$fo flffltomlmm. ...ill"..! lint.. .1 I... ' Tf..l..H mil 1.1 1. .. I I.. lllt.n uI...ttl . v. -w .t ... i t . SI.... nn. ... il.nn fiMii rntifu hot itfnl t 111,., l.nnl., II 1 ' U.l lltLi9, - Tl'ti nrrt Inrrti-mnil fli.if flirt lilll tinccm! . I. ,lln m., me . T il.n n.. In 1.1 .(- extend tho frtio vote to elections for .i. ' r. .... Mw. inn. !., i therefore, u law. town i;otjnciij. i nn council mut Thursday evening or lust wccic ntiU .snd Ordlunnco Jso. 1. which Upuh . i I.. n.it .i.a ,.s.lseev-ii A iintlwt. titnn lt-ltillnn nHlniirnnil mi. tn morrow ( Saturday even ntr. iff MHn Knnlntv. iimmliriM nf f !in rAvrnnii Plnirpii. mv ntr ritirnlincntl n 1 rnx lwt t.t-rt f ciilil " -I. ....es.mrwt Iimiinn It ilmlim.tiwl m. xtsaouaiii tu iui o ciock a. m. iro- nist. will civo some choice music on I! ULLUaiUlli wuuiu utiu 'iviu nuns ;kiim.uw mjh.jv uhm w a - o ii ihi. navo met wun ueuw, ior ino i i U ,sI..l.Vi (l.l.liw (l f liffMUIllilLf Ul lliU LIUUVll UiilallfU tllLi .1,1 mil- AstnMtnlimnMf JtViJtlftlVvTIl- What a u'iopperf uur neighbor is nairuimuU' -iuu ut.y isauu uuuniiu '.i ,.rn,.Htl,.l. i,.,ir 11 . - r - 1 ... At !. IIII1UU1 lllUlUlltlttU UYU t. U wUlUlallia. "Sold Aqain." Tho frequent do- mive, uuvu niuui'i'u litem in sen to rssrs Itrtiilinv ,v iinruon lit n snpr ipi. 1IUW tl"'tbjr .,,.... t) U VUlitlltUllllV by tho possible action or nlno nsso- hi: iiimi i.tiiit iiriuiii a i l v ni.s r M, r. IjUiz la mo wsi in mo mar- Birrai, occupii'ii uy mo into wiiiiuni lllll'ldv fur IvinliiT vimM oq n Imif f. iihh iifiii rpiiinvi'ii . -inn unnnnr. i ni iiiu it milium m irrpni 1 1 1111 iirnvpn rcinovni us mo umiaing was oi rttl; lirnnnsr s in Iilnrn ll npnt. Irnn fnnnn iront oi ins House unci lot. s oi ni'inioci: ipwnsnin. which wns niiimr. t 1 1 r i . iii;ir I'lirsiiii'u nmiii'i esttap, turned sharply around, upset- it iiiu dul'l'v. nun run at iuu riipmi c horso toro loose Irom tho buggy and ntlnued at speed dowu tho btreet. uuy wuaupurieeiwreeK. i;nnbiu ingtho dihtanee traversed, about ten ,la llm ilnul.l..l!.i.i nr.4....t.-,l.t.... The Swallows. Wo notice that big thoughtless hoys nro in tho habit throwing btlcks and stones nt the allMfa nu 4lw. .. lli.Ufn.1nn .....l r ----- - - - Lirnni Tlin nrrmiiil 'I'Mia Blinn il YlMt allowed. Tho swallow feeds entitelv IncptQ nnrl fa nrtn nf tlm lirct llflln saiusoitlio irult uiower that lives. thetioys knew that every swallow lied deprives somebody of n cood ces of Irult, perhups they would not mercilessly uso their clubs on them ; ll vpr ir id fi inrir iinir nitruicr nil .1111. Pin nrn (InclrAvnl in tlt.uonrwlu l.i. e swallows and other inBectiverous r. nc'lclibor lu spoaklneof the coinlui: noinl- S" may desire to get rid of tho nrcifnl In- for three years, anU his term will not expire Ul a year from next full til which tlino ho will loulrtejly Lo sacrlflcod to satisfy some faith. -v.iuut ui iiiu piiuucui iiiuu'jiuiy ui iuu We were- in error in statinjr that thero uuiu lie an election this rail for Uls ictAttoiney. Tho vacancy dois not (IIP nnltl XT,. t,.nl- .... IS if) 11 111 ft I nimfncl IVIi- llr.tlni- If lu l,llt-lnl .I..-1 I. t 1-1 . . I. ,r.. rcfact that Mi. Jkeler cives ids pa onage to tho Iltputllcan may account Bradley's wann.tlKnii'h uncalled for, and, that the fomier has placed liispo tlial fortunes lu Jtad'cal keeping. AKew JUp or BLOOjisnuito. Tho r u Kiuniu ui uur ifiwu uuring ino -. jmia iiu ifiiuurt'ii I'liiirt'iv 'tllllePS tllO Old luiniin.il mi, it nml t.W. W. ltllclilo nf a pi..imi ut "aueiiuua, nas ueen in town forsomo B. ' j... iiutfii) iuu lis for a new one. Jt will civo tho miia If tlin --I,.,..,. ,.lln.-.. . . iT V ani Bireaiiid, SHner wltii n correct survev of ovcry ljn town with owners' names, ground o of tho buildings &a furnishing nn Vieand complelo exhibit of tho old I'uiiuius ui iuu iuwii, iuu t aro now ready for inspection and "I no doubt bo approved by all who . iiiu irrniiim in iivnminn tnnin JJtrora our citizens as will warrant ja compiteing tho publication of Persons paying cash for Dry Goods 1)1(1 i. t -b r -.r 1W1IVJ ! V H I II I 11 0 l I I lll''H 'Vft Ul-lfirn tnn-nlinaltlrf n k-nntlinvn 'CAMPMENT ATWILMAMSI'ORT. e Uruntl Commniidrov of Kuinhta mri A., . ,i T , ' i ' to nto camp, iti this city, in .tho am fm groVu , (Il0 ntiraio j'arlf, on W, tho Mtli of Juno next. This tin. .r -s'xtoenth annual conclavo. ' w preseut. Their names aro as fol a.orthern, Park, Mary, Crmade, lay, I'ltt&burg, i5t. John, 1'hila! Iwa, JiKittea DoMolay, Mountain, v k Ul' "t'ttiilnson rind Alluu. foro us a beautiful plan of viniiiiiiiiiiiT nit it nn rrrrMimiu ilni.r.7i ifJ4."' """-nKamo, civil s necr of thisc tv. and HtliriL'miilml m u?i . r, 4 Ko3sler, of Philadoluhla, ij it. c , " P-viect idea or tho place Vurr?UU(llnKs ton lo fornied. Ill PffhendthoeallantSIrKnlghta fn. ' - I'llUDUIlL 11 IIIU III IIIMir 1IIh IUvKiifi,a ,lmt. ,,mnv etrangera "tan dikSf )y on tho occa3lon.-t7. r.llll,-t THE toimi:uti-.n. A scries of robberies ra- tnarkablo nllko for their boldness mid for tho utter want of skill ovinced by tho perpetrators, toolc pluco in this town on Saturday mid Bunday nlglits Inst. On tho llrst named nlcht tho awnllliiLm of J. A. Funslon, L. Itunyon,li.. Monden- nan umii. mcuowon wero cntoreil antl thoilrsttwo thorouu'hly ransacked. Mr. Kunstnn's papers wero taken from his desk and scattered in groat -confusion but nonuof tlicm woro tiikcn,norwasany thing of value missed from tho house In Mr. llunyoii's tho thioves obtained a lircttv nnir of irnld lirucnleta nml n silver dollar which was tho baby's piuyming. in jir. meuowcirs tney entered tho collar but wero tiuablo to foreo their way up stairs. Mr. Monden hall escaped without much lo. Earlier in tho evening, beforo tho depredations woro committed, ltov. 1). J. Wallor, whoso houso Is oiiposlto Mr. I'unston's, found Ids stablo door onon and IiuvIiil' secutcd it, discovered tho next morning mat no nan inadvertently lastenetl tho rascals within, as tho door was forced open from tho inside, tho Iron staple being torn off, and a part of tho running near i ins wagon, ucd as n lover, was lotind near by. On Sunday evening, tho stablo was again entered and this tlmo n largo brown mare, belonging to uunigomery lviinc, was stolen together with n brldlo ntul an nrmy saddle. Al tlioUL'll there were six hnrsiw In tlu sin. bio, tho inaroalono was taken, probably becauso tho nearest to tho door. Tho next nay she was found saddled and bridled in n grain field on Enoch Illtten hotiso's farm, some two miles t hU shin of Berwick. it would seem us if these robberies wero committed bv tho sunn men who on tho Friday night previous entered tho houso of S. 1. Knso in Danville. Their gains wero but few in this In stance, nothing of much vnluo being taketi. On Thursday of tho preceding week Mr. James Boyd or Sunbury suf fered a visitation from these plunderors and lost n considerable amount of silver ware These depredators appear to have started on n Summer tour of thiev ing and lo havo taken tho line of tho railroad for tho scenes oi their exploits. iit, ........ .. I. !,...!.. n. ... ... - i.li--J .11. U UViUUIIll I1UL UA1UI l,Il.-f their actions Drove, butthovaroirrentlv needed by tho pollcoand it is to bo hoped that they may come to grief speedily. The capturo and conviction of tho party, whoso number is not known, would bo a boon conferred upon tho public and Is "a consummation dovoutly to bo wish ed." Wo havo learned since writing tho above that a house in Espy was en tered on Monday night, und also tho Half-Wav llouso between tlmt ulnec! and Berwick. People up tho river bhuuld bo on their guard. NOHTHUMIIKIILANI) DlSTItlCT CON VENTION, I. O. op O. T. Northum berland Dist. Convention of Good Tem plars met at Milton, May 11, 1870, 7J p. m., In tho Hall of tho "Sparkling Water Lodge" No. 31. Convention was call- ed to order. W. C. T. Kline, entering soon after tho opening ceremonies. A. committeoon credentials was appointed by W. C. T., consisting of W. 1'. Hob erts, A. J. Wyloand J. M. Clark. Aiier mo lecturo tno louowing com mittco to draft resolutions and preparo buslnei-s was announced: Bros. Vm.J. Bidloinan, C. 0. Sharpless, S. "W. Mur ray, S. S. Chubb and James Beard. JloiiNiNG Session : Convention met as per agreement. W. C. T. Kliuo in tho chair. Vacant offices tilled pro lent. urcticnuai commiueo reporteu tno following delegates in attendaneo: sparKiing water," xso. ui, Bros. Kerr, Murray and Mervine; Sisters, Annio Frymiro and Emma Porter; IIQ....1.1,-... n -rn lOI ll.na 11,,., .l T1. erts and Bergstresser; "Jewell," No. los, sisters, uiara K. ucrrand jn. Km nrn Lawsheo ; "Bloonisburg," No. 1!!!), Bros., Bldleman and Clark, Sisters, E. M. liiitz and Alico Coreil : "Anchor."' No. 210, Bro., J. S. Sterner, Sisters, M. Cornelius, E. Sterner, J. McCluro nml L. Buey ; "Aurora," No. 2S7. Bros.. E. T. Eves and C. Eves; "Catnwissn," No. 328, Bros., Sharpless mid Wyle, Sistera, a.j. wyie, iMcinssa juenscn ami iim ma Thomas: "Espy," No. 382, Bro.. J. M. Hess : "Sliamokin." No. 511. Bro.. J. II. Stroup, Sisters, Mary Strouso and wary iNeaiy: "irevortoii." jso. 2.i, Bro. S. S. Chubb. Convention proceeded to tho election of officers witli tho following result: W. 0. T.,Bro. T. Mervine, "Sparklinp; Water," No. 31 j W. V. T., Sister Ann ie Frymire, "Sparkling Water." No. 31 ; W. S., Bro. J. M. Clark, "Blooms burg," No. 130. Immediately after elec tion, tho officers elect, assumed their positions. Tho difl'eiont Lodges then ro ported. Nearly all gave favorablo reports although not increasing numerically slill doing much good. Convention adjourned to meet at Catawibbit tlio becond Wednesday in August next. Tho session was harmonious and without doubt exerted ahealthrul in fluence upon Milton and upon tho Tem perance causo in tho District .generally. John M. Clauk, W. S. OunTowN. We aro very glad that tho ruing of tho Exchango Hotel aro to bu removed and honoboinoenternrisine: man will build a hotel worthy of uioomsuurg, rising as a rnoonix out or the ashes. Tho go-a-head spirit scenn not to bo at homo hero and tho"needful" scarce; but a first cla-s hotel isabsolute ly wanted and would pay well. Our Reformed friends havo purchased a now organ and placed their old inelo deon in tl io Sabbath school room. Tho organ is of tho mako of I. It. Perry. Just patented, with Improved wind ar rangement unu action oi organ uuuows, which renders his organs superior to any other mako fur power and modula ting effect. Tho greater part of the pur chaso money camo from tho ladies' mite-society und the remainder will bo n mil o up In a short time All honor to their perseverance and generosity. . Bloomsburg Just now looks like a beautiful ilower garden. Looking down from our Seminary, it bccms to bo a Jewel, sec in emeralds, topazes and di amonds, Tho grounds around tho School aro beautifully Improved and enlivened, hero by a fashionable croquet mutch, tncro uy a goou "oiii uaso uaii game. Another kind of amusement will shortly be introduced, namely our ex aminations and commencement cxe cises, Thcso examinations, in somo In stitutions n burrbear. In others n hum bug, nro hero nothing else, but a fa r specimen of our daily lessons; no mado up uriiis, mil a Biimiiu repetition oi our daily labors, perhaps Intermingled with somo music and callsthenlc exer cises. Afterwards, final examination of tno graduating class. Wo bono to seo our friends from near and far on this occasion to encourage teachers and scholars and togivo a now itisiro null impetus to our Nohmal School. Agricultural SooiKTY.--WovouId again call tho attention of our friends to tho fact that this Society will hold its annual mectiug at tho Court llouso on Saturday, tho 21st Inst., nt 2 p. i.i. All tho members should attend and bco that good, llvo men aio selected for tho dill'erent positions. Wo liopo political preferences will bo dropped, mid tho goou oi tno (society aiono uo consiuoreii The County CommUsloners will bo in session ut tho Court House, ou Sat urday, May 21st, for the purpoo of hearing nppoais irom assessments in tho town of Bloombburg, Hoiiiinuv at iroiiim:. Tho storo of Mr. Iienrv Orover, at Hobble was en tercd ono nltrht last week and about ono hundred dollars worth of goods taken with somo cliungo from tho drawer. Tho Btoro was won becureu uhnvo. and tho cellar door was fastened witli a Mout oak bar falling across into Iron hooks. Tho robbers bored tho door so oi to get a pry under tho bar und raised It by a series of holes and pried uutll it was got out, and then iouuu inn way clear up luto iuo store room. ScraiUon lretci. COLUMBIAN AND LOCAL NOTICES. $10,000 wanted for a period of ono. two or threo years, In sums of tSOO or up wards, on tho best or security. Apply to John A. Funslon & Co., Bloomsburg. We would recommend our friends who nro about purchasing n Sowing Miichino to utiy oi J, a. uornn, who lias a prac tical knowlcdL'o of tho londlnir Ma chines, and Is permanently located in mis pincc. Wl! havo lust received frnin Phllii- delphla tho largest and best assortment of printer's materials over brought to this place. Persons wishing cards, bill or letter heads, envelopes, circulars, bugs, or Job work of any description done, will find it to their Interest to call us. my20-lt The merchants of our town nro bo- gining lo learn that tho truo way to build up a trade is to Bell nt tho small est profits. Among tho llrst fo find tins out was L). a. ueemey, who lias adopted tho cash motto and is selling Boots and Shoes nt prices that aro as tonishingly low. Culluud examine, oven If you do not want lo buy Time! Time! That is to saw It is tlmo to get spring suits and no ono can hotter supply your needs than David Lowenberg. Mr. Lowenborg's selec tions of goods nto If possible, liner than over. Ho lias something to gratify ovcry tasto however fastidious, and ins worKinansuip is ns goou as over, Gentlemen who nro desirous of being well dressed, nnd comfortublo as well really ought to call on Lowenberg. Ho has nil tho latest nattcrns and about all tho pretty onei. The VKrtY Latest. S. II. Miller & Son havo just received the finest stock of goods ever offered to tho public in tins county, tiui announcement win bo found, on Inspection, to bo true. The city markets havo been carefully exam ined and tho best and newest patterns of Dry Goods, &c, only chosen. A full lino oi uroceries aim I'rovislons also on hand nnd offered at reasonablo rates. It Is unnecessary to recommend this estab lishment, so long and favorably known to tho community. Wo will merely statu that the gentlemen of tho firm nro as perfectly honest and roliablo as ever. There is no such invention for savlno- labor, lime.licalth.and sight ns tho Sew ing Machine. Families can eniov life. libf rty.and happincisif they havo ono of singers rsow improved bowing Ma chines. They nro simple, durablo and run nt high sneod. tiuiet. easily under stood, and not liable to get out of order, ua.MK luiui iiu-jilli;, nll-rtllJl iinuty Ul iinuaus man any oilier luaciuno unu doing tho most perfect work on any thickness from thin Cambric to heavy Beaver Clotli ! Making tho lock stitch nliko on both sides and having nil tho lato improvements with attachments for various kinds of works, such as hem ming, felling, braiding, cording, quilt ing, binding, tucking, gathering, em broidering Ac. Ladies that havo the Singer nroproud of it, nnd few would be wining io cxeiiuugo ior a l'iano. Geo. A Martin, Esq., Commercial Editor of tho Buffalo JCxpress, says : "If Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy possessed no other virtue, its worth would bo be yond price as an effectivo untidoto for tho horrors of a "cold in tho head." Two or threo applications havo al ways, in my case, removed tho disagree ublo symptoms. Sold by druggists or send Sixty Cents to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and get it by mail. Tirr. fllnlin T.lfn Tncnrnncri rVimnnnv or New York gives an increasing policy anu a uccreasmy premium, its uusincss I ilnnn nn 11 pnc-li vstnm. nml l-i ninn. aged by ono of tho oldest and best in surance men of tho country, Its Presi dent, Pliny Freeman, has done moio thnn nnv ntlinr ninn fn nmlrn Insiirniinn safo and profitable to theso who need u mosc ino men oi smnu means, no is tho inventor of tho non forfeiting plan of insurance. Young men, whether married or ex pecting to bo married should'member that they owo It ns a duty to a wife, to tnko measures to insure a eomfortablo sum for her in caso of sudden death. LI fo is uncertain to tho strongest, and thereforo if you lovo your wife as some thing moro than a household slave, pro vide for her futuro by securing a llvo or ten thousand dollar policy in tho Globo Lifo Insuranco company of New York. 1 J An cnteriirising nnd active young man who would do good and at tho same tlmo do well, can find remunera tive employment, by taking a lifo In surance agency or J. B. Roblson. Tho Globo Life Insuranco Company is a mutual company, does a cash business entirely, is organized under tho Now York Stato general insurance law, nnd has as nblo it management as can be found in tho country. No patent right notes nro taken by tho agents or this company. Tho editor of this paper hits u policy in tho company and has found it al ways honorablo and upright in Its deal ings. The Danvlllo lo7 mado by Huber it Son, seems to supply tho wants of tho wants of thu farmers. Itls thoonly plow that can bo relied upon always kept on hand together with all tho castings, also corn plows, corn cultivator, culti vator teeth, and a great stock of farm ers tools at reduced prices. ixlS-lt Runvo.j & Warden. Pulmonary Consumption is robbed of Its terrors. Tho Phconlx Pectoral lias cured many eases antl has given happy relief in many more. nliMt SiiAiti'LEss & Haiiman havo for salo tho best corn planters in use Also tho Montroso Iron Beam Plows, Plow handles, bolts, &c. 2t. Removal. J. N. Oberendcr has moved his Tailoring establishment to tho rooms over Jacobs' Confectionery store on Main Street, opposlto David Lowenberg's, where ho is now ready to attend to thu needs of nil customeis. nl7-0t Uloonisbiiri; Market Iteport. Wheat per bushel Ityo " Corn " Oats. " 1'lourpor bairol Cloveisecd Klaxheed liutter V.M Tallow , Potatoes I led Apples Hums , Rides and Hhouldeis Lard per pound liny per ton Ino.N No. 1 Scotch pig No. 2 ' lltoora LUMUEK, HemlocU Hoards per thousand feet Pino ' " (one luch) JoM, Hcantllng, Plank, (UemlockJ . Khlnles, No. f per thousand 11.15 , I 01) s 10 . 7 00 , 8 U.) . t 03 . 40 2 1 v . S il '. 17 A" , 18 01 m 10 ti') lsaTO , 11 OU , 8 1J 7 CO 18 (0 Hl.llus It. I'hllsdf Iphla nlarkctn. Klouu Noithweslein supcrfuio nt Northwestern oxtru Northu'estcru family l'eunsvlalilu and Vustirn siinermiB. ,11.509 .7i .a.Mm 5.73 f.S. ,.. 6.75'a2 ft 7.VS tl.7. Penusyliunlauud Wcjlmu extra - ivuuKyiYiium unu wesieru lamuy, .K.60OI11.UI i-wiiwjiiuuiivuuti w estern muey M Ityo Hour Wiikat Pennsylvania red, V bus Huulhern " " CultfoiuU ' " ,ll.HU(3ilu? IMS li.i'.i ,ia.eoa2.7i . i.i ,.3.15(5JJ.10 ..1.18J.JIIH .. I.H ,.i.nrJi.i; OlCSJiVU f31.K . kUcditlc . lJcislsk lie 17cmc White " Hyk Vennsylvanln rye, bus COIlN Yellow, " Whltl), ' OATti Vbns .......... l'lioviBioNa Mess Pork, y bhl. Mess Ueef, " Diessed Hogs, y tb wl timokid Hams " " Hhoulders V it Ijird, V lb Hkkiw clovoisied V bus.,....M M Tlmolhyseetl y bus , Flaxseed H OATTtK lleef Uillle'iilD ........ Cows, A head 11.37 ,. uu .... 8oS(o .... 1'Aauc MIIBEr p w ..i lloud-TMOOIba DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA jQISSOLUTION , Thijco-parlnirslilnlieretofiiroexlstlnglielwceii Wf"i na ll. J. Clark, was till day. tils- nlved by mutual consent. W. II. KOONB, llloomsbuig. .May 7, 1870-31. 11. J.CLAItK. JjOTIOI! r Wo. the undenlgneiMieroliy certify (hatJamex Matthews, of lleinlorlc township l Innocent, ns lar nswo hnvnnny knowledge, of tho theft or ore. cnndles. Ac, which nrllcles wero recently stolen rrom u, fhcro Is no proof that ho was in nny manner Implicated. ('HAULER KAOK. HlltAM NEYHAkr. , , .. (1. W.lIlri'LE, llloomsburg, M.iy 1:1, m-H, JOTIClTTtrTAXPA YEH3. Thero will be n meeting of tho Town Council of llooinsburg, on Tuesday Mny 2lih next nt III p e'oclt A. M. lu tho Grand .Itiry room of tho Court House, forllio purpose nf hearing appeals from such pcisous ns deem themselves errone ously classified In tho Assessment Lists. Those Interested will toko notlco undntteiii If they seo I1U ' , Ily Order of tho Council. 1'. COOLEY. llloomsburg, May 13, IWd-'.'t, Hecrotary. ADMINISTRATE) R'S NOTICE. I'STATR 01' V'ltEliEllK'i: HAlirMAN, KMIKC'II. Letters of Admiulslrullon on tho estate nf Ircderlck lartmaii,Hr.,lnloof Klslilugcit'ek twp. Columbia county rtco'il., liavo been gran led by .Hie i Iteglslcr of Kald county to I. K. Krlckbaum, of llcnton twp. Columbia county. All persons having claims ngalnst tho estnteof the decedent nro renueHted to present them for settlement, and thiMo Indebted to tho estate to make pay ment to tho undersigned, administrator, with out lie nv. I. K. KHICK1IAU.M, mayl370-Cr. Administrator. s UEIMFF'S SALE. IH Vlrllie Of H writ, nf V n.lMln,.l Vvn,..,n. Ia- sueil nut of tho Court of Common Pleas of Col uiiibla county nnd to mo directed wilt be expos ed to salo by publlo vendue or outcry nt the Court llouso in llloomsburg, nt 10 o'clock tn tho forenoon ot Saturday, Juno lib, 1S70, tho follow ing real estate, to wit t All ilef nannt's right, title nnd inteiest nml claim or, In and to a certain tractor parcel of Inuii sltunto In Montour township, bounded on tho north by William Ulcer, mi the east' nnd south by Snyder, nnd on iiiu west by Schruin, containing twenty-eight acres, moro or less, be ing tbosnmo land fornieiiy owned by tho lato Dr. Johu llamsey. HcIjciI, tnken In execution anil to bo sold ns the property ot James II. ltamsey. MOItDKUAI MILLAU11, mayU'70-3w. sncrlir. A UDITOR'S NOTICE, J if lili KIKST AND FINAL ACCOUNT Of M. E JACKSON, KSQ., ASStONKK OK PKTKIl JI. TRAUOH. 'Iho undersigned appolntod by tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Auditor to mako distribution ninoue; creditors of tho bal ance lu tho hands of M. K. Jackson, Esq., As signee of Peter M. Trnueli. will meet thn nnrtln Interested for tho purpose of bis nppolntmentot theolllco of M. E. Jackson la llerwlck, Columbia .ttlill ... lOrlil.t. Tt.nntlKI. l,n n. n A t Juno Ilth, 1870, nt 10 A. M. aIi persons Interest- -ti ur nuviug ciuiins against inesaiil j'eter.M. Traughnro requested to attend, or bo debarred fiom coming lu for apart of tho said lunil . C. II. nitOUKWAY, mavl3'70-fw. Auditor. fls-llerwlck Gazetto please copy. NEWn Hook. Agents srll 100 per wcelc. Trlco 85. Address Jj. UTUllIUNS. Ilurtford.Ct. $2 k- . rtS'f tl I. . I -1 . , A..-,.. O Haraplesrcc. A. I!. HHAW, Alfred, Me. SALK8MK.V,-Send for Circular, a first class business nnd steady employment, il. 1. HOWE, Ul .WV.ll U.IVCl, A llll.lUl'lUlllil, J. a. Menilvllle Theological School, Unitarian : educate Ministers; SIMayear tnpoor students .tins Aug.'.".', Apply to. I. .l,.(icrpiorcMcad vllle, Pa. AUHIOUS, HOW STft ANOEI-Tlio. Married j i.aaici jrwaie ujmpamon contains the desired Information. Sent jrce for stump. Address MIW. 11METZUKIt, Hanoycr, Pa. AE WIL1 PAY AOI2NTS a salary of 935 T per week or nllow a largo commission to sell our new Inventions, Address J. W, FIIIN1C & uu., xuarsuau, Mien. AANTKD, AGKNTS.-S40 Watch free elven ' gratis to every llvo man who will act ns our Agent. Uusincss light anil honorable; pays 830 per day. Address JlMoni oe Kennedy i CO. Pittsburg, BOOK AfiKNTS WANTED.-'xi((cj of (he U'htto JIonsc." No opposition. Steel cnirrav- lugs. ltapld Sales. I-'or circulars, address V. a. Puunsmsa Co., N, Y Clucinnatt and Chicago. Q A TPQM 17 W Wonted in a paying business, iSALlliOiUIlLl S. Kenneiiy, Ui Chlstnut bt! A llllUUCipill.l. nSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION OH SOUL- l uiiAiuiinu. iwpagcNi eiutu. mis wonder- iiu uouu uus ma instructions lo enable tbo rtad cr to rnscluato either sqx, or uny animal, at will. Mesmerism, teplrltuallsm, aud liundredsof oth er curious oxperii.itmtH. Itcauba obtained by se.idlm: addicMS. witli III cow iinin.,.. n, i1. w EVANS t CO.,No.41 So. ElBlltUht.,l,lilladelphln. OTAU SPANtiLKl) BANNKU.-A Inrgo 40 Miuiuimiiuiirfujir Mie, iiiusiiuieu. iJevo led to Slictcias, Poetry, Wll,lIiimor,rciiu(i; fun. ISotlseuse (of n sensible kind), und to tho exno. suiool Swindling, HumbugH, Ac. Only 75ctS.n r . V .,I ' oui-t-iu euBriiviiiK "r.viuigeiine,' 1 llrxl! leet. aralis. :lo.l)liO iiciihitliii. .lr M. funded to all nhoaskit. It Is wlde-uwnke, tearless, truthful. Try it now. 75 cts. a year. Specimens K Aki.i,. aumwji "Airtil,i;, ' Jliusuale, N, PATKNTS. Inventors rrlio wihh tolakonut T.AtifirK pt. cut uro advised to counsel witli MUNN & CO..ed- uimui uie ncicmijic simiricau, who havo prose cuted claims hcfnrn thn Pntniit ntllcn ftr n-v.. Twcntv Yenrs. Their Anw-rlcnti nml v. ii rnnnn ti l'ntuut Aueiiey is the moist extensive in tho woi hi. Charges less thnn nuy othtr leltable i.cni., j jiuilipillC'L CUIllUlIllUg JUIl JIISUUC' tluns to Inventors Is hent grutls. M UNN t CO., 37 i'ark flow, New Votk. O NE MILLION ACRE3 O F IOWA CHOIC U LANDS For sale, at S3 per acre, nnd upwards, for cash, or nn credit, by tho Iowa IIailuoaii I.a.su Co. Railroads already built through the Lands, and on nil sides of them. Great inducement to set tlers, rseuu ior our iree rumpmet. ltgnes pri ces, tunns. location: tells wliiislmnlil mum wet wlul thev should bilmr- what it will cost irii-eM plans and elevations ot 18 dlflerent stylui of ri'uuyiiuuiu nouses, Hjueii iuo company luriusn nt Irom (20O to $000 riady to set up. Maps s;nt ll iieaiit-u, Aiiuicn, W. W. WALKER, n'ccPittfuYnf, CEDAlt ItAj'los, lown. A MODEL HOUSE. Ilelni' ncrinnle.F have nutfinhnusA nlminlnir n hpeclrtl htudy. Oiih built Inst seafcon has proved ft niotiei or eonvenienee, ueauty nuu economy. Descriptive circulars of nans, Views, etc., with Reneral information of value to nil, bent free. A ilil i ess (with Ktamp or script It eonvtnlent). at;o.J. COLUY.ArchUect.Walerburj', Vermont. 95. EMPLOYMENT. 810. HUNDREDS OF AGENTS mako from 3 to 810 per day, In selling our Patent Extension Hkki. AM) Swikts, combined. Used In every fnmlly for winding Yam. Silks, Worsted, &c. Winds full sized skein, and weighs less than ono pound. AGENTS WANTED. For terms c, ad dress A. L. STARKE & CO, AUbuin, N. Y. nayl3'70-!w. Shaking and Burning, It is not necessary to Journey from the tropics to Alaska In order to experience the extremes of hent and cold. Thousands undergo all tho In conveniences or this thcrmometrlcal change everyday, or every other day, ns the caso may be, without tho trouble ot moving over the threshold. A word with these Involuntary shak ers. What aro they doing to cxpedlto their ro turu to a medium temperature? to break tho chills and banish the rover? Are they dosing themselves with quinine, thereby Imperiling tho soundness of their bones and impairing tho vigor of their brains and nervous system? Homo of them are.no doubt, but not the majority of them, It Is believed. The value of Hostcttor's Stomach Hitters ns a harmless and certain spe clllo for fever and ague Is understood and appre ciated lu all parts of tho country whero Inter mittent!, prevail. Tho residents of such localities begin to tako It early In the spring as a protec tion against tho miasma by which they aro sur rounded; not ull of them, perhaps, for a blind adherenco to error Is the specialty of somo peo ple, but tho greater number. If tlieio is any fixed fact lu therapeutics, It Is this! that tho Hitters aro a far better safeguard against nil tho varieties o( periodlo maladies produced by unwholesome exhalations than any drug or compound lu tho materia mcdicaot tho prolesslon. This assertion is made with all duo respect to tho faculty, but being an Important truth, and ono that nearly concerns tho health of luigo settlements in various paits of tho country, and Indeed of tho publlo nt large.lt Is made fearlessly. Founded on ample nnd unim peachable testimony, It dellea dlsprovul. To bunk up chills nud fevers, ai well ns to pieviut litem, there Is nothing so rellablo oh this wholesome vegelablo restorative. THE RED LION IIRAND, BLACK AXiFACA Is superior to all others lu color, quatlly and prlco to bo found ouly at M. P. JLUTZ'8 Dealer In Dry Goods and Notions, lu Urower's new buildlug next tn tho Court lluuso, Main Strict, Uloouuburg, Pa. puaymo-ir. JOB PRINTING Neatly executed ut this Oltlc jgUY THE BEST. HEASUREIl'S HALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA CO. Aereeablr lo the nrovlslons of nn Act nf As senibly entitled an Act directing tho modo of selling unseated lands for taxes nnd other pur poses, passed the thirteenth day of March, 1815, nnd the further supplement thereto passed on iuo urn iiiiy is .iiuicii, ion, anu ma -vim nay oi March. 18'J1. ntul the Hlh dnv .nf Mnrch. IftlT. tltn Treasurer of Columbia county, hereby gives no tlco to all persons concerned luercln.that unless tbo County, Koad, School, Poor, Ilounty and Slate taxes due on the following tracts of unseat ed lauds, Kltuato in Columbia couuty, nro paid ueiore ine nay oi ssto, me wuote or sucn pnrts of each tract as will pny the costs chargable there on, will bo sold at tho Court House, in the town of llloomsburg, Pn., on the 13th day of Juno, 1870. nnd to contlnuo by adjournment, from day to dav for arica-liees of taxes due said fVitinfv. nn,l costs accrued on each tract respectively. No. of Acres, warrantees or Owners, Dol. CIs. CENTRE, A'lnliach Iicnjamln t 1 M Conner isaia.t, I'lsl 0 03 Conner Samuel (I 03 Dewllt A llenedlct 7 20 Frits William Est 1 M (loud Jajob 73 Steely Phllliis Kt) CATAWIBSA, Weaver Ellas 11 II YntUHlIM ni Cluwell Jacob .Ir ll M IholHlJS 3 IJ Ulllmyer M & Geo IS 61 Clewell Joseph 2 la CONYNUHAM. Toidau Robert 99 40 Porter Andrew 0.T2 70 Walker Lewis 072 01 Huston Thomas V'2 87 Huston Mary Ho 41 lUiBlon Thomas 03 7 Huston .Mary Ho 43 Paxtou Klluu 4 Sharpless 1'tO Wi Heaslcy Johnson 2:11 43 IllltiihelmcrThomas 'ill 11 Wlckersbam Amos 15157 Shannon Win, lloo 8.1 IlickhnmGeorgo CI 05 lUrns Thomas 10 03 I.lndenmuih, Kllno 4 Co 4 1! I.indenmttlh Geo U 4 OTi Lelby J W 3 07 .Mm r II H 3 35 HoinboldOW 2 31 Werlman Daniel 2 42 Wnllnce Wm 4 19 Krrnk Yocum 2 47 .13 3T r,)i 7 .1 1 , fa so 'in too Al M 27) 303 Uof 170 of 380 i. ( of 170 lot 380 30 381 SSI SH0 3 I 100 30 00 20 1 lot 1 3 " 7 " 2 1 ' 8 325 401 1.0 4)0 Hot 1 2 " 3 " 2 " Walker Lowls 3 03 Kllno John 2188 YoungJohu 10i 91 Ucam Joshua 157 18 nrown ivathanlcl ,UI 07 Cleaver Ellas 01 (Xioke rntltarlne 2 03 Cook Darry 8 02 KliucetmanFred 0 61 Kutliclrls Geo 73 tioodman Wm 1 3d Kllno John 13 70 FISHINOCRE EK. Tluckalcw Wm Est Doty & Pealer 90 800 3 14 15 30 200 17 20 IB 14 100 1C0 17 200 3 18 60 12 0 14 30 45 33 1 4.1 1 53 Fleekeustlno Nathan Freas & HolI'man Gelslnger Jacob lkelcr Wra Jones Richard Jones Jnmcs N Mears Williams Montgomery Daniel Est Patterson II W Pealer Samuel J Pealer Georgo Unnngst Philip Abraham Whltonlght Wm Zaner Jonn FRANKLIN. Hoyer Edward Lllley Abiaham Swank Geo GREENWOOD TWP. Hattin II F Cooper Mark P Ikeler A J Kline Daniel Mellck John Titmnn Abraham Est CENTRALIA BORO'. Artor John lloylo John Callahan James Casey John Dougherty Michael Dickson Daniel Kline & Rolnbold John Jesso Lehigh jc Mahauoy U R Co Madden Thomas Machou Thomas Median James Nevlu Michael Hellv Shepoard H F Wlttlch Frederick Zelglcr William Gable Henry M organ John D Mooio Grace Mr Van lluren S E Mrs Oul ju Pa.rlck Cti'-non llernard Cane Teireaca Keller Widow Loveland II A McKlrney Chas Staro Jo'jti Collins TT Hauly John (1 Hurley John Edward Jrmes lllveu James Keuver Darlel Davis Henry Fenstermecher J 11 Jones Ann T Mrs Kllno Caroline Ijin5cn Put McLaughlin F Mmphy Thomas M urphy Hililgct MnnlhunJohn .Muulhan Thomas Marks Lloyd Marks Georgo Mcliugh James Welsh Martin Kline Johu Cain Owen GoIl'MIchacl Durklu Ellen HRIARCREEK TWP. Apple Paul Howmau .lese Hrlttaln Wm A lllish Hcubeu Hciich Nathan lluhce Lewis Rrynu (juy Clem W T D Evans Wm Hicks Jesso Pealer Samuel J Heecer Abraham Stackhouso Joseph Hal Hull Adam Sitlcr Jacob Sponenberg Philip nst John Zaner Johu HEAVER TWP. 3 .38 10 15 1 M 603 19 81 1 59 10 15 10 68 1 90 12 18 as 2 03 5 CO 3 38 13 11 40 40 4 11 01 3 40 3 38 5 14 1 39 47 11 3 100 100 30 00 18 30 2 lots 1 " ,i t 1 " 12 41 0 07 7 35 3 85 S 48 677 7 UI 1 45 40 40 C 28 3 08 4 49 7 69 3 85 3 05 3 83 3 92 3 85 1 50 5 00 2 20 1 00 33 .11 1 77 1 55 33 3 53 7 17 2 05 1 80 1 15 1 20 10 80 00 2 07 2 20 2 23 1 90 10 10 10 10 2 20 2 20 I 17 40 1 70 1 10 1 27 1 65 2W 38 55 300 400 100 ISO 210 28 10 10 100 SOU 421 110 5 100 45 10 12 90 12 90 4 85 32 25 88 70 0 08 12 CI 13 05 V 39 3 21 05 C fi 12 00 0 43 J 25 31 6 45 2 88 3 23 400 I0 380 400 25 02 300 100 aoo 100 110 40 loo 250.1 T oluinbla Coal A Lumber Co 27 08 .. ,. .. 27 faS " " 24 10 " " " 27 6.4 Davis Isaao 1 K5 Ilarrlger Jacob 6 15 Miller Ellas 20 91 MaimiKoat 7 10 Noyer Calharlue 12 30 Nojer Georgo 0 15 Nuugesser Georgo 9 84 Cchllcher Moses 2 M Shlpman 11 W 7 20 West Huck Mountain Coal & IlonCompauy 81 CO Morris Daniel c 85 BENTON, Armstrong Hannah 5 3H White Tracy 8 27 ltuckle William 3 9(1 1'enalngton Jesso R 3 73 HEMLOCK. Applctnan William 3 15 AppleraanDH 7 77 ilrugler Samuel 1103 Campbell I. N 6 3.1 Harris Jacob . 7 31 JACKSON, Wagner Philip & Co 17 73 Stephen William 4 80 Johu Kile r-- 13 11 " " 11 65 40 4S 48 15 12 50 100 30 50 100 50 IS Of 216 H of 238 LOCUST. J Illlllnglonlhomas 15 00 Fisher John 3 12 John Samuel 2 GO ' " 3 U Miller Jacob 2 68 Hhods John & Joieph 7 80 Sayers William 2 00 Huston Thomas 3 0J Heeso Daniel 7 80 Huston Mary 7 si) Huston Charlotte 7 KO Reynolds John 7 80 M)ersMary 7 80 Huston Thomas 3 91 Heeso Daniel 7 80 Huston Mary 7 80 Huston Charlotlo 7 80 Reynolds John 7 80 M)ersMary 7 80 ORANGr, Hagenbuch Iuiae 7 31 Everett James Est 5 21 Jones Hlehurd 4 80 Everett Moses 5 81 Keller Samuel , il Herring David il FINE, Jacoby O A K 10 Heath Bylvesler lot P.OAUINGCREEK. llurgcrcd Isaac 20 73 names Titos J r 3 3 Dewes Georgo 20 73 Howe r Georgo M Mori Is D.utlcl 2 08 Duly Ficderlck an HUGARLOAF, Colo William Est 4M Colo Ezeklel 20 87 Huckalew James a-'l CO Fi llz Henry W 5 81 (loss Nathaule! 31 00 Robert Gray 25 20 Geurhart William 27 98 Geuihart Georgo 8 91 Montgomery llobt Est 40 20 Mclleury Daniel Jr 14 53 1 on ng Abraham 3 0.1 John Kile 3 30 MADISON. Moser Jacob S3 32 Hllctch Joseph 31 80 MONTOUR. rilgcrJohn 2M Gruvea Brothers 10 76 Lolby Jacob 2 CO Ramsey John Est 6". MOUNT PLEASANT. Ale John u 6 63 McOarly Dlnlel 74 1.4 3J 100 not S03 Ii) 821 13 30 50 40 23 !U0 73 200 205 200 .VI 300 HI 18 H of no 220 300 11 10 14 28 23 5 MAINE. Kllngamau Elizabeth 1 2) Hosier Jacob r ks 7 1W 300 10 112 (.7 (IT Mann Chas F 40 04 I II Ior H G Est 1 41 tiller I'hllln 7 01 Hhumau Daniel dec'il 4 6.8 Shiiman Isaiah " 4 m Hmeck.Urobst, Yolter A llauk I (8 Vellerlsano 78 Yettcr I) A Jgoac. 0M Vcttcr Daniel 0 35 Caiey Edward . 0 76 liongenbergcr George dec'it 5 61 Duty Frederick 3 71 MIFFLIN. I Of I 100 150 171 21 0 ft) 0 41 3 2 175 ) 12 3-1 81 47 Hrown David Br I'rensy Henry Keller Jolin Lutz Elizabeth Nuugesser Geo Nuss Jacob Poncbecker Jacob Parks Samuel bst Hulllirjoel Zimmerman Joshua 2 19 y 87 8 0) 40 10 00 0 00 1 47 2 KO 2 80 8 CO DAVID LOWENni'.HO, Uloomsburg, April 8, 1870. Treasurer. rjlREASURER'B SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Also tho following lots, pieces or parcels of Sealed Lands, returned by the lax collectors, nro to be sold nt tho same time, under tho provision) nl an act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to tho sale or lands lor taxes In Columbia Coun ty," approved Marcli 0th, 1808: Acies. Names of Owners, Taxes. . BENTON TWP. Mills John 1 CO 2 Hurlcman John 27 78 Koons John 4 71 8 SutliirWash M 10 lirlsh George . 1 M HRIARCREEK. 4 Martin Eliza s ) 5 Thomas Joslah 5.1 CO BEAVER. 4"0 ClarkAndiewtrnrt 205 9 c:l Halliard John Est 41 321 Hubbies Heirs 708 65 Mann BnlUy 4 Crlswell CO 2 Orover Slophen 1 11 100 Miller & Mann 300 lilttenbender it Brelscn 51 00 CONYNQHAM. 2 lots nrown William n 00 2 " llrennen Jacob s 10 1 " llrennen William 0 00 1 " HavcrenP 12 so 4 " Taylor Robt 11 00 2 . " Casey John "Lower" 2 83 20 Llndermuth O D 32 1 lot Meshen Peter 00 1 " crane Domlnlck 10 2 ' DjcrJenks 2 47 323 Kline John 10115 1 lot F.gen Patrick 2 25 1 " Burke John 3 00 1 " Bradley l'cter 1 60 1 Bindley James 1 60 1 " Huller Thomas 1 50 1 " Centra Turnpike Co 2 25 1 " Chapman William 1 50 1 " Oonly Mary 1 50 2 ' Dewey James 5 IO 1 " Hughes Richard 4 12 1 " Meeghan Anthony 1 50 1, ' Meeghau Patrick 150 2" McKicrnnn Anna 3 18 Henner Jacob 1 Ki 1 " Hurt Andrew 125 1 " Wynn Dennis 2 10 2 " IVelloM M I 40 1 " McDonnell Pat 1 50 1 ' Byrney William 1 50 1) Preston Improvement Co 27 50 2 lots (inugheu Put 1 50 2 " (lalighcu Tho3 5 W) 1 : Jolce l'cter 2 60 1 " Murphy Thos 2 50 1 " Murphy Richard 2 50 1 " Knchelrles John 1 75 2 " Knlttle Jonas lu 2 " Mc.Maucmon Philip .7 50 CENTRE. 1 lot Hrown M L 12 FRANKLIN. M Croraly Julia Ann 33 FISHINGCREEK. 11 Yaplo Michael Est 55 GREENWOOD. Comstock Wm 60 Tameny Moses 40 Watts Moses 35 3 Wetttercl Elizaboth 46 2 lots Whlteman HP 2 62 8 Drelblebis James 25 HEMLOCK. 10 Whltenlght Peter Est 72 MONTOUR. 1 lot Mlnahnn Thomas CO ORANGE. 11 Sankcy James W 8 57 PINE. 68 Dawson Hannah S 91 50 Clave John 1 10 SUGARLOAF. 10 OolderLavlna 41 loo Kline Casper w 85 Moss 1) AH 52 42U l'eustermachcrCtevillngCol2 00 JACKSON. 50 Kltchcu William 5 10 1) Hess James 3 40 DAVID I.OWF.NBEHO, Bloomsburg, .March 8, 1870. Treasurer. QOMMISSIONEIl'S SALE. Will bo' sold at the Court IIoue,in Blooms burg, on the second Monday in June, 1870, agreeably to the provisions of tho Acta of Assembly In such case mado and provided, all tho right, title and interest acquired by said Commissioners In tho following lots, pieces, and parcels of unseated lands hercto ioro purchased by them at Treasurers sale and told for a period of moro titan fivoyears; tho day of redemption having gono by, un less by the original owner. lcrcj. 30. Fisher Jonathan 1S5! Beaver 11. Stroup Adam jr " Mt Pls't 50. Chomberlin Wm " Madison 15. Harpiuo David " n Creek 18. Hower Georgo " " 50. Roisher John sr " " 65. Millard Wm " 60. Whitman Abrm. "-51 " 3C9. Cook John jr " " 260. Bancroft h. G. If51 Tine 100. ' " " 5. Scott Samuel " " 25. Ash Samuel " F Creek 400. Curry Tatrlck " R Creek 4.41 4.25 6.67 3.97 4.41 5.37 6.21 14.61 0.07 20.53 9.47 3.32 3.17 43.07 13.41 13.66 4.73 4.67 17.20 10.02 9.61 5.71 4.47 7.08 5.36 5.43 9.87 4.21 4.87 4.61 4.87 4.37 4.57 4.97 3.1.13 33.13 14.33 8.44 14.75 8.67 5.35 4.91 45.83 0.01 4.09 15.17 51.71 40-51 3.67 5.73 63.83 3.57 5.07 3.17 3.83 11.37 10.08 3.57 4.03 18.23 7.00 8.87 3.74 32.07 32.07 30.61 32.07 3.97 3.41 2.93 3.11 3.11 23.01 7.31 1.88 3.60 7.71 4.83 8.13 4.48 3.72 10.1) 0.12 431. Jieach NUU J01. " " II. Keeler Ebcnczer 16. Bower Solomon 575. Calms Charles 13. Kisner John .75. Schuylcr.VIIenry 30. Ikeler William 22. McColls John 1O6. Wagner Philip 52. " Michael 75. Colder D 150. Yorks William S. Oman John jO. Itunyan Ezra 15. Bobbins Jos. 100. Hunter Bobt, 52. Lebo Henry 70. Lyon Robert 22. Wclllver John 313. Barron John jr 313. Benson Peter 124. Barnes Tlios 134. Lemon Wm 128. Hall Samuel 1856 Benton it 11 11 11 " B Creek "-52 " n it tt it tt " F Creek " Jackson i i 11 tt ti tt ti tt Mt ris't " Madison ti 11 11 i 11 11 ti tt tt it " Locust ti it a it "-52 S Loaf 127. Yorks Joseph " 63. Hess Teter " 12, McMullen Jas " 400. Applemon V " 150. Fray Chas B 1858 31. BalcotJohn " 400. McCallas John 50. Bittle Samuel " 100. " ' T'no Beaver Conyughani 22. Shlck Geo Franklin 50. Colley S E " JncVson 200. Cowsart James " Locust 200. Miller i- Tifcr Mlfllln 110. Yohe Teter " " 40. Yohe Jacob " " 10. Grover Michael" Maine 100. Miller & Peifer "-52 " 33J. Mann i- Rout " " 10. Rlttcrs Est. " Montour 17. Bloan Geo Orango 150. DeoblerOlI " Tlno 120. HofTman Hat. " " !0O. Woodside & Friek " S Loaf 25, Hnrlzell David H60 Mifflin 400. Cell C.& I. Co Beaver 400, " " " " " 3f0, ' " " " " 400. Delhi Robt " " 50. Ash William " B Creek 10. Blank Joseph " " 6. Traugh Henry " " S. Parks James " V Creek 0. Evai s Jacob " G woorl 365. EverborJ John " Locust 100. Hughes J B " " 123. Hughes W I, ' " 10, Groves M Montour 60. Crevcllug A " Maine 63. Shumou F B H62 Beaver 14. Bowman SB" 11 Creek 150. Freas Andrew " " 26. BmecklBrobst " . Catawlssa, 3, I.ongenberge 0 " Mifllln 32. " " " Maino 50. ShecU James " S Loaf DAVID YEAG.ER, IV At, ll. liUlL'K, CYRUS BOBBIN f . Co: ISB, J R RIDQE NOTICE Vi, will inept itm fiimmikfcloiiers of Northum berland county, on Thursday, May I9ttt Is70, for tbo purpose of examining tho llo for aCodnly IlrldL'Ooierltoarlngcrcck.to bo erected ou tho Una between the two counties, at u point lu Franklin township where call lirldgo is to be 'U0 Ou Friday, the 20th Inst., we will be lu Heater township to take steps to tnovu tho old bridge neur Mr. I.aao Kllngerman. ALSO The double track brldga over Fishing creek below Bloomsburg. needs a new roof- Pro. posals will be received at this office uutll June C1I1, for furnishing shingles to cover said bridge. We want good lap shingles. Any one wishing to correspond by letter with us can do so. All ixtiilliiuuiiuiiouH win ue promptly uiiruueei io. Wo will meet at the office ou June 6th, 1870, and will then be ready to complete contractu. DAVID YKAOKIt, ) Commrs. WM.O. QUICK, V of CYHUS HOUU1NS, 1 Col, Co, Atteilt Wu. KiilCKUAVH, Clerk, Commissioner's Oalce, 1 Bloomsburg, May 11, l70, J COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, N. W. SAMPLE. C. W. NEAL. L. J. TAYLOR. IV. W. SAMPLE CO., Cornoi- of Main Slrcot unci Tj. & 13. Hull liond, BLOOMSBTJHG, 3P. MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKEKS. MANUFAOTUllEllS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, UEXUIIAIj .11 iCUI.VSl VVOKK il Iir.PA JUS. MILL GEARINd, SHAFTINn, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HEAD BLOCKS, S.A.W 3vr1iL.lL. ca-EA.3R.i2sr a- of all x-cxisriss, CASTINOS FOR FURNACES ' ' AND ROLLING WILLiS. AIM) CAR WHEELS AND AXLF.S AND OENERAI. MINING CASTINGS. BRASS CASTINGS CAR BOXES, COMPOSITION CASTINGS, AND UAI5H1T METAL DELriELD'S CELEBRATED QLOBE VALVES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, AIJl CUU14H, OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTLES BTEAMC OUAOES, DTEAM 3?ZFX1 AI-JD riTTIWOS CONBTANTLV ON HAND. AG13NTS FOR SI-TIVJE'S OOVERNOH, ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE SIMPLIST AND BEST IN THE WORLD. MILLWRIGHTS AND MACHINISTS SUPPLIES EITHER ON HAND OR FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE, VIZ; GUM AND LEATHER BELTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, HEMP AND SOAP STONE PACKING, OlliJ, RED AND WHITE LEAD, AC. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TURIUNE WHEELS. LIBERAL -NDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE TRADE. Also Aponts for tho "EUREKA" Smut anil Scpnrntlnrc Machine and "EX CELSIOR" Bran Duster. Send for circular. Specimen Machines con boeen at the works. HEAVY OR LIGHT FORCINGS, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON IlaND. Also manufacturers of Vm. II. Deuel's HAY nml HARVEST GRINDERS, patented Novemher 2ml, 1660. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, PATTKRN SHOP AN ESTBrATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF PATTERNS AT SHORT NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED PATTERNS. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF 1-IOTtTON'S PATENT HAY HAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. tSfN.B. Having put in machinery of Moulding Cutters, wo are prepan d to executo largo or small orders, at tlco, and 011 very favorable terms. Send for Circular and prlco ii.it. N. W. SAMPLE A Mny 7,'CMf Legal Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE P STATE Ot IAIIt.I.lA MASON, IlfO'D. Letters of ndinlitlstrritlon on tho estmo of Iknbella Mason hilo of Full Brook, In llotta county, deceased, have been granted by tho Register of snld county to Chniles W. Miller of Bloom township, Columbia county. All persons having claims a gainst the esuitu of the decedent are requested lo present them for settlement, and thobe indebted to tiiutsinte to make payment to tho i-.tidi rslgnnd ndnilnMrit tor without delay. c, W. MILLER, apr2U'70-0t. Administrator. AIWHNISTRATORS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF JACOn HAUILKY, DrC'I). Letters or administration on thoestatenl Ja cob Hartley, late of Franklin twp., Columbia co. dee'd., hao been granted by thpRej-lsler of said county, to John Hartley and Christian Hartley, of Franklin township. Columbia cottuly, i-a. All persous having claims or demands against tbo decedent aro reqiusted to mako them k nuwn, and those indebted to mako pnymen'. JllllN HARTLEY, CHRISTIAN HARTLEY, opr29'70-0w, Admlnlstrctors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP CATB AltlNE OEAR1IART IlEO'D. Letters 01 administration ou the estate of Catharine Oearhart, lato or Maine township Co lumbia county, deceased, have been gianted by tho Register of said county to Stephen Gcarltart residing in tho township nml county uforesnhl. All persous having claims against Iho estalo of the decedent nre requested to present them for settlement, and those Imlebtidto the estate to make payment to tho uuderslgncd, ndmlnlslin tor, without delay. STEPHEN GEARHART, apr29'70-Ct. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE K8TATK OK WALTER MASON, DPC'D. Letters of ndutlulsttutlon, t'e bonis nun cum letlamento amino, on tho estate or Waller Mason lato of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by tho Reg ister oi said county, to O. W. Miller of Blooms burg. All persons having claims against tho estate of said decedent nre requested to present litem for settlement, and thosulndtbtcd to muko paymen I to Iho undersigned, without dehiv. C. W. MILLER, , .... Administrator, pt22 i0-6t.J fc 6011(1 won cum lestamenlo amwo ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK WM. I. DEITTEKICK, DLC'll. Letters of administration on the estatoof Wm. L. Dletterlck late of Ceulro township, Columbia couuty, deo'd have been grained by (he Register of said county to Stephen Dcitterlck rcbldlug in the township and county aforesaid. Alt persons having claims against thu estate of tho deccdeul are requested to present them for settlement, aud those Indebted to tho estate to mako pay ment to tho undersigned, iidmlnlhtrntoi'.wlthout delay. STEPHEN DIETl'EHICK, mayO'iO-Ow, Admlnlblialor, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. K8TATE OF JOHN TRAUn, DEC'D. Letters of administration on thoibtalo of John Traub, late of Catnwtsbti twp., Columbia county, dee'd, havo boon granted by tho Register of salil county to Augustus Traub residing in tho twp. und county uloresald. All persous having claims ngatnst the t'slute of tho decedent aro liquefied to present them for settlement, and thoe in debted to tho estate to mako payment to the un dersigned, administrator, wlilioui delay AUOUSTlN'lHAUll. mayC'?0-6w. Administrator. I EXECUTOR'S NOTCH. li ESTATE OF MARY It. HAYCOCK, DEC'll. Loiters testamentary on lite isulo of Maty Msgdalluo Hnj cock, late of Frunkllu tnwn.blp, Coltiinbla county dee'd, have been unruled by tho Register of balJ county to John il, Hf uley, of 1 latlkllM tuwnshlp, Col, to.. All lelsous hav ing claims sgnlntt the esiuloare icquotcd to priseut them lo lb l'xivulor In 1 ulumbla county. Those ludebitdto ilio estate either nn note. Judgment, mortgage or book account will make payment to the I'.xectttor uithuitt d ht. JOHN O. lli.NLr.Y, apil5'70Cw. Executor, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XI. thTATE OK I'ATIUCK Ul li.NK. BEC'II. Letters ot admtulalrailon cutii tcitamcnto im nrii) on tho estate of Patrick Byrne, late of Conyughani tuwnshlp, Columbia County, deccastd, huu beon granted by thu Hcadtlcr.ol Columbia county to Dennis llyrno of l'onug ham township, All persons having claims or demands against the estate ol tho decedent nro requested to make them known, and those lu. debted to makopayiucul. DENNIS BYRNE, Administrator, aprl 1 1O-6W rum leHumtnlo unnrro, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -t ESTATE OK I1KNKY KINQSIIUIiY, DIX'II. Letters testamentary ou the estate of Henry Klubkiitry. lute of Beulou lowushii. (oluutblu county, deo'd, havo been granted by Iho Register of said county to Klljali iSnllintr ot Pine twp.. Col, co., Pit. All jrbons ltnlngilaluis against the estate aro requested to present them tn the Executor lu Columbia county. Thotu Indebted to thoestule either on note. Judgment, lnortnaae or book accouut will make jiajmcut lo the Ex. ecutor without delay. hl.IJAU FULLMER. api'70-6w, Executor. N OTIC E . All liersons knowlue (hems, lvc in Im In.lt.t. ed to the Estate of Jacob h.ytr, deccastd. are heieby uotllled to settle their accounts at ouco, utherwlso they will bo collected according to law. u. II. MILLr.lt. llloomsburg, May 6, 1870-tf Admlulstrainr OP ALL KINDS. especially adapted to tho manufacture Miort no- CO. H OAV TO CURE CONSUMPTION. THE PHILOSOPHY OF lift, SCHENCK'S lilt EAT MEDICINM.-WUI people never Kara to know thai a diseased liver und stomach nec rsvaiiiv dlsiaellu uulri. statctn? The plainest Prinelplis v. com mon belike la.eti (tils, nud 1 et Ibeioi.to hundit.is ulm udhuln n,e !dm,.iid continue in the eours whUh nlmnt IncvitaMy btings Hum piunaturcly to tho gtave, Llv.,ig as the majority or p,op'c do, ut complete vari ance, with iho lawsof nature, It nitit bo a. par ent to nil that, soontr or latet, naturo niit re veugo heiseif. Heneo wo nnd titat persons who Indulge to excess m the uso of very rich or Indi gestible lood or Intoxicating drink. Invariably iiaynlnovy penalty lu ti e end. Thu stomach becomes disordered nnd leftists lonet; tho liver lalls to perloruilts lunciions, itvsnepMn audits attendant evils loilnw, nnd still tho bitilerlug m. dlviduals persist In clIngiiiR to iho tlmrouehly ex ploded ideas of the pan. Dr. SCHENi ICS med icines nro recommended to all btich. 'Ihcy b-jtig sura anil certain reliet wnei ever they aro n-ed ns direitcd, nnd all that Is necessary to establish their rcpulntlon with every ailing man or wo man in tho land Is a fair nnd Iintarilal trial of them. Let those who nro skeptical on this point, and who havo permitted Interested persons to prejudice them against theso now celenrated lem.dles Ior Consumption, discard their preju dices, and bo governed by the principles of lea bon and common sense. If tho system is dlsor detot depend upon it, in uliiocascs out often tho sent of iIih . isordcr Mill bo found in tho stomach nnd liver, To cleanse, nnd Invigorate tho stomach nnd tostlmulato the liver to healthy action, uso hCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS.-Tho dally Incrtoslng iiemund for these pills Is the best evi dence or their value. Thousands upon thousands of boxes nre sold dally. Why? Simply becuuse they act promptly and efficiently. Invalids who mnv not find It convenient to call on Doctor SCHENCK lu person aie Informed that full and complete dltections tor use accompany each package of tbo MANDRAKE PILI.I TCLMONIC SYRUP AND SEAWEED TONIC.-TIieso medicines will euro consumption unless tho lungs aro to far gone that thu patient Is entirely beyond tho leacli of medical relief. It may bo asked by those who nre not familiar with tho virtues of theso great lemedlcs, -'How do Dr. hCHENCK'S medicines etlect their won derful cities of consumption?" The answer Is tl sllnnle one. 'fhev ber-ln tltatr I work of restoration by bringing Urn stomach liver and bowels Into nn uctlvo healthy cordi lion, Itls lood that cures this formidable dis ease. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS act on the liver and stomach, prom, ting secretion, mid icmovlng tho bitoinid sllmo which havo result ed fiom tho innctlvu or torpid condition of these organs, und of tbo sybtem generally. This slug gish stale of Iho body, ami the consequent ac cumulation of the unhealthy substances named prevent tho proper digestion of lood, and. as a natural consequence, creates disease, which re sults In prostration and finally in death. HCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP and SEA. WEED TONIO, when taken regularly mlnglo will; tho food, aid tbo digestive) organs, mako good rich blood, and ns n natural consenuencs. give tiesli und strength 10 tho patient. Let tho faculiy say what It may, this H the only true, cure tor rauEumiition, Expc lenoe has proved It beyond tho shadow of a do.ibt, and thousands nto to-day alive and well whoa lew years s.nco wero regarded ns hopeless ca.es, but who wero Induced to try Dr. hCHENCK'S remedies nnd were restored to permanent luwllh by Iholruso Ono of the llrst steps tho physlc'au should tako with a consumptive patient is to Invigorate tho system, Now how Is this lo bo done? Certainly not by giving medicines that exhaust and ener vato medicines that impair instead 01 improve thft functions of tho digestive organs. Doctor SCHENCK'S medicines cleanse the stomach and bowels of all substances which nre calculated to trrlluto or weaken iheni. Thoy create an appe tite promote heidthiul digestion make good blood, ami. as a consequence, they lnvtgurate aud strcuglht 11 the entire system, and moieis pecially those partswhlch nro diseased. If this cannot be done, then tho oase must bo regarded ns a hopeless one, irthaph.rslelnuaiid.lt Impossible to make a KATitsr jtti. illi.Miiiv, if the diseased porson e.iiiuot jn) nko of good iiouilshlug toiul and prnperlv digest it, It Is lmH)iblrt tint ho cm gain 11; flesh iitidnrcnglhi und It is equally im. iHMslbU 10 bring a patient p. this eouJIUon .0 lung as the liver Is Muddied with dl-eused . bo, and thu stomach I.ideti with unhealthy sllin Almost tho llrst rquinuade 10 tho phvulcian uj 11 consumptive ) nt ml Is that he will pre scribe uiultclucii that, will remote or ullny iho cougu, mglit sucttls aud thills, which aio tho sum attendants cn consu'op.lnn, Rut this should not bo done, as iheciuih ionlv an cftort nt nature tutelleve Use! r. and thonlgiil iwoats and chills uie cuused by the dtsoai-ed lungs. Tho remedies ordinarily pru-crlhcd do moio harm thuu good, 1 hey Impair the amotions of tho stomach, impede luiiilli) diiccstiou, aud aggra vate lather than euro Iho tllxFiuo. Theio is, ner all, nothing like facts with wltleh to.iilistaiitlaioa .sltiuu, und It Is upon lactsthutDr.bUIc.Nr K rellos. Nearly ull who havo tek tn Ids luiuiiiiio in accordance, with his Unctions iuvio not only been cured of consump tion, but, Irom the lael that 11100 medicines act Willi wonderful powernpnti thodlgi-stlveor-HUs patients thin cttitd speedily h.iIu flckh, ftfans. lug the synem of ell Impurities, they 1 ,v the foundation tor n solid, substantia' structure. Realoriitg those oik iiis lo lieultli, Uioy treale an apiwtite. Tii.fondU property assimilated! tho quantity of blood Knot only lucrwised, but U mado ill Ii mid strong nnd lu the face 01 such a condition ot tlto system all disease must be bun Uheil. Full directions accompany each of the medi cines, su thut ll is not aUoJutelv iiei-esury that isillents should seo Dr, b.t'JlhNCK personally, unless they dt-slie tu huo their lungs examlntd. For this pttrposejio is at his pi iucl pal office. No, 15 North sixth hi., corner ol (.'ommeree, Phlla delphla, every Sulurduy, fiom OA. M. until 1 P.M. Advice Is git en without charge, but for n thomugh examination with the ltesplroueter the charge Is ti. Price of the Pulmonic Hymn aud Seaweed Tonio eacu, ti.no per uoiite, or ti.rtu u itatl dozen Alanuruao i'ltis wceuisu uox, tot sale by ull dnigvlsu. upnV70-lr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers