- THE COLUMBIAN, BL00MSBXJ11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .fax the Hoitufl ioths. Vrilf anil Ilia I'rtillitu, i ItoM'-'i' Veil, hid Morkiil hunl nil til lire, tint III In.-l. Iii'fi'll him; Ills cat tle iln'il, hi-, lirtviix v "tv IiiumM, mill ho Uit iilniuM nil his humpy So at Inst hi1 iilil. " Hoforo ll Is nil irone I will lm' uooils, mill go out Into tho winM 'UI wo wliuthor I ahull hnvc " moml my furtuiu'." I'lii! Mt plnco he en'" lo w i vll Inso, where tin- l'J' wwo running about, crying tu shouting. ' Whnt la tho inalU'rV"kcil ho. "See hcrol" suld thev. "wo hnvo got n nioino that wo m.ikr iV.uu'e to nlonso in. lo look ut Uitii what ml roll sight It h I how ho Jumps about!" Hut tho man pitied thu ptmr llttlo thing, sum, "in Hie jioor inuuso go, ltul 1 will give you tnoiify." .So ho save them some mon ey, unit took tho mout iiml li't It run mill It soon Jumped Into a holothut win elo-io by, nuil ho was out of thulr reach. Then ho travel led on uoil eiinui to another village : nuil there tho boys hail got nn asi, that they miide stand on Its html legs, ami tumble nuil cut capers Then they luugheil nuil idiouted, ami gnve the poor beast no rest. So tho good mail gnvo them too somo ot his money, to let tho poor thing go nwny in peace. At tho next villago heeiimo to, tho young people wore leading u bear, tl at had been taught to dance, mid Mere plaguing tho poor thing sadly. Then ho gavo them too somo money, to lot tho beast gnj and 3Ialer llruln was very glad to get on his four feet, and seemed ipilto at his case mid happy ngnln. Uut now our traveller found thnt he had given nwny all tho money ho hud hi the world, and he had not a shilling in His pocket. Then ho said to himself, "Tho king hns heaps of gold In his (strong box that ho never uses: lean- not dlo of hunger: so I hope I shnll bo forgiven if I borrow n little from him, find when I get rich again I will repay u mi." So ho managed to get nt tho king's strong iiox, and took n very little nion oy; hut as hocamo out tho guards saw him, and said ho was n thief, and took him to tho Judge. The poor man told his story; but tho Judge said that ort of borrowing could not bo suffered, mid mat those who tookother people's mon ey mtit bo punished ; so the end of his trial was that Fritz was found guilty, nml doomed to be thrown Into tho lake, shut up In a box. Tho lid of tho box was full ol holes to let in nir; and one jug m water ami ono loaf ofbread were given him. WhiM lie wn swimming along in the water very sorrowfully, he heard .-ometlitng nibbling and biting nt tho lock. All on u sudden It fell off, tho nn now open, mid there stood his old menu tlie llttlo iiiomo, who had done him this gHodjurn. Then came the ass una the bear.too,-and'. pulled the box asiioroi-uiiuiuinclpeil lilni because he had bcPiiikindto'theiii. Uut iiow.tti'ey did not know what to lo next, und-.began to lay their heads together; when on n. sudden u wave throw on the shore a. nnttv wlilin ti,.m. that looked llkoiin egS"Tneu tne pear said, " That's n.lucky thing I tills it tho wonderful stone ; whoever has it need only to wish, mid everything that he wishes for comes to him at once." So Fritz went and picked up tho stone, and wUhcd for a palaco and a garden, and a stud of horses; nnd his wish was fulfilled nssoon as ho had made It. And there ho lived In his enstlo and garden, witli fine stables and horses; and all was to grand nnd beautiful, that ho never could wonder and gazo at it enough. Alter somo time some merchants pased by that way. ' See," said they, "what n" princely palace,! Tho last time wo wcrohere It was nothing but a uiKci t waste." They were very eager to know how all this had happened, and went In and asked tho master of tho palaco how It had been so quickly raised. " T havo done nothing my.self," said ho; "it Is tho wonderful stone that did nil." " What a strange stono Hut must he I" said they. Then ho inked them to walk In, and showed It to them. They asked him whether ho would sell It, and offered him all their goods fur it; and tho goods seemed so lino and costly, that he quite forgot that the stone would bring him In a moment a thousand better and richer things ; and ho agreed to mako tho bargain. Scarce ly was tho stone, however, out of his hands before all his riches wero gone, and poor Fritz found himself sitting In his box In tho water, with his jug of water and loaf of bread by his side. However, his grateful friends, tho mouse, tlie ass, mid tho hear, came quickly to help him ; but the mouse found she could not nibble oil' tho lock this time, for it was a great deal strong er than before. Then tho bear said, "Wo must Unit tho wonderful stono again, ornll wocuu do will bo fruitless." Tho merchants, meantime, had taken up their abode In tho palaco; !o nwny went the three friends, and when they came near, the bear said, " Mouse, go In ami look through tho keyhole, and see where the stonu Is. kept : you are small, nobody will see you." Tho mouse did us she was told, but soon Cftmo back and said, " Had news ! I havo looked In, and tho stono hangs under tho looking-glass by a red silk string, and on cadi sldo of It sits a gicat black cat witli fiery eyes, watching It," Then tho olhiys took counsel togetli or, and said, " Clo back again, and wait till tho master of tho palace Is in bod asleep; then nip his nnso nnd pull his hair." Away went tho mouse, and did as they told her; nnd master jumped up very angrily, and rubbed his nose, and cried, " Tha rascally onto nro good for nothing 'at Ml? they let tho ralco blto my vory nose, rniull tho hair off my ncau." -men no nuuicid tnem out of tho room; nnd so tho monbshhd tho best of tho game. Next night, us soon as tho master Vhs imlrvn. Mm ,n,i,.mH n.,l nl ...,.,... ... ,., .... ... (, , (tho cats Ulng gone) she nibbled at tho tei HiiKon stlng to which the stono hung, till down IV dropped. Then sho rolled It nlong to tho a,ior; but when It got there tho poor llttlt motiso was qui to tired, und snld to tho nss, 'nt In your foot, and lift It over tho Ihreld." This was soon done ; and thoy took up tho stone, aud set ofTfor tho waterside. Then tho ass suld, " How shall wo reuch tho box ?" " That Is easily managed, my friend," said tho bear: "I can ewlin very well ; nnd do you, donkey, put your fore fuot over my Bhoulders ; mind nnd hold fast, nnd take tho stono in your mouth; ns for you, mouse, you can hit In my ear." Thus all was settled, and nwny they swmn. Arter n tl"Pi "rulti begun to brug nnd boast We nre bravo fellows, are nut we r' said he; "what do you think, tlrikfy V" Hut the ass held Ills longii" ',u'l hi 'ml " word. " Why t you answer inn?" said tho bear; yon must bo an ilbuianuereil brute not to spenk when you nro spoken to." When tho uss heard this, ho could hold no longer; so hu opened his mouth, mid out dropped thu wonderful stone. "I could not speak," uald he; "did not you know I hud tho stono In my mouth? Now It Is lost, mid that Is your fault." " Do but hold your tongue nnd bo ensv " said tho hear: "mm let us think whnt Is to be done now," Then another council was held s and nt lust they called together all the frogs, their wives and families, kindred mid fiiends: and said. "A great foe of yours Is coming to eat you all up ; hut never mind, bring us up plenty of stones, mid we will build a strong wall to guard you." Tho frogs hearing this were dreadfully frightened, and sot to work, bringing up all tho stones thoy could find. At last camo n largo fat frog, pulling along the wonderful stono by the silken string; nnd when tho bear saw It ho lumped for Joy, mid said, " Now wo havo found what wo wanted." So ho set tho old frog freofrom his load, and told him to tell his friends they might now go homo to their dinners as soon us they pleased. Then the three friends swam olf ngnln for the box, and the lid Hew open, nnd they found they woro but just In time, for tne bread was nil eaten and the Jug of water almost empty. But ns soon ns honest Fritz had tho stone In his hand, ho wl-hed himself s.ifo In his palace again; nnd in a moment ho was there, with his garden, nnd his stables, and his horses; nnd his three faithful friends lived with him, nnd thoy all spent their time happily and merrily together ns long ns they lived. And thus tho good mnn's kindness was rewarded; and so it ought, for Ono good turn deserves another. arjatr' gtprtmtnt. Apple ami How Shall w. Cook Tlirm. Tiuiscnrcityof fruit in many sections renders the apple u favorite, becauso of its hardiness, Its mnny varieties, and thoeaso with which it is preserved, as we may havo them from the orchard and cellar from August until May. One of the first articles wanted for the nice preparation of tho apple Is a corer. If you havo none, and do not wish to pay tho price attached to tho patent, get your tinner to roll up n hollow tube of tin; smaller nt ono end than at tho other, and, when riveted,about tho size of the top of a pepper castor ; let it be somo tlvo or six inches In length : you will find It to answer every purpose for coring neatly and rapidly. Apples for baking should always be cored, both to Insuro freedom from worms and also u cavity wherein to drop particles of butter nnd sugar, nnd flavoring, If desired. Place them in a dripping pan, nil of n size and kind, with half n pint or more of water, and the butter and suirar droimcd Into tho niVJlll'3, WlllVil Will, 1T1HI UIU J llltl'.l wi th!) fruit, mako a flno syrup. They are also very nico boiled. Put Into a stew pan, after coring, with suf ficient water to cover, and boil Blowly, until thoroughly dono, with sugar and cinnamon sticks for flavor. After skim ming out the apples, one can add more sugar, and boil tho syrup longer if de sired. If you have good apples, and wish a very nico sauce, pare and quarter us many ns you like, nnd lay them in sugar for twelve or twenty-four hours perhaps a quarter of a pound to a pound of fruit. This will keep them from fall ing to pieces, nnd harden them, so that If cooked slowly, and skimmed out of the liquor, they will keep their shapo perfectly. Hits of lemon peel, peach or roso leaves aro nico for flavoring. Apples make a most ucucious pre serve; sweet ones can ue iiseu out not as good as sour. They should bo hard ened In their full weight of sugar for at least twenty-four hours, using tight firm apples, and largo quarters, slicing In two or three fresh lemons to eight or ten pounds. Jelly mado from apples Is much plcasauter than that mado of cur rants. So marmndale, applo butter, etc, aro Invaluable In tho fruit closet. For puddings, pies and tarts, apples should generally bo grated. For this purpose n largo grater Is wanted, which Is convenient for many purposes, such as grating potatoes, horoo radish, etc. nils grated apple, mixed with milk, cream or melted butter and eggs, mado very sweet, flavored with wine and nutmeg, and baked on ono crust, makes n plo fit for u king. a nice punning is nuuio y placing half n dozen cored apples In u pudding dish, nnd pouring over thenrn smooth, rich butter, to bo eaten with nny sauce you please. Layers of stowed or grated apples are very nico between layers of rice. A pretty dish for dessert may bo made by rolling thin several layers of good cream dough, about tho sizo of n breukfabt plate, and frying in hot fat; placo grated and seasoned applo bo twecn tho several layers, and servo hot I have said nothing of tho beauties of applo dumplings, whoso vory name touches a tender memory of childhood and home, nor of many other dainties which will suggest themselves to tho thoughtful housekeeper. Cider, "tlioso delectable Juices," is ul wnysu convenlenco in cooking, and u pleasant draught In hot weather (don't laugh, my uninitiated reader,) when prepared so ns to Ucop sweet, as It may ho by a slmplo chemical process, and flavored with wlutejgrcen in tho bar rel. SThero is no farm which will bupeiseed the uso of tho npplo lu Us natural state. Nothing can bo more healthful or taste ful fordessort. A good Hussct will keep until May, nuil "Sure, all the toothsomest flavors, They hold tho cream of I" Till f If vnn An im, ...rmi .i.lll. t.r.Hn . "7 ".. .....ii,iiviu i w ono that cannot fall to please : Njlto through Its vesture of flame, Aqd then you will gather All that Is meant by tho name 'Seek no further l1" Oov, Wjsk gives pressing Invitations to Northorn farmors to come to Virgin la with their monoy nnd strong arms, to nuy cheap land, to adit to tho wcnlth of tho Htato, ond to kcop down tho no- g'OCS. i , Tnv, Ohlolleform farm, near Lancas ter, has UTOuercs. Thero ovcrOOO bovs mostly criminals, who behavo well, who uro engaged In growingsmnll fruits and thclrrcturns last year, after having nil they wonted to cnt, exceeded 7,oo dollars. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND HooflancTs German Tonic. rrrpared hy nr. C. 51, Jackson, l'BILADBLf Rtij Pi. The Great Remedies remit Mititu or TBI LIVEIt, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE OIIGAN9. Hoofland's Gorman Bitters ta cnmpotinilpJ of the pure Julcei, (or m they r medicinally Urm rjiij faj KxtracU) of Hoc In. llcrb fctiillUrLp, mitk hliflity conren lyree from AV I UK preparation, trntcii. and entire teholie aJmdturt aany itnJ. Hoofland's Gorman Tonic, la combination cf ftll the Ingredient ot the Itinera, Uh tl,e purcat quality of A'in.'a Cru Hum, Orange, etc.. mAklng one of the moat pieafani ma fcgrecauio remiMua eur oiU'rea to public. TLoae nrfferrtm ft Uedldna free from Alco holic admixture, will cat Hoofland's German Bitters. In cnaei ot nervotu depreaalon, whan aoaae alcoholic atimulua U neeceaary, Hoofland's German Tonio CtfuM ta Hied. Th Blttrt or the Toaie are toth equally good, and contain the a.un medicinal viiluea The atomach, from ft variety of cuiuf a.auch aa IndJpeitlon, Dya rP8'i Nervoua Debility, etc, la Ti Tcry apt to bate lt functlorja de fM JB ranged. The re ault of which la, r that the patient tuflVra from (event! or more of the following dlaeaaca: Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles Fulneaa of Blood to thn Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hr art burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Welitht In the Htomach, Sour Eruo tntlons, Sinking or Flut tering at the Pit or the Stomach, Swimming- of the He d, Hurried or Difficult Breat h 'lnfr, Fluttering- at the Heart Choking or BnUbcatinf? Sensations when In a Lying Posture.Dlmness of Vision, Dots or webs bsfore the Bight, Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration,' Yellow neas of the Skin and Kyes. Pain In the - Side, Back. Chfat, 1.1m (M m bs.etcSud den Flushes of H )M Heat, Burn inir In the aVa Flesh, Con stant ImaBlninffa of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. Theat romedlea will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyapepala, Chronlo or Norroua Debility, Chronic Diarrhiaa, Dlaeaae of the Kidney, and all Diaeaaea arlalng from a Disordered Liver, Htooiaco, or Intcatloea DEBILITY, ItlffCLTISO MOM iHT CiTBB WBiflTia ; FROST it ATI ON OF THE SYSTEM, Ikpccsd it Banks La bo i, UiauaHirs, Eiroacu, Fstiii, sto. There U bo raeaictni ,nant eqval U theae remedlea In each caeee. a uiu u4 i. ul parted to the whole Syatem, the Appetite la fitrenfthened, food eoJoed, the atomechdlgeets iM nreinptlr, lha Mood la purifled. the eompfexion becomea aouud and aaaaW healthy, the yel low tinge la eradicated from the ejea, a bloom la giren to the cheeka.and the weak and oerroua 1nalld become a strong and healthy being. rersotis Advanced to Li6 And feeling the hand of time weighing reattry upon them, with all Ita attendant Ilia, will find fa the nae of thla UITTKKS, or the TONIC, an ellilr that will InaUI new life Into their velna. reatore In a meaiure the energy and ardor of more youthful daya, build up their ahrunken forma, and gHe health and hanplueaa to thell remaining j car NOTICE. It la a well atAbllahfd fact thai fully one-half of the female por r 3 tlon of our popu lation aro ncldom iy In tho enjnjinent of goodUalthjor, H u to uae thifr own eiprcanIon."in)i:r fecl well." Tliej are languid, devoid or all energy, eitreinoly nt-r-toua, and liae no appetite. Toll.iaclaMof perauna the B1TTKU9, or the TOt 1C, U epucla'ly rccommcudtd. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made etrong by the nae of elthrr of theae remedlea. They will euro enry caaa of MA RASMUS, without Ml ' Thouxandaof ctrtlllcAtca have accumulated n the handa of tlio proprietor, but apace will allow of the publication of bui a few. Thoe, it will beoUvned.ateinen of note and of aucb atand Lng that they rauat be believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward ChuJuttut oth Suprtmt Court (Pa , writea IV.ilUtrMa, March 19, 1887. " I find lloof- laud's German Bittera'Ua ctHtl tonic, uaefdl In dle;acaof thud) gemhe organn, and of preat Un iaata) uiuLa etltlacaaeaof dt blllty, and want of ncrtoua action in the ayelem, Voura truly, "lUiO w WOUnWAIlD." Hon. James Thompson, JuJgt Hit Suyrtrnt Court of rnntUania. PhdiMihit At rll WA "1 eonalder Uooll.iuda Ocrmnn Hitli-a' a vatuablt ntjieint in case of attafla of Indica tion or l))ppaU I can certify thla fro-n my experience f It. " Voura, with reapvrt, 'JAUL3 T1IDM1VON." Vrom Rov, Joseph H. Ker.nard, DD, Palter rf tfti Ttiilh Itojlttt Chunk, PhiU,t 'j-hut. Dr.Jarkion-Vent Bin 1 l.4e been f-u iiently requciWd to ennncit my nuiito n ui i dallona of diQLrvut Linda of mi-0( n.. n, R gardlng tr.e vtdi r tlcHi out .1 mi M'ffl'fiuio 1 1 u a a,.iit:rv, i imu lit all citai Uicllnodj but witli a clcr troof In tirloua Uii idJ Ismliuiu n.tii.l par ticularly In my own family, of tho i. liiiia nf I'r. liooll.tiid a Herman liiiur, I d part i r onco from my uanal couri-o, toi'tt rewt mj 'u ..imK' llun Unit, fur qtntraX dthuuy " Of i, ant initially for Livtr t'cmZamf, il u .i njt ant iluihit prtjiait'ton. In loiim ratea It m .v f . i but usually, I doubt not. It will buur 1 i. n u to t lioo w ho aulkr from tho ab.M-. a, Voiira, cry reapi-rt fully, J. H. Ki:.NKAIiI, Klghlb, bvlow Coatoa Ft From Rev. E. D. FendalL, -4ll-V.ifT FUtorChrirlHin ChronUle, PfaUJil- IhaTederhed declled Ucnr-fU from the ue ol Hoolland a Uerman lllttera, and feel Urn) pml lego to recommend them aa a moat i aluabfe loulo tuall whoareeullerlng from gemrtf debility or from dUeaea arlalng from dt range men t of the liKr, oura truly, K- V FCXDALU CAUTION; Hoofland'a German Hrmediea ars tonntfrfelu JACKiONiaon "h the wrapper of ttrfeit?0 Jw -Jm others are coua- l'rlnelpal Offlce and Manufactory at the ar. man Uedlcine Biore.No. Wl AKUlf tlirevt. i'bil adalphla. 0UAIILE3 M. EVANS. Oermaa lrugiit, 1'roprletor, , formerly U. M.JcnoaA Co. For salt by all Drugglau aud Dealoi In llodl einaa. PBIOE3. Ileotut'f aerrain Bitten, j kottl. ,1 m tWtUet t (tt nun f , 1 AA pi bolUe, or blf doion (or 1 w NT Do not forget to esimln. veil the utld. t Voj, La urdir to (et tbi jui.Ioe. HOOFLAND'S GEBMAM TONIC, January 31. IWi. DRY GOODS. VA Mi AND WJNTKIt (JOOl)M. Tlio niibrlbcr lin Jusl ictumril from the eltlc with another largo ntul nclcct nisortmcnt nf pritlN'O AND RUMMKIt (100DH, pit rcl micil lu Now Yotlcniut riiilmtclhta nt thr lowest lltftire, ntul which lie h ilctcrmlncd to Ml on n inodcrntu tennt cnn ho procured elo whero in lHoomaburg. Ills stock comprises L.VDll' DHllSS 000D.-4 of tho choicest styles nnd intent faMiloni, tojiethcr vllh n Inrgo Assortment of Dry Goods nnd Oro eerier, consisting of tho following nrt (etc t Carpet i, OMClothH, Cloths Caslnierra. 81m wK KlnnneN, Hllkfl, WhltoOoodA, Jjincns, Hoop Bklrts, ' Muslins Hollow ware Ccdarwnro (lueeuawnre, Hnrdwnrt. Doots aud Shoc lints nnd Caps Hoop NetH, ITmbrcllas, IiOoklng(J limes, Tobacco, t'oirce, 8itgnrt, Tens Itlce, AINplce, Olngcr, CI mm m on, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS OHN II ALLY. In short, everything usunhy Itept lu country htotcs, to which he Invites the attention of tlie public generally. Tho highest pi Ice will be paid for rounlry ptoduco In exchange for goods, M. If, MILLim A HON. Arcndi'llulldlugH, UloomsburK, l'a. G ItEAT KKDUGTIOX IX IMUOKiS AT r.Tint iint'h htoui:, IN LIGHT fJTJIKKT, OF SP1UXG AND SUJIaIKU GOODS. THU subscriber h.ts Just lecilvid nnd hns on hand nt his, old htnnd In Light Sireet, n largo and select ASSORTMENT OF MKItCIIANniSE purchased at tho lowest figure, nnd which he determined to sell on ns moderate terms ns be propuuul elsewhere In Light Street, Fon cash on couxthy rnonucu His stock consists ol IiADIKS DRKSS GOODS, choicest styles nud latest fashions, Calicoes Muslins, Ginghams, n.iniu-ls, Hosiery, Cnrpets, Silks, Shawl's UEAUY MADE CLOTHING, Sntliutts, Cusshners, Coltonndrs, Kentucky Jenns. AC, Ad AC. GROCERIES, IACKEKau, Queensuare, Ctilarwate, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Taints, Ac. BOOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS. Iu short everything usually kept In n country stre. The patronage of his old friends aud tho public generally, Is respectfully hollcited. Tho highest market price paid for country pro duce, l'lnnu int. Light Street, Nov. 8 1SK7. J J. IJ H O AV K R, Is now offering to the public his Stock of s r n i x a goo ,s consisting In purl of n full lino of LXOIUIN, WOOL AND RAG O A It v t. r n, rinu cloths and ca-sfltneio lor Iidles' coats IfANDsOMi; DltlXS GOODS, of all patterns nud qualities Inluldn ntnl rrlnts of various qualities nnd pi Ices HLEAC1IKD AND I1U0WN MUHLINH, LADIFS FRENCH CORSETS, A N 1) UAL3I0RAL SKIRTS. Good nsfcottment of CIUZJiRVyX OAITXIiSJi J100TS. Fresh Giocerlcs nnd Spices. Now assortment G LA Sri AND iUl.LNH-VAKE, FX NO. I MACKEREL In one-half nnd one-furth barrels. Now Is tho time to mako your selections, ns 1 am offering goods nt cry low prices, and our motto is f.ur dealing to nil, nnd not to bo under- told by any. J. J, IIHOWKH. liloomsburg, April 12, Wi7. B A U O II ' H i.o.imi:iiciai, MANI'l!r.S. llAUOH Jt .SONS, l'lillndclphin, AND nohtii.;vi:.sti:un ruitTiLiziNO co., CJiIcayo, Solo Jlanufucturcrs. PRICES. llAUUH'S u aw uoni; imioimiatk, SiO per 20W pounds. UAUGll'H CHICAGO DONi: rilUTIUZKIt, SoO ptr 2000 pounds. ItAUOU'H CIIICAOO I1UJOD MANL'ltl., fiO ptTtXH) pounds. Tho nboo MnmiKH mo furnllittl In boUibnts nud bauds, WiUhccr tuhtouurn prefer. 3"Tho bngsnre.unlfonu In m efiiht I00pouuiN.-ttn Tho attention of I'm mors Isspet tally dlinipit totiio fart thnt the Muiiccs nl llio Haw Matt-ilul oflileli tho above Man urn pro compoM'il.iiH' hit well under conttol that uoiim turnlHh tlictn nt hNrlctly tinllorin (mnlity nnd t-ouditlon, anil that they contain nluiKcrifin iiIaeofniniiimilatluui uny otlit-r clasHoi mauuf.ietuud nmtiuu'M in the market. IIAIHIII A SO.Vs 'J) b. Dilawart Amuuc, Pliifa. nou'ih vi:sti:un n:uTir.iziNo co., Coi. 1 alec ami I.omiHo bis., Cliluigo, a llftuuli'K ('(.mnuri-lnl ManuieH may hi pro. cured Horn ihaU-it. In any ot the principal town In thn Uflltidbtattfcoi Iiomlnlou ot Canada. D. W. MnMirw, MIllMlle, nnd W. bcoit, ol Cat awissa, A t nis U"ly l7,'U-win,i M. A HTM AN, V, U, DILLlNflKK. K. It, It ATM AN, IITMAN, DILIJXOER A CO,, NO, NOltTII THIHIl HTIIKUT, (A'trtWtf opposite Jumca, Ktnt, iianUe A Cb.) Wholesnlo Di-ulerH lit YAUNH, IIAT1INO, WADDING, CAItl'KTH on, n.oins, FHAnrs, fi.v nkts, Git A IN DAGS, COltDAGD, AC, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODKN WAItD, llltUHlirx, TIIUNKS, I.O0KINO n LAHH KS, KTC. May 10, lS07-ly. 20VE, EUSTOX & CO., MauufactureiVmi'h Wholfcle Dealer In OOTTON YAHNH, CAICIT CHAINS, JIATTS, WICKH, TIK YAUNH, CrttDAGI!, imOOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAltK, LOOK'G GLABSra, CLOCKB, I'ANtT lUHKLTS TAI1LD, I'LOOH, AND CAHfllAGIl OIL CLOTHS, Ac, ' No. &10 Market Street, south side, ruiladolphla, JOOIMN a. UuoriNG iii rolln.renJy to be nailed down, , ItOOl INU costlnu mtuh Uhn, and moiedurnblo than 'Jin, HOOKING that tan bonppllidby any ordinary woikmnn. HOOriNG tliufr will not expand or eontract by 'bo action of tho weather, HOOKING that lindnpteil tottetpor flat roofw. HeniUornKninploamUitcular. HKADYHOOF. J Nil CO., Hi MaldeuLuuo.Now Yorlf, May IStW-ani, ' UTUAIWPi: JNSURAXOE COf, OK NfiW YOHK. : jV, irAwroA; vmuunu (Irow AfchetH Feb, 1, 1803 12VUQ.310 m Incomufur 1N7 U,7w tbH U DlVldeud paid I'oliey holdom lu 107, 2,370,317 M) Uuuckl Mutual Company lu the world. Deduction of HateH. , , JOHN O. I'HHK.n, Aitent. Mun h IJ'fW'tf. Dlooiuburtc, lV RAIL ROADS. OJlTIlKltN OKKTHAIi JtAll,- WAY, On nml nrtcr Mny 1Mb ISOi. Truln. will knvoN(mTitLMnF.ntvNDnfolloti i NOUTliWAllli. At M.. Ilnlly lo WllllnlnKpnrl, (pxrrpl Wutulnv) Inr Klmlrn, CnnnnOntRin, ItnrhMlrr, tttitlalo, HuHn.lu llrlilao, nnd N. I'iiIIr. , r"3 1: .m,, Oully, (cxt'citt muitluys) lor JUinlru nttu Itulliiln via i:rla Hallwny from i:iinlrn. 0.1.11'. M lally, (eireianniulnj) for Wllll.uni- port. TRAINS HOL'TItWAltli. P.H A, JI. linlly (except Moiiilny'n) fur llnltlmoro. WIWII.VOTOK AND I'll tL.Atir.I.1'11 IA. 11.50 A. A, Dally (osce tit Hiiml.iv') tor Ilnttlmorc, nblnirtoii niul rnltAilolplilii. 1:1). H. YOt'NCl, Ocnclitl I'as'.cnser Agent. T AOKAWAXXA AND ltliOOJIS 1J m ild 1!A11.1U)A11, un niiilnllrr May lllh, im, Mill 1UU 111 follUHNI 'aL-ngor Tinln I.rnve Irf-iue Atllvu Alrliti ti. tn, u. in. p. lit. .Vlil 11,10 l'. 17 I,en o l.(H liil MO i. n iii.uu s.iii I.V. 7.11 .M Mil VM 7.i (1.11 rVW (Wt (i.Vi 7,1') 11. 1 H T.i) I 7.:lil 0.0 7. 1 J 7.0J WW Arrlvo Ltnvo I.c.le li.M 1.15 ycrnntun I'lttJtOtl ICInton ri.iii(iutii Hhlrknliluuy... IhrMklc lilooni ltuiiort Danville XnilbM , oral . II.2H . .1-' . T.Si , T.SS . KM , . HI . II. I II trle , V.M The 11.10 Train nt riornnton tnnltes ennneetlniiH Willi li.xprra I Hint mi .lew mri; nt a otiuei; p. in,, iiirlvlng In New Sink 11.9) 11, in, 11, A, iVl.NDA, Sup l. tG7. IJIULAUKLI'JIIA AX1) 1V117. Kitin x haimidaii.- winti:iitimi:taiii,i:. Tllltortlll AMI liIltH-T lttlfTK llKtWI.KN 1'lllt.A liLLI'IIIA, IIAl.TlMOItn, llAKItlSllt'lta, Wit. MAMIt'OIIT, AMI TIIC UltliAT Oil, ItlXIION Ol' l'KNNIsVI.VANlA. l:t.EflANT MLnt't'INfl t'AIlS On all Nbtlit Trains. On nml nfter Miinhav, May lllh wii, the Trallll (in tlie l'lilliulelplila A. j;tlo Unit Ituint M'lll rim an follow! Wr.STVAllD. -MAII, THAIN lenvis l'hll.i.lil.liln . ll.I.-.p.w, " " " NorlliiiiuliL'iliitiil. ll.l i u. in " " nrr. at i:tle Vip.ln, IIXI'IUXS leali' I'hlla.lilphla... .V2.W In. " " " NiHI'il II. "ill p.m, " iiri.nl en, null a. in. I'.I.MIKA .MAII, UiiMS I'hlliul, Ipliia K.ima.ni, Ninth il I.iip.ln air. at Lock Ilacii..., Mi p.m. Il.HTVAHD. MAILTHA1N leines Krle NottliM " arr.nt Philadelphia mill: i:xrilI,sIeneH Ilrio Nort'il ' " nrr.at PhHinlclphtn, KLMlltA MAIL lenvtx I ah i I la en.. Notlhd ...11.0ft 11.111 ..ll..jil n.tii, ...7.ila,in. .....7. in p.m. II.IHll.tll. ....I.imp.m. 7.1U a. in. ..lii.l'la.in. " " nrr. nt 1'iiiladt Inlii.i (j.Klp.ni. .inn aim i.xnress (dnneeiH wun an iraiiin ui WAHHDN & I HANKLIN HAILWAY. Vtwu Kcrs leii 1 ii lc l'liltadelnlila ut IJ.u M. nrilo at 'r vlitolmi nt t. Inn in nml 1)11 CIIV ill fl VI 11 In Loaviiil'lillailelpliht nt Kx) i M. arrlvu Oil ut tll.V 111 l. Ill, All tinlns on WniTPtt A I rauklln Hallway m.tlci' rhisfi i oiiiiof liuti nt (111 Cltv with t ruins lor rinnktlu und l'ctrolcui.i Centre, liagHayo cheeked uirougu. A. L. TYLl'.H, General Sup rlntendeuf . WllllatnKport. JEAI)IX(i RAIhROAI). HUMMMl AIlItANGKMKNT, Mayyoth ISwt. Great Trunk Lino from tho Noi th nud North West Tor l'ldladelphla.N'e wYork, IUmuIuh, I'otts- lllo, Tamaqua, Atlilaul, Ltbanun, Allentoun, Kavtou, Kphiaia, Liilz, Luticasti r, Coluinblji, Ac, Trains leuvo ltarrisl)ur for New York, as lot lows: At i:,.'. 3,:&niid (,li a. in., l.'.io noon nnd I'U.j A- y,'Li).iii.,ionmt lln wllb similar trains on tiio Ta. lEallroad, and nirlvlm; at New Yoik at r,tm, pi.oo a ll.&u a.m., A fc.jo 7,iu A ln,:io p.m. Sleeping earn actoinpanyltitf thu VV u.ui. nud t,'t. p.m. trains without chan'xe. Leuvet HaniMmrgior 1 tendinis, Potts lllo, Tu miifiua, Mlm-rs llic, Ahhiand, Pine (!ioi', Allen town and I'liltuilt ljMa ut JU" a.m., ami H.fi.'i and l,la p.m., Mopping ut ! Aim mm and principal way Mat luiis; tho l.lu p.m. making connections lor Philadelphia nud Loluinlilaonly. Por pottsviiln Kliu)lklll Haven and .ubuui, Ju Scliuylklll nnd MtMiuehaiiuu Halltoatl, le-ar llartisburu nt 3,Vi p.m. Itcturnlnu: Lene New Yoik at lt.nu a.m. aud I'J.'mj in., and u.iioand p.m. Ieepln earn aceotnpnnviny the fMH,n.ni.,niul.VHt and H,m p. in., trains wlrliout thniiKo. Way PaseiiKer lrain lea vis Plilhulc Ipbla at 7."J) a.m., returning from UeadtuuntO.'lnp.ni Mopping nt all station; Putt a lllo at y 13 a. tn., aud L'.ii p.m., Ahlaud if,t)) a. m ami Vi.VJ noon, and 'J.fm p, in., latuiuiua nt b, : a, in, and l.noaml Kl") p, ta. IVtlsi-Mln for I Im rlsliiirtr. vi;i Hchuvllf III and Mihrjuelianna Halltoad al 7,10 a.m, und noon. Jtcm line Aecommouniion 4 rain ieac i cm nn nt7,:i0a.m., ulunilns trimi Phitailelphla at j.Ij p-. . t .... I'ttliMtiM il ,ir-uiiiiutHiuiiM j uiiini inf i in in- at -t,:i p.m. i'olumbl.t Hailio;id Tiahi: leave Heading nt ",') a.m., ami O-I'i p.m. lor J. j. hut a. Lit J, (juituw ter, I 'olnioliiii, Ac. Perkiouiin Hail ltimdTrninsleno IVrklonien .luiiellon at lMMu.ni., and ,oo p.m. Hctuiiiing I.eaoSklppaek -tt ii.(a.in anl 1,11 p.m., con necting with Miuilur tialiM on Kcadiuu Hall road On sundajs, l(tie New Yoik al KiMi p.m., piiil AdelphluM,ihi u.in, imd.l'ip.ni., Ihe ,U)a.m. ir.Uu runnltiL! only to ltiadiii; Pottsvllle ,w a.m.: Ilatrlsbum A.L'j a.m. and -1,1"' and HH ).in.,aud IteadiiiKiil l.lu and ,.Vi and 7,1 1 a.m. lot JlarrU 1 ni re, and 7,xi a in., aud ll.l'l p.m. lor New Yotk, and IJ-j p.m. for Philadelphia. Comm ulation, Mlii aye, Sta.on, Sclaiol and Vt cuislon ticket to aud luimull ptiluts, ut i educed lates. lliiKiinge checked through; liiounds allowed to each piibseiier. O. A. NICOLLS General hupei lute ndc lit. Head Hit:, P.u, M.iv Ji, Jtto, REST IS THE CHEAPEST! mi: mn(i it m inc. maciuni: jikai riu: Msr, And hadfc tlifieolumn ll'lb nheiut of nil others. '1 his Machine In tin' MOST POPCLAU IN VHE. It tihe-s the flneht needle of any Maehluei in ex lslcnce, Any ludy wnutliiR n Hood S K W I X O 31 A C II J X K, Will coiiMilt her own lutdeKts bv biiyliiK u SINGPH. It Is nsler to inn, Unin and keep lu outer than uny Maehluo In the world. ovi:n 31(10 or tiu:m in uhd, Tho fullest Injunction uiven thoso who nur ehaso.aml (he Miuhlne wild, iih WAK'Uis n.n to pm ior one i nr. Please en II ut my Hlnre and t-ntUiy yourselves. Heto you will Und N edlc. "1 hi end and Silk. DAVID I.OWLNIII HO, Airmt Aptll n.W.tr. llloomsburi;, Pa. QO I U 31 H I A" II O U H E, . n v 11 Vi It N A H D HTOHNIIU. Havino lately purchnsnl and flVled up the well-known llouNun Hotel Piopeity, located n ir.w pooks Anoyj Tins roniT iiofsi:, onthot-amo hldo ol llu Mreel, In tho lowu of Itlooinhhum; and having ubluiueda lleeiuo for ihOMtinoni u It K S T A U It A X T , the Proprietor ban determlneil to glvo to tho peo- l'iu viHUtlilj l lie him it on iiuohiidi ur pu'iuiiire, A LIITLP. MOHI1 DOOM. His MabllUK also is extensive, and Is fitted up to put lamglesand can luces lu tlie dry. He prom iMhthal e!M rythlug about hlsrstahlMiinenUhall bu conducted In an orderly and law ltd iiiannet'i and ho reHpectlully holklta ti bhaio of tho public 1 uirouaue. iiuyn u-iuu, jT'TTiKAijit; Willi 1,1 1'1'INCOTl', 110X11 A CO., M.innructuri'rtt nml AVliol(u,ulo licnlern In 1IA1H, C.MH, rUllS, AND BT11AW (10ODS, No. 413 SlarUet Ktrcf-t, i rhllnilclrhia. gNVDUIl, 1IAHIUS AillAKSI.TT, Jfhnufactnrers nml Jobliers of MEN'S AND 110VS CLOTIIINO, Nos, ra Market, nml !2 Commerco Street, riiilfulilpliln. Q. W. ULAIiON A CO., MCnfacliirera or.' OIIi.Cl.OTlWANIl WINDOW MHADm Wurehome, No 19 NortU Third Hlteet Thiiadtlpbla, J JljVAIl'EU, ijitoWiillcriSiKoub, Importer nnd Jjsolor lu CHINA, OUVbM, ANllfl'UlIHNHWAnn e No. Sit NortU Tblfd Street, lictwucn lUico atrd. Vine I-hllnttelphla.' ' ('. II. IlOItSK. W. HlKlSO. 1,'n. HP.HlKItT JOHN BTUOUI' & CO., Huecesfcor, to btroup 4 Ilrnthf f, WIIOMWAM'i DDAI.HUH JN KIWI, No. SI North Wham a mul n Nmih Woler Ht., riillnduliihla. T GROCERIES, 8cc, c ONI1 K OPTION K 11 Y. Tiiniiiiilrr.lffnr.il would rMnertrnllr nnnoiinco In tho imbllo thnt he luis oinnrd n rnwT-ciiAsa coni'i:ctioni:iiy htoiik, In niolinlldliinlnlclj'orrnplMlliyilernrird Hloh. ncr, whero ho Is rtrciuircd to furiilhli nil lilnilHof l't,.UN A l'ANCY CANlltlW, niiaccii CANDIIX, l OllllIUN A DO.MP.ST10 rilUlTS, NUTS, I1A1SINW, AO., AC, AC, 11Y WHUl.KHALE (III It KT A I L, In sliorl. n full nswirltncnl of nil Rood? In hlillneof bunlucM. A nuut vutlily nl DULIiH, TO YH, AC, pultnlilo fur tlie ltolldayn. l'nrtlctil.if nttenllon tilvt 11 to 11H1JA1) AND UAKliN, of nil ltlniN, fresh every day, CltlUHTMAS OANDinH, O If I ST M AH TOVH. A call 1h nollclled, nnd kallstactlon will he tttinriintceil. Nov, 21, 1SC7. i:CKH AUT JACOllS. jT K 3t O V A T, o r C. 0. MAltll'H N 13 W H T O It K to s hi rim ji lo a k, ONTllKCOllNnil OP MAKKlir AND II10N BTItKETS, Thuunderhlgni'd lmvlnartcelved from the city a full nnd complete Mipply of SI'UINd AND HCMMIIIt DHY 0001)3 AXI) ailOCF.RIKS, NOTION H, TIX-WAKK AXD HAIID-WAIIH, CIMAK AXtl H7.,OII"-IIVI7ff7, CONI'IX'TIONiniV, (lI,AS-i-Alli:, T C) 11 A OOO, 11 A T ,S A X J) ,S II 0 K ,v, TLOUIt, HALT, HSU, AND MIIAT, nil of which I prnpimo sclllniiiitn very low ilgurc fur cash or pnnlm-i'. Call nnd hie. April 12, IHT. C. C. MAHU. GltANI) OI'KXIXt! (IHAN'll (ll'I'.N'IVO (lltAXII OI'KNINd (IHAN1I (ll'i:VI.N(l OUAND OI'l.'NINd II V AND WINTr.lt OOOIW, AND WINTKIt (IOOIIH AND WtXTt:it (IOOIN AND WINTi:lt (JOOIW AND WINTKIt OOODH, cnnslsllnir ol ciitissln! of coiiKIIin nl onllvMIni; of citMslln? of I'AI.T, I'Al.l. FA1.Ii I'Al.li r.u.i. DHY UOOIM, DHY (l(ll)IN, DHY (IOOIN, DHY (iOHIM, DHY (lOOD'i, IIATt AND PA I'M, 11 ATM AND CAI'i HATS AND TAI-S, HATS AND CAIN HATH AND CAlf., r.nm's and siiniM, 1UKITH AND HIIOI'.M liooTi ami hiiimm: HOOTS A.NIIsMIOIN DOOTS AND M1I01M, hi:ady-madi: cLorinxo, HKAllY-MAIli: CIJIIIIIXO HIIAIlY-MADl: CI.OI'lllXO, IlllADY-MADi: CMITIIIXO, ui:ady-.madi; cLonuriol I.OOIxlXn-dl.ASSIN, t.OOICIN(l-(II,AHSN, i.ihiKix(-(ii,.isi:s I.I)OKI.N(l-(!l,.SS:s 1.00KlN"a-ULAhs; NOTIONS, NOI'IONs, Norioxs, NOI'IONs, NOTIONS, PAINTS AXD OILS, 1'AIXIS AXD OILS 1'AIXTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, inorr.itir.s, dltLK'LlttUS, (I1IOI I.I1II.H, (iitoi'i.i:n.., (inoii.i!ii:s, iin:r.xsYAHi:, (il'lil'.NSWAiti:, iii.i:i:NMVAiti;, HUi:i:.Nsv.iti:, tiui:i:.N.sVAm:, HAllllWAIli:. llAHIIWAlli:, IIAHDWAIli: iiahdwahl:, IlAHDWAHi;, tinwahi:, 'i i.wvAiti:, 'lINWAHi:, tinwahi:, tin wa in:, HALT, MAI.I', SALT SALT, SALT, PISH, I'l-ll, I'lsll, 1'lTll I'lsll, (IHAIN AND HKI'.DS, (IHAIN AND SKLIlS, IIHAIN AND SLKDS, (IHAIN AND HIXIH, 'JKA1N AND i:i:i)s, Ac., Ac. Ac., AT .ilcKLLVY, NIIAL A CO.'H, MlKLLVY, NLAL i: CO.'S Ml'KLLYY, NLAL A CO.'S. Mt'KIM.VY, NLAL A CO.'S. MlKLLVY, NLAL A CO.'H. NorthwcNtiiirnirot Muliiiind .Minkct Htieets, Nurthwi'st corner of Main and Market Streets, Niirlhwcsl "orner or Mum nml Market street., Norlhust ,'oriK'l ol Main nnd Market Streets, Noithwei.t en llu r ol Main nnd Mulktt btnets, HLOOMslllMtn, PA., HLOO.MsllllHO l'A llLOOMMII'Ild PA., HLOOMMIIMKI 'A. IILOOMSIIUUO, l'A. 1HON AND NAILS, IHOX AND NAILS, I HON AXD NAILS IKON AND NAILS I HON AND NAILS, In Inriro quniillllit, nml tit ridniid u.tm, nlwni on linnd. goiiKuii, iii:it(ii:n .t co OKNLHAL CO.M.MiaslON MLIICIIANTS Dcalem In 1'IHII, HALT, ClILIXi:, PItOVlMONH, AC, No. 1! nnd 121 Nort It Whnrves, nbovo Arch ht, Philadelphia. Holoneeuls lorWIIcox'H Wheel Orenne, In bar reKkcgii, nnd cam,. yAl.WVIUUHT it CO., WHOMIHAI.n (lUOCL'ltS, N, D. Corner Hecond nnd. Arch Klrecu, rjIII.AllEI.l'ltIA, Denlcrii In tiiah, syiiui-h, corri:i:, kuoau, jiousssi-jj, lllCf, KIMCFS, 111 C-Altll bOPA, AV., AC. S. Ordem will rccelvo prompt nttetitlon. May 10, lS(i7-ly. JJ V. 1'HTHllMAN, wiih i,iin'iNcorriTiiorn:i, WHOI.KSAUl GHOCEHS, No, !1 Norlli AYnter Street, nud Nfw5trNrih Dilawaro Avtuuo Philadelphia, yEA VKIl & Sl'IlANKlii:, WllOLIALl:GItOCl:UICSANDCOMMIHSION MLHOUANTa, Nos. SS3 nnd 327 Arch Street Philadelphia, 31. JIAUl'I.i:, NOTIONH, HOSIKKY, (1LOVIW, AND l'ANUY fJOODS, No. M Not I h Third SI reel, I'hlladelphln. JAUiToiMLvKllT Iho lindtrklBiud would ll.peclftilly Inform the cltlnen.iif llli.i.mkl.uiuunil lclult;tbatholiaii Jll.t oih mil llkh(ii(.i lionSlleil, between Main nud '1 Iilul, win re he III lullow the cnuluclmn. klnu limlniK in all It. biumhea. Oideralor Miri'AI.l.lO OH O'lllEH COKPINS tilled vllh prompllKw mid de.iiatch, lU-iuilrn cheiilily ninili, to nil kinds or lurnlllile, liiclnd. llilt the ti phillliiu ot (-iilie.bnlloiuul ihulrs. Put Urns loriiikilntis mndv luiitly andeiiiedltlout. 1 j , nnd ouli i uie solli llnl i itlur lu permu or by mall, l'lcluiu mums inudu lo order ut short nu UAT,r..lo,'fts.,f. JiyiiWU'imAN jypilOIIANTO llOTKL, 18 hOUTU tUCUTII DTI1EET, PHii.AnKi.riiiA. J. A W. (1. M'KIIIDIN, Proprietor. May 10, IWMy, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIAUIiMS W. HNYOUll, IlIIAIil.ll It ii a ji j) av a n j:, iiiom, NAii.M, Bii:i:u At'., AO., ac. main stukkt, nt.ooMftiiuna, niNN'A. TnUo this method of lnforinlnBtho rlllzcnsof Co- lumblneonty.thnlho ban opeueu nn extensive HnrdwnroRtoroonMnln utrcet, In liloomsburg, lienr Iron ftlreet.Hnd thnt ho hns on hnnd n IiAUOKH 8IOCIC ANU IIKITKK AM)HTi:i) thnn enn bo found nny whero else in the county, nnd which ho Intends to hell nt prices w hlch defy competition. CHAINS, AXKS, STKIili, JHUx. I hnxo ihnlns, nil sizes, nxes, nil mnlio nnd weight, Mcel, nil tdzos. Iron, nil shnpCB, nud nil cry low, nriT.nnn'H 11 a udwaiiu, of vwvy ilevcilptlnns Xnlls, nxlo pulleys fnsh cords, latches, lotltsnnd l;nobi,butt ncrew.Rash faU, w Indow Ki)rlnj b.e laiotw, utrnp hluticf, hnps nnd ftaplei, hookt nnd BlnpleN,nud lufact cverylhlnsnet'le lu thnt line. COACH & WAOOK MAK1111S IIAIIIWAIU:. einbiaclnirnlinnst every thing In that lino. AIo uaunums makjiiw haudwaui:, lluokten, Jnpnnnedi bucltles, silver plated) bltts ofeery ltlud , llAML-s, Iron i pnd trtest HAMrs, wonl ;naddlo tribes, gig treen, jjlrth web, worsted and ittton 1 thread, blllt, nwlannd needle", lools of nil kinds. Hllon.MAKi:if.S HAUUWAlin, A full assortment lorcnrpentern. I hneplntiH nil It I mK, kuwk; liaml,pannel, rip, nnd compass, Htjuaies steel, Iron, und Iry: boring mnchlnei, ehlsles, (lutein, bezels mallets, bracos, Knnges, plowo, rules, bits, nnd about everj thing for ear pcntern, rou tup. im'opi.i: (ii:ni:uaUjY 1 have coal hods, coal hhoels, ho mips, coal alders, hint eint.lableii utlery,poe ket cutlery, plaleil wpoons, plated tot k, st r ei ten nnd cof fee poti.buitcr knlveH.mllUnwM, cross cut saws, circular HnwK.gangsaws, Hie.-, horneiihoe's.wi enrhes, rivet ,ham mors hatchets, maltocltst, picks, forkH, grub bing hoe's,tdioeKKpadcn,MHtdiiig forks, hoes, laUen, lied pins, twine, t-kale-s, plowx, colUn trlm inliig i.mcry, red ehallc, white clmllt, wire, horso naIN, meat cutlers, nenles, wash boards, horso buckets, wooden palls, clothes pln, glue, tloor mats, iorch Hints, par--lor mats, e'oru popper, pnlnt brushes, horso biusbes, sleigh bells, heel calks, t'liaint l ed kettles, bras4 kettles, copper ketllcs, Ptcwketlles.suuco pans.broad nxes, nails, Kledges, curtain (1x1 ores, Thluiblutilcelus and boxes, l'umps, lead pipe, etc. Tailed tope and hundieds of ni lie us not ,e uu mcrnteil eonstnnlly on hnnd nt CJIAItMfe VNVI)i:ifH, Malnhtieet, IllooinMturg. Q.KOliaK II. KOBKIITS, Importer nnd IKnlerlu iiAiiDWAiu:, cirri,i:nY, ouns, ac. Nn. :i yorth Third Sireet, aboro Vine, PhlU.lelphla. lAi-iin K. smith. .1. 11. Mm.rt.u giU I Til ,t HKIiTZKU, Importet-Htuid DenlerH In l'orelgn nnd Domesllo 1 t3jSajg3? II A H I) W A II K, UUNS, UUT I, IJIIY, AC, Ml. I'riN.TIUllllHTItElIT, All. CAI.I.Olt IIII.I., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2.,G7. f, IRON, TINWAR.E, &.C. JATIOXAIj I'OUNIJItY, lllooniMljiiri!, Cnlumliln Counlv, P.i. i no huincriiN-r, propi lelor of tho nbovo-i nmed c.lem.o establishment, Is now piepnreil to ro venuouieis lor all kinds of MACIIINLUY Poll COLLIKKIl.S, 1ILAHT l'UUNAClW, STATIONA HY IINMINIX, MILI.M, TIIUP.SIIINO .MACIIINLH, Ac Ho N also prepmed to mako stoves of all sizes nml patterns, l'low-lrous, and everything usually madoln Ulsl-elass Poundlies, HUeMeiislvofueilllUs nml practical workmen MniTiiuthlin lu leceUlnii tho laigest contracts on uie most rcnsouablo terms. drain of nil kinds will ho tnlten In idianse. for I.IISI1UKS. TbhlstablMiment Is localul near the Lacke wniina and Illnnmsburti It.ulio.id Hi pot. Piri'LIt AILLMYUrt. g'rovKH AiH) tixvvahF:. A. M. ltUPL'HT nnnniincis lo his lilends nml customers thnt continues the above business nt hlsold place on MAIN SlllL'KT, IIL011.MM1IUHO. Customers can bo ncconiiHlaled with l'ANCY M'OVUS ornll kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and ecry vn. rlely of nitlclo liiiind lu u Stovo nml Tinware I tnhllshmcnt hi thocltles.nnd nn Iho most reason' ublo lerms. ItepnlrlnBdoueulthobhorlcstnotlco, !3 DOZIIN JIII.K-PANS on hand for sate. "i:V STOVK AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN KTIIKET, NEAlll.Y OPI'OSITK MILLKK' bTOKlT, 1II.OOMSI1U1K1, PUNN'A. Tub midei signed has Just titled up nnd opened STOVK AND TIN 8IIOI'. In this place, wheio ho Is prepaied lo mako ui ncw'l in WAunof all kinds In his lino, nnd iln it'pairiiiK w un neniuesH nun illspntdi, upon Hit most it'iisiinnhlo teiius. lie nlsu kui.s nn liam S'lOVPH OP VAItlOUS PAITLHNS ASTYL1M which ho will sell upon terms In suit mn chnsei (ll o dm a call. Hi, Is n cita.l i.ti.,,,,,,1 fin.i ,i..u......i.... ..... r .i , , ,, . , llu ii,uiii- J'Ulll,lllllAI'. JACUll ll.'iV., Illoomsbiirg. April M. I'K. TOBACCO & SE&ARS. MMli: ONIjY IMiAeU to get tho besl TOIIAUCO AND CIUAUM, AT WIIOI.lAI.i: AND Kl.TAII, s nt lIUNOSIinilUPlfH. n lew doora below the American Hotibe, llloombuig, Pa, Ho has tho laigest nnd moat select of SMOICINO AND CIIUWINO T01IACCO cveroiriied lo tb elllzcns nf Hloomshiirg. A mo i.iucy ornuiis or HLOAHH. nud lha lu st rine-eut and Plug CIIIIWINO 10IIACCO. can bo had nt his counters, TOUA Ct'O PlpKH lu gi eat variety in o nmong his Inrgo Hock, DON'T rOKOKT TO CALU it, ii, miNHiii:ii(ii:it. W. HANK'S VIIOt.lWALnT01tArtO,SNUFr,AND cioau WAnrnousn. No. Ita Noi Hi Third Street, between Cherry nnd ltncc, west s ildc, ruuatieipnia. Qf h. WOODUUFK, Wholewilo Denlers In TOIIACCOM, CIUAltH, PIP1W, Ac, U, No, II NoitliTlilnlKtrirtt, nbovo Marhil, Philadelphia, QMNI11US L1N10. 1 ho undersigned would respectfully mmounceta llmellki-us of llluo.-iubuig uml tho public gene. ally thn he Is running nn OMNIHUS I.INU between this l.Jaeaniiil IhM.llni.,,,., , . pots dally (SHindayii ujeeiniil), lo connect Willi Iho several Ualiis going South nml est on thu C'ulu. WUSIl nUll WillllllllkltOII Ifnllr....,! .....I ...in. ,. " tiou ..till II1OH0 going Nino, und Houlhou thu Ijicknivaunnand ftiiuuNiBuiiin j.itiiroau, JlinOmnlbuhkLttnrn In t1 fm Uloim nnd eomloi table, nml ehurge rcatounblo. reumii ivlshlng to meet or keo their frlendu tie. pnrt.cun be neeonio,lated mou renfcoimbleehurgi by lenvlna timely uolico nt nny of the hoteln, JACOH h (UUTON, rroprletor. DRUGS & MEDICINES. s A V 33 V0U.lt M02T12 Yt a it n a t isfbuo n m k n t hi (I It llATi: It IN 1) UOUM 11 NT HI OKUATIJ8T 1 N 1) U C 11 M I1NT8 -AT- Tiin olu mxva htouu op u n. mo y i:n, Wheio can bo found thn i. Mtm.sT and hi-st As 80KTMHNT, ever offered to tho citizens of this county, of Drugs, Chemicals, ralnts, . oils, (llnj-s, Vnmlshes, lutty, rirushes, DioStulT, Jllxed 1'alnls, nil of tluentoof tho bet known make and aie warranted ns pure nnd unadulterated, The line ,i nud largest Rtoclc of r a n c y a n t i c i i: s to be found In this or adjoining counties rfumery, Jlnlr Uycs, l'nncy Honps, llrtisbes, Combs, Cosnictlev, llalrOlln, Toilet Atllcles, Htntioncry, rocket Hook T O 11 A C V O 1! H . Smoklngund ehewlus, Clgnrs of nil desert pi Ion, Pipes, Cigar Holders, iiou.sinioM) AitTicLia. Lamps, nssoited sizes nnd styles, Mmi-j, Ciiim.nuh, huadhh, ItuJiNmiS, MlHCLI.LANIXJUH GOODS. Hponges, Chamois Hkins, CnihctcrB, Hpeeiilums, Hyrlnges, llreast Tumps, llllbber Goods, Tiusscs of nil uppioNed patterns Ac, Ac. I I tl V O It H. A Hue nssoHineiH of uio lkpiors for medical put poses e-otisiaully on hand and Iho bevt knm n kinds of fc STOMACH IllTTimS. fAn:Nr Ml.ine-iNl.Hof eiry description, hi' eluding the best varieties of pills and tonics, nn sicca n'h rmM'iitrTioNS caisri li.t.y rut I'Altl.It, Nohuch htoek has ever been presented to Hie people or this section of country, Tho prices nro nsfsmnll ns tho stock is large. Tho HViocfii: J'tiamro moio raoiablo to tin purchaser ihnn t ver, ns arrangements hnvo bee u ell'ecttxl with tlHMholesalo dealers In tho large i cities, no thai goods can bo proeuied In Illooms burg as cheaply us In Nou York or Philadelphia es-Countty denlers nro earnestly Invited to st tidy their own Intrusts, by exnmlnlng tin stock. Itememberthe place l'A citANOi; Hlocic nboe Kxckangu Hotel, lnlu (street, Illoomsbutg, .Inn. 31, ifRH. dm iV- VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! C2 t'iiy-1 Iou1mI X!'!)!!!' h.ie their links tcstnrul hy it to the tlnr,, lustrous, silWn tresses of youth, and nie happy! Voting lVoplo, w ith light, ftulul or re ill lair, have theso tiufashlounhlo colors thangeil to a beautiful nuburt', nnd rejoiiol l'fioplo wliosu licadj lire covered with huiilritjf nml Ilinnars, use it, nnd liao lIciii coaU and dear and healthy scalps! Itiilil-I Ii'iulod VflcriuiH halo their rciiultiiiii; locks tiuhtentd, nml tin' Imro fpots cmerod with a luMiriant grow Hi of li.iir, and dance for joy! Ymmi,' Ocntlcinen uc it because It is richly perfumed ! Yuuni: I.ailies ui' it localise it kcqn their Hair in place! llverytiwly Must and will uso it, hecausc It is tlie cleanest and lest article in tin' market! For Sale by Druggists generally. AMI tollSAI.i: liv I,. .V. MOYIllt and !. P. 1,111., DrusuMs, lllocmislini k, nml M. M, llllulls,'!', fntnw Issn, Jauualy I'l, Isls-.j, J il, JIOYJill, viioi,i:saij;& mri'Aii, ii uuauis T, l'OUNi:u Of MAIN AMI MAHKET SIKtnrs, 1ILOOMSUUUU, l'A., wheio Mill ho found n largo nnd silect stoik ol Drills, JIKDICIXIJB A XI) 01IKM1CALS. Alsunll Uio 1'ATKNT Mi:inClNi:s OP TUB 11AV, I nm nlso prepnred to turnlsli Country stores with Castor Oil, lludfley's Cordial, TUliUNdSTON'8 ll.M.SAJI, nnd nil oilier medicines kept lu their lino nt City prices, S. rieserlpllonscnicuilly compounded nt all hours. In medicines, inullly Is of Iho flisl Importance, lllniunsliiin;, .Iuno7, ISII7 MM IK AJIKHICAX HAY KNIKK -1,, AMI 1'OIIK. Vo Ihounderslirneil elllem 01 tolumbl.i County wlluesseil iho trial of hay JirUs on the rami ol Mr. l'urscl. In Hemlock inwiishlp, 011 Slonilny, May 7, IMhI, hetween Uio Aniei Iftiu llav Kiilu, nnd I'ork iiiauulactiired l,v KMH'lt, WAI.IX HlllllN:n iK?. laim, l'.i and the Itiinders Patent Hay Hook, Iho American l'nrk lilted inoro liny In 01111 1 1 lauiihl 1 mn (In- lluiidcl In lliiee. Woarosalls. lied It will tali, is niuihhay hlln tlio mow ns two pond horsis enn draw. Wo nlso saw It cultlns hay, audi hluk It cannot he beat ns 11 imv kiiii.r und knlfo wo haoeer sicn. U'-1ilir-NI1E;"U1' ll' ' C' HAltlltSON, . II. Kiio.nh, ,N jWAK John liiTFi ii K, Hamh. Novkii, II. I1IIIII..MII.I.KK, HlLVt.srFll PUKSCI., MiciiAU. lli-i.tn:, John vot.r. , Ihey also manuruiluio thu eelel.raled lluckeye Heais-rund Mmiir, audiithiriigrleulturallinure. J X S U It A N CK A O K KOY, Wyoming iivi.uxi .l'.IIHI l,imii,nno 4110,(100 300,000 SliO.litH) IW.OilO 1,II0,I l.WiO.UII soo.ooo C'omiueito I'lilton Noilh America Oily liitiruatlounl Niagara illtna I.lvo islock l'utnam ilO.ISKl Mcichniils .,mm KprlnglUld 5To.(j,io Insurnnco Coiui,nny of Hlnlo Peiin'u fiioimo ConniclleutMuliial Ufo 10,0ou,tKXl Norlli AlueilcauTiamll 600,000 I'ltllAB 11HOWN, Aiait, marS07-ly, lli.ooMsiiuiia, Pa, A nMllUUSTKll & imOTlIKIt, Ilimorlt Ik lltol .Tnl.l.nc, ,.F HO.SlKItY, ULdVlW, BllIllTSANI) DUAWU1W, llttTTflVM UUutllKMi,.,.u lIOOl'rJKIItTB.ltANDKKltCIIIKl.'H, " ''' TIIUKAIW, HIJWINO HII.KH, THIMJIINOS, POKTi: MO.NNAIUS. HOAPH, Pi:ilH!ll.UY, l'ANCY tiOOHH, ANl! NOTinxs fll'Vl'ltAl.r.v MioMiiiiuraciurersor ' lllllTHIlim a Mil r.nnl.'ls.vi nr vv...,.i. .iiiraM. und Healers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAIllI, IlllOO.M), Itol'1'.H, TWINIW, At', No, 30(1 North Third Wieet.nbove Vine, I'lillnilelphla. M IMjKH & JIOST, Hucct ssiim to l'liiuklln P. Keltier 4 Co., 4iiijioiiiia uuu wiioiesnio Dealers In l.ltlUOlW, WINIW, Ac,, Nos. 110 nud 112 North Third Htroel, I'lillnilelphla. tTl'2'ir-I,'1IiL,.:,y,l n- 'ni0 fl'l'lIU'nt HOOP ",,f '"I'hlhoeouiilynt 1 Mar.U,'08-tf UT.HliAltrj.UiS'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers