: Ills cult, Hoda Ciaclturn, 0htcr Crackeu, Cht-ewe, Hoap, Writing l'u per, Agrtcmeul l'apeis, Ku velopt'H, FJSU AND OYSTKltS, And prodtico ofnUkludu Fresh J trend aud Caktscvtry day. Ico Cream In Keayou, Vour patruuuge u holfciled, JOHN a. JACOIIY Uerwlck, Jnnl7l-tY C ONFEOTIONEHY, The underslgnett would respectnillyaiinnuuce to tho publlo that ho has opened a FIRST-CLABH CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb wheio he Is jsrepared to furnish all kinds ot PLAIN A FANCY CANDIEH, niKKOtl CANDIIW, FOREIGN A DOMFJ1TIO FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AC. BY WUOLHSALK OB BKIAIIh In short, a full assortment of all gooils lu Ills Hue ot business, A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, AO., suitable for the Holidays, Particular ullenllon Klvon to UltEAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, UHI8TMAS TOYS. A rail is solicited, and sstlifacllou will b guarauteed, Jan P,l-ly KCKHART JACOBS "JNSUIIANOE AOENCY. Wvnmlim 1211.01K1 Atua.....u I,0UU,0I1 tlO.Ull ,nai,(io tvi.uu l.mi.wo Ijhi.wi S. 10,010 670.0W oou.am (00.(111 Mutual, l.uue.uo Fulton N. Y...., North America...... uiiy 1 nljini a I Inn. rVJ'V;"""' Niagara N. Y......! Merehauts ...Hm.,M..,., Hiirlugrleld H..H....H ruriuers' l'auviue,r,,i.. Danvllie, Ho'rso'Tbeft Allautle, N, Y........ , , Uermanla, N, Y ", ouu,uw KHRAH HUflWN Aii..,i mar2l'71-ly, llLoonaiiuBa X BLOOMSBURGr, PA., Business Cards. B LOOM FEItltY. 'JllO ltlOOlil J-VrrV fnmr,ntv I, Ma l.n.l llu flnl nnd Units tliorouglily repnlreel nnd Is now In readiness to do nil usual ferrvlng nt any reason nblo hour. Tho underslgneil will ho In ntten ilnnrentnny tlmo to wnlt upon customers ntcall. npr 21'tl-ly JOHN U.llUICK. QLAIIK IS HECKlVlrtU AND NOW OPENINU A NEW STOCK OF S 1 It I W O (JOOIISI CALL AND SEE. April 11,1871, SVLENDID C K 1, 13 S T K O It ti A X WITH TWO SETT HEKD3 AT1IRH1: STOPS, cnu be bought for 9 IUO nt , I. W. NILES. ..... 1 "mo Wnrcrooms near Forks Hotel. mnyI2'7I-0m. PjLOOMSHUnaMAltULE WORKS. UUNTQN A fJTEES, (Successors to A. WItmnn,) Rcspertfully Inform the publlo that they are now lolly piclmlcd to du all kinds of work In their lino or business, upon re'nsonablo Icrmi and short notice, Satisfaction warranted In nil rjan.lJ.'71-ly B AllQAINS-UAltaAINS. QUICK SAT.m AND SMALL PROFITS. A.V, XUUlfc MO.NUY, Onto t. . , . HKNItY YOST. East Itloomsbnrg. Pa., for all kinds of the best home nnd city made FURNITURE, Prices reasonable and the best work done. Jau P7t tt gHARl'LESS A HAItMAN, In consideration of tearing down our works and rebuilding which will lie commenced very soon wo nro oll'erlng plows, stoves, Ae., ut grently reduced prices, II. F. SUA ItPLEBS A P. H. HAHMAN, Hloomsburg, Pa, Proprietors Mar.l.'0-tf. JNK! INK I! INKI1I ny buying Oehr's Celebrated Ink Towders, you can mske ink for less tlian linirtho money, and fur superior to nliythlng yet In use. Will not corrode steel pens. Freezing will not injure, Samplo packogn salllclenl for 0110 iiltit of Ink willtie sent by return mall to nny mie sending tweuty-llve cents to M. W. N USS, Hoxlsl. prim-3m Hlojmsburg.Pa. gLATE HOOFING, EVERY VARIETY MOST FAVOl.ABLK RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CASPER J. THOMAS lhjx.2J7. Bloomsbnrg, Pa. MAGAZINES, DAILY A WEEKLY PAPERS OF ALL KINDS AT THE I130K ST0I1K OPPOSITE THE COUIIT HOUSE. Also nil assortment of Portcmonnates, Pass Hooks and Account Hooks, constantly on baud. Hooks not on hand obtained on short notlco. New Bonks nro constantly being nddod to the ' BlooiiiHhtirg Circulating Library." Among the latest alu"Utlllt and Innocence," "Motherless," "Sir Harry," " Hot Spur of Hurablcthwalt," and ftlerqueiii," etc. npr!M,'7l tf JEW ORGAN AND riANO W AREROOMS. OliaANH A PIANOS FOB SALE ON lNrAI.LMENTH. Plants from nil first-class makers, from S.tiOto Jinwi. Organs rrom S',0 to $700. A splendid Organ f octave, a set reeds, nnd tremolo with nnuoled Black Wulnut Cose, only JhB.HO. Single rteil, samecoso us above, SIOO. I have mado ariange lucuts in liavo tho latest music on hand ns sism us published. Tenehcrs supplied at regular dls eouut, Wurerooms, Malu street, near Forks Hotel. tr. I. w. NILES, QIIESTER S. FURMAN, HARNUSS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer In CARPET-BAUS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, 1IU1TAI.0 llOnP.S, llOllSE-IILAMeETS AC, which ho feels confident he can sell at lower rate than any other person lu tho county, Ex amine for yourselves. Shop opposite tho Post Olllce, Main Street, Hlnomsouig, l'a. Aug. 0, 1S70. D ENTIBTKY. lit O. HOWKH, DENTIST, lttsnPC(fllllv nrfrn lilt nrnrnalntiiil uorvlnnit fn tho ladk'H mid truutle incti nf lllnnmulinrir inn I vl clutty. Hols prepared to attend to nil the vari ous operallont lu tho lino of his profession, nnd is provided with tho lalost improved jVoiicelmn Tkktii which will bo liiKerted ou pold platlug silver and rubber bono to look ns well as the nat uruiieciu. irein exiraciea ny ftumo nownntf most approved methods, nnd all operations on tho teeth carctully and propeily attended to, Hestdenco and otllco a few doors atnvb tho Court llottso, aamo side. ju.uuiuituurg, jau.i 7i ly J"EW GOODS at the OLD STAND. MclCKLVY, NICAL A, CO., aro now oponlug at their old stand corner of MAIN AND MAUKET HTItEETH, 11I.OOUSUUBO, n full lino of now good consisting of DRY OOODH, UROCERI12S, HARDWARE, (QUEENS WARE, und all other nrilclus requlrod to meet the wants of tho public. may 2071 It. Q.LODE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY O P NEW YORK. Pliuy Freeman, President, II. C, Freerann, Sec Cash capital over 12,000,000, all paid. J. B. ROIJISON, ULOOMSBURO, I'A UENEltAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug.20,'09. XOHANGE UAKKRY A K 1) CONFECTIONERY', 1IIXIO.V.S1IURU, PA. Tho iiiideislgncd, successors of F, Wldmjer, would iesii'cliully anuounco that they have taken the wtll-esiabllsheil stand lecently occu pled by tho ubovo uumed, lu Hloomsburg, and prepared to enntlnuo tho business of manufac turing and selling, by WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Conrccllonery of every stylo nnd klud. Also, ilie'ywlll have nt nil times a complete supply ol tllu best mid tieshest Breud ulul C4lke. l'arllert lesli lug mi) thl.ig in Ibis Hue will Und It to their lulvnutugo to callou us, AN ICK CHKAIit SALOON Isndded to tho estahllsliment, nnd ladles nnd other, who may piitroiilo uk, may ruly uiuiu u pon reelvliig pruper uttt'iitlon, A renHonublt. shuru or publln put roiiauo Is rispocUully hollclted. Haxpburry, Lemon, und other Hyruiw, in lurn- nnd ismull quuutltles, roimtautly nu band. , DKUKKH &. HTKCKKL. May 5, 1S71, ly i JJ 0. II OWE It, has opened a flrst-clasa 1100T, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUU BTOItli. at the old stand on Mat u Ht reet, lllomnibnrg ji few dixirs nbovo the Court House. Jlls st(H'k iscom posed of tho very latest aud beststyles ever otter ed to tho citizens of Columbia (httintv. iinruii uccommodato tho publlo with the following kikhIi at tho lowufct rules. Men's heavy double solut Biugu uwui,-, iifii uuuuio uuu Minxi) mp soieu kin boots, luuu's heavv ittoia ihnM tfnii kin. in men's due boots and shoes or all grades, boy's double soled boots and.shocs or oil kluds, men's glove kid Hal moral shoes.men's, women's, boys aud misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid I'olUli very Ilue.wumun's iucroocr lUliuorals and can si.oen, wouiuu h very nuo Kid bultoueil guu ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg L'ud nml 11a wet L Ho would also call attention to bis line assort- 1UUUI Of A'fB, CAlS, FUI18 ANI NOTIONS. wblcli comnrlses Alt tho new ami truinnioi v.h. etlesat prleeawhk-htiutuotfalltosullttll. These y;iHM.i urn uurrcu uio luvvt'Hl casu rules EUU will be nuarauteed to kclvo sailuriiMion. a cj.ii Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains are to be found imuu hi uuy utuvr p.ee iu vum conmy, Jan 171 FRIDAyT AUGUST Poetical. For Tho Columbian, rnllli"llcr Trlnls nnd VIclorloi. 1IVT11.L1E LAL'DACII. I.O a virgin divinely stands With golden anchors in her hands, Her gnrmentsnro of purest whlto, All o'er bedecked with gems of light. Her brow Is wreathed with golden flowers, Uatliercd from celestial bowers. Her shoes nro mado of solid pearl, Laeoil with strain of shining beryl, Hcrejcs aro fixed on Htm above, Beaming bright with heavenly love, And o'er her faeo plays n holy smllo Without a thought or trace of guile. Hut lo I a storm Is hovering near, Tho thunder rolls, does tho Maiden fear 1 Tho rain descends-the air grows dark. Will slw find shollor?-llsteai-harkl Tho storm UikU lu convulsions roar, Tho Hoods arise, they lovo the shore'. And oh I behold tho angry deep lUlses abovo tho maiden's feci, Does not tho smllo from her fuel depart. And terror freer.o her tender hearl? No I calmly and scrono sho standi And cists an anchor from her hands. When lo t bcliiild, the nngry deep Ilolrtullng leaves tho maiden's feet; She casti n gem from her garments white, Darkncsi dlsappenrs nnd all Is light. Again, sho throws a golden flower, And lol Iho sun breaks through tho shower, Behold l tho maiden standing yet, Nor Is tho hem of hergarmcnt wet, Another trial must yet bo pass'd, One more tho keenest and tho last A genii, dressed in garments bluo. Presents himself to tho maiden's view, Then draws a sward from Its horned shcatho Aud undermines tho sword beneath, Tho maiden now.twlth tearful cyo, Casts an anchor, and draws a sigh. Tho genu grins and still works ou, AuTlils hard task Is almost done. When tho maiden costs hor golden rings And soars away on nnget wings. Higher, nnd higher Et 111 sho tiles, And glorous'y ascends tho skies; Dropping her nnchors nud every gem She receives nn Immortal diadem. Weapons nf defense, sho needs no m oro, No foes can outer that blissful shore, Triumphant now, her song shall ho Thanks lo Uod who glv'th the' victory I To Whom Shall Wo (ilte Tlintiks I A tittle boy had sought tho pump From whencutho sparkling water burst, And drank with eager Joy tho drnught That kindly quenched his raging thirst; Then gracefully ho touched his cap "I thauk you, Mr. Pump," ho said, 'For this nlco drink yon'vo given me I" (This little boy had boon well bred.) Then said tho pump, "My littlo man. You're welcome to what I liavo dono j But I am not the ouo to thank I only help tho water run." "Oh, then," the littlo fellow said, (Polite he always meant to be), "Cold Water plcaso accept my lhauks, You havo been very kind to 111c," , " Ah I" snld Cold Water, "don't think mo ; Far up tho hillside lives tho spring That sends mo forth with generous hand To gladden every living thln.g" "I'll Ihaiik tho Spring, then," said tho boy. And gracefully ho bowed his hen I ; "O l, dou't thank mo, my little man," The Spring with silvery accents snld. 'Oh, dou't thauk me for what am I Without the Dow and Bummer Rnln T Without their nld I ne'or could quench Your thhst, my littlo buy, ngalu." "Oh, well, Ihcn," said the littlo boy, "I'll gladly'thauk tho Rain nud Dow." "Pray, don't thank ns-without tho Sun Wo could not all ouo cup for you." "Then, Mr. Sun, ten thousand thanks For all that you havo dono for me'," "Stop " said tho Sun with blushing face. "My 111 tie fellow dou't thank me, 'twas from tho Ocean's mighty stores I drew tho draught I gave to theo." Oh, Occnu, Ihauks I" then said tho boy It echood hack, "Not unto mo. "Not unto me, but unto Him Who formed tho depth In which I lie, do glvo thy thanks, my littlo boy, To Him who will thy wants supply," Tho boy took on" Ills cap and said, 111 tones so gentlo nud sulslued, "Oh, God, I thank Theo for this gift, Thou nrt tho glvor of all good." Miscellaneous. VA.niiiii:s axi) (.'110U1.S. Theso gentry nro not yet nulto dead. At least tlio belief In them still lingers In soino country districts: while- In Southeastern Europo ami Southwestern Asia the cretlenco prevails among whole tribes, and oven nations. Tho most dotailcd vampiro storios belong to tho Danubiau and Greek countries. Tournefort describes a sccno that catno under his personal notlco In Greece. A peasant of Mycono was mur dered lu tho field In tho year 1701. Ho una beena man of quarrelsome Ill-natur ed disposition : Just tho sort of man, ac cording to tho current belief of tho peasantry, to bo haunted by vampires after death. Two days after his burial. it was noised about that ho had been seen to walk in tho night with great haste, overturning people's goods, put ting out their lights, pinching them and playing them strango pranks. Tho rumor was so often repeated that at length Iho priests avowed their belief In Its truth. Masses wcro said in the chan- els, and ceremonies wcro performed, Having for tnelr obloct to drlvo out tho vampiro that Inhabited tho dead man. On tho tenth day after tlio burial, 11 mass was Bald, tho body was disinterred and the heart taken out. Frnnklncenso was.burned to ward oil' infection : but tuo uystantlcis insisted on the smoke of tlio franklncenso being a direct emana tion from tho dead body, a sure sign. according to popular belief, of vamplr- m. Tiioy burned tho heart on tho cea-shoro, tho conventional way of get ting rw or vampires. Posltlvo stato- inenls wont tho round of tho village that tho dead man was still up to all kinds of mischief, beating people In tho night, breaking down doors, unrooting houses, shaking windows. Tho matter became serious. Many of tlio lnhabl tants wero so thoroughly frightened and panic-stricken as to Ilea ; whllo thoso who remained nearly lost solf control. Thoy debated, thoy fasted, tney mado processions through tho vll luge, they sprlnked tho doors or, tho houses with holy tvator, thoy speculated as to whothcr mass had been proncrlv said, and tho heart proporly burned. At length thoy resolved to burn tho body itself; thoy collected pleuty of wood, pilch, ami tar, anil carried out their plan. Tournefort (who had found It necessary to bo cautious as to ex pressing his Incredulity) Btatoa that no moro was heard or tho supposed vara piro. In tho yeor 1725, on tho bordors of Hungary anil Transylvania, a vampiro story arose, which wa rcnowed after wards In a noteworthy way. A peas ivntofMadvclga, nnmed Arnold Paul was crushed lo death by tho fall of a 4, 1871. UOL. wagon load of hay. Thirty days after wards, four persons died, with all tho symptoms (according to popular belief) of their blood having boon sucked by vampires. Bomo of tho neighbors ro mcmbcrcd having heard Arnold soy that ho had often boon tormented by a vampiro; and thoy lumped to tho con clusion that tho passivo vampiro had now become active. This was In ac cordance with a kind of formula or the orem on tho subjoct ; that a man who, when alive, has had his blood sucked by a vampiro, will, after his death, deal with other persons In llko manner. Tho neighbors exhumed Arnold Paul, drovo a stako through tho heart, cut off tho head, and burned Iho body. Tho bodies of tho four persons who had ro- contly died wcro treated in a similar way, to mako surety doubly Buro. Nevertheless even this did not sufllco. In 17,13, sovon years oftcr theso events, toventcen persons died In tho village near about ono tlmo, Tho memory of tho unlucky Arnold recurred to tho villagers ; tho vampiro theory was again appealed to ; ho was believed to havo dealt with thosovontosn as ho had previously dealt with tho four; ond they wcro therefore dlsintered, tho heads cut off, tho hearts staked, tho bodies burned, nnd the ashes dispersed. Ono supposition was that Arnold had vamperlzed somo cattle, that tho sev enteen villagers had caton of tho beef, and had fallen victims in consequence. This nflalr attracted much attention at tho time- Louis tho Fifteenth di rected his ambassador at Vienna to make inquiries in tho matter. Many of tho witnesses attested an oath that tho disinterred bodies wero full of blood, and exhibited few of tho usual symptoins of death; Indications which tho believers In vampires stoutly main tained to bo always present In such cases. This has Induced many physi cians to think that rcnl cases jof catalep sy or trance wcro mlxod up with tho popular belief, and wero supplemented by a large allowance of epidemic fanat icism. Mr. Pashlcy, in his Travels la Crete, states that when ho was at tho town of Askylo, ho asked about tlio vampires or katakhanadhes, ns tho Cretans called them of whoso existence and doings bo had heard many recitals, stoutly corroborated by tho peasantry. Many of tho stories converged towards ono central fact, which Mr. Pashloy believ ed had given origin to them all. On one occasion a man of some note was burled at St. George's Church at Kali kratl, in tho island of Crete An arch or canopy was built over his grave But ho soon afterwards mado his ap- penranco ns a vampiro, haunting tho village, and destroying men and chil dren. A shepherd was ono day tend' lug his sheep and goats near tho church, and on being caught in a shower, went under thoarch and took shelter from tho rain. Ho determined to pass the night there, laid asido his arms, and stretch ed himself on a stono to sleep. In placing his firearms down (gentle shep- 10ms of pastoral poems do not want firearms ; but tho Cretans are not gen tlo shepherds), ho happened to cross them. Now this crossing was always believed to havo tho effect of provent- ng a vampiro from emerging from tho spot whero tho emblem was found. Thereupon occurred a singular debate Tho vampiro roso In tho night, and re quested tho shepherd to rcraovo tho ilrcarms In order that ho might pass, as ho had somo important business to transact. Tho shepherd, Inferring from this request that tho corpso was tho Identical vampiro which had been do- ng so much mUehlef, at first refused his assent ; but on obtaining from tho vampiro a promiso on oatlt that he would not hurt him, tho shepherd moved tho crossed arms, Tho vam piro, thus enabled to rise, went to a distanco of about two miles, and killed i two persons, a man and a woman. On Ids return, tho shepherd taw somo In dication of what had occurred, which caused tho vampiro to threaten him with 11 similar fate If divulged what hu had seen. He couri'geously told all. however. Tho price's and other per sons camo to tlio sput next morning, took up tho corpso (which in day tlmo was as lifeless as any other) and burnt It. Whllo burning, a littlo spot of blood spirted on tlio shepherd's foot, which instantly withered away; but othcrwlso no evil resulted, and tho vampiro was effectually destroyed. This was certainly a very peculiar vam piro story ; for tho coolness with which tho corpso and shepherd carrleelon their conversation under thoarch was unlquo enough. Nevertheless, tho persons who narrated tho affair to Mr. Pashley firm ly believed in Its truth, although slight ly differing In their versions of It. Modern vampires In Western Eu ropo seldom trotiblo socloly, so far as narratives tell ; but across tho Atlantic something of tho kind has occupied public intention within tho limits of tho present generation, in 1S5I The Times gave an extract from an Araerl can nowspaper, tho Xorwlch Courier, concerning nu ovent that had Just oc curred. Horace Ilry, of Grlswold. dlod of consumption iu 1S10; two of his children afterwards died of tho same complaint; eight years nftcrwards, In ISol, a third died. Tho neighbors, ovl deutly having tho vampiro theory In their thoughts, determined to exhumo tho bodies of tho arst two children, and burn them ; under tho supposition that tuo ueaa una been feeding on tho llv lug. In what state tho bodies wcro re ally round wo nro not told ; but thoy wero disinterred and burned on tho 8th of Juno in tho above-named year, All tho stories or vampires, ghouls, and wero-wolves, wo may Barely assert can II nd their solution lu a comblna lion or threo causes, a sort of epUlotnlo superstition among Ignorant persons somo or tho phenomena or traneo or ei lloptlc sleep ; and special monomaniac diseases which It is tho province or tho pnyslclan to study. " What is tlio annual corn crop of Kentucky?" asked a foreign tourist or a Kentucklan, "I can't exactly say.' replied tho Kontucklan ; "but I know it's enough lo mako all tho whiskey wo want, uesiuea. wiiat is wasted for bread. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 21 Ku-Kliix. V Washington, July 20. General A. R. Wrleht was flvo hours beforo.lho Ku-Klux Commlttco.to uay. Gen. Wright In reply to a question said ho was a practicing lawyer and ono of tho editors or iho Chronicle and Senti nel at Augusta, Ga. Ho further testified that tho pcoplo of that Stato wero pcaco- ablo and law-abiding, and that tho laws aro as fully enforced as they wcro bo foro tho war. The witness said that his law practice extended to ten counties and rrom his personal observation and knowlcdgo or tho State, ho could say tho negroes enjoyed all tho privileges In tho Courts accorded to tho whites, In fact, tho Juries seemed to lean a littlo to ward thoncgrocs, from apprehension or fear that thoy mlghtbe suspected of do ing Injustlco to them, In reply to a question whether ho know of whlto men having committed offenses against negroes, horepllcd that ho prosecuted a whlto man for tho murder or a negro, who, however, was convicted of man slaughter, and sontonco I for tho full term allowed by tho law. In tho samo Court, In tho samo county, a whlto man charged witli tlio murder or a negro, was round guilty ond sentenced to bo hanged on tho first Friday or Septem ber. Whllo theso two trials wcro in progress, twelve whlto citizens or Wash ington county wcro arrested under tho Ku-Klux laws carried ono hundred and thirty miles, and tried by United States Commissioner for assault and battery on negroes. They wcro kept in Jail sev eral days, but on Investigation before a carpet-bagger, Lceand General Swayne, they wcro acquitted. Tho witness said ho had no reason to bcllcvo thcro was' any organized band of Ku-KIux in Georgia, for political purposes, nor ho had never hoard of any, lie, however, knew of a band or marauders llko Mor roll's gang, that extended through a portion of tho counties of tho district In which ho lived, and tho two whlto men convicted in Washington county, wcro suspected of belonging to tho band. A man by the namo of Reese, who killed a negro, was round guilty by a military Commission, but was pardoned by Pres ident Johnson. This samo man, not long ago, killed another person, and was tried, round guilty, and sentenced to bo executed on tho' 4th or August. Gov ernor Bullock reprieved him, and his friends said, In order to havo him par doncd it was necessary to mako somo arrangements. In answer to tho ques tion as to tho naturo or tho arrange ments, tho witness replied thoy involV' cd tho raising or a sufficient amount or money In furtherance or that design Tho witness was interrogated at somo length about tho Georgia Legislature. Tho Republicans naving In 1809 ob talned a majority through tho action or General Terry, acting, as he sold under tlio order or President Grant, nnd also through tho action or Harris, a master or transportation. Whllo Harris was engaged in organizing the House, a military commission with General Ru ger nt tho head, was examining tho qualification or tho members. General Itugcr and his board reported sixteen or twenty members to bo Ineligible un der tlio Constltutionablo amendments, and this secured a Republican majority. A Senator Irom tho Forty-fourth dis trict, who had served two terms In tho Legislature, died, when tho commission or Harris put In his place tho man whom tho deceased had defeated at tho election. Having been asked what ef fect disfranchisement under tho Four teen Ui Amendment had on tho public mind, tho witness replied that it was a cause of complaint anion.; tho people against tho government. They mur mured beeauso tlio men, heretofore ac customed to conduct public affairs, wero kept out of ofilco whllo their formor slaves wero now tho lawmakers. If the disabilities of tho pcoplo wero removed and thoy allowed to select Uio host men for tho public offices, there would bo no cause of complaint against tho govern ment. Tho relations or tho whlto and black races wero perrectly harmonious. Tho negroes had been neither cheated nor swindled, but fairly treated. Diffi culties frequently roso beeauso tho ne groes could not tell, In calculating tho shares of crops, whether one-tenth or ono-thlrd was. tho most. Frequently, arbitrators wero called in to determine tho question for them. Tho witness having been asked whither ho knew of any person having been whipped by disguised persons, replied that a whlto man named Ferguson was seized by a band or negroes, stripped and nearly wnippeu 10 ueatu by them. A negro man was prosecuted tor living In ndul tery with a whlto womau. He was tried and convicted but was pardoned by Governor Bullock. Tho frequent pardons produced much mlschler. A littlo whllo after tho abovo named con vlctlon a whlto man was convicted for living in adultery with a negro woman. but through tho efforts of Governor Bullock's prosecuting officer tho man was discharged ou a technical defect in tho proceedings. Tho citizens whipped a whlto man and a negro woman who had bocn living lu shamo. Thoro wore no politics lu theso occurrences. Tho pcoplo resorted to such punlshmont bo cnuso of tho mischief to society produc ed by tho indiscriminate pardons or Governor Bullock. Palpitation of the Heart. Thcro aro probably few persons who havo not at somo tlmo in their Uvea had, ir not ror moro than, a moment, palpitation or tho heart. The disease Is dependent ou over excitement of nerves of this organ. Usually it lasts lor a row minutes, but cases aro on rcc ord or Its continuing eight days nt tho rato or ibu beau to (ho minute, Whero not caused by disease or tho heart or Its valves, it is uota dangerous affection, 'iiio um ireamcnt is uetrect quiet and composure in u recumbent posture, ir 11 continues long apply hot compresses over tho region or tbo heart, changing uicniuuon. io prevent tholr occur renco, avoid ovor-exortlon. tlcht cloib lug, nervous excltomcut, a crowded or unvcntllatoU room, and abovo all, load lug tho Btomuch with Indigestible ar ticles or rood, Wo havo known many luouuiees 01 palpitation cured by adopt , lugpiuiu, simple nauitsoflife. Adltot" 6r Aulg-noo'a Notice; 1164 Local natlces, ten eenM k line. Card In the "nnslnMsDIrectorr" eolnmn, U.00 per year for the nt two lln... and ii.ro fnr ah Kldltlonal lino. JTcn W"' liavo llcli) Mtnjr Offices. A curront statement that no man In tho Uui(ed States has. filled so many of flees of distinction as .Martin Van Bur- op, has elicited, tho following from tho Boston Travellers "Mr. Van Huron was(3urrogaloofCoItimbIa County, New York, .member, of tho Now York Sen alo, Aftornoy-Qencral or Now York, member or tho New York Constitution al Convention, (1821), United Sutton Senator.Qovemor.of Now York, United States Secretary of Slate, Minister to fcngland, Vlco-Prosldcnt of tho United Slates, and President of tho Utlltod States ten offices In all, John Qulncy Adams was Minister to Holland, Min ister to Prussia, Commissioner to nego tiate a commercial treaty with Sweden, member of tlio Massachusetts Bon&lo, United States Senator, Minister to Rus sia, Commissioner to negotiato a treaty of pcaco with England At Ghent, Com missioner to negotiato n commercial treaty with England, Minister to Eng land, United States Secretary of Stato, President of tho United States, nnd for seventeen years n Representative In Congress tweivo offices In nil. Mr. Adams, nt tho ngo or 10 years, was Prl vato Secretary or Mr. Dana, who had been sent to Russia as American Min ister, but witli whom Russia refused to treat, savo that sho treated him to tho cold shoulder, and much or it too. Ho was appointed Minister to Portugal, but ho novcr took tho oQlco. Mr. Ad ams was Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lottrcs in Harvard Collego, which somo persons may think was a post almost equal to that of Surroguto of ColumbIaCounty,New York. James Monroe held moro 'offices of distinc tion ' than wero hold by Mr. Van Bur- en, Ho was a Colonel In tho Revolu tionary Army, Military Commissioner from Virginia to tho army in South Carollnla, member of the Legislature of Virginia, (twice), member ol tho. Exec utive Council of Virginia, member of tho Continental Congress) member of tbo Commission to decide tho boundary dlspufo between Now York and Massa chusetts, member of the Stato Conven tion of Virginia that adopted the pres ent Constitution of tho United States, United Status Senator, Minister to Franco (twice), Governor of Virginia (twice), Minister to England, Minister to Spain, United States Secretary of Stato, United States' Secretary of War, President of the United States, and member or tho Constitutional Conven tion of Virginia in 1820, or which body ho was President sixteen offices In all, or six moro than Mr, Van Burcn held. Ho was also a Justlco or tho Pcaco, which tho great Sir Edward Coko pro nounced to be ono or tho greatest of posts, Timothy Pickering was Colonel or a Massachusetts regiment, a Justlco of tho Massachusetts Court or Common Pleas, Judge or tho Maritime Court, Adjutant General of tho Revolutionary Army, member or tho Continental Board of War, Quarter-master General of tho Revolutionary Army, Negotia tor with Indian Tribes, United States Posimastor'General, United States Sec retary or War, United States Secretary of Stato, United States Senator, mom bcr of tho Executive Council of Massa chusetts, .member of tho Massachusetts Board of War, and momber or tho Uni ted Stales Hquso or Representatives fourteen offices. General Cass held moro public offices than Mr. Van Buren over succeeded In getting, for ho was a member of tho Ohio Legislature, United States Mar shal for tho District of Ohio, Colonel or Volunteers in tho war or 1812, Colonel In tlio United States Army, Major acn- erol or Volunteers, Brigadier General In tho United States Army, Governor or Michigan, Superintendent or Indian Affairs in tho Northwest, United States Secretary or AVar, Minister to Franco, United States Senator, and United States Secretary orstato tweivo offices. Wo must not forget to mention An drew Johnson, who was Alderman of Greenville, Mayor of Oreenville, mom ber of tho Tennesseo Senato, momber of thu Tennessee IIouso or Representa tives, member or tho United States IIouso or Representatives, member or tbo United States Senate, Governor or Tcnnosseo, Mllitary"Governor or Ten nessee, VIco-lPresidcnt or tho United States and President or tho Uulted States ten offices, or qulto up to tho Van Buren number. Faih Play on the Turf How the Law may Interfere. On Iho 20lh or May last, at a trotting match at Breczo Park, near Philadelphia, a man named James, Fleet threw a coat at "American Girl'' as sho was coming down tho homo stretch, in tho lead. Fleot was arrested, and charged -with an assault and battery on Bon). Daniels, tho driver. Judgo Allison, or Phila delphia, In his chargo to tho Jury, Bald: " In this caso It Is not pretended that tho coat thrown did como In contact with tho driver, but that it did come in contact with tho horso. If thq Inten tion was to strlko tho horso tho act would amount to an assault and battery on the driver, If, this driver had been thrown out or Ms sulky nnd killed, tho defendant could havo been Indicted and convicted of murder, and It might prob ably bo murder In tho first degree. If the defendant went out rrom tho crowd or spectators on this occasion, and throw tho coat or other obstruction at tho horse, tho horso, buggy nnd man, being tho samo and Indivisible, an assault and battery on tho horso amounts to an as sault on tho, man driving it. It tho coat struck the horso, tho battery on tho horso Is a battery ou tho driver. If thq nourishing of thq coat affected tho progress of the horte, so as to causo tho lattor to swervo or Jerk tho sulky from IU rue, course, and to rudely Jostlo or disturb tho driver, then tho defendant was guilty of an assault and battery," Tho Jury, under this chargo and testl mony, rendered a verdict of guilty. Sontonco postponed, It will probably surprlso many pco plo to learn that tho territory called " British laics," or which Great Britain and Ireland aro tho chief", lying off tho European continent, aro fully COO In number, nnd that 175 aro inhabited.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers