tc dfolttmiian. lll.OOMSllllKI, 11UDAV, MIV. 1, IHOT. TllU President has uppolMtcd Thorn tiny, tho2Sth day of November next, us n day of general thanksgiving, John Lkacock, thoobllglnglandlord of tbo American lloiiso bus opened n neat nnd commodious Itestnttrant In tbo basement of bis Hotel. lilt. K. W. Wi'.i.ix, (successor to Dr. V. C. Harrison,) has taken rooms at the American House. All orders left tbero will bo promptly attended to. AN exchange says: "Ucnoral (Jrnnt deserves tbo thanks of all honest men for exposing (lovcruorOeary's attempt ed fraud upon tbo ballot-box at Kort Delaware." Yes ho does. Wi: print tills week an unusually In teresting batch of new advertisement, lly reference to tbo .SberllTM proclama tion It will bo seen that In December wo bold n two week's court, Instead of onons printed In mhiio other papers In tho County. Tin: Stnto Legislature, slnco tbo re cent election, will stand Senate, Re publicans 20, Democrats, 13, Uepubllcan majority 7; House, Republicans, fil, Democrats, 18 Uepubllcan majority 8. Majority for tbo Republicans on Joint ballot, m. Catawihsa i m) a ii. Tho road under tho management of Chief Super intendent, (leorge W. Webb, has be come one of the safest and best conduc ted roads In tbo State. An iiccldcnt Is scarcely over heard of. In consequence, tho passenger tratllo has Increased very rapidly wltlilnjn few mouths. U. S. Mukioai, Hi:vii:w. Wo aro In receipt of a new monthly devoted to tbo advancement of musical Intercuts. It Is called the U. S. Mu-icul Review, and Is published on tbo llr.-t of each month, by .1. h. I'eters, at No. 200 llrnudwny, New York, at $1.M) per nu llum In advance, or at greatly reduced rates to clubs, luich number contains eight pages of choice, now music, wortli more than tbo price of the paper. Wi: Iiavo received tbo drat number of tho Sentinel, published at Sinibury, oy Young it Autcn. It gives evidence of ability, nnd from tbo experience of its editors wo have no doubt it will prove u valuable auxiliary to tho De mocracy of Northumberland County. Lot the people hnvo light, and the suc cess of our cause is assured. Northum berland should roll up In 1S0S, 1,000 Democratic majority. l'ltr.VloL'Hto tlioelectlon the Radicals endeavored to frighten weak minded voters by alarming reports of the "bloody rebel militia" of Maryland, who wero to luvado Pennsylvania In tinnier, In enso tho Democrats secured a victory. Judging from our own val orous militia, they would not do much damage save to peaceful barn-yards; nevertheless, to guard against danger had'nt (ioary betlcrcull outW.OOO men, and with them secure and defend some convenient (Jap? NorwrriisTAMilNfi the fact that the Democrats have been generally success ful this Fall's elections, wo do not see that our bonds havo depreciated nrj much at homo or abroad. Tho Radi cal predictions wero mado for ell'cct merely, because they well know that wo havo always oppn-ed repudiation, and tho only example of It In the his tory ofour Slato wasset by tho Radicals themselves when they resolved to pay holders of Pennsylvania bonds In currency. A ('I'.XTK.VAIIIAN. MlS. l.l.Zie Freeze, mother of our townsman (!. W. Freeze, died on Wodmsday of last week, nt hcrrcshtoncc, near Pottsgrove, having arrived at tbo extraordinary ago of over 100 years. Kho was born in Rucks county, hut camo to this neigh borhood when in her 17lh year. Tbo country was then a wilderness What striking changes she must havo been witness to durlngtbat long roll ofyoars'.' film died as she lived, a Christian. Peace to her ashes. Danrllle nlellltencei: Wu are plea'ed to announce that a quarry of the slate lias been dis covered In Mimtour Township, In this County, on tbo lands oi John Richards. Thoqiiairy has licen leased by Peter Ilechlel, Fdward Yost, mid l)r, (Jeorge Yost, and we are assured that it will soon Ijo In working order. Wo have no doubt It will provo remunerative to the owners anil lessees, and its proximity toour town will aid in ltn development, and place u first class slate within reach of all our citizens. Specimens can lie seen at this olllce. Last week wo published a notice of Sen. lluckiilew's Willlamspnit Speech, from tho Itoston J'ual, tho leading Dem ocratic Journal In Now Knglnud. This week wo publish an editorial notice of tho samo speech from tho Roston Cunr lit, 'edited by (Jco. I.uut, tho famou-. his torian ) nmit her leading New Kngland pa per. These Involuntary tributes to the statesmanship of Senator Iliickalew, coming as they do from tho hading Democratic organs of tbo nation, are exceedingly grateful to his frliiuls, and ufull vindication of ids course for the past four years. Ills utterances are lis tened to and respected even by lit- op ponents, mid tho tlmo has come when his acknowledged ability can be of ser vice to his (ountry and bis party. Tin; Tui:atmi:nt or TuiKs,-The briibed and battel ed condition of an uniortiiiiato trunk tiuit lias iiecn on a summer tour Is ono of tliu-o thing which aro said to beggar description, Tho lofty imllfl'iicnce to the nu rlilco of property width Is inunlfeslul by a pro fessional baggage-sma-her may be very exasperating when piacllcally viewed by an Interested traveler, but Is certain ly charming and sublime when consld ercd a estbetlcally. lie has a tranquil delight In seeing a trunk tumble from a high elevation, turn upon tho weakest corner and then turn bottom sides up If It bursts open lie Is still calm and Im perturablo j ho does not visibly gloat over tbo destruction ; but ho secretly rellccts upon the piobnblllty of earning lllty cents by tying It up, Tho auxle ties of trunk owners nro tho splcoof life Hinges, lock and wooden Joints aro as stubble to him. Nothing Is able to with stand him tiut solo leather unit iron Persons who are obliged to carry leather trunks will find it to (heir Interest to put food leather sirups around them, Ox Roast. On Th Oil I. ii ,'nrt lilttm mini ' i n - lug nud ndjolnlng cou at .Muncv. nice euruto crutlc victories aciuovei nla and Ohio, nnd to pat Ox, prepared for tho occ ML II1I) v whs: UllUSllUUV 111 inu largest uver cunvei about '-' p.m., tho vast caned to order uy lien. Major Hriiner was call assisted by a largo m Presidents and Sccrqtarli u'ern ntti. in inrie. umin.1 nil! I t'liluifl llit ttfw.nn.11 execution of u foV Col. John (.1. Frccwj' to tho audience uyJfTo, In uiiuddicss of hjitCfn uumsiT io uu iiuniivuaiA nil iress eiiciiiMi iretmuu iinrm. nnd in bis usual nnil InlH-liler. fur iii.nrK' i mi piii'i'i'n nil iiitimiiir tho assembly. (.',,,, IV'i.i lli-lii. Iln it out, and for nearly an In his own forcible style, tbo day j and especially now coming up for solu conclusion of his address, us inu iiruguuiiiiu- jur ii ........i i....i. 11..1.1 ..-....,t. Ulllllll IU1L1I IIL1IIL l,lllll.'S71 in the evening a largo m sons ns-enibled. and form sion, wan a uauu in musici t iroui'h t bo nrliiciiml strci ing before the hotel ; called Mr. Emory of Willlamsp . 1 it.,. .... 1 r.. .. IL'l lllllll-ll IIIUUIUWII 1UI 11 conclusion of which l.lUlll. iV 1. J.UIU Ul 1 was called on and mado n dress, which was frequently ine meeung was closed I from Opt. Ilnickway, at o'clock In the evening. Tbo meeting was a splen and managers and people highly gratified. It wns uhoiiL mldntirlit. Just on tho ovo of retiring t the stilliu.s of tho nitfht I... I ... .,1.111.... . l.V niinnKUig at once, into tlio .... r...... . ... r.. IIIIUU 1UUI llJUlllt'?. u 111 I to, occupied by Ouy Kilunl istovo and tin wuro cstabUsht on LHjini; to tho door of tl buildlutft wo ooulil pcrcolvo Interior thereof to ho In llai U 1 1 t I i il I ti nun inn uuiov iiiiuiiit iiu hrirk. im r 1 on tho nthnr f Im I iiniJiiuiuy iop. wjuen nau si unnu uueu (luaviers oi a ceni mo enonsoi mo emzeiiH ana to them. Moro tlian oneo window .shutters and faeln uwaKeu mo jjaniuorii. .Mr. a tho danger niadu known, eonio r-o oIom) as to drive him i oat Ldvlnir lilm tinm tit r.f,..,, m-...i.t .i i'iiiu ii 11:11 v in Sonio of tho fnrulturo howovo r ' i T i jir-nusj.inti in in wit i(nt it it. niornIn. and was watched n 4-1 (hut (lit iim ,,Krt.. cr.tMi mi 1. TholosH of General Petrlkcn, I T.r 1 11.11 t ho Invited tho Kireinen and oi 1 i. . 1. t..r 1 inu lillllllt 1 t II" lltlll UAlliawillltl JUUUIIIUIU l UUULTUl llcientald in tho emergency, and !-erveil to them for nioro iiinir. foiii'i. i-( 111 1111111. nn lfi.i 11 an accident. m 1 1 ( ri v 1 1 1 1 (till liMf ltinl.'it Ifw iiiit on Saturday iat at KohihurK ...I 1.. 1 r t 11 I IV I'(lllll) III I III! I'lllll'Illlf they havo taken tbo "Salt Itivi with that crowd we started on 1 lot LOCAL NOTICES. I I 1 l. .1 Dll 11 l.lillUI . I.U U. Dill t'liest. or lironcliltls? In 1'iuit ha Wild sherry, which In ninny where honn linil Med. lmm Hiintitli victim Irom tlioyawnlng.Brave." Minn; N(ivi:i,tii:s M,0fiB Ail Hons. Wo see that our friend I Mj..-..- 41... I I........1. I !.... creiMil hlsalrdidy largestoclc of I ills last addition Is 11 carciulljvsil invoice of perfumery and faney! from the best maiiiil'actiiriiig hof London mid i'lv is supenor hi lierctoloio olleicd In lids scctl cDUulry. He has a No added a coil a-sortmciit of tooth, hair A nail I cs, the loimer imiiortcd liy lil ......f .!.. ('.Ill J..1 I.I. if his goods do nut lully bear stiUcmeut. o- -i 1 . 1 11...... II I ... I ......!... 41. 41... I.I.....1 1.. 11 II ir ill iiuiiiiH 1111: iMiit'U, III pas Into this lluld, grow and mere, given rise 111 ciiniigiH 111 potltlim. .The cnntiigloiis polsi any coiisisi in living mailer, uy usgrowiu nun inciiiiso iiro llki. .rl.i.ill f.lill. Ilrii lit fliin id. lilill IIIU ill I .1.1111111 III I III' I II I II HI, llnio terrible. allectJniiH, Tbeso eoiitagiiais nolsous liarniless wheio theru Is no Im t..... 1. 1. 1 1 r 1 1. .. . .. where ti e inlirmu ktirliici'S 111-11 . 1 ...1 1 1.. -1 11 1 ... .1. .1 HUT VIIPJIIIII ll'M lUSIl'IMIl II till Ml a sluggish coiidlllon ofclicidal liloiiil thin and poor; and ugei sitiule, they will bo taken up, t unco ineir leu limine cuec 111111 iii-iiiu. ensue lie iivn iiri'ii hv 11 ni sti .iiiuioi Jiiiieis. 11 preveuiH i) lug just such 11 condition of tl iinls icnulrcd to resist the sines iiiieciiy iicuiriiiir.iiig tbt'iii 111 the blond.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers