THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. ItcnrlngOldni. At ft meeting or tlio Bocloty for tlm l'rovonttou of Uruolly In Allium), licld nttlioMcrcmilllo Library, In tlitn illy Bomo Umo ngo, Mr. Clcorgo T. Angclt, l'roaldont of tlio Mivwaclitisctta Society, mailo n number of remark which nro well worthy of nttontlon In connection with tho objects for which theso socio ties aro formed. Giving tho result of tils observations on tho manner in which nnlmnla nro treated in tho different countries of Europo, ho stated that, na regarded hordes, ho had rarely scon n ciiccnroin in Ireland or Scotland, and on tho Continent comparatively few, ana tliwo seldom tight, while In Eng. land and In this country It was goner ally used, and frequently In a cruel manner. It Is well that public nllcn tlon should bo frequently drawn to this practice, for many peoplo aro not awaro how much horses sufrcr from It, and how much of their strength Is wasted by their being compelled to hold their heads high. Long familiarity with tho sight of hones, carrying tholthcads In a lofty mannor, and towing thorn proud. ly, has doubtless led many well-meaning persons to bollovo that It was tho natural action or tho animal under all circumstances. So it Is when left to himself, and when ho Is not grazing, but It Is not so when ho Is drawing a weight j his natural action is then to bond his head down to his work. Tho origin of tho uso of tho boarlnir. rein was tho belief that It prevented tho animal from stumbling nnd falling. It is surprising that such n boiler should havo held its ground so long, for It seems 10 do clear that a horso is much moro able to pcrcclvo and avoid obsta cles in his path when ho can movo his head freely In ovory direction, than when It Is held In a fixed position. Lot any man apply tho rulo to himself by walking along tho street with his head held rigidly erect: ho will soon nnd himself stumbling over inequalities of mo ground or pavomont, and will bo fortunato if ho escapes without a fall or a sprain. It would bo a good thing if thero wore somo way to calculato tho physical torturo inflicted on draught horses by tho bearing-rein, and tho consequent loss accruing to their owners through tho pcrmaturo decay of tho animal's working powers occasioned by it. ir a horso pulling a load has his hoad held up by a bearing-rein it Is difficult to understand how ho can throw his weight Into his collar, as to all appear ance ho must bo hlndorod from giving his body that position which is most natural and effective. Ho has to pull by tho strength of his muscles only, tho weight of his body being lost, and so much pulling forco thrown away. What Is dono is effected by a general expen diture of tho horso'a power and health, to say nothing of his comfort. If a man pulls a load by a strap across his shoul ders ho bends his head and chest for ward and relieves his legs. A horso does tho samo when ho can. Moreover, tho roln, when tightly drawn, galls tho mouth or tho animal, by tho Jerks and pulls on it at each step, tho weight or the wagon, carrlago, or cart belncr thrown on It. Tho bearing-rein injures tho horso notonlyin tho way described, but tho conflnomont or tho head In a constrained position, whllo tho heart and lungs aro excited by work, hinders tho breathing and the circulation of tho blood In tho head. Theso effects make tho horso uncomfortable, and he bo comes restles3and Irritable; in fact, His head pains him, and ho gets many a Jerk and blow beeauso his driver cannot understand thocausoof his restlessness. Tho boarlng-reln Inflicts unnecessary torturo ou tho animal In another way. By holding tho hoad upwards It puts tho muscles or tho nock in a constant strain, and they consaquently becomo uneasy and tired, ir tho horso cannot bear It, ho rests tho weight of his head upon tho rein, nnd his mouth Is then violently stretched. Thus ho only ex changes ono kind of torment for another. , Tho evil effects of thobearlng-reln may birthus summed up: It Is likely to less on tho horse's strength j to bring on disease; to keep him In constant pain ; to deform his body ; to fret and gall his mouth, and to spoil his temper, tho combined effect orany or theso being to diminish his valuo nndshorton his lire. It ought to bo plain to the owners or horses that their self-interest is Identi cal with tho causo or humanity. By studying tho health and comfort, and husbanding tho strength or their horses, they will gain as much in pocket as they will loso in trouble. Destruction or Hats. Several years ago, we took possession or an ancient mansion, In which tho ruts reigned supreme. Tho nights wcro made hideous unto us by their noctur nal rambles and gymnastics. The revels that they bold banished sleep from all hut young eyos. A council or war was held on tho sldo or tho bipods, and sev eral remedies wero proposed but cats, etUM, wero considered tho only moans of uerouco; so two good-sized grlmal kins wcro procured, and tho conflict raged during a wholo season. Many or the agod or tho tribo went tho way or all animal flesh, but tho prollflcness or tho females was too much ror their enemies, tho cats. Another remedy was sought and found ; copperas or sulphate 01 iron, is very obnoxious to rats. Mix It with whitewash, propared In tho com nion way, and add tho copperas until It is qulle yellow. Whitewash tho wholo cellar wall, sides and cellliiir. giving two coats 6r It lr tho underpin ning Is not well covered at Orst. Beat tor tho green crystals or tho copperas In overy crevico nnd chink in tho walls; throw It broadcast Into tho corners or tho rooms, and your rats will mako a grand Btampcdo for other and moro agreeable quarters. At least that wai tho result from our application of It. AH night thero was hurrying and scur rying lu ratdom ; a now homo must bo sought, Tho next morning tho cata had raro sport in tho wood-house and barn ; tho rats wero attacked, and forced to surrender tort ilu combat. Tlio cats could not eat all their spoils in ono day. It Is now six years Blnco tho copperas whitewash, or rather yellow wash, was appiieu. livery Spring, crystals or cop penis aro thrown broadcast about tho cellar, and no rat dares show his whisk cred head. Occasionally a timid squeak or a rcouio gnawing Is heard In tho walls, Tho sounds aro from now comors, who Boon heat a rotreat. Thero is no gam' holing among tho old rafters no nlav, Ing ball with butternuts, as of yoro, In inomiunigut hours. Ono hugocat.of WRsculIno gender, keeps watch nnd word over tho premises, but with all his watching and prowling around, ho cannot reed himself, and Is forced to neck his meals In tho kitchen. In a closet whoro woo mlro delighted tocrocp and steal Jellies and sweelinMt, bin or tho copperas wcro scattered, nnd not n trnco of them Is now to ho soon. Last Autumn our neighbors wcro Bad ly troubled with rats; apples, parsnips, squashes and potatoes disappeared mys tcrlously, or wcro dovourcd on tlio spot, but tho contents of tho boxes wcro un. touched. Tho copperas docs not Bcein to poison them: no dead ones wero found, excepting thoso brought In by tho cits: built appears to ho obnoxious to them, and so thoy "vamooso tho ranch." Tho copperas Is an excellent dislii' feet ant; no bcttcrcau bo round for pur irylug old cellars, drains, vaults, Ac, It Is used every spring to sweeten tho milk cellar, and a saucer or It always sits In tho wash-stands and sinks, it is very cheap only three, rour or live, cents per pound Cor. Country (.law man. Color of Horc. A writer or tho Country Gentleman says : Tho dark chestnut and tho dark brown, so far as my cxperlcnco goes, they nnd tho bloody b.iy, uro more ex ciilpt from dlscixso thau any other color, If wo except tho dun, or as It Is errone ously called tho cream, which Is much objected to. Dappled or greys aro sub ject to fungus oxcresccuces, commonly called warts. Black horses ore, accord ing to my experience, moro subject to affections of tho eyes than any other color ; also, In tho feet they aro, as a rule, faulty and though pretty, aro not of a vigorous, rugged constitution. What horseman docs not, of his own experience, know what different shades of tho sorrel aro subject to ? Thoy ore, as a rule, tho most skittish, who, among experienced good horsemen, docs not know of all tho balky horses, ho has known at least moro thau half wero light sorrols, or sorrels of somo shado? The mo3t vicious of all horses aro to ho found among tho sorrels. For intelligence, for general usefulness, for beauty and for nil purposes for which tho horso may bo required, tho abovo thrco colors (dark chestnut, dark brown and bay) will fill tho bill. Let no per son for a moment understand mo to nf flrm that thero aro no good, yea, very good horses or all and every shado or color but I do wish to bo understood to mean this: In breeding breed al ways rrotri', ror It costs no moro In any sense. Tho white horso is usu ally or good constitution nnd docile, tho spotted horso Is very hardy, but by most persons objected to on account or color only. As to size, black horses are, perhaps, tho largest all over tho world, excopting our American Black Hawk ; chestnut, brown and bay aro among tho largest; some grays aro large, but not as a rule; Miscellaneous. The Digger Indian. Tho condition of tho Digger Indian has been rather Improved by tho white occupation. Ho has moro horscmeat and morestalo beef; ho lives In framed cabins instead or wigwams ; he carries a rlllo or shot gun in place of a bow nnd arrow; tho bucks affect in dress n sort ot Mexico-American and Indian dan dyism ; tho Bquaws, In hoops and cali co, approximate dimly to tho fashion. In many cases, his houso is tarnished with stoves, chairs, and bedstead ; ho pays no taxes ; society imposes on him no burdens or duties ; ho has no legiti mate business ; his faithful squaw pans out a rew bits per day from somo crev ico In tho ledge, or totters from tho market with an lmmenso funnel shap ed basket, full of abandoned beef and shin-bones, whllo he, unburdened, fol lows after; no Infection of woman's rights has yet reached this tribe. Oc casionally ho murders a friend; but American law does not descend to his sphere, and looks on such transactions In tho Bamo light as when ono mule kicks another to ucath. Tho largest settlement Is near Jamestown, consist ing of somo twenty or thirty houses and wigwams In an irregular huddle on mound shaped clovation near tho road. Here, on a piazza. In front of tho town, during tho hottest or tho day may bo seen tho haro-headed squaws, sitting In semi-circles, gosslpplug over tho last circus. A circus Is thoDlgger's chief glory. It is for this ho blesses tho advent or the Americans. Before thoy camo thero wcro no circus, and fir less mulo, horsemeat, nnd whiskey. Ho flocks Into the Fourth of July and other celebrations; ho luxuriates In them; contributes nothing to tho expenses; ho has no idea what thoy nro Intended for, neither does ho seem to caro ; but tho cream of their enjoymont is his. Unnoticed and uncared for by tho su perior race, laboring under no ban like tho negro or Chinaman, ho Is tho hap plcst, healthiest, freest, most indepen dent man In America. His head, un covered to tho sun, bears a black mano uucKcr than that of a horso j ho lives and lives, and becomes moro and moro shrivelled and drier and drier; but still ho lives, until a hundred und a hundred and ten or hundred and twen ty or a hundred and lUty ; no ono knows how long; for his undoctored vitals nro so tough and strongtimt they keep to their work until tho last drop of blood Is fairly dried out of his mumliled car cass. .San FramlsQO Call. One of tho most necessary, as It U ono of tho most unctuous, adjuncts of diplomacy, is agood dinner, well Hank cd with generous wines ot approved vintages. Howover much vegetarians and pooplo or stem fasting proclivities may object to this assertion, It Is still a truism which caunot bo successfully controverted, that tho approach to a man's heart diplomatically, nnatoml cally, or otherwise llos through ids stomach. A foreign ambassador gains vastly in inlluenco by having an accom pllshed cook, and this fact has been recognized, wo notlco. by tho British Parliament, a committee of which has Just mado a report touching tho pran dial and hlbular management of tho British diplomatic aud consular sorvlce, ana recommending that measures bo adopted whereby theso representatives or tho nation abroad may add to tho at' tractions and Influence or their mahog' any. Mr. Odo Ilussoll and Sir Andrew Uuchanan, lato envoy to Itussla, both tcstllled to tho cfllciency or good din ners as aids to diplomacy. Mary Oaky says that If husbands generally know what their wives thought or them, sulcldo would bo n I more common occurrenco. Insults to Women. Everything seems to boon tho down grade. Formerly ,n nidation Was consid ered a sort of Innocent sparring, which whatever it might develop Into, meant no harm. It was tho Gcntlmcnt which prompted a young man, for tho sako of discovering tho exact stato or tho affec tions or thoglrl ho was foud of, to escort somo other lady to church or lecture; or which Induced thoglrl who know ho was fond to piny off a lllllo, Just to boo how very foolish ho might show him self In consequence. Things havo might ily changod slnco thoso Innocent times. Now llirtutlou consists of standing around on street corners, Infesting cars, stages oud ferry-boat, pocket-handkerchiefs lu hand, nil ready to Insult tho ilrst woman who Is found guilty or tho net or wiping her nose. This Hiding, as It Is called, has becomo so notorious ly common that not a day passes with out reports from wives, sweethearts or daughters In regard to tho contemptible conduct or theso street puppies. Wo do hoot need to bo told that thero nro bare faced and Impudent women who meet theso animals not frequently moro than hair way. Neithor Is It ncccnary to In form us that theso disreputable women nro tho cause, In n many Instances, or tlio insults offered to honest nnd modest women. These points nro both appar ent. When n woman, by hint or bland ishment, meets tho treatment sho has Invited, that is none or our business ; and wo should not feol llko interfering If tho respondent was ruder than sho bargained for; but for tho staring, og ling, grinning, contcmptiblo street cor ner customer whoso eyes aro to dim with vlco that ho Is unablo to rccognlzo decency when ho sees It; for tho men who supposo that beeauso a woman works for her dally bread sho Is a lit ob ject for his persecutions; for tho wretches In high places who pursuo their em ployes with honeyed words and prom ises of better wages for thoso there is. a day or reckoning coming, whether tho ballot bo forthcoming or not, ono fact is indisputablo ; womon nro receiv ing a flrst-clasi preparatory drill. They aro learning how to take caro of them selves, aud thero Is reason to bollovo that many of them, from sheer self-do- fence, will dovclop Into pugilists. A young lady In a stage, tho other day, after having been punched nnd her feet stepped on by abewhlskered, roso scent ed tailor's model at her side, deliberate ly drow off her glove, und gave him a stinging slap on his face. When asked by an old gentleman why sho did not appeal to him, and allow him to protect her, sho replied with spirit: "Thero might bo somo senso in that, sir, if I was sure or a body guard on all occas ions ; but tho probabilities are that I shall generally bo obliged to look out for myself, and I propose toknowhow." Of courso wo don't wantourgirls to do vclop lntoamajsons orXnntippcs, but it is pleasant to feel that thoy aro not only nolo to rccognlzo an insult, but know how to punish one. iloxlng Hie liars. Boxing tho ears Is an luexcusablo bru tality; many n child has been mado dear for llfo by it, because tho "drum " or tho car Is a membrano as thin as paper, stretching llko a curtain just ln sldo tho external entrance or tho ear. Thero Is nothing but air just behind It, nnd any violent concussion Is liable to rend It in two, and tho "hearing" is destroyed forever, beeauso tho senso of hearing is caused by tho vibrations of this drum or "tympanum." "Picking tho cars" is a most mischlovous prac tice. In attempting to do this with hard substances, nu unlucky motion has many a timo pierced tho drum and mado it as useless as a pierced India rubber llfo preserver; nothing harder or sharper than tho end of tho llttlo finger, with tho nail pared, ought over to bo introduced into tho ear, unless by a physician ; persons aro often seen en deavoring to rcmovo tho " wax " with tho head of a pin ; this ought never to bo dono ; flrst, beeauso it not only eu dangers tho rupture of tho car by being pushed too far in ; but not so far, it may grato against tho drum, cxclto Infll urn ation aud an ulcor, which will finally eat all tho parts away, especially of a scrofulous constitution; second, hard substancos havo slipped in, and caused tlio necessity of painful , dangerous and expensive operations to flsh or cut out ; third, tho wax is manufactured by na ture to guard tho cntranco from dust, lusccts, and unmodified cold air, and when It has subserved its purpose it becomes dry, scaly, light, and in this condition Is easily pushed outside by new formations or wax within. Occa sionally wax may harden and may In- terforo with tho hearing ; but when this Is tho caso it Is tho part of wisdom to consult a physician and let him de cide what is tho matter and what tho remedy: If ono cannot bo had, tho only safo plan Is to let fall into tho car threo or four drops or tepid water, night and morning ; tho saliva Is better still, for it Is softer and moro pouetratlug, but glycerlno is far preferable to either ; It is ono of tho best, blandost fluids in na ture, and very rapidly ponetrates tho hardest wax, cools tho parts, and re stores them to a hoalthrul condition. ir, lu a week, thero Is not n dechlod Im provement In tho hearing, medical ad vlco ought to bo had at once, as next to tho eye, tho ear is tho most delicate or gan of tho body, Ai'iutop iiiati: Uamiis. Tho follow ing names are Indeed appropriate for tho uses montloncd: For an auctioneer's wife Bld-dy. For n general's wlfu Sail. For a sport'd wllo Bet-ty. For a lUherman's wife Not-ty. For a shoo-makcr's wlfo l'eg-gy . For a teamster's wlfo Carrie. For a lawyer's wlfo Suo. , For a printer's wlfo-Em. , For a druggist's wife-Ann Eliza. For a carpet man's w Ifo Mat-tic. Ambmheu of tho Arkansas luglila ture, in speaklnt'on un uxtravuKunt up iiraprlatlou, lntltcnutitly oxclulmca : "(Jontlomeii, tallc ubout atlutiuato couiiou9atlauor public 'bcrvunts;' wliy , Jr.durlni; tho Into war I wn In thirty uevmx battlM, was wounilcil thirtuvn tliota in tho causo of tho South, and tho iatiro pay I recclvod -was thirty Uollurd lu confodcrato monuy, every cent of 'whleU I gave for ono flues of old ryo whiskey. " Kejio3ENi:. It Is ealtl that kcroscno spIlloI by means of a molstoneil cloth to KtovcH will ciTuctually keep thorn from rusting during tho Biiinnior, Hut tho stovo BhTiuld bo cold, JVn old lady In thiti city who tried It on a hot btovo Jinth gono whero rust tloth hot corrodo. - Wathington filar. Patent Medicinea. TTENKY T. HELMBOLD'fc". o o m r o u N 1) r mi i u EXTHACT TATAWIIA 0 It A V 11 1'IIiL s. Oiinponcnl 2ttrt ?uM 1'Mraet llhularb nml lulit Intel attmvba t7mj Juice. roil MVEK COJtriiAtNTd, JAUNDIIJii, 1111, IOUS AMXCTIO.VH, HICK OU NEItVOUS UKADACllI. COSTI VKNEHfl, I?TO. l'UltntA VIXIIITAW.E, CONTAINING NOJtMItCtmY MINlttt.VIA ou um.ETEitioua DHUUS. TIimo 1'IIW aro tho muit delightfully purgative, niipcrtdlliiK caiUir oil, snlta, nine liCKh.clc, Thero la nothing mnru nccciUblo to tho utomnch. They elvo tono, nnd cuuso neither niiusen nor griping pnln. They aro composed of tho Jtncil intjretilenti. After n fow days' tiso them, such an Invlgomtlon of thocnllro system tnkes plaeo as to appear miraculous to tho weak aud enervated, whether arising from Impru uenco or ill.caso. It. T. llelmbold'a Compouud fluid Extract CatnwbaUrapo Tills aro not r coated, from tho fact that sugar-eoatod Tills do not illsolve, but pass through thotlomach without dissolving, consequently do not produco tho de sired effect. THE CATAW1IA (IHATI'l TILLS being pleasant lu tnstoand odor, do not ncccsM tato their belnu sngir-coalcj. TIIIC1J FIFTY CUNTS TEUIIOX. MIXlir T. 11 KLU HOLD'S. IIInill.Y CONCKMTIIATE1I COMl'OU.NI) FLUID EXTHACT HAIWATAUILLA Will radically cxttriulnato from tho system Hcioritla.Hyphllts, FeverHores, Ulcers, Horo Eyes Horo Legs, Horo Mouth, itead, llronehltls, Skin Diseases, Bait UheutA, nnkcr, ltunnlngs from tlio Ear, Whlto Swellings, Tumors, Can cerousAirectlons, Nodes, Ulcket,UlaudarHwdU lugs, Nlglit ttweats, ltiwli, Tetter, Humors ot a Kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and nl dlseoso that has been established lu tho- syMciu for years. llelngprcparcdEXTT.EiSLY forlhoabovocom p'.alnts, Its UI.OOll-1'UltIKYINU propilcllcs nro greater than nuy other prcjtnratlon ot Harxnp.i rllla. It gives tho COMTLEXION a clear aud hoallhy color aud restores tho patient ton stato ol HEALTH nud TUItlTY. For Turlfylng the Illood, removing nil Chronic Constitutional Dis eases arising from an Impure stnto of tho blood. And tlio only rcllablo and effectual known remo dy for tho euro of Tallin and Dwelling ol tho Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat nnd Legs lllotehes, Tlmplcs on tno Face, Erysipelas and all scaly Eruptions of tho Bkln, and lleauttfylng tho Cotuplexlou. Trice, 1 W per llottlc. IIENIIY T. IIELMBOLD'S C'O.NCK.NTllATKl) FL USD ICXTItA GTJi VCI1 V, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every caso of Diabetes In which It has becu given, Irritation of tho ncclc of thollladdtr and Inflammation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys nud DIadder, Retention of Urlno Dlscascsof the TrostatoUlaud.titono In tho Iliad dcr, Calculs, Gravel, llrlckdnsl Deposit, nnd Mncous or Milky Discharges, nnd for Enfeebled and Dellcato Constitutions of both Sexes, atten ded with tho following symrtoms: Indisposi tion to Exprtlou, loss ol Tower, loss of Memory, DKllculty of llrcathlns, Weak Nerves, Trem bling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Tnln lu tho Hack, Hot Hands, Flush lug of tho Dody, Dryness ol tho Sklu, Eruptlou ou tlio Face, l'altld Countenance, Universal Lnsslludo of tlio Muscular Bystcm, etc. Used by persons from tno nges of eighteen to twenty-flve. and from thlrty-flvo to flfty-fivo oi lu tlio decline or change or Ufoj after confine ment or labor pains; bed-wettlug In children. Hetmliold's Extract lluchu Is Dlurellc nud Itlood-Turtfylng, and cures nil diseases arUlng from Habits of Dissipation, nnd Excesses and Impiudeiiccs In Life, Impurities of tho Illood, etc., supersedlug Copabla lu ntTectlous for which It Is used, nnd Syphilitic Allictlous In these diseases used lu connection with HELMROLD'H ROSE WASH. LADIE.S. In many affections peculiar to ladles, tho Ex tract lluchu Is unequalled by any other remedy as Is Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, T.ilu fulucss or Suppression of Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Hchlrrus Stale of the Ulerus, Leucorrhcca or Whttcs,Stcrlllty,andfor all com plaints Incident to the sex, whether nrlslug from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent physl- lans aud Mldwlves for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (atten ded with any of tho abovo dlsoascs or symptoms. II. T. HELMIIOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASUS ARISING FROM IMTRU- DENX'E, HA11IT3 OF DIS.SITATION, ETC., In all their stages, nt llttlo expense, little or no chunge In diet, no Ineouvcnleuce, aud no ex posure. It causes a frequent dcslro, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Trevcuttug nud Curing Strictures of tlio Urctba, Allaying Tain and Inllammatlon, go frequent lu this class of diseases, and expelling all Tolsouous matter. Thousands who havo been tho victims of In competent persons, nnd who have paid lieavy fees to be cured In a bhort time, havo found they have been deceived, nnd that tlio "Poison" has, by the use of "powerlul astringents," beeu dried up In tho system, to break out lu a moro aggra vated form, aud perhaps alter Marriage. Uso IIELMUOI.D S EXTRACT IIUCHU for all Afrectlous nnd Diseases of the Ullnary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from what ever causo originating, anil no matter or how long standing. THICK ONK DOLL Ml AND FIFTY CENTS TER DOTTLE. HENRY T. HELJinOLD'S IM P110VI3D HOSE WASH cauuot bo surpassed ns a FACK WASII.and will be found tho only specltlo remedy In every species of CUTANEOUS ArFIXTIOK. It speo dlly eradicates l'lMl'HW, SI'OTrt.RCOItllUTIC DltV.VmS.lNDUItATIO.SSofthoCUTASKOUS Mi:MllltANi:,etc., dispels HEDNliSS and IN CIl'IK.NT INFLAM ATION. 1IIVUS. ItASII. MOTH PATCHES, DltYNKSS OF SCAU" OH SKIN, I HOSTHITES, and all pui iwsesfor which SALVES orOINTMUNTSnto used : restores tho sklu U a state of purity and softness, nud In mires continued healthy action to the ttssuoof us vttuels, ou which depend tho out eeablo clear' lies, aud vivacity of complexion so ninuh soucht i uiiu aumirou. uai However vuiuauio as remedy for existing defects of the sklu, II. T. Jlelinbold's Itoso wash lias long sustalueil us prlnclplo claim to untmunded patronage, by possessing qualities which render It a TOILET AITIINDAUE of the most Supcrlaltvo nud Congenial ebaroctcr, eoinbliilug lu nu elegant foimu!ntliohoprom!ueutrc!Ulslts,SAl''I'7rYnnd EFFICACV tho luvarlahlo aeeomimulmcnt ol Us use as n 1'ieservatlvo aud llefresher of tlio Complexion, Ills an excellent Lotion for dis eases of a SyplillltloNuturo, aud as an Injection lor diseases of the Urluary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used lu connection with theKXTHACTOUUCHU.HAIUSAI'AUII.LA.and CATAWBA aitAl'E 1'II.IW.In such diseases ns recommended, cauuot be surpassed. I'ltlCE ONE DOLLAH I'EH HOTI'Lli Full and explicit directions accomnauy tho nieillclnes. j.videncoorine most responilble and rcllablo character furnished on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living wltuesscs, aud up ward or 30,000 unsolicited certificates aud recom mendatory letters, many of which are from the highest sources, Including eminent l'hyslclans, Clergymen, statesmen, etc. The proprietor li never resorted to their publication lu the news' papers; he docs not do this fiom tho fact that his articles rank as Standard 'reparations, aud uo not ueca to be propped up by certificates, Ilcury T. IIclmliold'H Ccuuluc Prcimratloiii. Delivered to any address, Becuro from onset' vatlou, Established upwards of twenty years. Sold by 1'iuggisis everywnere, Auuross leiicrs ror 1U' formutlou, lu conUdenco o 1IENHV T, HELM' 1101.11. Drut'ulkl and Chemist Only DepoUl H.T.HEI.tluOLU'U Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No, Ul llroodwuy. New .York, or to'M Medical Depot iui nuuiu Tonw stree.1, j'liuadelpliia, 1'a, HEWAItE OF COUNTEUFEITEHH. Ask for JINUVT.IIKLMUOLD'H TAKE No OTHElt Rail Roads. LAOICAWAHNA, AND BLOOMS HURtl RAILROAD On nml vltjr July 17, lS7l,Tasseiiscr Trains will run as foilowsi Going North, (loins Nonlh Arrlvo Arrive I-avo Leave n, m, it, m. li. in. n. in Scran ton 11.10 B.1H I. I I II. 61 i.n 'Ail Ml iu. KUi Tlltslnu Ktncs on ' 1 1 re IV ft W.Uarr 8.30 13.31 11.00 I'lvniMilh R.H 13.23 3.10 JitHl 8.CS II. 'id 8.31 11.11 3..07 10.50 427 HhlcKslilnuy..., ucrwicu m '.! llloom 8.00 UIIUV1HO.. Connection mado ntftcrantou bv tlio 10.10 a.m. tral'i for Great Ifcnd, Illnshnnilou, Albany and all points North, list nnd West. u. Tijiuunu,nup'it N' OltTHEBN OENTilAL BAIL WAY. On and ulUr May Usui 1S7I, Trains will leaveHUNliuHY ns follows I NORTHWARD. I.W A. M., Dally (except Hundayjlo Wltllomspnrt, for Kltniia CaniindalKiia, Rochester, lluffalo, Suspension lllldge, aud N. Falls. (W)!'. St., Dally, (except Sundays) for William- HgHirb nun i.riu. I.M c. M., Dallv. (oxceptsundays) for Elmlra, lluimio nnd Niagara Fall-, VI u Erie railroad from Etiulri. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 4.10 A. M.Dally (except Monday's) for Ilaltlmott WILMINGTON AND T1IILADELT111A. W.M A.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Haltlmort Washington und TiilbiwClphls. Ml. S. YOUNU, General Tusct ngor Aginl. Ai.furn R. Fisi:. Oen'L Sup't. pATAWIfSA ItAlLltOAD. lVo. WINTER ARRANOr-ENT. 1S70, T.isscmicr Tri Lns ou this rca ' vlll run m fol. low s l 8TATI03.1 Wllllamspc" Muucy, Milton. DauvUlo, ltuport. italawlsaa, HlugUmu. Summit. Ouaknko. V llnWi. T Matt A'ort Lv, (Wo p. m a.1,! " " " ' i.uo " " 4.U " " 4.UI " Lv. 8.2, a, m !UI " B.l'l " I'l.'Jl " lll.H " lll.1I " H. 'sl " I. '.ii p.m. Ii!.:ii " 2.JU 2.10 LIS 1114 "Dl 'O.Tamuqua. 12.6.1 " I.ii " ItyudlnK. " a.m. " 3.15 " l'OllsVlllrt. " " 7.U0 " 'bJhulolphla. " 8.15 ' " 1.23 "dluoMaueh Chuun, dine" 1.0.5 p.m. " 2.3.1 " Uethlehem, ' 12.00 noon " (i(ii " Thlln. via Hetlileliem, " 0.15 n. m " 2.55 " Huston, " 11.33 ' Now York, ft. Liberty at., " C'tO ' via L. H. It. R. 0.00 " 11,55 " " L. Valley It. It. " II.OJ " S.j0 a.m. llostuu. M u.oo p.m Tassencerstaktri: tho 8.25 train from William- sport, will havo two hours lu New York, lor sup- iit, nun iimviTiu iioiiiiii lib U...U u. in,, eleven liour- lu iidvanco of all other routes. Ni!w dav coaches nccoliumnv nil trains be tween Wllllamsiiort. Now York aud l'nlladcl- phla. xrnias ruu imiuuhu uiiviiuiu, GEO. WEIlll.Slipt. JEADINQ IiAILllOAD. HU JIM tat AUUAnUUUsNI, MoNlUY, May 13, 1871. Orent Trunk Line from tho North nml North Wi st for riillmlelnhU.New York. Keiuilui?. 1'otU- vlllo, Tamuqtta. Aslnaiul, 8Uumok.ii Iiubauou Alleutown, Kfiston, Kihiatn, 1.1 ttz, Lancaster. Columbia,. Vc. irdius mivu jiurn-wHTg inrnuw ions, an iui lows: At U.4ii, 8,io, n. in,, und 2,00 ). in., con iH'cllns with similar trains un 1'ennsylvn iiiu Uallroiul, ami arriving tit Nuw Vol it at lu.ui. n. in.. 3.50. and D.UU n. m. reHitcctlvelr. Hlccptni; earn accompany tho U.tO a. in, train wiinoui cnaiiKw. Itcturutnn: Leavo NcwYorkat 0,00 a.m. and 12.1'Jnuon ami 6,00 p. m. Philadelphia at 7.U0, OJ tu in, nud y.:w p. in, bleeping earn accompany tho 5,00 p.m., train irom N, Y without change. heuvo JlarrUhurg for Heading, Pousvllie, la man n a. Mlncntvlllo. Ashland. Hhamokln Al- lenlown nud l'lillaNl. at tU0a.m.,nnd 2,W and 4,05 p.m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way Muttons: the 1 05 n.m, train connecting for l'lill'a 1'ottHVlllo and Columbia only, 'or I'olUvllle Hchuylklll Haven nnd Auburn, via BchuylklU and HtiKquchauna Kallroad.leavo llarrtuburg at 3,tVJ p.m. Kaat lVunsySvania I tall road traliu leave Head. lulor Aucninun i.-isum ami xscwiorjc au.3-', nviU. a. m.. and 4.0j n, in. Kt'Uirnltur. leave New Yoik at t'.UO n. ni., liifu noon and 6.0J v. m, aud AUenlowu at 7.'-) a, in, uoou, ilj, 4.15 an' Mi p.;u. W uy msi'oger i.ruiu ie;tvt' iniiimeipiiia hi iou.ui.. connecting Willi himllur train ou East Pa. railroad returning from ltL'udlngatO.'JUp.m. Mopping ul all stations, i.cilv.i l'ntisvlllo at o.OO n.m.. und 'J.S0 n.m. a, m., Adhland at7,0j a.m. aud !-Hnoou Mah amy City at 7.15 a, in. and l;j) p. m. Tnmaqiiu ut Mj a. in., aud 10 p.m. Iqr riilladelphla, Now York, i leading, uaimuurg.ttc. Leave I'oitsvlllo la neimyilclll and Husn,uo hauua ltallioad ats,15 a.m. lor HarrlnUurg, und 11, U a: m., lor l'luo Uio u aud Tremont, Heading Accommodation Train leaves l'otts lllo at 5.i0u. in., passes Uemltn nt7,0a, m.( ar il vhig ut 1'hlladelpUUat 10, "A) a. m. Ueturutug leaves I'Ulladeinhla at 5.15 t. m.. nassltn Head tug nl 7,53 p.m., urrlvlngat l'ottsvlilo at I'.io p.iu. I'tRLHIUWU II'CUIUIUUUHIIUU X 1 ill II .ll'lll crt i UIWI' town at 6,30 a.m., returning, leaves 1'hlladelpUla at p.m. Columbia Ha 1 1 road Traluslcavo Heading at 7,'.M a.m., nnd U.15 p.m. for Epliralu, Lltlz, Laucait- ler, uoiumuiu. etc., l'erklomcn 1UU Hoad Trains leave I'crlrlomeu Junctlou at 7.17 U,05a. m.,U.U0 AO.Oop. m. returu- tug: leave uchweukbvuio nio.w, Mi) n.m., iw uoou ct 4.1 j P.m.. conuuciiuu wiiu similar umiw on Heading Itallroad. Colebrookdale Itallroail trains lcavol'ottRtown at U.tOa.m, A 1.15 (i.ti p.m. returning leavu Mount l'leasaut at 7.00 and ll.'Jj a. m., U.0U p.m, ctuinect luti wiin similar trains on Heading Railroad. Chester valley itauroau i rams leave nrao ;ioi t ut 9,30 a. m. and i!.05 and p. m. returning, eavo Dowulucton ut (J.10 n. m l'J.i5 noon aud (j.'Zj p. m.. connecting with similar trulus on itoadiug Huuroaa, On Hundays, leave New Y ork nt 5,00 p.m., 1'nll phluat S.oo n.m. aud a, 15p.m., (the R,oo n.m. train iiuiulugouly toHeadlug;)leaei'ottHvmo 6,O0a.mM' llarrlshiirif nt ZVi n. in. and U.00 p. m. and cao AUeiitowuul V2a and tU5 p. m,.uud leave ueauilig ui j.u a, in, ami y.uu p, in, mr jiuiris buig.ut New York, at 7,'J n. in lor Alleutown aud ato.10 a. m. uud 4.15 p. m, lot l'h 1 lade Iph In. Commutation, aiileagr, Season, School -uu Kxcurslon Tickets to and Irom all points, at ic duced rates. Uaggage checked throu;h; 100 pounds allowod each iaseuger. J. K. WOOTTLN. Asst.Bupt. iV Lug, Much'ry. Heading, April II. iwi. Books, Twolyc Years azs Wild Man & Plains. The remaihahle ailventurfH of the lamoUH WJU ri'i UllIKt'-and 1IIU WA UUlOlt amoui; the HedHltlnH. TnrllilnuiieeouutKof (Jreat lluuts, Hairbreadth Kheapen and Terrible Contests wttli lhe big yamo and hostile tribes, spirited de.erlp tiona ol lhe habits nnd super.litlons or lh.vt htrauso lieonte, Their Sports, Legends, Tradi tions. Huw tney Woo mid Wed. Healp, Doctor, Wor.hln, ic. Kew, Fro.ll nud l'opular, 1'rleo Low. It is selling by the thousands with won derful rapidity. Agents aro maUlni; f roni ! iU to ilw per week. Choice Held yet vacant. Sendut unco for sainplo chanters. Illustrations nnd par- tlculars to A. II. JLUDD'IUV, . MU.loui-., Jauin'71-tf. it Chestuut Ut, , 1'hlla, 6.F.VENT, Ilsrrlsr St., V.T. or ,18 IV. till fit.. Clnrlaiisll.O. If they want the m-.l ixipularaud bt helling lutMcrlpllon books ptibllsiiol. atal tiieuieifi tratterm. Semi for circulars. Tlieywllloostyou nothing, and may bo of great benefit to you. lobino-ly. ANIIWI'.OOIC or tho greatest interest nnd Im luirhtif. Written from u hluh moial nnd nlivsl ulogleal standiwlnt, by nu eminent physician ami medical professor, 11 shows how Satan Is tlilough our most sacred domestic aud social lo- laiions. l'ure-miuuou, oui. luiisiniHeu nun uk gresslve, tno author liaud lest tie delicate subjects treated of without gloves, but In such n manner ns ,wl. In mhilhlirln mirui lent. Clirlosltv. The J'hVM. tent lltiicnerultonojlht Jliicr, Is ft subject Justly L'lillstluir.tholnlorest nud sympathy of alltruo piiiianiiiriM'isis, nun huh IMS., n is ikiihvcu, will contllbiito to that end Justin proportion as It has readers, A circular sent free, containing n description nud synopsis of tlm work with liberal extracts. C. r . VENT, Publisher. sepl- .o ly o uouego 1'iiice, n, i, EW FIUM AT OHANUUV1LLE IHON FOUNDRY AND AQRIOUL' TURAL WORKS. OR EAT IMl'HOVEMENTS IN 1'I.OWS AND THUES1IINU MACHINES. Mr. Jacob Trlvleplcco having purchased tho itercst of Charles w. Iiw lu the abovo named Interest of Charles W. Iiw 1 works, the business will lie coiitiuucd under the iirm nam oof Wir.i.iAiiHciiUYi.Kit A Co. llnvlnir ilUwjvertil several linperlectluui In the plowu laaiiuliicturttl lu 1870, they liave utreuutheiiod und liupruvea them, nnil mldctl somo entire new pAtterntf. They will open thoHprlntf trailenf 1871 lar liiftUvanco of anything ovrr ulteifil to tho lmhllP, helnu both practical nltciianlcs, anu hav Iiil' thulr Mrurlc nil lnna unilor their own miner. vlklon they Kuarniitco their work bu per lor lu material unU iluibh to any heretortiru ollered. llfiitera Hhould nnt nrcenL nf uuv other nirrlcul turul linplementii uutll 1 Jiey have exaiutuetl our Mnuurueture. Kurmerv tfhoulii try our lown heforo huyloif uuy otlur. They also manufacture MAt KINPb QV CAHUNU9. usually tnadolu first clnha Foundries, saw nnd grUl mill callugi, made und lilted up to order, THUESHINO MACHINES nre mude a ipeclnlty, nml aomo very decided lm Droveiiienta liave htten ttilrixlnced into their iun chines. rrU't'H lower than ever) ull kind 4 couuiry prtKjucoauuoiu iron iuk en iu exuiHiit;e uruer uireci iruin vno mauuiaciury, um ugeu' clew MtipplliHl durlne the winter, Addrt'tit ull order to AVILLTAM BOUUYLEn & OX)., AaUtCUl.TUKAL. WOltKB, OHANGKVJLLK. UOLUM1UA UOUNTY, 1A, Jau V Druga and Ohouiicald. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKTIVa O ' Ui'OnHIA YINEG-AE BITTERS j! Hundreds of Thousands 9 jf H S r Hew tHtlmory to ttiMr Wonder, oi & o1 Ca lul cumllvo ktricts. 8 B 2 M WHAT ARE THEV? jlgE mmr AHE KOT A VILR MoJocf lnnr llnmf Vltllcrt Vrovf Pptrltn t! till JtcliiRU JilniioM doctored. filcotl ftntiiwcct CQcd to plcasatlio taito, callctl"Tonlcn,""Appctli. cm," "KcitorcM," tte.( that lend tho tippler cn to (lrnnUcnocu ttd roll., tut nro ntroo Medicine, mado from tho Natlvo XiooUimd Ucrbacf Callfornlo, frco rrnin nil Alcoln'Uo BlhntilnntH Ttoyuro tho our. at iiLooi) nn.i a i.iri: (UV1N(4 l'UlNCirJ.Karcrfcct I'scnoator and lnloratorof thoEyeteniarrrlnj: off nil polionoca matter and rectories tlio Hood to ft Lcaltly condltloa, Jlopjnon cantata tbceo L'lttcrt nccordlas todlric tlon aud remain long unwell. 15100 VUlbo elvcnforon locnraMacascrrovMcd tbo t'Onca UT9 cot deitroycd by ciliicral polioa or ctlicr mcone, aLd too Vital oranj wiveted bcrondtho j-otat of repair. l'ltrlnflnmmntorr nnd Chronic Ithcumn. tlrni nut (3ont I)ypi)rpiln or lodlsmtlotit lllllotio, Ittinllltnt ntmlli.tL'tiiilltinl Vcum DUcnscaoVtliu Illond, l.lvcr, lildncynt nnd lUudttcrt tnso HltttM Jioro teen mott laccecc rul. Huch Dlscnncs mo cuorcd ly lilr.ttl Illood, vlitcblsecocrally rroduccd by dcrorcctscLt cf tho DlcrnlroOrsaust DVKrEl'SIA OU 1M)I(JEHT10X Head nclic, 1'nla la tho Bhotildcrs, Coughs. Tightoccs of tho Ciictt, UUilacsa, Eocr Emctatlons of tho Etomacb, Tadtactulatho Mouth, tilloaa Attack, 1'alplUtlca cf tha Heart, InCamicalloncf thoLnnei, Tain In tho rttloa cf tho Kidneys, nnd a hundred other r&lnfcl . 1. 1 i .13F, tte tlio olTii rlcga cf Uyppej eia. i!i yUi;crtt3 Ihobtomachnadetlinulato tho tor I MI.Tcr&r.d bowcli.nUcli render them of nncqnatlcd iCoftryli tlcanriuc tho blood cf all Impurities, aud Iirpartlic new Ufa and vigor to tho wholo eyctcm. I'ORSitlN DlSKASty.Krortlons.Tcttcr.Ealt,, E potc, rimplce, I'littuke, Holla, Ctr tanclt.clllnc.'Woino, Ecald-Hcad.Ccro ryca.nryelp. i1xi, Itch, gcurft, Ulaeoloratlona of tho BWn, Ilumera and Dlacnnca cf tho tikln, of whatever nnnio or nature, arc literally dus up and carried out of tho system In a thorttlmobythouaoof Ihceo Bitters. Ono bottla In Ei:cli caeca n 111 co&Inco Uio most lncrcduloua of their ccratlvo effect. Clcn&ia tho Vitiated Slood wheocrer yon find Its Impurities bursting through tbo tkia Inllmplos, Trap tlo&B cr Sorest clcanBolt when yoa Cod It obstructed and slogctsh la tho veins cleans it cheilitis foul, and your fcennga will tell you when. Keep the blood puro nnd tho health of tho system will follow. PIN, TArEand other WUIHMS, lnrtlngin tho cyttcmcf bo many thousandfl, nro effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed In four Ian-gnageB-KoEllah, German, French and Bpanleh. J.WALKrr.. Proprietor. Xl.U.McDONAIJ) & CO.. DrngglaU and Oca. Agents, Pan Francisco, Col,, nnd S3 and 51 Commirco Street, New York. UTSOLD BY ALL DUUGOIST9 AND DHALERS.. oct2.ST0-tf. T no not risn tolnrorm tou. reader. Hint Dr. Wonderful, or uny other man, nan d ltco cud n remedy tlmteures CouRumpllon.when tho lunsn mo huff consumed, tu Mioit, will emu nil dlscnn- vh iviit'llicr Ol ininu, ouuy ur I'liinii', iujiisu iiiuh live rurever. and leavo death to piny lur want ol worlt, and it dchlgued to mnko our .sublunary ftphetiMi blissful l'urndlse, to which Heaven ltsell bhall ho hut a tldo fehow. You haveheaideuouiih of that kind of lutmlmsuery. Hut wheu I tell you thai Dr. H.iko'h Catarrh ltemedy u-ilt jwsilivc iiirure. thn woiht enses of Catarrh luthoilead. I only n&sert that which thoiihamU can tetttly to IwlllpnyJiOO ltewnrd fur u caso thntlcanvot cure. A pamphlet rIvIur symptom and other Information hent lieetouuy uddiehj. Ihls rem edy Is SOtl) 11Y MOST DUlTdHISTrt IN Xl,t PAHTU OF Tin: WOULD. rilce.50 ceutH, Sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt f fcltty cenlH, or lour packages tor iwodolliirs, Beware of counterfeits ami wnthtcs imitations. Hfolliat my prlvuto Hlnmp, which Is a positive funrantce of (t'cnuincncsi. It upon tho ouisldo wrapper. Kcnicinber that thU prlvntoKtamp, Issued by the UnltedStates Government express ly lor fctainplns my medicines, has my portrait, name aud uddrebs, and tho word ''U. H, Certltl cato of (Jenulneuefts," ensraved uiou It, and need not be mistaken. Don't be Dwindled by travelers nnd others renreseiilliM themselves iw Dr, Siitfoj 1 nm tho only man now living that hns Uio knowledge aud rlht to manufacture tho Ucnutnc Dr. Siigo s Catarrh ltcmcdy,und 1 uovtr travel to hell this mullclno. it. v, i'ii;iu'i';.iM. u. oct23' 13J Seneca Hti eet, Jlullalo, N. Y, s EVEN JUCASOX3 WHY is TitK 11kit Liniment in the World foii iiousns. KnmT. It Is comnoscd of tho most i-owkuful and I'KNFrKTiNullnulds known In Chemistry, hkconh. Combined with tho nlwve Is a Medi cinal Oil, mado expressly for this Liniment, and mixed by nu cutlioly new process. Til l mi. Thoiihpol tho powerful nnd penetrating lnuredleuts is to drlvo or forco In thU beautiful Mkihcinai. Oil. which lubricates tho Joints aud muscles, nnd Immediately throttles the disease, und compels It to loosen Ua deathly, bickeulng and poisonous l.ins, FoiniTH. This MehicinalOil Is nsed for the EtnmoieaKou that n Rood mechanic always usch oil to malte his machinery work with ease aud precision, no in mo bamo way ine inuscies una nlnlH nt nor iiiilmnls hhonld ho lubrleated if u-e wlnh to havo them travel with rapidity and caso. Fifth, It U very soothing In Its action, will not burn or blister the animal like most of the rtd hot" liniments or tno my, HixTir. Not ono dron ol tincture ofenvenue or red pepper can be louudlnlta composition; for wo hold that no 1 lul men t can bo ellectlve which burns nnd blisters tho animal until the muscles nio hard and dried nlmoU to a crisp, ttuvKwTH. Kvery bottlo Is wakuantfp to give good witUlactlon,or our money will be leluud- eu. iiiis biuiww t'utii-iiiiiveiy mui mo piuurie tors havo lull coulldeuce lu this pronarallon, nnd proves lor tho teventh time that O, II. H. H. Is the best Liniment In the world for hordes. 4-Don't allow your Merchant to XHtlmfijf JYnc fure of Itetl Vepper ami Hartshorn, or ether truth on ioii, but mk for O, K. N. 8, for Jlorset, ami take no other. Hold by nil druiryUts. n. u. jaui'j i u., moio rronrieiors, Bepl270-ly 1 Head atreet, New York. Tnnny person producing nuy Mtdlclno bhow- Jna hall u many llvlnu, jKiinanent euuvus Du. 4 VFUirrAur.K it iifuma'ho Hkmiuiv. t'seit inwaiittjj only, A t Medicine, lieo iioiu injuuous iiruus, warranieii, uuoer ain, to have nermnnemMycniedU.'iiueveiy lwtwllonU treated lu tho p-ist U-n years, (Hen lehtlinony.) It Is tho BClentlllo prekcrlpllon of 1'roleiinor Jos. I. Fitter, M, D,a craduatu of tho Uuiveiblty of l'euiiMylvanla A. D. lVil, now one of l'hlladel iitila's oldest regular ph Hlelanu,and 1'rofesKor or I'hemUtry nud Toxlcolojiv, who lias made Neurnlu'lii. Chronlonnd Inilainmatory Hheuma tlsm the Kpeelallly of hU entire professional life a fact ouched for by lhe bljinnlurett accom jianylnKcuch bottle, of ninny nrotnluont renown 4dpuyuiciuus,cleruymen,audo(hertcillmonlaU. To protect bullorent from poUunons fjiiuck now 1 nun i4 aud iueki.sosponUlluru of money , a leual wlunod una rautee, s taUug exact nutnhcroihottTeii wurranlud to cure, will bo forwarded (trails to uuy Hullererbeudtjui by Idler u lull debcrlptlou of allllctlou, lu case of failure to eiue, nmouut paid positively reluuded. Medlclnu bent any where by express, collect on delivery. Alltletud Invited to write Juriulvlfo; all lulormnllon and medical advlco Kent by lellcr e rails. l'rluclnl olllce.ilO Houlh Fourth fctreet, Vhlladelphhi, t'n, Tho Itemedy Is bold or obtained by DruuuUU, iunr2l'7l-ly JACOB K. HMITlt, J U. HELTZEU g M t T II & BKLTZKH, Importers And Dealers In Foreign aud Dora tk. tic HARDWARE, UUNS, OUTIiKHY, AC, MO. 409 Hi THIBD BTKirr, AB fALLOWHILL, rJULADKLPIUA, Jan 171 ly j I W if 3 OV 9 THET AUG KOT AVILR 3 3.1 cass 0 UIODIi FOUNTAIN l'UNH for fcale chenp nt VUiVVi Hotolfi. MON TOUR JIOUHK uun:nt, l'A. WILUAM HUTLFJt, Vroprletor, Thin HoiiROliavluctliecu put In thorouRti rcpilf 1 now open for Iho reception of rucsU, No pains will bo n pa red to ensnro tho perfect com fort of tho travelers, Tno Troprlelor notirlt ft nharo or ptibllo pntt-onntte, Tho bnr wilt bo stocked nt nil times Willi lino llquoifl nml cigars, Jan 171 JJKNTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, I1RNTON, C0LUMI1IA COUNTY, PAi Tht well hnown Iloitn lmvlhpc been put In thorouch repair Is now open for tho reception nf vlMlor.s. Nu pains have becu (spared to ensutn (ho perfect comfort of Kuentu, The proprietor also inns a BtAo from the Hotel to IllnoiuHburK nnd Inlermrdlale points on Tuesday, Thursday aud Haturday of each week, IJau l'H7l rjiilK JOSliloTiU ESl'Y, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TA. Tho underBlKued would Inform tho travelling nubile that he ban token tho n1o o named estnli shmeutnnd thoroughly rem ted the name ror tho perfcct.convculeuco of hlNuucHtft. Ills Inrder will ho Mocked with Iho best tho mmket nlTords. The choicest liquors, wlues nnd clgarsulways to be found lu his bnr, WILLIAM FKTTIT. Jan 111 Kspy, IU, MiscellaneouH. lOMKTHINO NEWr The underftlnned would hcrebv clve notice that hn hns JusL comiileted A 1'IltoT CLASy 1 UlAltsK, nnd t hnt ho Un the fnclllt Ip lor carry lug on Iho business of UNDU&rAKINU In all Its branches IN OIT HTYLK. lie una enpncp'l experienced persons who will tako eharRe of tho bodies of the deceased ns noon ns ttjcy "shulllo of this mortal cull," nud nil end to wnstitntc tlicm(Bhavlh(?, ilrcsliur, Ac. Hhrouds furnished nlso to order, Al much expense he has ulo procured nu IRON I OJ3 BOX, In which bodies can be preserved In n cleanly nnd dry condition, Carriages furnished for fu neral oecnstons, in short, ho Is prepared to take charge of a cirpo Immediately a Tier death, and savo friend and relatives nil further trouble lu retard to It. Jlo nlso carries on tho business of CABINET M A JC I N Q Upholsterlmj In nil lis hrnnches. repnlrlng furni ture, rcKcatluK enne botlomed rhalrH,Ac, AC l'inco of buslnciison Iron Htreet, below Main. H011KUT UOAN, Kloomsburir, July 22, 1870-tl. -wUtt2aU w iTt T)OTYS WASII1NU-MA0IIINE, LATKLY MUCH IMl'HOVKD AND THK NEW UNIVERSAL, CLOTHES WRINGER Improved with Howell's Da tent Double Cog wheels, ami Iho Patent Htop.aro now uuouetv tlonablv superior to nnv nnnarntoK frir wayb ills clothes ever lnvcnled, and will savo their coii iwico a year, oy sarins lanor nnu cioines. Tho IMitor of this naner. who nn re based a Washer nud Wringer, thus testltles auto their vault) ; "Wo have bad In uso in our family for Kom time past, ono of Duty's Clothes Washers nud Wrlnu'eriH, nnd aro prcpaied to bear testimony ns to lis merits. H Is emphatically n tabor-savlna machine nud does lis work lu the most thorough manner. For families who have laruo waslio thevo machines would bo luvuluable. CoLUa- 11IAN, Jail. 11, PRIUES-A FAIR OFFER, If Iho Merchants In yonrplaco will not furnish. r sunn iw iiih .iiueiiiiies.neuo ukuio remii price, Wavher fill. Kxlra Wrlneer t". nnd wo wilt tor. wanl either or both machines, free of freight, to pin co s where no ono Is selling; aud so tt uro nro wo they will bo liked, that we ngree to refund inu money ii any ono wisues u return me ina chines free of Height, niter u month's trial, nc coi ding to directions. No husband, father or brother should permit tho drudgery of washing wllhtho linnils, nlty two dnyln tlieyear, when it can bo dono better, moro expeditiously, with less labor.nnd uoln Jury to the garments, by n Doly Clothes Wax her, nndn Unlveisal Wringer. Hold by dealers generally, to whom liberal dis- tiiuuis are uiauo. It. C. I1UOWNINO, (len.Agenl, oct7'"0-tf. Cortland Htreet, New York, ARION PIANO. Tllft nntv Hrrtort Tnvl rli.f Im ll.nU'n.M t. Is unrqunUcd In ltlclincss, I'liwir, lllllllallcs' nnil .lurilblllty. hpci-lill tcrlllH tn Tenchcrs. Market! favors locicifjiiii'ii. t-end ror Illustrated Arlou l'mnjihlil. v. v. l'uaj 1SH, (icncriit aechu mur 10'71-tr.J ilAlfll UUUKK, l'A. c ARRIAOE MANUFACTORY, lUoomsbure, 1'a, M. C. SLOAN A I1KOTHKK Havo on hand anil for sale nt the most rcasoua bio rntes a splendid stock of CAUUIAUES, I1UGUIES, nnd every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted In bo made of iho best and most dur able materials, nml by tho most experienced worn men, AinvnrK hciu uui. iroin iuo inuin. llshmeut will he found to hoof iho highest class anil sine to give ieifect salUfactlon, They have also a Hue nnsortment of S LKiailS of all tho newest nnd moU t.uhlonnble stjles well nnd carelully made aud ofllie best mater ials. An lUHnectlnn of their work In nfctrtd ns III bol loved that none superior can be found In the country, jau 171 i.MlMKlWi KXAMINK ANU 11UV V HE OBI Q I K A li. HAUdll'H lllllNtl Tiiic I'ntsr lUw Husk ruosi'iiATit JlAim All others nro Imitation, 11 A U O II '8 KAW 110NH BUl'KK PHOSPHATE OK L1MK. PALTj, 1870. Thin Jfioiur Is nindo of Itnw or Unluirned lloues. rich lu Nitrogenous matter, dissolved lu Oil of vitriol, presenting tho Jlono Phosphate In n highly soluble and quickly nvnllnblelorm,uud the Ammonia lu such pioporllou iu to liuuro a prompt nml vigorous action upon the crops, Whero Uuugh'ti Phosphate was applied the pnU season, the Indlcntfons, without exccptlot are that it will maintain lis well turned repunn tlon, Wo request nil lu need of u FerlUUer U tlve this nrtlcle a trial, 15 A U O II A SONS, MANUr'ACTUllKIUI, Orri0K-Na 20 S. Delaware Avenue, I'lIlLADKH'IHA, 15 70-If. PKU HILLS. "just iirlntM on cooil iifippr nnil In tlionontcst SI ylo.J UHTIUK'H uud UUNiTAllI.U'H KKM IIII.M mill for sule nt tbo Col.uuniAN Dllloo. Tin) law requires Jnstlcos nl tliu Teuco to liovo A Voo 11111 lint up In tlielr olllecs, under n pcuulty oUlUuml Uuuble tlie ninount or the fees chauijeil. JUSTICE'S BLANKS. Wo now linvoon lmml n lnruo nonlly prlnUil nssortment of JUMTlCll'H unit UONaTAllLrX II1.ANKH, to which wo luvllu tho iittcnlloii of tneso ofllars. pATEXT MiscollauQous, Qivseflii-rio.v, un uhu nnu i in rahVhniiYi;, BY J. U. BOIIENOK, JI. 1). fnnv ri linmau helncf Imrt nnsod nwnv. r.i whoso denth Ihrro wns no other reason than tho neglect of known nud 1 ml limit ably proven menus of ouro. Thoso near nml dear lo family nnd friends nm keeping Iho dronnilcss Mutnber lDIO WUlt-U, liau vuey uainuy iiuupiou du. JosEnt n.Bciti.Ncira himplu TltLATML'NT, nnd nvnllcd themelves of his wonderful eltlca clous medleluejt, they would not havo fallen. iir.rirnencK nan in nisnwnruw prefurvno inai wherever sulllclcnt vltnlllv remains, that vltall tyrby his medicines nnd his directions for their ttie, Is qulckenod Into health ft) I vigor, In this statement thero Is nothing presumplu ous. To tho faith of the Invalid li mado no ro presentattou thitlsiiot n thousand Uuich null Hlnntlnted by living nnd visible worlrs, Tho theory of tho euro by Dr. Hehenck'fl medicines Is as simple ns It Is uufalllug. Its phllnaophy re quires no nrgurucut. It li Rolf-nssurlng, nctf convicting. Tho Hea wood Tonic nud Mnndrnknl'lllnnrntho first two weapons with which tho citadel nl tho malady Is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of cotmtmptloii originated lu dyspepsia and n functionally disordered liver. With this con dition, iho bronchial tubes "sympathlzo" with thn stomach, They respond to lhe morbific ncttnn of tho liver. Hero then comes the culml nitlug result, nnd the selling lu, with nil its distressing symptoms, or CONSUMPTION, Tho Mandrnko Pills nro composed of ono of Naturo'rt noblest gifts tho Podophyllum Pel la tum. They possess alt tho blood searching, alterative properties of calomel, butuutiko culm mcl,thcy " LHAVH NO 8TINO JlElIINly Tlio woik of euro it now Iwglnntng. Tho vltlnled nnd mucous dewslts In the bonds nud In the are ejected, Tho liver, llko n chick. Is woiind up. It arouses from Its torpidity. Tho stomach nets re;ponslvotyt and tho patient begins to feel that hols getting at last, A HUPPLY OF OOOD IILOOD, Tho Seaweed Tonic, in conjunction with tho Pills, permeates anTt assimilates with tho foil. Chyllilcatlon is now progressing without ItH previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, nnd thn cure Is seen to bo nt hand. Thero Is no more ilntulence, uo exacerbation of tho stomach , An appetite sets In, Now comes tho greatest Illood Purifier ever yet given by an Indulgent father to miilerlng man. Mchenek'a Pulmonic Hy nip comes In tu perform lis functions nud to hasten nnd com pletothocuro. lteulcrsatouce upon Its work, Nat urn cannot be cheated. It collects nud ripens tho Impaired nnd diseased portions of tho lungs. In tho form of gatherings, H prepares them for expectoration, and lot lunvery nhort timo tho malady is vanquished, tho rotten throne tint it occupied Is renovated nnd mado now, nud tho patient, In nil thodlgnlty or regained vlgfr, steps forth to enjoy tho manhood or tho womanhood that wns, UIVKN UP AH LOST. The second tiling Is, tho patients tnustslaylu n warm room until they get well; Ittsalmnstlm posslbloio in oveut taking cold when tho lungs uro diseased, but It must no proven led or a euro cannot bo etrectod, Freh air aud riding nut, es pecially In this section oftho country In the Till und wlutcr seaion, aro all wrong. Physicians who lecommend that course loso their pat louts, if their lungs nro bully dlseasod, nnd yet, bo causo they aie In tho houso they must not sit down quiet; they must walk about tho room as much uud usfist ns tho strength wilt bear, to get up n good circulation or blood. Tho pitlonls must Iteen In good spirits bo dctermliiitl to get well. This has a great deal to do with tho appe tite, nud Is tho great iolut to gain. To despair oi cure utter' such evidence or lis possibility In the woist cases, and moral certain ty liuill uthe is, is sinful. Dr, Hehenck's persini il statement lo tho Faculty of his own cure was lu theMo modest words i "Many years ago I waslu tholnststagcs of con RUmplloii ; conilued lo my bed, and nt one timo my physicians thought tint I could not liven week; then, llko a drowning man catching ul (draws, 1 heard of and obtained tho preparations which I now oiler to tho public, and thoy made a perrect cure or me. It seemed to mo that I'cnutd feel them penetrate my wholo system. They soon ripened the matter lu my lungs, nud 1 would nplt up moro than a pint of ollnnslvo yel low mntterevcry morning lor t long timo. Assootia.s thai hrcan to Rnlwliln tnv ermtrli fever, pain nncl night sweats all began to leavo me, and my apnetlto became so great thai It was with dllUculty that I could keep from eating too much, I soon gnlned my strength, nnd havo giown In llesh ever since." "I was weighed shortly nftcr my recovery," ndded tho Doctor, "then looklug liken. more ski-1-etou ; my weight was only ninety-seven pounds; my present weight Is two hundred nnd twenty live (2ii) pounds, nnd tor years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr.Hchenck has discontinued his professional visits to New York nnd lltstou. Ifo or his son , Dr,, Jr., still continues to see pa tients nt their oirice, No. 13 North Klxth strict, Philadelphia, every Kitui day Irom l a. m., to:i p.m. Uboso who wish n tlunough examlnallou with tho llesplrometcr will bo charged Si. 'Iho Kesplromeler declares tho exact condition oftho lungs, nnd patients can readily team whether they aro curable or not, Tho directions tor taking tho medicines nio ndnpted to the Intelligence even of a child. Fol low theso directions, nud kind Nature will do tho rest, excepting that in some cases tho Mandrake Pills nio to bo taken in lucrcimed doses; tho threo medicines need no othor accompaniments thau the ample Instructions that accompany theiiit First ereato appetite. Of returning health hunger Is the most welcome symptom. Wheu it comes, ns It will come, let tho despairing a t otico boo! good cheer. Cloixl blood nl onco follows, Iho cough loosens, the night sweat is abated. In a Khoitllmo both of thcao mm bid symptoms aio gono iorever. Pr.Hehcnck'smedlclncinre constantly kept in tens of thousands ot lamllh's. As n laxntUe or purgative, tho Maudiako Pills nro a standard pteparatloti; whllo tlm Pulmonic Hymn, as a cuter ol cough nud colds, may bo regarded ns a consumption iuany ollts forms. Price of tlio Pulmonic Kyrup uud Hea weed Tonlc,t?l..rx)utiottle, orS7-50a hall docn. Man drnko Pills, V5 cents n box. For sale by all drug gists and dealers. Johnson, Ilollaway A Cowden, tW2 Arch street, Plilladelphln, wholenule agents. may iy'71-Iy. Miscellauoona, Clur.LCJ A. DASA, EOltor. A Ncwflpnpcrol the Present Times. Intended for Peottlj Noiv on Earth iDclndlng rarmcrs. Kfcclmclci, Merchant!., Pro feisloual Men, Wottcra.Tblukcrs, anJ nil Mm nor of Honest Tolki, aal tlio Wtvc. Sou, oaJ DaujlitcrHOf alliucb. ONLY ONP. DOLLAR A YEA II t ONF. II UN DIC EI) COPIES POIl 930, Or lets than Ono Cent a Copy, Let there bo a 650 Club at every I'odt omee. KHMLWEEIiLY HUN, 8 A YEAH, of tli J tamo tlza aril general charac tor at Tilt: WEKKLY, but vim a greater variety ol inlncclUncomroaJincflDd furnblilnj tho news to Ui mtocrlbcri wltU greater fr cab now, beeauso It comes twlco ft neck laotcal of odco only. THE HAILY HII.N, 8G A YEAH , A firoerolncntlr rcailahto newipapcr. with tho lar-'t'it circulation in tho world. Free, Indc nundent, and U'ArlcFR In polltlci. All thu nown fmm everywlu're. 1w(centi a copy i ly mall, iO ceuu u uioutli, or 8U a year, TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HUN. 1'lvo coplc, ono year, separately sddretrd. Four Dollar Ten replei, one yeir. fcnaratelystldreucil (and aii oxirn copy to the getter up of clap). Eight Dollnrs. Twenty copies, ono yonr, icparAtclr addrcsieJ ndil au cxirj copy to the setter op of citih), Fifteen Hollars Fifty copi.-o, ono year, to odo oddreiii (and tho bcuibWeckly odo year to fetter np of rluh), Tblrty-ibrre Doliurs. Fifty roplea. one year, cparatcly aadrcasod (and the html Wi'Cklypueyrftrtocettrrnporriuh), Thlny-fUe llollnrv. Ono h n nd rod coplc, one year, to ono addrcu (and tbo Dally for uue year to tho cc-iter up of cluh), Filty Hollars. One hundred copies, ono year, leparattly ad drewed (ami tho Uallyforeae year tu lltoiicttcr upofclubj, Hlxty Dollars. TUB BEMI-WEEULY SUN. FIto copln, ono j car, separately R1drcrl, Eight Dollars. Trn corlci, ono rcar.rcparately addrceicd (and au titn copy to tetter ap of rlub), bUtcea Dollars. HEN I) YOUR MONEY inrpfit Oftiec orders, rhecki, or draft! on New ) ork, wherever tonrenicnt. Jf not.tneorotflstcr tuo KucMcuutalDlDg money, Addreva I. W. CKflLAND, riihlkher, ban olflcc, Hvw York City. Q OF TUB W AG El TiTIlNTIlD I)CM 7I1 '89- OUR CELOKATEU GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Mil llni' wrlltei uflk Ulltt IVu of lull Will VUlMCKPU dw U bi ti ivm. I'm nil in riinat'it. HUI.II M.V HV AuKN I uud ftr (bU SUOitcriHunlb. I'ruBtvvvrUUOiMi-vnU TmuhiM(iIu I'i-h, 0ritUI luo buiva, OU ri-nl.l a boitM, 1.0U iHilvv bvtv 4.00. AddrvM, WESTEUN TUDLISHINa Co. Manufacturer' 'Agenti, TittiWrgh, Ta. Pvua mm ld ttt wur 1w(mIIwu wf " Ijtfjj. rtur auullly. Tlur uly the rvnulu J " J? T1S ITSSsuldbTlkUtWniiurt I"'1' I tluir Tr I'm iIvb luMrAuiM'r-wi'i"1," lnl, phtlMlr wrlltvu, nud vrder uiU ww' MUU irwiui( wtteuUou. Jnu W7i ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers