1IATK8 OP ADVUUTISINO. Una Incli, (twelve Hues or 111 equivalent Id Nonpareil lype) oua or two Insertions, 11,(0 re ufotumbhm is puummheu i;vi:iiy fixiuAy moiininu IN TUB COLUMI1IAN IlUII.DlNO NEAIITI1K rouiiT nut'8K, niuoitsnuwi, I'A., nr HENRY L DIEFFENBACH, rni-ron Ami ntoviUKToit, Terms-Two Dollars a Year payaMo Is advance. JOB MIINTINQ BrAt'K. iu, Onelncli..... 1150 Twn Inches .....1,50 Tlirro Indict 5,00 Four Inches........ 7 00 2.M. (.1,00 6,00 7,00 3m, (1,00 7,00 ,00 11,00 11,00 MOO 40,00 6M, ly. (9,00 110,00 9,00 1B,WI 12,011 IKIO 17,00 S5.00 0,30 110,00 so.oo eo.oo 00,00 100,00 0,00 Unnrtcr column,, 10,00 11,00 Half column........ 11,00 18,00 Ono column -..30,00 M,w Executor', or Administrator' Notice, MOO Auditor's or Assigned1! Notice, tZW. Local notices, ten cent! a lino. Cards In the"Iiuslncaa Directory" column, IWO per year for tlio first two Hues, and $1.00 for each additional line. Olnlldcscrlptlons executed with neatness nuil VOLUME V,-- -NO. 2!). BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1871. dispatch nt reasonable rates. COL. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 22 Columbia Oountv Offloial Directory. IVMMflllJllllffe-WlU.IAM Ef.WKI.I.. AimtutaJuUvei-lUAii Dkiui, Isaac H. Mox- IIOK, lfothonolarjl, .tc.-Wri.l.lNUTON It, . llrJT. Jirflnlcr (t ,'irori'iT Wii.i.iamiox H.JAtonv. JlnMH jltlorncy K. It. iKIII.Lll. NicrdT-AAKON SMITH. AAlriTlor lSAAO Dkwitt. 7VrOlllKT 1AVH LoWKNIlCllO. OfuimlMtoneri William (J, quick, CvnUS ItnuiiiNS, llntAtf .1. llr.Kiint. ,mmliltmm' tfrrt WILLIAM KlIICKIlAIIM, AiMlllurn-U, J. CAMrnKI.I,, A. ,1, Al.llhlirHO.V, 1IANIH. I.ki:. fMnwr-JMIN 1'. KolTK. .hint Oimmiastontrs Is ap MclllltnRtJoIINMc- AVALI.. County Svpcrtntmtttnl CitAni-rs O.IIAiiklev, 7,'fcom it-op Mifrfrf Director,, S. It. Mu.i.wi, William Kiiamlu, Hloonishurg, nuil Johnson 1 1. 1 Lin, Ulccnwood, CHAIII.F.S CoNNlIt, Stc'y. Bloomsburg Official Directory. llhmmtrtiro IlnnUnif Oi. John A. FlINSToN, President, 11.11. iliior., Cashier. lint .Xnttttnnl Yn-CIIAS. It, 1'AXToN, Prcs'l., .1. 1'. TI'MTIN. Cashier. OillinhhiiintjMiituritSttvnrj Htntlttml fjxtnAn tiirlnllmx 11, II, LlTTI.i:, Prcs'l., C. W. MlI.I.KIi, Hoc';, ltt)tmviur(l Huthllnrr rrnrt Httrtnrl lMntl Aioct' roii.IollN Thomas. 1'ri'H't., .1. 11. UolilNns, Hec. Itltnuihttrit Mitlmtl timing ltntl AMocintum .I..1. liitowi'.u, President, M. Whitmoyku. Sec'y. Bloomsburg Directory. pAPEUHAOH Just received nud forMitonttlu 1 Coi.umiiian uitlce, STOVES AND TINWAltE. -IACOI1 METZ, denier 111 strives and tluwnio Main struct, above court house. CLOTIIINQ, AC. DAVID I.OWENH14IU1, MerclmntTollQr.Maln ht., 'Al door nbo o Aluorlcnn House. WM. MOltllls, Merchant Tailor corner or Centre- nuil Mala St., over Miller's store, DHUaS,CHEMICAI,S. &V. i,i P. I.UTZ, Dnigglstnud Apolhccnry.Maln st. l'i, below tho Post OIUcc, MOYEIl niton.. Druggists nnd Apothecaries, lllower'a block Main Ht. CLOCKS, WATOIIKS, AO. lir.NnYZlll'l'INfir.U, Wntchos. Spectacles A jewelry Ac., MuluHticct near Went fit. 11 (i II, H.VVAdU, dealer In Clocks, Watches nnd 7 Jewelry, Main St., Just lulow thu American J Jem House, I OUIS IllIUNIIAUl), Wntclinmt Clock maker. I J near KoitthcdHtcoruer Miilnaml Jrou hh. CATUCAllT, Watch and Clock Makcr.Mar kel Ntleet, below Mala. HOOTS AND SIIOKS. 1,1 M.KNOIllt, Duller 111 Hoots una Shoes, latest U, and best styles, corner Malu and Mullet SlieelH, In tlio old l'QHtOHlco. DAVID I1KTZ, Hoot nnd Shoemaker, Main St., below Hartmnu's store, west or Market. Hll.NKY Kt.r.IM.Mannractuicr and dealer In Hoots and Hhoes, Urocerlcs, etc., Muln hlieet, Uist llloomsbuitr, 0)1, 11HOW.V, llont nnifHhoi maker, Main , street, under Hrowu'a Hotel. IMIOESSIONAL. Ilt. 11. C. 11UWKU, Surgeon IVntlht, Main t llliovo the Court House. lUl. WM. M. KKUKlt, Surueon nml l'liysklun, 1 i.xi'ouiiKuiiiucu o er eou'H rxioit sioie. kit. H, 1'. KINNIIY, Surgeon Deiitlst.-Tcctll Ii .xllucled wlllioutpnlu: Mlllnst., nearly op posite Kplscoput Church, n O, HAKKf.liY, Atloiney-al-I.sw. Olllce,2d U ilooi'iu Kxebangolllock, near thu "Kxchaugu II. McKI'.I.VV.M. I).,Sur8eoii and l'byslclan , uorlhslde Main St., below Market, T It. HVANH, Jl. 1).. Humrsiii nml riiyslclan, ri south hldoMalustrcct.bclowMarket. ('. llUTTint, M. I). Surteou and l'hysiclan Mnl Uet street, ubuve Malu, 11, ItUlllso.N, Atlorneyat-l.aw, Ulllcoilart. , mail's bulldlUK, Main street. J1ILLINE11Y A FANCY (JOODS. 1.1 l'lrnntMAN, Millinery nnd raucy Uoods, IJ. opposite l:plscop.lt cnuich, Main st, M1HH l.V.Y.W. IIAUKMlY, Jlilllntr, ltamsey blllldlus Malu stl eel, MIKS M. DIIItlHCKSON, Millinery and Faucy (loods,Malnst below Market. II l!H, Il.KMMl, Millinery nud Fancy Goods Its, ll.KMNll, Millinery i . Main stleel lulow Malket. ill II I US. JULIA A. & HADi: ll.Ulk'I.F.I . Lmlles' iH Cloaks and Dress l'atteruj, boutbeust corner Malu and WeslsLs. liilli; JIISHKS HAItMAN Millinery nud Fanty I Hoods, Main Ht., below American House, HOTELS AND SALOONsT IMIlilCH HOTKI., by T, llmt. Taylor, east cud 1' ol Mulnstleet. JIKHOIIANTS AND GllOCEHS. i MAHU, Dry Uootln nud Notions, boiUIj- J Kihl corn it Alain nml J ion sts. l A. lir.CICrJ.V, Hoot nml Klion hUnv, lioolcs J. . hlatloiii-ry, Muln st., bt-ltiw Iniket. l.i JACOUH.Conteftloncrj, grocerlcHotc, Aluln Ui , nt,, lulow Jrou TMX a Vi:itll, fonrcctlonpiy nml Ilukcry, V wholesale auU let. 'til, llxclumgo ltlot-k. II tMIOWKlttltntsnnd Cnpi, Uoots umlBkoes, Mnln tt nbovo Couit llotibc. 1 IT. MAlS.i:, Mnmmotli (Irocory, rluo (Jro t J . terlefc, I-'iiiltH, Nuts, rrovisJon, cM Mnln Mill JlOU KtH't'tH. MiKKlA'Y, NKAli A CO., ilnili'iMlu Vry (looils, (JropPiiLH, Flour, I'Vul.Hult.Klsli, Jrou, Nulls, i ti'.,N, 11. cor. Muln nnd MiuUtt ula. m n, SIILIJUl & hON, dealers In Dry UoodH, O. (iioccrlcj. (iuoi'i'buuii-, l'lour, Cult, MiotH, Nolloub, etc.,Mulufct, JUSOELliANEOUS. tlONSTAlU.lCS ULANKS lor salo at the C01.D.M. 11IAN Olllee, G, M. ClIHISTJIAN, Saddlo, Trunk .1 Haruchs. maker, bhlu' liloeit Main street. DW. ItOlllllNH.llquordealcrseconddoorlrom northwest coiner Malu nud Irousts, 7.1 J. THOltNTO.V, Walfpaper, Window Shades jj. and Jlsturcs, Uupert bliK.-k, Malu t,t. GW.COltKI.L, l'lirnltlllo ltooms, three story brick, Mulu Htieit, west ot Marktt st. HltO.Si:NSTOCKr,Vhnlosriiplicr,over Ilobbllis A. Hier'a Stole, Main st. I K. KUH.V, denlerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chein, I' berlln's alloy, leur or American House. II. ItlNOLKll, dealer In plnnos, organs and mel(Hleous,al o, W. Corell'slurulluru rooms (1A.MUKI, JAf'OHY, Marbln nud llrown Htouo v i v oiks, ji.iisi iiioomsourn.iierwiCK roao, WM. ItAlUl, dealer In lurnlture.tiunks, ceder " willow waro, near tho Forks Hotel, f rosTEll.aino Mnktr, amTwhlto auuTFaucy U. Tauuer,Heottowu, II 11. IIIDLKM AN, Alteut for Muusou's Copper IV Tubular Lliibtulnu Itod. TACOll DIKFKF.NIIACIl llroom Factory. Or. .1 deis hit at bis lesiuee.o or nt Miller Son's toio prom illy tilled, llestureen Western brush sen. TAMKH CADMAN, Cabinetmaker nud Chair- tr luuuer; rooms .luui sm et uei. iron. A10Ti:i!OOKH,nnd blank NOTKH, Willi or Willi 11 oil 1 . ext!iiptlon,ror sale nt thu Coi.umuian Olllee, Light Street. II 1'. OMAN & Co., Wheelwrights, Hist door 11, iioovu ocuooi iiouse. JOHN A.OMAN, Mauuruclurer aud deultr In j tnsiis auu riiioes, IlllTF.Il K.NT. driller lu Drv Unoils Groceries J Hour, Feed, Salt, Flsh,Iiou, Nulls, etc., .Mulu n.ivt-i, n H, MNT, dealer lu Stoves aud Tin wnio lu ii ui all Its brunches. Espy. (1 F. UKKHIAHII.A llllO.,dcaler lu Dry Uoods, x uiutuiK.. uiiu t;eueriii jucrcuuuuise. l.iHPY HTKAM FLOUH1NO M1LLK, C.H, Fowler, lj 1'roprlelor, 1 I), WEItKHKISKlt, Hoot nnd Shoo Htoroa.ua - jinn in... i.ny, nnop 1111 joHiii nireei op HI W. KDOAll, Knsi)ueliaiinn l'lauluit Mill Orangovillo Directory, A !!' ?,,.EKK1H IlltOTHKU.Carpcnlersnnd (V. llullders, Main si,, below l'lue. llOWKK & llKltlllNO, dealer In Dry (lood, mbcr and gcncial Merchandise, Main st. ' BHIC1C HOTKt, nnd rerreshtnent Halonn, by Holir M'llcurycor.or Main and l'lnosl. DH. ().A.Mi:aAltOi:t,,VhyslclnnandHurBcon. Main sl next door lo (lood's Hotel, DAVIli itUHUINO, VmuralidGTlstjiTllTand Ucalerln grain, Mill Btrcot. TAMf-S ff. 1IAKMAN, Cabinet Maker and Tin". O Ucrlaker, Main Ht,, below l'lno. SCIiyYM'.lt A- CO., Iron ronniiers.MachlnhilT. nud Mauurucluiers or plows, Mill Ht, qam m:r, hi r Anpu xh, M7kc7o7thoiiiiyiiuit O Uralu Cradle. Main Hi, WIl.MAMtlnr.ONO Hhocniakerntid maliiirnc turer of Jlrlck, M 111 Ht west or l'i no Oatawissa. BV. Ii.Vt.f.MAN, Meichnnt Tailor, Hecond Ht. .ltobhlns'llulldlue. Dlt.J. K, noiiniNH, Rorijeon and l'hysiclan Hecond Ht., below Main. GILlllIHT & Kt.INK, dry Roods, Eroccrlcs, and General merchandise, Main Hlieel T 11. KlHTtiKlt, "Cattnvlssa House," North tt , Corner Main nnd Hecond Htrects, 1 ltr.If.Klt, lilllnrd Saloon, Oysters, and lio 1J. Cream In teasou MalnHt. MM. llltOllST. dealer In OonernlMcrchandlke Dry Uoods, Urocerlcs &c, SlIHQttiniANNA or Ilrlck Hotel, H. Koslen bunder l'loprlLloroulh'enst coiner Main and Hecond Bluet, w M. H. AIIIIOTT, Attorney nt law, Mnln Ht. Buck Horn, tl (1. A W.1I. KIIOt'.MAiriMt. dPfil.r In itrv iu.KOdils.KrotcrltH nml Kdienil meichaiullM. r 1 Ih b IMI11 lit HOUIll CIKl OI lOWUi Philadelphia Directory. JICIIAKDSON h. AVUiailT, Jit. ATTOI1NKY AT LAW, NO. liS SOUTH SIXTH STltllllr, I'lllLAmtLI'IIIA l.in. 1'71-ly J jr. KEI'IIK IIT, . mi JtAHNl'.S, IHIO. A IIETtUON, 1IATH,CA1'H,ST11AW 0001IS itFUItH, No. tu'l Market Street, (Abovn Fifth,) PHILADELPHIA, "Y"AINWItI01IT A CO., wiior.KSAi.i: oitoctais, N. II. Comer Second and Arch Htieets, l'llILADIU.l'lllA, Dealers In , T11AS, HYIIUI'H, COFFi:n, SL'OAlt, MOt.AKSI HICK, Sllll-S, 111 I'Alill SOUA, .If., AC. JOir-Orders will rectlvo piompt attention, may I0,li7-tr. Business Cards. Q II. ISItOCICWAY, ATTOllNHY AT LAW, IILOOMSlinilO, I'A. dOKHfK Court House Alley, In tlm CO' i.umiiias ouuuiui;. jaui,o., A.J' TUJINKH UYHICIAX AND bUKOroN, mjoMBnuitu, i'A, Mnikrr Hiuct.lfctdoorttelow IU v, 0..). W'.iIIit. ikelUTO. ATTOl!Ni:V AT I AW, Olllco Court Ifouso 'Alley, lirtou tlio Cnr.utr HIANOtlUf. linuntlcH. Ii;w Ii'l'iiv uml I'riis.Diti collet tfil. ItlooinshurK i'a. hi'iOJ'tJ OLAltK, ATTORN11Y AT LAW, Olllco Mnln Street holow 1tio Court House. lllnoii.Kbuig renu'n. IT, LITTLE, ATTOHNJ'.V AT U.WV, Omoo Court-Uousn Allrv. WUtw the Coi.UM JUAN OlllCC, IiI(KHUStlllV l'.i. rKTKUINAHY." AiiiuiM' i i;ii;,Mi, l.ito frcm (iennnny. ollVrs Ids hcnicctt to tho iiiuic ni it (HMionmn IIOltSK AND COW DOCTOH, ml nil other nnlninls, for which hln chnrsp( nrn notlftiilc. Ho nm ul wilvh bo tnund I'iWl kIiIo ol BriwlcU roiul, ih'jhS. H.Jactjby'rt -Maiblu Yiild. jnouiiisuurtj, .Tiny j, ialy, J? J. TIIOJINTON would nunounce to tliecltlrcnsofllloouiK' hurt; nud vicinity, that ho lnujust ncclvid it lull jut iinuj'iuiu iibt-uriiiiL'iii in WALIj l'Al'KU, WINDOW IIAD1, yixTUiirs, t'oiiDS, vASfiisi-j), nnd nil other goods lu his lino of husliif st. All tho n i. u est nnd uioHt npproved patti-rux of thn day nioulwnyK to bo lound lu hN istuhlihiiicnt, inar.:j,'tuii Aiaiu ni, oeiow lurut't. "PUSINKKS OAltDS, Si VISlTINtl CAUIJH, I.E'iTElt HEADS, HILL HEADS, PItOUItAMMlW, POHTEHS, 4C AC. Neatly and Cheaply l'rlulcil From tho Lalest styles orType at the CULU.MHIAN OFFll'K OOTS AND SHOES. CLAIllC M. llltOWK, JIAlN BTJ'.tKT, TJJiDER ItUOWN'S IIOTKI., A lull nnd completo ns,ortment of ready made "uuii nun hnui'N tor men, yinm-ii iiuti couureii liKt receieu ni mr mi in hl reiisniu. i o lines, Vuiletlts tn mltull chuses of ciutomeiH. Tho I if SI Ol WOriC (liuiu ut (iluirL niitleo. iik licielohuu, (llvohlmacall. JaiH'71. jTEW S STOVE AND TIN SHOP. JHAIAH IIAOKNllUCH, Main Htreet ono door ubove M. Meudenlmira Stoic, ltuiige.coiutautly on hand, aud or kuIo at the nwi-Ki nues, TimiliiL' In nil Its branches carefullv attendi d tn. und BUlUludlun guaranteed. Tin work of an union wholesale and retail. A ml is rtqucsieu, Juu 171 WT E AV O O A Ij Y li Tint undeiHluned lespectfully inform the ot t ixitiiii c if iihtoinsburff nnd Columbia rntintv. that they It it-pull tho dllleiint numberu outovo tott, on tueir wuarr, aujoniiiiK .m iivj, iiejus Co'HVuiniue; wlthngitod pair of Jluilalo ncalea on tho wharf, to vtluh coal, hay, nnd fctrnw Mkewlhonhoi-tfonnu wagon, 10 uuuvir coiu iu thoso who deslro It, As they purchiuoa large iimiinul nrnnt t hov liitVtul IdUeell a Kiiiierior &r tlcle.umUelluttho ery lowest prleen. 1'leaKo call nnd oxnmlno for you-KolVf befoio purehas. lugelfcowhere. J. w. uw-uwiMimi AltdHHTCU MAbON. 'PIIE unilersiKiiwl will tako in cx- X change for Coal and Groceries, the following iiumed ui tlcies Wheat, ltyo. Com, Oats, l'ota loes, Lard, llum.HlioLiklor.uiul hide incut, Hotter Dggn, Day, Ac, at tho tilghctit cash prlocn, ut bin Oioct' r; tore, udjolulug their coal yard, J. W.HENDKUHHOT. llloomsbarg Mnr, 19,'C9-ly, QUEEN WOOD SEJIINAltY. ThoFnllTerm of thU Hoarding uudSelectHchool wiu euiuuitiii-u uu jiouuny, Juiy ;tiu Itoaid, WiiBhlug, Lights, do,, j.ii'fii mi uiio iiuMtuir in eleven weeusr luiimo, per vfimiii ii 87 00 totS 00 nveiillo 1'laf.H. 1 1 M to 5 W r.'nr- imtM.'llliirii lldilreHM. WM, llimoi-m 1'rlnclp.il. Mlllvllle,Col.eo.,l'a., June, iwri. Vm "OAHE OIIANCK. t on Hai.k A fceeimd-hand "Arlou" pianoforte, iiriiti 8J7.V eOHt S.'J.U. ThlM hUlitrbo liulrtiiiuuit M'tiH bought at nil uuclliiu Mih iil private property ill iUW 1 111 H Ullll Hull llcvll IMIV 1 tUiV .Vl-tl(Hll uko. It Is lu jHrict onltr nnd lu nn-.vrenpw tiiuul lo u new pluuo. it hum pohtmiveiy cuhu ;! adwiueu, AudieiiK lor ouu wteu, Mmuli Chunk, 1 Miscellaneous, J-EW STOOK OV 0LOT1IINO. Frcih arrival of BUMMKIt UOODS. DAVID LOWKNIII'.IIU Invites attention to his stock of CltllAl'ANDFAHIIlONAHMH.'UrTIHNU. atliliUoroon MnlnHtreet. In HLIvn'M l.l,lr .... .thn il'.., C. C, M nrr's store, Hioouisburg, Pa., where no has Just received from New Yotk and ritiiaucipiun n run assortment of MI'.N AND HOYS' CLOTHINO, Includlni; tho most fashionable, durable, and li.indsiimo DlttXH UOODS, conilsllnr! of HOX.SACK, UO('0,Ult.M,ANDOII,.t(I.OTII COATS AND PA NTH. or nil soi Is, iilzcs and colors, He h is nlso replen. siieii ills nlready largo slock or FAl.l. AND WINTEIt SHAWLS. sTitii'i:ii,Fiuimi:i),ANi) plain vests BIIIUTH, CUAVATH, STOCKS, COI.LAH8 HAttDIiEltCllIEFB, ULOVES, HUSPENDIIIW, AND FANCY AKTICLES He una constantly on hand a largo nnd well-se eded assoi tnicnt of CLOTHS AND VESTINUS, which ho Is prepared t mako to order Intonny kind of clollilntt, on very short notlco, nud In tho best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHI'.I AND JEW'iMlY, ol every description, flnonnd cheap. Ills cnsool Jewelry Is not surpassed In thUplncc, Cull aud unamluo bis general assortment of CLOT1IINU, WATCHES JEWEI.UY, AC. Jant'7l DAVID l.OWENIll'.ltd. jypLLiKK'S STOE. H. II. .11 ILI.EIl & SON, havo removed their Hloro to tho room f.irmiile occupied byMendenlnll.on Malustioct, lllooms. burg, nenrly opposlto tho Enlsconal Cliunli w lu 10 they nro determined to sell on nsmndernlo terms nsp.111 bo procured elso where. Tiller slock comprises LADIES' DIHMS UOODS ir I ho choicest st)lcs and lalest fashions,! ot l r wnn u inrgo assortment or Dry Uoods nml tiro. cries, consist lug of tin) lollowlm: I Hides Cut pi Is, Oil Clutbs, oths, Cassluicres, Shawls, Flannels, HllltH, Whllo Uoods, l.lneuR, HnopHlllrts, Muslins, lli.llowware Codarwnrii (liicensw.ire, llatdwarc Hisits and Shoes, Hats nnd Caps Hoop Ni ts, limbic! taa, Looking. uiii.H, ,t, Tohsico, I '.,11 eo, wug.lls, Ti us, KICK, Allspne, lllnger, Cinnamon Nnlluegs AND NOIION r.NKll.U.LY. In snort, uvirytblng usually Iwpt lu eoiinhy hues, to which Ibey Invite llio iitleiillon oflbe pnblle geneiully. Thoblgliesl price will lm palit loreoiinlry producis In exchange for goods. H. It. MILLKIt ,t HUN, Hloomsonrg I'M, npr.171 'f c. 0. M A it n havejustrecelved from tho vast urn imukebi n large ami well f.chcted sloek of I) it V U O O J) H , UONHIHTINfl Ol" Cnsslmers, .Ii'.IIIS, I t!ol hleacbetl A Ihowu Muslins, Calicoes, TleklngK, Tablo fjnciis, Cotton A. All wool tlannpls, AC, AC., A good tstock ot laidles diehs gootU, Latest M les a putt m us. KpWcs of all ldmlH, (Joodsth'k gKm lliH, tuceiihware, Stnno ware, Wood & v;ltlow ware, Hour k Chop, AKo Kitchen Ciystnl 8oup tor clt.iulug Tin, Ili'ass,Ae. All goods wild cheap lor cash or pio- ducu. He would call tho ullentlon of huyri to IiIm well and caitlully heleLtctl asKintmciil which comprises uvfiylhlng usually kept lu tho couu tiy, leellug rontldenl thai ho can sell them goods at mu Ii prlei-sas w 111 oumuio nilKf.U'tlou, Jan l "l-tr C, tt MAHH. j"oTlN (1. JACOUYVS IIAKEltY AND CONFECTIONERY! linUWICK, I'KNN'A. Tim undeiNlL'ned would lesnrctfullv Inlorm tho cltlens ot Iterwlek, and lclnlty, that ho h.is oi fiH'il a L'ouiecuonery una naicery in 01)1) riXLOWM' H.Ui, llerwlck, ru,, where he Is prepared to 1'uihlsh in UllUU Ol IU.AIN AND FANCY CANIUKB, FllKNCH CANIH1N, rulUUO.V A Nil DOMESTIC KHUITS ouanukh.liomonh, h.visinh AC, &C, &Ct JlY WIIOUWAI.K AND ItlCTAIU A m on ir tho nssoilment will bo found Cream iSUIS, I'.llglUU WIllIIUlH, iTUIlllIM. Alllllilllls, I'll' Iji'il. KIl'H. AnnlCri.Cocoa Nuts. Jell it H of d 1 1 IV r out klntN, Mustard, CaUup, 1'icktew, Clmcolate, I'uiiiKil l'i nit of all kinds. Corn Htntth. Ctrif IHh- cull, hisia rracKerti, uyxur vracuers, uneeso, poap, riling rnper, rtgn-cment laptiK, j.u velopci, riSII AND OYSTEUS, Ami i.rrtitnrri c,T alt kinds l-'ref.h ltreml and (Jukehtvery day, Jeo Cream In Isfcusou, jour itioiuige is ho a-ueu, JOllNU, JACOI1Y, Ilerwick, Jan 1711 c O N K E 0 T I O N K It Y . Tho undeislened would rehpeetiully announce lo the puulio liuu no mis opeueu u FlHST-CLASa CONFECl'IONEHY BTOltE, In Ilia building lately occupied by Fox A Webb where ho Is prepareil lu iuruisu ull uiuus ol PLAIN 4 FANUV CANDIES, FUENUII CANDIES, FOUEION DO.MESTIO FHUITS, NUTS, HAISl.NS, AC., AC, AC. UY WI10I.E3AI. E Oil 11 K TAIL. in n. mil. n lull un.oi iiiil-u. ,,. .... k,v,h u Ills liuo or uusiuess, A great varuiy oi DOLLS, TOYS, AO., suitable tor the Holidays, Particular attention given vo 11 HEAD AND CAKES, or all fetndj, truth every day, O II U I H T M A S CANDIES, CH ISTMAB TOYS, A tall Is solhlled, and satlaoirllnu will b euaiuulecd. lau l",l-ly KCKUAItT JAC011S 1 M IS U 11 A N"i)jO Wyomlug h A.luu .. Kul l 'n N. Y Noitti America city Inleiuatloual N,V Niagara N, Y Merehautu HiirlneUeld , A U K N 0 Y IVH.oo 4,imu,UNl 4'W.uiii HI,lIU l,u,ux Luu.ui lio.imi 670.0VU SVSI.ISSI 4111.0,10 Mutual, J.KKI.KO Farmers' Dauvt!!e,N.Y Ainany city, vc Danville. HorLo Thclt A Hun lie, N, Y ucriiiutua, r. l FUKAS UHOWN, Alitnt, inar2l7l-ly, llLoouamiuo 1' Business Oards. gT.OOM EEUUY. The llloom I'crry company has lind Us Hats, and boats thoroughly repaired and Is now In readiness to do nil usual ferrying at nny reason. nolo hour. Tho litiderstitusl will lie fti ntlen. ilancentnny llmo to wait upon customers nt call. nprUl'Il-ly JOHN (I. ttllll.'K. Q Ii A It K IS HISCK.IVINU AND NOW OI'ENINU A NEW STOCK OF s 1 11 1 ,v i n o s t CALTt AND HEM. April 1 1, 1571. S l'li EN 1)1 1) ; 1: 1. 1: s t 1: O It U X WITH TWO SETT HEED'S ATnilEI'.S'lUPM, can linbonRhtforl'to nt 1, w. mii.i.m, I'liino Wnrerooins near PoiIih Hotel, mny IU'7I(iin. Jl.00 MS 1 tUHO JI AUU1.E WO U KS. UUNTON & BTEES, (Successors to A. Wltnian,) ltesiititrully Inrorm tho public that they aro lv 1 11 1 1 V oreoareil tn 1I0 nil ktiulq of wnilc ill fully prepared to do all kinds of woik In their lino of business, upon leasonnblo terms nnd shuit notice Hattsfiu linn warranted lu nil cses. Ijan.iJ.n-iy B AliaAINS-lJAKQAINS. QUI OK RAI.F-S AND RMAU. PKOriTH. HAVK VOUK aMONKY. Ho to in'iw East Hloomnburg, I'ft., tor all kinds or tho best homo and city tuado f ii i.is it u lu;. Prior h rcaKonablo nud tho best work done. Jan 171-tr gHAltPLESS it IIAHMAN, In consideration or tonrlnur down nur workH ami rebuilding wliicli wilt bo i-niiiniuuccd very Hton wo aro otr-rlng plows, Mtovcs, Ac, nt Ifrmlly reduced iirk-cH. 1(. F. HH A ItPM'JSS A 1'. B. HAKMAN, ItlooniHtiurir. l'u. l'ronrletors Mar.iy,'tiy-tt. JNK! INK I! INK!!! Jly bujlns Oehr's Celebrated Ink Towders, you can msko ink for loss than half tho money, and fur superior to nuithlnu jet In use. Will not corrode slrel pens. Free tug will not Injure, iHampiu paej;ago sumcieui lor ouo piuv i iuk will h wilt hv return mall to nuv mio fisndlmr twenlywtvocuulH t- M. W. NDKS, npr li'71 3m nuomsbuig, l'n. S Ii A T E II l) () F I N Q, CVCm VARIETY A T JIOST FAVOltAlSLiK ItATES, JOHN THOMAS, AID CAHl'Ell J. THOMAS Hox.777. Hloomsburg, Pa. Jill.tl 17 M AGAZINJW, DAILY ,t WEEKLY l'AfintS OFAIiIj kinds a r tiik r.ooK roitK orrosiTKTiti: court houk. Also an assortment of l'ortemonnales, I'ass liooKH mm AicouiH jidous, coiisiauui'Dii niiuu, lltioks n tit mi huml nlilnlnetl mi Kbott notice. New Hooks nro constantly being added to tho " i.ioomsrmrg tJircuiniing jjinrary." Ainnns iui Inlcht. nr. "flu lit. mnl I niiiM-iin ." "Mtitheriuss.1 Hlr Harry," " Hot hpur of llumbletliwuH," mnl Aicniui'iu, etc, uir a, d n TVJKW OKCiAN AND. PIANO . w a in: no o ms. onntN.1 .ti-rANos ron hai.k on jNsr.vi.r.MLNrs, Plants rrom all llnt-dnss milkers, rrom VWi lo Slunu. Organs from 850 lo Too. A splendid Organ .loctave.'J set reeds, nnd lliinwlo Willi panelist lllaelc Walnut Case, only JIJS.iiO. Sluglo rel, S'lliieessQ us above, illiri. I buvu inadu iiiruuge. nieuts to h.ivo tho l.ltcst musle on hillld as soon ils nulUlshil. 'ri,rli,.rs Hiiimlleil ntrcuutur ills count, Wuicroouis, .Nlalu streit. near Forks Hotel. tr. I.W. Nlt.1.1. QIIESTEU S. EUHMAN, UAUNr-SM, HAUDLi:, AND THUNK MANUKACl'Unnit, anddinlurlu cauii;t-uauh, valisv, kJiY-nj.th, which ho feels confident ho can Hell ut louer rate than any other iieisou in too eoutiiy, iiniloe fur vourNt'lves. Hhop opjioslto thu Tost Olllee, Malu Strict niooiuKHurg, i'u. Aug, fl, 1.S7H. D 1 NT IS T 11 Y . H. C. 1IOWEU, DENTIST, Hesneclfiilly oltera htn profet.lonal Bervlces to i no lauies aim giniuemeu oi juooiu.Muri; ami vi I n it ' no ih menareu louiienu toautuo vail ousnperatloiii lu tho lino of his prolcMdou, nud is movlded with iholateKtimnroNcu iorcki,ain Ti t.rn which will bu insertea on gold plating llv.if fiinl rnlihf r Iisa tn lnnir rnt well iistlin nat nil iiifin. Tei ii exiracieu nv niiL iencwnmi most approved nuthotts, auu all uptrntlous on tho teeth carefully nnd propel ly attended to. ites hienco ami onico n Jew door J anovo tue lourt House, namo suie. l.iooiiibuuru, jhu,ki-iy KV 0001)3 AT THE OIjD STAND, McKI'.l.VV, M'.AL .t CO., al'J now opening at their old (land eorner MAIN AND MAItKKr hlllhKIH, HI.OOSIllU Ufl, a Hill Hue or new good eonststlng ol PKV (JOOI)S, IIUOCEIIIES, HAIlliWAlti:, lil'llENSWAlll and all oilier nltleles ieiUlnU t ) meet llio waul I tho public, may llu'71 II. Q. Ij O II TO M U T U A I. lilKK INSUllANOIC COMl'ANY O K NUW YOIUC. liny Fieeman, Piesldeut, 11, c. Freiman.Si Cash enpllal over SJ,ueu,ixw,aii paia. . 11. JIOIIIHON, lll.OOJISllUItO, I'A (IIINEItAL AOENT, For Lurerne, Li coming and Columbia counties. Aug.a),'(,9, jXCJIANtiK UAKHItY Ann (J O N V K O T I O N K U Y , HLOOMSHUltll, PA. Tho unilersleneil. successors ot F. WlillillT u-mihl wsnecilullv iitinollllio that ihev h-l t.iLi.n inn w. ll.eslublKlu'd stand icceullv OCCll I.I...I l,' Ihi. nluivu lllllntsl. Ill llloolllsblllL'. all iieiiuieu in eooiiiiu" inw mu.u,u , ,i,ihiii,.i' lirlugauil silling, by WlIOLVHALli AND HETAIL, t'onrectlonery or every Mjlo nud kind. Al. they will Inn oat all tunes a cnuipictu sunpiy thu best and Iresbest Ulead ami Calle, l'altl ilisiuug nliytniiig in mis uiiu win una it 10 ailvautage to calf on us, AN ICE CltKAJt SAXOON Is ndded to tho establishment, und ladhs nn ollierswno may pairoiuo us, jiiny reiy no' upon r.eelvlng plupir iitleiillon, A leiiMinali sliaroorpulill'i piiliuniiguisrespeeiiuiiysollrlli Hasplieliy. IfliliJli, and other Syrups, In lul mid small imuutltlcs, eotihiuniiy on lianil. IIECKKU A STtCKEl, May5,1871,-ly - 0. HOW Kit, bus upeuod u first-class P.OUT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FIJK bTOlli: at tho old stand on Main SI n et, Hlnomsburg,n row uoorsaoovu iiiui-umi jiiuisu, jiissiocaiaroui' iiosedortlieverylatestand beststyles ever ollei' ed lo the citizens or Columbia County. He can accommodate Hie public with the following goods lit tho lowest rutes, Mell'H heavy double soled stiiioi boots, men's doublo nud biimlo tan suled kip boots, men's heavy slogu shoes of all kinds, men's lluu boots and shoes of ull grades, boy's double soled bouts and, shoes of all kinds, men's glove kid llalmnral shoes.men's, women's, btiys's nud misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid Polish very nuu,wnmen's morocco Halworalsand call shoes, women's very Hue kldbulloued galt irs. In short boots ot all descriptions both peg ged and sewed. He would alio cull attention to Ills lino assort ment of ATH, CA1H, FUHS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all llio new and populai vari eties at prices whliliranuolfall to suit all, These goods ure ottered at the lowest cash rales nnd will bo guaranteed toglvo aatlsracllou, A call Is solicited helot o purchasing elsowliere as It Is believed thai better bargains are lo tie found tbau at nuy oilier placo lu the county, Jan 17 1 Poetical. (rrom tho IJastos Blntinki1 Vo m uu's Klgliis. il Is hcrrlitht, to bind with warmest Itcs The lordly wplrtt ofnnplrlng man, Mnklnn his homo nn earthly paradise, Hlch In nil Joy nltottod to life upan t Tvlnlii(c around each flhro of his heart, With nil tho Kcutlo In Hue nee oflovo'n riilght, Hceklng no Joy where ho has no pnrl This Is undoubtedly n woman's rlfihK tt Is her right to teach tho infant mind, Training it over upward In IU course, To root out ovll passions that would bind Tho upward current of his reason' force; To lead tho erring Mplrlt gently back, When It lias sunk in gloom ofdecpestntght', To point tho nil In Inn pr-l'i ofvlrtuo'n track, And urgo him forward. This Is woman's right. Il Is her right to sooth tho couch of pain, Thooaro pure mUslns upon earth toprnvo, To culm with gcntlo caro tho frenzied brnln, And keep her vigil there ofhollest love; To watch unllrlm,' by tho lonely bed, night, Through tho bright day, nml lu tho solemn Till health ensues, or tho loved form Is laid To rent loruver. This Is woman's right. She Is n flower that blossoms best, unseen, Sheltered within tho precincts of her homo; hrre, Hhould no dark'nlng Htorm-cloud lute- vene, There tho loud-strlfo of worldlings neer come. iOt hernotKCorn to act u woman's part, Nor strive to copo with manhood In Its lnlgbt, ut lay thlsmaxlm closely to her heart- That thai which God ordains Is surely right. Mm, It. II. Miscellaneous. liOllIllMl Till: HANK A few wcok ngo, whllo striylnj; nt Atlantic City, I met at my hotel n lino crov-hnlrcd olil centleuinn. whoso con. vcrsalion LTcatlv Intorcsteil inc. Ho had evidently seen n creat deal of tho orld, and was especially convorsant Ith overythlnt; connected with tho bankhiL' huslness. In u fmv ilnva tin tinraunn inillo mm. tnions. nnd 3Ir. .Tames Archer (for such w.ts tho namo of my now friend) nfurmed mo that ho had been engaged in tho banking business nil his life, hav- ing at various times filled tho different olllccs of cashier, teller and president. "I should suppose," I observed, that tho banking business offers fewer rauiatio episodes than other profes- Oil." " I don't agrco with, you there," re- turned Mr. Archer. "Judging from my own experience, I should say that icro nro but few professions which ffer moro dramatic scenes." You havo been actor in some scenes f this character V" I asked. I havo Indeed' Lot us s-it down icro on tho porch, and I will tell you what happened to mo onco out Wast' So saying, wo fixed ourselves com- forlably, nnd Mr. Archer related lo mo tho following exciting episode of his life. Soimi twenty years ago I was cashier nil bank situated in tho city of Mil- waukcu, in tlio Statu of Wisconsin, Although u largo placo now, Milwaukee at tho tinio I refer to was a long, strag- glingtown, wltli a very rough class of Inhabitants. I.Ike nil places on thoextremo verge of civilization, tho liw was almost a lead letter, llor.-o thioves, robbers mil murderers woio thero in such Hum- hers that they struck terror in law tibld- ing citizens, and no Jury could bo found 1 to convict tlm most heinous olfonder. If it cliaucad to leak out that any of tlio twelve Jurors wcro in favor of bringing in n verdict of guilty, his or their lives wcro sure lo pay llio forfeit tho Uov. Itobort Elliot. I am an Epls of their sense of justlco. copal clergyman, lately appointed pas- As a natural consequence of living in ich u stnto of society, every ninn walk- ed abroad with his life in Ills hand, and without u single exception every ono went armed lo thu teeth. Ihavuknown men to bo .shut down Hko dogs font word or oven a look. Tliero wero hundreds of men who matlo it their especially business to try o pick up quarrels with tlio bettor class, that thoy might havo mi oppor- tunny oi Killing ami rouutng inciu. You will reudily understand that car- rying on a bank under these clrcum- stances win a most arduous task. Every ono of tho employees was heavily arm- cil, anil tliu vaults bunt lor tlio speclo nil valuables ol tlio imulc wcro of the most masslvo charaetor. In fact, so much was this tlio ense, that they bo- camo a kind of a show placo for Strang- eis ; and overy ono who happened to bo detained in llio city was stiro to visit the vault of tho Citizens' 1 tank. Our president was a btrong. powerful, energetic man, who had moro than onco proved bis courago in a meleo; consequently tho ruffians of tho placo kept him at a distance, and for two years after tlio bank was started no ono oll'ored to molest us. Wo had received oniers ironi nun to snoot down inoiirsi man who showed tho slightest dlsposl- 'n,0 walls of this chamber were of ox llou to bo aggressive. traordinary thickne and tho entrance Mr. Ilralutrce, for such was our pres- Idont's name, wr.s accustomed to mlngto a great deal with tho rougher portion oi mo community, tiiinuing iy mis yjy this means tho speeio of tho bank means ho might loarn If there was any was doubly protoctod, for oven suppos schema on foot to attack tho bank. Of nK thatn robber should succeed iu ob courso theso inquiries wero always tiilnlnr? an entrance Into tho stano vault. made In disguise, and indeed, Mr. i,0 would still havo to forco tho Im Uralntrco possessed tho art or so alter- mBmo safo, a matter of impossibility, itiKhis features that ho could decelvo unless ho hannened to dossobs tho secret. ids own family nnd particular friends wncn assisted by a change of dress. Ho had carried out his plan for about two years without anything occurring to prove Its necessity or usefulness, wncn ono not Jury morning no imtorcu tho bank nbout an hour earlier than was usual with him. "Clood morning, Mr. Archer," said ho tome, as ho took oil-his lino black coat, and put on nn easy-fitting blouse, " Hood morning, Mr. llraintrcy. You are early this morning." , " Yos-I havo something particular to tell you, and tl thought it better to loso no time. You must know, lu tho first placo, that I visited tlio 'Threo oven If nny ono should succeed In get Swans ' last night." ting Into tho stono vault, they would Tho " Thrco Swims " was ono of tho havo still tlio safu to force." lowest taverns lu tho placo, nnd "the "True, very true," responded tho rov rendezvous for nil tho despcrato cliarae- oreud gentleman, "bnt I notlco ono pe ters In tho town and neighborhood, cullarlty about your safe," ho adde,'l, Thero was scarcoly u night passed that glancing toward It as ho spoke, "you somo ono was not killed thero. havo no lock on It," " You visited In disguise, I suppose?" "It is not' necessary," relumed Mr. I remarked, liralntreo, "for unless u. person happen. "Certainly. I was disguised as a od to know tho secret of opening tho drover, nnd had llio oxtremo pleasure I door, I would defy hint Xa open It. You of being taken for n liorso thief by nil llio scoundrels present." "That H at least n compliment to your success lu disguiiing yourseiii" i returned. "Yes that's true. I learnt some tiling nt thu " Tlirro Swans' last night, Jtr. Archer, which nearly concerns us." " Indeed," I returned, pricking up my ears. " You lnwo heard of White Haired Hobby?' " said Jlr. Uralntrco. " Do you mo.tn tho great brink rob ber V" I nskod. "Yes, ho himself. Ho has robbed inoro bunks than any ten men In tho tTnlicd Slates together. Ho has never failed In ono Instance. His success In breaking Into (safes and vaults lias some thing marvellous In It. Ho works gen erally In company wltli u friend of his who goes by tho nom ileyucrre of "Slip pery Jim.'" n "I huvo heard of that rascal, too," I returned. " Well, now for my Information. I learned last night that Whlto Haired Hobby and Slippery Jim nro about to visit illlwaukco for tho express purpose of depriving tho Citizens' Hank of Its speclo and valuables." "Tho deuco they do 1" was all I could say. " Jlr. Archer, I do not intend that this worthy pair shall accomplish their purposo, so I want you to keep an oxtra lookout. 1 shall visit tho Threo Swans nightly forsomo weeks, to find out, If poislblo, tho momont thoy arrive." Six weeks passed away and wo heard no more of " wnito ttaireti uouuyor "Slippery Jim." mr. juintrco contiii. tied lo visit tho "Thrco Swans" nightly, lmt heart nothlnc further. o camo to tho conclusion that tho two famous bank robbers had changed their minds and had gono to exercise tneir enter prising profession in n illlieroiit noiti. Wo had forgotten nil nbout tho matter, when ono Saturday, In tho mid tlio of tho month of September, while wo wcro busily engaged In our various duties, a clerical Individual entered and asked to sco tho president. Tho request was atldrosscd to mo, nnd 1 had an ox- cellent opportunity for observing his external appearance, Ho appeared to bo about forty-fivo years of ago, of commanding prcsenco Ills faco was fresh, fair, and exceeding ly healthy looking. Ills hands wcro very while, and ho woro a fine diamond ring on tho llttlo finger of tho right hand. Hn was dressed in a sutt of black, which fitted him perfectly, and must havo been mado by a first clas3 tailor. It was this black suit together with tho whitest and stlflest of cravats and a short-sighted oyo-glass which dangled from his neck, and which ho overy now and then raised to his eyes that gavo him tho Intono clerical ap pcaranco to which I havo referred above. "Do you wish to sco Mr. Uraiiitrco on business?" I asked. "Not exactly on business," returned tho stranger, "but If ho is disengaged, I should Hko to speak to him," " Hero is Mr. Dralntreo now," F ro- plied, as tho president stepped out of his prlvato room Into tho bank." "Mr. Braintreo," said tho strangor, courteously romovlnghis hat and speak- ing in tho most pollto tone, "allow mo to Itilroduco myself. My namo is Elliot, tor to a church in St. Paul's. I am now on may thero, but cmnot leave until Monday. At my hotel to day I heard tho landlord speak of tho extraordinary safety vault you have nttachod to this hank. As I havo a penchant for seeing such structures, f havo thought per- haps you would nllow mo to seo yours, of which I havo heard so much," "Certainly, sir, with pleasure," re- pic,i Mr. Draintroo, who by tlio way wrt, parlicularlv partial to clergymen, doubtless becauso thev formed such a striking contrast to tho inhabitants of frontier cities. "Mr. Archer,'' addod niy chief, "will you b good enough to light tho dark Uiitcn and accompany us?" Tt wanted about tventy minutes to our usual hour of cltnlng tho bank, and i had Just finished my work. Had such nnt been tlio caso, I should in nil proba- billfy havu sent ono of tho clerks in my place. Thero was nothing, however, to pro- vent mo from dolug as tho president requested ; 1 tucreloro llglitod a dark lantern, and wo all threolesccnded tho steps leading to the vault. Tho speclo and valuables of tho bank wero kept In an Immenso iron safe which was n acod In a stone chamber. to it was through n masslvo iron door. which was secured bvn thick bar of iron fastened by nn Immenso padlock. which was turning tho handlo nround uxactlv seven times. Onco moroor less would bo of no avail, I unlocked tho padlock, leaving tho i0y n tho lock, and wo all entered tho stono vault. The Uov. Mr. Elliot up- po.tred to bo strangely Interested In tho V.M0, uQ KaZOd nround him In seem- ing wonder j hu measured tho thickness of tho walls, nnd tho length nnd bieiulth of tho stone room, "Very securo 1 very securo, Indeed 1" uo murmured. "Yon ran E..t lmnir rob. hers nt tlellanco with n ronm ill:., this. Mr. liralntreo." "Yon. hlrt'l bolinvn wa can. Kor see," added tho president, (suiting tho action lo tho word, "In order to effect an entrance, It Is necessary lo turn tlio handle tirouud exactly bovcii times.'' After the seventh time, Mr. Uraln trco gave n, strong pull and the heavy door slowly turned on lis hinges. The reverend gentleman glanced Insldo with oxcusablo curiosity. "Very curious I very curious Indeed," ho murmured. "How wonderful lathe Ingenuity of maul" At that moment Mr. Uralntrco called tho clergyman to see something elso in tho stono vault and thoy both moved awny to tho oxtremo cud of tho apart ment. On glancing Into tlio safe I noticed that two ledgers weiu out of their places. 1 entered tho safo to placo them In their respccllvo cases, when cither tho cler gyman or Mr, Halutrco brushing past tho safe, unconsciously knocked against tho door, as ho did so, which gavo It an Impetus that closed It on me, the bolts shot noiselessly Into their sockets and I was a prisoner. Thero was nil acoustic phenomenon connected with this safo which I never heard explained, and that was, any ono shut Insldo could hoar every word that was uttered In tho vault, whllo no nolso that ho might riiakq could reach those outside, i was uwaro or tins pecuiiari ty and know that It was utterly useless for mo lo call out. Tho only hopo I had was, that when "Mr. Uralntrco missed mo ho would surmlso wliero I was. Hut In n fow moments this Illusion was dispelled Why, wliero can Mr. Archer boV'1 1 heard Mr. Uralntrco observe "Oh 1 remember now, ho had an engagement after banking hours, and I suppose ho has gono to keen It, but I think ho might havo left tho lantern willi mo. But wo can find our way out easy enough." I heard them leavotlio vault, tho Iron bar put In its place, anil tho key turned In tho padlock. I realized thu fact that there was no hopo for me. I was a prisoner, and that I had to remain until Monday nioriiltiL'. It was no pleasant thing to contcm plate remaining shut up thero for forty two hours without food or water ; but thero was no help for It, for I knew that nil the screaming lu tho world would only be so much breath wasted; therefore determined to take matters as philosophically as I could, and not Indulge In Usolo-s rejiinlngs. Fortunately I had In my pocket a volumo of Shakespeare, and the dark lantern was also in my possession, made a seat for myself on somo ledgers and turning down the lamp to a point at which I could read conveniently, I began to enjoy myself as tho clrcum stancss of tho case would permit. I rca 1 for flvo or six hours, and I can safely affirm that I never enjoyed Sliakospearo as well before. Tlio abso lute quiet prevailing, nnd tho fact of being shut oil' from all exterior influ ences seemed to make mo appreciate tho hidden beauties of tho great poet much more clearly than I ever did in my life, I read till I grew sleepy. I then mado a bed for myself of tho account boo!:.-", turned tho lantern down to tho faintest glimmer, for the sake of saving oil, and obi-dug my t'.vcs, I was soon fast asleep. When I uwuku and looked at my watch 1 iouuil It was ten o'clock on Sunday morning. I had therefore slept nbout twelve hours. I felt very hungry, but I know that I had twenty-four hours moro lo pas thero before I could get anytliingto eat, so I determined lo try and sleep as much of my time as possible, rcmem bcrlng tho French proverb, "711; rfori dine." I lead a great deal of Shakespeare during tho day, and about eight o'clock In tho evening I again composed my self to sleep. I was suddenly awakened by tho sound of voices In tlm stono vault, and naturally supposing that It was ten o'clock on Monday morning, and that somo or tho clerks woio coming to open tho safo, I glanced at my wafch 'and found lo my oxtremo surprlso that It was exactly twclvo o'clock at night Hy somo intuition tho truth struck mo lu a moment. It was somo ono como lo rob tho bank, and tho reverend visitor of tho day before was a spy. Tho first words 1 heard confirmed tho truth of this conclusion, for I heard tho Uov. Mr. Elliot's volco exclaim to his confedcrato : "Well, hero wo aro in this famous stouo vault do you know Jim, wo got In much easier than expected." Thanks to your visit on Saturday afternoon, Hobby, as onp of thu blacl; coatedgentry." Tho robbers then wero tho famous "Whlto Haired Bfliiby" and "Sllpperry Jim." "Yes," relumed Bobby, "I think gammoned tho two buffers pretty woll You see, Jim, what it is to bo n man o education. I should Just like to boo you In tho part of tho Uov. Mr. Elliot nnd seo what n figuro you'd cut In It "That ain't in my line, no how but I tell you what, Hobby, you can't beat moat picking a lock," "You nro pretty good nt that, and no mistake. Hut come, let us get nt tho swag." "You aro buro you luivn't forgotten how to open tlio safo, Hobby V" "No indeed ; tho fool told mu that It was by turning tho liautllo round Boven times. Of nil llio blessed babies I ever saw, I never saw nny ono to como up to this man, Uralntrco." I saw that It was now time for mo act. Fortunately I had my pistol with me. I drew It from niy pocket, cocked It, and turned up tho lantern to Its full, I waited 'for tho door of tho uafo tu bo opened, realizing fully that my only chanco of overpowering tho two ruf fians, was to taku them by suiprlso. For If I allowed them to recover them selves from tho Buddcn effect of my pcaranco, they being two to 0110, would soon overpower mo. I had not long to wait. I heard handlo turn soven successlvo times, then Bobby gavo a strong pull at , heavy door of tho safe. It yielded, but lit a moment I Hep- icd out with tho dark lantern turned full 011 tho robbers nud with my arm Stretched out holding tho cocked pistol n my hand. tiio eneci 01 my nppearanco on noi- iy nud iJIm, was absolutely terrific. They must havo thought mo a ghost, for thoy both turned livid with fear. Beforo thoy had tlmo to recover themselves, X knocked Jim senseless to (ha lloor with tho butt end oi my pis tol ; nud springing on tho other, I grasped him by the throat. nml borohlm to tho ground. l'ortuno lavorou 1110 in nnollicr res- lect, for I saw hatigitig out of tho pocket Of tlio ruffian I had under me, a long leco of strong cord. Ho struggloJ violently, but I was tho stronger man of tho two, and succeeded in binding him fast without much trouble When I had Whlto Haired Hobby secured I turned my attention to his companion, who, fortunately for mo remained ii; n condition of Insensibil ity. 111 nvo minutes 1 nau mem nom so securely bound that they could not move ban.! or foot. I left them while 1 went to arouse tho house. 1 proceeded first to Mr. Uralnlreo's room. Ho slept over tho bank. I knocked loudly at his door. who's tneruy wnutijit?" ho ex- claimed. "Oct up, Mr. Uralntrcc," I cried out. "Whlto Haired Bobby nnd (Slippery Jim havo mado an attempt to rob tho bank. They are both now lying iu tho vault sccurcly bouud." You aro jesting, Archer," said Uralntrco, Jumping out of tho bed and opening tho door. it is 1110 positive truiti. Tlio now Mr. Elliot, to whom you so obligingly showed tho vault on Saturday after- 110011, and explained to him how to open tho tiife, was 110110 other than Whlto Haired Bobby himself." it was a miuiiio or two beforo Mr. Braintreo could reallzo tho news I brought him. At last tho truth began to dawn on his mind. "You say tho villains are securely bound on tho lloor In tho vault?'' "Yes." "But who bound them?" ho asked, moro nnd moro puzzled." "I did." "Who helped you?" "No ono." "But how the deuco comes It that youweroon tho spot?"- I then told him liow I had been fast ened In tho Rafo and ho began to sco throtigh'tho fog. Whilo this conversation had been progressing, Mr. Uralntrco had been dressing himself. We went down to gether, summoned the ofilccrs of thu law, and nil proceeded to the vault. vo lounu our prisoners just wliere 1 had left them, nud In a quarter of an hour thoy wero safely lodged In Jail. It was tho last exploit of Whlto Haired Bobby and Slippery Jim, for they wcro tried, and public opinion having been at last aroused at their ter- riblo contempt of laws, human and ill- no, thoy wero sentenced to the peni tentiary for life. Mr. liralntreo and the direeloisof tho bank amply compensated mo for my incarceration, declaring that it was tlio most "fortunato Imprisonment" that ad over occurred. Irish History. "Xho Cromewellan Settlement of Ire land," by John Preudergast, Tlio war in Jreiantl, Lcgitn byCroin ell lu mo, wa3 ended In 1057. Ths rish wero put down much as tho Indi ans on tlio Western plains nro now put own, by wholesale massacro and by 10 destruction of their crops and cattle.. During tho last two years, their resist ance cuiislstcd simply of guerrlla wur- ire, in which, owing to tho nature of tho country, they wore very successful, and to put an end to it the parllamen- ary army under lreton laid everything waste. In his march of ICO miles from Limerick to Waterford, ho passed through fertile districts of thirty miles together in which not a housa or living crcaturo was to bo seen. When "peace," camo, In 1C57, llceiifes wero issued by :overnment to kill and dress sheep and lambs. Thero Is 0110 on record which permits tho Widow Bulkeley, In con- Idcratlon of her "ould tigo nml weak ness of body to kill and dress as mucl lamb 03 should hn necessary for her own usoand eating, not exceeding three Iambs for a wholo year." Tho last or ganized forco of thn Irish had surren dered tho provlous year, and now camo tho plan of pacification. Tho pay of tlio English t.rmy was heavily In ur- roars, aud It was re3olvcd lo satisfy tho claims of both officers and men by grants of land, to bo taken from thu Irish, Tho ofilccM wore very eatrer for this arrangement, as thoy wished lo found families thu men less so, hut II was tlio best they could do; so they ac cepted. Tho first thing to bodouo wustogpt rid of so mauy of tho Irish ns possible. Accordingly, tho men wero encouraged In overy way to enter tho, tervlco of Continental powers, aud In tho yoarj 1031-01 30,000 embarked for Poland, France, and Spain, few or nono of whom over relurned. Largo' numbers of tho gentry nt tho samo tlmo emigrated vol untarily, whoso descendants aro still found lu tho O'Donnellsnnd O'ltolllys, and others, of Spain and Austria; and tho MacMahons.Dllllous, Hollies, NIolsl and Cuvalgnacs (Kuvauagh) of Franco. Orders wero then Issued by llio Com missioners of Ireland to governors of garrisons, and keepers of jails', and masters of workhouses, and all other persons In authority, to deliver to agents of Bristol sugar merclmnts" all able- to bodied men In their charge, "marrlaao ablo women and not past breeding," and all persons' without visible menus of livelihood In tho then Btato of tho country an enormous multitude fjr transportation to the West Indies, to boumployed tu forcod labor on tho plantations. Many found their way, under similar contracts, to New Eng. land, Mr. l'rcndergnst gives tho named of tho agents, nnd merchants, and dates of sorao of tho largest contracts. Un dcr this system, lu tho coursu of four years, C1,000 Irish inon, women, boya, and jjlrls woro sent Into slavery, anil lSJNflNUKl7XMVuUimt PAUK,- np tho and tho
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers