... '.-J i, ALni (J. $Ec (prmbian (oSpubllshiHl'revory Prlilny morning ,2;ih6:cdlinnbn,n Jlintdltig i(nr tho jiirl Houmi, by.itut. 'ntt A'hi .v.n ' ii ' ti n n ri it w a v. iiEaitdW :,titia '.Pt'oprlotor. wo dollars n voar. la.Vn "1 n(lvn"c,;..;..3 Mfnti ti.ttnT.4i-iiTr til ilnDnotiJIniio ltimltnjl wi 111 I nniti.tlfMM lllltl dlftlllltch. ii,rcnBoiiablo,ratefi.' U, JtliUUnHfiUHU UllilWlUKl. y- i-mrwitTta-rrrt- ii bTOVIAND TINWARE. .r:.VI nir.w., "mi.t a bhiu. .lUMi.ie, fnnu jiLyVf ft' V? i . ? 5. M.'lltJPKnT, 'slovcrt una tlmrnro, Unpen g, 't Mntn ill.. vcst of Market, vl-iitl u CLOTHING, AO. rV. ff LOWKNUElld, lncfcnauitnllor, Main at., l uoor uoove.Aiuerican nouse. i-n. drugs, chemicals, ac. SoYER 11HOH., druggists nil uilliccnriis. tS P. LtlTZ, druggist ami apotheciuy, Hubert l, liloclt, Main at., westof Market. vl-u41 S CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. ? .luivelrvac. Main Street near West HI. v:inl5 9. ...... :..:v. ... 'M'taltVouiS llEUNtAIMJ..walcli ami clock maker, . . iioarsiluthcaatcorner.Malnnnd lronsl.vl-nl.l 'r-t . ' i ",wvJ E.SAVAtJP., ilpaliV'fii "clock, watches and Itc1iLt.. Jowo'ry. JlalUMit,, iJuV below Aniorlcim Sin, -J ' ,. ". 'V-. - - ,, OATIIOAUT.watcluiud clock maker, .Market KS'. tM below MltllU , ;v !oijtS" boots and shoks. 'i11'' M. I1UOWN, b.KitiimUhocliml!er,MalllKtri et Lli nppiwlto UourHlomie, vl-nl'l aniTt, HOM.KDr.lLinnnntictnrerniiil ilealerliib.Hits 1Tl and HliiiM,5lalliRt.l'opiiiMlt Kplwipulcliuri-li 'T.ipill.lNHY KLK1M, ftlannfactiircr and dealer In .,., b.Kuunil hIiui.h, groceries etc., Kait lllooms- ort fSj 8t' '''' '' v ' taWAVIlTnOTTiool Wi'd.'hoemilker, .Main t., ul.below llartmai store, )retor.Mail;etstreet. 'Knit UhiSi PUOEESSIONAL. log II J, U-i KVAN8.M. D. surisconaud pliyslelan soulli ..'frl'to Main st., below MarkoU vl.n u- F. ltlimeysu'riteondentlHt, teeth extrucl !f!il wltliout pain. Main St., nearly opposite it,"jjg'copal Church.. , ,, vl-ut(i naiiiK). M'KELVY, M. D. surgeon aud physician "piunortli side Main St., below Market. vl-uU nlT. , : , n, r0. nUTTEll, M. ,Di. surgeon and riiyslelau, Je.'lS'Mttrkol sV., above Main. . vl.uU fJ$H- II. O. HOWEIl, surgeon dentist, Main su, .ri,.l'bove court house,i a. vl-nl.t i j ... i I iW.'r. Wra. M.ltober.'Snrgeonnnd I'liyslelan.Kx. ;thange lllockover Webb's Hook store. 3-aH SSHSu. UOniBON, Attomcy'-at-Law, Olllco llart h&S m,,u'" building, Main street. vi'-na) Ymi"1' 11 IKEI.EK, Attorney-at-Law.Olllce, ad iloor urlliil i lu Exchange Illook, neat Uie "Exchange Ho ..foTita' 1 v'"" ndTrni - 1 '' """r''i';t; 11 Tg'i i i yfE n-X' & iS.0Y aoopa. mTraiHS. E. KI.1NE, Millinery' and Fancy Goods. , leta Main Btreet below Market. vimO ns IrtTtl LIZZIE BARKXEY, milliner, Uamsey t,liriiu,.iullulnB, Main st. vl-n u dultislBM A. 1, WlillD, fancy fcoods, notlnnH, bonks, .UO n,s.tAtloueryi Exchange block Malnatrcct. . mail ' " vl.ull n?ti?i? lETiUMAN,! inllllnerjr'and fancy goods op g'poaltg Episcopal chnrcli, Main st. vl-ni3 i'StH, JUtlA A. A BADE DAUKI.KV, ladles '".IluSjloaksanil dress pattern,' southeast corner andWu" uud wcsllit. i ' ' v,-uW Si Sf KsH M. numtlCKSON, millinery and Vanoy ,,,"'00(18 Mallst.,npposlUi Uonrl House, vl-ull M)w.if tM- M. II. EUUMAN, milliner. Mu In st., below miiartinan's store, west, of MatKut st. vnl.) j3i:MIKrtto HAUMAN millinery and laucy ,i, ' joods, Main streetjust below American house. AM HOTfll AND SALOONS. TiCii .EACOCK, oyster andeatlng shIihiii, Ainerl 'au House, Main St., llaltxer TauuhIi sllpurlu rx unnieut. vl-ins "f!!'5l)jtYEirA JACOHY.vconfectlonry, bakery, v.imm ami oyster saloon, wholesale and lelall.Ex I? 1'K.V.WKu block, Main stj vl-uKI UNO tux A WEU1I, confectionery, bakery, and oys Tralnv r saloon, wholesale and retail, Exchange it " vl-ni) Apr. ! leUCIIANUE !IOTEI;,-by Koous t Clark, Main ,., upHjkitu court uuu8e. Vl-lllf Sk. IKHIOAN II0UME,by'J011N I.KACoi'k, .Main ittbma1,1 VtMl ?' ? ron Btr,e,V'"7 vl-lll:l tMSa&KH HOTEI4 by a. W.-Maumkii, east end of uxuEZ!Mn V ' . v1'"" InAiiniiilfTOHNEH, refrcslnuiiil xalisui.Malu st.,lul ",M;ibovo courthouse. - vl'utl Jtimet.- VH". hauga hotel. ' ' vl-hlj idciiiilEUCHANTS AND O11O0K1W. rle irt'd . illadelpUtAUODS, Coulectlouery, grueerles etc. Mulu cuwluv-t.. below lion . . vl-ntb .au. w , .1. M1I.LEH, duler lu dry goods, groceries, A. LI I.1U.IM Itn,, unit ..I.. nJent ltml,go block', Maln'street, ' vl-uU ILR0iJ,CI':I'VY NEA1. It' Co.',' dealers In diygooils, v' A ijiirocerlcs, . Uuur, feed. salt, llsh, Iron, nulli., au'roaJi ",,r'beust corner Main and aiket st, vl-nti ins. UJ.lIOWEH, huts and caps', boots and shoes. ,pcrU t'Maln St., above Court House, vl-ulJ ovn. MAKH, dry goods and-riotlons, southwest corner Matu uud Iron su. vl-n 1J U. MEKSIIOI.T, dealer lu Dry Uoods, Gro sa. series, Uoqis Hhoes, 4c,corucr main aud Iron u. .cts . va-u.w. 13, iUIWII 11,111; KWU!I,EIUI .tiv Jant lain and Court House ullev MtOWEU. dry uoods. groceries, itc. coi uer Vl'UU I Mn miiJun,.nu;.HMiDattuiiB,iiic,uu,iiiKiiiiu 'Pjitatlonery, MaluBt,below Market vl-ull vSrifiil II'LIAM EIIA8MU8, ooufectlouerleu, .Malu unk. st., near the railroad. vl-uU -ecn - - - -OEO.'lHNDr.NIIALL, general stock of merchau. lUouud lumber, comer, uf Malu street and " . jlck rood. , . vl-nti ItOUltlNR. dealer In drv irtHkls eieerles etc. llvu's block. Main St., belowliou vl-ul.t 3,flIM . i, ... i.Ii.i. . ,:. OIllTON, Groceries & liovlslous, Main ,'ortn. 'reel below Market " vl-uH rrlve I.UTZ dealer In choice dry goods, uud in. i.uottons. Malu st., opposlto court house. 10.10 A Vlnl3 10.05 lc. EYER. groceries and general merchandise !. iJalusU. above West. , vl-ulJ s'll) icllAMElt A A. E. ilAYiniltST. Healers lu 7.M Uincerlcx, Courectlonerles mid Notloim, 01 V('wu, south side, two 'doors aUie llrobbt's ave i-".jimaK'rsuop. -t v -ms. rntoaM ngbauit' MISCELLANEOUS. IE4 (JADMAN.i Cabinetmaker nud thnlr. -Tuker rooms ot Muln street. :i n'.'l JTv. M. OliniRTMAN; saddle.tiunk and harness etk W inker, opposite Episcopal chunh Jlalnsl., -..f.jiofl ' - .in Is U lu j , "'mV. COItEI.ti. furnllnre rooms, tlneo stor msr",,rirlrk on Main St., wostof Market st. vl-ul 'BO't'-a. -TTT- mSnHiy T1IORNTOV, wall paper, window shades, oravfnin&t'l II x lures, Rupert block, Main st. vl-ull ESfwImllF, . ..... ... i. - ..IIOHENKTOCK, phologrnplier, Exchange UTllWA'lock, Main St., opposite court house, vtuD MonW' '"JvSaM i'LE A CO. JIaclllnlsts.'Fji.t lllisiins. U l'lllb-" .urg near rallroiul. Castings made at short Huodaf "'-in- -machinery made and rtpulred. Ti-uSI ,adeliifft7r-- ,- , - ierall'i,'1ll"'s ai'tey, back of American hr ise. vl-ull "' B1!L. IIIIH.HM AN. Aaent Mnnson's Cnniier Tn .... .Ki'iar.Llghtnlug RikI. v'J-nlll NUl'Al' .. OHTKIt. Ulue Maker. and Whlfe nn. I Inucv M"t Jaiiuer.Hcotliiwu ' vl-ui; fiMniiirim 'T.iti.iiiii.ii ivi ifl.iiir..niii..u,u . . ' dealers In Lumber, of ail kinds, planing LOAN iearlhe rall-road.' vl-niu ' .'".'(ifillS''1'''! marblo works, liiarsolllhwi M, Bl)UUi,'irnor Main aud Market sti. vl-u ...nvA I-illf'LKR.'deater.lii pianos, drgaus uud WAOO51 1 1 ei mlenus, at G.,W,bore I I's I u rn 1 1 ti i e looms any ,, - -Vl:1" U uctk'' 1SH,11I1INH' llmw.aoaler second door from , henWWl s donier. At'EACOCl;. Notary Publlo, northisl wirner JilouUl,,ll," ' Market st.'" vl-uU r tl ., ' - A. FtlNHTON. mutual and cusliruli M Hi arauco com puuy,iiormesi corner niuiuunu .Trwvrisiuisi. JAinux, wnri'io auu iirowiirione Ti (iAltlv't! Hl't tiiixiuiauurKi iuiwick rr j. vimiij ..A ' i , Hi. v. i ... i ,. VOLUME III NO. 32. OUANOIiYIMiH D1UKCT0UY. DR, O. A. MEOAUOEI., Physician and surgeon. Main St., nsit door to Good's Hotel. V1-UI7 BUIClf HOTEL and refreshment saloon, by Win, ManU'llcr cor, of Malnand rinost.vlun 1IAUMAN IlUdTHEltS.TiinnOrsomlmanufac ll.tuueisofleuthcr.on Main St., below Goods' fiolcl. VJ"J5 DAVID IIKUUIMI. Flour ntul Grist Mill, and Dealer lu grain, Mill Hlreel. vl-u.7 BOWEU A IIEURINU, dealer In dry goods, gimcilcs, lumber nud gcnerul Merchuudlso MiiTii st. vlul7 JOHN KHYMIUE, saddle nud huruessmuker Main st., above the Hwun Hotel. vl-u!7 T & K. w7lOMiMAlt7 Merchant tailor and A. Gent's furulshlng gisids, Main HI., licit door to tlio brick hotel, V1-U17 J AM EH II. IIAUMAN, Cabinet MoUor, aud Un dertaker. Main HU, below l'liie. vl-n!7 li II. & C. l(i:illNER.Ulacksmllhs,on Mill Ktruet, ncur l'luo. V1-UI7 WILLIAM DEIXINO Hhocmnkeraud munufac Hirer of Urlck, Mill Ht., west of l'lue vlnlJ I KWIH II. RCHUYLEIl, Iron founder, Machln ljut,and Manufactutcrof plows, Mill Hl.vl-u MILES A. WILLIAJIH A Cil.,Tanliersand Man ufaclurors of leather. Mill Htreot, vl-nl7 A, II. IIEHItING A llilO'l lIEU, Carpenters and llullders, Main Mtrrvt, below l'lne. vl-n SAM lir.L HI I A ltl'LF.SM, Maker or the liny hunt Uialn Cradle. Malu Ht. v2u5. JM, IIAHMAN, smhlle and harness maker . Ornngevllle, opposite Frame church, vlinll CATAWISSA imtKOTOKY. SUStlUEHANNAorllrlck llotel.H.Kostebalulcr proprletor,soutlieaKtcoruer Main and Hecoud Htreot. "2-U12 Q 1). RINAUD, dealer lu stoves aud tin-ware. u. .iaiu nireet. 2-nli WM. II. AHIIETT, attorney at law, Main .Street. v2-uU llLUERTA KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and J gcuerul merehaudise. Main Stleet v2nl2 LKEILER, billiard saloon, oysters, and leu cream 111 season Main Htreot, v2-nl2 BF. DALLMAN.Mt . Itobblus' Uulldlng. F. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Hecoud Ht., vz-nio. Dlt.J. K. ItUllUINH, Hurgeon and 1'hyslclan, Hecoud Htn below Main. v2-ul8. JR. KIHTLEK.-Cuttawtsu House'North West , Comer Main and Hecoud Streets. v2-nl. MM. UROliaT, dealer lu Geueral Merchandise, Dry Goodb, Groceries Ac. V2-U18. LIGHT tiTUEKT D1KECT0UY. pKTKH ICNT, dottlor lu dry goodtt, grocerleu, x uuur. itjuu, Huii., uhu, iruu, uuhn, aic, IJuht JTlOllWILLIOEIl, Cabinetmaker, Uudortakfr auU Chatnnulter. vliHti HP. OMAN A Co., WhufclwrlKUto, Drat dour abuvo Hchool Iiuuhu. vl-n-tti JW.HANKKY, duiiler lu Leathor, Hides, Hark, etc. Cash paid for Hides. vMWU RS. KNT, ik'tilor lu utovtm nud tin ware lu all llti branchoH. vl-mu JOHN A. OMAN, manufacturer and dealer lu boots uud Hhocs. vlutH, Olllcu at KulIcr'K IluUl. ATf. 1UVIKK. Mudlcal Ktoru Main Ht. and s Uriarcrt'flc Uoail. ESPY DIHEUT0KY. f 1). WEItKIIEISER, Hoot and Hhoe Htoru aim inaniaetory. HJiop on Mulu street, oi loMto htnim Mill. IJHI'Y H'l'EAM FLOURING MILI, C. B. Fowler, i 1'iuprletor. Vi-nts F. REIGHARD, A IIRO., dealera 111 dry goods, , groceries, at.d general merehaudise. vlftill ril W. El)GAlt,Kus(uehuuunPlaulug Mill and J . Uox Manufactory. vl'.'nll BIKJKIIOItN D1UECT0UY. MU.AW, 11. rillOKMAKEH, di-aliiN lu ilry KiHxtH, urocfrlcK and t-nerul mercliamlUe. iri bioio in Bouui ruu 01 iuwu. Vi-mts, JACOllAWM. IIARH1H, dealers In dry goods, griice rlos, drugs and medicines. First store lu north ind of town. v -uls. JEUSEYTOWN DIHKCTUKV. TACOH A. HW1M1IKK, dtalcr In Hldos, Leathor (Jltnrkc-lc. MadUon townnlrlp Columbia county a. vi-nio BUSINESS CARDS. ron PRINTING Neatly executed at this Otllce. QUAS. CI. IJAKKLEY, A T T O It N E Y A T - I, A W, lll.OO.MSlUIltC, I'A. Otlleo In the Exehaugo lHilMIng, Hecoud story. over Whlinyer A Jscoby's Confectionery, Hi com! door above (ho Exehrnge lintel. llloouishurg, Jan. I, IsO'J, jJ JI. L'VELLE, A TT O R N E Y-A T- I, A W, Ashland, Hchu)lklll County, 1'euu'a. Q W. MILLEH, A T I O 11 N E T A T I. A W , Olllco with E. II. Little, lu brick I. nil, Hi. i' ml. lolulni! l'ost Oltlce. MA llonntli.M. Hal k-l'tiv nml Pensions cnllectisl, Hep2U'b7, JOHEHT p. C'LAltK, A t 1 I) it XH K r A T I, A W Otlleo corner ot Main and Market streets, over First National Hank, ltlnomsburg, lu. Jj II. LITTLE, A T T ) HIIII1.A 1- I. A W, Oflllli Cnuit-IIouse Alley, Isilow Ihel'ol.UMlllAN uincu iiiooiusuurg.i'a, Q H. imOCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW 11LOOMH1IIIRG, l'A. 4.1-(Is ICR Court HiiiHuAlli v. lielow the fu. fiuii6i(lu OltUv. ijam'trr. J li. I'UJtSKTj, IIAltni, HAZ)lUr., AMI THUNK MANUKAt.'i UUKIt, and d f iller lu CAIH'irr.HAdH, VAMH1W, KI.V.NKl-M, IIUFKAI.U 1UHH--S, llOIMK'ltl.ANICkrm !(, wbU'li lu UvU conlldciit lib (Mi Kill at lower raitt tiian niiv oilier iMTBitn in l ciaiiiirv. i:z. amlnu fur t itiiriu-lw.. HlHip tlrht door Udow tliu lt Ofllco Malu nucfi. inoonifcuuri;, iu. J3 O 0 K H T O R E. The uudcrsguoil, having, lakcu tho rooms lately occupied by Dr, l' John next door ubovo the Exchang Hotel, would notify tliu citizens ot I lie County 1 hut t heie will ho constantly on hund u lull ussolmeul of 1IOOKH, STATIONERY, AND WALL I'Al'Elt AUolhe various Mtiguslnes uud Newspapers publihlied lu this country, orders for which will be pioiuptly attended to. THE CIUCULATJNU LUIIIARY which has been In exlsteiicu for u ear, calls lor the stronger support of the community. 'Hie teiius are riusouuble, uud additional subserlUTs ur uecdid lojusllly un liureuse In Ihe 11u1111.tr OI VOIIIIUCN, '1 hu usual l.irgo slia-k of NirilONH AND FANCY OOODS. will ho kept up uud uu lsilut sisiied to satisfy uie minis 111 purcuusei.. D, WEU1I. May 11,'UMf liloouisburg, l'u, SEND ONE DOLLAR AND OET iiy uturu mail one of LORING'si DOLLAR HOXEH.oi thu rlihest lulllul I'nneh Nolo Pa per, All llio I.WIICK uie III loeuo liiein. Addiess LOtllNG, Publisher, JIJ'lW-Jiu. lloslou Muss. lie PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY w ILLIARI FISHEU WITH Tit OMAN OAIIHON A lit). W1II1I.WAI.1C, nUAI.KllS IN JWSIJlIiV, MEN'S FURNIHIIINO GOODS, LINF.NH A NOTIONH, !f, IS 'OllTlt roriiTH nTHSRT I'llll.AnKU'lllA. June t,'tw-;in JOHN 8THQU1' & CO., Huocessors UiHtroup A llrothsr, WIIOLKSAI.K. DKALEKH IN KIHll, No. 24 North Wtmrvis. si,d it fsi.rl)i V i i.i n PbllailnlphU G. W. 1ILAIJON A CO., Manufacturers oi OIL CLOTH8 AND WINDOW Mil A HEN. Warehouse, No. 121 North Third MtriH-i Philadelphia. G EOllUE H. HOBEHT8, ImiHirter and Dealer lu HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNH. Ac. No. ail North Thlnl Htreot, almvv V Ine I'lilliulelphla. S NYOHIt, IIAHHIS A UASSKri. Manufacturers and Jobtiers of MEN'S AND 110YH' CUITHINII. No. 621 Market, and fi'JJ (irrmier' lre.t, Hlriladelphls. G EOHO E FOELKEIl A CO., Wholesale Dealers lu WOODEN A WILLOW WARE, YARNS. Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Twines, 'Ilaskcls, ttr etc. 2l9A2ril Market St. A 210 Church HL, Ihllada Juno 5,'tU. JOHN C. YEAQER & CO., Wholcsalo Denkrs In HATH, CAIH, STRAW GOODS, AND LADIES' FURS. No. K7 North Thlid Slrtct, Mar.lO.'OO.ly l'hlladelphU, E1 STAULIiSHEI) 1703. JORDAN AIIROTIIEII, Wholcsalo Grocers, and Denleis lu HALTl'El'ER AND llRlMHltlNE No m North Third Ht. l'luladelphla. II. WALTER, Ijito Walter A Kmili, luiiHutcrand ltoalor In CHINA, OIiAKS, AND tlllEKNHWA RE, No. 2:11 N. Third Street. 1'hllulelphla. H. W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOll ACt X), HNHKF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry aud Rare, west side, Philadelphia. yARTMAN A ENUELMAN, TOIIACCO, HNUFF A E(JAR MANUFACTORY, No. 313 ullTll riitiinsiiisirr, Second Door below Wood, I'll I LA DELI II I A. 1. W. Wahihan 1 Enijilhan w iVINWIUOlIT A CO., W II O I. 11 S A JK O HOC i: IIH, N. K. Corner Hecoud aud Arrli HtrueU, 1'IIILAllKLI-lllA, DealorM lu TKAH, HYltUl'H. COKKKK, HUUAH, MO!.AHfc, hick, ttpjcES, m cAiui uom, ac. au. Of. Ordoru will rocclvo prom (it uttuutlou. May 10, IKCT.Iy. U. II. 1IOKNK. W. S. KINO. J. It. HHWIbltT. TTOItNK, KING & SEYBEUT, WHOM-'HALK PUY OOODS. No. Mnrkt t Htrtvt. riULADEU'IIIA. Oiderx tllli'd promptly nt lowest January lsos. yiljor II U. AUTMAK. C. II. UlLLtMiKU. M. XellY. RTMAN, DILLINOER &. CO., NO. 101 NORTH THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA, Two Doors ubovo Arch formerly 220, UANUFACrUltKHH AMI JOU1IUI1S IN CARPE'I'S, COTTONS YARNS, IIA'ITINQ. OIL CLOTHS, CARPET CHAINS, CORDAGE, OIL SHADES, GRAIN HAGS, TIE YARN, WICK YAKS, WINDOW PAl'alt, CoVk.ItLI.T3, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, UUOOMH, I1UUS1IS-S, LOOKING fJltHSIU, THUNKd Fell. 5,'ll') HOTELS, &.C J'ORIC'S HOTEL, uiujuuk w. UAUUi'Jt, i'roirieior. The nbovo welLkuowu hotel has riently under gone ruu'cui changes in its interiuu urrungcmeuiN, and Its pn prletor announces to his toruu r custom and thu travelling public thut his accomodations for the comfort of his gnosis are second to none In the coiiutly. Ills table will nlwuys bo found sup plied, not only u lib substantial nasi, but with all the uellcaelesol me season, ills win nuu 11' riuors (except that poiiulur beverage known us rii'i"),purchiuicd direct from tho ImtMirllug fiIftttlU houses, are entirely pure. aud free from all tail. sniioiisdrui-N. He Is Ihunktul for illiberal uatron. uge In the iiast,aud will continue todeserve It In tho future. GIUlltGi: W, MADGER. c O L I) M 11 I A IIOUH E, nv HERN A III) HI' Oil NER, HAviNil lately milchiued and filled up llio well-known Itoblsoii llolel l'ro rly, lis'uted a KW IH.OU3 AIIOK Tilt fOUltr IIOIISK, 011 the same side of Hie street, lu Uie town ol ItliKinislitiig; and liavlug oniaincd a llcuuso lor llio suluu as a w R E 8 T A U R A N T , tho Proprietor has determliusl to gtvo tn thu peo ple vlslllng the town 011 huslucss or pleusure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. Ills stabling also Is extensive, and Is tilled up to put buggies aud cairlugis lu llio ill y. Ho prom ises that ever) thing about htsestabllshuieulsbiill Uecouducled lu an ordetly und lawful uiuu.er; slid lie respectfully solicits a share of the publlo ltrouuge. Iiuyl7'07-um. pXCHANOE HOTEL, IILOOMHIIURG.COI.UMIIIA CO., PA, The undersigned having purchased this well known alidi'eutrutly.hH'uted liouse,llie Exehaugo Hotel, situate on MAIN STREET. In llloomsbuiit liumcdlutely ummslie tliuColumhiacouuty Court House, respectfully luforni their friends aud the fiublle 111 gelieiul that their house Is uow In order or the reception and entertainment of travellers who iiiay be disused to favor It with their cus tom. They hiivespareduuexpeusolu prourlug tlieExcliuiigelortlieeutertaluiueutofthelrguests neither shall there be anyllilug waulltig ou Hielr un t to inlulster 10 their persouul comfort. They house Is siuiulous, uud eujoys uu uxcellellt bust- uess Itxutllou. Omnibuses run at all times between the Ex- cbsllcu Hottl and the vullous rullrislil deuots. by which tiuvelleis will bo pteusautly eunveyedto und Iroin the resieitlve stations lu due tune to Intel the cars. KOONH A CLARK, Ulooiusburg, April i, isui. OWEN HOUSE UERW1CK PA. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Proprietor. This well known Hole) has !cen entirely refitted nud iclurnlsbed, with n view to tho perfect coin. luit and comculeiKe of guests, A coiuinisllous Livery ntablelsconuectcd with tile Ostiililuliini.iil. Tho bur will be supplied with the choicest wines, Uquorsuud sigais, A fair share of patrou- ugo is utjutsieii, Apr, v,ou-em, BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, "lUtsrcUnnrous. MIGGLES. From tho California Overland Monthly, We wort! elejht, Including U10 driver. We liatl not spoken during tlio pussaso of tlio hist mIx miles, tdtico tliu Jolting of tlio heavy vehicle over the roughening ro.nl hud spoiled thu Judge's lust poeti cal quotation. Tho tall man beside, tho Judgownsttslcep his urm passed through the swaying strap and Ills hea l resting upon It altogether a limp, helpless looking object, as If he hadhango.l him soir und been cut down too lute. Tho French huly on the back seat was asleep, too, yet lu n half conscious propriety of uttltudu shown even In tho disposition of tho handkerchief whlchsho held toher forehead, and which partially veiled her race. Tho lady from Virginia City, traveling with hor husband, had long since lost nil Individuality, in a wild confusion of ribbons, veils, furs and shawls. There was 110 sound but tho rattling of wheels and the dash of rain upon tlio roof. Suddenly th ostugo stop ped, and wo became dimly awnro of voices. Tho driver was evidently In tho midstof 1111 exciting colloquy,wlth soino one In tho road a colloquy, of which such fragments us"bridgogono,""tweti ty feet of water," "can't pass," were occ.isloually distinguished ubovo the .storm. Then came a lull, the mysteri ous voice from the road shouted tho parting adjuration : "Try Mlggles." Wo caught sight of our leaders as tho vehicle slowly turned, of a horseman vanishing through tho ruin, mid wo wero evidently on our way to "Mlg gles." Who and whero wus Migglcs? The Judge, our nutliority,did not remember tho name, and ho knew tho country thoroughly. Tho Wushoo traveler thought Migglcs must keep a hotel. Wo only knew that wo wero stopped by high water In front and rear, mid, thut Miggles was our rock of refuge. A ten minute hplushlng through a tangled by roud.scureely wido enough for thu binge, und wo drew up before t buried and boarded gate lu a wide stonuwal lor fence about eight feet high. Evidently Mlg gles,' und evidently Mlggles did not keep a hotel. Tho driver got down and tried tho gate, It was securely locked. "Mlggles ! O Mlggles !" No unswer. "Mlggles I You Migglcs I" continued the driver, with rising wrath. "Migglesy I" Joined in tlio express- limn, pei'huasively. "0 Miggy 1 Mlg!" Hut no reply cumo from tho apparent' ly Insensate Mlggles. Tho Judge, who had finally got the window dowu, put ills bead out uud propounded 11 series of questions, which, If answered catcgorl cully, would have undoubtedly oltici. tinted tho whole mytery,but which tho driver evaded by replying that "If wo didn't want to sit in tho coach till night, we bud belter rii-c up uud sing out for Mlggles." So wo roso up und called oil Miggles in chorus. Then separately. Antl when wo had tlnislied, it Hibernian fellow puibuiigur from tho roof called for"Muy- roIIs 1" wherent wo till laughed. White wo wero laughing, tho driver cried 'Shoo!" Wo listened. To our iutliiito amit.o' iiient, the chorus of "Miggles" wus re puttted from the other bldu of tho wall, even tu tho Until and supplemental "Maygells." "Extraordinary echo," said tho Judge. "Extraordinary d dbktink I" roared tho driver contemptuously. "Como out of that, Mlggles, and show yourself 1 Ba it man, Mlggles! Don't hldo in tho dark ; I wouldn't if I wero you, Mig gles, "continued Yuba Dill, now (lancing about in uu excess of fury. "Mlggles!" continued the voice, "O Mlggles!" "My good man, Mr. Myghail I" said tlio Judge, softening the asperities ol tho name us much as possible, "consider tho inhospitality of refusing shelter from tho inclemency of tho weather to help less females. Really, my tlenr sir " but a succession of "Miggles," entliii in a burst uf laughter drowned his voice. Yuba 11111 hesitated 110 longer. Tal ing 11 heavy .stone from tho road, ho bat tered down the gate, uud with tho ex prttitiimin entered tho enclosuro. Wo followed. Nobody was to bu seen. In tliu gathering tlarkness nil that wo could distinguish was that wo were In n garden from tho ro.su bushes that scat tcrcd over us 11 minute spray from their dripping leaves untl before a long, rambling wooden building. "Do jou know tills Miggles V" asked tho Judge ofYubit 1)111. "No, nor don't want to," said Rill shortly,who felt tho 1'ioueui Stugti Com puny Insulted In his person by tho con tiimacloiis Mlggles. "Hut, my dear Mr," expostulated thu Judge, us ho thought of tho burred gate. "Lookeo here," said Yuba 1)111, with Irony, "hadn't you belter go back and sit in tho coach tilt yer Introduced? I'm going In,' und ho pushed open tho door of tho building. A long loom, lighted only Iiy tho em hers of 11 llio that was dying on tlio largo hearth at Its furthest extremity. Tho walls curiously papered, and tho dicker ing tire light bringing out Its grotesque pattern. Somebody sitting in a largo urin-chulr by thu Urn place. All this wokuw us wo erowdetl together into tho room after tho driver and express man. Thollguro ni'itlier spoko nor stirred Yuba 11111 walked wrathfully toward it untl turned thoeyo of his eonch lantern upon its face. It was a man's facu pro maturely old and wrinkled, with very largo eyes, lu which theru was that ex presslon of perfectly gratuitous solemn! ty which I had sometimes seen lu uu owl's, Tho lurgu eyes wandered from Rill's faco to tho lantern, untl llnally llxcd their guuo ou that luminous object without further recognition. Dill restrained himself with an of. fort. "Miggles 1 Ho you thai. You uhi dumb, iiuyhow, you know i" und Yuba, 1)111 shook tho insensate tlgtiro by tho shoulder. To our great dismay, us Dill removed his band, tlio vonerablo stranger appa rently collapsed sinking Into half his size uud 1111 Indlstlngulshnbto heap of clothing. "Well, dern my nkhi,milil lllll.look- lug iippcaltngly nt in, nud hopelessly retiring from tho contest. Tho Juduo now stepped forward, and we lifted tho mysterious Invertebrate buck Into his original position. 1)111 was dismissed witli tho lantern to recon- nolter outside, for It was ovident from the helplessness of this solitary man thcro must bo attendants near ut baud, and no all drew near tho lire. Tho Judge, who hud regained his authority nud had never lost his conversational ntnlubllily standing before us with bis back to the heurtlt chnrgeil us, an Ini- aginaryjury, as follows: "It Is ovident that cither our distin guished friend hero has reached that condition described by Shakspcaro as tho sere and yellow leaf, ' or has suf- ferred somo premature abatement of his mental and physical faculties. Whether ho Is really tho Miggles" Hero ho was interrupted by"Miggles! Miggles ! O Miggles 1 Mlg I" und In fact tho whole chorus of Mlggles in very much tlio same key us It had once been delivered unto us. Wo gazed ut each other for a moment In f-omo nlurm. Tho Judge, In particu lar, vacated his position quickly, us tho volco seemed to como directly over his shoulder. Tho cause, however, was soon discovered in a largo magpie who was perched upon n shelf over tho flro- placc, and who immcdiato relapsed Into sepulchral silence, which contrasted singularly with his previous volubility. It was undoubtedly his voice which we heard In tho road, and our friend In the choir was not responsible for tho dis courtesy. Yuba Dill, who ro-cntered tho room after an unsuccessful search, was loth to accept tho explanation, and still eyed tho helpless sitter with sus picion. Ho had found a shed in which ho had put up Ills horses but ho camo back dripping and skeptical. "Thar ain't nobody hut him within ten miles of tho shanty, und that 'ar d d old skcesicks knows it." Rut tlio faith of tho majority proved to ho securely based. Rill had scarcely ceased growling beforo wo heard a quick step on tlio porch, tho trailing ol a wet skirt, tho tloor was lliingopcii,tiiid with n Hush of whito teeth, a sparklo of dark eyes, nml an utter absence of ceremony or dinitlence, a young woman entered, shut tho door, and punting, leaned back against It. "O, If you please, I'm Mlggles!" And this was Miggles 1 This bright eyed, full throated young woman, whoso wet gown of coarso blue stuff could not hide tho beauty of the feminine curves to which it clung; from tho chestnut crown of whoso head-topped by a mail's oilskin hou'wester to tho llttlo foot and ankles hldded far away somewhere in the recesses of her boy's brogans, nil wus grace this wus Miggles, laughing at us. too, in thu most airy, flunk, otf- ham! manner Imaginable. You see boys," said she quite out of breath, and holding one llttlo hand against her side, quite unheeding the speechless diseomilturo of Yuba 1)111, whoso features had relaxed Into an ex pression of gratuitous aud Imbccllo cheerfulness : "You see, boys, I was mor'n two miles away when you passed down the road. 1 thought you might pull iqi here, and so I run tho whole way, knowing nobody was homo but III in antl I'm out of breath-and-that lets 1110 out." And hero Mlggles caught her droop ing oilskin hat from her head, with n nilchlevoiisswlrl thatscattered a shower of rnltt drops over us; attempted to put hack her hair ; dropped two hairpins In tho attempt ; laughed and sat down be sido Yuba Hill, with her hands crossed lightly on her lap. Tho Judge recovered himself llrst, and essayed an extrnvitgantco'iipllment I'll trouble you for that liar pin," said Miggles, gravely. Half a dozen hands were stretched forward; the mis sing hairpin was restored to Its fair owner; uud Mlggles. crossing tho room, looked keenly In tho faco of tho Invalid. Tho solemn eyes looked hack nt hers, with an expression wo had never scon before. Life nml intelligence seemed to struggle buck iulo tho rugged face. Mlggles laughed again -It wus a singu larly eloquent laugh anil turned hor black eyes and whito teeth onco moro towards us. 'This mulcted person Is" hesitated tho Judge. "Jim," sahl Miggles. "Your fntherV" "No.,' "Hrother'."' "No." "Husband V" Mlggles darted a (illicit, h.ill'-dellaiit. glunci) ul tho two lady passengers who I bad noticed did not participate in tho, general iiiiuculluo admiration of Mig gles, and said gravely : "No Its Jim," There win tin iiwkwnrd pause. Tho lady passengers moved closer to each other. Tho Washoe husband looked abstractedly at the lire; untl tho lull mini apparently turned himself luwnrd for self support ut this emergency. Hut Mlggles' luugh, which was very Infect oils, broke the silence. 'Come,' sho said briskly, 'you must bu hungry. Who'll bear a hand to help 1110 get tea V" Sho had no luck of volunteers. In a fuw moments Yuba 1)111 was engaged, llko Caliban, in bearing logs for this Miranda ; tho expressman was grinding colli'O on thu vei anila; to myself tho ur diiotisdtityot'sllelng bacon was assigned; and the Judgo lent each man Ills good humored uud volublu counsel. Aud when Migglcs, assisted by thu Judgo untl our Hibernian 'deck passenger,' set thu table wltliiillthouvuilabluerockery, wu had become quite Jovous, In spito of tho lulu thut beut ugulust tho win dows, tho wind that whirled down tho chimney, the two ladles who whispered lu tho corner, ur tlio inugplo who utter ed a satirical and croaking commentary 011 their conversation, from his perch above. In tho now bright, blazing tiro 1869. COL wocould neo that tho walls wero paper. ed with illustrated Journals, nrrnugod with feminine taste and discrimination. Thu furniture was extemporized, nml adapted from candle boxes and packing cases, und covered with gay calico or tho skin of somo animal. Tho arm chair of tho holplcssJIm was 1111 ingeni ous variation of li flour barrel. Thcro won neatness and even it tnsto for tho picturesque to bo soon lu tho fuw details of tho long low room. Tho meal wasuciilInnryRiicccss. Rut more, It was a social triumph chiefly; I think, owing to tho rare tact of Mlg gles In guiding the conversation, asking all tho questions herself, yet bearing throughout u frankness that rejected tho Idea of unyconceulmenton her part. So thut we talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of tho Journey, of tlio weath er, of each other of everything hut our host und hostess. It must bo confessed that Mlggles' conversation wus never elegant, rarely grammatical, and that at times sho used expletives, tho uso of which aro generally yielded to our sex. But they wero delivered with such a lightening up of teeth and eyes, and were usually followed by n laugh a laugh peculiar to Mlggles so frank and honest that It seemed to clear tho moral atmosphere. Onco during tho meal, we heard a it noise llko tho rubbing of n heavy body ngnlnst tho outer walls of the house.This was soon followed by it scratch and sniffling at the door. 'That's Joaquin,' said Miggles, in reply to our question ing glances; 'would you li.co to seo him?' Ueforo wo could answer, sho had opened the door, und disclosed n half grown grizzly, who Instantly raised himself on his haunches, with his forcpaws hanging down in tho popu lar attitude of mendicancy, and looked admiringly at Miggles, with a singular resemblance in his manner to Yuba Hill, 'That's my watch dog,' suid Mlgglesdn explanation. 'O, ho don't blto,' sho added, as tho two lady passengers flut tered Into a corner, 'Docs he, old Top- py I -(tho latter remark hcliignddrcsscd directly to tho sngnclous Joaquin.) 'I toll you what hoys,' continued Mlggles, after she had fed and closed the tloor ou Ursa Jfiiior, 'you were in big luck that Joaquin wasn't banging round when you dropped In to-night." "Whero was ho?" asked tlio Judge. "With mo," said Miggles. 'Lord lovo you, ho trots, round with 1110 at night like as If ho was a man.' Wo wero silent for 11 few moments, and listened to the wind. I'erliaps wo nil hud tho sumo picture before us of Miggles walking through tho rainy woods with her wavngo guardian at her sido. Tho Judgo, 1 remember, said something about Una and her lion ; but Miggles received it as sho did other compliments, with quiet gravity. Whether sho was altogether unconscious of tho admiration sho excited sho could hardly have been oblivious of Yuba Hill's adorat ion 1 know not; but her very frankness suggested a perfect bcxual equality that was cruelly humil iating to tho younger members of our pnrty. Tho incident of the bear did not udd anything in Miggles favor In the opin ion of those of her own uox who wero present. In fact, tho ropust over, a chtlluess radiated from the two lady passengers that no pine boughs brought lu by Yuba Hill nud cast us u sucritlco upon the hearth could wholly overcomo. Mlggles felt It ; uud suddenly declaring thut It wus time to 'turn in,' offered to show tlio ladies to their bed in an ad joining room. 'You boys will lmvo to camp out hero by thu fire us well as you can,' bho added, 'for thar ain't but thu ono room.' Our sex by which, my tlenr Mr, I ul- ludo to tho stronger portion of Immun ity bus been generally relieved from tho imputation of cuiiosity, or n fond ness for gossip. Yet 1 um constrained to say that hardly wus the door closed on Miggles than wu crowded together, whispering, snickering, smiling und ex changing suspicions, surmises, und a thousand speculations in regard to our pretty hostess and her singular compan Ion. I fear that wo oven hustled that imbccllo paralytic, who sat llko a voice. loss Mcmnoii in our midst, gazing witli tho sereno ludlffercnco of tho past in ids passionless eyes, upon our wordy council. In tho midst of uu exciting discussion -the door opened again, and Mlggles re-entorod. Hut not, apparently, the sumo Mig gles who n fuw hours beforo had flashed upon us. Her eyes wero downcast, and as sho lusltntrd for a moment 011 tho threshold with u blanket ou her arm, seemed to havo left behind her tho frank fearlessness which had charmed us 11 moment before. Coming Into thu room, khe drew a low stool beside tho paralytic's chair, snt down, diow tho blanket over her shoulders, uud saying, 'If It's nil tho same to you, boys, ns wo'ro rather crowded, I'll stop hero to night, ' took tho Invalid's withered hand In her own, and turned her eyeH upon tho dying tiro. An Instinctive feeling that this was only premonitory to moro eouildeiitlal relations, and perhaps romo shiimo ut our previous curiosity, kept us silent, Tho rain still beat upon llio roof ; wandering gusts of wind stirred tho embers Into momentary brightness, until, in 11 lull of the elements, Mlggles suddenly lifted up her head, ami throw ing her hair over her shoulder, turned her face upon the group nud asked: 'Is there any one of you that knocks 1110?' There was no reply, 'Think again I I lived ut Mnrysvlllo In '.13. Everybody know 1110 there, and everybody had u right tn know me. 1 kept tho l'olkti Saloon until I camu to llvo with Jim, Thut's'six yeurs ago. Perhaps l'vo changed bouio.' Thu absence of recognition may have disconcerted her. Shu turned her head to tho Urn again mitl it wus tomo seconds beforobho again spoke.und moro rapidly, 'Well, you see, 1 thought bomo of you must liavu known me. Tlicru's no great harm done, any wny. What I wus go log to suy was this : Jim liero' shu took, his hand in both of hers ns shu spoko 'used to know me, If you didn't, nud spent 11 heap of money upon mo. '711" t I J. ' nit 'iilt .''tltiriH tin II m m.ii . i- ,i. .flU-x-lK . ' ' ! I ' ' I, , l) i " I.' ln . DEAL VOL. XXXIII NO. 2fi. reckon ho spent nil ho had. And 0110 uny It's hI yenrs ngo litis wlntor-Jim enmo Info my buck room, s.U down on my sofy, liku as you seo him in that chair, und never moved ng.tln without Help, iio wns struck all of 11 heap, und nover seemed (o know whntuiled him. The doctors came, und said as how It Was cniised nil nlong of Ills wnv of llfo for Jim was mighty frco und wild- llko and that ho would nover tret better. und couldn't last long uny wny. They advised 1110 to send him to Frisco to tlio hospital, for ho was no good to any one. and would bo 11 baby nil his life. Per il ups It was something In Jim's eyo; perhaps it wus Hint I never liad it baby, but I said 'No.' I wns rich then, for I was popular with everybody gentle men llko yourself, sir, camp to see mo and I sold out my business and bought this ycr place, becauso it wus sort ofout of tho wny of travel, you see, and I brought my baby here.' yith n woman's intuitlvu tact nud poetry, sho had ns sho spoko slowly shifted her position so us to bring the muto flguro of tho ruined mnii between her und her nudienco hiding iti the shadow behind it as if sho oflered It as u tacitnpology for hcrnctions. Silent and expressionless, it yet spoko for her; helpless, crushed and smitten witli tho Divine thunderbolt, It stretched au In visible arm around her. Hidden in the darkness, but still holding his hand, she went on : "It was a long time beforo I could get tho hang of things about yer, for I was used to company and excitement, I, couldn't get tiny woman,, to help mo, and a mail 1 durscnt trust; but what with tho Indians hereabout, who'd do odd Jobs for me, and having everything sent from tho North Fork, Jim and I managed to worry through. Tho Doctor would run up from Sacramcflto onco In awhile. He'd ask to seo 'Miggles' baby,' as ho called Jim, and when he'd go awny, he'd say 'Migglcs, you aro a trump Qod bless you;' nud It didn't seem so lonely after that. Hut tho last time ho was hero ho said, as ho oponcd tho door to go ; 'Do you know.Miggles, your baby will grow up to ho 11 man yot and nu honor to his mother? hut not here, Mlggles, not here! And I thought ho went uwny sad nnd and' " nnd hero Miggles' voico nnd hisid woro some how both lost completely in tlioshadow "Tho folks about hero aro very kind," sin 11 juggles, niter a pause, coming a llttlo Into tho light again. "Tho men from tho Fork used to hang around hero until they found they wasn't wanted, nnd tho women aro' kind and don't call. I was pretty lonely until I picked up Joaquin in tho wood yondoronoday, when ho wasn't so high, and taught him to beg for his dinner; und then thar's Polly that's tho magpio sho knows no end of tricks, and makes It quite sociable of evenings with tnlk, and so I don't feel llko its I wns tho on ly being about tlio ranch. Ami Jim here," said Miggles, with her old lnugh ngain, nnd coming out quite into tlio llrcllght. "Jim why, boys, you would admire to seo how much ho knows for a man like him. Sometimes I bring him flowers, and ho looks at 'emjust ns nat ural us if he knew 'cm; and ut times, when we're sitting hero alone, I read him those things on tho wall. Why, Lord I" said Mlggles, with her frauk laugh, "I've read him that whole sido of tlio house tlds winter. Thcro never was such a man for reading ns Jim." "Why,"askedtho Judge,"do you not marry this man to whom you havo de voted your youthful llfo?" "Well, you see," said Mlggles, -'it would ho playing It rather low down on Jim, to tnko advantage of his being bo helpless, And then, if wo wero man nnd wife now, wo'd both know that I was Itound to do what I do now of my own accord." "Hut you aro young yet and attract-Ivo-" "It's gutting late," said Migglcs, gravely, "and you had better turn in. Good night boys;" und throwing tho blanket over her head, Migglcs laid herself down besido Jim's chair, her head pillowed on tho low stool that hold his feet, nnd spoko no more. The Are slowly faded from tho hearth ; wo each sought our blankets In sllcr.co; nnd presently thero wns 110 sound in tho long room, hut the pattering of the rain on tho roof, nnd tho heavy hieathlug of the sleepers. It wus nearly morning when lawoko from u troubled dream. Tho storm hud passed, tho stars wero shining, nnd through tho shulterhws window tho full moon, lifting itself over thu solemn pines without, looked Into tho room. It touched tho lonely flguro in tho chair with an Infinite compassion, nnd seem ed to baplizo with 11 shining flood tho lowly liend of tho woman whoso hair, ns In tho Hweet old story, bathed tho feet of hint she loved. It oven lent a k 1 nil ly poetry to tho rugged outline of uba Hill, half reclining 011 his elbow between tlieiu antl his passengers,wltli savagely-patient eyes keeping wateli nud ward. And then I fell asleep, nml only iiwoko ut broad duy, with Yuba 11111 standing ovor 1110,11111! "All nbnard" ringing In my ours. ColTeo was wailing foruson tho table, but Mlggles was gone. Wo wandered about the house and lingered long after thu horses wero harnessed, but sho did not return. It was evident that sho wished tn avoid u formal leave taking, und bad so left us to depart as wo had como. After wo hud helped tlio ladies into tlio coach, wo returned to tho house uud solemnly shook hands with tho paralytic Jim, ns solemnly setting him hack into poiltlonufter each hand-shake, Then wo looked for the last time around thu long low 100111, nt the stool whero Mlggles had sat ami slowly took our scats In tho waiting couch, The whip cracked uud wo wero off I Hut its wo reached tin high road, Hill's dexterous hand laid tho six horecs buck on their haunches, und thu stage stop ped with 11 Jerk. For there, ou u little eminence bcsldo thu road, stood Mlg gles, her hair flying, iter eyes sparkling, her whito handkerchief waving, and her whito teetli flushing it last "good byu." Wu waved our huts in rutuni 1 Anil then Yubtt Hill, us If fourful of JlATKfl OK ADVERTISING. Olio ,iiiirc, (trn linen or Its equiva lent In nonpareil typo) oho or two Iliad IIDIIM, il.oti; llirco insertions, jawii SPACE. lH. Unesiiuare,.., I2.G0 Iw squares jjLu $fn Threa .'irukrei. fc.fcj Four squares 7,00 Quarter column,, 10,00 Half column.,. 15,00 Onk column. !W,no 2M, 8K, on. lr. 11,00 0,00 12,00 1,00 7,00 '0,00 11,00 11,00 woo 10,01) 110,00 e,to is,oo 12,00 17,00 20,no 30,00 18,00 25,00 30,00 60,00 18,01) 40,(0 100,00 Kxocu tor's or Administrator's NotlcOt .1.00! Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, Local Notices, twenty cents n lino by tlio year ton cents. Cards In tlio "Directory" column, 2.0(l nor yenr for tlio flrst two linen, and 1.00 for ouch "additional line. further fascination, madly lashed his horses forwnrtl, and wo sank back III our scuta. Wo oxchanged not n word until we reached tho North Fork, aud tho stago drew up ut tlio Independence IIouso. Then, tho Judge lending, wo wnlked Into tho bar-room nml took our! places gravely nt tho liar. ''Arc your glasses charged, gentle men?" snldtho Judge, solemnly tak ing off his white lint. ' Thoy were. 1 "Well, thou, hero's to Higgles, God Bless Her I" Perhaps lie had. Who knows? NEWS ITEMS. Bay-A banker In Cincinnati, last week, found a sack of four thousand guineas,' which ho had stowed awnv behind an' old safo during tlio panic caused by tho John Morgan raid around that cltyud, nun lurgutieii, tar A now circus trick Just Introduc ed in Paris Is for a man tp leap from tho' neigui 01 hu leetunti uotintt duck again to tho original Bpot. Tho porformor I91 fastened to nn clastic cord. Slay" A man who lately died in Ger many confessed on his deathbed to hav ing poisoned sixteen members of ills own family in order to Inherit their property. S-Jcfr Davis's plantation Is now' leased to 0110 of his former slaves, who pays $10,000 a year rent, and employs 100 hands to work it. No whito man about the premises. JST-A hello of Acrn. India. Is In full dress when swathed In twoshawjs, with tinny Bracelets, iourtcen pairs 01 ear rings, sovon necklaces; ono noso pend ant, and a seal ring on each thumb. j53f"Thlrty-flvo young people wero badly poisoned by somo Ico-creain which they ato nt n picnic near Sholbyville, Tonn., recently, and, after suffering In tensely, every ono began to slowly re cover, und all nronow convalescent. DSn At Chicago lately, a boy named Gcorgo Doylo tied tho halter of a pony ho was riding to ills foot, nnd alightod to let him graze, when tho pony becamo frightened, und dashed off furiously, dragging tho boy two blocks, when tho halter broke nud saved his life; but ho was terribly bruised, and his clothes wero nearly nil torn off. JSfA young innu named Walker, with a horso which ho was riding, was killed by ltghlnlngiin Washington coun ty, Iowa. Tho lightning passed through his hat, making a bluo mark down hi right sido nnd cumo outnt thu top of Ids boot. BSyTho Frederick ton, N. U. Itr.vicr relntes that twelve men engage.! in lumbering on Fish River Inkes, in tho northern part of Maine, were recently poisoned toi death by drinking ten in which n lizard had been boiled. ESJ-A chlneso clant. clirht feet six Inches high, Is said to liavo justnrrived in this country. Woadvlso that ho ho engaged ns it superintendent of pollco in aan rrancisco 10 protect 1113 lcuow countrymen irom 1110 unuiormn uoys. tttSf In an Iowa saw mill recently a visitor touched a swiftly revolving cir cular saw With tlio foro finger of his right hand, and it was cut oil. In des cribing how tho accident happened, tho visitor reached out thu left (ore linger to the saw, when It too was cut off. gyMrs. Mary Perkins nud her two daughters wero drowned in a mill pond in tho town of Wondequott, N. Y., on Wednesday afternoon. They wero rid ing by when their horso took fright and backed into tlio water, whero it was somo twenty feet deep. Bar An Illinois boy was very curious about a suicide In his neighborhood last week, inquired nil the particulars of his mother, and the next day hanged him self according to description In tho barn, J5ay- A young man from Newark, sus pected of being a Spanish spy, was qui etly gagged untl laid behind 11 lumbor pllo at Hobokcn.Saturday night, by tho Cuban excursionists. A wandering chip gatherer found nnd released him. -A Gloucester (Mass.) paper says somo whisky was recently bought in that city which accldently spilled upon tho purchaser's boots, when it curled up tho leather ns if It had been near a hot stove. tayl.ast month 1,500 fruit trees of a iplciidld orchard ut Benton Harbor, Mlch.,wero girdled, Uy grout exertions they wero saved, but last week tho bcou nd rels repeated tho Job effectually, causing 11 loss of $20,000. tt2iIn Elbridgo township, III., thero aro two beech trees standing six feet apart, which ut a height of sixteen feet from tlio ground unito and form ono tree, which runs up nearly 100 feet ubovo tho point of union. jBSyThonow marrhtgo law of Ohio prohibits marriages between first cous ins, nud of girl under sixteen yenrs of age, and of girls,or "young ladies," un der twcnty-ono years of ngo without tho consent of their pnrcnts. i3-On Wednesday night apartydls L'liised went to tho Jail nt Frnnkforil. iiai)ama, ami, niter lorcing 1110 jailor to surrender thu ke.vs. took two horso thieves, Ionian ami Anderson, carried them to tho woods nnd shot them. DayAlady In Crawford countv re cently kill! arooster two years old und found n gold dollar in tho fowl's crop. 1110 coin nan ueen lost i-j years noinru. Wo wouldn't ndviso our readers to kill all Iheir chickens In expectation ofllnd- lug gold dollars in their crops. rb Fnthcr KwlboiT. a Catholic nrlest died nl Qulncy on Monday, und on Wed nesday ins remains wcrosent to Ht. Lou is. Thoy wero escorted to tho steamer by a procession numbering 2,G(HI people llicllidliu; 1,500 children dressed lu whito and decorated with Mowers. ray-Two females In Vlncennes, lud.. oil Monthly, arranged for 11 prizu light. A ring was formed by tho sporting men and tho glailiatrcKscs stripped to tho combat, whim tlio pollco liroko In nml arrested them. ifir" On Tuesdav.n man nerfectl v nudo wnlked through Vtilnut street. 0110 of thu most fashionable thoroughfares of 1.0UISVI110, unmolested ny tlio pollco Ho wus iiisiitiofrom drink, nnd belotiL'- ed to onu of tho most respectable, fami nes. rSyThroo colored children, uned res- ncctlvolv 5. 8 nud 11 years wero drown ed lu the Kalamazoo River, ul Allegan, .men., recently, uy tiieir siep-moiner, who wasjealous of them, Thu women had been married to thu father of tho children but a tow weeks. At tlio point in tho river whero tho children wero drowned the water Is only nh ut two feet deep, und as tho mother confCbsed, 1110 cniiuren wero 110111 miner tnu water until llfo wns extinct. Jor-A man named Hoefer,llvlugou thu outskirts of Hannibal, Missouri, mur dered his daughter, ten years old, Hu strangled her with u strap, cut her body In two, tore her heart out, cut It open and swallowed tho blood. Ho wns ar rested. When asked why ho committed thu deed hu replied that Christ was kill ed, untl It was no worso for his child to die than Chris!; that ho killed her 03 n, siicrliho to Christ. It Is mild tho man U llisuiio on religion.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers