d Mil !0 b jiij . -a-, um ., . ., i,JIV" . . , .'' . ( - ' ,.i .. to.. A i I, l--;" .... , 4 ' ..I.' I '. t ...il-l ' , ''is,. BL00MSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1867. PRIOR FIVE OBNTS. Sle lo'oiitiilniru ihiiiimviii girrtlorn STOVES AND TINWARE. lAl.'Ull Ml1., itvilrrln MM I'M & tllilliire, Mull' , -1 , nto point Iioiim', vliil1 i M. ItrPl.HP, htiiv-s inn tluunrc, Itupetl A.lilo'k M lilt M., mi l of Mnrkt't, vl.tnlr " CLOTillNof&c. ' nioWKNltlJtd iiKK hant tailor, M.iln Ml,, 'M , door ahiiM- American home, lnH I V. ClIIIMIUIItlJN. ul)uhMit(iih1ielnlli1Piii , rr hi clothing, etc.; J Ifiri tmitiH IjiiilUlHKMiiiii nuct, JBLVMiil an DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &e! I N. MoYIIIt. drmttUtund aiMthevArftM' t rilling' lilo. l( K .Mil I II MI. tr-rUH 1-11 K I 1 l l.l'iy. ilm.r.lwl ntil i..lt...iw.ptf'lUlllirr i hi. nil, Milium., writl nrM irlci'l, -vl-Htl - CLOCKS, WATCHES, &e. I) PATlUWltT, M.i'ehandcloeA innAer, Mnrtrl U t.-. I't-'lou Mn In. vl-till i Oi l- ItKltNM Altl. watch and eloelt maker, j iii'ur Kouihemt corner Main nnd IrotMts.vl-nli 1 I'.. sAVAdll, deal r In elot!in. watches and iy, Jcweli.i , Main KtM nearly oppsho American In HI I'. BOOTS AND Sh03, 1 M. HltOWN. Ik it tin 1 nlioeLial-.er.Muln atret 1 V.'. oplMMttu ?nerlcan house.. vlnl3 KOl.LniiKlt.iiinmif.U'tnrc r nnd duller In boot A' Htint.- fllilinKt,, opposite- r.pisiopaicnurcn UKNUV KMHM, maiiuniUurcr and dealer In tuioUtUi.lKlioeisurixi'rk'n etc., l-ist 1Hjmihm hiirgMiilimt. sJ-nll f Uluw llarlnian' t Mote, wont nfMnrUt tMrret, vl-tiH PROFESSIONAL. I 11. M'lCllbVY, M. 1'. MirBpnn mul l-lij nlrliitl ,1 m.uuibi'I" M.iiu t,t Iji'Ivw .MnrHcl. vUnll I 1! I VANS M. It. auDioon nli'1 1'liJ slclnn snutli ,f ! If .Mum "t IhiI'iw Murkct. llli:l Ji'.llI'lTI.II.M, D. .lirBiim mill l'lijuWun, MnrKei M.,)iIkivi- Mnln. W-nlJ i .11. II. I lloWlllt, ullui'iui iI. iiIImI, Mnln lnlMVOmrl liiulic 1IILLINESY AND FANCY GOODS. MISM i.iz.ii: IIAHICLI hulliilnt;, Milium. UllllIlK UlUII!'! il-ni'i i a. ii. w m. f.nH' l'i HiiN. linltnlit, Ikki1,'i .11 niuiUiiitrr, norm tilo MuliiKtrwl Ik low Mnr- . Mnr. Il-ll 1.1 p I'l.ruii i ., iiuiii ii.Ti nii'i r.my iip 't .i.IH' III I I'i'.ilrlinnli Mnlusl. vi-nl' MIIH.JUI.IA A. St hAJiU UAUICIXY, I.uIIih fniii'V IrubKaiKli, .uiill.fu-t Lonur J.'nln unil M.,llK. ' ll-llll Mill. M. i:. I I'lIM '.:, iillllliH'i. MiiMl -I .In-low ll.iriuuiu - ui't nf Jlurkil vl-n I - illlli: Mlt--b."i 11 MtMAX, ml)Kni'i mi l ttwy I inMilK.JInillMI. i-lju-l U low Aliiltli uli 1 ' vl-nll llllliL-III l' II II fimy N 1-1111 ll .11,1111 t.,ltlMlll1 I'lllirl IIUIISI', HOTELS AND SALCOIIS. I cull llllU!.C.flllll llllllrr 1-tll-iH-li Mlli'llll hiiln. ii. Aini.n. t mli iil. i '-' UMIi.MYl.ll -lAfllllY. i tiTllinrj. 1m; it- n nlnl iii vli r i.iiloim, wlinli'-'ili' tni'l ii lull. I.x llllllUC Mink, Mull) ht. . vl II! II IX A Wr.l'.ll. culir-"1'iilii'iv I'lki'tJ, unil nl I' U'rMilii.iii.iiliulii, K unJ K-tull, Mulli l . Jii"' ii'lawlpin. PXCIlANfit: JlOII.t., liv J, 1-'. C.lbl.nl Mnln l-nl:: i hi., llllKwltl! l-'llirl ll'lUM'. I .MlluiuAN HDllrii:, liv Jnlis A Kt., IVCHtllf llHll lri'l't. I.i:Arot'K, M.iln M.nl' p lllk'H lllll'l. I. r m.iiuki. liv (1, v. Malih.u, I'lml i ii'l "f M-n" HHTdtlSllH. li-lri'Ktitiletit .Illlllllll'Otlllllllll'-t'. i.i'O'.n Miiill t ,JlM M-lll't I I-'. I'AH1.1IW, 'n fri'i.l.nutlt K'lloyli, IlM-liulii"! (I ll'ill'l, UlW.'Ut '.it 111 lll.Hlll't iillli'lKli'tlt I lll u nrw. (lll.l ,101111. ri'fieilimt-nt itlii'in. MiUi''n I nl'l It Mm It SiHllll .I'l -Mlllllht. MEnCHANTO, GFX'CEilS, &c. 0 Ii. M1I.I.I It, ill nli r In ilrv K'l'nl-, nnn'iTlrn, IIH1 1IKUI.1I-, lluur, m I, llil'i-l-, Milloll", I ll'. l.M'l.lillJO lil(i.-l. .Millll.lret'l, Ml'l lilliVV MI.Mi & i n., ili .ill m In ilry liii'ili. i on llnu , will. Il-li, llou, nnlN. 1 Ii' , i,iii I l.i tin i m HIT Mllllllill'l Mntl.i't H. I I'll I' I Ti t-I.tlAN. ili-nli rlmlmli-pilry i.iiiiK IIiuim- A Hit I11K.IHh!h, flfl.ll uruti-rlCH,! U'., I'll". Miiin M liiimlt.' 111111 L liousll. V.lllll i K. I.Yl.lsuiKi'trlesnnil Eiiu-riil mcii linnill'''; l MiilllH.,nriiMjWibl, M-nll fl I'. III1WI II, lintHliliil iiipi.tiiiolsnlul klmif. l Mil III ht., lllMlVHUllirl llllllhC, Vl'llW T T. MIIAIII'I.KHH, ilrypimlt. uroi'erli'i, lumtN I J, clici-K, i ti'., lluiii.il liimll. Mnln i.t., iii ft in Murlict. Lii 1 1 CI c.MAIin.ilivKrKilni,il iiutliilis, buullinvxt lnrn(T Mnln nml linn l-llli .1. llRONVI.lt, ilrv KlKMll. grm-lTll'l, I II' ivi-st ruiiiiT -illiln nti'l Inm Ms. , nortli- 1 ill t I'.V. A. 11AUTMAN, llry lwhIi, notlonn, nml sniccrlaa,, MnlnH.,npiioslii lliiisfniiiilrliiiii'li. II II. Ill'.Nilllll'.lll'.ll.'liiritit.ilIliH'iTUi.tuliiil' II, ni.nnil nmfei-tloiiiiry, Mnliixt., Ulnw Aim r-K-uti linu.e, l.ii II 11 A. lli:i-KI.i;Y. Ki-ytoiipliooinori',li nii.l J, kliitluiu r, uiulliiu'st i-uniir Muikd iiml MuiiiktH, v'-"1'1 WILLIAM UltASMlV, I'liuft'itloiicrii' , Mnln vl-nll II !.. Juit utnii i1 ruuit luiuso. n MI'N-IiKNA.NI.L,ini mUlwh nf lncrili.ui; I'j. illio nml liiinln r, curncr i.t .Mnln Min t nn.l lif-riilclc rmnl. il-nn J.I. ItOlllllXS. ill nil I- III illy koikIi. iirnl'li'iolc. Mili''t.lili.ik, MnliiM,, lii'liiw i'in vl.nn I K. (IIIII'ON, nruccrloH & Piinnlniw, wmili. J Mint rortn r Mnln nll'l Iron KtrwK vl-nll 11' J. IHIILI'MaN, haJillii nml limni'Mi iniili. r, H , iii-arboiitiiwest corner Main unil Mnrki l t NV. HN YJiLH, limilwiii.i, iiillu'. , sun., lii'.. j, Mnln .1., l 1'iw Irmi. il-nll l NVITMAN, mnililii iiorku, nenr Miullmi'i-t A. cm iter Mnln nnil MiirkiH.tii. il-nia fiirnlliiri' rimiii'., tt'ri'n .tnry U.' In ii k no Muin II I'M HI .'lilim I m. vi-iin 11 .t.THOIINn ON, Willi iiicr. wlnilow eliii.li-H l'j, nml IIMiiii-H, llui'i-rl lilin'1., Mnln .1- vln" ril'li, MAKl'Llti, uiri iit fur fliouTiN 1'iil.ir'. I . xmina liiui-lilni-. Mnln .1,. ltnrlnliin s liullil Inn ii)i .iulr. nmiii "hoMINkTiicK. .liotoi;riiilipr, llxcliimia; , l.lock. Mnliiliiiilinoiirl lioun'i il-tiH iTTmio7Ni)T, potHiiiii'i'Pi. iiiiiiniu;r ''"'i.i- il IiikiiiiiiI.i ml cut iii i MiiiiiiiinlMiitl'li. M-nll DNV. ItOIIINH, liqui" ilciili r M'potiil iloor irni" , inn iliwift uu in i Muiiiuii'l lion .l. M-n 1 1 V NV, liAUI()X,toli.ii-ionl.t,iuil ili nlirlnktoic n.i'o.11 Muiimto'ii.lli'piiiiill'ii.i'. ! i.i W PP.Ai oi'K. Sotiiry Piiiilii', ii'iilliPiul iniiipr l Mnln iiiul Mm Uil .1. il-nll li'lIJNil' r.Nh'iU.S.Iillltll'il mul nihil inn III" il iiiMiiiiuii mbii iiiiy.iiiiitlicusli'uriii'i Miiluiiiiii NVi hi, vi-iiii fil 1111111: II Ai-H:ilT, iiiiinutni tun r ninl ut'iili 11 ir of ihnil niu nun I, iiiiii, ( In mU nln n'li'S, ml H um lim'iouiiiliy. n inn It- M'llN.i'flilrr'lii limit IiiIIhw. ilc. I luun'Milli: , l i'i nl Amvrlmii linuw. M-uii niliii l nl iiuiiT fiTlliy m'Hs l'i"" i'1;-; i I lit nr, It t .1, Villi, nii, inm, imlU, iic, Llgiji Uriel, J II. PI 11HI I.I.. nuil.mi; "trunk" nml liniii , iiiukiT, Mnln tt.. U'luw court. Iioum'. vl-nl'i M. .M1TMAN, 0, llillll.l.lsnr.11, V. It. AIITIIIN. I UTMAN, DlIiIJNOKIl & CO., MO.ISQMHtTll 1IIIUU iniil'B'd (Aiurtf i'jio.r Jnuut, Zi'iiil, t-milte X Oi.) NVIllltfWllO lli'llllTH In YAlt.NH, P.N1TIMI, UAI'HMi, I Aliri.Tr, on 1 1 in uu, miAnrp. rh -tlliNI.V I'AdH, CCllHAOi:, 4. AI.I-0, N 111 I V AM VI I I I J- 1VA11I., nnbiiu-i nai, U'uim ouiMU, ma Ut II, U1.7-V, HOTELS AND SALC0N8. JO N (I 1 O N 1) TTo T kT iiKuiitlcmtkiifit liaMiitt IfitAotiituI u -ruriiMt fl In k,nr1 xlylu tliu nbt! wt-ll'kuoii Itotin', nltlUte AMU.NU Till MllL'.N'TAI.S'H In tliu Ijorilt-'Mnf ColmnManinl HulIK tin ounl les, In unt' )i the ni'tHt u uiitllul mill ht'itlltilul n Ktons Hi tlu htalut Ii lully t'lt-t'tdiil Id ui-tnitiiiUHlnlu viftliur iuhI KnJotirtierH WITH THUIl I-'AMIMKH. Ilmrmul uml htituint tiru well kIihUwI v. lib itillcimiH llili or inuiiy kliuU lticiiulllit; ! It V T A N I) V I K II, uti.lhfUtM In kiim orJor will Ih krpt rr llionc mjjiiiuklHlKm nti'l aniUMint'iit uf Kiitlr. i-nlier tut llHhlna urU'iiMiri'iX('UrKiiiUHUiHi!i thii hi-nu-tliul Miifi oi wattr which It HhVi.it.vL miui in i:.ti:nt. hiirrouiutcil hy iiiii'xU'iiNltrnit-xi,th idKitnni-th-d to tin- liiiiitMnun n niUmllil ilffa fur IiIh nwn i't iulliir KjMirt, tttiii oxen l-e v u h hit I) O (i A X D CI V N. IHh Ijmlur will uluayM iirn hlrd Willi tho tltllcilL'lt H Ul tllL'H'HSUli; llllU 1 1 IK J(aT htlX kt'll w Uh l'UHK l.mi nits. 'Dm lloUfti In hUKfiitut tolilldii ll(us lilt! muhlluK fiUi.Ntn ml titv, 'Iln Jluiiutt H it'iiilatl lioni AtHi-nit imiiitN nil tlio JtliMituslitirif A UtckuYwimm Itiillrutitl; mi'l U ti Hi'UuitlU idueo tt imsh tht liul inoiithH ut hum hut, it. it. iiAi iiuu.Hi. Mu 17, IviT-lm. 1?XC11ANUK JIOTKb, li m,i)UMMIUUU, COIiC-MlUA COUNTY, I'A. liiu uiitlrrntKhi'U huvliit; purtliastil I his well Itiimviiuii'lmilriLlly-lut'iiit-ii ntuisf, thoi;xilntiinu Uutfl.Himutuim MAIN HiUl-XT,Ui llluuiatljuiK, iniiiii duifly upiHiHltetlie Uoluniltiii Uuimt) Cuuri llttUM-, ii-Nii-t ituily inloLiiiH Ul- irlciitlN and tht I'tiidio in t'lHTt-.l that hit hmiHc 1h now in null r tor thu uTfptioii uiid 1'iittTlaiii.aeiit nf tratlltTM uhuiuuy hudlnpoMtl u taor It with thtlr ciif tola. HolmsHi'iirtdnotxiH.iihttlnpu'p.irln the l.xclmnu lor tlio fnlfrtain"ieiit uf Uu Bft, nellht'r himll then.' lu uiijiiilim uutitliiK t"'i hi pari) lJ lalnUttr to their piiHonal toiiiiort, UU huusa N sjHidouM, nnd cnJo h an exctlltnt bithl- H"H IcK'atloll. ()iniitliuics run nt nit llino holwrrn tin chaimt! Hotel mid th Mirlo inllroiul iktrt hy which tiaMdh-r will tm ploimnnttv t-onvt-yoil to nnd inrni tho rrpocllo htntlonn liuluo tliao to nu-fttla t-ars. JOHN 1. CAHU Ulooinl-arg, March '22, Wifl. Coi, V M Ii I A II O IT H K ny JIHKNAltll HTOHNLlt. Jt wtMi Intflv piirdiapd nnd flUrd lip tho wrlMttioun lloblhfiii JIolol i'iocrty,Iocatt'drt n.H' itotm-t .miom: Tim cut it r noi su, on tht1 timo hide nf tho uliwt. In tln town of l'donm-d-urg; and linvlng Dhtatncda llci-nto fur th Kiunc ns a U K S T A U It A X T , Dm Proprietor hat tU'termlncd to t;Lo to thu pt'O pit vMthiK the town on busline i tr plrasnre, a Lrrn.i: moui: uoom. 1 Its Htubllnc also It vxcho, and U fitted up t'i uit bimlcKandcnriluRct In tht' dry. lie prom Nrttthat u t-ry thlnti about hWri'itablMimenlhhall he t'onductttl In an orderly and lawtul manner; i nt ifspt'fuuny sojiciih a unaio oi int-puiuit; patiniinuo. JORK'K IIOTKL, Or.OU(li: W. MAUCir.It, Proprietor. t'lienboo ut'U'knrwn hotel hrw recently under Koiic radical t-hitnsiH In Its Internal nrrnut;einetil, and IM proprletoraniiouiuMiMiiH iuium r uthon and lliu (ravcllha; puhlle that IiIk aeeomfKlntloti tor thecomfort of tils trtu-t ' aroiKpeoiid U notio in the country. HIh tnltle will nlway he louml Mip plhtl, not only with KntmtaMt-tl (ikxI, hut with ail the delleaeletof llm petit-ton. Ills wine and 11- inni-H (except that popular Ifcvtm-f known ,.U,-nirV";(pureh:iied direct Irotn th linpnrtlin. houtiH.iim entirely nine, and fien fiom -ill p ! -nnoui-.iIruit.. lit . ibaukful foi Um r.i' pftroii In the patt, anI will eon t loin to il.-sorve it in Miefutuie. (ii:nui;i: w. MAiMii:u 'JMIK KWAX'lIOTKL, Tin: uriT.it iior-r,! OUANOKYf Mi:, t r ITMI1IA 0., VA. ThK f.ntHci IbiT rcspi'ftln11 ittonn hW friend nd Ihf oublfc. that ho hat- ttiht nil"- tilnt tl now n Iloiie nf l.iitcrtiiliiioeii'. nnd wilt 1 fio.f in rtcelve Ihe eu.toni "I all ho VtV or him x.'lth a t alt. in; wn.i. Ki.iii' a (loon TAiii,i:t ' 1 Ml i II Mm l'lt W Mil tlio In hi lit .if(MlIf., Illi't f i'ry cdbrt HI he niadc to wnd.r ml Ire wiitN- . i..ii. JOHN N Dl'lt. M nuKevltle, Pa., Man h l'i. l"-iiT-lln, "IXCIIANOK SaVooN, I'll i: Proprietor of thei:xelianf;eSn!nin ba- - on hand a larjtc stock of Hl'MMPU UITIIIWIMKNTH, ronKlsilnt; of HI'llHJ OYKmtS, HAltDtNfJt, TIM1T, iai!.fnN'A ni vv roMii'i, noii.Mi HifHtswriTzi:it rin:it', liAOKii m:i:u, alk, ac. J?6 i OMI-: ONI. f'OMi: M. ANIi HP!', 'kl LAWtiOX l A I.MAN, uperintt nth ut. Itlooinhmi' Ma :i, P'tiT T III i:SI'Y 1IOTK1;, rrv, i'oi.r.ini.N mh'.ntv, pa. Tut: miI'm rill r r-j'ii Ifully Infi'iniHliU iiIcihU n n (I tin t'lil He, Hint nc Inm Inki 11 Hit iil'inc iv 11 l.noMli llmisc of rnltrlnlnuiont, nml Mill I'lensi t to rn-rlic tlio iiiti.iu uf nil wlio will l.tliir liiln Midi n cnll, 1111 NVII.Ii Kl'.lll' A fl(W)l) TA11I.11, n liar in II Moiki-il iiltli tin- lii-st ul l.liiiiiim.niiil fiery tlfort will be niiulii to rcmli'r rntlro hnlls liiotlon. NV.NI. UllMLKY. I.y, I'a., Ai rlt 12, 1W. pjKICK IIOTHL, oRNNnr.vii.i.i:, coli'.miiia covntv, pa. IKIIAI'.L Ml'M.MA, lMIOl'ItlllTOIt. ' IlnlillK Inkfll llOISPMSllill Of tllW Ill'll-kllllWll luillPC, Hi loliK kcj't liy hlilnucl lilt II II. tlitil'lo- irlrturtuiHtnit In It pi niitinciit ri'i'iilrninl tiiinl.li ill IIAI' ANllI.AItl)i:illllillnliolrii.tllqiliilii nml nci est ilclti'iiclm. lll'ititnlili'lui'iti'Xcelli'U Inlliut iiintyt nml no pnllm vill lo juirt-.l In nccomn oilulo gui'sts, (ni'r5t7. QUrTl jlKIIAXNA 1 IOTKI., O I'm. iii lii-n, Pn. Tim nliovo llottl Iiiih l.iluly licen I'uiclinMil li 11I1S11T J, L'l.AIUJ, ntnl Inn liceil IhornliKlily Ii. inoilrlli'il, rcpiilrcl, nml rcfiiinlliiil. It will no foutiil now, In 11m nrrnnenicnt nml njiiHiiutnientH, a Ilrnt-clnn Hotel, nnd ncoml to none III tup rountry. Persons In cltli's MiHliInutofin-iia tno hot liiiiiitliH In tin' country, will tin well to ulvo Ilia proil'K'tol' ll pull. rjMI iV CnToN IIOTKIj, ArrfiMiiil, liptwccn Tlilnl mm r'niiilli MtrcrU, Phllmli-lplilii. CHlHSTiN NNT.lllllt, Prnprfptiir, plltAltl) HOUSK, . - Ci rner 'of Nlulh mi l clmtuut Htrci'l" PliUinli It'll la. If. V". KAN'.NII.N, l'lorrlrtur. M KKCH ANT'S HOTKIi, 0 NOI'.Ttt Krjt'RTII HTItr.KT, PlIILAIUILPIIIA, J. A NV. U. M KI11I11N, Proprl. tor. Mny 10, liT ly. To lloUl nml olui'ii krril of lllmnii I,,,, l I'lilniiiliin i ounty. I liuw lli'olllli'il Mr ir. Mniitii-r imi'iit for tliu Hili'of my nip, iHirtpr iiroMii Ktmit.iinil Unrrlicrr, Mini will hii.ply you ill Mil' ..Hill' I'lllOlUlUl Willi Ull' Wlllll- lll lll'll'l, iib I nulil furnMi you from tlu lurwi ry. Knoow Int. Unit lip Mill ! punrluiil nml ntti nlHi' to nil li" mm r.ivor lilui wltli llii'ir irnui', I koiuii ut nun i our miiiimrl. V. ry ri .pi i'trull.1 , KltllK LAl'l.n, Wcniii llri wi iy, Iti-nlllis:. Pn T MIK A.MKIUCAN II AY K.N ! I'. AND rollK.-Wo UU' llliiliTi.lutli il cltl'i n. oi olun,.,.; . m n , o .. . . .... Tow n-lilp, on Mi.luluy. Mn 7, I..tw..n I. Aini rlii n liny Knlli'iiii'l I oik iiuiniilnitlirnl l M.ll 1,11. NV A I . I . HIIIIM.lt A '"..of l I- r'.'O ' ..V .....i H..1 iiiiii.i. iv l'nii'iit i u. Hook, ,'. . ...'.'.i...., iv.ilf iiiiihI mom liliv ill mil S 'lIMViH n.n Mluw! ' NV!. liM, m,w It .nitll.k r.iiv.miil Hunk II iiitini't !" "7" t ii iil ilu'.TIull.vlii'1'lilimliil H li lliu lei lm Mlk mil klllfc 0 llllMilHll UPll. 11,,,,1-os r. miri.Mii.Mini, int. 1 . llii.itn'n.v NV. II. KlioNK, JollS iNltK, ,loilN lllTKHIl'K, ,A!,,,I'5u,,f,!L.1 II. HK1I.IM1I.UI1, HU.Wjrlll ITIIHH., TliPl lili-otiinuuliiiiuiii lliu iclil.ri.li'il l;iii;lM' Itiuppr mul Mowi r, nrnt otnor uhihiiuhiwi "i " uu nli. T OOK IIKUKI-ADIIK I t-( MI'.TlllNnM.NV. Mr.JullA.nilll i K,.,l.'. . llllllllll will ! III. Iiiiii"' ''"' , iinillNVi't tllfili', Hint m.iAiit', tm uu' inm" ""J ..r II, li.ln I. A i.AlilH'niuli-iii'-"IE'',l,"All""iA",K"'0'K I l-AlTHlNnlllllil.tWHUUl". Will, nil i ntllflj iHivi'mlllniiil of ""'..T'.f ...);.' '.S i, . lu.1 Ulinlili't'ooit., V Hi liillf'l :,;.,.,.ccu,kiu ...l.i In l juirimiuin. t.krr I, IW7. THECOLUjMBTAN. 19 I'UPLl"lin I.VIKV HtlKAV MOliStNtl AT libooMsm uri, im:.a. TIIM prliiclpli'ft of thltpn pernio of thoJefTerMou lan SelH)lor potltlcH, Thosoprlnclplet will neve ltconiptoiiil.scd, yet ctairtcny and Klndeni idinll not ho lorKoth nitidis UNsJugl!icm,Ts bother w 1th IndUldual", or wltli contemporaries of the Tret Thoualtj, tiapplnef;,nnd propetlty of theeoun tt 1h our aim and otijttt; nnd iih tho means to seeureth.it, Me th.ill l.ihor lmmvtly andcnrnPHtly fr theluimtuiy, miivrHatid Krowlhof our organ lntltm. 1 niMH o M'tut iui'TIon: Two dollars u jear If paid In nilauec, If not paid In ndx.mee two dolluiN and JHlj tt ntM w 111 be Invariably thared. Tckmh ii Ali ruTJMNUi Oneif'iunie(ten line or b hvj ran tr tlirt e Invrrtfoit't S!,Vtj each rvubie o,ueiit insertion H) et nt". Pt.K. One Munuo. Two Mpjaret... , Im. $-'.r) Cm, .tm. t)H, It. W,t tUH S,"0 lo,oo fi.rwf v) o.to li.w 7,00 s.co l.'.OO 18,00 ,0l) II.Oi) 30,00 12,'H l'.WJ ajx) -TO.0O lV'J sl'.m so.oo (W,0O Three squiues . , ftXl Pour stptarci iV0 Half column M JO,W Onn column l.,no Kxtcutor'sand Admlnl-diator'd Notice ?3,00; Au dltor'K Notice. Oilier advurtbemcntH Itmer- UM accord I nit tocptelal contrrct. Huslness notices, without advert Ivment, twt nty cents per line. Transient adtrtlseintnN payabln Inndvuncc all others due nfter tho fltht iiiverllon, S It K In anew, ninre likely to bo Manufac tory, lHtb subseri'ti-r and to the PnbllibcrH, lhat rr mlltanecHttiid nil comniunleatlonHi expect In it the laiHlueiSof the paper, bo Hcntdliect to the otMeoof publteatlou. All letter", whether relathiB to the t dllnrlal nr bivdnen eoneerimof Die paper, 'indnll p.ijmcntn for Ktibtprlptlont, luhertlsln, or JnhithiR.are to u m idetoand addres'.rd I)ItOCICYAY A PUHK.n, llr-ooMsnuiio, Pa, Printed at Itol)'.hou'rt Uulldlng't, U'nr tho Court House, by Cn s, M, VATfDEtur.icK, I'uK U. Hnypfk. BUSINESS CARDS. P H 1 X T I X fl ...fillv p-tiTiitiM nt Oil-. 1i(11i-. .1 A TT" H N II V-A T-l A NV, Anliltiiiil, Milui) kill iitint , Piiin'n, JACKSON, A i; N II Y-A T-1. A NV, 'niiiiitii lount, Pciiirii. lli r M.51 iUAI'UH, T I'll It N II Y-A T-I.A NV, licllvlill. I'l'liimlilfl lonnt.l, Pi IlIl'H. yil.UAM II. A !!!!( ITT, T T A 'l T II 11.1 - A T- I. A Nl I'UNlllAIiIA, PA. V, MII.Iil.H, A I TO II N r. Y A T LA NV , 0, illli i with 1- 11, I.lult', In In lik Inilliliiu ml .lolnliu: l'il otlli'i'. OS llouiilli". ll.ii k-IXi nml IVnMoii. I'ollii'ti il. Int'i'l't.7. oiin a. riu:i:zi:, T'l l'll X 11 V-A T - L A NV, (illUvlii llifcislit mi'l l!i'i'"r't.T'i nilli'i', In tin linstiui'iit of Uu1 C om t Ifoii'-i', IlkHimsliiirK, Pn. "nmr.UT I 1. cLaiuc, A T T 11 II N II Y AT. I, A NV (Ulli'c i.irnir ul M.iln ni.il Jliu'kit .trci'ls. Kirn! Ti'iitliiinil Punk, llliiriiii.tiuiix, Pu. II. I, ITTLK, ATTf) II Y-AT-t, A NV, Ollli'enn Mnln ktri'Pt, In ItW: IhiIMIiix lInw tin' lirt lloll-P, Illoiilllsl'1112, Pn. Q Ii. IIHOCKWAY, .NTTOll.Nl-.V AT I A W, iii.oo.Msnuiin, pa. ii- ui'i rt'i: l.'oiirl IIouv, All.y , lii'luw til ru Jiuii'in. lillilUmi Dlllic. J. II. noinsoN, A TT ll 11 N P. V - A T I. A NV , iiLooitsiu i:u, rt'Ns'A. nilKr In runnd'n llullJIng, Mulu t-triil, NVcbI 1 Hip Aim rii'im IIoum'. IiljSI'CT. V f) T I O N P. K H. .lliu. r, r iui i .i 11(11 IllK follnwnl the lirofilmi ol Pulillc pnilun I'l'li-r tor iiiiuii M-nrii. mouIiI liifi'im 111. frli-U'N Hint lio in Etlll lii tho rlol.l, ronily nml willing in nlti ml to nil III" initios or lilt puIIIhk. Pirwiim ilii.lrliwlilsi'i'nlrfsilioiil'lpnll or MrttP to lilm nt lllnuinluiri;, Pn. lunrl67. pit. W. II. IIUADI-KY, (I JllP .IhfclMUUt JllMlCUl i'llCCloi- 11, I-, .llJ, PllYHl(,MAN AND HIIUUHOX, jt-Olllpo nl tliu lioit.o opposltobhlvc'ii Illm'k, llliiiimvlniric, I'll. uN promi.tly nlti mlpil loboth nlRlit mm nay. Illooiililni-vc.lnn. 1, lc17. m-K V V-'V s J II. VlltriKIi, ' ' IIAIl.NWv. piAlilil.l.i A.i' iiiu.-o. MANrPACTl'lll'.ll. nml iti'iiK'i' In r'Attl'lVMlAOiJ, VAI.IS1SS, KLY.NI7TH, Ac, Mnln Hiiiol, lllooiiil)iiri, Pn, s. S 11 I V K, A II 1 N 11 T M A Iv 1! II, AMI MAM'I Al II Itl'lt 1IN KtKASI or HAM I, Ill.IND.S, DOOItH. s II V I 'I 11 It is, M 0 V I. H 1 N o . WIMiOW 1 HAJir-S, AC. siais sri.t n', 1,1.(11 i.Msl.l'Illl, P.N. June . I ' ' s. ('. I () 1.1.1 Nr., p a s ii i o ' a ii l r. sillAVl.Nfi, 11 A lit I'UTTINO ash MIAMPOOl.Ml .NI.fON, u r Wi.iiminr Juioliy'ii lie rriiun nwoou, lll.l, iiMbU'IIU, P.N. Hull I'ji nil mul NMikus lolori'ij Miifk or l.u mi . Hull Mi.lili'loiliitioyilnndiul mid lii-nll- Vi ll i III" l'i 'I HI n i-loiP'Imlr toltHorminnl il'li'l Mltl.out ollilK ll.i- tliitM InhrliNPi.l.tnlllly i,u liunil. lupru B7. QdMl'TlllNli Ni:W. 'lln iiiuliri.liii(il ln luivi" to Infoi in her liliiuli ii.il Ike li.l'l" K""ir.illy, Unit .h luw Ul UU 'I 111 I.H1IIT STIIIIKT ii iipuIi tluck of pcmlH 111 lliiillnui f Mll.l.l.Nl'HV "lid TIllilMINHH 111 loinieellou with 1'ns.s -Miikliitfl nml In pn i.uli'u ill intuition, l lliM II.T.INW HATS onlle.lioiliH lint ii mi'l im iw t t fclylrt f ihe iirt. 1 1 ii i i hi up ll,u "oi 1( will.iui lory , MRS, IKLI.NH. lAlilfcllut.f""1' ' 'flii I?Vl ltVCiiEt()incrumy bo nino of u It Cdwl Hi or uuwil. mcuhHwiiUk woW" Utflit.ie. -l". (Cltolff i'octrtt. ins 3ADDATII. Pitusit iilliloK llm lirooli, mil lilows 'li, full, Y'ct j oiulor luilt Hip quiet mill 1 Tliu wlilrllnit wlippl, Hip nu-liliitf s.ill, How inoll'iiiliris mul .111 1 1 six itnys of loll, timir Pllilil of Onlti, Tliy mu'imlli ttiuii1uii of ivniit um lie; Tliciulcnlli thy lltntii cn-niio tin' clinln A (Ion lintll lnnili' llu'P frpo 1 Ah, Ipluler wnt Uu luw Hull uM' This holy ri'iplln to the tin nst, 1 o hrp.ltlio UlP Klli'.to wnlcll Hip Mil VP, A nil know llio wlipcl in ly rest! Itttt Mhoro Hip ivnvesllip stontloul qllilu NVImt Inm! I'lmrlii. In Unlit thlnp ijpk? Tin spire rptlpt'tc'l on tin 11 le Invllp. Hipp In tho .'tip. To Icni-li lli'iiioiil IP- iiolr.p.t worth The rpst from ni'irtnl lull. IsbIvpii; do unntili tliolirlcf ri'iirlPie from nirtli Ami pu.s uKUpst to lu'iivitii, 'lhpy tell tlicu In Iht'lr ilip.mllng.vli'Jol, Ofisiwpr from old ilot.ilnlon httrlcil, NVlipn rich mul pmir, with Jn. tcr rulp, SluiU hlifirpllipnltprrsl woiM. Aln,lnpp tlmo Itsptf lirwili, Thht fnlilp Imtli Imi. funlcl llin liiturt llnch nRo Hint rlppns imwrr In liinti, Hut hulijpctii lintll to powi-i, YVt every day In icpn,iit lin.1, Ono hrlsiit rppulillc slmll lip known : Mnn's worlil nwlillp linth miri'ly pphsimI, NVhon (Ion proplnlius his own I Mj ilnyn mny mill: itlvi lp the poor. OlllVPR.froni tliylinnqiii't linll: Tho seventh tliu l-'iilher opi's his iloor, Anil holds hlsfinsl for .-ill! 1!. I. Ilfl.MPU. ItliSffllancous. STONEWALL JACKSON. It would seem to nearly every mind that of all the characters of the war none could pn cut liner material for lliu graphic I" n of a hilor!.m than lliu very distlnguishd! commander who fell nt Chanceilor-'Vllle now nearly four years ago. Whether Mr. Ceoko has availed him-elf of the advantages pre sented by his subject will hereafter be shown. At a very early point In the volume, however, the rentier becomes UNvaie of a discursive ami disconnected effort to carry along, at the same time willi tho details of tho life of neneral Jackson, whatever of thrilling event or Important hWory can possibly be inter woven. This probably nrl-es from a fact already alluded to, lhat there lias been so llttlu of authentic record con cerning tlio war, especially that which pertains to tlio part enacted by the Into Confederate States, that the attempt to chronicle, any one opi-odo or character made prominent during tliu struggle, tempts tho writer to venture upon oth er, and even greater Ileitis of interest. General Stonewall Jack'on was of and In hiuixclf all sttlUcicnt to Inspire e.cry line of every chapter of those four hun dred pages without a ingle digression to pay homage to tho intrepid Ashby, the chivalrous Stuart, or other southern olllcer whom Jlr. Cooke goc out of his way to sketch and honor. However this Is u mere matter of taste with the author, and must not be unduly criticised without taking into account how much nf unrecorded histo ry arose nt every point of the narrative antl which could not fail to be of the greatest value and Interest. Ileneowo shall not dwell minutely upon the exe cution of lite work. Mr. Cooke was known before the Nvar as a successful Virginia lawyer and a somewhat popu lar author. While serving in various capacities In the southern armies, lie wrote many brilliant accounts of bat tle and sieges, which found their Nvuy alike into American ami Kuglish Jour nal. Since the war he has been en gagid in writing for the New York pa per, and the book now before us Is largely made up from these random contiibutloiH to dally and weekly Jour nals', it is not millkily that some read ers will detect passages which they ro member to have read elsewheie, and which appeared originally in some of our morning papers, such is the ca-o of the very interesting descriptions of the death of Ashby and the death of ficiiTal .TtU'k'on. They are very graph ic, however, ami will well beam second pcrti.-al. We think It requires nosharpsen.su of prophesy lo declare which of thu names rendered conspicuous by our civ il cuittlict ate to endure and which to lie forgotten. On thu northern Mdo we liall be very much surprised if tho de velopment of time do not placo upon the roll as ono of iho most unsuccessful of all the commanders thunauieof (Jen. M'l'lellan. l'lrst in honor, because greatest in what ho accomplished, cart ful history will record thouamoof (ion. Islieniiaiiclosohcsldo Hint off !eu. fJrant. Gen.' Siierrldannud-Adiiilral I'arragut will alike inspire tho admiration nml grntltudo of tlio people for thcIrvbriU limit achievements. Oa thu southern ldo wo shall havu Ur.it and greatest thu name of flen. Leo. Next to lilm will shine thogloriuu, daring and Nvunder fill exploitsof fieneral Tlionias Jackson, wlio will alay.s hu known by tho sobri quet given to him at Mana-sas. Thu third name upon tlio southern list will be lhat of tieu. Jo.-cph Johnston, mid bejond till. nvo tin not conceive that history will have many names to per petuate. And n wuhliall provu mlstu km wllh regaid to rouio of the.so hern mentioned, we feel suro that the iiauiu of slici mail on one sldu and ol Jackson on tlio other will bo among the hist to bo forgotten. In narrating the early life of fieneral Jackson, Mr. Cooke confesses that lie draws from the iitd.it scantv material. Jackson, thoitn.siiucs.slul cadet at West J'ulut l Lieutenant Jackson, tho un imtrkid olllcer of a battciy before Vera t'ru. i and 1'iolVssor Jackson, tho awk waul Instructor at Lexington, furnish I lltllo or untiling to satisfy thu pen of thu bitigiaphcr. In fact, wo doubt If West l'olnt liasliuinberiil among all Us I....I.. .... . lulu,.,, 1 1 I'm Ills grUllllilll-'S .1 nuifc.t '.inn. i ' been so barren of Incident as was that of Tlioina Jackson up to tliu time when fJciicial Lie called him to Hlclintond to aid In tlio preliminary arrangements of was the ia-oon the occasion of the sud thu war. His only characteristic by i den tran-ferofthe army of IheSheuau which lie was rendered uotablo was that 1 iloali lo the works lu fioiilofltleliniond ......... i i,.-., I .,ii, ,,.,w( l.i.l 7"nZZ: liy 11 ho wns better known lhan by titiy - nl'lsoniuoiig the students at Lex - thing eUu iiiuoug thu students ItiKton. (iiiuinl Lee, huwever, hadbe- pflme-ncqiiKliitotl with some of tho elo- mciiH In OcnCral Jncksiiu's t'limitclcr Nvhicli would tend to malcu lilm ti sir'- j I'cssfnl iiilllttiry oITIcit, nntl H nviis nt I liW own refill' st Hint Qi'iipral Jtickson iiiitcri'il upon tin-in.'tIvp('iiniM!";n which muled two .Near.s nl'leiwtilil with the surrender of Ids life. Into thou .two yeitr.i Nvere erowded enoiiih of Kiillnnt (iulienients of hitmen, (lenoml Jiickson nchlevi iiieul anil heroic atlveiiture to wni Htlll (rretilly heloved liy them ull. iii.tke the Immortal fame of at least n ' Thli nvh.s nhown pre-eminently by the ccoro of men. ' fact that the onicersdld not daro to let t'oiuineiH'lnjr in the Valley of thu the troops know that he nv.h wounded, riheniiinloah, rtidilnj; In nt the erltleal j It Nvns alo hIionvii nfter hlsdeath hy the point nl llie lli'.st hattleof ManasaiH, nml wari'ryof"Ilcnic'iii!)er.Ini'li()ii,"which hy iilintMt Miporliiliil.ui elldSiVors, turn- j f-eetned to Inspire to (,'renter eirort. We Inn a IhrJsil'p'iicd route Into an miexpect. hcllevu that Oenernl .laekson wiw as etl vlclrlry, mid there opining hi title , popular with his means nvus fieneral of Stoin'viill,Nvhlch Mas over aflcrwaid M'eicllnii with his troops. INpeelally UK'd to dl-tliiniiisli hlni-elfns Nsell n did theold "Stoncwnll Ilrlpulo" renieni the liilmule uhkh he coininnmkd ; vl- her their first commander with Kreatitf brat Inn hack and firth between Itni'- fuctldn, nu nircctlou which was fully re pel 's Kerry and Cc.ltir Creek i erolnK illiroeated on hlspart. Just before his nml rcero-lng the mountain, now to 'death ho mild. "The day will come nltnck D.mks nntl now to dccelvo Kre-1 when It will bo ti mutter of prldoto lmvo muni; driven from Wliichisicr nnd ! belonged to the old Stonewall IlrlRiulc." toon nj-uin Nvclcotncd back tlrmigh the , Tho urciit hold which .lackMin hntt up prowess of his nnii.s; hcarhio; thu cnll of on the licarts of tho people was nlo nt hls general, who was looklni; from te-tctl. Tnuentlro .South was in niotirn. lllcliinoud upon the ono hundred thou. 1 hi?. Tho people seemed to feel that sand men which Oenernl M'Clcllan had they had lost their pillar of safety. If niar.haled upon the Ileitis of Henrico any had complained of him they saw nnd New Kent, mul posting across the thinliow unworthy had been tlielrfault country with marvelous rapidity, until i lliiditifr. Kor there was none to till the he, too, nvus ready to share In the terri-' imp, liono to dash upon tho federal blu tragedies to lie enacted upon the Clilckaliominy ; thenceforward tho thunder-cloud which poured out blood ar.d slaughter all tho way fiom Now Kent to Malvern I Ull and Cold Harbor s again sounding his war call upon the plains of Miuia-sns, to tho dismay of pompous i'ope; and, tlnally, sweeping around from Kredcrickshurg to Chun cillnrsvllli' with unprecedented rapidi ty, and pouncing down upon the mi tlonul forces at an unexpected moment, bringing terrible slaughter to both sides mul a death-wound lolilm-elf. In these brief years of lnce.int campaigning he was tlie leading actor In n wondrous tr.igedv, the details of which areas yet but partially recorded. Twice timing his experience was ho unpopular with the o tlliern people, and once o bitter Nverellio charges against him that he gave up bis commission in di-gitst. lint nil thai bail been heard ngaititliim w.i tiftcrwurils completely overwhelmed in the universal praise bestowal upon him by the people and tho army. Very many times he fell out by the way with fellow-officers, nml unco or twiie with tho.-e who iveru his iicniors. For n long time Ashby looked upon lilm as his personal enemy, and Stuart did not al ways feel kindly dipoed towards lilm. And so we tliul at tlio out-of that his soltllcr-IIfe wit not all tt plea-ant tri umph. Ho was lit constant trouble, and always anxious to do more than hi superiors liiid planned. It ehnfid him exceedingly that he was not pirmittetl to advance upon Washington from the Hist Manassas, or upon Pennsylvania from Winchester, ills lifo was tt tem pest of great desire nntl heroic endeav ors. The general impression received from the perusal of this biography may be that its subject wa- not many removes from a specie of insinlty. He seems lo have entered upon the ente through sheer li.ve of war. These is not tile slis litis! Intimation anywhere in the volume that any dc .ire in aid the-otitli-ern movement lupln d him to accept fj'Liicral Lie's offer of a generalship. Not that he may not have been to in spired, hut there I no HiL'setion of It on tliu part of tho blogr.tpli.er. Kroni tho ilrst sound of contllct at ISull linn lie seenud to enjoy the struggle, and was never so happy as Niiien standing exposed in the heat of a battle, lint ho was always thirsting for somcting great er, ami died believing that li might lmvo accomplished vastly mote if lio could have Invndetl the"eiieniy's coun try.',' He was brave beyond all com mon liiterpretationsof bravery, a ml was reckless up to the fullest po'nt of tho common lonccption of recklersiu-s. It Is a wonder that he livid unbanned ro lung as lie did. The Mngrnplu r often spial: of his strange gi - ticululloiiMind nut infi'diui ut mental abstraction. du ring times of gioat peril ami gieat ex ilement. Ilu isrei'iesented as having been "beside hini-elf " upon hisre-eiitiy ol Winchester; anil, upon arriving tu tho sccnu of Impending contllct on thu Chickuhomlny, he sit on his liorso like a marble statue, apparently unmindful of all that wiisaliotil to transpire. To I ho reader there oemi to be something un- nutmul in ull thl;butuuiM)wn opinion in tlio niutur is. that his iiiten-e religion devotion ha led many to think hint In sane. We knew thai he never entered upon a struggle without imploring help from above, ami it was Ids custom to render thanks toiiod for all that was accomplished. His very bravery mid reckles-ness were the fruit ot nu luinio vuble faith In thoKterual One.lii whose mime he claimed all victories anil to whom lie nio.-t willingly surrendered his snlrit. lie was the llavolock of the war a brave, good man, who loved the excitement but not the carnage of con flict. As a military l( ader, ' ieiieral Jackson wu very willing to lake responsibilities -in fact, It was sometimes thought that ho was t"o presuming In this regard. In tluicHof peril he was Impatient of anything like circumlocution or delay, but was eager to ni-h ftjiwurd, and, by some tinevpectid ll.mk movement, take the opposing foicc-i tit a dlsndvantge. Till lic-oniotimosdld without awaiting the Mow process of orders ami plans, nml thu wnsnt tlnn s blamed by other coiiimanders, IloNNn not satisfied with a single Micctss, Inn desired to rush for ward until he should Imveintllcted last- log Iulniy upon u command. Ho gave littlo tiliiu to iiiapniiud chart., but wa (lulck to plan hlsiuoNcnteiits and most secret in their execution, ills troops, si ldola knoNN any thing of hi plan., ami at limes his stall ufiiccrs wcie unln foi iiied conteriilliirhlf distillation. Till i iinoii n llm vcnrk-H lu lioiHOl 11 Cl III o 111 , and also a. tho U,e of thu great .lank 1 movement upon Chaiicellorsvllle. l'rob- 'ably the two char. rMlcs by which General Jack-on will be most, remciii' bered will bo his Pituuiu rellcoueo and Ills iislotilslilii"; ci'lerlty o' net Ion. He vm tilwiiyi "ruirprlsliiK" winieliody, o chill ' fleiienil Ilnnk. Uciicrnl Lee never lo-t lilt conlldcnet' In lilm for hu hour, nml felt the lom to he Irrepnrahle when ho fell nt t'liniicelloi-Hvllle. With all hl 'everlty mid oxnctlnure with such foarlws Impetuosity. The South could now see how great a man It had lot, and Its grief was Incon solable. fieneral Jackson died a Christian deuth, sweetly .smiling, and exclaiming, "It is all fight," During all his suffer ing he would never utter any syllable of complaint, but seenud to bo living over again his bloody encounters. Friends passed in and out, and hu had a kind word for nil. llo uttered no bit- , tcrne' toward the North and. saltl little 'or nothing of thu southern ciiu-e. Hi. j thought were on the Hold. He was not a politician not a man for great civil Nvorks-butthe Impetuous unllincli Ins Chiistlan soldier. Sticli hollvedand such ho died. He did not sea the con test half to its ending. Hotlltl not take part in its bloodiest battles' Hut lie nvus the lieroof the tlrst two years of tho war, and a such, his fame will not readily pass tiNvay. J'oumt Table. Jcdop. UliAtiY, of tlio Common Pleas of this city, will not blame us forrepro ducliig, without Id consent, the follow ing, which he related a few evenings sm.0 An Irishman, who had doubtless been 'blue iiiouldin' for want of a batin'," and could not resist the temptation to haven little exurcl-e, was arraigned for an u-natilt nntl battery. He listened witli apparent raptattentlon to tho read log of thu Indictment. When that cere mony was ended Mr. Vadcrvoort, the clerk, asked lilm, lu accordance to the form then in u-e; "Do you demand i Uialoii this indictment V" Pat, lean lug forward in seeming utter Ignorance of what had been asked him, said "What's that'."' Mr. Vnndervoort, a llttlu da-hed by the manner of the man repeated the question ; and tho response was: "The til vll u trial I want! Yo needn't give yourself the trouble of thryin' me I Yo may as well save tin expinse of that and put me down in iii'ient ! Contlutum I to lave this wid me ble-slu' on ye! Ii.dado I'm anxious, for me bo- is wallin' for mo beyant ! Oh no, no; the dlvll a thrlal I want nt nil, at all!" All this was said soiapidly that Mr. Viindcrvooit could not Inter pose to slop It; and the prisoner having, a he supposed, settled the business, at tempted to leave the court, bill was of course prevented. Mr. Vnndervoort, when the mirth bail subsided, changed the question, ami a-ked : "Aro you guilty or not guilty'.'" "What's that V" said he again, lean ing forward with his hand to Ids ear, ns if lie had not heaid the question. 'Aie you guilty or not guilty "The answer came omc: ".lmii Itot" Ihcilieil ran I tell till I hear lif id ilcnrrf" I few as permitted to hear, u-t theleat la-leof tistlniouy, that eventuated in Ids being -t ut to quod fur one calendar mouth. Amuuk'an' Wos-iii:rs. Tho greatest cataract In the world Is tho Kalis of Nl itgrn, where the water from tlio great t'ppor Lakes formn'a river three-quarters of a mile in width, ami then being sud denly contracted, plunge over the rocks In two column to the depth of 170 feet each. The greatest cave In the world is tho Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky, where any one can make a voyage on the wa ters of a subterranean e.i nnd catch Hh without eyes. The greatest river In the Nvorltl 1 the Mississippi, 1,000 miles lit length. The largest Valley in the'wurld Is. tho Valley of tlio MhslMppI. It contalnft WO, Kin square miles, nnd Is one of the mo-t fertile and profitable regions of tho globe. The largest Lake In the world is I.aku Superior, which Is truly an Inland sea, being IIH miles long, and 1,000 feet deep. The greatest Natural llihlgo In the world Is the Natural llrltlgo over Cedar Creel:, in Virginia. It extends across a cha-tn H) feet In width and iiiiii feet In depth, at tlio bottom of which thoereek How-, The greatest mussof Iron In tho woild Is the Iron Mountain of Missouri. It Is fl.'iii feet high and two miles In circuit. The largest aqueduct In the world is the Crolon Aqcduct In New York. Its length Is forty mile and a half, and It cost twelve nud ono-half million tlollars. The largest deposits of anthracite coal In the world, tire In Pennsylvania; the mine of which supply the market with millions of tons annually, and appear to be Inexhaustible. ANjip.r.w Johnson has been elected an honorary member of a lla-e Hall I lliu, iiiiii is leiuiiini; in innj nisi, nu Club, and l learning lo play fast. Ho put out Stanton at ho.no base- Sheridan nud Slckhs on a "fly, and "muflul" ivi nl l.db Including one from i Grant a but, NWIIi gum Ucxtcilty. In lively Andy." the PArnn don't say so. A pknv evenings nt;o, fanner Blocuni wn.s renillnp; nn nccnunt of a drendfiil ac cident which had occurred at n factory In thu next town, nntl which the vll Infro editor lintl deerll)ed in n (jrenl nin ny hard woul. "1 declare, wife, that was an nNVful uccldelil over tew the mill," said Mr. ri. " What wn It about Mr. tilocuuiV" "I'll read the count. Nvlfe.aiid then you'll know nil nliuul It." Mr. Hloctim bejran to read. "Horrible ami ratal Accident. U be-1 comes our painful duty to record the , partlcillnrtiof an accident tliat occurred at the lower mill of this village yeterday evcnlnpr, liy which n human belli"; in the prime of life nvus hurried to "that bourno from which," us the ImmorUl Shnkespe.ire has tild, 'no traveler n turiis.' - I'Uo tell!' exclaimed Mr-. K.i Jlr. John Smith, n workuiftu NVhfi has but few superiors this side of the ureal city of New York, nm ent;ii(;cd in iuljutlnir n belt upon one of tin- larj;e drum,' I wonder If II was it br.ts drum, such ns has K. I'ltn lbiis Unliim 1 painted on't, snid Mrs. Hloeum,) when ho becaino eutatiitled. Ills una was drawn nround the drum, nnd finally his ... ....... I.-.1 I.tt...1 .1... ,.-IS. entire hotly wuswldrlcd over the shaft at a fearful rate. When his Fltuatlon wns discovered, ho bail revolved with Im mense, velocity about lll'teen minute, Ids head and 1 1 nibs striking a large beam, a distinct blow at each revolu tion." "Poor erector I how it must have 'art him!" "When the machi nery had been stopped, it was found that Mr. Smith's arms and legs ivero macerated ton Jelly;" ("wonder If it killed him," bald Mrs. Smith, j "his skull was fractured ; his spine dislocat ed." ("Well, dhl It kilt him?" asked Mrs. S., with increased Interest. "Por tions of tho dura mater, cerebrum, eel- ebruni, cerebellum. In coufiied masses, were scattered about tlio Iloor In short tlio gates of eternity had opened upon him." "Wns the man killed?" said Mrs. S. "I don't know haven't come to that yet you'll know when I've finished tlio piece," And Mr. Slocuni contln.ied reading. "It was evident, when the shapeless form was taken down, that it wns no longer tenanted by an Immortal spirit that the vital spark wa extinct "Was the man killed? that was what I want to como at," said Mrs. S. "Do liaieo little patlcnce.old 'omnn," said Mr. Slocum. "I presume nvo shall como upon It right away." "This fatal casualty has cast a gloom over our vlllugo.autl wetrttst that It will be a warning to persons who are called upon toregulatomachlnery In our mill.' "Now," said Mrs. Slocum, "I should llko to know whether thu man was kill ed or not?" Mr. Slocum looked puzzled. Hu scratched his head, scrutinized tlio article lie had been reading, and tool; a general survey of thu paper: "1 declare, wife," said he, "It's rather curtis ; but rualy the paper ilonH tuy." Thacii Tin: Wo.nii:.v to Savi:. Tliero'.s the secret ! A saving woman at tlio head of a fatally Is tho very bet saving bank yet established one who receives deposits dally and hour! with no costly machinery to manage it. Tho Idea of saving is a pleasant one, and if the women would Imbibe it at once, they would cultivate and adhere to it, and thus, when they were not aware of it, would bo laying the foundation of a competent security In a stormy time, and shelter in a rainy day. The woman who sees to her onvii house, has a large Held tosuvoiu. The be-t way to make her comprehend it Is to keep uu account of all current expen-cs. Probably not ono woman in ten has an itleit of how much aro tho expenditures of herself nnd family. Where from one to tNvo thousand dollar are expended anntpilly there I a clianco to save something if tho effort i only made. Let the house wife, tako tho idea, act upon it, and she will save many dollars, perhaps hun dreds, which befuro sho thought Im possible. K I'.r.P A Llr. Keep a 11-t of your friend; and let find lie Hist in your llt, however long it may lie. Keep n llt of the gilt you get ; and let Christ, who Is the unspeakable gift bo first. Keep a list of your mercies ; ami let pardon and life stand at the head. Keep a ll-t of your Joy; and let thu Joy unspeakable and full of glory bo tlrst. Keep u list of your hopes ; and lnt the hope of glory be foremost. Keep a list of our sorrows; nnd let sorrow for sin be tlrst. Keep a list of your enemie; ami however ninny they may be, put down the "old man" and the "old serpent" first. Keep a list of yourslns; and let the sin of unbelief be nut down, tis'tho'flfst aiitrworst'or all.- A i.At'nAiiLi; spirit of economy mid thrift pervades tho town of Sayhiool' Connecticut the placo where tho first American "platform" nvus constructed Judging fiom tliu consolatory reflec tions of Uncle Ilaruck 11 , who.hud been very sick In midsummer, but soon got about again, lu reply to Colonel Hlgginbottom's Inquiry as to Ids health ho said ; "Wa'al, now, Kurnel, sort o' mlddlln'; but I tell you" t lowering his voleo and shaking ids head, I "If I'd a died In hayin' and harvetln' 'tivtmhl been more'ii forlv dollar- damltlge to me !" A lady-asked it noted doctor If hu did not think the small bonnets timiti dies wore had u tendency to procure congestion on thu brain, "Oh, no!" replied tlio doctor, "ladles who have brains don't wear thuiti," Tm; Tailor's .lout:. A young fal low who got very angry with hUlallor, taunted him with being only the tiltl part ofa man. "Very well, ' replied Sn n. "I'm then better off than you, for ..'.. . . , .. ;. - - ' " - - - persou who Nvout to iwi for fcarof belli;. drown od. HOME AFFECTION. Tin: heart lias affectloni that never die. Rough rubs of tho world never ob literate them. They aro tho mcmorliw of homo only home, thern is the old tree under which tho light-hearted boy has swung many a day ; yonder is the river In which ho learned lo HWlm,(here Is thohoiisolnwhlch ho knuwu parentV protection nay, there Is the room in which he romped with brother nnd k1 tev, lunu since laid In the yard In Nvlilcb lie must soon be Knlhered, overbhudow. ed by yon old church, whither nvIIIi u jo.voim trorip lllco blmseir, Uu liad often followed his parent (t worship nnd heard thegood old man ivho mlnWerud at tho alter. Kven tho very hchoul house, nisoclutcd in youthful days wltli thoughts of tasks, iionv comes to bring pleasant remembrances of many occas. Ions tliul called forth some ifuncrou exhibition of noblo traits ofhumnii na ture. Theio is where ho lourned to feel some of Ids flrt emotions. Tiiere, per- chance, he 11 mt met tho beltiff, Nvho, by. her love and loliderness In life, has nmdo ju home for hiniHelf happier than that i Nvhicli his childhood has known. There are certain feelings of humanity nnd lt,U,,l,n.,,n,,.IUI.Ut ll.nl ...... 11., .( thoo too among tho best thnt can ilnd no appropriate placo for their exerclsus only ut one's fliro.-ldo. Talkino axii WniTi.NO. To talk well anil to writo well nroqtiltodlstlnct accomplishment, although they aro sometimes united to a high degree In tho samo individual. Often however It is quite otherwise. Poor Goldsmith oc curs ns a familiar example. Tho ober vation he let fall in company Willi hi? literary colleague.-, were so notoriously Hat anil pointless as to provoke tho re mark that he wrote like an tinge! and talked llko a Poll. Other great talkers, famous wits, hnvu written so llttlu that their reputation rests on bon mots nud anecdotes recorded by ethers. Hut even when a gicat talker Is also a great wri ter, It Is rarely through his own remains that we appreciate his convuriatlonal abilities. W o owo that privilege to th baud of camp-followers nvIio pick clean the bones nf deceased celebrities. John son's reputation In this repect owes moro to IJoswcll than It did-to himself. Tho unreported talker Hharcs Hio fate of tho singer ; after his departure from tliu scene his fumo rem til ns a matter of faith and tradition which people believe in becnuso their fathers lmvo told them so, but tho proof of which Is forever si lenced. TitK LAUfiii oy Woman. Woman has no natural gift moro boNvltchlne than a sweet laugh. It Is llko tho sound of flutes on the water. It leaps from her in a clear, sparkling rill; and tho heart that hears it feels ns if bathed In the cool, exhilarating spring. Have you over pursued an unseen fugltl vo throus h trees, led on by a fairy laugh now hero, now lost, now found? Wo have; nnd wo aro pursuing that wandering voice to this day. Sometime It como to u in thu midst of care or sorrow, or irk some business, and then we turn away and listen, and hear it ringing In th room llko a silver bell, with poNver to scare, away tho evil spirit of mind. How much nvo owe to that sweet laugh 1 It turns pro-u to poetry; it flings flow ers of sunshine over the dnrknes of th wood In which nvo are traveling; It touches with light even oursleep, which i no moro than th Imago of death, hut is consumed with dream that nro thf shadoNV of Immortality. Vrentkr, Rich Mn.v. It worn no bad compar ison to liken mere rich men to eameln and mules, for they often pursue their devious way over hills and mountains laden with Indian purple, with gems, aromas, and generous wines upon their bucks, attended, to, by a long lino of servants, as a safe guard on their ivay. Soon, however, they eoino to their even ing halting placo, and forthwith their precious burdens aro taken from their backs, and they, now wearied nnd btrip ped of their l.uling ami their retinue of slaves, ..how nothing but livid marks of stripe-. So also tho-e who glitter In gold nud purple raiment, when thu evening of life eomcs rushing "ii them, have nought lo show but marks nud wound til" "lu IiaprosH'd upon them by ihe e II u-e of richc. As Indian and a white man were pa-!ug along Uroudwuy, New York, when the former espied a window full of wig, and pointing to the owner, who stootl In the doorway, said: "Uni lilm great man - big hnivi tuku many sculpt." A minister of tho KstnbUshcd Church In Englnnd asked an Itinerant preacher, "How does it happen that y;ouhavo not moro doctors of divinity "lii your coniii-ctlon?" Tho reply iviis, "lleciy our divinity Is nover sick." Gravity-. An exchange bays, apro pos of the discussion whether New ton "discovered gravity," that If ho had lived to this time h" might havodlscov. cvrod It lu the counlenaiiet-snf thnltadi eal politician" all over the country. A LANVY Ltthud his portrait taleil 111 his favorite attitude, standing ids hiuulo In hi pocket, "It would refeinblp hlui more clo-iely," said nn acquain tance, "If ho had lt!hnudlnsomelody else's pockit."' Tin: PitiNTHR.- Printer fool enough, Pull's the folka o funny ; Ho does all thy pull They get all the money! "Jott.N did Mrs. Ureeiniet tho medi cine I orderi d?" "1 guess bo," replied John, "for I uw erupo oa tho dir.if next morning." Tin; stroiigost Mini of a hint- , young lady iwklng n uvntlimniii to ifonoofhor rings will go on his llttlw n. ,,.,. i iimkh. A lit 1'Li; boy, tho otiierday, on lieu- leg a lunnlier oi IimcralspufS.expretVicil - , a wish tl wt ho might dlo before hcuveu wui full.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers