THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOORAT,BLOOMSBUItG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S COLUMN. Dig Aroiinil tlio Tree. This rtilvlco needs to be repented dally. Every farmer knows that n hill of corn or potatoes will not nmount to much unless cultlvnted, nnd yet thero nro many who will Reelect to give, tho samo enro to a trco, which Is worth n hundred hilts of either of tho former. In rich soils, trees may grow rapidly without cultivation, and no amount of grass or weeds will retard them j but there arc other thlnRs besides growth to bo look ed after. If tho weeds and gross aro al lowed to grow up around the stems of apple, peach, or quince trees, tho bark will bocomo sort near their baso by be ing shaded, and thereby bo In a sulta bio condition for tho reception of tho eggs, which will eventually becomo peach or applo borers. Tako any dozen young apple-trees In sections where tho apple-tree, borer Is abundant, and allow a portion to bo choked with weeds, and tho remainder well cultivated, and then watch tho result. From our own experience, wo bellovo that tho chances aro nlno to ono in favor of thoso culti vated being exempt from this pest. Tho samo is truo in regard to many other trees which aro liable to tho at tacks of various species of insects. Young evergreens should never have their lower branches shaded with weeds nnd grass, nnd tho soil ns far as tho low er branches extend should bo stirred nt least once In two or thrco weeks during tho cntlro summer, or clso apply some kind of mulching that will effectually keep down tho weeds. When tho trees becomo largo and strong, theso precau tions will not bo necessary. Every blado of grass or small weed that Is al lowed to grow about tho stems of young trees will rob tho soil of moisture, nnd this fact alono ought to bo sufficient to mako every eno practlco thorough nnd careful culture. Hearth and Home. IIou- to Use JlciiOInniii-c. A writer in tho Rural Kew l'orker thus records his experience in the use of Iieu-manuro; "Tho writer has managed with hen' manurotho past ten years, in tho fol lowing manner : His farm consists of fine, loamy land, lying on tho banks of tho Merrimack. In 1S51), nt tho sugges tion of an aged undo, ho mado his ilrst experiment in applying hen-manuro, with moderato expectations of an im proved crop of corn and potatoes. The ground In thick sward was broken up tho previous fall, thoroughly harrowed In spring, and planted May 15th, with nn early, eight-rowed corn, ono aero by measure. Tho hills wcro opened by a man with a hoe. Six barrels of hen manure compost wero evenly distribut ed In tho 3C0O hills, giving a fair-sized each hill, dropped by n man carrying it In a basket. This compost was covered three-quarters of an inch with a hoe, and patted lightly. Then tho corn was dropped and covered ono inch with a hoe. Two men planted tho acre in ono day. That spring was un usually dry, and corn camoup badly and unovenly. But on this pleco, ovcry hill, and apparently every kernel came up in seven days." Hen-manure is among tho best of fer tllllzors, and each dozen hens should make, with tho added muck, at least lour barrels a year. Its application to any crop should bo carefully made. If tho land is mellow a handful dropped' in tho furrow, and anywhero from half an inch to an inch or dirt brushed over it with the foot, will bo an amplo and quick covering after which any .seed can bo dropped without fear or injury. Sinco there is &o much moro attention paid to tho rearing and care or poultry than formerly, wo hope that this sourco or profit will not bo overlooked, and that tho gaidens and corn-flelds will show that all this fertilizing matorial has been carefully saved. Thinning out Fruit. Tho over abundant bloom and pros' pect or fruit this year will mako many hearts rejoice, but will lead many to neglect their trees. At no tlmo will they need greater attention nnd caro than now. If allowed to overbear this year, the chances are that tho tree will suffer an injury and overstrain, that win last for years ahead. Tho onnor tunily is favorablo now tosavo them by frequent miming. Go through tho or- cnaru, thin out ono-half or all tho fruit; or say one-third at first and tho baianco afterward. Tho tree, thus relioved of an immenso number of small speci mens, demanding sustenance, will now conceutrato it all upon tho remaining fruit, causing it -to attain an unusual sizerflayor and handsomo appearance. Such fruit will always sell handsomely nnd readily, while a vast mass of medi ocre fruit often is passed by without a purchaser. To many It seems paradox ical to cut off one-half of a fruit crop In order to realize a creator proflibut it has been proved so often to our own satisfaction that wo practlco it now as constantly as wo cultivate tho imn,i JVow U the time, In Juno and Julv. to carry out this plan ; and ovory week tho good orchardlst will visit his trees and clip off tho superfluous or Inferior fruit, -iV. Y. Observer. HrRDS.-The pooploln (lie various parts ofthocountryarobeginnlngtolearnthat ii iney would havo largo crops or fruit moy must spare tho bin U. Even tlm blackbirds and crows nro found to hoof norvIco in theoxtorminntionofdestruc- ilvo worms nnd insects. For overy grain of corn tlm crow ap. propriatea ho devours u myriad or worms anu insocis. For ovory cherry or berry that n little bird dovoura lm saves to tho ownors or tho trees a nu-irt or tho preciousfrult. In cities and their suburbs, where tho salvation of growing fruit is not so much of an object as pro lection from worms nnd disagreeublo iwys, mo prcsenco or birds Is most es sential. JMhoyara allowed to breed nnu nro not molested, but allowed to fly about at will, thoy increaso with nirmz. lug rapidity, nnd learn to mako homos 01 1110 most frequented places. maid an Irishman to tho telegraph oporator, "Do you over charge anybody for tho address In n message?" "No," replied tho operator. "And do yo charge for signing ids name, sir?" said the customer. "No, sir." "Well, them will yo pleaso tend this t I Just want my brother to know r am here," hand ing the following: "To John McFJJnn. -,nt xew York, (signed) -Pat- rick aieFUnn." It was sent as a tribute j sho replied. Then ho 'went to tho eoc to Patrick's Bhrewdness. I ond, and akcd, "Why havo you such How to Oct Hlg Crops. As n rule farmers nro much moro am bitious to get big prices, than big crops. Thoro aro n fow farms whoso nverogo production could not bo doubl6d in n very short tlmo by moro capital nnd labor. It Is safer to uso capital In farm ing than In any other business. Tho credit of tho plow Is qulto ns good us that of tho loom nnd anvil ; nnd tho capital will come, If It Is called Tor. Uso moro manure, and got thirty bush els of wheat where you now get fifteen, and eighty bushels of corn where you now get forty. Tho qunntlty of grain per aero is mainly n question of niauuro and tillage. A big coinpost-hcnp makes a full grain bin. With high manuring, tho soil needs deeper stirring nnd a gradual bringing up of tho subsoil to tho surface. With tho present horso hnrrows and cultivators, nearly all tho cultivation can bo done by horsc-pow or, at great saving of oxpenso nnd great Increnso of tho crops. TurtNira Amono Corn. It is frc quently tho caso that in passing through corn-fields In autumn, wo find tho spaeo between tho rows occupied with sturdy weeds; sometimes the spurious vegeta tion completely overtops tho malzo and " casta it into the shade." Now, wo would inquire, is it not much better and moro prudent, In every senso or tho word, ror tho farmer to occupy tho soil monopolized by tho exhausting weeds with so mo crop that will contrlbuto to his resources, than to havo It filled with such productions, and which will not only "sap tho land" most wretchedly, but foul It by tho dissemination of their iu Imi to and multitudinous seeds? Cer tainly no farmer can doubt tho affirma tive. By sowing tho Purplo Top Turnip seed at tho last drcsslngof tho corn crop, or sowing Just beforo a rain and allow ing that to covor it, ho can havo a hun dred bushels of good turnips per aero ir tho soil bo rich and well cutlvatcd, in stead of a host or worthless and pesti lent weeds. THE YOUNGJFOLKS. The Three Spinsters. Thoro was onco a lazy girl who could not spin, and let her mother say what she would sho could notgot her to work. At last tho mother, getting both angry and impatient, gave her a blow, which mado tho girl cry very loud. Just then tho Queen passing by, heard tho noise, and stopping tho carriage, sho stopped Into tho houso and asked tho mother why she beat her dnughter in such n way that tho passers-by In tho street heard her shrieks. Tho mother, how ever, was ashamed that her daughter's laziness should bo known, and said, "I cannot mako her leavo off spinning; sho will spin for ever and ever, and I nm so poor I cannot procuro tho flax." Tho Queen replied, "I never heard or anything T liko better than spinning, and Jam never moro pleased limn when tho wheels aro whirring. Let your daughter go with mo to tho ensile; I have flax enough, nnd sho may spin us much as sho pleases." Tho mother was very glad at heart, and tho Queen took tho girl homo with her. As soon as thoy entered tho caallo sho led her up into thrco rooms, which wero all lull or tho finest flax rrom top to bottom. "Now, spin this ilnx for me," said tho Queen; "and, when you havo prepar ed it nil, you shall havo my eldest son for a husband. Although you are poor, I do not desplso you on that account; your unwearied industry is dowry enough." Tho girl, howovcr, was In wardly frightened, for sho could not havo spun tho flax had sho sat thoro from morning to night until sho was three hundred years old. When she was left all alono sho began to cry, and thus sho sat three days without stirring a hand. On tho third day tho Queen came, and when sho saw that nothing was yet spun sho wondered; and tho maiden excused herself by saying that she had not been nblo to begin yet, on account of her great sorrow at leaving her mother's houso. So tho Queen was satisfied; but on leaving sho said, "You must begin to work formo to-morrow." As soon as tho girl was again alono, sho know not how to act or help her self, and in her vexation siio went and looked out of tho window. Sho saw thrco women passing by; tho first of whom had a broad, flat foot, tho second such a largo undor-llp that it reached nearly to her chin, and tho third a very big thumb. Thoy stopped beforo tho window, and, looking up, asked tho girl what sho wanted. Sho told them her trouble, and they offered her their hoip, saying, "Will you invito us to tho wedding, nnd not bo oshnmcd of us but call us your aunts, and let us sit at your table? If you do all these, wo will spin tho flax in a very short tlmo for you." "With all my heart," replied tho girl "como in, and begin nt once." Then sho lot in theso threo women, and,mak. lng a clear placo iu tho first room, they sat themselves down nnd began spin ning... uno urow ,tno thread and trod tho wheel, tho othor moistened tho thread, and tho third pressed It -and beat with her fingers on tho table; and us often as sho did so a pile of thread fell on tho ground, which was spun In tho Ilnc3t manner. Tho girl hid tho three spinsters, howover, from tho Queen, and showed her, as often ns sho came, Iho heaps or spun yarn; bo that sho received no end of pralso. When tho first room was empty, tho thrco women went to tho second, und nt length to tho third, so that soon nil was cleared out. Now tho thrco splnstors 1001: leave, saying to tho girl, "Do not forget what, you promised us; It will inuko your fortune." When tho girl showed tho Queen the imply rooms nnd tho great pllo of thread, tho wedding was performed, and tho bridegroom was glad that ho had such a clover and industrious wife, and praised her exceedingly. "I havo thrco aunts," said tho girl, "who hnvodono mo much service; so I would not willingly rorgot thorn in my goon fortune Allow mo, therefore, to Invito them to tho wedding, and to sit Willi mo at fable. Tho Queen and tho bridegroom asked, "Why should wo not allow it?" When tho feast was begun, tho threo old maids entered in splendour, nnd thobrldo said, "You aro welcome, dear aunts." "Ah," said tho bridegroom, "how do you como by such ugly friends?" And, going up to tho ono with tho big foot, he asked. "Whv havo vou such a broad foot?" nn ovcrhnnglng Hp?" "From licking," sho answered, "from licking." Then ho asked tho third, "yhy havo you such n broad thumb ?" "From press ing tho thread," sho .replied, "from pressing tho thread." At this tho l'rlnco was frightened, nnd said, "Therefore, my hrhlo shall never touch n spinning-wheel again." And so she wni set free from the un lucky Ilax-Bpimilng. H OW TO CLMIH CONSUMPTION". run l''HY op 1)11, Sl'H F.XC'K'fl qhuat mkdh ineh. win nennle never lenrn to know that n diseased liver andAtnmach nee twnrlly disease tho entire sytdem? The plainest 1'rlnclplcsi of common pcimo teach lliH. and yet Iheronru hundrcdn who rldleulo the Men, nnd continue In tho eourso which almost Inovltably brings them prematurely to tho crave. Living m the majority of people tlo, nt eompleto vnrl unco, with tho laws of nature, It must ho appar ent to nil that, sooner or Inter, nnturo wilt re ventre herself, llonco wo find that persons who lndulco to excess In Iho uso of very rich or Indi gestible food or Intoxicating drink. Invariably pnyn heavy peualty In tho end. Tho stomach becomes disordered nnd refuses to net: tho liver falls to perform Its functions, dyspepsia nnd Its attendant ovlls follow, and still tho sutlerlng In dividuals persist Iu clinging to tho thoroughly ex ploded Ideas of tho past. lir. KCIIENCK'S med icines nro recommended to all such. They b-lng sure nndeerliiln relief wherever Ihey aro used ns dim ted, nnd nil that Is necessary to establish their reputation with every ailing man or wo man In tho land Is a fair nnd Impartial trial of them. Let thoso who are skeptical on this point, and who havo permitted Interested persons to prejudice them ngalnst theso now celebrated remedies lor Consumption, discard their preju dices, nnd bo governed by tho principles of rea son nnd common sense. If tho system Is dlsor dcd depend upon It, Iu nlno cases out often the sent of the clsordcr will bo found In tho stomach nnd liver. Toelennso and invigorate tho stomach nnd tosttmulatothollrer to healthy Action, use BCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE F-ILLS.-Tho dally Increasing demand for theso pills Is tho best evi dence of their value, 'thousands upon thousands of boxes nro sold dally. Why? simply because they net promptly nnd efficiently. 1 nvallds who may not find. It convenient to cnll on Doctor BIUIENCK. In person nro informed that fullnud complete directions lor uso accompany each package of tho ma NintAi.-r. nrr.r.q pitr.MOUlo HYltUP AND SEAWEED TONIU Theso medicines will euro consumption unless the lungN nro so far gone Hint the patient is entirely beyond tho reach of medical roller. It may bo nsked by thoso who nro not familiar with tho virtues of theso creat remedies, "llow do nr. bClIENUK'S medicines effect tholr won derful cures of consumption?" Tho nnswer is n slmi n o one. They begin tneir no work ot restoration by bringing tlfo btomactt liver nud bowels into nn nclivo wealthy condl- tlnn. Ills food that cures tins formidable dls. enso. hUIll'iLlv'H jMAINllUAlvri riuun nciuu tho liver und stomach, promoting secretion, and rnmiivlMir thn lilln nnil Klhnn which have result ed fiom tholnnctUoor torpid condition of thoso organs, and of tho system generally. This slHg glsh stnto of tho body, and tho consequent ac cumulation of the unhealthy substances named prevent ino proper ingestion oi iuou, unu, a natural cousequence, creates disease, wnlch re sults In prostration nnd Dually In death. HUIIECKS rUL,JlU,lU IHIlur null WEED TON 10, when taken regularly, mlnglo with tho food, aid luu digestive organs, mako good rich blood, nud as a natural consequence, glvoileshnnd strength to tho patient. Lot the faculty say what It may. this Is tho only true euro for consumption. Experience has proved It beyond tho shadow of a doubt, nnd thousands nro to-day nlivo nnd well who n few years since wcro regarded ns hopeless cafes, but who weie Induced to try Dr. HUIIENCK'H remedies, nnd wero restored to permanent health by their uso Ono of the tlrst steps tho physician should tako with a consumptive patient Is to Invigorate tho sj-stem. Now how Is this to bo done? Certainly not by giving medicines that exhaust and ener vate medicines that Impair Instead of Improve the functions of the digestive organs. Doctor fcSCHENCK'S medicines cleanse thestomach nnd bowels of nil Bubstances which al o calculated to Irritate or weaken them. They create an nppo tlte promote healthful digestion make good blood, nnd, us a consequence, they invigorate nnd strengthen tho cntlro system, and more es pecially thoso parts which uro diseased. If this cannot bo done, then tho easo must bo regarded ns a hopeless one. . , If tho physician finds it Impossible to makon I'ATIekt ki.i:i, nuxaitv, if the dUeased person cannot parlnko of good nourishing lood nnd properlv is impossible that ho can gala In ilcsh nnd btrength ; nud It Is equally Im possible to bring a patient to this condition so long as tho liver is burdened with diseased bile, and tho stomach laden with unhealthy slime. Almost the first request mado to the physician by n consumptive patient Is that he will pre-' serlbo medicines that will remove or allay the cough, night sweals nnd chills, which nro the sure utlendantH on consumption. But this of naturo to relievo Itself, nnii tho night sweats nud chills aro caused by 1 he diseased Jungs. Tho remedies ordinarily prescribed tlo moio harm than good. Thoy impair tho functions of the stomach, Impede healthy digestion, nnd aggra vate rather than cure Iho disease. Them Is. nftciN nil. nothing liko facts Willi which to substantiate n posltlou, nud It is upon lacia mat. or, rsuiirjiMji. leiies, iuuny uii wnu have taken his medicine In accordance with his directions hnvo not only been cured of consump tion, but, from tho fact that these medicines act with wonderful power upon tho digestive organs patients thus cured speedily gain licit. Cleans ing Iho system oi all Impurities, they lay the foundation for u knlld, kiibstaulhil fctjuclniti Hlstorlng Iheso organs to health, they create an appetite. The lood is properly asslhillated;'lhe quantity of blood is not only Increased, but Is mado rich and strong aud in tlio faeo ol such a condition ot ine system an uiscaso iqusl uo una- ished. ... Full directions nccompany eacnoi mo meoi clnes, so that It Is not absolutely necessary that patleiltH should seo Dr. bClIKN'CK personally, un less they desire to have their lungs examined. For this purnoso he Is at his principal olllce. No. 15 North Hlxth St., corner ol Commerce, l'liila- IIUlll j KM. Advlco Is elven without charge, but for n thorough examination, with tho Itesplrometer the charge is $). l'rlco of tho Pulmonic fivrun and Kcnweed Tonlo each, S1.6U per bottle, or 87.50 a half dozen. Mandrake rills scents a box, f or Baiouy au druggists. nprx'70-ly. AT VWJ Hook. Agents sell 100 per week. Trice 1 h IT S3- Address L. fcTEIllilNH. Hartford.Ct. $25 A DAY 140 new articles for Agents. Bamplcsrcc. A. II. HIIAW, Alfred, Me. SALISSMKN.-Scnd for Circular, a tlrst class business and steady employment, II, F, 110 WE, 37 Arch Street, Philadelphia, I'a. Mendvllle Theological School. Unitarian ; cducnteiMliilsters;8I(i0ayiartopoorhtHdents ;lns Aug. IV, Apply to At A . Lhcmwrc Mead vlile, I'a. Cl'lllOL'S, HOW STHANGEt-ThO OTamcd Ladiea J'rivate ibmiianloti coutalus the desired information, bent iree for stamn. Address J1KS. II. METZUFlt, llanoyer, I'a, WE AVILI, PAY AOISM'S n salary of S33 ncr week or allow u larco commission lo sell our new Inventions. Addiess J, W. FU1NK & CO., Marshall, Mich. UANTED, AlinslS.-SIU Watch Iree,glven " " uratls to overv llvo mini who will net us our Agent. Business light and honorable; pays 8J0 per day. Address HMonroe Kennedy &Vo. 1'lttsburg, BOOK AGENTS 1VANTED.--'iartIcl olie White Jlouiet" No opposition, btoul engrav ings. Itapld Hales. For circulars, address u. H. runMSHiNa Co., N. Y Cincinnati and Chicago. SALES Wnnted In ft paying business, H. Kennedv, IU Chlstuut St. l'lllladelphla. DSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION Oil SOUL 1 CJ1AHMING. JCOpaees; cloth. Thlswouder lul book has lull lnstrucLlous to euablo tho read er to fascinate either sex, or any animal, ut will. .iiusuienaui, rcpjriiuuiiBiu, uuu iiuuureus Ol oili er curious experiments. It can bo obtained by sending address, with 10 cents postage, to T. W. EVANS & CO.,No. 11 Bo. Eightnst.,l,hlladelphla. STAR Sl'ANQLED IJANNltU. A largo 10 column paper, Ledger site. Illustrated. Devo ted to Sketches, l'ootiy. Wit, llumor,enu(nefun Noflsense (of n seuslblo kind), and totho expo sure of Swindling, Humbugs, ac, Only 75 cla. a yenr, nnd n superb .engraving -"Evangeline." i i-ixj ieet,prHi,aJ,ouu uirculatiou.' Joneure fundettlo all u ho atk it, 1 1 Is wide-awake, fearless. uuimm, iryibunw, a cis,uyear. epeeimens Auuress "jiANNiiii," liinbdale, N. H. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to takeout Letters Tat eiit aroutlvlsed to counsel with MUNNit CO..ed Horn of the tii'lentlfla Amtrtean.wlia linvo nrnvn. euled claims before the Patent ollleo lor over Twenty Years. Their American nnd European l'ntent Agency Is the most extenslvo in the world, charges less than any other lellablu agency, a lmmpniet containing lull lustruc. lions tu inventors Is sent gratis. MUNN & CO., 37 Park ltow, New York, QNE MILINACUE3 CHOI OE IOWA LANDB 1' or sale, nt 13 per acre, and upwards, for cash, orou eiedll, by tho Iowa Uaii.uoai Land Co. Itallroads already built through Iho Lands, nnd on nil sides of them. Oieat inducement to set tlers. Hcutt for our freo I'amithlel. UpIvck nrl. ees, terms, location; tells who should eoino west, w hat they should bring, what It will cost : gives plans nud elevations ot IS different styles of ready-made houses, which tho Company furnish utfrom iVMoesou ready to set up. Mapssciit W. W. WALK'Elt, Vice Pititdnd. Cf.iiau HAj-iDs, lowa. A model House. -t.. uriiig a crippie,j na o inaue house planning a special study, one built last season has proved n model of conviulence, beauty and economy, Descriptive cliculars of PlansViews, elo., with general Information of value lo all, sent free. ""'v?-. i"i' vr fccnut ii convenient (lEO.J.COLUY, , Architect, Wnlerbury, Vermonl S3. EMPLOYMENT. $10, IIUNDIIEDS OFAOENTH mako from J5 lo 110 lil'M uuj,iu nv.uufe mir i'aik.-nt f.XTKNSION Heki. and HWirrs, combined, Used In every iiimiiy lor winuiug iurn, nuus, worsted, ,lc. Winds full sized skein, nnd neighs less than ono pound, AGENTS WANTED. For terms Ac, ud dress A. L. BTA1IKE & CO, Auburn, N, V. JO N EW DlSCOVEUYilJ It has long been known that tlm old eatnlill.h. ed and well stocked PmtNiTUitK A Bedding) w AiiEiiooiis or ji. n. ituwia, fa., nro tho cheap est in. the city. Hols now selling Pa uloii suits In l'Ll'SH, llAIB CLOTH, ItElW orTEWlY. WAL- dt C'liAuutu Suits lii Oil, or Vaiinisii; Cot- TAOE FlIKNITDllE, all Styles; BUDDIKQ AND MAmiESbEU, various sizes, cheaper than auction prices. Come and see, and be convinced. You Will Save motley bv ulvlni? US n rail lu turn Mir. chasing olsewhere. If. 11. T.KWIH Hu 1131 UAKKKT STREET, MIILADELI'IIIA, Next door to ror, of FiUcculh bt, aptlTO-Sm. Stoves and Tinware EW STOVE AND. TIN SHOP. 1SA1AU JIAQENUUCII, Main Street ono door nboro E. Mendcnhall'a Bturo. A largo assortment of Stoves, Heaters nnd Rangos constantly on hand, and for salo at tho lowest rates. Tinning In nil Its branches carefullynltendcd to, nnd satisfaction guaranteed, Tin work of all kliuH wholesale and retail, A trial Is requested. Apr.0,14 if QTOVttl AND TINWAHE. A. M, KUPEUT announces tn his friends nnd customers that conlltiucs tlio abovo business at his old place on main arrnsCT, BLooMsmmo, Customers can bo ncvomodatcrt with EANOY BTOVEH of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware nnd ovcry va riety of article found In n Btovo and Tinware Es tablishment Iu tlio cities, nnd on tho most reason able terms. Ecpalrlngdonoattboshortcstnotlce. SB DOZEN MILK-1'ANS on haud for sale. NE EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. O.N MAIN BTlinET, NKART.Y OPl'OatTB MILLEll' 8TU11K, ui.oosisnuita, penn'a. Tub undersigned has Jnst fitted up and opened his now STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n this place, where ho la prepnrod to mako up newTis Waiib of nil kinds In his line, nnd do repairing with neatness nnd dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms, lie also keeps on hand STOVES 01' VAUIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which ho will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. Ulvohlmacnll. lie Is n goud mechanic, aud deserving of tho publio patronage. JACOB METZ. Dloomsburg, April 23, 1887. Foundries. gllAUPLESS & IIAItMAN, EAOLK rOU.N'DKV AND JI ASUKACTUrilNd SHOT. STOVES & TLOWS WHOLESALE & RETAIL TJIE CELEnrtATKD JIONTitOSE IKON SCAM AND THE 1IUTT0N WOODEN I1EAM FLOWS. Castings and l'lro Brick for repairing city Stoves. All kinds of Drass or Iron casting mado to order upon short notice 11. F. Si lATtrl.ESS Sl 1. S. HATtMAN. llloomsburg. l'n. l'ronrletors. Mar.M.'li'J-tr. QTtANG EVILLE TOITNDllY, MACHINE SHOP AND AUUICULTUHAL wuitica. Tho undersigned desires to Inform his friends nud tho pubtlo generally, that ho has rebuilt nnd otitnnrcd his Foundry and Machine Shon. and re moved nil his business from Light Street to tho abovo named place, where In connection with ms jt ouuury no win continue to manumciuro Wheeler's Itatlway Chain Horse-Power nnd Thresher, (Improved), Carncll s Patent. THRESHER. AND CLEANEU, cither overshot for Tread-rower or undershot with Lover-Power. He also manufactures to order and ms up all kinds of MILL GEAKINQ, Circular Raw Mandrel. Talent Slides for Raw Mills, Iho latest Improved lion Ileum IMowb ol dlllcrcnt kinds Wooden Beam riows. Double Corn I'lows, nnd Plow Points of every descrip tion generally uheu iuruuguuui luu cuumy, IUON KETTLES, BELL3 Cellar Orates, Rtoves.Sled nnd Sleigh Soles, nnd in fact evervthiiac ceucrallv made in a country Foundry. Thobo wishing to purchase Machines would do well to examine hts machines, nnd Iho Improvements made on the power, by which nt least u per ccm, oi mo inciion is inueo on, ALL MA CI I IKES AUE AVAHU ANTED to give good satisfaction, nnd terms made to suit nurcuasers, au uinus ci ccuniry produce taueu In exchange for Plows and castings. Thanklul to his friends and patrons for pant favors he would hllll continue to sollclttho same. WILLIAM SUllUYIil'.H. Apr.0,C9-tf Orangevlllo I'a. Insurance Agencies. Q Ti O J5 K M UTUA Ii IiIFR INSURANCE COMPANY o p NEW YORK. Pliny Kivemau, Preuldcnt, H. C I-'reemnn, Uco I'ualt mpltnl ovit ffJ,wrf., nil pafd. r. 15, JlOmSON.BLOOlMBliUllG.J'A OENEIIAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming nnd Columbia couutles. Aug. 20,'OJ-ly. JNSUJtANOJE AGENCY. Wyoming $170,000 iEtna 1,000,00c Fulton SOd.OOO North America - 300,000 City 450,000 International 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnam 630,000 Merchants 830,000 Springfield .'. 670,000 Farmers' Danville '. 600,000 Albany City 400.000 Lancaster City 2f0,000 York Horse, Death t Theft...... 65,000 Home, Now Haven 1,000,000 Danville, Horso Theft TREAS BROWN, Apent, IlLOOMSBDRQ, FA inarS.CO-ly. . JpiRST NATIONAL WIIITK LEAD, 11 EST, PUREST, AND CHEAPEST I SATISFACTION CiUAliANTEED I For Whiteness, Durablllty.andBrllllan. ev. It has no eoual. Hold by nil dealers Iu Valuta throughout me eouuiry BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, succrwioits to T. MORRIS TEltOT &. CO. Bole Proprietor, Philadelphia, I'a., Dialers In all kinds or DRUGS, OILS, FAINTS, GLASS, UYESTUFFS, AC., AC. Caution. Owing to tho popularity ol our "First Nntloual Whlto Lead," other parties havo been Induced lo oiler n. sou. ilous article ULder the bamo name, Thero foro llewaie of Couuturlelts. Tho eenu Ine Is put up In extra heavy tin paint 1uii, wiMi'iuicm jueuiiiiu wire nauuies, and the name of BARKER, JIOORE & MEIN, On ench label, For sale by JIOVElt llltOTIIERS, inarij'70-ly, Ulouuibburg. This is NO PATENT MEDICINE IIU.MUUG. gotten up to dupe Iho Ignorant and credulous nor Is It rciircsented as being "ccuioscd of raro and precious bubMnucis brought liom the four corners of tho earth, carried seven limes neioss ,mm i wniui nauuruiion ine oaeus or four teen uiniels, and brought across tho Atlantic Ocean on two Ships." It is n ample, mild, taith Inu Jlemedu.ei vercel Specific for CATAniiiiund 'Coi.ii in HIKllEAii,"ii)sufor qili'iiklvo llreath Loss or Impairment of the Kerne ofHmell.Tusto or hearing, Wuterlng or Weak Eyes.l'aln or l'rcskiiro In the Head, when they all not nufi eiiuentlyare, by the violence of Catarrh. 1 oiler. In good lallli, a standing Reward of taxi or n rase of Catarrh that 1 cannot cuie. for hale iiy mosi iniraaiTH every. Fjuce Only 60 Cent). .Sent by mull, post paid, on reeelnt ofHixTv taw r ,"u:1",Sl'', f"f ! oo or l Djien iur Send n two cent stamp ror Dr. Sago's pamphlet on Catarrh. Addicss tlio Pronrlutor, 1 If V 1,1 It'llfl r i nayl5'70-tf, tllUiKALO,'N,'V, ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. " "f ii rfiVfriSJ?7V 8T-t 'III'-ADELrlllA. Receiving lor the Spring Trade a large slocS tho New Styles of J A Rl'WTIWnd purchased at the lowest Gold Rales, and will be bold at n great reduction from last beason's prices. ENULfsII URUSSLLHnt 11.60. and all' other inana'70-Sm, 32 Arch Ht, Philadelphia. A LL KINDS OP JOB PRINTING noatlv executed at Tjr r f Vit ttu it, . xi st.,n. PriuUng Offloe. lriTwwm l lliiiiliMlllTrr,l jff'Mij 310,000 GUARANTEE, B UCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTIJ.EU LEAD I 1st, For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d, Kor Its Unequalled Durability, Hd. For Its Unsurpassed covering Property. Lastly ror Its Economy. Wit COSTS LESS to paint Willi Hunt Lead than any other Whlto ),ond extant, The snmo weight covers MOM'. SlIIlKAOEMsmoro DUit Allf.K, and makes WllITElt WollK. ntJCK LEAD, Is Iho Cheapest and lies!. tlll.lKlO UUAHAnTEE, BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. Int. Forlla Unequalled Durability, 2d. For ltft Unrlvalcil 'WhlteiieRi, nd. For Us llnsurpaHsed Covering Iroierly. I,astly, for Its Great Economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, and moil DURABLE Whlte-Falut Iu tho world, II V Y ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZING: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SutUfactton Guaranteed by the Manufacturers BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, rrcparcd expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT UUILDIN OS of every descrlr COTTAGES. OUT UUILDIN OS of every descrlp lion, FENcr.H, Ac. THIRTY-FIVE DIFFER ENT COLOItS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, and IK El lleautlful shades. Sample cauls sent by Mall If desired. Dealers' Orders will bo promptly executed by me juumijuciuieis, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth nnd Market Streets, Jan2S'70-ly, Philadelphia QMNIBUS LINE. The undersigned would resictfiilly announce to tho citizens of Bloomsbnrg and tho publlo gene rally tha ho Is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this place and tho different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), toconncctwlththo several trains going South and West on the Cain wlssa aud WMIamsport Railroad, and with those going North and Bouillon tho Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad. Ills Oinnlbusscs nre in good condition, coninio dtous nnd comfortable, nnd charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or sco their friends do part, can be accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB L GIUTON, Proprietor. J A U G II ' S HAW I10NI1 SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME, 0c,nE MARK SPRING 1870. FARMERS! INCREASE YOUR CllOr OF CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT AND GRASS, As well as ADD TO THE FERTILITY OF YOUR SOIL By a Judicious and Economical mode of MANURING. GET THE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE FIRST SEASON. OBTAIN BETTER FILLED EARS AND HEAVIER GRAIN. KEEP YOUR SOIL FREE FROM NOXIOUS WEEDS. MAKE YOUR LANDS PERMANENTLY 1'ERTILE. Over SIXTEEN years or constant use, on all crops, has proven that Baugh's Raw Bone Phos phate may bo depended upon by Farmers. HiailLY IMPROVED AND STANDARD WARRANTED. For balo by Agricultural Dealers generally. BAUGII cc SUAS, Manufacturers. Olllce No. 20 S. Delaware Avenuo, Philadelphia, marl8'70-Cm. -yilY WILL YOU i RUIN YOUR EYESIGHT Y CSINa COMMON CILASSF-S, When you a purchaso LAKAllUS it M O It It I ti' CELEURATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. They nro recommended by the Faculty for l ui'lty or Material, Brilliancy or Finish, and ... . uu" -reserving i-owcrs, in which they excel all others. They last many years without change. They can only be obtained In RLOOMSBURCt PA., Of Miss A. D. WEBB, BOOK STORE. MAIN STREET. Role appointed Agcntror this place. No Peddlers LAZARUS & MORRIS ,o.. Manufacturing Opticians, marl8.70-ly. Hartlord.Conn Tho Living Machine Tntnrn llin mnln inrlnnfl mtinh .1 portion ol tho works becomes disordered. The uuiuuu biumacu is io mo uuman&ysiem wual that clastic pleco or metal Is to a chronometer. It Influences tho action or tho other organs, nnd controls, to a certain extent, Iho wliolo living machine Tho comparison may bo carried fur ther: for ns thn TrrnltiManr nthn. ImnA.rnlnn. or the main pprlng is indicated on tho face of tho n juepieee, bo uibo is ine weakness or other dis order of tho stomach betrayed by tho face ol the 1 n valid. The complexion Is sallow or raded, tho ej e mu ucucieni in lusiro and intelligence, and there Is a worn, anxious expresslonin tho whole COUntCnaUCO Which telln n. nlnltilv nu TOr1ffr words eould do, that tho nrtal nourishing organ wuoso omco ii is to minister to tho wants of tho body, and tobustaln and renew all Its parts, Is not performing its duly. It requlrcsienovatlng nnd regulating, nud to accomplish this end llos- IcttCr'H Stomach Ttlttertt Tvifiv lm Irnlir nl.A 7ie one thing needul. Tho broken main spring of nuien may no replaced uy a new ono, but the stomach can only bo repaired and slrengthencd. and this is one of tho objects of tho famous veg etable restorative which for eighteen years has been waging a successful contest with dyspepsia In all climates. As a bpeclflo for indigestion It stands alone. When tho resources of tho phar macopoeia havo been exhausted, without, at best, doing more than mitigating tho complaint, a courso of this wholesome and palatable, yet powerful, stomachic ellicts a pcriect and perma nent euro. In all cases of dytpepsla tho liver Is more or less disordered, and upon this Important gland, os well as upon Iho stomach and bowels the Bitters act with slnsular distinctness, regu latins and tcluvigoratlng overy secretive and assimllatlng'organ on which bodily and menial health depend. rjc3'70-Im rpiIE HYPERION HAIR AN INDISPENSABLE ARTICLE FOR THE LADIES, (IateMed July WAdSW,) Tbla PnrlA,. ta 11, a prrfect Invention ever or tered to tho public. It is easily operated. neat In ap pearance nnd will not In jure the hair, as there Is no heat reoulrcd. nor any metallic substance used to rust or break tho hair. Manufactured only and for bale by tSfeTgflk MCMILLAN & CO. ;?tS. No, 03 North Front Street, Philadelphia, fa. Sold nt Dry Goods, Trimmings nud Notion Stores, N. 11. Single Box f5 rentss 3 Boxes, assorted sizes, 15 els. Matted free to any part of the unit ed Hlaies, upon receiptor thomouey. Je:'I'70-6J;iii. ' POWDER KEGS AND LUMBER, -A. W.M.MONROE A CO.. Rupert, Fa.. Manufacturers ol POWDER KEGS, vml doalersn all kinds of LUMBER, give notice that Ihey are prepared to accoinodat heir cuklom with dispatch, ond on the cheapen crms. TVTORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL- J.1 WAY. On and after June 12th 1870, Trains will NORTHWARD. J.S5 a.m., Dally to Wllllamsiiort, for Elmlra Brfdgefo'a.1 'ralf.!'"' UuUal01 Bu"ul 3M,V' Eajly,(except Sundays) for Elmlra anu llulmlo via Erie Railway fiim Elmlra. por""' UallJrieIccrtfciuuJtty1) for Williams TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 11,15 A.M.Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINOTON AND PHILADELPHIA. H'8?,,1'1 Da"y (except Sunday's) for Baltlmort Washington aud Fnlladelphla. """uu" ED. S. YOUNG. . . .... General l'asbeuger AgciiL AMiuJDlt.FJSKs. Ueu'lHupL, (fffit Dry Goods & Notions. JEW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of SUMMER GOODS. DAVID LOWENBERO Invites' attention to Ills stock of CHEAl' AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. at Ms Moro on Main Street, two doors abovo I ho American House Bloomsburg, l'n., whero ho has Jnst received from New York aud Philadelphia a full assoilmenl of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durnblc, and handsomo DRESS G OOl S. consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-OLOTH COATS AND PANTS, or nil sorts, sUcs and colore, He has also replen ished Ills already largo stock ol FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand a large and well-sc ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, aud In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of it is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ol orery description, fluo nnd cheap, His caseol Jewelry Is not surpasscdjln thlsjplace. Call aud oxamlno his general asbortmcu of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC. DAVID LOWENBERO. c. C. M A R R havo Jnstrccelved from tho eastern markets a largo nnd well selected stock of DRY GOODS, COKHISIISO OP Casshncra, Jeans, Best bleached A Brown .Muslin';, Calicoes, Tlcklngi, Tablo Linens, Cotton it All wool flannels, .tc, Ac, A'good stock or Ladles dress goods, Latest styles & patterns, Spues or nil kinds, Good btock grocciies, tluecnsware, Slono ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin Brass, Ac, AU goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the coun try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods at such prices as will cusuro .satisfaction Nov. 5,'GO-tf IS. C. MARR. jyjILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS. The subscriber haa lust returned from tho cities With another largo and select assortment or TALL AWD WINTER QOODS. purchased In Now York aud Philadelphia lit tho owest ngnre, and which he Is determined to sell on as moderato terms as can bo procured else where In Bloomsburg, His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS or tho choicest styles and latobt rashlons, together with a largo :assortment or Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting or tho following at tides Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, CascJmcrcs, Shawls, Flannels, . Silks, White Goods, Linens, HoopSklrU, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Quccnswaro, Hardware Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, ' Umbrellas, Looklng-Glimsej, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which no Invites tho attention of the puuuo generally. Tho highest price will be paid ior country rroduce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa, c ONFECTIONERY. FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Fox & Webb where he Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AC. BY WHOLESALE OK RETAIL. in short, a full assortment of all roods In his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, A-c. Suitable for tlm Unllilav. nAnt,n.. given to BREAD AND CAKES, ' of all kinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHISTMA8 TOYS, A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1667. ECKIIART JACOBS. jyjrERUIIANDIBE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my friends and' the publlo generally, that all muua ui DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, cVO., are constantly on hand and lor sale AT IIARTON'S OLD STAND BLooMsntma, nv JAMES K. EYEH KfAlst, Bolo Agent forJEms' Phosphate of ime. Large lot constantly on baud. Ifeb8'S7. B UY THE BEST. THE RED LION BRAND, B X, A C IE AXiFAOA Is superior to nil others In color, quality nud price i lo bo found only ut ' luu'"' """ M. P. LUTZ'S Dealer In Dry Goods and Notions. In Brewer's ?rW.bS Jlni! ,"m .' ",0 "ft "ouio, Mali Street, Bloomsburg, I'a. mayl3'70-tf M u S I 0. 'Ilia nn,lAntnn..., . .... .. . . iiiv.iiiv.,;iiVi u "Vum resnccuuiiy inform the citizen; or Bloomsburg and vicinity that he u,ite',,.c.'1 lu ;liel,r n Wt"ror the pure of loU i ?. SSi C"'lpn , a teacher or inuslc. For fvSrv' ?' iean. 10 un bcc" located in Brook kS'iV' tutfontlnuedlll.healthmodoncoun. iKh6"C0 d,"r.ab'f- o will teach bcholirs St moderate rale" claHiu'-w' m prefer, PIANOS TUNED feRafuu,doSlclhOrtU0"Ce- A" ordir" 10111,9 publlo patronage, 1. y. NILEhT IlIoouuajurB.ldayW.lWO-tr ff' '" Dry Goods & Groceries. rj. RAND OPENING IT (111 A Mil nl'P.KINtJ UKAN11 urKNimi GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOOI1H, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of consisting or consisting or DRY GfloilS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATH AND OAFS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTH AND SHOES, H007B AND KIIOKS, BOOTH AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, RKADY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, RKADY-MADK CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIWO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, IiOOKINO-G LASSES, LOOK I N U-G LASS ES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OI1.S, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, U HOC E It I EH, GROCERIES. GROCERIES. tlUEENSWARE, UlIEHNHWARE, UltEENHWAHK, llUEENSWARE, llUEENSWARB HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWAHK, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, SALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, F1T11 FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HKEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, Ac, Ac. AC, AT NEAL NEAL NEAL neXl NEAL jtfcKKLVY, McKELVY, McKELVY McKELVY, McKELVY, Northwest corner ot Northwest corner or Northwest corner or NorthweBt corner or CO.'S, CO.'H, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'H. Main nnd Market Streets, Main and Market Streets, Main and Market Streots, Main nnd Market Street. Northwest corner of Main and Market directs, BLOOMSBURG, FA,, BLOOMSBURG, FA BLOOMSBURG, FA BLOOMSBURG PA., BLOOMSBURG, FA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAIUi, In largo quantities and at reduced rates, nltvay ou uuuu. Miscellaneous. AT E W COAL Y A It D. J.1 The uiKlerblsned respectfully Inform the citizens of liloomsbure nud Columbia county, thai they keen all the dill front numbers offctovo coal nud selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their whnrf, adjoining M'Kelvy. Kealtt vo b Furnace; witn a Kf oa pair or imiiaio scales on the wharf, to weigh coal, hay and Btmw. J.tlccwie a horso and wagon, to deliver coal to those who destro it. Ah they purchase n large amount of coal.they Intend tokeep n superior ar ticle, nnd sell nt tho very lowest prices. I'lease call and examines for yourselves before purchas- AUGUSTUS MAbON. TILE underslcrned will tnkn in ht. X change for Coal nnd Groceries, the following tjuiuin unu iu.1 y iivui, UUIH. l'Oia- toes, Lard, Ham,&houIder,and fcldo meat, Butter, I'gs, Hay, A.c.,at tlio hlgheitt caRh prices, at his .. J.W.IIENDERSIIOT, Bloomsburg Mar. 19,'C9-lj'. I Mo DEST lil THE VrORLD.T tCIKLUH Now York Offlco 27 BEEKMAN ST. dee. 2I,'C0-Cm. H O. IIOWER, ipened a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP. AND Elm RTnrti- at the old stand on MalnStreet, BloomsburEjifew Pf d f tho very latest and best styles over offer v., ,u m.mutu.ui iuiuinuia uouuty, lie can accommodate the iubllcwlthtIiefollowlnSEoods nt tlm lowest, rnlf.u fnn. i... ?V. T f toga boots, men's double and stnglo tan soled kip boots, men's heavy stoca shoes of all ki,i. ,in.,Kr...,., , u , . ul Hu graaes, boy't oinvo T 1 1 11 i i i ' ol a'1 "'nds, men's . - . ....Uu..,i duuv;o,uii;u a. wuinen S, UOVS'B and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid "" MMu.wumeu morocco uairuorals and calf shoes, women's very flne kid buttoned gait- gedamUewed" u peg nwnOof " W aU Ca" atteatlon t0 ul flne assort HATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. , i1 . . 110 new ana Popuioi vurl b Yu,eu caunoiiau to sun all. ITliese B"l8 are offered nt the lowest cash ratet and ,VI, .P . r. . BuiiBiaeiiun, A call Is fpllclfed beforo nurcliaslng elsewhere as It Is tllinnt nnvlh..i,liJ T . K 0 are Ml oe IOnU Dec ti'W' ' """"""y WENT febll'70-ly, JAIILY ItOSR POTATOES, THE GREAT TOPIC OF THE DAY. Tho subscriber ha.i n llmtte,! K,,n,.iv nr Early Rose l'otntn. wtiiei, tinioiii L,.i, . - , hi, iu Wish). Iff in urnpnrn ll.lo nvnnlt..t ....i. . .... low rato of Two Dollars ner bushel. Ho has a . .w ..... ...lvi,m , wiieu.wL iiiu aiso, twenty or tho Best Varieties of STKAWBERIIY, HASPBEHUY, 1IOT-HOUSE AND OUT.DOOH PLANTS. all of which will bokentcm 1mh.i1 n.,i i... In their season, ' PRICE LIST OF EARLY ROSE POTATOES: Per bOUnd. 23 reiltH I Pfr nirV f.nnl.. lillLlinl 1 KTL. 1... 1. i..t...1 v. . ' . ...v.,..v, uM.cj, (Mv, i er uarrei, ,nn..s-a..r ABBOTT, inarl8"Mf. Espy, i'a. AGENTS WANTED FOR ) TrC.pC.ttt.-H- FREE ! jibleJLjyrigs A MASTERLY VERSIFICATION OF THE SUBLIME l'OLTRY OF THE BIBLE. SO pronounced by leading clergymen and lay men of all denominations. Unlersallyudmlrod and highly esteemed both ror IU great Intrlnsle merit andiiuchanlcul ilnlsh. Aboautllul pros, pectus, f loin a new and original design, showing tho different styles of bludlug, etc., tent atuo lutely FREE ta all atcepted as Agents,and a sam. I1b tony when desired, at isper cent, leu than the .ml thn M nfct. l.ltkf.rnl 1'. nr.. l.n.f..n terii. efaddrSs lKu"1" O.F. VENT, Publisher, inaj'dio-tf 8 Barclay at. New York. Sowing Machine .ROVER ,fc BAKER'S -'iiEH. Tliorollowlng aro elclca from 11. testimonial of slmlin, .1.... M toon,,..,. the reason, for tho preference f'n' e,P"fc baker Machines overall oZl' "18 Dov,,1 ' "I 1 1 L-n 1 1. a ri 1 " first place, because Ir r'lalrrMnM,i, Ud still want 11 GroVci ruS'1 r 5, It Is easier to learn flmnnrVr' ?,0'.' 'T llrtVA l.n.l M with me er Hal ; if cat mtisnTct on. f ffinLwil'hffiH Machine Is m i.V.1,1"1' Die OrnviM'H imnio io gei nut or order i ;.,""?"1. nd 1. 1 Baker, dcclded!y."MrV r!rrK.f" Tli o,l l anything could bo iuV. ,i ,S,t"ta. HaidliV i saiisiaciion.--iMrs. uenera UrZ?' " C "I bellovo It i i . .. .nt' eonsidcreil, of nuy tlmt i i1"0 , all in. very slmiiioiiudeiLsiii i,.1 uve kn0 ,f tho ordinary spools i, t;nrucJl ' stitch Is entirely r?l laW0Fr."1, "JS!?ff Brooklyn: ' Spooner. sa "01!(,J dlnin,l,.V."'?.'.tiJ Beecher, "Tho Qrovei-A n.b.. ... . has rendered In every fcstiwt if satisfaction, it combines To mt1 with beautv of eitnuim.S, "y ovu,. that It is n . necessity in evehou uK n'i Governor Genry. liarrih,,r J i : J?U!"-110I1; .X: 'IhavohadthoOrov' . for ten pr twolvo years in cinsiiSi uJ'f'1 nceon,pllshedu,ontii'"e to tho cni re Mitlsfaction of all IfeJ1'! iv.uvu. iivuv. oiepueu it, Tyng --w. garment In "act. Tlie stitch Vnil1 bias seams, when n,,ii c," 1.?01 lt - neiuieriiocs u uraw tlio work."-4 in n? V, lug, 4 East Twenty-fourth BtecllNri w -Wo havo a (Jroer & Biker chine forscven years In constan : .?kll" felling, tucking 'and V"e?yth S5S!te can do. 1 1 Is pi eferred over 1 1 1 ifi hi .llf 1 o f It, durabli'ity of val&SCi&X of stitch, caso of movement, and kimr,!!?.1'' coustructlon."-I.Mrs it n..i blmPBcity , than a Or over i" VJ. .uL'",f i:iKwip.e:c:KAffia lug and Mint; oll.e rvarl," fiff ,' r'S,? f J .A ;.Ti.; . :,.i.Y'. Al '. V construction L D. Sa u bor ii . K t. Tjoii 1 s. m W-jUl i..rn!.'.,".!:ln.B,li?.r2s' f,tv nm i h.1 l, fiit ,i.o n, i, t... .!.. .'inciimcm ti j'nlr. 1 tako great pleasure in rranunXI rl.!nforfamlW";M.iTo!M iituuu nttti,tllliiv JUlll, lift latr..lninUl,.ll..l t . I cxceedinRlv Ullllcult lo ga It out of orJerTil II f , viiiu uv-nu-nau sua Rev. Archibald C. Kosi.'attWcst f hlrtlelh r.-J "HI lUtlil "Tho G rover a Halter Machine lucd uenei.t iv luauKina inai l oucu a-el as tho I ivuis '" in IIIU indium J but 1 would not exchaiiKolt fur the tnoNiexpTI ivu i uvtrr haw oi any oiuer mnut'. iJ1m,l wifoof lrof. Wilson, of lIobartL'ol ope. Tho simplicity of its conhtrurtloal facillly wltli which ltn uso 1h acquired, ihebJ ty, RtrenKth, and elasticity of its fititcutdl iiuU.iuimj n tut muun ui ut lift Vw,a which do not alt Oitovy at onveto anifuhtrm "Jlywifo is delighted wlthherCrotl IJaker Bowing Machine. Hlio prefers the Grl n iiunvt tu iinj uiiivi nnu itiiisuu, Fisher. Vhllmlplnliiu ('nnfctpnri' "Wo havo used one of Grovcri lul ftider it cannot ho excelled. Jtruns tmoo'J win uuvtT uui ui ifjuiir, uim unts itv (l Katlsfrtclton.' Mr. Cdwlu Iluut.MLabi! O'hlcaeo. Thn nrAVfiiniii! ll-iinr Ki.tHn VrtMilnnfl pnny nianulactmo both tho Ula-sllc irtLUtl Ictr Hlltfli fnhfiiod nnrl riff. r tlm nnh! I cholco of tho best machines of both ktcifl mcir chiauiisnmeuu in nil tlie wrgecme)! tnrough agencies lu lu.iny all tovras tbrouA t lift rnitnlrv. Prion r.iuu nm mmn'Ma ct tc in both hlltchcs furnMicil ou apillcattoJ 0 rover d llakcr & M. Co.. Philadelphia. ortl J. A. uoimi rioonubcj June25't;Wy tdi Hardware Be Cutlery. I rpUK NEW IIAKDWAliESTOIl X Nil PLUH LLTKA, I Having enlarged our btoro ltoom ficdl OPENED A NEW BVVriY, directly from the Manufacturers, purchasti caru, ou a uecnuing inui Kei, w e art) rrepi offer tho samo to FAHMKILS, MECHANICS, BUILDEW. anl the rest of Mankind, a general stock, t prising nil tho kinds aud qualities ubually i in ciii'Jiuru waro more, kuuuuie ioiue rtf thn pnmilv nt. titiitcnnlU- Imv ttriCPS. jxii inoso wnu aro uehinouHui puuikuiuk i hi our line can havo Jionev uy luumuiiiu1 Nftw IlnrilwnrA Klnro. rieuso (rivo ua a cm i nnu etarame nor hu Apr. 23.C0-lyr ' Jiloomhburt.fl JACon K. SatiTU, J. K. 1 MtTH & SELTZEIl, Importers and Dealers In Foreign anJDoil HAIU) W A R E, a UN 8. CUTLER Y, it'., NO. 109 N. TninDSTIlEET, AB.CVUlOWBlll piiiriADi:LrniA. Nov. 22, BMf. ARHIAGR SrANUFACTORY n Bloomkburg, 1 ....., nnnTUEB Have on hand and for sale at tlie B" I mtnMrtit Ulo ruten.a OARRIAQES, .lescrlptlon ofWagoWtU aud every I'EAIN ANU .- . M,l tobeina.looflheltJI,Jj;iJ able material a'.i- worlc ,ent out from, V", t wormuun IlblllllCUt .will ho found to .It(f. ii uu uro o IUKIVU iPi-n,-, . I luo ubwrluieut of I ftlbO a U of all thn neweRt nnd most wen Iftla und carefully made aud oi tue ';?'lo.ii!!f.V":!!:0r'ueiVl:l believed W.UUUhdi to nl J isiUll' rated WIiaoNHEWINOMAyVii t 'j lachlnelu the wor d. '" V hi ONK MACIIINU WlTIIOl-T MO"!,),,!, I particulate, uddress iN. t)th uprb'JIMni. BUSINESS OAHDS, Vlsri'INU CARDS, LETTER llii.iii UII.I. HIW. J VWHJ HUM - -va From the Latefct Styles of Tyre fict I D E N T I S T R Y. nt-VTIST, 11. U, JlUHi-". " ,, iectfully offera hla Pr?'f1ff&oSf.HM- adlea and gentlemen of 1 1 h i iw l y. He la prepnied to attend 'ro(l.Bkll lies tllA clulty ous oneiaiioim in . mu ...v.hi iw la provided with the " '"Ton oi 1 J KETll WHICH Will w) i,Vni MCI!" 'TJ silver nnd rubber baso to lop J" J!, m o'I ft8 .' V?.l.!,,d "ifoiStl Court JIouko, eamo prlnclpalaclilS'Sflr'.'ltolJ llakcr to them all, beimiso i,Ilcr1t.heunjJ fj mure clastic. 1 liav,, Cul,,IJi' iniiiB.1! which was done '!S IntSlfJ U.kdilree,.NnVtl'l- NO? ISSiM remswldcluro inWMfSAKI , 1 "K''"'HMra.Tirnryffl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers