THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t$u flfortombiim. llt.OOMSllUIlO, trlUDAY, All). 14, 1H08, Ubi: Jonnthnu llclslor'a Tonic or lilt tcrs; sco advertisement. Tiik Democratic Convention of Mon tour County will bo held at Danvlllo on Monday next. CllAItMM 0. llAltKMlV Ki-q. will ad tlio Democratic Club at tlio rooms on Monday Evening. Tiiohu who so HtroiiKly opnoso tlio dog-tax, in order to bo comlstcnt.should at mien get up a petition for Its repeal. Wi; call attention to tho advertise ment of the celebrated "All Night" Fruit Jar?, to be found In another col twin, for palo ly Mover Hros Wr. learn that .1. J. llrower lias Bold his store, at tlio corner of Main and Iron Streets, to Jacob Creasy formerly of Catawlssa for the sum of $0,ono Wm. On.Moni: of this plucn has es tablished a shooting gallery and baga telle table In Snyder's Hall. Wo learn that he will soon havo a billiard table. Wu republish this week the nrtltlo headed "The Nomination," on account of tho numerous typographical errors In it last week. Such accidents do not often occur in the Coi.Umiman. C. K. Knai'I' has purchiiMtlnnd plac ed In front of his new houe near thu Instltuto, tho largo carved wooden porch lately In front of the hnuio of Hon. C. It. Huckalew. The cornerstone of the new SM'aid's Church, Iiloomsburg, (Episcopal) will be laid with appropriate ceremonies, on the Kith of September. All tho living Hectors of the Parish have been invit ed to bo present. O.v Friday evening last Dr. Wells of this place, lost n lino cow by having her run over by a train of cars on tho L. A- U. It. 11. Sho was struck by tho locomotive and drugged some dl&tiince, being badly mangled. Olivxh A. Jacoiiy lias taken tho contract, being tlio lowest bidder, to f uriiNh coal to tho Township of Bloom, for tho uso of tho Poor, as follows: No. I, at $3.40 per ton. No. C, at 2.70 per ton. On Saturday, Aug. 22nd tho Demo cracy of Ccntndia and Conyngham pro pose having n publio meeting at tlio former place. James Bryson Jr. and Gipt. llrockwny urc among tho Invited speakers. Wo trust thcro will bo n full turnout In this ouronly mlnlngdistrlct. Tin: Commission of It. llruco Ilicketls as Colonel by brovet for gallant service In tho lute war, has been received by h im from the War Department, This appointment is a well-merited honor anil a causoofslncero gratification to his numerous friends In this Country. Cami'.mi:ktino. Tho Evangelical Association of Columbia CIrclut, will ho Id aCampmcetlngon tho land of Mr. Jo-.oph P. Connor in Centre township Columbia county, commencing Aug. 20th and will continuo for ono week. A boarding tent will bo kept on tho ground. Tin: Uepublican Parly of Iilooms burg, under tho lead of P. John, having been reduced to a will, assembled at Ilartman's corner on Monday evening, and raised a couple of littlo sticks to hang a Hag on. Wonder If It is tho ono Cireeley wanted torn down, and sunk deep in the waves? On Friday night last, whilst the lies cuo Plro Company were out with the engine, it was upset by getting Into a rut, and a young man mimed Mou-er struck by the tongue. It was thought lor a time that he was severely injuied, but It was found upon examination that no bones wero broken, and that ho was merely stunned for a time by the blow. Tin: Democratic Club Jlooms have been tastefully draped with the Ameri can I'lag, the flno engravings of tho Candidates, Hon. HoratloSeymour and Gen. Frank P. Illalr, have been placed on tho walls, and hereafter tho Itoom will bo open every evening nnd sup piled with newspapers. All our citizens, without regard to party aro cordially invited to attend. Tin: MoiiNiwi Pathiot. Tills ex cellent Journal now reaches us at half past seven in tho morning, about an hour before tho Scranton Jtepubllcan gets hero. It contains all tho latest nows from homo and abroad, and Is ably edited. Jt contains much more reading matter than tho llepubllcun, and has tho advantage of being sound politically. 1' Ifty subscribers have nl ready been secured in tills town. "A suiiscitiiunt," who-writes to us on tho subject of tho revision of our delegate system, cordially endorses our suggestion, but wishes to know "how wo would equalize tlio delegates so as to glvo each township its duo propor tlon." In this way. Let each town. ship havo a delegate for every CO votes polled at tho last general election. Then every township which polls 50 votes, or less, would havo ono Delegate, ami those which poll moro thun .10 but not over 100 votes, would bo entitled to two Delegates, and so on. This would glvo fair and equal representation to each district, in proportion to tlio number of Democratic votes. Aow, a township Willi 20 Democratic votes, has all tho liilluonco and power III Convention with ono of 300 voters. GitANi) Aiimv or Tin; ltr.rum.ic. We aro Informed that a branch of this organization has been established In this town, under tho auspices of Mr, Hill, of Orangovilio famo. This ha be cret, oath bound club, whoso deslgn;it is to aid tlio Itailicals in establishing mil llary rulo In the South, and negro suf frage In tho North. Wo would nil vise all true soldiers to stay out of It. It I run in thu interest of tho slioddyltes sutlers, and bounty agents of tho late war. Heinember tho fatooftho "Know Nothing" secret I.odgss, Theso "bum mers" aro now tniveislng tho county attempting to collect a number of inns. kels. Don't give than tip. If they ineanflght,wewlll want them ourselves If they only want Utplay let them send to their leaders, Johnny Qcary, and Spoony llutlcr. "Uknton" wants to know what tho "Crawford County System la V" Wo publish In another column their rules iur general Information. (Jen. Wimjam II.KAsnofltush.has been rcnomlnotcd for Itcprescntatlvo irom Northumberland County,and will oi course, bo ro-olcctcd. NmiEMiAir Iti:tcitAiti),near Espy, planted last Spring 1 pound of lloso Po tatoes, from which tho yield was 101 pounds! Just 100 pounds increase, Hard to beat. Cai-t. JJuockwav delivered an ad dress before tho Lock Ilnvcn Democrat ic u uu, on last Tuesday evening. The nomocracy of Clinton nro all alive and will glvo Seymour and Illalr nn In creased majority this fall. Their local nominations nro the best that could be made. Tun (Jurat Hush for Lowenbcrg's wen Known notlilng Ilonso still con tinues. Tlio truth of tho matter Is.that Uiwcnberg sells such capital goods for such small prices, that his popularity increases tlallv. no Is always nollto. and always glad to accomn.odato the public. Coni,t:it I The weather has at last "let up" a little, but It will he wnrm for some weeks yet. Don't fall to re member that OllllMiiKUMN has sill on hand a tine lot of summer goods. Hi ndmlrrrshavo not ns yet houirht all !tk stock, but they probably will do so hp. foro cool weather sets In. Consult ymr own comfort and pockets too. and see ( hemberiln. Tin: last act of tho rebels. Iiofiiro tlio war, was to voto the Democratic ticket. The first act of tho rohols, after the war, was to voto tho Democratic ticket. icaatcac -bxcltange. The last act of Horace Greeley, V.. M. Stanton, ct, at. was to advise tho South ern States to leave tho Union. Their main efforts slnco tho cloo of the war is to .re) I in m out. An Omission. lly an error of our compositor, tho following resolution was omitted last week In our report of mo proecciilngortlic Democratic Coun ty Convention. Jlesolved, That Peter lilllmeycr, of Illoom, and Charles G. Murphy, of Con tralla, be nnd aro hereby appointed Itcprescntatlvo Conferees to meet simi lar Conferees from Montour County, at iiloomsburg, on Wednesday, tlio luth day of August, 1808, to nomlnato a can didate for Assembly, with Instructions to uso all fair nnd honorable means to securo the nomination of Hon. Georgo Scott, tho choice of this County. A Word to Postmastiuis. Wo would call tho attention of Postmasters to tho fact that when subscribers rcfuso or neglect to toko their papers from tho olllce, U is not a complianco with the law to simply return them, marked "re fused," "removed," Ac. lie must write a letter giving the reasons, or he is char geable. When tho papers aro simply re turned, wo shall pay no attention to tlio matter, nnd If any aro now lying in post ofllces uncalled for, the post mast er is requested to notify us at once, 1 n lu'corilnnco with law. Stiiucic ii v LioiiTNiNCi. During n heavy thunder shower on Wednesday evening last, tho residencoof Mrs Peck of this Horough, was struck by light ning. Mrs. Herlin, who lived in an adjoining house, was severely stunned. Tho fluid entered nt tho comb of tho roof, and descending to tho eaves rnn along tho spouting and spent its force in tho ground. An alarm of fire was raised, caused by the burning of some rags inn barrel In the loft. It was soon extinguished. No ono was hurt. The building was damaged slightly. Her ictck Gazette. Tin: Tho State Hospital for tho Insane, to bo built here, will be a magnificent structure. It will be 11 13 feet, or nearly u quarter of a mile In length. Every room will be eompli'to- ventilated, and a view of theoiitsuli world will bo atford -d from every de partment. W 1th the thorough know! edge gained by experience and study on the part of those who have charge of tho business, we doubt not that this Hospital will bu the most complete tructuro of the kind that has yet been built In thoStato. Iir. Sliultz of I Iur- rishurg, is the .Superintendent. .loirr i'lin. A fii.Aiti.Mi I-''.iiooii. In speak ing of tlio recent Democratic Conven tion, tho Scranton JlepubUcan says : " In the nomination of Scott for Assem bly, Senator Huckalew was beaten, af ter a hard light, his candidate, Kline, receiving 20 votes to 30 for Scott." No honest Journal would havo made any such assertion. Long beforo tho Dele- gato election, Hon. Georgo Scott In a letter to thlsjottrnal said : " would not accept the nomination if could not give the Senator my support, which he so emi nently deserves." In addition to this tho Convention, before ana nomination teas made, unanimously passed the following Itesolution offered by dipt lirockwny : Jlesoleed. That wo have continued conlldcnco In tho wisdom, integrity and ability of Hon. Charles It. Huckalew, United States Senator from Pennsv va- ulii. that wo fully endorse his course and action In said olllco: and wu hereby instruct our cenuior aim iicprcsentalivo in thu Legislature to support his ro-elec-tlon to tho U. S. Senate. Will tho lepubltcan havo tho candor to retract Us faNo statement? Lkvvino Hi.aci; Mail. It is often a mutter of wonder among the uniniti ated how tho Radicals manage to raise so much money nvery year for election eering purposes, corrupting voters, Ac. One or tho menus Is by assessing a lux upon all the ofuco-hoiders of tho State and Federal Government, Just now a raid Is being mado on the Post Masters. Our friend Pursel's assessment amounts to tho snug littlo sum of $18, while San ders at Herwlck, Hniinuu at Cetitralhi, and nil tho other olllces are assessed their respective proportions. Ofcourso no Democrat contributes to this fund, tlio most of which wo presume Is stolen by tho men who handle It, As an Instancu how theso leeches are bleeding the people under tho pretext of electing Grunt and Colfax, w would mention that the Post Mistress at Light Street a poor widow woman w itli suv- eral children, and whoso entire salary does not exceed $100 a year, has been requested by this Radical Cnmiulttio to pay $1.00 out of her little turnings Inu'iinlj tint kiiiki.iti-l .il'tlii. If ,1 ,ll. , " , . , , etl Is thcro an honest Republican In llio County who does not blush at suuh iiriiniralloloil meuiiiiu.-j-j? Hut tlio tliuu ii near at Imml when an linlitfimul my plo will Hurl tiii'ho coiiiiorantrf rroun lowor. THE KALEIDOSCOPE t A map of hu.y llf,, J t fluctuations nml lis asi concern.." "out op tiii: wiijIiernims." Tin: picket firing was very heavy during the entire night and succeeding day. On Saturday about dusk, Grunt determined that rather than again at tack Lee, nowstronghly entrenched, ho would place himself between Lee's ar my and HIclimond. To accomplish this result, ho determined to march toSpott sylvanla Court House, some fltteen miles distant abandoning tho Haplilan us a base, and taking up Fredericksburg as a no.v one. Lee, liowover discovered the movements of our trains, and though not positive as to our destina tion, ordered Anderson, then In com mand of Longstroet's Corps, to movo out from his brcast-wnrks, nnd liurcmly to march In tho morning to Spottsylva nla C. II. It so happened that the woods wero on tire, nnd Anderson, not being able to 11 ml a good place for his men to encamp, began his march that night. Thus It was that columns of both armies were moving towards the samo point on parallel roads though Ignor ant of each other's Intentions. Warren's Corps took the advance and began to march a bout dusk. The arms in our possesslon.elther captured from theene my.orb longlngtoour killed did woun ded, wero gathered up mid biolicn, or burled,. md In order to deceive theene. my, head-boards were placed over them oiiliiliiing the mimes of fletlelous s,,,. dlers. Duiiiig the entire night the wi-tpy: soldier wen ma. In ' u S . n 'nrps, followed ,0, .i. ii e : , .v I'll, iih'i llui v. , ie, I'n mi-.iitd " a eiliii'lin.l ill p. i, . hi ilii.ii .-,) -. day, and then followed ,.1'ti i- ,!ie 'ti ii, lorinliig the rear guind The licit was i Intcn-e that ninny Ii II by tin w.iv, worn out or Mill struck, and had to I'e. ib.indoued to the tender meivies of MosL-by's omnipresent guerrillas. Our Corps halted at Todd's Tavern. The enemy attacked in here, hut wero repulsed without much loss tit us. Wo at onto commenced throwing up sumo entrenchments under thu dliectlons of an engineer, who, unfortunately for us, i.iL-uu uiu woiws lownms our own men. This blunder obliged us to work all nlullt ill IcvclitlL' the old works nnd throwing up new ones. At this point sonio new troopsjoined u, principally nuuvy jiriim-risis, wno cursed "not loud but deep" at beliiL' ohllL'rd to lenvi. comfortablo quarters in forts and cities to participate in the dangers of tho field. Short rations weronlso Issued to Us, and tho wounded nlaeed in tlm emptied wagons. Tlio ambulance train and thc.-o wagons then proceeded to- wards tho Itapidaii. but IIiiiIIiil' tlm enemy in possession of tho fords start, ed for Fredericksburg, towards which IlurnsUlo was reported to ho marching. Tlio guerrillas captured manv of tho nmbulances. and tho remainder on reaching Fredericksburg found it In tho hands or the rebel citizens. Many died for want of fowl, but thousands more for lack of Mimical attention, and as n result of nmreli ing for points not in our possess, ion. Warren's Corns was fiirlitliiL' Imnl all day, endeavoring to reach Siiottsvl vania In advanco of Lee. When 'lie readied Anderson's column, about two miles from Spottsylvania, supposing It to bo Stuart's Cavalry which had been Impeding Ids progress all day, an attack was made, hut the men received n se vere tiro from tho Infantry, which caus ed them to break in confusion. During Mouday,tIie!Mh,Grant, Meade, nnd Hancock, were continually In tho saddle,endeavoring to track the enemy, and maneuvering for positions. Tho v inn (.orps uiu mo principal lighting. Hut tho greatest loss of tlm ilnv win ilw. death or "ever honest John Sedgwick;" known by nil admired by all and almost worshipped by Ids Cm im, While posting a battery ho was killed by a sharp-shooter stationed over half a milo distant. On being lold of his danger. he remarked that "they could not hit an elephant at that dlstaace." That night wo received permission to unharness our horses, nn condition that lu case of an alarm we would have them harnessed and hitched to thu trims in Jive minutes. When I stale that there are six nurses in a gun, the trouble ot arousing men noni a deep sleep, and the necessity of handling no intricate haine-s on a dark nlglit. the dillicultv of the undertaking will be better uu- iicrMond. Ami much tlio poorunimals needed rest. They h id been harnessed nnd hitched lor live da)s ami nights Without a dunce ol lying iluu ii, and worse than nil tho f.iruae ran slmrt so Unit no hor-e ' it over four pounds nf grain a day. Mum nl'.tie n i.rutis Inid ai-o lieeo w in il d, ,i- d .' . inn Ii leaUelied li tin m . , 1 . i .i I. On Tmsiliiy, III i ) die enemy's , , sitioii was ili'veliip , .mil tin- di'b r nt Corps look up iiieir pnsi.ii 'is. i no main body ol our I n-ps -ll.uuWi -was placed on the riiriit of Warieu : Hie Mxth Corps, now (ninmaiided by Wright, being on the li lt. Moti's Divls. Ion ol tlio Si con d t orps with l)ow' Maine llallery ami mil-, moved to the extreme left to connect the main line witli Hunisiile, who was advancing to wards on the Fredericks burg road. About noon wo engaged tho enemy, dlstroying with our shells some buildings which concealed their sharp-shooters. They shelled u, heavi ly in return, but n strip of woods sere 'ti ed its, and their aim was ticces-.irily in accurate. Wo soon opened communica tions with tlio Ninth Corps, and then made preparations lorn general attack. For several reasons it was unsuccessful. Uuriisldo us usual, was too slow, .mil did not get Into position in time to eo operate with us, and our weak Dlvl-ion could effect notlilng against their strong works. The timo of tho mnst of tho men In it had expired, and thev broko anil ran like cowards under tho first lire. Men, colors, olllcers, all went to the rear, and hud tho enemy charged, our guns would Inevitably liavo been lost. Tho Fifth Corps attacked almost Impregnnblo works, yet fought like lie roes. Tho Second and Third Divisions of tlio Second Corps wero withdrawn from tlio right to assist tho center In tho attack, leaving tho First Division under Harlow In tin isolated position beyond tho Potomac river, Perceiving this, tho enemy attacked him in supe rior numbers, lorctntr our men behind tlio stream, and capturing ono gun of Arnouis ii.iuerj, which nail become disabled. This caused great grief lu tho corps, as u was mo nrsi piccu or nrllll cry over lost by It, The Sixth Corps now ever, nitiiio a successiut charge, cap turing tlio enemy's works, sovernl col- ors, lioo prisoners, and a battery. For wantoi support they could not hold mo worus, ami una io abandon tlio cap tured guns. Our losses durliiL' tho ilav wero extremely heavy ; sonio accounts say 0000 men. On Wednesday, tho nth nnr nivkim, left its entrenchments, and arter sonio labor In crossing streams and bogs, massed In rear of tho Fifth Corps. ruere was somu neavy artillery tiring, but no general engagement. Hero lor mo uist unioin Held warfare, a novel element was brought Into uso hv flrliiL' Ooeiorn mortars. They rescmlilo the hack part of a cannon, can easily ho moved by hand, nnd only weigh 2W1 pounds, yet thrown impound shell an immense instance, rney can lie put behind brcast-workH. thus entirelv eon. ceallng the mortar and thu.-.o who' work n. it is pointed in im angle of nearly in Degrees, the dltanco being regulat ed by the charge nf powder. The nth vantage over field artillery Is, that neither woods nor breast-works will protict theenenn.nml they must uvolil me missiles vy inniiiiiifiioii uproot or liinvy log works oveihenil, t night It Is a beautiful -Iglil t -.ei the s.iells like a glohi ol lln ii c In In nl. ui !.,.. .in,-,-., I.........I 11 i... .. .ii ""'" '".".I.. 'Ill WICniv 11 nil- i "'h hicieor. it irimiileMt nem's dr. mis to know that at an., mom nt shut nnd i "bell can he mined upon him m It wire lnmi lU-avpti. Auotlii'i pci'iiliarlty of tho t'aiiipuiii a hun tluvt hipt'il win tho p;rtnt ip4o inmhuif piiupiiHiiuoiiU. M'Olhih in I nuiiralwl tint HyMtm on tlm IVnlumila, and was thereby enabled to light so des peratoly and successfully atrnlnst over whelming numbers. From that time totliobattlo of acttysburg, hut little ti-e was mado of tlio spade, (In fact Pope olllclally renounced It;) but our success mero was manuy tiuo to tno protection our men received from artificial works. During Grant's Virginia Campaign, however, tho spado anil ax wore as much used as mo mtisKct, and tho en tire army becamo a vast pioneer corns. Tho wagons, cannon, and calssons.were toaueti with entrenching tools, and special pioneer corns wero formed In each regiment and brigade. Ah sooiOis tlio enemy halted, the first thing to be tlono was to entrench, nnd wo havo mado as many ns four In a day. Thu rebels adopted tho samo tactics, and It was a singular spectacle to sco tho two armies silicic arms tabor iiko beavers and when tlio works wero completed, ono party or tho other would attack. Tho men did tlio work cheerfully, as experience had taught them the loss was thereby wonderfully decreased. Tho rebels, after tlio battle of Gettys burg said that "Clubs wero trumps," alluding to our Corps b.ulgo; but we afterwards unanimously declared that spades were the winning card. Gram's Vlckshurg campaign taught him I ie Importance nf the tool, (il'Il'.N SAllhi' Tho Wominatlons, Wi: place lu our political column, to remain there until the election, the names of the gentlemen selected by the D-iiiii.'intlc County ( "iventlo'i on Monday ln-t, for tin; -.eveii' louiity of llces to he tilled tho im , nf year, ami ior the pnltlnii of Hi pttM-ntatlve II, the Legislature. Tin- humiliation of Hon. (it-o. S' OU. of Catawlssa, as Representative, will no doubt bo concurred In by Monlnir County; for according to usage this county is entitled to tho nomination, and he has been regularly -.elected as her choice. His former service in the Legislature and in the Hoard of Canal Commissioners has given him experi ence lu public business and knowledge of public men. Ho has also a popular address nnd sound Judgment, and thero can bo no question that ho will repre sent tho District In n most satisfactory manner. Wo feel slncorc pleasure in support ing William fi. Quick, Esq. of Montour township for County Commissioner. Ho has integrity aud intelligence and will dlschargo tlio duties of his oinVo with complete fidelity. His public spitlt was manifested in contributing to tlio establishment of tho Coi.umihan under its present conductors ns an Instrument for Influencing public opinion and strengthening tho Democratic party In this County. In political life nnd In all tho relations pf private life 3Ir. Quick is an estimable gentleman, nnd tlio Convention did Itself honor In selecting him as u candidate. Our neighbor nnd professional broth er, Klljah It. Ikcler, Esq. Is presented for the olllco of District Attorney and shall have our cheerful ond sincere sup port. His residence at the county seat gave li in i some advantages over his competitor for the nomination, but he has rair personal recommendations of ills own good character, good habits, industry, and a proper professional am bition. WesluiP wish for him much of success and credit In conducting the business of his oftten lu our coiirU For County Surveyor and County Auditor very proper selections havo been made, nnd the Standing Commit tee appointed by tho Convention is com posed of excellent and reliable men. Tlio resolution of Instruction to our Senator nndRepresentotivo In the Leg ishiture,uiianimously passcd,to support tho reelection of Mr. Huckalew to tho U. S. Sena te, was not necessary to bind the action of those gentleman upon the Senatorial question, hut was u very proper expression of the eiitlluents of our people and will receive duo consid (ration in oilier sections or the Slate. L I H T O F L K T 'I' 10 It S ItKMAIMSU IN Tllli l'DST-01,1, I; At IiLOOMSHUHG, AUG. 1, IsfiS. VII ii r-hrlsalr i: v no i: ii II , wi-i M II. lierl Julia lli'IUIS i ' llllllll i'-tioiIhts Tusii-r llV'-m- tt I. KiM'tiiim .li.lin l'art-r John Klilts I! W Ki-v lliirtitiiiu .1 II kiiiik r. i K,, I: All, n .Otni'll It. II ll-l .1 oulinki i Jin II Ou'n ill is Km., ris i ln.s soliml.l l ot 2 i-chfriinin I'd hlifiiri-r I K rtii tinker Ijifuj I'ttti iSiiiildlni- Vitk.iI rlllHUV KTS 1 ti-i. it i:iitui'i'r Voj ri-v Jtimus werkliemer smm'l Wulter snruh Ylng;.r Juw IXrctyn, Kill tn-n Klllll I. Ills Ki-llbi'li l.lwry .lehn Mill, r I.iiIiih M. ii.inlill Ii M .Mi ml Ii Mwel I.yilln I. til (lltcri (It nm Hliiul Miiiitit-1 John ii. i'i.'HMi:t,, p. M. Gov. Sti:vi:nson's majority lu Ken tucky will exceed lin.OOO. This Is a gain or about 10,000. It will do fortho second gun of tho campaign, Oregon having been tho llrst. Tin: Radicals are sending gratuitous ly, as they call It, tho TWAiMir and Press to Democrats throughout tho County. We trust none of them will touch these shuets. They nro paid for by taxes wrong from tho hard earnings of tho people, or extorted from olllco holders in tho Country. Take no document, circulate no newspaper unless It ho Democratic to the coie. "No one can touch pitch and not bo defiled." LEGAL NOTICES. UDITOIVS NOTICK. in inn urpnannL-onriror tho Utmnty ofL'oluni bU In the mailer of tho vhiiv of Harriet Vont, l.iir hi i wiiuiiuiii I tl, lllll d llllliwr UPJ'Ullll etl by tho Court will meet tho I'redltora at tho oltlcu of V., It. Ikcler.ln llloomsburif to makaclU trlbutluu amuiiKHl CredltoiH oil PninAV. thn 'Jlbl Uav of Jui a next. All persons haWim clahim aKalust tho edtata uu1 o" reuy icijuireo iu irctfui in uie Allan or, or on failure to present the butno bo forct r dcbnrii rt innii cuinuiK i u muuu oi urn kuiu chihic, UKO. H, COLPMAN, Auditor, July3,'tV.U A DMINlSTttATOU'S NOTlJioT J:. I.HTATK OK ANDHKW MKLH'K, DKLRAKKl). ijetleisofudiulnistrulion out lie estate of Alt drew Meliek, Iain of Mt, Pleasant twp., (.'oluui biu eo., dfcenseddiave beciiKranted by thu lo kIs terof said (ouiitv to Hamuel L'nanv i.f Mliilln Mile, All pcioi)4 baMnn cluing or .U'IiuukIh uu llust tho estatu of thu decedent are it to make tlnui known, and those I u debits! to innite naymeui, JACOI1 5IPLICK, July 3,'OS-Ct, Admlmitrutor, A DMIXISTHATUIX'S NOTU'K. XI. KSTATK OK MAIIV C. 1'hTKItM AN, JiKCK HKD. i.euers iiiauiuiuisirauuii on uiu v'siaio oi Maiy deceased, hau U-en r runted by iw HeUler t saui I'ouuiy io rcaran a iviennau .i tnui tow nshlp. All Persoim huvlnu t-ialuut or ihiuauili aualutit liiiM-stato t tho deiedunt aro lefjut su u in inline iiifiii kimwii, aim uiomi- hi iltldid lo make pa) nient. MAUAH , PKTPHMAN, Juno VUuvdi, AdiutnlstrHUU, ftJLPMIUA COUNTY H.S, 'iboComuionwtaltli of Pennsylvania i tn ih lnti rniarrnxl with lvltr Wilm. bach, Trae llnylor, Jowph ltnylor. PlilUtlor, Milton, Nurth'd.,( o .a Jacob li. tin iivnntiHK 1 1 1 tuutiinu uu., i it., nu.innu tin mi, i -tin hi injiuij miiiuiii naj i tiPtsUiiiiK the Htatu of (tlilo.) ptei It i 1 rn.,r in Mi on i our.' o ra.,i uitki jia ioi,(rttid.uic In M utom t'o.. Pa., i aud l.luahetli lltiuibn It, Adam Helm bacli.iud Kmelluo llt'liuhiielt IP ttl (IfSccmtaiiU o J dm llaIor lute ol Moui ir tovm'hlp, il. eeaM,aiiL inallotlie pi, mii 4iuUiC.tet l)itst hint lint aiohfcreb ilied lo im-slid apiarbu I ire the Jialues ofour i)i phaus1 Court at an ttr pliant limit to bo held ul lllooutMbuiK, (,t m (list Mord.ty of Hepti mber lit M, then and thciu loaeieptoi itdiiso tho nul tsluluuf m;I Jo.ui litylor deteased, at the aiiraUi,d vulu'itlo.i p i upon it hy il,,' i in in est dul awardoil dj mo .aid eourl, and returned by tlm Hheittt or sIiom i,ie why (he same should lod be sold And la i oof f.illuot WllmsH the Hon, Wm. I.lwell, l',vAl iientot our said Couit, thu m m nth u.i. if M A. I.,Isus. JiUy Cl.'tw.u Jjj; COLUMAN, PlerU O. P. MERCHANDISE. jKW HTOCK OK CLOTHING. Krenl) ntrlvnl of PALI ANIi WINTKIt GOOrw. DAVIIl LOWKNUKrtO Invito attention to UU Mock of CHKAlANI)KAHIIlONAHI.r.(lTMINrj. At Ills utoro on Main HlreM,twml(HirHnlnii tin- AiimtIchm llotinn lUoiitiiilitinz, I'h., wlioro Im lifis Jat iwt-lvM from NwYrknnJ riitlnlnhU a full uMinrtment of MKN AND IIOYH' CLOTHINO, Including tin moMt fiutl it wimble, durable, nnd tmmUomtt ootiHlftllng of IIUKHS oooiw, BOX, HACK', UOCK.dUM, ANDOlUl'LOTH COATH ANU PANTH, of all fiorlH, Kir, nnd colors. He lis nUn replen Ulied hH altetHly larno utMck of KALIjAKI) WINTKUHHAWLH, HTHIPKD, KIOUHKD, AND PLAIN VKHTH, HIIIIITH, CUAVATH, HTOrKH, (X)r.fAlW, HA.vnKniiciiiKKH, ai)Vtw, HUSPKNDKllH, AND FANCY AUTICLI-4 Ho nun ctmntunlly on baud it large Had well-ne- U-cU HHsorimt'itt of CLOTHS AND VKHTINOH, vhich h Ik ineimrwl t inalto to ordnr ttitunny kind nf clothing, on wry )iort iiotlce, and In t tie IrI intiiHitT, All his rlMlilnjj 1h made to wear, anil tnoftt ot It ii of l)nm muuuf.irture. (iolif WATcnr,s and jkwp.luy, of trr' tlt-Kcrtptlnti, fltiH and cht'iip, Jewtlry im not surfnH!td In thti plum. Call and tniliu' li Im KfitiTiil nHHtirtinC'iit of CLOTH 1 N(J, U'ATC! I PX, J KAVPLU Y, Ac. DAVID LOWKNUUmi M KHOI1 AN DISK. NOTICH IH HP.HPItY fUVPN ronty frloiuUntid tl publlr generally, tbat all Ki'Klit'jf DUY (JOODS, (IHOCKUIKS, CiU KKNSWAKK, NOTIONH, AC, aro couotantl mi hand and for al AT HAHTONM OIjD HT4NDt JAMES K. EVER. JtiAUo, Solo AkchI for.Ei.i.m'.Pllowi'iiATKor 1MB. iaiKelot rouHtaiiHy en bond, feb8'tJ7, J"KW OAUINCT WAIU3 HOUSE. iUKVintitrHiKnetitnKcs uuh nicuifKi 10 inform the public that bo tins oj.cnod n Ni:V PUIINITUUE WAHE HOUhE in the M'ullrr Hrlck Huildlnu', on Main Htreet, JlLOOM&nUlta, I'A., Which he has purchased and Intends to keepjwr iiitint'iilly tilled with Purnlture of CITY AND HOME MANUKACTUItE. it coyrmsra of H K D A TUESSES, HO PAH, LOUNGES MAUIILi; TOP CENTRE TAULUS CJIAIRS-CUSHIONED, CANE HOTTOMED, AND WOOD HOTTOMED. EXTENSION TA11LLX, LOOKING GLjVKSEH, PAltLOIl, CUAMHKU AND DIN ING HOOM FUKNITUKE. In nict a full ubHortiueut of R E A D Y - M APE O P P I ' H of all Hit-nt and ot EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OK 1 RAPE Allot which lll benold V II E A P Y O R f , H H . 1 tic puhllt'iirtf ln Itid lo call aud umli(t my Mitv-Vi bf(uii pnrchatlnn clHcwhcrc. UEORGE W. COHEIJ. UloomMitirK, AuitUHt 16, 67. 1I-OTI!ES UV MACIUNKHY. Tho uiulerlniuil went Id rt'fpectfully will the attoutlon of the public, to bin new and approved method of making rlolhin by a yhtetn batted uiHiu luathouintlcal prlnclpU-s, which rc-udera It lmposMble to bu others No than perfectly accurate lit claims for this tmthud the followlns ad- anlaifh. i' 1 1 (.sr. P(rfeel iiceunicj. SECOND. A wivliu of two thirds ot'tln time usually Ink en In rut out tho cloth. THIRD. Ab1tlt to nii-iiMiru any tlKtirc fcu us to I hutch tit. r m to ii. That It d-K away with the neivKslty ot belua measured mnn than once, ai of ten Ls the ca from the mhiiprehcnrfh.ii or mNtako ot t mcRnurt-r. Ho would uro the public to ;luilt a trlal,ist Ik fHtlcfloiIthat It will Ie prf(ft KatUfactlon. Ho w 111 be happ to xhiblt and explain Hh work IttK at any tlnn- to Isltor-, .1. W, CIIEMKERLIN March a, p Main M., b( low Market. n. C. II () V P, u. litem utttt 'lai's iii a it, .sipij , hat cap, m vx ii Minna at theold stand on MaiuHtreit, IUitomsbur,ufew doirs alio c the Court lIoue. Jlls ntielt iKcom p,.se'l nt the eiy latest and bestst leu eer otler tsl to tin i Itlens of Columbia County. Ho can neeinniiKHlato the public w It 1 1 the follow ln;( Roods at the lowest iale, Men'M heavy double sohsl ftoa hi tots, men's double and single tap soltd Kiji tirMns, uu ii s neavy siuna siicen man Binun, nun's Hue UtoH and shoes ot all (trades, loy' iloublH huled I KM its- and. "hoes of ul I kind, men's Klovtt kid llahnoral ihotH,nu n'n, m omen's, bn s's nna missis iusjuik Kauern, wiunens xoo kiu Polish er nne.womeii'smoKH'Co ItalmoraUau,! ejilf shoes, uomt n's M-ry tine kid buttoned nlt trs. insuon ooiiiNtu uu ucm ripiuHis mmii peg gf d atid sewed. He would a I no c.ill ittti ptlnn tn bis fine assort mont of IIATm. CAl-rt, PPPK AND NOTIONS. which comnrlM's all tho new aud oonular arl- etibK at prices w hit h ruuiiot fall to suit all. Ilieso piods aie utlereil at the lowest cash rates and win ue Kuarameeu iukim saiiM.icuon, a can Is solicited bejore puichssln elsewhere as It Is beIJetd that better barRalns uto to be foNiul than at any ntht r place In thu count) . t US , l 11, NCI.VE MAXCHKHS. Allen .V NeeilleV lmmoed suii l'ltosohute ot tlmo the old slauditrd artU le, uulloun In quality the must lluelv piepanslaudchtaestPhosphalu In thu Market. lu Hatpi, 'JM lbs. each, Mil per 2ut bn, AtniitouIatM v i: n t i I. i z i: n. Ackuow Itsled to le the most vatuublemanure at tho price, oilered to tho public lu Haxx, 1 lbs. eueb, fijper'J'Mi 1Ih. why: (jhound honk AT LOWPST MAHKP.T lUTPM, lMUUJVIAN (1UANO, We Midi only No. I Ihneniment. -received ill reel iroin the K I H II O U A N O. A spleiidht uinuuie, and one that Is attracting' much attention from launerH. PacUtd In Mar reU, per'J'J lbs. li A N U 1 h A H 'P i: It. lu linnets, nt lowest market rale, A pure ai tide. A tlirtcoiint to ili'nlprs 011 abovo prior. Hhmild Ihu dealer nenr you not have our artlc V, send our orderM ill) ert tons, aud they will litu pionipl alleutlou, AMiKN t NKKUMCS, Oltlcis and Htores, U H. Water Ht., and 4? H, Deluwaio Av, PKALUIM IN OILH, CANPLI-i, A.ND.UPN. nn.w t'OMMiMsioN MPitniANm I'UILAUKM'IUA. llNTAlll.IhlU II IN Porale by thn Ilhwnsburtf (ron 0 Aunt st 7, iS-3m, HIST. Munimii'ii cot iimr tubular Llslilulua ti U the beit Protirtloii uualnst disaster h Itahtnlui! iur linontid. Tho subsrribtr Is onvi for the ni.nti' lit t in juii, iiiui itn i'iuri vy tuuu or 1U pi,rsun will be promptly attended to. Ma) V II. lUPLKMAN DRY GOODS, ETC. rjJIK 1'liAUK to Ketyour tiionty Imt-kln (jfHfl gfXKlKtit luwjirlriM hut L. T. hhahplishhiohi:. JUHT Ui;CKIVEI) JL'Ml KKCKIVKU A frch liivolt'o of Di'lalm, Callcoff. Muslins, I'lc. JUST UKCK1VKI) juht hpceivi:d A frph linolcf nl Hoop HklrtKofall kind, embracing ultra htvm, Linen Currij and Collar for ladlf . JU8T IIKCKIVKI) JPHT UP-CniVKD A frenli Involrn of 1'mx r Cutluro ntnl Cufft, new htyli n, Ltnen Hhlrt fronts lor .Men una uojh. JUST ItECEIVKI) .UTHT IIKCEIVED A now InvnlcoorCrockcry, Queens ware, Yollowwart', olo. JUST KECKIVKH JUHT llULEIVr.I) A new lnntnllnu.nt or Hhiiih, Ilwf, Cwl Fluti unit Mnckerrl. J UST ItECEIVKI) .U HT nKCKtVKO Tho be.t 81.00 Hjrup 111 Ihclnwli, Jf-ST KKCKIVKI) IfHT I1F.CT.IVEI) Fn-sli Dried KrultM, Alinlcv, IVacheH. uxrwX ami unpnreil, lllai kberrleii, I'runeB, Whlto Ileum, Hurley nnd Ilnniliiy. ANTED Butter, Kckh nml Ijintj fnr a trlinc nrtlcle eiwh wlllboimlil. yAI,"rKI) IlamH.HliouliliTH unit naeoii. (100IIH (lOOI)H OOODS (KXJIW HOM HOLD KOMI HOLD AT A AT A AT A AT A H.MAI.I, HMAI.I, HMALI, HMAI.I. ADVANUi:. ADVANCi:. ADVANCi:. ADVANCK KOIt CAH OR HEADY I'AY. KOK L-AH1I OK HEADY 1-AY, FOH CAH1I OK KEADY l'AY FOIl CAHII OK ItUADY Pay! AT I.. T. RHARFLKKS'8 HTOltt:. AT I,. T. HIIAItl'LIXH'H HTOltE. AT I T. HIIAItrLlXS'H HTOltE. AT L. T. HHAWLIMH'S HTOltt:. Illooiui.biirir, March so, lsns. JLOOMHllUIKI L1TICKAHY INHTITt'Ti:. llOWtll OF INSTItL'lTIOS IIKNIIY C.lti:tt, A. M Frlni-liml mil IT h prletor, I'roKi-or of l'lillnsi-jilti . A... Mlnh H'llllll A. CnrMT, Frei-l'IitrehH, Teueher of Freticll, ilritnny mill ririitiineiitiil brnni'lii'K, -TtiteiJufl1iAuclent,ljuipiniH--s CliurkH E. Rice, A. II., 1'rofe.hur ol Matlu-mntle-., V. M. Ilalen, Twiclier of Ilook-keerlni; Sc EiikIMi hnmcln. MlMAIIroM. Carver, Tiaclierof luntrunicutal Jlusle. II Im Teaelier of Vocal Sttiilc. Mini Julia Onest, Teachl r In rrlnuiry Deiwrliuein. HprlnB una i-onimonces April 13th, N-. V.rch au.wi. S1 OJIETHIXG NEW. The undcrslnel beRs Ieuo t. inf.-nu hei , frlt-nds and the public eneial!., thai she itts 1 opencnl in LKJHT HTUKKT a hfHh --t'l ol cooIh In the Una of MILLINKUY iintl TltlMMINdH In ronnttion with DreH MaklijR; and Is pn parwi hi addition, to coi.oi:ri(Aw hath on the naoiiest notlcp.and tn tho beht ul I cd inr i TrrH cneap anil worK witisuuiory. , MHH, K, KLINP. Uabt muh t,(K-tohcr i, iwrr. M ISH LIZZIE HAHKI.KY has Jul lelllrnisl tiom l'hltnitilphU., and lioliSht, unit In now oll'crhu the bcM lissottliiinl ol IWNCY (IOIII1M, nilM.Ml.NUH, IIONNKI'H&f. Ac. ever exhibited in lllrininl.urK, and la prepared to make mi dret-sin and all other iirticles of female Mardrohe, at htiott notice, and lu the bent and I. AT KS T HTItlNO HTVI.T.H. ltoouiH m tlie KaniKey llulldlUKs, on Wot Mulli Street, Call and rev her vnlled Mock of Hprlng Hoods May 1,'IH. 0 LU l'-lUFNUS A NKW I'ltlKNDS flttri WAY 1 1 A. ltartliiun's niM-Hton- ll.K.uis on Main stl., below Market, llltV liOODS, NOTIONS, HOi)TiS,hllOI, hhoci:iiii:s, IT.tlVIlslll.NK Jit., ,ti Ac, Also, 11 new and itood hupply of SHIVIW ANIi Tl.NWAlti:. Haunt: st cu 1 1 d a wt Ibk now n and superior workman, Is prepared to make new work, and if pairing to ordi i. HPOPTINtl MAIiP IO OUDPK. All as cheap for caih or tiadu as the eh-apii.t. Tall aud stt. 1'lrst stoic on wt-hl t nd of smith MalnHt. A. IIAKTMAN. April Id. Auent. JKNUKHHIIOTTS lMIAHMAf'Y. UlM'OiITi: A MKHH'AN IIOI'HK, WheitMiiaybofouiul aeomplete assortment oi tresh and puro MKDIC1M, IWV HTPPPH, COLOllS, iII. 1 WINlMlW-tll LAMPS, LA NT I! I IN ). PAH, KttAI VLCOIIOL, WINI .t I Ml 'IE.S HV11PPH. i PKUPUMPUV, 10ILPT ANPPANt V AUTR'LPA j which art oilered nt ot I inno prlcts, pii'wiip. lions aceuiatelj piep'irt ' ' Jan 3 (W-ly, , QAKHIA(JK JIANUFAdTOUY, 1 iUoouiBburn, Pa. M. t HIX)AN & PHOTIIKIt the tuecssorM of WILLIAM HLOAN X Hi.N continue Ihe bimlnesH of making OAUULVdPH, nrtidiix and eery style of PANCV WAfiONH, which they luie tMiustanlly on luud to amicus. tonitrs. NcNtr using any matciiul but the best and employing the most ekperleiued workmen they uopti toiHntluue an heietotoro to tftvo eut In uatlHtactlon to every customer, Au InsptTltou id Ihelr work, and of thoreasouablo pilco aked tor l ho same, is suro tu Uuturo u sale. TJKION lfoTlIL, II O it it K II I It II, 1' A. Tin- un.lerliEnfd would ri-.i-ts tlully liiform the trHW-llllK public that ho htm puri-luiHcil mid retllled In the best intuitu r tl.ti oldhlaliil Imiuels ly iH-cuplisl by W. A. Klllli-.lMiil that lie Is nov. prepared to HccoliiluodilUi III, IrU'iul Willi all the iouiIoiu uud conveiilt ucemif a lliHt-chus houi-e, A Uuouew bnriihiiH hteii bulltund tlio Miriouu illliUM placed m peitoct order, 'thu bur will ul vra Iai htocki-d wtlh lln cholnci-1 llquorH unit el uu, uud Hit labia luinUhi d with the best the lunrkel aitoriL. JAMIi V, llll.l.AHl'Il:, July 3,'fts.if NIUIKWH, WILKINS A CO., IifulerH lu KOltlUUN AND DOMUHTIU IIMV (HKUiK. Nu,tU Market Htrerl, 11U1 dilphla. MISCELLANEOUS, (WW(v i "iorn to S. C, k. . n m.i.-n. rVlli: HCIlSClt lEllH llii-tvn J. I.eane.1 tin- l'lniilnu Mill nml Mnfi.,.!, Hi, lorincrlyniuipliilliyH. (. Mm,., li r.VLi tliiiliusllliMof Inau'lfiutliriliK -1"' DOOIt, HAHH, IILINIM, Jt(ll-,lliSU , llraeketi.,tr. We nro nl rril to furnM. tlrtiwcil flniilntr, hliliigicniiiiil nil oilier luluhi i rriiulrnl In Uu- roniiuctloii of liuliiiinun, ai kliuliior turnlliK done nt i-liort notice. Illll- ?r Join nnd other frame mtitr lined with iiiihi,,.. in i.nniiil cure. Onkri rcpietfiilly miI,i1ii, April IT.V-i WOI.F ,( II lo. CCIIUTZE A l.VUOIA'l- Hr.Mll.HnUi IN I-OV.) MIIIUI! lellHer-4 of II, til MiiVTIi.l- 'I. I'M'. Wnlninti .l for live irnn. a i v i . i -n ',' " ri'ienud ii iK'imry Ji.ih, -i i... . ... v""mln"W c lorir. The ile it Monitor Flute l-lanoB by llu lr pe. r . I ""V"1'1 re mperlor lo nil olhem, nnd ,t . . !"1,'.r.l,li''ul,''''"1". 111 ""' '""I I'lmik Ix-lliK "lip oi ed by the Iron fr,m. miowl ik n larner piu-o other kind ofl'inno. nv 11,1, ,,',, n,n ,, i.i rriMM il" 'liuilltyof the tone I. largely In'. llilM.' I-liuios linMi beii l.rnnolilii.d by the In nl Juilnoi In bo lilirlvnlt. it lot I'OWl-.It ANII HWEE'IMHH OF TONE, Iy nml iiBieenhtc touch nnd bemily of tlnl.h. ti J11" ' 1 1 t t t It lent of excellence irom Tlmlberir. UottM linlk,Hirnkovch, Vlcutcinp., nnd n lario iiuniberol tlie mom dlMlniiuMied l'mreii. ornml Aiiiiileur. From long exrlcncu nnd filperlor fiielllll... for Manur.ictnrii k, e urn ena. , . "'Jl'I ",ur I'lnnnHiit i,h tow pricc ns nio n.ked by Inferior mnker.. Mn'r (iVr yrlnr l,rl0'' iM- rpomtlNOTOX .V llonUKlXH' " It A II' J l OA i: HCI'EK 1'IIOSl'IIATE OI-' LIME, A HTANDAIll) MANItltr. n... ... UIUIN CIIOI-H. ............... iiiii'llini',uWt'"il" I'",?,1, 0"' m-onllr Increnued mid mnnuraciurlmt, name iri-iuKiI lo furlil"h IYh Vv'lMV WOSWIATl.111'' " "",''rl0,' "rl"'10 the ont . I rJ "'' """""Klll.V tentl ciito tlio leiull hni been enilrelv intinraetnrv. 1 i ',r0CC81! or puherlJlng, whereby It I pio pnred for nnd guaranteed TO VAkH TllOfOII ANY lillll.I. 'r'!.1!1,1''8 "" nbjectton which nttachci to many (mHh'"a7uabi0Ume." llh of u.'.'.,,.1,t..",r.,nnnurilrto, Vi:.VfcrMAKKfcT STREET ViV. J .V.'.'i iA-.nnd by our nuentu lliroughout Of AM) lbl. Al0 HIIII'I'LII PHOJ ITI.Y lo nil IK) lit ncceA-.ll.ln l.t- mil n........t . order. TOliltlNUTON A IIOIHIKIn's. l'!?.'.'0".,,', tx-yinnur. Morean A Allen.i 2J. -! !nl,l1"l'.K.'nr,ir'11"1 -Mower (The New Yolk erlnnd l'lillt.vHmedleVgllnvnnd llrnln Itnke I- t, K! '-VElt.Aljenl. Illoomi-burii, I'n. 1 " M Circular. 1 elLiS iiitun I. UKVTIII-OTI'. W, 11. MAITI.AMi. 1. li.Mllov. HEATllCtJTE A COMI'AXY A' OIL : Jl II' O Jl K y, (un.vm oi wiwr HTiiKnr i in. li klnuiuK Illllll'r lncienveil mil. f.i.-lllllr.j I.. t i-hop loom, machinery. Ac, e nro iireimrcil to "J iJ V ? .r I V1 1 , J l. J 1 ' Vl!,I-LI-i:,nnd nil kinds of Nl t:.M IIOILEIW, h.MOlil;.HTACKH, T.KH, Hin.r r-Iuox Hoiik.Ac. All workpionipllv donu lo older, nt .slioit notke, nnd M'l.CIAI, ATTENTION FAIII ID ItEPAIIIH. 'i.iii. .ill. i i.. i j u....i..ti. i... ... . Im-iii of our llriil-nll belim J-rurlHiitlloilcr Maker'. Mr. IlKAriliori: tins hail nn ctpcrlcmu of ovir lb llv vears in Ihn nuiiiin.i, fur.. r nil iri...i nr Mcniii i llolleiH ! unit rrom our loiujexpcrleiiio wo aio fully iiwarn ol tho nenlt.v urn urll-innila and hiilllcleutly Liijie liolLFlt, to hceuio not otilv n.m-ij uui ioi.v ri-suiiK; ami we hlnill t.Ut our eiiHlonieis only llioso or the best riunllti n j cuaiilH inntri lnl, oi kninnhli., nnd niiinl Ii. ul. Iiik u rrn p. nnd leel eontlcent that no mti ren der iilll.ictlon, nnd nt prlcea fully im low . nn o her btlllflera uslni; tin-Mime nl iim.i. n- o would call the nllentlnii of Ilnllt I'llllle-. to our lacllllleH lordolnu I.Oi llMnTI I 01tt. HKi-Aln-i on ni u- u. .... . n a point loronoolthe llrm tnnlwan - i.1 i. . fonal attention, 1 an- nlM piepared lod.. nil Ku.,. i. llllni;, hiicli as llcatlim l-ubiic i.h.i -,,ie lliill.llni.', Fnclorln, ilitliiKitiHiiiiii l.oih-iv... . (ouslnuin on liiind nil km. i.rsn .mi. TIM.1Sir.AM AM) WATI'ltOlIAlll -.Sfl-AM l-l-. and all filtliiKH eonnicletl will. Urn bu .in. AU ..OiMliiu'suliill ItlmlH.l.oii, rl ron i-i.i.- . -Wmi. l-l.iv.-H, iii d nil woil: cnnn.cii.l il Kiuellillouinliy liu-thtc s. lleieitfllll.v - H'cltlllK .Villi- nr-'n Your m ry trul.i, .1. III-ATIti-iu , I cb.'Js l.w 1 O i: (l"s"lrK C T C H. I Tilt: MORNING I'A'IIIIUI, lue i.incc-c.l tliolate I'm a Iiiimuu ...... in.-iiiin.iH in me umnisii:uitl, ilnv propon-lompply a Muiiuni Hint ha loi.u hi,, i ti'd III Ihe n Mhliaper plens of lull rlor I'.-iiiihii. , Frniil omo eniiMiorolliel tho leiuliiur inuais t,','."i """"'"tlo Pally, ot the sunt Interlol counties ol IhuMnte.liavubien eoinpclh-d, either toito without tlie latest news, or palionlre. Jour nals whose political u ntllnents H en-ill.liisleful Tlio Mnrnln: I I'.itrlot Is mti udcil to siipph mis want. Khali V spared, on their " ft, to iVml""it fufly fjual,as anewVpnpir. lo any ut its oJiliors mteerlheeI(Vi'ic wirisuioal Its nn-determined Unit no ell'orlH ........ . ni-m in- ituur 1)1 KOIUK IO prt fiuuMiedln Wa column mi limn its laiKf- HiLMVIM iimhli-ll toRloiUltens nuitli icialliK iiiaiti r lis any ol it conn n,, nm,.,. .".... i -.oiiini council .eii'iinenl?. I I I Mil 1 1 1; llo fuel lull, e i li j u. .tl mc 11. in I. Ill ilev-it" t ina "si ntiii. em mi ih. t i .a n.. um.u- I'lillJ j as ii eli,ele il Hie MUI lieMi. 1111,1 11 I !i "."!!"' ",!" lassll.KeMiu., i... uu 1111,111 d , II shall not lie ixcell.d; and woooiillilcntlj uppeiil Ion iliM.ilinlualltm plilillc 1 .1 ,1 ipon. I el and ene.ini-.aenient h hlcli nr.-111 1. in 11. t sal.!,. 1,1 vli. .-ess, 1 i i;u.m. 1 fi-i Mi,- Iinlly. niii-ji-ur Ina.luiiici. ? mi " sx nii.nllis, 1 w s-lnyli 1 iiples. Thn e Cents, Tin: vi:i:ki,v i-athiot 1 . I' Is tlieil.leinilnation of the ptuprletors 01 tlio 1 l-lllll.ll It. t.lllln. III. Il' ,. 1...I.I. I. ..... . n I ... I I I ' in ulau the ' mid t'lilon" wu. In lis pal- 1 inii'M 1111 a, 11 UIII la one ol thu ljmet Meekly )i-i it rs in I he state, nnd ipeclal 1 alnswlll l,e tut;, 'ii In till lis columns with null icndlni! matter as will he alike luleiestlni; nnd u-elill to Uu. 1 111, thn .Meehaiile and tho Man of lliisnei, and lo main' 11 nu ameeniiletnui uelcoiiie i-ili.i lllevcl family. Kvery pi rson slit.uld i-uhsillln- lu the p.11.1 r pllnted III hisoiin entllily, and we do mil iiiulll loelller Into colilpelllton Mllli i.. .u-it I papers of tlie r-tale. Hut . 11 1:111 piople tuke their lioine paper and a i-lt 1 nper In iiililltlon, T,, sh.-Iim., Mini itn el Iim. TllIM". Hllljili 1 opt , one eii- . , s ;,ij hlX lllOlltliy 1 1 11 1 u.i -i. one jenr 'Iilelilj . opies, oiiu year I'Ht.v " tto one addles, ' I vein line hull. Hid eiipli s " ' Ail unlets khonl.t he addle.., cd to 1 it IO . :r. 01 7 . nu li" in II I'. MIIVIllPs ,i Oi, ll.iriiKl.uii:, I'n l K A l M II It S! I'M II IC (iCA.Mi cii.M1'AN h !-iil.l lll,- I' A C I V I C (I U A X (). Till: ATI'DNTIIIN ol l aluu-ls and i.tlil I .011 MIIIK Is oll'elllllets Is hl Ik. I In this liu.llio, Us 1 Mollhy ot theii spieial notice. Its use tor hew . 1 ai eurs III Mnr land, Vllclnla and otlui tsoiith etn slates, lor all eiups, has uImii It 11 Miinilanl I ell.ltiietel lot 1 xeellen.e litieiiualleil hv any nth- er. It possess! sail the iiul'.ktiess ol (lu. 1110 Willi pciuiuneiii iitiiilnics not round In thai article, ssi IU. 1 f ihis iluuiii. aie lound mole than Kitlill to u lis, ol the last supel pliosphatc, II ilpi us ihe wli.'.ii unp tr--in ll.e , 10 seven i.iruel tliall ll.e pltiispliales, will. It I till talone irllis 11 llliiileuliilileadMilltie; s Lib- 1 1 ul ills, 1. nn 1 tn ih air is, I'm sal.- i JllilN S. Itl.llsl: A in., " "I Akellts Im I'ueille ( i lin 1 11 . 1 o 1 ism. mil lieh.uine Ale., I'hllud'n , And 71 l lllh Mm t llultli, oiv. I Maieii :7, M.1111, I To Hotel anil Million Let-pi-v. of ttnM 1 I at 'n and Cutumbl.i County, I hat I Mr. II. r-lohliernveut tor Ihe Mltci I n blown stout, anil hmer heer, who w .1' - .. n ' ul the mime pi in- uilld Willi the s 111 , .'1 , would furuisli you from the litem 1 . M1...11. 1 1 Unit lie will be 1 lllictluit utld mi. ntr. w 1 1 may favor lilm with their lr.1.1. . I s .net 1 jotirsuppiut. Vutj ie-p cHiili). 1 KIIKii I.ACI II, HI14.111 lii.-ueiy. It Itn 1 1, a- iiAitMxs iaki it. OlUMirA ll.t F , I ' I I IU1 L'OI.MV, Pkn n' 1 TDK undt ).!, 11. d iici'ctfully intnruu his Oit nils ami tbi piddle that be bus boouht nut Thomas Hi . hi i , ..nd 111 emuliuie Oil I iisUh-i "fHAIHiI.I and II All M ss MA KIN (, '11 all tu vai Ions hi am las, at Uu old ftmid above Nuj ttt r' Htdi I, and ho t in tUsi it and ucelo the i a 1 onae uf all wroiu td articles in hUllnc. I ib.w.'as. (iHUItlK LA.AIU r K II A V K C () y K With HUUt llubii with us in our m. Ills ti. tU.ent Im ii "J "into O Jt A N P o !i ; DOLL A it HA L PI sheetlny. fice of (Vm to imr Ayents, Walclus ti c oi Vnhi to our Audits Kawliu;Ma)ilnerref ofl'ott ' Aneiitf. Lcatuer uoom rite of t'oisl (o Aireiits. Linen Unod irccnfCnsi toour Agenu. hllksnnd Shawls lit e it t'iit to Anents. Hoots nnd Shoes tiee of ('ml to Aveuls. Diess litiMtls 11 1 1 osi to mil Agent. IIHFAT ItOI I.U, It Ml.. WNi 1 Oil opjt v t ill IV-Ui- Hend lor 0111 cheular. A nts wanittJ evej. whir. Address UAHIUH4 Pl.PMMMI.iU Umi oer stieet, lltistoli, M us. J AWUKNVKVIUX J P P M A 1. 1: s P. M I N A It 1. wviitM y 11. i.u M.v Jiutsta, Tin litxt sulon will t'ommeueit 011 Si pt Send torelroular. t'. NAfc-AP, Prlncli! rins T C 1 A s s ItOAKDINtl srlKlOL 1 It VOl NO LAI 11 S lu iMimcctlon MltU the Slule Normal Hchoo) lieltlou New JeiM-s Tolui chmues, lutludlu;t tioard Million, tmd Is, tu, yeai I'm tdr- u- iar with lull p.uilculars, apply to At. Td JOHN V, ilAHT Piluclpal, A Frin 1 I. KIM ' nealiv en (11 JOll HUNTING 1 1 t'HiiUN Htrum rititl.iv tiihca .l,V ADVEIftlSLMr M MAI.K (OI.I.I.III. I Ve .1, . i-,. I l . ii li ' on Hi" Ii. 1 1 .vir Hour. .1 1 ii,,i i y. irtc. in. I iiii t'lie r i. .1 cducat. ii.lvitlil.i ineiii.ii nm im-.nn'iiM hum bi llnnf. I l. Dili. Foi V.H.yil,, I.. .MM.I.N nil VKEIjY v ii Ao-I.,iTi .s vantj:h ll ri , hi o'11 "Weill l- Ttl. . 1 11'! LV"1 pormnneiit .nliin , i. ? , '."PSvuiHoci'ii liiMlllioilt II. , i .. i-.', .. . i ' .I'l'i1'1; VM111? I ho Ikkum Ik.101 o me enunm without rcad.if , ,i,ei.ii ro er, .,., ,. in.dlnx li the bejfVriSrity tS .. 1 1 lib. . Ilerlil nnd ft fdll terltitl.m ..r 11, m, ...ii,. i .Mini ni.ii i( im;iii.thii. ... oiiii. lie Hill I. 1, A' OI.XTS WAXTHU, For tl.., mmhItu I nil.! 1 r- or rt.-,.. H.'IILIS Ell rul, I' X. fndlspeiisa.ile ton lint un.lcttimll It..- tMilllii-nl Nnuen of th da nnd et.t rs d b t. .- li- uli-w of the Republican party. Thui-lalri'sot thiktatenmnti totnegratl tilde, of the tuition ate muc lenrly i-ei l.irth m tiiln voltitne Hint lio.te of till n.lrnlrers cull nff. rd lo b wllltL-il u. copy. Kind for circular, nn-l ep our llhr rnl term i i nil a full description of the work. Addles. 1TNITEH HTATEI 1'UIIM" I 1NOCO., Ill llloomi-Ht., New- nrk. iEX'iyET)7TO'u run iili'Ii-ioath," And tiow tlu-y llveil, rmuzht and dlrsl for thn Liiion, with MfftHftnrd tncldetitH In tin Ur'at Rebellion." It connlns over leo tin r. ... nnd.1 Ki i n?i ii,and tn tho nplcl(t.l nnd (htarK.t war ImhiI: i er in. Indnd. Fili'Ol.ii e -t Html for circulars nnd neo our term, i ml full dencrlpilnnotiiiewotk. Addr. i-s .lONIN Hlt -. CO.. ridlndeiphln, l'.i: cinctnnatti, Ohio! (.'hi c-iko. III., orHt. kA, Mo. JOKXTS VANTEI)TO SELL THE "EMINENT WOMEN OF THE AUE," An octuvo volume. of M0 pnn. .-on nlninir 17 newly wrlttcnskelctie, by Mesum Pulton Or.-e-ly, IIlzsluson.Tllton, winter, Abbott, rr-.f II- p'n, , Airs, i., u. Htnnton, I nmiy i-e u, or o (lr ireenwond. etc. tltustrnled u Itb forleeii I.m unit etc el cngrnA intrs. Tho New York Inl'ime, payH i "Ho thoi- uabi havo the pnbllsliers done Ihelr work tin, t volume In pnper, tvt, blndltie .-nfir nbovenll In the excrllcnco of its I. to reinovfl the reproicti uu .ii mitiscrinllon liooks -i-nlj made t 11. ror u.'scripiivt, ciriumra, etc HET.T.1 A CO., Hartford, Conn, nn-l -iis H s TAIt AGRICULTURAL. WOP.KK. Ttio Alhnnw f'.ittnti Illn fnni.i..iMn. r t I. bauy, N. V. ilnnufapturn' of Ucnfral Arjn.'u tural Jf iLhllierv. cniimrKln-i th cti hrHt-l winr 'rhrcshln:: Mivchlnca ; 'btar' railway Mr Midt cimm)aiid Lfver Horn rowirfi; ' i otti filns and condenm, Mrculnr I'nw '! n -r.illU; Tower Corn Hl.olb i ; Doa V v , i , Wo wlh toraH the I'ajtpulacn I n in of nt met tiiorrcfbbmu'if 'HrAll 'J Hit Hrifuii' CLEAN I It. Wblclu as iatt-jy Ininnivt-d, wi- i l.iitn It far Miprrior to ni y itbn machine now in mar led. It is compact nnd oaHy portab'i, n tuple in Its conHtriKtlon, and tl cn-fori' ensv toipfrnlo by thuii"jt iurxiiuifiH-cd.tind willd'i luwurk with marvel mii lapldlty aud rfcM--u and Uhc.nij.irutli-)y ihu IfavttU'rnuml uio.i thn Htronizth of the nnima driving tt . Wo hat rnadt went lmprot ineutH In thin machine R which uuaro ciuhlcil lit thnmnrriiiv rlcauthoKraln almost undemny rombluatton of uiiiicuuic?. uiiu wo lire mnv iisnm an entirely new aiul clU cli odcvlco for rc if mil- r oiior ol dust, thus m.iklnj; the ux rallon i( thresh Ids us- cmruurinuie iinu suit us unit I lie oruiliiir innelilnuH ii Is annoying and fnourntly destruc tlvoot hcj.lib. 1 hem mitt hind nro mnip of miIIh! b tl i.r our 'htar' Hallway 'J Iioikc po4'i ami m 'tnr' Levu Powcis for I l.tnlii Ih-it" I'i.i m hv our akelitn ai.d tU joV? Por mil p nt h nliiis s lot flu lib f rltUvtM'Iirrlui and price 1 i t. ( '! wih pi as ti t.ius, Iitr: Al im ! M m i r' ni i. (' I . tt. l)i iv N. . I It ' t P le .III 1 a ' -oi nd, i e f'.itiimmi hniiii m (rrt-sl nv tin I. i.t Tin. tftJti I J-',Ilj f"!""'; I? P iu.t be ft "died. We Kiiaratity tluy will cut S3 per ceul. inoiethan common Axts, 1th U- labor tothe 's. ml for clrev 1. r and pries 11. 1,1 1TI Vi'dTT , llAKr.WIU.I,, I'ltlslmn-ll, l'a., hole Manitti fi I'or Mile liy principal IluldMaie llialcrn. w h AUK OX II ANU, And will wll mote for tin 1.101 un oot.i. u: i ovt i,kn is nit; tut si i i ift, Our Induceuunts tor formlua tlubo are moie than doutdo 1h.1t of nuy istabl dmttit in the country. P'r (lit proof u( this ashortlott, pit so examine iair Tenun to Act nta, which nn as ItiUwsi Sir Head caiefully and eominiu with tlm teruu 1 r cettlm up clubs, as ndtHKitlby other tnblshmi nls, Any peroon M nuitw two dollars can ivceie lor the sum. a election trom the tollowliu aitlclcs: Two not one .vi pMim Morroceo Albums, J pairs (not one pair) ol Confess I(ooi, J plcceK (not one plccoi tt Pants Pattern. - fiutt onei .1 bottle Ucvulvlii!! I'asfors, (uot one) woititl llrenkl ixt shawls, ot 1 any tw o arililt" (iml ono article; (mm our e 1 el 11111:0 IKt. I AN e will also i-end -) printed iiotu 1 foi talent oiin dollar inch. Any pel 0011 si tid'mr three dit: -iur the i-.uni nMliitioii ii.m t 1. 1 1 tides :-! yd-. Pe 1 Hulwh . M. I not onei i) lw 1 111 hey Mou. c . ai in 1 1 '11 U.i. .u IS t . r tiu.i il 0 r.ii 1 v other .. s llleV I t,tlc- II sinr .1 .1 -mo j us riieeiin, n tjiiiu.1 r' 1 ne bell (jold bo-nin stud--, - ll"l nu chat us Ml, vi i plated tilmmiiK ituin'sof tin m- ei .iIiin am nd. 11. lolivilll- a . u nd, which I 11 tie "i j tue all of ihum ,41 'Id plaicd. V t.'H phitttl ehatil Puttel Illlle, '4 dil p;ab il .'i ixitib i.'ul i'hku ih, . Mi)StelIil ttts l Knives und 1 Wuist.-d pioimnaib shawl, i liiUU u dil pin let' ehultt. ''tl"! .'lb d titbl (toltlileiiilctS - Of I '.II. ytn idH 1 ( aoui pui't u n P't i nen. uiiew I list u l ul n r i. iim uts to Mdhi j t " i ti I tuuid i ih. 1'iii'lM . i :i nnt o i u 1 VQlk in.r.i or writ it IK lHfK,': U 41111I it..i'.ntpd Mcut jMt . 1 e.i ami d I'Vi- HutioiM to nn I u it'ir'luijfci , Muocto i pi .. . no 1 ' ' ' Itn. moral Jtisiis 1 Wiu 11 t ,1 ml Muy linuu ii ii.,. . . u. .1 i n . ndliiK 1 tloj r Pit 1 t .v. from the -nu u 1 1 hi 1 . -a . 'Iclts, A blai 1. i'i 1 1. a 1 iitturu, .1 poj lln do 1 put .. I'Uivwi i bleeebeiisb. . 1 ' tin uiu 1 phittd iev l v 11 h r l ids sup ri-.lmeie, extl.i i . 1 e m. d wlut ipihi. I pair sent ' 1 11 If bo t- un- mi. u t worn irH'rfuu,-J (not om) best tpiailt HJlinr 1 kU his, .in client t ay c 01 U, m ide by f-eh 'll.omsd, ' t ,iK, loubltniiillh loth tor ladit V sacks or chl, lr 1 .lur,nslIl 1 ol ited ejnkuorettrd basHti. m i.uitt or earn. .nd loiiu slnwl. Kplondli p lltlully Ollile, I il, 1 Hot U ) Is, doublu . bith wu'ci pr . c'i aUlus, U sets t a'li noi I rt et.itu Imh tiandle knlM, wit1. iiVrptaUl 1 iinkx, 1 m i of hi e curtuliu, we 1 into hi 1 hi tu 1 trim "i n 1 1 1 01 uuivo i'..rul- .11 ' 10 do. I reach, n 1 1 ri- n m i.olnv: 'liu dollars, cun rcceh ili.'-aai t' st lei vidii b imlle loliowiLid aril ti :-! Uu t l tls 1 uble cloth for 1 inaklii' or t .lalliu;, 'e'i bleached linen tu 1 torloihs tlth . tl 1 ot one do. linen du masl; lripuliis, ti') d1 not .j uU, htinp eailsit Ins. 13 jiUexli.i (in Ihv black or t ilnred AliHi entires Pattern, II ds, extin nualliy, pojiiiu dtvsh putti.rus, Mlht-r .Imutlmr iam3 Match, new mot second haiidetlt'Jtlnx. t'lut one tin.) hory hatulled steel blade, luily und forks, 1 pr, kupe llor wool hl.uil.tis.iii.v fur mutt ami t-upt, a (not a base hultatbrn ns used by other onneeru,)i,( t t w i "ouev combfUUs, 2 imt uc 'splendid clai Uu illy bibles. We wlllaNo MUdpllutM for I2f ufll eh" lor wile atone dollar rath, Por la r kit clubs tho aluo miivwti In Uw -auie tuilo. (i.trsioik of uoods l all new ami lu Root I oldl l. Thu nuatlty nfthe i;oods Is botltv thun those mid by any other fomcru lu thn country. Wo tue of the tfiiuli'ii t. 1 npt-r trial. iiij; inu iiiHau nuveni'w'ioeiu, mid .itios mih tome to the eonelu''1 IbiU tio b.A'e bts.n hc erelv swlndltd fy some of ih. t Kin rou eel lis 111 IMH"V. We eatmut otter to the pitsm siluPp Us tha larn t amount 01 money foru tnuiith, u mil of . muuy or watches, a that Is u Il lation of the ltv aealust lotteries: but lu addiHon to ll iitiovu llbeial terms, we will hell tu uuv one u bo tl. t may lend us HO, eleven aiilcles from our ot 1 chunue lUt, all to be stuk in mu order; and lor , I i'JU wu will sell twenty. two nrtu-b-s from our ex. t huiinti list, all to bu tienVlu out order, 4' Uniy suit by iefiM r d lettem or IkmUiI Moiics Older, or tlrutt at our w'U. lataiouuwi v., ncut to any ad .less. P. M. Aueuts wi'l pleasu m u., n lul Ui 1 have at 11U in their town or rin . ami ihcy wii uveluiour most sltuent thank , TIH'MAH L PI'NMI tV It), No, WA5s PS . roil NJ'IAT r ion im ui cnr.Ai l Of. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers