& SEGARS. EW'NG MACHINES. QHoVKIt'it lIAKHIt'f) I AM) Uu.WM, IVIJ AMUtUTAIl, mniorux, it tlin Afiirrlrnn 1touc, r , I'ii, I Hit lilc il lr.-l of ' llll tSll T01SACC0 I It... n of lllonmibuiR. All 8 K WIN CI MA OH INKS, NVmonwnute-l tlioliln11eU'rcnilum!(ittlieKtnte 1.1,. 9S& n4 Nl IT', AND IP! I. 1 ll ll'C, l H( l 1 1 Ac, .to., Wn Mftrkrt, Ki.oTiicii .v co., m:aixiih. UVO uul'u Ijl'loW Illll'l'. h. : ifcrol i oturry Ntreet. ! l'llll ilplnhln. KRE &, CUTLERY. W. .SNYDlMt, M.t II ! it J) w v n h, .H, HTM.I,, AC, AC, AC. Ir, iii.oDMsiii'itn. penn'a. ll of tnrorinltiKllin(-lll7i'liaorC'u I ut lie li.:s opened nu extetulic ii M n i i I, In Ill.iomvl.urg, mil I hnl Ik Im i on liiintl u K AND Ml 111.11 AS.S()ltTi:i lil ,iij wi n. i ., in llmt'imnlv. im ' i mis wli k'h ili ly Now York, TcniiPiwcp, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Michigan, . fatltornln, I 1 i, vn r.i,, ikon. . nil make nnd Ir n, 1 11 slmpes, ami alt 11 V U l W It I!, N 'N isle pulleys, IfV, nml lno1 Omtt screws, sash I r nct, !.' ( knobs, strap hinges, , in )L and -.tuples, ami lufuct il in t "i ut lOON' MAKI 11H IIAltmVAUK. ti'"mt' iiiff in tlmllinr. Also f u its jrAititWAiti:, u i. I . ' , fci'vi r plated; bills II"I I HI i 1 I pith : Hamrr. Ih, uli i'o irlrtli well, wonted i'iiul, : Hk, awl'innd mcdles, tools r nvrtDWAiti:, ur'til fore ifitontors. I hiueplanes wsj li im panne 1, rip, nnd compass, it.u, ami uy Inning in.uhhi.K, 1 -1' in. '! If, binics, gauges, t ntm n' t cvitj thins lor car- llll, 1'LiJl'I V (ll NUlAM.V Hi oal li 1., r..il shftv N seoupn, cr i sitters, lttnt ,moi. cm it .,pucki't it1 r , p1 1 it poons, 1 1 tnrk,s -rvrrs, len nml eof- jits.bu tier kill ves, mill s.twa. mi uiarsnws.giingsuus, v in - - i(.U,lifun t 1 Its, forks, grub it 'i'llui forks, hoes, , Iv, n . Si; i pl-ws, eoillll tllhl ., r i tu. whltf i-liall:, lu, im Wi -ji ulrs, wash hoar.N, l upta, wnoton pniN, clot tun d1 r n . pnrci. n i:t ii, par ii i ,)t 'i, wt!nt lu fclOlgll f i ( ii-i mel- I U) ti-tlttV( c r L I'M. i .xi .1- .nlptp.-, cU- it -ti Helps not ,emi- 1 I l .-NYI)J.lt'H, u K'et, lil(..jmhliiui;. )N, TINWARE, &C. )NAI KOIKDUY, .i r C 'uuiiil.i C'Oiinty, I'll. i-Jhor, pnprlt'ior of tho utu -I'licil ibh hnicnt. 1 now piepnreil lo re Ih fur nil kinds at (,nY roncor.r.ir.itiKs, iilakt NAir. BTATION'. UY HNOINIX, lMIUH(TIIUI MUXa MAC1IINUS, Ac I Nu prepurcil tu m.iku fctovt-d nf all f Izos t hi, riou-.inms, nntl cerything usually 1 1 1 xi fhwi I nuinlrti , ir lvr f-i( Hit ami piitttlenl wnrkiuni lulia In ie vlvin- i hi tirtsett contracU cm i rt'.Lsunabli! irruiii. ll v' w"U t rn in exiluuigo for t airs nf Kentucky, Vermont, New Jerwy Missouri, Alalninti, Ohio, In.llnn.i, Vlrglnln, North Carolina, WIsrmiMn, Iowa, Oregon. AT TUB VAlIlS OF 11IK Amnrtofm InMlltite, I'rnnklln Inslllute, Mary Iiuut Ihktltute, Muw. MechantcV AmocU tlon.lVnn, Mfxlmnltn1 Intllutn.Hl. LoulH AKi'lcullural ami Mi cliimleV ARWwlatlon, Ami at numerous Institute and County Tnlr Including all th rnlriat which thty uero exhllj. lldthopitthr(ojrais. l'tiat IVIch lmv aUu letnnwutdeilthL'aoMachlneiatthoexhlhillonsof LONDON, l'AUly, DUliHN, UXZ, ru winctm, llayoiiut',Mt. Dlzler, Chulonn, and they lmo been furulHhiM by npeclal eommand, ti the llmprovsor I'ranee, Ilnipusnof Austria, KnipreKH of HUMla, LnipriMMOf llrazll, cjueen of Bpnln, and Qneeit f llavaila. T1IK UIlOVKlt A. IIAKI.U I.iaSTIC-HTICIt S K W 1 N O M A U II I X K S aro superior lunll others for Iho following rea sons: 1. They how slth Lm threadi direct from tho hpooln, mid renulrln no rewinding 2. They aiu nioiu easily understotHl und lined, in id less llnblotu derunyeinent than other ma ehlues. a. They am enpabloof cxecutlnsp(rfeelytwlth out ehane of adJuM inent,u nun h greater arlety oi wuin man otia-r luuclilueH. J. Hie Ktlti h made by these inueliliU'r Ih much moie ilrm, elastic, and durable, espeelnlly upon articles which reipilro tu bu wiIichI and Ironed, Mian any mm r Milch, Tills Mitch, w Ihk tu the manner In w UU li tho under tlnead Is Inwrought, h naicli tho most lump nml haiutlml lu use, nml retahm thin tumpness nii'l beauty even upon articles fro- pienlly washed und Ironed until they aro worn out. t!. 'Ihi. htinefuiuof lheHcamtsKuchtliat,thou(:h it Lu cut or broken at InRrvalH of only a few MHcho, It will neither open, run, nor ravel, but lemaln linn nml tlurablo. 7. Unlike other machines, these f, is ten both ndi of the stnm by their own oik-ration. $, With tlirso machines, whtluMlk Is UHed upn tho illit or f.ieo side of the seam, cotton may he ued upon the other ldo without lessening tlm slreiifjth or durability if tho scam. This can be lone on mi other machine, and Is n Kfeat saving upfjii all uitlclcM stitched or mado up with silk. y. Theco machlnis, In addition to their superior uiciltH as Instrtimenls for sewing, by a chalice wf adJuMuu'iit, easily learned and practlseil, exevuto Hie most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental w ork. In addition to their family machines they have also tho IMIMtOVICD DOUIHjK lock RTIT(UI MACIUNKS, iiiaklu a Ktlteh ntlka nn both shies, ThU Com- puny make lolh tho Io.k and Doubte stitch Ma 'hlncM, so tlmt peisous having a pn fere nee can select such as they like best, and If not suited can xi Inline lor tiiu other, thuslvInK the public th ndviinlayi nl this nrrnngeiiunt. They nN m.tk tho new ly liiNcnted NO. I LOCK STITCH MACHINES nu advame upmi ul' machines heretofore known fnrscwlmt with tho I.ock-Htltch, It U of great power nmthtrciu;tli, especially lulapted for tailors, nhoem.ikeis, h trucssimikcrK, carriage-trimmers, and for nil tU'serlptlons of work to which tlm tck-stiteh U applicable. H woiks with efUnl facility silk, cotton, or linen threud, and will sew the lincbl muslin as well as tho thickest leather. Price $so; with lleinmers, Ss". Their No. U Is -l light uuxxjxu maciijxj:, 'outaliilut; intiny lmpro t menU, udupted for tab loriiiK, eht-iitaking, llfiht shoemnklni;, as well as or l.uully sl wing. I.tugo numbers of these ma htnes an in use, and I lit y give universal sati- ..ictlon. .Souo who liavesetn this machliiuwlll willingly uie the noisy and cumbrous lock-stitch maihlnes hcutofore In general use, l'rke $-V5 ; with lUnumers, 5M). Tlno machines of every description ran 1h hud at tho agent's ollleo In'llloomsburi;, ut posltUcly the m.inufaclurer'K prices, tit which tho attention of the public Is especially In Itcd. T. II. MAhTKILM, Agent, Jlartnum's Jlultdlng llLOOMSltUltU, Mai'(7-ly.) Columbia County, Pa. 'ill lllillMH L I ud 1'tuolit 'Jill ' lotuted near tho Itcl' ihiilroad Di pot, pi run mi.uiYna. I'KS AND IINWAKE. A M UVVVllV w fi i' tut und customers that ' nb ! tin ilm - ai his old phicunn IM I ih 1 T IIUHIMSUUUO, u o t mu l.itid wllh PVNf Y STOVIW P'twlii, ' ' ' ' Tmware.aud every mi 'IutlflUi'li(U) ' in a. Mtnvfi mid Titiuare 'm- tud on iho most reason- lli,i60?HHlt1nfidoiititlhobhoi'te8t iiotieo. AND TIN SHOP, Vtitifxf.il' ' i Kii oi'rosirn mm.u:ii' I M ' 1,1,1 S!ifioM unto, pi:nn'a. Omfsf, 1 h iju i fluid iipondopcnoil SftijVK ANO TIN SIIOI', T!'. , wher 1 be Is nil-pared lo mukn up I'in WXi't of iill kinds in his Hut. mid do i with m ntm and dispatch, upon the ii mt nu ti' uiMi lunm nil I ill IM I HI l ttl 1 I'VITI KNKtlM'YMlK v ! " m r"is tosull mirchnsirs. Iiuna ll en n i is4 imwhaiile, and ; hi hi intuit- ii.i! r- uttr, JACOH SI ITS!. Ul li s Mm i H i;itK! ! 1 1 - U) niinoiiiieotothefaiiri it 1 t' 'I touimucK to mniiii ni. li i s Pali ut Hallway li, t n w i ' a inui Mii.it, i in ii i'i Columbia i tain ' mi in iiop, o meet tlu ii J '1 'i U ni, 1 1 iteU iibfrund iiuii i lulu all wholuMir 'ill ( ' 'im Iv of wrllscasoni d I lb' ' .nd woikimn who . i iiniuiiutf luntiurvciirs, i ii H"i sup ilor toaiiy I' i t i 1 NT JIACI IIOMUNO llUl Ii ( "NVJ.VI II. tu lb i b I nut it C litul nil rinum, ii 1 'i 1' 1j Id, ml lor jan iioiNbo " " I "M I " U01iU(P IM ft lOIOl ' i )A . PUII 11.1. I. I ni i , t .i,, u; id rii, it I 10 '1IU M'Af-fcl ltH, Mr I Uic undeulKiiid. do ni.m i iim ii or )tuoiu It licnim LinimlB, li deult wllli neennl l.rii,iW7at John iM.rniY poWDKIt Kl-XiS AND LUMIJEU. V. .M. MU2i A. CO., llupcrl, Pa,, Manuf-icturersof iwnnitKww, nnd dealers In all kinds of i.UMiimt, glvi uotlco that they aro prepared to accomodate their custom with dispatch, and on the cheapest terms. jyjILLKU t HOST, Successors to Krnnklln P. Heltzer A Co., Impoilers and Wholesalo Dealers In MUUORH, VINIJ, Ac, Nos. 110 nnd 112 North Thitd Blreet, Philadelphia, E. A. HKKDIIY. Siioechhor In llcmlry A: llarrlB, Miinufiictiu-i'rntul WlioU'halti Deitlprln HOOTS AND BHOF.H, No. Vi N'orlli Tlilnl Htrcet, I'll! lailtl).lilu. J. 1', IlKAltll, Willi I.Il'l'l.S'COlT, HONI) A CO., MuniifiittinrrH nml M'IioU'kuIo lionler. lu II ATM, lW, I'l'IW, AND HTltAW OOOPH, No. U'llIflllli'tWri'Cl, riiiiiuti'iriiin. s XYDICH, 1IAUU1S tt HAPSKTT, Muiitifucliirpr-t ninl JoMierK nf JIIIN'H ANI HOY'S CLOT11INO, Nos, Cil MiitUt I, nml fi C'oninit rco 8lrt'.t, I'llllll.ll'll'lllU. r. w. m.Aiiox a co., Mniiiifiicliii'crM of Oil. CI.OTIIH ANI1 WINDOW HIIADKH, Wnrt'liin.t', No. Ill Norm 1 lilnl hlri'ft, riiiiii.ii'ipiiiii. Q.i:01tCiJ': II. ItOllKHTH, Iinoorti'r nml Denier lu iiAitnwAiu:, cutixhy, iuinh, ac, No. Sll Norlli Tlilnl Hire el, uboo Vine. I'lillmlrlphtil. I' friiurl irp(i(i In lliolntrM nnd 111 l III 11 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 N H .' Mill. Ill' 1 li . Mil 'yKAVKH A BI'KANKIjE, Vlll)I.rAI,i:(IHO(:i:ilIIANDfOMMlhION MI.IICIIANTH, No, ttM mill S.T Arrll Hlrw'l, riillul.l.klm A ' I. KINDS OK JOB 1'IUNTINO f. il'i'llj I'lmiliil nl Tim CoiimuUK Hleniu I'tlllllllK (illlcu,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers