4 TJ 1 15 COLUMBIAN. BloomsLurg, Friday, Juno 2, 187L llii.l'.llownt,t,At'o.,l(l Park llmv.arn our only niiltioilrfd Advertising Aitculs In Now York, -or.,Wi!Timtlt.I. Auo.,No. IHJ7 Chestnut Htrcot, nretmrnuly authorized Agents In Philadelphia. r. 11. Mtmritr, llsi, Is our nuthorlrod Agent nt Yhtlnlla to trnnmicl nny business pcrlntnloir to IhnCni.tijintANOIllce. . , ,, r" All advertisements for tho forolriK locali ties must ho endorsed by theso Agent", or they will retch u no nltcutlon. I Hnilroacl Tlmo Tablo. liAt'k'A WANNA A MLOOMaUWIlU II. It. , llnlnx North. OolngHoiilli. Ill I. A.M. lt::ll A. JI. CATAWIBSA It.lt. I'KOM lll'ITUT STATION llolnir North. doing Houlli. ClA'.M, IWA.M, Jin. W. U. Koonh iih ptirclinsctl tlio Interest of Dr. SuitUYMiu in tho Ex clmtiKO Hotel lots, mid It U ftiltt will fleet ti largo nml splendid liiilltllni,' to lo oecuplcd ns n Hotel nml stores. Tin: copious rains of tlio liwl M hours Inivo revived vcKotnlloft In tills region very much rtnd earth's green carpet nij.tlii presents it cleanly nml Inviting itppenranco. Attnlticr .New Hallrtmil, An ftlbrt Is liolng inado to construct n rallroiiil from D.invlllotuTownml.i. Tlio Danvlllo iWrnwttrges rlliclnnl nld and ailils : "Tho proposed rotitopasscsmiMuhoti' Inif creek striking tho Washington hills, which would linvo to ha tunneled n short distance, theneo hy Wiishlngtoti. villo nml Jcrsoytowii, ttml follow up tho waters of I'lshlng creek, thonco pa3s through n gorgo In tho North mountain to reach tho head waters ofMuncy cro'k lip tol.aporlo. Krom haporto down tho hcntl wntersofljoyalsoektishortdlsliinco to nvold heavy cutting nnd pass over to iiisnuru. jiero ino now mud would THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, T 1ST OK The Columbia t'outiljr Stiinluy fklioul Cnn untluii. Tho Coluinhlii County Hahbalh School Convention met nt Cutawlssa on Tues day last nnd continued In stvwlon dur ing Wednesday nnd Thursday. It was very woll nttcmled, especially on Wednesday nftcrnoou nnd on Ttics day nnd Wednesday ovonlngs. Tho President, Mr. Nelson 1. John, being tinnhlo tonttend tho sessions reg ularly, his placo was nbly supplied hy tin ltov. H. Curtis, of Catnwlssa. Thocxcrelses wero interesting through out, especially tho Children's meeting I 11 till EM? "1! ''ri! "noon of Wednesday, when operation, nnd thus liittkoadlrcctconncc' uou wiin Towanu.i." For tho L'olumbtt-i, Tlio Concert. In communities whcraculcrtnlumunls nro seldom given, ouocan scarcely ex pect tlio people to bo pleased with a nm. olhoMi bcsll,M 8omo of tho ,,u nil tho Habbath Schools of Catawlssa wcro brought together. Itovs. A. jr. Kcslcr. J. U. Altera, U. aravcs.-Singor, I). J. Wnllcr, 11. H. Creovcr nnd J. Hewitt, Prof. I. O. Heat nnd Messrs. J. H. Funs, K. Wardln, J 11. Itoblson, 13. Ij. Cramer, Harder C3, Cor,. ,1. II. Convnoham; of tho Unit ed States army, son of tho lalo Judgo Co.NYNOHAM.dlcd on Friday ntWIIkcs ll.irre. Ills funeral took placo on Mon ti ty at thrco o'clock. JI. (1. Kinney, n promising studont of thollloomshtirgStatoNorniiil School, mul son of JlAivm.u. Ki.vnky, of this place, has been appointed to n (inlet sutler, entirely musical, perrormanco. took ,wrt th0 discussions 1U ' I'Prcciaio nnyming or tun mtui Tito question box nnd tho discussions , 1 , V 'u"u,m,'u, musical ccuicn elicited therefrom wrunot tho least In Ion which is not to bo found In lliooms- tcrcstlng of tho exercises. uurg aucn ucing mo c.iso wo wero n lov. M, Dlxorl of Uorwlclc, nnd Mr, ti llttlo surprised nt not hearing n word v.. T,. r,,inr ,,r n,tn,olJa., ,om nW. of crltlcls-n upon tho concert given by ed delegates to attend tho States Con veil tho Amateur Choral Society on Friday u0 tobohcld nt Allentownon lho 13th, ovcnlng last. Tho programmo ns stated uh nna 1Blh of Jllrl0 nexti Tll0 1rC3,. before, consisted of mixed voi-al nnd Instrumental pieces. Everything p.iss ed oir finely nnd wo congrattilato tho Society upon tho manner In which they acquitted themselves. Wo suggest, however, that many of tho selections might havo been of n livelier chnrnclcr. Till'! Youiil' Jleu's Christian Associa tion of lllooinsburg, will hold it Straw berry Festival tit their room, (Sny der's Hall.) on Friday nnd Satttrdny ovonlngs tho &1 nnd (id of Juno. Tho support and patroungo of nil who nro lavornuio 10 ino good cause- is enrncstly solicited. Tuomah H. CiiiiVKii, Sccrolary. TlIK Now Fntnllv Hlnirnr Hnwlnrr Mil. chinos In dally use, year nftcr year, nt tho homes of tho people, whoro real merit Is tho test, has proved to ho tho best costructed, most durable, simple, nnd roiiable, Sowing Machines that, havo over been made, their sales nro ono thousand n weok moro than nny other coinnanv. without mlsretirosentn- nous or secret, promises ucing mntio ny inuir ngunis, niu-u How TOHCiiKur aSkwino JIaciiini:. First sco that It is mndo on tho best plan, by n largo and responsible com pany, who liavo adopted tlio lato Im provemcnts. Second, bit v It of n urnc tic.il mnchlno agent. J. A. Douan nml two or ills nsslstnnts nro fully compo tent to niljust machines nnd glvo ran full Instructions to nil who buy of them. Politics and Physio "Itunenmbn'! Is innro t)nrni(lnti4 In tnetllrlnn thnti In politics. Tho voter who swallowsn party ii'cV1K,ii'na"1 inisenootl may bo cured of Ills prejudice, nioonnburs iron Co. imttlio invalid, drugged with n wrclell ed nostrum, Is not so easily rolloved. It Is moro essential that tho Dvsncntlc. or Ulllous suircrer should havo tho right DKAIiRttS Of (J O I. U Mill A OOUNTY f 1irnhv r-frtlrr thAt thn foltowlnff lUt of ilrnl- pm tnkpii, rptnniM ami clAMxIflrtl ly inf. In ni- rorunnpn won me wyrmi nrm rtunpniui, t 111 nhil lor I he rnnnty of Colmnliln, Tor tbn year olio IhoiiAiuid lght liundroil nml vcnty-onp, In correct to tlio net of my knowlcugo and bcllur, nl.ooM IowslItt CIo. Tin. Innlnli llniiclilincll. H. ll.JllMi r A Con, Wllllnm Uiilili, A.J. Kvntot. W. Il.llrown, 0. U. lrr, Hniiyiiii A Warilen, John Wolf, .latncn Cndlimn, D.ivlil Lowcubnrff, MIkkcm Ilnrninn, J. II. Maize, Decker A Hlrcltlo. Mint A. I). Webb, Moycr llrotlicm, K. iU Ktiorr, A. M, Ullpcrl, J. K. (llrtnu, I.. r.Whnry, Mr. D.ulallrobtt, J. K. Kycr. (I. W. l orrcll. lowrnh Cirrell, i:. I'. I.ulf, 1. W. llnrlninn. M'Kelvy, Nciil AC). M, l'.Lulr, II. A. IlirUlcy, ll.o,llowcr, ll.J.CInrk, N. .1. Itcndcnholt, H. Jacobs, W. V. Hem, ox A Wcbli, 0. II. llouicl, v. v. r,ciu i i.ro. 'rinwnro II J 7 ii Htnru IJ 11 W l nrnlliirn II 7 lio ClolhltiKHUm, II 7 CK) OnnftctloneryAc. II 7 ik, Hlrro l.i nun llanlwaro II I'Miil Hliira U I.' TiH Cabinet II 7 irl ClnthlUKHtoM II 7l Mllllucry II 7 01 Urorory II 7 i Confectionery II 7 01 HookHloro II 7 in LirtiKgUts II 7 10 117 V) HhooSlnro II 7 (II Till .irllovcn II TIM Worn .11 7 10 Tin A Move II 7) Confectionery II 7 ml Hioro II lu oo 1'iirnlturo II II") Hioro II 7li Drngglat II 7 ml Hlolo 12 U .VI 7 D Oil " I.I 10 (r) llooltRloro II 7 00 HhooHtoro II 7 ll Htoro 11 U m lmiEnlit II 7 01 Conii'ctloncry 11 7 u Htoro II 7tJ Confectionery 11 7 on MIIIcm in to on (Irocciy 11 7() Htoro 7 won Oroccry II 7 id n DcalerH In Coal II 7 In (Irncery II 7 00 Dialers 111 Coal II 7 00 ...n.i i..t..n i ,.....t.i i IUV;illi:illO, lilllll lllltt 11U SUUUlll vuiu lliu ( t right ticket. Henco tho lmportonco of f' A'.Khni!inn resorting xojioojiami's Herman' Jsuiers. or German 'Jhntc, tho two established Specifics for Dyspepsia and lllllousncss. Abraham lllrt. w. K. Longcnberger, dent was authorized to nppolnt nihil tlonnl nnd nltcrnnto dolcgatcs to tho said convention, as to him might seem proper. Tho following officers wcro elected Sold by all Druggists, for tho next Convention: J. II. Itoblson, President : Nehonilah Johmmti Anodyne I. tnlment will glvo 'ftS?;. ?' IUIU ll-ill-l 111 UilSUS Ul UUIU1I1U JfcllUUIllil- nriVKii TolVN1ml. Storo itKnwiric nor.ot'riit. ThomM A .lane. I. A 11.11. lloner, M. Heeholl, iicUKon. A Co. bl.ltt r.i, II. Id f Vinnrnj. nun ilUlrlnt. nr. I 1111(1 fl POmlf! Rdlll' UnTO ntlll fllOril IVrilllll I O t . T ft t , . I, ...... ... .... ...... ' 'i"''Ji t sin. no lnnllnr lmll nwoni. tlinn nnv J. ll.Ilo,Uon. Urer. other nrtlnln L-nnion ti. moillfnl lnr.il. f.haw.A Ai kermau, rm. r.- r- mi.. .. . .. r - . . cckit, IIU JMIUIOIVU Iflllllll iiuu uiu iiiun tho West Point Aculemy. A NKW Foundry Is about being erect I'd In lllooinsburg, hy Jlessrs. Siiaiip i.r.ss A Hakman, nt tho corner of Ceu tro Street and Lackawanna Avenue, mado for persons lit tho nttdlcnco to havo suited sovornl In tho nudlenco much better than tho moro refined se lections which wero presented. This was mado manifest by tho fact that twlco during tho performance a call was TI td nflim r,,v,ni.lrw1 It,, ctrnnrrnru MIki Itoll Ilorlrain. . . , . ... ".".v;:. .lark.on A WoikIl-i . i cony, lockman, Stato ill tho Union. This wo tell lliein. A- imcKlnKnani, DryUooiUAc. II t'anlnelAHtoicsll Millers Mom Tin A Sloven Hloio DrngjUU CLAIIK'S COLUMN. 187 L SPRING. 1871. H. cr,Aiiic HAM ItlX-IM vi:n Ills 8 1' It INO GOODS r.OUdllT AT I.OWIT CAflll l'ltltT.4, ami wilt AT A UEDUCTION r.egarulm or any Trlco I.lst, OAltl'DT CHA1N-H nt 110 renin Ml'ltlNO CIIAM.llal It icnta .i m.miii.i: si.i'i:xt:i: ui:tti:h Tll.i.t A SLOW SIIII.M.VU. A DJIINISTIIATOH'H NUrilili. jfV (jfTATKOFWItUAM tlBHS. 11FCI1. ,rf.ier o ii.iiiiiiin, i .u.i ..." . ....... ... WIIII.iiii lliKn.lnlo or nnsarloar twp., Coliilobln .I.w.'.l . tin i a boeti vrilfilml liv tho ItcUtNtcr of nnlil county toJolallll.r-rllr..reKldlnKiliHuitar- loaf township, uoinmun hhiiuj. ii rvn...... aVlnK cia ins nRniuni mo wmiu m "i"u; ..,,.! ,,, r,onl. them for aett lenient. ondllibno InileblcJ to tho clalo lo mako pay ment to UlouniloMlgned.BrtmlnlstrnUir.wllhout uelny. JlMlAli ll, run., A DJIINISTltATOIl'S NUTIUi;. JV. 1STATKOI' JABIII KOSTK.VIJAnitll, tlEl''!). o.leubauer, lata of Franklin t;vp.. Columbia ouuiy uco'il., havo beeugrnntcil bytholltslstcr i aio county, 10 u.ui ml Joenh II. Rnllt o of Franklin townnhlnlp. All iienoiM having clalln or ilcuiands ngnliikl the deecdelit arc Anlicmcd to joako them known anil ttioso indebted tn mnko pnymen', without delay. (IWK.N D. I,. KOHTKNIIADIUI, arrlV'l-dw Admlnllrator. H it A I 1, it u r p o o K P IN S OOODS, J. CLARK Ilns opened NICK , ,,, itt... r. l . 1,rt. 1..,..,, . rt 4 . .. ..." lyfuviMiuig, v iii. nuuiiurs, jaivki iv it- visiuug our mate. Hint wo snow n larger j.o. Jacoby, Millinery Htoro Conlectlonery Tobaeeoultl Till AHtovus mlro. Prof. II. 1). Walker, together proportlonofgoodhorsesthauiuiyotlier 11. m. iiockman, ......... .. . Htnto In thn tlnlnn. ThU wo tell thmn. A. liuckliiBtn ,Y It, I II IU UlllUl.-? IllfUV U il.WUUll. I , .,,. ..... , ... . ,., ,. I .., .,w,t..-L' .muf.vn 1 1 Tho l.xecutlvo Coiiiintltco wore ill- iw ,,'.,. . i ' ,, f' , . i.a, . , ,., ,,. Their prcsctumiiiuii gs on ycmrooireei iavoruicm wait someintng oi a coinie rcclca to ,MV0 bl.,lll: lcporU printed stock : and in the ! second ulaco our pco- ym-M.Ki nro to bo torn down lmmeuiaioiy. naiuro. Tins proceeding ns wo loolt nt nmi 801.t to tho various Sundnv Sehonls Plu uso Sieridan's Cacalm Condition m. p.V It Is said that another new Foundry, It, was ill-tiraed,out of place, and disro on n largo scale, Is to bo erected soon. spectful to nil parties concerned. Wo nro charitable ctioiicli. howovcr. to nt A piuk occurred in Jcrsoy Shoro on tribute it to thoughtlessness. Ono moro tho Sid lust., destroying tho Post Oillco suggestion and wo nro done. Slnco building, tho Videtlc nowspapcr oillco, pianos have become so cheap that Keysor's Dental Office, n building In nearly every liottso contains one, nnd tho roar of tlio Post umco, nnti uauiy nearly every young lady is a player. It damaging tlio resltlcnco ofb. b. Moss, u very hard to entertain nn nudlenco I'ho llro is supposed to have been tlio wlth long Instrumental pieces. Wo work of an Incendiary. hope, therefore, that somo of tlio play ing, which was all well done, will bo exchanged for slnglng.at tho next con cert,should ono bo given. Much credit Is duo Prof. I. W. Xii.iw for tho successful and pleasant manner in which tho en tertnlument was conducted. Vox Povtu.l. Tiik Ktoam Saw JI1I1 of-Young it Worth nt Lock Haven, Was destroyed by flro lately together with nearly 11,000, 000 feet of boards nnd plank, lfiO.000 pickets, nnd 1,000,000 laths. Tho Mill was built lu 1807-08 nt nn exponso of $".',000. Tho lpss In lumber was over $80,000. There was nn lnsuraneo of only $15,000on thoJMill, nnd not a dollar of lnsuraneo on tho lumber. Tho Mayor offersSoOO reward for tho nrrcst of tho person who set it on fire. lay i of tlio county. A vote oi tnaniss was extended to tho citizens of Catnwlssa fnr their hospital ity; to tho ofllcors of tho Lutheran Church for tho uso of said church ; to tho ladles of tho choir for their music, nnd tho President pro tern., ltov. S. Curtis, for so nbly presiding during tho session. Tho Conventloirniljotirned to meet nt Kspy nln tlmo to bo fixed by tho Kxcc' utlvo Committee. Jlay theso Conven tions grow in size nnd usefulness. A resolution was adopted recommending tho formationof monthly township and borough organizations, A very good Idea and ono which would prove profit able. Jiciwrler. Powders, which lu our Judgment aro of ineaicuiauio advantage. ltuolob, man, reuse. I.C. Kreiwo. Wm. I.. Meuse, Miller t.UK'ery Miller Court Advertisements. I1ENION TOWNSHIP. aioro Local Ails for Snllhuii County. An net to prevent certain nnimiils from running at largo lu Cherry township. An net to annex Sullivan county to hotter from (iernintry. (leu. S. Jr. Howman, son of Ji:ssu Howman, llerwlck, writes thus: Wi:i.siiadi:n, (Jormany, 1 jray olh.lsTt. I ii There Is a spriii" hero that discharges hot water nt tlio jyST OF TltAVJJUSE JUltOItS. lOIt Hl'KCIAI. TI.UM OrCOtlKT, JUNK 12, 1S7I. lllnnm Thomis Knorr, .Teromlah Hess. llrlarcroek Kiunuel B. Hlller, H. Kelchucr. Ht-rwIcK H. II. Walton, Ikaluh liower. llenlou llllns Mcllenry, Cenlii l.ovl Hutchison, Htenben lVttll. Cnta.vlsa Oeoro Strieker. Flshlnirercek Mamuel llullnrd.i:. M. Abler. Ir. Jobn 1'ealer. Hiram Markle, W.N. Hosier; Franklin Michael Mcnuh. Oieeuwood John 11. Khult. iiumiocic 1'cier woricnolscr. .TaeltHou Silas W. Mcllenry. Ijneust Ocra llartman. Henry l.'lnlr. .T. II. vaiino. Mliiiln (i. w. KlInsnian.A.C. Jllll.ni, John II. Hotter. Win. Keller. iviaino soionnu Doaiier. Madlsoii Jonathan Johnson, James Dlldlne, itiuiiiuu, utiiiies u.iruill. Oraui;e Hainnel Seybert, Calvin llerrlnu. Pino John llruner. Hootl Hnlmu-I Hutchison, Heuben Culp. Kusarlonf John Dlltr.. I Paniucl lleneock, llenjalnlu cole, " I Colo A Thomas. Miller J..I. M'llenry, moro I lit iienry, CATAW1SSA TOWNSIIII' M. Uarmliitftr, Millers st J.H. M'Nincb. .1. M.Hmllh, I, John A Hon Hart man A cleaver, .w. 11. I.IOIIM. Weaver A ItelcbelJerferdrrtcery Hrnssb Hioro (lllbertAKIInc, I. II. Hecsnollz, W. II. Oramre. (ieorgo Manlmrdt, J. II. HharpIeKs.ison Tbruiias n. Harder, kii Hie, A Kbtliuan. Oenrjio Hlshel, Wni. llanler, Hlnm Ktitnr Feed Confectionery .lei I II II II Vi II Hhoo Htoro Htoro Cabinet Hlorn Dealer Cabinet 7 Oil 7 ll 7 00 7 til IJ.M 1.' f.0 7 oil U VI IS M 7 0J 7 HO 7 OI 10 00 7 on in on 7 on 7 on 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 (l 7 OI 7 VI 7 01 12 10 10 00 7 00 7 01 7 OI 1 1 ( 7 00 IJ .VI 7 (II 7 on 7 O 7 01 so 00 7 M HI IHI i'iif.sii HTOCK CKNTRK TOWNSHIP. AT vi:iiy LOW 1'ltlUIH NOW IN STORK. JIAUOAINS IN M ATM Nil CAIll'F.T, I.INi:.V HHAWI.H, NAI'KINH, Dt.Vl'r.lt MNI'.NH. TOWKI.4, ii.vNiiKr.iictiirH, 1!M:aui!i:iimusmnh, ritiuis, A:c. A.r. d&c. &c. LOOK AT OUR W H I T K GOODS, m:u RrniiAiw, AND IIOUSU FURNISIIINa GOODS. NO TltOtJIII.i: TO SHOW OOODil. 0H0I0E FAMILY GROCERIES. iimt in tiii: srAiiKirr at vkiiy low niit't-s. THY OUU $1,00 SYIIUP. N01IOIY HAS 1IUTTKU COKKKUS, l'uro nnti I'rcwli. We 0.111 only mouttou a fov leatlin tirllclcB. Como una hvq i nml wo will DO YOU UOOl). Ilv virtue offt wrltcf VemlUiont Jbmwtu Isnuod out of tho Courtof Common rierw of (.'otuinbl.i countv. ami to mo mreeieawm uo exitovfHi to huIo by pulillc vcnUuo of outcry fit tlio Court, nfteniuoi Kviiuy btidlncss man will ncknowl " " I tll.ltlltUMCt ti A 1 n remarks of tlio Trov Dallu Times : S""1"11' - 1 k j Advcrtisinc in 1110 ritjiii way, mm in newsnnnors tnat nro rccoirnizou in tno most valttrtblo 1110111111113. .-.over f.illa to D.1V. AlWftVH fttlVCrtlSO 111 tllO iJCSt M'ousl- ,a '"""'"V"'11?! ?l ""P "ciock in ino . ... . . .. . n,,rnn,a ,! ln3r ,!, Inrrrof "'if"1.00? ' "UA1 , ine lilll lay OI JUi.1, raiu 01 a tiarici ti minute. 11 11 so 1101 ","::.,J7r" Vi,i .. ...... . . ...... ........ I. 11,. nA,r..n If 1 " . . . . " I ........ ... .. .... . . .. I tin..j.i fH rtd.j lr l.icirt n il enH I n. I ' IIUUIO in lienmn inwuKIlip, iuiuiuoiil niiiliiy, ..uo.,.t.v.. , . , ra., bounded and described as follows towlti tlio Kimlorn DiHtrict of thu Suprpmo ,inraln nn,i pWnnt chicken soun with Ine.ss men need not lie told that It is in Court. unit n.i n,im i tt Ti.ij Ri.ct m if ivnu I teiidcil as a ilcntl-bcnt en tcrtir Iso a liul t . , ,, u .,.,., , , , . r i i it i, to Catch IJUtlKeollS. AtlvertalllK III BUCll threu nuarters or an acre, moro or less, (in which An act to authorize) li-i, Sullivan and celebrated aires ago, nnd is distinctly ; ."; ' ft im.i,.Ju iimvImL- u imsl. lsfrcc'edapianicdwciiinshou.e. Mrlo ltallioad Company to borrow moutloned in Roman history. It cures nu'3ij limi.wlillo it is unj;ueBtionably for .i.TcrfSi or SlS, iKToSSta" money. rheumatism, trout, consumption. In- tlio interest or all dealers to advertise, property, II. W. M. A O. I,. Low, haluuel Dhtterlch, 1'hlllp Harris, Jacob HjoasU-r, JeRso ltltks, il. il. rouler A Son W ldinlro A Krwlue, Htoro Uroeery htoro ID 01 7 l 7 Ul 7 10 7 O) IJ S 7 UJ riiiUtiUlplilii I'opliits :i lariri! assortment of all shinies at 1 ctH. per yard. CKI-ltAtlA ItOKOOllU. tlio north hv : east by lands of II. W. Davis, and on tlio houth iy Hie lauos oi mcpncil iinr.arns, coiiihioiiil; Wni. Torry, Martin Mnnaahau, W. D. Melllek, Conrad t'oland. .lirniiei I ooa, O. I!. Millard, I, 11. IMgnr & Co. l nonius fcaijum, '. lilaelc. J, J. llont;land, Tho nbovo lillls were passed at tho Ihimmatloni external and Internal, vis Into session. iblo nnd invisible, cither by drlnkin a l.m 1,.nii!.,ii,.,cri nfn,i. tlio water, or bathing in it. Foundered er .Sessions of Sullivan a llecnso to the Sheriff keep an Inn or tavern they may bo certain of this fact: that advertising In tho popular journal, tho ijcsi medium lor navcriisinir, tiuti pay ing n fair prleo for tho service, Is mostly ALSO: At (tin mimn tlmo nml iilacc. bv a writ of JiW. J ifCKll ina lonowiiiK rem t'niuio in wn i tf. in Countv to irrnnt hrgCfJ nro ctirwl hy stimtlhiff In it, and to ho preferred uh ii money-mukintf on if of said bounty to by bathing after the water cools. So l"'! "IloV.o'oV Jfo7TuHo' "oj em at Korksvllle, nil tlio cripples como here all the gouty J olww or kfoM Itllo or ylnc and lielns in Ornnirevllle, lu the couniyof Colmnbla mid hlatu of IVnusvU aula. Iiouuded nnd dt'M-uneil as louows, vi: uouiiuia on me. houth by n lot of Samuel Coleman, on tho catd by IiuhIh' of Nathaniel Hioar, on tho north by tho Mlllilinhlll A II in. 1). A M. M'llenry, J. I'. M'llenry, (I.M. Howell, Hwiny A Kramer, .1. .1. .iiniiieruiau, KolOlllon IhHS, K.J. A I'. 1". M'llenry htoro l) 2 oo II 111 01 .Druaslst II 7 oi Conleellonny It 7 01 II 7(0 Htoro 1 1 li tn Cabinet II 7 00 (llocory II 7 01 llnwnu- II 7 00 I'lourAIVid II IHI htoro II I J 00 IN TOWNSIIII', MlllelH l'J 10 00 IMC'lOWa-Hllll. H'.oio II 7(0 ' II 7 00 " 117 on " II 7 0) " 1 1 7 00 II 7 00 Millers II 7 00 CriUKhas ordeieil and will havo In Unro good assort inent of 1'iquCH forHprlna and Hum. mer. W ash 1'opr.lNs at Is els. CT.AIIK basin stoio n lino ktnek of Nl'.W CAM- IMHItKS , to sell-Down, Down. Lognl Notices. IXKOOTOIIS' NOTIOK. iU MTATK or JOHN ItoUtsO.V.HEo'l). letters testamentary on tho cstato of John uomsou, laio oi ncois uiwnniiip,t.uiuiiiuiit w., deceasod, hao liccn Krnnled by tlio Itcslstcrot Kaiu county in uumiou ioioikoii, aiei William v. ItOOISOIl. .Ill IW1BOIIS lll.T.lIK VIHIIHS lUtllll.t thocstnto aru requested to present them tn tho TeriilnrH In Columbia countv. T hoso Indebted to tho estate either on note, Judgment, rnortiface or book account wilt inaku iniymcnl to tho lix- 'culorswithoui delay. ill niu.i i.ioirxj.i, W.M. C. ltOlllSON, Jlay 5, 1S71-CW, Kiecntori. Patont ModicinoH. H1 Miscellaneous. Uxl Thn ttninmfr months will vorv Hnon ho Tillrlv iislierotl In Willi tlidr nultry weatlier nml lon trui'ioi tiiscfisef. ii ih iiiu Heiisou wneii iiiuur can il llttlo In lecuprrallng our cxliniintoU Ktrennlli, nnd u lien wo nro reUlra Uiftntlfy our ohyKi'itm ngahiht thn ilanjicrH niUlng Trom the imlvers.it nrevntency of slclincii. Thooulytruo sarmuarJ U thntn-irenud rellnhlo tnntc nmt In vlKoiator.MlHIILnifS UVlUi JlirrKlLS, which la lutjorsea aim recommcuueu ny ino nicuicui l.iculty ami hy nnumere-t thousamlH of pet sons In every city, town amlvJllnuo In tho country. who liavo lesiL'U UH remwimi viriut;, mm, ny itunl.l nri-inrviMl nr .rt-cirt'ert'il lliclr health. It will purity tho Hlood and Hrcretlonsi cure every form of Indigestion, nnd allord linmeillato relief u caeor Dyncuiery, voiic( unoieru wiiruun.iiuii clndrctl ilUowtui. lrnvldo yourelf now ngalunt Delays nru oneii uuuyeruuB. kl a tlmo of need. OTICK. nrErtn tmUhtPit in tho nihscrlbcr for meat. nro htn-hy lnformtHl that I hovo lult my bwks wiih lohcnhl.Uly.ln., alUuhtHtroct, tot collec tion that I 11. Hull U no longer inv mrent. may - B 1' Ii K N 1) I 1) c i: 1. 1; s t i: o it x WITH TWO BHTr lUIKD"! ATIIItnii SIOW, can beboinjht for 91HO nt A r. W. NMf.lH. l'luuo Warcrocms near Korku Hotel. inayl2'"l-Cm. -VTOTICK. ' . il.. n M.n ntlll, .Inirni Arlll 1 imrchustil nt Conslnhlo Halo the followlni; ilcHcrlhcd nioperty, sold ns the property of Joseph L'oiior ..r r..Mim inwiiHhln. I'oiumb a county. nnd which I havo loaned to hi in during my nlcasuru, to wit: ltorsoa, cattle, wngouB, plows, hnrrowB and all fanulni: utensilR on the larm In tho houno occupied by Mm. Alio, hi ffhare of uraln lu the ermind on 110 Ht'ldler farm. All persons aro notiilud that wild properly now WiSfi town roiiK. KNitYT. ni:rniorii). t ( M I' () V N I) V li 11 I 1 KX TRACT CATAWBA a n a i i i ii h s. Cnip-ncnl ltrU-hull Kdrael lltiubarb and lluht trart Oitmvbtt (rape Juice, FOU MVKIt t'OMPIVlNTri.JAUNDR'i:, IOUH AI'KIJCTIONH HlCIC Olt NKUVOlri ItnAUAtJHII.l'OSTlVKNIWM, I Mo, I'LIUUiY vnonTAiir.i:, CONTAINING NOAinitCl'HV MINlIUAliB OU ItKI.lirKltlOUS J)UUiM, The9 Villi are tho most UcllKhtfully ploannt purRdtlve, MiperiedlnK cantor oil, unit, mng ncslfl, etc. There Is nothtnjr moro ncccptntilo to tho stomach. They givo tone, ami causo neither nausea nor ertplng pains, They,, tiro coh.po.jed of tho jlnctt Ingredient. After a fow days' uso Ihom, such an invlgoratton of tho entire syslciii takes placo ns to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether nrliinjj from liupru ilenco or disease. II, T, Uclmbold's Compound Fluid Extract CalnwbaOrnpo Tills aro uotii r coated, from the fact that BUsarcoatod Tins do not dlsolve, but pass through Ihestoniach without dlssMvIntf, consequently Uo not produeo lliudu slrodclToct. THUCATAWIIA OltAl'i: VILUH belna pleasant In tnstoaud odor,do not necos!. lato their being sugar-coatd. THIUJ: IMI'TY UUNTS I'EH BOX, Ittattr.V COXC'KNTRATKU COMl'OUNh FLUID KXTUAOT 8An8At'AUII.r.A Wilt radically exterminate Irom the syhteui Hcrofula,HyphllLs, Fever Horei, Ulcers, Hote l! en Boro Icgs, Woro Alouth, Head, UruuchllU, HI; In DIh usou, Halt Itheuu, anlitrs, Huiiiilni from Hid Uir, Whlto HwelllDgi, Tunntri, Unc cerousAHucttons, Nodes, UlcketJi,OIaudrtr.4vvei. lngK, Night HvvcaU, Ha-sh, Teller, Iluuiors of a Kinds, Chronic UhcumatUtii, Uyspt pslu, and ul dlituufolhuthaH been ihtubtlshtd lu tlio gyHtt'Ui for j ear-. Ilelhg prepared KX PUtHLY for the above com- p alnu, Us IJIJOli-PUUIFVINO proprieties are greater than any other preparation of Harsapi rill.i. It ghoi tho COMI'LKXIUN u clear und heallhy eolor and restores the patient to n state ol IIKALTH nnd PUBITV. For Purifying tho Hlood. removinc all Chronic Constitutional Dis eases arislDg from nu impure state of the hlood. And thcfouly rcllnhlcnndelluctunl known reme dy tor tho euro of l'utun and Swellings of tho Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and 1- lllotchcs, I'lmptcs on tho Face, Erysipelas mid nil Kcaly Eruptions of tho Skin, and lleaullfj lu;: the Complexion. I'rlce, SI Wj-er llottle. 500 CliAIUCwM keen at all times a full lino of OltOCUItlUS, TCAH nt 81.00 per lb. to the best in mnrketatJl.W, CAI-.1 AND BEE a larpio nnd well n.sored stock of notions, hosiery, gloves, umbrellas., &.c, VOLUMKS IX ON 10. AUK NTS WANTED THE IiinitAltY OF 1'OETUY AND BONO, Delng Choice .Selections from tho Host 1'oets, KN3LISII, HCOTCH, I1EHU AND AMERICAS, With nn Introduction liv WIT.TiIAM CUMI2N IlItVANT. Uudcr whoho critical supervision the volumo WUH COIlHllltll. Tlio handsomest nnd eheano-t subscription boolc exiani. uverwj pum, uvimuiuny inu ,.i,,,i,.1.K' liuiKlriitiHl. handKitiuelv bound. l Libra- , i.f r.i if aiki mlui.u-a tn one book, whose contents, OI 110 VIHltlUUlUl JidMiie ii iiihiv.h, iii mui. erow oiu or siuie. n dm ust nun win iif.iwm and reread with pWisurii by old nnd youug.as I. .mr iiu Hu In.ivcii 1ml I ti icrflhi-r. A perieci surprw. nciietriy uiii imn in, un f.iviirtto. or ut nil worthy of idaco here. Is nealerletl. It la u book lor cery household." vi'n ifiiinir nf nn fthnl'nr ritllpctioii 111 tllO Enll&h langiuge.whtch.tn copiousQehsaud lellci ty or selection and nrrangcrucut, can at ull com pare with H.M Y, 1. Tribune. t t Tcrmi liberal, Selling verv rapidly. Kond for Clrcularaud terms to J. 11. roUDACO.,V7 I'nrlc I n, lu nr K'n t hit n tot Hni'-ii nml mi thn U'cst V IMUMd tlio Sennlc, Imt fnll.-.I In tlio old men, all tlio ugly old wo.ticn, all L,eo t,lat ,mrty m a position whoro ;;- GliKKNWOOU ToWNHMI' IVnlo llouso. Tun Danvii.i.k, IlAzi:iro.v WiiiKKS-liAitui: lUii.r.oAD Company Sovornl lillls woro passed In relation to tills company at tlio recent session. Ono was to nutliorizo them to extend their road to lliizcllon ; another to en tlio cadaverous i'ouiil' women, until other favors may bodeiniinded of tliem. (inltoacltv has crown tin around this Wideawake and KigrtcIousbiHliiossiiJen and snrltnr. and hut for which thcro would win not no c.hirih hi at y hiicn iraj ,ut iy i ho no town at nil." Wo might hero observe that tho flen- eral and his lady havo been traveling Kuropo during tho last year, lio has been greatly aiUicted with Catarrh and ahlo them to borrow money, nnd still kl0 ful. tt10 ia3t ten years with partial another to exempt their bonds, Ac. Irom pnralysis. llosny" wo aro both well." taxation pending tlio construction of o3 lho roulld tti t0 aml from Europo their road, not to exceed a period of on tho Qreat Eastern should induco our threo years. invalids to go to theso hot springs of Another act passed provides that all Germany. Tlio General say living is iroccedings for assessing damages for chenper in Germany tlian in America right of way and materials, In tho caso by far. ..r 11... .......... .1...1, l.n I ..... ... .. in mubcji L-uiuimiijr, Diuui uu uuuu luiu T,0 c.ciicral says fui'llicT! "1 am pursuant to mo general act or lbiu. SOrry thu administration is about to This takes away from tuo company any 3f,ttlQ tho ''Alabama" btisinesi with privilego they might claim iimlcr their j.wiand. That Govornniont has no charter, to havo damages nsscssed fricnds or allies in Kuropo. She has against them In ndlffcrcnt manner from descended to a third rato power. Sho moro than thev would consent to be taken lu by any other species of Peter i' dine iiuniuii. I!l.OOMSHUI!fl, I'a., ) Jlay iiOth, 1S71. J Editor Cotmnbian A candidate for Heled. talicil 111 PXeeullou and to boboldns tlio jiroperty otucorijo i.uzurun. ,,,,. mnvl07l-ta. bhcrill'. ICONl) ANNUAL STATKMKNT 'Ol' CONYNCIIAM ANllCi:NTItAI.IAI'0(lH lUSTIHlT, l Ull Illll IliAll II.1U1.1U ATHII. luth 1S71. Wrr.i.tAM OoolJMAM. Truusuier. in nc- counl Mini biiiu niMriei. So' lilt. To nmonnt rorclved Irom duplicate of Uonynmialu lownsnip popular f.ivor IllllSt expect that all Sorts To amount neelved Iromdui.lleoloor ' 1 , , ,,,,i,iii! I'enlralla lioroui-li of calumnies Will h'J circulated by ill- To amount Irom County Treasury fur that provided by tho general law. Im-hI Legislation. Tlio following acts, local to this couu ty, wcro passed at tho session of tlio Legislature Just closed An act to fix tho number of Super vl-orsof Conyngham township at two. An net to Incorporate 11 Dcposito Hank ut Catawissa. is Jealous of America, regards us as a rival, and having dono us all tho harm sho can, will uo very happy if her of fences can bo condoned for n few dollars so that wo can nover pay her back in .Alabama coin. I hopo tho Senate will smash tho treaty." lercsted partite, and tlio chief labor of a campaign consists in traveling around to confitto them, it is alleged that If elected I will op. poso any necessary legislation for tho Ilunlock's Creek und Muiicy 11. K. Also, that I am in favor of opening alloys, paving streets, &e. In lilooms. burg ut tho oxpouso of the County. Permit mu to say that tliero is no truth in thono or any similar state ments. Yours Truly, U U. Ul'.OCKWAY. unhealed land LixtK To amount lecelved ltoniOranso l'oor District Tn amount received fiom Coal l'oor lilMrlcl To mtil amount neelved froMJiaUsof faun .lodtlee ilurlui! lliu year L'lt. Ity ,'imounl oforderH retlcemcd duilus lneiear lly amount of Treasurers toiuhmMon ineitou (. io iK'ri-t'iii. lly aiinmul of lialatoo In Tniusuiy (3,573 n i ll J II !!,C! 15 13 00 121 II fU.llW 07 HI 12 Wm. Kyer A Son a. i: in ner lu, M. .1 .1. l.elcly, " III IS 1'AIH A lil'O-. Win. Masteis, " Mrs. llaunali llt-ury, " T. 1). lllaek, lliifart .e Kramer. " Jameii V, WlUon, " Iti:Ml.orK nn.'NHllll. Jacob Harris, Kloie .M.u..i v'.ii.hnoemfii;( r. Wm. Ivllin. Miller John A tl. M, lU-nute, " I.OCl'ST TO,'N31Ill'. Sloro in M 7 IHI 111 IK IJ 51 I! 10 7 Ud i: 10 IO 7 l)U 7 0(1 111 10 7 Ll 7 01) CI.AUKS ALLOWS NO .MISUEPnUSHNTA. TION OK (iOOIlS. nor makes none when kelllni; If ho knows It. And any errors mndo lio Isal ways wllUujr to adjust. Vancv Knap. Babtiltt's Ixkt. Oil eerlne, llouei Castile, white and colored. Yon will Und a full aud largo Mock ol Oeaulne TUA I'l'OllIJ C'AIU'CT CHAIN at Cl-AllK's. Heavv I.need curtains at ftl nud yard. Other curtains hi stock. eciils per J, II. Vastlne, Charles I'Cttcrmau, Yoeum a Co. Henry tlaole. Hr. Jacob Ytaycr, MAISr. TOWNSIIII'. Blolo Kfcolpls r. w r.iweii Win M'NIncll Leonard Adams tleo 1Y Herman llcnl .Mcllenry ll.m el IhllllhU! I William llarher I i.i.i . 11,1 l.irt Charles Heed II Kelclllier fill' SllWrlpllim 111 till' hliui," lor .nay, I.N71. 2fo,d:iiohi '('ohiiii- Decoration Day. Decoration was duly observed by our citizens on Mou ........ i . I i , i... .... ...I-.... ne n... i ,i . t.,t l 1 John Yost iin net to iiuinunzo mo uovernor 10 uiij , uuuur mu auiinaa mo i .inmn , , tvl, i)uU1ott nppolnt n Notary Public nt Catawissa. Order of America. During the foro- ' P ".'." ., An act, 10 rcguiaio tlio comiicnsatlon noon, uounuets, wrcains, ami uuwrrn i-ian now of wltncses In tlio several courts of Co- wcro brought to tho vacant storo room lumbla county. (Tho nav fixed is ono opposilo tlio Post Olllce, whero a com iloliar ner day and inilcas:c.l mittco was in waiting to receive and An act to regulate tlio fees of Notaries dlstrlbuto them In bunches tor tno sev Public In Columbia county. eral graves. A Biiniilninnnf. In 11m Ulnnmshi.r.r not At two o'clock 11 procession Will form 1 1 I .l ... T 1. .. I C, ...,,1. .. ...... I. f .. ....., ' L'U III llllirKUt OIJUUIU Willi VL IIUIIIUUI Ul .MNiiiv.uiuue. llttlo girls dressed In white. Tho pro- A -1 Hiumim nf!ot.. I.n.i.ln.1 l,t. o ...,i,l.,l linnil llioll O 1 Christian proceeded to tho Presbyterian grave yard on Third street. Thence tho lino of march was taken to tho cemetery and upon n given signal a young man, ne nias mis Henry l;yer lllchurd Itllo Jtsso John H.imuet Hnder .1 i Miyoer Wm Kamou li.nao liower KII llnnmaii Wm Dleitrlth H.imuel Loremali of 1th Jlarch, 1S70. An act to incorporate tho North nnd W est Jtrnnch Itailroad Company. In lliu general Appropriation bill, as passed and signed, is nn appropriation of io.OOO to Prof. If. D. Walker, in further and ilnal compensation for dam ages for tlio removal of tho Soldier's Orphan's School from Orangevlllo. 11IMK Samuel Ohl lion Mrs liarli.ua lllujjii 'J in Samuel Joanson 7.VtAndrew Clark Sim 'Jim (' W Dean 'J tu Sim .n I' Clliiaeman JMil K, 1' I'iluueinan "Nl 1 im II J Ileedcr 71 Hoo W Willlver 1 110 7 -V 'Thomas A I'liuston 'J(i) I l'. i.lauies Itoat 'JIU i 10, .Miss Marllrl I.olii; '.'Ill 72 ijeuerhon llll. 2 HOiTliomas IllllehlkOli .".'0 S ("lljohli 11 Heller s uiJt'hlueasKmltli '.' tu Henry Oeorno Sim '.' UO II OK.'Ichni r 2110 i (m ..Miss Mary !! Weiss Sll 1 !' .1 M S'chullii 21l 2 ihi Isaac I'leasy 2 l'J 'i tu Wm Minlllohl Slio 2 (' John Hwlsher 20) 2 00 i A II Swisher 21 J Mi, I II Kulllln '1 IIIH Iteulieii Klilltlo 2(10 Samuel II Kelclllier lis) 2 00, UrlilS.MC.MCJ 2 oo t i.vis a." On examination ot thn forrKniinl aicomit of wllllatiillniHliiian, 1 leasuu-roi uouyuniiaiii ii f. II 1 1 ul In l'oor lilsinct, U II1U1 It COI Ull. MAIITIN rr.ANKI N, ANIlltKW ItOONKY, DOM.NII! co-diitnvi:, 1'ATItlClC KII.I.UKN, I) Will WAI.SII TUOMAH .MI'IHMIY, Al'ill 10th, IsTI. liiiiirroitH oi' tiih rooit i.v Amin.NT WITH t-(Jr i .siiuiA.i .mii r.n i ii.m.i.v 1'Olllt DlSTltll.T, All. lit. ns. Win. Ham lc, ClluWifl! .v l l. J. 11. Kllntir, " Mil 1 1. IN hiw.nsiiii'. J. II. Cicasy. htoro Creasy a Hi own, A. It. Ilelllur, A. J. lielllinmr, vaoiiiei losiol'll 'loWNSIIll. IMt. Maii;eriim, llrucny A. .1. Ahimcrmuii, Sloro I'.iMoli .1 liaruiau, mnicis ll.irtuii.sl'11, .Mllleis MOUJir ru:.tsANT 'iownsiiii' .1. !. Hands, Hturo MA1HSON TOW.Nfellll'. ('. Kreamcr. Htoro Will, llellHli s, -Mrs. .M, A. Wlllson, .Mltnuciy lll:N(IK 1I1WNS1III'. I.OCAI, .NOTICES. Ni;w (loom atS. II. Mii,i,i:uASonh, HiuiliH'k's Creek nml Mtincr Itnllroail, A meeting favorable to this project was held at Lairdsvllle, on tho l!7tli ult. ntlll IVna o.l.lmn.l I... fin. llltivntl' 1i,in.A iimvaT.v, ,i,nni.,ii oil, by ltev. .S. IUuniw and Col. S ...... T..4JU1) j'.IIOtllll II1IU I'UllltVU UUi I -r tllHRtinni-lrtHn.1,.nn.,rllrtrla,l IvNOIUt, Kail lload o ,V e l7of VhU ?T ''Tu?, r.u...t. wiviKutiu uuuuii uii iiiu imt ii i . " - l Interested In procuring the con- "V., . .. .. "i;. . ... M. P. Lutz has lust received nuntlicr compnnicd by a young girl In whllo, lart'o lino of .Spring Shawls. Sco his proceeded to tho respectivo graves, and prleo Hit. upuiwiuuinerHieuui iiioiairyouiigi.iiiiu .,, . w..rl.hT .,,,, delicious ntraw- ectar Store, been performed, addresses wero deliver. u,,i, ...... UKurjuaug.l. u. g WATi:fi, with tlellc scattered over tho rostlng places of tho CrL,.lIn) Vanilla, Sarsaparllla, Sit sleeping braves tho iloral offering. berry, Orange, Lemon, and Nc After tho ceremony of decoratu hul Syrups, nt IIkxdkiisiiott'h Drug SI int. To amount Irom duj. Unites oilier soincis CI I, lly ain't naldiUht eflatlyear to Misrs IhiodlilMIl and Thoilllou liv ain't paid ol I.lst J I'.us Hilary duo i II I ..in' slt.U!ir,l llvaui'l paid laviiir's fni duo fcluco last year lly ain't paid halaneo In lull of bond! WVIl llimuai. lo. iiiiuiii uuuitiui, l.it. car lly ain't paid Martin Monnijlinuforout door reilul III IhUS lly llln't paid debt of lb07 to township Ito.id I'liud lly ain't paid lustallnunl on larm In 1ST) lly ain't paid f.irmliiK nlclislls, furni ture, htoiUnud ieiiilrliiidurlni;iir lly ain't paid to As 'mu for liuanu Vauper's Hoard , . lly ain't paid for mcdlc.lt fees and Ilieineiiio . lly ain't paid fnr lnsuraneo lly ain't paid fur fellppnrt of fiaupcl, work on and merchant's bills lly amount paid other miscellaneous ex pi hm's uiciu ii t uui .,,u j .... lly amount, paid Tuu-uiers couimls li. K, Sloan, K. J. llower, A. II. Htuw.il I, K. It. Johnson, Savaije a K'elli r Win. Hiiieiii.nl. rr.ii.i in 1'. er i:nl. a. ii sin i i .1 i n ltohblllH .1 I.OU'. ,'is i t i Micnntl ivcm r, Klnro (Irocery Mllleis UH St hJ 19 i;.". to tut ; ao.' ; SI7 S) 1,1(0 lii K7 U) 1,'s! 00 :ns is ls7 .'7 l'J 2i 2,1 111 IS 1,1.12 SI IS 12 .ill in It. W. I.J ons, Tin Slaves Slows iliocuy I'isr. nowNsuir. Still 0 lloMllMiCK&KK 'loWNRllll, Hioro Owen Chelilnifloll, J, 11, Ivlllllici. M'lHUUIll' TOWNSIIII' M.Colc, Stoio StulT 'lOWNsllIl'. A. 11. While, ItoliertS. Kill. It.llolilner, 1. A. Creasy, Kelclllier .t Son Hdlllllel A. Woriilllll, li. v . KciKUnrii, .M 1 1 In .1 a Tiniile (,'. S. Kowh r, J. 1. Worlibelscr, u, ,si, iiauei, tl, W, ClfVillns, Slum '1'lu ,l Sloves Inukgisl storo Millers stoio -Miller Shoo sloro (lioiviy Stoio I! II n li 7 ll lid) 7 ll 7 OO 7 no 7 00 I.) Oil 111 Oil 111 nil 7 00 Tor a full fctocl: of Dry (tonus, no to CLAKIvS In htnelr, a good aud laruo btoclr ofQUILTINO COTfON. Ladles so to CLAUIC fur your S2 00 sailors. In tlio linn of MUSLINS, both bleached nud unbleached, ho olfers as laruo n fctock and as will assorted, and at tho bottom rates, y.'rici- 1 yard wide, IJ els by tho bolt and I'JJJby the yard, Ijironla, the Mine ns 1-ruit of the Loom .Mills J. Idem. 7 ll ..a oil 7 00 (JenlsL'oln CI.UIKH r.ir ji.ur nohy .SuininiT Hals nml t aps. I'lavorlu extracts. Ladles uo to f'LAItlC If von want a nr.ltShawl ai a low price nun iuon no. ins. Pj III la Kl 7 00 Hi on 10 ui hi oo 7 oo 7 Ul 7 IU 7 in 7 I.I 7 Ml 7 00 1 I'll melll. I I.AIIli linS HOW 111 MOrn 1HICII U',.l liii-ralii. 4111 Kiimls ll'i Camels, that Is eiiuel to any Country Malic, .it 7. els, per yard, TiiArror.n cAiirirr chain, tho best market, at 1 els. per lb, by w ilahl, i:,, in cr.AllK's r.ir vonr Mines, chearekt In inwn. ii lull tissoiliiuul mi hand lor uidiea Misses and Clilldreus. Ct.Aitic has received another lot n Lasting Polish and Congress Gaiters nt v i.i UU a pair for ladies. Call and seo tliem 7 0 7 0" 7 1.0 in nO 7 7 l'l 10 iU 10 Ml M Ul 7 10 7 ( 12 GO Anv enods von may wnnt enll nn Clark mid If lie iihs ,ioi t in in uu win uo piiiakcuiosiinw iiiciu, IlihlocU,n full assoitincnt ol 1'rcucli 1C Uouo COIlSi:'.Hat70cents. CLAUIC will receive n laruo fctock of Ijullcs' Fprlni! fill HIJIUTHof Ihi'lalesl ktslonnd pat terns. lly uurioibatanco dipjlroiuTiciihuiir fu.'j'JS :u UVl'ATU WITH HKCLNT lMl'KOVl.- .11 ...,..r..u i.l.r. t.ini. r..,.t nfoitee.il liv llm above flas-.illcati.iu can have an opportunily of apis'allni'.liy ealllucllliolllliouiiuersiitneiiai ins ri.wl.l,. net- 111 ! ishilnreieek townsllltl.llt nilV time tl tl 1 1 1 Iny ,.illi. isil, ill Milieu iiino an niipe.ii wlllbu held at lilt Court llousn in liio.-nsmni;, Mercantile Al't'ruUei' stiuwaier, April 2, i,i. of all Wo hellovo It was also to tho satisfac tion of everybody, and if any graves of soldiers wero overlooked lho Immedi ate, friends of tho soldiers alone tiro ro- sponslblo for tho oversight, Tho 1'atrlotlc Order Sons of America deseryo great credit for again, as hut ) towards tho expense of a Survey yr; iainK "ih matter in hand and so port can do so, with tho privilege wlmliBbly arranging tho programme. Ing their subscriptions converted 1wnri1 ovc" " th, 1'lrel"'!" turncJ htruellon of tho proposed Hall Hoad. In order to procuro tho Patent nnd a complete organization of tho Company, 10,000 shares of stock nt twenty-dvo dollars per share, with ono dollar per hharo paid In at tlio tlmo of subscribing, Is necessary. Parties desiring to con tribute and report nf hnvlnr tlinti- fiiiliorl.ttl, Into Stock, nt nnv ll.nn M...'..,n iloiiln, 0ut MV IllttllO l liallllSOIllU lip to do so. pearanco. Tlio Kiittlnoand Hoso Car- J , . . . , tlago wero neatly painted and burnish n..VZ r.i a r , , 1 . n,ul tl10 rms looked cleanly and I T" , , Sl0Ck li00l?,, yh0? B 'i?01?1 "Prropriato. They marched through m.iaii,uii mw iiiuuu iu mu mucK- unit also n very encouraging sulscrlp' tlon to bo applied to tho exponso of tho survoy and report of tho enmo, Tho meeting was lareo find euthuslas tic, and manifested n cominciulablo do termination to do all la their power to Insuro a completion of tho survfcy and S. II, Jli Li.i.ii it Son havo Just opened a largo stock of Shawls wliiclt nicy in tend to sell low for cash or country pro duce. ,, u. SIai.k, has on hand a very largo assortment, oi cauueii irtiit, which ho Is selling oil' at reduced prices. Any ner.sdii wiiliiuir it bargain, f.ill at J. I SUr.r.'ri Jlaiiiinoth Grocery, comer of Main and Centio streets. nzi-ii, I liAvu had ouoof Singers New I'din lly Sowing Machines In constant uso miring tlio last three years lorianoriug, u wonts bpicuiiid and i iiuvu nut ins covered any usual wear. David Lowi:niii:iui. im.' vr. lly Farm and biidlnu Killed t lleisllts lo iiiiliiuuv.' mmw Ilium hold lutullun Karin ulcnslls y " Hay, main and slruw H Miinuiii . Uoues and cAttlo " l'lits " I'oultry t'otatois " Mini o 7aeies of win ill and 1 lye lui:ii.ulid lutalico duu lioluTliiisuicr I.IAIllLITllls. liv balance duo mi fin in bond. nUllLIU SALK ",,010 ( 227 (O I li.M 2") Illl 1.0 17.1 Ol 7.7 ll) oi no I) 111 :.s oo f.7 ao mi no Ml M V A I. U A 11 1, K or it i: a i, CLUti; has received another New Stylo of DltUSH (lOOIW. CLAUIC has ris-elve,Ulori,'oHoek of I'OCKiri' KNI VKS for Ladles and Uentk.lneludlni! lho old 11 u tow. Ci.Altlc keens thu larscsl slock of Carpets in town, from 10 cts to $1,73 per yard. OFTIin ag n I'ATnNTED Dm BMlisn 7TU, l3Cj. our. cixr.uuATKi) GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Jr..,.il,l. rl.l- Aitn.iwl.ltf.J by .11 wliotio.. nwd II l a l.w lie-t IV" ins J 111 llil.i'in.11; Irrl Mill not ...rrml.. "Utr Hi"-wpIH., . rX fiii m re.iorii.1.1 nn Pi b'-l .1. el -... I'ul ui.to n.-iil-tldl.j-.is.. W MIUI IIMt III .till MS ' "! h, K t,y .,t.pir..l r.,. .'.i.i rei.ll.a lj t. .inn peri.101,11,. l-rnt.nipVJ'Oi'erii.nl.t ' I'.uwmiilul'KiS l.lu.1'1 l.sl'.ifsAH Sj rr; .,.i,t.i un. Uuio .l.i im tiiiiin 1.0.1 rJ AilUrv. WfiSTCRS I'tmi.lSllINO Co. Minuraiturjrs' Aeent, rilf ' uvli, T C tfTIOVt-Tlie.Mi.l i.ni,iluilT,,rihMe . ..I..j t III ....mo liiwrl- HHTATi:. SS.Sia 7J lui.iwr nt I'lsiikt f ATiui no 0,017 21 PKODUCTt) Or 1'AUM IN l:o. n Inns of lull' fid 31S.0J fs bllsbllsnl Wlllllt U 81.10 17(1 " " iialsfeDOOcenl 27j o " torn ears 50 cents 711 ' lyu laifi.io .! 11 11 i.lolns HI e.nils JlcKKLVV, NBA!, it CO., continue to s'loadsofcorn tislderM tin .!., .1 1 1 s'ts Itiu (.1 iinrlf hii li cents soveral of.tho principal streets, lieaded by tho Urass Hand, and presented a most rcspcetabloappcarauco. Tho heat of or der was preserved throughout tho day, and wo bollovo no Instanco of Improper conduct occurred. Iteporter. Ilov. O. V, Weston, from California, report of tho namo, nnd also to sccuro will preach tit tlio llaptlst Church, In tho patent In order to 11 complete organ-1 Illoomshurg, on next Sabhatli, (Juno izawon or uio company, i -ttlt,) morning nd oveniiig. , , :, nrn.. 1 n.i .....I I SJLS tbs ol oritlr i"(H 12 cents Kill-pun imiiii uiiu ui 11 u s j heads of cabbuiio toll eenls liesi iisMiriiiiuiiia ui guuua iiiui. 11 uuy 1 nutler,eitt;siiiiiiifciauies whero to bo lound in tno conn ry. in !'''"" "rrur"'H t , nnnrLnlliov will not bo tiiidersold 11V !S mHcl nfciovtr need any other minnar cstaoiisitmcui. Many it.hsoxu who havo not oxani. incd tho lmnro cements lu Sowing Miv nlilne.s ilnrliiL' thu htstsovcil vears. liuvo no Idea of lliu wontiertui ativaiicoiiiaitu liv t he r maniiracturers (owartis perleo. nun, in vaiuauiu iiaiciits unit iiiiuiity tu steel.. Tlio inow jvumuy oinger, oxecus ull others, theso maciiiucs havo 111 tuo tinat nnd will In tho flit tiro glvo general satisfaction tlio reason of this Is they aro tuo simplest ami nest, iso iiuiy who selected u rsinger win navu tauso 10 re gret ner choice. tno CO 1.17 20 101 (0 117 AO Kl IM 171 UJ SI IU Ml bi M Ml Hi (0 DO UJ 11 Ul lly order of tho Orphans1 t'ouitof CnluiuhU coulily, llielo will bo exposed to public, veudllc, uu thu picmises, oil SATURDAY, JUNK 17th, 1S71, thn fullnwlnt' ilscrltifil ront rstato. vizi A cor- luhi Irani nffiiiul Uititf In I.ncust tnwiivhiii. In I 4 nUi mUl.tv t o u nty, aim iiiljoinliiy land of Kaiuuc I I lliinn'toii.Uiul of Julia Huyilcr, Uml ul IauuuuI 1 i r t y a o it i: s morn or wlicrcnn urn erected a log hoiuo uiul umuull HANK HA UN. Tliuiu uii) on tliu uri-nilsi-H nnnlo utul rhcrrv lu-C'H, uiul n uprluis of vxroUvnl wntt r, Aii'lli liobuMiiH tlio l.tiulo ui ha unit' i u, niKiiigtuii, iiccciiheii, 11EXJAMIN WAUNKll. AiliiiliiMrutur. TI'.IIMU fll H A I.I Tpii nor nt. nf lliuimn. rourlh ut tint rmri'liithe liioiii'V to bo Dillil utlbtllU tun liuwn ut lliu tuopi'ttv cno'fourlli, li tlio tun 1'tricnt. on tno cotiilnnatlonj una tlio ro iimlmuk; thuo-lonrthu in ono year Uiercaricr Willi lUU'ri'hl J rum inn niiiiiniuiiiuu, tiui, W'KlililNUfUN II. KNT. li.()OMMit'ita,Muy lt71. (.'loric. Vuu wilt Una n lull Ho. lc of DUllHH tlOODS In herifioii, kucIi nn Alapnlcd, lil In , 1'UUId, Hcrgoa lu vlrtManJ btrli'i-s. V rliir tillilllT t IHTOi'iTini .'j TIN I'KNMMiaityll.Ul't ti..., r..M l'..n. i. It., mnr N.i mi' Mint, itlitliily Milltcut uu fvrwnii ul toiilluib jan am iy Ofa:s cf J. B. rOSBIlTS, 420 North Elohth St., Phllnda. DolaMus JJ. VegetableTJTi A color and dressing that will not bum tho hair or injuro tlio haul. It docs not produce a color mechanically, as tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color aud lustro, by supplying now life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho host and safest articlo over offered. Glean and Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. uovir"0-6m. B LOOM FK1UIY. A largo lluo of Iiookini; (llassis. A full tlocli of Wlll'lT, (J001W ou hand. No. ofimupciH now 111 l'oor llouso II udinltted dm Imt veal II il M ,oiu " " I ., ,icd " " 1 WII.I.IAMHNYIiim, I'a i'iihm; unit k i :. WILLIAM tiOOIIMAN, Atltil 0. (1. Muiii-iiv, Clerk, April loth, 1571, It Willi' J I1! IHiectnrs i 'ir. B IjANK DKi:i)3. 'n nnw havo tlie (Inent hkhhi t incut of ltLANli IH-:i:i)rt un liunil unit fur fculo that wcro vwr kvpt in jtluunuburu. hatao klio on Ubt luitrluuent iiuiier.CommuiilHTiU, Kxecutor'MHnu Ailitilntu uu Lor h Dctntit hii nil blzu luijur (t'luiiiOi N1 OTICK. IltlKIl 1'01'I,IKH,HI1U l'oiillua, ol nil colors. Slllc Dlnidcci llobcs. CLAIIK kellsa fair (IrM.n Ti-n lit l'. ennls ner pound. Onu of leo best and Urccit htotks of black nud striped AU'ACAH In tifwn. Now lu store a larao mock of Hoop Skirts, Mimes' Hklrls'.S cts., I-aJlis' II eiuts tn 1100, TO aENTHClailtoffirsafullllneof tho very best and most fashionable stink of Taper Collars -Wmfr, IJueu-factd, o.aAeijK'urr, i.'ex, aud Nollco Is heieby ulvrn that nn tho Ullldayof iliay IS'l, 1 purciiHstu uu noii'uiuy i-nu iwoytuis old of Hamul i MiliHeppeuhlser, of Mllllll tuwil. sliln. Coliniiiihi county, lit which 1 hao loaned durlutt my pleasuio, All iierbims aro notified that sulil colt now belong to me, may VU'71-tf JAMEH 11AH0.V, TsJAHU OlfANCK. 1 olt HA1.VA Slcoud-hniid "Arlou" litaiio.folte, liricu $173, cost 8ot,0. This superbo liifcliuiueul was hcuitht at au auction sate of prlvato pionerty lu New York, aud had been but o, taw decks In use. Jt Is lu isTcrl older aud lu rvvru respect cuual to a new iifuno. Terms nossitlvt'lycasU lu limaucc, Aiiuresii torouu mcu inay'.'0'71-ir MauiliCliiiiik, i'a. Hells LAllIKb' GOOD llOSIIat M cts.,acnts' 1)1 ItUli Hoso at S3 els., and upwards. Fora liira and tlm, aisortmeut of Neck Ties, cheap, call ut Cl.AHKH. CLAIti; oilers to UieKAUMElWa full stock of (ioods which lie Mill sell them fur produce a low un for tho uitli. Call aud sen for ourselves; Claw; bcIN n heavy ono yard wldo stamlnnl muslin nt 1-) eontsliy tlio lioll or 12 cents by tlio yard. llloiiiinhuit', March 17, UTt-ll. Hie ltlonin Ferrv eonmanv ha bad its ll.ils nnd boats thoroughly lepnlrisl and Is now tu readiness to tin all uual rerrylm: ut any reason, ahlo hour, Thn uudirslifiied will bo In atleu. dauen at iniy tlmo to wall llliou customers nt nail. npr Vl'fl-ly - JOHN (1. liUH'Is. Q I. A" It 1C is ltix'invn.a ani now on ni.su a NEW hTOCIC OI' S ! It I X ti ii O l S ! CALL AM) BKI1. April II, 1M1, TNKI INK 1 1 INK!!! Ity LuiluK (lelir's Cilebrattd Ink VowiUrs, you can msUo im. lor Jiss thull hull thu money, nud l.ir superior t'j iinyihlitt; yet in use. Will n.i i-orrmi., .it el neiiw. l'leezlue: will but llilure. Hainplo inikauo siilllcliut lor one idul nl Inlc Mill bo sent h l el urn mall Ui nny ono sending liuily-IUe. cinls tn JI, W. Mlws, llux mi, spr it'7l 3m ll'um sburtt, I'a. j-i:V CiOODS at Tin: OLD STAND. uro now opening ut lliclr oU btanJ comer of WAIN AND MARKET b 1 Itri.TH, 11 r.no.MMlUIUl, n full linn of new gooj cotikUtlnn nf JUY COODH, HAltUWAUK, liUKKNSWAUK, and nil other article leqnluil tomci'l lho wnntH ol tho imlillo, may IV71 tt. HKXUY T. HKIiMIiOIilVri CONCENT KATEII FL VI D EXTIU GTJi UCJl Ut Tin: annvT diuuutic, has cured ovcry caso of Diabetes lu which It has been given, Irritation of tho neclc of thuIJUukUr nnd Intlammatlon of tho Ktdueyn, Ulceration of tho Kltlnys and Uladder, Uetentlon or Urine Dheasesof tho Prostate Gland. Btone in tliolllud Uer, Calculs, O ravel, Urlcuda&l Depoalt, and Mucous or illlky Discharges, and for Un fee bled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, atten ded with the following hymptouis: ludispoiil tlou to Insertion, loss ol l'owcr, Ions of Memory, Dltnculty of llrcathtng, Wealc Serves, Trem bling, Horror oi Disease, Wakciulncss, Dimness of Vision, Tain In tho Lack, Hot Hands, riuh Ins of tho llody, Dryacds ot tho bktu, Eruption on the Face, l'altld (uuutcnuuee, Universal LuAsltudo of tho MubcuUrHybteni, etc. Used by persons horn tne nges of eighteen to tvcntyllve, and from thlrtytlvo to flit tl ru 01 In the decline or clunse of life; uflcr contlno mcnt or lnbur pains; bed-wtttlui; lu children Hulmbold's Extract Uuchu is Diuretic nud niood-Pur Hying, aud cures all illsefuuss arUliu from Habits of Dissipation, and Hxcuhkh hikI Imprudeucfs in Lire, Impurities of the lilooj, tc., superseding Copabla in alfectlons for which It is used, and Syphilitic Alfectlons In tlieho diseases unt'd In connection with HKLMDOLD'H ItOSinVAHlI. DADID.-J, In many affections peculiar to ladles, the l'x- tract Duelut is unequalled by any other remedy ai Is Chlorosis or Uetentlon, Irregularity, Pain ful uess or Suppression of Customary K aqua tions, Ulcerated or Bchlrrns fitateof the Uterus, Leucorrha'a or Vhltes,&tcrillty,andfor all cum jtlalnts incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent phjsl- laus and Mldwlves for Dnlceblcd aud Dtllcutu Constitutions, ol both hexes and all ages(attui- led with any of tho above ureases or cymptonii. 1UT. HIJLMIlOI.D'S ICXTltACT 11UCHU IMtlN DISEASES AIUINa KUOM IMTlit DHNCi;, HAniTS Ol' DISSIPATION, 1710., u at! their stairs, at little expense, little or no chaugo In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ex pnMire, It causes a frequent desire, nnd gim slrcugth to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, PrtvenlJiiu and Cnrlug Strictures of th Utttlii, Alia) lug Pain aud Inflammallou, mi frequi-nt In this class of dUcabcs, and cxpclllm; all Poisonous matter. Thousand'j who liao been tlio victims of In competent persons, and who have paid luuy fees to bo cured lu abhoit tlmo, havo found tiny have been deceived, and that tho'ToUon" Utm, by tbo use of "powerful astrlnjeutH," been Urii d up In tbo system, to brealc out in a moro uggr i- vated form, and perhaps after Marriage. UsalIi:LMDOM)Si;xritACT 1IUCHU for nil AfTcetlous und Diseases of tlio Ull nary Organ, uhcther existing iu Mule or Penialo, from what ever causo originating, and uo matter of hmv long sliiudlug, PltlCII ONK DOI.I.Ai: AND niTv cK.vi-s pi:it uonxi:. 1 1 UK HY T. HKIiIOLD'S IM-PltOVKDltOSinVASII cannot bo surpassed as a PACE WASH, and wilt bu found the only fpcclfio remedy In evtiy species of CUTAi:0U8 AFFDCTIOX. It fc ce dlly crodlcati-M PIMPIXH, 8F0TS, fCOUlU1'! H DUYNlH, INDUIlATIONHof the CUTAMXUM MCMIlUANi:, etc., dispels HEDNUSM and IN ClPIKN'T INFDAMATIOK, HIVI1S, HASH, MOT (I PATCIIKS, DltYNUSS OF SCALP OK SKIN.FUOSTIIITKH, aud all purpo&esfor whU li SALVF-S or OINTMKNTH arc used; restores tho bUln to u ktate of purity and softness, and In sures continued healthy action to the tlssunof Its vessels, on which depend tho agreeable elmr nessnnd ivacityol complexion bo mu h sought and admired. Hut howeer valuablo as remedy for existing defects of tho skin, II, T. Helmbold'H Jtoia Wash litis Jong sustained its prluelplo tUiin to uuboundcil patronage, by possessing qualities which render It a TOiLl.T APPKNDAGK of the most SuperJaJlve ami Congenial character, combining iu nn elegant formula those prominent requlslts, 8AFirrY und F.FFICACY-thu invariable accompaniment ot Ittttifo-as a Preservative and Itcfiesherof tho Complexion, it Is an excellent Lotion for dls ciuf8cfaiyplill!tloKattuo,imdas an Injection jordlbeabcs of tho Urinary Organs, urlslng from habits or dissipation, used lu connection with tho UXTUACTH llUCHU.HAUSAPAUIIXA.tt'j.i CATAWUA aitAPK PILUt.Iu such diseases ns recommended, cannot bo surpassed, PUICU ONU DOLLAll PEU DOTTI.U, H onsn roil haw-:. A lino inuuif lll.Anc HUItsil: is nin,icil r.ir fcalc, Will huiu iluliblu or tllittlc, luniilroot W. II. KllllNH, may ai'Jl-ll lllnoinsburK, IM, lull unit i xnllclt Ulicctlons nliiuny ll.c Ulctllclucs. I;liliiiicoriliernostrt4iionhlblc anil rtllablo cbnracttr Iiirulslicd on ain.lkatloii, mHIi lam. ilrcils of tlioutands of HvIub wllucssts.nua un- wara of sn.ou) uusollcllod certificates nua recotn iiuinlntory letters, many of wlilcli aro from tlm lilglust sources, Includlui: ciuiiunt l'luslclom. Clergymen, Btatcsmen, etc, Tlio luoprletor li never resorted to lliclr publication lu tlio news, lepers; lio i Joes not do Ibis from tbo fact, Unit lils articles runic as Blouilaid rrt rarutlons, ni,,l Uo bot ntcd to be propped up by certificates. lit nrj T. llcliuliultl'N Oi lttiliii' I'rt'iuiralluiiN, Dillvilid to any address, Ectme frctu cbsii. nlIou. K.toblUlicd upwards of twenty years, Hold by IliUKgUts cverynlieie. Address letters for lu. formation, In confidence to I1KNUV T, Hlil.M. UUI.U, Dmtul.t and Cliciulst, Duly Depots 1I.T, lll:iJ,ll!OI.li'rt Iliui: aid Clieiulcol Wareliouse, No. Ml Broadway, Nih Yoilr.orto 1I.T. HtUlUOLD'H Midltal luit.i 101 HoulU Tenth (Street, I'hlladelpuLi, I'a, HKWAHE OF COUNTEHKKlTKltS. Ask lor Jll Js'UV T, lll-l MllCiI.U'Kf TAKK Ho vJ'UIHl iVJTsaJTTW.. us..1 ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers