THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBXJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. gnrmtr'n ptpartmrnt. Mtf ft nt llorsesi A C()UIlE3POJ!l)K.NT Of tllO Otfmmt' town Telegraph iya I "Dlicnio of this stock ofttmitrH's from wlmt npiioiirs to bo the best can', which, when observed, nppenrs to bo actual noylocl. Homo of our best mul most thrifty farmers keep their horses, cipeo tolly their trotting nod blooded nnlniaU tied In their hIuIIm for mjvltuI days In mtccclon, without any oxerclo or sun light, save the few minutes In water ing, uud their drink Is often carried to them. At tho samo tlmo they uro often fed on corn n very unnecessary article for Innctlvo beasts, when they can get good hay. The currycomb Is, as It should be. freely used. They seem to hnvo overlooked tho fact that tho horso as well at man requires pure nlr, proper food, regular exercise, cleanliness, light nnd heat, to promote a healthy action of a' I his organs. "ito important aro the four ilrst-nam-ed conditions that It Is hard to dctcr mlno which should receive tho most at tention. Wo know, however, which la most generally neglected. How many there uro who drive their horses from , mugned more iiinu an at n goon King ....... t.. ...ii,,. i ,. iiM.n u.),n,wlio was there. "Look at him," said they had not traveled one mllo during ! the previous three or four days. The j creature comes out of the stablo sleek and plump, and spirited, for he Is rest-1,-ss, and delights to bo In tho open nir, to which ho may have free access In summer; his flesh is not compact, but flabby, nnd ho tires in half the tlmo of one thnt had been frequently exercised. There can be no doubt that tho Impris oned aiilnin, though grain-fed, would ghow less strength nnd endurnuco than one turned out an hour per day and fed on good hay. At tho end of a week of work another similarly fed and other wise attended to, tho llrst would have loit much llcsh, and been in a worse state than tho other. lCxercIso of tho right quantity increases the flesh (not fit,) and solidifies tho muscles. Inaction augment adipose matter, nnd when protracted (with stimulating food) cro utcs disease, both In man and beast. "Thohorsois b?ingover-domcstIeated mid taking his master's diseases. Pneu monia, .consumption, cancer, etc., aro becoming quite common, but with dis similar names. Tho best and most val ued horsesin this country dlosuddenly, nnd frequently after some enormous prices aro offered. Inactivity In tho human species often ends in apoplexy nnd palsy, and HkowNo with the ani mal. "The currycomb is better appreciated by stock raiders than locomotion. Hut it Is seldom used to excess. It Is to tho horso what u bath is to mankind. It removes impurities, promotes a healthy action of tho skin, nnd equalizes the electric fluid. It Is the poor man's friend ; for a horso curried twico dally, will need only half tho grain of a horso not curried. It may be that ho would tlirlvo as wofl-rflfu"" got nothing but ijooU clover and timothy. The man of mall mcau8 moru frequently neglects this point of economy than tho wealthy. "Most fttiblcs aro well enough ven tilated;' but light Is less plentiful than air. Windows would supply this de ficiency, and on tho South side of a building would draw heat." llw ft Farmer Mmy Loose Sf oa7. llv not taking his county paper. Keeping no account of farm opera tions." Paying no attention to tho maxim, "a stitch In time saves nine," in regard to thebowing of grain nnd planting of weed at tho proper time. Leaving reapers, plows, cultivators, etc., unsheltered from tho rain and iieat ofthohun. 'More money is lost In this way annually, than niot persons would ho willing to believe. Permitting broken implements to bo scattered over the farm until they are Irreparable. Hy repairing broken im plements at the proper time, many dol lars may be saved a proof of tho tuwer tiou that "tlmo Is money," Attending niictiou salesaiid purchas Ing all kinds of trumpery bccauseln tho words of thu vcnilor, tlio nrtlclot nro "vory clieap." Allowint? feiiroM to remain uiiri'pslr el until "strniiKo" caltlcmcfonnil trrni! lug In tlio mi'iulow, (jraln ileitis, or brow-ding tho fruit trees. Dl-iX'llevliiKUie principle or u rotti-! Honor-crops, before miikinii a lnKlo experiment. " riant fruit trees with the expectation of having fruit, wlthoutttivlnjr the trees half the attention required to innko them profltnble. Practicing economy by depriving rtock of proporahcltcr during tho winter and feeding them unsound food, such us half rotten and mouldy hay or fod der. Keeping nn Innumerable tribe of ruts on tho premises, nnd two or threo big lazy dogs, who nover molest tho ver min. FMl Planting of Aprgui. Within the past two years we have watched experiments made by several . aenllemen on planting asparagus In ) ugtiht, mul tho result is n remarkable , . fiiifitij. Tho Kroiimiw iiri'imrcu in ror a crop ut any other Keason, nnd afiur cuttiiijrofrtlio green tops of tho yountf Hoeillings the roots aro set precisely, as In spring planting.' Thuy push now roots ut onco, and niako eyes no "strong that oven from ono year old seedlings romo asparagus tint not, of coumo very strong-hai been cut tliofollowingsprlng nnd wticrb two year roots hnvo been tistil, a full crepitus been cut in thosamu time a result no one expects from spring planting. In this region thu plant has taken strung hold of garden ers, uud asparagus is likely to tako rank at'onco with tho strawberry as a regu lar August operation. It will, of course, bo best In such cases to cover tho bed?, after tliey Iiavu onco becomo frozen, with some, kind of litter, not to keep out frost but to provent thawing and freezing until tho natural spring season comes, or tho plants may bu thrown out darilentr't Monthly. Tht Chtupctt FooiJ. Tin: cheapest and most nutritious veg etnblo used for food is beam. Professor Lleblg says that pork and beans form u ,u.,u.m m u pccuimilj .V IUI 111-311 llll IIIIIVl 11UVV31I11 to support life, A quart of beans costs cay fifteen cents; half n pound of pork Ion cents. This, as uvcry housekeeper knows, will feed a small family for 11 Uuy with good strengthening food. Four quarts of beans and two pound" of rorneil bcof, boiled to rags, In tlfty (uaTix of wutt-r, will fiimlsh u good meat to forty men at u cost of 0110 dol lartwo oonts uud a half u meal. I .for the lounfl JtoIIjs, KIiir Wrllllf-tlrsrd. AnitriAT king of tho land far away In the Kast had a daughter who was ve ry bcautlful.lmt so protid,nml haughty, and conceited, that ""no of tho princes who caine to Pk her In marrlago wero good enough for her, nnd sho only mailo sport of them. Onco upon ii tlmo tlioklng held a great feast, and asked thither all her suitors; and tho.' all sat in a row, ranged accord ing to their rank, kings and princes, and dukes, and curl, anil counts, and barons, ami knights. Then the prlnee.-s ciiiiio in, and as slio passed by them olio had something spiteful to say to every one. The llrst was too fat: "lie's as round as n tub," said ehc. Tho noxt was too tall i "What a maypole !" said she. The next was too short: "What a dumpling!" mid she. The fourth was too pale, andsho called him "Wallface." The fifth was too rod, so she called him "Coxcomb." Theslxth was not straight enough : so oho Mid he was like a green stick, that had been laid to try over a baker's oven. And thus she had some Joke to crack upon everyone: but she "be; "his beard Is like an old mop; he "bnll be called Drizzle-beard." So the King got mo nicKiiameoi urizzie-ocara Itnt tho old king was very nngry when he saw how his daughter behaved, and how she Ill-treated all his guests ; and ho vowed thnt willing or unwilling, she should marry tho first man, bo he prince or beggar, that camo to the door. Two days after, there came hy a trav. ellng tiddler, who began to play under tho window and beg alms; and when tho king heard him ho said, "Let him come in." So they brought In a dirty looking fellow ; and when ho had sung beforotho king ami tho princess', begged n boon. Then tho king said, "Yon have sung so well, that 1 will give you my daughter for your wife." Tho princess begged and prayed; but tho king said, "I have sworn to give you to the first comer, and I will keep my word." So words and tears were of no avail; tho parson was sent for anil she was married to tho fiddler. When this was over tho kingsald, "Now get ready to go you must not stay here you must travel on with your husband." Then tho fiddler went his way, and took her with him, and they soon came to a gient wood. "Pray," said sho, "vhoe Is this wood?" "It belongs to King Grizzle-board," answered ho; "liadst thou taken him, all had been thine." "Ah ! unlucky wretch that I am 1" sighed sho; "would that 1 had married tho King I" Next they came to some flno meadows. "Whoso aro beautiful meadows'.'" Mild she. They belong to King Grizzle-board; liadst thou taken him, they lindnll been thine." "Ah ! unlucky wretch that I am!" said she; "would that t had mar ried King Grlzle-beard I" Then they came to a great city. 'Whose is tills noblo city taid she. "It be longs to KingGiizzlc-beard ; hadstthou taken him, it had nil been thine." "Ah! wretch that I am!" sighed she; "why did I uot marry King flrizzlo-beard ?" "That is no Im-imvs of. mine," said the fiddler: "why should you wish for an other husband ; am uot I good eiiuugh for you'."' At last they camo to a small cottage. "What a paltry place!" said sho; "to whom docs that little dirty hole be longV" Then tho fiddler said, "That is your and my lioiwe, where wo aro to live." "Whero aro your servants'.'" cried she. "What do wo want with servants'."' mid he; "you mu-t. do for yourself whatever Is to bo done. Now make tho tire, and put on water and cook my -upper, for I am verv tired." Hut the princess knew nothing of mak ing (Ires and cooking, nnd tho tiddler was forced to help her. When they had ealen a cry scanty meal they went to bed ; hut tho fiddler called her up very early In the morning to clean thohoti-e. Thus they livid for two days: and when they had eaten up all there was in Hie cuttaze. thu man said. "Wife, wo rtm.t 01, tlm,( ...mii,,,. money anil ctunlii!; untiling. You must learn to weave bu-l;i'ts." Then ho went out anil cut willows, anil brought them home, nud nliu bewail to wenuj but It made her finders very sore. "I wo this won't do," said he: "try and spin; perhaps you will ilii that better." So nho Nit j ,u,vn ami tritul ti npin ; hitttholhmul.s t.t K.r tenilor llllii rs till the blood ran. "Seu now." said tho tiddler, "you are Kooil Ibr uotliliiKi ymt can do no work what it bargain I liavo got! However, I'll try niul bet tin it tratlo In ots and ians, and you bltall nUnd in thu markut uiuUull thoui." "Aim!" H'liud alio, it' any of my fa'.lit'r'n court should nasi by and teo mu olandin;; in tlio marUut, how they will imi'li at mo!" lint hur husband did not caro for that, and said hud must Wurk, if nhu did not wish to die of huutfc'i'. At Ural thu tradu wont well; for many iieojile, goolng such a beautiful woman, went to buy her wares, uud jiald tlieir money wltii out tlilukiti of taking uway tliu good-i. They lived on tliN us lonj tu It lasted j and then her htHhand bought ufre'ili lot ..r n...i . i... . ..t- i ..! .i... .in. : , it In onu corner of tlio market; but a '"""Mm 10111 ersuou camo oy, unuroiiu Hid nurdu tiuiuai. ncr aiuii,uuu oroKU tui her gooild In it thousand ideceM. Then bhb began to cry, ami know not what to do. "Ah! what will becorao of mo'.'" wild tho ; "what will mv liusbandsay V" So she ran liuinoniitl told him all. "Who would have thouHht you would h.ivu been t-o silly," bald he, "as to put uu curtheiiwaru stall In tho corner of thu market, where uverybody passes'.' llut let us huvo no moro cryint,' ; I seo yuu nro not Ut lor this kind of work, o I liave been to tho klutr's palace, and lusked If they did not want a kitchen maid ; nud they say they will tako you, uud there you will havo plenty to eat." Thus tho princess became a kitchen lintlil and helped tho cook to do all the work ; buth-wtn allowed to carry home soine of the meat Unit win loft, and on thU they lived. Slio had not been thero lonu befuru bho heard that thu king's eldest .son win pmslnby, goiut; to Do married ; and shu went to onu of tho windows uud looked out. Kvurythln;,' was ready, j ,, tl(, 1HJ1) t r i 1 t II (.- of tho court va tliero. Tliun hlio bitterly grieved fur tliu prldo uud folly which had brought her &o low. And llio ser vants K-ivo iter houw of tht rich ntoatH, which alio tut Into her bucket to tako . ,.' , . i.i 4 All on u teiidth'in as llc whskoIiik out, 111 CUIUU tho lilny'-S SOD In golden clothe uud when lieHiiw it liuiutlftil woman ut tliutlnar, lio IduU her by thu liitml, and ttlil i-lii! i-houlU Ui IiIh imrtuer lu thu dance; but sho trembled for fear, for she saw that It was King Urlzzle-liearil, i who was making sport of her. llowov cr, he kept fast hold, nnd led her In ; nnd the cover of tho basket camo ofT, so that the meats In It fell all about. Thon everybody laughed and Jeered at her; nnd she was so abadied, that she wished G herself a thousand feet deep In thoearth. She sprang to tho door to run nway; but on the steps King Orlzzle-beard overtook her, nnd brought her back and said, 'll'Yar mo not I 1 urn tho fiddler who has lived with you In thu hut. I brought you there because I really loved you. I run Mo tlio cornier in t ovcrsui your stall. I have done all this only to euro you of your silly pride, nnd to show you the folly of your Ill-treatment of me. Now nil Is over; you ha vo learnt wImIoiii, and It I time to hold oiirmar rlage feast." Then the chamberlains camo and brought her tho mint beautiful robes; and her father and his whole court were there already, and welcomed her homo on her marriage. Joy was In every face and every heart. Thu feast was grand: they d.iuccd and sang: all wero merry; and I only wish that you and I had been of the party. RAIL ROADS. "YTOUTHKltN CUNTHA1. HAIL- L- WAV. Dinner norm noiitii and soith. Through Ih'Imi'pii llultlmorniinil Kochi-stcr Wll'llui'l' IIIA.MJI. OF CAIIS. on nil. 1 niter April 2, wi", trams will leave us Minus! THAIS'- NOIITII WAI'.II. 0.03 a. m. I.r. tvr. Xoit-im'MiiLin.vMidailyfex-ivpt Mond.i.i s,,loppliigul prlucliul stations nrrlvuu nt Viiiiuiusport T.wii. m.( l.liuuu 1'J.uu noon, CtiitunditlHim J.I) i. m., lbs'iies ttr I.LVp. III., lHHIiilolt.l5p. III., mi' I Nhtgnril FutlHU.UU. 111. 1.1.1 1'. M. l.UAVI. 'OltTHl'Mlir.KI. IM ilnllj(PX- cept MiiiituvHi, ntopiuiiit hi nil Miulions; ur rlWtuiu wllllaiiniHU-i, l.lmtru at ll.Mp. in. TltAINrt HOt'THW.U'.Il. 0.0 3 A. M. I.EAVK NolirHU.MHMH.ANIl tlnlly, tu)piti4 at iirliu'lpiil tattuut; arriving at lliir!lljiirH.-!in. in., Uiltlmort l.'. p. to., Washington .'i.ui p. in., ami t'lilliulclphln l.lAJ p. in. 10.10 A. 91. 1.I.AVK XollTllf MIll.ItI.ANIl tlnlly (ox- cvpt hmiilujto, nrrlWng at llairlsburg 1.13 p, in., llalllinorolMlo p. in., Washington IIMW p. tn.t mul l'li!l.iU'!plilno.i) 11. in. 3.10 t St. Ln.WK NotiTiiPMm:ui.ANiitlallyfcx cept HunUuys), stopping only nl print Ipal Muttons: aiiUtng at HarrlsOtirg s.:lo p. in.. 1'liilaJt'lplil.l l.wa, in., ami llaltiinoiu T.txi ti. in. 11.50 r. M. I.i:avf. NoKTiifMiii.itt.ANii, stopping at oilnc'liiiiUlnlionstarriviiigat Iliiiristiurg i'.lun. in., iir.lllinoio7.Wii. in., l'lillailc'lplila i.l"j li, in., mm i usiii im inn , ,w it. in. i;i). . VOI'NO, May H, IsoT, flcn'l. r tssvnger Auvnt c ATAWJSSA HAILUOAD. l. isii,. I'.issenct'r trains on Hit' 1'ntiiM UnllroAil will run at tlio l.iiloulltg tuunt'il liom ei I Miut&intUi, si-AiioNt. .Vori, Dt'p. s..(-ia. in. Yi'illtaiii'iMiit. Arr. u.lp. in " Sluuoy. lt'p.d.n " " li..ti " Vt'aUolltowll. ' 0.1 " " ti..Vi " Milton. " I..Vi " lo.m " lunvlilc " i.ii " pus itupo.i. n-v. " " 11, til t'lii.nvlssn. " " " 1J.H p, in. Itliutown. " s!.Ti " l-j..k, .--iiiniiiit. " " liuakalif. " l.'fc"l " K .Maliaiioy June. " " ' "Dllie.'lainnijuii. llllii'. " " I.ii " Iteaillug. " Arr. ti.:i.i " I'liiliulfl.ililn. " ITo New Yoll: ln. lleiul " JO. It " lugor .Mant'li I'lmiiU. 1'roiii New oilc via. I Mniieii L'liunU. i IM " l.:w " 1.10 " lll.lllll. 111. S.I) No elinngo of tars lulwt-t'li Wllliaiiisiort niul l'liilatlt'iplnii. lii;u. hiipt. MISCELLANEOUS. TUK 3IUTCAL LIl'K INSUHANCE COMPANY 01' . M. WINbTDN NKW YullK. l'UIWIIlKNT, Aitrli rr Sill, 000,0011. EXCLUSIVELY CASH. AX.M'AI. UIVIUUNtis AVAIUUILU IMMLlUATtl.V TO 1XCIIKASK TUB INSl'llAMX oil To ltK- I'm: tiik i'iu:Mirst, The Company Issued tturiiiK the year invllnf; JantKiiy Nt, noTJ I'ollck, iiiiirin S."I,873,ii. Tho totul Itieonui of the year bfini ftil,'J17,0t.'.s, Ilii Full partk'lll.irs as to the u-ulkhlK of Hie Conipnnj wltt be cheerfully slvcn by applylnif In JOHN II. ritEE.E, nastcr't cy.'f, IlllH,'t7,J Ul.OOM.SHL'KO, P.. QO-N F E C T I O X K U Y KlllI IT, XUT.S, AC. AC. JACOI1Y WIDJIVElt, MAMTAi.-rUHI.IlS, Wlioles.ile nud Uelull Dealern hi ri.M.v axi i'.svr cvxrKcrmxKitr, ANII IlKAfA.KS IN t'(Hti:iON l'-Itl'lTS AXl) NUTS. Kxihnnuo IlloeU, Illoomvlnirg, P.i. imNOK-, LEMONS, P.AIr-INS, PUUENS, It O 0 K V A X 1) Y , 8KK11I.I- 1IASINS, I.AMll liAKINH, IfllUlNTi., CITllON, I'KIS, DOLL", AO., II It HAD AX I) CAK K.', of all kinds. ENOt JACOllY. I'llllll. E. WMlMYKIl. ltlonniKliiirti, A Kite II A X 1) 1 S K. NWICI'. IS IIKIIKHY OIVP.N Tinny fiUndKnnd ttie imtille fiierally, that all kind of dhy noons, (IKOCKIUKS, QUKHNSWAHK, XOTIOXS, AC, are eonvtantly on liaiid and for ale AT llAUTON'S OLD STAND, 11I.OOUSHC1UI, ny JAMI'JS K. KVKIt. Bi- Alio, Sole Apt nl fi r 1 1 1 is' I iiosi'Iiatcof iK. Iirge !( 1 1 1 M i titty i n I i.iul. fehi'ir;. 0 MNIHU.S I.IN'K. Tlio utitlersliii il wuuM rL-r-r-ri tftilly ittinoutioo to Ihocltbens of Itl-wmshnrtf ami the jnibllo Bt'tif- rully thnt ho fx iiiiuilni; an OMNIlirSLINK betsipcn thU idaccnml the tijn'etvi.l lallrjpuit'de Hjt dally (Numlat f 'l' U conhenit with the UJYttrui iraini Kuni(; roiiiii nnu t vi uu mim mm wlshu mul WIIllami.rt Itiillroml, untl wtththoe icolnic North nivl Kmith uti thu ijickiiWHium and ItliMiiuhliiirif Itullroiiil. 1IU Omnlhnion-n nr.- lti botkI wnulltlon, comim dUms uiii cnni fort ill !, niul I'liarKC rt'iit-onnlitt-, lVrain wiililiitf Ut int'Otor ( their trii-iuli il- Sitrt.cna buiu'contud.vtc! upnti t.-unnimbtefha g i y leutntr tlnu-'y ni-tlen nt nnv of tin hotels. J.UUll i. (illtri)K, l'ruirklor, tnsu n a x c i: a u i: x c y . Wyoming.... .V.lua Coinmercu ... Tul ton 1 Initio I'utimm 1.W.000 I.IXO.UIO 1UI.000 RUD.OtlO 8.10,11110 Mrrchai.U . HprlDBlhld 370,000 (it-nnnnln 0O,0(i0 Iiisnrnneo Company of Ftntc rrnn'u OTO.'JOQ founectlcut Mutual Mfo JOmo,') North JWO.tXXl rm.AH mtowN, Jtrwt. mitrH'67.1y.) llroouanumj, Ja. QAUHIAOK MAXUrACTOHY, liloonikburK, l'a, m. e. hloa.n a imuniKU the necen.or of AVIM.IAM WI f.N & HON continue thu btulm-s ut ninktHtf CAltHIA014, JlU(itiIK-. and ewrMIeof KANl'V WACiONN, whltlt tht v tmvM ''nnMnntly on lmnd toMiltnu- , loIlier. s, nnv innIrilli i,t the i.eM uud employing tho most fxtK-rlcnced workmen, tUty hoi4tu continue as lierelofore to give entire fatisractlou to everiustomer. An Inspection ol their work, and ol the renwntt.ln ptlce otH&l tat Ui tstne, u sure to tmuio a ui. DRY GOODS, &c. .HAND OPKNINO tlllANIl OI'KXI.NU (MIAMI OPKNI.Ntl (IllAND Ol'KNINU U It AND OPENING or and wtNTF.n noons, ANII WINTKH HOODS, AND WINTKII HOODS, A Nil WINTKII UOODH, AND WINTKII HOODS, consisting nl consisting of consisting or consisting of conslstlnu of FALL FALL FA I.I. FA FAMi IiltV DIIY IiKY IIIIV 1JKY GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, noons, HATS ANII CAVS, HATS AND CATH, HATS AND CAIH, HATS AND CAPH, IIATS) AND MW, 1I001S AND H1I0KS, riOOTM ANII SIIOESt, ilOOTS AND BIIOIX, HOOTS AND HIIOEH, HOOTS AND SHOI, ItnADY-MADi: CLOTIIINO, IICADY-MADK CI-OTHINO ItKAllY-.MADK CLOTIIINO, ltnADV-MADK CLOTIIINO, nr.ADV-MADi: clothp'o, LOOIJINO-GLAHSES, LOOKINO-OLAHSira, L00i:iNO-OL.HHES, LOOK I N0-OLAWQr, LOOKINO-OLASSEB. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OIIH, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OII.1, TAINTS AND OILS, onocKnins, OnOCEIHES, onocKium, OnOCEIUES, onocEnins, tlunENswAiu:, llUKF.NSWAHi:, qukknswaih:, liur.KNsw'Ann, IJUKKNSWArti:, HAninvAiir:, HAnDWAllE, HAnDWAltK, HAiimvAiir, IIAIlDWAIli:, TiNWAnn, TiNWAttr:, TINWA11E, TINWAllK, rlNWAHE, SALT, SALT, HALT SALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, OUAIN AND SEEDS,. QKAIN AND' SEEDS, GllAIN AND SEEDS, OUAIN AND SEEDS, CHAIN AND HEEDS, Ac., ie. Au., AT jK'KELVY, McKIXVY, NEAL A CO.'H, NEAI. 4 CO.'H, JU'KI'.LVY, NEAI. A COH. A CO.'H, MlKELVY, NEAI. McKELVY. NEAL A CO.'H. Northwest corner of Mnln nnd Mnrkct Street, North-west corner of JIain nnd Market Sttects, NorthwCHt corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest col tier of Mnln nnd Market Streets, Northwest eo rner ot Main mid Market htieets, nLOOMSIlUHO, r.., nLOOMSIlUIKI, PA. IlLOtiMSIIUlKI, PA., lll.OO.MSUUItO, PA 11I.OOMS1IURU, PA. irtON AND NAII.S, IKON AND NAILS, IKON ANII NAII.S, ' IUON ANII NAIIA j IKON AND .NAILS, i In Uw qnantttlifi and al ledured ratea.nlnay on li'i d, MILLINERY GOODS. M ISS LI ..IK IiAItKI.KY 'inis lust received, nt licr old olftce on Main t.. lltooiiMinir', her PALI, AND WINTHIt HI0CK of millinery good of every quality and fctyle, COUHlltllldOf LATDIT STVI.i: II0NNLTB. of the very licit material; toRether with Ihe very licht aikoiliucnl ol TltlMMINUS, I1IUI10NB, iC wiiieh arc otrered for salii at tho lowcut poviilLle rateK. rail and nee. llloolllltiuru, Ut't, , 1SI.T. S' OMKTIUXU NKW. Tht uiiilprslci.fd l,cun lrnvft to Inform hrr frit'iids ami the mihltc t;riH-rally, that nIip h:s o pencil In i.KUiT htui:i;t it fresh stock of ynotlB In the line of MIM.INI.UY niltl TJUMMINOa In conncdlou h Drcsi Making; ami Is rrc micU lti uUtlltlnn. to ror,ori hthaw hats o the Mmrtcht nothe.nml In tho bent htyW of i .no hi i, i i iirt h int'K)) aim tuik hinihiuiiury, MHS. V.. KMNH. Mght ftrt'd, October J, 1PC7, MIUilXKIlY KSTABUS1I- NT. Hiirmnn outil respectfully an l ho Mix nounce to their friomlft In town nnd country, that they have. Just received nt their place of biulm-hH on MalnHt,, lielow American Ilout-e, ulurne mul new supply or M I Ii I I N I! It Y OOODH nfall deftcrli-tloiiH hultcrt for Tall and Wlnler'tt Wear; lm-ltnlln Itonmtsof the latest styles, Uih boiiM, irlnnnhiUM of all hortn, nnd In fact keep a nt-ncral turnlnhlnu btorufor ladles. 'Ihelr pat-' terim uud My let. are among ttm latest, nud the price but n Irlflti In mix onco of thot-e in the City, Ik not fall ticulluude.mnuethtr toodefore purchaKln elsewhere, Nov, HOWKR, huit openexl a f i flrtit-clasn BOOT, HIIOi:, HAT AND CAV HTOIIK. nt the old Mnnd on Mnln Ht reel, ltlooimburr. UU Mock 1m coniH)Htil of the ery latent nnd best My let everotlered to the eltlremt or Columbia County, He can accommodate tho public with the follow Ini kinds nnd ut cheap prlcetf i JU n'H enlf IhmjIv, tine, men'n kip, double bole, I toy ehltd'H IjooIh, Mt n'n uloe kid, Conm-HS, Ao Meu'ilovo kid llulmoraUhoei, Meu'a, women'N iHiy', nnd mlKt.PH' nlow kid luMIng eulten. Wo meii'M Klove kids, try fine. Women's tine goat morocco balmorulH, Women'n tnen'smorocconiKl calf bhocH, common Mm -en, MUhcs' und chltd'H Hhoeit, Men's, women's, mlsneH'. Ikjs, and child's Hupi-era. 'i" aih Kteps n treai variety or HATH, CAIH, AND STRAW OOODB of every kind, nt the lowest price, both foi ca&h and country produce, ltemember theathaclUn Is In ur grpAu, Don't e alarmed ut the cr uf hldh prkes, but call aud for yomflven, ilcsiHtfufly. tr. O. IIOWKH. i:a dvj M.K tii no 1.00 1 o a i. Ht'Ilnol.. The Tall Irrm bruim Hcl.ti lil. in r :l. Tut. l'lU'iiltv of llmtrllctlon ronaUU of four rfdldenl nml '..ur witi.reklilriiL nrufiMurR. iiml n tutor. Thuol.JiTt t to ediiriite yuiinii men fur tlio L'hrlntlnn Military, 'there U a preparatory I'lfiKH fur llii-.n who liave not recelveil H collrKliite etluc-ulloli. Olio luuiilrt'il mil Mxtv ilollam n year are urantetl to tienerlelorleH. wltu all arMltloniil huntln meelnl ciweR. Tha tuition, urn Llhrary aim icAi.iHHiivB, lire irew in ml. t lie nruiNii wui. founileil liy ttie Unitarian nml (lirUtlan denoiul nation, butU open tu All wlio U'lieve In the ill. vlnenrlttln of Christianity, Tlio l.lbruvyconit of r,.ri(uiilmm a, Applleatlon may he mailo tn Hev, A. A. Liver more, ITe-Mlttenl of the Hoard uf In-lruellon. MemlvHle, Ta, uov!7ly JJI.N.IAMIN QHKKN, IValer lu t'AiirirriNtiH, winikiw hiiaddj, OILCUITHH, MATH, 4c, No. St Norlh Seoond Street, rkiladelphla. DRUGS & MEDICINES. X. MOYEIVS OM) lV4TA11MHHi:il imua HTOlin. DntT(3S! nuuast! duuosmi Tiik mnt ciiniplctt'nii4ci-crntly BctcctfiUloi'k loltc foil tut in Die county, consMiiiR In iirt nf IniR Clicintcnl, riilnt OIK (Hni, VnrnMtct, Iu I ty, Kruslics, DyoSUim,, .Mlrot! IVInts, VULMM, IWHENCIN, IMCTtlACTf, HI'ICIM, IMEXTta cuts, IVrfumcry, Iltilr Dyes, Faiu-y Honp, Ilruslic", Hlatlnurry, Potkct Hooks, 1'IIN KNIVliS, I'llTCIOAHH, T01IAIV0. ClUMNKV.I, MlIAl, llL'IIMIR, Hpoimco, nmnioU Hk1n, Cutlirteri, HpccuttmiH yrinc( Irons t Piunpi, TniBstfi at approve! mnke, A Inrse a.HoriitU'iit of choice Liquors for Mcdlcl mil purH)sp, (OKelhtT with Iho various WKMj KNOWN STOMACH HlTTKltH. Thci'uwlth runny other ui Helot too miincrous tofpitlfy form n Htock which uYiles competition both tm rcirnrus prlccniul ttioqimllty nrthcgo-i-U, lIIY8tcr.Nt IMtWCKltTIOX'J cmioudeu with THE ITMOIT I'AUU.tNti DPAltll. eountry ilcitlcrt nrn i in I ted to Inspect tho stock before purdiustiKt olhowhere, ns tliey will find It ureutly to their iulvantm:e. rreth yooil uro constantly being received from the city, and din be ohtaltied rftnr b;t whalemte or retail. nciuembcrthc place tlx vn anijUi.ock aboe Kxckniio Hotel, Main street, R'ouinvhurg. August 0, lf(. J It. iAIOYKU, wiioLnsAu: a nirrAii. I) It U (J G 1ST, CO UN hit 01' MAIN AND MAItKKT STHTET, llLOOMSIiCUO, PA., where will bo found n lnrso nnd select stock of Drugs, MKD1CIXKS AND CHEMICALS. Alo all tho PATHNT MKMClNna OP THH DAY, I am also prepared to furnHli Country Stores with Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordlnl, TUUMNOSTON'H 11AUSAM, and all other medicines kept In their lino nt City prices. C- Prescriptions carefully compounded nt alt hours. In medicine, quality In of tho first Import mce. Iltoomsburfr, .Iune7, 1Si7 E. KVlOItKTT A J)lt. .1. . CASK'S xj:v drug sroiii:, i.n oiiANur.vir.Li:, JUST 0 V- K V 12 D W1TJI A HI'LHSHin AND VAI11CI1 SWIIlTMfMT OP noons ai'Im:ktainino Tn Tin: imro ni'srNias, rum: diiuos, ciiejiical-j, niv., AI.WAY" nV 1IAN1I. In hliort tiny nrtlclt' Hint fun lit nninoil In Hi. Drill! line run hn Imil lit tlit'lr Mori'. Dr. .T. Jt. l nsp is n 1'rnrllonr-r, nn.l nlsn uti.lerKlnnfls riinr' lillu-y: E. EviTPttls a .Mi'illt-nl stuilrnt, has t. icn-lcil one li-rin nt mo .lelliTson .li-iUcnl CoHpg' mul unilprfiliiii.lM tlioroiiinouiHlllisot llrtlL's. Tlicv ri'npep fully Invite lh i.iilroimKP or lliolr, nnu inn iHiniic ponprnlly, nsstirlns lht'i 'H IFK," llllii WlllltUMT Will bo lillK'llUM-.l III till 1 will lip fresh nn.l imre. hipriMit7 ran oheat ZINGABI BITTERS The component parti ef thli rennrVaUo rrfparatlon Were first disco verv tl, compomitkJ kud diilnbutrtl, tome twenty jean gjjo, by Ur. Uutoftiir, the cel( trtedE(?pUun 1'hyncUn. Thouiaudsof lili luffer kg counlrymea werercitUrcd to wctlai grcit Humbert of tiie Inhabitant of Nubia ant Abyssinia, a&d o( tbecouDtrlei bordertnit upo the Southeracoatt -oi lite aaaiterraneaa eea. indeed, tiic fame cr tba ZINUA1U UlTTKIUs oon frtad over Europe, and ftai adonUd by th princlinl I'J.iilclani la J charge of tbe boipitali of I the old world, lo which It is still tiled with Dreeinl- tmt auccet) The Viceroy of Lgypt placed the mmi cf m. Cbiopbci upon the r.oli of Koblei," and pre tented to him a Medal bearing tho following Inicrip ilco: " Dr Ciicorsrs.the 1'ubllo Ecocrnctor." llAi D it ten it now clTercd to the vulhc of America with the full anurance that It ul.l bu faun I, upja a fdlr tiU. u act ei aipcciQo forthj euro of Cholera. Dyaentery, Dlnrrhan, Chotra Pliirbuii Fever Diiii Afiiu-, IVver, tone, iiruiiciuii. i omiumiuoii, l inln- lency, uuenaes or tlio Ikhliifyi, ncrvoui Ittilllty mill Friunlo Cumnloliitl. Cumploiiita. RemnrkflMa cures of th a-wve dtipm-ei hot e fceen cOt'Ctrd by iti iite, ss niimerouicertiflentr, many f vm regular phyIcl(.n, fultr attrxt; and It U detillncd t9 urrfta any prepiraUca extant. At aa cret,tl4 Toole, aad nn INTIGORATIN'Q BnVCRACE. ir NO LQUAL. Tnn ?ni zi.voahi nrrrciis HAS SUUI. AS WV.lh A3 BODY, JLVD AH 4 .PREVENTIVE OF PISKARr. ru9 no Bt'i'tnion. t A FEW WORDS TO LADIE3.-Tlie Qi ef tht ZIN'QARI BITTERS will Rive to you thit left, ifral tr&aiparent compkiion which tho God of nit uro (te iCQlng woman to be the lovclieit of Mi worki) fully lotendctl that you should have far It ( naturt'i owa powder and puttt coialjloetl, 0 purifying theilood, itlroulitlDR tho pigmentary cells of the dermii, and imparting health and life throughout the eutlra s;itm, It eipeelally glvei that smooth clearn ji sad liot,f to the complexion to much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, plmi.lfi.trnt that yellow, sKkly look so common la our day; and what Is even better than tiiii. It cures every ircclei cf female iTegula'ltlei and diseasi Principal Depot, Jlurrluburg, l'a. KAHTER & HATJSE, Bou pnorwitom Aj Tor sale hy U N, MOYEK, WIukUmUc nnd Itclnll Drnil, Ill(Kin1iim. l'a, iliVff7-C-m. yM JU'IU'IIY'.S SO.V.S, ;i T A T I O X . H a , stlmm p o v r. n piiisthih AN1 ' 11LANIC 1500K 31 VXL'F.VOTUIlKltS :cia chvktiiui nuct, Jt o5Kmiiii i;outtit"Virttr' i'i i w.Aijpi.wiiA,'" v.V, " Tltey lnalco a'rectallty of furnUliInt; National ltonltaCounty Offlcera, Insurance Coaipvnlea, Hanking Iloimea, ete,. Willi AiiTici.r, op iii,an-k iiookh AND I'llINTINd, havlni machinery specially Adapted for all woife they may require, fths'tfT-ly, JOHN YKAUKIt AO).," Wholeaalo Dealers lu HATH, CAIW, STHAW aOOP-t, AND LAWr-S' I'UIW, No. SW North Third Hlrott, I'llllailelphla. j ii." WAi;rjoiii Ijxiu Walter & Kauh, Iin"rtf r nnd Dealer In CHINA, OI.ASS, AND (J UK UN SWA nil. No. Ml North Third turret, hetween Ilate and Vluo T1illiulelihln. jtllM JCKYHTONK CJ.OVI'.irSKKD S T It I P P E It , l'ATt..iIt:n ocTonEit 5, 18(111, Tlila simple, thouiili ilhi llve machine la Admit ted hy all HclchtlMccl.Nprvcrstnliptlic most dlieet devieo'for itailierlmt clover seed et dlsoovered, A lueiouiaiu'iiiit It lasuincUnt toeonvinco Ihe loo! nt nun liilml .if I tit nnifl Iciil nl 1 1 It v. It strips ihe eloer head from Ihe sialic having thu straw latidlnif upon the around. It is easily bov to work It iiuiwn uy ouu noise. Aim Haunts nutone man or II Is compact, simple In stiucture, and not lia ble to tn I out ot nidi r, uhdcaii be t limply uot up. the meat ndvanhiue lit Ibis iiinrblnii la we hate tliu sicd Kulhered in tlio chair, ready for the clover mill or hullcr, besides saving the greul ' leinilhof tlmeaud labor of luowiiic.hiiudlinit uud I threshing 11 from thestiaw. It will also pny ev H ery liiriuer l.i kiiiiii r Ills seu Willi mis iiiuciuiir. on account of the kui hm of Ibf. sped Is lost In the old way uf aullii tllm II. extraordinary ludiicinentsonredtoerrKeti inuiwhiwlslitopurilinsebtatourcounl Hiniits k'vt particulars mtdres WLltUIAN 4 UFIN1IOLP, ciKj-siAUA, JsnViTT.l CvlaV x)a.Vi Fp. DRY GOODS. JJUUttAII H)U CATAWISSAI 1111 WAV ViUi HAllUAirs'H, Ooali to coinp.tro lth stringency of the money mniKet, Look in( cfiirtnnro prices before pur chasing cNcwhern. Just ci(ll nl the favorlto biisl- ncM Una of AIcNlNCII A HI I U.MAN, And ymt wilt be met by tho obliging proprietor or their clerks, nnd nhou n through their great vurlcly toro frcoof clmrKe,of eixine. They will givey mi a fair chnnco to upend your lomo rhniiKP, they ril much moio pnifttably limit it chu u upciit elsewhere. Their htock ov imv doom thti Hprlnu k much larircr In nil lti arlctfcs thnn usual, TM'r i,Ai)tr;s' ui uss ooous nro of the nicest ntylei Iti market. They have a tluuimortmcutof HATS, CA1W, ltOOTM ANII HllOIiS, HUMMKIt UIontH, CAKSlNUlri, UAfcWlMUHUs, AND VIXTINOM, and iminerousnrtlcleH common tonuvhestftblMi mcntft, uetildes a general nHnortment of HAItDWAUi:, T1NWAUR, tjUKHNSWARK, AND OltOCI'.rtlKM, all nt rcntly reducetl prices. They wtah to con duct their Imsint'Ms on the tytcm of MPAV AH VOL' UO," and tliey think they can a 1 lord to sell very cheap. iney return their thank lor many nasi favors. and nsk the future putroiutgu uf their former ens miners nnd tho public generally. MrMNCii A HIIUMAN, KMIlttUSTKU & HltOTllMlt, Impurlers anct Jolilicn of HOSirUtV, OLOVI1S, HHini'H AND DltAWEIW, lllIrroNM, SL'SPENDEIIS, 1101)1 SKIHTS, IIANDIvEltCHlCrs, tiiui:ai).-i, sewinu hilkm, TI1IMJIINUS, POltlE MONNAIEH, HOAl-S, PEIiri'.MEUY, FANCY ClOOlM, AN NOTIONS GENEItALLY, Also Mnnur.ictlirers of mtusm:s AND LOOKING QLASHIX, nud Duiilvn In WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, mtooMs, itopi:s, twines, Ac, No. .K North Third Htrcet.nbove Vine, PhtlndPlplilii. jJ M. AlAItl'LK, NOTIONS, HOSIEUV, GUIVIX AND FANCY (IOODH, No. M Norlh llilrd Htreet, Phltndelphln. NDUEWS, WILKINS A CO., Denleri. hi rollEIUN AND DOMESTIC DHY HOODS, No.Cftl Market Hlreet, rhllndelphln. jodui'ii s. Di:i,i., Munntiiclurur of nnd Whnlesnle Denier In CLOriUNQ, CLIITJIH. CASSI.MEHIX, AND VISsriNOS, No. n Norlh Third Street, l'lillndelphlu. GROCERIES, Sec, J-J M OVAL O V V. C. HAltlfH X K W S T () H K to a it i v iv fi nr.ooi', ON Tltn f'OUNF.H OK MAltKrrf AND IfiON STHKKTS. The undrrntitiipd having lpoelved from the city a lull and coniplr-te vupply of SI'niNO AND SU.MMIIIl DRY GOODS AND OROCKIIIKS NOTIONS, TIX-AV UIK AXD HAItD-AVAHK LlW.Ml AXl) UV..Oir-IIVlA'i', CON I'KCT lONiniY, O LAHS-WAlli:, T O 11 A C C O , . i r ,y a iV i) s ii o v. s, I'LOI'n, HALT, I'lxil. AND MKAT. all of wlilch I proioo ncltln at a very low figure for cash or produce. nir lilt and sec. April U', ITHii, C. C. MAItll, pKItNAIU) STOIIXKU, v'ould i rhpect fully announce to hit friends nnd pal roii8t thnt he has opened a mbt-cla'i-i FltUIT&CONFKCTlONKHY ST.OHE whorethere may ho found nt nil time, u llnecol lection of KltUIT, CONl'lXTiO.NIUtV, Ml'TH, Ar., nn vtl itii which may In- oblnlnetl ut rensonnhle rntei. The uluvlc H nlwny fre.-hnndot tho very btut riuatlly palnn will bo fciwred to make this eMail lKhment thu finest of Uh kind In town, a entl Is solicited hcfoio purchases are mtde eNewhen ns It H helleveil thnt jwrfect t-atlfnctloii will lm Btvcn. COI.UM11IA JIUUSK, Mnln St., oiip-!.Iln Mlllcr'a Btnn, titi.s9"07. IlloomburK, Iu, OCIIKia-, IlKUUKU it CO., (IRNKItAl. COMMlHfllON MKKCIIANTl-J Dealei-s In fish, sai.t, ciu:i'-si;, puovihionh, ac. Kos. liJand Ui North Wharvefi.ftliovn Arch Ht. 1'hthiJclphI.i. Sole unci it t for Wilcox's Wheftl Greifie, In bar rels, ki'KH, and cn, i WAINWUJGIIT A CO,, W II O I, HN A ! I. a It o c i: UH, N, JJ. Ctirner Second nnd Arch Btreets. l'lULADK.I.l'ltlA, Dtnlers In TKAH, flYltni--, rOI'FKl!, HlTOAIt, MOI.AKHl4, lttrr hi-m fh, in rAitn soda, .tr ac. tji) Orders will receive piompt utleutlon. May 10, lviT-ly. E ?.STAIJIiISUi:H 17U3, JOUDAN IIUOTHr.H, WHOI.USAI.r. OllOCIIItS, nnd Dealers In HAMTirrm: and iiuimstoni:. No 200 North Third Hlr'et, 1'hlhiitolpliln. HV. l'HTKHMAN, with I,II'PINCOTTTltOTTKU, wiiolicsaW'! (, No. 51 North Wnler street, nnd No. 'JD Nortli Itelawaro Avenue, Philadelphia. J OHN STHOUP A CO., PilccoMors to Htroup A llrotlier, WIIOLWAUi DUAUCIW IN FIHH, No. 21 North WluirvM. an I ii N trill Water Ht, I'lilladelphla. tjowk. r.usTON A CO., Manufacture ih nnd Wholesale Dealers In ' 5 ITON VAI.NH, CAUPl.T C'HAINH, IIATJ'H, WK'KH, Till VAHNH, COHDAtIK IinOOMH, WOOD AND WILLOW WAUH, LOOK'Q aWSSU), CLOCKS, I'A.NC'V IURKr.Tf, TAULi:, FLOUR, AND CAWUAtlK OH. CM.rllH.Af., No. &10 Ma i kvt hi i et, south sldo, I'PMadelphU. S A h K- TWO coai. Hiovr-st irood as nt w, and without n ernck or break about llicm, .viMiuii l;OLIhII VATIINT I.KVKR Silver cosed and capped, slop watch. Applr to juii.n u. i tti:i:.u tKi.s), 'fif 1 fi-llOVKSTl.i:N'3 pianos, .or i ..,.. lltlUV lil.l.?. IS I'lrtAUIS, OUOVLNhTUl'S rlANOS, 119 linOAUWAV, HKWionK, 119 Ilroudway, Niw YnrK, 119 llroudivuy, New York", Aro uni 1 ailed for Iiuratilllty, row er nnd V.ven lless offline. 1 hev are fust beconilnar Die favor' ' lie overall others, with Musicians, Amateurs and all lovers of (ljo.1 Musle. They arewarranled In every ressct. lrlcesoiie-tlitrd lower than olhtr 1 tlrst-clnrs luiikers. Mud for circular OHOVIiDTEI-rf . CO . I . it. Drcsvlway, New Yor. Ost.a, W-ta. TOBACCO & SBGARS. rjMIH ONIjY 1'IjAOK to get Hi best TOIIACCO AND CIOATW, AT WHOLESALE AND"ltETAII, at nUNOSUEItOEH'S, n few ilnorii lielow tlio Amerlcnn Iloute, IlloomiiburK, Vn. He hns tlio Inrucst nnd mnstBclPct of S.MOKINO AND CIII'.WINO TOIIACCO erofTiTcil to Ihe citizens of Bloomsbtirg. All thcfnncylirnndsof HEOA1LS, nnd tin bpst Fliip-put nn.l Ping CIIEWINO TOIIACCO, mil lio hn.l nt Ills tsiuntcrs. TOIIACCO PIPES great vnrlely nrp nninini his lrn utoek. DONT FOIKIET TO CAI.t. II. It. IlirNHllEIlOEn. JJ V. ltAXK'S 1 I1UL.1X A l.K TOIIACCO, H?i U ft , Al U cioaii WAiiniiousn, 116 NottliThlnlHtrpet, between Clierry niul Unee, west skip, riillmlplphla. c. li. WOOmtUFK, vn.olenle l-enlem In TOIlACt'O?, CtOAItM, I'IW, Ar., Ac, No. MKorth Third Hlreet, nbnvo MnrUfet, rhltudilphl.-i. KISIUIUTJI, llltO'l'IlEH A CO. WHOLIXALi: TOIIACCO DE.LEEf, No. i.'.l North Tlilltl Htln t, Mvo doors below ltace, Fnctorles, Nos. in nnd 'Ji'i ijimrry street, 1'hllndelplil.i. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIAKLK9 W.HNYDKIl, PKAf-rU IK n A II I) W A U K, I HON, NAII,M, HTKKI., AC, AC, AC .MAIN KTUIIKT, nU)OM.SltUUO, IUINN'A. niku Hum methud of Informing the citizen of Co- lumbln couty, that ho hus oened nn extenle ilnrdwnri' store nn Mnln Htrcct, In Uloomiburt;, nenr Iron Htreet, und thnt h linn on hand u I-AHOKK HTOL'K AND UlilTKIt AfctSOIlTUU tlmn enn be fou ml any whro else in the county, nnd which ho Intend to n-ll nt nrleca which defi competition. CHAINS, AXKS, ST1SEL. IUON I have dm Ins. nil Klrea. axon, nil make and weight, steel, nil hlzes, Iron, nil khnpes, nud all very-low. nuriii:u'H if a u ii w a nn. of every description, NnlNt nxlo pullcyn, fcnsh cords, hitchex, hHkKund Unohn.biitt ricrewit,bal' miH, window f-prmaH, irno Knobs, strnn hhiKOs hasps ntid wtnplew, hookn nnd Ktnplen.nnd In fact MVcrythlt.K needed In thnt line. COACH A WAGON MAKUUS' IIAUDWAIIK, mbrncltiK nlmmt every thins 1 thnt line. Also HAUNISS MAIC CIW 1IARDWARIL IhlckleK, Jnpnnned; bucltlen, ullver plated; bltt of every hind , 1Iame, Iron t pud trecH: IIamf-s, woo4t hnddle treeH, nl trecH, Rlrth web, worsted nnd cotton : thread, silk, aw Is nnd needlci, tooli or nil kinuK. HIIOEMAKKH'H UARDVVAHK, A full utiortment forenrpenters. I huvei-Innes nn kuiuh, saws; iinnd, puniiel, rip, nnd compuw, wiLires steel. Iron, nnd trytborlnc mnchlnet, hlsles, nugers, bevels, mnllcU, brnces, riiuuca, plows, ruieM, Mts, mid about everything for car Ienters. rou Tin: teopi.e oi-;neiiali,Y' I have coul hods, conl shovels, sconps, roal sirtcrs, lant erni.tahlo cutlery,pftet eullcry, plated hpoons, plated forkstfprver,teiinndcof. fee pots,butter knlvcw.mlll sawn, croHg cut nmvH, circular twin gaugiui wst flics, borne slioes.wii'iichtu, rlvcts.huni' mers, hfltchet, mattoclm, picks, foikR, eruh btiifrhoes, shoveIn,pmlesfr.nadliig forkt, hoes. r.ittcs, bud plus twine, bkaltM, pWwii, coitln trim mlutfh, l-inciy, red chulk, white chnllc, wire, hort.e iiutlt, meat cutters, scnlei-, wnsh loar N, borne buckets, wooden pntls, clothes plus, flue, door units, poich mnts, par lor iiuLts, torn popi)crs, paint blushes, lursw brui.hcn, htclsh belts, heel cnlkK, enamel ed kettleH, bniH kittl, copper kettlet, htevkcttItn,taiKu pans.brond nxes.nnlls, Hlcdics, curtain flxtuies. Thimble (.kduH and boxex rumpfi, lend pipe, etc. Tnrrod ropoand hutiilredi of iirtlck not ,enu meruiea constantly on bund nl w.HNvnnnH, Main Htreet, P loom ft bur. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. JATlONAIi l'O UXDHY, lllootnshurg, Columbia County, Ia. Tho subscriber, proprietor of the nhove- nmed extensive est.ibllRhment, Is now prepared to re cetve orders for nil kinds nf MACIIINr.KY Ton COLUnitllOS, 1U.AST FIJI IN ACES, HTATIONV UY ENOINt4, MIIJ.TllimSHINO MACIIINEH, Ac lie Is also prepared tn make Btovcsofull slrch nnd pattern. How.lrons.ntul everything nsunlly made In flrst-clnss Foundries. JIN extensive fuellitlen mul prutftlcAl workmen wnrrnnt lihn In reeelvlnj? tho largest contrnctH on thu most icasonnhle terms, drain nf alt klmU u 111 bu taken In exclmnge foi Castings. This establishment Is located near tho IacV wannu nnd Illoomsburg Italtrnail lepot, I'lrrnrt uii.i,mykii. CTOVKS AND TKWVAHi;. A. 41. UUl'i:llT alinoiiuces to Ills friends and customers that conl limes the above business ut his old place on MAIN HTItLirr, lILOOMSllUlta. Customer can be accomodated with FANCY HT0VE8 of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of nitlclo found inn Stove nnd Tinware I tablisiimcnt in lheclllcs,nnd on ttiotnost reason able lernis, nepuli'lnuilunent tho shortest notlco. Si DOZUN MILK-I'ANH. ' ' on lmnd for sale. JO-UW STOVH AND TIN SHOP. UN main sriiKiir, NKAIU.Y Ol'l-OStTE Ml 1. 1. Ill' STOKK, ItLOD.MSllUHO, I'lJNN'A. Tut: rnderslBiicd has Just fitted up and opened hts now STOVK AXD TIN SHOP, In this place, where he Is prepared to make up new Tin WAllKof all kinds In Ills line, and do repairing Willi ueulness uud dispatch, upon the mist tensonnble terms, lie also keeps on Iinnd HTOVLH (IK VA1UOUH I'AriKltNHASTYLIW, wlilcli be ulll sell upon terms lusult purthasiT. (ilo lilm a call. He is n iiiud meiliunlc, nmi ueKcmnu or ine puouo putromiKe. JAC'Oll MKT.. IlliuimsbiirE, April SO. 1FC7. jikw cauini:t WAilU HOUSK. I m: undersigned takes this method to Inform the public that he has opened u NKW FUKNITUIli: WAIIK HOUHU in tho Waller llrlclt Iiulldlng, on .Main Street, iiLOOMsiivtta, rA Which he has purchased and Intends to keep iit muncutl tilled with furniture of CTIY AND I10.MK MANUI'AtTUItn. it cosifiusia or ii !: d ji a t n u s s i: s , HOl'AH, LOUNdKM .MAItllLK TOP CKNTIlK TATlLra CHAIUH-CUhHIONr.U, CANK IIUTIOMI.D, AND WOOD IlOTTOJinn, llXTUNSlON TAIII.I, LOOKINO ni.ASSfX, PAlU.Olt, CIIAMIIKU AND DIN 1NO HOOM I'UltNITL'lti:. 1 n fact a full assortment uf KKADV.MAIIK COKI'INH nf all sizes, nnduf i: vr.iiYTiiiNU wiiu: i.ini: oi' ins thaw: All uf vthlihwillbe sold uiiiur you cash, The publleare imtlrd to rail und examine my lock Uiore purchasing elsewhere, niUQU W. CORKIX, liloomabuig, Augtut 19, 1M7, 8EWIMQ MACHINE9. - u. r- i nnovEii A HAKEH'8 SEWING MACHINES, Wero awarded tho Utghest Fr cm I urns al the Ntnto Fall!! of Kentucky, Vermont, New Jerney Missouri, Alnhnmn, Ohio, New York, Tennessee, 'ennnylvanla, MtSHlMHlppl, Ilidlnnn, Virginia, North Carolina, Wlneohrdn, lown, Oregon. AT TIIK rAtnS OP TUB Mlchtgnn, Cnllfornln, Amerlcnn Institute, Franklin Institute, Mary land Institute, Mhhh. Mechanics' Associa tion, Fenn. Mcchnnlcn Institute, Ht. Ixmts Agrlculltirnl nnd Me chnntch Ahsoclntlnn, Andnt numerous Instltulcs and County Fairs Including nil the Faint at which they were exhib ited tho nwt threo years. First Frlrea have at no Wen awarded these .Machines at thu exhibitions of LONDON, PAH1S, DUHUN, I,INZ, flenniicnn, Ilayoiine, Ht. Dlzler, Chalons, nnd they hae been furnfr-bed, by special command, to tho Emprerts of France, lCmpiessof Austria, Empress of ItU'Sln, Empressof Ilrazll, Queen of Hpaln, nnd Queen nf llavuila. Tlir. OHOVEH A 11AKEH KbASTIC-STlClt H E W ING 51 A 0 II I N E S uro superior to all others for the following ten eons : I. They sew with two thrends direct from tho kjKxds, und rcHulrlng no rcw hiding. rheyarumoiu easily understood and used, nnd lens liable to derangement than other ma chines. 3. They are capable of executing perfectly, with out chmige of adjustment, n much greater variety of w ork than ot her machines. J. Ihe stitch made hy thefo machines Is much more firm, elastic, uud durable, especially upon articles whUh reimlru to lie washed and Ironed than any other stitch. 6. ThU stitch, owing to tho manner In which tlm under tltrend Is Inwrought, Is much tho most plump nnd bcnutllul In use, uud retains this plumpness und hcuuly oven upon articles fre quently washed and ironed until they are worn out. 6. The fiirucf ure of the seam Is such that, though it be cut or broken at Intervals of only n few (ditches, It will neither open, run, nor ravel, but remain firm aud durable, 7. Unlike other machiues, these fasten buth ends of tho seam by their own operation. 8. With theho machines, while silk Is used upon the right or face side nf the seam, cotton may be used upon the other sldo without lessening the strength or durability of tho seam. This ran be done on no other machine, nnd Is a great saving upon all articles ht itched or made up with silk. 0. These machines. In addition to their superior merits as Instruments for sewing, by a change of adjustment, euMly lenrueil and practised, execute tho most beautiful nud vermnnent embroidery and ornamental work. In addition to their family machines they hne aUo tho IMPROVED DOUIJLELOCK STITCH MACHINES, making n stitch alike on both sides. This Com pany tnnku both thu Loik nud Double stitch Ma chines, ho that pfisons having a picfereiice can scleit uch ns I hey like best, and if not sultetl can fx change fur thu other, thus gh lug the public the advantage of this arruugemvut, Thuy ulso nuku thu newly Invented NO. 1 LOOK STITCH MACHINES uu advance upon all imiclilm-s heretofore known forsuwlui uilli the LorkMltch. It Is of great power und htlt'iigth, csju elally udupted for tullors, liHinakpra, liiirncsa'iiuikrrs, curriuBe-trlmmers and for till descriptions of work to which Hit lock-atllrh Is applicable. It works with equal ftu'lttly bilk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sow the finest muslin us well ns the thickest leather, l'rlco $s0; with He miners, ts5. Their No. 9 is a light nuxxixa jfAcmm:, rontniiiltix many improvements, ndnpted for tal lorlni;, vcsUmnkfnf, IlKhtshoeinakilif:, ns well as lor liuully sewlmr. Mirge numbers of these ma chines ulu In itiii, nnd they ieIvu universal satis faction. None who have seen this muchluowlll wUUniily use Ihe noisy and cumbrous lock-stitch machines heretofore lu Bencrul use. I'rlce (SI ; with Hemiucis, $mi. 7'hese machines of every description can lie had nt the ngeut's olllcu In'Uloomsburg, nt Ktsltively Ihe manufiieli'rer's prices, to which the attention of the public U especially invited. T. H. MAHTEItH, Affrnl, llartman't Jluilding. IlLooMsnoita, 51ara) U7-ly. Columhln County, I'u. pONVDKll KKGS AND LUMIIKU. W. M.MONltOEiCO., Rupert, l'a., Manufacturers of I'OWIIKU KKOS, nud dcalets lu nil kinds of LUMIIKU, give notice that they nre prepared to accomodate their custom with dispatch, aud on the cheapest jyjII.LEK & HOST, Successors to Franklin P.UeHier 4 Co., Importers and 'Wholesale Dealera in 1.I0.U0IW, WINES, 4a, Nos. 410 and 412 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Jg A. HKNDItY, Successor to Hendry A Harris, Manufacturer and Wholesale Healer lu (100THANHSH01M, No. 65 North Third Stieet, ltilladelpbla. J. wKh P. U1CA1U), I.IPrlNCOTT, BOND 4 CO.. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In II ATS, CAW, FUUS, AND STUAW GOODS, No. 113 Market Street, Philadelphia. SKY DKH, HAIUtIS & I1ASSFIT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MKN'S AND HOY'S ("AITllINO, Nos, 6a Markit, and isw Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Q. AV. 111.A110N A CO., Manufniiurers of Oil, CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADIX, Warehouse, Nn, Lit North Third Street, Philadelphia. QKOUQH II. ItOHKIlTS, liuiortcraud Dealer in IIAIlDWAHi:. CUTLl'.HY, OUNS, 4C, No. UU Nnrlb Third street, above Vino, Philadelphia. yriJAVKU A SI'KANKI.E, wholusali: aitocKiura and commission .MlatClIANTH, Nos. ex and 7 Arch Street, Philadelphia. 0 NK of tli liiht efUctlons of PIcco (io.mIm iii ibu is.untv at (iiruuriti.IN's Clothing Store, llurtmau's blixii, Uluomsburg, llu o-3tn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers