Ore 0 Iwiiwliiiiv'gftiiwtt'nt. HOUSE, JJV Editor anil Proprietor. ainatriiA.Tioisr sooo. jnn TniNTiNa UlSJittieii HI. irUBUlumro . 1 UUAAM M wmw-T I STOVES AND TINWAP.E. A I to pert block, Main M. west of .Market, vl-nt3 ' A -nil MKTZ. ilAAlpr In fttnvrft nnil tlnwnrn CLOTHING, etc. e-in I-OWnNIimtO. MorelinntTiillor. Main . imllDla V.Hk.Hl V.ltn. .h.1 Aminl In. DHUGS, CHE3IIOALS, Ac. P. I.Ul'i, Druggist and Apothecary. Main St.. Ulow tlio l'ost OIllcc. vl-nlJ YKH llltOS., Druggists and Apothecaries, Cr S UlUUli 1UU1U Sb. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. .. c . r . ,1,. i MU. In Plnnl.. trn.1.n ... rift llEUNIIAltD. Watch and Clock maker. weiry c., Juninmreewienr wesem. y,j-ih;j f-lTltflATtT. Wnldi nnil P. (wit Mnlinr. Mnr. kt-t street, below Main. vl-n 13 BOOTS AND SHOES. St. BROWN, Hoot and Rhoemnker, Centre . nn .if unit i ma n vdt Ninrn. vi.nu ., 1l..mnnla a, nftt n, tT !V, ft rU M. Vl.i.1 ' 1'KOFESSIONAL. M. ibcvc tlio Court llouso. vliUJ 1VAI. J.lt iibilClh. ruilLl'UII M. IIJBII JIUI, W 1 jtvblcstb. iiioriicyuiijiiw, uuire, u fiuor luKxcliung(jl(lotlc,ut'arllio"KxckiauBO 0. JJAUKLEY, Attorucy-aWnw. OUIce, Sd ! fmirlti KTrhniicn Hinr lc. lirnr t hn MKS(hniiifA H B. McKELV Y. M. D..Hurceon and riirslclan c. Kuni.it. ai. 1). tjurccoii una i'iivnician man's building, Malu strut. v2-n20 R ILIilJSKllY & l'AJNUX UlJUlja. II, I JiltJIAH illllllUtTj tM It FtkUVJf UWI. I AnrjnsHo Kntscunal Ctiuieli. .Main St. Vl-nli I tulldingMalnbticet, , vl-niJ iss A. x. wkiiii. i-aiK-.v uoous. jvotious. itiikK. Dili nuiiiouerv. r.n i.udi'uiiiock. itiuin I is TiK.ititiiTKKiiN. M iiiiiinrv nnti mnnev Uoous. Main si., uuiuw .-viaiaei. vi-uii Main street ueiow amruei. vi-nio .ltll.IA A. A HADE 1IAUKI.EY. Ladles' (.limbs and Dress Pattern.,, suulheast corner HOTELS AND SALOONS. auiiL'A HUUMJJ, uy jouu ieacocK, main ureei. west or liousireei. vi-nu ima lul l I. I., iiv II. Kiniiner. a:uiii " boc Court House. Mn LEAl'OCK, Oyster and Eating saloon, Amcrl- 1U.I11U.1V OC J ALUlt I , V,lllllfCllUUtl JTt iittlk.-t Ji sail (1 ster Knlnnn. urlinlesule and retail. Ex- EUCIIANTS AND GROCERS. C MARR. Ilrv CJoods nnd Notlonfl. fcouth- wcm corner Main und Iron hIh. vl-ul3 2rSF.E9inciIjTi5l dealer ln U03 Qro h L'l i 9 vr v i sjwio. Biiuvo. ut,.. inuti i A. BECK LEY, Boot and Shoe store, IjooIcr JAC0H8, Conlectlouery, groceries etc., Main MENDKNIIALL.OeueralfttockorMtrclian- "V? "u uiiiii-r. rorner oi iiaiu biii'tt uuu liOleale and letull, Excliaugs lllock. vl-ul j r.ltnWVIl llnln... tnA..n llnnl. n .. .1 Ul.nns . . , w u . v.. ' - I J. BROWrn llrv nnmlit Grneerles. etc. cor ner Main st. and Ciuirt House ulley. vl-uO t. UfltTON. flrneeries & ProvlSlOUS. Main K.EYEB, Groceries and-General Merchan dise. Main St.. above West. vl-13 KE1.VY. NKAI, & CO.. ilealers 111 Drv Goods. iN, FL cor.'Maln 'und M'aike't its.' 'vl-n t! II. MILLEK A EON, dealer 111 Diy Goods, Hons, etc'Exchango Uloek, Malnst. ' vl-nti MISCELLANEOUS. W1TM AN. Marble Works, one door below PnKtuolrft. Miiln Street. vl.nei lOOMHUOUG LUMIlEIt CO., manufucturers auueaiers in juinuer 01 unuiuus; 4-iuuiug 1 near tbo railroad. vluiu rnCl1'1?T n..n1r. nli.lU't.lla n tt .1 I'.t nfV ittuuer, Deuiiuwji, imn u'aktr, Bhlve's liloek Miilu Street. vault) l mitlTMIiiriV Ua. 1.11a .-....1. . itn.nb... ItOliniKH llniinrileulerkeconddoor from 'northwcitt corner Alain und lion tUa. vl-nlJ f. 11IDLKMAN. Ajjent for Muuhon's Copper 'Tubular UiintniLu Hod. uvl'J J.THOliNTON, Wall 1'nper, Window fibades , -- vu(f,n( AbUJ'Vl V UlUVtV W.COIipr.T, Vnrnllnrn Itnoma. tin eo htoi V 1 Ick, Malu HLrtct, west of Market bt. vlnU .RqwocKlhoWRphfr.ovtrHobblns -wm oiurv, jhuiubi. i ?IP.niii dcaltrln Meat, Tallow, etc., Cliem. mx A.vitvH-rriM m mniimi nnd cash rr V" '"suranco companies, uruwir i.uiiu-i Si Main street. vl-ulJ ACQll 11l1.'l.,l..C-V.lt A .I, ll.nnv L'.nln.ll Or. der ititat his residence oral Miller A Son's ronieiiv nilcu. nest creen weslelll nrusil Vl-UlS. rn.?-3 CADMAN, CablnctmoUer aud Chair- fr; rooms Mum street bel. Iron. V3-ns . w. HA Ml'I.E i Co., Machinists, l'jist Utooms- JUce, Machlnerv made'sud leliulretl. i II. IllVnT T.1, .1a-1a- ln ..Innn. nrnr.a -..,1 ' ratlodAr.n nVl W rnmiMi: fnr'iillttrit rnnm. vl-nts 1 A 11,,... . jjsi luoomfcDurir.iierwifH roau. vi-nio I , H.i "v'V,,,llul MM,v, ihii lurna, wttivi l 'i ''i'llll, dealr In furniture, trunks, coder " 1IUowiaie,uearthoForUsIlotU. V4-U1S 1 I VOLUME IV ---NO 25. n.'..L.. tj " A E. W. COLEMAN, Merclianl Tailors ana , Uent's furnishing goods. Main Ht next door tho Urlck Hotel. Y1-UI7 n. iir.litUNtl A tinoTIir.ll.Carrientcrs nml . llullders, Main st,, below l'lnc. vl-ni; BOWRIl A IIRtllllNO, dealer In Dry Oonds, Groceries, Lumber and general Merchandise, Main st. vl-nl7 tlRICK llOTKi. and refreshment Bntoon, by 15 ltohrM'lIenrycor.otMalnandriuost.,vi-ni7 DH. O. A.MEOAlta"El.,I,hylclanand8nrKcoiiJ Main St., next door to Good's Hotel, V1-H17 iTtm (iniintun - tn,-.,.i ..... IT H.&C. KEI,ClINi:U.Blacksmlti.,on Milt 11. Street, near Pino. vl-ul7 T t,. I'.DWAKDS, Physician and Huiacon, ! Main 8t., next door to Good's Hotel. vi-n23 TAMES 11. HAltMAN, Cabinet Mnko: and Un. 0 Ucrtalccr. Main SU, bolowl'lue. vl-ufl M. HAltMAN, SmUllo and Harness maker. SCHUYLER A LOW, Iron founiers,.MachlnlstP, and Maimiactuicrs of plows, Mill HI. vl-ul MILES A. W1LI.1AMH APo.,Tanucrsaud Mini, ul.ieturcrs orii-nllicr, Mlllatnes. vMil? SAMUEL Bit AKPL1XB, Maker of thellayhur et Uraln Cradle. Malu Hi. V-'ni. WILLIAM DKI.OXO Bhoemakeruint inuiiur.iu lurerof Ilrlck, M 111 Bt., west of Pine vliHIl Catawissa. D V. DA LLM AN. Merchant Tailor, Second Hi. 1). Ilobblus' llulldlutt. va-nic DR. J. 1C. ItonDINH, Burgeon and rhyslclnu Uecoud Bt., bolow Vain. v2nl GILUEIIT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, Alain Btteet v'J.ul'J J 11. KlSTLEIt, "Cattawlssa House," North , Corner Main und Hccoud Btreets. v2ulb KKILKIt. IllUnuI Baloon. OvKtcrs. and In J J. Cream In Reason MalnHt. v2n!2 M. nUOIlST. dealer in General MorcunmllM? Dry ClooUs, (Jroccrles Ac. vii-nlS QUSQUKHANNA or Brick Hotel. S. Kosteu kl bniuler I'rnnrlctor.noutli-castcorner Alnlnniul Meconil Htrect. x'2iV2 I). RINAUI), dealer In Btovefl and TlnVHre. , Main Htreet. v2n!2 M. 11. AimOTT, Attorney at law, Main KU Light Street. V. OMAN A Co.. Wheelwrights, fli-it door , above School House. vlnltj JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In lioots and Hhoes, vlntO J. r.EISEIt, M. D 8urgcou and Physician. OlUco at Keller's Hotel, V2n27 PETEIt ENT, dealer In Dry Goods Groceries, Flour. Feed. Bait. Klsh. Iron. Nails, etc.. Main Street. vlul5 B. ENT. dealer lu Stoves nnd Tin ware In all Its branches. vlnlO Espy. BP. ItElGIl AltD.A MtO.jdcalcr In Dry Goods, Uroeerles, and general Merchandise. 2nll ESPYBTEAM FLOUHING MILLS, C.S. Fowler, Proprietor. v2nl(l f D. WEltKHEISKIt, Uoot and Shoo Store and posltu tho Steam Mill. vt-'ut rn W. EDOAlt, Susquehanna Planing Mill nnd X' uox iuauuraciory. vuu Buck Horn. MG. A W. II. MIOEMAKEIt, dealers In dry . coods. crocertes arid ucuu-al metcbaudUe. First storo iu south end of town. 2.niy Business Cards. jyj U. L'VELLE, AT-lUJtM.V AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylkill County Pa. c. W. MILLER, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, nilLiaPAHFt irimu.i ' A 1lnf Itnlnit, II... ...(it m an OlUcc. Houut.es. Hack-ray ami Pension collected. IJloGiiisbuig l'u. neiVJO'ttf j JOBEUT V. CLARK, AT liAW, OUIce Main Htreet below tbo Cuuit Hoiue. omce iiamMireet jjioomsDurir i-enn a. g II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oillce Courl-Houso Allev. below the Cnl.UM iiia.n onice, Dlooinsburg Pu, c. IJ. I1R0CICWAY, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, UI.OOUHUU.1U, 1A. 3-OS'S'ICK Court llfiuso Allev. In Ihe. Co lumiiian building. Jnul,'07. 17 J. THORNTON Jm would onnounca In tlio ell IxoiiRof I) loom H- burt; and vicinity, that ho lias Jutl rtcelvcU u full "WALL rAl'UR, WINDOW BHADHH, pixtuues, conns, tabei,s, nnd fill other coodn lu hlu Huo of biisiiicKS. All I tbo newest und mobt uppioved patterns of the uuynni iiitfuj s iu uu iuuiiu iu tun efciuuiunmcui, mur.o, iuaiu au ueiow AiarKCii B. I'URSEL, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer In CARPET-DAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, nUfPALO MODES, IIOUSU-ULANKETH At'., which ho feels confident he can sell at lower rate man any oilier person lu tlio county, Kx amine for Yourselves. uon iniru uoor oeiow tlio court-House, Main a.ivvv, uiuuiu.uuig, 4 ti. UUV, 10, 0, DIMPLES. The uudersluned will cbeerfullv mail f free) to or piepniincmul tulutf u fcimplo and Beautilul viuemojo nuiin, mai win linuieuiuieiy itinnvi T,. .. l'rrIllrlro nimnlna II1nt..l,.u r. . 1 rt t I ..inn. tloutt nnd Impurities of theblcliUenvlugthoMime 1I will also fctiul (KiiKEi lDktructlons for rio dLieinir.bv vervt.1 iimlo incaiiK.a luxuriant urowtli of Itiur ouabuidlicud or feinootlt fncelulebs tliau thirty iiuys Jrom nut application. Tlio abuvut-unboolitalucd by tettuii mull by i . . i.us dim. ivo uruuuwuy, ocw 1 Uttl, Aug. 0UMy. milE SUI3SOIUBEII IlKUEUY j. 1'ivcs notice iiiaiiiuituu continues mo MANUl'ACrUHK OK AVIIKELKR'S PATENT RAILWAY ....., iTrtncn i)nArrT)C CIIAI1S HORSE POwLRo, iiiul In itenln tn the field for tho Harvest of 17 and Is prtiarid to lurntsh l'uruiers Willi the most icuauiu .uiii'iiiutii oiieri.u iu mv juunv I also Lnlld DOUDLlVGEAItED JACKS, to at fnett tn tha mil of a fuur.liorHQ Lever Puwcr.to attach my '1 hrcshers to. 'Ihrco horses will do 1110 SUI11U UJUUUIIl HI iiiit-Biiiiii. Willi iiiinui lui'b int'Ut,thal lour will Willi auy oiuer iiiresuer. I nmiilsn ..unit to sell WHEELER'S COM D1NL1J Tiiiirjsiii'.iinnu vinrtu tiw. l-nr further naviculars or for the rurnoso oidirlug niaililuis, uddiets J,M,HULS1U.ER, JelO'7C-lm Light litrict, Col. Co., Pu, Cine Till-: VOLSOM 1MPROVI 0lJMTu..tv.l.lv.t llfillar Fomllv heull) Machlue. Tho cheapest First Class Machine lu thoMaiket, inn(iiiinfil til riiTi Stun. Liberal commission auoweu. I dr terms uuu eiieumr.uu dress, A. H. Hamilton, Gen, Agent. No. 700 Chest HUl 3U, S UllU.. t U. lt, , He Philadelphia Directory. ?AGLE HOTEIi. asJT Noiitii Tnntn Btbert, II. 1). CUMMINGS, 1'noritiEToa. "TOSTADLISIIED 1703. JOItDAN A BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, and Dealers lu BAI.TPHTRE AND BRIMSTONE. No 219 North Third Bt. Philadelphia. c. it, iioiixe. vr. s. xixa. j, n, 8r.riit.itT. TOUNE. KINO & SEYBEHT. XX . No. 121 Mniltct Street rniliADEI.l'HIA. Orders tilled promptly tit lowest price. January 3, ISM. J W. RANK'S WIIUIiKMAIiKTUHAll IJ, MUI I', AND CKIAll WAREHOUSE, IMNorlhThlldSticct, Ilctween Cherry nnd Hiiro, west side, Philadelphia. ?UANK A STRETCH, (Successors to 1. II. Waller,) Iuiporteiu aud Dealeis lu tlUEENSWAllE, CHINA, AND GLASS, No. 231 N. Third Street, Hetueen Race and Vino Sts. Pntr.Atir.i.i'iilA. &K.nHT,!it,T.i. ) Oeu'l Piirlners. I. H. Wai.teii. Special Paitner. e21';0-tl. M. KEPHEART, . WITH RARNES, I5RO. A IUCRRON, HATS, CAPS, STRAW OOODS A PURS, No. m Market Street, (Abovo Firth,) PitiLADnLniiA. OITN STROUP A CO., Successors to Stroup A Erothcr, W1IOLESALK DE.VLERS IN FISH. o. 21 North Wharves nnd 25 North Third St Hilladolphla. 3ICHAKDS0N L. "W1UOIIT. Jit. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 123 SOUTH SIXTH STItEET. lMIOr.Al)EI.l'HI . oct. 22,'fJ-ly yyiLLIAJI FISHER with THOMAS OA US ON i C. WUOLUALB DEALERS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS A NOTIONS NO. 18 SOHTlt FOUItTH STUEKT Philadelphia. uuo L'OO-Giu AINWRICHT A CO., WHOLESALE GKOCEltS, N. E. Comer Second and Arch Streets, PitlLADKLl'lllA, Dealers in TEAS, SYIlUrS. COFFEE, SUOAIt, MOLASSES mc'E, si'Icks, nr cai:u )orA, ac, ac. a-Ordcrs will receive prompt uttmtlon. may 10,C7.tr. Hotels. 1 O Ii U JIB 1 A II O T E L. II v IlEP.NAltD KTOHNEU. Having lately purchased acd fitted up the eii-iiiiuwu iiouisoii jiuui i iupeuy, ioeaicu J'J.W JJOOltS AliOVn THE COL'IIT HOfSE, n tbosamosldeof tho Mleet. In tho town of llloomsbuit:: and huvlni'obtuluid u license lor l lie same ns ii HOTEL AND REbTARANT, tho Pmpilttor hasdctcrmlned to glvololhe'peiji plu t Isltlugthe town on business or plcasute. A LITTLE MORE ROOM. IIIsstablllluulMilscMtuslve.niid indited un to put bugglis and rairluges In Ihe dry. He nrumises una ceil tlil!U uloul liw cstulilNti. ment shnll bo conducted lu an order I v and law. ful manner: and he lesncelliillv solieliK a shnm ui me puunc paironage, Ituyu Ut-lt T HK ESPY HOTEL. ICSPY, COI.UMI1IA COUNTY. PA. The uuderbicued would Inform tbe truvelllnc public, that he lion taken the above named eslab- insnmeni nna inorougiiiy lemtea tho name for the perfect convenience of lilsKUCxtn. Ills larder will bo stocked ullh tho best tho murket nlfiirdti. The choicest liquors, w lues and clyarsulwaya to WILLIAM I'l'TTl'IT. Apr.23,0U-tf Kspy, l'i IUUUU IU 1I1S UUlt gHICK HOTEL, OHANOKV1LLI', CUMJM1UA COUM V, VA. ItOIIlt SPIIENltY, inoprlelor. This well known Home. Iiavlnir been unt ln thorough repair, 1h now open to tbo ttuvelUng public. Tho bur U fetoeked with tho eliolcebt Kiuors-andcipars.nnatho taulo ulll be, at all lines. Nunnl led with the delicacies of tho reason. No pains will be pored to Injure the comlortof uraugevuie, uec. iu. iy-u, JP O It IC S HO T E Ii, ULOOMSBUKU, COLUMUIA COUNTY, 1A, Tho nndorfilDtifd linu taken thin well known nml lniu rmt it. In ihnrminh rennir with eutlrelv to tho comfort and convenience of guests. Tho elcaiB. T, III'. NT. TAVIAjH bar always biipmicu wmi ino 01 unoorKnnu luarn Tu-sim. Moxroun house uuiu:ut, ia. WILLIAM DUILUU, I'roprlctor, ThtH HouiSG hnvlnirbeen mitln tliorouuh lerrnlr Iti now open Itr tho rcciptlou of gueMs, No mi ns win uo tpureu io i'iiiuru me puritxi- cujii ortof tho traelerii. Toe l'ronrletor solicltH a share of nubllo tintroiinup. Tho bar will bo blocked nl all times w llh lino liijuors aud cigars, iiiurii iwii. B ENTON HOTEL. W. P. 1'IATT, IroirIctor, DENTON, COI.UM11IA COUNTY, PA, Thli well known lloiie lmvlni? been nut 1 thorouuli reiialr in now onen lor tbo recentlouo visitors. No pallia linvo been bpnredtoenburu tho perfect comfort of eueMs, Tho projirietor uiuiiiuBDui,'o j.uiu iiiu Jiotei io iuonjiibuurj; and InterruedlatepolulH on Tuwidny, Thurbday AOUNTS WANTED FOR JOXBLEJUYRICS A MASTERLY VPRSIFIOATION OP Till: hUHLIMi: POLTUY UP Till! HIULK. Sfl i.rnumitii'i'il liv 1( mllni elerevitien nnd lnv men or all denominations. Universally admired uud highly esteemed both lor Its great lnti lusle uu rn. n ii liiFeiimtirui iiiiiMt. imiuiiiiii L ill. lectus, irom u new and original desigu, snowing ho dllleient stvlcs of blndluir. etc.. seut u6jo lutcli 1 HUl: to all accepted as Agents.nnd a sam ple copy iheu desired, ut3)jtrcfiif. lets thunute WllOUXALi: J-JIIVK liicluslNo Terrltorj-, auu ino &iosi i.iuerai Terms, t-uriuu particulars, terms, eie., uucuesrt C.P.VKNT.Publlsher, ma) C'TC-lf 3 Ilarcluy Bt. New York u S. CliNSUS. 'I'lin u hdersleiied. 11 iinolnted Assistant Marshals to lake the tiusus lor lt;o, under Iho recent Ait UI l oUKtess, wouiu reiucsv iiiu tunuers, iiiuuie laetiiu ik. uiul iltinns uf Columbia couulv ceil' crslly, to bo picpuiid with lull nml iiocuruto btateiueuls ustu their vailousocatious,audsucli other luutteia lis aro r nulled to be tuumeruted lylow. lly so doing they will save tiieAssisp aue ruursiiuis iiiueu imuuiv, uuu itif-iiv,, .iii1 Until nml niitiiivntiri.. KLISIIA llAYMAN 1 Assistant T. J. MOItlllS, II. H. WKItKlli:iHi:it,l Marshals, llliuiuisliuig, Juuu a, IS7D-3W. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1870. Tho Crow's Children. iiy rmi:nu cAtiv. huntsman, bearing his gun In a Held, Went whistling merrily; When he heard the blackest of nil black crows Call out from n withered tree : You oro going to kill the thievish bird., And I wouiu II I were you i Hut you mustn't touch my family, Wlmtcvcr olso you do I" 'in only going to kill the birds That aro eating up my crops And If your yoiMS ones do such thing., llo sure they'll have to stop." O," said the crow, "my chlldieu Are tho best ones ever born ! Theie Isn't ono among them oil Would steal a grain of corn," Hut how shnll I know which nne they are? Do they resemblo you 7" blriH, 'O no," said tho trow, 'they're Ihe pictlhst And tho whitest that ever Howl" So otr went tho spoilsman, whistling, ,ndorr, ton, went his gun ; nd Us startling echoes never ceased Again tilt the day was done. And theold crow sal untroubled, cawing away In her nook i 'or she said, "He'll never kill my birds. Since I told him how they look." 'Now theie's tho hawk, my neighbor, hhe'U sec what she will see, soon; nd that saucy, whistling blackbird .May have to change his tune!" When, Io I she saw the huuler, Tuning ins homeward track. With a string of ctows as long us his gnu, Hanging down his back, Alack, alack !" said the mother, What lu tho woild have you done? on promised to sparo my pretty birds, Aud you've killed them every one!" Your birds l" suld the puzzled hunter: Why, I found them lu my corn: And besides they arc black aud ugly As auy that ever wero born I" Get out of my sight, you stupid!" Said tho angriest of crows ; How good and fair the children are, There's none but a p.ireut knows I" Ah! I sec, I see," said the hunter. 'Hut not as you do, uulto; t takes a mother to be so bliud Bho can't tell black fiom white I" Jtlversttte Mityttzine, Darling's Going Homo UY DEXTER SMITH. Oh! how fetill thobaby's lying, Aud they whisper "nho in dying 1" Tears and prayers cannot savo her, 8ho imifetgo to 111m whogave her; Those bright eyes ruiiHt closo forever, Tliobo sweet lips must kiss us never; Fold tho wee hands o'er her bosom, And thus fades our llttlo blossom! Wo havo guarded well our treasure; Wo have loved her beyond measure ; Much of earth, yet more of heaven, Sho was only lent, not given; lie, who did a brief time sparo her Prom Ills garden, brighter, fairer, Takes her to Ills realm supernal, That tho bud bear bloom eternal ! rlfliJiCClllUlfOllfi. &RISC:EL.l4l, THE TTJILERIES SPY. Griscclli, a young Coralcan bravo, after duels and cbcapadoes without number, was arrested at Lyons for an enormous peccadillo, anil placed in piison. This scandal brought him to tho CorsIc.an lawyer, Abatucci, who lad him pardoned anil sent to Pari-) as a bully who might bo useful amoiif; tho 'and of Corsicans who wero to bo enp ployed in the then approaching coup (V clul. Employed flrst to spy upon Qeu- oral Morgan, ho subsequently exploded it liourhon conspiracy against tho life of tho princc-prcsident, nnd was pro moted to a kind of personal guardian ship of tho latter, after his assumption of tho empire. His skilful manage ment of an assassination Job in which n corrcupoiidcnt of Mazzini's, named Kclch, sent over with murderous in structions from England, figured as tlio villain is told in tho following sensa tional anecdoto : A few months after tho former adven ture, Count Walewakl, then nmbassa' dor In Loiidou,scntutelcgramin cipher to Napoleon, Informing him tlmta man named Ivelch, In tho pay of Mazzlnl, was going to Paris In order to assassin ato tho Emperor. Tho latter immediately sent for tho prefect of police, communicated tho despatch to him, mid asked for an In telligent, devoted, and euergetlcagont 31. Piotrl remembered his countrymen, and received orders to present him next evening during an Interval be tween tho acts at tho opera. Tho prefect lost no tlmo In Informing Griscclli of his recommendation and tho Emperor's orders. Tho secret agent was delighted, but suddenly ho was seized by a kind of vertigo, such as ho had experienced moro than onco during n duelj and upon tlio prefect's asking him why ho turned so palo, ho could only answer that ho felt thcro would bo blood blicd In tho matter. Tho Cor slcan was as superstitious Iu such things as his master on tho throne. Ho was punctually at tho opera, and after tho first act tho prefect nnd tho agent wero both summoned to tho im perial box. As tho Emperor camo to tho door and passed tho empress, ho asked ono of tho oiliccrs on duty: 'Who Is that with tho prefect?" Ami when ho was told that It was Coral- can, no milieu: "(in, incu, no lias no doubt, n stllotto." Aud all laughed heartily nt the association of Ideas In tho Emperor's mind. Hut thero was moro lu tho words than fiey Imagined. The Emperor beckoned tho two men to follow him on tho tcrraco behind tho box, which Is on n lirolcctod corner of tho building, so that nobody can over hear what is said there; and when thoy wero seated at his command, ho turned toQrlscelll and said : "Orkcelll, I am glad to hear you nro it Corslcun. AU tho men from tlio Island have, from of old, been duvoted to my family. M, Plctrl, who Is very much Iiatcrcstcd In you, has spoken well of you and your Intelligence and energy." "You will need both In tho service Iu which wo wish to employ you. I want you to watch acertalu Kelch,who has coino over from London with crim inal Intentions; you will not loso sight of him for n moment; follow litiu wherover ho goes, nnd nsccrtatn his plans. As soon as you linvo found him out, you will Bhow him to mo, nnd then wait for further orders." Tho ngent had listened lu silence. It was tho first tlmo tho llttlo Corsican goatherd had found himself ln tlio presenco of a crowned head. As booh, howovcr, as tlio Emperor had ceased speaking, ho replied: "Sire, It will bo easy enough to find hlui,nndlf tho prefect will havo tho kindness to lot mu seo tho man's record In tho poMco books,! can find out whero ho used to llvo, how ho looks, and what friends ho may havo in Paris." "Very well," said 31. Plctrl; "I did not think of that." "As to showing him to your 3Iajesty, that I cannot promise." "Why not?" "Uecauso if Kelch. should como near to your 3tajesty befuro I havo hud tlmo to point him out to you, I should cer tainly kill him on tho spot." Tho protect laughed, but Jsnpoloon re mained calm and said nothing. After a pause, ho ordered 31, Pietrl to pay to Oriscelll n thousand francs, and to fur nish him with everything ho might need in tlio execution of his orders. Ho also promised to direct horses nnd n carriage to bo kept ready for him In tho imperial stables, and then Inform rtl him that un tho noxt day ho would rldo out, toward two o'clock, lu the Rols do Roulogne. Thus ended tho first Interview with tho Emperor, wliich subsequent ly led to a slrango kind of Intimacy between tho master and tho servant. At tho end of tho opera, the prefect and tho agent followed tho Emperor to the Tulleries, whero they settled tho money question, and then they went to tho place where tho pollco records of all suspicious characters aro kept. To mask tho proceedings, tho prefect pro tended that it was in contemplation to pardon Kclch, who had been previous ly engaged In n desperato conspiracy When tho chief clerk In the ofilco heard this, ho exclaimed: "Pardon Kclch! Why , ho is the most desperate man I know. When ho was arrested beforo It took fourteen men to carry him to tho guard-house. Ho had to bo hand- cuffed and bound besides. Ho Is it per feet Hercules." The description In tho lists stated that ho was llvo feet soven inches high, of herculean proportIons,a very danger ous man, and living with his brother nt vaugirard. He was known to fro quent a certain houso In thostrect whero tho latter lived, In order to pay his nt tentions to tlio pretty daughter of a restaurant keeper. At six o'clock on tho following morn ing, Griscclli was standing in front of tho restaurant, although it was one of tho coldest days iu December. An hour later, a pretty girl camo clown, called a commissionaire, and gavo him a letter to deliver in person. Not a word was lost, and tho secret agent followed the messenger, who went through tho whole of Paris and did not ttop till ho leached tho villago of 3IenlImoulant. Ho rang" tho bell at a modest looking hotis)1, and a man, Kclch himself, came to tho door, took tho letter and said: ' "Thank you, I iiiu comitig at once. I shall bo there beforo you." His appearance and his deep, power ful voice mado no special impression upon tho agent, who derived, however, great encouragement from tho fact that this happened on it Friday. Imme diately afterwards Kelch came out, took a cab at tho lirst stand and drovo rap idly to tho houso iu Vnugiraid. Gris cclli had followed him closely, and saw how tho wholo family camo running down, embraced Kclch, and took him hastily into tho house. Two hours later, however, tho wholo party camo out onco moro mid went to tho restaurant, whero they enjoyed themselves at tablo, tho young lady being tho soul of tho wholo feast. Griscclli sat iu tho ad joining room,whero ho could hear ovcry word, and eat his modest cutlet. After their lato breakfast they went to a liv ery stablCjWhero Kclch hired a magnifi cent horse, which ho seemed to know at least by Its name, and when ho part ed with his friends, ho raid In tho hear ing of Griscclli: 1 'Napoleon's pollco aro too stupid to find mo out. They think mo fast asleep ln London. I need not go and hhlo myself; I will como and sleep at tho house. Do not bo afraid; I'll como to night." Poor Kclch! ho did not know that his boastful words wero all overheard by ono of Napoleon's polico-agents, who did not intend to loso sight of him, and with whom ho was, cro long, to havo n most unpleasant intervlow. Tho secret agent was all tho moro determined to succeed lu this nflAlr as ho had had another attack of vertigo whllo eating his chops nt tho restaurant, and firmly bellovcd, on this account, that this was n matter of llfo and death for hlmsolf as well as for Kclch. Precisely at two o'clock, Louis Na poleon, accompanied only by two offi cers on duty, appeared on tho public t-quaro, coming from tho Tulleries. Kelch who was then on tho brldgo near tho palace, dashed up nt n full gallop. Thosecrot agent, well mounted Jrom tlio imperial btablcs, was closo behind him, tho head of his horso nearly touch ing tho saddlo of tho assassin, as tho Emperor came, lu his left hand ho had gatheicd tho rolns with his right ho grasped firmly tho stllotto In his bos om. Hut Kclch allowed his lutondcd victim to pass qulotly nnd mado no movement. Ho was not to dio so pub. licly. As soon as tho Emperor had passed tho two men, whom ho recognized per fectly, ho gavo his horso roln ami rodo at full speed to tho great lako In tho Itol.sTto Roulogne. Ho was followed by perhaps thirty persons; but, wishing to rid hlmselt of tho crowd of curious peoplo who btarcd at him everywhere, ho onco moro started nt it tremendous rate, so that hardly any ono could fol low, and rotlred to tho Tulleries. Kelch left him soniotlmo before, and returned to tho houso of his friends. Tho samo sccno was nlmost dally repeated for a JbrtnlL'ht, during which poor Kolch was not permitted to bo ono moment out of sight, Tho secret agent followed htm on foot and on horseback wherever ho went, often dining at tho samo tablo with him, or seated at his sldo at tho theatre; and yet so full was tho unforttt nato man of his own great purposothat ho novcr noticed how ho was watched and followed. The Emperor had repeatedly sent for Griscclli, and ono day, whllo tho latter was making his report tho prefect of tho pollco entered with n loiter lu which Kclch informed Mazzlni that tho Em peror would not survive two days lon ger. Ho Insisted upoii being author ized to nrrest tho would-bo murderer on tho spot; Louis Napoleon had his own plans, and ordered tho secret agent to ask for n particular horso, and to ho on duty nt two o'clock, for tho usual rldo with tho emperor. All the persons interested iu tho con spiracy wero at tho Hanio hour again on tho Plitfo do la Concorde tho Em peror, followed by a Blnglo adjutant, Kelch, In his big top ljoots,wlth n green overcoat, under which ho hail soino thing concealed; and Griscclli, in plain costume. As soon as Kclch pcrcolvod Napoleon, ho galloped up towards him; tho Emperor thereupon started at full Bpeed, and tho secret ngent had only tlmo to whisper to tho Jockeys to keep closo to their mastcr,and then to follow as ho could. When tho parly reachod tho Bols do Boulogne, thero began u regular race at a fearful pace; low walls, hedges, brooks all wero passed, they hardly knew how, aud tho good Pari sians who saw them lly llko a vision, said tho Emperor was cither drunk or mad. Ho was neither ono or tho other; ho was only afraid of his life. After a race of threo hours they returned tho samo way they had come; tho horses wero whito with foam, and tho secret agent understood why ho had been ordered to select a particular horse. When they camo near tho Tulleries, Kelch was forced to remain behind; In splto of all ho could do with tho spnr and whip, his horso was unable to go any further; he was completely broken down. This suggested to Griscclli a bold thought; ho mado n great effort, rodo past tho Emperor, and cried aloud : "Hurrah for tho Napoleons ! Tho as sassin is beaten !" Tho Emperor looked behind h!in,and seeing tho poor wretch In such a bad plight, rodo on slowly, ordering tho agent to follow him to tho palace. When ho entered his rooms, Napoleon still per spiring violently, threw himself into a chair, and then drew from a secret drawer five thousand francs, which he gave to Griscclli with tho words : "Go rest, wo shall want you again Send mo Plctrl." Tho secret nccnt had not rested an hour when waked by tho prefect of po lice, who directed him to como to his houso at midnight. When ho appeared thero ho found, to his surprise, forty men who wero to help htm in arresting Kelch. Alter n long discussion, ho agreed to tako threo of them whom ho carefully picked from tho number, and after having received a written order, explicitly commanding him to bring tho assassin dead or alive, he started on his errand. Thoy went at onco to tho restaurant where Kelch was In tho habit of drop pine; in several times a tiny und order- Itigdlnuerfursix persons. Atsix o'clock precisely, ou n second Friday, a certain 3Iorelli entered, who had just crossed over from London in ortier to neip Kelch. and asked when tho matter was likely to como on. They told him at nlno o'clock; and when tlio clock struck, Kelch arrived. Whllo ho was drinking n glass of absinthe, ono of tho mon was ordered to arrest Jlorclll; and when this was dono quietly in an ad joining room, Griscelll and another offi cer fell upon Kelch. Tlio latter, now over, escaped by a gigantic effort, ran swiftly through tho dining room nnd several chambers, Jumped out or tlio window and fell lnsldo of n llttlo court yard, from which a llttlo door led to the street. If that gate had been open tho wholo work of tho fortnight would ha vo been lost, tho murderer would havo escaped, and Louis Napoleon might not have lived to too his destiny established. Hut Griscclli drewcourago onco moro from his fatalistic belief that Friday brought 111 luck to his victim, and that his two attacks of vertigo fore told tho shedding of blood. Ho follow ed Kelch, who, when ho found that ho co uld not open tho door, and 'that his crlmo was detected, resolved to sell his llfo at tho utmost prlco. Ho roso and cocked his pistol; Gris cclli did tho same, and for a fow seconds tho two men looked at cacli other In si lence; then an explosion was heard.and when tho suioko was cleared otr, Kelch was seen lying on tho stones bathed iu blood. Tho bull entered at tho noso, passed through tho right eye, anil camo out behind tho ear. Ills own ball had merely grazed tho car of Griscelll. At tho noiso, his accomplice, 3Iorelll, camo Into tlio court, and seeing what hail happened, tried to Jump over tlio wall, hut tho secret agent was too quick for hltn. Ho 11 red again, and tho ball hroko 3IorclU's right shoulder, disabling him Instantly. At ten o'clock, tho two emissaries of 3fttzziul wero Iu tho yard of tho profect of police. 31. Plctrl was overjoyed; ho embraced his onergetlc favorite, und then hastened to announce) tho good news at tho Tulleries, whero all tho ministers wero assembled, full of anxi ety on account of this attempt on tho life of tho Emperor. Tho latter sent at onco for Griscelll, and gavo him a gratuity of ten thous and francs; tho minister of pollco add ed a largo sum, and tho Empress prom ised to provldo for his daughter till ho reached tho ago of eighteen at u con vent school which sho had taken undor her special control. All tho court offi cers hastened, as a matter of course, to congratulato tho favorlto of their mas ter on his brilliant success. On tho following day tho secret ngent was summoned to tho cabinet of tho Emperor, anil thero, in tho presonco of COL. DEM. - VOL. XXXIV NO. 18. tholmpcrlal household, he was informed I that from that day It would bo his duty to watch over tho sarety of Louis Napo leon, to nccompany him ovcrywlicro, abroad and at home, except ln the Inte rior of tho palace; and that no ono would bo allowed to approach tho per son of tho Emperor without his having been Informed of tho deslro beforehand. During tho Emperor's travels In tho provinces, tho gens d'armcs and tho po llco wero to bo only under his orders, and all responsibility would rest upon his shoulders. Thus it was that tho poor illiterate boy camo to llvo In Intimacy with tho sovereign of our day, and tho Corsican shepherd becamo tho secret agent of tho Emperor, who employed him in some of tlio gravest affairs aud moH start ling adventures with which UU llfo abounded oven In later years. XVcuialgia. Tho eoi tit hi euro for neuralgia is found injudicious eating and exercise; and not only so, n permanent euro cannot bo effected in any other way, whllo these aro always efficient. In neuralgia tho blood Is always too thick, Impure, and iu excess; and as diet aud exociso combino to remedy these conditions, somo rules In relation to them aro desirable. These will bo adapted to sedentary persons, to those who llvo Indoors generally, as women, students, bookkeepers, and the like. It is rather belter to eat thrico a day, morning, noon, and night; that is, as soon after sunrise as practicable, for breakfast; dinner about 1 o'clock; sup per beforo sundown. asat notning whatever between meats. Breakfast, a single cup of colTeo or tea, somo cold bread and butler, with n dish of berries or stowed fruit In sum mer time, nnd nothing else; In winter, meat, fish or poultry, or, In their stead, a couple of soft-boiled eggs. Supper should bo made of cold bread and butter, and a cup of warm drink of somoklnd, and nothing else, Dinner tho samo as breakfast, adding only vegetables and somo fruit, raw or stewed, as n dessert, and nothing elso. A different kind of vegetable may bo taken ovcry other day for variety; tho kind of meat may bo changed at each meal. Tho object In tho specification nbovo made Is to dlscourago variety of meals, becauso it is this which tempts all to cat too much. Persons at times havo felt at tho tablo that thoy had eaten enough; but on seeing a very inviting dish unexpectedly brought in, a good meal has been eaten of this last variety. Tho general and hurtful error is that too great a variety Is spread on our ta bles, not only occasioning troublo of preparation and great loss, but also a positlvo injury in tho temptation of tho appetite. Tho reader may try it upon himself on any two days. A dinner of ono vegetable, ono kind of meat and bread; at dinner tho noxt day, let a great variety bo presented; ho will eat double tho amount at tills repast, with this remarkable dltTerence; an hour after the first meal, ho will bo entirely comfortablo, will feel as It ho had eaten qulto enough; an hour after tho latter, there will bo a decided discomfort, n fulness, rt feeling as if somo kind of re lief wero desirable, and iu too many eases a resort to tho decantor, with the vain hopo of a rlddanco in somo way. It cannot bo denied that the first slops toward Intemperate habits have boen taken in using liquors to remove tho unpleasant consequences of over-eating. A very great aid toward overcoming a habit of too hearty eating will be found in sitting down to a tablo with only threo varieties of food. Dr. IlalVa Health by Good Living. Au Old-fashioned School. "Patrick, do you know your letters?" "YIs stir." "Say them, then." "I know them by night, sur; but I don't know their names." "Well, this Is A." "How aro you A?" "You must not speak In that way." "In what way shall I spako thin?" "Say what I say." "YIs, sur." "This is B." "Sure.nn' is thlsH? I thought it was art ox yoke." "What was tho last letter I. showed you?" "I don't remember, sur." "What bird Is It that lays honey, and stings?" "Is It a wasp, sur?" "No, it's a bee." " "So It is; nud looks llko on ox-yoke." "What lottorls tlio third ono?" "I don't know, sur." "What do I do wheu I look at you?" "I shouldn't llko to say, sur," "I want you to tell me," "I am afraid you will lick me, sur." "What do 1 do when I look at you?" "Well, sur, you squint." "Can you say C without tho squint?" "YIs, sur." "Say It, then." "O without tho squint." "What Is tho name of tho noxt let ter?" "I don't know, sur; I nlver saw It bo foro." "Well, it is D, for dunce, just llko yoursolf, S.iy that." "D for dunce; Just llko yourself." "Tako your scat, aud tho spelling class will come up and spell." "Spell cat." "C-a-t-eatflsu." "Taln't right. Now spell tub." "T-u-b wash-tub." "Taln't rlgltt. Now spell frog." "F-r-o-g bull-frog." "Taln't right. Now go to your seats and 6ludy,anil tho geography class will como up and say their lessons, janies, whero does tho sun rlso?" "I don't know. sur. Wo never get up In tlmo to'othoperformanceatour houso." "Noxt. Whero doit) tho sun rlso?' "Down In our lot, sur." "Noxt, Whero does tho mm rlso?1 "In tho cast, sur." "What makes tho sun rlso In tho uust?" "Yeast will mnko anything riso.sur.' HATES OF ADVMITISIM. One uauare,(ten Une orlts equivalent In Non pareil type) one ortyo Insertions, I1.G0; thtee Insertions, 12.00. erACE. la. 2u. iu. 6m. lr. Ono .quale. ...13.60 $.?,W tl.00 (6,00 110,00 Two shuttles' 8,60 6,IX) 7,00 V.VD 15,00 Tureo nquarc 5,00 7,00 o,oo 12,00 18,00 Pout squares 7 00 9,00 11,00 17,00 26,00 Quarter column,. 10,00 13,00 11,00 20,30 30,00 ilaircolumu ..15,00 18,00 io oo so.ro eo.oo One column .30,00 30,50 40,00 00,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13.00 Auditor's or;Asslgnco's Notice, $2.50. Ijcnl notices, twenty cents ti line; by the year ten cents. Cards In tho"llui,lncss Directory" colnmn.H.OO per year for tlio first two lines, and 1.00-for each additional line, Dr. Llvlngstono's Adventure tho Xiion. with Tho following oxtract from Dr. Llv lngstono's account of his adventuros ln Africa, during ono of his early visits, may bo now to somo of our readers: "In going round tho end of tho hill I saw ono of tho beasts sitting on n plcco of rock as before, but this tlmo ho had a llttlo hush in front. Being about thir ty yards off, I took a good aim at his body through tho buih, and fired both barrels Into It. Tho men then called out: 'lie Is shot ho is shot!' Others cried: 'Ho has been shot by another man, too! Let us go to hlml' I did not oo nny ono elso shoot nt him, hut I saw tlio lion's tall erected In anger bo- hind tbo bush, and turning to the peo ple, said: 'Slop ft llttlo till 1 load again.' -When lu tho act of ramming clown tho bullets I heard a shout. "Starting and looking half round, 1 Raw the lion Just in tho act of springing upon mo. I was upon a llttlo height; ho caught my shoulder as ho sprang, and wo both camo to tho ground below together. Growling horribly closo to my ear, ho shook mo as a terrier does a rat. This shock produced n stupor slm iliarto that which seems to bo felt by a mouso after tho first shako of a cat. It caused n sort of dreaminess, In which thero was no senso of pain, no feeling of terror, though quite conscious of all that was happening. It was llko what patients partially under tho lnfluonco of chloroform describe, who seo all tlio operation, but feel not tho knife. This singular condition was not the result of any mental process. Tho shako annihi lated fear, and allowed no senso of hor ror In looking round at tho beast. This peculiar stato Is probably produced In all animals killed by tho cariiivortt; and, if so, Isa merciful provision by tlio benevolent Creator for lessening tho pain of death. Turning round to ro llevo myself of tho weight, as ho had but ono paw on tho back of my head, I saw his eyes d Ircctcd towards 3Iebalwe, who was trying to shoot him at n dis tance of ten or fifteen yards. His gun, a flint ono, missed firo In both barrels; tho lion Immediately left me, and at tacking 3Iebalwo bit his thigh. Anoth er man, whose llfo I had saved beforo, after he had boon tossed by a buffalo, attempted to spear tho lion while ho was biting Jlebalwe. Ho left Jlebalwo and caught this man by the shoulders, but nt this moment tho bullets ho had received took effect, nnd ho fell down dead. The whole was tho work of a few minutes, nnd must havo been his paroxysms of dying rage. In order to tako out the charm from him tho Bak tala on tho following day mado a huge bonfire over the carcass, which was de clared to be that of tho largest Hon they had ever seen. Besides crunching tho bono Into splinters, ho left cloven teeth wounds in tho upper part of my arm. A wound from this animal's tooth re sembles a gunshot wound; it is gener ally followed by n great deal of slough ing and dischargo and pains nro felt per iodically over afterward. I had on a tai tan jacket on tho occasion, nnd I be lieve that it wiped off nil tho virus from tho teeth that pierced tho ilesh; for mi' two companions in this affray havo both buffered from tho peculiar pains, while I havo escaped with only tho inconven ience of n false joint in the limb. Tho man whoso shoulder was wounded showed mo his wound actually burst forth afresh on tho samo month of tbo following year. This curious point deserves tho attention of Inquirers." Statistics of Human life. According to a Freuch statistician, taking tho mean of many accounts, a man CO years of ago has slept 0,000 days v worked C.500, walked 00 days, amused himself 1,000 doys, was eating 1,500 days, was sick COO days etc. no ato 17,000 pounds of bread, 10,000 pounds of meat, 1.CO0 pounds of vegetables, eggs and fish, and drank 7,000 gallons of li quid, namely, water, cofl'eo, tea, beer, wine, etc., all together. Thi3 would niRko a respcctablo lako of threo hun dred square feet surface and three feet deep, on which a small steamboat could navigate. And all this solid and liquid material passing through n human bo ingln CO years! Verily thero is after all somo truth in tho story of tho ogro who drank a lako dry, to catch tho fu gitives that wero sailing over it. Any man can do the same only givo mm tlmo ! This estlmato is, howovcr, made for a Frenchman. For an American wo havo to modify It, by lessening tno number of days ho devotes to amuso- mcnts.aiulln placo of this substitute 1.000 davs for quietly rpccuiating now to get moro of tho almighty dollar, 1, C00 days for traveling by steam and horso power, and 200 days for waiting for means of transportation. 'J.uo tatter number is by no means over estimated for tho Inhabitants of Now York or Philadelphia, or other largo cities oi tho Union. Lord Emjox, onco speaking of cir cumstantial evidence, remarked: "1 remember onco, In ncaso whero I was counsel, that tho cvidonco for a long tlmo did not appear to touch tno pris oner at all, and ho looked about him with tho most perfect solf-controi, evi dently feeling himself perfectly sale. At last a surgeon was called, wuo situ- cd that tho deceased had been killed by a shot, a guu-shot wound in tho head, and ho produced tho matteu nair, ami stuff cut from and taKcn out ot tno wound. It was tilt hardened with blond. A basin of warm water was brought In- o court, and r.s tho blood was gradual y softened, n pleco of printed pup r appeared, tho wadding of tho gun, which proved to bo part or a naiiau Tho other half had been found in the man's pocket when ho was arrested, llo was hanged." "GKNTi.HMrx," said an eminent counsel, "thero aro threo points upon which wo rely for tho defence. Iu tin first place, tho kettlo was cracked when wo borrowed It; In tho rccond place, It was wholo when wo returned It, mid In tho third place, wo nftver had It."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers