THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 8tb $0tumfrtatr. ni.ooMsntmi, KIUUAV, .NOV. IB, 180 J. If tho elections don't Indlcato nny tiling ngnlnst tho radicals, why docs P. John look gruin and rcfuso to rcjotco V Tin: communication from our Lnporto correspondent cntno too Into for tills week's Issue, but will appear in our next. l'nor. l'JUCB of this County, exhib ited his skill In wire-walking, to a largo and Interested crowd of specta tors, on Thursday, at Whlto Hall, Lost. In Hmokctown, on last Mon day night, n lady's black stella shawl. Tho tinder will confer n favor on the owner by leaving It at tho Cou'.mhian offlco. Is 1'. John In favor of Negro Stitlrago now? Where Is "Wonting Kansas?" Surely that was tho unklndest cut of all. To bo thus slaughtered In tho house of ono's friends, Is awful. Titlini: woro many ladies ut thogath erlngat White Hall.and tlioirbright and happy faces gladdened tho hearts of tho noble men whoso labors had resulted In the great victory they were met togeth er to celebrate. W u aro informed that Iron Oro has been discovered on lands of William Shaffer, better known perhaps as the Sloan farm. Tho opening is near tho road coming from the river, and valua ble Hock Oro has certainly been found In largo quantities, but the existence of soft oro is not so ccrtnin. Ox Wednesday, tho boys of our town were much gratilled by nn incipient snow storm. It did not last long, how over, but gavo us notlco to preparo for winter, to get in our coal, cloo up our cellars, and make tho usual prepara tions for n winter's siege. Tun Democrats of Center township have concluded to haven Pole Italslng nt tho Holf Way House on Saturday next, in commemoration of our recent victories to which they lnvltoall who will attend. After thol'olu is raised speeches will bo delivered by persons invited for that purpose, Wmu: our town boasts of many ex. oellont mechanics, there aro few who po-ess more enterprise and mechani cal genius than our friend Louis Bern hard. Wo are led to these remarks by an examination of a "Itegulator" in ids shop, which Is noted for the accuracy of Its time, and which ho constructed him self. His shop abounds in evidences of his skill, and tho ninny singular instru ments around him show plainly that ho can fix, mend, or construct anything in tho way of utlmopiccothatis.menda bio. Vim: in OiiAxm:viia.i:. On Friday night last nt about 11 o'clock, lire was discovered in an out-bulldlng belonging to Jacob flood, and used as it wnsh hoiisii etc., which but for tho timely ar rival of assistance, and a goodly supply of water, would have resulted in tho destruction of his tavern, together, In evitably, with other valuable buildings. Tho building was saved with its insido burnt out, and tho dnmago to that, with tho loss of property usually found In such n houso, may bo ?ino. It is not certain now tho Oro originated, but there was baking done that day. A rnoMiXENT merchant In Light Street, of Uadlcal proclivities takes special pains to Inform us of his hos tility to this sheet. It will bo well enough for our patrons In that neigh borhood to remember tho fact. Ouu townsman William G. Hurley, Ks(. has returned from his western tour, very much improved in health, and looking twenty years younger. He brings with him n singulur curiosity in tho shape of a petrified tooth of some mammoth of ancient times. It has six incisive points, ond measures about ten Inchcslu circumference! Itwosiouiul by a laboror named Patrick Kcrnee, on Jtr. Hurley's farm, who wivs digging n ditch through n rivulet called Duke's Kim, in Union Township, Hancock county. Ohio. Patrick found two others, which ho disposed of before Jlr. Hurloy's arrl val. Prom n hasty Inspection we think it in a tooth of tho mastodon. Kim: at the Instituti:. On last Thursday evening nt about 8 o'clock our citizens were startled by tho cry of I'lro! Virol 1 AVo ran with the crowd in the direction of tlio alarm, until wo reached the Instituto grounds.und were there informed that somo mliehievpus boys had raised a false alarm. Curses not loud but deep, wero vented on their heads, as well as threats of punishment dlro in cao they wero caught. Wo have slnco been Informed that thero actually was n tire, originating In one of the Hues conductinc heat to tho hall. The entiro heat of tho furnace had been coiv centrated in tho ono Hue, and tho re biilt was Hint tho surrounding wood work caught fire. Ono of tho teachers discovered it in tlmo to extinguish tho flames. OX ItOAST AT WlUTI', II.VI.I.. Ill ttll- othcr part of tho Coi.u.miiiax, will bo found an account of tho proceedings of tho meeting following tho dinner, and wo aro consequently relieved from en tering upon that part of tho history of tho day. Having been most unexpect edly and unavoidably detained, wo did not reach White Hall until after ono o'clock i'.M by which tlmo the roast and tho dinner upon tho ox, wero done and over. From somo gentlemen who wero on tho ground wo have tho following par ticulars ! Tho ox was Inkcu in hand by a couple of experienced butchers mid dressed. An iron bar was then passed through him lengthwise, and several bkewers running through tliosliouldersnml bony of tlio animal secured tho carcass to the rod or bar. Upon tho cud of the bar was fastened n crank. Tho whole was then put upon two substantial crutches. and tlio urocess of roasting commenced Wo bellovo tho wood was burnt to red hot coals on ono tlro,nnd then put under the roasting ox, which was turned by tho crank, and basted with tho gravy until done. After about twenty-four hours the roasting was completed, nnd tho ont mill was thou carried, and stood on Its feet upon tho table, from which it was served to tho enthusiastic, crowd. (Ireat hilarity and good feeling pre vailed throughout tho day, o wero much gratilled nt tho opportunity of meet ng many old menus whoso De mocracy has stood tho test of tlniuand pressure, nnd who wero thankful to seo tho party and principles they so long had loved and labored for, onco more triumphant. Tin: Home. Journal Is nn excellent paper, and wo would bo glad to recelvo it, but cannot agrco to publish n prospec tus over half n column long, with "edi torial notices from tlmo to tlmo" for tho sako of an exchange Tho adver tisement, according to our rates, would bo worth $10.00, whereas tho subscrln- tlon prlco Is only .1.00. It would bo much cheaper for us to subscribe, than to ndvcrtlso at thoso rates. Wi: think our friend Val. Winter- steen, of Pino township., ns a hunter Is ntltled to tho belt. Ho Informs us that recently ho shot a buck tho four quarters of which weighed 1(17 pounds t Not content with that ho killed n rattlesnake measuring five feet In length, nnd which had thirteen rat talcs. He hns agreed to deposit tlio rat tles at this olTlco and tho man who goes ono better Is to take tho championship. Itoimr.uv. A man from Catawlssa, Columbia county, on n visit tothlscity, had occasion to go across tho river on Friday night last, and on Ids way back was knocked down by a very scvero blow from a billy In tho hands of somo unknown person. An ugly wound was Inflicted In tho back of his head, and ho wnsknocked prostratoand senseless into the creek. The robber took a pocket book containing fifteen or twenty dollars In money, and n note for $1,000. A,y coming Standard. Last week wo published tho prospec tus of tho Dally Scranton Jlepullican, which has recently como Into existence. It Isltadlcal in politics, but has tho mer it of giving us the dispatches of tho As sociated Press eight hours earlier than wocan othcrwlso get them. In other words, we get tho cream of tho news at o'clock in tho morning, almost as soon as they do In Philadelphia and Is ow 1 ork. It was especially welcome during tho past two weeks as it gavo early and full returns of tho Into elec tions. D. A. Hockley of this placo is agent. Finn. Tho largo fine dwelling houso of W. W. Plnnco, Ksq., in Mahoning township, just outside of our Borough lines, was consumed by llro on last Wednesday night. Tho lire was discov ered about two o'clock in tho morning, but before the engines could be got to tho place tho wholo building was in flames. A portion of the furniture was saved, but tho building was entirely destroyed. The origin of tho firo is n mystery. Ono of Mr. Pinneo's workmen was sleeping in tho building nt tho tlmo of tho fire, being tho only occupant. Tho building was Insured in the sum of $.1,000. Dan ville, Intelligencer. OX-ltOAST AT Wll ITU 1 1 ALI--Yciter day, from 1, W0 to 2,000 Democrats of Montour and adjoining counties, atten ded n Democratic Ox-roost at Wbilo Hull, in this county, got up under tho supervision of tho landlord of tho White Hall Hotel. Tho meeting was organ Ized by the appointment of Hon. David U. Montgomery, President, nnd John Moyer, Ellar Haas, Peter "Wagner, James Ilraunen, and Audrew Snyder, Sr., Vlco Presidents, and Win. C. John ston, Secretary. After which, tho meet' Ing was ably addressed by Gen. Win. Hrlndlc, nnd J. G. breezolvsq. The announcement of the latest news of the Democratic Victories of last Tues day, produced tho wildest enthusiasm We have not time for a more extended notice this week of this monster gather ing of tho tried and true Democracy of old Anthony and adjoining townships. Danville Intelligencer. Ladies Ukwaui:. Ladles who travel In the cars should bo careful how they accept tho proffered attentions of strange men, no matter how much thoy appear Uko gentlemen. No prudent respect able lady will allow a stranger to escort her to a hotel or elsewhere. '1 no cases in which ladies liavo fallen into serious trouble in consequence of their Itnpru deuce In this particular are numerous. An lClmlra paper states that a married lady from Philadelphia was niostfoully treated and even robbed In that placo on Saturday evening last. She resisted the politeness of a gentleman in tlio cms till slio could resist no longer, nnd then permitted him to show her ton hotel There sho took a glnss of wlno which probably contained n drug, and the next that slio knew shu was wandering on tho Streets, robbed of her watch and monev. and probably ofher honor. Tho villain escaped and is now probably looking for another victim In tho shapo of n silly, vain fcmalo who will accept his invitation on somo train of cars. Tin: School. On Friday evening of last week tho Instltute.iinder tho charge of Prof. Carver, held an exhibition for tho purpose of raising money, to bo ex pended ns previously announced. Tho exercises consisted ol declama tions, vocal and instrumental music, dramatic scenes, dialogues, etc., The wholo school comprising more thantw hundred students took part in tho ex hibltlon, which was highly entertain ing, nnd wo aro very glad to say largely attended. There wero decided evidences of 1m proveinent In all respects, nnd we could mime several as prominent examples but wheru allure doing so well in Im provement and advancement, It would bo Invidious to select any for special commendation. Dining tho evening thero was a great desire in tho audience to cheer somo classes but Prof. Carver desired that no demonstration of the kind should bo made, nnd tho wish wi commendably respected. 1'liu last sceno, a pantomime, was very amusing. Wo cannot pretend to remember all tho characters represent ed, nor the students who personated them j but wo remember "Queen Hess," "Mrs. Partington and Ike," "Jolin Hull," itu "Irishman," a"Yankco," a "Spanish Don nnd Lady," "Llttlo Hed Hiding Hood," Swiss, Hiiepiieruess.-a "Flower Girl," "Night," "Sisters of Mercy" "Tlio Comjmman" mul other newspapers of the town, a "llrlgund," a "Brigadier General," "The gcutleiiniu from Africa," utul many other charac ter. Wu thought It exceeding bad tnstn however to exhibit nt such u tlmo and place, a character bearing aloft a large wooden cross, inuro especially ua ins ap pearance was greeted with a laugh. At tho end of the exhibition, tho ltov. Mr. Shelp. us chairman of committee, on penmanship iiiado report, awarding prizes to tho best writers. TUB KALEIDOBCOPE ! A man of Inwjr Ufa IL tiuclimtioiiti ntiillt VBlcomurn." NO. XLV. OUAYAQim,. Tins is the name given to ono of the principal provinces orStatcs of Ecuador, and it extends from tho Pacific Ocean back to tho Andes, containing about 10,- 000 sqtiaro miles. Guayqull City, Its capital, is tho principal port In tho 11c- publlc. Its inhabitants number about ,000 souls. It Is built In rnthcr n strag gling manner along tho river and con tains very few buildings of architectu ral beauty or merit. In fact bo frequent aro thobomlmrdmcnts, revolutions, fires nnd earthquakes, that its growth has been much retarded, although It Is tho leading City In all respects, save popu lation. Tho bulldlngsnroeithcrof adobe spoclcsjof mud bricks bakcdln tho sun) bamboo canes, built In tho same stylo as thoso in Panama. Thocllmato Is ter ribly hot nnd ns it rnlns steadily six months in the year, thero Is not much Inducement for n foreigner to sojourn In that region. During tho rainy season which thoy call winter, although It is tho hottest tlmo of tho wholo year tho lowlands from tho basoof tho Andes to the Ocean are flooded from three to ten feet deep, ind the cnttlo are driven to tho higher lands until tho wntcrs subside. Tho Inhabitants along tho "bottoms" build their huts on plies eight or ten feet high, nnd communicate with each oth- by means of canoes. At this tlmo the whole land is Infested with vermin and reptiles, generated or brought into ac tivity by tho beat nnd rains, and tho very air is impregnated with malariu. Indeed, so rapid is the decomposition of egctable and animal matter, mat pes tilence would soon depopulate the land If nature had not provided n remedy in the shape of Innumerable gallinazo, or buzzards, which "occupy tho land," nnd gratuitously, yet efficiently perform tlio duty of scavengers, so that n mass of garbage, n dead horse, or n murdered man are soon stripped of nil otlensivo qualities. In fact, so highly npprcint ted aro their services, that they are pro tected by local laws, nnd it Is an offeneo punishable by fine nnd Imprisonment kill them. These buzzards, hovcvcr,aro aided by thochaln-gang,or criminals, who march through the streets with iron balls attached to their feet, and chains to their wrist, armed with brooms nnd eotTeo sacks witli which they sweep up the dirt and deposit it in the river. They are guarded by tlio soldiers of the Republic negroes of course dressed in flaming red, with an occasional rent In tholr trousers, wlthbare feet, and who indolently lean upon their muskets, or prog somo unfortunnto with tnoir nayo- net, to show how vigilantly they per form their duty. Notwithstanding tho Intense Heat wo enloved ourselves throughly, visiting tho principal places ot interest, learning tho customs, manners and languago of tho people, and gormandizing upon strange dishes, and such fruits as the lneapple,cher!moyo;banana,pinlniain, uca. and alligator pear, On our Journey towards tjinio, we ascended tho Guayaquil river as far as llodcgus in a llttlo steamer called the Bolivar, which at the time was owned and controlled by Captain, American. On my rctum,hwevor,tho steamer had been withdrawn, on ac count of tho blockado of tho river by tho Peruvians, with whom Keuador was at war. For various reasons 1 preler ue .scribing the downward trip. I nnflind Hoilcirus from UUllo in oyo, or under tho foreleg, their only vulnerable parts. Wo asked nn Indian girl, who was bathing In tho stream, If alio did not fear them. Slio naively re piled, "lAislargaton comcn tolamcntc- lot blancoi," meaning that they only ate whlto people. Another peculiar feature of tho river is tho largo number of aqua tic plants which float up nnd down with tho tide, some of them bearing beauti ful flowers, nnd In somo cases so largo as to suggest tho ldcaof floating gardcn. Immediately nftcr leaving San Bolcu don wo abandoned tho main branch of the rlver,and made nshort cut by taking a narrow, crooked channel, In which the current was so impetuous that It was with difficulty wo could round tho cor ners, and keep tho ennoo from thoshore. Beforo reaching Guayaquil tlio tldo again failed us, but wo wero content to stretch ourselvesunder tlie"widesprcad Ing palm," though In much danger of getting our heads cracked by somo fall ing cocoa-nut. Hero wo sawsevcral fine specimens of river sharks, which aro eagerly caught by the natives, who es teem them a raw delicacy. Tho Doctor also caught n venomous serpent, over six icci lun;, wiiiia iiu iu uutu im imu sprits 111 order to preserve It, much to tho disgust of tho natives, who thought ho was pickling It for somo futuro re past. Tho same night wo reached Guayaquil, nnd for tho first time in ten (laj s slept In n bed. (Juir.x Sauk. PUBILC SALES, SALK OF VALUABLK UKAL KS TATi:. Tlin umlfTftlKnfil, executor of llio m-i will mi. I iriiiiui'iii ui nun" , iiu iiiiiiii. in-. nifi r for wile, nil In ri-nrntf-lyur lotirlhrr, ine ioiioiwhk iKRcrmi-u H I X li (ITH () P II lint? N I) Hllunto in Itiptnwrri'nrtof -;spy,t'olumiiiii mini. ly, IIOIHIHK "11 .'linn nint'i, mm rau-iminn iinrii lo nn iilli'V In tlinillrci-lloli nf tlio f mull, lili'l 111 n Koulliornly illtii'tlim ni fur nn ('run Mn-t't, 1'jirli lot lint nlHiulM ff-t-t frrml, mul W) fi-rt In ili-plli, mitttliiu lliniu w-rv ilt-mriilitn fin' lullliltlii! Iota. Hioy run iH'i'iiuhnwl nt prlvfiti'fnletmtll Mon ilny, Itrr.'inlw-rSnil, 1MI7, nl which tlmo tluisnri timlnltiK unsnl'l will Ik ill.iw.'ilor nt mliUa out cry nt imp ,1'cIikIc In the nrtcrnoon. TutMs ri,- ha! r. Ten per cent, or hip putciin-n money nt the Mrlklnjril'iwti nl the prnpoity j mul oni-luilf. lias tl,i- ten per ttil. ,on Uiulut of Apr II, ISO-s, iiiial 1 h- iialalK-n ono jour llicrcnltcr, Willi Inti real on thi nnnnlil nmounta. Dccill will ic (Itu li when 1hi I11-.I payment la nin.le, I1, r. ltAUTMAN. lillWAIlll IIAKI-IIA., Ipy, l'n., Sept, 13, ls-H-Sin, i:.eculoiH, J) I'll LIC SALK 111 Al.l A1I1.1, lll.Al, I.S1AU.. In puraiinneeor nn outer of Hie orplmna' Court oi uoiiinioui t-.niiiiy, on iiiwiij. mg ... November, M(7,nt loo'cloclt In liierrenoon,.Iohii BOOK NOTICES. Wr. aro in receipt of tho December number of Peterson's Ladles' Magazine, and, find that In literary nnd artistic merit, It far exceeds Its predecessors, the steel engraving "no rose without a thorn" Is a bewitching nnd uggestlvo picture, and In u fraliio would bo worth tho prlco of the number. The Fashion Plates, Patterns, Designs, etc, are num erous, well designed, nnd plainly des cribed. Tho Literary productions are interesting, nnd will be read with pleas ure. Terms $2.00 n year address C. J. Peterson, .10(5 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. "Comi'.tii Up ah a Fi.owkii" is tho title of nn autobiographical story of the richest kind just issued by D. Appleton it Co., New York. Tho London TVhic speaks of It with great praise. Its chlff merits consist In tho powerful nnd vig orous manner in width It is told, in the exceeding beauty nnd poetry of its sketches of scenery, nnd in the solilo quies, sometimes quaintly humorous, sometimes cynically bitter, sometimes plaintive and melancholy, which are uttered by tho heroine. It is written by a lady a new hand, nnd is said to be so extraordinarily good, that when ever you begin it you cannot lay It down ngaln, hardly even when it is finished. New Yqrk : I). Appleton & Co. Price, 00 cents. Tur, DiAMflSD Dickens. Weak Home The ninth volumo of tho charm ing nnd populnr "Diamond Edition." These volumes aro so neat, compact the small typo so clear, the paper so perfect, tho press-work so even, and the binding so firm andyetdollcatoln taste, that wo have nover doubted their popu larity since wo handled tho ume. It is an edition remarkable for its compactness nnd beauty. Now that Dickens is coming to this country to lecture, wo adviso our friends to read him up at their leisure moments. These llttlo volumes are cheap, and one can purchase them ns thoy aro Issued nnd not feci the diminution of tho slzo of his purse. The illustrations continue to bo of tho sumo artistic character as In the first volumes issued. Providence J'rcss, rho cost of each volume of tho beau LEGAL NOTICES. A DMtNIHTltATOIt'H NOTICK. V.arATrnrnfomin im ! iiROKAaKii. l,eltcra or lulmlnl-trntlon onllioeatntenflleorae lump, tali-of Irfiemt tiiwn-lil,ivliiiiililn coiinly ileeinaeil lime la-ell Kralilcil !' Hu" lUglatir of anlil county to Martha V-iiip of anlil twp. All ier aona lialni; elahna or Uciiuiinla nffnlnal Iheea lateof thoilececlentnrn reipieate,! tomulco them known, nml Ihoaa inilcliieainnnkeiiijmcnl. Atlmlnlatrntor. Oct. 15, laiiMH. c LEGAL. ontT PWXJLAMATJON. TXKCUTOltVS NOTIOI IliTiior, Himnlliin of tho iutmoh itli'l ffttnto nf Kit rnli U. lMfci.iilinM.H mltiiii' i-hilil (if Mnrv I.Hl'll hart.lnlp of mtrtwltm lownMtlp, In wild rminty, itTI-tllll, Will CXIwmo to Mill' by lUl)110V!,IHhH,( (HI tin I'n-inl'-iH, nrtTtiiln tin juami or TH ACT Or LAND, ronlnlnlntiHi'Nenty Aitcm, morn nrlcm, nrtjolniiitt U1IU1H nl IlllKHpmiH lfiwr (in mi' llriinilii'llfr mi the Knilth. Heim 1 1 til nil tliiMvi'tt. trtntl .laiucH Hill on tlioeuM, 'lhrro Ui-itctt tl on tut rsald n mwrs a A I. o (i II " V S i:, ono storv mi1 a lmlf hlah, 11 In IKini. Wiirhii House, L'UUt 1'ii'si mul mu una mere is on uiu reiniHC 1U K1""1 CllIUIUl. It hj-imih in urivi iltlnif u-uti-i ullh horlnu ImUKot tho rstiito uf mi lil wiiil. Niluuto In tlio township uml i-ounty liferent id, Jkwi: Cof.hMAN, Clerk, romllU'iiis or snin: icn it rvm, oi ww one fourth or the luin-hii-tp money to ! niM on th itiy of nnU' oiH'-f'iurth IeH tho ten er cent, on Iheeontlrmatlon of Milo.ntnl the buliuico In ono enr fiom eonilrnmtlon, wltli Interest from em. llrimtlon. ht. Ponesslon ulven on th tlrt dny of April. N.h. rmeli.ier to imy for dfd And Oiumltan, Mtllllltl uciooer it, no.. 1? ( S A L K Will tH'jmM nt irlnto iwile. u ery dehirnble retMeiiee In South llhiuinxburir, ('ulunibiii Coun ty, l'n., tho property eonsistlngof TWO TOWN LOTrt nlhmleiuiit fronting Third Ktreet ofthc town of iiiooniHuiinr. whereon me erteieti 11 mio iwo story iMtAMi: i wi: iii. i mi iioirni; with hilehen athu heil, n larpo Stnblo nnd Cnr rlayo hoii'-e, Kood pin M tconl house, ete., HRfMul m II of nrvi-r f.illlnic wnleritt tho Imelc door. l'o M'hsionwlll hoKlwii on tho tlrt ofAprll, W. If not Mild hetwu n thN and the 21hI, of lieeember next tlie Hiine will exiiotetl to oublie ml on Mild date nt 1 o' lnk 1. M. l'or further partleu- lnr.iiKiuioorjiiciiai'l l . Ljeriy, nt inuomcfor U. r.Clark, i:h llltHjinKbtir't ( oluu.ltlu eo., I'.i, nepi, .7. lHii7. pritLIC SAL12 or vai.i aiim; hkai, iiT.vti:. In MirhiiAtue of nn onU r of tho OrnhaiiH Court of Coiiit.ihia eounl. Pa., on M rrimw , Novkm llFK 'Jtid, WIT, nt lo o'elovlc In the loieiionn, TIioh, Cict lihrf, Jr., udinliiNtintor, &v of .lohn Miller, jaiooi reoii m nnip, in worn nuui, lu'mi'ni, will expo-! lo Mile, by publle endue, on the piL'tiilM-i, a eertaln ikhvi: am tjor or oiuuwn. fltiute In I he town of Uspv.ntul county nforeva Id, mtjotnlnu bind- of .lohn Menu r on the w.( st, ee- 1)11(1 Ml t'I'l I M Ml 111 MM II "HI llll1 IIOIU1, Mil 1I1KV 'H Mi, oust, nnd nn nlLv on the -outh. eoiitnlniuu about oneth1rd of mi aeie. wheieon aro creel id ii fiame dwelling house, with oullmlldiuts", Kite the eMaie oi Mini in ea"fii( Minnie in me imi n hldpand eounly nfou-Mild. U3- Conditions of Sul'.e Tin per tent, of one foiilthol the inut'liase moiuytobe on Id on the Mlrlltlnu down of the property, ont-tuurlh less the ten per it nt, on the eontluuatlon of tho sale, and the b.danee in one ,M-ar from the eouiltmn- tlou nNl. I'osM'stion Rten on uio nisi uay oi April, Nl 1'un baser to pav fur deed and .tnmp. 'i iioMAH citrvr.i.iMi, Oi-tobt-r K isir;. AdmlulMrattn. j3rnLtc SALK or VAUwm.r. iu;Aii kstati:. Will to uld by tlio underlnnr d, executor of uio nu hum iwuiii in in ,Hirui jot in, ut ee.tsed, Oil I'lilDAY, I)FXE5tHlLK -Till, IiT, lit tell ovioek a, m., the following ittscrnVd. reiuut to w It : A LOT Ol OKUCNO,' in tho town c Kloomsbuic, C.lumbln rutin tv, Mild lot tronts on riisi siteet of wild town. and eotdaln1 In fiom nlxty-slx tett, and In ilenth two hundred nnd tourteeu bvt nnd x in I'll, w nti'l Imiitiih il us follow a: I lis! Ktiet t on the i tioilh. an n!le on the soul h. nn alley on the east, ! and HI l ulley oil the UCKl, Whtlfotl ale eieeted li Kood two Hory ritAMi: nwni.i.iNo norwi:, with Kitchen attached, iilhomt Uav kitchen nn il. r thi kill lu n : it wiii.illhtuble. a liireo (stable nnd ( houso uod irn llvtrv htable, n well of Hood wati'i at the bark door of the llery tabli a elsteiti at the bn k diMr of the cellar Kltihtn, with other outhuildluc. 'Ihe pi opt rty H linme dl.itely In the i ear of tho Coin t llousi. lot. od u u very deslrablo tstand for n llveivstablo l'os-m"-kIoii chen on thn M d.iy ol April, Nh, Ternn made known on ilay ot hide, when attendance w 111 bo Klveit by IIAVII) LOWKNlir.UO. r.xiculor. IUooins'iurir, Oct. 1, h7. Hinder, Into of lHoomHimiK.CoUitnbln county, l'n. bae beeimrnnioii ny ine ueuiMer oi miuirouuiyi to( linrleK W.Hnvder, nnd N nt. Nonl exeeutom, whorenlile in lUootiiMbum. All inr(on bnMnir elaluii nciilntt thopsintpnre rcinented to preent tUi in to the KxeLtttort for nettlement, nnd thoto lnumliitf theiilselvej IndeblY11 Wli.MAM NlVl, ' ' et.a, iHitT, i:erutorK. i DJIIXISTItAToit'S "notFcK. MTATK fif At.FHKI MENCI T., PP.f'FAIKt). UdteiHoludmliiMrntlon lotlieeilnto or Alfred Menue.tatnof lUoom township, Cohnnblncouu ly, deceased, huebueti ninud by Ilia llealtter ot wild County to Anthony Menite. Allpernon-t havlnuclalminrdetimtidsiualnHt llio eMato of tho decedent, are rt quested to preM'iit them to tho ndmJiilMtriitor without delav.niid nil per otiH Indebted uiv le'iuented tfniiiikiiptivmetittu HD11KUT K. CI.AltK, Atly, for AdmlidMrator. Oet.rj, lMff, i )MTNISTltAT()US NOTlCi:, tJTATK OF l.t.lZ.WKTtl llWl.Olt, UVC'U, Ulb runf lutmlnMratlon on the eiitnteor hi I 7.1 1 tli llaylor, latofif Montour townfdilp,('olum bliieountv, deeenied, hiiM' Ih'cii nrauteit by the UcuMer or mild county, to O.mlel llavlor, adtnln 1trntor, who reside lu sntd townhlt. All per koiii hn ina elulmi or demnnclnnn.iltist tho ehtnto ofthu wild decedent, nro reque-ted to present them forM'ttlement, and those Indebted to mnko pnvmeut. DANIl',! 11AY1.0U, October H, 1NT7, Adnilnlntrntor. i nMlNISTllAaWl'TTOTICK. J, WTlTKIir t,KVIN llt'lllttSON. ItKC'H. Letters ti fdamentnry on tho estate nf Iltia Ilulehlson, lale of Mtott township, Cohnnbln ru., deceaied, Im'CH uranted by tin ltfizUterof Mild nun tv to hiimuel J)ellteikh, who iesldes lu Centre tow nihip. All pervms hnvititf clnlmsor demands analn-d the eKtnto of Mild decedent, nro ieijueted lo present tin in for settlement, nnd thoNO Indebted to make pnymcnt. HAMl'Kl, OilirfKUICII, Adtu'r. Octobcrl.. lsi7, fNCOIU'ORATIOX. A Notlco 1h hereltyKheii that nu application bin been made to tho Court of Conmion I'le.w of Cohnnbln county to Knmt a t barter of Incorpo ration to "J'ho Ht. 1'atilck'H Item ilclal Hielety of Cent nil la ;" an Instrument in wrlthiK thcieln hpe( Ifylim tho (tilled, articles, eoudltlotiK, and natiu tvleor titfoof mild uoosed hoelety, Imv liur bo n tiled in Mild Courl al Hi ptember Term, N.7. jim; COM IMA N. Nov. 1, ls(,7w, l'roth . i DMINISTIIATIUX'S XOTICK. KMT AT H OK IMA f IHIOMIM. ftfC'lt. belteih ofadmlnlstiatton with the will annexed on theeMtntoorisnae Ithoad, late of locust town ship, (oluml)lii county, have bveu urn u tod by the ltelMerof Mild county, lo the undem luned, who resides In Mild township. All person baln claims amilnst the etnln aro rermi ted toprexent them to the administratrix Tor Kcttlement, nnd those knowlim themseUcM Indebted lomnkn pay ment, Mr.M. MA1K1AUKT UHOAI)sf, No. 1. lM(7-flt, Administratrix. A DMIXISTUATOH'rf NOTICK. t rsTAri:or i ukiu-hk k noun, dkc'd. I fltcr of nd mlnlsl i at ion on thorhtato of I'red- rih-k Hnhr. lale of Oieenwofxt townsliiti. Colum bia county, hao lxtn Kinnted by tho ltcKNterof Mtii .Mciioius Kinoi, lumiuiisirniorue bonis noil, with the w 111 nnnexid, who reside lu nn tit townsblo. Atl itfrons hiivinii claims or do limiltll iiailisi iiu mho cm.uo are requcsieu io ueseni iiieni mr hcuu nn in, niui muse uiueiueo o uiako pajment. MCiiOh.vs kimu Adnrr do hoult lion w 1th the w 111 annexed. Nov. I, W"-U. Wiiiriii'iM. Hip Hon. William F.IwpII. Creiildenl .ludcoof the Court or (cr nnd Terminer mid Oetieral Jail DelUery, Court of Qimrtir Hewdoin nr tho 1'eneo nnd Court or Common PIpiw nnd (r t'han'fl Court In tho JOifi Jmllclal DUtrlct, com posed of the count lei nf Columbia, wulllvan nnd Wyoming find the lion. Irmn lHrr nnd lVter K, lletbeln, AKwtato Judicen of Onlumbln county hive lued their preceiit, bearing Unto tho "tli day of Heptember, In tho enr of our Iiord, one thonand.rlKht hnndrrdniid lxtyneven, nnd to modiret ted tor hollm;iitVurtofOcrnndTerml tier nnd orncriu jaw urnvery, venerni uimner j .ft tern tPHtnmi ntnrvoti tho'etatoof William M. mIoiin of the Pence, nnd Orphan's Court, In lllooiiKtlmrir. In tho craintv of Colutnblil. oil tho fii t Monday, being tho 2d day ot December next, tu cuiillnue one week. And wherenn, the wimo Judges lMiod their pre cept of theMimc(Ute,nnd lomedlrected rorhold Inx n Court of Common Plea In llloomnburir, In 1 ho County of Columblu.on the second Monday, lieinirtheythdnyor Derember next, to continue ono wc k. Notice 1 hereby given, to tho Coroner, to tlio JuMlccHor tho Peneo.nnd tho Counlablei of tho wild county of Columbia, tlmt they bo then nnd thero In their proper pernoii nt lu o'clock In tho forenoon of Mild nay, with thtlr record, lnuuhl tlotiM aiid other remetnbruuees, todothoetlifiiKi which t) their oil icon nppeitnln to bo done. And thoHu that are bound by reeounlwince, to protio cute nitalnnt tho prNonerN that urn or mny lm In tho jail or tho fald county or Columbia, to bo then and (hero to prosecute them nrt Khali bo Junt. Ju rors aro icqueRic'i io oo punciiiai in ineir iiiiumi in ice, iiKreeably to their notices, imted nt jiioouiff , bnrtf, the K li day or ( )cloier, in l tie year l., k, of our Iord, ono thousand elkht hnn- ilred nnd nlxlv-neven.nnd lnthoiitnotv- (lrHt year or Ihu liulipendi neo ot the United HtatiMof Atturlen. HAMLMX HNYDKK, nniomiijura, ov, i, imi, rneriu. 1 bo 'olleetorM. bavlinr dihllnilex. uu hen by untitled to settle the balance of Mild dtinlleattM with Ihe Ttensuier of Columbia Couut, by the Ithof Oietniber next, w It bout delay. 'I he dosj l esot'ciiillv. U needeil on new ns well ns oll duplle.ileM Collei tins may do well lo eniuplylm? w itu mis nonce, ny oroer oi .loiiN r., MONTfitiMl'.liV rui.r, DAVID, Commlsvlotiers or Columbia county. Attesl: Wm. KunKUAiH, Clerk. norii7-:it. N A (' Y . . it i I iiu vuai ui V4ii;ii uiuiuui uiu uvmc WinininywitliMr.VlllainiH,tliol'rtMicli,tmil Illustnltctl J)Iam0Iul i)it.U,,n3 u Charge mul Dr. W oBner, 11 (Icrranii , , , , imtura st. Tho nntivos rcfu-id to risk . ' ' ,.' , imturallst. Tho nntivos tliciiiM'lves or tholr cauois nt (iiiayn- iuII. fearini: tlint thoy nnd their iroicr- ty would bo seized by tho Government, nit hunch Mr. Villnmin assured tlani of ills power to protect them from nnm, ndthelrproiicrtylrom eniiture. final ly, wo took by foreo u canoe Milltclcntly larco to coiitnln our party, mid got a crew coiihliitlns oftwo Intllniia, a Xogni, nnd n hipinw, tho latter to net as cool.. Our boat was nbout Iwenty-nvo leet lonif, three feet wide, mid nt tho prow liad n sort of ciilabooso or wattled eancs, which wns u-ed for n cabin. About noon tho lido bewail toebb.and e embarked for Cluaynnutl' Krom llodciius to tho co.vst tho country is al most n dead level, through which tho river wimdors In innumerable channels, formliiK a II no system of Inland com munication. So very winding was its course that freiiuently in (joint; tho distancoof half u mile wo rowed towards nil tho dimrents points of tho conipas. but five o'clock in tho ovenlni? tlio tldo coniinenced runnliii; up, whoreu) on the oarsmen censed from their labors, and pulled in to tlio bhoro under the cover of a deep, dank lorest, linen wnn parrots, monkeys, nnd other tropical animals, wlioso sharp, quick cries, to gether with tho music and nt tendons of millions of lnrgo slzoil yel Hungry iww (liiltoes, precluded all hopo of sleep About 11 1'. -h. llio lino again cum incnecd ebbing, nnd the boatmen steadi lv nlicd their oars until near morning, when wo reached Ban Jioicuuon. this proved to bo rnther a largo place, but evidently nn unhealthy ono, ns nil the Inhabitants! except tho Negroes mm a k1cI.1v iiiinearaiice. A small sloop of war wns lying hero which onco constltut oil tho avy of Kvuiulnr, but It mul been sold toan American residing In (iuaviwiull toBiivolt from capturo by the I'eruvian licet, and in conseipienco tho Republic of la'iiailnr was without i Xnvvl Many of tho houses were Hunt lug on llio river; that Is, a number of logs wero lashed together, upon which thev wero built. This U not only con vcnlcnt during tho rnluy ceaon, when tho lowlands uio under water, but their owners when tired of ono placo, can cist loo.-ofrum their moorings nnddrlft with the tldo to a more congenial lo calllv. The river at this point Is about a mile and a half wide, and presents n nitignlll cent appearance. Tho banks aro lined with hugu alligators ba-klng in the hot sunshine, whllo myriads ol lllcs gut lie: Into their wide, cavernous inoulli which cluso upon the prisoners cv ry few moments. Tho natives say that In this nuuincr they obtain their food. Tho blrcU exhibited no fear whatever of tho monsters, ns they would frequently nllght upon their backs, nnd lt thero ns contentedly as when resting on log. Mr. V. frequently tiled lilt Mlnnlu rlllo upon them, but in most Instances the balls would glanco harmlessly from their scales, only causing them t plungu KOIl DKCKM- (liL mid 11 mi 1 Aocount nrTholniiH .T. Hut(!i' lTinTi. CiornmlLt.e ol Wtl iiiin llol.ljllii. a limntlc now ilwpfwcil. All rnuju. lllterfKtpil will tnKc notliv, Ihnl tlio w.cnt ot ?AUl (Jolimiittci' li:i ln'in Mini in t u l'rotlioliol.nrv'K (nnudur Coluin- liiu rminly. mul Hi,' s.ililn'rnuiit will bu si'iitiil to llio .IuiIucm uf tli,' t'otiii ort'ominnn PI, as nf ntlil coutily, for oMimhmtlon un-l coiiilr- in.lliou, on mi'Htriv, uio iniin uiij ii i lori-nnic Ili'M. Jl'.-1: LIU, K.MAN, lllooiiisliuit;, No. I, lslni. j ix Tin: ori'haxs' c h'ut ix 1 utul for llu fotltltvorcolumbl.i. lu tho,-r of tlio pi'tllloii ot .Inlui Niiuiiiiiu, (iii.irilliin of Kiilitr'- Scliiu. 1 1, u minor lor iri in- mlo of Mid w.ii'il h n iiUHliito. Sonl. Oil), W7 Wllliain 11. 1 liolt, ISo., npi'Olnloii tin aii'lltoi io niunt tl.i f.ut-, witli hi- oilnlon. Ily tlio Court, tvrtflloil from tho llooonl. .Iiahi: I'oi.kman t lork. Toi'iirlli-H tntoioKlotl In tho uliovu iiim tftko no tlco, lliat I shall iittoiol for tho mrpo.o i,f my ri-po-,itmontvitt 11. .1. 1'l.nkS llotol In C'alawiHsa nn l. II. AlllIUl I, No . 1, 1MJ7. Aivlltnr. rx i be procured of any bookseller, or will bo sent postpaid by the I'ubll.-hers, Tickuoraiul Fields, Il.mton. l'llINTlNd Oi'ricn ltui.K''. Uentle men traveling, mid till others In tlio habit of visiting newspaper establish ments would do well to pocket this MTiip, asit might bo Ufeful to all con cerned, uud it is expected "tlio rules" will bo universally observed : 1. Knter softly. 2. Sit down qulk'tly. II. Sub.scribo for the pa" ., I. Don't touch tho poker. ;. Say nothing intere-iting. (1. Kngngo In no controversy. 7. Don't smoke. 8. Keep six feet from the table. . Don't talk to tho workmen, in. Hands offtho papers. II. Kyes off tho papers. li. Let tho "devil" alone. Gentlemen observing then rules when entering a printing olllce, will greatly obllgo tho proprietor, and need not fear tho "devil," Tho ladles, who sometimes bless us for a few moments with their presence, nro not expected to keep tho rules htrletly. Hoys, aceoin. panled by their fathers, me particularly requested to keep their hands In their pockets. Tin: Radicals are becoming u llttlo alarmed nt tho intentu appreciation of freedom by the negroes lu tho South. They do not seem to hold In sufllcioiit reverence the reformers of that section , having lately taken,to mobbing llureau agents, resisting thoclvil authorities ami such African pleasantries, which, al though they may evidence peculiar views concerning enfranchisement, are not calculated to raise tho enthusiasm nf the llureau ngentk or of tho general popu lation. TY p r n i, lu k a ii ir nr v i.. .viu.r. nn.u. In iitiiMuiiu o of mi i.uU i ol llio oili!ins t'omt of foliiiiihiii, county, l'n., on SArennA llio litli il.iv of NnVMim.u, W7, at lOo'oloclt A. .M.. Alllcl ( iooiluir, miiiiillau ot Mmy I . 'n wiins ami t'oia A. l t o oil mi; anil (Iooiko W. L'toM lliu.uuar illan oi Kuiih r. t'lovoliia: mul Mmpirc t i'iom 1 lim ; ami l.ol A. llidliy, ntuiiiliuu ol ( lain i iov ollnir, minoi ihlMroii ol 1.11 iiomIIii lalo ol M'otl tiivm.hli, in ialil coiinly lUri-am il, wilt ox poso loH.ito. i.ul.lic ciuluo, on llio promNoH.n certain i liuilulioii aiul tlmt ol luinl, loutaiulni; n I k i: t Y A r I! i: h, moiooi IcH. lullolnlngliilul' of Anion lloonoaml I'otor llimcnlilloli on tlio unilli. lalols of .lalm h l.nlic ami Aliioil MiHlin llio west, tho Ninth Hi. moli ol Uio lllvcr hm-fiuohnnnii on llio ninth,'N ol Anton lloono, II. W. Crovolln X t'o.. .1. It. rurrol, lliiikol .V. l'n m llni! mul olliortou tho fiM, win itou aro tioclcil ti nine iv nwiif.i.iNii ncir.-i., ami Kitchen, a Intiso limn, Wivjon Mioil, nml olh or oiilhiill.ilns, (hero in a (..mhI woll or water nl tho ilooi'ofllioilwi Him; li' no. 'Ill 1 1' Im nn tlio jiri iniM-M n koimI hiryo A 1' I' i, i: t) It U 11 A It 1, thiMHlaloofcnlil wntil-.llniilo In llio town.)ilii mul onimn nfoioMiiJ, .li:w-i; l'oi.i.ji.n, fh i It. f' of .Wo.- Ton l'ir oont. ol tho ono fourth of llio iiili'liiti.o nionoy tohoiniKl an tho ilny ol hiilo; ono-lourth hs tho ton ior oonl, on tho ooiillrnuilloii ol i..ili',anil tho hnluuco in ono eiir tiom ooiiiliiii.illou Willi Intonwi trom nut llrm.illou, nisi. Pisossloii itlvcnon tho llrt ilny of AMll. lM'S. ruiclniMr in pay for ilooil mul kuuniw. i ciii:vi.i.inii. ' ti. w. i in:vr.i.iMi, l.KVI A. IIIIPI.I'.V. tlunilluu. Oct I-, Im.T. 'IM1K XKW YORK TI.MKci. a I'llI.ITICAI., I.rrKIIAItV, SNIl MI-rKI.I.A- M.oiis M:Ki'Ari:it. ki. ri.l mi sr ity nih iiviia, skmi-w ki-ki.v ami nifKiA i:iuTiosH. Tho Now VolU TimethM livolitl) lioin enlalSOl in llui hlo of tho Lnnilon 'Ami., mul 1 now ono otlho hiriio-t ami olii.iiuM noisii.iioi in llio woiUl. I Utoli numbor ol tiioli oUttiun luntnlh ollitiimc nl ol ni ii luna coiuniiH ouch, null; lli lltlwK columns in all. It I ulu.i h jiilnlnl on koi! iiiipor I'lcir ivin liiaKlim It llio hnml-, MimoM nu I mini loulhl. NoHi.i.or In tlio I nlloil Htntcs. .. ... ,, , '1 ho TliucK nlmn, llrkl t.f all to i;lo tlio oiil llmt nml most ell ililo .skws Horn all prh. of oiM. lueoiroiouUcnco, roioliiiimol ilomosllc, In Mi rlciv, million in.l litoiuij iiiIimosi mul nW llj, 111 llio Millllioin run, , . ' nnii.i . ....... .. .... .. has lii.'u-'iililllcut toolilalu lolllihloinloiiilutloii thn'l linos hut u Iiiijio nuiohor ol ulili , Inlolllp nt anil nimllil oonopoiulonis whoso roiorts of Incl tlonlnaiul o.liilnmi.' of mnt Inl' rostnml aluo ami Irom oury Oi.llnl In i:moio tt rmlvr early mul lolLihlo Iniollicnco, In Its lulllorlil Ik i.trlim nl Iho Times seeks In rillli ls iMsi.liiBofiiUofiAery 1:1ml Mil ";'"r, Intollluciioc nml n pnnimoiint reannl for Iho best InlcloMi. o .oiiimuiilly. Ititvolils iilways ii lieuls lo iiioio loisslon, mul alms lo illiocl una isjinlnoo llio Juiliimont lulhoi Ihuu iil'lj'iil to ..H..i.,.nn., in online It iniilnlnlns Iho funilu- inoiilul iulncliles of llio l.nlnu l'nrly HoflUUK tho lloMoiulloii of I'i iii o nml Union IIIHIU tho till; His ol l.oiiiil Itinhts .mil imluirul jiu.Uo.., ami itiulttu uuviij h mnt , i rvwhoro tho elevitllon una i hi i lowmoiii utiili cIusmm of tlioooiiimunlty. Iti ilciillim wltli Ihe Moulh It will Insist ii.on n jui I. ml . i.ntl.lorrttnimticwilciiinililimr full mill htcailv oheillouco In Iho t'oiisllttillnn mul Iuuh of Iho I'nl'jn, iininii. iiroteetlon lor llio oiiliuuchUisi i oit.- Ik ilcvoloi.mont of llio mnlcri.ii roMiuioesof lo i w 1 "iii- :r t..i... ... ..r nil . iiinn. win. t IOC OOllllll.v. IllO. ,il" li o, ,,,, . ...... ... .... , . , IHO 111 isoicill loll, lin.n.tiiji in... VUV OIUMIAN'S COl'llT IN mul tur tlio I'ouulv of Columhl.t. INiuli- uf iiiisuv nu-,1 ru ili'i il. ihi ( uiniiii .siuiu'i' tn- liuinti'ilbv tlif Court In tiuci- ti.ihnm In ( nuiltrr of hv i'MT.tiutis tu the Muu 's nppiuis niPiit f tluMvi.luw ufllinry llu-ilt r l.ito of lioa--r toiMiHhlii, di'cruM'il, will uiu t tilt' purtk's lu tcii'Htt'd tur tlin iurtiu-(-H oi his ti'i"Iutin ut nn h.itiml.iy. N'uM'IiiIh r :U'ih, 1(7, ut lit o'clo'-k .. m. nl tin Milieu of Uuliftt 1'. ('lark, IS't., hi Itloumi- iiuiL', r.i. m.uvjiv ii. oitoi. Nov. 1, IM7. t'uiniiilMiloui r. 'I 1ST OP OAUrfKH jj iii:h ii;hm(ini7. I hmiiuet Mnrtz vn John w Clnrk. Mnmuel Hmry v Hoplor & KUnotob. a Kll Joiioh h Mllosl' AUmtt it ul. I WrlKlit lluclio vr ivtrrMllbT. ft .Tnniithuu Kulttln vh Wrlttlit llugnp. (I Mury i; (Ircon h Hubert H lloucll, 7 Hltuoti A IVlilninn v Isaac Ycttcr. s PM r.i(jerH Clinton DewltHtal !i IhwM Fry IinvM Kliuinnn. 1) 1:11.11 Krum'M uh vi Daniel K rum's tulm'ri. 11 Win A Mfirrn .Tatnn Dyke. 12 Thomas J Viiti'lcnlict-vi Amos Drrshrr. U Sylvester J Kaux vh WHIanl (' (Irren'i ndmr, II .Irt(ob H Kxnus v Wlllard Jrt(n'a ndiur. 1 1 .losoph LI Hi1' h I'.Kr Mi-lllck. IK llpubpti MUIitm Isano Vt'ttrr. 17 .1 wuli A Hwlsher m Abel Hartma.i. IS .Tncoli A Hwlsbf-r s llloluml W LmH. I'J .lameH Oarmaii vk Mlchai'l ('roano ft nt. St tfeorco 11 llrown vi I.eoiiRnl H Htlneman. 21 ' W tiimplHll et nl vh 11 W M'llrynohW et nt Si Khtt hls .V. Hruther n Irfvl Kutx. 1M Svlrster J I'nux VH'.Iohn Hoblnson. 21 wmhfbuylcrMSuinuel it tier. iti .latnt-s Mtrausicr n (leorRO Htrickcr. 2d Til In mn I'iiux xnHylvnuter J 1'iuix. i. naiiiuri aiicr y i,?i.iriTuni. 2S hmiuu'l WntterR vh (Jeorn) WIUUm. -"wamuet Watleu v (loorifo WIUIU. :v) .John Trembly A Co vh Mary V. (ireen et nl. HI Adam n (leorjin Strieker. :t- Clark Stewart el nl vn l.lljali C Cleaver. 'M Ie(Hrali Dean 0ven I, Dean. SI Krnnkllu Yoeum v.s Win T Hhuinaii. .Vi IMwanl I'Call t al i John Hwceney. :ti) Wt st Ilraiuli Insurance Co k Hlmon CHhlve. :rr John KnlelmerM Jeremiah K HrKs' mlmr, :1H Milton Trangh ttso vh I'lilllp H Moer et al. ttl Jesse ltobblliH A. wife Wm Wch Si wife. 40 Unbelt J Icons' mlmr v Wenley I.jonn, II I'll 1 Vat son k Andrew l'reas, it I'll IVfirnti John Cain. It James Vlckers N I Campbell, 41 Wm Ikeler h Jnhn Knvaue pI nl. li IV I per A Markley vs JH UnibM. M HeufKo Drum vh Isaac Yrtter, 17 Crank llmther A Co h J H Ilrobst. H Win A Kline i Joseph I' Inng 10 Daiili-H Cut's mlmrvsJnmerHSanUey. VI chiu lei 51 Miller i the Township of Jllooin. ."I Daniel rrf-'vnn'i iiilmr h John Iewtn, fli John Monli m J I lrkk. 5-1 Jolah Thoinai h Henry C 1'rfiti. il 1ilt l'arker vh Silas D iMirnr. Vi Daniel HolulJM. Dault-l H Jltlwla. .X Mnry M'ltrearty vs Uobert (lorrell, ffi'fnlshen oi ran Kit m iiiuiy vi ui. JIISmi: CDI.KMAX, Prnth'y nioomnburt;, 'ov. I, 1KT7. Kl-XUSTKIVS NOTICE. Xemci: is hereby Klveu to ull lenatees credltori. mul othiT iiersum lnteri'stpl In tho eitates of tlio re j-lM'etle (h eedentiaml inlnon, that the foil owl us adinliiWtratlon nnd uuardl.m uecounti hae been tiled tu the ntllco ol the lleclstrr of Cnltunbla eouutvtand Mill he pri'K'Htid for eouttiinatlon i i a low tu -e 1 1 hi- uriinnns- couri. in iu i eiu In Itlnumsbuii;, on A'iUenday, the fourth day nf Dr ceuibcr, IMJT, at two o'eloek In thu afternoon of .ild day. 1 Aetuuut William Chrlstiuuti, udminihtrator of Daniel Mordan, late of Seott towni-hhi, Iee'd. 2 Aeeuuut of Kll Dobbins nnd KUzjibeUi l'lideu. a'liuiuisiraiorsoi .james ruauu, nue oi i-iviung-cr( 1 1. towiivhhi. dece.ii d. :t Aeeount ot Hiomas Mess, executor of Cred crfel; II(ns. lale of sucarloaf tow nshln. di-e'd. 1 1'lrst and aeeount of John II. lie tier, cx reuioroi jipnry vt, .inner, inie or milium lowie si i in. deceased. 't Fhht iicenunt of John 11. Hrller. ndmlnlstru- tor of Mlehnd ri v.htleof Mlillln tnwnshln.iltc'd. 0 A mm nt of John M.Unckalew. f.uriitm ex- reumr w .1. z hiniifv uurKniew, inie ni rwniuK' Lit?J; tou nshln. dets'if. 7 rlrst (itnl uuul aeeount of John II. Mart find i-n?ji neuviiVir, num r?, i Uworizi) it. Kcicimor, mn 01 1 cnue uiwiwuip, r.CCtan.w- h lliopeeond and 11 mil nmmnt Wto.O. Jiur ley, udtn'r. ot Cftkb ll.iiton, late of JUfwtn town' 1 hhln. de'd. V Aeeount of A. l'nnlfeand A. HobUou. ixi utors of Win. llobison, late of lUoom township, iheeased. 111 Aeeount oriifouv W. Drelshach, inliH'r.or 1 .U7.U)etii itieimriN, inteof lihwiin townshlp.dee'U, II Ai-coimtof (filbert lle.H,tuliu'r. of Mary Hess, l.itit of Siuarlo'if lou-nshhi. ilee'(' 12 Aeeount of Win. T. Miuman,udm'r, ol (lldeou 1- Istier, late 01 Maine toTsnhlp, dec d. M Aetountof 'liiRhman Illtlenhouse, HurvUIiiR u'wii r, 01 oiuiuon rnuK. line 01 noaer luviiv Miip, iiee il. If Aeeount ot John Try, (junrUi.ui nf Mahalu tunran. Misanna, Kimuebi, now iiee d..) Ja cob, l'rlselllu. ehlldten of Holomon Kwank. iloeM, li Aeeount of Leonard Adams, ndm'r, nf Mary r.l-enhart. late of Ctitftwl'.i.i townshln. lUeeiiKeil, hi. Ais-ounl of Cl'irk M. linnn. Jlxeculor of John Mors in, late of lllooin tow usli o. ileeenieil. n. inn mm ueeouui 01 hiiinuei i.ui,nne 01 ine i.xe( utorHoi m.i' a tun. lale or rranitiintown ,nni. u. i- tUii..i., iiCBWier, liio'iiu-nurK, ,m)v. 1, DRY GOODS. jyIIiIiKll'H 8TOUK. fit , MIKHII AII1IIVAI, op I'AU, AND WINTKll OlH)l. Tho HlntrlbT hax Just retuniMl from th. rill.. with nnothr Inriro anil nloot nnnortmftit of M'llIMI AND nt;MMi:it (toons, purcluwsi In .Sow Yrk nl rhllixleluhhi .1 lb. lowe.l fiiruro.iiiiil whlth h. U delrrmlnrd lo Mil on m niotleraU. trm m tun b proeurrtl eUv whi re In Illoonulmrg. llu .took inmprlim 1.AD11M' MtKHS uwtrn of tlio choicest tlyltsi anil latest fnhln, togfth.r with n largo !nnrtniet!t of liry Good, mid Oro reriw, romdntUiif of the following article, t CurpeU, Oil Cloth.. Clotlin, Cusiljn.refl, HllAWl., YltknaeU, Bilk. White Good., Llneni, Hoop BklrUi, Miullnii, ilollowwaro Cedrware queeu.waro, llardwart IlnotM aim Bhoen. IIaIm nnd Cnpf, iloop NeU, Umbrollait, tiKiklnK-Ulusii(Mi, Tobfteoo, CoiriH., Hujpiri, . Tea., Itleo, AlUplce, (llngn. Clfinnjuun. KuIdmv. AND NOTIONS Ol'.N 11ALI.Y. lu uliort, everjthliin unualiy In country stnn-s, to which ne In r I tea the atUnUon t U. ptililio gen.rally. Tho lUgliesl prlc, wUl l paid for country produce In exctiango for good. H. 11. 1UIJ.KH, Arcido Dulldlnjrs, nioomsburg, Pa. G r i hows1 ai'1'haiskjii:nts. 1 In- follimlnn aniiialst mciits ofnal nml ier- Moiml property m-1 np.nt lo Itlout of dceedi nls, hlle been tiled ill Ihe ollh e ol Ihe lh uMer ot Co llimbl.i eullllty, lltldei Ihe Utile ol Coilll, and will be piiM-hteil tor nbsulule eolillrniall'-ui, Io the OiplKin.- Con 1 1 to be hold lu ItloomsbuiK, In nnd fur will I euunly.oii Wt hmh , run roritni Dv or DnfMiu.n, W,7, at tun oYloek i', m of Mild day, unless eveplions to hiieli (onfluua tionsiiru pievlously tiled, of which all persons Inteiesled In said estates Mill hike noii.-e: 1. Widow of (h ot'ne. U . I'.ilim r, of lUoom (ouu ship, d. 2. Wldou of D.tuhl Mell.ek.ofena township, deeenst d. 0. Widow uf Daniel (ieaihart, of lieiut towu-r-hlp di censed. 1, Widou oflliiiiy UoMiiiun.ofMalu township, iteeensi'd, r. Widow of.Iuhu sthiei, ofnraiiiie lwp.,ihe'd. ti. Widow ofCyius 1'iy.of Ulouin iwu., dee'd. 7. Widow of Hi njamlu Nuis.of Mnllitw p., di-e'd. K Widow of Daniel Nus-t,orM,iin twp.,ihe'd. P. Widow of John Tealer offishluerei 1;, twp., deed. h. Widow of IliMiJlman .1. lUxine, ul Centre hip,, deceii'-ed. II. Widow of Jacob Kunis f 1'lshltiRcrrek twp,, ileceiiM'tl, 12 IduW of Jacob Da Id. of Itlouin d.-c d. John l. rui:i:.i:, t!iMei. in Tin: coritT ok co.m mon 1 Pt.r.s IN Mil"HniILCorNTY UK Ut LVMlllA. Co t mum ot yv I et rtlly, that at n oiii t r-f Coimiuoii fj i i rii ui, lor ine eounn aunt Mini, uexiui J llluoin-bUil-', on Ihe ail da of Sen- s-' 0 tember, In.7, helon Ihe llunuiable William riwell.l'iilvl. nt.and his Ah-u.-intt hJu Uu s of h.ild uaut, lo iiu- ui. ild i ul ot edlim in iLirllllon b iwet .Inhu cioune, l'l ilnttll: and Chi lip Ctouye, -lul l-elendaiitt. The iiMiueht havlnu made letuin that tho pie. mlsei In sold prH eediutc d'senhed, i ould int Im divided without imjudlee lo or tihiiiimr lue ulmle. Clii motion of Uuhi rl lMlaik. J'mi.. the I'niirt eon tli ms M' let urn and itiaub d a nil on all Ut. pan Us tntiiirinl, to uetept or ie- fun- ihe f-uld 'H mlcH at the Milnatluii ut it)- ...i i.i iui.iio( nn; i el oi" lehloiil to at rent the lu kit iw (atlse wh ill -unit' Hhuiild not ) H..UI, iv imiiabti on Hi' i.i -t M"ii'luj oi lu 1 1 mber itniksiu hand and t-c.d ot s.tld Couil, this ilH t. oi i-t liu'lliuei, II .si; l tJl.KMAN. I'Mith v. To John Ciniiw'. J'hilhi ( mine. II nam Crouc, ;.Kuii Ciouse, i.i 1 Hitler and his h lmum CrouserJohn llau tl, Lnul-ii I lehchut, llliatn rieiehutCluirleii leM-init, MUhael M, l lohchul. Anna Maria ITewluit. I'tederlck J'leMhut uml Caroline 1'leHcluit, and nil ntlier perwni lnltiea tel. UOlll-.UT i'. ChAUK, ucto'irr a, i"'tv. ah y mr i em r. LOCAL NOTICES. "Tiir.iu Xamij in Lv.(iioN,M may bo upplii'd to tlio Innuincrablu uImhihh to WIlll'H lUUHKin IH bllUJt'fl, 11 WCllllll u well fm thou wild aro hIMU'UhI with Hiiimruutlv ini-'urHblo ulcon. uld sorcn, I t-iuser1ori'h'i iHOiieTiiimation, m rrvtilpclaH uml wuptloiw, to um (IroWn ! ttWil tvu'uiiiu'ti Diavc, n itu curt's in u wis nhort tiuiL', cuts, burns, hcaUN, MvAi woumln, lite, AM contap;loin poi.ioiiH ilotilitloftH pro iluco tholr peculiar tnlluciii'o upon thu or t;aniiu through thu blood. In fact, thuy pass Into this Miild, prow and multiply thi-ru, given rl.-u tocliantrt'H In Its com position. ThO OOlltUglOUS poUoiH K' lH'l- ally conslht or living mutter, iiiiil this, by Uh growth mid Increa. producen, by I UUMtS KOU t'oruT oi t) mon i'i.kas. dkci:miu:u i. imit. tlfiis I'l'-Miin'ii ieliiMu r. llCbtoll 'I hoimis j)a Is, .It e 11. I COM KKAT IlKDUCTION IN PIUCI AT I'KTKK KNT'B stouk. IK LIOllT BTU11ET, or TALL AND WINTEH 0001)3. TllK mbterlber luw Jiwt reelTfl nnd Ium on hand nt hi old tdfliul In Iiabt Htreet, Urgf an4 select aSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE FurcluiHed nt thu lowmt figure, aad whleh he U iletermlniil to W'Uon a moderate terms hucsui be procurrU lhwhero tu IJaht Htxed, for cAsn on covyrnr iuojfc& His Htoek rontUtn of LADIES' DItESS OOODfi. r holemt tyl and Utnt Ihshlonfl. Cnlleow, Mmlln.", (iliiRhnmj, KlnnneLs, llonlery, Curjieto, HllkB, HlinvlH, READY MADE CLOTHING, SutlnettH, Cui-dmers, Cottonade, Kentucky Jtiw. AC, itf ' AC. GROCERIPS, MACKKHAii, Qticenswure, (Vdarwajp, HfirdiTare, Medb'U, Drtifrs, OIU, I'ulntfl, Ac, BOOTS A SIIOICS, HATS 4 CAPS. Inidiort everything dually tent In a country Htre. Tho iMitroiKuze of hU old friend and th public xencrnlly, h reHpectfully Mollcltod. ine highest mirket nileo puld forenantry pro. dure. PKTEll KST. Light HUeet, Nov. S lfHff, riHAND Jl'IlOItS KOR DKCEM- VI IIUU lUUM, M7. Ueaer M (ienrhart, IVank Lhumuu, lu ntuii 1 itllam Applenmn, John Kami. Illoom John K (Imt. Ilrlaitleek .lonatlian It (.lordlier. C.itaw Is-1 .Incul) KistUr, John Klefer, Nathnn Creasy, Ceiitialla lloio John 1 llnnnon, I W Wertmnn. ( 'eiit 1 e .lames Koeher. l onyimuam ratriei; liraekeu. l ixnumereei; p,iniuei ijoieman. Ilemltx k Naau Leldv. JaeAson (ieore Hetty, Illram linker. Uh list Hamuel Stlue, MadKou .lohn A I'linston, Wm Johnsuti, l'lne John llrum r. James Miteis. suu'ailoaf Ukhaid Hess, loietuu and Tiiiu-M full ami emu- fill illdOll.kloll In Llterny erltlelMU and lull lllKem-e, the nine will boehpeelally lull nnd lotuplele. Elaborate ond extended UeMew will be made of new worAn that may deneru them, mul no paini will ho t pa led lo make IhU lu pailtiu-ut muie than etr Tlu Airrlcullund, Commeri lal and Muanelal UepoiU of ihe 'lliiiui will be prepared ia Uh uuito w tniwh i-nrit nni will be In i-vi i v lettu-et nt eahl i full and Ktitl-tfoelory th thoe of any ollur papt i. I Ih Itepnilx of i un,-n and I.ei;lMatti PloeeedlmiH. of i Ublle Iiuelllut Ul uf Mil lie ot lilt kimU.ol I'luiiedintis in natiih, or iuiue nun- ete., win uo uiu umi renauie. I "US, Iiimu .. I..HIU.. L 111 In, Ul 1111 ill lo till! hi) tllU If!'! ihiS!itio1lmilntll'i; m"'1, no!i;'K!!!:;i 'sif,f!.g"s '!!;;! 'i11? thii-o ti'iillilo nmt'tloiM. iiu.iiiiii(.fii'i.iiiiul u(h iii m. ,l uui im-v. Tliosi! I'OlltllKloilM liciNoilrt Mill fall I m ilipiiiliiuMil, imlMlll mill In llii'lr mimiiiT, ImrinlnsH u hcui tlicin Ih in. liiiiinlrniiiit l'tli.n( lnx "' 1. ii-i-liruiimlunw. iiuiy with unusual velocity Into tint rlvor. A fuw, howovor woro niortiilly wounUi'd tllrt-ctly noiitiiilUliit; orklllod outrlfiit by niing nit in umi tnem in tnu nhhki. of liriiltli In ituy luirtof tho hyU'in, hut wlii'io tl'O mticoin hurfui'CH nro ruliixiil, tho ciiillliirli's illflU'iulcil on lU'coiiiit of u mIul'kIiIi t'oiiilltinu of circulation, tlio i hlooil tliiu mul poor; nml u cciifrul las- filtuity, tliry will lio tiiKi-u up, uml pro-, duce their legltlnmlo vllit-lH t-lckneM , mill itentli. .ll tlatifor from these polnons win i'ally ho ivoIU'l hy uslns utiwllly tho Zluuarl Hitters. It prevent hy pioiluc-Inj-'just niit'h n I'oiuiltlon of tlio Hyytmi Mill ri'iiuu en IU llll uio poison, DC- iiiuny oi fw. ' 'III,, fi'illliW llIK HI, til.. Ull I'h Of till' 1.1 Millt C(ll 1 ho I'll l.v 1'l.Mlji, pti'iinuuiii .. !I0 " " ' iMUHl.iy ullloli Inrlliili'iljiil'.' " Hl'.M.Vn i.l. Tl Ml-snlii'i'.ir la ii , " ' twii roj W onu i'iir I' TllU Wl'KhM 'riMrH,,iUH(llV ti " " " ilM't'uiiicHdiii'yrur... .6" ,. u. I. .. ., tn 'I liit-ii iirli'i'H nr.. luvnrlnlili. Wnlmvonn tuiv i'IIiih uii-mH, ICrtiiti lu cti'-i I.M ru ro't-oilU'c louv OliliTl lfiiH.I!ili illri'K" II,. I. UAVMllNll .V I .. Km, , IW, TUu, OUitf , Ni w Vmli, milni'tiin. li-li llllllli HhunJi'fi, Hftfi II Hull I 11. llrluuui'k .MU'll Knillll. lfiittm .InlillHSh'lllt'l. W'lllMiti V I 'ttriilllll. I lltllWli".H Alii 'I llnltltiN, l' I'lilllH'r. t .litre - Inlui lllll, Niillmiili I OimiiIh-II, Murili'iill r,nviialmm Win (IiIiu.iii, .Iiuiiih tl.trr li'l.liliitf.T.'ili .Iiu Itviii M'lli nry. (hii'tiwiHiil -.Iniin 'I'limiinN. lli'lilliii-l, -Animi Mullli, 1','lii Wnkhi'Ui'r, .Iiii'Ki-i.ii IVi Uul Cull, Ui'iiiKi' 1 uru-r. riniiiiuii Hill... lAicu.l H.uiuu'l Ki Hit, liu'uli Yi'tmor, MmllMiii Win II lii'liinlt. Mnliiii J.m ili lliutt'l, Niilli.m M1IU i. Ml 1'lfilv.lllt ll-llll Whlto Mnlituur li-ivlil I'lurlt, Nimli Miiiihii, s.iniucl IlllK.-lllilli II, orttiuii Aiiinluilil I'ulli r-nii, Iiul,l Aclii nt'.icli, JUM-Ili! Ul'lll i f-ioll- lliiiiy Kilililli'i. U4UIWHanuMUMI 0UVCT.Wi.MII.TI,.f.lil QAlUUAOi: M ANl'l'AlTOItY, llliiuliubtll, I'll, M C. SI.OAX A llllinlll'lt Hid i,in'i -iwiir. nl Wll.l.IAM HI.IIAN MI.N ri.iilliiui' lliu liimliu wi ul iitalilMu l,AHUIAUI-., lii'liinlt, titil ei i nI lo ui l'A.NI' WAliO.SM, VOW NKAT AND CIIKA1 .JOB PltlNTINO, OALL AT THK C0I.UM11IAN OJ-'l ILh Wuehttuy hae ioiivtanii on hattd lo mitiu-tomei'- N'eMT iihIih im. mail rial but tin I i"-t uud tmphliitt tin most ei ileneid Morkiueii, they hope toe ntlnue u. In ti torore to (jive entire KAtUnwllot) W ewiy ciutonur An Inspection nt their work, ami uf the rouiiutuibK ir iv iuked tyi the surae, U Htue to lunure a bait-. TUHOUS VOli THK (iUAHTKH ft i)i:i-r.Min:u :. 17. lU-nton Aorn ham J ami . llrlareieek .lohn s Ilohkr, Joseph Stuekhoni', John w .hmitn. Itluom John I llarklev. -lohcim SharpleNs. ln tu w Nmi Wallit Not I, Ji John.Iianleldenr- hint. I'ntie Varun KeK-hner, It A llovrimm, W Wit-nilre. I'onyimham John AnderKon, nliaiia itoio Ui-nr.i iahi.. (iieeiiiiooit Hamuel Vieas, l'hlllp Youir, Wm Jnhnmi, .lael;on Matthew M' I U nry. Jieust Kltns om, .lohn 1 Waller. Mnd-.on-IhnniM'rldo..las Kenlln, 1. rhlltpH. Maine Iwiao i tti r. Imu, Montour fame Hart on. tiaiitft) KeeMi I MMJaid. Uo.iuiiereoic-it.uilei lioiiiiie, Jacob lAium liner-tier. NottlMer Unt, Thomas W i:dar, Jueob Mel- IK k, nanlei Mider. Muailoif Chilsllau I, Jlooie, Neiilou Il I rlnie ton, Sliadr.wk 1. lies. gmuurrvs sam-x liy vlrtuoi'f hundiyirltHlsMiedoutof Ihe ecu it oft'oinmon 1'leas of Columbia t'ounty toinritl leeled will be exposed to wile, at the ( OIJUT UOl'hi:, In Itloiiinsburn, on Monday, the 'Jd day ot 1'eeeniher, next, nt one u'eloek lu th lifter- niMJii, tho fallow ii udi serib 'd tirojhTty, vizi All (hose two eel tain tract k or piece of hind ly liitfitud lM(mi lu th loutihhlpot .biLkson, tu the i'uittil uf I'olumbi.i, and Male of lVniis Ivanlii tin one piece of land tmunded outheeiiHt by laudot John llealh, on tlm houth by lmul of I'm In r, and on t!ient and north by lands of Jiuob fhiJhttan. s nlalnlnc m-voij iuivb nioro or hssihe sicond pieie ot land tielui; uml lyiuc In I lie ton nohip, eouuty and state afuietnld liound .dasiollow: lUijlunlmt at a red i.ik, tin nee by Inn I of John ChrMlau Mouth 71 di-Kreo cunt Tmr pertlu'Kloti Ihenee- hy laud of Win. Putter- him. -aith I'ldeureis ieft hltj iiurchcH to a ikmI In ih" road leadinnfiom Uhnrsnurito('hrUtlau'H ti nut ill 1; Ihenee.i ouu the Name north Al den en in t, m'm nty-thriH pi rehes to n pu.ti thene by tin .iime north l'tdi H'ss east nine iMTeheM to a po In l.lttle l'Milnuereeki thviivo hv html of JolmUirlsiiamiurUifci d.rtvi vant, hUety-nluc Perches to,-iie. bfKlnnltitf enntulnlns fourteen acres of land and allowamii of nix ycr cont for ro.vNi'U., moroor less. Seized, taken Into exe etitluit nnd tn bo nold u tint i roperty of Win, Kd tear, and JohuMaley.udmluUtrutor of Dlatm 1M All Hint certain iruet nr pareel of land lu the tuuiiHhlpof Itofti'tnmree' In thu t'ounty ofvt'o- lumbtH (formerly Montour) hounded and described tu lulluvhl.; i'ii tlm north bv land of John lVi ry on the eui bv lutulnf .laeobstino.ou the south bv land mm of U.ililel Kotentiauib r. mid nu ihi wi't-t by hind o Jouait rahriut: r, t'ontalulnii; one iiiiii'ireii unit m e aeie". ieii'u laKeii in ex ecu tlon and to bu Mild us tli property uf Thomas AI.rtti A tn tain I nut of land Uuate4 ItWhoToii iikIiIii of lieiuloek and 1'ountv of Columbia nformilil eon. talnlUB about one hundred neie bound ml and ueAciioeii a-' loiiowN.ioM'ii : on the north in land of .lohn Khmey on tho i ust by laml nf U Wrluht A IMer WeikhiMtr on ihe houlh by land of mnmuel uriiiiier unt on me uet ny latidri of Moust. seiitl, takeu tutu execution and to be houiiii iiiejiuicii oi ucuviust uann,iiiimini tralor with t hum 111 i.ue.ed of lutuy ikdMliiulller, III I IM U. A IX) Ml thai ci rlainhutldim; located nu u lot or pier ul uiouini Miuaii' in uriar 1'ieeic uu Ok ni'u nm, bin coimti . puiehaisl by Iho Hild Kninuel Mller fiom Samuel Mnllh, uud Ummleil by laud of Mini naunii i Muiui n m one and tihalf Mnry frame hulltllmi Iwlnir fourteen b Mvteen feet In Hle, Seicd, ndii u into eis nt t ni nnd to be miUI a ine pioieri oi hainuei Hitiei. A IX) A eertaln lot or (iroitnd tdluateln Um ltomuuh of (iiitiulia, Columbia no . con lain I mr tiientv- llu- h 1 1 on Irs md A une mid evteudluu back nioimitoiiut nih i one uutuiitii uui torn leet imallej -nu wlin h I-i n ted a two ttory Iraiue u ciiinu in-iiM wiui ine nppuiii'uaiu t , fizitl iat;t u uuoi xieuiiou umi I ie.oid an theiiroiie ti ol Ldliatil llullei. ,,MMIII. hNM'I.H.hherltr, Q.UKAT UKDUOTION IN PRICKS AT 1. K. Ni.UA.N'H HTOHK, IN OllANaKVILI.K, PA., o r PALL AND 1VINTEB U00D3. Tlio tmliticrlber hunJuKtrocclvM fUiUhroioulMmd at his Htore In OrnnKevlllt. n larse iwid seiect AHKOUTMKNT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest lliniro, nnd which h tn determined to wdl on uh moderate trm-S uxtun h rrof ureU ote where lnOrun(;fine, kou t;AHii on couktuv ruoDUCti. Ills ntock cvtmUts of LAD IKS' DRKHH GOODS, rilOICTWT WTVLKS ANP LATK.ST 1AHH IOKT, Calicoes, MuslliiH, GlnKhains, Flanneln, HoHlry, CAHl'ETH, Hi! AW Li, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, HutlueU, C.slmern, Cottoiiuden, Kentucky Jean, AC, AC., JSC GROCERIES MACKERAL, Queensware, C'eilarwure, Hardwure, MeUiclur. DItfQH, OUM, PATi, AC. ROOTS JL SHOES, HATS A CA1M. In hhort everything muiaUy kept tn vutitrr tore. The patromiRrt of hU old frtmln nnd the publle Knenilly, Li rwrttfully bolWUsI, The bight nt market prlr pnld Jor country prt- Dr.uiKevllle, May 31, 1T. J 1J R O W E Rt U now onerUifl to the public hU Htock uf .v r a .v a a ooi) s cotihlrftlns lu pm t of u fuU Uno or INGRAIN, WOOL AND HAG O A H 1 H T Sf l'lne tlotliM ond r.iMiluiere for Ijidlen' tswta. HANIHOMK nilRHH titKJDrt, of all pAtternN nnd qnaUtlc, Iulcdds aa Prtats of Trlotw qnalltlert wild prlrt-, HLKACIIK1) AND HKOWX MUHIJNH, LA DIE'S FRENCH CORSETrt, 11ALMOHAL SKIRTS, (loo1 unHortiUiiit of LAMIA d CMll.V10i..i aAITJii:.S HOQTti. Ktctdi Jnv tlvn und Jplc, Hortw4it (ILAdn A.VI QUKKNK-WAHK, F X-N O. I M A C K EH E L In one-half and one-Jeurth twrrei. Now Is the tlmo to make your holcctlonw, im 1 run ottering ood ut very low pih, and our motto 1m fair deullnj to nil, and not U b uudr wdd by any. J. J. HUOWUt. Uloonwhurg. April li, 1VJ7. IS1 A 1.1. (im mi nti iiuuK- In tlii'latvrtiiiiil lll'isl H (I ,U ul l IJLUHt 111 IN MilllilUtfhl He l Ul, CLOTHING. TEW STOCK OK CLOTHING, Fresh arrival ci FALL AMI WINTKll OOOn. DAVin ix)vruiiiiu tnvlte tittentlou to hU Htock of C11UAI' ANp KAMHIdNAULK CTXJTBflNO. athbtPtor on Main Htxeet, two doors fttoT the AiaehmB Um nimnbnrff, r., where he uu Jnst received from Nw York atiJ rhlhkdelphm a lull ntnrtmnl of mi:n and noYw curriUNft, IneliKllriR the twl rnshtonabl, durable, uuo luiudHom ISltlMUtlUff of UOX,HCK, KIIOCK.CIUM, AUOIIXXOTU COATH AND I'ANTH, of ull borU.itUes, nd color Ho Uuk ulw rvplAu Uhtxl hU ulrtsidy Urgv slcX of KAI.U ANl) WINTKHHHAWLft, mtuii'kd, Kiounr.n, anp tiain mv HllJUrs.cUAVATtt.HTOCKli, CAJLUAUH, 11 A N 1 1 U KI tci 1 1 K! H (J LO V w, NrWKNPr.UH, AND TANCY AUTiaOM He litis eoiiHtantly on luitul u Iutm qo.1 wfllo- Hsted atsurtment vt CLOTHS AN'H VKHT1NCW, uhtDh he In preiuinsl to rnukv to ordor Uitonuy kind of cluthUu, on very nhwrt uotiee, uud Ui the bem manner. All his rlothluy Is tuad lu weur, and mortt uf it U of home luunururlure. OOI.U WATCHW ANU JKWKLHY, of every description, Hue uud tliettp, UUM4tt Jewelry U not uipiiMhrd In thin pLu. CuU nX eiwmlne hU (teiirral iuMiituicnt uf CI.OTIIINO, WATCIUW, JfJWKI.WV, f, 1A VI I) IXJWKNIIVIIO. rANTED, AiUCNTS-- 11 Mulu or I'einulei- Cim i lear A1 tr wtrU ut I heir ouu home, In a llht und hrmo ruble bul ueutt. Any i4irbou liavlu u few hourH dully to MVuiid will nnd this u kox pnvlnx bntlnet. Ad drtHi, nendtui; I wo ctuiui for full tiittlvuuui. U. i:. UKkwoisl, ptult, MUkluuh. Oct. A 1?C.H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers