hc flfohtmblan, AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, is i-uumhikd tVKnv satciiuay, is llloomiburK, Columtiln Count)') l'n. TUtlMS. Two Hollars rv year, In iwlvancc. If not jmlil In Mvancc, Two Dollars and l'irty Cents. AMr-i all li-tlcM to anoitar. it. mooiu:, Kdltor of tlie Cot.fMHlAN, lllonnistnirf, Columbia Comity, l'a. OVER THE RIVER. Hvr.n the river they bccl-nn to me, I,ovct ones wlio'vc crossed to tlic further nldii; The. clcani nf their stio-vy rnlos I sec, Hut tliclr voices aro lost In the itasliltig tide There's one with rhmlcts of sunny roM, And eye the renoctlon of Heaven's own blue Hp crossed In the twIllRlit, Bray mid cold, And the jmln mist hid him from mortal view; Wo. saw not the nnneln who met dim there Tlin unto of thn elty wn could not see Over the river, over the river, My brother tnti(U waiting to w elcome mo, bver thn river the bontmnn pale Carried another thn household el; Iter brown curls waved In the Kentlo Kalo Darling Minnie) I sec her yet. Bhe crossed on dor tiosom her dimpled hand, And fearlessly entered tho phantom bark Vc felt It f-llIo from thn silver sands, And all our sunshhin grow strangely dark. Wo Itnow she Is safe on thn further side. Wherp all the ransomed atiRels Ik Over the river, tho mystle river, My childhood's Idol Is w.iltlnu for me. For nonn return from those quiet shores, Who cross with the boatman cold and pale; W'r hear the dip of tho gulden ur, And rated a gleam of the snowy sail, And lol they havopassed from ourycarnlnRhearts, ThQy cross the stream, and are gone for aye. Vo may not sunder the veil apart That hides from our vision the gjites of day We only know that their barks no mom May sail with us o'er Life's stormy M'u : Yet somewhere, I know, on the unseen shore, They watch, and beckon, and wait for mo. A'hd I sit and think, when the sunset's gold 'is flushing rl er and hill nud hhore, I shall one day stand by tho water cold, And list for the sound of the iKKitman's oar; I k'lih'll watch for a gleam of the Happing sail, k shall bear tho boat as It gains tho slrand, fthhYrpass from sight with the boatman palo 'fro 'the belter shore of tho spirit-land. I shalVMiOw the loved who have gone before, Ami JNyfull.v sweet will the meeting be, When over tho river, the peaceful river, Tho AiifccVof Doath shall carry me. STUCK FAST. I ooia homo ono night, and Mrs. Purge that's our nex'-room iieijlibor shows me something wrapped up In flannel, all pink and creasy, and very snuffly, as though it wanted Its nose blowing ; which couldn't bo expected, for it hadn't got any to signify. " Ain't It a little beauty?" she says.. "Well, I couldn't see as it was; but I didn't like to say so, fori knew my wife Polly had been rather reckoning on what she said wo ought to have hail inore'n a year ago; m I didn't like to disappoint her, for I knew she lay list enin' in the nox' room. Polly always said there never was such a baby as that one ; and somehow it teas taking to see how her face used to light up all over smiles when she thought I warn't looking; and I knew it was all on account of the little un. She never said sho felt dull now; and when at homo at night I used to think how my mates would laugh to sec mo n haudling the little thing that was alius being pushed Into my face to kiss ; when I'm blest if ever I see such a voracious un in my life; it would hnngon toyou no'c, lip, anywheres In a minute. Ono day, when it was about nine months old, it was taken all of a sudden liko with a fit. Polly screnmed to mo to run for tho doctor ; for it happened that I was on the club that week, and at home with a bad hand. I run for him, and he soon come; and then there was a warm bath and medicine; but after ward, when I saw tho little thing lying on Polly's lap so still and quiet, and with a dull film forming over its eyes, I felt that something was coming, though I dared not tell her ; and about twelve o'clock the littlo thingsiidilenly started, Ktared wildly an instant, and then it was all over. My hand warn't bad any more that week ; for it took all my time to try and cheer up my poor heart-broken lass. Sho did take on dreadful, night and day, night and day, till wo burled it ; and then sho seemed to tako quite a change, and begged of mo to forgive what she called lierselfislmess, and wiped her eyes onco for all, as sho said, and talked about all being for the best. Put she didn't know that I lay awake of anight, feeling her cry silently till the pillow was soaked with tears. AVc buried the littlo one on the Sun day, mid on tho Monday morning I was chipped ou to a Job that I didn't much relish, for it was tho rebricking of a cower that run down on onoof thomain htreets, quite fifty feet underground. Artortwo years in Loudon I'd seen Mime change, but this was my first visit to tho bowels of tho earth. I'd worked on drains down in tho country, but not in such a concern as this: why a Life guard might have walked down it easy ; M) that there was plenty of room to -work. Put then, mind you, it ain't pleasant work ; thero you go, down lad der after ladder, past gas-pipes and water-pipes, nml down and down, till you get to tho stage stretched across tho part you aro at work on, with tho day light so high up, as seen through boards, nml scaffolds, and ladders, that it's no tistvto you who aro working by tho light of flaring gas. Thero in front of you is tho dark black arch ; and thero behind you Is another; whilo under your feet tho foul rushing water hurries along, rending up a smell as turns your silver watch, and every sixpence and shilling you havo In your pocket, black as tho water thutswlrls bubbling along. Every Word you speak sounds hollow and echoing, whilo It goes whispering and rumbling along tho dark arch till you think It has gone, when all at onco you hoar It again qulto plain In a way as would make you Juinpas much as when Jialf a brick or a bit o' hard mortar dropped Into tho water. Hut talk about Jumping, nothing niado mo Jump inoro than when a bit of soil, or a stone, was loosened up above mid caino rattling down, l'vo seen inoro thnii oiioelmp change color; and I know It's b-'i'ii from tin- Ihmij'ht that, VOL. I.-NO. 8. suppose theenrth caved In.whereshould wo be? No doubt tho llrst crush in would do it, and thero'd bo an end of workmen and foremen : but there seem ed something worry awful In the Idea o' being burled alive. Pig as tho opening was, when I went to work It nmdo ino shudder! there was tho earth thrown out; there was tho ropo at tho side ; there was tho boarding round ; thero it was for all tho world like a big grave, same as I'd stood by on n littlo scale tho day before ; and feel ing a bit low-spirited, It almost seemed as though I was going down Into my own, never to come up any more. AVorry stupid and foolish ideas, says you far-fetched Ideas. Worry likely, but that's what I thought; and thero are times when men has worry strange ideas; and I'll tell you for a fact that something struck mo when I went down that holeas I shouldn't come up it again ; and I didn't, neither. "Why tho worry feel o' tho cold damp place made you think o' being burled, and when u few bits of earth came and rattled down up on tho stage above my head, as soon as the first start was over It seemed to mo so like tho rattling o' tho earth but a few hours before upon a littlo eollln, that something fell with a pat upon my bright trowel, which, If It had been left, would ha' been a spot o' rust. Nothing like work to pitt a fellow to rights; and I soon found that I was feeling better, and tho strokes o' my trowel went ringing away down the sewer as I cut tho bricks in half; and after a bit I almost felt Inclined to whis tle, but I didn't, for I kept on thinking of that solitary face at homo the face that always brightened up when I went back, and had made such a man ov mo as I felt I was, for It was enough to make any man vain to bo thought so much of. And then I thought how dull she'd bp, and how fond she'd be o' looking at the drawer where all the littlo things were kept; nml then I well, I ain't asham ed of It, If I am a great hulking fellow T took care that nobody saw what I was doing, while T had a look at a little bit of a shoo as I hod In my pocket. I didn't go homo to dinner, for it was too far off; so I had my snack, and then went to it again directly nlong with two more, for we was on the piece. Wo had some beer sent down to ii., and at it we wenttilllt wastlnietolenveoff; and I must say as I was glad of II, and didn't much envy tho fresh gang com ing on to work all night, though it might Just ns well have been night with us. I was last down, and had jest put my foot on the first round of tho ladder, when I heard something falling as it hit and jarred the boards up'ards; nndthen directly after what seemed to lie a brick caught mo on the head, and before I knew where I was, I was off thiv littlo platform, splash down in the cold rush ing water that took mo off and away yards upon yards before I got my head above It ; and then I was so confused and half-stunned that I let It go under again, and had been carried ever so far before, half drowned, I gained my legs and leaned, panting and blinded, up against the slimy wall. There I stood for at least ten minutes, I should suppose, shuddering and horri lled, with tho thick darkness all around, the slimy, muddy bricks ngnlnst my hands, tho cold, rushing water beneath me, and my mind in that confused state that for a few minutes longer I didn't know what I was going to do next, and wanted to persuade myself that it was all a dream, and I should wako up di rectly. All at once, though, I gave a Jump, and, instead o' being cold with tho water dripping from me, I turned all hot and burning, and then again cold and shud tlery ; for I had felt something crawling on my shoulder, and then close against my bare neck, when I gavo tho jump, and heard closo by mo a light splash In the water a splash which echoed through tho hollow place, whilo, half to frighten the beasts that I fancied must be in swarms around me, half wrung from me as a cry of fear and agony, 1 yelled out : "Itatl" Pats they were; for abnvo the hollow " wash-wash, hurry-hurry, wash-wash, hurry-hurry" of tho water, I could hear littlo splashes and a scutlllng by mo along the sides o' the brick-work. You may laugh at people's hairstand ing on end, but 1 know then that there was a creeping, tingling sensation in the roots o' mine, as though sand was trick ling among It ; a cloud seemed to come over my mind, and for a J'ev moments I believe I was mad mad with fear; and It was only by setting my teeth hard and clenching my fists that 1 kept from shrieking. However, I was soon better, and ready to laugh at myself as I recollected that I could only ben little way from tho spot whero tho men work ed ; so I began to wado along with tho water hero about up to my middle. All at onco I stopped, and thought about whero I was at work. " Which way iliil the witter run ,'" My head turned hot and my temple throbbed with tho thought. If 1 went tho wrong way I should be lost lost In this horriblo darkness to sink at last Into tho foul, black stream, to be drown ed and devoured by tho rats, or oNo to be choked by tho foul gusos that must bo lurking down hero In these dark re cesses. Again tho horror of thick darkness come upon mo: I shrieked out wildly, anil the cry went echoing through tho sewer, sounding hollow and wild till It faded away. Hut onco more I got the better of It, and persuaded myself that I had only cried iduiid to nitre ihnritK BLOOMSBUJRG, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, I860. What would I not havo given for a stout stick as ti defence against attack as I gruped my way on, feeling convinced that I should bo right If I crawled down stream, when n littlo reflection would have told me that up stream must be tho right way, for 1 must havo been borno down by tho water. Put I could not reflect, for my brain seemed In n state of fever, and now nnd then my teeth chattered as though 1 had the ngue. I groped on for qulto a quarter of nn hour, when tho horrid thought come upon me that I was going wrong, and again I tried to lean up against the wall, which seemed to cause my feet to slip from under me. I felt no cold, for tho perspiration dropped from mo as Ifran tlcally turned back nnd tried to retrace my steps, guiding myself by running a hand ngnlnst the wall, where every now and then it entered tho mouth of n small drain, when, so sure as It did, thero was n tcufllo and a rush, and more than onec I touched tho cold, slippery body of a rat a touch that made mo start back as though shot. On I went, and on, and still no scaf fold, and no gleam of gas-light. Thought after thought gave fresh horror to my situation, as now I felt certain that in my frantic haste I had taken some wrong turn, or entered a branch of tho main place; nnd nt last, completely be wildered, I rushed headlong on, stumb ling and falling twlco over, so that I was half choked In tho black water. Put it had its good effect; for it put it stop to my wild struggles, which must soon have ended in my falling insensi bio into what was certain death. Tho water cooled my head, nnd now, feeling completely lost knowing that I must have been nearly two hours in the sew erI made up my mind to follow the stream to its mouth in tho Thames, where, if the tide wns down, I could get from the mud on to tho wharf or bank. So once more I struggled on, follow ing tho stream slowly for what seemed to be hours, till nt last, raising my hand, I found I could touch the roof, and by that knew that I was In n larger sewer, and therefore not very far from the mouth. Put here thero was a new ter ror creeping up me, so to speak, for from my waist tho water now touched my chest, nnd soon after my arm-pits ; when I stopped, not daring to trust my self to swim, perhaps a mile, when I felt that weak I could not havo gone n hundred yards. I know In my disappointment T gave a howl liko n wild benst, nnd turned again to havo a hard tight to breast tho rushing water, which nearly took mo off my legs. Put tho fear of death lent me help, and I got on and onagain till I felt myself In a turning which 1 soon knew was a smaller sewer, nud from thence I reached another, whero I had to stoop ; but the water wns shallower, not above my knees, and at luat much less deep than that. Here I knelt down to rest, nnd the position brought something else from my heart; and, after n while, still stoop ing, I went on, till, having passed doz ens upon dozens of drains, I determined to creep up one, and I did. P'raps you won't think It strange as I dream and groan in bed sometimes, when I tell you what followed. I crawled on' and on, in tho hopes that tho place I was in would lead un der ono of tho street gratings, and I kept staring ahead in the hopes of catch ing n gleam of light, till at last the place seemed so tight that I dared go no further for fear of being fixed in. So I began to back very slowly, and then, feeling it rather hard work, stopped for a rest. It was quite, dry here, but sett filing on in front, I kept hearing tho rats I had driven before mo; and now that I stop ped and was qulto still, half a dozen of them made a rush to get past me, and tho littlo light which followed oven now gives me the horrors. I'd hardly room to movo; but I killed ono by squeezing him, when the others backed off, but not till my face was bitten and running with blood. At last half-dead, 1 tried to back out, for tho place seemed to stifle mo ; and I pushed mjeif back a littlo way, and then I was stopped, for tho skirts of my Jacket filled up what littlo space had been loft, and 1 felt that I was wedged in, stuck fast. Now came tho horrors again worse than ever. The hot blood seemed to gush Into my eyes; I felt half-suffocated ; and to add to my sufferings a rat that felt itself as it wero penned up, fastened upon my Hp. It was its In-t bite, however, for half mad as I felt then, my teeth had closed in a moment upon the vicious beast, and it wastleaif. I made ono more struggle, but could not move, I was so knocked up; and then I fainted. It must havo been somn time beforo I come to myself; but when I did, tho first sound I heard was a regular tramp, trump, of some ono walking over my head, and I gave a long yell for help; when, to my great Joy, the steji halted, and I shrieked again, and the sweetest sound I havo ever heard in my llfo came back. It was a voice shouting : " Hallo t" "Stuck fast in tho drain 1" I shouted, with all the strength I had left; nud then I swooned off once more, to wake up u week afterward, out of n brain lover sleep, In a hospital. it seems I had got within n few yards of rt grating which wns mi end o' tho drain, mid the close qunrters made the rid sti fierce. Tho policeman heard my J hrii k, and had ll-tcncd at tho grating, , nnd then got help ; but ho wns only laughed nt, for they could get no further answer out o' me. It wns then nbout hnlf-past three in a Summer's morning; nnd though the grato was got open, they wero nbout to give It up, saying the po licemen had been humbugged; when a couple o' sweeps came up, and tho littlo un offered to go down back'urds, nnd ho did, nnd camo out directly nfter, say that he could feel a man's head with his toes. That policeman has had many a glass nt my expense since, nud 1 hope he'll have a many more; nnd when he tells mo the story, which 1 like to hear but nlwnys take care shall bo when Polly's nway ho says ho knows I should havo liked to see how they tore that drain up in no time. To which there's always such an echo In my heart that It comes qulto natural to say, " Your right, my boy I" THE GAMBLEH. Tnr, first principles in gambling that over my mind was taught were received In taking part in that great game which tho inconsistency of our legislatorsnmkes lawful I mean lotteries. It seems un accountably strange to mo how our law givers, many of whom are ministers of tho gospel, nnd nil of whom deprccnte gambling as ono of tho most prominent curses with which society is alllicted I say it seems strnngo how these men can reconcile to their consciences and to their preaching thcnumcrousgumhlinggrants they have made nnd nre making. They would shrink from allowing the petition of that man who asked liberty to estab lish a house where cards and dice might be used in games of chance, but they readily grant tho petition of a set of in dividuals to convert the whole State or country into a vast gambling place, wherein to play that game winch is In finitely more ruinous in its consequences than nil the other schemes put together, I said I received my first principles of gambling from dealing in lotteries. I reasoned thus: If that game is not gambling, nnd if thnt gnme is not tin' lawful, in which we stake n sum of mo ney nnd depend nltogcther upon chance for success or defeat, nnd In which tho probability is much ngainst u.s of our getting back the sum we ventured out, and where thero is but n mere possibility of receiving more thnn tho amount slak ed, surely, then, those games in which tho chance of loss is smaller, and which require skill and judgment to play, can not bo gambling, cannot bo unlawful So I went to tho card-tablo and to tho dice-box. I remember the first game of cards I ever played. I was sixteen years old, nnd some of my partners were aged men men who were old enough to be my father, and who should have cuffed my cars and sent me home. Put no; they jirai-od my dexterity in handling the cards, flattered my judgment, and taught mo to glory in my skill. Thus, while they made rich my vanity, they made wretchedly poor my pockets. Greater men than myself may with equal truth advance this same sentiment. It istrue I did not play for much ; wo only staked u small sum, just to make the. tume in terestinn; we scorned to cast a thought on the Ios and gain ; wo played for nmusement, not for the purpose of milk ing money. This was the language we used to ourselves. Put let nn uninter ested obicrvcr look over the table at which wo were playing, and watch the eagerness with which the stake was seized when won, and the working coun tenances of tho losers, nnd perhaps he would put a different construction than mere amusement on tho deep and in tense interest each individual manifest ed. Tho truth is, profit anil to., nro tho ruling spirits of a game of cards or n throw of dice. I know not which of tho two has the most influence to keep a young man at the gaming-table. If wo aro fortunate tho desire Is awakened for moro, and tho hopo encouraged that luck is on our side ; perchance we pride ourselves ou our skill in the game, and so wo resolvo to try iiyuiii ; and if we are unfortunate, wo will try again to repair our loss" luck was against us ;" " may bo fortunate next time," and a thousand rea.-ons tho devotee of piny can make to himself for trying uijiiln. 1 was then a clerk In n store, and ns my funds failed me, I had recourse to my master's drawer. Dollar after dol lar of his money went that way Without his knowledge. In a short time I could toss my glass of spirit and whiff my ci gar with as much graco as the most Jin- mhed yenttemun ; and I was perfect in an oath. I became an adept in play, and soon played deeper games, Yet, with all my cunning and judgment, many a midnight has seen mo hurrying homo with a heart terribly heavy, In conso quenco of a pocket proportlonably titht, I was the only son of a widowed moth er, and on mo her future hopes rested. Oftentimes would my conscience bitter ly reproach mo for my conduct, when, on entering tho hou-e at a Into hour in tho night, I found my aged and lone mother sitting up, patiently waiting my coming; nnd when she expressed her fears that I should injure my health by too closo application to business for I was so base as to deceive that fond and trusting parent by telling her that busi ness nt tho store kept mo uwny from home--and when slu advised mo to re lux it little, awfully did my heart tilt against me and reprove my wicked ness; and again anil again did I deter mine to forsake tho "evil w.ys" that 1 had been trending, Put some nights I won; and then un luteiiso thirst for mure kd 1110 buck to the table; uud other nights I lost; and then I would' try again, to make it up. Soon, however, was thnt widowed heart to bo shattered nnd blceillng; soon was it to bo overflowed with the gall of bitterness. Tor u week or more 1 was peculiarly unfortunate, losing every night more or less. It may besupposcd that this contliui'tl ill-luck affected me considerably, and that my master's drawer had to suffer by it. This was not nil. To drown tho regret experi enced on account of my los-cs, I had re course to frequent nnd liberal potntlons. 'the more 1 lost tho inoro I drank. I lind often deceived my mother, who fre quently detected the smell of spirit when I entered the room, by telling her I had been working among liquor in the store. I'ornwhllo this excuse answered. Put when every night I entered the room, I brought with me the scent of spirituous liquors, her suspicious became awakened. Never never shall I forget the hour, tho terrlblo hour, when a mother's hopes were blasted, and her rond heart plunged into woe ! I return ed from thogamlng-table at a latohour, past midnight. That night I had been unusually unfortunate; In consequence of which I drank freely and became much excited. To havo seen mo at the table, shouting, nnd drinking, nnd sing ing, ono would hnvo thought mo tho happiest fellow in the universe. My purse was completely drained, and I played on tick. Put in my then frame of mind money was no object to mo; so I played and lost played and lost occasionally raising n stake, until I be came deeply Involved in debt. 1 cared not. I kept on my riotous course of shouting, swearing, nnd singing until the company broke up. My mother was anxiously awaiting forme; and "My dear son, how glad I am you have come!" went to my heart liko a burning arrow. My excitement had not worn off, and I .-.aw sho eyed me suspiciously, so 1 hurried off to bed as quick as possible. From the effects of tho liquor I had swallowed I was soon asleep. How long I was asleep I know not, when I was awakened by something dropping on my face. On looking up I beheld my mother nt the head of my bed, with her hands clasped and the big tears of agony rolling down her time-worn cheeks. In a moment I suspected the worst, and I hid my head in the bed-clothes. She had been bend ing over me, and I was awakened by si mother's tear ! I dared not lift my fac to meet her eye; but I drew the bed clothes closer around me. Oh! how my conscience smoto me. Oh ! how my heart struggled with shame! Death! Death! bow I wished for you when I heard my mother's voice, trembling with age and agony. " George, George ! that 1 should have lived to witness this hour! would to God I had followed you to your grave in your infancy! my child! my child!" she frantically and broken-hoartedly screamed. " Woo is me, that I have lived to witness my son's shame!" I strovo to stop my ears to shut out her voice, but in vain. The words sounded in my ears with terrible emphasis; and so to my dying day will they ring. Tho discovery of her son's vileness, the sudden crushing of her hopes, were too much for her; she sunk senseless on the bed. It was a longtime beforoslie revived ; and heavily smoto my conscience, as I gazed by tho dim light of tho lamp on her pale face, nnd felt the coldness of her forehead ns I bathed It with vinegar. I was fearful life had entirely forsaken her, but at last sho came to. I could not stand and meet her look, and was turn ing to leave tho room, when in a faint voice she requested mo to stay by her. I was struck with tho altered tone of her voice; she did not speak reproachfully, but so calmly and tenderly thnt the tears gushed from my eyes in torrents; it almost broke my heart to listen to her ; and thero was something in her tone that thrilled fearfully through me, so that every word sho uttered was a dead, slnklngchlllnt my heart, it was mi hollow and unearthly. " Stay, my son," taking my hand between her own, tho Iciness of which made mo shudder; "I wish not to chido you. Put, oh, George, If you value your pence here and your eternal happiness hereafter, leave oil' drinking; ' tasto not, touch not' tho ac cursed poison ! Oh, God !" sho fervent ly added, "strengthen him to resist temptation turn his footsteps from tho path that leads to the dark and dreadful pits of destruction ! My son," sho ad ded in n thicker voice, " If you respect your mother's memory, if you respect your own character, remember nnd be guided by her Inst words taste " "Mother, mother! what nils you !" I screamed, for I saw her countenance chnngo suddenly. Tho blood began to settle about the eyes, which becamo glassy, and a pale streak encircled her mouth, while her breath grew shorter. " I swear, mother, I swear never to touch another drop of the accursed stuff!" 1 uttered In a hurried nnd trembling voice. tV gleam of satisfaction shot across her face for n moment, as she with ilifliculty articulated, "George, remember your oath 1" These wero her last words; and barely wero they uttered ere I, the only living being In that still chamber, was bending over her lifeless form. Never, reader, never may you bo placed in a like situation. I stood bent over tho corpse of my mother in agonizing rev cry until the gray, cold light of morning broke through tho chamber windows, rendering more ghastly her looks, before I wns iirouscd to n full sense of my inls cry. Put why detail all my feelings? I proceeded to a neighbor', home, .c- PMOK FIVE CENTS. qualnted them with my mother's death, stating that sho died suddenly in the course of tho night, after sho had visited mo In my chamber and awakened ino from sleep. 1 said not u word respecting tho cause, but requested their assistance in laying her out, etc. My mother was burled ; nnd over her new-made gravo I renewed the oath made to her while living; andulsosworo to forsake gambling anil nil wicked prac tices, blnco her tlenth I havo never known n moment's pence of mind. My vicious con met previous to it Is contin ually rising up before me, blasting my happiness. I have kept sacred my oath. How can 1 forget it? How can 1 forget thnt night in which I became mother less? Nevermaylforgctltl Although ltd remembrance is n source of constant agonizing pain to me, may it nlwnys bo fresh in my memory. 1 can make no other atonement for my early crime. ENGLAND IN QUEEN ELIZA DETII'S DAY. So rapidly were the English growing in the luxuries and vices of other lands, whllu they retained their native vigor nnd coarse habits, thnt the playwrights constantly alluded to tho incongruity of the fashions displayed in the dress of dandles; to their language, mixed of all the dialects In Europe; to their apti tude for every kind of dissipation; to their skill in the sports of all nations; and to the decay of antique severity. " e have robbed Greece of gluttony," says Stephen Gasson, "Spain of pride, trance of deceit, and Dutchland of quaf fing." Put these affections were only a kind of varnish on the surface of socie ty. Tho incidents of court gossip show howsavago was tho life beneath. Queen Elizabeth spat one day, in the midst of her nobles, nt a gentleman who dis pleased her. She struck Lord Essex on the cheek. Purleigb often cried at her ill-treatment. Tho lords wrangled, nud even drewswords in her presence. Once Leicester took her handkerchief from her lap to wipe his face, nt tennis. Lady .lane Grey was starved and beaten by her parents, nud exposed to such Indig nities that sho wearied of life; yet they made her one of the best Greek scholars of tho day. Heretics were burned in every town. Sir Henry Sidney, ns we learn from a paper recently published by Mr. Proude, when sent to quell the I ri-.li rebels, first proclaimed the Queen's sovereignty, and then allowed no mercy to the recusants. He "put man, wo man, and child to tho sword," while Ills sergeant-majors balanced thoudvniitages of pillaging, or " having some killing," with a preference for the latter when they felt themselves in humor for tho chase. Tho belief in witches everywhere pre vailed, nor was it an uncommon village sport to drown old women in the ponds, and to rack suspected wizards till for every anguish they confessed lictitiou crimes. County folks conducted their revels with a license that would shock our modern ears. Tho lord of misrule led out his motley train, and ladles went a-maylng with their lovers to the woods. Tho feasts of asses nnd fools profaned the sanctuaries; nor were the sports of Christmas so well suited to celebrato a Christian festival as to recall tho rites of Woden nnd Preva. Men and women who read Plato nnd discussed tho beau ties of Petrarch's poetry allowed the coarsest practical jokes and used tho grossest language. They sold farms and forests, nnd wore their acres in tho form of gems and gold laco on their backs. Put their splendid clothes and jewels did not prevent them from indulging in the most untidy habits. They would I lie upon tho rushes which concealed the fragments of old feasts; and they burn ed perfumes to sweeten chambers musty with bad air. The church Itself was not respected. Tho navo of St. Paul's be- cnnio n rendezvous of thieves nnd pros titutes. Fine gentlemen paid sums of money for the privilege of clanking up and down Its aisles In servlco timo; lancers and masquers crowded from the quare outside in all their finery, often took the sacrament, and then ran out to recommenco their sports. Men were Papists and Protestants according to tho time of day; hearing mass in the morn ing and sermon in the afternoon. Thero was no end to the extravagance and in congruity of elements which then pre vailed In England. Yet In the midst of this confusion rose cavaliers like Sidney, philosophers like Bacon, poets llkeSpon- cer; in whom all that is pure, elevated, subtle, tender, wise, delicate, and learned In our modern civilization displayed it self. BEAUTY OP ICEBERGS. Ham,, tho Arctic explorer, writes tints of icebergs in his hook entitled "Life with tho Esquimaux:" "Of the various bergs I particularly noticed n few descriptive words may hero bo said. The first view of ono that attracted my attention looked as If an old castle was beforo me. Tho ruins of u lofty dome about to fall, nud a portion of un a relied roof already tumbling down, were con- plcuous. Then in n short time this changed ton picture of nn elephant with two largo circular towers on his back, and Corinthian spires springing out boldly from the broken mountains of alabaster on which ho had placed his feet. Tho third view, When at u greater distance, made it liko n lighthouse ou the top of plled-up rocks, white as the driven snow. It took no great stretch of fancy to finish the similitude when tho mm to-day, for nearly the first time during a w eek , bur -t forth in all it- - plcn-1 &cnn of Jpeeriisinfl. One FquarP.one or three Insertions tl CO Kuch Mibsrqtif nt Insertion less than thirteen, to' One H'iW One riibntli...., t l Two " " n W Three " " .-. .......;. s w' I'our ' " 0 w" Half enlnriiri " ID W' one eftiumn " . n to Kserntor'd ami Administrator's Notices 3 00' An-lllor'ii N6tls..n., i....... 2 60' fvd'lt'orlal Notices twenty cents ier line. Other advertisements Inserted according to spo Clal contract dof, bnthi'ng with its flood of golden lire this towering iceberg llghthotisol An-' other berg I could not help calling tho Gothic Iceberg. The side faelrig rtic hail' a row of complete arches of the truo' Gothic order, and running its whole1 length were mouldings, smooth projec tions of solid lee, rivalling in tho beauty" of nil their parts anything I ever saw Tho architecture, frieze, nnd cornice of" each column supporting thoarehesnbovo' were as cliasto and accurately represent-' ed as tho most Imaginative genius could conceive Hero nnd thero I saw match- less perfection displayed in tho curvn turo of lines nbout some of its ornamen- tal parts. Springing out from n rudo recess uwny up in its vast height I saw a delicate scroll, which was quite in keep ing with Hogarth's ' Lino of Peaiity.- As I was gazing upon ono of the many bergs we passed it overturned, nnd burst into a thousand fragments." A SISTER'S LOVE, Tiif.uk is no tmror feelino- fifmlleir' upon the nltur of human affection than' a sister's pure, tincontaniinated love for her brother, it is unlike; all other nffiv. tlon; so disconnected with selfish sen suality ; so feminine in its development ; so dignified: and vet. withal, so fond. so devoted. Nothing can alter it, noth ing can supprc s It. Theworld may re volve, nnd its revolution effect flinnmx in the fortunes, in tho diameter, nnd in the disposition of her brother; yet if ho wants, whoso hand willsoreadilystretch out to supply him ns n sister's ? And if his character is maligned, whoso voice will so readily swell in his advocacy? Next to a mother's uunuenchable love a sister's is pre-eminent. It rests so ex clusively on the tie of consanguinity for its sustenance; it Is so wholly de vested of oassion. nnd snrines from snefi a deep recess in the human bosom, that wnen a sister once fondly and deeply regards her brother, that affection is uieutieu with her existence, and tho lump that nourishes it expires only with thnt existence. In nil the crime it is considered anomalous to flndf the hand of a sister raised in anger ngainst her brother, or her heart nurtur ing the seeds of hatred, envy, or reveugo fn regard to that brother. RICHES OP VICTORIA, It is believed that the Quecrt i's ono of the richest sovereigns in Europe. The Duchess of Kent, who had saved no in considerable sum, bequeathed property to her Majesty. The Prince Consort, who nun neon saving from tho day of his marriage, died worth a very largo amount, all of which, it is believed, lie willed to tho Queen; and a wealthy old man, who thought more of loyalty than his poor relations, loft her nearly half u million. AsthoQuecn cannot be accused of any very lavish expenditure in lier court arrangements, there can bo no doubt that she must have a very re spectable balance at her banker's. Her Majesty banks with Coutts, as did also the Prince Consort. A separate set of books is kept in that establishment for the royal accounts, nnd these nro writ ten by clerks specially appointed for tho purpose. Tho property purchased by the Prince Consort at Kensington U sure to become more and more valuablo every year, though up to this timo tho line houses built upon portions of it have scarcely let so well as had been ex pected. They nre very lnrce. nnd thn rents put them beyond the reach of any but the "upper ten." FASHIONS IN CHARLESTON. A conncsroxncxT of tho Amp lor; Times says: " Your lady renders may bo a little curious regarding tho fashions here. LeFollct lias but few followers who rush to the extreme, but waterfalls', twists, French and Grecian balmorals', anil urond seasido hats nro worn alnio'str generally. Plain dresses, without flu ted adjuncts, appear to bo tho prevail ing fashion with tho Charleston ladies, and some of them loop their skirts up In n most fascinating manner. Tho bet ter classes wear a sort of Zouave Jacket ns covering for the shoulders, some times, but the most acceptable stylo seems to bo n plain, high-necked dress, with close-fitting body, and a broad rib bon band around tho waist. Tho warm climnte renders unnecessary n largo amount of wrappings nt any time of tho year, nnd now, when no one lins courago enough even to look nt a ther mometer, tho preparation for n prome nade or carriage drive by n lady is limit ed totho putting on of n hat, veil, and n pair of gloves. On tho whole, tho la dies of tills city present u neat and nt tractivo appearance, not flashy in dress, nor yet too prudish In style to prevent a favorable display of ndmirablo forms and pretty faces." Srofii'snvi' Tkxt. In New Jersey was lately located n preacher, whoso modesty never deterred him from urging: upon his congregation liberal subscrip tions of money for all church nnd be nevolent purposes. In his private so licitations he ono day met n good, but eccentric member, who for a long timo steadfastly roni-ed ids aid to nn object the preacher was solicitous to secure. At last Importunity triumphed condi tionally. Ho agreed to contribute on condition of beingallowed tochooso the text from which the preachers funeral wrnion should bo preached. Tho mat- j at. tor neing tuns somen, tno minister wanted to know what the text was. UN friend answered: "Aitdthc begyur 'ic.'.'"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers