- 85 he Columbian, AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, h runtniiEti r.vcnv sAtumnv, i Uloomstmrg, Columbia Countri ! TKHMS. 'Two Dollars n year, In advance. If not paid In Mvnhce, Two Hollars and I'lfly Conti. AiMrcwtgU letter to .ditouoR ir. Moonc, ftlltnr of tlio CoU'.miiian, llloomsbttrg, Columbia County, I'n, Zm) of gdvcrliiiinQ. One 8qii!irr,one hr tlitrri Insertion SI M I'jirll nllhitHMlt Invrllini lens tllMI llllltl II. ' Ono B'llinro olio munlli 2 Ofl Td " " 3fl Hirco " " 6(0 l-'onr " " (1 W llnlf column " .I0 fO Ono column " I5 w lixi'i'iitor'H iukI AdinlnlMiutor'iiNolk-iK t ti Auditor' Notice S M ndltorlnl Notices twenty cents per lint1.' Oilier ndvertlscmcnts Inserted According to pe dal contract. VOL. 1. NO. 0. BLOOMS BURG, SATURDAY, JUNK 9, J8()(5. PRICK FIVE CENTS. f A IIEALTIL nv tmwAtin coatk I'isKxnr. I rir.t. tHU cup to one undo up Of loveliness alone, A woman, of licr gentlo sex , The Fceinlni; paragon; To whom tlio better element Anil kindly tar liavo Klurn A form ho f.ilr, tlutt, like tliu ulr, 'Til less of eailll than Heaven. Vler every tone Is imtstc'A nwil, . T.llio tlioo of morning birds-, 'And Roiiictmni: rdore Ulan melody ,. Dwells ecr III her words; Tl'io oolntiRO of her heart am they, And from her lips each flown As ono may rcc the liurdcn'd bee Forth Issue, from tho rose. Affections nrn ns Ihoushts to her, The measures of her hours; Her feelhiKS liavn the frnsiaiiey, Tho ficshtiCMS of youiiK flowers; Ami lovely passions, changing oft, Ho fill her, alio appears Tho ImiiKu of themselves by turns The Idol of past J ears I Of her brlRht face, one clance will traco A picture on the brain, And of her volco In echohiR hearts A sound must long remain ; Dili memory, Mich as mine of her, Ho very much endears, When death Is hIrIi my latest klglt Will not bo life's, but hers. I (lU'd this cup to one made up Of liveliness alone, A woman, of her gentln sex The seeming paragon Her health and would on earth them stood Horn? morii of such n frame, That life might bo all poetry, And weariness u name. MARRIED FLIRTATIONS. Tin: last dying cadences of a deli cious dreamy waltz, across whoso weird note tlio soul or Reothovi had poured out its magic sadness, were floating over tho crowd that filled the ballroom or tlio fashionable Washington hotel; there wns the stir rind murmur or separating couple.", and the ill-suppressed yawn or weary " wall flowers," that followed in the wake of every brilliant waltz. Kate Elwyn stood in tho recess of tho win dow, playing carelessly with tho faded jessamines and tuberoses of her boquot, while her lovely blue eyes wandered from one place to another, evidently in quest of some familiar countenance, which they could not discover. There were few more beautiful faces than her own, even in that festive crowd, where half of tlio belles of tlio Union had brought their diamonds and bright oyes to dazzle tho grave politicians and law-makers of the land. Rather be tieath tho medium sizo, with the fragile delicacy or a fairy, her complexion had tho transparent waxen bloom that you look for only in children, while her heavy bands of golden hair lay over her homewhat low forehead in rlpplin waves of amber. Very dark blue eyes, translucent as n sapphire of the llrst water, and a littlo crimson mouth, carved like Cupid's bow, gave addition al piquancy to her face; and altogether die v'jis as perfect a specimen of the radi- :nnt Monde as ono sees out of a picture mallcryioriR novel. Suddenly her cheeks blossomed into roMjs, her whole countenance brighten ed, as a tall and rather elegant-lookin gentleiiwa languidly sauntered toward her. "Charley, I thought surely you never wore (coming I" LCH-o only been down to tho supper room for a fow moments, my dear ; I'm orry you havo mis-cd me.. Anythln, E can do for you lust now?" it Yes do get my fan and shawl, and we'll go up stairs. It's after ono o'clock, and I'm completely tired out." " Couldn't, my dear," said Mr. Elwyn "breaking a moss-rose from his wife's bo- quet, and fastening It jauntily into his coat; "I'm engaged for three waltzes and a miadrillo. Miss Raymond would never forgive mo I am afraid for desert Jug her." Kate's Hps curled haughtily, and a deeper shade of crimson .stole into her cheek. " Jealous, eh ?" laughed lier husband patting her bright hair lightly. " Now Kate, that's a littlo too silly In you Don't you know that at a placo like this n man is expected to muko himself gen orally agreeable to tho ladles'.' Pray, my dc.tr, don't become so absurd and ridi colons as to'' "And so," Interrupted Mrs. Elwyn liltterly, "your wife's wishes and con vcnlences are secondary to Miss Ray luond's will." " Tho green-eved monster has certain lv invaded your peaco and lovo!" said Mr. Elwyn. Upon my word, I have al ways given you credit for a littlo more common sense. "Charles," said Kate quietly, and without heeding tho careless sarcasm of Ids tone, " I am weary of this round of .senseless gaycty; lam sick of tho tu mult and vanities of Washington. Will .you take mo homo'.'" "Why, Kate! after all your anxiety Ho pass a Winter In this great centro of social and political Ufo I You have been tealng mo over slnco wo were mar ried, to indulge you with ti season in Washington." " I know it, Charles," sho meekly an swered, trying to suppress tlio tears that wcro lining her eyes; "but I havo at last learned tho folly or seeking real pleasure any whero hut In tho precincts . or ono's home. My tasto for gaycty Is satisfied, and you can't imagine how homesick I reel ! how anxious I am to M'o tho dear littlo ones again! AVhon Will yon tako mo back home, Chariot V" " Next week, perhaps, my lovo or tho week after, if you positively insist upon it." "Oh, Charles, why not go to-mor row'.'" " Impossible, Kate, I am positively engaged for every day tlila wee);, for drives and excursions In tho neighbor hood of the city." " Engaged," repeated Kate, opening her blue eyes. "I knew nothing of these arrangements." "No, my dear, I suppose not," said Elwyn lazily. " Did you suppose I wns going to coino and as; your permis sion every time 1 wanted to drive out with a lady or smoko a cigar witli two or three gontlonien V" Kate's lip quivered, nnd sho turned quietly away. Charles Elwyn looked after her with nn nroued expression in his eyes and a half smile on his Hp. "She's jealous, as I live!" he mutter ed. " Jealous of Aurora ltaynumd and tho pretty widow. Well, let her pout It out at her leisure it will never do to encourage. this sort of thing." If he could have seen her a few mill utes nfterwardjtisl when he was whirl' ing through the waltz with Miss Hay' mond's midnight curls floating over his shoulders sobbing In tho silence or her own dimly-lighted room, tho golden hair all unloosed from her hair-pins and jewelled comb, and her blue eyes look Ing like morning glories drowned In rain well, perhaps it would have done him good, perhaps not. It is not always best to let a man know tho full extent of his power over that miserable little captive, his wife. It is astonishing how much tho sex delights In tormenting its ictims. There is always one bles.-ed avenue of relief open to womankind, however a good cry ! No wonder that Kate Elwyn felt better when she wiped iway tho shower of tears and brushed back the lovely rippling tresses from her fevered forehead. "What shall I do'.'" she murmured to herself, deluging her handkerchief witli rne-wntor,and trying vainly tocool her burning eyes ; " what ought I to do? Oh, I wish I had never come away from home; It's a judgment on mo for leav ing my dear little babes in the hands of cold hirelings. I was happy before 1 ever thought or this hollow, deceitful whirlpool of fashion." She burst into fresh floods of tears as sho remembered her husband's last words. "It was cruel of him to speak in that cold, sneering way to me," she obbed. "Have I lost all the spells ho u-ed to toll me I possessed If ln only knew how these things hurl me, I am sure he would treat me in a very diU'erent man long nparlnient he sal gloomily down meditations when the door opened, and In tho window recess. Even Aurora his bright little Wife tripped in, looking Raymond's pretty lisping chatter could very much like a magnified sunbeam. not interest him now. "Would Kiito Sho stopped suddenly when she saw his never comoV" he thought, as ho looked head bowed upon his hands. for tho fortieth time nl his watch. " Charles, does your head ache ?" She came at last, Just in time to run " No." upstairs for a hurried dinner toilet "Then what Is thohiiatter?" camo smiling and lovely, with her hair " My heart aches, Kate," he said sad blown by tho fresh wind and her eyes ly. " it aches to think that my wife has parkllng radiantly. Elwyn dog in tho ceased to love me." manger as ho was could havo knocked -Sho camo to his fido nnd put her arms Colonel Warrington down for tho In vol- nround his neck with caressing nllee- untary glance of admiration wltfi which tion. ho looked after his fair companion. " Charles, what do.you mean ?" Presently Mrs. Kate re-appeared In a "I mean, Kate, thtU when you (le.-crl magnificent dress or lustrous silver mo for tho society ofj others, and cease green silk, lightened up by tho flash of to pay any regard 'toil my wl-hes, I can emeralds at her throat, and frosted green come to but ono conclusion." (lrnimiiii' (Yoin her hair. " Charles." sn d Kate. Slllil llg archly " Why havo you put on that odious up Into his face, dos It gnevo you to green drossy" asKeti J',iwyn,eaicniugat nave mo preier ine society oi tuners ui ome slight pretext as an escape-valve your own ?" for his ill-humor. "You know now it breaks my Heart, Ktue," no saui much 1 dislike green." " Oh, well," said Kate nonchalnntly, "You are so fidgety, Charles. What (inference can it make whether I wear passionately. " Then, dearest, let us mnkon bargain. Let us allow Miss Raymond and Mrs. Kveret to console themselves with Colo- green or yellow? It is an entirely by- not Warrington nnd Mr. Harnett, while gone fashion for husbands and wives to wo aro so happy with each other. Minn studv ono another's whims la Darby It be so'.'" and Joan. We dress entirely to please " Kate, you havo been playing a tho public, tho gay world, you know, part 1" Audi put on tills silk dress to please "Of course I have. Did you sup- Mr. Oamctt ho admires green so pose for a moment that I was in earn much!" est?" Charles Elwyn stared at his wife in The loving kisses slifc showered upon peechless astonishment. What did it his brow dispelled every lurking shad mean? She had always been the hum- ow from the husband's heart, and he felt blest slave to his slightest wish or cap- how inexpressibly dear his wile was to rice, and she smilingly set him at defi ance. What evil spirit had possessed her? She never came near him all theeven- hlm. In the next day's train Mr. and Mrs Elwyn left Washington, mutually con vinced that they had had enough of She sunk involuntarily back, as if some rude hand had struck her, and Miss Uavmond's clear, melodious laugh suddenly floated upnudibly through tlio closed dour of her room. And then she set her compressed lips together, and new look camo into the liquid depths ol her wet blue eyes. The gilded minute-hand or the carved Parisian clock on tho mantel had trav oiled nearly twice around the circlet of enamelled figures before Kate Elwyn lift oil her gaze from tho bunches of velvet roses in the carpet. A hat was sho pon dering on ? "Sitting up, eh, Kate? Why, T thought you were tired to death," .said Mr. Elwyn, as he entered the room, and his wife laid down her book and wel coined him with a bright, careless smile " Yes, I havo been so much Interested in that delightful book," exclaimed Kato enthusiastically. " I do wish I knew whether Sir Guy gets tho proper tv or not." " Sho has got over her sulk's amaz ingly quick," was tho husband's inter nal comment, as lie kicked oil' hi boots and lazily unfastened his laven der neck-tie. " Oh, thank you, Mr. Elwyn, I've had such a charming rldo !" And Aurora Raymond sprang lightly from tho carriago stop, one tiny, gloved band resting lightly on Mr. Elwyn's arm, tho other holding up the folds of her violet mantle, lie touched his hat gallantly as sho tripped up tho hotel steps, all smiles and dimples. " I wonder If Kate would like a turn round Jackson Square before dinner," ho said to hlmsolf, consulting his gold watch. " I'll run up and see poor lit tle thing." Ho sprang up tho stairs, two steps at a time, and bur-t into his wife's room " Put on your bonnet, puss, and we'll tako a ride," ho exclaimed. " Hallo, hho Isn't here; what the mischief does ho mean?" Xo, she was not there; neither was her blue velvet bat with tho white in- tricli plume, nor tho magnificent C a-h-mere shawl that had been sent from In dia for her wedding present jtist five years ago; and Mr. Elwyn camo slowly down stairs again, leeling much in clined to got Into a passion. "Do you know where my wile isv ho asked Mrs. Artworth, a lady who snent one-half or her time at tho win dows, and tho other half catechizing tho servants, and who consequently knew all that was to bo known concerning people's outgoings and Incomings gen era 1 1 v. " She's out riding In Colonel Warring ton's barouche been gone ever Mnco morning," returned tho go--lppiug ma tron, with great promptitude. "Out riding?" Elwyn's brow con tract oil, "Strange very strange," be mutter ed, "to drive out In that sort of way without so much as saying a word to mo ! I always thought that Warring ton was a puppy, and I'm sure of it now." lio went down and dismissed the equipage, and then returned to the drawing-room, as restless as tho Wandering Jew. After ono or two turns across tlio lug never sought his approval by the the gay capital. There were two un little shy glances of appeal or the ques- inistakable good gtlccts con-equent on tlmf lmil lienn mi Ineviires- their sololirn. however. Kate WHS sallS- slbly dear to him. Xo sho chatted fled to remain quietly it borne for tho nwiiv. bewitchini'lv self-reliant, thocen- rest of her lire, and Charles was tre of an admiring group, until Mr. El- completely cured ot every latent ten wyn wtis ready to rush out or the room dency to flirt in a transport or exasperation. iUiinv Jiiu in euuKiiuiinue ,uu wu , -T i vnruvrn liiir rrt vour treasure or a wire, sir," said Colo- A KjUj- l jwjuiv nel Warrington. " I havo always known Wr. clip the following .interesting ac she was a beauty, but 1 never appreci- count of the oldest relic in the world ited her claims as a wit." from one of our foreign exchanges : Elwyn glared speechless at the polite There is an anecdote on record or some Colonel, who was evidently surpri-edat Engli-h visitors of ono or the Continen tho ungraciott.j reception of his little tal churches which boasted of its relic? I'omnlimcut. having been shown a very old sword as " Just what I might have expected," one of its rarest treasures. " hat 1 he muttered to himself, plucking fiercely this?" a-ked one of the party. " That nt his moustache. " What in tlio deuce sword, sir," said the custodian, " is tho did 1 bring her hero for, if I didn't One with which lialaam smote his ob-ti want every fool in society to fall down unto siss." "Ass!" retorted the ques and worship her?" Honor ; " why, Scripture does not men " Would vou like a drive after dinner, tion that lialaam had a sword, but only Kate?" lie asked ono evening after that he wished for ono." "Oh, sir," was about three days spent in this very edi- the ready reply, "this is the very sword fying manner. which Balaam desired to have !". ith " 1 couldn't possibly this evening," out laying too much stress on the an she said, adjusting tlio wreaths of ivy thenticity ol this sword, we can oiler that depended rrom her shining hair, satisfactory proof that England possesses " We've arranged such a nii'o moonlight a genuine relic of antiquity iully six party to ride to tho navy yard." centuries older than the ago of lialaam, " Well, what is to prevent mo from which the late Uaron liunen justly de- driving vou there?" asked Mr. Elwyn clarod to bo the "oldest royal relic and anxiously " Our party is all made up," said Kate coolly. "I've promi.-ed to go in Mr (iarnott's carriage, lie is so delightful ly agreeable, and 1 like him so much." "The dickens you do," growled El human remains to which a date can be a-signed mtiieworiii." in a large giass ca-e, standing in one of the upper cham bers of our great Xntlonal Museum, is to be seen the skeleton, decently enca-ed in its original burial clothes, of one Pha- wvn, his laco elongating ami growing roan Mykorinus, aim surrounded py dark. fragments of the eollln, whereon the " Rut I'll tell you what you might do name of its occupant can he easily read if you pleased," suggested Kato inno- by the Egyptologists ot the present day ; centlv. Miss Raymond would like to allording thereby conclusive evidence go, I've no doubt, or Mrs. Everet, and that it once contained the mummy of a there could bo no possible objection to king who was reigning m Egypt more an extra carriage in tho parly, so that " than a century before the time of Abra- " Hang Miss Itaymond and Mrs. Eve- bam. ret!" ejaculated the irate husband. Tho proof or this may bo thus explain' With all my heart, my dear," said ed: About two years ago 11 err lntnii' Kato onlv. "Only you see it is iiuite chen, a C.orinan explorer of the mouii' imno-sible for mo to break my promise tains of Egypt, following up the indU-ib to Mr. Harnett." Hons pointed out by M. Mariotte, a dis- Mr. Elwvn's temper was by no means tlnguished archicologist, discovered on improved when ho stood on the hotel the buried walls ot tho Tempieoi osiris, steps and watched tho merry party drive at Abydos, a large tablet containing tlio off, their gav voices and jubilant laugh- names ol the ancient I'haraons ironi too 1 . ' .. . . .. . .. ...... . . .1 1 i.....K ter re-echoing throughout the evening time ol .uizraim, uie giamrsou m .muh air like a mockery of his own gloomy and founder of the Egyptian monarchy, reilections. He had never felt so utter- unto that ol Pharaoh Set I 1., tho lather lv forlorn in tho whole course of his or tho well-known Ramcses tho Hreat, Hie. including thereby tho chronology ol " Dear in", what a beautiful evening nine centuries, viz: from II. (. . u.uo to for a ride." sighed Aurora itaymond, 11. C. 1 inn. This lil-loricai taoiet, py mr looking up from a volume of poems, as the mo-t Important ever yet discovered, Mr. Elwvn re-entered tho drawing- may be compared to tho sculptured fig- room, looking not unliko a man who it res of the Kings o! England at the had Just had a molar extracted. Crystal 1'aiace, nom iinam me . ou- Rut he didn't take the hint, acting, as qucror to her .Maje-ty nucon iciona, Miss Raymond afterward Indignantly which wo presume win aiiont suiuciem remarked, more liken bear than a man, evidence to tho wanderer from Xew and sat down to tho perusal of tho news- Zealand, when in the year of grace H'liO papers. Alas, for tho midnight curls heninybocxploringthoruinsotancieiu and oriental eye,-tholr spell was bro- London, of the order of tlio succession L,ni ot the nionnreits ui i.ngiann. How long the slow creeping hours Astronomical evidence, moreover, on siMMiiiMl before Ivato came back! Long ables us to determine the tinio oi two ii.ii ttx kMinwl nl' ivirrburn ilwpls msited important epochs In tho history of on tho 'pavement before tho door ho Egypt, one of which is connected with went op to his own room and tried use- our present sunject. nir .limn orreuiui lesslv enough to umuo himself with has fixed tho ago r tho Hreat Pyramid books and letter-writing. All his of- or Chizeh to tlio middle ol tho twenty fnru wem unavailing: between him second century R. C. I ho tablet or mid everv occupation to which ho turn- Abydos shows that tho Pharaoh who-e ed crept' ono gloomy thought a sore bones wo now lioness succeeded the pang to think that Kato was happy iiunneroi tnenreai ryramni, wnn umj without his society, and that sho never two Intervening kings, tho tropical niU-od his absent voice and smile. cycle has been calculated by tho Astron "I wonderiri'nijealous?"homutter- oiner Itoyiilut R. C. oim, u date which ed to himself. "It's not an agreeable coincides with Abalmnrs soiourn in that ensntion. at all events. I wonder If country. Wo aro therefore warranted Kato felt so whenever I flirted with All- In assuming that the remains of Pha ... . . .... 1. I 1...I ... .1... .1... 4.. l'oril IllKl the WlllOW . ' inou .i,VKeiiiius ui-iuuk i" iuu " " This was a new consideration. which we havo assigned them. About Would the tlino ever come when forty years ago the Pyramids of ( hlzeli Koto's heart would be estranged by bis were explored under tho direction of owuooiiditct when her lovingsciisitlvo Colonel Howard Yyse, whoso work af- nature would ceao to respond to his ford- much valuable Inlorinallon l any touch ? Tho very fancy was agony. ono Interested in the mibject of Egyptian llu was wrapped In these gloomy I urciueulogy. As ho was not pre-viu when those Identical remains wcro dis covered, he gives the account of their being found in tho words of his superin tendent, who thus minutely records tho details: " Ry your request I send you the par ticulars of tho finding of the bones, mummy-cloth, and parts or tho eollln In the third pyramid. In clearing the rubbish out or tho large entrance-room, after tho men had been employed there everal days anil had advanced some distance toward tho southeast, corner, some hones were first discovered all to gether, and no parts of the eollln or bones could bo found In the room. 1 therefore had the rubbish, which had been previously turned out of the same room, carefully re-examined, when sev eral pieces of the eollln and tho mummy were found. There was about three feet oT rubbish on the top of the lid ; and from the fact of the bones and part of thecollln belngall round together, it ap peared as if the coffin had been brought to that spot, and there unpacked." It Is known that tho Saracens broke into and plundered the Pyraiuldsdurliig the thirteenth century of tho Christian era. Edrlsrl, an Arabian author of re pttte, who gives nn account of opening the Pyramid, on the authority of one who was present on the occasion, says: "After they had worked at it for six months in great numbers, hoping to find treasure, they came at last to a long blue basin. When they had broken the cov ering of it they round nothing but the decayed, rotten remains of a man, but no treasure by his side, excepting some golden tablets, inscribed with characters of a language nobody could understand Each man's share of these amounted to ono hundred dinars." The golden tablets inscribed In an un known language were or course carried oil' by the plunderers, who, though un able to comprehend the mysteries or hieroglyphics, well understood that mil ver.-al tongue which has been the clrcu luting medium of all agesand all people from the beginning of tho world. The long blue basin, in other words the sar cophagus, which once held the eollln oT King Mykerinus, remained in its orig' inal po.-HIoii until six centuries later the explorations or Colonel y.-e too! place. The sarcophagus was then found lo be composed of bassalt, which bore fine polish of a mixed blue and brown color. The exterior was very beautifully carved in compartments not unlike the Doric style, which confirms the opinion that Grecian architecture owes its origin to Egypt. Unfortunately fhnship containing tin beautiful tomb was wrecked off the coast of Spain, and thus what was des tined for England became irrecoverably lost in the depths of the sea. Rut its more precious contents, which Edrlsi so nobly dc-cribed as " the decayed, rot ten remains of a man," and which are in reality the veritable bones of good King Mykerinus, whose interesting his tory proves him to havo been ono of the best and greatest of tho ancient Pha- aohs, are visible to the present genera tion; in tho estimation of some the most valuable, us they certainly are the most ancient or all the nrchseologleal treasures contained in tho British Mu- euni. The gods of Egypt have long passed away, the tombs of her kings have been rilled; "son oi' Pharaoh" has become a by-word and reproach in the land which once was ruled by the greatest monarchs of antiquity, but which no longer pos- csscs a pnneo ol its own; Egypt lias become the basest of kingdoms; the o-callcd towns or Upper Egypt consist or mud-walled huts, built up beside her former gorgeous temples, and tho most magnificent palace-tombs which the world lias ever seen ; desolation Is vlsl bleon every . side. Hut thecorp-e of the good old King Mykerinus, to uo the nnguago or a distinguished foreign scholar, " reposes at this hour in greater ecuritv than it did lour thousand years 11 ! 1 I .1... ago in the l.-iaiid, ine nusuess oi mc world, whose freedom and free institu tions aro stronger bulwark than the ocean which encircles her, among the treasures of all tho realms of nature, and the most exalted remains of human art Mav Its re.-t never bo disturbed, so long as the stream of history shall roll on ! how such large furniture could bo found in such a small house. Let theso peo ple report a story or a circumstance, and you can hardly detect tho original J they see everything through n magnirying- glass and kaleidoscope blended. Talk or painting In veritable colors, tho fore ground and outline, often given In mero words, beat tho Raphaolilos. by notches; Dutch garden all tulips and peacocks, or a Hummer sunset all purple and gold, aresortaud iinimposing compared to tho limning power of ono or those fluent sign-painters. We once kept nccount ror a lady dur ing a three miles' walk through sandy .in os, who declared herself" hairdcad" with ratlguo every few minutes; and wo found that sho died exactly eleven limes and a half at tho end of her Jour ney, when sho swallowed elder and indwiches in the most vital fashion, considering her multiplied state of de mise. Wo met acottager'sehlld, which he rushed up to and pronounced to bean "angelic little cherub;" but our near- Ighled eyes could only perceive about as average a bread and butter devour ing little bliicd as ever plagued a moth er; then she informed us that the view- to tho left was "grandly sublime," though there was nothing to elicit rap lure beyond a broad common, fringed with a plantation, barely relieved In the foreground with a very yellow pond and still yellower goslings. We chanced to tell this lady of a visit we had paid to tho Porcelain Works at Worcester, and mentioned among other tilings that apart or tho materials u.-ed was ground animal bones; shortly after- torwurd wo were told that wo must have made a mistake In our recital, for Mrs. 1L had repeated our account, and impugned our veracity by declaring that cups and saucers were made of ground human bones, and saying that we had assured her of the lact. e in formed her one day that a marble figure just put up in a friend's hall was three hundred weight, and wcro laughed at soon after ror having told Mrs. II. that it was three tons. We havo never talk ed much to Mrs. II. since these florid mistakes. EXAGGERATION. Tin: habit or exaggeration in lan guage Is a characteristic of many people which appears to us to afford n truer In dex of their general qualities than Is ordinarily ob-erved. Somo people'.- tongues aro eternally emulating tin frog In the old fable, and always strain ing into an ox a state of verbal Infla tion alike ridiculous and false. There aro tluvo who never experience a mod erate and occasional degree of pain but they sneak of It ns a "splitting" head ache, an "awful" spasm, or-dreaiiuu" torture. It they meet with a slight in clslon or tho skin they liavo "cut their finger to tho bono;" the application of a mustard poultice for five minute never falls lo " flay them alive;" nconi mou cold Is mentioned sorlmi-ly as a " most violent influenza;" and u week or two of fever is accorded as a " severe and frightful Illness." Tho "siiporla tlvo" Is tho reigning numd with them sWlm milk becomes Orange County cream, and small beer Loudon stout "Superb," "exquisite," "wonderful," "glorious," "tremendous," 'eharni Ing," "delicious," "beautiful," "terrl lie," astonishing," and such extreme ad Jecllves, hangonthelrlljis as plentiful as cimiunctlous; and wo niton wonder, while gauging the narrow calibre of the brain whence tho big torrent lue TROUT-FIQIIING. Till-: following from the Country Gm- Uetnan gives us somo practical informa tion In relation to troul-ilshliig. Wo transfer It to our columns for tho benefit of tyros in the sport : " First, as to tho habits or the trout. They feck in tho warm season clear, cool running water: in tho Winter they retreat fd the deeper water, such as fords and deep holes. I'ho trout may bo said to dlsllk'O civlli- itlon, and when tho forest and brush aro cleared from his old haunts, he lakes good euro to leave also. Theroaro many streams in this region, which twenty years ago yielded trout abundantly, Hint are now almost deserted. Solitude is therefore Indispensable to their Increase, xcept when propagated by nrtlllcial means. When Spring opens, and tlio treatns aro wanned by tho sun, tho trouts run up into tlio brooks, nnd may then bo taken by experienced anglers. Tho trout Is very shy, and he who' Would atcb li 1 in must keep without the range of his eye as much as possible. Xolso does not frighten him. They usually lie under logs or tho edges of rocks, or under banks, or in any placo where se- luslon can be obtained. When in search or rood, as at sunset or in tho early morning, or at times on cloudy days, they are all about tho stream, but wilt ortenost bo found In quick water, or in tho very deepest water. Second, tho best time to catch. This is usually in tho morning and at evening. Cloudy days preferred to bright days', because the fish aro then less liable to see tlio ungler. Often in pond-fishing a light rlpplo on tho surface of the water is as good as cloudy weather. And often, too, I have had great Successf In tho brightest days. It is Impossible to tell just when they will bite best; My rule is to go whenever I get ready, and tako the chance. April, May, anil Juno aro the best months. Then as to tho ball. For brook-fishing there is nothing better than the angle-worm or a dew-worm- For pond-fishing the artificial fly, and so rfce rewf. Large trout, however, aro ortenost caught with the fly. Minnows ire good, and will frequently tempt largo trout when the worm and fly both fail. CATACOMBS OF PARIS. How many human beings lie in the soil wo tread! Has any reader eve thought of Infinite hosts of those who have travelled down the dark valley and mingled with the dust beneath our feet The graves hide them, till gradually slow decay removes all that is recogm ailile. Yet in dense countries men re mire even the space allotted to grave With us this is constantly going on I'lie church that once had its church vard around it, with trees and fields, , hemmed in by stores or dwellings ; the church loses its congregation, is remov d, and we call on tho dead to rise and begin their iourneyings. This removal is not done always creditably, nor is an ipproprlato place always given to the remains of the dead ol lormcr genera tions. I'ho Indians in this were In advance of us. Somo tribes, every ten years or so, gathered all the remains of the dead and committed them to onelargejileceiit grave, with, in their eyes, becoming ceremonial. In Paris the remains of former gen rations have become a show. This citv of fashion has a subterranean world. Vast quarries, bearing tho names ol inerica, Montmatro, and Moiftrouge penetrate tho rock. Tho evacuations below the plain of Montrougo and the left bank of the Seme have, since the last century, borne the names of Cata combs. On tho ninth of Xoveinuor, 17S.-I. tlio authorities .suppressed the cemetery or the Holy Innocents, which had boon a burying ground lor ten cen turies, and eight rcet or elevation above tho surrounding lands were made up of man. l'he bones of the dead were removed to tho unused quarries ; and the work onco begun, the other cemeteries began to disgorge, till it was estimated that ono hundred millions of dead were ac- umulatcd in tho Catacombs. The bones aro not thrown in pell-mell; they are received at the entrance called Pult de la Tombe Issolre, and thence carried to the galleries and arranged In piles about a vard wide and two yards high. The tibia and tho femurs form the outer wall, the skulls tho coping and orna ments, the other bones fill up the space. Streets corresponding with those in the city above lead you from ono end to the other. Regular piles, auars, cnapets, made of these relief or humanity, alone meet your eye, with occasional monu ments from old cemeteries. Twice a month tho Catacombs aro open to visi tors, and on those days crowds flock to thoenlraneo near tho old Rarrlero d'l-.n-fer, each furnished with a ticket of ad mission from the prefect of la Seine. Here guides are ready, torch In baud, to guide you to the most curious localities. Xo one Is allowed to enter without a guide, for though tho names or the streets are put up, and a long black line leads to the entrance, people have been lost and died of .starvation. Refore the quarries were used by the clly as catacombs, they were a resort or smugglers, who u-ed to store brandy here, and get It up IirMu tlio city through a hou-e in the St, Jacques sub urb. J RAZORS. KxGiNi'.niis as a class were the first to head the modem " beard movement" in this country ; but many may like to read the following extract rrom a littlo work by Mr. Kingsbury,' a practical razor-maker, or Bond Street: "The edge or a razor, pen-knife, nnd every other very keen Instrument, consists of a great number of minute, points, com monly called teeth, which, if tlio instru ment is itself in good condition, follow each other through Its whole extent with great order and closeness, and con stitute by their unbroken regularity its excessive keenness. Tho edgo of such nn instrument acts on tho beard, tho skin, or anything else, not so much by the direct application of weight or force as being drawn, even slightly, along it ; because by this operation the lino teeth or which it consists pass in quick suc cession, in the same direction, and over the same part ot tho substance. My readers will bo convinced of this if they will make tho following experiment on their glove or their hand, as they liko best: Let them hold tho razor either perpendicular or obliquely, and p'rfcssou it with somo considerable force m a di rect line from right to left, and they will havo no great reason to fear tho conse quences. Jint let mem move it irom that direction, let them draw it toward them or push it from them, in the small est degree, in tlio gentlest manner, and it will instantly make an incision. When they have made this experiment thev will bo convinced of tho truth of what I havo asserted, namely, that in tho operation of shaving very littlo weight and even very littlo force aro necessary." llencoit follows that tho best razor will havo tho teeth of its edgo set almost as regularly as a good saw, and that the best te-t in buying a razor is to examine tho edgo by means or a strong magnifylng-glass. This also ex plains the good ell'cct on the keenness of a razor caused by dipping it in hot water, which necessarily dears tho edges of any small clogging substances. Lon don Jliirjiiircr. Tn mtn aro momenta when tho two worlds, tho earthly and the spiritual, sweep by near to each other, and when earthly day and heavenly night touch inch other in twilight. YOUR MOTHER. Sit.ak kindly to your mother, and ever courteously tender of her. Rut n little time and you shall see her no inoro forever. Her eye is dim, her form is bent, and her shadow rails graveward. Others may love you when she is passed away, a kind-hearted sister, perhaps n kind-hearted brother, or one whom, of all tho world, you may choose for n part ner, may lovo you fondly; but never again, while time is yours, shall tho lovo of ono bo to you as that ol your old trembling mother has been. In agony she bore you; through puling, helpless infancy her throbbing breast has been your safe protection and support; in your wayward childhood sho bore pa tiently with your thoughtless rudeness, and nursed you through a legion of ills and maladies. Her hand It was that bathed your burning brow or moistened your parched lips, her eyo that lighted up tho darkness of wasting nightly vigils, watching always In your fretful sleep. Oh, speak not her naino lightly ! Speak gently, then, to your mother; and when you, too, shall bo old, It will In homo degree lighten the reniorso which will bo yours for oilier Mns, that never wantonly have you forgotten what was due your mother.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers