THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Humorous. "Worth ami Tltr-lr Uses.'' HV A MYinrmi ylUKtK. ' Viill.Aiirt.rntA. (Ih Mnnlli.lNih. H7t. Urai'BtTKii Wii 1'rom these few tlnii, my wherenboutsthre'll lonrn Moreover, 1 Impart Ut then my Rcrtou cMicrrn; '1 lii Imgttitgn nt I his le lr Is n i l.lillo II n lo inn, And wiirds.wlththeiii,ru llitiotit of n reckless niocKcry For Instance; u I left tho cars, an Imp with sun ii r face, HixlJ, "shine?" "Nay, I'll not shine," I antd, "ex cept with inward grace P' "Is 'inward grace' n liquid orn pnslot" nsked llila young ttirlc; "III Daddyf Wlmi U 'Inward graeo?' Ilowdocs tho old tiling work 7" "FrlcnJ," said I toa Jolm.whojo broth suggest ed Rln, "Can thco convey rao straightway to nrcputnblo Inn?" His nnswor's gross irrolevanco I shall not soon forget Instead "f simply yetv or nay, lie gruffly said "You bell" "Nay, nays I shall not bet," said I, "for that would be n sin liy don't theonnswer plainly! Can thco tako mo to nu Inn? Tlio vehlcla Is doubtless moant to carry folks nbout In I Then why provartcato 7' Said ho, perversely, "Now ycr shoutln' I" "Nay, vorlly.I shouted not !"nuolh I, "my speech la mild i Hut thine I grieve to say It with falsehood I, dollied. Hico ought t bo admonished to rid thy heart of guile." "Scoherel my lively moko," mid ho, yon sling on too much stylo I" "I'vohndlhcsoplatn dmbgirmcnts twenty jean nnil more," said I, "And when thee says I 'sling nn style' thee tells n wilful Hot ' At that bo prauceil around naif "a bro wernln hw tionnt't," And, Willi iMViilleiteiiionstratlons, Inquired in una "on It ? " "On what? Tlti thco explains thyself, I cannot tell," 1 said, lto sworn that something was "too thin," more over It was "playo I ; Hut nil IhU Jargon was surpassed In wild nbsur- lly llircats.'pro'anely emphasized, to "nut n head on me I" "No son of Belial," said I, "that mlraclo enn do I" VV liereat ho fell upon mo with blows and curses too. Hut failed to work that mlraelo-lf such was lils Instead nt putting oun head, ho stro vo to smlto olr mtno t Thee knows-! cultlvato tho peaceful habit of our sect. Hut this man's conduct wrought on mo a tlngti tar effect j For when ho slapped my broad-brim off nnd asked "How's that for high ?' It roused tho Adam In ino.nud I smoto him hip and thigh 1 Tho throng then gavo a specimen of calumny brolto loose, Ami said I'll "snatched him bald-headed," and llkcwlse-'cookedlilsgoosoi" Although I solemnly anirm I did not rail hi hair, Nordldl cook his ponltry-for ho'd no poultry- thero They called mo"Ilully boy!" nllhough I'oscen nigh threescore year; Anil said that I was lightning, whe.l "I got upon my ear I" 1 And when I nsked if llghtulng cllmSd lis ear. or diessed lu drab, " ou know how 'tis yourself!" mid ono lnconso- nueutlal blab 1 Tbeo can coneelvc, that by this time, I was ,. somewhat perplexed : " vexed - "1,lrUla o has Reldom been so I tarried there no longer, for plain spoken men Ilka mo 1 V Ith sucljpcrvcrtcrs of our tonguo can havo no Tlio greatest nutmeg over known mot Willi n grater. An editor received a Ie((cr In which weather wa3 spelled wetlmr. Ho said it wits tho worst spell or weather ho had over seen. A Little boy having broken his rocking horso tho day It was brought, his mother bogan to scold Mm, when ho silenced her by inquiring " What's) tho uso of a horso till it's broko?" "Arc tho jucy agreed?" asked tho Judgoofa court attache, whom ho wot on tho stairs with a bucket in His hand. "Yes" replied Patrick, "they havo ngrced to sind out for a half gallon," An excellent old deacon, who having won an old turkey at a charity rafTo did notliko to toll his sovero orthodox wifo about it, quietly remarked as ho handed her tho fowl that thoshakers gavo It to him. A llttlo girl meeting a countryman drivlngaload of slaughtered hogs, drop, ped a courtesy. Tho rustic laughed, without returning thocivilty' "What!" said ho, "do you courtesy to tho dead hogs ?" "No, sir," replied tho little miss, "Icourtesied to thollvoone." The father of Dorabellarecentiy found that llttlogirl's chubby littlo hands full of flowers which ho had bestowed great caro. "My dear," hosald, "didn't 1 tell you not to pick ono of thoso flowers without leave?" "Yes, papa," said Dorabella. "but all theso had leaves." It is common to speak of thoso whom a ilirt hasjiltedasher victims. This Is a gravo error. Her real victim is tho man whom shonccopts. This reminds us of a sitnllo ; "A coquotto is a roso from whom every lover plucks a leaf tho thorn re mains for her futuro husband." "That man," said a wag, "camo to Nashua forty years ago, purchased a iitisKfi, nnu commencea gathering rags. How much do you suppose hois worth now.'' It was a conundrum wo could not answer. "Nothing," ho continued, after a pause, "and ho owes for tho basket." It was an Irishman who wrotn to his son in tho "ould country:" "Como till Ameriky, Mike. 'Tis a flno country to get a living In. All yo havo lo do is to" gttathrcccornercdboxand fill II wid bricks, and carry it till tho top of a three-story building, and tho man at tho top does all tho work." "My dear friend," said a gentleman to abankrupt tho otiierday, "I am sorry tohearofyourmisfortuno. Your family has my wifrmest sympathies." "Oli don't troublo yourself about my family. 1 looked out for thorn. Just savo your sympathies for tho fomilies of my creditors." J An old Scotch lady was told that her minister used notes. Sho disbelieved It. Said ono: "Go Into tliogallery and bee'-'-hho did so. and saw tho written termor!. After tho luckless preacher had concluds cd his reading on the last page, hopaids "Hut I will not enlarge." Tho old lad v cried out from her lofty position : "Yo too" ryUr 1)alcrs fiIv0 TOO TlTTfnr A rrnrwl ntinulnln la ll,l ni n. Iinncrt nnlnfnp'a en. iil,n ..-..,.1 ,i. ... ..w t-...,i4 ,Y,iu Ullll U1U brush dexterously; but ho acquired tho ilium, ui iiuiuug hdh too iincK. unouay ins iiiuieraiicr naving frequently scold ed him for Ills lavish daubing, and all to no purposo, gavo him asevero ilugel latlon. "TIlPTn Vdil vnnnr, McinID) nfl, f i -J ,i mown unii forming tho painful duty: "how do you Hko that'''' ' "Well, I don't know," whined tho .ii iu.iy - ouiit Bccinstomo Hint yen put it on a thundorin' sight thicker than I did." Ma v. Tlio tlerlvatlon or tho namo of tills, ono of tlio most iileaslng months of tho year, liaa Ioiir boon a bono of con. tcntlon. Tlio old Roman namo of Malm (which was adopted by tho Saxons.) for this month Is by somo asserted to como from Jlaln, tlio mother of Jlcrcury, to whom sacrifices wcro offered on Its first day. Tho moro probable derivation Is that Romlus named this month In honor of tho, Malua, as ho named thofollowlng month Junius in honor of theiiniorfi tho youths of Romo. Durine tlio month tho anuria, or festivals in memory of ino ucau, wero ooscrveu with great so lemnity, and from this sourco.may bo traced tho custom of tho dark and uild dlo aires, forbldlnirmarrlngesatthlsfcca. was certainly consideredunlucky nmonp; tho Romans to marry during tho month of May. JIkans can bo planted as soon as tho ground begins to warm, except lima beans, which cannot bo planted earlier than corn. They do not grow until tho ground Is very warm. Mifjccllancoufj, GHOCRR1HS! no to iiitowN, Tomer nf Mnlu mid Iron Mlrcfti, I'Olt A FINi; AHHOUTMKNT 01' Fit IDS II ailOOHli-1 KB, I'Oltr.KlN AMI iJOMISlTIC 1'lttIIT, with ii varkly of nil kinds of a-AJSnXTEID rTJIT; Also a Kino Assortment of QUEIINS-WAltH AVOOll . Wll-LOW-WAUIi llot UrlRht Oolden llrlns Hymn Molnsvs at SU cents per gallon, 1110 COKKKII at HI) cents per pound. Wblle Hogir nt 1 1 cents, nnd Ilrowu sogsr at 1 o cents per pound. J-T0 I'lltill.lti."Country 1'ro.lueo taken In cxciiaiigo for urocerlos. Cosh paid for ltulter and Egg. apr2i'71lm, Q. h O UK M U T UAL LIFE INSUltANOE COMPANY o r NEW YOltK. IMluy Freeman, 1'resldent, II. 0, Frceuinn, fcitc Cash capital over J2,001ooii, all paid. J. II. P.OIIISON.JU.OOMSIIUIUI.PA (IIONDItAI, AUIINT, For I.urerno, Lycoming nnd t'olntnbln counties. Ang.avia. 1X01 1 A N(l K 1!A K Hit Y A N 11 CO N T K UTI O N V. 11 Y ,, i'A. The iiiiderslcncd, stiecessors of r. Wlilmyer, would respeetfiiliy announce lhat they havo taken tho well-established stand recently occu pied by tlio nbovo named. In llloomsburg, nnd prepared lo coutlnno the buttness of inanufac lurtug and selling, by WItOLE3AI,t; AND ItETAlI., Confcclloncry of cver style and kind. Also, they will havent alt tlnicsn complete supply ot the best and freshest lire ad nnd t'uke. Turtles desiring anything In this lino will find It to their advantage to call on us. AN IOK CUE AM SALOOX IsfuMcil to the eilnbllslimout, ami InMca ntul olhcrwho mny pnlronizo lis, may rolj upon ipon reccLvlus proper attention. A rcnsouriblo nharo of publli pntronace Js respoctfully hollcUfil. llapberry. Lemon, and other Hyrurw, In laryo and Binall qiuntUics, roniUntly on linnil. DUCKUIt & BTECKHL. May5, 1671. H. C. IIOWEIt, has opened n flrst-clat BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAI AND KUK BTOUE. nt tho old stnndon Main Street, Itloomsbnrg.afew itoorn nbovo tho Court House, JIUKtoclclscom posed of tho ery latent and beststyles over oiler ed to tho citizens of Columbia County, Ho can accommodate tho public with tho followfns goods nt the lowest mien. Men's heavy donblu olcd stoga boots, men's tloublo and nnglo tap hohO kip boots, men's heavy fitoga shot 8 of alt kinds, inpn'R riiifl tiootti audthoeH of all erndes. bov's double soled boots nnd.Rhoes nf all Kinds, men's glove kid llftlmoral shoes.rueu's, women'M.boyB's aud mUses' lastlus gaiters, women's glove kid l'Ollsli very une.wornen amororco iiamraiaauij calf shoes, women's very flno kid buttoned gait ers. 1 n short boots ot ull duocrlptluus both pes ged nnd fcpwed, lie would also call attention lo his line assort nieut of ATd, CAr.S,FUI AND ITOTIONS. which comprlios all tho new nnd nopnl vari eties nt priceMwhlcHcnnnotralltosullnll. Thete goods ate niryted nt the lowest cash rates and will bo guArnntet'd loglva battsfaetlon. A cull Is solicited before puichaslns elfcwhere ns It Is believed that better bargains are to be fund thin nt any other puce lu the county, Jim i'7l rIIK OLD ESTABLISHED r if ii x i t u it ij mil UCDDXNG WAUHUOOMS otJt. It, T.KWIS, nro tho cheapest In tho city. Ho Is now celling l'AULOU HIIITH In 1'I.Usit. HA I It CMTII, Itl'l'S or Ti:ilHY; AVAI.NUT CHAM HKIt SlTlTM In OU or Varnish: L'O'lTAOI. KtlltNI'l UliU. nil styles; IIEDDINO and MAlTlil-SMIX. vnrlnus Hlzcs j cheaper than Auction prlcea; L'AUlUn'H, every varltly. Come nnd see f ud be convinced. You will save money by giving us n call beloro purchasing oUcwuero. IT. k. i.r.wis, No. 1130 and 1131 Market Street, rnii.ADi:i,iMirA. Next door ti corner of Fifteenth Street. mar.371 3ra, jy E N T I S T K Y. II. C. HOWE!., DHNTIST, Resneetfullv offers his nrofesslonnl services to the ladles nnd goutlemcu of JUoonisburtr and vl cinuy, lie is prepares 10 aiiena lonume van ous operations In tho lino of his profession, nnd is proviueu wuu me laient wnnroveu i uiiukuaii Tkktu which will bo Inserted ou gold plating silver and rubber base to look nsvell as the nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new ani most approved methods, nnd all operations on the teeth carefullyand propeily attended to. Residence and otlico a few doors aove the Conrt House, same p-lde. Bloomsburc, Jaa,l'7I ly nilESTEIl S. FUKMAN, 1IAIINESS, SADDLE, AND T11UNK M AN U FA CTU H ETt, and de.ilcr In CAUl'ET-IJAGa, VALISES, FLY-NKTH, BUFFALO H0EE8, JI0IE1IINKET3 J.C., which he feels confident lie can sell nt lower rate than any other person In the county. Ex unlne for yourselves. Bhop opposlto the FoU Ofllcc, Main Street, Uloomsburg, la, Aug. 5, im. g L A T E HOOPING, EVEHY VARIETY A T MOST FAVOHABLE KATES, JOHN TUOMAB, AfD CAHPEU J. THOMAS Box. 277, BlooDUburg, Fa. Jal.n 17 Books. Vaatti far Twelve Years ts Wild Indians & Plains, The remnrknblo adventures 'of tho famous WHITE UHlKKnnd 1110 WAUUIOlUho Ited Hklns, Thrllllug accouutsor Great limits, Hairbreadth Escapes and Terrible Contests with the big game auilliohtlle trlbea, Kplnleddescrlp llons ol the habits nnd hunerstltlons of that strange peoplo, Their Sports, LFnEsns.TitAUi tions. llow they Wco and WyD.hcALi'.lJocTou, wohshii', de. ew, Frcfch and I'opuiar. ritiCK Low, it Is fcelllug by the thousands with won derlul rapidity. Agent1! are making from $o0 to HCO per v eek. Choice field yet vacant. Bond at nnro far samnle chanters. llliiRtrallons and nar- tlculars to A. 1L HUllHAKD, i'ubllsher. jani.77lii. iiw uuestnut til,, I'lxun, It they want the innhrnntnilapfinrl tut unlln innscrlptlon books published, nnd ttiomoatltfa tral Urm. Hend for circulars. TheywM cc t you Uotbing, and may U of great U nefl t to you, JobllTO-ly. "7" ANTED AGENTS FOH GItK.1T rOKTlTA'KS. And How Tjiky AVebe Madk; on the Kmcfl- OLEH ANlTilIU.Ml'lIS OP OUH HKI.V-MaDE MU. lly J. 1). MtCabe, Jr. Frofuhely liliutrattd nnd beautifully bound. The most taking, Instructive nnd universally nought nfter book Ukued for vears. Fnsclnallni! us fiction, nulbcntln im hu. lory, practical as "Foor Illchard,' with lessons mora elevatimr for nooular rturrioses. than tu profotuidest philosophy. Agents are clearing i mm baii in ijMiier mdiiui. 111 hniie ni imni i mm. Bell fast and easily, and delivers splendidly. Beud for Circular, etc.. and notleo extra terms, . JF.O. JI AL'LKAX. 1', 7111 Ban sombllcel, I'lilladelrilil.l. mar,37l 2in. A GENTS WANTED TomnkpJSOto tWper Mouth liy selling it c a x r oit t ii x i: s. Anii irmv Thky Wkkk Maiii-. lly J. T. McCabe, Jr. 1'rofuscly Illustrated and beautifully hound '1'he most universally soughtnitcr hooic Issued fur years, it hhowii how a poor schoolmuster t 111 tim iull). n rum, tr.l.llml inlln. l.u. came u great bauUer, tl butcher's nppreullce the wealtblesl man lu America, an unknown mechanic-a mtlllonare In seven years with many more such examples; how entriy. talent, and im lieru ituliutry Am. tdwuya met xvlth tueceas uien Jil operlu e xerttd; howvwtiey can be ituule honettly untltcdhoulmctlflccovrlnctiile. fcendforClicular, etc., and notice my extra tei ms. U to. Maclean, i.v omuuui r.ickv, riiuaueiimia. A WKW IIOOK of the urealesi Interest and lnv trfirtnnee. Written from a i u i mnml n,wl nlivMl. ologlcal standpoint, by an imluent physician and modlcal iirofessor, 11 shows how Hnliui Is unrklnL. nut Ills subtle nnd danaeronii .U'uliruu throuiiU our most saci cd domestic and social re lations, I'uro-iiiiuutiu, out miisiioHen ana aic liresslve, tne author handles the delicate subjects tieiiuiu (M iciiiiw.y.i.c., uuuu iiiviiaiunuiirrai noL to minister to unrurlent curiosity. Tie J'nv ical Jieoeneration oj the Jiace, Is a subject Justly enllstluir the Interest and sympathy of all true philanthropists, and this book. It Is believed, wilt mritrlbnlu to that end Just lu proportion as It has readers, A circular sent free, coutalntuif a full description and synopsis or the work wltu seiJtJ'7K-ly OOolleg.J'laco.N.V, Miscellaneous. HU. SOUENCMC ADVJHES CON- IJ HtlMlTIVlft) TO 00 TO 1'LOUtDA IN WIN! Kit. llaMiipror the last thlrtyflvo years ilewtnl my wlmln tlinonnd Mlentton to Ihn sludv ot Iniiit dlsonvrs nnd rnntiitmpllou, 1 fori that 1 un ilctKtntid fully thu rourso that iiiiht to puimted Iniesloionloternhly bad c.isn or dlsrasrd lungs In healthy soundness, Tim Hist nnd iiiostlin nrtaiil step Is for tho patient to fUohl laliltti cold, nnd the best of ull places on this in mtlneni for this purposo lu winter, Is Florhln, Melt down hi tho Htnle, whero tho lempernluru In regular, nnd not subject to Mich variations ns In moiu Northern latitudes, l'.tlnlkn Is n point 1 can ie commend, A good hotel Is kept there by IVtcr man. Lnt winter I wiw seseral persons theio whoso lungs had been b.iJty diseased, but vho. under tho healing luilucncu nf the elliualo nnd my medicines, weie getting well, Ono hundred miles further down Ihoilvtr Is n point which! would prercr to l'alatkn. n tho tempernturo tsmoroeen and thonlrdry nnd bracing. Mcllonvillo and nnternrlsonro loSaled there, I should glo n decided preference to Mellonll!e. It Is two miles from river or l.iUr. and It hteiiis almost Impossible to tako cold thero, Iho tables in Florld.i inlsht bo bettir, and putlenls complntii ut limes but Hut is n good sign, ns It Indicates n return or nppetllo, nnd wnen this Is tho cao they generally lucrcaso lu llesh, nnd then tho lungs must heal. Jacksonville, Ulbernla,Ureen Cove, and many other places In various juris of Florida, can bo safely recommended lo consumptives in winter. Myiensons fornajln su uro that patleutsnro lets llnblo to tako cold theVo than whom theio Is n less own temperature, and It is not necessary to say that whete neuusuuiptio jicinoii exposes himself to frequent colds ho Is cerUaln to Ulo shortly, Thereloro my ndvlco Is, go well down Into tho State out or the n'ach or pervailing east winds nnd fogs. Jacksonville, or nlniost nny other of tho lociilltles I havo named, wilt bene fit thoso who nre troubled with n torpid liver, n disordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, but for thoso whoso lungs nr diseased n moro southern point Is earnestly le commended. For iliieeu years prior tolHo.i, I was profession ally In New lorlc, Huston, ll.iltlmoro and Fhlla dctphla every week, whero 1 m.iw nnd examined on an nverage llvo hundriHl patients i week, A pmctleo so extensive, embracing very possible pha-so of lung dltc.isr, has enablnd mo to uiuler stand tho dhoavo fiitly. nnd hence, my caution lu legardto lalttng cold, A peisuii may take ast iiuantltlirt of "rtchenek's Fuliuonle Hyrui, Hea weed Toulo nnd Mandralro Fills," nnd jtt die if ho does not avoid taking cold. In Florid i.nearly over body is using Hchcnck's MauUraku l'HJs, for the climate Is moiu likely to produce bilious habits than more northern lati tudes. It Is a well established fact that natives ol Florida rarely die ot conumptloutaespeclally thoso or the southern part. On tho other hand, tu least, or tho popu lation die of this tcrrlblo disease. In t ho M Idle States it does not prevail so largely still there uro many thousands or cates there, wnat n vast percentage or lite vrould be h.ivod If cokvimp uvs weions en-slly alarmed in regard to taking Ircsh cold ns they uro nbout scarlet Teer, small pox, Ac, Hut they nro not. They take hat they term n llttlo cold, which they nro credulous enough to believe will ucarotfln a few days. They pay no attention to It, nnd henco It lays the foundation for another nnd another still, until tho lungs nro diseased beyond all hopo for cure. , My ndvlco to persons whoso lungs nro afTected cen fellghtly Is, to lay lu n htook of Kcheuck's Futmonlo syrup, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic nud Schenck's Mandrake Fills and go to Florida. 1 recommend these particular medlclues becanso 1 nin thoroughly nciualnted with their nctlotl. 1 know that where they nro used in strict nccord ancowlthmy directions they will do tho work Hut is required. This accomplished, naluro will do tho rest. The physician who prescribes tor cold, cough or night-sweats, and then advises tho patient to walk or rldo out every day, will bo sum to havo a corpse ou his hands belore l0Myplan Is to give my thrco medicines, in nc cordauce with tho pi luted directions, except in i-omo cases wheto u freer use of the Mandrake Fills Is necessary. My object is lo gletono to tho btomach lo get up n good appetite. It Is al ways a good sign when ft pntleut begins to grow hungry. 1 hn e hopes of such. With a rollsu lor tood and tho gratlilcitlou of that relish comes good blood, nud with It more lle&h, which is closely followed by n healing of tho iuugs. Then the cough loudens and abater, tho creeping chills nud clammy night-sweats no longer prostrate and annoy, and the nalleut gets well, piovlded ho avoids taklug cold. Now there nro many consumptives who havo not tho means to go to Florida. Tho question may bo nsked, is thero no hopo for such? Cer tainly thero Is. My advice to such Is, and ever has been, to stay lu a Mnrm room during the wluter, w tth n tern e rut uro or about seventy de grees, which bhoutd bo kept regularly at that point, by means of ft thermometer. Let such n patient tako his exercise within tho limits of tho room by walking up and down as much us. his strength will permit, in order to keep up a healthy circulation or tho blood. I havo cured thousands by this system, nud can do so ngalu. Consumption is us easily cured ns any other dis ease if it is takou In time, nnd tho proper kind of treatment Is pursuotl. The fact ktands undis puted on record that iSeheuck'sl'ulmouic Syrup. Mandrake Fills, and f-eauoed Tonic havo cured ery many of what been ted to bo hopeless cases of consumption, Oo whero you will, you will bo almost certain to find somo poor consumptive who has been rescued from tho vey Jaws of death by their use. So tarns tho Mandrake Fills aro concerned, everybody should keep u supply of them on hand. They act on the liver better than calomel, nnd leave none of Its hurtml ellecls behind lu fact they nro excellent lu nil ensej whero a pur gative medlclnois required. If you havo par taken too treely ol fruit and dlarrhwa ensues, a dosoot tho Mandrakes will euro ycu. Ifyounio subject to sick headache, tako n dose of the Man drakes and they will relievo you In two hours. If jou would obviate tho t licet of a, change of water, or tho too freo lndnlgcncoin trult,take one of the Mandrakes ovcry night or every olher uight, and jou may then drink water and eat watermelons, pears, npples, plums, peaches or corn, without the risk ot being wade sick by them. They will protect thoso who live In damp situations ngalnst chills nndfeeis. Try them. They nro periecliy harmless. They can do you good only. I have abandoned my professional visits to llos ton ond New York, but conttuuo to see patients at ray otllco.No 15 N. SIX I'll Street, Fiilladel. phla, every a turd ay, from V A. M. to3 1 M, Thoso who wish a thoiough examination with tho Ucsplrometer will bo charged llvo dollars, Tho ltesplrometer declares the exact condition of tho lungs, nnd patients can readily learn whether they are cnrableor not. Kut 1 deslru It distinctly understand that the value of my medicines depends entirely upon their being taken strictly according to directions. In conclusion, I "will say that when persons take my medicines and their systems aro brought luto a healthy condition theiLby, they nre not so liable to take cold, yet no ono witli diseased lungs can bear n sudden change of atmosphere without the liability or greater or less Irritation of the bronchial lubes. Full dliectlous in all languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear that any ono can uso them without consulting mo, and cau bo bought Iroui uny druggist, J. 11. SCHENCIC.M.D. No. 13 N Sixth Street, Fhlladelphla, novlF7(M3t. JLOOMSDUKG MARBLE AVOUKS. QUNTON & ST EES, (Successors to A. 'YVltinau,) Respectfully inform tho public that they nre now lully prepared to do nil kinds or work lu their lino or business, upon reasonable terms nud short notice, baturacllon wairauted In nil casus. iJan.U.7My B ARO AINS BARGAINS. QUICK SAT.K9 AND 8MAI.1. I'ltOflTH. K.YV1S XOUU ilOMSY. Ooto 1IENUY YOST. i:aU ElnomiiUuiK, I'u., lor utl liluils of lliu U&t liumu aud clly niaile FiriisiTU n i: . Trices reasonable anil the bfebt work ilone. jau ni ti "rANTKD Accnts nnd reddlcrs to T T sell n thoroushly gnm domestic artlrle, wanted In tvery !unlly. Nti competition. In clusive territory Klven. Xluslnchs ery iileasant. Agentn )me boM3 dozen, netting lrollt per day. Unet.oldS."iUlitni-niaU town, another 1000 In llvo tow ni, another 31 lncnlllngonUJIiimlltcs. Outm tJ. No danger of linposltlon. Ilest of mii-ituiutiHii. .-euti tor cncuiar m iu. asu Inuton hlreet. linston. Mass. apr7,'71-lt eow lillTLKFIKLD & D.VMIZ. Alh BOAT) MEETING 1 Thern will bn nntihtlnTtfifntnid tnoHnfr hr1il nt 4U" I VU.lWHUlil tUtllllJ, Ull LIIU V Ull I ill uuy or May, 1S71. All lrlends of the tnterprlzu aie rerjuested to be In attendance, ns business or im portance to tbo Interest ot the road w ill bo trans acted. It is necessnrv thnttliero hhouUl linn full niruuui ui inu peopio luterehieu iu uieweiiaro 01 the mtetinu. npr287l. MAGAJNK3, DAILY it WKEK.LY l'Al'IUW OF ALU KIND-i AT THE HOOK STOlir. Oi'l'OSincTJIE COUKT HOUSE, AUo nn assortment or I'orlcmonnnlfti. 1irm UoolcHnnd Account llnoks. emxhinllv m imnd UooliK not on hand obtalnetl on hhort notice.' sew ijooks aro eonwantiy hetn uddod to the ' lIloonnthnriiT L'lrculfllliiL' IJhrurv Ammnrtim latest aro "(lullt and Innocence,'' "Motherless," rir iiarry," Jiothpuror uumbicthwalt." and ' 51 er(itieui,, etc, apr us,'71 if N OTIUE. N'OTICC la hereby glvcuby theCommUbloners of the IIuuloclt'M Cieek and Muncy lUilroad, nus uniu) Wili (JO UJJCiitJll III! ji-ceivuiK HitUHcnp- tlon lo the capital htoncof Uie knld company, at " uiuilU IIUUHHUlJLIlin 1VUI.-M, 1IIII1U DOnililfU ox Hew Uulumbim, iAireruo touuty,l'a.,onMou-day,Mnyl.-Ai,pj7i, to bo kept open three dayulu kuccchklon Horn y o'clock u. m., to 3 o'clock p, m or each day, .JOXAK DOTY, MIllON FKMiOWH, .- at i iiAii t vt , nprS)71, Commlbsloncrs, JEW OUOAN AND 1'IANO WAHU UOOMH, OKfJANa Al'IANOH FOlt HALK ON I K sTA L I.M KN 1 si, l'Jau"a rrom all llrst-clnss mnlccm, from ri50 lo fi octave. 11 ket rteds, and tremwlo with im,neled llluck Wnluut Cni,e, only SUM.Ur. hlutlo ited, i.aine coao an above, $100, I havo made arraue incnU to have the latent music- on hand tut fen tuuiinti, j i uciir nuijtjicu ui regular uis couut, Warcrooma, Main btreet. juiir I'oikti PHILOSOPHY OP jrAKUIAOK. A Nkw CooitSKoF Lkctukks, as delivered at v.i . 1 wjfiwmnoHim Anatomical juuseum 1205 ChestnuL Kt.. thrrM ilrmrti ndrivn 'rullih Philadelphia, embracing tho fcnbJecUt How tu Llvo nud What to Live jor; Youth, Maturity nnd Old Aye; Manhood Ueuerntly Hevlewedi 'Jha cause or Indigestion! Flatulence and nerv ous DlbeafaCS IlCCnUlllwl Tnr tnrrnaa l'hlln. sophlcally coiiBldtred, These lectures will be mrwurueu uu ruceinvui cents ny auurefcsingt i'eeretnry or the Pennsylvania Polytechnic nnn AWAHiMiuAL oiumeum. cuestuui Ml. Abiiadelphla. I'ennsylvaaU. Je2l'70-Iy, T ??A.8ES (blank) for bale nt the Columbian IKUnrn. pECKIIT HOOKH for salo at the Uolvmuian Rail Roncls. r aoicawajnna and JLi liimti UAti.ittiAii tin audpfter Nov. 21,1.70, Passenger Trnlnii will run ii-. mi low " r Clnlntf Nnrlli. OnltiRRnnlh Atrlvn Arrive I.envu I,ene p.m. 11.111, p.m. n.iu ncrntuoii u.i. .m.i ..... . I'lllVD I'lllNlnn Il.r. ,M .'1.1,11 ( KlliKston Ml I.Vi 4.H 7,vo lNyniouih k.: 1,17 .,au 7,m Hhlchslilliny.... 7.M )l.M 4.H H.J iierwicit M r.,ni vhi ino. im .o.m n,:ti cm Duuvillo u. lit ii.o) e.ia o,4) Leajo Le.avo Arrive Arrive NortliM s.0 10.(11 ( 10.20 iionnecuou inauoniMcraninti ny the lo.ion.m. Irnl'i for Great liend, lllnKhitmtnn, Albany aud ' ''UND.Hup't, NOllTIIKUN OIJNTltAIi JIA1I. WAV, Uii nu.l alter JJeteiuber 1th 1!70, Trains will leave SUNiiuuv as follow s i MOltTllWAlll.. t.tS A. at., Dally to William .port, for Wmlrii I'niiaudalxua, llochcster, Uullulu, Huspcnslou llrldc, nud N, rails. 0.0) p. m li.illy (except Kundnys) ror lllmlrn nud llullalo via l.rto Itiillway rrom l.lmlra, I. 55 p.m., Dally, (except Huudaya) for Wllllams- porl, TltAISa SOUTI1WAU1). II. o) A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for llaltlmort WlLMtXUTON AND l'lltLMIl.M'llIA. II.!. I'.M. D.illytoxceptHiind.iy'sJforlliiltlinort Wa .lilni'ioii nud l'nlladclphta, i;l). H. YOUNU, (Jencrnl I'an.euger Aceui. Al.ritun It. 1'isKR, Oeu'l Hupt., QATAWJS3A IlAIMtOAD. 1j.ii. WINriMl Altlt.VNtin.MIlNr, 1S70, ra..cni;erTr.iliiHon llilirnad wllllun an fol lows t .Villi ,. NTATtONR, AVlfl I.v. N.Sln.iu W' iporl. I.v, l!.2.p. in Money. .l.j) " tt.ul " .tlilnev IMl " Milton " 0.11) " " IM " " 4.11 " " 4.01 " " 2.5.) ' " 2.2.) " " K.IO ' 10.21 " lianvllle, lu.'i. " nupert. 10.11 Catawli .a. 1I.M " lllngtown, l.ln.m. Summit. r..ll (luakake. 12.1. " i;. Mnhnny June. " I. II " " 1..W MI)luc. Tainnriua, Dine. 12.fl2 " " " lte.idliw. " lo.U a.m. " 3.15 " r.illsvllle. " " 7.00 " rililadelphln. " 8.11 ' " 1.25 "illnoMancliUiHiult. dlno" :.01 p. m. ' 2.11 " Ilcthlehem, " l.()0noon " 611 " l'hlla. via llethlehcm, " u.l) a, m " 2.5J " Huston, " 11.15 ' New Vorli, It, Liberty St., " Ml ' via I., .t H. 11. 11. " n.oa o,5i " " J Valley It. It. " U.OJ ' " 5.30 a.m. lto.tou, M ti.oo p.m I'assenKors taltlrg tho 8.25 train from William sport, will havo two hours lu New York, lor sup per, and nrrlve lu linston at 3,r0 a.m.. clcviu hour- lundvuucoof all other route!. New day eoiches accompany all trains be tween Willlauispoit, New York aud l'hlladel phla. Trains run through by d.iyll?ht. OICO. WIItlD, Hupt, FADING UAIUIOA-D. HUMMKK AIUlANOnMllN'T, AIONDAY, May 13, 1871. (Ircat Trunk Idno Horn tho North and North west lorrhlladclphl.i.New Yorlctlloaulng.rottH vllle, Tatnuqua, Ashland, Bhainokln Lebanon Alleulown. Kntou, Kphtata, IjHIz, Lancaster Columbia, Ac, Trains leave Harrlsburg ror New York, ns lob lowrt: At, H,W, a, m., aud 2,00 p. m., con necting with K-linllar tralua ou 1'unmylvu nla lUillroad, and arriving at New York at 10,05, a. in., 3,-10, nnd u.'iy p. m, resiecllvely, bleeping tarn acuuiupuuy tho 2,i) a, m. liain without chnui;o, lteturulny: Leavo New Yorknt O.OOn.m.nnd 12.3.) noon nnd 6,00 p. iu, l'hlladclihla at 7;iJ, b,'W n in, nud 3,30 p. in. Sleeping cars accompany tho 5,00 p.ra,, train Iroin N. Y. without chaugo, Leavo llurrlnburg lor Hcadlmr, l'otlsvllie, la maqua, MlnerKVllle. Ashland, uhamokln Al leulown nnd Thlla'd. nt 8,iun. ni., nnd '-i,0J nnd 4i5 t.tu., k topping nt Lebanon nnd principal wny Ktatloni: thel.Oj p.m. train connecting ror riill'a I'ottsvillo nnil Columbia ouly. For Poltsvllle bchuylklll Haven nud Auburn, vli Bchuylkill aud Huin,uehauua lUilroad, leavo Harrlsburg al 3,4( p.m. rcnnsylvanlaUallroad trains leave Head lnglor Alleutown lislon aud New York at 1.32, HU-O, n. ni., aud 4.05 p. m. lteluruiu?, leave New Yorknt V.ifi a. iu., 12.30 noon nud 5.0J p. ru, nnd Alleutown ut TAD it. m, 11V25 noon, 2.15, am' b.'Si p. in, Way l'assenser Tmln icuves I'hlladelphln nt 7.30 a.m., connecting with blmllar train on liitst l(a, rnllioad returntna lrom UeadlugatU.-'Op.iu. btopplun nt nil million.. Lhilvu l'ottsvfllo nt n.OO n.Tii.. nml "mi n.m. Ilerudou utlO.UOn. in., Bhamokln nt 5,10uud II. Ii u. iu,, Aouiuiiu ui v.uj n.m. nuu simoon jinu nnoy City ut 7.15 n. iu, nud 1.2J p. in. al k,v n. m., and 2,10 p. m. lor rniladelphui, New Y'ork, lie idlu, Harrlsburg, Ac. Leave PoUsvilltrN-ia wcnuyjklll nnd Busquo hauu'i Hallroadat8,15 a.m. lor Harrlsburg, uuJ 11,13 a, in., tor l'luetirovo and Trciuout, Heading Accommodation Tralu leaves Totta vlllo ut5.40 a. in., Ucudlng at 7,K0 n, m., at" riving at l'hlladefphla at 10.20 u in. Heturulnu leaves I'hlladelphln at 5,15 p. m., passing Head lug at 7,55 p.m. , urrlviuguL 1'ollsvllle al U.I0 p.m. l'ottsioun Accommodation Train, leaves l'otts town atMJu.ui.( ittuiulng, leaves i'hlladelphla al 4,30 p.m. ColumbU Uallroad Tialns leave lleadlns at 7,20 a.m., nnd e.15 p.m. lor Kphruta, Lltiz, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ac, 1'erkloiueu Uall lload Trains leavo 1'orklomen Junctional 7.17 H,Wa. inM3.W AU.ltop, m. return lu?: leavu Kchwtukh Ulo at (."u, Mo n.m., 12.."i0 noon A 4A'i p.m., connect lug with blmilar t nil us on Itendlug ICillrond, Colebrookdalu Italltond trains leave Potts town at u.lOu.m, t 1,15 (Ui p.m. returning leave Mount 1'ieasaui .uukhu ii.-j ii. m., j,uu p.m. connect luif witn fclrullar trains ou Heuding italliuod, Chester Vulley Hnlliond Tinlns letvo Jltidge port at H,30a. in. nud 2.05 nudd.p. m. returning, leave Dowulugton ut U.10 n. m 12.15 noon und 5.25 n. in., eonuectlng with bimllar Uali.H or i;eautng unuroau. un Kuuuays. leave isew xonc ai&.oo P.m..rnn- phla nt 8,00 ti. in. and 3,15 p.m., (tho 3,00 a.m. tralu runulugouly tolleadlng;)lcaverotUvllloli,Wa.m Harribburu nt 2.1G a. iu. and 2X0 n. in. ami leavo Alleutown nt 4.25 and s.35p. muu(l leae ivtuuiiiy in ii. in, Him j'.ou p. ID, lur iimiii- buru. lit 5-UOn. in. lor Now York, nt.7 "Ua. lU..ror Allentown aud at U.10 n, iu.' and 4,15 p. ui lot Philadelphia. oiuiiiuiiuion, iinengc. Kensou, hciiooi Excursion Tickets toniul Irnm nil re duced rates. liaiitiaue checked through: 100 uounds nlloweii each pus)tvnger, Ahit. Supt, lng. Alach'iy. Heading, Pa,, April 3. 1S71. EW FIHM AT OltANOKVlIvLE IKON FOUNDRY AND AGRICUL TURAL WORKS. GItUAT JJlmOVEMENT.S JN PLOWS AND TIIHUSIIINO MAC1IINI. Mr. Jacob Trlvlenlern havlnrf nnrehnsiMl tho Interest of Charles W. Low lu the nbovu named works, tho business will bo continued umlcr the arm unmoor William Fciiuvj.kk Co. llnvlnj,' discovered sovcrul lmpeilectlons in tho plows manufaclured In 1ST0, they Imo strengthened nnd Improved them, nud added some entlro new iiaiit-iuB. joey win open mo isprinK traue 01 n7l far In advance or nnj tiling ever onercd to tho uiuiie, ueiuii noin practical meciiauics, nud nav- llif their Work nil ilnne nnilor their nun timor. vision they guurautio their work superior In nialerlal and.llulkli to any herctofure ollered. Dealers should not accept of any other agricul tural IniplenunlH until they have examined our Maniiliuturo. l-'arnieiti ,-iioulil try our plows uv.u.u UnjiuS1iuj oiotrr, iiieyaisu inauuiacturu ALL KINDS-. OF CAH1IKUS, minlly made In llrst class Foundries, saw and lirljt mill castings, made aud lined up border, TIIRESIIINO jrACIIINES are mado a specialty, und somo very decided Im proveluenls have been IlitliHluced lutothelr ma chines, l'rlces lower than over; all kinds of oountty prixluce nud old lion taken In exthaiiKo Order dliectlroin the manufaetury, OUl aaen cies supplied ilnrius the wluter. .vuuiess uii oruers 10 WILLIAM SCIIUYLER & CO., AOniCULTUrtAL WOHKS, OltANQEVILLi: COLUMI1IA COUNTY, r.V. Jan 171, s IXTY-PIVE FIRST 1MIIZK MICD- Awl AWAlllJi;iJ, IlAImiOllH 1'IANO MANUKACTOUV. WILLIAM KNAIJE A CO. MANUrACTUJ'.CU3 OP OHAND, BtlUAllE AND Ul'ltlUIIT PIANO F O R T 12 K , I1ALTIMOIH3, ID, Theso Inslrnincnls havo been beforo tho public for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excel lence alono attained un unjmrehmett n-e-etntnence which prououuies lliom unequalled. Their TONK combines i-rent power, sweetness and fine sins Inn quality, us w ell as triat purity of lutouiil Ion nnd sweetness throughout tlie entire stale, 'J her TOUCH Is pliant and elastic, nud entirely free from tho stlll'utss louud lu so many l'lanoen IN WOltKMANSIIIl' theynio uncqunlled, using nouo hut Iho very best scojeririlTiafWal.the lalge capital employed lu our business enabling us tokeip coulluually un Immense stock of lumber, Ac., on hand, TJ.A1I our Hfjuare IHtmoet haveonr New Im proved OVKKSIICUNU I: CALK and tho Amuffe ItcMe. -We would call special attention to our late Improvement in (lltANll riANOH unit HQUAHU UltAKIISs I'ATENTEn Aim. H, isu), which bring tie I'iano nearer peilecliou than has yet been attained. KVtnyl'rAKO VOLLYWAllKANTEDyOltS Veahjs, We- have mado arrangements for tho tiule Hhwetale Agency for the moit (Vlebiuted I'AU. LOIl tiliOANM and ili:iA)l)i:ONH, which wo niter Wholesale and r.etiill.iu lowest Factory 1 rlSltv WILLIAM KNAHH it CO., J wtai70-em. tialllmore, id. JEMO VAL I " C. 8. 1'UIIMAN, fcaddlcr, , '!!!? tf'noyl sl'op lo Ilupert's block, on Main Htreet, opposlta Iho I'ost oillce, whero lio Is p epareauiilo all kinds of work lu Ills Hue of lair prlees. (mar in -l! ! 11LANKB promptly printed to order, on any quality of isiper, at this OIHce, Drugs nnd Ohomicala. AOREAT EDICAi DiSCtrUY VINEG-AR BITTERS Huiitlrctls of Thonaantla ?? it .j llcof IMtlmdnytnlhMf Wonder- ii P.lf ful fjuriuro Jj.uocl. WHAT ARE THEY? K 1 i fl s Trrcr Ann kot a van ii -3 FANCY DttINK, Mado of Poor Untiif VlitUor Proof Hplrltn nnd Ilcfnso ldQintrnCoctorcit,rlcol nndiwrct tned to plcaiatlio taetc, ttlld"Totilcp,"Arpctl. crV ' HeEtoreri," ac, tlint lead tio tippler tn to drunVcnncaa rulwfcutftroatruo Sicdiclac, mado from tbo KatKo HooUtDd Ilcrbacf California, free frnin nil Alcolietlo llmnlnntB TLcyoro tlio (iin.AT UMion PimiFicii nmi a i.irr. tllVINCJ rUlNCIPI.Eo perfect Kcnovator nad Invlcorator or tho ryitcri, artjine off all polsonoiui matter nnd rcitorlns tbo Mood to n bcaltby condition, ti'jpcrsoa caatata tticio tlttcri according tgtllrtc tlon and remain long unwell. 81UO will bo clycnforaa laccrntlacusctroTlJcd tbo bonea nro not destroyed bj mineral rolacn or c'.hcr means, ond tio Tltol crcana "wrtatcd bej-ondtho rolntcf rcpttlr. riirluilnnimutnry nnd Chronic Hlicamn ilsm nud !3onr Drapepiln, vv lndlcettoti 1)1 Mo tin, jUrnilttcnt nndlntcrrnlttcnt rccr DIsciiBCBOf ttiolUooil. Liver KtdticTN nnd lllntlilcr tncio IMttcra Laro teen most tncccto ful. tyucli Dlscnaes aro cenred ty Vltlntcd lllood, trblch la generally rroaccedby Ccranjcactt ef tho IJlccetiru Ui cnus. l)VSPi;PSIA OH 1NDIOESTION, ncad atliO, l'atc in tho Bfcouldctt, Congbi, Tight sees cf tlio Cbcct, Dizziness. Boer KroctatlonA of tbo Etoxnacb, l2adtatclalliQ Month, EUUaa Attacks, l&lpltatlcn f tbo Heart, InSaninatlonof IhoLucci, Pain In tbo regions cf tbo K12nc;s,a&daLondrcd oilier ralnlnl rywf toticaro tbo effeprlccaof DytrcpBla. VhcyiaTlscratj tbo Stomach and Ettmnlato tbo tor t'ldllrcrand bowcli.wlilch render tbom oraneanallcd tCcacyin cleansing tU Mood of alllmpnrltlca, and Im renins new llfo and vigor to tbo wbolo aystcm. 1'OUHKlN DUSK.lHCS.rraptlona.Tcttcr.Calt r.l.tun, Dlctclite, Erota , Plmplci, Pcttulca,Doll, Car Lnnclca, ninc-VToraa, Ecald-llcad, Boro Eyca, Eryiip clil.ltcli, Ceurte, Discoloratlona or tbo EUJn, Hume ra nnd Dl3cnseo or tbo bkln, or wbatcver name cr nature, aro literally dag cp nndcarrlod out or tbo system In a tlicrtthnoby tbo uib of theso Blttcra. Ono botth li ccth csecs will convince tbo most lncrcdnloua of their cnratlro effect. Clcanao tbo Vitiated EIooJ whencter you find Iti ia-pnrltlca bnnstlng throngh tbo Bkln lnPircylci, Ernp tloca orSorcat clcansoltbcn yon And it obstructed and alnssiAh la tbo vclne clcanao Itwbcnltlafonl, and your feelings will toll yoa when. Keep tbo blood pure and tho health, of tbo ayatcm t111 follow. PIK, TAPEandothcr WOIUIS, larklngintho f yf tcm of io many tbouionda, aro effectually destroy cd and rcmoTcd. Tor fall directions, read careful ty tho circular around each bc-ttlo, printed In four Ua. ffuagca-EngUih, German, Trench and Spanish. J.TTALEnn, Proprietor. E. II. McDOXAlD & CO., Eragsleta and Oen. Apcnta, an Tranclaco, Cal and 31 and 31 Commcrco Street, Vtxi York. fftTSOLD DT ALE lHUJaaiSTS A0 DEALEE3. octSS'TO-tf, I ao not wish to inform you. reader, that Dr. Womiorlul, ornuy other man, liai illscnveroU u teraedy that cures Couhumption. when tho lungs aro half cou !u mod, In bhori, will euro all i1Ikc;is ea whether cf wind, body or estntc, mako men ll-e forever, and leavo death to play ror want oi worlc, and In designed lo malm our fcublunary spheroa blissful Paradise, to hlch Ilea von itsell Rhall bo hut libido hliow. You have heard cuniifjli of that kind of liumbujmery. Hut when I tell you that Dr. Sago's Catarrh llcmcdy unit positive ly cure tho worn casen of Caturrli tu tho iload, I only assert that which thousands can testify lo I will imy ?5w Howard lor ti caso that I cannot cure, A pamphlet giving symptoma mid other information sent irte to auy address. Tills rem edy 1 SOLD BY MOST nitUCHlIHTS IN ALL I.U1T3 QV T1IU 01tLD. Prlco CO centft, Pent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of sixty centi, or lour package ror twodollars, Ilowuro or counterfeits and worthless imitations, Mcothat my prlvato Stamp, which In n pontile guarantee of ifentttnenett, is upon tho oulsldo wrapper, lteniember that this prlvato Htamp. Issued by the United wtntes Government ei iress ly for stumping my mfdlclijes, lias my portrait, namo aud addresv, nnd tho woids 1 U, R, Uertitl e,ito or (Knutnenesii," eiiRravcil upon it, aud need not bo ml&tnken, lJon't bo nwindled hy traveleis and otheis representing themselveH as Dr, Hago; lam tho only man now living that has thu knowledsonud ifhtto mauul.icluiothe (Jenutne l)v. Magu'BCnUrrh ltemedy,and I never travel lofccli this medicine. it. v. Pinuoi:, m. n. oc(2S70-ly, 111 Bencci sttect, Uutlalo, N. Y. S EVEN KEASONS WHY IS THE ECST LlNIMCNT IN TUB WOULD f o it houses. FinsT. It Is eomnoKPil of tho most TowritFnL and Pknktratino lioulds known in ChemUtry, Hfcond. Combined with the nbovo Is n Micnt cinai Oil-, made expressly for this Liniment, nnd mixed by nn entirely new piocess. i limn. iiie uito inu jHJWcrjmwui peneirminq Ingredients is to drlvo or forco in this beautiful Medicinal Oil, which lubricates tho Joints and muscles, and Immediately throttles tho disease, nud compels It to loosen Us deathly, hlckenlnj; and poisonous lungs. Poukth. This MkmcinalOil Is itPed for tho samoieasou that u good mechanic alwaj s uses oil to mako his machinery woik with easo nnd pieclslon, So In tho samo way the muscles and Joints of our nnlmnls should bo lubricated If wo w ihli to havo them travel with rapidity and ease, 1'jftii. Itis cry soothing In its action, will not burn or blister tho animal like most or tho "ml hot" liniments or tbo day, HixTii. Notono dt op i tincture of cayenne or red pepper can bo fuund In Its composition for wo hold that no liniment can ho enctlvo which burns aud blisters tho animal until tho muscles nio hard and dried almost to a crisp, WEVENTIl. llVCiy bOttlo lS WAUHANTKD to glVO good Katlhiucllon, or your money will be lefund ed. This Rhows conclusively that the proprie tors havo full coutulenco In this preparation, and proves lor tho fcevonth tunothat O. K. H, H, is thu best Liniment iu tho world for hoises. Don't allow your Merchant to pulm off Tinr. tureof Jietl J'ejpcr tintl JIarUhom, or othtr trash on you Out usk fur O. JJ. it. K. for Jiuues, aim take no olher. Hold hy all drugtjihts, 1. U. UAUUY A ru,. Solo Proprietors, sept270-ly JSj Jtuud Street, New York. R E JI O V A L Tlio nrm A lmvlns lioon ills SDlvnt tho IVtli nf Nov. 187U. I would Inform my fi tends una customers Unit 1 am NOT OUT Or UL'HINKSH, lis lias been reported, nml call nllciillnu to the lollinvllii; unifies! UUVKKNMUNT DIirOT, i0. 1 I'OtUVIAX tiVAXO. UltOUiJllU0.Nb',UUAItANTi:KI)riIUn. I'oudrcttc.'fn Bags, Ilarrols and Hulk. I!aw iioNi: riiosi-iiATU or win:, rrlco, JWjicrToil, LAND ri.ABTIUl IN I1A03 ANI) 1II1LS. TAn, In 1, 2 4 3 gallon Cans, OIIiHOAl', for washing Tices, lit suib, bojtts, COTTON HKEM MIIAIj, Krclloiit Food for Cows, IncrravltiK nnd r-nilrh-ln tlio Mlllc, jn luus, 1 j0U. IlAt'll, Oil AO K LINOS Tor JIos ond Clil.ken Weil. CUM r.NT, Atcncy for Coplay Hydrnullo Cement, ror lt fcperlor rjunttly I rcfurtn J.W.BrAniiili HoNd, Caltldon, N, J, A WIIEItAIi IIISCOUNT TO TIIK TIlADli JOSIAII J. ALLEN, (Late & Needles,) Kemoye to i BOUTIl UKLAWAItE AVK. mar 1071-lSt. vnn.ABiti.ntiA, EE UILIiJ. u i.n. ... IIIII.I .,1, KIK.I IHIIK-r llllll III III" Ill'llll'Hl, stylcrlUTIUi:'Hlnd CuNTAIlI,i:,Hl''El: IIII.M and lorBiilo nt tlio Coi.UHiirAN,oille. 'Jlie law requires Justices ot ilm rcuco to linve a I'tm lint pul up In their oillce, under uienalty of 110 nud double tlie amount of tlio lets (.hanged, GESS Clothing, &c. N 'nv stock op otiOTitma. rrMlt nrrlvnl nf Hir.MMt'.u onnnn. 1JAVJI1 1.0V1'.NI1I'.UII Invites attention to tils sloe It of CltnAl'ANlirAHIIIONAW.nui.OTltlMl. nt ills Moro on Main Uroet, two doors above- tlio American 1 louno luoomsburg, l'a., whero no has Just received from Now York aud rililadelphln a full assortment of sintf and novs' cr.oTHiNO, Including tho Most fashionable, Uurablo, nnd handomo . . iiuraaaooM, consisting or box, hack, noca.ouM.ANDoir.-ai.oTii COATBANl) l'ANTH. of nil tot ts, sizes nnd colors, lto has also replen ished his already lame slock of PAW, AND VlNTEIt SHAWLS, HTlttrCD, FIOUltUD, AND I'LAIN VHSTH HtllUTH, CItAVATS, fiTOCKH, COM.AltH IIANDKUItClIlUFS, OLOVia, UUfSl'UNDKIW, AND l'A.NCV AllTtCW Ho tins constantly ou hand it largo nud well.fto ectod assortment of CI.OTlia AND V12iTIN08, which ho Is rireparod to malto to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd lu tlio t3t manner. All his clolliln;: Is made towenr, and most of Itlsof homo inanur.tctnic. aOM) WATCIIIiH ANII .IIJWM.UY, ol every ilcscrlpl ton, fliionnd dicnp, llts caiool Jowclry Is notsurpassed In thlstplnco, Call nnd enti1lno hlsgrnrral assortment of cf,oriitNO, WATCtira jr.wni.UY, ao. Jaill'Tl DAVID I.OWUNIinUU. Bakery and Confectionery, JOHN O. JACODY'S HAKKHY ANI) CONFEOTIOXKUY! iiEitwicif, rr.NN'A. Tbo liliderslunod would rrsllC.lllll Inlnrm tho Citizens of llerwlck, nud vlclully, that ho nut ui'eneu ii i.uuieeiiunery tiuu uuuury ill odd ri:i.t.ow hai.Ij, Ucrwlck, r.t., where ho is prepared to ruinlsh all kinds of PLAIN AND 1'ANCY CANDIIS, l'lir.NOlt CANDIU'J, rOllUION AND DOMCOT1C l'T.UI 1'H oiianoi;h,li:.monh, hawinh ite., Ac, Ac., Ac. BY WII0LIWAI.E AND 11ETA1I.. Antony tho assortment will bo found Crotm Nuts, Kugllsli Wnlntlts, lVnuuta. Almonds, l'll berts. riK, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jollies of illller out kinds, .Muslnrd.CntMip, Pickles, CJiocolnto, Caniitd Kiult of nil kinds, Com Htaieh, Hat Ills cult, Holla Crntkers, Oyster Crackers, L'heeso, Hnap, Vrltlny l'nperAurcemeut rnpeis, Ku velopes, . FISH AIs'D OYSTfiUS, And rroduco nf all kinds 1'resh llread nnd ChUch every day, leoCieamin Keasou, Vour pairunago n soiiciteu, joiixu. jacotiv. Ilerwiclr, Jan 171 tv C OKPJ30TIONEKY, The undersigned would respectfully nnuounce w iu 1'iiuiie iuu. ou uus opeueu ft FIIMT-CLAKS CONFF.CTIONE11Y BTOKK, In tho bulldlni; lately occnpleil by Vnx t Webb viiem no is prcpurcuio juruisu Ull KlUUH Ol PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FltENCK CANDIES, FOUEION i DOltiaTIO FHUITH, NUTS, lt.lalNH,.iC., AC, AC, BY WHOLESALE OK RBTAIL, In short, a full assortment of nil goods In nis lluo or business. A crcat variety ol DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, sultabtofortho Holidays. Fartlcular nlleuLlon Kiveu ii, 11 It E A D AND CAKES, of nil kinds, iresU tvery day. OHHISTilAB O A N 11 1 K .-, aillHTMAS TOYS. A cnll Is solicited, and satisfaction will b CUnianUed, Jan l'il-ly KCK1IAKT JACOI1S. Hotels. M ONTOUK 3IOUSK -UUl'KItT, I'A. WILLIAM lIUTMIIt, Pioprlelor, This lloufohavintrbcen put in thorough repair is now open J&r tlio rtci'itioit ol kuisIs, No pains will bt spared to cnsuio tho pt-ifoct com fort of tlio traveleis. Too 1'roprlt lor sohclis a share of pnhllo patronaue. Tho bar Mill bo nine .hi nn iimus wuu imoiiauors nuu ciijarw, J.uil'71 E ENTOX HOTEL. W. F. WATT, 1'ioi.riotor, 11E.NTON, COLUM1UA COUNTY, I'A, This Well known llollso bavlni' bi Ml nut. In thorough rppalr Is now open lor tho reception of t.-iuiMn, a.u ,i,iii uiivo in-eii sp iu u 10 ensure the peifect coniloit of uuivtw, Tlio pioprletor itivinuwtioiimu 1IU1I1 IIIO JllllLI 10 jiiooiiisouit; nud lutermedlale points ou Tuesday, Thursday audKatuidayof each week. Jau l'IMl JMIE ES1Y HOTEL. ESl'Y, COLUMHIA COUNTY, TA. Tho nndcrslgned would Inform tho travelling publla that lie has taken the nbovo named estab lishment nnd thnrouuuly refitted tho samo lor tlio perfect;convenlenco of hlsiruests. Ills larder will bo slocked with tho best tlio market allurds. lliocuolcoBtllquors, wines und cigars ulwnys to ' WILLIAM FETTIT. Jan 1'71 Espy, I'a. B HICK HOTEL, OI'.ANaUVILLE, COLU-MIHA COUNTY, TA. nOIIIl M'HEXItY, Proprietor. This well known Homo, having been put In thotouh repair. Is now open lo tho travelllni' public. Tbo bar is slocked with the choices? lliUo!Hanilctc.nrs,nltdlhe table will be. ut nil I lines, supplied with the delicacies nf the season. No pains will be spared to Insure the comfort ol guests. uraugevllle, Jau, 1, lwi. Washing Machines. QOTY'S.WASHlXG-jrAOniNE, LATELY MUCH I M PItOVED AND THE NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WJUNCtEn Improved Willi ItowolPs Patent Double Con wheels, nnd the l'nteut Stop, mo now unnues tlonublv larsupeilor to any apparatus for wash ing clothes eer luvonled, nnd will savo their cost twice a year, by snTlni; labor and clothes, , Tho Editor nf this paper, who purchased n Washer nu l Wringer, thus tcstlilcs ns to their valuet "Wo havo had In use luour family for some time poM.ono of Holy's Clothes Washers und Wringers, nud nre pi epared to bear testimony as to Us merits. It Is emphatically n IMior-mvinij machine und does Its work In the most thorough manner. For families who have large washes theso machine would be Invaluable.'7 uian, Jan. ll,tS7i), rnioEs-A FAin offer. If thp Merchants In your place will not furnish, or send lor tho Miichlues.siud us tho retail price Washer 811, Extra Wringer tu, nnd wo will fori ward ellher or both machines, frio of m Ight, to places whero no one is selling- nnd so sure nio wo they will bo liked, lhat we agree to refund the niuuey If uny ono wishes to icl nra tho ma chliies lito of ireigbt.allera moath's trial, ac cording to dliectlous. No husbnnd, father or brother should imil( tlio drudgery of washing wliluho hands, oily, two days In Iho year, when It cau bo dono better, more expeditiously, with less labor, nud no In Jury to the garments, by a lioly Clothes Washer, und a Universal Wringer. Sold bv dealers generally, to whom liberal dis counts are made, , It, C. nitOWNINO, Clen. Agent, oct7'70-lf, m Cortland Btleet, New York, TNSUnANOK AQENOY. Wyoming . 1211.030 Aaua Fulton N. Y 1XI.UU North America . sisuiiu city t.VJ.uu luteruatlonnl N.Y. l.tuu.uw Niagara N.Y I,J.(Ml Merchants ...... UJO,H.O Hnrlngflald 670,0,J Farmers' Danvllle.N.Y...... ." fivmi) Albany City -iiw.uhi Danville, Horse Tlielt ., Mutual, Atlantic, N. Y,. l.i i Uermaula, N.Y tw.uju FItEAH llltOWN, Avent, iuut2l71-Iy. ULOOHHuuiia 1' Dry GooclfJ St Grocoiioa. q a m a n n hnvejint received from tho railem maittcls n large nud well selected Rlork of 1) 11 Y 0 O O 1) H , 0ONH1STINO nr C.isslmers, Jeans, llcst bleached A Ilrowu Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, . Tablo Linens, Cotton A All wool llauuels, dc Ac, A'good stock of Lndlcs dress goods, Lntest styles A pntterns. Splacs of nil kluds, (Jood slock groceries, (luceuswnro,, Ktono wnre, Wood A willow wnre, l'lonr A Cliop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, llrass,Ac, All goods sold cheap ror cash or pro-dnco. Ho would call tho attention nf buyers tn lilt well nud cniefully seleeU'd nssortmcnt which comprises ovorylhlng usually kept In tho conn try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods al such prices an will onsuro sallsraction , Jiml'71-tf CO MAItlt. jyriLLKIl'H STOIIE. S. H. -MILLEIt A SON, havo reninvrd Ihelrstoro to thn 1,1,1111 formerly occupied liyMcndcuhall,oii Main street, lllooms burg, neaily opposlto tho F.plscopal Churcli, whom they nroilctcrnilufdlotcllonasmodcralo terms as cau bo procured clso where. Thler stuck comprises LADIES' DltESS OOODfJ of tho choicest styles nud latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Goods nud (Jro. cerlcs, consisting of tho followlngiillclcs Cnrpets, OU Cloths, ' oths, Cnnslmcrc'j, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, WhltodooilK, Linens, " Hoop skins, Muslins, ilollowwaio Cedarwaro (liieeunware, llardwnie Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps HoopNelH, Umbrella, l.o.iklng.Ula'.rn.i, Tobacco. Coir.o, ng'irfl, Ti ns, ltlce, AH-piee, (linger, Cinnamon Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS OENEHALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country tores, to which they Invito tho attention ortho pubilo generally. The highest prlco will bo paid for country produco in etchango for goods. S. II. MILt.r.K A HON. llloomsbiirg Pa, npry?!-' OMETIIINQ NEW! Tho underslsned would Jierebv kIvo notleo no nns jut compieien a i-jumt uiiAn: II1:AUhK.hiu1 that hu has tlio mrilitlcH forcarrv lug on tho business of UNIMIItTAKINU In till ua urnucues IN CITY HTYLU, llehasnRfiRed experleiucd persons who will talto rharKo nf tho hoillts ot tho dcrt'a'.ed ns soon n.s tbev ''shutllo of tbN morLnl roll ." ntul ntloinl to washing Ihein.fih.ivlng, tlreslnu', Ac. Shiouds furnUlud albo to order. At much vxpenso ho inn ii nu ptucuiLLi uu 1 11 OX I OK 15 OX, In which bodies ran ho preserved inn cleanly nnd tlrv rondltloii. PnrrlnnTN fntnKhtil lur in- ncral occasions, lu hhort, ho 1h pit partti to iakn nun (; ni n ("jrpsti luiuicoiaii'i v nuer ik.iui, it im savo Irleiida nud ielatlesnll iurlher tioubloln reu'-ud to it. lio also carries on tho business of CABIN E T M A KING Upholstcrlnii In nil Its branches, repnlrltut furnl- inri', ri-bi'iiiiiij; iitnu innii'nuu r iiairs, ie., c l'hico of buulnets on Iron hirt vt, belnw Main. ut)in;nT uoan, Illoomshurg, Jnlyi'.'.lSTO-tl. ARION PIANO. The ouly perfect Instrument in tho World. It Is unetjualUtl in Klchnens, Power, Hrllltaney und IHirablllly. bpeelal terms to TeiicherH. Alarked iavors to Clergymen. Kend for Illustrated Arlou 1 lUllPUIl'l, C. W. rOSTKil, Clenerol Agent, mar 1071 tf. ilAuat Chum;, I'a, To nnv l.nrsnn nroiln..lnt. ntiv Tn.ll.l..n ilm.. lug liiill us many living, permanent cures ns Uu. FlILKK'S VnilETAllI.K HllUUMATIO lll.Mr.IIV, f'jcif imeanlly vtity, A pleusaut Mcdlcluo, Irco Horn Injutlous dings, Wnrrnuled, tinder oath, to havo permanently cured UilueLrylW) patients Healed lu tho past leu years, (seo testimony,) It Is the seleutillu prescription of Professor dps. I". 1 liter, M. D.,n gradualo of tho University' or 1 ennsj Ivnnla A. 1). 1ML1, now ono of Phlhiilel. phla a oldest legular ploslcluns.und 1'rolessor or I beniMry nnd Tuxlcologv, who hns mado iseuraigia, eiinmic ami lullammatory ltheuma tUui tbo speciality of bis enllro professional lire a fact vouched for by tho signatures accom panying each holtlo.ol many in omlncut renown ed physiclans.clersyinen.audotber testimonials. Io protect sullerer. lrom poisonous ouuek nos trums nml useless cipeudllmu or money, n legal signed guqr.intee,stutluguxuct mini berot bottles warranted to cure, will bo furnnrded gratis lu ",r,y,li".l;"!Be.nJI,"' hy letter a lull descllptlou of ullllcllon. In casoot laltuio to cuio, amount paid positively rclunded, Mcdlcluo sent any w.'.H!l,r' enpress, collect on delivery. Alllleled Invited to wrllo lorndvleei nil Inloriuntlon and "JS'11''?.1, ?Jvleo sent by letter gratis. Principal oillce, l-J South Fourth stleet, Philadelphia, i'a. I ho ltemedy u sold ur oblalned by Dl uggWs. mar it 71 ly. G .001)3 DEUVEItED FliEE OF POIlTEItAdE TO DEPOTS Oil HUATS IN PHILADELPHIA. 11V Iho dissolution nf the firm Of AT.T.KN & NUMJI.M, on the llltli uf November, 1S70, the undersigned becamo solo owner of tho Factory, stuck and .Machinery of tlio lata llrni ami will continue tbo innminif'toiennd saloot Fertilizers. Alypersonal atlenttoii Is given lo the liuslness. and aided by tho best cliemicul aud Mechanical Skill the hit! n finality of my articles will lu uinlutuluod. 'Jho SUPER PHOSPHATE OF IJJIE,' AND AMMONIATED FEUTUjIZICH nro sold at a very low price. , SEND FOU CIHCULAIt. NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, H'arranfcil i'ure at iinjicrfnl rem the Jtlunits, r i s n c v x x o, Purn(lroundl!ono,ljindl'lasler,Cemcnt,Speim, Lard, Whale, Lubrlcallng and Coal OIlH. Hiiorm, AUamantlno uud l'aroniuf Candles, to which I tespcetfully Invite the attention of the public, Hl'KC'IAL DISCOUNTS TO THE TlllrJE. SVM. N. NEEDLES, At therfdllandtif AM.KN A U South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. rou bale 11 v IILOOMSIIUHO IRON COMPANY, mor.3'71 13w, 11LAN1C MOHTUAOES for the use of Saving J) Fund and loan Associations, fur tutu ut the Lolumuian OUlce, 1UST1CES 1ILANKS. Summons, Hxecutious it Hubpu-nas, Wurruuts, Ae, , constantly ou iiuud uud for sale ut tho Coiajmui an Otltcu, pATKNT iililSlffiA mMminEMm Miticollauaotis. ) l'.t'O.H BMIHII AN1 KNDOIINMI) llv A.OVF.H HI'.VMN IltU'DUMI) I X) C'' i K M im. i-uvni:;i:',s toMi'oti.Nt) n.cin r.XTiiAcr op KOSKOOl the auiiAT ' HEALTH IlESTOIlEn! Not it Secret Quark MetHcIno KonniiLi jvrijuiiu ino JJoltlt', i'iiEi'Ani:ii sot.i:t.v nv Dr. t. .1. LAWItnNCE.OignnlcChciiiM, Wii.o:i. North Cntollna. IvOSKOO HTlMKtW AT Tlllt POO!' Of IHSP tsf I'UUIKTINd THE 111,001), iir-s'ioniNd Tin: livep. and kidneys TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND IN VK1OUATIN0 Tlf'll NEI! VOUS BYSTE.M, Tliin i3 tlio Soorot of ita Wondopful Suooos3 in Curliif; CONSUMPTION IN ITS EAISLY STAOES, SCUOFULA, SYPHILIS, DYSl'Ul'SIA, llVEIt COMPLAINT, CHHONIC lWIKUJtATISM.NKtMlALarA, NEltVOUS AFFECTION, ElttlPTIONS OF THE SKIN, HIIMOIW, LOSS OF Vlaol!, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND HLADDEIt, ASH ALL I) INK ASM OA USED JIV A 11 A I) sta ti: of Tin: jilood. It thoroughly eradicates every kind or Humor nnd Had Taint, aud icslores tho entire syslcm lo a healthy condition. ltlsboyoiid question Iho FlREST TONIC I.V Till! WOULD. Thousands havo been changed by tlio uo or thlsMedlcIno from weak, sickly, miU'crlug cie.i. turcs, to strong, henlly, nnd hnppy men nud women, Invnllds rnnnnt licit Into tn glvo It n trial. No Mcdlcluo has obtained such n groat reputa tion as llilsjuslly celebrated compound. FOR TESTLMONIAX3 From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Edllnis I)rugglsls,Merehants,Acseo KOSKOO ALMA NACfor this year. rnicnoxi: dqt.lau run norrr.K. KOItHtl.KnV The Vi-hicijHil Drwjrjhls in the UnUcil States amlJlritish America. Dlt. LAWIlt.xcr.'s WoMAN'HlFutKNIl Clues all Diseases peculiar to Females. Jan.r71y. B i-OOJISUURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL LITEUUIY AND COM.MEUCIAL INSTITUTE. This Institution oireiH good opportunities nt every 'department of l.ltciaturo and Science, In addition to tho Excellent NormnlSchonlt'lnssi s, hao pmctleo In tliuusool Sureylngand Ihiglli eerlng Instruments tu thu Held and mine, mala the Instruction or tho most competent Proussi.r. I ho faculty aim to lo very thorough In their In struction nnd to look cnrefully nllcr tho health, luanuersaud morals or tho students, Iliotules and regulations ortho school in,, such ns to commnnd Iho respect or the stud, nn nnd conscriuently not ninny reel that ntlord to violate laws which nro calculated lo jironiolo their success and happiness. The Mus ical Department ullonlsns good oppoilitullies as can bo found In any of tho largo cities and ,u much less expense. hprlng term commences April 3d, IS71, 1 or rurtlier partlctlhiis, address John o, I'iikkzi:, Esa., .vcV.or L. H. IlUPFar, l'fri'l ur HENIIY CAHVEIt, A. M I'rlni'ipnl. llloonisbltrg, Jan, 1.1, 1571-0111. Jacoii K, smith. j, it. hi gSIITH & SELTZER, Importers nnd Dealers In reign and Dam,' HARDWARE, OUNS, C UTL Ell Y, AC., NO. i)j N, TllinnsTltEKT, An. t'ALI.OWlt I I.I., Janl'71-.y ""''A'U'IIIA. QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, iiioomsuurg, rn, M. C. SLOAN 4 IIUOTHEH Havo on hand and for sale ot tho most reasona ble rates u splendid stock of CAltniACIES, I1UCOIE8, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo made of iho best nnd most dur able materials, nml by tho most expeilcnci.l workmen. All work sent out Horn tlio estab lishment will bo lound io hoof the highest class nndsurotogtvo pcriect satisfaction, They haw also a lino assortment of S LEI U IIS of all Iho newest nnd most tnshlonnblo sljlcs hils uiaui An Inspection of their work Is nsked ns It I . . ,. nujivuui Villi IN lOUIlll 111 IllU country, ,uu pT1 AUMEItSI EXAMINE AND 11UY T HE O R I a I N A L , iiAutiira iiEiNu Tim FiniT HAW Honk riiosriMTc Mauk All others are Imitation, 11 A U U II 1 H 1UW UONU KUPEIl PHOSPHATE OF LIJIE. MARK FALL, 1870. This Manure Is mode of ltuw or Unbiirned llnues, rich iu Nitrogenous matter, dissolved In Oil of Vitriol, nresoutlug thollonoi'lmsphatelu o.hlglily soluble and quickly avallublo form,aud the Ammonia In such proportion ns to Insure a prompt and vigorous nctlon upon the crops. Where Haugh's Phosphate was npplled Hie pnst sensou.tho InUicatfons, without ex eepllol are that It will maintain Its well earned repitau tlon. We request all iu need of u Fcrtllltcr Ik give thlsartlcleu tlli.1, BAUail & SONS, MANUyAOTUUKES, Ornci-No SO B. Delaware Avenue. PHILADELPHIA, 15'70 tf, .-. 1) LANK DKIUtH tuntprlnted nnd for mlo til Iho LUJ.VHUIAfl UI11CV,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers