lie VOI. 2 NO. Yl. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1868. PRICK FIVE CENTS. W.OOMSmiKH MKKCTOKY. stovus and tinwari:. I AI'OII MI.TZ. ilcnlcrln lines. tlnw re. Mnln I si,, nhovocourl holtse. vl-liU liri'lT.r. slnvis ninl tinware. Hubert i, tllril'lc. Mtllllsl , 01 .Market, i-nit )1',V, A. HAHTMAN, Arc lit, Woven, Unwaro IV ot all kinds, .spouting (to. l'llsl stole on West end or Moulh Main html. 17 CLOTHING, &V. 1 I.OWHNllinta merchant Inllor. Main St.. :.i 17, door nbovo American house, vl-nri I "w. ClU'.MllCHLIN. wholesntonndrctnll dcnl- I . pr Iti plntliliur.pte I Inrltiiim's hiillilliur. Mnln street. 1 vl-n 1 1 DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AC. I N. MOYlIIt, druggist and apothecary, lis If thangoblocIcMnln t. l-nn 1,1 1', I.l'TZ, diugglst and apothecary, ltuporl I';, block, M.llll St., west of Maiket. U-ull OLOCKS.VATOHES, AC. I M'lH IlKUNHAUI), watch nml clock maker, I I iM'tir southeast corner Mnln unit 1 ron sts.vl-utt I H. SAVAOK, dealer In clocks, waU'hcs nn,l w. Jewelry, .Miiin st., Just below American lloue. vMill I) UATI I CAUT, watch lilul clock maker, Market V St., belowMaln. vl-llll BOOTS AND HHOHST l M. llltOWN, boot ami slloeliiakcr.Mnlnstiect j, opposlto Court House. vl-nll 1 KOI, LKIlintdnantl facto rrr and dealer In boots l am! bhoes.Maliisl., opposite Lplscoput chinch Vl-lllJ nl'.NHY KLHl.M, manufacturer ami dealer In boots ami shoes, groceries etc., list Illooms inirg Mnln M. l-nll lyWIII mrrz, l,oot nml shoemaker, Main St., ) below Hnrtinan's store, woslorMaikctsticet. vi-nj 1 " PROFESSIONAL. I It. HVANH.M. 1). surgeon and rhyslclan south ,1 sldo Main St., below Malket. vMll.l l It. II. 1". Kinney surgeon dentist, teeth extract I oil wlljinut pain. Main st l.plscopurchtircli. neillly opposllo Viii, I II. M'KI'.LVY, M. I. surgeon and physician ,1 north sldo Main St., below Malket. vl-nll r l HUTTKIt, M. I, surgeon and rhyslclan. .1 Mantel St., auove Main. Oil. It. C. HOWllU, surgeon dentist, Slnln st.. nbovo court house. 1-nji I II. UOUIHON, Attnrney-nt'rnv.OlIlct) Hart tl. nmii'H building, MnlnHtrcct. vrMiSO nit. H. I'. UHALKANT, DrtitKt, Main ht., Iks Inw AlnrkptNext door in Dr. Kvaim y'-'-'-7 JUliLINEltY A FANCY GOODS Mim l5zzin HAUKLUY, milliner, llnmscy liulIuIiiK, Mulu hu vl-nli MIH4 A. I. WKnn, fancy goods, notions, books, Mutloncry. iioitli sldo Main hired below Mar kit. l-nl3 riTN:itMAN, millinery nml fancy good op- i.osltc lIplHcoiml church, Mulu st, l-nI3 MUM. .IUI cloak a A A. A HADi: IIAIIKLKA. Indies limit and dress pattern f, southeast corner M.tln mid west bt. TiI.HSM DKHUICIvSON, millinery and f.mcy IWUtlfl UllllbtOtipOsltO C'DUlt lloUtsC. I'UII llfS. M, II. KUUM AX, milliner, Mnln ht. lielow ill IHUUIIUU bLOlf, AN in I Ol .Mill Kl'L hi, flllli: .MISSi:s HAHMAN millinery and f.incy 1 KomN, Alain hlii'Ct Just below Aluvllum house. l-nll MOTKLS AND SALOONS. I l.IIACOCIC.oysternnd eutlnij nnloin, Amerl- l c;in jioust, Mum hi,, is.uuer l. li-tUK'Ht. UriOMYKIt A .IACOIIY, confeetlonry, hnltery, nntmternlilonn, wholcimlo nnd rtlull, Ilx rlmnsu blek-, Mnln st. vlul3 I.10X &. AVKlift, I'Oi.redlonery.bnkery, nnd oys 1' ti'rsnlonn.'Uolehnlunudietnll, Miuiibt., just ))PlovIinn. vl-iill nXCHANnn lIOTKri, byKoous.tflnik, Main IjM., oppOhito court huusi'. vl-HM I MintlC'AN John I.kacoi ic, Main A ht., wvhl of Iron hi lift, I-n 1 J IVUIKS IIOTIUi. by (I. V. M I1 Main hi. AUGi:ii, cast end of vl-nli I) STOIINKK, relieshmcnt suliMin,Malust..Jst I), above courthouse, Unit KOONH A CLAUK, rufichlimt-ut halooii, V.r clmUKOhutuI, vlnli WMf. (md.MOHl refreshment hnloon. Hhlvc'M ll bl. ek houth Hldu Main st. l-nl J MKIIOHANTS AND CUtOOKltS. nJACOHs. Confeetlouery, uroeciles cTiT Mnln li st. , above Court House, vMilO U If, MIMd'K, denier In dry goods Kioecrles, n iU(ciiswaie, Hour, salt, sliorx, ntjtioiis, tte. llxchuuge block, Mallifctlcet, M'KIILVY NIIAI & Co., dealeiK In dry iruHls, tjKMcrlctt, Hour, Iced. Halt, 1Kb, iron, nulls. elc iioilhcasl comer Mniuuhd iiailut st. l-nli HC. HOWIWI, hats nnd capn, bootN uiul shoes, .Main st., nbovo Court House. vluU CI C. MAUIt, dry Koodsnud notions, southwest f, mi nt r Mnln nml I ion sis. luli I.I. lIROWini, dry goods, giocerlcs, t tc north , west corner Mulu und Hun stw, vlnU I) J:V. A , 1 1 A UTM A N, A gf nt, dry good a, notions, li ami giocerk'H, Muliit.,opjiosUo Con el's I'ur uliurultooms. II II. HUNrtnKnGr.U, (agent.) giocerlt s, tobac II. w, nun LwiiiV .plscojjul church. co, aim contcCiiiouaiy, miu si., opposnt I A. llIX'KmY,lCeystnucshoustore,book) and I, stationery, southwest corner Mntket nnd Main sIh, vl-nlt lieu i' the lallroad. ljl MIlNDKNHAI.Ti.Kencrat stoclc of merchiuv . d Uo and lumber coiner of Mala street and vl-nli Jicrwlel: mad. I J. HOIllitNS, dfaler In dry gofMUmi-crlesctc. hliho'H block, Main st,, below Iron vlnI1 I If. OIUTOX, (Jrocerles A l'io Isloiis, south tjcast corner Main ainllion Kticcts, lull ( I U, Maln sttlowMimi i T, iSl.OAN.dcalerla Main st., bilow Hon. l-nlJ HI.OAN, dealer la cholcuilry goU, House- keciinggoods,lrishgrocerlis,ttc.,etc. Main st., opposite court house. 1 K, I.Ylilt, giocerteM and general meu-handlse tj ,muiu si., auou esi, VMH I T. HIIAIH'I.IS, diy good-, groci ill h, bootn, I J, Rhnes, etc., ,Muiket. Itupeit blink, Main t wist UIOLK. IVIUlll it.. Win ill rt. (IrocprlcN. Coiitcet oiierh k and Notions, Neottown, south Hide, two door above Iliobsl'tt wagonniaker shop. 'J-nis, MlSCIOLliANKOUH. CI W. ('OllIII.I.. fuiiilturn rooms, three story I, lulck on Main St., west ol .Mm In I st, w-nlJ J, TIIOHNTON, wall paper, window shades. ri, and ilxtures, llupiit bunk, Main st, w-ull mil',,, llt,IUV KIIUIILK, ilia iiKiures, iiup l IKisn.NKTOCK, photographer, llxchang. 11. block, Malnst,, upposltocoutt house, l-ull '. HltnAlVT. ohotoeianlier. llartmnii's lailld f 1', UltOAUT, phologiapher, llartmnii's lailld I i iiigiiortlicastioiuerMaluuudMaikttbt, l-ul) M .1. llltlT.KMAN. Aeent Munbou's Ciiin,erTu .1, IIIDLKMAN, Agel biilar Lightning Hud, IV bular Lightning HuiI. v2-nlU I II. riritHKI.Ii, saddle, trunk nnd harness maker, Main ht below court, house, 0, rOHTKH, Ohio Maker, nnd White nnd fancy Tanner, Heottowu. vl-nt7 . I .,CI,1t,, Ft t,t,,t( ,., Ht.Hnri.limru J)aud dealers In Lumber, ot ull kliuls, planing mill near the tall-road, vl-nli r J. HlliI.KMAN, saddle nml harness maker, 11 . near soutbu est Lorner Main and Malketbt. Vl-llll AW1TMAN. mnrhln works, , coiner Main und Maiket bts, near southwest vl.nll Ull, ItlNdl.HIl, dealer 111 pianos, organs and , melodeons.ntu, W.Coitll'Hlurtiltiiiu looms Vl-IHJ 111 II. MANTi:iV agent for (Inner linker's I , sewing machine, Main st,, llnituiau'u laillil ng, up stairs, vl-nll l V, ItOHIUNH, liquor dealer second door fioai , northw t bt corner Mala nnd ItoasU, vMitl ur r VHACOCK. Notary Public, notthcait corner 1 Main and Muikit st. vlull If UN A.rUNKJON, lautual ami cash lalcx llio if lasuiiiuce compaay,aoithcastc4uuer Main and WestKt, vl-nll rtDOlUJi: HAHSI:HT, mnmimeturer nndie)silr ll er ol thu-thhiLr machlatH. Kanioln A Cii'k Ma ihtuo Hbop.Kust llloimubuig, luli 1! 111 iiii-iiv iiiiiuw, lie, v-iiein berlln'n iiliey, back of American houtte. vl-nU ClAMllKIi JACHlVTwit(1 .ni.l ll'n.u. i. RiTn f WorkH,F4if.tltloinkbuir.illcrwickrnd. vliH7 XT W.HAMI'I.HA CO. MnihlaUtH.lUislItlooaiH' li . bum mar rnlliond. iSihiini'ii until ni nillcc-uuuliliKiy nmile m) it jmlitd, v'MUl OltAXCiUVILLK niltECTOUY. nit. O. A. Mr.(lAltai:i physician nnd slirireon, I) Main st., ncMiloor luUnul ' Hotel. 1-1H7 DllK'lv IIOTDT, and refreshment saloon, by J) 111. r.virett, eor. orMalnand l'lnesl.vliilj SWAN lHrnx, tbo upper liotisu by John Kny. dcr, Main st above I'lne. vl-n 17 DK.Hr.OAN. dealer In dry cooils, groceries, , lumber and general Meichandlso Main st. Vlnl7 Gl'.olttll! I.AZAltt'H, saddle nnd harness mnker Main St.. nbovo llieMunn Hotel. Vi-nl7 ltr II. HM1TII niniiuf.icturer of tin waro and II .denier In stoves etc, tjwnn Hotel. .Main St., nbovu .no Vl-UIT I I!. Y, COMIMAN, Merchant tailor nnd Jl. dent's mmlshlng goods, Mnln Ht., next door to the liilck hotel, VI-1U7 MX, IIAYHUUHT, Clocks, Watches and nuns , repaired, (inns nnd Watches forsale, Main below l'lne. V1-HI7 TAMI'.S II. ItAltMAN, Cabinet Maker, ami l'n J del laker. Main Ht below l'lne. l-nl7 M Il'HAKr, C. KnU.l'.It, Conrcctloner-, tiysiers ill ,c Ae.,on l'lne St., hetwecn Main and .Mill. II It. AC. Itr.r.CltNr.1!, Illacksmllhs, on Mill Stlt-et, neur l'lne. l-lil" iiri.i.i..ti I ll i.xi. isooeinaiierniiii I lril.l.IAM l)i:i.ON'(l, Hhoemakerand ninnufac (I turerof llrlck,Mlllt.,westori'lno Vlnl9 11 Mill, and V1-IU7 1 Healer In grain, Mill fctlect, 1 i:VM H. HCHUYI.KIt, Iron founder, Maehln Jjlst.nnd Manuracluleror idotts, Mill Ht.Vl-nl7 MH.i:H A. WIM.IAMH ,t ('oTannersand Man ufaeluii'iscif leather, .Mill Htltet. Vl-nl7 lOII.N' Kni.I.DIt, Hoot nnd Mioclllakl r, l'lno ,) Klreet, opposite tho Academy M-1H7 I II. lir.ltltlNfl DHOnir.Il.t'arpentersand A. Ilullders, Main Ktreet, below Pine. Vl-nl7 SAMUKI, HIIAItI'I.r.s, Maker ofthuHaylmrst llraln Cradle. Main HI. -'ni. 1 M. HAIIMAN, saddle nnd harness maker .J , Orangovllle, opposite I'ramo church. vl'Jnll OATAAVISSA DII.KCTOl.Y. SUHtlUIlltANN'AorllrlckHotel.H.Kostebatider proprietor, south-east comer Main and Hi cond Htlect. V2-H12 J, H. CItHAHY, dry goods, groceries, and gen eral McichnndUe, Main blreet. vi-nl2 Sl. HINAItl), dealer In stoves and tin-ware, . MalnHtieet. S-nl2 Wit, II. AltninT.nttorncy nt Inw.Mnln Htlect. It iL2 GILIIUHT & KI.INH, dry goods, groceries, nnd general merchandise, Main htlect. 2-nl2 T KI'.lLnit, billiard saloon, oysters, nnd lco v2-nlJ ll. B , cream In season MalnHtieet. V, IAI,I.MAN, Merchant Tailor, Hecondht., Uobblus' Uulldlug. '2-nls. i) second at., below Main. T, T nnnivu Hurgcou nnd l'hyslclau, II. KIHTM:il,"CattawlsalIouse,"Noitli West Corner Main and Second streets. v2-nl. MM. nitOUST, dealer In OencralMerebnndls, , Dry Uoods, Oioccrlcs ic. vJ-ul LIGHT STREET DIRECTOltY. nr.TKU 1!NT. dealer 111 dry good gloeerles, J Hour, feed, sail, lUh, lion, nails, ite., l.lglil vl-lili Htlect. T'nmwn.uoiiit, (J and clialimakLi', Undertaker W-nl'i JOHKI'H lllacksmlth, opposite po.t oilier. M-iiIU. HI". O.MAN & Co., Wheelwrights, lllst door above school house, vl'lilfl f MNi:, millinery and fancy goisls. 1 W.SANICIIY, dealer In leather, Hides, llark, J etc. Cash paid for Hides. vl-n 10 nllltsbrnnehcs manufaeturer and dealer In 1 boots and shoes. vl-ntii I .1, IXIHi:n, M. 1). Huiu.n nml rhyslclan. 'L Ullliont ICellci'8 Hotel, vMHff ESl'Y DIUEUTOUY. IV. 'aw ler, Nl.'llll li lVopricttir. n T. Ili:i(lIIAni, AIlUO.,dealerH In dry goods Jj, gioeeiles, and general meuliaiidlsc. U'nII 1 I. CAMtWlIIJ, dealer In dry goods, gi-oeer- ueiiier 10 ui, K'ru-i, harduaie, Hsh, salt, es, ijtleLllsliale s l-ll 1 f ., eie., W. i:il(l All, HuMiichaniu l'lanln; llox Manutactory. Mill and vlSnll JEItSEYTOWX DIHECTOHY. VIHU'W.' M 1tlM .V. il.-nli-r In dl V COOdL lil O- L'cules, grain, lumber tie., .Icrscyjowii vl-nlil I ACnTTA.HW'ISHIin, dealer fa HId , Leather I Ikirlt etc. Madison township Columbia county ,i, M 1(1 IT, HAMU1X IUMHY, MadKou Hotil, Pro veiHnndHtrangeis vatcitalneil, v--al IHTCKHORX DIKKCTOUY. Ma, .t Y. II. KHOUMAKi:!!. ilealer In dry good, giocerles and Keiieial merchandise. li hi sioio in souui enu 01 iow n. .-hi.-). TACOH A VM. HAUHIH, dealer In dry goods, w uiocei les. diutrs umi meiiiciacH, Tlist stoiela noitli cad or town. L'nic. HOTELS AND SALOON'S. JVCCJIANOK HOTKIj, I'A, Tim imilpriit'Ftu'd bnvlnif tuirchnficd this will' known anil centrally-located house, tho Kxchunge Hotel, sliuatoon MAIN HI lti:i:T,ln llloomsbuig Inimedlately opposite the Coliuabla county Court House, rcspectiullv laform their lrlcnds and the iuoiii! in geaeiai inai ineiruousuitiiow in oruir or tin leet-otloa and t ntertalament oftiavcllers who may btMllsposid to lavor It wllh their cus tom. 'J liey liau spared no expense In preparing the Kxchaugeior the eutertalumea toft hclrgucslH iieuuer noun ineiu nu iiuyiuiiu; wmimiuk dm ineii pari in minister 10 uieir peisomu comiori. I nej loiisols spacious, and enjoys an excellent biihl aesti location, OnitilhiiMii inn nt all times bctwi en llio llx eh im ir u Hotel nml tho various raltioad ilenots. by wlih'h tiavellem will bo pleasantly com eyed to itndlmui tho tcspcetUo stations la duo tfmelo Hlouinsbuii;, ApUt 3, INiS, JOilKS JIOTKL, (H'.OlUli; V. MAUOKlt, rroprtctor. The abovo wrll-known holcl has recently under' koi in rad'cal chuaffcH In Km Internal arrangement und its pn prletnr uaaouaccs to hU former custom HUH 1110 HIIUIIlllH I'uuiiu huh iiiimiwiiimiiiuoin for thocointoit id hlx guvstsaioseetuid tommn In the country, His table wlllalwayit bo found sup jdltd. aot only with substantial lood, but wllh all tho delleacitNof the season. HU wlaeti and li quors (except that popular beeineo known a "Ji,itw")1"rnhiiI illicit Horn tbo Impoitlng houses, nio innreiy muc.umi new iioni au poi kniiotii ih ues. Ho u (Imnklul lorn liberal nation nifo la tho nabt, ami will coullaue todcscro It in thefuluie. (Jixmui: W, MAUtlint, pXCHANOH SALOON, Tun 1'roprlelor of theKxehangoHaloonhas now on hand u largo blot k of HUM.Mint HIIKIUIHIIMKNTH, consUtlng of srichii (ibri:us, haiipinm, Titirr, hoihunas blUTM'TONUUK, 110ILr.ll FUGS, HWM'1I- lit II 1-bHK, liAOKH IIKKU, Al.K, AC. s- 1'o.mi: oni:, comi: ai.i, a.nh hi:i:. -so I.AWHON CALM AN. Hupci Intend! lit. lllooiiibbuig, May 11, lb(i7, rpiin KSl'Y llOTKli, lWI'Y, C0I.U.M1I1A COUNTY, I'A. T ll k subscriber n.peclfully Informs his fi lends ami llio puoiio, inai ue nas iniceu inounine wt plensed lo rMvhu Ihe ruslom 01111 who will favor nun wiuiniaii, 111: wtu, Kin:i' a tioon tahi.i: tt liar nell slocked with the best of I.louois, and eeLv moll will no uiaoo i 1 o" r, '"luiie sans- lacllou, 1, 11, I'll, 11.1u1.j1, Kspy, i'a., April IS, 1M17. nillCK HOTKli, OUANUIlVILLll, COLUJIIIIA COUNTY, I'A r.jiYAitn kyi:iii:tt, I'uoi'iiir.Toii. llavtiiK taken pos.cbsloii of this well-known house, so long ki pi by hnmuel l Aeidt, the I'm. nrletor has put lu ft is-riiiaiient h lull nud furnish. id UAH AMI LAllllLll wllh Ibe 1 liolcist liquors nnd newest iltllcncles, lllsblnblelsnolexielUd In thecuuulyi nnd uo pains will bo bpaied In ticcwuiiKlulii guests lUbTJCS, THE COLUMBIAN, A J.ojnot'riitlo Nownpupoi' IS I'UUMSIILh t.VLUY tlllllAV MOIININII AT III.OO.MSIICIKI, I'i:.V.V'A. TIIHprlnclplesof IhlspapernroortheJcirelsoll lan School of politics. Those principles w III never bo compromised, yet couitesynnd kindness whnl not ho rorgotten In discussing them, whether with Individuals, or wllh contemporaries of the Press Tho unity, hnpplness, nnd piospeilty of the coun try lsournlm nnd object ; and as tho menus to secuio that, we shall labor honestly nnd larntstly for the hnl mony, success and growt h of our organ isation. TKItMSol'M'USCP.tlTloN: Two dollars n year If paid In adancc. If not paid In ndvnnce two dollars and firty cents will boliiMitlably thnrged. Ti:it.Mi orAnvKitTisisn: tneb(niaie(len linos orless)nnoor three Insertlonl 8l,piil tach subse quent Insertion 50 (cuts. HI'.U V., One sipiaie , Two squalcs Three so.ti.ircs. Tour Miuares... Half column .. One column..,. IM. $2,110 2M. :i,od r.ti sj 7,01) S,00 12,00 :iM, 5110 0,00 ,() 10,011 1.5,00 Cm. 1y n,oo 8io,oo D.OO 11,00 12,00 19,00 11,00 20,00 2o,no m.oo :ti,oo 00,00 , ii.hi 10,011 , l.i.OO Kxecutor's nnd Admlnlstiator's Notice .l,00; Au ditor's Notice S-Vi0. Other ndverllsements Inser ted nccordlng to special eontrnct. lluslncss notices, without ndvcrtlsement, twenty cents per line. Transient advertisements payable In advance all others due after the first Insertion. 49 It Is, In erne, luoro likely to bo satisfac tory, both to subscribers nnd to tho Publishers, that rcmltlanccs and nil communications respect ing tho business of the paper, be sent direct to the ofllceof publication. All letters, whether relating to the editorial or business concerns of the paper, and nil payments for subscriptions, adveitlslng, or Jobbing, are to be made to ami addressed I1H0CKWAV A i'itr.i:zi:, "OifiouMmi OJJke," nr.noMsitritu, ia. l'llnled nt Koblson's Ihilldlngs, near Ihe Court House, by C. M. VA.MII'.HSI.ICK. BUSINESS CARDS. on PltlNT-I'fJG' Neatly executed at this Ofllce, jyj- i.'Vkllk, A T T I) II N I. Y-A I I, A W, Ashland, Kdiuj lklll t'ounty, ivnn'n. M. m. TitAUfnr, A TTDHN r. V-A T - I, A V, lleiwlck, Columbl.i Couuly, l' aii'n. riLLiAr ir. AJinoTT, A 1 1 (J n ri li 1 - A T- i a w CATAWIPA, TA. ' V, MILLKIl, ATTOUNIIY AT LAW, Mli-(wllh i:. II, Utile, In brick hulMlng nd- i in au Vst (l he. loital Us. La U- 'av and Vtisloii4 tolhi lid. I sf p'Jit't.7, OIIN (i. KHKKZK, A TTU It N ll Y-A T-1. A V, Olllct'la Itet-lster nnd I'ecordcr's otllce, In the bascaunt of the Court House, Illoonisburg, I'a. )0ii:itT R CLARK. 1 A I TO U.N ; Y-A T-I A W tllllee (oiiaroi Main and Maiket slmlH, ov r I'll st Null. .mil Itaak, Jlloomsbaig, I'a. II. I,1TTI,K, ATTO It N I". Y - A T 1. A tt omceou Main stieit. la brhk bidl'llug b urt House, Uloouisbiug. l.i. Q H. UHOCKWAY, A Till H N I. Y AT I AW, W.OOMsnriK., PA. Ofkicr- Court House Alley, below the fn .laiil'CT. UnnbUtn Oinv L OUJS JIKUNHAUI) Vmild Inform tho eltlnns ot llloomsbuig nnd vicinity that ho Is now prcp.m-d to do nil kinds of plating, sliver or gold, Iecl.yj7. U CTIO N K K U. MOHKH UOFKMAN, 1 1 11 v 1 1 1 l; followed tho moffNKbtn of 1'u bile Wnduo Crier for many j enrtt, would lufoim his iricmlx tlmtholsstlllluthu-tielil, icndv and wilting to attend tn all tho duties of his calling. lVisons desli lug IiIm services should call or write to him nt Illooinsburg, I'a, I mars 07. jT)I!. W. II. HUADIiKY, ti,aie .ssisiaui iciueai iniccior v, . Aimy, V II Y H I c I A N A N H H I, It (IKON, fli- Otllcoat thehoiiio ojiposlle Khlxe's Illock, loomsburg, I'a. Calls promptly nttendtd to Uith ulght aial day. Illi.oiasbu'-g, Jan. IS, lsu7. J. li. I'UHSKL, HAHN1XS, HADDMl ANII TIIIINK MANnr.unuitnu, nnd dealer In CAItl'iri'-IIAUM, VAI.IKKH, FLY-NKTH, m'l'KAi.u uohi-s ,1' which ho feels conndent ho can sill ni lower into tnnu any uiner nersoii i u ins cnuiurv. i-:x amino for youiselves. Hhop llrsl door below Hie I'ost Olllce Mnln Hlleel, Jlloomsuuig, I'll. isuv. is, inn. s. COLLINS, l-'AHH I ON A 11 lit: SHAVING, JI A 1 K OUTT1NO AN1 BHAMl'OOINd HAI.CON, Ovir Wliliuujer .t Jncoby'N lee Cream Saloon HUHlMHllUIK. I'A. Hair llvcinir nml U'IiIkIicih rolorcil lilm k ur blown. Hair Tunic to destiny daadiutr und li an tllvlmr tho halri will rcstoro hair to Hm orlulind color without soiling tho finest labrle, constantly on lauul, K N V I S T U Y 11. C. IIOWLlt, IIKNTIHT, Itf'snei'trully olleis Ids plofesslonal servUes lo elnltv. lie Is lilenaiiil In atii ml tnall tlio itif in,, iitoies iiiiii uiii i icioeii ill iiiooiusiMiru linn v i. HIM lipi'llllious in in,, line ol Ills pioieshioil, anil Is pinvhled Willi the lalesl Improied 1'oiu KI.A1N 1 1 Kill which win no inserted on gnm piallug, bller and lubber base lo look as well as the mil. lllaiuein, ieein exirailin ny an ine uewiinil most apptovid mithoiis, nud all opiiallons on l lie let in i ai tun i) anil propi ny ant niieti in, Itesldeiice and olllio u lew ilisas uIiomi the I on 1 1 House, same sloe. llloomsbuig, Jllll.Ul.'liS 1 1 noWDIMt KKO.S AND UIMIIKH, w, m.monuoi: CO., Huperl, I'a., Mnnuractiiii rs of i'iiwiu:it ki:iim, and dealeis 111 all kinds of I.UMIinil, give iiolh e that they are pi epn in! to aeeoiniHlale Ihelr custom with dispatch, nud on IhoLlicnpesI el ins. n a Ms COI'I'KH KTUI1' l-lOKD J CI l 'n l it l,ir hand or horse isiuer. nek now ledui dlh. last ist, iasltbt,and In eveiy uiy last In use. lor bale by J, It, Hi t ATI fl A CO., llealeis 111 Ag; id ii I ii nil Impli'iiif uls.ctiv, Hend tor lllustiaud t'lrriilnr. Muy, u-iis-aiu WHAT THllN? All old man, crowned wllh honors nobly earned, Once nsked ajontti what end la life h sought, Tho hopeful iHty wild "I would first bo learned I would know nil that nil tho KchooNe'cr tnughl." Tho old man gravely shook his head, "And when youSoIenrncd nil thl, what then?' he until, "Then,, Mihl llio boy. wllh nil the wnrmth of youth, "I'd bo n lawyer Icnrned and elofmenlj Appeal tag alwayw on theplde of truth, My mind would grow m thus 'twas enrly bent." Tho old tuna pndty nhook Ids head, "And when joa'vo done nil this, what tlun?" he said, "I will bo famous," wild tho hopeful boy J "Clients will pour upon mo fees and briefs ; 'Twill bo my pleasing tnsk to bring back Joy Tn homes nnd hearts nenr crushed by darkest grlels.'1 Hut still tho old man shook his reverend head, "And when nil this Is gained, vhat then?' he said. "And then 1 will be rich, nnd In old ngo t will wlthdtnw Horn ull this legal strife; Known la retltcmcntns na hoaoredsage, I'll pnss thuoventngs of an honored life. Uravcly ngala tho old man shook hU hend, "And when you'vedono nil this, what then?'1 ho said. "Ami then I why then, I know Mint I must die. My body then mut die, but not my fame j Hut rounded by tho fallen great I'll lie, And far posterity will know my name." Hndly tho old man shook again hU head, "And after nil of this, what then?" hosnld. "And then, nnd theal" but ceased tho lny lo ispcnk, 111 eye abashed, fell dow award to tho sod, A silent tear dropped on each blooming cheek, Tho old man pointed silently to God, Then laid hlx hand upon the drooping head, "Hemember, thero'sn ptaco beyond," ho said, Von grerat ton a Hit. A MINER'S LOVE STORY. Xr.Li.Y Gi.oviiu wn.s tho ircttlcst lass In tho pit village. Her eyes were of tlio deeriest blue; lier cheeks wero llkonrose; nnd you might have thought her brown hnlr was the finest hIIIc. Then she ha tin figure llko tt fairy, It was so trim ; umi with a waist you coultl al most span. 1 loveil Nelly, but ns for that, all tho young chaps In the vlllago were of tho sniiio mind, nml she might havo had her pick of 111 ; tho worst of It was, sho treated us nil nllko, and wouldn't look nt one more than anoth er. She had a smllo for everybody, and was always good tempered, but there it ended, and, somehow, 110110 of us could screw up courage to try her1 future. I tlon't know how often I thought it over. It came Into my head tlio first thing In the morning, nnd thero it remained the last tiling nt night, when it kept me awake, or haunted my dreams. At ! ltest it ttiok possession of me. No mut ter where 1 was, digging, or blasting, or tunneling nbovo ground, or down In tho pit my thoughts turned on J'el- ly, and from being tho merriest fellow In tho village, I Jn,t cntiio toi bo ,tho dullest. One morning thero was no work III the pit for my gang, because tho viewer wanted that part of tho soam horod uii, and It struck mo all at onco, that I would liavoit out with Nelly; so I mado my.self smart, and sot oil', walking as brisk as if it was a wager. on may think Iteonveit in me, but I can say that I was then as clever u elinp lo look nt as you could often see and I new It I For all that I began to walk bit slow when I caught sight of -Mrs. (Hover's cottage, and I felt a dread at my heart, But I went on, and I Just got tip to tho cotfago, when who should iimiu out but Nelly herself. She never looked prettier than at that minute; hut, appearing so suddenly, sho dashed my spirit, and I hadn't a wortl to say to her. "Why, Charley, what Is tho matter V" he cried In n frightened sort of n way. "Well. It Isjust this," I said. And thero I stopped. "Is nnything wrong with Jack V" sho cried quickly. "Jack !'' "Yes, ho is down In the pit and they ay it is foul, which makes mother and mo uneasy. You haven't heard any thing'.'" And sho looked In my eyes is If sho would search 1110 through. "No, ho!" I answered, steadying, now that I thought I could comfort her. "Hols all right. You niiMi't mind what tho old women of tlio vil lage say, or you'll bo looking for a blow-up overy tiny in tho year, when there is nothing more than common, I havii't eomu to you about Jack, Nelly, it is aliout myself." .She gave 1110 nnother look now ; then her cheek Hushed up like a llame, and her eyes turned away. "Do you know what I want to say, Nelly V" I went on. "1 wish you did for 1 can't tell It: it Is more than I have got words for. How I lovo you, how you tiro always before me, how am crazed and mad about you! Hut though I can't say all I want to, hero I stand, and I wouldn't change with it king 11 you'll take mens 1 nm I" "Ah, Charley ! you don't know how you pain me," sho answered. "Don't say that, Nelly, r doubted about speaking to you, but now that I have tlono It, now that I can't go on deceiving myself, If' you havo any pity In your heart show it to me. nnd I will cherish you to tho day of my death," "It is no use," sho replied; "I can never marry it pitman. I gavo tho promise to mother nud Jack, when wo walked up tho vlllago ut tho funeral of my poor father and brothers all three killed In tho mine our great sorrow, which I can never think of without cry ing." And tho tears, It Is true, were run ning down her checks, though for a minute, she seemed to bo harder than stone. And I seemed turned to stoijo myself, I had no recollection, no 1'eeU lug and no sense, and 1 couldn't have moved a step to savo my life. Then It dll Hashed upon mo llko lightning I took u last look at Nelly, dropped my head on my breast, nud without n word iniii'ti walked out of tho gate, Our village fcl'Idoni looked bright, no matter how the sun shone, and I now felt ns If tho sun would nuvcr shluo ngttlu for mo; so, ns my eye fell on tho cottugiw, with tho clouds hanging down from nbovo ami nothing round but a waste, I thought I might as well bo In my grave ns continue to live there. Hesldes, I should bo nlwnys meeting Nelly, perhaps lurking about her moth, er's cottage, anil making her as mi-era-bio as myself. Why shouldn't I go away, to Yorkshire, or to the diggings In Australia, for that mutter? The no tion, If it wns good for nothing more, gave me a little spirit. It turned my thoughts, nnd I stepped out brisker, go ing straight home. I hadn't much to nettle there, only to bid good by to the folks I lived with, nnd 1 soon came out pack on my back nnd begnn my tramp. 1 stopped at the moor und looked back, remembering I might never sco tho placo again, and dismal as 1 now thought it, with Its gaping walls and shaken roofs encumbering the blacken ed ground, 1 iiad been happy there. Not one of thoso tumbling cottages but would open Its door to mo; not one where 1 wouldn't meet n friend. And there I had been born; It wns tho spot on earth than even in the hour of bitter-n-.'ss, I loved best, nnd 1 didn't turn nway without dashing my hand over my eyes. I wns walking on when suddenly the air was rent with n crash which shook the ground, I know what it signified ; such sounds denoto but one result in tlio black country, and throwing down my pack, I darted oh" to tho pit, with the feelings that ani mate every miner on such occasions. It didn't seem a minute before I came to tho dust-heaps around the pit's mouth ; but somo wero thero before me. nnd tho off-mon nud tho women wero rushing up from thoviliago Innstream. The smell from tho pit almost knock ed mo back, nnd I had to get my breath n lltfe, when thrco or four of us crept on the mouth and looked down. Tho ex plosion had destroyed the cage,not leav ing a stick of it, but it hadn't injured the signal ropo ; henco u means of com munication remained for any one Im mediately below. As soon as 1 saw this I set to work to rig a cross-bar, and presently had it ready. "Just lower me gently," I said to two banksmen. I may pick up ono or two, if thero is tiny near." "You can't g.) down yet," said tlio viewer. "How many tiro there in the pit'.'" "Half an hour ngo there were llfty." replied the timekeeper; "but I nm thankful to say they all came up but ten." "And they tiro all lost;" said the viewer, "for there will be another ex plosion directly." "I'll go down anyhow," I said dog gedly, "und if nobody will lower me I'll Jump down." A good many were on the heaps now, men nml women; some of the women crying, nud some praying ; but when I spoko out thnt way, (hero was tlead si lence. Two or threo culled out "(lood- liy, Charley. God bless you, jrnvo lad." I Im bunk-man lowered mo down, and I sunk through the pit's mouth. A D.ivylainp was tied around my waist. and I held a ropo 111 my hand, so that I might signal to be hoisted up, if the air became too foul. Hull hud no Inten tion or going back till I had searched tho pit.and seen If them were any alive. One thing I didn't inro ..bout my life; nnd another I would have been ashamed to face the folks above without doing something. Tim shaft hud never seem ed so deep to mu before. I strained my eyes Into tho darkness lielow, ami saw no bottom, I glanced up, and tho gleam of light above giewsinallernnd fainter. I scanned thu walls of tho shaft, and marked only their black bound. Hut my progress was notilled by the increas ing density of the air, which began to allect my breathing; and as 1 went on, I hud to shift my face from slita to side to make n little current. At last my feet touched ground. I looked round, as 1 Jumped on the saddle, and saw the furnace was out, which put it stop to the ventilation of the mine, as far as It depended en the brattices, nnd no air entered by the shaft. The stench was over powering, ami, from this and the silence, I guessed tho worst. It was plain that tho explosion hud killed tho, for not n sound cunio from the studies, which wero closo to tho shaft, and what hope could there lie for human beings in a distant part of the pit '.' You may bo sure I didn't stop to niako tlio-o reflections; they Hunted across me, and I was working forward before they got through my mind. I knew tho old mine blindfold ; but what with the gloom and my shortness of breath, I was somo minutes scrambling to the top of tho Incline, keeping my nrms stretched out, ns I went along, to feel for anything In tho way. And It was lucky I did, or I should hiivo dush ed my head against sumo empty trucks, and in the statu I was In, that would have finished me. Thus 1 reached tlio Hist gallery which you could only enter .-looping. 1 pushed open tlio trap, nud went on a few steps, though my Davy lump was what pitmen culled " nllro" tho Hamu being all blue anil 1 knew Hint tho atmosphere was so much gnu powder. Hut I stumbled nloug; If 1 wasn't to save anyone, It didn't matter what became of myself, nnd I pleased myself with tho thought that Nelly would hear that I hud died in thu at tonipt.jgvVnd Ihciijnll at once, it came into irsvncml what sho had said about her Imither Jack being In the pit. This K'tvubj my heart such u turn that 1 ipitto stnggored, nud the perspiration poured from my forehead llko water. 1 ru-Oied forward as if 1 ivas mad my foot struck something I bent down over what seenied n corpse, and tho of tho lamp fell on his face. It was Jack Olov er, I didn't know whether ho was nlivu or dead, but I caught III m In my mine, and' with the strength of a giant and tho speed of n deer hardly con scions, hardly breathing I mado dash for tho shaft. It was easier work going back when you wero unco In tlio main, or horso-rond ; for now tho shaft was io fore you Instead of behind; and, thougli you wouldn't think It, this mado it woiv derful dlll'erenco In the light. Dark as pitch It still was, though not to it pit man's eyes, and 1 had found out that Juck breathed when I reached theshuft Thiiillseovery nerved mo afresh, and kept all my sensesnl work, without my swiiiIng to know it. I only felt that thero would soon nnother explosion. So I placed Jack on tlio straddle, nnd tak ing the cord from my Davylatiip, tied him hand and foot, then pulled thu signal, and us thu people above hauled tho tackle, nnd lifted tho straddle from tho ground, I hung on my nrms. Thus wo began to mount the shaft. It wasn't till we had got twenty feet up that I felt tho strain of standing on nothing, but, from Hint moment, it bo eamojust terrible. My hands seemed ready to snap the ncho In my arms spread through overy musclo my head spun round, nnd my feet kicked about In agony. I watched tho mouth of the pit till my eyes swam, and ns I reckon ed tho space between them, wlillo my strengtli waned nnd my misery deepen ed,! thought I must dropboforo I reach id the lop. Then they began to hoist faster. I mustered nil my strength ; I tightened my grip on the straddle, though my fingers weregrowing numb; I steadied my feet, ami hardly trusted myself to breathe. I could seo tho walls of t ho shaft ; I could feel tho purer air; I heard voices ; nnd presently tho tackle swung; nnd strong arms caught mo around, and I wns innded on tho bank. They had Jack Glover off tho strad dle before you could look nround, and no was cnrrled nwny while they raised my head and poured n littlo brandy in my mouth. I called out for tho view er. "What Is It, Charley Bnston 1" ho asked bonding over me. "K very body nwny from tlio pit, sir." I nsked. "You nre right," hoanswerod, It will como In n minuto or two." They got mo on tho top of tho bank, when I heard n scream, and there wits Nelly, trying to throw herself on her brother Jack, but kept back by tho oth er women folks. Sho never glanced round ntmo! I wished then thnt I hid stopped in tho pit, or let myself drop irnm tlio bar ns I came up, nnd so es caped seeing her agnin. Hut I mado up my mind that I had looked on her for tho last time. I told my helpers that I could wnlk now, nnd when they let go my nrms, turned towards the moor, in tending to pick up my pack, nnd drug on nt least to tho next village. Jlut I could no more walk live miles than I could lly. When I came to my pack, I sank down by It, nnd felt that I must glvo up. I wns so beat, though thero was now another explosion nt the pit, as I had expected, and though It shook the ground under me, I didn't lift my head. AU I thnuirht of wns stretching out my arms nnd legs, and lying quiet. How long I lay there I never know. Hut, by degrees, I rreov ered u little strengtli and my thoughts took more shape, when I decided to re turn to my old lodging, and have a day's rest before I set out on my wan- lerings. Tho day passed, nnd tho night, and the next day, nnd I was still In lied, tho good folks tending me like a child. My limbs, which had been racked with pulu, now felt easy, nnd 1 was ready for a start ngaln. Hut I thought thero would bo apposition, so got up quiet, nnd was putting on my things, when tho room door opened, tn my wonder, In ciimo Jack (ilover. "Illlou, Charley here wo are," lie cried seizing my bund, and giving it a hearty squeeze. "Who would hnvo thought of us two being nllvo to-tltiy. " ell, Jack," I answered, "I am glad for you, but I shouldn't hnvo cured for myself." "How's thutV" ho nsked. "l!ecajso I havo something on my mind." "You I" ho said, laughing, and ho gave mo n littlo push. "Here, sit down and havo a pipe, and it will go off like tho smoke." "I don't enro if I never smoke n pipo again," I said savagely. "Now I'll tell you what it is," said Jack, "You've been hnvlng a till' with our Nelly." "I haven't," I answered, my cheeks burning. "Well, you know best about that," continued Jack; "but it's what I guess, beniil-e you wero seen talking to her, and sho had n crying Ht directly after. And when sho heard from mo that it was you who brought me up from tlio pit, sho fell on my neck and fainted." Did she know It before?" I nsked, relenting. "No." "Then I'll Just tell you all about her nud me," 1 said. I was n long time telling It, but Jack sat up as if ho was listening ton pluy, or n sermon nt chapel, 1 gavo him n description of Nelly that would have done for tho "lliioiind Cry;" went In to ull the feeling sho hud raised In my breast; told him how I had watched for her, thought of hor,unildreaniitol'her; ttiid Hnally,recotiuted our last colloquy, Jack nover moved a muscle, and not till I stopped for breath did ho put Inn word. Don't you think you've been it little fust, Charley V" ho then said dubious ly. "How ilo you menu ?" 1 answered. "Why, in giving up so. Suppose when Nelly said sho couldn't have you, you should had'put your arm mound her waist, nnd said shu must ?" This view never struck me, and rath er took mo back. "Hut thero was her promise to you nnd her mother never to marry a pit man," I argued. "So there was. Hut did you never henrthat promises wero mado to bo bro ken?" "1 can't say but 1 have," 1 muttered, clapping on my hat. "Where aro you going?" said Jack "You wait n minute," 1 replied, Willi that 1 took twu strides down tho stairs Into thu roud, nud hurried oil' to Mrs. (Hover's cottage. I stood out side a minute, when 1 opened the door, and tho first thing I saw wns Nelly, sitting by her mother, und looking llko a ghost only ghosts never look soprct ty, Sho gavo mo ono look, then start ed up ami sprung into my nrms. My heart was so full j couldn't speak nt first, but then I thought Hint I must do I dropped my arm nround her waist ns Jack recommended. Now 1 fell sure of her, and of nil llio happl ncss the world could give, and as my breast swelled proudly, I began to bear it little malice. "Ah, Nelly 1 If you hud only loved me!" "How happy wo might buvu been !" I continued. "Then we can lie, Clinrley," sho miir milled. "How, Nelly ? We can never marry, you know." Tho littlo fingers unlocked, and I felt Nelly falling nway, but I remem bered Jack's counsel, und held on by her waist. "There's your promise to your moth er und Jack," I continued ; "how are wo to get over that?" "1 forgot that," faltered Nelly, as whito ns n siicet. "And what do you say to It Mother?" I cried to tho old lady. Mrs. Qlover got uii and took Nelly's hand and put it in mine. "That's what I say to it," sho said heartily ; "and I know Jack is of tho snmo mind." "And this Is what I say to It," I cried giving Nelly n kiss. You won't bo surprised to hear that wo wero married tho next week. And now I am viewer of tlio colliery; and ns for Nelly, sho will tell you thnt thougli sho married n pitman, and has her roughs and smooths, llko other peo ple, there is no happier woman in tho kingdom. A Sale About a Head. Jaki: wns a little negro who belonged to Dr. Taliaferro ; nnd wns said to havo in his little frame it heart us big as Gen. Jackson's to say nothing of Napoleon lionaparto and Zaclinry Taylor. Ho didn't even fear that respectnblo fellow, Old Nick ; and as for coolness, he was cool ns tho tip-top of tho North Pole. Ono day Dr. Taliaferro, upon the oc casion of tlio commencement of a Medi cal Collcgo, of which ho held tho chair of Anatomy, gavo a dinner. Among his guests was a well known ventrilo quist. Late In the evening tlio bottlo had done its work, nnd the conversation turned upon courage, nud the Doctor boasted considerably of tlio lion lieartof his favorito man Jake. Ho otfered to bet that nothing could scare him, and Ids bet the ventriloquist took up, nam ing at the same time the test ho wanted Imposed. Juko was sent for and came. "Jake," said tho Doctor, "1 have bet u largo sum of money on your head,aiid you must win It. Do you think you can?" "Herry well, master," replied Juke, "just tell tils ii tarn wlint lie's to do and ho'II doit shore." "I want you to go to tho dissecting room. on will find two dead bodies there. Cut oil' tho head of ono with a largo knife'which you will find there, and bring It to us. You must not take a light, however, ami don't get fright ened," "Dat's all, is it?" inquired Jake. Oh! berry well, I'll do dat shure, for sartln and ns forbelng frighteu'ed tieb- bll herself ain't a gwlno to frighten me." Juko accordingly set oil', and reach ing tho dissecting room, groped about until liofuund the knlfo.nnd the bodies. lie had Just applied tho former on tho neck of tho hitter, when from tlio body lie wus about to decapitate, a hollow and sepulchral voice exclaimed- ".( my lieml alone !" "Yes sail," replied Jake, "hain't 'ticular and ttiddcr liead'll tlo Jtist us well." Ilo accordingly put the knife to the head of the next corpse, when another voice, unearthly In Its tone, "bricked out "Ac my nail itlonel" Jake was puzzled nt llrst, but answer ed presently "Look a yah! Master Tolllver .-ed mus bring ono oh do heads, und you Isn't gwlno to fool me, no how," and Jake hacked away until ho separated tho head from tho body. Thereupon u hull dozen voices screamed out "Jlrhiff it back! Irlnii ll liaeh ."' Jake had reached the door, but on hearing this, turned round and said "Now now, see yali 1 Jest keep qui et, you fool, and don't wake up do wo men folks. Muster only gwlno to look ut tlo bumps." "Jlelny back my nail at once!" cried thu voice. "Tend to you right uwuy, sah ?" re plied Jake, as ho marched oil' with the head ; and In tho next minute dopo-ltcd It before tho Doctor. "So you hnvo got it, I see," said tho master. "Yes sah," replied the unmoved Jnke, "but bo ilonelojkiii'at him soon, case de yemOlum totime lo fulch him buck rtyit metiy." Stanton on Seymour. The following letter explains Itself. It ulso explains, perluuH, why Stanton declined so haughtily, the other day, to dine with Greeley and his club of "blockheads." Lot us glvo llio devil his due. With ull his despotism, bru tality, nud iudill'ereuco to tho rights nnd feelings of others, Stuntoii Is not the sort or person to enjoy stultifying hlin-eirfor tho beuellt of people whom ho de-plses, by Indorsing tho monstrous nud ridiculous falsehood which consti tute the whole stock In trade of the Tribune mid "its friends" In their op position to Horatio Seymour: hi:cui:tauv stanton to iov:uxon SIlVMOl'lt. W.IH DU'linsllNT. I Washington, June 7, iMil, f Dr.AiiSllt: I cannot forhenr express ing to you tho deep obligation 1 feel for tho prompt nud cnudld support von havo given to tho Government In tho lirestuit emergency. Tho energy, activ ity, and patriotism you havo exhibited, 1 may bo permitted persouallynnd otll- eiuiiy to ucKiiowfedge, without arrogat ing any personal claims on my part In such service, or to any service what ever. I shall bo happy to Iki always esteem ed your friend, Kiiwin M. Stanton, Ills Keelleney Horatio Seymour, Love, not Bate. citizen, you Hint left wire nnd littlo ones, you thnt bade farewell to ngetl parents perhaps never to seo thcin ngaln, you that went forward lo llio battle Held nnd periled your Ufa in the service of your country, to you thoques tlon comes to-day, Forichal iliil yon fiyhtt Did you baroyotirbreast to the bullets of the enemy in order thnt tlio tieyro nlglit bo given the control of tlio gov ernment of ten States of this Union? Dili you charge the rebel batteries in order thnt tho States which attempted to go out of tho Union by secession, might lio put out and kept out by n Itndlcal Congress nt its pleasure? Dhl you suffer in tlio hospital, or languish in prison. In order thnt hun dreds of thousands of your own blood nnd rnco should be deprived of Hie rights of American citizens, whilst un naturalized, half-snvngo Africans aro given the reins of political power? Did you loso thnt precious llrab in or der thnt a Freedmon's Bureau nud n lnrgo standing regular nrmy might live off your tuxes? Yet, more thnn nil, did you inarch, nnd bivouac, nnd fight nnd Buffer, In or d(rr that a gulf of eternal hnto should bo mado to How between tho North and tho South? If yes, then It Is your duty to vote tho Iladlcal ticket. If no, then there Is a chasm between yourself and Radicalism which no form er party ufllliation, no appeal to the past, no promise as to tho future, can possibly btldgo over. Tho policy of war is hard knocks ; tho policy of peace is fraternity nnd love. You fought thu rebels not to make them hnto you, but to compel them to submit to tho author ity or tho Constitution. You mado peace not to bo ut enmity with the Southern people, but to win them back as your friends. Your mission was ono or love, not liato; oflovofortho Union, love for our free Institutions, love for all men who would throw down their arms and submit to tho laws of tho land. Soldier-cltlzon, you who pridu yourself in your manly record, you who scorn to trample upon a fallen foe, you who aro n christian as well as a warrior, the Democratic party appeals to your better nature, to that divine attribute or man which nlono makes llfo beauti ful, to love. Radicalism, on the other hand, seeks to stir up tho bitterness of tho human heart ; it makes its appeal to hatred, mnllco und revengo; It asks you to put your foot upon tho neck of tho fallen foe, nud, coward-like, to crush him forever. Hetwecn these two you must choose. No matter as lo the men who hear these two standards of Love nnd irate. You will march tinder tho one or the other. Which shall it be? "The quality of mercy is not stralu'd; It droppeth ns the gentle rain from heaven lTmn the place beneath; It Is twice blessed; It b!csseth him that gives nud hltn Hint takes. J'alriol. 1 The Radical Electoral College Swin dle. An extraordinary thing, fit only for t Iladlcal majority of legislators, was done in tlio House Saturday. Senator Kdmunds's bill, excluding from the Klectornl College votesjof States lately In rebellion which have not been "recon structed" by Congress, was reported by Mr. Houtwell, from tlio Committee on Reconstruction, witli amendments as follows : livsolcetl, That none of tlio States whose Inhabitants were lately in rebel lion shall bo entitled to representation in tlio Electoral College for tho choice or President and Vice-President of the United States ; nor shall nny electoral votes bo received or counted from any or sucli States, unless nt tlio time pre scribed by law for tho choice of electors, tho people of sucli States, pursuunt to tho net of Congress in that behalf, shall have, slnco the ltii day of March, 18(17, adopted u Constitution of Stato Govern ment under which a Stato Government shall havo been organized, nml .-hull be in operation ; nor unless such election of electors shall have been held under tho authority of such Constitution nnd Government; und such Stuto shallhnvo ulso become entitled to representation in Congress pursuant to the acts of Con gross in Hint behalf, provided that mini ms' herein contained shall bo construed to apply to any Stuto that wus rcpro sented in Congress on tho 1th of March. 1S(I7. Tlio bill, which was in tlio Senate Friday, was considered In the House Reconstruction Committee yes terday morning about fifteen minutes, Tho 1)111 has gone to tho President for ills signature will undoubtedly be ve toed, and then passed over ids head. Its obvious meaning Is to glvo thu pres ent Congress tlio right of counting the electoral voto of such Southern States as may voto for Grant, nnd to exclude those who do not. Can any candid Republican endorso such partisan base ness ? Is tho whole time nud machine ry of our Government to ho devoted to maintaining this Radical party in pow er? Let the peojilo nnswer in Novem ber. PiiiiriTiNii liv lCxi'iiitir.Nci:.-On one occasion Lorenzo Dow, while pleaching, took tlio liberty of denoun cing a rich man in Hie community, re cently deceased. The result was nu ar rest, u trial for slander, nnd Imprison incut in tlio county goal. After Loren zo got out of lids 'limbo,' ho announced that, in splto or this, (In his opinion) unjust punishment, liushouhl preach at n given tlino a sermon about "another rich man." Tho populaco wero greatly excited, nnd u crowded audience greet- eu ins appearance. Willi great Bolem- nlty he opened tho Hlblo, und read, "And there wus unotlier rich man, who died und went to " then stopped short, nud seemed to bo suddenly Im pressed. "Brethren, 1 shall not men thin tho pluco this rich man went to, ror rear ho lins somo relatives In this congregation who will suo mo Tor delii niatlon of character." Tho effect on tho assembled, multitude wus Irreslstl hie, und ho mado tho Impression per manent ny lUKing nnother text, nml never alluding to tho subject again. Why Is a prudent man llko n pin? Hecuutohls head prevents him from going too fur.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers