. r . i i . s. ' ' J " " TtlE COLUMBIAN AND l)EMOUltAJ HI, O.N. i iL. . 4f jrJtt-1 r".' oninimo, riday, avo, 13, . .', i ,',"alk VyiiHAP. A tnnkf neatly mow Inquire nt uotfilds 'Ecrcrl hogsheads j,, hit LfeWIs'lhk'iJwliaJ a vAlua- aNooITntt wisholJi her Convention, u)tcU.JlQn.,Oeo.(i). Jackson as a ",0 jfot'lrenp.rntn'ivrWD.'l.lq tho Scnalo, f'f.hity'to sclent Iiiswp conferees. a4Eii btinb iiasipurchasod tlio iunn Jned, by; JolmU'n'ofnfleecajod, situ- uocustj aownsnip.ior.aaa'isu. A u'tract wju purobased' by-Jolin Morris 'nt' lit, ' ; 1. 1 i'i',' wcathor during' trio past week has Ij'.'cdlqglyitoIdi'iscijBuchSons to no- j tub 'uco of fireipmrttomo parts of -flty wo hear that'froatjwaa expencne I'l.fo cnougli lo irijufo ino Luckwlicat. ,' vi HoaDOttANS decifaes tho democratio , lion fur Governor- of Ohio, on tho that ho is nb; I'longer; jj$(.!zen of tho tnd regrets ,$at, thfy fait' prccludos trim treading tho democracy ol Oliib in 1 lidg canvass, y')' nowliiuo ttd'oxamino tho HcgUter'n ' 4'bco wh'tUier.WioTnauii'.of every qual A tcr"is placed ttierepnT'.emmc for "', wiiltfo not qutttofiettrsag. It U ;i uporlant that tho'ili'it eliould bo kept so froui rriahl63 which! tiave no rigli 11 : 'if llJ! ; 1 rji. II' Etalo charge thjt, Packer bolted in larlcston CotfventionMid voted for indgo is repoaled in this wcok's lie p. Wo, exploded that, falsehood last ' Jh( hpw blmi;ihlBullcr't voting en li'fflfl Intltic tatnt Convention for , i U ,.l-l . 1 ,r' , f.i, !, '... (i .On Salurda'nightjlast tho extcn- K ro of John '37, Mcllcn'ry at Kenton itircly dottrdjfo) h'Orb together with 7 stock' and fixtures'Tho1 loss is bo- 9600 and jlO.OOO whicli is partially j in. tho Iiycoriung,,Cuiiberland Valloy jrk jTnsuranco, Cofcj"" 7",'. ,'it " . '";;;';'" ammo VIELE occurred in Philadelphia arjiglit,of;A)lgusW'4tbi resulting in tho r... destruction. of VlaVgjliOndod Waro- occupying' 'a -whole'snaro. There -'),0jd' barrels oihlsi-ey.Jiri tho build sich wcrdllp'5''.',TiKtbsa'IiS estimated Jyi millions dy"'rfoirtrt;'uTho properly rtially insured. u iim thavoi rcceiyd' a jdry'jValnablo bookj "ling th'o'1 Gcribrat' anil' Bpccial Iload ' bf'Pcnhsylvbnia', cbmpildd by Col. P, pqon (Ditrct;;iAttoi;hey of Chester ' full is a'.woik which every. man should Js as it.hfts' .iijformation of tho greatest s-itin a'ttoitconvcmcnt('forni. Toob lucopy teno filty-four cerits'to Georgo V. ..ll.WeU.CfifisterM'w' 'm.i';'. 1.M1.1 kg is no roadiiin tho County more L au?lland,yet uioro frequently traveled lat' leading from Rupert to Catawissa -1. Ncvortlicless, it is ono of tho worst of road, wo havo.trvelcd lately. It i ' Stone's; deep ruhiand .chuck holes, ho. ,) we vcr anxious a man may bo to escape .. he is compelled to'go''at n slow pace, j, is'nhy" 'fluanlity of prat clas mater ial sido of tho road, atjd.tjio supervisors niuuraru wififoui excuse. in Aet of Tho Legislature passed last i, the road supervisors 'of Conynghani sihip aro prevented'from levying and 1!ing moro ' than' SIMX): road tax. In "t uenee tho roads across tho mountains "'it worked and 'aro'' in a tcrriblo condi- j Scarcely aaypasscs but what como I is wrcckeu in' crossing over tnem, lioplo of tho entire County are interest' taving them repaired, and wo trust that t tho law will bo"rcpealed or tho $1500 1 led exclusively, on" the roads leading ...Centralia towards Catawissa. M.IAU A., GALURAITn, Esq., of Krio, ? declined tho Chairmanship of the cratio State Central Comniittco, Wil liMutclifcrEsq.'.'of'Esfon, Northamp ounty, has beon' selected in bis place. ling of Mr. Mutchlcr, tho Aye says ho member of tho bar, was recently tho ar and able Assessor .of Internal ltovo- 'jrthq Eleventh DIstHc't, and previouily I as l'rothonotary iof Northampton "y. Ho is a gentleman of sound judg ' ;pnd good executive 'ability, and will, no t, make an'cfheicnt, Judicious and rcha ' lairman." . ..i-. .IPr.E of all agej ' hare placed Uar at cotlom pf (hcJ moral! scale, ami decent .always rcifuso to" havo anything to do convicted ones. Tho moro deliberation lullicit'y given'to annntruth, tho crcut' tho crime. The Henulllctm has stand' t tho head of its'lbcal cblumn tho follow- jotioo; ' c BEPUIlUCAN .lint . tie hnocsl 1 Inula of any paper t pitblliheil In Columbia 7, una 1 cunwqitcnity itc very urn uti i-.v this is untrue. ond' Bradley knows it .sscrl that wo I14VO onb'fourili more sub- irs than ho haSj-and daro him to an in .ion of hooks. v "i !K Kcuisr obk;pIacejpn Saturday last iablv (0 tho announcement and was tho . 0 of attraction 'to uino tenths of tho Jo of tho town, as wo presuuiQ it was to ( tho same proportion of tho inhabitants 10 United States,, within range of the ,(iomenon. Clouds hid tho sun from view "pes but still It was clear enough to allow wonderful obscuration to bo seen. Tho ,ow of tho moon covered fully fivo-sixtln .10 sun t disc. We trust that full obscr ns were taken by all a tho next affair of , tllid does, not occur until tho year 1000, ' local causes may prevent that from being , ruko it altogether this eclipso as far loomeburg at least was concerned was a ict success. it' NbvTkW CeNTSinit'. Tho now ten paper currency is very handsome, and 10 engraving Is first class. On the rigli .1 side it is embellished by tho vignette 1 jscnting a very' pretty young lady of mean mould of 'countenance, with an !'.danco of wav.v, flowing hair, partially ealedbva lauev littlo libertv can taste- omamenfieVr with holly leaves or orango ,oiiis,''n'qn'tTcj which. Tho picture , , i .f m' .... -u pass lur mw or, very lovely ana ami' school girl'irlUier night cap, if a fraj. ! 1 W pj?at p.Cm,ail4 and tho starry palt of ,i Mncrican flag, iiir not visible about her. t Treasury 6ca, like a big and virulen " worm, disfigures tho left hand sido of " kill Tl,' tM tj .lA I .1 . 9sentation of filigrco and lattice work blooming roses, with a good sprinkling of ol0 and a s all very moo and very ; 1 'rate. .1 ' '.IrT I. W. MnKrt.vv has sold his fine maro to Stopfiin Knb'rt'onthV.plaod for ."$350. Oun ootomporary feelingly alludes to "ttio ghU of (ho quill." 116 must befcno of them. 1 -'i ', , (jurilall is'iiow.and for somodmo haS been Without a'.ton'aid. Tliis is oho of tho beauties' of livin'g'ln A Democratio County. TllR.Estalo oftbo late Jacob IJycr has been appraised at $75,C01,02. It descends to his brothers and sisters, Mn Kyer having rover been married. SF.VKHAl,iEOurBF.s. 1'lierd was an eclinso of tho cun last weii-,. and an Cclipsd of tho Radicals in Montana, Alabama and Tennessee. Tr.MrtitATuuu op JuhY 1S00, at Hlooms- lluiia. ObAorvcd. at sunrise Maximum 7-1 tho J (Stlii Mimitnum 48' the Cth. Averago almost fi3'. Oil. OtJit genial friend J. Irvin Stc6lo of the Ashland Advocate has been nominated by tho Democracy of Schuylkill for Representa tive.- 'fln.i3',a deserved compliment. The only '(lung ag'aimt him was'his namb. TiiEiih is not.a word of truth in tho rumbr mchliqniid by 'the Itcpulllcan that "more money is missing from the County vaults." Tho story originated like many other calum nies in tho Republican office. Hv referenco to our friend Iirowor's ndver- tisomcnt as givon in tho Republican, wo ob serve that Iiq lias gone into tho r.itcnt Mcdiciric business. This is worse than Lutz's eo(oii hoes. ' ' "I'UT Til 13 AND THAT TOGETHER." PatHostcr was on hand at the lata Denin. cratio County Convention to help pull tho mtcs.Iltpuhllain, Aug. 4th. We are well awaro that Pat. IIetor was not prufcnt'at tho Convention held in this place, and tho KkI'UIiuca.v did not say ho wns.lleubllcnii, Aug. llfi. Tub School Doard of Hloom TownHhip havo resolved to ereet a suitable building for school purposes on their lot in E,it liloouis- burg. In view oftbo cxrlcnso'lho School term Jias.bceni fhortgued' (o six months, be ginning on the first Monday in September. Examinations will bo held at (ho, Academy, Monday August 23id. There is every dispo sition to sccuro tho best teachers that can be had for our schools. ClIAlU.ES II. LOOMH. .1 nuito intellisrent colored man. who hails orieinallv from T'reil. yricksbtirg, Virginia, and who lias heenlact- ing in mo capacity ol uarber to l'resident Grant. has' been appointed to a clerkship in tho Third Auditor's office. l'rat. Wo'presumo that this appointment was made in consequence of gratuitous shaving, hair-cutting, Sc. by tho said colored barber. We would suggest to ambitious Office seekers that if they desire to place themselves in tho ino oi promotion, they" should apply for tho vacant barbership. Some of our cotemporarics aro in much digress because, Asa Packer after a long lifu of labor has acquired somo wealth. Duos this disqualify him from office? Would our. op)Kncnts vote for him if ho wa1! as poor ns 10 is rich l ' Certainly not. His wealth was gained by honest labor, and is being expend-' for the pubhd good. It is an assurance," that unlike tho Kadical office holders ho will not use bis position for the purpose of gaining wealth. JJut since when did tho Itadicais acquire puchaholy horror of wealthy men? Wasit when Alex. T. otewart, worth about .?100,- 000,000'was inado fadcrotary of tho Treasury, nnd when Uorie, one of Philadelphia's mil; lignaires, was made Secretary of ttio Navy. Or was it when U. S. Moicur, one of the wealthiest men in this Congressional di-tiict, was placed in nomination a third time for Congress, contrary to usage? He pause for tin answer. We aro informed that a certain candidate for tho Treasury gave $300 towards tho pur chase of tho old Democrat nnd Star with the understanding that it should bo returned to hini intho shape ot a tut nomination. Republican. Tbi'', of course, is an unvarnUhcd fal-o- hood made to order. Hut it gives us an op portunity of making a statement that may not be uncalled for. Wo purchased tho .SVur & Democrat for thepurposo' of healing an old contention in our party. Wo dodrod to see a paper published hero which would take and maintain an entirely neutral position as to the different candidates. Wo have done this. Tho purchaso was mado without Mr jiucKaie'.v t Knowledge, ana neither ho nor any other person gave or loaned us a dollar in tho traiaction. The sale was a regular business ono, and no pledge of future sup port was demanded or given to or by Mr. Jacoby, or any of his friends. 1 lie COLUMHIANis owned by Us alouo, and we alono are re.-poiiiiblo for its conduct and utterances While wo maintain tho right to our privato opinion in reference to candidates, tho samo as every other Demociat enjoys, tho paper while we control it shall uuver bo em ployed in the interest of any man or clique. It applies to be tho organ of tho entire parly. Local Notices. CllUKC'lt 11EMCATION Tho Ml'thodNl Episcopal Church at Shiekshiiiny Blooming dale oircuit will bo dedicated to the woroliii of God, Saturday August 2,Sth at I0J o'clock A M 1... !.' 1,.. 'I'l.'. I, M 1 il. IJJ IIIU JIUV. JIIU.1, iUWll!Ull, Jl. J,, President of Asbiiry University, Ind. Other ministers will be in attendance to assist Preachers and people from surrounding charges are cordially invited to attend. II. P. Kino I !.,, A. 0. Cuo.stiiv.ute; l''stor!, For tho Cure of all Uronchiul and Throat diseases, ard.Consumption in its early stages, nothing equals Dr. Pierce s Alterative ! tract of Golden Medical Discovery. Sold by Druggists, or send threo dollars and twenty fivo cents to Dr. It. V. Pierce, of llull'alo, N. V., and gel three bottles free of express charg-8. Book Notice. Amonu now Hooks rceol veil this wot'k is Hidnkv Kr,Morr, A btory of Kvory day life, well told tuul not of tluibcnsu tlorml stylo. Tlio father Ule.s tuul Bill noy takes upon liorsolf.iiuil accompllslijw tho uuppoitof tlio family mul what Is of moment to somo muli'r.s tlio hook "omls woll." SEA DltU'T, Which nlthoiurli boiiiu thing of a Iloblnson Crusoo .st'iry U yet original and roally very Interesting for boya. CititiariAN I)itUHCiioi,i)3, Kxcullen aa n gift to young married persons con tinning also an neuount of tlio origin tho Order of Deaconesses. Above published by Claxton, Hum sen i lltillfulfluger anil for sulo at tho Hook Store Also Hk kni'.w m: WA3 itiaiiT, An thony Trollopo. Ctl'iiKH, Juno a. Austin, etc., etc. IllnniillburK AInllcct IUinrl Whciit pur liiitifl.f.y.;..r...1l i.. i Ityo " Horn " ..4......,........-. Onl. " ,..., Flour per Parrtl m 60 : s 00 8 00 s () ...... .11 so 13 so ..... ! fil r."'. 20 1 2i 12 I) 16 0'' ...... Una' ! 0 uinvernoA(i,.M,M,.t.H..,.. rinxRceil... in-.. , nutter , Kk ; Tallow Potnlorn .1.t.i....U........ ....... .M....tM.MM.I,W.t. fi ! " " iirlnl Apple. 1..- Ilnmn nM MM Bill en mul Hlinuliicra , M Latil pcrpminj .'. 1 . , liny per Um ,..m..(...M.M.........w..wfM(.. I.UJUinil. Hemlock Hoards per thousand frc't Pine " " ' oie Inch) Jnlst, Bcantllnc, l'lnnlr, (Hemlock) 8 I) , suiini? rt, I nay- No. 1 Bcolcli pig SIJ IO ?39 .111. i'v ,,. Illooin -. I.lKlit Street Mnrkcli. Corrected weelelr lntvierlinl. wholcnntn nntl reUU dcnlcr In grulu, Hour & fco mul nencrui meiclmudlzo, Wheat per lmtiel ,..,.. .. .ll V) iiyii - ...,. , 1 ;uj lluck Wlicat 1 ll no 4 2i I tl 1 M 1 ns W Jl 50 2 ( 12 10 20 I! 3 Wheal Flour Per loo In.., lluck Wheat Flour .... i;orn unop, .... Ilrnn, llutter per 1) '.UK' per uira otfttoes pr uus......i Irleil Annies sjmokcil Hido meat pr lb.. nillHIIUL't .. " llnm " . Lard " lb t'lillfiilelphlii .Mnrhcli. ''f.oun Northwestern nupernue at........T. ( VCKa ?i.ro Northue-slerii extru - M 0 75 NurlhweMtern rniutly...,. (J.-VVA 0.73 emuylvimlft mid weittcru Huperilne... . imm M.Ari 'cntisvlvalil.'i ntul WunIhii, oTlm .1 ,l I'cimsyl vnnla mul Weslern Inmlly y.Mt 11.(0 reiumylvaiihi mid Westciu Inner llWd i.!, Ityo Hour i WIIBAT l'olinylviiulii red, a hus Sl.iyiaSl.Td Motilheiu l'ullfnrutu " "I " nliltn " , J3.15t.l.lU , ji.rst.r. 61. VI) , il.lTfl.17 U Jci'i G,n' S.U..TI) C2IM lft1')e. n lief?ai Si).imuii.?n a i.37 : "sgytss Cn.7.' HvlVutmylvanln i-,i, vIjua L.iiiin i eiiuw, " White. " oat lini Fkovi.siuns Mtss Pork, ii bul Mi' liter, " Pressed llnv, p it, Kinoked Hauls " Khouldel'ji t & Ijird. 1i ft Ki:KI)H Cloverheeil V l.us Tlhlolliyioed p lius KhiXHi'i'il .MTI.K Hei f Mil tie VIA I'nua. M hi'iiil BlIKM H Vl lions ? lOUItf MERCHANDISE. jyAMJOTU QHOOUHV. j. ii. .m a i . i;, MAIN AS1) h:6n stisijct, iii,(kimiu:ku l'A. Tho r.iirgent mul iut Mnek of Oriiei rlcs unit l'roi lslous lutho Cimnly. A fcileiiillil lot or I 111114, BlileMuent unit Hhnul. ilem, Tens CoirteKnml HilceM. rorelyu mul lio. tiicistlc Fruits ii fnweluUy. A iMgv let of l'HUI T J A Ji H tin lmnd of tho best pat terns. noons imr.ivi:iti;i th any i'ai'.t tir Tin: 11 TDW.N Juno is'.ta-tr JLOUIt AIS'D.KIiKU. thu uniierKiiinciiiinilil:!.!! lor inisl imlinnnizo lum touunouce to his irkiuUunil In i lie iitihlio that Ilia N K W JI I I. I. I now In comph lo running onlur.nnd that he N iL'liitii'ii in tin an i.iiiuiiiii (iiiiiiim n l linuL lie illy 'urlleil from a itlMuiieo eun lnio their irtKi-. Krounil'Mrlthoiit ilelny, ho n ih iiiko them itouut ihohiiiuetluy.iiiiilnsii lulonll work luoui;lit to tho mill can hoilono In tweiity-lour houis. My Int'M.'iii. urruiiKiuuui'. ino hut u nt in preciuoi1 uiu iei.'.'M.iiy iii Miiiiuiij ino nun on iietouiu oi ire. ilh or low wnter. Tin: hem family; klouii. , n Melius the loucr giailts, uiulull Uliicls u CUOV AND FEED cept on hand Imiunntlly, and for sale at Iho low. .Ht current rates. Uralu orall kinds puiehaseil. Light Street, Iee. l.'CS-tf. I'lrrXK 11ST. jyjflSS LIZS5IE BAKKLEY has Just relurneil from riitlnilelpht.i, ami has nought, anil Is now offering the hest assortment of KANOY OOODU, , TRIMMINGS, IIONNln'rt Ac. Ae., ever exhibited In IIIoomshurB, and Is prepared to malic up urohhtH and all other arliekN of ftjiuaio wardrobe, at bhort notice, anil hi tho hctt tmd I.ATUBT Hl'HINti BTYl.DS, Itooms in tho Ilaioi.cy Buildings, ou West Main Ktreet. Call and i-co her varied Mok ol Spring Goods. May 1,'CK. July and August Prices l.,W. HART.MAN'.S, ion ,sii.m.mi:u jiitiNS (iotiiH, 2.) i-l. liAWNS AT . ilcls, 1.1 et. LATIN'S A 'II lOrts. el. IiAWNK AT fillet SI, '-'.' DUMSH (i(H)UiS AT $1,11) HUICSS (K)() DM AT WW. ' . i It i - :i ' IlltKSH (IOODS AT .-. ft . IS L'lM. IIIU'.SS (l(K)IH AT .'I'M'tP. .Tict. DIIKSK (IOODS AT HO cIh, UUKSS (IOODS AT 122 rls. 10 t-t. lUi:SS (IOODS AT liK TKIIMH f!ASU OU IMtOIJUOi:. 1869. Ji'M. TV YOU WANT OOOI) LS(39. HLAt.'K hiLK roit nitres ou saui; 00 TO O. V. MAItlt'H. T' YOU WANT GOOD 11LAU1C AND COUJIIKI) AM'ACA (.'IIKAI' GO TO ('. O. MAltlt'H, JK YOU WANT A NKJK HITV TIJ.V YAltl. OlIUAl1 GO TO U, 0, M.Mtlt'.1. TF YOU WANT A NICK 1-AN VltOM 1HU.TO $l.1i UO TO C. C. MAUU'H, ' ' 1 i. TF YOU WANT A NICK J(UVrKUI.AW.N OH MOUAIU J)HIM CilJIAl', (JO TO Ll JfAItUH TK YOU WANT A NICK AND OOOI) I'AUt Of UAH IIltH ciii:aI'i:htuananv oTJiinu'J.Aii-: OOTOC.C.MAHUU July lfj,(.lf. LEGL NOTCES. A UDITOR'S KOTIOK. XI KSr.lTK Ol' litJNAIUIsriNHMAKIF.C'l. AA' 'Iho iindeisUmcd Imviiii; beounppomicil by tlio ihuiv uouuni miuriiDiaeiiuiity nn AUdHur t) OJHrlljuiu tUo b.iliiuco la tlio muimni Aueunvi y.V.fCiiy, AiUnlithUatnrof h. BtluomaulnUtof Itlooiii townsliln tti isftltt rotintv. dccrnncil. will meet tlio pnrltt'i tute(xttnjtttho I'rotltoi.otAry's blllca In lloonisbtr nn HaturtUy ttie itli ilny ot Au. A. D IWJ, ntun o'clock n, m.t for tlio ur posenf hi npiiolntmrtif,- All pontons lmvlng cliilmtf URtilnst falJ wtnto will ha rtnulrcd to (tUrvcnt them nt Hint Itinc, or Ijo cxcluaeil irom any sliuro ortheruiul, , aKonui;c,or,nMAv, Au.6.vC9-4t. Audllor. AUM I NI S'Pit ATOlVfl "NOTloi KSTATR OP .t AM IIS M KAILS, UKC!). . JAJiUrHormlinliiHtriitlnu on tlio tslnto orJaines MeiiM of Lucu-'t township, Columblu county. Iiic'il., Imvu Hon cmntnl ly thu Itt-RlHttrof ntila county, to Potcr Knt of Mcutt twp. All per tons IiuvIhU minims or (IcnmniNnRfilnsttlicdeceJ cut urc icqiustr(UoiurikQthtniknown,niHUlioso ImloLitcit to inako lmyincnt. i'i:rnu KNT, July lV(-Gw. Atlmlnlstnuor. A IJMINISTilATOlVS NOTIOK. XJL UsTATK OK JAC011 KYKlt, DhC'l) lit.' iters olRitmtulHt ration ou tlio cstutoof Jacob llvtr lulu or OrtiiiwiKMl iwtt.. OiliimliliL Co. tleci'USfU, hnvo been Knt tiled by tho ILi'uUtcr or t'otiiinblii county to H. II. Miller or Jlloom lownslilp. All tierfcons luivln claims or (U'lnnndi ng:iliihl tiiuCKtuto ol the ilcotdiml nro ie(iH'ttciHo timko them known, nnd IIkmo In ittuu-d to inako puymunU r. ii. liiiijiu, July 2.I.VJ VI. Administrator AUDlTOll'S 2COTIOE. KXr ITU Of (U'.OltOK M'JIICIIIAKI. DTOEASEll. ilk iue urpuaus uouii in aim lor ham i;olliay ll s I hits loutalned: In Iho mutter ol the netlllon forarmolntiuont nf 'AdmluIslrHlor to illlrlhuto lund hi tholmnils of j.ii.iiteier Aiiiutoror uie esutio or(ico..irMiehuo iiei' ii, c u. ii,u uiey apiioitueii Auditor .May 3rd JMi'i, Per, fur. uerunui irnm tlio rieoni juiy inn. ihii. JliHSli CUhliMAN, Clerk, o. O. N.illeo Is lielebv ulVen thai thu Illidi l'Mlune.l '111 nlleuil Iii iho ilutlen of his appointment at his oillco hi Iilttomsbui!, ou 'IhurH'iiiy, tho 2ml d.iy ul hep., lvip, lit lu o'elock A.M. when tuul whtru parties Interested shall attend or bu lie h.iried Hum eomlng lor uhluii'o of tho hind, , U. O. llAltlCl.l'.Y, Uuly M.'iiO-lw. Aiulltor. A UDITOIl'S KOTICK. XV l.srATKOl'CI.l:MUEI.a. IllCKt.llS llEO'll. Tho undersigned, uimolnttd hv the umluins ('nuns olNiiillvuu county and of Columbia conn ty, reiieellvelyj An audllor, lo lllo iiulstrlblitlon in uiu ie.ii esiaie oi uieniuaei u. lticicelis ilee u talceuhytlio heirs at Iho appraisement anions t lie belts and iealrepieseutallves of the Mid de- file-til; will atleml at Iho lleglstcr's ollleo In llliioinsbtirir In ('nlumbliwotmtv. mi li'rld.i tlm ITIh day of boplemlier A. 1). IMi), for tho purooo of perliirtnln Iho tlutles oi his appointment. At whli'h thnoanil plaeo H.ild purlieu may, II they im.-i.i-, i'v !il-cviii. . v,, r lii'.r..i,, .lulyi.l,'0'j-lt. Audllor. gin 5111 FF'S KALK ily vlituo o( a writ of l-'JciI raclui lssut-il oul of Ilio Colli L of Coin moil l'lias or Ctiliiinlila t-oiiuty, uiul to mo ilhi'cteil will ho exponcd to on oi u! sail' on uiu ii eiiiist7f,iiii iioii(i.iy, .u. iiiin IMl'J, at 10 a. m.t ho lollowlny dun ilheil ual i-(stali lu i. Vidian i boio Columbia t-ount v. bounded nn Iliuuoitli by lot or Sllcliacl tVddfroir on tlio c ist by liOrust Avrnuo, ou the south by lot ol l v. ii aiiiur. on ino wist urn cv. ue'inir iwen- tv rU' t't't-'t trout by tmo lmiulred and fully tc I ilft'P.on wblcli Is erct'ted two frauiu dwelling boiistM with tho anmirlenaiu-cs Ki-lv.cd tal.fti lu exi't'titlou and to bo sold as tlio iirotuity or JnhuHlgliii'ifi' MUltI)i:OAl Mtl.IiAUIt, July 2.1 t;0i). hherlir. I UK. i'lioimbllf mo licrrhv tiiitlnnl nut to trust or deal wllh .John MU'hloi'on my ad'otiut kh 1 v 1 1 1 ay iiodi'htsof bis nuking nor carry out any t iiilractH i-utcreil Into by hlm.iu bo has lorffin-d tlioaillcluorau'iOi-moiitbetWtMMi 1H. Sahl Mich h'K now ii'Mdingoii my land. SidAUi.OAr, Atitf. o.'tfMr. it. kim:. REAL ESTATE SALES. AIHjK TOWN PIIOPEHTY AT riUVATK SALK. 'I ho honsn and lot occupied by A. Y(tst, cor-iu-i'id WlsI Siui't and tliHptool-(,d KoiulliMn-et fxlt'iisitm, HhKimsbuitc, Ia, is otlciud at 1'iKalo f-air on M'ty rrosonaoio icrnii. '1 l.o hoiiMi N mw and welt IlnKliod and for an ordinary l.imlly Is t'oiumodlous and convenient. j no meal ion is ino most iifsiraoio in town, lie liiir boautllut and healthful, rt'inoved from tho !iwt and iiolsfl:indt-ouVL,ult,utly near to tlio bus iniss oi nicHa(t'. '1 lu bou.s w Ul be frold pnrtly ftirnNbud If des Im d, and a luxuil.itit Harden can also ue bought, ros.fhion kIvmi at any tlnio. Tor further luiium.UH, turns, .ic.nppiy on ino promises or Heal IIMalo AKi'Uts Hiowci'h Uuildlu, llloomsburg, l'a. July 2J,,(.U-:m. jOIl SAW3. WlUliootlcrt'd forsalont Iho rcsldenco of tho KiilM-ilUr In rildnKiiveklt)wn!blp on Krlll.iy i-l I'teiiiuer oiu i -uj in. uemeii. in uiu niiuiiiouti ii not picvlou.sly illfepOKt-d or,tbo tollowlng Ji 13 Ah K S T A T K, hUualii In l fshliiK CietJs and Pcntoii townships. i, jikii.1 uuimi'ii iitiui in riMiui uiii iv. btarStlllwuter, (outiiliiln between llneo and lour hundred uens. cNi: IliAtT uear Ktlllwalrr lu lit n Ion nnd I-Klitna Cut-It toiiship(,eoutalultiKonoliuudied and twtnty ucks, twenty acres flf which nro tin proed, tho remainder Is heavily tlmbend wlih lock oak, whlto oak, ihestnut, and plrdi phio. v'jt i ins 1 1 ,ii is ericivuu biory ami a nan D w jo h ij i n a nous 13, land i.mv framobain, Thcf-o liaetH will bo hold cnilro or in any ucsirrd portlous, Kuver.il build' iiii; lots near Stillwater, on the main road. Teiius mado known on dav of Hale. lVr-tons dcirlnutoputcbasdiit prlvato salo shoud ad- III U fltu m . U H, J lt-ljiJV July ajO'J'Ow. HtlllM titer, l'a. "DU1VATK KAUC. I Ol-' VALUAllUS HI3AL ESTATK Ttio undciIuntd, l'.seiutorof Cyrus Kry. lato ol ltlooni tfiwnshtn deceit kciL ollem at Olivate ato in-er'aln lu-usuand lot.sllu.itetl In lllooms- our;', ou uoiE Mieei, uounueii oy 101s oi i, , .t 11. ('. llailuinn.and by another lot boloimliu; to .ald tMato, eontaliilnti fceventy-threo feet num. -j no iciwn aro rtnsunaoie, ana iMibscssioti u ul bu uheu within Unity days utter tve hiil. I. H. ICUJI.V, Apr.y),09-tf Kxtcutor. OU SALK. rim Mibscilt erorrci-A nt pilvato uilo tlio trot- oily of John Alhn Mlu.ilo hi KnM ItliHiinsburK and eoiiMstlnu ol two bnildhir! IoIk, on ono ot wblehl ftecl d at:o(Rl TV()-hlt)HV I' HAM r OWlir.MNii HDl'.n with iurt.sary out-bulld tut". A uood willof waleron th preiuistn. I'o, lull iiailleiilaisumilv to JACOll H. KVANS. July oO.'UMI.v. llloomsburg, l'a, TOMKSTIO KCONOJIY! camwlmon cAiirrrn Amn',(ltrap dm able, htatthy, ami U FI.OOU COVK1UNO ! A MiUtliuto for oil-cloth at ono-thlrd tho eosl, 'J'hls rarpet H proilueed by n peeullarcomblua- 1 aui 01 siiuiiK. neavy paix i', pi uiii'U in ot imiiicn ful i olin-M. and eonled wi n a liiuuh. eoist U: war muff namol which iiteiveslho water, proteets KM) roiors ami paper cimuriH w.inmiiii;, utui ren th-rH thoenipi'l bilnht nnd beaut 1 Hi 1 in Iho ex iiiiui. Its ailviiiitafes are as follows lt- cost rt ndeis it nnllablo lo allelasses; It Is fM-ei il nn v moolli and if okmiihi it acrmiiii biles next to no dut : It does not rcqulro to bo lalceu tin and cleaned Ilko othr eat int. and thu haves utui h Ial Kir and liouble; Jiy re-eoatlni; with thttCauiplllion KuniuelVH-easlonalty us tlm cam may ieiu lie, (which is)htK but alrille,) It will tasu loiu'iiu'ii ly, even an ase.uiiti aiwajH apnea new ami blight : In Us use no lellaiico wbalevt i Is placinl upon tho paper lor wear, but exclusive ly uiHin bbo wnter-priMifeoathi-i. tho Hgured l oit bi'lnif lifted onlv to htciiro tho color, l'.iinl luis leeiiiilly been used for u vaih ty of purines. even lor iruiu;n, nxux.uour oatr ana w earing ap parel, bulthe lliht attempt, either lu Kuropu oi America, to com crt H Into carpet or floor cove- lit'' all concede Itto 1A an cnlliu mk-cimmI Wo hao purchased tho rljjht for Columbia cou uiy ana can lurimu mo carpel 10 mereiiuni nt innnuLiolnierK iiiieeK. Vr-You nro luited to call nrd examine tho eoudsntoui'fclDU. 31 KI-.IjV). MJAliA CO, Jlloomsburt'.lAe, U'tW-tf. AT 12 W 0 O A h Xl Tut: underslaiunl res Y A It 1). resnectlully lufoim thu Mili'U ot llloouihbum nnd Columbia county, that they keepall the dUlerent numbers oiatovo coal a in I selected lump coal lor Miilthtiitf pur po ll111 1 rcu e4, on tin Ir wliarl, adjoining M'Kulvy, reaUv Co's 1- urnitci; UthuoiKi pair or liwtiuio i ttculej ou iho wbnif, to wtiKh (oal, bay, and fctmw, lilUewKo a horso aiui wimon. to dtller eoiil to tbo-o Hho dtslio It. Asibey purchaso u hiruo amount of eoiil, they intend tolceep a suptrlor ar ticle, and sell at tho eiy lowest price. TIcum) call nnd examine lor j ourselves tieroru puiehiu liiacrewhoie, ,r. w. iiKNitKithiior. AUOUMTUrt filAHON, IJUO iMidcrsiKiicd will take In ox X clinimn for Coal and UrncerirB. tho followin: IIJllll lttlllK HI , jlllK, Itj I". WIMll, Will, J UWl" I,,. f..r.l 1 In ii bill till lili.V ,i till l I.. i.Miii l- l-'yi, lluy, Ac, at the hlcbest cash prices, at hi liiovi'i ) tnuu-, luijuiuiin; ircir linn ) mil, j. w,ni:Mu:iwiroT, HKKmisLuis; Mar. lOO-ly, pUMPS ! PUMPS FOft SA1.K. J'ho uuderklcilDd heirs lrnvo to Inform tho elll iceiuitf thlspljcuuiul vicinity that ho Uprtuiitd o lurulsh ul Alton notice, oiiooi thu tiett vtui- V.S CUMl w for Wells mid CUterus over otluu: In lh public, 'Jhey uro uuu ran teed to throw moiu water lu less I line and with lens labor than liny other pump In this part t tlio country mid they cannot bu sm pawed tor beauty or lliiUh, o slmolleiiv of an allotment. also coiuulnlmrrlieaii nexsbud iluiiibllit v. 1-icb ouinii boinir wariaul 0.1 lo perform Its , work well or no salo. llllas Kliuuian i-i auent for Coluinbl.v county. Vil 73 et-nts per loot l.iceil In tho well. Ooiduwby until ur U1ULIWI9U lirLJoony mu-iiiieu in, 1 JU4AS rtllUMAN. teptju-i-ly CuUiwImu, IV J. TIIOUNTON would unikuuiicu lo ihu eltlnof lllooiiih uiu und violiiltv. that iiuhusJUttlieceivcd a lull aim cuinpiLiuttaaiiiiinviib i Alm I'Al'Ull, WINDOW U1IADKH nxTUJtit tonus, tas-si.i, n iid till tcilln-r f" iid4 In blu line of biihliu-kS. All iho m west and inont appioved (latum of thu oity urn iiiwuh lu uu jiuiiu m iiiMthiniMiKoiiieni,, Aiur.u, t'-ii aiuiuai, ue iow aiuruci, m- n DRY GOODS. 1801). JULY., 1800. 4 , i ..i 'I I e.t'.l i U B ARC A IN IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS., , ..), 110SIKHY, OLOVKS, i .AC, AO., 0 0 TO M. P. LUTZ, M Al .1,1 A. MAIN STHKCT, OPPOJJITK THE COUHT HOUSEi' BXiOOIKCSBUKO, TA. Apr.lO.UMf. i ' 'III jJIIiLElVS STOItE. fiitaii AiuuvAiiur Ml'ltlNQ AND BUM MBit GOODS. Tlio Bubncribor btis JiiNl returned lrom tlio villi with nuotber InrKO uud nloct nssortmcnl of Sl'IUNU Al.D HUMMIUt 000118, purcluMcil In Now Ynrkniiit'l'lillndcliililanl the lowest figure, nnd which tio lAdctrmlii'd lo Kt-1! on us modemto terms Aa can bo rlroeiueil eluj where In Illuoinsburg. Ills stock comprises LADICV T)ItF.S8 OOOU8 of tho choicest slylen nnd Intent fashions, lielher with u Inrgo InAsotttnenl'tir )ry Oinnls niul lln cerles, rnusislliii; of the fiillnwlnu iirllcl6.lt Curin'U, nil ciniliH, ;iulha, t'nssl nines, Mhawl.s, Kl.iiiiii-ls, KllllH, White UnrilK, l l.luenu, . ItiinpHklrts, ' MiinIIiik, lliilliiwwarn IVslarwuro QUflonswale, Itarilwuiu UuiitH lllld Sljolh, , ' HalH nnd Cups lliHip NeiH, trinbreltUH, 1xiklnif-Ula.sso.i, T(ib.iocii, I ""'!. l I'M. Unburn, t lllee, Altsplco, lOiHEer, (.'Innainon, Nutnies, AND NOTIONS UKU UALI.Y.' In short, overylhlDK asualiy kept lu country stores, li which no JnvltcK tho attention of the piibllo Bcncmlly. Tne hlghesl price will lie pild for coutilry produce in excliango for iok1s. H. II. Mltt.En'4'HON. Arciido llulldlng, Illoomshurg, l'u. J M P O It T A iN'.T N 0 T I C K. MAONIl'IUKN'l Dlbl'LAY O F 11 II E S S GOODS, AT THU NEW STORK, MUnVEIt'S BUILDING, Tho trltniUJ iooiuu of J. J. IiltOWIUt, nie eoniplc-led nnd now open to tho public with tlio KIN II S T ST 6'6'K over olferoil in Dloomsbur'j,'; AH tho N E W E ST STYLES of Dicks Goods, tjllks, Cloths, Caudmeis, Linens, FJanucls Ac, ; C A It P EfT S of every fetylo and for all priceH. Oil Cloth lu great variety. A full lino of SUPERIOR GROCERIES. Coffees, Teas, Sugara, Spices, warranted puro and gwxl. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, In carefully ussortctl variety. CIiOV E S, HOSIERY, HOOP HKIIITH, CQliSKTS AND A COM I'J.KTK iiswrtiucutof WHITE GOODS, Tlio public nro earnestly invited lo examine, these line goods, hefuro pur chasing clMiuhcro and are guarauleid hatibfuc-. linn. No exiienso or Irouhlo lias been spared to maUu Till'. JIOST COJII'I.l.Ti: establishment in tliisMcth'ii of thu hlutc. j. j. lmowint. Mny7,'t.!-tr llliHinisbuig l'n. piRST CLASS GOODS. It A ll K 11 A It U A I N H. Tho subscrllier has Just Ihomughly re-slocked hlsslore, lu t'atawls.a, lately iiccupii'il by M' Nlnch .V hliumaii, mid now olfurs lur miIo A COMPLETE STOCK OF lilt Y UOOIW, Ororcrles and gem rat merchandise which for iiuullly nnd vniluly will l oinpiire favorably with any lu thu country. Ho nun u Irish assoit.. incut ol SPRING GOODS which ho will diiOM!iir fur cash or country pro duce. Among his Dry (IimhIs uliPbu found nil Ihu latest nnd best patlims of Mimr.iNH, (IINUIIAMH, CALICO IX, FI.ANNKI.H, HIIAWIX, HII.ICH, CAfiHIMElW, ltllOADCLOTHH, corroNAiim, ' ' JKANH Ao,,ilc, tlllOCEItllW, ULAHHWAHIJ, llUKKNHWAUE, HAUDWABl'. CEDAftWAlli: DlllIOH, OII, 1' A I NTH, VAltNISHIM Ac. 1LVTS & CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES and, In f.irt, aromplele lino of goods, belonging to hu business. As ho buys ami sells for casn ho can nllorJ lo kiep his pilccs as low if not lower man most dealers, Ills mono is "U.U1CK HA 1.1.1 AMI HMAI.I. l'lIOHIK.' COAL OP jVLL KINDS Cuiistaully on hand and tor sale at tho lowest market rates. MOItO l'iUM.Ilt) PHOSPHATE, Especial nltontlnn paid lo the selection ot llulld Iiiif itmtHi Inl. I'lillerv. lie. hlilllci.' Tnnlu. mid Hard ware of nil kinds, to which tho attention ot nuiideis ntiuoiucib is rtijuesteu. (1 It A I N I'UHOUAHliD, A fair share ol public custlom is desired nnd uoeilorls wilt boumlttetl to give entire satutac tlon. JOSEPH 11. KN1TTLF. Apr, W.li'J Bin Catawissa, l'a. T T M EROH ANDISE. NOTICE IS HhltKUY HIVEN To my fi lends nnd the public, generally, that all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AC, aio constantly pu liaud nud fur kale AT IIAHTON'S OLIJ BT4.ND, lll-OOMSllUllU, UY JAM1JS K. KYEH. MfAUo, Bole Agent lor.ELUb' 1'husi'Uatk or lur. Uirgo loteouktaiitly mi baud. (liU'W, INSURANCE AGENCIES nilE MOST SUCCKSSKUIi fir' ,il. I iii 'I' II ftj JjlJ'Ji JNSUllACK COMPANY oy tub wom.n, 1 1 l I I'r, 1 ll )J. IjIFB INSUltANOE CO. ri UN uehh'ti j-JvrE.jo'A kfi Ua t,iiAitTKliKDnYHPEcut.Atrr6FcoNani;sy. 0 A 8 II OAl'I T A L, - $.1,000,000. II Ii A N U II O.lfiKl OKI I)-- I II I Ij A 1) E Ij I' 11 I A, O 1'' V I 0 li 11 B i CLAItKNCH 11. ULAItK. rrcsldciil. JAY.CXJOKJJ, Chulmuin I'lunncaanil Kxccittlvo ,udomm'lcC'.' " ' ,1C' 11UNRY I. COOKi:. VIce-rrcKldeut. , ,. , .UMUIWONW. PliET, KecieUiry and Actuary. I'HANCI.S t). HMITH.M.U.l'hllmleli.hla, Medi cal lllrcctor. tot Thll Comrany Itkiicd, In tlio llrst TKN it,ONT;(H ! or 118 existence, n,3!l POLICIES, INSUItlNO 15,1-12,000. ' Tlilironiimiiy-oireraliilUrollcy-HoIJers PEltl'ECT SECURITY by Its Cash paid up Ciipilnt of Ono Million Dnl. i". lain, ami gnarnntecii to the insured, by lis IW KATKM W 1'ltF.MltI.M I.AIinK II1VIDKMH IN AIIVAM'K, Urn ltieiKlnnaiy DIvhIiind oflliupereetit.by Its RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. iii- . i i " ' ,, OKNHltAI. AdKNTM.. I'!, W. t'l.AKIC A CO., Hankers, Nu. M oulh 'Ihlld Hlreet, I'hlladelplila, Umeral Agents for IVnusytvanla ami Houllinn New Jersey. 1 JOHN A. r UNHTON, llliHiinsburg l'n., Hpeclal Agent for Montour A Columbia Counties July 10,'ca..iyr ,1 , JNURAN,OE AGENCY. Wyoming TOtnn Ful ton M , Nmlh Ainiulau....;....i.',.'..'. cnyi.i :.....:... ILt.' International ,. H Niagara .'. Iutnam Merchants .-..;...! .'..',..'.'....; A.:.:, Hprlugllcld Farmers' Dauvlllo Albany City :wo,oiu .ii.i,ii MVJOO l.joo.oro l.ouo.oou a',uou 1 BSll.OlO CD I.IKKI j(i,Mm ('i,U 1,000,000 'Lancaster 01ly...:...i..li. Ji... York Horse, Death & Hiell... Home, Now Haven , Danville, Horbo Tlieft l':itHAS.UnoV'N, Aiiinl, ifc)-ly. IlLOOMSIlDKU, I'A' JOHN A FUNSTON & CO. BROW E R ' S BUILDING, J! 1.0 O M H 11 U Jl G, J' A. (iuieinl Flio nnd I.lto Insurance, and Heal Estate Agency. Sieclal attention will bo given to negotiating loausl Juno ll'C0-3rit MISCELLANEOUS. jypW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of " ' s FALL AND WINTEIt OOODS.1 ' DAVID LOWENBERO invites attention lo his stock of x)4. CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. at his store on Muln Btreot, twodoors above tho Ameilcnn Houi, Dloomsburg, Pa., where ho has Just, received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND UOYU,' CLOT1I1NO, including tho most fashlanablo, durable, and haudsomo DHEftS GOODS, consisting of 110X, HACK, HOCO, (JUM, AND OIL-OLOTH COATKAND PANT8. of all sorts, sIkh and colors. Hohasalso leplcii' Ished his already largo slock of FALL AND W1NTEH HIIAWI, BTItlPED, l-iaUKED, AND PX.AIN VICHTH, BHIU-I-H,C11AVATH,HTCKH. COLLARS, i!-ANiii:i:ncHiEi'.s. olovkh, SUSPENDEIW, AND FANCY AKTICLIJ Ho niui conslniilly cm hand u large and irell-se- cried assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOH, which ho Is prepared to make lo older Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, aud In tho best milliner. All his elolhlng Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo iiiannfuelui-c. (OLD WATCHES AND JEWELItY, of avisy Uitcilptlon, llnonnd cheap. His cosoot Jcui'lly Is tloUuijiassciMll UiN"j!;uv. Call and oxaiuliio hlsgcncrat nssiirtmcn of (,'LOTI 1 1 Nil, WATCH 1 :S. J E W Kldti , AC. DAVID LOWF.NIIintd. V A N 'V K 1). Tho Mihhcilhcr ilcslnia ao.ooo l'OIINDS OF WOOL in cxrlinnRo lor Fancy niidKUinloiliygootls nfnll yarlctli'fcand every bt low hlililiukeeiis ninshiut ly 011 hand, both ol Ills own in iiilacturo and oiherllrst class mills. Tho highest city iirlics will hu iiHoui.il. I'aitleH Mill lliidll In ilielr ad vantage indent wllh us and thereby nivo Iho luolltof travellug nuents. J, i:. HANlw, June l,'UI-3m SIordansMlle, l'a 00L WANTUD. Thu snhscrllier. nL'Clit of Iho Leu'lslmn. (lolh. I1U.MIIU, ilcsUi's 50,000 l'OUND.1 OF WOOL IN KXCH ANU1! fur all kinds of cloth, rausimcrs, satinets, and all kind of llanuels nud MmikeU. Ho lanlso ii pared to do mil carding nud full ini;, coloring and cloth dictiflntflu the ockt luau uer, Addrc&g UEOIiUE VANCE, June lsiO-Sm Oiuuueville, l'a. g L A T K HOOPING, . . iifiny VARIBTY MOST FAVOltAULK HATES," JOHN THOJIAH, AMI CASPEIt J, THOJIAH, 110X. 577. IlloolUkLulf, l'a. Mar.lD.oa-lyr. Q.KT TI1K H.ST. Ihu litht iiiitcuun uealui-t dlt,akier by fjghltli k ever IuviimIo. Thn kubscrlher la agent for IL bov luvenilon, and all order by niaJl or lu ersou villi lie iruniilly Hltended lo. Mayl5.'tm E. U. IllULHMAN. J) K K T I B T It Y . II, L HOWKU, DKM'JMT, lteptclfully oilers hlH profibvloual ervlce to.1 tnv iiiuit-n itiiti KUIUIVIIU'H Ol IlllKiniSOUIUUllU Vf elulty. llo U pteptned to attend loullthe Mirl DUsuuieratlouH la the Uneof hU profit ion, audi Is provided with thoUUkt Jmproid Pokcklain Tki-.tii which will bo JiiMUtod ua gold plating. blUiruud rubber baio to look an wll ttsthouttt urulleoth, Tetih exlraeteil by nil tbt new anJ mokl approvitl jhcIIkkU, und utl operations on tho teeth caiefully and properly attended to. lt'.UIiHo nud oilli-u n Jew doom above the Court lloime, same hide. lijoouuburtf, Juu.aiCbtf Tho undersigned wonld Inform Iho travelling riuhllcihat hb Ihls tftlttu 1U0 above named entub lhment Mud tuoioutfUly reJltlod iho amu for tho perfect coin eiitnoof liUcueHU. JIUJarder will tm Ktm ktHl wllh llieri themnrkethM'orU. 'tbocholoext llrjuorw, wlnoa und clKuiwalwiO'H lo be found lu bU Lur, WILLIAM I'KTTIT. Apr.2a.uu.tf i-iipy.l'tt. MISCELLANEOUS!'" lUNEAaikHlA'phESErvkiis. Messrs. LAZAitua & mouhis, Ol'TIOIANB & 00ULIBT8 ! ' '" IlAitTronD.'txijiM'., Have, with B vtew to meet ttielncroascd deinind ftr their i , .. O E L K 11-It 'A,T J.:jDih PEIIFECTED' SPECTA'tiLEsI' Appolntcil Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONHH, nLooiiuBvita'PA., . Aslheiriole Agent for this place. They havo taken cars to glvo all ncedrul instructions, (tnd Jli" vo CBnllJcnce In Iho ability of their agent to ueet tho rcqulremenls ot nil customer i An op lxirtnnlty will be thus afforJod to procure, at nil limes 8PKOTACT.KH UNHCIUAI.I.EI) BY ANY roll J .THElltHTKENQTHENINOAND l'KIDEH- ; vino (Qualities. Too much cannot bo said ns to their aUPEHI OltlTV over the ordinary glasses worn. Tliero Is no yllmmcriHg, wavtrlng t the right, dizttnest. or other linplcasaut sensation, but on tho contrary, from tho peculiar construction of tho lrfni.es they are tootfitng and plcatant, causing a' feeling1 ol relief lo tho wtaror, nnd PUODUCINO A CI.EA11 nnd DISTINCT VISION, ns In tho nadir at hcu Wiy tlyht. They nro the only Bpecbicles lo PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT! Anil are Iho ('HEAl'IST beennse the DUST, al wiir lasting hany vicars without obango bo, lug nocensary. :0: ' 'CAUTION. Ml as A. I). WEBB, HTATIONi:it, ' nr.ooMSJWnti j'A., Sh tlio ONLY AKent appointed tn this place. ' bir WE .EMPLOY NO, PEli)LERS. Feb. 19,'119,-ly, x G1" ROVER & BAKEli'S" " , , ... ... 1 1 Ol 1 I '11. FJItHT" l'lipilUM , : i iw. i l Ilu' .ji i.I S OJiI.T 0 II "u .i 'in- M ' 1 1 I L J . I i "11 ,i iiE L'A STIC SEWING MACHINES, , 493 BUOaDWaY, new youk. 730 Clicstnut Street Philadelphia, 1'OINTS 01' KXUHILENCE. lleauty and Elasticity of utttch. Perfection nnd Simplicity of Machinery. Uhlns botli threnda directly from tlio npool, NofaiiteulDB of Beams by hand nnd no wosto of tliread. Wide rango of application without, chaugo of adjustment. The team rctaina lis beauty and llrmueta after washing nnd Ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Hewing Machines, tuct.a Machine execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroideiy and ornamental work. jot 1 ho Highest I'icmlums at all tho Kulrs aud Kxhlblllons of tho UulUil KtateHnud Kurojio, havo been uwarded tho tJrover a Baker Hewing Machines, und the wink done by them, wherever exhibited In competlUou. -jot- Tho very highest prize, THU C'KOSH OK Till:- httOION OF IIONOH, wan conferred on" Iho repiesenlatlvo of iho UrovfJ'.t UalccrRowlug 1 t . 1 Aruchhifs, at tho J.xpoHlun Universe!!, Parl' 1SC7, thuti attesting Ihelr great superiority over ' 1 , all other Heu Itm Miu-hlncH. , ,tj' . . . t i 1 . . 1 it I 1.1 i i V O It U A I K ' A ' J". JK.m DOHA 3ST , JiLQOMXUTIJia PA, Juno 2VoO-ly BLOOJlHIlUIiaNOnMAIiBCHOOIjANDUT Kit Alt ' INHT1TUTK. ' IlOAItl) OK 1N8TIIUCTI0N, IIHNHV OAUVKIt, A. M., Principal, VrofcsKor of lutellu ttml and moral nelence, and theory and practice of teaching. AIIhh 8aruh A Carver, Prtceptretta, Teuclicr of French, Uolany aud ornamental bnineheti, Uoae O. IteHt, A, 11.. TrofoHBor of Ancient iJtUKuaueit aud Kucll&U O rum mar, .1. W. Fcrrcc.A. M. ProfeHHorof Matheinatlcu. and practlcul as trouomy Hev. H. a Jolin, A. M.( I'rofu fcor of chcmUtry and physics. V. M. Hates, Teacher of B"8rupuy. hutoryA Book 'keeping Jam en II row n, Aul laut teucber of luathematlc KngllnU Or tumur, MUs Alice M.Curvtr, Teacher of M uslr ou tho pUno aud melodeun. Mr. Ual tie L.IUt, Teaclitr of Voml i!uio aud lntruuatntul inuul Mf& Julia M.Ouest. TuuJiox of model tchool. ThoKAT.L term will commence Aun. 9. 1MB aud until our l-oardtua hull Is reatly for occupan cy, on appllcatlou to tlie Principal, studenu will im luruuneu wuu uomes m juewaui lainuics. It Is Utter for htudenUi toconautneeat the op emuKoiim icrm, hut wiieu ttili unprcu ble they can eulcr at any time, March 'Ji lsi-i. Till! OHKAT MEIJIOA1VIITAKE.-Of for- niqriVO's.was nil utter f.egtcct of saiUtnry pre. inullons. No cnlHenl'lncnli'i wcro ndoptoil for ih6pi6ventlon6f 'sickness 'Hewerago was mu knowrilncllleu'drolnage. w rarely ntlemptoil In tlie country. Henrw of offal were left to rot In Ihopubllo strccfJ., and domiilllo cfcnnlftiess, tlio teit rintlilotctb febfllo illsea, SvAs sadly neg.i 1 lcclcd It 'Is not so now. Wlso laws, phltarj. (Ipia jiijtttutlops, nnd, a vigilant sanitary po lice, have, to n great extent, remedied tho evil. Nor Is this nil'.'' ltcTntlv'e Medication liM help-' til materially to losien tho ratal of morlatlty. itlsuotjooinucli tosiiy thatlcns of thousands escaDoslckntssla.uuhcaltliy seasons In conso hutnco'of hnvliig Invlgorn'tcil tlieir tyntclni III havnncouru'eliuriwdf HOSTlirruifB htoji killl lltlTEllH. HiNpuroaud powirlul vtg tnblo toulo and nllcrntlvo comprises tlio extracts niul essences of n. variety of roots ntid hetbi, ro iioWhed tor IhWrstrengthenliiB, soothing, vital-1 Izlng ntid tmrlfylng propcrtlis. Tlietso medicinal ngcnU are lncorioraled wlthn spirit absolutely freo from tho ncrid ixilsotl which defiles, moro or less, all tho llailftrt of commerce, nnd their cll'cct ridlffnl.ed lliroitgll Iho wliolo frame by (his nc tlvc. yet harmless sUinulant.. Tho result is such il rrinilltlnn of thn svbtern as renders it alt but Un. )tri(om toiho exterior causes ot disease, such as Uamp, fog, unddofinllcrllatlons of tcnirerature, jc. Hlrcngui.nudtho irlcct regularity or all the functions of Iho lxxly,nro lliebcst safyguartU. ugalnst alniqsphcrio polsdti nnd tho tllccts of uu ;wholcsomo vttltcr.nhit IlOsTlnVEH'SIlITTEIlSI are the best sttcngluculng nnd regulating modi cine nt present known, il-'or ctynpepslrt nnd bil iousness they aroa spcclllcubsohtle. AO UK AT ItKMEUY. , FOH TUB rUHB Of ' TilllOAT AND IAJNU DWjO.VHia. ; Dr. yidlli'rtri Pluo Trco lar Cordial. II It tho vital iirinclplo of tlio Pino Tree, ob Intned by a pecmlAr proccsq;ln tlio distil lint Ion of tlio (tar, by vUloUit! lUgliwt,iiieuUcul iiropviUffi are rctiiluoil. f It Id tlio only hafeuuanl and reliable remedy' twblrli has over bct-u jirepurul lrom tbo Juice of 'tlio l'Jno Tree. It Invigorate!! Uie dlgcsllvo organs and ri'stort s itho nnpetlto, Hfelrent;tbcufi tlio debilitated system, i It purine ntid enriches the blood, and expels irrota tlio system the corruption vhlcU Kcn.iuU breeds on iboluugH. ' It dissolves the mucus of pblegiu which stops the alrpnssnges of tlio luims IIh healing principle acts upon tho Irritated surfucQof the lungs nnd throat, penetrntliu b each diseased part, relluvlngiialn and suIaIuIm Inflammation. Jtlstho result of years of study nnd experl inent.nnd ttlsniTerM to the atlllctwl, with tho troslllvo nssiirnnco of Its powri to cine tho fol. lowing diseases, If the pallent has not too lout delayed a resort to tho moans of euro : Consumption of tho Lungs, Coith. Koronirn.it, anu iireasi, ijroncimis, iaver iinupiaiui, iiuiiu and llleedlng lNleH, AKlhina, Whooplni; Cough Dlntherla, Ac.iAe, ' Woaro often asked why aro nototheriemedles In the market for Consuniptloti, t'oiiKhs, t'olds and other l'lilmouary nd't-etlonH c 411111 lu hi'. 1$, i."VlHhart'H rinoTreo Tar Cordial. We answer list. It cures, not by stopping coukI'. bur by loosening and uksImUiib nauiio to throw oil' tho unhealthy matter collected about the throat and uronchiul tuleu, cauvlUK Irritation and cough. iM. Most Throat nnd hung lteinedlc aro coin losed of anodynes, which nllny tho coiiKh ior awhile but by thelrconsfrlnglnuutRcts.tlieribros become luirdunod.and tho iiuhcaltliy llultls coag? amlto unit nrorelalned In the Nyhtem, eatisliig d seaso lieyond the control of our most eminent pliykiclnuii. 3d. Tho I'Jno Tree Tar Cordial, with Its n.ssls tanls, nro preferable, because they remove tho cause of Irritation oftho mucous membrntia nlnl bronchial tubes, assist thaluncs to net and throw oil" the unhealthy secretions, nnd purify thu oioou.iunsscieiiiiucajiy waning iimcure jerippi. Dr. Wlsharthaiion JlJe nt bis ollko lmudredH nnd thousands of ccrtiilcates, lrom Men' nnd Women of unquestionable character who weiu nnco hopelessly given up to die, but through tho iToviuenco 01 uou were completely resioitti u liHtilth bv tho Pino .Treo Tar Ctiitllnl. A. l'hvsl claii lu uttendanco who cnu be eonsuItMl hi ir sonor by mat I, free pf charge, rrlcoof riiio'iito iar uoiuiui ii,w jcr jioiiie, en per uoz, ncui uy Kxpress on receipt 00 price. AUdreKa.i "Jj.Q.0. Wlhhart,M.U.No2sJ2NortU CdiU.l'hlladelphliil'.i. ' May21uy-3m THE KIDNEYSl THE KIDNEYS AlU: TWO In number, situated at tho upper part of tho loin, fcurrounded byt fat, and eoiiIst itiH of three parts, VU: tho1 Anterior, tho Intel lor, und tho Exterior, Tho anterior ftbsorhr. interior comi8 or tis or veins, which nerve' as a Uc poult for tho 10 and convey It to tho exterior. Tho exterior U sues c urluo and convey 1 a conductor also.tcrniliiatintr in nsln&la tubo.and called the Ureter, Tlio ureters aro connected with the bladder. Tho bladder Ih composed of various covering ortlisues,ill'ldedintopartsvlz: tho Upper, tho Lower, tho Nervous, and tho Mucous. The upper expels, tho lower retains. Many havo a desiio to urinate without tho ability ; others urinate with out tho ability lo retain, This trcuueutly occurn in children. To curolhcii0ancctlons,wciniv6tbrlngtuloiiction tho muscles, which nro engaged lu their arloui function. It they uro uctdeclod.Uravcl or Dropsy may ensue. The reader mos' lalso bo mado nware, that how ever slight may bo tlio attack, it Is tjuro to ailcct the bodily health and mental powers, a ourllesu and bloodlaro supported from llici.0 source's. Gout, ou Hiieumatism, 1'aln occuniugln tho loins Is i ml lea tWo of tho abovo ditcutcj. They occur In persons disposed to ucld biomach aud chalky coucrctloim, Tub Ui:avi:l. Tho giavcl ensiiu from ueulcct or lmpiopor treatment ot tJio klilneys. Theso orgaus being wiak.tho wutcr Is not expelled fiom the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes fcvcrlbh, und bodJinontloriun., It Is Horn this de posit that tho btono Is lurmed, and gra cl ensues. DiiuitiY Is a collection or water lu somo put ts of the body, ami bears dlllercnt lnmiew, aecoitUug to the part aitccted, viss: when gcueially dtilurtwl ovr tho body. It is called Aua&arca : when of tho abdomen, Ahcllcs; when 01 tho chest, ilydrotho rux., T11KAT.MENT. llelmbold's highly conceutratcd compound Kxtru liuchu is decidedly one ol tho best remtdteslordUeaHcsof tho bladder,kldueys, gmvel, dropsical swcUings,rheumatlsm,and gouty uilectlons Under. this head we buo arranged Dysurla, or dlillculty and pain In passing water, fceanty secretion, or small nud freuuent disclmt gesof water; Hirangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; Oout and llheuma mnllbin of the kidneys, without any change lu quantity, but Increase of color, or dark water. It was always highly lecommendcd by tlio lato Dr. Physlck, in theso atlectlons, Tills medicine increases tho uower of cxls tlon, and excites tho absorbents into healthydcg erclse, by which tlie watery, or calcareous, depos itions, uuuuu unudtuiai enlargements, as wcu as pam aud lnllammatlon.uru reduced, and 1C 1m tuUcu by men, woman, und children. Directions lor use und diet accompany. ' 1'lllLADM.l'llIA, Pam Feb. '-, 1&07. II, T. 1Ii:luom, DruggUt; DKAKHm t havo been a sutTerer, for upward ot tweuty yeats, wllu grael, bladdir, aud kidney alluetlous.duriug wlileh tlmol have used urlous medicinal pieparatlons.Mid beeu uuder tho treat ment of tho most eminent phi slelaus.eipei ku dus but little relief. Having seen yotirpieparatlons extensively ad vertised, 1 consulted with my family phjMclun lu rtgaru to using your instruct tiucbu. 1 did this hccntuol bad used all kinds ofadcr tlsed leiuedltH, und had found them woilhless, aud son.o fjutto Injurious ; in lact, I deyjialrtd 01 ever gelling weIJ,und iletermliicU to usu no it 111 tHlles luieulier unless 1 knew ol the lngicdlinlH, It was thin that piompUd 1110 to uso jour rt nu dy, Ahjou udM-ittsid that it was eompostd of buchu, eubebs, nud juniper berries, It oceurud to mouudmy pbjslciuu umuu exteiUnt coiublna tlon, and, wllh his ad lee, after an examination ol tho urllcle, and consulting uunln wllh the dingglst, 1 loucludut to try ll. 1 commented its muntxaii eight months ao, nt which time 1 was cuullned to my room, l rom the Hist bottle I was astonlKhtd and gratified at the btnt-lklul 1 1 fet l.utid litter using It thrto wtt Uu, wan ublo to walk oul. 1 felt muih like wilting 3011 a full statement of iny cuse at that lime, but I hough I my lmprotiutjit might? only be teii)pn:uv, ana Ihereioro coucluded to delerandsee If it would Hit et a puUctcure, knowing then It would U ot gicattr value to jtui.and mote satbfaclorv to 1 um n.w ablo to rrjmrt that 11 euio Is efltt ltd idler using theruuedy for UvumonthM, 1 havo not Usui any now Jorlhieu mouth, und feel lis well In All rt-ausMH tut I ever did. Your Itut-hu belnir devoid ol anv uniihusnnt laslo and mlor. u' nlT'o toninniul lnvh'oriiinr at lliO'Sifcttni.Iilo not imiui lo bq without It wbeu tver oeeasiou may unulte Its uso lu such uihs tloiin. M.Mt-COltMlLH. Khouiu any uouuitr, Mcunrmu-K Hhtaienu nu ho relvis to the following geiilltmeu t uou, w nnmu'r, ox-uoveruor, l ennjivania. Hon, Thos. II. Kloienee, I'hilndelphia. Hon. J. O Unoz,JDdge, l'hlladelphla. lion, J,y.liliuk, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. 1). It. Porter.ex-Govrnor, lvnus lvaiila, Hon. J-:ilis Levis, Judi;e. Philadelphia, Hon. It.li. Grler, Judge, United Mates Court. Hon. U, W Woodward, Judge, Phtladeliihla. Hon. . A. Porter, City fcioJltitor.Phlladelphla. Hon, John lliglcr, ex-Uovernor, Calliorula, Hou. 11 llanks. Audltoi'Oeneral. Washluulon. I). C. Aim many oiners. 11 uecissaiy. Sold bv HriiLreesis and deaieis evervwheie. 1tpu-me nf (ttiimlerffdlH. Ailc for liebuliold'M. Tako no other. Puick Jl,2j per liottle.oru bottles ior liy'. iieuvereu 101 uuy utiuiivs. ituicriou by JIM HO Jim 11 an mmiiiiiiiiruiiuiw, Address H. T. HKnMHOLD, Drug nud Chemi cal Wureliouse.iyt itruudway, N. . None aio genuine unless douuuplu sttel-eu-graved w tapper, with fiic-slmlle of my Chemiottl Wauhouse, and blgtud 11. T. HULM ISOLD. junoitt, w-.iu, Tho uiuleisliiued will ehoerfullv mail (1 ntt;! in all who wish it Iho Iteclpo and full directions for preparing and usluga Umplo und Btnutllul Vegetitble Halm, that wiinmmedlately icmovo 'luu. Frtckleit. l'lmclii. ltlotihut. aud all eiuiv. soli, clear; smottth and LtanUAiK llftwlll also send (vukk) lust met Ions for pro. ductug.by very simple means.n luxuriant growth of llalruun Uild hva4lur smootlUtvouiulcs (hau thirty itays jrom irst application. 1110 RiHJVOCiuiixiooittiiuu uy n-iurii iinui uy luldribHlng T1IOS.P. CHAPMAN, Chemist. P. O, nox fiiK, ino lhviulway, Now York, Aug. tyw-ly. T MiH SECRET Or KNOWIjKDGE. 'Chirtv.twii iiace.. nractleal ri-ceinla for beantl. fylng the iouiiilmlou,iieiiUoylun rt, frerUles I'lmpieH or oilier uibeabc. 01 iiiu bain, iciiioviuk niK-illuoiw lialr.iu-oiaigallin! 11 itnmlli.nr whuu U I VI l.uvi.A lia,, .uvn,.liiK ,..., Udeil ur uray rchlorluu it lu lu original color. Vvr clean du ii lur biiii u oven, iikxm. riuutius. rk'. HtieuiualUm, ague aud lelUl brentll cured l lul bent Iree forouclii. Addrrka w. ll. nun A.N oi LU., 151 r'ullun htreei. N. V. N, U.-l'urtk are inaclu rdiuu to I.'mJ uj t.r by luauuluilurluii and .illliuj Iruiu Hum ro elpU. July l,'tM.uu lltveiiUiia uhouUli to lakoiiut letlem Went are udvlscd to couiin'l Willi MUNN A I li Ldltou nf the lieu kli nu AMKUiciN, ho bin e I'ro- u. A f'amiihltt, conluliiltif lull lu.liiullvim (a Imculow, u eiil eralU. Addti ta m l rrs i.v u.. JlS'llU-aui. aj l"urU How, New York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers