4T THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TUB YOUNG FOLKS. Tito Uolilcn Curse. Onco upon a tltno thcro lived a cov etous, envious man, vlio90 namo was Mlilaa, rind lie envied everybody In tho world who woro n sialllnjf liriiy face, llo envied tho sun tho power to hIiIiio j tho flowers their power to buret Into bloom; tho birds their power to sine nnd ho coveted everything ho saw. llo covotcd ovcry num's roof and frugal meal; ho coveted tho peasant's cottagu and tho prlnco's palace; ho coveted tho wool tho sheep worn, and tho very shell tho nnall carried on Ha back. For ho thought ho could put all these things to good uso by selling them nnd thus turning I hem into a golden profit, Ho owned a llttlo farul, and It was a cortl fled fact that not a beechnut foil from a tree; not a twig dropped to tho ground but what ho bagged It or bound It with other fagots for rulo. Thus, by tho closest nnd most miserly acU, this avaricious man began to amass gold, llo stowed It away in old pitchers, nnd shoes, and chests, and cups, and still he starved himself and a massed his hoards of gold. ITo had not a friend in tho world, nor a relative, nor a servant neither man nor maid and the very rata that inhabited his humble roof with tlmo grow famine-struck and died, and Midas skinned them and sold tho skins to msiko ladles' gloves, and sold tho moat to sausago-makers. Nothing camo within his reach but ho turned It to tho best account and reaped a profit of gold from it, and ho grow as hard and as cold and yellow as tho oro with counting and watching nnd hoarding It. "As mean as Midas tho miser," was tho phraso on every lip that moved to toll any unkind or avaricious deed that any ono had done. And yet amid all this, Midas moved with tho same close, miserly way, as if nothing could tils turb him. And still his wealth in creased. Ono day, as ho walked along tho Jilghway.somo llttlo vagrants ran after him casting Btonrj3 and shouting, "Thero goes mean Old Midas, tho nilscri" "TherogorH mean Old Midas, 1110 miseri" Midas was very angry, but ho knew there was no help for it, and so, snar ling and scowliDg, ho got out of their way as fast as he possibly could, and hid himself in his humblo home. That night, us ho sat beforo his fagot flro thinking of tho way tho ill-man. nered youths.had treated hlmhls, wrath Increased as ho recalled tho expression of scorn and hatred and contempt which shono upon tho faces of tho little vagrants. "If I had only onough to do It, I would build mo a castle and live Hko a prince, nnd crush them all, every one," ho muttered through his clench cd teeth "every ono." Ho arose, and going from place to placo.brought all his gold together, and mado ono deposit of it on tho floor, and sat down to count it by tho light of his fagot flro. "Not enough yet! Not enough yetl" he muttered; "I must bear It a little longer beforo I tako my revenge." Ho stowed away his wealth In its ding places, and returning took a crust of bread nnd sat down to eat it. "By heaven, I would sell my soul fcr gold, if I could! Yes, this very crust of bread that I am gnawing, I would turn to gold, if I had tho power! I would livo on gold! I would starvo on gold!" "Midas, do you mean every word cf that?" asked a quiet, clear voice near him. Midas turned, and saw Btanding be side blm a dark, tall, powerful-looking man, with fiery eyes, nnd long yellow horns growing out of his forehead; and, glancing down, Midas saw that his feet wero cloven. "Who art thou?" ho asked, in a start led tone. "The genlo or gold," answered tho man. "Did you mean all you said a moment ago?" "Can you fulfill all my wishes If I did?" asked Midas, his anger again be coming ascendant. "Yes," answered tho geni, "I can do nn you wish." ,And Midas, jcmemberlng tho ex pressions on tho little vagrants' faces, answered: "Yes, I meant every word." "Well," said tho genie, "sign your namo to this, and all will bo accom plished." Midas thought tho signing of his namo was very llttlo to bercqulrod of him and when tho genlehanded himapaper and golden pencil with which to write his signature, ho afUxcd it with tho greatest celerity. 'That is all right," said the genlo, grasping It; and Instantly ho vanished with paper'and pencil. Mldns started o his feet and looked around him, "Surely lam dreaming!" ho exclaimed. "X hnvoebcen ut In tho cold so long, and those saucy ur chins angered ino so that I am not myself to-night. I will gnaw iny crust and Hedown tosleep." llo picked up his crust of rough brown bread and put it to hla mouth, but Ida teeth could not dent it; ho drew it away to bco what was the matter, nnd ho saw that uio crust had turned to a nugget of goiu. "Alter alt it was not a dream," he said, with a crazy llttlo laugh, "and i snail punish tho vagabonds." Ho stooped to pick up n fagot to replenish the Arc, but when ho started to lay It on with the other brands lie saw tho fagot had turned to gold. "Good," he iald; "I shall soon get rich at this rate. I will drink to tho success of my con tract with my yellow-horned, fiery eyed, clovsn-fcolcd gcule." And ho picked up his earthen cup and went to tho Bucket that stood on the ohelf, and dipped It In tho water. 'Whi n he put mo cup 10 ins mouth no liquid touched his Hps. He took tho cup away to ex amine It, and found it had turned to gold, and tho liquid within it had also turned to gold. "Oood again;" ho said; "my wealth increases." Ho turned to retrace his fcteps, and ho eaw that his footsteps uiroBBwio room had left their golden prints upon tho floor. Seelug thla.ho tuuiiuunceu wanting to and fro, until cvMjr juui oi inu iioor was golden too! Midas chuckled and laughed. "How I buouiu jovo lor tho dawn to come and And mean old miser Mldaa iivimrinn golden palace and dressed in robes of cue spun!" Jio shouted crarlly. and it was oven eo: when tho tun rose onco nioroto brighten tho world a golden pulaco cast back its glittering rays until it uaixieu tho eyes of all beholders. And whcnpeoplo thronged around It to look upon tho wonder, Wldas ap- u rr .1 Ij.rw .1. f j mn spun gold. How madly and scornfully ho drovo them from his doorsl And how deep and loud nnd bitter wero tho maledictions he cast upon nil who gazed upon html nnd his face wn so dark ami fierce that they believed htm mad and fled from Mm. And then ho closed his dours, and was onco moro ulouo with his gilded misery. .From room to room In that golden palaco ho wnndcred, thirsting and starving, for everythlug ho touched Instantly turned to gold. Maddened with hunger nt Inst, In uttur despair, Midas darted from his golden palaco, and fled along tho highway, ut every slop leaving glittering footprint In tho s.ind and dust. At door after door he paused nnd craved n drink or crust uf braid, but tho people looked at his lino-spun garments, and remembered the golden palaco that had risen In a single night, and they fled beforo htm. At last a woman who sat hi her cot tugo door, nursing her lnuocent babe pitted tho haggard face, with Its mis ery-mad eyes, and begged him to bo seated on a bench outsldo and alio would bring him food nnd drink, and slio went into tho cottago with u gen tic, smiling countouaiico. Midas sea' ted himself on tho bench, mid as soon as ho touched it, It turned to gold. The woman returned with food and drink put when tho cups and plato changed hands, they nnd their contents turned to gold also, and whan alio saw it, this woman too fled beforo him. "My curse follows met I starve! I think will die!'' moaned Midas, sinking t tho earth. A gcutlo wind blow across Ills face, Ills Hps parted gaspingly to inhale it. It fluttered a paper to ids j hand, ho grasped it, turned to gold, and all tho letters traced upon it roso in chased gold, and ho read: "By heavens! I would sell my soul forgold If I could yes, this very crust of bread that I am gnawing, I wuold turn to gold if Ihad tho power! I would llvo on gold, I woj)ld drink gold, I would starvo on gold! (Signed) "Midas." Ho lifted his eyes, and again beforo him stood tho "genlo of gold" with yellow horns growing out of his fore head, with flery eyes and cloven feet. "I havo como for- you to redeem your paper," said thogonlosternly. "I starve! Idle!" shrieked Midas, and foil back dead, and when another sun roso, tho glittering footsteps on tho highway, tho golden palace, and Midas too had vanished, no had expiated his golden curse. FARMER'S COLUMN. Shrinking of Seasoned Timber. Tho various kinds of oak- nnd somo other kinds of valunblo timber, will shrluk moro or loss every tiuao tho sur- fuco Is dressed off even In n small frac tion of an inch. Wheelwrights accus tomed to work in oak nre well awnro of this fact, and n correct appreciation of it often enables them to turn out work of a superior character, oven of ordinary materials, by first blocking out tho piec es roughly, then allowing tho timber to season, and afterwards working tho var ious parts by degrees, as tho seasoning process becomes moro and more com plete AVhlte-oak spoko-tiniber, for ex ample, may be allowed to remain In tho rough state for lialfa score of years, under shelter, without becoming seas oned so thoroughly that tho timber will not shrink after tho spokes havo been dressed out. Carriage-wheels havo often been made of tho choicest quality of oak timber after ovcry speko had been seasoned for several years ; and to tho great surpriso of tho wheelwright, ovcry spoko would work in tho joints beforo tho vehicle had run three months. Tho defect in such instances could not bo attributed to inferior timber, nor to profunctory workmanship ; but simply to this ono circumstance tlmt the parts of tho wheels wero put together beforo tho timber had ceased to shrink. To provo that tho to3t quality of oak will bhrink,aftcr a spoko has been drcsi- ed out, let a tenon bo mado on Ono end, and drlvo Immediately Into a mortlso; after a fow days' exposure In a warm workshop, the spoke may bo withdrawn witli llttlo difficulty. The samo fact will hold good In tho manufacture of woodwork of any kind whero oak is employed for tenons. In order to mako Joints that will never start, tho pieces on which tho touons are to bo mado should bo dressed over several times, until tho shi inking has ceased: Then let tho tenons bo made. After theso havo shrunk, whilo exposed to tho dry. ing influences of a warm workshop, tho spokes, or other parts, may bo drivon Into their respective mortises, with tho nssuranco (especially If thoy aro dipped in oil paint previous to driving) that tho timber will shrink no moro. Many kinds of farming implements, In tho manufacture of which oak and ash aro employed, render very unsatisfactory service, simply becauso tho seasonod timber was not allowed to shrink beforo the tenons wero driven Into tho mort ises. In like manner, oak chairs, nnd other oak furniture, will frequently shrink to such an oxtent that tho pum mels, rungs, dowel-pins, and banisters will oil work loose, If tho precaution wo havo described is not observed. The Manufacturer and Builder. Comparative Value ofllay, Corn nnd Jtools An acre of ground retained expressly for hay, yields on an averago not moro than ono nnd one-halftons of vegetable roou ; an tqual spaco planted with car rots or rutn bogus, will yield from ton to twenty tons, say fifteen tons, whlcl In by no means n high average, and has often been attained without any extra ordinary cultivation. It lias been as certalned by careful experiment, that threo working horses, fifteen and ono. half hands high, consume hay at tho rato of t wo hundred pounds per week, or nv.o tons nnu ono thousand and forty. eight pound per annum,- besides ono onuono naii bushels of oats per week, or&ovotny eight per annum, By nrcn etitlon ortlio samo experiment it was found that unworked horses conaumo hay at tho rato of four and one-nuarter tons per annum. Tho produco, therefore of nearly six acres of land Is necessary to support a worKing norso for ono year; but half an aero of carrots, at six hundred bushels por aero, wllh tho addition of chopped straw, whilo thoseason forfeedlng them lasts, will do as well, Ifnot better. Theso things do not admit of doubt, fnr thnv huvobeou thoBubJcctof oxact trials, as . ...w HMMjwvvi luutt liiuiH. tui i somo of your agricultural friends can It has ulso been proved that tho vuluo of ono bushel of corn together with tho fodder, upon which It grow will keep ft horso In good worklngjjorder rornwccK. An aero planted with corn.nuit yielding sixty bushels will bonmplo to keep n good sized horso in working order for ono year. hot tho farmer then consider whether It Is better to maintain u horso on tho produco of hnlf nn ncro of rutn bagas or carrots, or upon tho produco of nn aero of corn; or, on tho other hand upon tho liny or grain from six ncrcs of laud for It will rcnuho six acres of good land to produco tho necessary hay and grain as nbovc. Thosamo reasoning might bo mndo uso of In tho feeding of cattlo and sheep. Stock Journal. Stovos and Tinware. jTKW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. MfUu Street one door above K, McudculinU'ri fllnrn. A largo assortment, or movcn, ucnicra aim Ranges constantly on hnnd, nnd tor bate at the lowest raiea. Tinning In all Its brnnchcfi carefully attended lo, mill Kntlufnrttnti frtinr.mtfwil. Tin work of aJl kinds wholesale nnd retail. A trial is requested. Apr.O.OO'tf S' T0VE3 AND TINWARE. A. M. HUBERT fmnouuees to Uts frieuds and customers that continues the above business at his old place on MAIN STIIEET, BL00M8BUI10. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, tjlovepipes, Tinware and every va riety of article found In a Stove and Tinware la Ubllshment In theclllcs.audon the most reason. able terms. Heralrlug done at the shortest notlco, 23 DOZEN MILK-I'ANS on hand for sale. JEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OS UAIH STIIEET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MILLEH' BT011E, ui.ooMsnuita, penn'a. The undersigned has lust fitted un nnd opened1 his new STOVE AND TIN SUOP, n this place, where he is prepared lo mako up new Tin Ware of all kinds In bis line, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms, llo also keeps on hand STOVES OV VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. alve him a call, lie is i goad mccliautc, and deserving of the publle putronage. JACOB METZ. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1SOT. Foundries. s HARPLESS & IIAIIMAN, KAOLE FOUNDRY AND MANCFACTCniNO UlOr, STOVES Si PLOWS WHOLESALE & RETAIL TIIE CELEBRATED HONTROSE IRON I1EA31 AND THE nUTTON WOODEN 11EAM FLOWS. Castings and FlroBrlckforrepalrlngclty Stoves. All kinds of flrass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. 11. F. SHARPLESS & P. B. IIARMAN, Rioonisbur?, Pa. Proprietors. Mar.W,'lif-tf. QRANGEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE SUOP AND AOniCULTUItAI, WOKK3. The undersigned desires to Inform his friends and the public generally, that he has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and Maclituo Shop, and re moved all his business from Light street to tho aoove namou place, wnere iu connection wuu his Foundry he will contlnuo to manufacture Wheeler's ltallwav Chain Morse-Power nnd Thresher, (improved), Carucira Patent. THRESHER AND CLEANER, either overshot for Tread-rower or undershot Willi Levcr-i'ower. no uiso manufactures to order and llts up all kinds of MILL O E A R I N 0 , Circular Paw Mandrels. Patent Slides for Saw Mills, tho latest Improved Iron Ream Plows of uiuerent, Kinus ivoouen jieam now?, uouoie Corn Plows, ana now l'oinis or every descrip tion generally used throughout Uio county, IRON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Grates, Stoves.Sled and Sleigh Soles, nud in racl evervtninir eencrallv muuolun countrv Foundry. Those wishing to purchase Machines would do well to examine his machines, and tho improvements made on tho power, by which at least m per cenu oi lue iricuon is loxen on, ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED to give good satisfaction, and terms made to suit riurchasers. All kinds cf country produce taken n exchange for Plows and costings. Thankful to his friends and patrons for past favors he would still continue to sollcltthesame. WILLIAM SCHUYLER. Apr.S.CO-tr Oraugevllle l'a. Insurance Agencies. Q.LOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY O F NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, II, C Freeman, Sec Cash capital over J2,000,000, all paid. J. B. ROBISON.BLOOMSBURO.PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug.avoa-ly. IN SURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming ........... JEln . ..... Fnlton North America... $170,000 1,000,000 800,000 seo.ooo 450,000 City.. Internatlonal.HM,...H,H...MM.......H, 1,400,000 1,000.000 630,000 830,000 Niagara ...... Putnam , Merchants Springfield Farmers' Dauvllio. .. Albany City Lancaster City ., ., York Horse, Death & Thelt... Home, New Haven Dauvllle, Horse Then............ 670,000 690,000 400.000 aro.ooo 03,000 1,000,000 FREAS BROWN, fienf, mar8.C!My. Bloomsbdro, Pa JURST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, rUREsfTAND CHEAPEST I SATISFACTION OUAKANTIBDl For Whiteness, Durability, and Brllllan. cy. it has no eauul. Sold by all dealers In 1'nltitn tlirnnelimiL BARKER, MOORE & MEINj BUCCESSOllS TO T. MORRIS PEROT & CO, Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia, Fa Dtalers In all kinds of DRUG S, OILS, FAINTS, OLASS, DinsTurrs, ac &v. CACTioN.-Oulng to tho popularity of our "First National White Lead," other parlies have been Induced tooUera spu Hons article lader the same name. T'kere- iiue uewuro or counicrieus, me genu Ino Is put up in extrn heavy tin paint puts, with putent metallic w Ire haudlesJ BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, On each label, For kale by , WOYER BROTHERS, rnar25'7lMy. llloonnhurg. JgENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TA. This well linntsn lrnneA Lvln. lieon ln thorough raiialr in nnw fnr I In, Tui.nlli.il nt ........... u j'uma uRrnureu viutreu iu ensure. the perfect comfort of guests. The proprietor &1SO rUUS a StaifB frntn tlm lintel tn III.ibI.ii r j "C":UMI" imiii on j ucttuay, inursuay and Saturday of each week. Imay070.tr A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING fs-.?fay.?"eouUd ' T" Colokbiam Steam rriutlng Orlleew JgRIDGE ELECTION, cciiuu ui cjiiicers qj me (.uiawitisa Iiriuco g ei'dW0. Druga and Chemicals. rucENtx rr.cTonAt. cuheb couan 1'lllKNIX l'KOTOHAIj CUUK8 COUOll 1'IHKNIX l'KLTOHALi HUllES C0UUU JLJ Tho I'lKcntx Pectoral will euro tho .diseases of the Throat and Lungs, sucn as coins, ougn. Croup, Aslhma.llronchltis, Catarrh, Horo Throat Hoarseness, Whooping Couch, and Pulmonary ixmsnmpuon. mis utuuiuiuu is invcijiu.. -' Levi Oberhoiucr or rnuau of l'hienlxvlllo, Po nnd Levi oberhoiuor of Philadelphia, nnd formerly nr l.'lurnixvilio, l'a,, nnu nuiioiiKii n " been ollcreil for nvo years, moro limn ono mil hough It has only ore than ono mill- I... Anl.nn.li.l.i.nn.n , mill tltIIC inaiidforll Is Increasing every day. Many of the llciniiimigiisis uuy it. in mis in ui np"i anil not iv row of tho Country Storekeepers try ono nrois at n time. Nearly everyone who has ever sold It testifies I" Us popularity, and nearly .11 .. l.n i,.,.Aii.l 11 Lent- ffctltminv to Its WOU- ..r..i ,.. nH.lnrt r '.in nit. VVn ii m mnfldcllt lliai lUem IS HO KlUnVll lUUUIVlim ui Bin u B"-"" vnlno to tbo community nsllioPhwnlx Pectoral. it. tins ciircn roses oi ino inniLiiuiiiiiii miu. ."-- trcsslng cough, of yrnrsstnndlng. , , A It has given luMnnt relief Insncllsof coughingfl II lias instantly snippcu u.w iuiiu.i.ui Whooping cougtiinuu grentiy btiorit..ui.i.i in ration. . , , r'litiKiinintlnti linn been cured bvll. wheio nil ..ll.n ..A..,!..llm. Iimt fnlto.1 In .If. I'liml. Hoarseness nas occn curou uy n. m ntub. "fiiny physicians lecommcndll.nnil others uso It themselves nnd administer It In their praotlco while others opposo it because It takes away their business. r wo recomnteuu 11 in uur icituuin uuu i-... ...- Uict particulars, would refer yon to tho circular around tho bulllo where you will llnd numeious ccrllHcntcs given by persons who hav used IU It Is so pleasant to Uio taste that children cry flt Is asllmulntlngexpcctoranl, giving strength at tho same tlmo that It allays the cough. Tl.n ....In.n. nflllU 111 0.1 111 11 IlllH RO InUCll confldenco iu its curative powers from tho testi mony of thousands who havo nscd it that the money will bo refunded to any purchaser who Is not satisfied with tho effects. It Is so cheap that nil can buy 11. Price 25 Cents, Large Uottlcs tl.U) It Is prepared only by ... Ll'.VI unEHHOLTZElt M. D.. wiioi.tyiAi.r. nnuooiiT. No. 155 Norlh Third Sireet, Philadelphia, N. U, If your nearest Druggist or Storekeeper does not havo this inetllclno nsk him togetltfor you, nnd do not let him put you off with somo other preparation because be marfes more mon ey on ft; but go or send at onco to some store where you know it is kept, or send to Dr. Ober- holtzer. Hold by K. 1'. Lutit Druggist, Ulooms burg. nnd II. W. Creasy,. Co., Light Street, and nearly every druggist nnd atorckecrcr In Colum- dec. 10,'(i!)-llm, $10,000 GUAUANT13I3, B UCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD 1 1st. For Us ITnrlvaled Whiteness, 2d. Fur Its Unequalled Durability, 3d. For its Unsurpassed Covering Properly, Lastly for Its Economy. es-It COSTS LESS to ralnt with Ruck Lead than any other White Lead extant. The same weight covers MORE SURFACE, Is more DUK- AULE, and makes WHITER WORK. RUCK LEAD, is the Cheapest and Resl. SliyXH) GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS, i'ortts Unennnlleil Durability. 1st. 2d. 3d. For its Unrivaled Whilencss, For Its Unsurpassed Covering rronerty. lastly, lor its ureal economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, and most DURABLE White Paint In tho world, BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tho Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Tropared expiessly for Painting COTTAGER, OUT BUILDINGS of every desert ydescrlp DIFFER- Hon, FENOKH, Ac. THIRTY-FIVE ENT COLORS. Durable. Chcap, Uniform, and lleautllul sliades. Sample cards tent by Mall If desired. Dealers' Orders will be promptly executed by II1H IlitllllllllllliriTS, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. Cor, Tenth and Market Streets, Jau5S'70-ly. Philadelphia o MNIBUS LINE. The undersigned would resivctfnlly announce to tho citizens of Bloomsbnrg and the public, gene. rally lha he Is running nn OMNIBUS LINE between this placonud tho different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South and West on tho Cata. wlssa and WlUlanuport Railroad, and with those going North and South on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg RaUroad. His Omnlbusscs aro In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or hoe their friends de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notlco at any of the hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor, QRANGEVILLE ACADEMY. ORANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA PROF. E. J. SCHOONOVER, Principal, MRS."E. J. SCHOONOVER, Preceptress, This Institution, for tho education of young x.uuies una uenuejuen, will re.opcn unuer eliarue of Prof. Schoonovtr. on AIonday Anrll 4, lsvo. Teachers, of acknowledged ability und high order of talent, will bo employed lu each department, and no effort spared to secure to pupils thorough nnd Judicious culture. The course of Instruction will Include nil the branches usually taught In High Schools nud Buiiiiuurii'B ut inu iirsi ranit Special attention given to Normal School training nuu commercial instruction, TERMS: Primary Department 83 to S3 per Quarter Higher Brandies 80 to 8S per Quarter location: This excellent institution is lo cated in a pleasant village of about six hundred Inliah Hants frco from the temptations or n large city about six miles from the Rail with dally communication to the different roads. The buildings are situated upon an elevation, surrounded by a bcautllul grove, and perfectly healthy. CALENDAR FOR 1870 :-Sprlng session begins April It li, 1S7U and continues 13 weeks, following which there will be n vacation of six weeks. Fall term commences August 15, 1870, continuing 11 weeks. Winter term opens November 7, hiTo EXPENSES i-Eoaid can bo obtained lu nrl vate families atltom 82.6U to 84.00 per week, or uc.iiuu'u luuiu. will uts iUiniHUUU IU blUUCmM wibiuug to proviue lor ineniseives. Scholars wilt be admitted at any tlmo during the seiiSion although It Is preferable to coraineuco with the term. For further particulars, address the Principal, marls;o-3m.' A U G II ' S HAW BONE PHOSPHATE SUPER OF LIME, MARK SPRING 1870. FARMERS! inciuiase your chop or CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT AND GRASS, As well as ADD TO THE FERTILITY OF YOUR SOIL uy a Judicious and Economical mode of MANURING. OET THE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE' FIRST SEASON. OBTAIN BETTER FILLED EARS AND HEAVIER GRAIN. KEEP YOUR SOIL FREE FROM NOXIOUS WEEDS. MAKE YOUR LANDS PERMANENTLY FERTILE. Over SIXTEEN years of constant use, on nil SS?.R!!: !1M ,'.rov.cu "'V hw Bono pnos- phato may bo depended upon by Fuiiucrs, HIGHLY '"ly'j.y.JJ STANDARD For sale by Agilcultural Dealers generally. UAUUHAhONS, i,n ... . Manufaclurcis. oace-No, SJ s, Dclawaio Avenue, Plilladelplila. marlS70-in. 10 NEW DISCOVEHYII! It has lonii ua en known tliat the old eslabllsh ed and well stocked Fpiinitviie & IUhdino Wakeiiooms of If. It. LEWIS, Hit., are the i clleaiS f' ', '' i'l y. llo is now seUlng'PAiti.011 hui w 'J!,1 Ly"' 11 A cloth, RE! or Ttitiiv. WaL NUT ClIAUBtli Kuits lu On. or Vaiinishi Cot. TAOic Kuiinituue. all styles! Beddino and Mattbehhes, various sizes, cheaper than uucllou prices. Come and see, and be convinced. You c"asl'n,Vel.,?wKy',V'DSU" aMM' P If. R. LEWIS, Sit., 1131 JIAllKET BTllEET, I'llILAIlKLI'IHA, Next door to cor, of Fifteenth hU aprl'70-3m. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LETTER HEADS, HILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &0., iO. Neatly nnd Cheaply Printed From the Latest Styli of Type at the - tXlLUMBIAN OV'KICK Rail Roads. T ,A OK AW ANNA ant) m.nnM.q. J niiiui itA.i.nnAli on nmltrur Jan. 17, 1570, ra.si.nger Trains will run as louowst ..... ..... uoingnorin. uoing.Homu. Arrive Arrive I.cve Leave p. m. a. m. p.m. n. in Hcranton 8.(5 11.00 4. (Ml 7.W Leave 4.32 6.00 ft.l!) 6.10 0. SO 7.30 K.10 Arrlvo Plltatou .... 8.11 10.50 7.50 .) K.lkl o.uu Kingston 7.aj iu.ui Plvmouth 7.81 0.48 Hhlckshlnny... 7.M 9.(' lierwicic h u.iu k.im Bloom - 6.2S 7.M Dauvlllo . 4.50 7.1 Leave Leave M-irltiM i ts ino ('.12 10.17 10.53 Arrlvo 11.30 nnniipptlfin tiindn atMernntoli hv tbu 10.40 a.m train for (Ircnt llcnd, Jllnghntnlon, Albany nnd it pninw rtortn, nun csi. D.T.llOUND.Bup'l. flATAWISSA IlAILnOAD-On nml ' niicr Mux vn. ii cvp. o. ..oww,. iih""'" trains on tho Catawlssallailroad will run nUhe loltowingiinmod hours I Jfull iHlfl. STATIONS. Wllilamsport. Muncy. Wntsoutown, Milton. Dnnvlllo. Ilupcrt. Cntawtssn. Hlngtowu. Kummlt. .Va Kortli Dep. 8.l)n,tii " 0.17 " " 10.01 " " 1D.I1 " " 11.(11 " " 11.17 " I2.i2 p.lll " 12.5S " " 1.01 " " 1.20 " Arr, 6.00 p. m, ucp. " t.57 ' 4.111 " 4.W " 3.10 " S.S2 " ii 2,21 ' " 1.W) " ' 1.10 " " 1.H0 " ' 1.10 ' " 10.40 n.m 1 (unknko. K. Mahony .Tunc. Dlue.Tamaquiv, Dluc, " 2,1.1 " t.il Arr. 6.15 " 0.S5 Itendlnir. l'lillndelnhln. 8.13 " ( Tn Now Yolk via. Rend 1 inir or Maurh Chunk. I'rijm Now York via. I O.ij .llHUCIl Ullllllli. I NoChangoof carsbotween Wlllfamsnort nud Pulladolplilo. UEO. WU1I1I Suy't. gUOWN'S PAST FltEiailT FltOM PlIILADELI'lIIA TO ULOOMSnUllO, and luterracdlalo points. Ooods forwarded with care and despatch und at low rates. uoous, ill rimaueipiuH, must, uo uuuvercu ui llltncr & Co's. 811 Market street, l'or full par ticulars, apply to SClifJYLUIl A 110II1N80N. Proprietors, Aug. w.'tsy-ir. lv. u. nepoi, iiioomsourg,i.'u, "rVTORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL- iM way. on and after Nov. 15th 1869, Trulus wli leavo NoiiTiiUHURnLANn as follows i NORTHWARD. SAi A. M.. Dally to Wllilamsport, (except Sunday) ori'.imira, uananuaiguu, juiciiemer, uuuaiu, ptn.n.nilnn Itriilpn. nml N. Falls. 030 p. i Dally, (except Sundays) for Elmlra nnd Rullalo via Erlo Itallway from Kim Ira. 6.30 r. M., Dally, (execptsundays) for Williams. V ' TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 10.25 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11,10 P.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Baltimore w oauingiou anu i'niiaueiiniia, ED. S. YOUNG, Goneral Passenger Agent. Alfkcd R. Fiskr, Gen'l Supt., TTvELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & Wlisrr.ltn iiaii.iiuau. aummer arrange. ment, April ll,l&iO. iruius leave as jonuwsi KA8TWAKD. wraiWAitu. Fx- Ac- Ex- JIail BTATIONS. jjall Pro!'s com, press Ac. com. P.M r.sr, Via M. & E. Dlvls.l Arl New York. Lvi A M. r.M, Too TTo 8.0(J 4.10 8.15 4.25 8.40 4.60 11.23 7.33 l!ob Hm 11.15 7.S0 11.43 7.50 11.6.1 8.00 7.30 8.30 8.45 4,42 11.05 7.0.5 1200 8.05 12,15 8.20 12.25 8.30 12.10 8 41 1X55 8..Y 1.05 1.15 1.30 0.2il 1.40 tl.U 2.00 ).5H 2.10 10.00 2.30 10.2!) 2.48 10.3S p.m. 8.20 0.00 8.) 3.40 0.15 0.10 3.40 0.21 9.21 4.01 9.15 9.50 4.20 9.51 10.30 4.30 10.12 11.00 4.67 10.30 12.00 6.15 10.47 12.35 5.30 11.02 1.00 P.M. A,M. A.M. 0U 9.0) 4.43 4.35 4.10, (jooi jiarciay .) ..Christopher St. .....IIoboken 8.35 6.09 Newark. 1,01' .Woshlmiton via Cen. RIl. of N.J. -H8W York txt Liberia , 1(100 3.40 1.211 7.40 0.18 0.4 ....New Hampton....- 12.17 ..uxroru Ilrldgeville .. ...Philadelphia. -Trenton. .. Phllliosbure 1137 S.10 3.S0 1.30 1 0.30 5.8.'l! 12.30 12.i, IZ0S 12.12 ll.:H Manunlta Chunk.... 6.28 -.ueiawaro fi.ll ...Mount Bethel J ft.tr. water uap .....Stroudsburg..... 41 II, snraguovlllo 11. is 11.02 10.401 tie lleurvvllle.. ...Oakland Forks ,Tobyhanna.... .Goulds boro.... 10.27 10.11 1 0.M, 0.40 ....Moscow... ...Dunillng..... fi.oo 2.10 0.10 Scrnnton 0.10 8.3S 7.) 8.38 ...Claik's Summit.. 7.15 o.uUi... Auington 6.15 1.55 8.11 ..l'actoryvlllo , 8.S0 u.lll l.io .o.'i mcuoison... 7.51 5.10 1.21 7,37i....liopbottom... 4.57 7.15 Montrose.... 7-371 7.15 1.10 1219 6.51 Now Milford.. 3.15 mi C.so Great Bend.. p.M I A.M A.M, .Trains do not stop nt Stations where tho Tlmo is omuicLi. Connections. At New Hampton with Central R. R. or N.J, The Mall and Express trains eastward and west. ward connect with trnlns for New York, Eliza beth. Piainneld.somervlllonnd other Btatlons. At Washington with Morris A Essex R. It. Mall and Express trains make close and reliable connections witn irnins lor now xork. nowark. At Mfinuii'ku Chunk with Bclvldero Delaware It. R. Closo connections aro mado by Mall and r.xpress trains, wuu trains lor l'niiaucipnia, Trentou, I'hllllpsburg, Bolvidere, &c. lly Train V.. ...icLn.ma.a ,n.,nl. Illilln.lnlnliln ..Ta den, by No. 4, via Kensington. Passengers on io. i, urrivu iu x'luiuueipiiiu ju tuno to taao too 11.30 n. m. train for Baltimore and Washincton. At Scrauton with Lackawanna A Bloomsburg S: Delaware & Hudson Rail Roads. Trains on ineso roaus connect with our tralus for l'lttston, Wllkcs-Barre, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Dauvllle. Olypliaut, Arclibald aud Carbondale. At Blnghamton with Erie Railway. Mall No, I connects with Express Mall on Erlo Railway, leaving nt8.42 p. in. wlthu sleeping coach at. tachod. arriving at IlufraN) at 0.20 next mnrnitiEr. Express No. 3 connects with a way train for Owcgo, Ithaca, and Elmlra. Aluany a Susquehanna ltatlllond. Fourtralns inlay run each way bctweeu lllnghuinlou und Aioany. une leaves iiingnamton at .jop. in, und arrives at Albany at 9.00 n. m. Syracuse, Binghamlou J. N. Y. R. It. Trains for Syracubo leave nt 7 a. m. and (1.25 p. ni. Trains iiwui nyiui-uso arrive ut ii.iv n. ni.unu o.mj n, iu, It. A. HENRY. W. F. I IALLSTEAD. Gcn'l Puss, nnd Tkt. Agent. Supt, This Is NO PATENT MEklCINE HUMBUG, gotten up to dupe tho Ignorant and credulous nor Is it represented as being "composed of lare and precious substances brought irom the four corners of the eai Ih, carried seven times n'cross tho G rcat Desert of Sahoroli on tho bncks of four teen camels, and broughl across the Atlantic Ocean on two Ships." It Is a !mi)!e, midf, lootfi (i; Jimifily. a perfect Speelfla for Catabbii and "Cold in the Head," albo for offensive Breath Loss or Impairment of the Sense of Smell.Tasto or hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, Pain or Pressure lu tho Head, when causcd.ns they all not unfrequentlyaro.by tho violence of Catarrh. I offer, In good faith, n standiug Reward of S50U or a cao of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUOQISTS EVIXtY WHERE. rniCE Only 60 Cents. n$Z bJ: "H. It paid, on receipt of Sixtt 85 00 Packages for 8: 00 or 1 Djzenfor Send a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor, 'mlum ,.,i,.,n V. I'l Ellen M. D.. mnyl3'70-tf. Buffalo. N. V. jgOOTS AND SHOES. CLARK M. BROWN, centke STnrET, abjoininq the stoiie or BOBBINS A EYElt. A full and completo assortment of ready made boots and shoes for men, women and children fei.f.'iSS'Jri "pJJor saio t reasonable: rates, ynrlctles to suit all classes of customers. Tho best or work dono at khort notice, as heretofore. Give him acall. apr8'70-lf. N0' TICK. All persons Indebted tnfhA nnilrHlrin.1 niM.. on i Nutp or Book Account, aro hereby notllled to settle their accounts ut onco, or they will ho col. lected according to law. J. O. RUTTEU. M. D. Ulooiufcburg, April 1, 1S70-U, ""-.'. JEW MILLINERY GOODS. MISS LIZZIE BARKLEY lining Just returned from the city, oilers to the laulm of Bloomsburgand tho couuly, all the newest nud prettiest styles of Bl'ltINQ HATS, Fancy Goods, Notions, de., selected with great rnro und with the desire to satisfy nil tastes, and they riinuotfalltoglvesallsfactlou. Ramsey Building, Main street, lllooinsburg, April 29, 1670-31 AGENTS WANTED FOR B PROSPECTUS T FREE! 1I1LE JUyRIOS A MASTERLY VERSIFICATION OF THE bUBLIME POETRY OF TIIE BIBLE. SO pronounced by leading clergymen and lay. men of all denominations. Universally admired and highly esteemed both for lis great Intr usio merit and mechanical tlnlsh. A beautiful Pioi pectus, from a newaud original design, showing 'f,'" f .binding, cte.f .'cut iffi luielu RLE to all accepted as Agenls.and a sam- WJlUHJiALli ruiCK Exclusive Terrllory. rermVrefc,.?Vd!eLral TCtra- V'SlM W' UP. VENT, Publisher, may070-tf 3 Barclay St. Now York. JOH PRINTING Neatly tuecuted at UiU Offlc Dry Goods & Notions, "PJ-EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Freiu arrival of KAT.ti AND WINTER GO0H3. DAVID LOWENllEita Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his store on Main Street, two doors nbovo tho American Honso Bloomsburg, l'a., where ho has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment or MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Including Uio most fashlenablo, durable, and "fl,",,0mfl DHESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, BACK", ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, siics nnd colore. He has also replen ished his already largo stock or FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FiaURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CItAVATO, STOCKS, COLLAIIS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nas constantly on hand a large and wcll-so- ected asiortmont of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho is prepared lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mada to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ofoery description, fine and cheap. His enseoi Jewelry Is not surpossedjlu thlsjplace. Cull aud examine his general assorlmcu of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY , A. DAVID LOWENBERO. Q C. M A R R have Jastrecelvcd from the eastern markets a largo and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, consisting: ok Casslmers, Jeans, Best bleached & Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton A All wool flannels, ic, &c, A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latost styles & patterns, Spices of nil kinds, Good Etock groceries, Qucensware, Stono waro, Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tlu, Brass, Ac. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro. duce. Ho would call the attention of buyers to his well nnd carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept in tho coun try, feeling conlldent that ho can sell them goods at such prices as will ensure satisfaction. Nov. 5,'C9-tf C. C. MARR. TVTILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another large and select assortment of FALL AUD WINTER GOODS, purchased in New York and Philadelphia at the owest figure, aud which he Is determined to sell on as moderate terras as can bo procured else where In Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo Inssortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths. Causlmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirls, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Qucensware, Haidware Boots and Shoes, Hals aud Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklnu-Ulasso.), Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Hits,, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs. AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In countrv stores, to which no invites the attention of the puDiio generally. The highest prlco will be paid lur cuumry prouueo in exchango for goods. B. H. MILLER Jt SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QONFKU'l'IONERY, inT.'il?nlIf.''B!lp"?! w?ul1 fcspectrully announce to the puhllo that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, in .the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb nuo.u tiv m 1'ii-uuruuiu lurnisu ail kinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN 4 DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, 40., 4C, 4C. BY WHOLESALE OB It ET AX L. In ihort, a full assortment of all roods I his Hue ol busluess, A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, !b!f.forthB Honeys. Particular attention BREAD AND CAKES. of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES. C1IISTMAS TOYS. guamnte1ed."0"Cltell, Bn1 "at""ll0" w"l " Nov. 22, 1867. ECKHART JACORB. jyjEROIIANDISE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my friends and the public- generally, that all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, 40., are conitantly on hand and for sale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND Bl.OOMHBUr.O, BY JAMES K. EYER. tfAho, Bole Agent for;rLLiB' Piioswiate oi ime. Large lot constantly on Land. fcb8'67. II Y WILL YOU RUIN YOUR EYESIGHT BY US1NO COMMON OLASSKS, When you can purchake LAZARUS & MORRIS' CELEBBATED riBKECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. THE BEST IN THE WOULD. They ore recommended by tho Faculty for Jni'i'iyo.0f Sl,nt"'l. Brilliancy " f Fl,,uiUi?a iJle.1.r, SrenttlieniUBoua PresenlniPoucfs In yValrt.V,,r,ourcnea'ugl(,. " Si? They can only be obtained lu JihOOMSIWIia IA. Of Miss A. D. W EBB, BOOK STORE, MAIN STREET, E.fut.'.'el.',0' ,""1"aCe- N0 LAZAllITS A Kfnitlfia Manufacturing Optlclaus, llartlurd,Coiin, 'marl8,70-ly, S25-'i,IIK FOLSOM IMPROVED Maltif;. TwcBty-Flvo Ikillar Family Sewing Dry Goods & Grocorios. G.RANI) OPENING GRAND OPEN1H1' GRAND OPF.N1NU GRAND OPENING URAND OPENING or WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND consisting ol consul lng of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY DilY DRY DRY DRY GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, GOODS GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND OAIH, HATS AND CAIH, HATS AND CAIf, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTH AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADR CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CIX1TIIING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINO-OLAHHKH, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSIW, LOOKINO-GLASSIJ. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, UUEENSWAHE, QUEENSWARE, liUEENSWAUE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, F1TK FISH, GRAIN AND GRAIN AND GRAIN AND GRAIN AND HEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, do. Ac., McICELVY, NKAL McKELVY, NEAL MsKELVY, NE.VL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL CO.'H, CO.'S, CO.'B. CO.'S. CO.'S. Northwest corner oi Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streota, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Street, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSHUHO, PA 1ILOOMSIUIRO, PA BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NA1I.9, lu largo quantities and at reduced rates, alway on nanu. Miscellaneous. AT E W COAL YARD. Xl The undersigned respectfully Inform the clllzcns or Bloomsburg nud Columbia county, thai they keep all the different numbers ofstove coal nnd selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on Ihclr wharf, adjoining M'Kclvy, Neat A Co'b Furnace; wllh n good pair of Rullalo scales on Iho wharf, to weigh coal, hay, nnd straw. Likewise a horse and wagon, to deliver coal to those who desire It. As they purchason largo amount of coal.they Intend to keep a superior ar ticle, and t.etl at the very lowest prices. Please call nnd examine for yourselves beforo purchas ing elsewhere. J. W. HENDEItSlloT, AUGUK1US MASON. TIIE undci'&ignetl will tako In ex change for Coal nud Groceries, tho following named nrtleles : Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lnrd, Ham,ShouUIer,aud side meat, Butter, Eggs, liny, Ac, at tho highest cash prices, at his Grocery btoie, adjoining their coal yard, J. W. HENDEItSIIOT. Bloomsburg Mnr, 19,'09-ly. AHA In Kl V Q BE5I.JK THE W0RLD.$J ulFST j New York Ofllco 27 BEEKMAN ST.' dec. 21,'tai Cm. H.a 110 bus opened a Crut- WER, first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE. nt tho old stand on Main Street, Bloomsburg.a few doors uliove the Court House. His stock is com posedofthevery lntcstnnd bcstslyles evor offer, ed to tho citizens ol Columbia County. Ho can accommodate tho publlowlththefollowinggoods nt tnn brfut rnlea u.i,.. ..... ..??Tr? Moga boots, men's doublo and single tap soled klii boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds. men s nne uoois nud shoes of all grades, boy's double sopid boots and.shocs of all kinds, meu's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's clove Ttld rousii very nno.womeu'a morocco Balmorals ami calf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait- ged and Sewed. " ""'Ps "otn peg. Ho would also call attention to his flno assort- HATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all the new and populat vari eties at prlceswhicbcannotfulltosultall. Theso ,ut l" lowest casn rates and will be cnnmnlnfiil tn .1 .... ...,..i- 1 r "r.T !,fK.Ilc .be.fo.ro Purchasing elsewhere' as It Is ikin.r.. , ii , uurguinB are to uo fovnd DeeVt-n tuo county. Rthc&e-m-olKfiuVanStitie noming,anaVnVyb0orgVcatffliYtoy: cohtyoa ou. fchll'70-Iy. T? ARLY ROSE POTATOES, TIIE GREAT TOriO OF THE DAY. Tho subscriber 1ms a limited tupply of the Early Rose Potato, which ho will sell to those wishlJE to piociuo this excellent vnrlcty.at tho low rato of Two Dollars per bushol. llo Las also, twenty of Iho Best Varieties of STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, IIOT-HOUSE AND OUT-DOOR PLANTS, all of which wilt bo kept on hand, nnd for sale, In their season, PRICE LIST OF EARLY ROfcE POTATOIS! Per liound, 25 Cents i Per peck, 75 cents! Tcrhall bushol, I1.M ; Per bushel, ltDO; Per barrel, 13.00, U'M lllttrvmi inarl8'70-tf. Espy, l'a. gLATE ROOFING, GVERY VARIETY MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CASPER J, THOMAS Box. 277. Bloomsburg, Pa. Mar.10.MMy ARCH STREET " CARPET WAREHOUSE. Mi AIICII ST.. liri.uW NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA. THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND. ( Receiving for theSprlug Trade u large stock of the New Styles of UAlll'IlTINas purchased at the low est Gold Rates, and will bo kold ut n grrut reduction Horn last season's nrlcea ENOLrall BRUSSELS ut II.W, and oUVlher goods luproiiortlon. JOS. BLACKWOOD, uiar2570-3. eOJAichbt.PIIiliideliplJa, Sowing Machiu G ROVER & IlAKER'n BEWINQ MACHINES, The following are solccted from ,n 0 leaiiiuuuiuis m similar character n. ""H itinMfl.nti. r,i. iii.K.., '' ein...... . ..... uiutwrence forllian ,'cl BAKin Machines ovor nil others, 0"VH J .. . 1 ',"" 'P8 "rover A BaVc. . the first place, because, 11 t i?,f r "Wbln. t should stilt want it Grovcr A nakerf"7 Sr i t I aid iS 1 tho rest. It does n greater vnM,.ipa.rr,0'6f .! It Is easier to learn Uian any "I I1RVO Will RfvDTAl .... . with ftOrovcr linker Mrrhin i. uejtPtr!j moffrpflt MUfnpt1on. I Shift? ir iiiitrinuu i iimro easily man?i "-'OEifc liable to get out of order. I rrofrrff'vf'1'' 1 xmmi, ueciu.uiy. iJirs. Dr. Vl'sil. v,nlwI 1 "1 hnvo hud ouo m i0 York two years', uuu Irnm what I kiini i foriam. Ii,gs,iit.d irom ti,u ltiTii,Vuy ,"''' IU IrieiKis whu use the same. Irani Uiny W anything could bo lucre &i,,ffi Jj- lS mlnmctioii."-Mrs. Genera! Oiant. l5 "I bcllovo it to bo tin. i . considered, of liny that f iZA Ui!B stiuh is euCirj- reliable? u' uoS ! work bcuutiiuily u ",'.lni V,""'' Miumnfi ortlcr.';-l.Mrs. A. '.M. K1,, ?11; Bruoklyiii opoontr, oil houa linker to tlicm nil. bea 1 t1?.?. 5J..V'! 9.mv WUich wns done ulna v n vi"u!s.a 4 do no (lottu linU i rents ilnth I.TI.n fli...... LI... has n-nJereilln every eptctti,a L?.. Bntlsfiictlon. It, cntnlTln..- L. r.ih..UMv,H1ep with beauty ol excuutlou ami etWomifTn t hat it N n necesli y In evi y hoSS" Uovciuor Oi-ury, Unrrlsbuiy, Ula for ten nr twelve years in eoni?i.ft loum.'. I linvo seen utul krifit, .Zvus lamny sewn t uoiu personal and C nccomiUlsliea upon thourover ARake! S tulho entlro Matisfuctlon of all 4,I nna tho Graver it lUktrktltrh.. bins senma, when stretcbeJ.as oUicra do'toi ing, 4 KaU Twenty-fourth WroeTjisSYori . -wolinvoaarovcrit linker Rewlna Yt ehhio for seven yenrs in constant tiie.hcmniS felllmr. tucklnc. ami ovorvtiifnfr ii,nt VwTH cou8tructlon."HMrs. Uen. Iiuel. m 1 www rnero coulil bo nn pnntf-f A. av. 1 1 ll. .,. - - s,MUJIUl " iu'inr,oi-u. vui,wf s. Association, "I havo hnil nn oMtortunitv nf inner iiiuciiiiiu kii Kiinnin in in iumi.ii.Ii.. fO 1-nsiIV IlllUPPStOnil nnil rn.it In akI. ii . 'X)rinj tho pnst cletn vtM I hi linn n. urnvpr a krHAU' nrr mm.. i ... LI1U UI UVLT k 1 Iltli LT UH II1B HTY fKtt kulrMit. Tweuiu sireei, isew i orK, "It In Kit clmtttnln 1 1 a glrnslnu it... u oincr iour yenrs enn fcewsiramnt Bcamitn llnv. Arpliltinltl f Kn'viLIUVkt ThlHi.W .. new yonc. "ThoGrover a linker Machine Und uencniio maiiKinu uinii oncujeelMihom wife of Prof, Wllfcon, of llobnrt College. www -i no hininllcilv oi 118 constrDfl nn 1 iiiciuiy iviiii iiiun iia urv xn uttiuutii, iljm iy. oiiciiniii. turn ciuMiiiiy ui us uuw;u.Hna ndantnbiiity to nil ltlmls ol work.orf ml. jtiint. r nvniug itjui'mur nnu iirciira iue j Itnln.f t.x nut' alitor tli. linn t.i.ii "-IV tv 1 Flshtr, I'nilnilelpUia Conference. "Wii navo useu ono 01 uroveri mi was never on t or renair. nnu uneiem5E Chicago, 'ino urovcrnnu jiaKer sewing .nacamBt." Ij-wlf Hlilrh Mnohltirq nnd (i!Tr tha rublk rliitlre of tho Iil-kL miirhlius of both klud tnrougu nseutues in nennynji lownniurou,!; i nn fniiiiipi- i Tiro i.iriitnui snni n ni sr-r in botli fetitcliCH furulslu-a on applied G rover a Itaker H. M. Co., I'iiLladelphLo.orto J. A. hOUAN, If l,m niiVn-r Hardware & Cutlery, niiii,' Tiji.nir tta nmvA emas i KD l'LUn ULTHa. il.i.ln ..nt,iro,l ,,nr klmn ilMia &Ed . Ol'ENUIl A Ni:V BUITI.Y, .II....1., rF..m tlm M ii n ii f.int ii fpf.. tiiirrho. k cash, on n declining mnrUct, w e are yirttif offer tho Bamo to I'AnilUltS, JIEC'IIANICB, El'lLEES 111 II Viy IllllU HttlUOWICiSU'i"1"" ........ of tho couutv. uL unusually low nrUea. . III Ulli UUU tUII nlliU .UUUtJ -v New Hnrtlwaro Htoie. i.. At. ....... Kv Unlr I lit? lUil b UIINYAN & WAKUD. JAtuu iv. naii in. s: MITII & SELTZEB, 11 A It D W A li E, a UNA, OUTLEBV, 1C, NO. 403 N. TliIRD STnEET.Air.CJUW'11 PIIILADELrillA. Nov. 22, 67-tf. ECIAL notice. uonlemplatlng a chango in or determined to close out the enure ' celebrated Supeii Phosphate or f"- 1I0NIATED FKUTILIZEn, at QltEATLY RUDUCED I'ltU" r-rrt. . i.i.,.i. win be onVJtl''I,I' and Dealers. Such an opportunity to pi octiro Mann'" first quality from a home etabllU"J " ..... .... i ty-two years Is seldom offered. n..t.. .ni i.. iin..,.i n liwny pr"" ndilltlon to our reduction in P""' nuniiY in vouu oitpr: tSBouTH l)Ei.AWAi:n Ave.slt.IUiw" nprS70-St. . IlEENWOOD SEMINAV- I lio Hnrl.ir- Mm nf tills I115II1UII -M ,i. on MONDAY, Al'IlIL, W'Vn'.iV.u'KMa mint-tor of Vtbi.ti t 4-t& Will "r.i i nrfct of July, wlicntht m will lieft" I inf rut nf Aitunr i.. tht Iloardinir btudrnis. not l'liffi" lf(.'f board nt tl oHuinhinry. ui boartlti inu iutir own iuwei, ai ii.iki)iii i Hoarding and Llglits, per a W 47i0o u Tuition, . 7mw lin.uuiK t Jl 11 li, .ni m. . 7,1,, rnr,t IS.'. 1 advance, ui.d balance ut or b tor io. uuaner. l'or lui Uur ru,'$'i"i:ur Mlllvllle, March i, ISTO-Sm. ltle D EHTIBT II V . It, C. HOWL'll. Itekiinctrnllv offers his lirOfCk?ln''l,,..U VIIU iivuie. UI1U I!UUL1L'11II;I1 .' ' . ili ' """) "'i'ei'' ; iTi, rroii'"; 'l'u.. ...I. ....... ... ...carll.ll UU .....fl.( . C.C.J1 YVII1CI1 Will UD ,7n. Wrll . ural teeth. '1'eoth extracted W.WLnMV the teelfi carefully and propeily JJiS oboTt Residence and olllce u lew U""" Oourt House, samo side... Bloomsburg, JutUl.'WU . .... . t i'ii r.-' f . w w v j.n lt MK. lV'.ii IM Lli. .. UNK AlACUINU WITHOUf:. i.hllSO "AlOrO ttllLtl lU'n.l iili..!. n. ... .. In my familj for tho lat u t liranbSK1 by tiuvcr .V Buktr s l.tci.l ic Sm, t ' i uuriuutit i in nr no..,i ..';ll5' "J line particulars, address 'a N. f'u lil)7U-tui.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers