THE COLUMBIAN, BL00MSBU11G, SATURDAY, JUNE IC, 1S6G. V LOOAL INTELLIGENOE. ITni: red weevil linsitirulo Ita aiipcar- mieo In the wheat In tills vicinity. 'Matthkw "SVynkoop has received Itlio appointment of Collector of Stuto fijtul County taxes for this town-hlii. William L. Haddock & Co., tleal- Km in ilnet;rocerteH, No. Ho South Tlilril Street ( onpo-itto tho Uirartl Rank), ll'lilladcliihla. Tin: stockholders of tho llloonHljiii'jr Il.tternry liutitute meet this afternoon at four o'clock, to decide upon n site for the building. Vi: have been rcouc.stcd to nnuonnco filittlmt on Saturday, tho twenty-tiiird fn Jipitnnt, at threo and a half o'clock im., glio pews of tlujp Ocrumn lteforineil KUIiureh nro to bo rented. ';i In our ndvertlilng columns wc nub ft linh anotlco of thoCoinnils.-iioneMof tho - County Poor lloiiio for jiropoialH for a ' .'.fiunt, and for tho erection of bulldlnga MK-ctwiiry to tin intsitution of this kind. S. U. llown's Circus i.s announced to fftppear hereon tho twenty-third Instant. KWe trust that wo aro not to meet with tho sanio disappointment that wo did "on vlsltini: Dan Rice's Circus. A tamer i-nflhir wo never witnessed. Wo aro led &o Infer, however, from tho array of ' " names presented, that Howe's Circus is Really a meritorious ailidr. ' will be found the IUt of ofilcurs and platform of principles of the Rational Union Club of WifbiiiKton, -Vi). C. It will bo noticed, that lion. 'Alexander AV. ltandall, Elrst Assistant ' 'I'ostniiiter-tiencral, is I'resldent. Our readers should not confound this organi zation with tho "National Joinr-on Club" of tho same place. They aro two (distinct organizations. Tiir.itr.will be an entertainment given ' in tho linrtinrin Building, corner of Main.ntul Market Streets, by tho ladies .'.of tho Presbyterian Church, beginning on Friday evening, tho fifteenth instant, and continuing on tho evenings of tho " sixteenth, lig'iteentli, anil nineteenth , Tho ladies of tho Presbyterian Church 'ask a full attendance) to their entertain- . nient. Oni: of our most valuable exchanges is the J)ail Ai'ici, published in l'lilln- delphla. As a daily new.-paper in large ,'. clues is a necessity wmi every cmzeii "J the cheapness of the A'cici only one cent n copy possesses it with peculiar .. jidvantages to readers. It publishes all tlie news of the. day with a complete ness of detail which its largo size ena- bles it to do. As an advocate of the policy of President Johnson its articles , -nre written with a force of argument ;' which i.s unanswerable. "We reccom- j mend tho AV'tcs as a valuable paper. NEWS ITEMS. OarsKTiAii MrCiir.ii.AN is expected home from Europe shortly. It Is siiiil that Napoleon will preside over tho Congress should it meet. A Nr.v napcr is alut to lie started in Poston, to support the President's I n ion policy. In soveral counties in Georgia the in habitants aro wholly dependent on the next wheat crop for asubsistoiice through the year. A ni:w jiolico regulation has gone ditto effect in Chicago. All persons found .loafing in tho streets, who can give no Toputnblo account of themselves, are airrcsted and lodged in thestatiou-house. A Mr.r.TiNfs of Erce-Mii-sons was held in Now Yoric on Monday evening, to memorialize the Grand Lodge in refer ence to tho refusal of the King of I'nis- sia to acknowledge Israelites as i'ree Masons. Sixer. Dana, tho rejected applicant for the New York Collector.-lnp, has re tired from tho Chicago AVifWiVwjthat pnperwiyrt: "Among tho plans of re construction that of Tliad. Stevens is the weakest and most impracticable." A rim near Pittsburg, on Friday of last week, destroyed the Union Gas. itlpo Factory. Tho loss is fourteen thousand dollars, with an insitram'0 of ' oleven thousand dollars in the Homo Company of New York, and Pluunix, of Hartford. Tin-: United States Express nic-nen Ker's safe on tho Eastern train of tho Pacific Railroad was robbed about three (O'clock on tho morning of the eighth in stant, between Lee's Summit and Pleas. ant Hill, of about fifteen thou.saud dol lurs. A and sailors' county con vention was held in Pangor, Maine, on the eighth instant, at which a county "Union auxiliary to the Stato Union was formed. A resolution recommending tho Hon. J. II. Pice to tho Union Con jjressional Convention for his district was adopted by n vote of .)." to 1 1. Tin: Sttnbury papers announco that Bimon Cameron offers to subscribe ten thousand dollars toward tho erection of a bridge over tho SiiMitiehanna at that place, if tho adjoining townships of Snyder County shall determine to at inch themselves to Northumberland County, Tin? internal revenue eoininli-sionc lias Keiicd an order to the rovenuo as lessors concerning tho Inconio tux for 1800, in which ho stntes that a guardian residing abroad shoulil return tho in come of his ward in tho district in which tho ward resides, Ilo also states that all. expenses for tho insurance of property, nnd all actual losses in mm ness may bo deducted from tho gross inconio of tho business of tho year. A oknti.iiman Just from Sioux City utates that between. that place and Iowa Falls ho met over live hundred teams with immigrants, nil bound for tho "West, some to Montana, some to Daco inn, some to tho Sioux City region, and others for tho fertilo valleys of tho Des Moines nnd other streams this sido of tho Pig Muddy, Tho rush westwnrd tills Spring has never been exceeded even In tho llusIteM of tho IIini tinics VkuiAnoi; Committees liaVo been organized In Southwest Missouri to ex terminate the horse-thieves, two of whom wero hung under Lynch law last week. A National Cemctry Is to bo estab lished at Fredericksburg, Virginia, for the Interment of twolvethousund Union soldiers killed near there and at Chiin cellorsvllle. Tin: Houe Committee on Pensions are preparing, It I reported, it bill which 111 give to the whlows of soldiers and tllors two dollars it mouth extra for teh of their children. Firrnr.N hundred Eenlans from the Canada line reached ltinton on the elev enth instant. They were furnished transportation by tho United States. Smaller parties of them are reported at various places en route for their homes. HiNin:i:i)s of persons In Wulkill Val ley, Orange County, New York, have for some time been suffering with all the symptoms of lead poisoning. An In vestigation has disclo-ed the fact that a miller at i'hllllpsburg had Used lead to fill up cavities in the mill-stones, which being ground up with tho wheat, be came mixed with the Hour, and when fermented and baked, changed to car bonate of lead a deadly poison. A riniici: and bloody fight took place recently, at Alexander, Mo., just below Keokuk, Iowa, between two farmers named Miller and Ileiicock, resulting in the instant death of the former and the mortal wounding of the latter. A feud had existed between them for many years. At the time named they met at a store, and had a few words. Pistols were drawn and a half dozen shots wen xchanged, resulting as stated above, Potli have large families. ON Monday of last week Judge Un derwood In chambers at tho Attorney- ieneral's olllce heard the argument of Messrs. O'Connor and Shea of the coun- el for Jefferson Davis why the prNonor hould he admitted to bail. Attorney ieneral Speed replied on the part of the Government. Judge Underwood re fused to admit Mr. Davis to ball on the ground that he has no authority to do so, the accused being a prisoner of war iti:ci:rTi()N was given to General T. AY. Sherman at St. Paul, on Monday About three hundred invited guests were present, (ieneral .Sherman, in re ply to a complimentary toast, took oc casion to defend his expedition to the Southern coast. He said Port 1 loyal bad been denounced as a failure, but if it were the hist words be ever uttered, he would say it was not a failure. No expedition; with the same resources in the late war, produced one-half its re sults. Tin: Cincinnati Commercial lias an uceottnt of a family meeting of the Kunilors in Millvillo, Ohio. It was held on the estate of Mrs. Susan Kuiii- lor, who is now in her eighty-seventh year. According to the tbmniercittlxhv has now living two hundred and thirty deecendants of blood, as follows: Elev en children, eighty-four grandchildren, one hundred and thirty-two great grandchildren, with lll'ty-two by mar riage, unking a total of two hundred mil eighty-two. Of this number two hundred and four were present. MARRIED. In I'.loomlmi.iMi the thliteeiith instant, In the resliyteilan Chinch, hy Iie. I).. I. Waller, V. '.. U.viiin-.ii, of Towaiid 1, to II. A.miii.ia, daiiizlitei of the lute Wlltlam Knlilson, i:.s,i of Itloiinishtirn. In Oraiuevllle, hy Itev. Nathaniel Spear, Mii-im Mrl I ksiiy to Ki.iz m:rn Mi'IIk.nhv, luith of l-'Mi- UvA Creek. In llloonishuii;, on the thhty-llrst ultiino, hy Kev. .1, 1. Tustln, .losneti Cn.vwi'uiai lo ltmii cc v Kisiimi, b'llli of llloomshuri:. In nioomslairj;, nn the seventh instant, at the sl.leucn nt Itev. 1). A. lleekley, hy Kev. It. K. Wilson, William II. llcxim; to K.vri: II. In Illooinshuri;, on the second instant, hv Itev. I, It. Dhniii, I'll m. r.s Mt'iTi.r.v In Catiiliii.m; lliiujurLi.i.i.i!, nil of Unlit Street. DIED. In Ornnsevllle, on the llrst Instant, r,Li7.Aiii:rn II., wife of Jonas Kistier, nned ill ears. In Oranneville, on the seventh In-tsnt, Mauv, wlteof tieorne llariaan, aed 7il yeats. On the twenty. elnhth ultiino, Innt.irrri'., daiixh ter of l'.ev, 1', W. and Many .Mrllick,nvd 3 years, II inoutlis, and ililays. In Jackson Jnwnsiitp, cmimliia ( ounty, 1111 Tuesday, the twenty-ninth ultimo, S.unu, wife of llemy Hetty, lined 71 years, two mouths, and three days. AillilllllMti'iltorS Notice Uslu:,' of ltt-11- hen Hess, dis-easeil, Letters of Ailmlnlstiatloii liuviun heeii nrauted to the siitiseriher upon tiie estaio of lleuheii Hess, late of I'i.lilnn Creek Tnwiislilp, In the C1111111.V uf Culuinhla, deceased, all persons iudehted to the Mime w 111 iiuiko p ly incut, and those havliin clalius present llieiu. ALl'ltlHi T. CI!i:VKLIN(), Adiu'r. I'isitiNfi Cnr.t'K ToWMiilie, I Van Camp P. ()., June 11, lsiai. I!. II. I.lltlc, A'n'iiHNi;v-AT.i,AW, filllce on Main Street, in uhlte linnie house, he loiv the i:.i'liaunn Hotel. Itoh. rl K. I'linU, ATt(JltNi:V-AT-I.AW, Olllec eorner nf Main nnd Market Kli'eets,l nii'l' l'llst Nutlonal llank. .folilt (.' flff A'iTOHNHY-AT-IiAW, Olllce In lienlster and Ilecoider'K ufllce, In the mscincut of the Court House. Vislcy Will, A'lTOl ! N 1 ! V-AT- Ii A W, Olllce 011 Main street, over H, II, .Miller's Store, C. II, IlrocUn ny, A'lTO 1 1 N I : V- AT-1. A W, litllie on Main Street, llrst door west of the t'ouit House, t'hui'li- ( llaililey, ATI'l )1 tNI :V-AT-IiA W, Olllce mi Main Street, nverS. II. Mllh v'sSlnrn. William II. Allium, A'lTliltNKV.AT.LAW, Catawlssa, Pa, III. M. .Inclimiii, a-itouni;,aw, Ilerwli k, Coliiinlila Couuly, Pa. .11. 31. '1'imiKli, ATMItNUV.AT.IiAW, Ileiwlck, Cnlumhla County, Pa, .11. JI, l.'Villr, ATTUIJNi:V..VM AW, (.inua'i.i. tulunibi.i Cuuul) . I'n Nnllce.. JH rcfinltillmt mlnittc-ri hy Itir Trunin if tho llloomiliurtf' tintttiitc, nl iinii'clMiK licM mi tlm llillly-nM of Mny, 1M), tin- swri tury wm nlitlmrltmt In notify tin1 Min k-Imlili-isi, Ipj notlci' In tlic impels, In meet In Urn llriiinl .lury room, lnltl"ninlmv, mi Siilunlny, lime imi-tMitli, Ih'Iwwii tlm limirit of fournlnl rx o'clock p.m., toil Mi liyvnto iim IIm Ini-nttim for 111,. IliiUtillr liulUlllii. Tin! mix'kliolilori will taku miller, untl nit iiLuiiitliiidy. 1. W. IIAUT.MAN, fWrrlnry of TriMcr. TN THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL JL miri.Tz, hkci:asi:ii.-tiic t'oniinoiiwciiiiii of lViiinylvmiln to .Ii si'jli 11, Kliiillr.; Amlri'w Slum; Siiinui'l n.sinilt.; r.lNlmHlitiltzj Nnncy, liiti' with (irarlmrt Kllw Huiuli, Intcr- mnirli'it with .Iocili llrllnln ; Niiuinali, lntrrninr tli',1 wltliH.iiiim-l Wlilli'i Mury Aiiii.liitonii iiTliiil with Siiiniii'l II, Vnik; laulmliv Mluillz; .In,.,!i (Near Hliiilt; Mnry rilon Slmlts Harrli-t Slmll.; TIioiii h Sliull.; 'iliiinliili shullz; ini.t AHi'Tl A.Sinllli. Yoiiuiiil I'licliiif yiiiinii' lii'ii'liy rllcil nii'l ( oininnii'lcil lo tin nil, I iiiM'iir, III your proiirr ti.toiii,iit an Drnli.m'H Court, to liu IioMimi nt Illiiniu.liurir, In uiul for tlic said vouiity, 1 1 ti ll 1st Mou, lay of Scpti'MiHT next, then unit tlirn1 loiiiHwi'rtlielilll or lii'tltlon of Samui'l It. Hlitilt., ivlitiliitstritnt- uf S;iliii,'l Slmltz. l.ilo of ltontnu Tiiwinlilp, In tlm County of Coliiinlila, ilocontiil, prayliiK I lie Cnurt to iIiti i'p the xpi-rllle ln-rlorm. nneo of nilitmct linlwi-fii NiliI S.unui'l Hhullz, ilo. i-imviI, an I KIMi i Hliullz uiul .losepli II, Hhullz, nceonllni; tn tiie true Intent aul nieanlntx thereof, or nlmw eaiHe whv the ."ieclll'J iierforiiinnco of unlit eontr.iel Kliimld lint lio ileereeil. Wltne tlic Itonoralile William Illwell, I'rcxlilent of nur Cnurt, at Uluotiithurir, the eleventti ilay ur Mny, A.I). Hm. .IUSsM C()I,i:.MAN, Cleik (). C. lll,on.Mm'mi, June 7, 1111 OH El O nf HIFF'S SALE. 15 Y VIRTUE illlltlry MTlts of Vnntitliml Unman nti,l ic'i'i to liletllrecte,. Kslietl nut nr I lie Cnlll t or 1 oininou pleas 01 eotuiniiln rotiniv, w 11 I cxDn-icil to iitllillc sale, nt the Cntllt Ioiim. In UIooiiihIiiii, on TucmI.iv, ttie 'Jilih ilay of .lime, lMlit, nt one o'i-Ioi k In the alteinoon, the following A certain ti.icl of1 Inml, 'situate In Huaarloif township, roiumiiia county, cotit alnlnjr si:vi-;n-TV-SIX ACIir.S, lllnre or less, hollliileil nil the south liy l.iiutM of Joshua Hess; on the west li Inn, Is nf li.ivhl Kochner; mi the uoitli hy lauds m .icreiiiiaii jicss; nun 011 uie cum nv lauds 01 .lames Itoherts, w het con Isereetislau ohl loi; harn with the ainiurtciiances. Si-leil, taken In execution, and to he sold as the property nf .tallies sickle, deceased, In tho hands in 111s noiiiiiiisiiiiini, .nine rsicaie, AI.MO, A certain farm and tract of land.sltitate In rata wlssa tnwiislilp, Columtila County, houiuleit on me snuiii nv Ian. is or si.iinnei .illllaril, aii'l otlici lands of .1. I1, riiichet'! 011 the west lie I11111I nl'Mnl. nmnii llelwlut on the north liy land of Iteiilaiuhi Itelher and others; 1111,1 nil the east liv Itttld nf lellcii l uxes heu.s, colitalnlm; latllll V-MM; ACItl'.s Mini one himdreil ami twenty-nhie perch es, wheieou Is cii-cteit a Inn ham; aliout sixty ma's nl l llll'il is iioprnvcil 111 111 I , ALSO One other farm and It net of Ian. I, situate p.irtlv In Catawlssa uiul p irtly In Finiikllii Townslilps Coliiinlila County, liniindeil on the south liv land of John Scott: oil the east liy land of John Scott nnd land of Mary Ilcucn'-l:; mi the west tiv hind nr Mary lleacock and land of lllram J. lieiider; and on the unrlii liv a niilille mad and leml of til- lain. I. Header, contahilni!Si:vt',NTV-NIX Acltns and one hundred and live peich, s, whereon is eiecteu a two-story lirlck itwellhui-liou-e, 11 Inj h 11 11. mi apple and poach inch. ml, and all Imiirnv ed laud, AI.n Oneotherlot of land. situate nartlv In Catawlssn and paitly In Kr.inkllu Townslihis, Cohimhla olllltv. linundeil on t ie south liv taliil ofjohn ttlchari s: on t 10 w est anil north liv tatiil ol Mat'v lleacock; and on the east liv land of John Scott. until li nn ! II I IM'.N AC tlN.nll IlilliioVeil l.ilul. I III I . II I HHII lllll II I II ms, l III! IIH lippill 1III1IIIII,-, Sel.eil. taken In execution. atnt lo he snlil as tin property uf Jeiemiah V. I'lncher and Ahel 'I hum us. s.i.111 i.i, s 1, Mierlll. "TOTICE. Nnilce Is lierehy nlven that prnpnsals In wrllhi!; will he receive 1 hy the Poni'IInusc Commissioners ft inn this date until tennVlock A.M., nil the tw ty-third day of June, lsiai, for Hie sale and 11111- h ise of 11 sultahle farm, for the erect Ion nf hulld. Inns, under tlie prnvlslons of tiie hill for thesuiv pott and employment of the poor of Cnlumhla 'ounty, Tiie proposals mut he in wrltnii;, and must slate specllleally 1st, The numher of acres In the farm, M. The kind of hulldlnus nli,l linproM'UH'uts. ;i.l. The township and adjoluer.s. tth. Tiie pi Ice. Proposals may he sent to any one of the Com intssluiiers, and Ihe parties are reoiiesini to uf - nd at the Comt House, In Itlooiuslairn, .lime twenty-third, 1mm, when tho pinposuK will he onsiileled. JOHN i;. (lltOTZ, ltlooinshiirn, JOHN A. l-'CNSTON, Jersey town, I,I:V1S vrlTHIt, Catawlssa, JACOII ll.Utltls, liuckliorn, SAMl'KI. 1IIK1AI1T, Itohrshiuu, TIIi)MAScl!.;vi:,INfl,Sr.,i:spytowii WIld.IA.M I.A.MON, r.crwlck, JKssi; lllllM'.MAN, Willoiv Springs, WILLIAM J. IKKI.KIt, Mord.ilisvllle. ILLEIt'S STORE. 1 liliSU Amu v.l, Uf fsTUIXO AND sr.MMIMt (iOOIW, The Mihscilher has Just retmnul fioni the cltle with another lame and select assortment of Sl'IHNd ANf) SL'.MMIIU (iOOIiS, purchnsed hi New Vork and Philadelphia at tin1 lowest llnurc, aihl which he Is 1I1 leiinined to si nil us miidcrale teinis as can he procured else wherein llioomshuin. Ills stuck coniptlscs i.ADir.s' i)iu:ss (toons nl (lie eholvest styles and latest, fashions, togellic with a larne asMutmeut ot Cartiets. Clrncerles, Oil Cloths, Hoots and Shoes, Cloths, Hats and Caps, Ciissimeres, Hoop Nets, Shawls, llinhrell.iv, I'l.iiiuols, Looklnn-likisses, Silks, Tohacco, While (ioods, Cotlee, Linens,, IIisip Skills, Teas, Muslins, me,., llollnwwate, Allspice, C'edaiware, (linger, Hardware, Cinnamon, lluiensware. Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS fii:Ni:ilALLY. In shoit, iverylhlm; usually kept In enuuliy stores, to which he invites the fitleutioii nf the puljllc uenerally. Tiie hlsliest price will ho paid inreouutiy jiriKluee hi eM'lian,;u fornnods. 8, If, .M II.I,i:i:, Aieade llulldliigs, lllooinshmn, Pa. rnilE NEW (iROCERV STORE X on .Main Stieel, IlI.DiiJISlirun, PA. LAiini: As.s'oiiniiiNT or ni;w noons Just received at nr.NUY (iiiii:if,s ni;w moiti:. Dry Ooods, Hats nnd Caps, I!ont llllll Bhoes, Molasses f-unari, TejiS Culefi Hplccs, . . : nice, I'Mi, Sail, itailu", ToiJifci), Ket'iirs, Dindlrs, Nnlloni, Toys, ri.oi'i:, ri:i:i), and phovihions, Innilher Willi n Kivut vntlely nf notions uenci', lilly Kept III times, nbiTiiu, i:i(is, mi:at, and riioniTi; tjiken In exchans!!' fofunmls, for which tho Idnh est inatki t price will lie paid, nr.xitv (ilfli:il J .1. LESTER, Wluilesiile nnd lit tall Dealer 111 roiii:itiN and iiD.Mi'sric ( AitPKrs, OIL CLiiTIIS, WINDOW SHAlirs. A,. No. ?J N01 Hi evec.11,1 street opp. I'hr, ,n tun h. l'iina l"lilu,i p HAND OPHNINU I tlttANII llt. HltANl) OPKNINH (1IIANI) OI'I'.NINd (llt.VNIl OPHNINd OllANI) OPlfSINU Hl'IIINd AND Hf.M.Mr.It (IOODS, HPItINd AND SUMMIUt (IDMIN, SPIIINd AND (IDDIiH, KPIIINII AND HD.M.MIlll (IOODS, Hl'IIINd AND Htf.MMint OOODS, entislsllnn of eotislstlun of cousUtlnit nf (sinslstlnn of coiislstlun nf DIlV DltV DltV DItY D11V (lOOIW, (100 lis, dOODsl, (K)Dlisi, UUODS, HATS HATH HATH 1 1 ATS II ATS AND CAlss, AND CA1"H, AND DAIM, AND CAPS, AND CAPS, HOOTS AND S1IOIX, III HITS AND SIIDH-i, HOOTS AND SHOKS, HOOTS AND SHOES', HOOTS AND SIIOIX, Iti:.l)Y-MADi: CLOTHINd, lli:.DY-MAii: CLOTHINd, Itr.ADY-.MADi: CLOTHINd, HKAIIV-MAlli: CLOTHINd, HKA D V-.M Al li: CLOT1 UNO, LOOK I Nd-rir,ASSl -j5, LOillCINd-HLASSIi, LOOlCINll-dLASSlis, LOOK" I Nl i-dLASSf.s, LOOKINd-OLASSKS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NUTHINS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS AND OILS, AND OIL'S. AND OILS, AND III1.S, AND OILS, diioci:iHi:s, ditoci:itn:s, iiitociatii-s (IllOCilltll, (Htouintiix, (hh:i:nswai',i:, ijrHKNsWAiii:, ()i'ri.Nsw.i!i:, (ji'i'.r.NswAin:, (itir.KNMWAItK, lIAltDWAltr, HAltllWAlti:, IIAHDWAHi:, llAliliWAIti:, iiAitnwAin:, tinwaiii:, TINWAIli:, tinwaui:, tinwaiii:, tinwaiii:, HALT, HALT, HALT, SALT, HALT, risii, risii, 1'ISII, ririi, risii, (lltAIN and sr,i;ns, ditAi.v and hi:i;iw, diiAiN and hi;i:ds, OltAIN AND si;i:ds, (iKAIN AND HUIIDS, McKKI.VV, NIIAI. .MeK'I'.LVY, NHAI, co.'s, CIVS, CO.'S. co.'s. CO.'S. .MilClll.VY, MiKlH.VV, MeKIII.VY, NliAL NI'.AI. ni:al Northwest cornel' of Main nnd Mntket Streets Northwest corner of Main and Murket Streets, Northwest emiiel'iif Main mid Muiki I SI 1 eels, Nml Invest corner of Main and Muikcl HI reels Northwest comer of .Main un.l Maikct Stivets. IlI,(WMSirilO, ,1'A., llLOCIMSIH'lld, PA., HIiOOMSIIl'lld, PA., IILOOMSIII'IKI, P. IILOOMSIICIKI, PA. 1H0N AND NAILS, lltdN AND NAH.s, 1 1 ION AN D NAII.s, 11HIN AND NAIL'S, 111DN AND NAII.h, In larKConaiilllies rdul at teiluicd laleii, ulway on hand. )UULIC SALE OF vam'ahi.i: iikai, i;stati:. tn inirsiinuce of unorder nf the Orplmni'Couil of 'oliihihln Couuly, Pa., on Saturday, thu Slil day nf June next, lit ten o'l link In the luiciiiniii, Philip oust, luliulnlstrator of n.iulil Kriim, Into of 'noer Township, Montour Ciiiuty,ilecenseit, will xposii 10 rule, ny laiiitii! enilit ,nt tlic house of :tiinmiel tjtallis, In Mniilour Township. 11 icr. lulu trait ur land, situate In Mnnlour Tonlilp, Cnhiiuhla t.'ounty, ndJolillliKlaudsuf Cluatiucl li arui on the east, tlm Iller Susipu lintitm on thu south, and the tine illWilhin thu Counties of Co. Iiimhlu and .Mniitour on the uoitli, coiilalnliin mhty-lwiiaciesniid sKly.sIx tierihcs neal incus. lire, nhotit twenty acres of wdilch Is tuiirovrd or lenred land, uite the estate of said deccasisl, sllualo In tho Townshhinf Muntuiir nnd isauily uforisiild. .HISS P. COLLMAN, Cleik. HLnuMsiit'isii, May I Mm, conditions or sai.i:. Twenly.fhe per cent, of the purchase money to ie paid hy the purchaser tn the administrator ,,11 the day of sale; thu residue nf the putcliiisu inn. ticy tn he paid In uno year from tlm continuation nl. l with Intercut front the niullrniatlon. The piiichaserln pay fordeed and slumps. PHILIP l'OUST, Administrator. May ii, Wat. J IKE INSURANCE. If you wish In llvo loni; nud die happy, en w llhoiil delay mid iNstfiir.vorni.iri: In Ihe hest Company In the world, Tin: mi,"i i,' a l i.irr. lNsritANci: company or np.w Yoitic. its cash .ssirrs aih: jij.knv"), nnd lis minimi dividend fur the fiscal j ear of 1KB iihiounts to sevenly-ilve per cent, on all partld pitlnn prcinliiins, liclnn the lamest dividend cer declined hy any cuiiipauy fnr the same length of time, l or Anther Information apply to P.S. IIISIIi:L,Anelit, UliMimshurn, Pa. ITI," l.s I1trV U A X'l." I.'V Ull .j.,iii..i' iciii.i ijiiiiivi. 1, en,. lj Di:ci:AMt:i).To Jacoli Sankeyj Samuel Sunkey; JohuSaukey; CyrusSankey ; JaniesW, Sankey; Maty Ann Sunkey, Intel married with Aaron Wolf; Lydla Sankey, Internum led with James o, Pritz; Susan llelnhard; and Mary Cath nrlne Ueluhard; the last twiiuiuued are minors of liy Sankey, late Polly ltelnharil, deceased, heirs and lenal u presentatlves of John Sankey, Sr.,di ceased. You are helehy elled tn he and appear liefore the Juilnes of nur Oiphtiiis' Coin I, nt an Or plums' Court to he held at Htoomshurn, In said enmity, the llrst Monday of Septemlier next then ami lliere to accept or refuse to take tin il estate of the said John Sankey, Sr., de ised, at the appmiscil valuation put upon ft liy an Inquest duly awarded hy Mild the Court, nnd returned hy the sheriff, or show cause why the sanicsimiiM not lie sold. Wit ness the Ilonorahle William KIwell, President nf our said Cnurt, at lllismislairn, the tenth day of .May, A.D. lsiai. Jl'.ssii: cot.KMAN, Clerk O. C, llLooMsnrnn, June 7, Wia. ES'J 7STATKOIM()SKIMIHAYlUTUSfL luvlil Ilrubvt; Susim, ttitrritinrrk'tl wltli fionrct' Slrlchrr; Kllcn, hilcrinnnlfil with Cyrus It. A plt'iitiiii; r..i.nhvl, I'.iizalx'tli, nnd Uotiiijnli, llite:il iii'MTinliMit' of ,Tnth Hnyhint, Into of Or.umi Township, tn valil Coimty of 'olinunla, (Iohmm'iI uiul all olluT iHTsons Intrrevtril, You nre lu-rcliy (licit In 1 nuil nppt'iu befim tho .Ttiilsjtfs of our orphnus oui 1, lo In' ln'M at ItUHiinHlmrw, In said cotmty.on tin thl Monday of St'iitrmlicr uvi Uh-11 mul tlii'ro to accept or n fit lo tulcc the r rstati of thi' Mild .losepli Ilavlmr-t, ilctcnsctl, sli unto In (tririK'' TownMilii, Columbia County, nt tlio npprtiWfit viihu put upon H by an liifiupsr, duly awitnlod by tho Court nnd K-tunud by tho Shot III', or hhow ciiuso why tho .vimo .should n bo sold. WHno.sthinonnrnbh WUUmn rjwoll, Troslilont of our Mild Court, nt Iltoomhurir, Mnv tenth A, I). .IKSi: Cor.lI.MAX, Cloik ().( Ili,ooMnri:(i, Jmio 7, !'!. M) ALL WHOM IT MAY CON . Cl'.ltV. Please take notice that I, Ira ltoiul- nrniel, of Centrevllle, t:olumhla County, hnhm huiinht the followln-n list of propeity tiom Peter Hnuer, do that It Is my hitelitlon to lend the same tn the said llnwer, tu wit: four heds; one ituiccii chairs; one hit of dishes; one cup- liirinl; one liureau; twenty yanls of carpet; one 'iioklnn sto e; one pallor stove; one two-horse wanon; one two-horse cat rlnne; ouedouhleset nl harness; onu slllrjle set nf hallless; two tallies; two pins. I11A HOADAlt.Mi:!,. TOHN STJJOU1' t CO.. Successors toStroup iV. I.rollier, wiiolp.sai.i: di:ali:i!s in pish, No. 21 Ninth Wharves, and 25 Noith Wider St., Philadelphia. OCIIELL, 15EROER A CO., Oi:.'i:itAIi COMMISSION MLIICIIANTS, Dealers in I'ISII, SALT, CIICUSi:, PItOVISIONS, Ac, Not,. l-Mand 1J1 North Wharves, ahnvu Arch St., Philadelphia. Sole lurents for Wilcox's Wheel (liease, In liar- les, keys, and calls. ATEW YORK TRII5UNE l..Mi. lil !.!'. Till: LAUOlXr AND CIIP.APIXT. i:nlai:iii:mi:nt or tiiii iiailv, semi-wi:i:kly, AND MTI.M.V TlllllUNi:. Notwillistaiiillnn Hie tact that theslje of Tin; TlMIU'Nl: lias heen lucleilseil mole than ollllilllal- ter, the price w ill leinaln the same. Miw is nil. i; 10 si ii i iiiin. nut TIIII (IHIIAT KAMI I. V Ni:vsp.pi:it. Tin: np.w YoitK wi:i:icly tuiiiini: s piiuleil on a larne iloiililciucdluiii slu ot, milk nn ilnllt mires nl sl hiii.ul eiihllnus each. It onlalusall the innioi taut Ivlltorlals piihllsheil 111 TlIU D.MI.V Tnilll'M , except those ol merely local Interesl ; also Literary and Scientllle Intel llnellce; llevlewsnt II' must linporlllllt mul In terestlnn New Hunks; ihe Letteis Irnin nur lame emits nl eorrespoielellls; I lie iiuesi news leeeivnl hv Telenraiililrom vaiininioiiaini an inner puns it the country; asuiiimar.i oi an iinpoiuiiii in- lelllnence ol Ihlsclli nuil elsewliere; n synopsis ot the piuceeillnns of t'onnress uiul stato Lenisla- ture when In n-ssion; tue i oicinu .mws reeeiveu hv everv steamer: i:clllsle ltl-nortsof the nro- cecdllinsol' til" Karillers' Cllllinf till! Alllelieall Ins ii e: Tn lis i ui i' run. mul oilier nonieui. tiiial and Anileiiltural iuforniiitlon essentia! to inn try resnienis: shock, inianciai, iiuiie, ury iio,i,s, and l ieneral Mmket It, .polls; uiaklun It, holh lur variety ami completeness, mioneinei' inn iiiosl valualile.luli restlun.aiitl liisirucllvu Wi:uk l,v Nl.wsi'Ai'i:it i.uhllslied In the woild. 1 l',ll.urs. .Mall .stihserlhetsi. slnnle copy. 1 year.. 1 nil .Mull slihseillit'ls. chilis of lle II III Tell cunles. lalilicssei 1 1 n names uf sllhscriliers. 17 .HI l wi'iuy coiues, on. mi. .u i.i 'feu ionics, tin one nddrcss Twenty euiiles, tn one nddrcss tn) An extra copy will he sent tor imcIi cluh nl ten Tin: ni:w vtiiti; si:mi-t.i:kly TimirNi: Is pulill.heil every 1 uesitay niel 1-riu.iy, anil con talus all tiie Killtorlal articles, not merely Incal 111 i liaiactei", Literary ttevlewsaiid An Crlllclsins; IA' uers iiiiin nur lame eurps ui ciuei'411 iiiki i'n- Inesl e I'oriesnoo, i.lils: Slieclal mill Assoclaleil Pless Tflcnlliph Despalehes; a can lilt aim com iiletu Siiiuiiiary of Knielnn und Dniuestlu News; l'.xcluslvi' Heliorlsot the Prnieeillims nf tho funn els, Cluh or the American Institute; Talks about l'nilt, and oilier Horlli ultuial mid Anrliultiiral l..r..u.. -.'i. ...I. I.Mt...... I..I i .... 1 1. I l,... t !... 1 III! I deneral .Malkel Itelwllts, wlllchni'e lillhllshed lllllll I III I Mill : nil, . ii, i iii.iiii i.i i, . .it . .1. . .... "i". in 1 1 if; ha t i.v Tin lie. M'i. i ii i; i;i;k LY THIIIItlNi: also kIms, In the course uf a year, three or lour of the HIM' AND LATP.ST PllPI LAlt NOVIII.S hy livlnn iiuthoo. The cost ot these nlone, If huunlit In iMink-forin, woulil he riom sl Inetnhl ilullais. If pu chased In the Knnllsli iniinalncs, flnln which thevnre eurelullv seleeletl, Hie cost would he three oHfour times thai sum. Now heie else cull sli tlllli'll elltrellt llltetllneuci lltld perllia- licul llleaaiy niullei' he had al mi cheap a rale as In Ihe si:.ll-Wi:i:iJLY Tlillll NK. Those whn l i..l l..s .. lii in., iirl in 1 1 ili.s a i ul ii i mi u e ot the clial icier nl Tili'.TiiiniM.can inen.ise its power and lullueiicii h. Jiilnhin Willi Ha l Inldsus hi inihi- i,. i iniis i i i sit i isi'i ih(. inr ihe 'i in; si:iii-Wia;Kt,v I Mil Ion. II will III that wn he supplied til III, 111 al the Inwesl puce inr which such ii papei can in i.i'l,ii,.,l. Mall suhscrlhers, 1 copy, 1 war, 101 nuiuhers...?! nn llo, ' - I'oples, do. do. ... 7 '"I ilo. 5 copies, or over, each copy . :t ! persons icmllllna lor liicoplcsMu will iccc!c nn exu.i copy ior six uioniiis, IVrsnus renillllnii I'm-11 copies )i will iinelvv nil oxiui copy uue year, Tim NK.W YO.K DAILY TltllH'Ni: N pulv llshcl everv moruliin and eveulnnisiindaex. cepteiLiil 5W,; si lor six iiuiiiilis, Tel ins, ea.h In advance. limits on S .il V.nlf. ill-liosl.onlee oiders. tiavie hli id Tin Ti nil M lu lilj - ii. i.iik I"' I'-l.ihle to .ON ulhvl ui idt ol i. mutant e. Iodic , 1111 IltUllNK .New Yoll, QMNIIJUS LINE. I he luiilerslnnist would respectfully nnnnitnee In tliei lllzi ns of llliKiinshnrn mid thu pulillo genu rally tlial ho Is rtintiluu nil OMNIHUS MNII hetween till place nud the dllH'retU rrtllrnad de. pntiitally (Hilluliiyn exei'pled), lueninieet with the sevrrrtl Irnlim Itoltitt South titrl West on tlm (,'nta. wlssn nuil Wllllatnsport ltallroad, nud with those Knlim North and Smith on tho Ijickawanna and Hlooinsliiirn Itallioad. Ills Oimilhtisses nre In itoisl contlltlou, commo dious nnd cnuiforlahle, nud chntufH reasiinahle. Persons wlshlnn to meet or sen their friends de li art, can he accomodated upon ri-iisoiiiilihi charge hy leuvlna timely lint Ice nl any of the hotels. JACOIIJ,. (HjrrON, Propilelor. riMIE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE 1 AND I'Olllv. We tlm iut,l,.islii,sl i.llly,.,iu m Cohimhla County wltncssoj the 11-ial of hav loiks on Ihe r.11111 uf Mr. Pnrsil In llcinliwk Tow nslili, on Monday, May 7, Nil, lictwecu tlm .Muerican nay iviuie ami i-urii mamtr.ic (ureil hv Sl.ll'iat, WAI.IM, SllltlNKIt A Cn.. or l.wl,. limit. Pa., and tho Hun, lei's Patent llnv llnrii.-. The American Poik lilted more huy' in nun illliunllt Until tlm Jltlllilcl in ttiree. We lire sails, (led it will take us much hav llllo the mow as tu- trouil hoises can draw, e also saw It cuttlnn hay, nnd think lt'ciiiiuot lie lu-nt us u hay knlic, nud i hceitully lecomniend It us Ihe hest liny fork and knlte we have eorhccn. c. uirritNiiKNiipii, nil. I . c. n.uimso.v, W. II. K'iio.ns, John DnK, John DCTKiin if, IUMCI, Xintn, II. Diiit.KMii.Li-.ii, svi.vnsria: Pcimi-.l, MiriiAi.i, IlKLi.tat, John Woi.i. Tin. v iilsn 111, ilnirnsltlre the is. Hcupcr nud .Mower, and oilier iiniiciilturiil hnpte meiits 1?01UvS HOTEL, di:oil(ir. W. MAUOLII, Propiietor. The nhove well-know n holel has ns'imlly under nnue radical ehauncH In Its Internal m raunements, and Its pi npriiMur mini unices to his former custom and the travelllnn tnihlle Unit Ids nccomodiitlous for thecninttirt of Ids nucst sure sc c mul to none tn the eoiiutiy. Ills talile will iilways he found sup tilled, not only with suhstmitlal food, hut with ull the ilellcuclcsof the M-nson. His wines nnd II- MUors (except that popular he crane known us "Mt'IIrnrii ), purchased dheet frnni ttie lutpnrtthn houses, nre entirely pure, nnd flee Iroiu nil poi sonous ilruns. He istlinnkfiil rorn llheral patron ane In the st, nud will continue tmleserM' It hi the fllluie. (li:0U(ll-: W. MAUUHIl. J 15. I'URSEL, HAKM.SI, SAtlDI,);, AND TltUNIC MANUPAUTUlli:!!, uiul dealer In CAiii'irr-HAns, vai.ihix, rLY-Nirrs ,ao., Main Street, Illnoinslnirn, Pa. poWDER KE(iS AND LUMREU, . .il. .Mll.llUI-i ,V Itupert, Pa., Mauufacliucrs of POWDP.K KIXIS, and dealciH in ull kinds of Ll'MIIint, nlve notice that they ore prepared to neisinuslaln their custom with dispatch, mid on thu cheapest terms. j"EV STOCK OF CLOTH INC.. I' arilval nf SPItINd AND SfMMKIt (IOODS. DAVID LOWr.NllPUd Invites attonttnn to Ids stock of C1IK.AP AND rASIHONAllLKCLnTIIINd. at ills store oil Main St i ei t, twu doors at iovo the American House Illoomshurn, P.t., w-here ho has lust recelvetl from New York and Philadelphia a full iissoitment of Mi:N AND HOYS' CLOTHINd, Inchidlun lite must f.ishtnnahle, duralite, and halitKomo DI!liSC00DS, eonslstlun of HON, SACK, it.ock, oi;m, and oil-cloth COATS AND PANTS, nf all sorts, s!.es, mid colors. Ho has ulso replen Kheil his nlieady larne slock of l-'ALL AND WlNTKI! SHAWLS, sTitiPHD, ridrin:D, and plain vixts, SIIHITS, CIIAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAP.S, HANDKi:i!cini:i's, di.nvii, SUSPI'.NDKItS, AND l'ANCY AUTICLi:, He ins constantly on hand a larne and well-sc- Iccted ussortiiient of CLOTHS AND Vi:STIN(W, which he Is prepared to make to nnler lutonny kind of cluthlnn, nn very shnrt notice, mul hi the hest mnniicr. All his cluthlnn is made to wear, and most of It Is of home manufacture, uoi.i) w.iTcims and ji-:wi:liiy, nf every deserlptlun, line and cheap. His ease of I'welry Is not sinpassed hi this place. Call mid xauiiue his assortment of CLOTHINd, WATCIIKS, .II'.WKLIIY, itc. DAVID I.OWKNIIt'no. QA It 11 1 AO E MAN UI'ACTOR Y, liiiininsiiurg, i'n. M. C. SLOAN .1 HltOTlIKIt, the successors of WILLIAM SLOAN SON, eoutlnuii the husluess of making CAllltlAdiX, IlCddlUi, and every style of l'ANCY WAdONS, ' which they have eniistantly nn hand tn suit ens tinners. Never hut the hest and cmploylnn tin) most experienced woikmcn, they hope tu contliiui! us hereloforo to gle euthe satisfaction to every customer. An inspection of their win k, mul of thttieasouahlu price nskc-il for the same, Is sure- to insure a sale. 17RESH X1 (iOODS. ARRlVATi OP NEW OODS. Tho underslgiieil has Just mi I veil trnni the CUy with a huge, iissurliuent of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Vnrnlslies.aud Dye Studs, Heady-Made Clothing, Perllnueiy, Toy mul I'aiicy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Himhes, Trusses nnd Supimrtcrs, uiul a general iissurtnient nf every thing Hint heliums ton well-appointed Ding Store. Also Patent Mi-illclnesofall kinds, such as Jayno's, Aycr's, Wishait's, Wliislow's Soothing Synni, Ilrnwn's Tioclies, Swain's P.inaiea, linker's Cisl Liver Oil, Iloolland'K Hltteis constantly mi hand. Also MOIIOCCO LI-IATIIKII, KIP, I-'Itr.NClI MOUOC- CO, I'ltCNCH CAI.l-'SKINS, PINK Tltl-M.MINOS, HINDINUS, hy the dozen or iialf-iln.en. Also SII0i:-PINDIN(l, I'ISIIlNd-TACKLi:, Ac. Having had n huge experleneii in the drug husl. ness, I wnuld i-espectrully Invito thosu wishing anything In that line to cull and see my stts k In- fore inuchasliigelsew here, ' In linillcliicsijiiiillty Isnf Ihe llrst llupoilancc," .IflHN 11. MOYPIt. Q.OOD NEWS EOIt EVERYRODY. owing to Hie late fall In gold, iipiiitAiM w.''i:iavi:li, has leilucisl his prices tnsult all hiiyci'M, either at wholesale or leUill. If you want srd.uis, cokki-:i-:s, ti:as, syihti-s, spici, CP.ACKI'.ltS, CANNHD 1'ItUIT, Dl!li:i) I'lll'lT. WOODIINWAUi:, PISH, hivns, ciuai:, pi.orit, I'LI.D. AC, .li . Ac. Kill- nie a mil. IXlll.Al.U N . KLWl-.LL. 1?XCHAN(fE HOTEL, .l.J III.OOMSlU'lin, CnLLMIIlA COt'NTY, PA. 'Hid Under, limed havlhn purihaseil this well klinw it unit ('eiilrally.iM.itiil house, tlinKxihniiui, 1 Intel, Hltitnlo mi MAIN s'l ItLLT, In llloomshuri!, Inimejlntuly oiinltetlni (Wtihililn County OnliU House, lesierimlly Informs his friends ntul tlm puhlle In itenernl that his house. Is now In order for the teeeptlon mid i iilertnlument of IrnvpllcM who may he disposed to favor 11 with Ihelr cits, lorn. He 1ms spmcd no exiense In prepnrlnn tint lcliaime fnr tie; i litirlalnini nt nf Ids uurXs, tiellher shall Ihcre lie nliylhlnn wnulluK (on IiM purl i In minister to their personal comfort, lilt limine Is spacious, nud enjoy" lilt excel lent husl ness location, Oiiitilhusscs run nt nil times hetween tho clianni) Hotel nn,l the Mtrlous rnllrond ileMit.s, hy which Iravillers will he plcimitilly cotieyisl tit mid from Ihe respective, Millions in dun limn In meet the nils, JOHN P. C'AHLOW. Hlisiiushiirn, MnrchK, ismi. qUSQUEIIA.VNA HOTEL, J Cllluwlssn, Pik. Tiie uhoM' Holel has Inlnly lieen pitrcllnsed liy HKNItY.I, CLAUIt.nnd Inw heeii tlinronnhly n mislellcd, rcpnlicd, uiul refurnlsheil, It will ho found now, In llsiiirithncmriit nnd nppnintmctit, n rlrst-clavs lintel, and seiuiid lo tiotio In tlm country. Persons In cities wlshlnn to sisuul tin, hot in, inlln in the country, will do well to tdw the iiroprletor 11 mil. AICER AND CONEECT10NE1L II. II. STDlINLll hns nlwnys on lintid nnd for snlo KHISsll HUIIAD, CAKIX, AND PIIX, riil-'.NCH AND DOM1WTI0 C'ONriXTlONS 111 every stylo nnd vnrloty, NUTS, KHUITS, uiul ovcrythln usually foinul In n I'lItST-CLASS CONl'IXTIONKUY STOHM. llavlnn recently fitted up n new nnd elegant ICIvCIlKAM AND UATINd SALOON, he Is prepared lo aecomtstuto ladles nnd gentln men In the hest style. RUC, AND CHEMICAL STORE; Hlimtiishttrn, l'.i, DIlL'dS, CIinMICAI.S, PAINTS, Pl'.Itl'OMlOIlY AND TOILirr AUTICLliS. i:yup. moyku respectfully invito il cnnthuiniice uf pnlrnniiKe, Their Driins nnd Medicines are all selected with the nrcutest care, avoiding lis inuch us posslhlo Ihe, Introduction of delirious nostrums, and nru piuclutsisi from tlio hiiportlng houscn lu thu country, PATI'.NT MHWCINM f all kinds, lncUtdlue Aycr's, Jnyne'H, Hollo. Mny s, Ilostctter s, Wlshart s, lloollaiurs, ilc. constantly on hand, COAL Oil, AND ALCOHOL. IIAI11, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTIIHS HttUSHKM l'AINTH AND CHKMICALS of every variety, nnd of tho hest quality. l'ANCY TOILIIT AUTICLUS. The puhlle may rely at all times on proctiriiin tin) ahove nitlcies, wltti all tlic new useful prepara tions kept In the hest conducted cstahllshmcuU. PHYSICIAN'S I'llUSCllIPTIONS and l-'nntlly Ueceipts coniiHnuiilcil with the great est accuracy and ills patch. RATIONAL EOUNDIlY, Hlooinshurg, Culuttlliln County, Pn. The sithscrlher, rirnprlrlnr of tlio nhove-tmtnisl extensive estalillshntent, Is now' prepared to le celve ordcis fur all kinds of MACIIINKHY TOP. COLLIIUUES, I1LAST I'intNACr-S, STATIONARY KNGINIX, MILL'S, TIIltKHIINa MACHINE, Ac! He is nlso prepared to make Stoves of all sizes; nnd patterns, Plow-Iron, and everything usually made 111 llrst-i-lass Knundrles. Ills extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant him 111 receiving the lalgesl eontrucls olt the must reasonahlo terms, (liiilu uf nil kinds will ho taken in exchango for Ciudlngs. This establishment Is located near tho I,ncka wnuuiiaiid IlloDiiishura Ilallroad Depot, pirrrit iiillmyhr. B' ILOOMSRUltO EANCY TltlM- MINd AND ilOOKSTOlti:, second door helow Hartman's, Mnlu Street, .lust received n new stock of znp.'iYits, woolp.n and cotton yauns, cnitsirrs, lacix, KMiinoiiumins, MUSLIN HDOINOS, DltliSM TitlMMINdS and every vai lety of in tit les usually kept lu n l'ANCY STOItH. Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMN HOOKS, HIHLUS, .Sl'NDAY-SCIIOOL HOOKS, nud a large lot of misci:llani:ous hooks, accol'nt and .mi'.mouandu.m hooks', I1LANK DlIl'.DS, HONDS AND MOllTtlAUl-X, and a general and well-selected assortment of papp.u, iiNvr.i.orns, .ic. A. 1). WKHI1. U1 AL lWl'ATE EOIt SALE. Ilate of William Itohlson, deceased. TIIUUi: VALUAlII.i: I1USINKSS STANDS, mi .Main Street, Hloomsluirg, ndjolnlng tho Court House, and neaily opposite tho Uxcliangu Hotel, TWO SMALL HOUSIiS AND 1.0'PS, on Hidgo Alley, kunwn nn the "Spring IiOts." (INK IIDUSK AND LOT on llucit Street. Alsu TIMtlLP. LAND, In Jay Township, I'.llc County, ahout nvi: iiUNDiti:i) Acnr.s, well tlmhereil with whlte-plliu nnd hemlock good farming land, The nhovo property will ho ollered at PltlVATK SALi: until the first or August next, on which day, If Hot sold, It will ho iill'ered nt PI'IILIC salt:, oh the prenilj, ", near thu t'oitrt Home, nt ten o'clock A.M. Apply In tlio hiilMcrlucr, or to MUs ISAIILLLA ltiillin; HIiHimshiirg. ALi;.'. lliilUSON, Miiuch Chunk, I . A, PAltDCl-:, llnzlt-ton, J "' S" iTOVES AND TINWARE. nnnoimcrs to his friends nnd ciistiinieis that ho continues the nhove business nt Ids old phii-eon main sTin:i;r, iiLooMsnuiid. Cilslomers call he nccniundatcd with l'ANCY STOVI'.S of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwnie, nnd every vn ilely nf article fnund In a Stuvennd Tlnwniii 1'js tuhllshment In tho cities, and on thenuwt rensmi iilili? terms, ltepalrliigdiineiit tliuslioiu-siuutlio a DO.HN MILK-r.NS on hand for sale. EA(H LE FOUNDRY. iosi;i'iisHAm', . Hlooiiishurg, Pu. CTOVP.S or Kvr.iiv VAiiiirrv, PLOUdllSlIAP.Iii.l'LOl.'dllPOINTS, nnd all kinds of Castings, on hand or supplied on the shiniest noitco uhd nt tlm clu.ijx st lulls. Castings fur (HAL nilHAKI'.tls AND CO A I. bl'IUTJM tu.lill to Older
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers