The Columbian. Bloomsburg. Friday, July 28, 1871. Imi.IMIowi-'I.i..'o.,1ii Vat llnw.nrriniiriiiily imtlinrlwl Ailvi-rtiniiiR ARM"" , ..Yi.J CiiK.WrTi lire our nu kti'i Kin i.i. Co.. No. I7 lllioiil mil HI ropl, Mily nnllmrltcil Ancnln In riillnJoliililn. ......v. i:mn. i.mir nulhorlreil AkciiI nl ( vnlriilln t' tnnwnri nny IiiwIucm iicrlnluiun, lo llin Col.IIMIIIAN OlllCe. . .. . .in AllmlvortlMiinriilnfor lhoror(!oliiRlorall. llrmnimtlHuiodnrwIliytlieiio AbviiM, or they will rrirlvo no ntlciitlon. J.Kj nallroadTlracf Tablo. lackawanna m.ooMsntmu H.IU fll . . . 11M4A. M. M. hvmrxtim; :i 5 a. m. m y. m. Kxpress.... 0:13 l'.M. 0:111 A.M, c'atawihha it. n. rnu.u "Wi'""?!"'.?' (Inlns North. !f ir Democratic Connty 1 ho Democratic! votcrsof tho scvcrnt Dlstrlcti In Columbia County, will meet nt tho usual .!ntp of holding tlioBtiiernlclcclloii'i.ou Hatur ilny, thn 6lli day of August, 1S71, between tho hnuiH of thrco find Roven o'clock In tlio ftllor nooiiof Hint ilny, nnj tied Do'crhIcs by ballot lo ri-iTniont tho District. In n COUNTY CON. Vl'.NTlON lo bo held fit tho Coutt House, In I He i.n nr. on TUKHIIAY, TUB 8TI1 DAY OP AUGUST, nl I o'aloek 1. it,, to place. In nomination u run- IMitln for Member of Assembly s to nomlnato oiio person for Asoelalo Judgo; ouo person for District Attorney i ono person for County Treas urcrono person foi CountyCoinmlssloncr; ouo person for Coroner, and ouo person for County Auditor; W bo supported by tho Democrutlo parly at tho eomlns election, tn tho township or Locust tho clcctlou will bo bold at tho l'nbllo lloliso of Ludwltf Thlelo, In Nmiililln; mill in .Monlour township nt tlio l'ubllo Homo of It,-W. ltupcrt.l Also.atlho samo llino and plarrs nud In tho samo tusnncr, tho Democratic i lectors of each district will elect ono person to servo ns member of tho County ritamltng com mlltee. Thutulosaud apportionment of ilcleg.ites aro us published In tho Columiiian, liy order of Iho County Coinmllteo, WILLIAM D. KOONS, Chalrmni'. llloonisburg, July si", 1871. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Tlio Hull Storm. Tho hail klorni of Humlay tho 17lli hist. tr.ivcrscil tlio Stato from northwest lo south east, and in sorr.0 jilaccs wai very doslruo- live. Tlio upper end of iorthtmihcrlaiid coitnly ami kuI.h of lo'coinlnjt and Jlonlour peem to liavo RiilTorcd most. Mr. l-Wt.KE, nl' tho former locality, left rt cherry limb about thrco foot long at this office, and Lunch of oatvns sample?, which nro as badly bruis ed ai though they had passed through a threshing machine. Oats, corn and grass in tlio vicinity, as well as all growing vegetation, arc entirely destroyed, and many farmers will bo compelled to (-all their flock for want of feed. Orchards and forests nro cither torn up or denuded of foliago and much bark, roofs and windows aro literally riddled, and ovcry thing generally is much damaged, Tho Muncy Luminary says: Wo found fields whero corn had been, cleared as clcan or cleaner, of tho crop which had been growing upon them than they would havo been had tho crop been cut up with a knife and hauled oft" in tho usual way; Oats lying level with tho ground nnd ttfio grain not only threshed oft and beaten into tho earth, or carried away by tho water, but tho stiaw cut into mero fibres : nnd fruit trees stripped of their foliage, and orchards oi rruit trccs ot tncir irmt mm leaves, ami all wearing precisely Iho pamo annearanco they do in mid-w inter. Tho (.mailer branches Of tho fruit trees wcro cut otf. nnd tho younger trees ailfcrcd tho loss of batk, as if uono witli a kmle, ana many ol tucm will die. l'oullrytoi' all kind", small pigs, and birds in considerable numbers wcro killed. Wo visited two nilus of hail on 1'ridav. (fivo days days after they fell) ono of which was at least thrco feel thick, and brousht homo with us nbout a bucket full of hall, many of which wcro as largo nnu somo larger man hulled walnuts. Wo havo no doubt thcro will bo hail, in places, ior a week yet, uutirlil or Imd In Ms iiowohIoii"- -tinlesw Iho inking bu lo Mock olhur witters. Any cllizon Is milliorlzcil lo proseculo for theso iicimltlcD. Hy tho i-lovontli wctlnn, tlio shcrliT of tho county, upon nollcc, U rtctilrct lo lirouocil with such forco of nooil moil rn may bo iioo wary fur tlio ptirposo, nml destroy or illsmrtntlo nil flali Imlicls, klddols, eel wolw, or other ilovlces poriimnoiilly sot for Iho taking of fish j nnit If tlio sheriff upon notlcosliall notnbtilothonul.TOtico, ho shall bo llnblo lo u lino of not 1ms than ono liumlreil nor inoro limn ono ilollnr.-s for every such ncKloct. It will thus bo seen, that Ifnllthcio laws nro honestly ttpliclil and onforced by citizens and odlccrs, wo may look forward at no distant day, lo a plontl- nil supply or excellent nnd nutrlcious food. Liberty to tako flah should not Do construed into n, llccnso lo taku at libitum, for In all theso streams tlio public havo rlchts. Tlio restrictions nrojust and proper, nnd 11 Is Just bceauso of llccnso that our aliening aro almost stripped of llielrlinllyliious inhabitants. Uauio And Insccllvorous birds will bo treated of hereafter. F Till! Clovcrnor lias appointed Mr, Hamilton Adams, of Ashland, bolh er Inspector for Schuylkill, Columbia and Northumberland counties. A Mtxrixn of tho executive committee of tho Columbia county Agricultural Society will bo hold on Saturday, 20th Inst., at 'J o'clock, at tho office of J. J. UnowEit, K. Local, A llttlo irlrl a brlfrht nnd Interesting llttlo creature gayly pass ing down Centro street tho other day picked up n pin, Slio put It In her dress. Aoue. Quito a number of persons In this place, who resido In miasmatic dis tricts, aro suffering from chills and fover. Tho dlseaso has been moro prevalent this yoar than usual. Tho utmost cau tion should bo observed In preventing exposure. Danville American. Wn endorse thondvlco of n cotompo r.iry which cautions farmers lo bo "on tho lookout for patent right swindlers during tlio present summer, as their uamo is legion. Havo nothing to do with them. If you need agricultural implements, purcliaso them of our well known merchants, and select thoao who advertise." Wk understand that M. J, I). Wrrii inton", of Northumberland, lias secur ed tho control of tho celebrated Mount J'arni oil, of West Virginia, for Luzerne, Columbia, Northumberland nnd Dau phin counties, nnd intends carrying on tho business In tho different vnrlcllcs of oil. Located at Northumberland, wllb a branch nt Wilkcsbarrc. Tin: l!ox-TUN.Ni:r,.-This llttlo nar. rative, worded up by ono of tho most popular Kuglisb writers of light lltera lure, will bo found upon our first jingo, There is supposed to bo very llttlo of tho romantic in a railroad, but Mr. Hkadi: succeeds very well in interest ing us inn railroad advent uro In "tho Uox-Tunnel." A vou.Nd lady of this town rets ud ovcry moiuiug nt live o'clock to practice upon tho piano. Her mother gets up nt tho yrune lime to do tlio wanting and Household urwig ciy, L'xcJtaiiyf. Singular to slate, said young ldy is quite a traveler, as sho has visited nearly every town in the State where thcro is a newspaper published. Tin: editor is indebted to Mr. Jos. QAnnisoN'for a basket of New Koch ello (Lnwton) Blackberries. They wcro ns. flnonn article of tho superior variety named as wo havo over scon ami wcro moat delicious. Tlioy aro frco from tho seedy habit of tho common variolic?, aro moro fleshy nud Juicy, and require less sugar, if fully ripe, to make them palatable, Mr. 0. will liavu plants for tale in tho fall. Certain hikuious lads from this town week amused themselves by throwing stones into tho windows of a school house at Cam bra. Certain citizens ol tho locality very piopcrly amused themselves by extracting twenty dollars from tho pockets of tho mis chievous youths. A few examples ol tho sort will improve tlio deportment of lads who get away from their mothers apron stung". - Huni.ock Cheek and Muncv Rail itoAD. Tlio engineers completed tho preliminary survey of this ' road last week. Wo aro Informed that tho grado uowhero exceeds thirty feet to tho mile, except for u dlstanco of a mllo and n quarter, whero it slightly exceeds sev enty feet to tho mllo. Tlio entire lengtl: of tho survey from point to point Is llf- ty-tlireo milts. It is not doubted but that tho necessary means will bo raised to put tho work of construction untie. way" nnd to completo It within a reason ablotlmo. Tin: Long Looked ror. uasComi:. Almost Bcvenly.flvo years havo olape blnco tho elosu of tho wnr of 181i!, nnd not until now has tho U. H. Clovcni ment offered a pension to soldiers 1 said war for services rcuderod. Col Kiiknezkk Thaveii, latoofCapt. Wt llUTitus' Company, 1st Battery. N. Y, City Cliiards, commanded by Col. Coi'F in,h tlio nrst recipient of n pension, 1 this county, under tho lato net of Con grcss, giving pensions to soldiers of tho war of 1812. Col. Thayeu is tho father In-law of Hon. Wa, Umveli,, President Judgo of this Judicial District, nnd halo and hearty ns vigorous mlddlo ago, Oapk May. rcrsons visiting tlio Cape, which is ono of tho most pleasant of summer resorls, will Mud tho Culum Ha House, Oco. J. Bolton, Kj., pro-l prletor, ono of the most agreeable of public houses to tho sojourner, Tho Columbia Is tho equal, of any hotel at tho'Capo, and probably superior to any, and Its location is convenient to tlio beach nnd for bathing. Mr, Bomon is tho well known proprietor of tho Bolton Hotel nt Hnrrlsburg nud tho Columbia Hotel nt l'hllndelphla. Ho Is well known to ninny of our people, as well as to tho editor, nil of whom will nttest his nttontlon nnd kindness to guests and hlsmnuy gentlemanly qualities. Try nun, wiicilier visiting Capo May, Har Hsburg or Philadelphia. For Tlio Columbian. l'Mi Laws. Among tho many subjects which the Legislature has madu tho object ol'spec lal enactments, havo been "Fish,'' Chuno" nnd "Insectivorous Birds;" nnd it is nlmost impossible for nny ouo tell what tho law In relation to those thrco things Is, That they should bo under tomo general statutory rcguhi' Hons would seem to bo certain; but In tho nbsenco of Hint, I shall endeavor to Blato understandingly what tho law Is, so far as Columbia county Is concerned, on thoso thrco heads. As early as March 1 lib, 1801, an net as passed "for tlio preservation of fish n tho rivers Delaware, Su.-queh.mna ind Lehigh," and deprecating tho do structlou nnd talcing of flsb, ns had been practiced, and prohibiting tho sot ting up and maintaining of wlcrs, has kcts, dams, etc., under severe penalties On tho. Id of April, 1801, part of Big Ishlngcrcek, and part of Cutawissa, polled "Callowlssl," creel: wore de clared public highways; and on tho lOth March, 1SU7, fishing with bcoop seine, brush, ncls.ordoviccs of any kind was prohibited, from Saturday at 0 l'.M, until Monday at OA. m ; in thoSusquo hnnua, nud thoso branches declared public highways. And only ono haul as to bo mado in nny ono place In twen ty-four hours. To tho breach of whlcl uiations considerable penalties were attached. On tho 1st March, 1815, n supplement to the net of March lGtli, 1807 wns pass ed, re-enforcing tho prohibitions of tho former, nud enacting further, that no selno or net bo drawn "in tho Nortl: Branch of tho river Susquehanna, bo tween tho town of Northumberland and tho mouth of Ncscopcc creek, on tho f hursday of any week, under a penalty of thrco .hundred dollars." Tho prohl bllioti extending from sun rUu to sun iso, by act of March 2lth, 1871. It is not proposed to follow up, act by act, tho Ieglslatlvo caro over tho fish but theso early laws aro mentioned, lo low that for moro than a hundred ears our law makers havo had their attention turned to their preservation and it is much to bo regretted that tho uvs were not more stringent and mucl moro strictly enforced. Tlio wanton usolcss nnd criminal destruction offish ame, birds and forest trees has long been a subject of regret to thinking men .mil tho re-propagation and careful pre scrvatlon of all of them lias now become mperatively necessary, and should bo enforced by heavy penalties uniformly and Impartially Inflicted. Notwithstanding all thoso and other prohibitions and penalties, iudiscrimi nato and destructive fishing continued and in 1S07, April 3d, an act was passed making it unlawful "to fUh with nny kind of nets or seines In tlio waters of Big l'ishingcrcek and its tributaries, i tho counties of Columbia and Luzerne; under a penalty of twenly-flvo dollars or In default of payment, twenty day imprisonment. And on tho 10th April, 1SG7, a further act, prohibiting tho kuq or throwing of any drugor crazy bait, cocllcus Indian, lime or any pols on Into tho Susquehanna or Its trlbutar Ics In Columbia county; and enforcing it by a penalty of forty dollars, or Im prisonment until lino nnd costs aro paid or secured to bo paid. Tho appointment of a Fish Commls siouer, and varldus enactments not no CQssary tobospeclllcally referred to, were mado from 18CD up; nnd in 1803 concu rent legislation of Maryland and New York wasnskud for, in view of our local nactmcnts, Tho samo supplement an thorlzed tho courts of tho counties hav ing Jurisdiction of tho river Susquehan na,"to confer upon local constables 11 functions of water bailiffs, so that Ihey, the said constables, may bo fully author wed to nliato tho nuisances declared bo such under tho several nets to whlcl this act is n supplement, nnd other cog nato laws of tho Commonwealth which Includes nil thoso to which refer ence lias been mado, P. L. 180!) pago 10, On tlio lillh May, 1871, nn net was ap proved prohibiting tho taking of sal mon, or black bass, by any means or devlco whatsoever, in tho Susquehanna or Its tributaries, until August 1st, 1873. tlio flno to bo flvo dollars per llsh, and In default of payment an Imprisonment of ten days. Also, no "salmon, plko, porch, Jack salmon nnd fish known scientifically as stiaostctliitm ameriean- urn," shall bo taken in nny streams in cluded in this net "between tho first of Vebrunry and tho first of Juno in any year," under tho samo ponnlty ; nnd tho foregoing penalties und protections nro applied "to tho taking olnny nowly In- troduced nnd npproved food fishes" hi nny of tho said streams. Placing any deleterious substance, or nny piscivor ous fishes in nny stream or pond, with Intent to destroy tho trout or bass there In, is made a misdemeanor, with a pen alty of ono hundred dollars. "No speckled biooic trout, nor any speckled river trout shall bo taken nt nny tlmo In our streams," with any do. vice, snvoouly with a hook and line," and that "only during tlio months, of April, May, Juno and July, and tho first ilfteon days of August, under a penalty of flvo dollars for each trout so I.OCAI, 'otici:s. WANTED, ft girl lotto gem ml honsoworir. In Mnnll fmntly8ltuntlon i.ermanent. Tor fur ther Information apply nt tlio Columbian oill:o. n'lo-tf. Maize's Mauuuolli (Iroccry. l'MIUlt nud KEED, liest nunllt y for alo clicnn lit MAlZH'rt MAMMOTH HltOClillV. WOOD nml WILLOW WAUE of nil for salo nt M.UZK'HMAM.MOIH (JUOCEItV, NOV Ef.TY CLOTH t WlllNdKll, tlio host In worM, for (Ulo nt MAIZK'N MAMMOTH ItOCEKY. TAIlLli tUTLHUY, very low, nt MAIZli.H AMMol'il UUOUEItY. (nn:i:.NsVAiit:, ul.v-swaue mm china. WAUL', l,y tho Kelt, nml setts nilcil tin lit MAIZI'.'H MAMMOTH (IIIOCIUIV, 1'i:achi:.-i. mijlo.n.-s. nn.i nitwit ntuiT tnernlly, In rcut nt MAIZH'H MAMMOTH aitOCEKY, TEAR, fOFl'Eliy. &e in mint variety nt .'1 AI.L.H. Imported BTONE WAllE, tho very hest nrtlelo o ho (ititnincd.ror Mile nt MAIZIl'M M AMMO I'll fJUOCEUY. Hl'ICKH, HOADrf, In great variety nnd tlrkt llinllly, lit MAl.E'H MAMMOTH UltOCEUY. KLCIAIH,TOI'ACCO, Ac, of tho bet quality sold ehenp nt MAIZE'S MAMMOTH OUOUEltY. nlO-tf. Legal Noticci, IXKCJJTHIX'H NOTIOI3. Jli r.trATK or amAndcs mionr.s, m.a'n. Lellem tcHtamentnrv on tho ctnto or Atnnn. dm llhoilen Into of Iirusl txnvnnlilp, Columbia fouiily, ileeM, trnvolieen granted liy Ihn tteifhter til Biiui fouiiiy in nu'iii-ii jfciiiAio,, aii p.-rrtou luivlnrf claims ngaltiKt lhuetlntu nro rcquoMtod lo preHcnt llicia to the Hxei'Utrlx In Columliiit eoulity. Thoso Indchted ti tho CRlalo either on nolo, jiiURtnctit, mortxaao or iiook nrcount will mnkopnymcnlto tlio Kxecutrlx wltliout delay. lUmiAniui A. lliiuur. July 21, Wt-0w. Kxecutrlx. 'TUWToil'8 NOTICK, t. KsrATK DV WILLIAM MnNSINdCIl, DEC'l). '1 IIG tltliterNliitlfHl. Hmioltltnil Itv llin OrnhnliH Court or Columbia county, Auditor to dlAlriliuto iiiiiu in ino iinno oi ticeouiiiaui ol ivillinm MenslURerdos'll.wlll meet tho partleit lulerenled for tho pin pone of IiIh nppolnlmi'ntnlhlo!!lca In ItlooniMuil if, on Haltmlay, tho nth day of AllKUt A, ll. 1S7I, nt lllu'cloolc, A, M All persons hnvllnt elating on Knld estate nro required to nlteml or ho forever Unbarred from comlmr In for n part op Mil. I fun. I. M, Wllll'.MOYKIt, juiyxwi uvt AiKiuor, A UDITOH'S NOTICE. KM TAT 15 OK llRN-fAMIN KOWIIl, liRC'n, J hJ lllulomlECIlOil nnnntutuil hv tliu (IrnlmnK Court or Columbia county. A ml I for tn tllsirltjute fundi in tho hands of ArtmlnlstnUor of llcnjiimlu Fowler, liilu of t'cnlro township, ('olumbtn county, Onccntpil, to nutl ninntiK iTudltom nml iieirs, win iiH'ti i no ji.irui'H imercsiou ior ino urpono of Ills nppolntnicnt. nt liln utllco in Jtloonisliurtf, lM.,ou HATUllhAY, the ltilh dny of An K ll I A. 1. 1H71, nt 1U o'chiclc A.M. All jierHona havtu claims on Haiti ctatu, uro ro fjulu'tl- to ntli'Uil or bo forover tltUurred Irom tonilngln torn liuitofsald fund. C. JI. llUOCKWAY, July7'7I-a AuJltof, SliWlNU J1AC111NK. a ST Ktnwnvnmv smi Public Salcri. n u n ii i o" ha l : o vai. if a ii iii: uiJAri I1HTA T uatjItiks oi; IOW11 BllWINO Till-: KMAS MACillNUt A UDITOH'S NOT1UK. jtl F-HTATK UV MATIItA4 ItltOSP, Df-c'l), In tho OriihaiiH Court bin. Tim Auditor appointed by tlio Court, to f tliocounly or Colu m utt'd bv tbu Court. I tllHtrlbnto fundi lit tlio Imndi of Hamuol Kliom- tl. i1miu' tin n tlti'h n vnn tin liv lmud-i(.lur4 ilonot, It imn'ch Mirrad fTir inch Htllrh nmmllntt to tlm thlckniH4 of fibrin wow"!, olhi-rH do not. It ihm i HlralKht nceillo nml lliur for Homo tlirtal than any other inarhhic 'Iho Btllch 11 nllkotm hth tddt'R. It has In nddtilon to tlitRo U Riiv.nmuii rinlincu uy ruiicr inncinnoi. jl tm been toitrtl nud ti Knmvn to bu tlio moil durnblu iii'ichlno in tho laarlirt, Tlio fait that newitiK imi' hino men aif tuixioin 10 ouuuu mo nurncy of this mncblno U ronrluiho vltlcnce that tho ltuhiio urn largely In favor of thliina- ihluc, rviiii h lias not cuani;oi in principiu moid tH fornmtlon viz: iruwiii2nBtltcli ns odo iy iinmi puiu tin i vJ-y icriui tit COI, !!2I AND !!03 LACKAWANNA AVKNUK. KUHANTON. PA. jutyir-t- im, TrSOAllOltA Wiiitk. Mack nml colorcil KiJ filove can bo gut nt 31. P. LUT.'a for Si .23 per pair. I'misoxri in want of n Sowlmr Jfn clilno will ilnil it to llii'Ir mlvnntiiKO to ono witn an ino into improve ments, nnd miiilo by it largo rrspmisllilo 'ompiiny, Huiiuni mnunimsis mid irnctk'iil Bowlti"; mnclilno nRcnts know to Hlncor 14 tlio l) Inelr ncnta tiniioMtamt iiicir uusincss, nnu con duct it on honorable principles, wltlp out mlsrcpresentltiK, secret promises or splllnir second linnd niacbliu's fr now. ii you prcier competent, iiBcnts anil ialr lenllti"; ko lo tlio hinder olllco. Jin. SAMunr, Cochiian. InivolinL' icent for tlio Slnirer Jlnnuracturini: Company, ijlvcs notico to the residents oi uoiumniii county, mat ,i. a. jjouan is tlio duly initlioriztil ai:cnt lor tlio sale of tho Singer Sowim? JMncliliica In tho nbovo county. Parties wiahlns to purcnaso saiti mnciiines win Dear in mind that they cannot bo had from dealers In other machines except second iiamicil. A nkw nssoitmcnt of prints, brown ami leached muslins, wash tioplins. and bulf Cliincso grass cloth.", just received at M. P. l.urz's. Anitr.ST that tcrriblo Catarrh, and thin avoid ii consumptlvo's frr.ivo by using Dr. Saue's Catarrh Hemtdy. Ills not warranted lo euro consumption when tho lungs aro half consumed, nor to mnko tins cartn n mtssuil l'ar.ullsc, lo which Heaven shall bo hut nshlo- &how, but tho proprietor will pay $5iK) rownrd for n case of Catarrh which ho cannot euro. Sold by druggists, or .send sixty cents to Dr. It. V. Pjerco, 13U Sen ecu street, liuffalo, N. Y., nnd recolvo It by mall. Tin: relaxing powcrof Jomson's An- ndyne Liniment is truly wonderful. (Jiucs fire already numerous whero bent and stlH'encil limbs havo been limbered nml straightened by it. when used for this purpose, tho part should bo washed anil rtiDDCd inorougniy: Apply tlio liniment cold, nnd rub it In with tho hand. A crowd of " horso men," and others. dally throng tlio stores in country and town for Sheridan' Cavalry Qmililion l'omlers. They understand that horses cannot bu kept In good condition with out thorn, ami with them can bo on a much less quantity oi gram. As n remedy for Bronchial Affecllons and Chronic diseases of tho Lungs, nothing over boforo discovered equals Dr. Pierce s Alt. j;xt. or lioiden jipiii cal Discovery. It is also a treat blood puriller and restorativo tonic, nnd cures Pimples, Iilotclies and Kruptlons on tno lace, inauing mo complexion clear ami lair, noiu iy druggists. A V.ilseliood t'ontraillcli'il. 1 understand tluitlluro U a leport clrculatiHl in tomo of tlio towntulps throughout tuocoun ty, that I wns urouaht out ns n cmdldnto for tho olllco of Counly Commissioner nud If elected I wnsloino my intliienco In connection with n rnllroad nnd mubou brlilRO now In contcuiidn lion to bo erected iiirossthorUcrhiisriuelmuua at tho town of lllooinbliurt!, nnd tlio proposed one-fifth to bo paid by tho county In order to havo a f ico wneon briiigo. I say mt-ro 11 nowi word of truth in it, that tlio assertion is false, and Kotteu up for clcctlouccrlui: purposes. would nt'alil say tliatl do not propose buyllin tlio olllco by liuvclliiK throuKh tho county nml Npeudiuij moro money that It Is woith, tolill tlio trulli It la ft lllllo lower llinn I lll:o to stoop, as I havo n llttlo too mnclr IniU'imidtuco nbout me, I hope lliero nro honest nun enough lu tho county that nro of tlio sumo opinion as myseir, that wllltnlto nn Interest In my election, and h elp to put down Iho miserable pnicllco so long tolerated. Now giutlcmen should I bo success till In being elected I shall do what Is right und to tho best Interest of tlio tax far us liiyjuilgmcjunud nullity goes. ltespeclfully yours, H.C. HlIIVi:. administrator or MATltlAS, lato ot Jiiekson township, Columbia county deceased, will meet nil pcrnoiis micrcsicu, ior inu piirposo of Ills npiKilntmenl at his olllco in llloomsliuri!,oiiHaliirlay,tholUth cbiy of August, A. Ii. Is7l, at Id o'clock ii. m. of said ilay. All persons liavlmr claims ngnlust tho h.iM estnto will be required lo present them at tlmt time. kj, w. .iiii.i.r.u, Julyll'Jl-O.v. Auditor. AT OT I OH. Tho -"mmonwealtli of XI renlisylvauIaTo Joliu Hupp, Jonas llupp, Mary llupp. Intermarried with .Michael Hllne, (leoiirn llupp. Joins Itupn, llarmiiu llupp, Au- uiow iiupp, isaraii, ijir.iiuolii I'oiitnier nnu Mnry llaishfal). You and cacti ofyinl aro here liv iiotltled. to bo and nnnear tn oitr Demons. beforo tlio Judges of the Orphans' Court, of tho C'ouuty ofColuintil i. at nn Orplnns' Court, to 00 Iieill 111 II1.UIJ01-IUIJ lilt, III I1I1U Kir Hlllll Ullllll- It-, nn Iho llrst UllMIlAV (If H I : ' I' I lit Hi HI next, then nnd thero to nccept or refuso to tnUo ino ileal j.siaio oi ueoruo iiupp, laio oi i,ouusv Township. Insult! Coutltv. deceased, lit thu valu ation, or sliow cailso why tho same should nut uo soiu accorcuug lo law . W. 11. 1'.NT, Clerll O. C. Hiir.nii'i'8' Oi l ice, July is, IMI, JUUCZl,';i til A A HON HMITII, Hhcrlif. "VT OTIC K. Tho Commonwealth of X 1 Pennsylvania To Clara Peg?, Jnuo l'egg, Mnrv Kllcn 1'eui.. rntharlne I'l irn . Miiruli lVuir, Kllitord l'eirir. Jano l'erin. Henrv 0. 1 ( icir. Alien Seliug, Allred l'ecg. Jonathan regir. llieoilosa l'igg. Thomas Walker husband of Mnrgnret fig, decfcased, William Lilly husband or Jano l'egg deceased, ami John Harsh. Vou nnd each ol nu nro heieby uotllled, to bo and Appear In i our persons , before iho Judges or tlio orphan s Court, of llio County of Columbia, nt im Or plums' Collll, to bo held 111 IILUOMSIUHKI, 111 llllll I'lr Mllll COU1I14 , Oil 1110 1ITKC illUiSl'L Ul' hi:PTKMIli:lt next tlieu nnd thcio loncccptoi leluse to InUo llio lUnl I'.stnto of William l'epg, lato of MiuUsoli Townshio. ill said Coulltv. dc- censed, nt tlio valuation, orstiow cause why luo same suouiu not uo soiuuceoruioK 10 law. W. H. I'.NT, Clerk O.C, HnuiiiriH' Ot'i'icn, July is, lwi. July il.'71-tt aauo.n HMiTir, Hhcrlir. s uiu'(i:na in divoiici:. Thii i li Ki'!io:l.vcrir brirtm Hontoniher LLh. IjOrntlmi licnlthtul, nitrnrlt'o niul well ndnptrd tn i1ijm d development. Krro from lonnnc i.aTH i if i K.iiooiit, too iniiupitccit mo moriu. ti iu -t,UHj )iun nnu liavo l.vru Ucn Tirtm modoniu'. Apply lor circular, to It. I. IMTOMH, A.M, T. .t, VATf KUHON, A.M. Slutual Vivo Iiwur.UR'o Compnny At o( (Tlf rk. linn occii uolnn LuhinfHt llilrty ono i Mui. Hlx inrt It bfts laid no osROHMnrntw. ii ml tho nvmmo into of iissikkiiipiu during tho in it iy -ono 3 LittH iiniiicen;(-4 ri- uc-t nt. a kau. Tho iy- suicnt lor tho scar lint Liulcd 1h 2 1-f rut Vh n r . find tho L'ounmnv Iuih a clear Niirnlim IJVt'I II J 1 IIIIUIIIIK'1, 1IIR SAlii:. 'in) nnrosi himurlcir Wiiitk Oak 1 TiMiiru liiiul. tionr rnc! c llnvnn. i'u.. 5ikiu licre IIFMI.OCK TIMllKlt lund, Pottir Cn.l'Jl, l W.Hiii:An.i,ucoioKt(4i.ti;iiBT, rouvnie, i-a. lJJ I Ill'JI'Jllr fri'fthltm mmitnpr lii'verniro fun huiTuilIv mado nt iibout 5 ctnU per pntlnn, with AfCHKHHACIi ft Miu.khN (Jcuuiuu Uo(t l!ccr Kxtmct, Anlc for It utjour rud ill rents foravlal nnd directions to Jin North Third Btrecl, lnundclrlila. TUAS311bSHK Or' lillli. CorN-iRLSON Tit R NATURE AND IlYfllFNIl Oa T1IK MAMLUMSK i- ITNCTIOX. llV IH. NAI'IIIIV'H. nulliiirlly ol "i'ho l'liysical Ll!o of Woman," H rtlatei toimf(fc sex; It full of now fuels; dvllcato but oulKpokiii; practical nnd popular: highly en ilorntd: ttUt rapltlly. Hold by.subscrlptlon ouly, I j.xciumvu icrruory. ii'rmt jiufrni. rnm c. AUditss lor cuntcnts. Ac, J. u. l-liliuus Ac lu., l'tujliirrs, l'hU.idelphla, IM. Agents I Kead This ! WK 1VIM PAY AUKNTS A SALARY DP S;i(l IMlIt WKKK nml KxtietiRCf. nr allow n, in mo eommUslnn tci tiell nur now nud wondorful Inventions. Address M.WAUN'IIU, A t'O., MHlsliaM.MIcll. In Common Pioasof Uolumlda coiintv.Ko. 2J rcimiuij i vi in, ion. IjiLVlna, Holder vh, i-Atlas anhpoona In Dlvoice. licnjainiu iiouier, ) Hi is : You nro lierchy rcriulro! to appear n .AiunuJiy inv loiiriu liny tn nepu iuult, j. u, is, i, In tho nald !nurt. und nnswer to tho kald eom plaint, or tho mailer will ho thin determined IX tti tc, A AKONb M 1 1 II Bheiitr. My order of tho Court, l'lothuiiolarv. IlloomshurK, July II, 171 It. M. P. LUTZ'S MARKET REPORTS. llloouiibtirK Market, Wheat ncr bushel Hyo " Corn " Oats. " Flour per bariel Ctoveiseed. - Flaxseed - Butter Kkp - - Tallow - 1'otatoeu Dried Alnlcn..t. llnmn Hldeu and Khoulderu H I Tiril on miimil Hay ior ton H - 11 U 11.11 1 I ... f , K iO . II 111 l m , !3 Jit III , 1 U) pilOl'OSKD ' A.HlilSUaiKINT TU THIS lAJJNCiU 1 V 1'ION Or I'KNNSYIA'ANlA. JOINT limAt HTI1IV I'l'o poking Alt amendment to thu Conulliullou ts it Hrmiiftl bu th Semite niut Home ff Htvrc- ainlutUki vf the t-uMuiontitaUh tf J imiylvtnnt in lit )Ul ti aittii'iK mil. i iihv litu itiim" iiisniiiiini' iiihiuiuiuu ui iuih v uuimuitwi'iiiin i... i.rmi.K.-il to Hut neonlo lor (heir udontloni: nleellon. i.uuuant tothopruvlblunauf tliu itnth ,,,llcloll.,ef,tom Btrllio out tho WMIiheclton of IheHlith Aril C O III tllO UOnSlllllllOU, UUU 1UVU11 1(1 1IVU 111V1 ... .1... ,..lln.v,tl.t kiiiii, 'l'i ,-!ii.iirer shall bo choson by tt: rilialdled clcclor. of Iho Blato. lit suchtlmea and tor such teim of service as slinll ho iirescrllied by law." JAMrHll. wuili, fcl,eaker of taaTOJJJ? Hoeaker of tho Heuiiio, Amirnied Iho flfleentli day of Juue, Anno Timolol ono thousuud eluht liiilulieu anil seve; ly-olle, JMJ. W. OKAHV, . rieiuired and certified for iiibl lent Ion inn out lu tho 'liuth Arllclo ol tho Const ll iitlon, decretory of Iho Uoiumoiiwtalth, UU1C0 rsecrcinry oi ino i.uiiiiiiuu,uiiti, , lliirrl.buiu, July Mil, le7l. 1 JulySl.l-O T HASED, (hlauU) for kulo ut tUo CobVJHiUN Ajvuiev, HEAD QUA11TE11S I "Oil 1100 V SlvlUTS ND ORSETS IS AT rito 1 (1-1 ono wove Cored for 70c lio Skeleton Coreet i'or 1 liy vlrlno of nullmrlly nit I order nt Iho (iiplintiRM'nuttof Columhlft totituy, tho iiiaUr HlKoed (idmlnUtrntor or tho ikIimo or lllrimi t 'O'il, ihTcuiil, will oxpofio lo sale atpubllo t n iliiu on tlio preniit(()ii HATUItllAY AUOlTHnilllt 1371, nt I'o'eloclc M.,Jlio follow I uj rcllcnlnte, lo wit t A HOadi: AND LOT nlltiahHiu tho north nldo of Main Mrortln Iho town or t'ntawlHia, ndjolnlnu landi of Jlfiiry IIolHii(inln'nd nn.i olhern, eoiitaliiliirf nbout ono fourth of an nero, moro or Ichm. wheioon Is eric loin 'SWO b-IOHV FKAMi: DWlU.MirK'l lIOUMIi, with ntccHsary mil UiIMIuks. Thero ti on tho pre m Uesn a hUh ok i:xeELu:wT waikii, wlthnvnrUlyor fail I and nhado tie(K. All tn Kood condition, AJmlnlNtrulur, TfllM nr HAf.r.-Ten lirr rtif. i,f Ihn ono foorlh of 11m liiirrliusn liimiov Iji Im onld nl. Iho Mrlkliitf down of Ino property t tho onclourlh liss tho ten f'tr cent, nt tho rnnlirmatlon ol tale; and tho reimtliihiK thu e-fuurthn Iu ono jeur iiicrcnucr, wuii loiereNi itom mo eounrinniion Nidi, wiil.l.lNUTU.N Il,r.KT, Cleik, Woo msburn, July 7th IMI 1. ACADEMY, ACADKMIA, PA. nUIiLlO 9ALK or vaijUa ii u i: n n a u i: hta t i In rtirnnatieo of nn Order of Iho Oriiiinn' t'onrt oi coiumom eouniy, v.,, ino iiiitierKiniuu, utiap dim orCharhMUeaihnit, Daniel (h arhurl, Kllr, nr of Jaeoh (Itarlmit, Jr., luto'nr'Alnhio i it iv ii ii i Pi in Hiuu cuunty, u( euheu, win I'spone to tnihllc snto, on tho premUox, on HATUItllAY,: AUUUHTiMh, 71. nt twelve o'clock, noon, thu lutiuwiiiK uostTiut'i vuauiuiu rtm esiuie, i vi, ;u mui ctnaiu FAIIM AND Tit ACT OF LAND situated In Maine township, wild county. bound- vh )- iiiiHif ji iviiudipii rtouuiuii,.ioiui (leariuiii, jijiiii .ua, tuui Utiuiei r eiiMei uiuonir, CONTAINING llACHKS, ho the snnm moro or lo", on which nro ereete-1 n iioiiHO, laiKO tintnu H.un, and other outbuild In iri. Thcru U nm unon tho nrtinKet il lino your j? Applo Orchard, and a itrlety or other fi ult.trtc. V. II. KN'T, Ulurk. (;oNl)ITIONq of MALK. Ten nrrrrnlnf nnn. lourth ot tho purch.iMo money to bo paid hy tho CLHtimsi'r at wio hu nunjj uowu vi inu )iropcriy. iie-fourth lc the tenpereent. to he paid at tho coimrm.'uion ui inusiuu, aiju u.ii.iuco louo paiti In ono jcar fiom tho conllrmathm of nale, with Interest irom tho tlmo tho putcluuer get pos- ho kloii of thu Knld itrLinlMiH. Iho crnln In Llm ground lo bo Hold with tho farm, 1'oshcssIoh of ino pumisetf to no mveu uq vno uri iuy oi cep UinWA.U.ltfTl. WJI.IjIA.I LUIiAMl , HTUWIKtt UIUHIIAUT, (Jiuirdl.ius, OLAJIJC'S COLUMN. S FRUIT JARS $2 75 PER DOZEN, PORCELAIN LIND- MASON'S ONE QUART JARS POR CELAIN, $2 00 PER DOZEN. , New S'ork, I A MILLION DOLLARS- bclucwd hut oultt men can mnko n fortune by recnllnf tho bccrctoi tho business to noouc. Addie-s, KDUAU HIMW. r.rnadway, 1,00:3 CrlFTS" riUANDOIb'f CONCCUT nml UlstrlliUllon for ULhuiiuueiUortho FuuutHliit; Asjltini nrtlie SKlcrs ol tlKirlly Inlhonty or New York, and H01.TIKDS' nnd MA I LOUS' OUIMIANH' 1IUMI3. Wo-dilmitou. ii. U., to to lie in ni wflsiunyion, w. u., unoer id hv virtno oi a permn ironi iiou. cim- s-iouer or internal itccnue. on 'tnurbuay. .1 ui v CTlh. nnsltlvelv. After tho t'onecrt, tho CommKsloucrs will award to tho successlul tirKct-hoider'i 1) U IJIi I O S A L K VALUABLU IXUAU KfiTATn. In nursuauco of unorder of tho Orphan' t'ourt or Columtila county, tho uudcr'diiupd l'eler Hwiuik, Admlnlslralor, tr,tof Kenjainln Camp, ctecenved, Hill expose to public Halo on tho premises, oi BATUltUAY, AUUUHT 12th, 1S7I, nt IU n'tlook In tho forenoon of paid day, Iho followIujjdiMcrlbed real estato to wll: All that certain 'J1 It A O T O F i A N I) ultuato lu Jocust lownshlp, Colamhla county, houudoil und described tin lolhiWHi liy latidn ol Aiinm uiayneiKcr on ino east, mnun ui ihuhp rislu-roii flits iinith. IntiiN of Wllllulii I'lemliu' outliowest, nnd la mis of Haul & Kolb on thn bouin, eouiuiuiu FOUUTY-SIiVKN ACIIK3, moro or Ichs. "Whereon Is erected a ono nud one- uuu Biory DWljr.LINO 1IOUHE, 1IAUX nnd other out bulIdlnsH. Thero N n. koiJ Apple irtiiuru uii uiu in.miMM una uiner iruib nr-H, Thero 1h a well ot good water nt tho door of the dwelllugliouau. CosniTioNH op Hale. Ouo third of tho nur- thase money to remain churned upon tho pruiiit hv during the natural lllool tho uldow tr tmld luieKiaio nnu ino interest in lo iiudu.i iv ami retruhirli tuld to her bv tho mireliaer or iur- t humeri anil lo Lu ( (imputed hum tho 1st day of ueieuiuei, .L. IJ. I 1 1. Twenty nor cent, of two-t llrdt of Iho mirchaHo money 10 uo paid nt mo biriKiiin aowu oi in UNION FRUIT JARS, $2 00 Per Doz. 1.000 GIFTS AMOUNTING TO $200,000. propeiiy.oneihlidofthobalancQoftbopurchavo ' ' money to bo pnld outho eoullrmutlonotlhohate, ff.i rrtr I.M."IU n,.lr 11-111 l.n Bnt.I nl C". finnll "lion. II. M'eCulIoush. of Klkton,' Mtl." Major Geo, T, Cunle, Italtlmoio, Md., tnumlslouiTs. lion. Jus. H, Nctjley, M, t. l'ltlsuurKii, va. tiiii.twnf fiilnv.Cpn. 11. Itiinter. IT. H. A, 1!.: Hon. Jnn. H. Neuley. I'I'tH- huiLh, l'a; Vlrt.t National Hunk. ItnKerbtowu, m.i V a iitiiimnti A Co.. llunkiTs. llnircrstiwn: llidesiuir A Sonii, llnecrMown ; Hon. It. .1. Hunt, Into Attorneyaicneial, Uulltiuoiu; t. 1 . ,i.i.,iit l'Sfi.. in V.u. Ave., li-iltitnoi-: John 11. 1'uulcr. 1:mi,: W. H. Mjers, of W.II.Mjets llio.. liXCimiiKO l J nee, li.uumoie. nnd iho balance ot tho purchuRo money In nnu oi ueeemoev, a. ij.i"wi. I'urtudjier 10 pay ior ucin u-in nmiiiPH. July lni-u rmr.K hv AdmluUlrutor. pUIlLIO SALK OF VAIiUAKLH KIlAIi 118TATI Thcro will bo opposed lo I'uhlle Mnlo ut tlio in .Im ol tho Ileal JNtntc. cert fled to by "Y"cu.l.UUi '""""iMvr in Jtenion unvnsuii c..umtl.lnlnudofthoTrii!,Ue. t-ouuuom eoumy, on - Tiflri'i u nml i Ii cnl- ri rn n ho had m I. V UnVMN. dcn'l Acout, Mutloner iwul l'rlrter, No. SI Na-tnu Hlutt, rsew oiir. iicucis Patent Medicines. QNKMIIiUONOFLIVKtJSAVKD. it Unnonf iho remflThahtft raft of Uil rr-irnr-knhln ni;e, lint merely Unit nn many tiernniifi nro Ihn vlcllnm of d)mpra nr Indict hoi, hut Iti u-ltttnif vlrtllilfl. Nnr. wn wnttld tint Im lilidrr Htntal to nay that nny ono recant dynpepulrt will) mvor, or iffm uiboum-h to mini iw hiiioou inu hiinrles of life, rur from It. Thone wh have cxpcrleiieed It a torment wotilj urout mich ah ldoil. All uri-iwi ii. inm wmiiu niiniy uinpriimi with It unnleuKant fittnlltarliloii. MurkTnpky, who wajolly tinder all the trylU((clrcuniitunciH lu which he wiw placed. iiDVcr hud nn ntlactc of d)pepfiia, or liln Jollity would havo upoedlly hirftuUeiihlm. itctianj women hnmcllinefi umr Um torturimirjcomidalu lualy, but whoever heard ut ft iwrson who nJoyd tueni? Of ull tho inultllnrlous dtio.iflpn lowhklt Um lititnnn flyMem M liable, thero Is perhaps no ono m generally provnleut ns Uypcifla. Thero nro dhtt'iiHcnmoro acuti und palitful.tnul which moro fnmieutly provo fulal; hut none, Iho rll'eet (if which nro ko depreumn tn tho mind und rtn wmlllvely dlnlrcsiilcit to tho body. If thero It n wrctchou be Inu ' tho world It ll A CONFIltMKl) DY8WUKXIC. llul 11 Is not our Intention to Ulxcnntnn ttio liorrorn of Dyspepsia. To denerlbo them truth rally Ik nlmply nn lniponHlhlllly, It U iKisnlhlo ui ttnint miLii lcmcdv. Wa havu nald thul di uneii" HlaH peflmp1 theinot universal ol hunmn du vMcn, Tills 1 emphatically thoeiiHd lu the Uni ted HtaleH. Whether thl ncneral provnleneoU tine to me cnarocier or tno loou.iuu lutiuoti m 1U preparation, or the hasty manner lu which It I tiMuully nwnllowod. U not our provlnco to ex plain, 'Iho with whlcu wo uro culled to deatlnthUl UYHPurHiA rjtnvAir.s almost universally. Nearly otry other penton you meet I n vio lin), nnd nppurently wllllntf nnoj forwcrothl not the rntto why bo many Ktitrerer, w hen ft ccr lain, Rptidy nnd aata remedy In within tho easy reach or ull who deMrp to avail themselves of lit llul the inu orlly will uoL Inluded bv rrt ludlee. or deterred by tome other unexplained lulhieuce, they lefuse to nccept the relief prollercd ihem, Tiiev turn n deaf cur to tho tetaltnonv of the thoiihnuila whosoBuin'iIngi havo been alleviated and Willi utrauKO lnf.ituntion, appear to ollnij with desperate d(trmlnathm to their ruthteft tormentor. Hut says udvupcjillct What is this remedv? to which wo rrjy : This irrrat ailevla torol hu iii.ui t.utU'rlnjxUulmnslaswldpy knoun as i m l.tiuiitu ianauac. ji nas nnuyeu inu uyonli oi tlioUHandit, und Is to-tl iy (irryliif; comfort mid iiieuuracemcnt In HiuiitandH of othtrs. Thti ncltnowTedgeu p.innucn, li none other than lm.ItOOKLAND'H OfJKMAN IllTTUIW. Would yon know moro or Iho merits nl this wonderful incdlcino than call ho learned front thn exptileneo of others? 1 ry ll yourwelf, nud v lu n It lin-H fulled tn lullll tho accurunre ol IU ellieuey kWcii by tho proplctor, then abandon lullli iu li. m;t it m: nnsinMiiEUEi), flritofnll,lhat IlOOFANUS GLUMAN 11 IT TFdlH Is not a rum bevcrago. Tney nro not alcoholic in nny Renco of Iho term, They uro composed wholly of tho pure Julie, or vital principle of rootR. This It lint ft mere nsfecruuu. iuu LXirnciH iroin which iney aro cominuutled aro tirennred hv nno f thu ablest or Utrman clietulsU. Unlike nny other wuoiiy ireo iroMi tot OFFER A RKDUCT10N Hitters lu tho market, they nro wl sprlritnous Ingredients. Tho obj itiiectfoiiH u-litcli iioiu w iiu bo iuui'u juico numiisb prLpuruiioiis oi this class, namely that n desire for intoxicating drinks Is stimulated by their ut,c, nro not valhi IN i' it ii ifilr-Airrd. spml lnp lii-iil-ir-rmtniuiiiii dtscrlptlon of prlen. 'ilckets for Hulo o by lliley & haient, ut their Nowh htnucjs, t'hiln delnhla. llnrrlsburyh, l'lttfcbuigh, Ac., ami on lino of renn. U.illruadnndeonntetlnii'i. ROSADM 'lie Pnrnt'oii Corset I'or Si 'Tin: that COMPOSK ROSADAl.Ili nro published on cvcrvpnKago,thcro- loro ilia rrra rccrci luqLirawwi, conftoir-tiitiy I'livsiciAxs riiKsi'iaur. it rUl3 a cerium euro lor :i rolula, Sn.liilmnullual". riiis, llliciii.ia Ibin, Skin D.-.CUH, Lirt Com ol.atrit Llul all cil.--a3 s oi tlio jllluoJ. .iu-ill tin U! -r ' rnoil ' m t"n bntljpg AaswL of l!w t;j n.;. . d' Mii;nrilla. fiaiiij the u:.-:r.Ji-N.J riiYsssiAt.'s Ihnvou'i'il lion, l.,l sin lhiiriMcliio fur tlio past t.t.'L y irjalul f. fly llKl(Jr,l ll nui i' n.i ,lg Altoralho ..r.J 1!1ol(1 I'u-ili r. ( f ll.'.tlrlcie. tijr Tlio Paragon Is a fflovo lilting, IHp-gore, 110 bono Corset, liunilsomoly lliiUlioil and la tlio licst corset over OilVr. oil In tlilii town at tlio price. ,M. P. LUTZ ft llic Exclusive. a(j(i)( for U J'.LOOM.SIIURG. 20 'Sin ing fiklrt, il Inch injio 13 cents. Sprlij; fiuirt, iMncli lajio CO ccnla. Vou can also find n full lino of UJ! V GOODS AND NOTIONS AT HOTTOM l'ltlOKS AT f. 1'. LUTZ'S, A Oil T Ml T Ml 11. Il'll f li-'.i.J y. ir.i i c i" j i i W I ' V i I.I V. NEXT TO COUIIT IIOUSH, Il!ioUs I'.)', I, M. CMtTIIA, CulundiU, ir.i. a. u. :.ui.s, rjccc.-nh, ..c tj:j:d a: Di::D0?v:ri) by 'p. -u- ls:nn,j i.iu Mu . 1', til I I.I It, Lima, Obi) It II M l .i Mill iht . .Vt tf. M I a: 1 . . . itiHs- I THURSDAY, AUCUHT 3d, IWI. tho following real cst.ite, to wit : i A GOOD F A It M Itnownnsthc property of John Ikcler, coutniulng ONiniUNDUKI) ANDrOHTV-THItnilACltl, Willi n Urlflc Dwelllntr Ilona nnd Frnnio It.irn. nnd nut huillntts. Fruit of nil kluds, Chenlt. and nppten In ubuiuUuce, A GOOD WELL Or VATTH AT THU LOOIL n btrcam of water rucnlns through tho f.irm. ONi:iIUNDUi:U AND TKNACIir.SCLUAllKD I nnd In u roo! stuto of cultivation. Tho bill nco tlmbeied with tho best of Chosnut nnd Oak timber. Th a farm h Mluato In Ilenton townsh n. Pol. umbla eojntv. nbout two mlltx irom Cuinhm. two find u hull miles from New Columbus nnd two inllert irom Mill Water. Tim Ikhim simi.w ubout hull n mllo from passlnfrom Hunlorlt's Creek to Muncy. ThU iurm will bo hold altogether or lu thuo paits, lo hult ptu clKUCiii. Terms rcnsouable. JUU.N ALSO : Theio will be told nt tho soma tlmo, ONK IlUNUIti:!) AND TWUNTV ACUKH, moHtly good timber land, near tho above, on which lseietted a bnull KRAMK IIOUSK AND DAUX, With Other OUt building'. A Hnilri' nf rnn.l W'uter near tho house. To ho sold nltoj;ether or IUUIUUI IlilfU I'll IS, l( null' I'lUUUUSLT.I, I .i i"l iM'iini'i luc Ill-Ill" UIU IOWI1 III nm iuui,uu limiuaiii ro.iu, contniutiig irom ONE-FOUUTII TO TEX ACUES EACU, AW SKVKNTY.KIVM ACHI-m of TIMRl-'it LAND, near Htm Water und. near iho public road. ALnmlfineo ol brick And itnflr-r i-la'nn I Iho uhove, ilodcrnto tcnu', mtulo knoui on i uuy oi r-uie. JUiy7'7I-W Wl MdAJI iKl'.Lr.K, Uepubllean eopy.J mnmi dress goods pUlililC SALK VALUAU L ll o r It UAL ESTATE. -.1 i .id u lit ., I'll.1. - 'll i , llrait mi trior I lined In Liu 1 i:iut i , u.l i ltuut utH it ' to lieaUIi. ih. to tlltl r. tit Mciii.i y lluy Ii4 icv ::h III lll'CUFl.l I i? 8iv trv ! 1 L rt-alOlf I Hoi.!atl li - . M nil PrnistJ, .IL1 XUX.U, 111), Al.Tl.UUUK 1'IA.NDS. A' BL.OOMS31Ulta, PA. QKNTd WANTK1) l'OU uy KlfiXOU IIMTZ, llrimful of fun nnd Uumor, with Incident) nnd ndwntuu'uln llio jrlntlpfil cltlenof iho win Id. JldikeribcM his trukunnd featu ua n Mnleluu und YtntriliMiuUt, Hula only by snbucilptlon, Liberal leniiK tiiKood AuenjH. AddreHM DUFFUILD ArjIIMEAl), 71lHniiom Ht., Julyai;71-liu. Milludelphio. Wo rcfipcetfuliy call me nitenunn ot inoio tlcKirlnt; to pmcluuo our mnko ot t'lanox, vo me hallstUd that wa pan kIvo biitMactloii lu iiry ciiM', Our worUmeuBUllllnl and oxperlen eed and mo under tho personal mi pel Intendenco oi tho liiembeiri nt our lirni, Wimiso ouly tho ln-si hensonod timber, nud tho In t;eno iul is hut ctosi. Our rianoa without exception have tlio naluil injrntlcK nrraiiui'meut tin oujih uiti, whlcu In tho opinion of thn most eonipe i. n imli'im U tmiummrid vnhmtilo. liv liilu 1 111 piotcment iv i'inno U mado moto durably nud Lip thu to 10 longer. NVoelulm lor nur lustru nuntHthnt they nro second to nono, und they i niul. Inn nil thu fHKeiillul elemenU I hut eoiifctU tulo mi pei ior workuiHUHhlp. Wo will tlvo u w Uittn Kunrunieo ior nvu jeur. Mr. Co.suAii Fukiman, memhci of our firm, wirivfMtf. Hinninj.hiiri' lour ttnifs n. vt ar In le- pulrundntleml totuulntof ull 1'iuno.i. Jn Iho iilwiieoot Mr. Fhkiman. Mr. I. K.Milleh will ntieud to our miKiiuit-M In Illoomshurt; und l itutuurizid in receivo una hoiicii uniuis, vi'nwm i-K.i ihn v. rv lust. lelcreiiceH. OAEULE & CO. Hal tl more. M. 11. L K. Ml M.Kit, Denier tn I'lanou, Oryuiis and Jh-lodtHJin ilvu oettmi und tlvo btop oiyuns of Ihubut make, Huldut 8U0. Terms tiuy. Jimo iSi liv virtue of nnthorltv nnd order of thn Ornhnnk' Coutt of Columbia county, tho undeitilgued nd- luiuisiruiorN oi inoesiuieni jucou ivot iciiuauiier, ill ceased wlllcsposo totalo by public vendue on iiiw l'luiiiini'n, oil BATUHDAY, JULY Stun 1S71, n lamo fjuanllty nf vnlunblo lands sltuato In rrauulln lownshlp lu Mild county, dcherlbed an JOIIOWHJ FlltfcT At ten o'clock In tho forenoon, fi lot of 1 I ill HIT IIlIHl lilt) UDOlVIUl'tl hlX-t.DV('IHll fill loinlne landn of H. Artlev. Win. (leorL'a. i Ante iu miL'u mm ui uouub T W E N T Y A 0 It K S K A O IT, nsfchalibo deemed moRt expedient. Thowholo 1'ioperiy win no nnciou nnd tho title lo tho ouo- feUYfjuu iuhuu to too purcun&er. flCONll Will ho oflered iIpcoiIpiiIh tntfnL In in unci m ijiqu uiijomin 11. i',L'iirlc. Iariili o Hto ktr A (iliiKles lainU ol 1'. Monhnrdt nud II i, iiLiuer, coinuiuiuu Si: VKNTY-OXi: AORKS, moro or lehs. Wheuon nio erected n Urlek Hwiiinur uiiuEO, n imuu nam, wn;oii House, i Bpriiii: Hmuo und ull fiber ueceswary out build iutii. inero-is nun ui-prii)E or ereeiient water n iiood Orchard nnd truit of ull ltlmN. uiih nhou f our ncieii oi i nest nut -. miner. All inexetl'ent oruer nun tuiUYJuou, Tniiui A trjet nf land ndlnlnhirr i:ila Weaver. III. n lll'lt IT. Jllllll I LOW IT II I III tllCltlflllii IlOIlll Kienu,couininin T II I It T Y-V I Y i: A O H E S moip or Ush. Whereon nro elected n Frnmo Dwt'llJnji Ilouuo. n Haute Itaru with t ernwl i miua vi'pio urcuaru. .u iu ijoou uoimuion, Tho InmU will tin nffercd on tho nremlsou In mu uiutr uuveiltni'ii. jiio Q H A I K I X T U E O It O U N 1) W roscrveil, rohhosslou of tho timber tract or trutU, imiu'illately upon paylntj tho purtha.o money or t-eeiirlut; tho kuiuo hi bu paid. And of mu oimr i wu uuvih uji mo unlul April, A, D. 1S7J, upon t'ompltatieo with thn conditions. u. u. li, niisri.MtAiiiJH, JuMEi'u ii. KwrrrLK, AU mluUtru tors, Tt 1! M nr HALr. Ten rer rnnt. nr tin) nift- fourlli of tho rurclmso mnnev in bo nuld nt ihn Mrll.lni down of the properly;thoonotourth lc. tho leu pr cent, nl tbu t-oiitlrmutloii of kaIo : nud inu rt.mainiinr inree-iouuiis lu ouo year thcie ultor, with Interest tiom eoutlrmatlon nisi lllooinhburg, Juno 'MU Itfl-U. A!1 hlllpM It tiersons liavliiR tlio reRlstry of Democratic uders for Iho dlllereiit Tuuii P, eotumonly cniicit "winnow hooks,- nro ri'Hiiotit-ii in 1 1 1 mil inviu ut viu v m ii, i, inEnt'KWAY. At on l of lhui.0 lur l&o.nhd ull lot IbTi) uro blill out JunoJJ-tf onsE run HAiiE. A line Nountt F.LACIC llOIWK U fillercd lor KlllCi Vt 111 WOI UOUOIU Ul KIOKIU. iIliUllU liiny 20'71-lf ll' II I'llMV'U liUiomfcburi, l'a. 11 IX.'KUT JIOUICH fur tulo 111 tUu Cul.t'lllllAN UlUCC, TO MAKK HOOM In tho enwe of the German littler. Ko fro.n enenurnalud or Inculcating iCtiwto or defdro for I tiebrlnlfiifj beern(jcs1 it may bo eouflilently ubherted that their tendency in lu n tllamcrlcully opposite direction. Ihclr iiftctscan bo BENEFICIAL ONLY In nil cases of tho biliary system. Ilooiland'n (Icrmnu Hitters Rtnud without nu criuai, netlng rourptly nud vluoroiiHly upon tho Liver; they remoe ItH torpidity and cause, health Tu I heere tlou of hllo thereby supplying tho Ktnmach with Iho mostludlH pcnsnblu elcminlH of tound dl cesttoti lu proper proportions. Theyclvu lono lo tho htomueh ftrimulntluR IU luuetlons, und enabling It to perrorm Its duties us uututo de 8lgntd it tthotild do. They Impart vigor nnd Mreugth to tho cuttro iyttcm, causing tho put lent to feel likonnother being in r.iCt,Klvlus Idm a ncwlcnao of life. THEY PURIFY THE 1JLOOD, demising tho vital llnldof nil hurtful ImpurU ties nnd Mipplnntlng them with tlio lemenls o 1 Kuuuiiiu liimuoiuineHH, in n worn, inero in hcurci ly ndlHemtu In which they cannot bu salely mm urnuiiumuy- empioyeti; out ill liliil liKWi Kenerully prevuleut dlslrcssln; nml di ended disease, DyBpepsla, THEY STAND UNIUVALED. Now, thero nro certain classes of peiHonn tn whom extreme UlUern aro not only uuimhilntih) hut who llnd It ImpoHilblo to take them Ithout H)sltlvo dlHComfurt. For hucli Dit. HOOFXjAND'S oeuman tonic . has been specially prepared. It Is Intended for mo whero n slight ulcohnllo stimulant U re quired In connection with thowoll-tenowu'Jonlc properties of thn nuro Uermau Hitters. Thli Tonic ronlnliiH nil thu lugrcdleut.i of the III Morn, but ho flavored ns lo remove tho oztremo bitter ness. This prcparntlon Is not only p'ilntnhln but combines. In modiUed form, nil thu vlrtuu of tho Clermuu HUtera. Tho tolld extracts o homo of Nature's choicest restoratives nro hold in soiuuon oy a spirituous nentor tho purest quality. In cahcsot lanjjuor orcxcesslvodelilllty wheru tho Hystem appears to havo become ox- uauMeu vi us energies, HOOFLAND H tonio nets with nlmost marvelous cflect. It not only sllmulatcs tho HngcUjK ftUd woMfnc cnercleH oui. liivijiui uiff uini purmiiuL'iuiy sireugiueui Its action upon IheLUerandHtomacli thoiouifh, p.ihapH lchs )rompt thnn tho Dlltcrswheu thu Mime quantity Is talcen is uono tho less certain. initio Hiiou, j nn loudness, niysient or iscrvoim Finstrntlon, yield readily to Its potent iullneueu. It RlhB tho Invalid a new nud btroucer Imld up on life, icmoves ilepiihslon or spirits, und In spires cheerluluefcH. Itmipplnuts tho pain of dU enso with tho tnonr.d commit of pericct health. It k Ives KtrenKlh to wcakrchs, throws iIckikiu ikiH'vtu tho winds, nnd starts tho restored In valid upon n now nnd Ktadsomo career. Hut Dr, FALL GOODS. llnnfl.tmrN benefactions to tho hum mi raeeuiu not eon lined to Ills celebrated OEUMAN BITrEIW, or Mi Invaluahlo Tosic. Ho tin prepared another itudielue, which Is rapidly winning Its wny lo popular lavor hecauso qf Us lutilnslc merits ThlH U HOOrLAND'3 rODOniVLLIN FILLS, n perfect suhhtlluto for mercury, without nny of mercury's evil qualities, Theso wonderful Pills, which nro- Intended tn net npan the Liver, nro innluly compohed of l'odophylllu, or tho VITAL ritlNCIPLE OF THE MANDHAKI5 Now wo desire tho render to distinctly undcr stnnd that thU cxtruct of tho Mandrake Is maiiv limes more powerful than tho Mandrake ltoir. It is n medicine virtues or this health-elvlnu plant in n perfectly pure nnd highly eoneen iiutodlorm, Heneu It Is Hint two of the l'ndo phylltu i'lll constltuto n full dote, whllo nny whero six to eluht or n handful nf tirenarntloiin ol tho MaudrnUo aro required. The Vodophyllin ACTS DIHECTLY OKhB LlVElt, sllmutntlng lis fnuctlous and caiuluu U to malio us uiuury rucreiioiiH ju reguiur nnu proper quantities, 'iho Injurious rosults which luvail ubly ltdlow thu use of mcicury Is entirely nvoldod hy their use. Hut It Is not upnu tho Liver only that their lowers nro exerted. Tho extract id .iinniirnuo eoniaino'i in tuem is RKiuiuiiy cm blued with lour other cxtrncU, ouo nl which ncia upon Ihohtnmach.ono npnn tho upper boweln, nno upon tho lower bowels, nud ouo prevents nuy uilplng clleet, thus pioduclugn pill that lu iiufui'i'i inu vuiiru mi;rNUu uuu niiniuiiiiii) system, In uu equal nnd harmonious in miner, nud Us action entirely freo from ran son, vomit lug or iirlphiK pains common to ult olla r pmyn tlvis. FohicKslng these much dcslrnhla qualities, tho rodophyllln becomes invulunblo i3 u They Opio?!lci llrnwn's Hotel 1SSOI.UTION NOTICE. iVotlco lit lictr-liv idvcn Hint thn litYrtnrlilo luietotoroexKtli tr between E. MKNDENHALL und L. lMlUl'EHT. tiunucog buslueM uudir Ihellim iiutuuof M1:ND1;N HALL and Ul'I'LUV, has lu tn dUkuUed hy mutual eonsent. All per kius Miuuiuit tlum.elvK tmkbled to lhunlMje til m, ut u 1 1 quehted to iiuiUo Immediate pn meul, Thu hooks uiu lu tho haudu of K MKNDEN HALL. lor fetttlcmcul, ut H. II. Miller A Hou's htoru, Mala hlutt.mur Folks Hotel, H looms Uuig, I'u. E. MENDKNHALL, Juneltf UD.HUl'KUT. 1 UHTICm Ht.ANK'H Huminons. F.xrrntlnns U Hubpojnns, Wurmnts, A a, couKtunlly ou tmad wim w( nuiu hi mu vubvsuiAn uiuevt V, h 0 0 il H 15 U U CI. n. C L A 11 K FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should bo without them. nro nerfectlv safe, reoulro hut two for nu ord nnrv dohe. urn iirninnt find elllclcnt 111 ricLLon imi wnen iimo in eoiiiicciiou wtiii jrr. iiooiiuin. n lei man Hitters, or Tonic, may ho regarded ns criam -peeiiics in nu cnts oi i.iver unipiuuu, lvMiii-iisfa. nr nnv of thu dUorilera to which tlio fcytdem la oiilluarlly biibject. Tho I'ODOI'HYLLIN 1ULI3 net upon tho stomach and ImweU, carrying otr wi'iuj't i uiiMuanuiin, wuuu ii iu iiiiivrsnr lonui m r If tho blood, strunsthen nnd Invlgornlo tht riliuo. ulvo lone And unnetltu tn thu ktotnucli. nud thus build up tho luvulid uliow. in. iioouumi, jiuving pruvititd intcrnsi renin lies for dl&pnscu.hns inen thnwnrhlnnn noilntv lop external application, lu tho woudcrlul pru pu rut Ion hnowu i ui:. noot'i.ANi)' aiuxic oil. This Oil is n novel elQii remedv for rnlnH i. uchts of nil kinds. ithciimuusm, zsrurai'.-i, jooinncnc.t'niiiunmFt, Hpinlns, Hums, Fain In thu HucV; und Loins, lutitiwonns, Ar., nil ylcd lo lUextirual implica tion. Iho iiumlxrot cures rliectud by it is iutoii ini ut, uuu uiey uiv ineretiMug evurv uuy, Tnkci internally. It Nncniu ror Jlenrt'burus, Kidney DUtn-iM, felelc Utudai hts, (He, D h-n. 1tnv. l 'hotel ll Morbus. trniiink. 1'iitnti In 11m Htnmach, Coles, Afethnm, Au. x nu uittit uu is com pout i emircjy oi ncniing (unis nud tkscntlnt utls, Tliepilnclpal lugrcdi i ut Is uu oily kubbtnuce, t locuiea lu Iho bouth Nii pmt of (Jretcc. DBehVits ntt n destroyer i.i puln me tinly muuliiil, Hioumnds liuo bein lu ntfltid Ly lis um-, ui.d n tilul Ly tho&owlin mn l. Uliul will Ihrioiiiilily cuuviiKo thein (d IU lnchtluiuiilo uli id, 'JhikO lUliudles will bo mil by txprit.s In nny lociilliy.uiton nppllciitlnn to the FltlM'l. 1'AL Ol-FICE, ut lU (IE KM AN MEDIC1M H'lOUE, UU1 Audi BL, l'hlludblpbla. CIIAS. PI. I.V.ilS, l'i oiiHlor, lttn.itUit-Biu fur tulo ly Divuikih HtortkcciKiw, uud Mcdlclue DiaUih vir vttit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers