BATES OF ADTKRTIB1NU. One Inch, (twclvo linen or Its ciatvalcnt In Nonpareil type) ono or two Insertions, ll.SU llireo Intertloni.lLOO. mm IH l'UIlMSIIF.D KVKHY FIllDAY JIOnNlNll ixtiji coLVMntAH nciLDisa heahtiik couiit iiobse, liLooitsnuna, m., ny HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, kditor and rnorntsToit, TrmjTwo Collars a Tear payalfo In advaneo. JOD PIIIMTIWO Olnlldescrlpltons executed with neatness nnd dtpntclt nt reasonable roles. PACK, IV. One Ineh... .....t3.M Two Indies ,H8,&0 Threo Inches 8,00 Four Inches 7 00 (Quarter colnmn,10,n0 llalfcolamn .15,00 One column.. ......30,00 3, 11,00 7,00 9,00 11,00 11,00 9000 40,00 ex, it, t,00 110,00 (.1,00 6,00 9,00 1S,M 7,00 9,00 11,00 18,00 80,60 12,00 18,00 29,00 80,00 17,00 20,30 80,00 00,00 60,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13.00 Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, ti.50, Local notices, ten cents n line, Cards Inthe'TuslnessDIrcctory" column, 14.00 per year for tho first two lines, and 11.00 for each additional Hue. VOLUME V.--NO. 21. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 2G, 1871. UOL. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. U flTlt iMMtntllt Patent Modicines. it i: m 1 1 i i: it. To Debilitated rer.wtm, To Dyspeptic, ToHiiirorers from Liver Cmi)Inlut, To tlifmolinvltia no Appetite, T Uioho with llrokeu Uown CotiHtUutlontf To-lTVOUfl I'OptP. To Children Wa'Miir rvwny, Tunny with Ik'MMUtcl liCrVvtvo OrgruK. Or itfcrtntt With any of tho foUonino Hinptom U:teh indicate DUordcrcil Aver or WornWi, such iw Con Upallon,larftMV I'll oh, Fuineapi ltlood to tlio Head, Acid Ity of tho Ktomncli, Nmncti, Itcnrllmrn, Hlogiiit for Food, Full ne or Weight In tho Htorrmeh.Hour Krucltiitlons.Binlclnfjor Fluttering nt tho Fit of tho Htomnch.HwltnmliiKor thollcnd, Hurried nnd Difficult Ilrenthlntr, nattering nttholIcnrt,ChoUlngorRunbeatliiRS(nilloni when In a Lying Poiturc, 1)1 in no ot Vision, nta or Webs heforo tho Blunt, Fever nnd Dull Fain In tho hend, Deficiency of Fernplrntlon, Ycltownesi of tho fikln nod V.ycn, Fain in tho Hide, Uncle, Chest, Limbs Ac, Kuddcu Flushes of Heat, Hunting tu tho Flesh. C'oiiBtiuit Imaginings of Kvll, nnd (J rent .Depression of HplrlU. HOOFLAND'H OKUMAX llITTr.lLS A MlterB without Alcohol or Spirits of niiylilnd, Is dl He rout from till o thorn. It la composed of tho puro Juices, or ViTATjrniNcirtoc oy Hoots, JlnniH, nnd lUnK1, (or nit medicinally termed FxtracU,) tho worthies or Insert portions of tho lnjircdleiits not being ued. Thereforo In ono -Htttlo of this Hitters thcro Is contained ns much mcdlclnt virtue ns will bo found In so vera! gallons or ordinary mixtures. Tho Hoots, Ac, used In this llltcr3"nro grown In Germany, their vital principles oxtrnctea In that country by n scien tific ClmUt. nnd forwarded to tho iniumftictoiy In this city, whero thoy nro compoundod nnd bottled. Containing no Rplrltuous Ingredients, Ills Hitters Is freo from tho objections urged gnlnst nil others; nodcslro forRtlmulants can bo Induced from their use, they cannot make drunk nrds, nnd cannot under any clrcumitanccp, hnvo any but ii beneficial c fleet, II00FLAND8 CimtMAK TONIC, Was compounded for thoiio not Inclined to cx- treino bitters, nnd Is Intended for ma In cases when sotno nlcohollo'stlmulnnt Is roqulrcd In connection with tho Tonla properties of tho Hitlers liich bottlo of tho Tonlo contains ono hot Hoof tho Hitters, combined with pure SANTA CUUZ HUM, nnd flavored In Rtieh a manner that tho extreme, blltcmessof tho bitters Is overcome, forming a preparation highly ngrccnblo and pleasant to tho palate, nnd containing tho medl clniil virtues of tho Hitters. The price of tho Tonlo Is per Hottle, which many persons thtnk too high. They must tako lntoconsldera tlon that tho stimulant used Is guaranteed to bo of upuro quality. A poor nrtlclo could bo fur ulshed nt n cheaper price, but Is It not better to pay a llttlo moro n d havo n gocnl nrtlclo? A niedlclual preparation should coutnlu nono but tho best Ingredients; nnd they who expect to btaln n cheaper compound, nnd bo bcnclltedby It will most certainly bo chenlod. .Jacoiiv. Associate JitdueslnAM 1)ru. Ill in M tn kok, lyothmotary, ile.-Wiat.mriTox It, Jicntstcr ftt-nnlm.v,, itiw.n n f . ... i ! -V"" K. It. JKRLER, Kimeuor lHAAO 1IF.WITT, 'muurrr IIAVIII IOWItKIlFnO, Unnm Mfnni.rj-Vi'rr.r.iiiM ft n,nv r.v,.i OIIHINH, HlllAH.l. KcrtlKR, Ommlnlmeri' Clerk WILLIAM KltlCKHAUM, ItANlrL Lltr:. - ironr jolts 1). IIoitk. Jupi Urninitwfonm Isaac McIIhiue, Joiih JIo Lonntu StyicHiiondCTil-CllAIlLBl O. IlAllKLKr. William i Kiiaiiek, lliiKimshnrif, aud'joiiNHjN IKKLKll, UrcellUuui), CIIAIILES LO.SNKU.McC'y. Bloomsturg Official Directory, Fti'sldent, U. ll.UHni. CHBhler.' ' ' ,Y'JLynnmtM J'" CHAH. 1 I'AXTON.Fres't., Lt(unibtatuitu Mutual &it4tti I-,iutnv,.i r. a. nrifUioijV.. ll. Little, I'res't.. C. W. Millkii. II O O FT, A N nH JtOO FLA XW8 CJE1UIAN TOXIC, WITH HOOrLANt.S PODOIMIYLL1N PILL, WILL CUUR MtV They nro tho Onatest is i.ood i it n i r 1 1: k s ICnown to tho Medical orld,nnd will eradi cate diseases nrlslng from Impure blood, Debility of tho DlKestlvo Organs, -ir DUciihed Liver, In n shorter tlmo than any other known remedies. TU WIlOI.KSOritFMK COUItTOF TENNBYLVANIA hfi:ar fokhiumi; itF.MF.DinH. Who would fibk for more Dignified nnd Htronger Jt'SUIMMIiy T Hon. Orouar; W. WooiiWAun.oniicrfvCirJuj' lice of the ftuiireme Qjurt of J'ctinsiltania, nl 2rct- cut Member of Om(rcsrom'(inf(i,wncj; I nnd"Hooiland's(Jirjnan Hitters" Is a kkkI tunic, useful in diseases of the digestive organs jiud of ki cut benefit In cases of debility nnd vnut of nervous action In tho system. Yours, truly OLOlUllI W, WOODWAHU. lion. Jamkh Tiiomi-sov, Chief Juitice of the prtjne ujurtoj jvnnxyntmui. I'nii. am. l.riiiA. April 28 lb07, I consider "Hoofland's Oerinnn Hitters" nvalua- llu mcdlclno In case of attacks of Indigestion or pepHla, I can certify this from my eiperl cuco of It. Yours, with respect, JAMF-STHOMFHON, lion, Uuohok SHASWooit, Justice of the Supreme Churt of J'ennsylmnla, FillLADELPHiA, Juno 1, I Havo found by experience that "llootlaud' (Icnuun Hlttern'Ms n very good tonic, relieving iljhpeptlc syniptoms nlmost directly. UKOIUJK HHAlWOOl). Hon. Wm, F. Uosers, Mayor of the City of nvffalo, V. 1. Mayor's onice, Hnfrulo, Juno 22, m. I havo used "llootlaud's German Hitters nnd Tonlo" In my finally during tho pn&t year, nnd can rocommenu inem ns an excel cut tonic, lni parting tono nnd visor to ihe system. Thelruse bus been productive' of decldedlv benellclal enccis, WAl.l'. UUULUW. Hon, James II. Wood, J?Z'M(uor of Willianvtjwt, I tako great plcuaui o In recommending "Iloof- land's German Tonic" to nny ono who may bo iillllcted with Dyspephla. I had tho Dj Kpepsla so badly It was Impossible to Keep any food on my blomach, nnd I become ho weak ns not to be able to walk hull a mile. Two bottles of Tonic etU-etcd n perfect euro. JAMF-H M, M'OOD, Un.MKMHKH THAT UOOFLAND'S GKHMAN IUTTKHS, AMI 1I00FLAXW8 UJHtMAN TON10 Will euro every Cn.o of MAKASHUS, Or Wasting away or tho Hudy, It KM i:Sl 11 Kit THAT hoofland'h ukuman nr:Mi:niKR Aiu the niedkines von renulro to irnrilv tl; IIIcmhI. I'iclto the lorn Id lAvt- r tr lionlliiv net Inn and to cnahlo you to puss safely through uuy Oolumbia County Official Diroctory. I Orangovillo Directory JVMWfnJlllfrf-WlLLtAM KI.WKI.L. J' I II. Hr.rtUINO A IlUOTlIEH.Cnrpcnters and l, liullders, Main st below l'lno. IJOWUrt A ltKHltING, dealer In Dry dnods, I) Orocerles, Lumber aud general Merchandise, 1HICK 1IOTKI, and refreshment Halonn, by II II film tH tun ru nn rtfni, fll... I ANNUAL ADDRESS llfforo llio l'ctmsjlrnnln Hoorto Assoolntloii ni mcir inccuue in I'uiinuciiiuin on Majr Kllli, 1S71, lijr (1FX WriXIXUTOX II. EXT. CoMKADlta OP TUB IlEREltVES ! TIlO frlcndalilpH formed nroum! llio camp llrraon tlio Potomac, tliollaptmhan ock nnil llin .Tntilna. fltifl In 1 1, la rn.nnl, n tl DH. o.A.M?.(iAn(iI.Ij,I'hyslclRnandHuri!con, full rvnrpsilnn. Ynur nrpsonrc tlio Main t next Uoor to Uoud's Hotel. I, ixprcsjion. lour prtsLnLL, uiu : (Inn irrfi). tho kind y irrcotltiL'. nro but Dnviu iii.uH oil, riouranuurist miii, ami iruo rellrcllona oi Hint 8Vm mtiiy nnu Uealer Ingrain, Mill wreet. mnilly nirectloil which wm Rfnorntctl In II..DIVAltIH1l,hyslclannnd Kurneon, Main st., first doornbovoM'lIenry's Hotel, JAM EH II. HAIlMAN.'Cablnet Maker audUu ttertaker. Malu Ht,, below l'lno. T M.1IA11.MAN, Bnddlo and Harness maker. u niHium., umiMiu r runio cnurcu. your breasts whllo toi;ctlicr flKlitlnt; tho battles of your country, ami which, whllo stlmulatlNg nil tlio noblo Impul. hes of tho soldier, inado you for tho ro innluucr or your iivca,7ie(M. Juirnwi dlsctisslotiH on toplcj rollfilous, political, or oliiorwiso, may nriso ninonc you Jllorrimlirn Xuililtnrt nmt K,ifl,i l,tl.l I . ....... .... . ... .. . wm-jmis V.ioMAs. iwC j ir. itoi. hon h. S'lf'1 . S."r.f2iM"K Illonmilmrp Mulunl Hnlng tinl Ati'Kinlwii- J. IlilowEii, l'reHldcnt. M. Hsc'y. SUHttYt.Elt & CO., iron fonuners.MncUlnlsts, dlvcrnltli: Ollilllons Will exist rCflpCCtllltt and Manufactuier. or plows, Mill at, moat (lucstlons of public Interest, but, ill iVMltEIiHIlAni'MMM.MnkeroItholIayhurst Bloomsburg Directory. WILLIAM DKLONn Mboemakerntin nmnnfae. 11 iiirer oi uncu, Aim ml, west orriuo )Al'i:it HAtlS Jul received nnd for sale at tlio STOVKS AND TINWAltK. ii' Oatnwissa. ll K. HA l.l.MAN, Mcrcbant Tailor, Second 8t. At'Oll METZ, ilcaler 111 slovra nnd tlnwnro ..iiiiii Hiit.ei.iiouvo court nouie. CLOTIllNa" Ac. ltobbllm' llulldlng. K I Ml. J ) Hueund HI ItUliniN'H. Hurceou and 1'liyslclan oeinw jiain. AVin LOWIINIIKIld, MerclmntTullor.Maln nt., ah uimr iiuovu American llouso. 1UM. MOitlllS, Merchant Tailor corner ur Cell- , , iiu uuu .uiiiu hi., ocr tinier s slore. DllUaS CHKJII0AL8. Ac. ' .1 I". I.UTZ, lirliBiillnlidApolliicary.Miilii st. i. below llio l'un Olllce. 1IOYKU HllOM., DriltfslsH and Apotbicnrics, 1IL iiruv. tr n uiuuil ..lulu hi. thu end. vour dNnurccmcutH nru forirot ten, and tho relations of tho past remain unbroken. Thosoldler U emphatically tho fr end nr tho eoldltr. Comnanlon. fhlp in urniH, produces this result with certainty, nnd especially is this so when tho tlmo thus consumed U measured by years, and is well marked by campaign:), ueieats, nnu victories. 1110 positive con tact of personal acquaintance renders Indlssolublo thcsotles. Compatilonshlp lit tho tent aud thu bivouac, shoulder to shoulder servico in tho strugglo to tho ucatli, established rcmcmuiances lhatnro not readily elraced. It Is a flttlnR reward forlho privations, tho hardships nnd sitiltirliiL's of tlio yours n, oysters, nti,i ice spent In tho Held that n thrill of pleimiro la enjoyed in mo clasping oi nanus Diiniii. ., , ... ., ...,w , I Willi cut nt linr u in hnj linil n lilrnnvtir.rl. ii, iiuuDiituriiifr ill i.riii'iiii ,i i-ri.-iiuiniiw i ............... . ...... .iu .,m, , Dry ooods, Groceries Ac. nice. And It matters not in whtit Held (Jt!80.UEHANNA or llrlck Unlet, KiMtrli- III! RCTVCd J lor tlio Hlcn Who lOUgllt 111 i5 biiuilerl'roprietor,soutb.eot(orn.rMaliiiiud VirL'Inia. tho L'rrat Rnuthwmt. OffOlonL' ouusircei. I'm coast of tho Atlantic, wefo all pll.lir.ltT A KI.K.'ll, dry ic""1!, Rrocerlcs, ajid vji euuriii iiierciiuiiuive, iiiaiu nirceb North KIHTM'.K. "Ciilliiwlun House.' Corner Main nnd HitiuhI Htreets. I It .1 , Ci I KEII.KIt, lllllnril Pain , Cream In hcasuu MnluHl. M W M. IU AHHOTT, Atlonu y at law, Main M. CLOCKS, AVATCIIKS, AC. Buck Horn. l:NnVZUI'FIN'Oi:it, Watrhos. Hpectatdos ft 7 - Xiiuwi'try of,, iianioirccv ucur ihtm i A i:.HAVA(li:,dpaicr In Clocks, Watches nnd J juwtiirjr, itiiini sin just uuiow 1110 iuieric.iu il,A W. II. HIIUKMAlvKH, tlcalfrs In dry iii , noous, Kroccrjfs unu general uiercnauuise. ! irxi More in souin euti 01 town. House. OUIH Hi:UNHAHl. Watrh and Clock maker. j near southeast comer aiain nnu iron sts, CAT1ICAUT, Watch and Clock Makcr.Mar- , jkfi. mi vvi, low .num. HOOTS AND SHOES. Philadelphia Directory. jrionAHDsoN l. wiiioiit, ju. .AVID IIKTZ, Hoot nnd Shoemaker, Main St., ' ueiuw jiuriiunn HBiorc.Mesi 01 .Mnruei. ATTORNEY AT I,AW, NO. 12.H SOUTH SIXTH HTIXEET, 1'IIIt.AriKLI'UIA Ian. r-t-iy KNHY KI.KIM, Manurnctuicr anil dealer In iiuiiiH turn niiues. urocerics. cic. aiuiu siieei. '.usl lituulusour. KKPHKAItT, WITH Ll 1. iiiiuw, 1,001 nnu niiocmnuer, Htreet, under lJrowa's Hottl. D I'UOFESSIONAL. It. II. C. HOWEtt, BurBCou Dentist, Malu bt Hoove iiiu wouri jiousu. BAUNES, BRO. & IIEIUtON, HATH, CAFS, BTltAW GOODS A FU1LS, No. 603 Market Street, (Above riflli,) I'lIlLADCLl'IlIA. Ml. WM. M. UEIIKIl, Kurucoii nnd Pliyslclau, lyi'.xcuauguiiiucKOver vcuu'suooi siure. It. 11, K, K1NNKY, Surgeon Dentist. Teeth cxiracieu wii lOULiiain: mmu si., niuriv on. miiiii jiugcupm ciiurcii, O. IIARKI.KY, Ofllcc,2d llnor in KjLcbauue lllock. near tho "Kxcliuuiie iiuivi. I 11. McKEI.VY.M. D.,Siiri;eoii nnd 1'liyslclan j , uminiiiiiu 111111 i., ueiuw niuruei yAINWIUGIIT & CO., N. K. Corner Pccond and Arch Streets, I'liir.vriKU'iilA, Healers In ti:ah, HYnur.s, coffki:, huoak, molaeseh niCK, 81'ICKS, III CAItll SODA, A.C., AC. VOrilcis will reoc-lvo prompt attention, may 10,07-tr. r It. KVANH. M. IK, KnrKcon nnd Fhyslclan, south sldo Mntn street. below Market, r f ItUTTKH, M. 1. HnrKPon and Fhysiclau , Marltut street, above Main. ll. ItOIUSOX, Attornoy-at.Ijiw, OincoHurt- , man's uuiiuiiiK, iiuin hireei. JIIIiLINEIlY & FANCY GOODS. C7. C. Business Cards. !. BKOCKWAY, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, ULOOMSUUHrJ, PA, i-OKKiCE Court lloui-o Alley. In the Co. 1.UMHIAN iiuiiuing. ijiiui, n, I'ciiintcd by nn honest nurtiosc. were as foldler., ntually meritorious, nnd aro tn-iiny uniteiiiy irietnis. Applause. j And paradoxical as l( may nt llrstap pear, It is this legard for men who havo faced thn .storm of Imttlo which impels us to c.xlcud tho band of fellowship to tho honest soldier who foucht on tho other side. ThU Is why to-day ex eonfederalo soldiers of every erado hold ny l euerai nppninuncnt positions 01 trust onu power, it, is wny n scoro oi them occupy seats In tlio Conuro's of llio united Mtuies; why nn ex confodcr nto ticiieral was taken Into tho cabinet councils of tho government, nnd why ono of tho most lucrative positions in tno wnoio soutnern country was Riven to tho veteran confederate Linestrcet. by the veteran federal Grant. All honor to tho two irrcat captains I To tlio former. necauso no was anions tho Urst to accept tho situation resulting from tho contest; to tho latter, becnu?o In tho hour of his and tho nation's success, he dared to bo (leuerous. Applause. Had tbcroexist ed n spirit of mallcnity amorc tho men constituting tho opposing armies, tho establishment of ticaco inicrlit for n Ion tlmo havo been hindered, and it war of extermination been waging at tho present nour. xi tno iricnuiy leeiing which animates tho breasts of tho men who contended with each other in dead ly strife on tho battlo Held shall pervadn an classes, 1110 nation win nous prosper ous and powerful ns Its domain Isgieat, nnu us pcopio cnivniric. lureat np piausc.j And now. comrades, leavlnc fornrao moot, tho contcmnloiiou of our own affairs and that condition of national happiness which Is daily being rendered ncrmanem uy a iasi growinir amttv no tween tlio peoples of thesectlons recent. ly estranged, let us turn our attention l'lITEItMAN, Millinery anil Fancy Goods, opposite upiflcopai ciiuicii, .mini ni, A. MIHS I.1.II! 11AUKI.EY, ImlUUiiij.MiilUhlrei.!. Milliner, llumsey Ii. TUKNElt FHYSICIAN AND SUWIION, IlLOOJtSUUItO, FA. I1S.S M. Di:llUlCKHON, Millinery and Fancy ill M L (Joods.MuliiKt., below Market, HH. K. KLINF, Millinery and Fancy Oood iMum hi reel oeiow .MurKei, OHtninvpr I.utz's DmaHtore. ltrlilcuo Mtuket Waller. Ueeld'TU. c. w- Cloaks and Hrevi Fulturuj. southtust corner in uuu v ehLKn, ATTOUNKY AT LVW, rnllK MIK8F-H HAltMAN Millinery and Fancy X uoihih, Mam fei., ueiow American iionse. " IIOTKX-S AND SALOONS. Ofllco Court HfHiKO-Alley. below tho Colum- iiian Olllce. Houutles. llatk'Fay and Fenshms collected. Uloomsburg Fa, Hep.'JU'7 ll1 015EHT V. CliAHK, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, I'lor, cost cud J.lOltKS HOTEL, by T. llcut. Tuy X of Mulu street. MEH01IANTS AND GnOCEUS. n C. MAltlt, Dry Goods and Notions, kouth- j west corner Aiuiu aim irousis. A. 11I:CKM;Y, Hoot nnd Shoe store, books , .v nuiiiuiiciy, 111111 bi., uuiuw .iiuruei. onlce Main Street below tho Court House. Illnumbburs Feuu a. LITTLE, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, below tha Colum E. D M JACOHH, Confectionery, Groceries etc., iJ Bill I E. , below Iron ,iOX a WKHH, Cinrtcllonery and Itakery, II, (MIOWFH, Hatsund Caps, Hoots andShoes, iain si., auoYu uotirt iioube. T II, MAIZF. Mammoth Groeery, flno (Iro- 1 1 rvneii, r 1 tin and Iron streets. Nuts, FroUlont dc, Mitt a - 11 Ki:r,VV, KKATj A CO.. dealers In Dry Goods, eic,,r. cor, main unu iunruei fcis. Q It. MIM.EK it: hON, dealers In Dry (JootH, vj, uroceries, uueenhwaie, f lour, han, nuot'it, . ftouoiis, eic.,jiujusi. MISCELLANEOUS. lONSrAllI.lM liLANKH for tale lit tho t'ol.l'M. lll.VN Ulllco, n M. C1IU1STMAN. Knddto, Trunk A Harness. j, mauur, Hiiive's iwocu. Main mreci. V, HOHHINH.llQ uor denier second door irom u norniwehi corner Main uuu, j run hi. W J.THOUNTON, Wall Fuier, Window Shades u uuu uxiures, iiupen uioctc, iiiun mi, PODOIM1YLLIN, Oil Hulmtllntn for Mercury Fills. TWO FILLS A DOSE. Tin moil 7Vweru(, rrt Innocent, VegttalU Cullta 110, H Is not necessary to take a handful of these Fills to produce the desired eflcct j two of them act quickly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver, Stomach and Dowels of all Impurities, Tho prin cipal Insredlentls FiKlophylUn.or the Alcoholic Fitrnct of Mandrake, which Is by many times more powerful, action and searching than th Slandrako Itself, Its peculiar act! m In upon tho Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstructions with all the power ul Mercury, yet freo from tho Injurious results attached to the use of that mluernl, Forull diseases. In which the utoofacathartlo Is Indicated, theso pills will glvo entire satisfac tion In ovcry case, They FAIL, lu cases of Liver Complaint, )spepslu and extremo coslheuets, Dr, Iloollaud's Oerinan Hitlers or Toulo should bo uted lu conuectlnu with tho Fills. Tho tonlo effect of tho Hitlers or Toulo builds up the sytlem, Thollltlersor Tonlo purincstheBlood.streuethcns tboNervcs.niiuu I.A1K3 tho Liver, aud gives strength, energy aud vigor. Keep your Bowels actlvo with the;Fllls, and tone up the ) ttem-wlth Jlitters orToulc, aud no , illteasis can retain the hold, or even assail you, Itecollcct that It Is lilt. HOOFLAND'S UEIt M AN llcmedles that are to universally used and highly recommended 1 nnd do not allow the Druggist to Induce you to tako any thing else that he may.say Is JuU nt good, because be makes a largo profit on It. 'Xhcto lleraedles will bo sent by Uxprees to uuy locality, upon application to tho FltlNClFAL QFF1CE, at the UUHMAN MEDICINE bTOHE, 031 Arch Bt Fhlladelphla, CIIAS. M. CVAKS, l'roiulcloi'. Formerly u. M. JACKSON & CO. 2icie Jttmtihtturt Jvrbulety ItrvyiiUti, More. rfmrKl Jiiluin u(i7im'tvim., IJaaniy p W. COHELL, Furnlturo Hooms, threo story u - unuu, mam eireel, weti ui uiruei ti, HllOHUN'STOCK.l'bolograplier.ovcrTt fc Eyer's SloreMulii st. IH. KUIlN.denlerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem ' bertln's alley, i ear of American House, 1 II. lllNOLElt, dealer In pianos, organs aud it- melodeons,at U, W.Corell's furniture rooms fJAMIIKL JACOUY, Marble nnd llrowu Stone OWorks, Knsl inoomsuurg.uerwlck road. abroad, and noto a few of the more Im nortaiit (ivenls which nro thero trnnsnlr ing. And, llrst, let us consider what was ileemid n proper causo for war In Europe. Tho Ouecn of Snaln had becomooh noxious to tho mass of her subjects, nnii was forced to nbdlcato tho throne. To llll tho vacancy thus occasioned without disturbing " tlio balance of power" in JMiropo, iiecamo matter or trreal imnort to tho other nations, and especially so to France, whoo position as a llrst class power had already becomo insecure, and tne crown oi wnoso monarcn was rcstln none loo securely upon his brow. In fact, with thu exception of Portugal Franco was tho nation to bo most nf. fected by new Spanish alliances; and when a candldalo for tho vacant throne, in tlio person of a Hohcnzollerati nrlnco, was announced, biio recognizeu tlio act as threatening to her security as ono of tno leaning nations ot tno continent. blio remembered, that Prussia was an ancient as well as a present foe. ready to retaliate for tho Indignities heaped upon her by tho old legions of France, nnu anxious to ptinisii ano leou III for his Interference after Sadowa, which precluded Prussia from reaping all tho fruits of that memorable victory, Besides, had tho sceptro of Hpaninii power passed into too nanus ot a Ilohcnzollernn, Franco would havo been sandwiched between two nations, thu ono positively and tho otner suDstan iniiiy minor tno control oi tno lung 01 Prussia, uotii tno government ami tno peopiool Franco ueinrminea not to do thrust into this critical and threatening position, mid the clamor for armed resistance was loud nod general. At mis juncture, nowover, tno war cloud was broken, and a ray of hopo for cotiliiiueit peace, rciieveu, to some ex tent, tno general gloom, loopoui. through his father, declined tho vacant llirone, aim tspain gave assurances mat no iiHiignity was liueniieu, on ner part, to France. Common prudencu would dletato that Just hero tho wholo subject should havo been dropped ; for when tno causo oi niarm nan oeeu romoveu, and tho assurance of Spain given that no alliance inimical to F ranco was ilesireil, nothlnir real was lert in tlio controversy lint tho nrldo of nn emnlro had been KAOLK FOUNllHV AND MANUKA CTU11INO SHOP. wounilCd. Ullll tllO Wfalll Of its millions htoveh a flows wiiuLrjjAL,n iwiAiu was arouseu. uuaratitees ncainst con xiik rKi.mniATKu MONTB03E jiioN ii cam and lecturul occurrences were petulantly run uni-rou woodun ukam i-Lows. iieiiinniieu, nun pciuiaiuiy reiusou. it l,.l !, .1 (HnandFlreHrlckforrepnlrinseltyKtoves wna ui tjwicu iiuo All kinds of Hrahs or iron castint; muue- 10 oraer OiUco Coiut-Uonso Alley. it i an Olllce, Hluoinshuru Fa, M. KNOUIt. llavlni! ntircliaKtxl tlio stock of tho old Key hione Hhoo Htoru, and added thereto a laryo and well i-eiecien newbiocK is irerureu 10 cinioii ino oes i variety ui HOOTS AND HII0K8 iivpr lirniiuht. tn ilils nlaco. lie Is also nreiutfed to muko Hoots and Wines to order In thelHteM and best Ktyles, For cakh only. In the old Font OiUco butldlnc. corner Main and Market Hti eels Hloornsiiuri, ra. ivyv .u-iy, J. THORNTON '1. u'rnil.l iiiiiinniif.n tu I hnoltlzelisor LIltKlinS. mi nod vicinity, that he haslUHl received a full uiiil complete nhhoniucin oi WALL FAFEIt, WINDOW HHADEH, KIXTUKE8, COIIDS, TASSEIJ9, and all other goods III his lino of business. All llio nt-wesl mid most approved patterns of the ilay nto always lu uu louiiu m iuh eviauimiiiuvuv, lliur.b, eil-ll wum oi. uumw mir., BUSINESS oAuns, VIHITINO CVUIM, HIDH, HILL HEADS, FUOOHAMMKH, rOHTEIW, &C, &C. Neatly nnd Cheaply Printed From the Latest Btyles of Type at the COLUM HI AN OKFIl'l!.. QIIAUPLKSS & HAltMAN, troversy at this unhappy hour which u,.ou snort notice .,,. brought on tho war. . Petulnncy alone. iiionmsbiiri Fa. Froprietors not necessity, not real insult to national Mar.w.'ou-tf. honor, injury to the, or wanton - I ..liiliilimi nf liitoriint limn I lni (1, Uluo Maker, ami White andFaucy T)OOTS AND SHOES. ... . . n ,i , i j. Tanner, Hcuttown, ' uuuio am' Dutnotwltlistaiidliigthounsubjtantlal clark M. UKOWN, nattiro oi uiu ciuos oi mis war. we. as .,. L,, Anr,..t.t. ....... I .1,1, u..uUr...T 11NI1K11 UROWN'S 11UTK1.. hllll 11 I r, ,11 llV CVllllllllJ VW11I II 11.-1111 ll.u A lull and complete assortment of ready made ""l"'";'' V. .' . .... . boots and shoes for men, women nnu cunureu put lino uiu ufiu, unu uuu uiu nnii WM, ItAllll, dealer In furniture, trunks, coder w llluw ware, near the Forks Hotel, ucy jjt 1,1 II, 11IDLE.MAN, Agent for Munsou's Copper Tubular Lightning Itod, lArntl nll.'l.'l.'KVIlACH l'.rootn Factory. Or. I ilersleltllt his retlder e ur at Millers Hou's toro promptly illled. llittgrieu Wtsteru bruU sen. 1AMKH CADMAN, Cabinetmaker aud Chair. O maker! rooms Main street bcl, Iron, I list recclx ed Vurlcllis to tu bent, nf work on Utvehlmaciill, and for sale at leiisouablo rates. (.tl. uyrt w w I dl they WOfO lirilieil ull all elasKis of cusluiners. Tho ' . .llli1.. uue at short notice, us heretofore. I tuiti niuijipeu. IJin I'H TOTi: llOCIICM. nnd blank NOTKH. w llll or lib. l mil exemption, fur tutu ul the Col.UMtlAN Light Stroot. HF. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, llrst door above Hchool House, JOHN A.OMAN, Manufacturer aud dealer lu Hoots audUhoes, nljTEIt Til Dry Uoods Groceries, 1 Flour, teeJ, Bali, Flsh.lrou, Nolls, etc., Main btreel, RH.F.NT, dealer lu Hloves aud Tin ware"!?! . all Us brunches. Espy. F. ItElOll AllP, lllto.,duuler In Dry Uoods, Groceries, uud geueral Merchandise. IjlBFY BTMAM FI.OUH1NU M1LL8, C.B. Fowler, Ij Fruprletur. r 1). WKIlKHElBKlt, Hoot and Hhoe Rtore and munufuclory. Hhop ou Malu Htreet op posite the meam Mill. I in W. KPUAIt, Kutriuchanua Flanlug Mill I Box Manufactory. TVKW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAUENI1UCH, Main Htreet oue door abovo K. Mondeubnll'a mine. i lillHU uittiirLiueilb OI niuvfa. iiruui. nun llangeeoustuutlyou baud, aud fur sale at the IllWi'bl ruiua, Tluulug lu ull Its branches carefully attended to, ,,. I ul Ittrni'lloll tfliRrnnt,iil. Tlu work of all liluda wholesale and retail, A -lul Is leoucsieu, Jan 171 tvt V. W GOAL Y A It D, I V 'nts. nnilfrultmeil resnectfullv luforiu the cTuVcns of llwiirtbum and Columbia county, ueiliou ; uuu, mx-uihiiv, uiut u i... tliut lliey keep all the dlllereut numbers olstove her of men who weru then willing and At tho outset of our war of tho rebel lion tho President Usued a call for tev enty.llvo thousand troops, to tervo for threo months. Whether it was thought possible by tho Federal authorities to frighten ou uio threatening iianger uy this add Hon to t ho stnnd nc uriiiv. or whether tho patrlotUm of (he people called upon to furnish tho desired troops, was suspected, has not, it is believed, vet transpired. Subscuueut history, however, showB! llrst, that tho forces asked for were entirely Inadequate either to irlgliten on. orsuuuuo tno ro bcl Ion: nnu, secomiiy. Hint tno mini coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on Ihclr wharl, uiljolnlug M'Kelyy, Nial Cu's Fuiniue; wllh u good pair of llairalo scales t. .ui,.,!-r in uiluh rnal. bav. and ttruw Likewise n horso and wagon, to deliver coal to thoso who desire IU Asthey purchase a large amount of coal.lhey Intend lokei p a superior ar ticle, and tell ut the very lowest prices. Flease call and exuuilne loryou'telvis I'efore rnjehas. lug elsewhere. J. W. llhNphlwiiOT, rpiIE undersigned will tako In ox- X change for Coal uud Groceries, the following immed articles t-Wheat, llye. Corn, Oals, 1-ota. toes, Lard, Haiu,Bhoulder,auil side lueut.llulter Fggs, Hay, Ao., at the highest cuh prices, at hu Grocery BUire, udjoinlug their cual yard, J. W.lIKNDEllHllOT. Uloomsburg Mar, l,'w-iy, cnirer to defend tho IhiL'um! thointegrl ty of tho Union, would have moro than ten times filled that requisition. Our own old Commonwealth, whoso quota under tho Presldoul's call was fuuiteen reglincnts.put Into tho field twenty-live, and disbanded thirty others, which thu authorities nt Washington would notac- ccpt. Through thoencrgy and eloquenco of our great war governor, who Is now honoring tho United States at tho court of tho Emperor of nil tho llussias, Ap plause and by tlio common imptilso of our citizens, whoso rovercncoforthoold flag Is ns strong as their lovo of life, tho wholo requisition could havo been filled from tho Keystone Slato alone. Ap plause. It Is not, thcrefore.thomimicc of men put into tho field by these opposing European powers which attracts the at tention of an American, so much as tho expedition with which It was done, and tho thoroughnoiof their equipment. On tho Cth of July, 1870, Prlnco Leo pold formally nccopted tho candidacy for tho Spanish throne. On tho 15th of the samo month, or tilnod.iys after, war was declared-by Franco; and on tho "Stli the Emneror Napoleon took tho field, and was ready to give or receive name, uoing as completely prepared ot all points nsatany time during tho war. llutexcellcnttis was the equipment of tho French, quickly ns their army had been placed in tho field, numerous as wore ts legions, thev werosurna'sed in each particular by their Herman ene mies. FTcuericK mo ureat, wnoso inn Itary genius had commanded tho admi ration us well us excited thu fears of his Luropean neighbors moro than a cen tury ago, had given tho best year of his life, and, Indeed, almost thu wholo of it tolliu improvement of tho Prussian mil itary system. His armies won for Prus sia a world-wldo renown and secured to her King such f.inio nnd prestige as wcro and nro not associated with (ho namo ot any coutemtioranlous ruler. Thu generations which followed him did not inn to prout uy ins luiiors. upon tho foundations so broadly and deeply lain a military structuro lias arisen more nearly comnlelo than Is seen anywhere else among nations. When war was de clared by Franco tho tocsin of ICIng llllam sounded, ami I rum llio prorcsi lonal closet, tho counting homo, tho fac tory, tho workshop and tho farm, canio tho thousands of tr.ilue.l soldiers. The over ready sword, sharp and bright, was with lightning speed unsheathed, and thotirmory doorsswung upon their hlngos. Tho mid-hours of thu night were disturbed by tho ominous ruuible of moving cannon and caissons, and tho noon-day sunbeams glanced irom tno barrel of tho deadly rille; and al once, armies were arrayed, law, dlclpllncd, anil fully equipped. King William placed hlmsoif at the head of his armies on thoiJJ day of that sultriest of months. August. Tlio Froncu nail croo.l tlio frontier tho provlous day, and captured tho out-poit of Saarhruck, thus giving tho Pru-lunsun opportunity for immo diato battlo. Afler twenty-four hours of French invasion, tho Orand Army of Germany unmasked its front, nnd tho valleys of too itmnc, tno H.uir ami ino jmosciio bristled with tho b.iyouuts of perhaps tho best new army thu world had ever seen. Proud, indeed, must havo fult tho grey haired monarch, as ho watched ms stalwart countrymen Hurrying mr ward to the rescue of tho soli trodden by tlio foot of tho presumptuous Inva der! Wherever ho turned hlscyo the retleeleil sunbeams rovealed tlio my riads of caparisoned warriors, and ho know well tho mettlo of which they wcro mado. Wllh veterans to plan nnd votinir chiefs to execute, with n united. ardent, loyal neoplo at his back, ho had no rears rorluo luturo ; nnu wtinotu nny ho-iUncy or dclny his advance was hurled against tlio invading French nnd llerce, bloody, desolating war be gan 1 Tho French wcro far from being mi insignificant roe. Klglit liuiuired inous and men were In the field, in arms, sub iect to the orders of tho Emneror Nil poleun. Tho subdivisions of ills army were cimnlete, his marshals at their posts, ami llio general equipment as nearly perfect ns modern sclenco nnd French skill could mako it. Tho mi trailleuse, n modern and most destruc tive engino nf war, had been supplied in largo numbers ; nnd in tho bauds of tlio infantry wcro placed tho deadly ciasscpot',a breech-loader of long range, constructed for rapid, continuous nnd elleetlvo firing. When reading the min ute description, given early In tho war, of this arm, as alsooflts rival, tho noo dle gun of the Prussians, ono could not hut recall to mind with a snillo thn not handsome but rather hazardous Har per's Forry miHket, with which thu Reserves wuro first armed. So ardent had been our all'Ctlon for tlio things of thu fathers that the beginning of our war found us with arms strongly res embling thon of revolutionary times. Thoso arms of vouorablo structuro had , however, peculiar merits. They wero not of so long range ns moro modern guns, nor of equal accuracy; but then, when their load of'tuicKanii nail" was set free, "thcro was music in the nir." Ureat applause and laughter. IScstdes, on such Interesting occasions, a man was tnieraniy suro to go uown ; aim not unfrequently this unfortunate Indi vidual was tho man at tlio hinder end of thogun. Laughter. Instrlklngeontrast with those antiquated weapons, was tho chasscpot and needle gun as in fact was thoentiroequlpmentof both tlio French and Prussian armies, with that of ours. Tlmo will not permit, nor is this a nroner occasion to enter into tho details of tho manner iu which tho united (Jor- man armies cut their way from tho lllilno to Paris and beyond. From tho first tho movements of flio French weru marked by doubts and hesitancy ; aud tho h.itth' of Woerth. concluded ou tho 0th of August, only twenty-two days after war wasdeclarod, put them clearly on tho defensive; uud located tho thea tre of war permanently on r reticu sou. Tlieso Hiltui successes, uy no means no I'lslvo of final results, lu themselves. (for tlinlli'litliiL'of tho French was unite ns good ns uuu oi tneir enemies, nnu their iteieats clearly nitrinuiuuio 10 tuo superior numbers of their opponents,) Ii td tno uniortuuaio ciicci oi raising n clamor among tho French non-combat nuts fur a chaiiL'o of ministry. Tlio fac tlonlsts who had boon kept at bay whllo the attention of tho Emperor was not othorwlso engaged took ad vantage ot ins absence, and clamored uniiuiiouuiuori ties at nomo. wno wero uoinu tneir ui most to forward troops to the threatened provinces, yielded, and a now ministry wasnppolntod. Itwasthoold blunderof swapping horses whllo crossing nstreaui, But it was only one nmoug thu llrst of a series or blunders, which, commncd, havo amazod tlio world nun rumen Franco. Tho br ant strategy of Von Jtoltko ut Woertli had separated tho right or tlio Freucii under jicuanon from tho centre and lert, compelling them to retire, and u series of battles. by far tho bloodlost of the war, wero fought with a view to restore the con nection. Tho country around Jlctz reeked with tlio blood of both armies Tho burnt vlllaL'es.tho devastated fields th'' mangled shrubbery, bear testimony now or tho nerceness oi tuo struggle, llio varvlhL' successes. ami thu gallantry displayed. Hut tho result was, that thu llower nf tho French army was inter rented III Its ellbrt to connect With Me Million, and was held nt bay within or under llio walls 01 lUetz, Deon L'lonm was settling over tho des. tlnlcs of France. Doubt had given way in four, ami lear was yielding to con sternation. Napoleon appreciated tho danger of his position. Ho daro not plueu himself in tho cauldron of Paris tinbulcnt poptilutluii weru nt fc vit heat, ready to wreak veiigeanco upen his heud lur tho disasters ot war Into which hu had been driven at least lu nail by their clamor I llo wished not to dlo by tho hand of nn ussassin, and gathering his forces about him, resolved to stake his empire and his life upon ono grand ellbrt to ro-unlto his armies. Turning tho heads of Me Million's nnd Do Fallly'scolumns north ward ho honed to ovailo tho Germans under tho Crown Prince, whoso legions, lassing to thosoutn, wero marciiing on L'arls; and bv ntlncltlne- tho army ly ing across tho path of Uar..ilnr, plnco It between two fires, and thus destroy 11. His purposo was, howover, quickly ills covered bv King William, and tho en ergies of tho Prussian commander wero taxed to rrustrato it. Tho morcli ot tno Crown Prlnco diverged from tho lino it had recently taken ; his strong caluinns wero joined to tho troops which could bo snared from tho Invostmont of Motz: nnd tho wholu wero hurled against Mo- Aianou nnu do F.illiy, not lar irom ao dan. Tho result of tho battlu was dlsasterous to tho French, but not decisive. Threo days afterwards, on tho morning of September 1st, the hostile lines wcro again confronting earh other. At early dawn tho eager llavrlans attacked tho French right under Do Fallly, and lu n short tlmo tho action bec.imo general, and tho fighting desperate. Tlmo passed nut tno hours wcro perhaps never moro heavily laden with events. Clmrgo after charge was mado ; tho thunder of artillery, tho measured howl of tho mtlratliisc, thu sharp rattle of musketry and the clash of tho heavy cavalry sabro wero hojrd In every part of thu Held. .Morning passed, nnd noon camo to nnd tho scale not yet turned. Tho hopoful impetuosity of tho earlier hours had settled down Intosullciitletcrniination. Column after column of tho splko. Iielmeled Germans was hurled back ; but ns tho day wore nway, tho French lines slowly receded. One after another, uiu villages nrutinu bcdiui, while scntl ng lurid light and heated smoke ui) through tho Btlluhtirous cloud of battle. wcro given up to tho Invaders, Tho French Hanks wero forced to ret re on the centre, mid tho advancing' Germans soon formed a cordon of bayonets and a wall or lire around them loo strong lo bo broken. At flvo o'clock tho firing coased. Tho thick black cloud which overhung thu weary combatants slowly lilted, and tno wrtcK ot u.uiio lay do foro them. Dismounted guns and shat tered caissons told whero tlio battery had been pasted. Whero tho ground was spotted with stlifiincil horse, tho cavalry, Hoot, impetuous, nnd terrible, had charged 1 The lung swaths of men dead and dying, marked tho places whero thu inl.mtry, that most numerous arm of war, had long and courageously stemmed tho tldo of battle. On o very hand wero abatidonod rlllei, cast-off knainacks.aud blnod-staluol garments. Ushlnd tho hedgos, In clumps of trees, and nong tho streams of water wero thickly scattered, in squads and at in tervals, great numbers of wounded men among whom tho surgeons busied them selves, their keen instruments wading deeply into human flesh, whllo stacks of human limbs Indicated tho buslnoss of tho day. It is at such points that tno miseries oi a uauio nuiu aro congre gated. Tho restrained agonies of tho strong, and tho low moanlngs of tho weak, tho falr-halred boy with fast-glazln-' ovo dictating a last message to a widowed mother such and similar scenes willoverdim tho eyo or a soldier, albeit the cause may bo ever so lust. Tho huiublo French peasant emerged from his lowly cellar, whero himself and family had burrowed whllo Iho battlo raged, and with stealthy step reached tho comer of his shot-riddled cottage. His good dame camo behind him, mid, after her, the llttlo Hock, wltli trembling limbs and quivering lips, clinging tightly to tho maternal skirt. "They havo ceased to lire," said the man ; "nnd I son a fi.ig of truco hear llio wild huzzah I Tho battlo must bo over." "Thank Uod 1" spako tho mother; and with eyes fast fixed upon tho heavens, sho mutely stood,too deep- moved to utter more Tho thunder of Sedan was stilled. It was tho ono decisivo battlo of tho war, nnd was won by thoGermaus Just thirty laysuuer me urst nusinu gun was ureii, irty-six days niter war was declared uy tho French, and only llfty-flvo days iter Leopold was announced as a can- lidato for the Spanish throne. In "oki- late unpleasantness," tho first engagement nt all general in its charac ter, was fought ninety-live days after tho President's call, and moro thun 100 days niter tho erection of confederate batteries bad been commenced in Charleston harbor. Tho tlmo spent by our pcoploln sharpening up thelrswords lor tno urst nun mm was moro man wlco that rcdulrcd by tlio Gormnns to shatter tho military power of France. Of course, our people did well after tncy got ready, null nun spcaKs vol times, especially tho "run" part, for tho Improvised urmles engaged, lint the lesson which the French should havo learned from this tight was to bo drawn from tho expedition with which our mo got away irom the uatllo llelil, alter being whipped. Paris might havo been aved. it n luw American congressmen had been at Sedan lo show French bol- dlers, after being defeats!, how to mako a straight coat tall for tho capital of tho nation i I Applause and laughter. I Tho battlo of Sedan was. as has been aid, decisive. It wm tho crushing up of of the Imperial armies. It loft the French people powerless to do- rend, liisnori, it sup iigutod France, and mndo her Enipeior a prisoner of war, Tho affairs of nations, llko thoso of individuals, nro seldom won conducted in limes oi great excitement, f.sdcc hilly Is this so In olectlvo governments during periods of war. Tho raising of men lor ino nam always excites tne mnssestoo high degree. It in effect intoxicates the muuuuue, ami uko wlno distributed to a crowd, brings to tlio surfucu sometimes tho best and most brilliant, but often tho most boisterous and turbulent of men. As soon as tho llsa.ster of Sedan becamo known nt l'arls.thcrowasgreat commotion among Its citizens. Tho Emnlro had failed to maintain tho prestlgo of Franco. Tho glory. of her arms, so brilliantly sus talned lu tho Crimea, was not onlvdlm. men, but totally eclipsed. "Down witn tho Empire!" and"LongllvothoItenub bile!" wero tho constant exclamations of thopopulace; and thoEmpiio went down and irom lis ruins sprang wuar, inoy cal oil a republic. Tho F.uipresi f.u gene, wnosu exce e uco oi iiuiiii unu maimers misvu ner tuo uiui oi iasimious Paris In Its days or nriHperlty. had al ready abandoned tho grandly appoint ed apartments of tho Tulllc'rles and, by traveling i sguisen, in a market cart eventually reached tho shoro of the sea and embarked for a strango land, add ng ono moro lo ino unhappy throng oi exiled royalty Hut if Franco was not a match for united Germany under tho leadership of tried statesmen and warriors, sho could scarcoly hopo for deliverance at tho nanus oi novices, ino supply o men, howover. seemed entirely ado quato for tho great emergency. New armies wero placed lu tho field as if bv magic. Scarcely a fortnight had flapsod between tho battlo of Sedan uud tho In vestment of Paris by the Germans, and yet hair n million oi preuenmou iiiuu ned tho r.miparls ready to defend. Ac. fouling to a proclamation issued by Gamtiettu on October Otlit thero wero 100.000 Nat ona Guards. 1OU.O00 Mob le and 00.000 llegulars armed and nssem bled lu Purls; whllo on the eneiete, besldo tho nrnminent of thu numerous forts, thero wcro U.800 caniibu. with 400 rounds of ammunition for each. On tho llrst of the month following, to wit November, It was claimed thero wero over 310,000 of tho Purls forces avolhiblo for ollenslvo duty) whllo outsldo of Paris, thero wore thonrmy of tho Ixilre, 120,000; thonnnyof tho West, 100,000; tho army of tho North. 05.000: the army of tho Contro, 00,000 thonrtnyof ino unono liu.uuu, nnu ino array oi mo Vosgos. 43.000 1 in all. seven. OECie.S3lvo armies aggregating 7.'W,000 well armed men ; nnd in addition to thoso were the numerous detachments of Irregular troops, nnd tho many on garrison duty. Iteport has It that Von Moltko re marked on ono occasion that ho gavo no study to tho tactics or strategy of cither of tho American armies during tho re bellion, ror tho reason that ho "could learn nothing profitable from thoscram hies of two mobs". If the man who captured Donaldson, aud Island No 10: nnd fought Pittsburg Lauding; and Slilloh ; and hammered his way from tho Kapldan to Petersburg, supported uy the man wno marcneu irom Atlanta to tho Sea tho other who won nt An tlctcm, and him who broke tlio back bone of rebellion nt Gettysburg, farcat applamc, continued until Gen. Moado arose ana bowed nn acknowledgment of the compliment and Hancock, aud tsneriuan, couiu nave suiuicniy suizoa tho control of thoso nrmlcs, an oppor tunity might Imvo presented Itself to tho l'riisilati veteran to gain wisdom from a "scramble I" Tho decendant9 of tho men who fought at Austorlltz, Marengo, Wagratn, Lodl, nnd Waterloo weru In nruils; but thero was no Lanncs, no M'Donald, no Massena, no Murat, no Ney ; above all, thero was no Napoleon II It is dllllcult to account for thu weak efforts, both olfnnsivo nud defensive, oi uie republican armies, except on the ground of Inefficient leadership. In stance tho lust sortlu from Paris, In which alfair 100,000 troops wero engag ed on the side of tho French. A battlo commencing In tho morning and lasting until night, was fought with a loss ol 1!,000, or only two percent.of the wholo body. Thero certainly was a want ol vigor somewhere in that elfort to break through llio lines or Investment. How Is it, comrades? Is It bombast to say that ono hundred thousand Amerl i can s.ildlers, at liberty to pick out tho weaKest noun in an extended tine. such as surrounded ParN, would havo suc ceeded, or, alter wrestling for a wholo day, marked tho placo with moro than .uuuiiead .' -May l not add that they would havo broken through, notwlth. standing their linos wero composed of pernaps urn pcsc troopi in the world . Applause. Of courso tho conduct of affairs nt which I have hinted could Imvabutono result; namely, the submission of tho French to nny terms dictated by tho victorious Germans. First, tho armis tice, and then, peace. And ifany should doubt that tho present generation of Americans aro superior In war (o tho present generation of Frenchmen, they will certainly agree that wu excel them in tlio facility of pmslng from astute of war io a siaio ot peace. Almost six years havo elapsed since a million and a quarter of American soldiers wcro mustered out of service, and absorbed by society without producing more than a rlpp'.o. Tho p.'oftsjlonal man returned to his books, tho merchant to his counting house, tlio carpenter seiz?d his plnno, tho smith his ham mer, and tho farmer follows tho plow, tho same ns before tho war. Tlio vacan- cy In tho family circle Is of courso la mented, and a tear sometimes dropped over tlio fato of the bravo departed ; but during nil these years substantial peaco bin reigned everywhere within the ex tended confines of tho American Union. Comrades lot us nrnllt bv thn stioctn- clo which Franco now presents to tho orld. After being conmiercd bv the foreigner, compelled to cedo large terri tory, and to pay immenso wursubsldles. sho allows herself to become the prey of uiu politician nnu is driven lo tno low est stago of anarchy. Lot us hopo that no u.iy is nut lar distant when "Pence, .'Ith nimble fingers shall stop up tho ruzeu iiiroats oi war, ' aim prosperny nd happiness again exerclso tlioirgenl. i inuuences in the vales and upon tin vinu-elud hit s of Franco." Hut above 11. let us shun tlio rock unon which her fortunes wero wrecked. Lot us insist that prudence. Justice, nnd firmness hall characterise lho councils of the atiiiii. 'F lint Iter rluhts ns:i nutlnti slmll bo respected. That her honor shall bo maintained to tho full In tho.Cabinet. and then if under tho Provlilnnpo nf God, it shall becomo our duty, to again iku up arms, wo shall do so with alarci V, nnil strike wllh a power that shall be IrrcsUtablc. Great applause. Tho Last Llttlo (,'ame. Among tho implements used by con fidence operators to trap the unwary on railroad cars and steamboats, Is a patent adlock, which opens on tho sldo with small Hat key. Tho confidence man exhibits tho padlock, and nono except nimsei uno inventor) could open It.ovon nn uiu Key, wunoui understanding a ecullar twist. Opening it several times. ho Induces a greenhorn to say that ho candolt, and in thohpatof thoatgutnont which tho ossertiorfusually brings forth bet Is made. Tho confidence man then amis tho unsuspecting victim tho pad lock and a different key from tho ono which opons tlio lock ; but tho eyo can not readily detect lho difference, tho chang'o being mado with the adroitness which characterizes tho operations of tho three card monto swindlers. Of course tho victim cannot open tho lock and loses his money. This is tho latest wlndlc, nnd It Is to bo hoped tho press will ventilate. It. How nro of genteel looking men with patent padlocks. Poi'ui.AF. Men. A popular man is ono who hns tho linppy faculty of never presenting any sharp corners, and never unning against other pcoplo's bhari corners. Ho Is not necessarily very good nor very wiso,andholsrnrcly very great. ma character Is distinguished for nega ttvo rather than posltlvo qualities : for n certain fortunate equilibrium and tact of adaption, rather than nny Intrinsic worth or market Indlvldua ty. iimcuu, una nisi isupt IO UOI.ltlll tonu personal popularity. A man of strong points is suro tocomolnto collision with other pcoplo's Htrong points, to tread on oinor peopio-s weak points, and to create moro or loss general antagonism. TiiKpl.tncls Jupiter, Vunusand Mars may now bo seen lu all their glorv In tho iioavciis soon after sunset Jupiter in mo z'liiin, enus In tho east, and Mars in lho west. Saturn appears as a morning star. Tho show s freo to nil. HALT IiAKK CUT. IIBIfilUSI TOIMI AMI IIIS WIVES. Tin; uoxoitiea iiixxdeiw or moiuiomsx. Correspondence of lho N. Y. nvcnlng Post. OatiEN, May 3, 1871. When wo arrived nt this place, d.iy boforo yesterday, a singular plow of good fortuno befell us. Mr. Hooper, tho Utah dolcgato In Congress, camo uown with us. When tlio train got lu wo found that IJrlgham Young, many of his elders nnd chief officers, and their wives and lUtighlers, had como up from Salt Lake City, to welcome. Mr. Hooper, nnd accompany him Home. They, with their band and singers, filled two cars, and by lho Intervention of Mr. Hooper another car, containing tho party of General Frunchot, of tho Central Pacific Railroad, was taken on ns part or this train, lly General Franchot's klnduesi my own llttlo parly was takon along ; and wo had hardly started, on tho special train, when Mr. Hoopcraskod us all Into Mr. Young's car, and wo wcro presently Introduced to what somebody wiled "all tho nobility" of Salt Like. I bcllovi) tho ladles of our party never thought to find themselvei In such strango quarters. After somo general greetings wo wcro seated la tlio two cars for our ride of thirty-nine miles to Salt Lake City; nnd being properly In troduced, folia naturally Into con vena tion as though wo had boon In Now York. Hrlgham Young President Young ho Is formally called when you aro presented, hut Hrother Hrlgham his people often call him took n soat bo sldo ono of tho ladles of our party, with two others In front of him, nnd con versed affably all tho way down. Mrs. Young fell to my lot a hanilsomo nnd clover person, well mado up In every way. Mrs. Young I moan another Mrs. Young, also handsome nud clever was seated beside another gentleman. I bolicvo six or soven of Mr. Young's wives wcro distributed through tho cars and qulto a number of his children. I will say that wo pawed a very picas- ant two hours; and that, for ray own part, Is all I can say. Of courso wo un derstood that wo might havo remained in Salt Lake City six months and not havo soon n3 much of tho saints nnd their families as wo saw hero on tho train. Of courso wo wcro dying with curiosity to ask endless questions aud draw out our strango traveling com panions. But of courso being ladies and gentlemen wo conducted ourselves as such ; and as they outho other sldo wcro not unnaturally guarded, I havo very llttlo to toll after all. Hrlgham Young is a tall, stout, full faced, robust man, who looks morn Hko a hearty beer-eating IJiglish suulro than anything elso until you come to look into his palo blue, keen eyes. Then ho looked to mo llko a man extremely on his guard, and a man capablo of showing his teeth. Ho woro black, with a silk hat, and carried loosoly about his neck thoday bolng a llttlo cobI--a some what conspicuous roso-colored scarf. This color was worn also by one of his wives. Mr. Young talked very freely with tho ladies near whom ho sat, explain ing to them tho methods of irrigating tho land, the extent of his preaching tours, and tho value of Sati Lako in tho future. Mrs. Young Mrs. Amelia Young, I suppose sho might bo called explained to ma in llko manner many objects of Interest along tho road. Onco only sho touched upon polygamy and then in tho most casual manner. Seeing -ouio Indians, I asked if tho saints had made anything of thoso pooplo, she ro plied that tho girls, If taken early anil trained, mako excellent nnd faithful servants. "Mr. Youug," said, she, "has had o io in his housa for many years, sho is a very good woman, and would not return to her pooplo." I procecdod to nks somo further particulars about li' tho beautiful and tho good nro not always united, wo can only say that they ought to bo so, fur they belong to each other as' thu blossom and thu fruit. A woman udvertlses lu the Nashvlll papers fur her children, saying that sho lias had twenty-soven, and knows tho whereabouts of only threo of them. Punch says; "What In women Iscallo curiosity, In a man Is Braiullloguontly muKiiiueii into tno spirit or Inquiry tlio Indian woman, to which Mrs. Young replied, with not tho least em barrassment, " I can't toll you ; sho is not my servant; sho lives with another of Mr. Young's wives" sister Eliza 1 think sho said "who is not hero today." To ono of our ladles a daughter of Mr. bung related that her father had flfty- vo children ; that ho was a very good and.lndulgont father ; that ho could not cry won moot them all together at every meal, and thereforo took break fast with ono half of them, and then 1th tho other half. Ono Mrs. Young related to bomu of our ladies that Mr. Young tnkos no dinner, but only two meals per day. llo breakfasts at tho Beehlvo house, nd takes toil ut tho Lion house. Thoso nro his two principal houses. Sho added that all his wives do not livo in these houses, somo having houses of their own ; and Mr. Young goes occasionally to tako n meal with one or tho other of tlieso. A Miss Young added that her father U fond of dancing, and an excellent dancer (ho is only seventy years of age, you know); and that balls aro glvon In tho theatre and elsowliero, occasionally, whero ho dances with great liveliness. I heard this, ton, fromothcrs; ho seemed- to mo heavy and slow-motioned for a dancer, but ho U an extremely well preservod man, with' tho Uorid com plexion of a person who lives much out of doors. "Wo had lust passed through Echo and Webber Canyons, and tho Dovll's Onto mllo after mllo oftho grandest, strung- est and rudest seenery-.llko a long op lu ni dream ; and now, on our vnv to Salt Lako City, all this was changed, and wu wero enchanted by n gcntlo aspect of nattiro distant mountain peaks, their snowy tops seen across the broad ex- pause of tho lako; tho beautiful Iloelc Island in tho lake, and altogether every thing lovely and Inviting whero before It was grand and forbidding. At threo or four hamlets abovo tho road tlio train was Btopped, and the country children, ranged In lino, cher ubby hoys anil girls, with banners llko a Sunday-School procession In tho border parts of our country, took off their hats uud cheered thelrdelegato, Mr. Hooper, who responded In a very few grateful words words which had n curious, and to me, not unpleasant Old Testament CMlkl'Hl ON lODllTII I'AOH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers