JJLOOMSBURGr. PAs .'I. - .,4. FIUDAV j-IOUNINfil At'OUST 13, liOOi' hi li li H . I.r.1 li.l 1 'HH' - - UOCliiUi kll thn,Vrgeit Circulation' of ny ppr publlslml lit northern PcnniylVftttla; (firllo snnrh larger sheet ,thn, r of lUcfltrfl ?ornrlcs mid U therefore the best medium 4'r Advertising In tills section olthe Stale1. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEM0C11AT, BL00Mg3UllG, COLTO "'' : i r Trrirltr" TC pdTrTcA ft ANicnuri notion The icnheisco'Vlctory. Novo), wo bolloyc, iii tho ls(ofy of polltlw ImH.tliero boon bucIi a pwcenjng, thnngo In popular sentiment, nud such a b1uu1 trlunipb. H.s.thit achieved. W tho Democracy of Tennessee on Thiirs-. day of lost week, i Less than a year ngo (raqecelyrd u majority of JO, 147 ; now Scoter's is In tho neighborhood of 50,000 shovying.a, gain of SO.OOO. ThU result .has been acbloved throiigli, tho.illviilons of tho Henubl lean party.- Senter.anil Stokes were both, original rebcls.nnd both wcro "reconstructed," Neither worn regu larlyaioiulnated for Governor, bUL tho DiSnioeratH resolved to blipiiort 'Senior because; h6 wad In favor of enfrnnclisjnj tho wlilto voters of tho Stale, while Stokes' favored iho old sys'letri of pro- sqrlp'lton. fuller; th,e present arrange ment,! Bays tho iLancaster Intelligencer. "Less than hnlfthopcopleofthcStnto were votorsi. TIioso who were enfran chised numbered .about 90,000, while not I km than 110,000 wliito men were disfranchised. Of tho enfranchised cit- izens CO.OCK) wore whlto men and 83,000, negroes, ui mo uu.ow wnucs auoui 35,v(jo Wej Conservative Union men. Tho, Hudlcnl whites and negroes' num bered uu.uuu, anu inoy nau a rcnaoio majority or not less man aa.vuo." As a matter of, courso (ho present pro s'crljitiv.q' features- of tho Constitution will.'bbopcal'ed, and wro can .coun t on a reliable, majority hereafter of 85,000. i Not tho least Important part Of the victory is thp fact that the Democrats hav6 a two-thirds majority IntheLogis-' latnrc, Which will endbl'o! them, to''send. aTJeindcrut (p tho.u, 8. Senate in placo of Fowler. Wo hope and bellovo it, will bo, Andrew Johason. To placo, tho im peached , by tha side of the impcachers' would be '.'swinging arouhd itho'ejrelo"' to pine pilrpoao. Being a man of largo public experience, of uudoubted ability and courage, ho: would at once .assumo a leadership bf thb Southern' men In that body, and exercise uu Important In fluonco in tho legislation of tho country. 'Lastly; 'under' no circumstances, 6an( ttila'bijj 'claimed, as a. Ilaiilcai 'victory. Even tliULfVMJ concedes It to.us. Tho JV.'r. 2Yme aaid,. August 2nd,": "Governor Senior's election is certain by majority which depends1 'entirely upon tho fidelity with which tho regis trars have discharged1 tho duty confided to'tliom. Nominated originally by a few .Republicans, nearly all' of whom abandoned' him tho 'moment 'he gavo proof of the betrayal planned and ne gotiated by his friontjs, he ls,to-day the, candidate, of .(he Democracy, and, his election, will bo" secured through their' voJWf. Toclalin that lie Is uJU publican cflndldatq la. the sheerest nonsense, ,111s, Republican votes can easily be counted on .thumbs aud'flngers: Every day tho dlvlding llno becomes plainer and plain er. Having secured his clectlonthrough Democratic. 'vbtes; his' Administration will riecessarlly'be'Dcmocratlo. CrcSswcM arid'Bouiwell, tho f,o, pro minent members of Grant'sCnbinot,aniI t'jio '0 wielding tho mot, patronage.,, forinaUy declared in favor of Stokes, and stated that they represented tho view of Grant.- ' A'nti'iiowemopritfofienn'syl'va'nla, having seen what your bret hren In Vir ginia, Alabama, Kentucky, Tcnnessco and itontana ,1m vo1 done, arouso your- aolvcs and preparo for action.' It Is no' time to talk1 about prlvato disappoint ments and petty grievance s. The great pttjmlar heart is' beating In favor of PfiVker1 and Terehlng. L'of us. bury bld grievances In tho gravo of tho past, andi by ono strong, united effort hurl from power the men wio havo misgoverned Pennsylvania, nnd mado her name a re- proaeli ln tho llepubllc. run Tin coMiMntAK, A B.cmlnlccncc. William Henry Uradloy, tho mouth piece of tho Stockholders of tho Republi can, Is fully entitled to claim In a small way what wo unjlerslxind has been the great nmbltlon of UU life notoriety. Whether ho Is tn nnv way related to llib still morolioTb'rlous Mpcorla wo aro not Infqrmed.but.hls appoaranco would not inncKbello'tlld Busplclbn. Hoeaiho to this town a dull, uncomely lnd,.anc, j. .i 'r i niter getting nero (inn eisownuro little knowlt'db hls capaeity Was equal to, ho atteilipted to mftstcf thoproroumi s61eneo nhd priictleo ofmedlclrto'. Ho Ueehirfo a loyalist arid Inflicted his uimy dbrinc nrid buhclliit: upon thb' 'pbdr s'oldlcrd ofournrmy.dolngbuslilo&s thcrO' anil OlSOWIUTl', lljiun inu mmi" ui .uu highwayman, thAt "dead mon tell nd Wlesi" Like OthelI6, when tho Var' ccasied, he found his bcciiliatlotl trbno. and ho' irntlfM in hn wUU of fiUzerne hiunU'. rcntisylvahlo, Wh6ro sov'ernl llttl6 bills still attest the hmbiint Of his credit; mid varlous'itiitochphs'6f th6 "nsfeker" aro' slioWnV'tht' InhAbltahts. Managliig' ,to gbt'acrbsij tho Hub, ho 'found' hlMblf 'In Blbonlsburg, 'whero With 'h great tlourlsh of-trumpets ho gavo' himself trt tho nUblie. IW "Ijato Assistant Ttledlcil Dlntortiftho TJnlto.1' States Aniiyi" and to brovd hlsbrtncrtncss' In' 'his pro 'ffaoTAn tin tvnrkl'wl'fnVlin bhnr fit tVrt In extract a bullet from'ih'e hand of'o'nii br' our citizens4, arid lifter tMvlnc it tiivln despair, It' was iaUcn out In abbiit a1 minute', by" ii gentleman' who for years has been riti brnamcnt tb his profession That was about his billy, patient', and' It played hiinbut. Ho wilted from thence. forth, and the lato Ahiit Surgeon was tho lokoand butt of all tho boys In town, If our learning is not at fault, it was. a cclbbratcd'Greok writer, who' relates, that upon occasion, the Godsgrantcd ttf a poor suffering mortal an advantage in chooslng a physiclatl, over that granted to mankind in general ! by enabling him t'o sco the ghbs'ts of thoso who had Uecn' despatched by the then medical directors.' 'Going from ono dlsclpio of Esculaplus to anther, thb pitlttiit was shocked to llnd in'nunierablo gho-ds' crdwdiug tho entrance and blockl ng up tho very street i but continuing his search, ho anient last to one, where bbt a single, solilary ghost'stood scnti- ncl'at tlie Uoorway. Tho poor sulferer highly elated entered tho house, stated his caso,' received the prescription and paid t'ho'fee; but before tak ing h'is leave, congratulated tho Doctor ubbit'the fact; that (Whereas other physicians had crouds"bf ghosts" besleelng their doors', ho'hhd but on6. A'lasl'nlasl rcp'llcd1thu poor fellow '116 was the- only .patient I'cVbrh'ad." . ... ' Ho then tried to sell his medical practice; but'nof haying it single ghbst; ho had nothing to ili'sDo'soo'f, und found' no'pu'rehaser. "" XlJout that tlihd.thojn- creaslhu'debllltv and lhincndinif disso lution of 'the Itadleal party in Coiunib'i'it1 Democratic Victories. Jlesldos tho sweeping triumphs In Kcn(uckynnd Tcnncsseo tho Democrats have carried, two out of thoslx members qi Congress in Alabama. Before the en tire delegation was Radical. In Montana Hon. J. JI. Cavanaugh, Democrat, is re-elected Delegate to Con gress from that Territory1 by 2,000 ma. jprlly. Ills majority two years ago wan 1)100. Wocpufldontly oxect to carry MIsslss. Ippl and Toxas, even If Grant throws tho wliolcwelght of his administration aAInst IJA; Notvithstandino tho sneers of tho Republican, tho .Democratic party will support tho ticket nominated last week; and will givo H tho usual majority. Thcro I? always moro or less rivalry, Ijrovlous to a, convention, and frequent ly' much bltternepa : but no principle Is bolter settled than tho ono that ."tho. majority must rule" The charge of "rlng'Us puerile. Tho candidates nomi nated wero tno cnoico or a convention In which every township was represen ted, arid whero each bad ari equal voice. Tho defeated candidates themselves do not charge cither Dribery, or tho uso of undue influence, and for tho Republican to assume to bo their spokesman, Is a transparent trick often resorted, to by usnoncsc men to create a division in our' party, Wb want .npltlier sympathy nor counsel from such a source Tho Democratic party of Columbia county Is as compotent now to manago Its own affairs atf it over-was; and if in need of assistanceWould not call upon a leader yho has provpn hlmscif unfit 1 old ills, own parly togother. l'rcvlous to tho nominations tho Co T.u.MniAN held an oven balanco between tho candidates now wo aro for tho tick ctj Any person who advocates an lndq'- pendent ono la. n4t a truo Democrat, Ijvif psIroi to play Into tho lianilj of our. enemies. "In unity thoro is' strength j" by union our party has at tained lls.presont power In thUcounty, which can only bo lost by turning a willing oar to tho plaints of disappoint-' rd politicians. ' At Charleston, Virginia, tho oefflos nro thus bestowed. Joseph A. Chapllno, Judgo pf tho Circuit Court," Wm. A. haplitie, Clerk of tho Circuit Court I. 'i'Jmmiis CJiaplIne.Deputy eiierlffi Isaac Chaplinc, Sr., Assessor; Little Joslo Chapllno Clerk in Post-office. A cross yW tho Washburno fiiinlly would mako a team hard to beat In the olllco getting and holding lino. cb'unty," 'which had been 'under;' treat ment1 on the 'Thoniponlan system fot' some years, becamo 'so Very Imminent, that a'6hangoin ho' medicatlon'wu-) ab sollitclv dema'ndoil. ' tho clia'riKO was made',ndlf William, Henry Jlrrfdldy continues muci) longer nis present course, ho will have at least ono ghost, dogging Ills Steps, und gazing wim va. Ciint, ghostly oyo upo;i,hls opening doori t Tho Way to Increase Our Strength. That sound and spirited newspaper, tho Erie Oisenr, Says : Wo aro pot disposed to underestimate, tho' value of public speaking In a politi cal canvass-yet wo think it unsafo and unwise to' rely exclusively, or even mainly, upon itv Tho most effective worker In a campaign Is a good news paper. This is cspeclajly truo of present'year, when tho strongest argu ments'that can 'possibly bo mado in fa vor of thai. Democracy Is a faithful re cord of current .history. Wo doubt . if any thinking man who, Is not. selllshly Interested in tho successor tho Iluoubll- can party; can'read n fair statement' of oven la as they transpire, from day to day, or from week to week, and refuso to gi ve in his adhesion to tho principles alia policy of the Democratic party. It therefore becomes tho duty, as it should oo inu pleasure, or every good iiemo crat.to assist in the circulation of ncood Democratic newspaper and to seo to It iniu, nia jnenus anu neiguuors, oi wimt over political faith, aro supplied with u.iv. A. l,i3' la illi. UUly hllU UU31, IJUb tho cheapest way to securo success Twenty dollars extpnded in this way win uoimoro servico to mo cause man two hundred spent oh public meetings. Let all of our party friends see to it that a sound paper is placed in tho hands of every person of tlic)r Acquaintance who will read it. AVo can endorse oyory word of tho abovo. Conversions aro not mado on tho ovo of an election, although thb ablest speakers may bo employed,, It, is by continued appeals to tho reason that men aro convinced. Wo offer tho Columma'n for tho campaign for the cheap sum of Ticentu- Jlveccnts. This places It within tho reach of ovcry ono, nud enables such of our readers usdcslro to aid In tho spread of our principles to do so at a small ex pense. Boo to it that pot only' ovcry Democrat, but that every Republican voter Is supplied with a copy until tho closo of tho campaign. Miscellaneous Dispatches. Coi,UMUUB,QhIo,Aug.ll. Thejnem bera of tho Douiocratlc Stato, .Central Committee mot lioro to-day to doviso means to fill tha vacancy caused by tho declination of Gen. Ilosccrans as candl- duto for Governor of Qhlo, and hayo unanimously npmipatpd George II. Ten dlaton, who has accepted, Wimcesuahkb, Pa., Aug. 11. Tho annual Democratic convention or I,u zerno assembled iu tho Court House yes tcrday nnd placed (ho following ticket in nomination: Assembly,!), L. O'xfelll 8. W. JCoone.and N. S. Westlcr; county Treasurer, James Campbell; Recorder, Thomas Hutch.Ius; .Register, Chas. O, Plolz; Commlssloiier, B. W.. lialleyj Auditor, A, M, Rousiiuw; Coroner. Dr. J. W. OIallcy. NA8HVII.I.K, August 11. Sentcr'a, majority Is C2,000, with 10 counties to hear from. Tho State Senate, composed of, 25 members, stand 21 conservatives to -1 conservative republicans. Tho Ho uso pf Representatives, couio.sed of 81 members, stands 07 conservatives, o ru(lto's and u conservative republicans, with two districts to hear from, "A DKAnPAnTy.' It polled iu -The Democratic, 1AM.. wa, ... l.wi.oa ... ii,Vt .... I.HII.75I lxl (eicluilveof Huolht.- 1MJ6 - which makes Governor Seymour' vote neurly n million more than Presi dent Buchanan's, ami lSXCOO moro than "Old Abo'3." Tho lumWa WoKntyinvailoh. 'ai ' vaB.l -u ' ", t . JB TDtE TRIALS) fit Tlffe ViT&& TltTN jfltias. Of all tlie witnesses examined for tho Prosecution whofO testimony was rel oynnt. nnd lniportnnt,.thlsoiiai'prl'ai Is least llablo to criticism or censure. It Is.truo that wo can detect n few lrmceu 'rato statements mado by him, ftiilt'wb aro at llberty-to supposathuUiIslnUslIU gpneo was pot pf a hgh order, but ho dopi .nbf.sccm to.havp been actuated by, apy.maijcl;U3,rjrbasqniqt!yp1or,tohaYe been inlsled by unworthy pa.ssjpns. Ilq was examined ns.wiincsa In nil tho trlafsp.f which wo have Records; ,bpforo us thoso(oniflqt.z,Coliey unl'IIcnry, mu)ui'nnnly jq'cgnril, do. jjip Rant. mec(lng of ,Aug. 1 1th ,18j, When., wq Icomoo treat, of that meyllug.s a dls Itinct subject of investigation, tho tcstl?. 'mony of Hess will hecqinp.nios't vidua,: bio and will, bq freely used, lit wlll .ox .hljilt (Indlreptly nt least) tho, cause, of, tlihl meeting as alleged lit, defoncu up on (ho trials, and also tho circumstances under which it assembled. Unfurl u 'niileVy the witness, was not present at, tljo inbetlng In the nfternoqp. IIo Bays,, ilio went to.lt "about lOo'clock andsfald .until 12. Tho meeting had adjourned to go to dinner. When I left, I dldLnot ireturn after dinner.?' Wo, hnvq npt. 'therefore, thp jadvantngo ofi .his testi mony ai a elieck unon other, statements of what.lppk'placq an(l yas said in, .ttvq afternoon, but, as far as It goes it has.j ts ivaluo, and will bo mado uvallablo for our purposo of ascertaining and expos ing .tho whole truth lu .regard to (lie Rants: meeting. IiiitheColley trial, Hess testified to a remark by tho Defendant about a futuro fair election and spilling of blood if it 'should not bo had, almost identical in Iterms with that testified to, by Richard Stiles u i)0ii which wo have already commented. 4 In tho Rantz trial Hess was examined as to Ids knowledge of a secret' meeting at tho houso of Peter Caso, but' nothing important was elicited. Ho was not, therefore, examined upon that point In tho susequcnt cases. Wo only refer to his testimony cotU'erning that meeting, for ,tha purposo of Baying that' thd wit ness .was iu.crrorfregardlngitsdatei Ho fixed it,) 'about n yeai? ago," which would bo iii October. 1803, whereas. lit' wits iu fact held many months bbforo that'datoas was fullyl shown' by bther testimony, .licss says mere wcrO' no speeches mado at'thoCaso meeting; that; lie was "not initiated as a member of the Club or, association, and that ho did dot) know'jlitsi object. .Ho had heard tho 'meetings called "knights Pf thd Golden .Circle,"- (but does not say when or bi) whom ;) "don't know If that was tho namo or not.!'- "" iteas nad served in tno war but' re turned homo' flth 'August 1801. After wards and at the limb of tho trials ho was, as lid says, in" no regular employ menu 'jus invited presence at the jneetings abo'vo "mentioned' is iii' Itself, sonioovidencu that they 'wero lnnoceiit ilu 'character. This witness' dlnd hkt" spring or lung disease. It is belloved llo was Induced to becomb a government 'witness In order to save his father from a threatened nrrest. livery effort and In fluence pofcilblo'were used lu tho days of tho Invasion to mako up evidence against our citizens. It was sought with avidity and liked without scruple. It was Invited from all quarters and f,omo-' times'oxtbrtcd or subsidized. FearJ In terest; family rtlVeetldii'iirill 'party pass' ion wero each appealed to for tho false,, porverted or irrelevant testimony which should consign in'nhccnt men to 'dun geons nnd ghws over and conceal tlio in-' iqulty of their nrrest und punishment. That Nnthan J. Hess did not swear moro strongly und unfairly' under thd pressuro or power, was duo to his own' scruples ol honor or. or cdnselbnco and not at all to any 'senso of Justice or of moral obligation In those who employ cd him. Thk Witness Silas KAKNs:--Anoth-or government witness appears upon tho scene under circumstances of a very peculiar character and full of instruc tion. Ho camo into viev in tho M. Henry case for tho first time, and fresh from tho manipulation of the military aumorities to Whosojurlsdlctlon'he was amcnublo. For ho" was a non-reporting drafted man who had-mado terms with power and was transformed from a criminal to h witness, from being an ob ject of vengoanco to occupy a position of toioranco und favor. Tho witness was" Silas Karns (who is supposed to have been cdncorned in the shooting nlfrav In which Lieut. Robison was wounded) and ho was produced under instructions and conditions well calculated to spur nis zeal in behairortho prosecution. A world of meaning Is contained in tho following language obtained from his cross-examination In the Jl'llcnrv trial: ()t drafted In Jlrsl three year's datfl-infall.qf 1803. Ounl.SUver tald. If I came., here and teatljlcd I should be released ami Idl all J knew about '.this case, atid.Rulqn's case, andjhe, shooting of jcoaison," Of course Chpt. Silver acted uudor in structions nnd la not primarily resnonsi bla for this arrangement and for tho ma. nlpulation of tho witness, who, being within the grasp of power, was com pelled to mako the best terms' ho could. Tho military authorities at Hurrlsburg aim mo nodical politicians who Insti gated them, aro tho parties to bo hold responsible for all that was dono In and about thp trials lucluding tho prepara Hon of testimony. And what did they do In tho caso heforo us? Discharged Karns from all responsibility and took lilin into favor upon tho express con dltlon that he would tell them about the shooting affair and sweur against Daniel M'Henry und Mr. Rutan. The latter objects wero of courso tho main ones. Tho Robison hoinleldq was quito a secondary matter-rlt Involved onlv tho question of a life lost by violence nut mo conviction of Jl'Henryand Ru tan was an Important nnd darling oh Jectanil to bo accomplished by tho use of all possible means. ItwasVu nollti cal necessity" that they should ho con. victcd and punished, for they had been contumacious to power and their ucault tal wouht openly condemn their perso. cutprs before tho people, Observe tho temptation held nut to tho witness exemption fromnrinysor. vice; exemption from all punishment for desertion (or uot reporting for n whole year;) immunity, for all possible participation lu tholiomIcItluafrray,nutl lluully employment nud compensation as u witness. Tho road lu onedlroction was mado smooth nud Inviting, while an opposlto courso pointed to prison ami borjDsiovpo'vertyjVillfiBraco and puUlshmcht.J V ;t), ft. 'titl must nrn)Cfir.vorv'romarlBblo to good unTophlstliSlcd pobplo Pwho sup nosfetUho Invasion had lo'gltlmato oh- Jccts, that liescrfers wcro not pursued with vigor nnd thoso concerned in snoot ing Robison sought out nnd punished. Although thecounty was occupied by an arniy.for montlis at an cxpenso of nunarcus;oi ,mousanuj qj iiuiinrs,;! Httlo was dono by It to accomplish tho first of thesb objects' ami (so mr as the publle'kiidw) hothlng to accomplish tho last. It Is truo that deserters (nbii-rc-ilorllnlrnieiij'weranot iiumorons here, and'thAta'fovv ofVhcm loft tliat-ountyj but of thbso aec6S.?tblo scarcoly any wero sirredted1 by' thd troops: Thoso reclaimed or secured to tho public service "were almost exclusively reclaimed br secured through' tlio regularagPncyofthoDepu- ty Provost Jlarshali clthci1 by voluntary, reporting 16 him or (Inn row teases) by nrrest' tinder Ills' nlithorlty. Tho nrmy bxponddd.lts'httentlon upon Innocent citizens nnd watched tho elections, but mostly lounged away Its tlmo In In glorious but cxpenslvo Idloncss. Wo' havo seen' too that when so-called tlc-i sorters -were urrostod the -main object wAs to mako them witndssct) against tho citizen prisoners 'Instead of securing them to tho public service or punishing thorn .for. their dcrcllctlbn of duty Karns was examined ns a .witness on thd loth ofDeceiriber 1SG1. As his tes tlmdny related entirely to tho Rantz meeting ,wo shall 'reservo It' until we cflter upon . the subject df that meeting. Wo 'will heroonly add (In vlow or our. presbul remarks' upon his position nsn' witness) that his ovIdonco'Was not very' dbJctlonAble nor Injurious to tho de fonse.. Iti fact wo shall rely upon parts of it in our exposition1 of the Rantz meeting' as n valuable contribution to tho cause of truth nnd JiHtlco. FOKT1IK COLUMU1AX. Commencement, at Iicwlsburg-. Tho University atLewisburg has just held Its annual Commencement. It .was largely attended. On Sabbath afternoon July 25th Rov. X. D. B. Pepper D.D.of Upland preached tho sermon before tho Society for, Moral and Religious In quiry.. In tho evening Rov. B.FiWood burn' of Westmoreland preached tha sermon' bofora tho Pa. Bap. .Education: Society. - Tho Alumni Association met on Tues day ovenlng O. 3. .Ripley Esq., of New York cIasdofl.86-1 delivered thciprntlon on "Tho relation of tho Alumni to their AlmivMator.f' I i .Ajpoem ,on "Culturo''. .wasniead by Revyr. Ei.CIapp of Hollidaysburg class or 1SG1.; A tablet placed. in Commence ment Hall in memory or tho, Alumni who fell In tho lato war was dedicated the., sarao .evening.' Mnjor Thomas Chamberlin.of.Jicwlsburg class.of 1858, read tho dedicatory poem, On tho, tablet werctlio, following inscriptions, ' (Thomas .Rlshel ,Orwig, A. B. Class.of lSC2,,-ith Sergt, Co., E. ,112.1',., V. died in Hospital Nov, Oth 1802, -agetl 22 years Andrew, Gregg Tucker A. B. Class 11.802.. 1st, Lieut. po.E., U2.P. V.iwouiided nt Gettysburg July 1st died July .5th 1803, aged 10 years. 1 Milton OPP A. M. Class 1S58, Lieut. Col. 81 Regt, P, V. wounded at tho Wilderness May lillt, tiled May 9th 1801 aged, 21 years, James,Potter Gregg S. B. M. D. Class 1855, Capt.. Co. D. 15th Regt. P. V, killed nt, Petersburg Sept. 30th 1.601, aged ill) years. Wednesday afternoon the irrtuluatlntr excises of the University Female Insti- tuto wero held, fifteen young ladles read Kssays which oylnced very, careful .pre parutioj. Tho Institute Is teparnto from the Collego nlthough under thu samo Board pf Trustees. Tho, builtling haviugbccpmotoosmnll to accommodate tho, ,Ipcroitslng number of btudents, a uoy wing has. just been erected. Wednesday evening, was tho, anni yersary.of tho Literary Societies. Tlieo doro Tllton Esq., Eilltor of tho N. Y. Indcj)cndant delivered tho oration on "T(io Art of using tho mind" It was humorous, entertaining nud Instructive, Thoso present will not soon forget it. Rev. 1). H. Miller, D. D. of Elizabeth N. J, read a poem on "Lovo" which was also a mastorly,pro Inctlon. Thursday, July 29th was tho, great day or tho week. ,Tho procession composod or tho Fac ulty, Trustees, .Curators, students Alumni and many others preceded by the Sellnsgrovo Bras-i Band left tho Court Houso at 9 o'clock for Commenco ment Hall. Thd Hall was deiisly crowded Fif. Icon young men graduated as follows: Salutatory Martin Bill, Jr., Alio- ghany city. By mind wo conquer J W. Crawford, Moutoursvlllo. Thu Truo Reform Wm. H. Shermcr", Philadel phia1. Limits of Knowlodgo Chas. H, Anderson, West Havorford. Triumphs of Perseverance D, J. Bturdevant, Lacoyvllld. Llfo n Mystery Francis M. Baker, Boalsburg. Hugh Millor Edmund Wells, Pottstown. Decline of Natlbns Albert Schooly, Slifcr. The vedes Gcorgo J. Brcsiugor, Chester Progress' towards a True Republic G W. Bliss, Lowisburg. Qeology Confirm ntlon of Rovelatlou J, S. Wrlghtner, licwisuurg. tiio.Now Element lu Civ Illzatlon F. E. Brown, Mlddieburg uraclcs Frcdorlck K. Fowler, Now York. Tho Announcement, a poem jonn u. Harris, Mechanlcsburg. Vat edlctory Albert A. Lelser Lowisburg Honorary dogroos wero conferred as follows : A. B. on Wm. C. Mooro.Whito uuer.i'n.; A. sr.. Rov. W. H. II. Jfarsh Wiinittigton Del.; D. D., Rov. George oi. hpratt of Lowisburg, and Rov. Goo. M. Anderson of West Havorford, Pa aim Master.4 Oration on "Literary rerpoiuuies" was delivered bv Rov John L. Iltitshn of Stockton, N. J. clasii oi ihiju. tiio commencement dluno prcparetl by tholatllaiofthe Lnwlsburi: Baptht Church w.vs thon partaken of byn Inrgo number of tho friends of tho Institution, Jovial Speeches wero made which added very much to tho enjoy ment of tho oucjssloln Tho Luveo ti President Iioiuls was largely attended in tlio evening. Tho University is alreatly exerting very great inliuenee. JIuy It long con tlnuo not only to bo a blesRlng to Con trnl Pennsylvania but tho whole or the old Keystono State. W, W. O. Bkach Havkn, Aug. 5, 18C9. i hi . j i . I,,. Op Am TttV 'IIEM. Thoio dclifibirully nHusonio euits ot clothos whioh Low enberg U now getting up. No ono in till Bection of tho 8tato can approach liim in tku kiud of businoss. His prices aro as moder ate aj tho marlcot will allow whilst tlio good quulitiaiof his workmanship beauty, dura. Ulity and comfort will certainly eusuro sat isfaction to tho purchaser. J Is Packer loyal 7 a'jas'questiolt'ni'ita'tS tho bosoms of rtlnniSbnrof oiifJlatllcal friends. Wo bellovo' ho was not nBrlgndler, nor n Pay Master, nor n,Sutlcr, nor a shoddy contractor, lint tno louowing iiuu from tho Carbon Democrat proves Hint Asa Packer rendered far moro efficient sprvlcn' to tho Govcrnmcnt'ln-lts-honr of need than thoiJsaniUoUoud-mputh-Kfiiny-al-hgU ioyalWlJ :J ilU "On Sunday nftcrnoon, Juno 28, 1803, a (SfmlilAiicdW, etithuslaqtimtmrinrgff gatheringor.thopcoplQqWi.nucn uiiuiik was held In tho Court Houso nt that placo. A fioiw.-Woody, bitter, unccr fnln conflict was rniil'iuT aftlettysburg, rrom which camo hourly dispatches tell lino iil(nf horror mntl of tho.butcliery of n'oblo mpn.' .Tho'gathcrliig Nvq.spcak- of wns.yery iiaturniiy .qonyorion inio a war mcotliig.aim painquP ')" ""v. and tenrful specphos. wero ,i!ad.nby mnny.eltlzens.'pf th? ito.co.. Iw-TJ' WV secmetl. full, of tho ngony.pfsuspcnsp,. trembling, lest thosun should.gp down upon.a defeated Federal Army, ipilthp came .of ihq .Union ho Irreeovcritby, loati Urgent appeals e.ro inndo, to tno oung.ineii to go to thonid of thvfr.ie) lows, uud help.lu thq uatlp.i's,,q.treml ;rhp morning anu mo mpriupui y Hint day wcrpi tlariq and iiireboiiii.iK, 'rom tho Cupittd, t tlt. qxtreniity of, telegraphic eummnnicatlouj ono tdread, terrible fear pelzod hold .of Uio.peoplp. lest tho great) battle of, ,lio. war flhould result against, -,us, At.tJio .meetlug, In question, amid all.tho elforts of burning lOqucuca nnd the tears ol iiympatnotic, aid patrlotlo .women-no; a.man moved! At length there, arose, iu tlio nudicnco n man or maturo years with, gray .head and a bearing ns or one of:Nnturo's,o.wu noblemen a man who nevor mado speeches., All eyes wero bent upon him, nnd nuild perfect sllpnco no isntd: 'Every maiii n.QW in .tliqomplpy of tho, Lehigh Valley iltail ,Rpad ..Cpmpitny, who will volunteer for his country In this her hour of pressing nepd, shalLto-, ccivo his regular monthly pay nnd rotain' hlssituatipn until ills, returp, as Ifjio wcro present nnd waking, .each,, day." The effect was most wonderful., Pvor a hundred men .vojunleered at once, and n a few hours wero fully equipped and speeding over.the, Lehigh V.allcy Rail Road to. tho,6ccpoof war, Need wo say,, that man was ASA, PACicr.ft 4 'ASA "PA OF,eAlluu, ron judqe or the supreme court i .CYRUS L. .PERSHING,. FOCAMliniACOUNTV. . I v ? 1 k J aWlSTATl! SHNATE. CHARLES Jt BUCK A LJiNy.; rmtlllRCT TO TH "" t'bit aKoiWE.acpTr.., (sunm-rio thk ducisiom or tub rosvn' ,i'pH AWQClATiJ J.tlpaK., CIIARL1CS F. MANN, t '. nfc.U'iti twVxSii'iV ' : - im. i.l I. . II n .' ' I . ''1'"' Kon.riHWt4Nor-uv WKIiLlNQTON II. KNT, bcorr 'TOWNSHIP. HV.VtS Court ngal",ttlV0c.ltooVAa htm nrc fort)!. 1 lei i T J;J",. to rrovo ttielr ".ill, aiid. W .cHoosf ono PJlmrY?,AwVrpl''5'A'n KiiWlp.win.lioli?"''"' I.,.f' ,;, t tlio fix. A. V., 1MU lit i O'clock I . M., A Mimt)OCII, .. . ,iU,.B.-MnrihtilaMfSiiuiicr. Any.iam.au ,1m;. rn.i T?XECUTORi NOTIC15, XJ 1 Fon niMiSTnu and ni:i:pitDi:n. VILUAMN'it.'.LL''OnV," 'I 'llt.OflM TrtwiSsifft', , .Kjmrui-usurtEn, ,, DAVID LOWKNIUiltO, 111.0051 TOWNlltl,l , , iii .r. . . I, Wm ,!l.-.. I'Olt COMMISSIOXUlt, rtsmsncnr.EK Towftsiui'. aolM,,...! .ill i I ' - roil Atinnon. U. J. CAMPBELL, Ym; tmtnraontnry on tnmww pnnlf, lato ?t2ltA bFlin'lW" ' tUcn. to lb? Kxe ctiior.,, . . v r - tlieV.tat. nuiucin). UMAKUF.r. LAUnAOlI, Anif.JS.'fiO-Ow. '"-ut"' m u K'A D'W 15 L h hi:i:i) wiihati mo Frm tno lucscnt nciisoni 11 1 n ucu B U P JilU.O.B ,Q.U A L,I T Y , ft wlllm beardo. "? , Vl,"VM,t c6n will uiiirorniiiy. , " i, in.irt.l lnvtii. or, rlco iWIicnl iioum rnii '"l'.v., ,,, lvnn Kunmco, ; or J. u.KNmiiK'H BUii rflii fjqnosEii, OIIA'ltii'ES'a; JIURl'HY, ' l,)v'UlIA5I'Tbt1ltIr. MARRIAGES. n... , . i . 1 " i r tt-r Sltfltl'riY-CUittlY At the It. U. l'ltrennaKo, Ini Ccntrnlla, Aimust lltli.iiy Itov. V. I. si uer uou (!. (1. Murphy to Miss Mogilo U. Curry nil cf HUClI-KUIlTZ-Ia Berwick, July.'Wlh, nl tlio rcsinouco or mo urmc k lurunis, i,y iicv. r.u. Illildlo, Mr. H.imuel If. liucli, to .Mlsa U. Ioulsa jumz. uu oi iicrwicu "Let TJs Have Peace." TitK lRadicnl politicians', seeing tho darigorolis position in which they'havo' been 'placed, nto doing nil In their pow- cr-t'o heal their'party divisions. Oeary long ngo despaired of tho'nctlvo support1 df tho Curtln wing of ,thd''paV:ty;' but Cameron boforo giving him Aill nidnnd conlfort1 demands a few -mbW victims, as thd dnnoxed letter -will'shoWr COSTINKNTAI. HOTEI,. JlllV'SPi lfiOO. Ihh.ilieriiamin ITj Jirewsttr t Alter consuitauou wnn our,- political apsoeiates. who aro anxious for tho elec tion of our mutual friend, I'rini satisfied that your resignation ns Attorney Gen eral will trd a long, way to h'eal existing dissensions.! d, writoithus frankly to you, because I .know you desire to securo that result. The, cbiiclusidn lilts not been arrived nt hastily, but1 hal been nlithnrized'iiy'tiio uovornor inmReiu , Yours truly, i John Covodu Chitlrman (sue Central Comhilltce., Now thero is no iiIIegatlon.that.Brews (or is unlit for, tho position, or that tho public service would ,bq, .benefited by his removal. H is a iiiuuieuyer of Ouu eron to. get. rid of nn pupiny. ut, Brewster .has re-solved to "stick" nnd no impoacliment Jnili or tenurn.ot oiuqo bill can compel his removal. Of courso ho will, not IqyoCieary much af(er tbjs. childish attempt to get rid of hjin. Hero Columbus Correspondence Jin. KniTon.' Our usually quiet town, (excuse mo Jtoroiii) promises for thu ensuing tlireo weeks to bo in n formenfof excitement On Thursday tho 12th Inst.', d Camp Meeting commences in "Bender's Sugar Camp," on Fishlngcreek, about four and a half mllo-i-rrom our Borough, and on Wednesday tlio 2.jth'lnst.,tho'Pcnn sylvanla Annual Conference of tho Methodist Protestant Church convenes In New Columbus. On the samo' day tho Mi E. Camp Meetlug In Hunting ton commences. Wo expect to seo n groat many strangers temporarlh so journing among us. Lot them come, fa our worthy townsman Hon. John ICoon has a largo and commodious Ilotel'nml will entertain all who favor him with their patronagu in flrst-rnto stylo. Why is it that tho editorof'llio7ry5!t6cr In mentioning the different places of en tertainment for visitors to tho Camp Meeting, omitted tho Now Columbus Hotel? Ho ceriainly must havoforgot ten to do so. So wo say to all who visit our Borough and need accomodations to glvo tho Judge a call. Tho Academy is now looking up, nnd promises to' open tho1 ensuing term which commences on Monday August uutii with n largo number of'students, Wo regret to'say that thd Now1 Co lumbus Oravd Yard Is still neglected being renceless, nud consequently cx: posed to Cattle", Hogs Ac. Joseph Shlveloy and Myron Fellow Esqsl.nro making considerable Improve ments In their residences, by onlarglng and otherwise' beautifying il. Upon tho wholo our borough is a doslrablo placo of residence, being charaeterliied by tho health, morality and hospitality of Its citizens. Moro Anon. B-KNIZUN. DEATHS. nACHHnT-On Iha'lth of AupistUnn Mm. Pnrnli Uaclicrt, ngwl OU years 7 mouths uuu uiij s. Yes dear mother thou hast left us, Itcro thy lostwo deeply feel, Hut tlsUoil IhathasliercfttH llo can nil our sorrows hint. And the'splrlt (6o1c Us flight, ' To tho mighty oho above, He li u llliug to, recelvq her Tho one on earth ho has Ions loved. 3per.llushet, J AUg. 13,'i9-T. ' Cntnwlssa, l'n. C'-VW-tATlox, phau's Court In tho M JuJiM.f f) iiosed of tho Cfiuntto of Oolumbi. .'"ifM WyomhiB, n tho 'ilm . ifffn i AJ liavo lssttoil Uiott' hteecpt, ieulsly (jny or .May, In tho ymt $ ."Uu tiousaiHl,elaht liumlreif nn.l uuVl Uv ihertlreeleilforhohllngnUoiirto.YAAU miurr nim v,ciiornniuarter Hen.!. M J mul tlrphan'n Court, and Court i?W,,'V,M in luooinsnurir, in uioeounty ,, ,."n tie nret , WomW, being ,tfe ,.Ds iicxl. toronUntioond week. "V. ANlWIlnnKAS AIW tlio ntt, , , tlil luucd their preeept hearing rtatoff May A. p,.ouo thousand eight liSifi'Jkul nine audio mo illreeted rur lOljfrs.L, Oyer aiulTormlner. Ueuernl tKlf Wr tno 1'cftCe!, OrphahH1 Court anSoi & In llloomsunrn In tho county of IS' ,'. i, second Mouday being tho uiu J,,, J Ap fioll, nun vrninuniH ouo Vixlt." '-lini JuKtleeaof tiioreftce, nnd tho eou? Cous- intr i:lil cdiiMly of Columbia, that there In their proper person at iu',,n01 forenoon of mild Ulh day ol 8upt. i. rt uimhuu iiincr ninnr-.' dotliosotliliiKS which to their (,mi"i6l In 1 ilrinn. Anil I mi . "lr . rccognlzaiiee, lo prosecute tucaiSL f0 oners that uro or may l,u iT,r'To, tnld county of Columbia, to L' llieroio prosecuip incni n, shui i, true mr nil, ,-fmiCMLClt til lift ihimi.... .V 1 nuee, ngreoably U their notices.' h ,. J , burg, tliollthdayotM,; ,. L.8. V or our ltril, ono thou,,na, v '1 drcdnndslxtv-nlnn ..TS'wm third yenr of the InderciiileiioBM1. ... Blntes of America. MOllDl-X'AI mi, c' uioomsuurg, 16W, Jj ' I ' -' 1 . .. . rn mi.u- a. .tit.ni ir.vnminnrinnini Auuciiuro .VJonmdaythVwrd &c,ock a,m. .'lS I'Rrffinm'nZ said UlMOCliimn m o. -- '..,. lion ns me iHinni i"'" - - their 'leaehcrs atthnttlmc. Ily order of tho Hoard. s M j,,.AC0C.. Aug. ISOD-SW. Hecrelai-y. TJ- K E 1) U A 1 cliurch?Hcliooi'niid Tarlor Organs nnd Melo dconsol eren' description', .nt jrfsliicdj prices, fsend Torn copy of tho last edition of tho "s i l y e it t,ojn ay e," 'which will ho mailed freo to nny nddrcss upon nppllcnllon to tho oldest mnnulacturcrs ofltced Organs and MeladwgAmlgj 111, 11-j & 117 i:ast Slid Street Now York. Aug. lf,'(b-3m. rpitlAL LIST l'OIt Sl-m r William Pavls vs Margaret Ural,,, Tho Woslllrancu Imuran EI' 111 Kdward it'Cnll cl. nl. vs John s tioi Thouins J.ynudersllco vs liuln it. Iivlna l)vcnport vs William & lh John Coleiuah vs Michael L'ronii mil John, Coorcrvs Daniel llower. -ii j, " ConynBharn township v. l'eitr rt'ini. Isaao t cgcly vs James W. Sankn i Abrnhaiu Young vs Jacob Wi,in'n "U Charles K. Orcen vs 1'ctcr Helm, n Hnniuel llenncr vs John H I n UtIIl r I.ucas N, Jloyer vs Clcorgo W. cuS ' "0 ili.ssdeo'd.vs Collins Hulllir. a 6( Win. I Itcler v Joh n Havnso ct.nl. tcr J. J. ...i.o..... .n .'.llllllvtV Mil,,, lieoof HonryUlgor. Y, josepu TIIOI1U1S vs Jllllll Koun l'eter Applcmnu vs Hllus v. Kami 11 Pc ChrlstiiiUii t'ox s John Joue. rt Henry J. Ycaplo s Isaac Drum 1 1 HECO.N1) WIIEK. Henry J. Yeaplo vs Isaac Diurai' ltudotpli Hlinmnn vs Ueorce lirei , John ApplCRnto vs Thomas wt Etn John Applegnto vs '1 hoinas lvis, -J, kj oiinu vi, iiHiillllll l Am irui NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f H E li A 1 It. A YonnE' Actress will communlcato lo thdso .Interested, Important ''liiforniatlon concerning the Orowtli. l'rocrvulion nnu ucauuiyinK me llunmn Hair. Tuoso honoring her with a call nt her residence, will receive tho desired lnforma. Hon and mil particulars. Thoso .who cauuot mako It convenient to call, will rccolvo tho same (rHKE) by mill, by nddresslng Miss ANNA CAMnOM. Aug. 13,'00-lm. HI ltlif.t.lrf.rHtri(tt. New York.' s IIliMFFS sALE.- Hv vlrtuoofUctirtu.rtSvrit ofl-'loH Faclus tssu- ed out of tlio Court ofi-'ominoii, rtenu of Colum bia county, tested nt llloomsburtf tho 11, day of May 1WJ, will uo expoKcuto pubiloifealo on tlio lirernifeou prtturuay Hepienibcr 4tn. istjunt ono o'clock ln'tuoiifternortubf saM ilny nil tho ileffii dunt'K right, title and property lu tho following UL'HCriUl'll mil I'SIUIU; riltllUlU III flllUlSUU IUWI1 ship Columbia county.-boUvcen Jurncytown nnd aiuivme; mm utmntieu as louowa: t , t 1st. Atrnctoriand consnnnir ointionLBCventv ncros, bounded by lands of William Hhuttr on the nonh. by tho"Sw,lller1Tanncy, and lamia of Joseph Masters pu the Ciist, by .lands of Joseph iuaflCiB,oii mo bouiii. ana oy laiuit oi win nun blnittz on the west; On Which tiro erected a two Ktorv Framo House, a Frame ham. and nil nec essary out tmlldlngV'Phorff Is abundanco of pnoa waier.ana n largo amount oi cxccneni iruit, Tho wholo In tiood statu of cultivation : 2nd. At tho Kill no tlmo nnd nlace ."1'lici RwKher Tannery" tonsistintioraiMiuttwoiicrcs ok round M ILII I'llllllU 4 VI IIIJ, HUUM', t i lllllll OUllfllT. Kraino Tannery. Ac. Thl Tunncry slablhhs ment, lrt nil itKhpnolutmcnts tho most com- i.lftt In tl.n ,.n..ilFU, It liia IT Vila l,ri.(.1 ..,tlu for lime, halt, leach elc, baric hone, holler liouo enstno hou&e, beam houso, etc It In located In i goon uanc i euiou, uuu is n, inoi, (icsirauio prop Hel70d. taken lu execution nnd to bo hold as tho property of Jacob A, HwWier. Ana.V.'CJ t l.i ' HiGVtf pOLUMBUS MALE3 AND FEMALE Tho Columbus Academy Is o Clnsslcnl, Sclcn- tlllc, Normal nnd Commercial Institution, loca ted ut Now polumbusI.uzcrno County ,I'n, I HUMMllIt TEHJ1 COMJIENUUd ALUUSTajlll Tuition from td to HO per term II weeks, llonrd " 82 j " 81 rr wcclc. Htudauts desiring to board themselves can pro euro rooms nt 82 per term. For additional particulars nddrew . . . lll.Y. JAJ11JM a. K1L.L.UUUK. M. U. AUgl U,'U.tl. rrlnclpal. 1 W E CONTINUE To Manufacture our well-known Manures, ftupcr rnospaiuc J.imc nuu imiaoiitaicu j.rriuurr,auu iiiko uiwo ior saiu r jP K U U VI A N O UAKO, No, I (Jenulno Government, ) UU aunno.Tjiml riaster nnd Hyrfraulle CemcuC (together with t eompleto iissortment of Burning ,iiuu viiiviiiuh in inn iiitiiuri, iiiifH upei'l'houphatoof lime, - - - 8."o per IMk) Ibn, V1U1IIU1MII1UU i till I ,j - Hi), A DISCOUNT TO DEAU'.lW. 'ATiLliN & NEIIDLIiS, 42 Small 0tt,iro'AYfnJ'lll.iilelphla KSrAiii,isiu:n in 1)JK Million wn.:riHioni. vs ik i e bert. jaiouii iiimiiuia v nt nry a, We Henry Gablo vs Peter Howi-rAte.' Austen umircn vh Aiuirmv nun. Jesso 1). Ulco vh Nathan Cmmii John Trlco vs Samuel (ienf.i l. tn Samuel (lensol vs Daniel llnu.. Ileubcn II. KlnRvsKllsha II. lw fl'' John U. Lelhy vs Conynglnni tor' llobert Uorrell vs llarny .M liroa-" Sara i A.l'eterman num'r.vi . . ' ft.nl. , . .' j-;tiwani l-ergeson vs uoiumbUCoi lu. lMwnrd Mhailer v Columbl.u'i.c. t,r. Hnmuel Klchnrd vs ColnmbUCon Henry James vs CulumbU Ouuair sto 1 Welchel vs John F. Caslow. ,k, lildeon Atndt vs John U. hel . 190 Oeorgo Nungessor vs Jiicublchtji j KobcrtH. Hampton vs HUhiird iu "t Thomas llenllekl vs Uriah lliwtturk Uulel H. Ijiubach vs Lour; o,n. A A J. llolnoehl vs UiekaHaoDiil (leorgo W. Lott vs Wm. Kcliuiln , Alexander Colly vs Allims Celt l'eter Hchtlg vs ChnrUs Lee. t,, Joseph 11. Creasy vs 11. K liollma "f Columbia Co. vs Jacob Yolie Jr. . lie- CulumbU County. 1T) EGISTEH'S NOT1CK.-J3,0 I j hereby tilven to nil leKfttpei, c:t. otlitjr persons IntereHted In tlieisuiclM spcctlvo decedents nnd minors, ttui.n Ui UUlllliliMiiiu'ii uuv Kimiuiitu , been filed lu tho ofllco ol tho L'ol rtli blncouuty, uud will bo prest-utej I ,. , tlon ami nllowanco lu tho Orjhm held In Bloomiiburg.nu Momhtha1 of Sept, InW, ut two o'clock tu tiu'-.t aldfiay; ' an j. wccoujiv iii Jj. n, Lnuviura nun ue Zelaler lato of Scott Up.dccU .1 'Z, rirsinnu nnui nrcouuioi aumooi Guardian of Wm. 11. Yocuni mluor, Y. j Yocunl dee'd. Ti 3. Final nccountof Daniel F. M deboubi nou ol Jacob l Itohrb.tchija9 " 4. Account ofl. V. A J.UMiLitt Kxerutors of Daniel Mellctc Utcoi 5. First nnd final account cfJucoi adm'r. of Jacob Murlclc, dccM. ti (I. Account of Lawtiou HiiKlaianL ry Xlxecutoriiof John M'Jleury. k. twp. dte'd. 7, First nnd Hnnl nccmwtofri WE noin r.oi Aim jjuuoucu uic u. a. Trst and ilnul account of Onl. ' of Thomiw II. Low. deo'd, li s IIKRIKF'S SALES. Ity vlrtuo of sundry writ . s of Venditioni Kx- ponax, J,e-nrl 1 ut'ltifit and I Im Fnelau, issued out of tho Court of Common l'lms of Col umbia county nud to mo directed 111 Lm exposed 1 in haie oy puuue veuuuoorouiery at ino i;ouri Houso lu lilocmsburif.nt ono o'clock Intho after noon of Monday Sept. lith iww, tho following nnifNuuu iu wh; curium iiuct oi Ajiinu nu lla to lu Matllton lownMilp, (JoHunUlii, county, bonndctl and dusrrlbed as ioltowa, to wit; Ou tho north by Innds of William llarber, on tho enst by lands ol Michael lUllhelm,ou tho west Ity lauds of Moser nnd Shetlcr.and on thosouthhy lauds of John Hwlsher.contalnliii; about ion ucies more or I cas, on which is creeled u Log House, with tho appurtenances. Seized tiikcu in execution and, to lo Rold as tho property or Joseph AVItand Henry shlpton. ALSO: ,t At tho Raiiif tlmo nnd place, thofollowlnsTract of lnnd, sltuato In Montour township, Columbia county, iidlolulna lands of Win. G, 1 1 or ley and (leorpto A) Frlck on tho Houth, IVtcr Mi Knrnhntr ou tho west, LewNHoatou thu north, and Hur ley nnd:Frlclc tu tho oabt,cmtfilnliu; about nlnei ty-tlvo Hcres, moio or less, about hevcutyflve acres of w hlch Is cleared land, whereon is creeled ti Frame Dwelling llnuse.a new iiank Uarn,Va on Houso and Corn Urib, with a hprln of water near tho houfce. Tnero is aho an npplo orchard on the premises: with thunnnurtciiinirrK. Seized, taken lu execution and to bo sold ns tho pioperiy oi iieujatuin jwuui, aIjBO: At tho hatno tlmcand placo thoft)lIovluK pleco Columbia comity, bounded ami described ns fol lows, (q wlti On tho north byn public hluhwav leiutli'tj from Catawlssa to Mlllllnvlllc, on1 thu caib uy iiutd oi ueoruo JwuiKcnneiEer. ueceaed on thhouth by land of UanlelMlller, and on the Vs,1 "A," puuno roau icaaiug from Fjpy to MalUVlltC. Containing Klx Actpk mnro r. Seized, taken luexevutlon and to bo sold as tho liup;ii; ui ueurnu Jiougenuerier, (lec'ii. A L H O: Atthoeamo tlmo and nlace. lhn riiinwinrr crlbedLotofGround.bltuato In tho borough of north by laud of John James, on tho bouth by Wood street, ou tho east by Locust Aveuuo, and on tho west by nn Allev.beintr In front u.i Locust Avonue.llfty lout, and ono hundred and lorty iect deep, whereon Is creeled a two-story Frnmo Pelzetl, taken lirexecullon amT'to boToUl as tho piojorty ofjMchel bheaiu- . A L rT 0 ": IKnM ..r li......... .tt..n.n i.. . ? .V..Y' " nr.V; li ,' , ;u ,' or ropy, nlley, on tho cast by anulley, on the. koulu by ty feet deep, on 'which Is erected a. two stnr. A Hoy l.i rrui) iiy a KiTi:. A young mil nt I.:iku tilaUoii. Mi-wixsinlil, luul vory Iiuku'iiihI lipautiful kltu proscntctl to lilm, about six tea Iiy four In, bIsh?, which ho riticiuiitcd to raiso on tho 2nd Inaliint, Justus tlmwiiiil wiu Increnslnir nnil n storm wtistlireatoiiiiiff. Tliowluil ilrow thp kite so heavily ns to dm.; tho uoy tiiont; iiIho. To urovfiit losing tho fuvorlto, lio wound tho cord around his hotly. At Inst tho gust horo klto and hoy along in thp rapid nlr current. Tho hoy hopmod to ho about 1(H) foul nhovo tliooarlh.iiutl thokllullvo times that illstaiico. At Inal tho young klto-flyur ifiught In Iho (oi of a trcg.ipid vn-i sua pciplcd 75 loot jihoyo tho grpuinl.. A llooil of rain camo pn, blacking ll(p lno, aliatlng tho wind, iuhI allowing )ip J. tip Biitroror to ho ri'hcued. Uo wan foipid to ho uiicoiiii'Ipiis, apil Bp lirulscil apd iparrpd in to !o bc,arcply rcc()gn,i)il, hut Wis rpstorcil tq samo ovciing, and In liowdplpg wpll. Tho public debt stiilcment shows a reduction or tho gdverument indebt. cdiiess during tho month or July niiiouutliiffto7ll!l5,7U,a). Thoiiniouift of coin In tho Treasury Is mA03,m,K: coin cerllllcates, ao,72.5,BK). Amo un of curroiiey in thp Treasury 2:),8S1,(, pi sinking rund tU.W'A 17.07: other bonds purclmscd.if 15,1 10,600, ' Attliesamo tiniH nnd place, leco of (J round, situate In-1 county aforesaid, bounded on tha north by un nlley. on tho oast bv an ullev. nn ihaiLmn.. i... Main stieel, and ou tho wektly lot of l'eter IteccD being ehtlity lcct front by ouo bandied and six? Frame Hwelllns House, a Frame, Btahio. with thonnnurtenanceM. 1 ' ' Hclznl, (alien In execution nnd to bo sold as tho property; o Wesley Huckel. ALSO At thpS Knio tlmo nnd place, n certain Lot of On the north by n public road, on tho east hy an nlley. on the west by lot of Thomas Edgar, nnd on the smith by nn alley ,'cnntalnln about one. fourth of un acre, inoro or less, on which Is ereo- HlM.,,,i'!l!?'.''i'""0 Pwellluit Jliiuw, u l.'rauio Htublo, with tho appurtenances, rl Helzod, taken In execution and to ho sold ui .A LSOl ai ino samo umo and placo. n certain Iit or ricoo of uround, sltuato on tho uuhlln mini Ifiui. Sr'wnKV.'0,""' 10 wl" 0,; '" ' y land of William Culp, on tho east by land iiu'iiS nn mo m un uy laud or Hnmuel Fisher, nnd on ho west hyiund of Jacob Jlludtrllter, c'mtaln. na Twelve Acies, more or less, whefenn "e rec- A lid O; Al Iho samo tlute and place, a certain IM of Orouud, hliualu lu Hie Ilor ough of Kiilrnlla nnd ,,ni-r o XI :f onenunared Helzisl, tultcu lu execution nn.l In bo sold as llio property ol li,lv,-.irii HulIVy, km. V A I, H o i ,At lhos.ini,. Umo and placo. all that certnln Two-Story 1'lanlt Jlnlljim.,' "ituito Iji J "vji ),.1.'."i1."l"1''U. '"' iwy f A'luVibli. VtlLti .1. uuuuuw occupied l.y Wl uin Kritaiuu us toiileclhiiiery und Fiult hhop.) ,,ii t l i lot c iuiduiiu iu'CmJ cutl,ltt 'iwimtmill I HoUed, lakiuiuoxeculloii uud to bo Hold ns thH'rvilly of William i:rui,iui. 9 J m A I. H I) i At IhA saint) time nnd place. viuuna lying in . innoinHUuru lu Iho lownshinnf llluoui, huun.led und dwcrl ld us lollows T id !: ou the norlh hy laud of (Jatherlno WliliVVitul t' on tho cast by lock Hlreet.on thu sou i hi Kil ylck Kouey, and on t ho welt hy u ,, ulliy Whereon Is erected a Iruuin iiu-Miin.. V.l.r. .. M.w.utrir0I iruuifliiu'r. nn i....... ...i.-. . mirtenantM. "" . wmi uiu ui Welswl, taken lu oxeeullon nnd to ba sold na ll... prorly of lieorgo ivifer iSKS! Wan"? "li" Muitnr.i'Ai mti i.a in! Aucivta-tf . LVKVk A pSflNISTItATOIt'S NOTICE, itM,nV'!iJofi".'1''llV'.'lrttU'' 01 ""bdo of" Jan, ice ? i Si0- K Vluu ,u!"! '"I',. Columbia c? l-'or Mnlo hy Uu, llloomsburc Iron Company. auj. l.l.VJ if. Pf 61 .5W Ouo Copy.nnu yenr l-'our Copies Hlght Uoples Any person nmdlugTtVnrln' ov is tiik timk to sunscnniF. lull , Till': KlUKSIDK COill'ANION, 1 Till!, FAMILY BTOKY l'Al'KIt. 10 DO 15) till nu of ' i:iaur sun.scitinKiw.ANiiSi) oo For onn year, will lio sent ono copy free, nnd bo enlliltd It, mid Hlnslo Copies at8..S). ' Wo commcnoo, Ausust 31st, THK OllEAT STOIiV Or UIK YKAll, I'.HK-MIDNIOHl' MAHHIAQK ; 'il ' 'bri,ist ' WHOSK WIPE WAS SHE? 11 Yj "HATTiU.'' ,1 uls hlory, tho best ever peuuod by this talen. led and f.i orllo author, will bo commenced In n couplo of wccUs.1 Tho subject Is nnovol oncaud treated In n manner that makes it Intensely lu. icrestlugnnilcxcltlni!. a beautiful vnumr oin Is iiiaiileil nt nilUiiliht, and lu clrcumsuiuces .u... i. niijiusiuiuiur ner lo mul out. lu r , V reany mo will) orn nn Who claims to liA tier lin.li.iii. I r.r l.i... ...i.... she lliouijlit silo was marrylnn. Tho lascluatlou '"" .'".." mo wuoiesuujcor, is painfully lu terestliii,', und not tho least loinurkublo clruiin stunce coiinecled with it. Is tho Met that it Is i Truohtory. No reader of 'HIE riUICSlDE COMPANION, Orofany other, inner, should fall to read this most remarkable of all Htorles. r.ulies should .,,T.i . topics oi ino fireside Uom panlon, containing THE MIDNIUIIT SIAnniAOKi 0 nfi W110SU WIFK WAS SIIKt oi:ohgi: MUN'im 118 Wllllaia Utiect M. Y. r :iil.ih Kllno dee'd. lo. First and llnal nceouut ot ' ndm'r, or John llllilul'rclilal.uii'. 11. Account of John WeiuurrUL ltiirlman. dcc'it. IJ. Final account or j. v.n.uuu . It. ti. ilerrell. deo'd us UuaidUu n- ' bender. t'u 1:1. Fii-stnud nualnccouiitnfA.U. 1 . titor of Abrnhaiu ileruer, dec'J. si 11. Flun( account olilc.ckiuliJ.t of lleuj. J. lloone. deo'd, nt 15. Account ur Kauiuel KKutr. . Chrlstiina Klsner.ns llled by In ndm'r, of Kumuel Klsmr, Ueco. An lu. i irsi iinu niisi account ui ji. ,. xtcuUir of Jacob Knrus la'.eof! n twp. dee'd. ,li', 17. Firstund (luul nccountof II' of Tclor lless lato of Flshlnyiretktn; is. Aeisiunioi luuas weaver, Weaver latouf Frunklln twp.,'rt4 IH 111. Flnnl nccnutitnfSamui.lCltil.1 Anna M, Wolf.mlnor child of lkit." a). Tlio account of Clmrks II. lw S. Kxecutors of Abraham 1 less, iwO- , Creasy, ndm'r, of Charles II. 1U... 'I 21, Filial uccount of ilosesiuiJH -' ndm'r. of Daniel llowcr. lato ul I" u dee'd. mi 22. First nnd nnal account oKIL ndm'r. of Joseph llobb.ns Ule t 111 a. Account of A. 1'. Heller, nJul. 3t Kisucr,iuicorainiiisoiii!tcii. nf 21. First and llnal nccountof M t-1" Olloert II. Fowler. Executor of lato of Iloruugh of llerwlek.d.t-'u . . 25. First und llnal account oi j nnd Invlnu Davenport ndm'r. (.1 port lutoof Herwlek lloroite,h,ilu s m. -iiieuniai uucouin. oi ri-ur a cl Ouanlluu ofisaluh Ualler. 27, First and llnal ncuouiitofl1 '1 01 Ilaruiau Kline, lato ol heotlW . 2S. Account of llobert F, flarl..uu John Healer lato of Klsliluui rccs.fi- ;1u 2t. Account of i;ilas MendniluJ Ncvln U. Funk. Ui .10. Account of David 11. Ho'1 Wellington ilowerv. -1' Aug. IJ.'MMm, HAND JUK0I1S. G llloom Casper Cie!ler. ,.,iTvirc"cl'(JeorBu Miller, Euhrum Trowl lieniou-stott E. Collcy. beUnd7r!lJkoTt;Kl,!tKmUUBCel',y LCVl Ceutro Jokso llollinan.. Orceuwood-John H. Jlathcr. Jolm Mlllir u'1 Urucr" w' ilarshall, rS''V"T'-l",?,?rli.st'lIcnryil,enJn'nlH Hess. locust-Joseph UIIHk, DunlVl MUuo,; ' , j JIa isou-teamuol JoTinsou,, ' 1 illUllu-Daulel A. Hess. Mhf,'ic'i-,'?"0,b.Blroun'Emn;1Ollbort, intrtt1!1!'!!! ra,JC"' Mwuius. rlcott llas Kruin. PETIT JUKOHS FIltST WEE1C.' , I'OH HKH'EMIIUK T1SUM 1W3. llrlarcrtck-Win. Wllklsou.Clmrles HeaX. 1!dcUrlM.nr1)'lVU'JCU,"'u1' B,u. Alex. lleiner-Chus. Michael, Jercjuluh Culn. llcrwick lloro'-Wiu. V. Stephens. -Ilnrv nnlilA -Uaulei I', Hosier. If.r " uumjioiu nre rwiueaim lu inuko tlKiii known, uud Ihosu Indebted lo make iu," Am? 13-cu.m IIOHALIMIA 111 I'll Alius, ' Aug, 1J, CU-Ot, AdiuliiUtrnlrfx, CeUlro Will. l).lllirl,.lr I n.A,r....:i.i i,'li,"l'iV'u'!f1I'08. Jr. Daniel c. lieur- Ceiurullu lloro' I Flshlmicreelf 11m Franklin Ki.ii lu.t. 1..11. 1 .!! l;ml''c"-'-oyl Wright Jacob Ilarr s,'Jackson I-eldy, Aaron 1), OlUles, John It. Miller. Locust Muberry Kuyucr. " 1""lr- ; iiuin-Jol 11 Li U. Chrlsilan Wolf. Mad son-Win, J. Allen, Morris Masters MontnurlKoau Mowery. aicrs. Ml. l'leasant-Johfi Wunlch. orango-ll rain t. Kiln., w,,,.''ll!t1i'T1'elf",Wl!l'!l.1'!lu,, AdHins.Ocn. ci alg, 111. Drelsbae , (Jen. F. Cruhr rhas 1'. l.vir Keoit-TlioinasCrevellugHr 1 1 1-clf' hkconu wi:i:ic. Iljoom-Ooorgo W, Hteruer, huiuuel Hhallir JU uton-. ,u,u roust, ivter iWuiuli! erwlck lloro' -Lewis Kuiii, 111 aver .lull ltr...ll..., eifhMaXlc7.1S,,'l0llU,VCr'''i','0,u'u Miller J.v V,lfr-:!'e'"y "iltemhy, I'cntralla lloro'-Jiiemf,!!, vi.. juciii. Lunger, mi :r'T,i " 'r'.'J" Yeller.' I ni .?.? ?f i.11 H,,m, II"l'1 Ml. I'leusuulJiihepli IV Bands Tuonias 1 lioiiiunJiiii.i.. ' """"' Monluur lKsuehur Evans. Jillllln-Isano Hwepiieulielsur. I Ine-Josliua Buvuge, lllcluua W. Lyons. Iloarlnecreek-Owen )0.iLland t'""' kmlMX ,1 Aumn 'lloone, Hen 1 HumiVfif , "ft"1 W"1")" Huckle. ' hugurioat Ucorit-u M.u.T.,... druwSwVom''?!, i'iSV "i1" '""'iolng Isooriectn. ilulesnr il,'. "Mf1"1' "."a "trea uiKin tho 1 'J;" "f"1" oil ce. we havo hereunto sot our Attest UJmU tbis'Jol i.duy of July A. D.lt5 m. uniC'KiiAt'M, Clerk. . Monlecal Millard, WicrllT. E.LIH11A IIAYMAN, ' I jury illUM. J, WLLLlVEIt, ; ConiVs, TJ O T I 0 I: 1 hu Treasurer of Coluiuhla oouuly will pay nil school wuriiuiU; lorHtulo ujipinprfiitiJu II lira siiiii he liumled lu Urniu 11,'uii sU iement with UiotluloTriauuer, WM.Klllt'KIIAUM, l..r Unlnl. V......... -Hlacy Jolin. Win, Musteliur Wm. II, M'Cullum, John a 0. Account of rJllhi Kline. F.i lamKllnons filed by Jusl.ui Kil. iat llloomsburg August 0, J.Ol sr 1 "yiUOW Al'I'ltAISBiy, Thn fnllii.i.lit. nr,l.r.ilk..lill r.tS Of 1 'ft bonal property set upurt to ulilu" . hnve been lllid In tho olllce of I- Columbia county, under the l.ui" ,a will bo presented for uusolute r tho Oriihuns' Court tn bo held la nnd for said county, ou Moa.laj'i Hcpt. Itoa nt two o'clock i w!t oxcepllons to such ionilriiuiloi;fliOi Uled.of which nil persons to-, estates will lako uotfco: ,. a . 1. Widow of Win. Kltchcuef 51t deu'd. , , 2. Widow nf .loseuh KlkenJiU ' , dee'd. . ., , Widow of wm, 1W. l.ui.." rj ii J. Wlduwol l'eter K.HcrUlaiil 5. Widow ol l'hlllli M. bttcly v t dee'd. . , .ni li. widow of Frederick uum-r deo'd. . e 7. Widow ofl'elcri:nuiyoIH,-) deo'd. . 8. Widow of Ots). llielsch elrt', deo'd. i. I. JUU.' v gAuaii-s haw rmxt SUPlCIt I'lIOSPHATi: i" STAND A RD II'JJW', iho lini" Wn n 1.' v... am ..H....V. ,u r III lllE.n, .......i llAUdirH HAW HONK hVVr H 1 l'tWt ns being liluhly Improved. . .0 Iliuigh'8 lluw llouo fcuper 1 1'7 name iu Icates. prepared lo 5 J1 Hones lu Oil of Vllrlol-lball'v. , not been deprived of their on- . giense uud uluo-by bnrulinio'"? ; foie, prcLius lolhu uso of l' , valuable properties of Haw i"1!. com eiitriiled form reudtrlni, ncllon mul vory perinauent- , Furmers uro recoiiiiiieu'iw i Iho donlorlomled lu their eU ' 1 lions wheio uu denier Is 5l,,Li. 1'hosphnto limy bo proctuul "m uiideislgiied. , IIAUOH A SONS.!",. 1 Omco.No. 20 H. Delaware A'"' Aug. u0l)-3iii. . 8 T It A Y. ' Ciimn to'tho primlses of " "S garloaf township. IXilunib ai o.' fourth .lay of July n dark MVJ fuurleen years old, star on heri left hip. scratches bn both l'"'J " on front ones. ,. Tho owner Is requested to ,,. expenses und lako her away nccordlug to law jAMt1'" Okntiiai, July I0,'UQ.3I. nO-PAHTNEHSIIIl ,Tho undersigned havo entMeJ IjJ ship ns Founders nndMncblu Fouudry lierwlofoio ociupi'" llK"liu,!i Tho books of (lie lalo flria , "0il E. 11. Ikler, to whom ull l"011 1 apply. llloomsburg Juuo ll.'CO-lf. T? B T It A Y . i .... Hlruyed from the resldei cofi' Miutlsou twp.boilt lheliildJ, !u,i bull tun vi iim 1. 1.1- l.ii no 110 l bo paid fur his return. J0"' MAIUsoN.Aug. U,'l-:'w'. ui iiciuiirtTi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers