f BLlSHED EVERY FRIDAY JI0RNINQ lt COLUMBIAN hVlLDIHQ KEAltTUE COURT HOVSK, I1V 3HARLES B. BROCKWAY, Editor and Proprietor. bs-Tvro Collars Tear, p ayallo In Advices, I OIKOULATION BGOO. JOB PIUTTTING ll descriptions executed with neatness nnd UlSllMieil 111. (L'muuiiuiu Jloomoburg Directory. STOVKS AND TINWARE. EM, liui 'Ji.ii emr in biuvfb tinware, uu fieri uiock, iuuiu ni. west 01 .iiarKct vinu Iron MKTZ, denier lu Moves nnd tinware Bain fiicei,u.uovo couu uousc. vinu CLOTHING, etc. Ivm LOWENBlCIlfl. MprelmnlTnllnr. Mnln It,, Sd door nbovo American House. vl-M3 MORRIS. Merchant Tailor nnd Auenl Inr Eiid Now Perham Sewlne: Machine, pnrnrrnf rc ami Main Ft., over Miner's store. V3-U33 DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. p, LUTZ, Druggist and Apothecary. Main it., below the Post Office. vl-tH J BYER nilOS., Druggists and Apothecaries, rower's block Main Bt. vl-nid CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. r. d- "J, f . , v,uulil, viticnes anil ewclry, Mam Bt Just below tho American Be. vi-a ht TIEItNUARD. Watch nnd Clock mjhr Ear southeast corner Main and Iron sts.vl-43 ITtlW null ,..:.., n nitui-n. Qpettueien Iwelry 4c, Main Street near Went si. V3-U15 L,nwnrinmwnvn Yir...i a ..... . LA i "i""1 1 "uicii imu i;iock flatter, mar ket itreet, below Main, vl-nU BOOTS AND SHOES. I, miu v iuhjip uuu nuuciuituvr, wmru treet, rear of Hobblns & Kyor's more. vl-n43 telowllartman's store, wcBt of Market, vl-43 s'RY KT.EIM. Manufacturer and dealer In foots nnd Bhoes, Groceries, etc., Main slruet. I cioomsuurg. vimiij PROFESSIONAL. ibovo tho Court llousc. ' vl-ni'J TT n TICWTM (lumnnn Tionfiet Mnln c Wl r TM'TlIi'Tr UiiMoni. nt,l f It i li I n bckango UIockOYcr Wcblj'a bookstore v3-uijj I L B. F. KINNEY. Burceon Dentist. Teeth Etmcted without pain: Main &t.t nearly op- 0 r.iiacuiiui vuuruu, Yl-UiU HI, IKELEU, Attorney-nt-Law, OlHco. 2d b. nARKLEV. AttnrMPV-nt..T.jiw. run Boor In Lxcbange Ulock, near tho "lSxchnnue vi-na I Unl't'l vv r y a. . .. lorlliUclo Main St., below Market. vlnl'j ,j,vnt,ii. ,.i, y.,nuii;t"il lluu 1 Iiysician bath sldo Main street, below Market, vl-nw . I1UTTEH. M. D. Surcenn nn,l 1'hvellon arket street, nbove Main. vl-nl3 L KOBISON. Attorncv.at.T.HW- nfflco irnpf. Ban's building, Main street. v2-n20 ILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. jlaiiu ijiineuj'Ul vliurcn, itluin si, vinu f ussi i uaj;ki.l;v, Milliner, Itnmsey , V. WMn, Fancy Goods, Notions, Aji3,uuoiiiuiii-r , i'cnansoilOCK,liain b M. DEIIUICKHON, Millinery and Fane lh. E. KLINE. Mllltnerv and tancv HnnrlS. m street below Market. vl-nl'i I.JULIA A. A BADE BA11KI.EV. Ijiilli.' oaks and Dress l'nucruj, southeast corner iiuu ntdtnia. VlUli t JlIhHliM ltAIlAIArf Alllllnerv nnd l.'nniMr ln, Main st.,bclow American House, vlnfl HOTELS AND SALOONS. IIIIL'AN HOUSE, by John Lencock. Slain reet,vrest of Iron street. vl-ull jl'MBIA nOTEL, by B. Btchutr, Mnln s rj.o vuui v ituugu, VJ11 IKS HOTEL, by T. Bent. Tavlor. cast nd I VI -1 J ACOCK. OvSTprnntl i?ntlnrunlnn A m.bI. kn House. Main St.. Baltzer Lennnclf untiprln. P"t. Vl-111.1 pilER A JACOBY, Confectionery. Bakery MOvuer Saloon, wholesale uud retail. Ex tee Block, Main street. vl-n IEUCHANTS AND GROCERS. pit corner Main and Iron sts, 1 vl-n!3 t,if.E?,nRLT?tdealer " -y aoods, aro- Eumi T00 Blloel,i comer Main and V3-U30 . BECrti.r.v ov. fttationery, Main St., below Market. vl-nM !Cbe?owSronCtl0nCrr' sroccrle" oto--Wnln lESDENHAr.T. o..i.... ..... lckrni?HI'1"nber' comer of Main street and . vl.nll r'c""e ad retail. Exchange Block, vl-n ti EuSPm E' IIai""nl Caps, Boots nndShoes, run St., above fe'ourt House. vl-nll Lffiffi'' DiX, Ooods, Orocerlcs, etc.. cor fr Mala t. and Court Ilouse olley. vl-nU iBINSArvfi . ... rle it V .""".'n ilry "ooas, uro etc., cor. Main und Centre sts. vl-u 1 OJllTnN. nrr. !.. .. x. .. .. E!!low'jIarkoi.'" " ltov""uu"Vl.n,l kfY?lClr.ocef1C8 ",'!d Ocncral Merchan f . Main st above- West. vi.ji l"Vy NEAL A CO., dealers In Drv Goods I'unIwJre Flonr" tfl?, Bhbcs' t"i etc., Excliange Block. Malnst. vl-nti ffiiSSSSr Conftlonc.le,,Maln l vimj MISCELLANEOUS. liu!mi!i,lV.!,,l1)Le.-W.orl!S- one door below LZ ''" niivei. Vl.nu ii&'iili1? i-UWUUH to., manufnctii: rem iantng v.. vjuiti gay"' nuj wiiue S-RLMAN! Huddle, Trunk i Harness. Bblvo's Illocu Main Street. vsniJ ,Ronnivan. ... . . 1 jutn corner Main and Iron sts. vJ-nu ltS0S.:?''V.VIudow Shades ..ufctb uiucn, Aialu fit. vl-43 'ick0?!?! I'urnlturo Rooms, three story "hi fetrcet, west of Market st. viuf) C.l'botographer, over Itobblns ly" otore, Main st. vl-U fclliffit'1lcrln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chein- "uey.icar of American House, vlutl l'rtIn.?,0N C0- mutual nnd cash I'MobtrS.""10 companlts.Browcrs Build-K-rte1, vl-nW -"Uly nilej; B?8, BrC'cn Wtera brush vt-nis. E8patT..... trLlSckCu-',V'll?.l,U' FMt lllTOra MachlB?:.!1, Castlngsmadeatthorl - - V" MV, tlVUt VtUAI thort - mwq miq repaired, P, Rrvn nTT" I u'G.w,Corell' furniture rooms r- .. BT-- ruuu. Ti-nte corner - - vi.nti ,VM8, a..i. j VOLUME IV ---NO 21. 1 A E. W. COLEMAN, Merchant Tallorsand A. (Join's furnishing goods, Main Bt., next door to tho Brick Uotol. vl-iii7 Ail. HERRING ft BROTHHR.CnrpontcrR an. , Builders, Moin St., below l'lno, vl-nl ROWER A HEIIUINO, dealer In Dry Goods, elrnpprlp. l.iimhpi ..ml .p,.pnt f..i.....ti... Malust. vl-nif BI'JCK J!,9?EIi and refreshment fialoon, by Itohr M'llcury cor.of Main and Pino st.,vl-n ft DR. O. A. MEaARGEL.riryslcInn nnd Burgeon, Main St., next door to Good's Hotel vl-nti DAVID HERRING Tlour and Qrlst Mill, nnd Dealer In grain, Mill Btrool. vin!7 HIT. AC. KELCHNEn, Dlaclumlti.,, on Mill . Btrcet, near line. vl-n)7 TAMIM D. ItAUMAN, Cabinet Malio: and Un o dortaker. Main 8U, below l'lno. vl-ul JM. HAltMAN, fiaildlo nnd Harness maker, . Main St., oppslto Frame Church. V2nll IOHN FltYMntE, Saddle and Harness maker, H Main t., above tho Hwau Hotel, vl-nrf SCHUYLEIt A LOW, Iron founners.Machlnlsts, and Manufnctuiers of plows, Mill bt. vl-u MILEB A. WILLIAMS ACo,,'rnnncrsand Man ufacturers of leather, Mill Btreot. V1-UI7 SAMUEL BIIAUPLES8, Maker of thcllayhursl Grain Cradle. Main Bt. v2u5. WILLIAM DELONO Shoemaker anrt manufar, IT turcr of llrlck, Mill Ht., west of 1', no vln Oatawissa. B F. DALLMAN. Merchant Tailor, Second St . Itobblns' Building. v2-nl! Dy-J,K:I,noPD,IN8t.Bnr8on and l'liyslclan Second St., below Main. v2-n!8 GIILI1EIIT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and t general merchandise, Main Street v2-nl2 J II. KISTLEK, "Cattnwlssa nonse," North , Corner Main and Second Streets. v2nis LKEILEH, Blllard Bnlonn, Oysters, and Ico . Cream In season Main Bt. v2n!2 MM.IirtOllST.deolerlnUenoralMerchnndlHo . Dry Goods, Groceries &o, v2-nl8 qUSClUEHANNA or Drlck Hotel. S. Kostcn O bander l'roprlctor.south-cabtcorucrMainnni! Second Street. V2nl2 CI I). ItlNAItD. dpnlnr In Hlnv.u nn.l rin.,n. O. Main Btrect. v2nl:! WM. It. ABBOTT, Attorney at law, Main St. v2ni: Light Street. HP. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, flrst door , abovo School House. vlnlu JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and denier In Boots and Shoes, vltHO J JA7..,EISEn" M- D- Surgeon nnd rhyslcian OlHco at Keller's Hotel. v2nS PETER ENT. dealer In Dry Goods Groceries, Hour, Feed.Bnlt, Fish, Iron, Nolls, etc.Maln RS.ENT, dealer In Stoves and Tin ware In all Its branches. vlulO Espy. BF. REIGHAUD.A BRO.,dealer in Drj' Goods, Groceries, nnd general Merchandise v2nll KTT51 LOURING MILLS, CS.Fowlcr, Hi l'roprletor. ' v2nl(S J 2' WEUKIIEISEU, Boot nnd Shoo Store nnd I,.f!!a.I!uric.tory,...?,"P on iIalu Street of. poslto tho Steam Mill. V2iil rP EDG Alt, Susquehanna IMauliigMlll nnd J. Box Manufactory. V2ull Buck Horn. Til O.A W.n. SHOEMAKEn, dealers In dry ill. goods, groceries and general merchandise, r lrst store in south end of town. v2-nlt Business Cards. jy M. L'VELLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylkill County l'a. Q W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nfflKa HniiTt linn.. Alta. W...V.. u . . .vud. unun 111U ,U1,UA- TJIAN OfQco. Bounties. Hnrk-Viiv nnrl Ppnulnua collected. Bloomsburg I"n. Bep.2U'd7 JOBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllco Main Strent liplhw ttm nnnrt lrnii.n Bloomsburg l'enn'a. II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllce Court-IIouse Allpv. hplnw thn PnT.irxr. UIAN omce, Bloomsburg l'a. Q B. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IILOOUSIIURO, I'A. ' 43 OfFICE Court House. Allev. in llin Co. lumuian building. Jaui,'C7. V J- All, wo burg and THORNTON ould announce to the citizens of Blooms- uri2 and vlclnltv. that ho has lust received a lull aud complete assortment of WALL TAPER, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTUJIEH, COliDH, TASSELS, and fll other goods in ills line of buslucbs. All tho newest and most nppioved pntterns of tho day uro ulways to be found In his establishment. lunr.S.'lU-u Main St. below Market. J B. PURSEL, JlAUrsiiiB, MAUDI.E, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer in CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, hukfalo nonts, horsimilanketh Ac, which lie feels confident he can sell at lower rate than any other person In tho county, Ex amine for yourselves. rauup iniru uoor oeiow mo court House, Main street, Hloomsburg, l'a. "ui, li Ul, g E N T F R E E 1 H. O'KEEFE, SON A CO.'H SEED CATALOGUE And oums to tho FLOWER nnd VEGETABLE Garden, For 1870. Published In January. Every lover of flowers Wlshllli! this lipw unil vnlniiht wnrli-. lrp nt charge, should address Immediately M. O'Ktcfe, Son A Co., Ellwanger I llarry'a lllockltocliener, N. Y Dec. aiiU-Cm i I M P L E S. The uuerslgned w 11 cheerfully mall (ritac) to all who wish H tho Recipe aud full directions or pieparlng and using a simple and Beautlhit yegctttble Balm, thut will Immediately removo "Ian, Freckles, l'lmples, Blotches, and ull erup tions aud Impurities ofthobkln.leavlngthesamo sort, clear, smooth and beautiful. Hp will also send (mtx) Instructions: for pro duclng.by veryslmplomenns.alusurlant growth of liBlronubaldheadorsmoutli facolu less than tuiriy aays irom tirst application. The atove canbeobtaluetl by return mall by nddrcssltig TIIOS.F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 1'. 0. Box 612S, m Broadway, New Y'okr. pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. W. M. MONUOE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers of l"OWDEK KEQB, vnd dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, Live notloe that they are prepared to acocmodat heir custom with tuipiUh. and on tlt chtce erma. JgAGLE HOTEL. aT Nonnt TitittD Stbeet, R. D. CUMMINGS, rnorRiKTon. ESTABLISHED 1703. JORDAN ABROTIIER, Wholc6nlo Grocers, nnd Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE No 215 North Third St. Philadelphia. c. ii. iiortNE. w.s. kino, j.n. SEYimnt, JJORNE, KING & SEYBERT, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. No. 121 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled promptly nt lowest prices. January 3, ISO'. JJ W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street. Between Cherry and Race, wostslde. Philadelphia. II. WALTER, Lato Walter A ICaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, No. 231 N. Third Street, Philadelphia. M. KEPHEART, WITH BARNES, BRO. & IIERRON, HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS A FURS, No. 101 Market Street, (Abovo Firth,) PlIILADtLI'IIIA. fOHN STROUP A CO., Successors to Stronp A Biothcr, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FI6H. ). 21 North Wharves nnd 25 North Third St l-hiladelphln. JICHARDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 123 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, rnoijADELPiii . oct. 22,'CO-Iy gNXDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, isianuracturcrs nnd Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Nos. 525 Market, and 5i! Commerce Street. Philadelphia. ILL1AM FISHER WITH . THOMAS OA It SON A . C. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, -MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS A NOTIONS NO. 18 2COUT1I FOUItTII STREET Philadelphia. Juno 4,'C9-tim "AINWRIGIIT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Comer Second nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES RICE, BriCES, DI CARB fcODA, 40., AC. -Ordcrs will receive prompt attention, may 10,U7-tf. Hotels. QOLUMBIA HOTEL. Ilv BERNARD STOIINER. HaVlUL? Intplv TIHl-plinKPfl nti,l Atl.,1 .1.. well-known Roblson Hotel Property, located a I'EW DOORS AliOVE THE COURT HOUSE, on thosnmosldoof tho street. In tho town of Itloonihhurt" mill linvlni. nhtitlt.o.l n n;r. ..i thobamoiuTb, v" " ,ur HOTEL AND RESTARANT, tho Proprietor lmsdetermlned to give to tho peo pie visiting tho town on buslnessor pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. Ills Stabllni? nlf,o is pxtpnnU.p a.ul to put buggies and cnrringcB In tho dry. Ho promises that everything about his establish ment shall bo conducted lu an orderly aud law ful manner: nml bn wKnpptmiii. of tho publlo palrouagc. tmyl7'07-tf T HE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY', COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The UUdcrslimcd would Infnrm llial.av.1tln. nubile that he has taken the above named estab lishment and thnrnuirhlv- rpHttp.1 flip cn.p the perfect convenience of hlsguests. His larder Will be StOCkeil With ttm lipwt tlip tnn.lr.t nft'..-.l Tho choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to .,,, WILLIAM PETTIT. Apr.23,(-tf Espy, Pa. JJRIOK HOTEL, ORANGEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ROIIR M'HENRY, Proprietor. Tills Well known llouso. hnvfnc Iippd nut. In thoroiifih repair, Is now upen to the travelling publlo. Tho bar is htotkid with the choicest iquorsumiclr.ur-siuumie tablu will be, at all imCB.fiUimlied With tho ih llninlrw nf llin KOnuniL No rami will be fcpnixd to Jiibi.ro the comfort of gUt'btK, uraiicvuie, uee. lu. uu-ii. O K JC S IIO T U L, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho iindrrRkMiofl hns tnkpn thin well lennwn House, lately occupied by Cleort;o W. M auger, niul has put It in thorough repair with entirely new lu culture, le. Every attention Will bo paid to tho comfort and convenience of guests, Tho bar ahvais tupplled with tho best of liquors and cigars. T, BLNT.TAYLOH MONlQUR HOUSE UUPKHT, I'A. WILLIAM BUTLKB, IMoprlctor, This lloue lmvlntrhoni nnt In thnrnnph lftuilr Is now open for tho nccptlon of guests, No pains will bo spared to eiiM.ro tho perfect com iort of tho traelers. Tno Troprietor solicits n share of publlo patronage, Tho bar will be iui-Kt-u nt un units wiiii line liquors ami cigars. I1IUI 11 iVUt B EN.TON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tilts Well known Ifnusn hnvlnf lippn nut. In thorough repair is now open lor tho reception of visitors. No pains hnvo been spared to ensuro tho perfect comfort of nut Ms, The pmprletor also mus a Stage ft om tho Hotel to Bloomsburg and lutermcdlirto points on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of welt celt. iuurO'7U-tf AGENTS WANTED FOR B PROSPECTUS T FREE I I RLE iJYRIOS A MASTERLY VERSIFICATION OF THE bUULIME POETRY OF THE BIBLE. BO pronounced by leading clergymen and lay lucn of all denominations. Universally admired and highly esteemed both for Its great lnlrlnslo merit and mechanical finish. Abeautirul Pros- eeiu, n oiu a new una original design, showing ho Ulllerent styles nf liln.llni-. i.tp.. rpnt. nhm. 'liletu I'nV.V.tn nil n,-ppnt..,l oa i,,.,,,J.n,i . LO... I'le f WJr.y desired, at 20 per tent, leu than the WllOLEHALl! I'llll'H l iplimti Tprrllnrir aud the Most Liberal Teiins. Forluli particulars, C. F. VENT, Publisher, ntajO'70-tf 3 Barclay St. New York. D BNTISTltY, II C. HOWEIt, DENTIST, Ilospectfully otTers his professional services to tho ladles uud gentlemen of lilooxusburff and vl clnlty Ho la prepared to attend touUtue varl oiu operations lu the Hue of his profession, and i luuviuuu wmi ma iMicaii iiuiiiuvvu l uuuKLAin Tkktu wlilcli will bo Inserted ou cold plating, sliver aud rubber base to look as well as the nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted bv all the new unrf moat approved methods, and ull operations ou the teeth carefullvand nroneilv attended to. iiesiuenco aua omce a lew uoor aoove in Court House, same aide. Bloomsham, Jan,8l,'titf BLOOMSBURG, PA., Written for Tin Columbian. Freedom of Consolonoo. Tho right to worsh lp, God has given, And to this duty binds tho soul, Consistent Is tho rulo of Hoaven, And, therefore, claims supreme control. Wo owo to Him supremo devotion, 'Look unto mo," Is tho command, "Aud worship with sincere emotion" But docs not nny form demand. Then why should man oppress his brother When God has loft tho conscience free? Why should ono persocuto another. And tako away his liberty Why say "stand off, keep at a dlstanc o, For 1 am holler than thou?" Why oner to Ills tilth rcslstanco, Because to yours ho cannot bo w? Vain runn, why do you Judgo your brother s Has ho not rights as well as you j Why will you still his consclenco bother? And yet no bettor lite can show. God inado him, hnvo wo not ono Father? If Ho Is pleased to own Ills son, Why not submit and own hlra rather Christ's crvant.tthough u weaker one? Wo cannot always sco together. Though both bo looking in the light, It may bo, sometimes, that we neither Juclgo truly of the wrong and right. Let Charily to all be given, And let this rulo to all belong. Tho faith that leads ns on to Heaven, Thni faith, 'tis certain, can't bo wrong. Stillwater, Tho Parting. 11V OKOUOE D. PRENTICE. Tho signal from tho distant strand Streams o'er tho waters bluo It bids me press thy parting hand, And breatho my last adieu ; But oft on Fancy'Sjglowlng wing My heart will lovo to stray, And still to thco with rapture spring Though I am fir away. With thco I've waudeicd oil to hear, Ou Summer's quiet oves, Tho wild bird's music, soft and clear, Borno through tho whispering loaves; Or see tho moon's Lrlght shadow laid Upon tho wavclcss bay, Those eves their memory cannot fade, Though I am far away. My llfo may fee l Hope's withering blight, Y'et fancy's learfulcyo Will turn to tlie-o-tho dearest light In retrospection's sky; And still tho memory of our love, Willi o llfo was young nnd gay, . Will sweotly o'er my spirit move, Though I am far away. 'TIs hard, when Spring's first flower expands, To pass It coldly by, Or seo upon tho desert sands Tho gem unheeded lie; Thogcutlo thoughts that bless tho hours Of lovo can no'cr decay. And thou wilt livo in memory's bowers, Though I am fur away. The Sun has sunk, with fading gleam, Down evening's shadowy vale, But sec his soltcncd glories stream From yonder crescent pale; And tbusairectlonschostcned light Will memory still display, To gild tho gloom of sonow's night, Though I am far nwny. dftisfcllnncous. LANGUAGE OF FLO WEES. "Gather a wreath from the garden-bowers And tell tho wish of thy heart In flowers." Flowers, from tho earliest ages, have boen as sociated with the ten der sentiments of the heart and thus have often been the means of telling tho tolo which w ords daro not speak. They too liavo been n source of poetic Inspiration, and poesy of nil ages has found Images of Joy nnd beauty "In tho bright consummate flower." "Flowers aro the hrlghtost things which earth On her broad bosom loves to cherish ; Gay they appear ns children's mirth, Llko fading dreams of hopo they perish. By them tho lovor tells his tale ; They can his hopes, his fears express ; Tho maid, when looks or words woultl fall. Can thus a kind return confess. Then la3y, let the wreath we bring For thee a wreath of beauty twine, And as tho blossoms deck the spring, So every tender wish bo thine." FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. Acacia Concealed love. Acacln Rose Friendship. Adonis Vernalls Sorrowlul remembrance AgnuH-uaslus Coldness; to live without Agrimony., Almond ,'inanuiuiness. (love. ....Hono. Aloo Althaea Alyssum, Sweet..., Anemone ....Religious superstition. ....Consumed by love. ....Worth beyond benuty. ....Expectation. ....Inspiration. ....Temptation. ....Preference. ...Unchanging friendship. ,. .Ardor. ....Grandeur. Angellcr Annie Apple-Blossom Arbor Vltto Arum. Ash Ash. Mountain I'ruucuce, Asnuu Tree Lamentation. Auricula Avarice. Azalea Romance, Bachelor's Button Hopo In lovo. Balm Sympathy, Balm of Ollead lleallnc iiuisam - Impatience Sharpness Hatred I change but lu dying Prosperity Industry ......Gratitude ........Meekness , Constancy Envy Dissension; Rupturo i Neatness Importunity Hlehes Barberry. Basil iiay-Lear. Beech- , Bee Orchis..... Bell Flower .. Birch Tree Box Hrumble isrouen btr"v Broom Burdock Buttercup.., , luuu J.uy .. f eminine beauty camclla Pity Candytuft Indifference Canterbury Bell Giutltudo Capo Jakmlno Gardenia. Transport; Ecstacy Cardinal Flower.... Distinction Carnation, Yellow, Disdain Cedar I lite fur thee Cedar of Lebanon Incorruptlblo Cherrv.Trce Good ediipntlnti Chlccury Fiueallty China Asto I will think of It China rink Aversion Cliry6authemuiu, Rolo...I lovo Chrysanthcmuui,Whlto.Truth Chrysanthemuni.yellouHllRhtcd lovo Clnnuefull Beloved child ciemans Clover, Red Cockscomb Coltsfoot Artldco Industry Foppery: Affectation JUSllCI lcealinll tmrlmip vnn coiumuiue (?olinnlilne. l'umle Folly Resolved to wlu eviuiuuiuv, Aieu. .Anxious Convolvulus, Major Dead hopo ;ouvuivuius, minor unceiiaiuty; lllcllt 'orchorus Impatience of absence Coreopsis, ,., ....Ima atilrstslght KMIU h. Cowslip.... .... Hicue'H ....l'enslvcness Cowslip, American You are my divinity Crocus cucerfuluess Crown Imperial Majesty Currauts ...You please me Cypress- Mournlug ejypress aim iariguiu,...uespa!r Daffodil Chivalry Dahlia Forever thine mcnls llalsv. Garden. I rjartuke vmtr upntt. Daisy, Red Beauty unknown topos- .'may, ..line.... luiiucvuce ise'ssor Daisy, Wild I will think of It Dandelion Coquetry Dead Leaves ...Badness Dock Patience Dogwood, Flow eriug (fortius) lam Indifferent to Ebony..- Hypocrisy (you Eelautiuo ...... '.der Compassion uintpai Dltinltv '.im.......... Llm, American , Kudive Eupatorlum.. ....Patriotism ...Frugality ....Delay ...Inconstancy Poverty .-.Never ceasing remom. .Reconciliation Ibrauce .Elevation .. leel your kindness r.veniug rrimroso, Evertereen Everlasting j iiueii..M.t... . Fir Tree. r lux Forget-me-not.... FoiKlove. Futchla ....true love .Insincerity -The ambition of my lore .Tunte.Ithui plagues Itself ...Present preference ..Y our hand Ut next dance r ustuia, ucariei... Geranium, Apple... UVIBHIUUIlf,.HHH FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1870. Geranium. Nutmear T nvnppt n MAA.t.. J'"?"!"'"' 0aJ Lndv, deign to smllo Geranium, Rose.,.. Preerouco Geranium, Bivor Leal... Recall (llllyllowcr. Lnstlug beauty (ioldcn Rod Encourngemont Gooseberry Anticipation I'ropo Charity Grass Utility Guelder Roso (Siiowball)Winter Hawthorn .Hopo Hh-.'V Reconciliation "'"IK" t-nxo-,-: Think of me J ?.',' " hM0-1 "f Pl You occupy my thoughts !'cau! Holltudo n "-oie I love you Dovotion. Jjo , v a Foresight Ho) yhock..... Fmltlulncss Hollyhock, While Female ambition Honeysuckle...., ..Ilondol lovo Iloncysuck e, Cpi :t Tho color of my fato Honeysuckle, MouiUIy.l will not answer hastily Hop........ Injustice 1 torso-Chestnut... Luxury ir2S.e;?e-S-.V-.V Domestic economy Hoya (Wax Plant).... Sculpture Hync nth...... Jealousy !lyac "f ' i!luov ...Constancy Hynclnth, Purple Sorrow Hydrangea, Heartlessncss Ico-Plaut Your looks frccr.6 mo - Messago Iris, German Flame ivy....... Friendship; Matrimony Jcssnm no. Cope Tronslcntjoy ",mauy .Jessamlno, White Amiability Jessamine, Yellow Grace; Eleganco iWlLzzrSSSS rclur" or lovo !'al!urmi,';; Pensive beauty Jjidlcs' Slipper Oiprlelous beauty Jjigerstra-mea (Capo Myrtle) Eloquence Laulana ..Itlgnr Lfch. Boldness Larkspur. Fleklcness Laurel... Glory Lauresllnus .'. 1 dlo If neglected Lavender. Distrust Iicmou Blossom.. Dlscretian iiettuce Colu-liearted ,llnp First emotion of lovo Lilac, White... 1 ou in i.uy Purity; Modesty ' K r tho Valley Return of happiness ' ly. Day Coquetry H y. Water Eloquence . yl "S' Falsehood ' Jnilen Tree Conjugal lovo J.lvo Oak Liberty Sl'Tiii: fc.vo !,cy'"l " grave tee i!ln'"'3.r.You puzzle me Lovo lies Bleeding Hopeless, not h 1 heartless in-imagination i.aiumny Mnguo a, Chinese... Love of nature Magnol a, Grandiilora...Pecrless aud proud Magnolia, Swamp lersoveranco fjj low; Hweetness; Jllldness Mandrake Horror ;i,,,c-i'i- Reserve Marigold Ctuelty i!nMgol,J.' A,rrli:an Vulgar minded Mar gold, French Jealousy JJorJoram. Blushes Marvel or l'cru (Four o'clocks) Timidity Mcai ow-Saflron My best days aro gono Meadow Sweet Uselcssness 8 gnone le Y'onrqunlitles surpass M liiosn. Hpnslttvenes f your M i't.V ..Vlrlno j charms xtJf'f'S Vi--; Isurmouhtalldtfflcultlcs Mock Ornnio (SyrlngaJ-Countcrrelt ijoss Maternal lovo 'Motherwort..... Secret lovo Mourning Bride (Scabeous) Unfortunate nttach Mouse ear Chickweei,....Slmnllc.ty ment S u berry. B ack r wl,l not survive -du heriy, White. Wisdom JIulleIn Uomi nature Mushroom .. Suspicion Mllh ard Scci1 Indlffercnco JJyrtlo Lovo Narcissus Egotism Nasturtium Patriotism SfiflOvv Cruelty; Slander N ght-bloomlng Cereus.Translenl beauty Nlghtser'e BiltertTrnth Sz ::::::::::::::d,lo,amy Olcrnder Beware Olive Branch Peace P,raSo Generosity Gringo Flower, Chastity i'rchls Beauty ansy. Think of mo I are ley..... EntcrtalnmontjFeastlng :,"sg""' 1'iuus r.e'ai: aruor t ea...... Appointed meeting Pea, Everlasting Wilt thou go with me Pen, Sweet co with mo ..Departure ...This heart Is thluo ...Affection ...Anger ..Fleo away ...Sweet remembrance ..Our souls aro united ...Chango ...Timo ...You nro perfect ..Frrowell i cacu ijiossoli.,.. Pear 'iree , l'eony Pennyroyal'. , Periwinkle.'. Phlox PlmpcrneL. Pine I'lno-opplo. l'luo-tfpriicc l uio aticctton l'ink, Clovo Dlenlty Pink, Doublo Red Pu7o, ardent love Pink. Indian av.,1,ia, i 111IC, .....I'ttio affection Pink, Mountain .You uro aspiring Pink, arlegatcd Refusal Pink White Pink. Yellow You nro fair. Disdain Piano Tree. .Genius Pleurisy rcot(Abckplr.s)Cure for heartache Plum Tree Keep your promises Plum Tree, wild Independence Polyanthus Confidence Pop ar, Black Cottrago Poplar, White Tliuo Poppy Consolation of sleep Poppy, White Hlcep of tho henrt Pomegranate Foolishness Pomegrnuato Flove. Eleganco Potato Beneficence Prido of China (Mcila)...l)lsseuslon Primrose.... Karly youth Prlmroso, Eveulut, Inconstancy Privet Mildness oulnco Temptation Ragged Robin (Lyclmls)Wlt Ranunculus Y'ou'ra radlaut with Reeds Music charms ni ucauiy Rose, Bridal Happy love Rose, Burgundy. Unconscious beauty Rose, Cabbage Ambassador of love Roso, Campion only deserve my lovo Rose, Carolina Lovo Is dangerous Rose. China Grace Rose, Dally That smllo I will aspire lion?, iiuiiiaHic r resnness (to nuau, i,u(j i-ieitsuro uuu puiu Rose, Hundred-leaved ...Prido Roso, Moss. Superior merit Roso, Moss Rosebui' Confession of lovo Roso, Multlilora .....Grace Rose, Musk cluste. Charming Itoo, Bwectbr'f r Sympathy Roso, Tea Always lovely Rose, White. I am worthy of you Rose, White, wltherc ...Transient Impression Rose, Wild simplicity Rose, Y'ellow Decrcao of lovo Hose, York Jc Ijiucastei'.War Roses. Garland oi Reward of virtue Rosebud Young girl (not lovo I'.oseund. White The heart that lenows Rosemary.. Your presence revives Rue Disdain mo Jbii-.ii iioeiiuy Ballrou , Excess is dangerous Sage Kbtcom Scabeous, Mourning Bride Widowhood Sensitive Plant - ..Timidity Hnapdrngon Presumption Snowball. Thoughts of heaven Snowdrop .. cousoiutfon Boirel Wit HI timed Spearmint . Warm feelings star of Bethlehem Reconciliation Staruort. American Welcome to a stranger St. John's Wort (Hypericum) superstition Stock, Ten Week I'romntltudo Htranioulu'i, Common.DIsgulso Strawberry Perfect excellence Strawberry Tree (Arbutls) Esteem and love Sumao Hplenelor Suhllower, Dwarf. our devout adorer Sunilower, Tall Prldo Sweet William Fluesso nyeitiuure' uunusity f-yrlnga Memory TauBy I declare against you Teasel Mh-amhropy Thistle ...Austerity 'thorn, Apple Deceitful charms Thorn. Rlac'c. Difficulty Thorns ....Severity Thrift. Sympathy Thyme ...Activity Tiger Flower. For once may pride be- Touch-mo- .ot, Balsam..Impatluce ft lend thee Trutlle ..Surprise Trumpet flovcr Separation Tuberose. Dangerous pleasures Tulip Declaration of lovo Tulip Tiee Rural happiness Tulip. Variegated Beautiful eyes Tulip. Yellow illopolcsslovo Venus'' Fi'yTrap'.'.'.'.. Vonus' Looking Gl j uriiip e uitriiy ,.unso i caugnt you ni Glass. ...l-'latterv Verbena Sensibility llUSb :v vine Violet, Blue... ..Iutoxlcnllon ......I.OVO Violet. White ..Modesty Virgins' Bower Wall Flower. Walnut ...Filial lovo ...Fidelity ....stratagem ...Forsaken . ..Prosperity .Joy Abscnco ....Sorrow .... Absent friends weeping willow Wheat Wood-Sorrel Wormwood Yew Zeunto The Retired Conductor "Gris," of tho Ciucintiall Timet, relates of an old conductor, promoted to train dis patcher, as follows : Habit was exceed ingly strong with tho ox-conductor. As ho sat In tho ofllco ho would start overy timo no Heard n boll ring and yoll, "all aboard." Then ho would go about tho ofllco at intervals and try to collect faro from his asiistauts. Wo dropped In casually ono afternoon, and Billy want ed to know If wo had a pass. Ho couldn't get accustomed to his now po sition. Ho pined to bo again on tho road. Ono day ho begged tho boys to put him through a collision, which thoy did to his ontlro gratification. Thoy toro hls'clothcs noarly off, black ened his eyes, broko a kcrosono lamp over his head,and piled a red-hot stovo on top of hlru. Billy was In anecatacy of delight, and declared hohadn't enjoyod himself so much since ho had a bllo. jO. aood Ono for Smokers. An nged negrcM, whoso Imminent piety litis secured for her an extensivo reputation, In walking her usual rounds of visits, dropped In upon a neighbor who was equally well known as a tern pornuco man and a hater of tobacco. After being courteously received, tho ncgress pulled from her pocket a long pipe, and commenced smoking some very "Union" tobacco, to tho Infinite disgust of her host. Tho man main tained his ccmposuro sovornl minutes, but tho fumes and smoko becamo too powerful for him, and rising from his chair ho said : "Aunt Chloe, do you think you aro a Christian?" "Ycj, bruddor, I specks I Is." "Do you bellevo In tho Blblo, aunty ?" "Yes bruddor." "Do you know tiicro is a passngo in tho Scriptures which declares that noth ing unclean shall Inherit tho kingdom oi neavcii v" "Yes, I've- heerdoflt.' "Do you beliovoit?" "Yes." "Well, Chloo, you can not enter tho kingdom of heaven. Because tliero is nothing so unclean as tho breath of a smoker. What do you say to that?" "Why I specks to leavo my brelT be hind mo when I go to heaven." Orcat Snako Hunt in Ohio. On tho 10th ult., at Big Island town ship, lu Marlon county, on tho farm of Aloxaiuler Campbell,n great snako hunt occurred. Tho party was headed by Capt. Jackson Brady, who led his gal lant company down into tho tail prairio grass, and surrounding atwenty-acro lot, set flro to tho outer edgo of tho grassnbout4 p. m. Tho grass burned well, the flames rolling up ten feet high, and as tho fire advanced tho snakes re treated to tho centre, sometimes mak ing desperate efforts to spring through tho flames, but tho blazo being too heavy thoy wcro killed in tho attemnt. At C.45 p. m. tho ground was burued over, and Capt. Brady went over tho field of carnago and picked up tho debris of tho great army of snakes, and by act ual count, tliero was found to bo-13,983 Bnakcs of all sizes. Ono black racer was nino feet and four inches long and sev en Indus in circumference. This may be considered a good day's work for this neighborhood, as tho snakes had becomo so bad that smaU children wore afraid to go to school.and nicy oven attacued somo adults, soveral having been bitten on their boots, and it had becomo a common thing for flfty or a hundred snakes to chaso men, wo men, ana children across this prairio. Tho milk snakes wcro constantly milk ing tho cows, and thereby Interfering with tho dairy business in that section. Marion (Ohio) Mirror. Visit your Scholars. Tho following, from tho Sunday School Banner, is worthy tho attention of every Sunday school teacher in the land: "Thero is, perhaps, no part of tho teacher's duty so full of cheering pros pects as tho visitation of his scholars. Children will withhold their confidence ovon from the punctual aud zealous in structor, but thoy can not resist tho lovo and sympathy that seek them at their homes during tho week. Tho Instruc tions of the Sabbath may fall to soften their littlo rebellious hearts, but the kindness of a social ministering to their wants, or soothing tho hour of pain, is irresistible "A faithful teacher will record with anxiety, in her memorandum book, tho absonco of a scholar. If ono is absent her heart inquires, is tho littlo ono sick, or is no weary oi tho school? If noor. sho will bo.troubled lest lack ofcom fort- able clothing caused tho detention. Wo say, sho will anxiously inquiro in this way, n siio is faithful. What is her duty? Tho answer is evident, visit tho scholar on tho first opportunity. "Uiuidren Iovothoso who lovo them. Thoy readily distinguish between aifect- cd nnd real love. They can not bo do ccived by professions of lovoand interest In tlio classes, followed by IndilTerenco and neglect tho coming week. Tho littlo ones cling to tlioklnd teachcrwho learns their peculiarities, inquires into ineir uttio trials, ministers to their wants, mid nt their own firesides wntnrs with her prayers and counsels tho in- slructlons of tho Sabbath. "Absentees 6hould bo hunted dtirluir tho week; tho sick ones visited aud prayed with: poor children provided With necessary apparel, and now schol ars drawn into tho school. Tho teach- orawlio neglect to visit their classes omit a largo portion of their duty." A Slap on tho Xtoafcrs. Josh Billings answers it query that has often occurred to us, viz., "What wero you created for ?" in tho following paragraph. While overy lady and gen tleman would llko to bo rid of tho nn noyanco of bolngstarcd at, yet they can not uo cruel enough to wish to bo rJd of your Insolenco In tho way to which Josh alludes: "Tharo linlllt bin n linn- mmln vol In vain, nor ono that wants a good job. Tharo Is lots nf lmmnn mott lniin about corners, blacksmith shops, elder mills and saloons all over tho country, that dpn't seem to bo necessary forany thlng but to beg plug tobacco and awaro nu Bii'm watermelons; nut you let tho nuji:ry uraKu out onco anil then you w in seo tno wisuom or having jlst such men lying nround ; they help count." Here Is a dispatch said to havo been bent by President Lincoln to General Hooker: "If tho head of Leo's army is at Martinsburg and tho tail of it on tho Plank Road between Fredericksburg and Ciiancellorsville, tho nulmal miyit uo pretty sum somownero. Oouldn't you break him?" A. Lincoln. Host (who had Just finished carvlne- turkey) "Will you havo a small pleco of tho dark meat, or a small pleco of whltomeat?"Hungry gusot (who Is ad Uictod to tho habit of plain speaking) "Thank you i I'll tako a large pleco of both I" PXoblo Xiadics' ogs, Nobody nccdfecl called upon to blush over tho paragraph printed below, for ii is lak-en from airs. Anna Cora Mo watt Rllchlo'a last London letter to tho Sau Francisco Chronicle "Wo trustour fair American sisters will not bo shocked by our unhesitating uso of tho word "leg," which they nro accustomed to designate as "limb," or "lower limb." In England nnd all over Europo that littlosubtorfuiro would bo pronounced Indelicate nnd affected j and it certainly is tho latter, if not tho lorraer. But to our story. Whllosvm metrical femlnlno legs nro said to bo disappearing from American soli, thoy nro so mticit in the ascendant in Entr, land that ladles of rank havo invented a now method of making known tliolr fair proportions. Wo read In the March number of tho Galaxy that In a work just published, two American medical men put forth tho gross slander that "a haudsomo leg Is n rarity wo had al most said an impossibility among American women I" Wo do not bo llovo tho ungallant llboi, though Amer ican ladies cortaluly aro not in tho habit of publishing their charms by having casts taken of their shapely legs, ns an ornament for drawing-room tables, or to bo sold for tho benefit of tho vendor of casts, or to bo circulated among lrienu.s as a Uellcuto token of friendship and valuable work of art. What wo aro about to relate appears, at tho flrst blush, so Incredible that wo hold our self responsible for its exact truth. Up on the drawing-room tablo of a lady of rank in London a lady of high posl lion nnu lrroproaciianio character may bo seen, beneath n glass case, a lovely dim pled littlo foot, delicate ankle, nnd rounded calf, up to the kneo Joint ; it is the east of tho leg of Lady , tho hostess. In Soho square thero Is a small rather humblc-looklng shop, In which you can purchaso, for flvo shillings, a cast of ono of tho most cxqulslto of legs ; tho original (in tho flesh) belongs to Lady do G and B , who went to this little shop Incog., and had her perfect leg moulded, and aftorwards generously gave tho shopman tho priv ilege of selling copies of tho cast, which he does daily, for it was quickly discov ered to whom tho bcautcousleg belong ed. Ono lady, tho wife of a mayor of a town in tho provinces, camo to Lon don and had two casts taken of her leg one nude, and ono with tho neat llltlo shoo, stocking, and garter. Straugo to say (though no artist will call It strange) tho leg with tho stocking and garter produced an effect much further remoV' cd from modesty than tho leg qulto un clad. Brucciani, tho cast-vender in Covcnt Garden, drives a brisk trado in casting ladies' legs, and has nny quan tity of models of all descriptions taken from life, and chiefly from nobio life, for snlo. How this leg mania originated wo havo not heard; but thero Is certainly somo explanation for this sudden pas sion among tho aristocratic fair to havo their legs recognized ; perhaps it Is only because "a thing of beauty Is a joy for ever." Tho Wrong Man Poulticed. Tho following story, which wo do not lemember to havo seen In print, may bo old, but it Is received as true: At a famous and fashionablo water ing place, a gentleman ono night was suddenly seized in bed with an ex cruciating pain in tho stomach, which, neither brandy, No. G, nor any other remedy could remove. His wlfo, after trying a number of things in vain, and having exhausted ail her stock of rem edies, left her husband's bed-sldo for tho purpose of getting a warm appli- cation. Guided on her return by n light which sho saw shining in n cham ber, and which sho supposed was tho ono Just left, sho softly entered.afid was not a littlo surprised to find her patient apparently In a deep slumber. How over thinking ho might still bo suffer ing, sho gently raised the bed-clothes, ic, and laid tho scalding pqultlco upon a stomach but not tho stomach of her husband which no sooner touched tho body of tho person thau he, gieatly alarmed, and writhing under tho tor luroof tho burning application, shout ed: "Hallo! hallo! what In tho namo ot heaven and earth aro you about there?" then, with ono spring from his bed, ho made for tho door aud rushing down stairs, declared in a frenzy of ex citement, that somo ono had poured a shovel of hot coals upon him. Tho woman, overcomo with oxcitcment and ahum gavo a frantic scream, which brought her husband hurriedly in from tho next room to her rescuo. Tho husband was so much excited, and also so much amused with tho sincular mistake and tho ridiculous position of ins ucttor half, that ho forgot all his pains ; but early next morning ho, his wlfo and trunks left for parts unknown. Tho poulticed gentlemau still retains tho handkcrchlef-a beautiful linen fa bric Willi tho lady's namo on it, which ho considers of raro value. A Fish Story. Wo met a boy on tho streets yesterday, and without tho coremony of asking our name, ho ex claimed: "You Just orter been down to tho river it whlloogo!" "Why?" wo ouqulred. "Recauso, a nigger was in tliero swimming, and nblg cat-flsh camo up behind him uud swallowed both of his feotaud went swimming along on top of tho water with him, and they camo up behind another big fish, nnd tho nigger swallowed his tall, and tho nigger and two flsh went swimming about!" "Well, then what?" wo asked. "Why. after a whllo tho nlggor swallowed his fish, and tho othor flsh swallowed tho nigger, and that's tho last I saw of either of them," "Sonny," said wo, with feelings of alarm for tho boy, "you aro In a fair way to becomo tho editor of a Radical paper," and wo left him, J-icchange. Why' would Sampson havo made an oxcollont actor? Because ho could w easily bring iowu thohouso. KATES OF ADVEHH81NP. One square, (tn Unci or Its equivalent lu Non pareil type) one or two Insertions, fl.M threa Insertions, t2.W. STACK. lf. 2H, 3X. CM. IT. Ono square. 12X0 IVn 11,00 (9,00 110,00 Two squares....... 8,60 6,00 7,00 9,00 15,00 Three squares S.OO 7,00 0,00 12,00 18,00 Foursquares 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 23,00 Quarter column.. 10,00 12,00 14,00 20.S0 80,00 Half column 10,00 18,00 2000 80,00 60,00 Ono column...30,00 30,00 10,00 00,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, (3.00 j Auditor's orVsslgnco's Notice, tZOO. Local notices, twenty cents n line; by the year ten cents. Cords inlhe"utlncii Directory" column, li.00 per year for the first two lines, and 81.00 far each additional line. Hints to Wearers of Kid Olovcs. It Is not generally known, or does not appear to bo known, even by thoso who wear khls almost exclusively, that tho durability and set of these ar ticles depend very much upon how thoy aro put on tho flrat time. Two pairs may bo, taken from ono box, of exactly tho snmo cut and quality, and by giving dlfforont treatment when flrst putting tho hnnds Into them, ono pair will bo modo to set much bettor, nnd to wear doublo, or nearly that length of time, longer than tho othor. When purchasing gloves, people nro usually In too much of a hurry, thoy carelessly put them on, and let them go In that way then, thinking to do tho work moro completely at anothor time. When this is tho case it person is sure to meet with disappointment, for as tho glove is mado to fit tho hand tho first timo it Is worn, so it will fit over after, and no amount of effort will mnko a satisfactory chango. Never allow a stretcher to bo used, for tho gloves will not bo likely to fit as well for it. All of tho expansion should bo mado by tho hands; If tho kids are so small as toroqulro tho aid of a stretcher, thoy should not be purchased, as they will provo too small for durability, comfort or beauty. When selecting gloves choose those with fingers to correspond with your own In length, tako timo to put them on, working in tho fingers first until ends meets endtthenrutin tho thumb, and smooth them down till they nro mado to flt nicely. A glovo that fits woll will usually wear well, at least will wear bettor than ono of tho samo kind that docs not fit well. When tho ends of tho Angers do not como down right, or when thoy aro so long as to form wrinkles upon the sides of tho fingers, thoy will chafo out easily; wherothe stretcher has to bo used to mako tho fingers lurgo enough, tho bo dy pait will bo so email as to cramp tho hand so that it cannot bo shut without bursting tho seams of tho kids. Somo recommend putting now kid gloves into a damp cloth before thoy aro put on, and allowing them to remain until moistened. With this treatment they can be put on much easier than otherwise, nnd will flt very nicely until they get dry, but on sec ond wearing tliero will bo an unnat ural harshness about them, .wrinkling in spots, and thoy will not sot so per fectly as at flrst. I havo tried tho damping process, and do notMipprovo of it. Canadian Journal of Commerce. A Frenchman, resolved to bo rid of llfo, went, a littlo beforo high tide, to a post set up by tljo sea-side. Ho had provided himself with a ladder, a rope, n pistol, abundlo of matches, auda vial of poison. Ascending tho ladder, ho tied ono end of the ropo to the post, eet his clothes on flro, put tho muzzlo of tho pistol to his head, and kicked away tho ladder. In kicking -away tho lad der, ho sloped tho pistol so that tho ball missed his head and cut through tho ropo by whlc'i ho was suspended ; ho fell Into tho sea, thus extinguishing tho flames of his clothes: and tho sea water wh Ich ho involuntarily swallowed coun teracted tho poison ; and thus, in spite of his precautions, ho remained unhang ed, unshot, unpoisoned, unburntd, aud undrowned. When Daniel Webster was Secretary ofState, SIgnor Blitz called ou him In Washington, when tho following dia logue took placo: "What has brought you to Washington?" "I havo como for an office, sir." "An office! What offico is thero under tho government of tho United States for a magician?" "To count tho money In tho Treasury. I should llko you to tako. ono hundred thousand dollars of Treasury notes and count them carefully. I will then count them also, when it will appear that tliero aro only seventy-flvo thousand dollars." "Ah 1 signor," sard Mr. Web ster, "that won't do. Wo havo magi cians in Washlngtou who, If a hundred thousand dollars wcro to pass through their hands, would leavo nolhintjot It." An itnagluatlvo young man, laboring over tho gradual encroachments of wo mankind on mascullno territory In the mntter ofdrt'S', breaks Idto song as fol lows : "They took our coais-at first we hardly missed 'cm; And then thoy aped our dickeys and cravatsi They stole our sacks-wo only liurhed and klsae.1 em: Emboldened, then they stole our hats; Until, by slow and sure degrees, the witches Have taken nll-onr coats, hats, boots and breeches 1" A New IlAMPauntr. firmer wantod n farm hand, and was applied to by an Irishman who wanted to work. Tho farmer objected to engaging Pat, on tho ground that two Irishmen previously in his employ had died on his hands. " Thin you object to hiring mo for that, doyo?"sfiid Pat. "Faith and I can bring you ricoracndatlons from many a placo where I'vo worked, that I never played such a trick I" A Widower in Indiana who marri ed again last week, whllo on his way with his newbrldoto tho depot to start ou their bridal tour, was rudely stop ped by an undertaker who demanded Instant payment of his littlo bill for burying his first wlfo. Tho father of tho now brldo stepped forward aud liquidated tho bill. Josh Billings charges tho cat with beluga krltter guilty of affektaBhum. Ihcvkuowna cat to klean tho cream all oph from tho buzzum of a ran of milk, and then limp into the sitting room on all four legs, and lay down In tho corner of tho fire-place, as melon cholly as tho alio hadn't a frlond on tho faco of tho earth. A Moral elephant in Clnnclnatl has 200 rlflo balls Inside his skin, put there at odd times to curb his hot temper, yet he is ablo to shamble off at a gait that forces tho moral baud wagon horse Into a trot, and distresses the moral IcaineL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers