Department. gpa———— BELLEFONTE, PA. Wednesday Morning, July 21, 1869. JOB WORK. Posters, Circulars, Bill Heads, Cards, Paper Books, Job Work of all kinds, neatly executed at the Rerunti- caX Orricr, af reasonable rates. Reap. —The attention of our readers and friends is invited to the fwo-and a- half columns of new advertisements, Save Moxey. —If yon want posters, circulars, bill heads, cards, paper-books, first-class job work, plain or fancy, call at the Rervntresxoffice. All work done at Philadelphia prices. Fanx ron Fark. —Pereons desiring to purchase a first rate farm, should call at, once, at the Rerosuicax office, or upon Bond Valeutine, Esq. This farm 195 acres, forty acres of which are The honse, barn and out-buildings—are all the very best. It is loeated about 1} miles from Bellefonte. There is a great Farmers desiring con- tains about meadow, buildings — bargain in this farm. a first class farm, should call and seo it Terms easy. Twat Stasver.—It does seem that P G. Meck, like the carrion crow, finds no pleasure, only when reveling in corrup- tion, or in seeking to destroy the char- acter of men better and purer than him- self. We had hoped that the recent pun gent rebuke, administered fo him in the «Dickinson 8eminary Libel Suit,” would have taught him a little prudence and appears that hope was without foundation, sand common sense, but it our we have come to the conclusion that Shake spear was right when he said “It is hard to make a silk purse out Meek feasts on filth, and it malters vot how much he is advised by his friends, or washed and gilded by Demo- bh nets, be will retarn again to his Take from the Warch- of good men; sratie courts and juries, true to 8 in- sti wal- lowing an the mire abuse its i sans, and in man iis valgar blackguard *ink-s its continue he fav ings;" wling against the Republ { Southern-secession rebel pT vo truth In our » man, or the prototype of t ken of in the Seriptures, whose a | science was seared, whose heart hardened, and who was given over to be- lieve a lie and be damned Witness the following. which we clip a 25th of June m the Watchman of the fro “We are informed that when that | unfortunate man, Clearwater, The indeed; aye wl ifs en it req eu holesale iy ing to ta of t hreathe a litt its putrid careass Tobe bh a fabrication— a ief, the fact ie, the whale arti contemptible Meek his ele in falsehood —a plain, blunt lie, and knew it at the time, why insert doubts, and hopes that it were not true? The coffin, purporting to have heen bo't by the three persons named in that arti ele, waa purchased by the Overseer of the poor— Jacob C. Walkera good Re the Meek's articles will acknowledge the fact named in publican, and persons A great wrong Las been done Mr. Say The facts His or what? Why the der by this libelous article. in regard to him are as follows: bill was $10 50, but fi persons who attended to nying out the corpse, and setting up st night, were boarded hy Mr. Snyder to the amount of thirteen meals; then the light, the clean- ing of hie ball, and the room and carpet, blood, and his There . or even a all saturated with charge only $10 650, yet is not christian, a “hamanitarian,’ landlord in Centre county who will not gay that Mr. Snyder's bill was mont reasonable, Bat, small as it was, Mr Snyder did not receive it. friends of Mr, Clearwater offered him a portion of it, Mr. Snyder said : No, keep it, put more to it, and purchase fombe stones for the unforiunate man. The corpse lay in a good and well furnished room, and not in the cellar, ss repre- sented. We cannot understand why Meck would thus libel Mr. Snyder. Itmay be that Snyder has came {o big senses, and resolved to forsake the Democratic party, | swept away, snd the Nald Hagle canal | We | We can explain it in ng other way. hope our surmise is true. Mr. Bnyder is too honest, and too decent a man, Lo | remain in such a corrupt, disloyal and segession organization as the Democrat je party has proven ilself to be. Wensk Mr. Bongder and his friends to go lo | work in the eause of freedom and equal rights for all, and against the Demoorat: | ie party, Meek and his corrupt “ring.” Go to work and help us to Packer away this fall where her foul stench will never more offend the nostrils of honest men, When the | Baraains,—For good bargnins—for cheap groceries, dried fruit, canned fruit, early potatoes, and other vegetables call at the excellent Grocery kept by Capt M. Runkle, on Allogheny street. Goon Again.—We learn that Mr. Thos. Beaver, of Danville, who recently donated $25,000 to Lafayette College, has donated a similar amount to Dickin- son College, at Carlisle, for the purpose of endowing a professorship. How much happier he must be in consequence of his liberal spirit, than amassing wealth like many who do so for—they know not what. IxsmituTe,—By reference vertising columns of the Rerunuicax, it will be seen that the “Nittany Valley Institute,” located at Jacksonville, Cen- to the ad tre county, Pa, commences its 6th term on the 3d day of The Principal, Mr. Samuel M. Otto, is highly August next, educated, and a gentleman in every sense of the word, We are pleased to see our | citizens take so much interest in the ed | uoation of their children, and the build ing up of first class schools, Music, PPaixtixa axp Drawing Scnoor, — Persons desiring a thorough musical education in all its branches, we would to the | | direct their attention | ment of Mrs. M She has been a successful teach 8 Dunham, in to-day's paper er for a number of years, and is so well and favorably known in this community, | and portion of the State, that it would be superfluous on our part to add to her Io if already justly acquired reputation. f painting and drawing, she has few, any superiors. itement E Menrper ed Old dog Nero." Quite an ex Was Tuesday, near l His underto ereat Inst with * coming tire lof bh He, theref musket with m, ke b | 11s life } ghot, tool The | i and fired of eves under part th Liberty township immediately nba he i Creek, where he rec in his posterior wed | but as = 81 im with the im, an to \ f.w minut g WAS seen or i Ala cover heard of th led craw inte lied Pexssvariey Raiiwoap.—The pros pec for Lewishn 4 the speedy completion of the L Spruce Creek Railroad, are We cliy the following fiom go great has become the de for Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy of at instead of grinding and prepar he ingredients which enter info its wmition in a common druggist’'s mor KE tar, the proprietor has had to resort tos of Mill which are run by waler power, large set Frenc Dar Stones When it is cons ed at 8 but a short time since the remedy wan discovered and § n sale, thise ly be said to entirely which has Moffat Town sie fraternity of pro- ay ir eclipse the success met the remedies of yer, Janes send, and the wh prietary medicine venders. Where there isauch success there must be some merit It is for sale in almost every drugstore in the land, and is also sold largely and ugh tl Buffal sent thr e mail at sixiy cents per package Ecening Post Dexcn Capes. Jule 17, 1840 Mgessnn The + of e and Deech Crock were visited, FEuvtrons icinities Eaglevill on last Wednesday evening, about 6 o'- clock, by one of the most terrible ler and rain storms ever witnessed by the « The of Wednesday had been very warm and Idest inhabitants afternoon sultry, with oceasional showers, till ab't 5 o'clock in the evening, when a very heavy thunder cloud rose in the North- west, and came some distance | the zenith, when it was mel by a strong { south current of air, driving & heavy | oloud, somewhat lower than the former, and meeting just south of the Allegheny mountaing, in Beech Creek township. The meeting of the clouds produced a sound like a large waterfall. Shortly | the rain began to fall in such torrents, | in the vicinity of Samuel Hall's farm, | that Canoe and Sugar runs became so swollen that every bridge. for two miles | along these runs, were swept away. The storm then past in an easterly direction, { down the noyih side of Bald Eagle Val- { ley, through the front ridges, toward | Lock Haven. All the runs from Beech | Creek to Lock Haven were so swollen | that all the bridges and fences were serionsly damaged at Beech Creek. | Beeoh creek rose about four feet in half an hour. Portions of ibe streets were | impassable, being over-flooded by large currents of water, Cellars were filled, side walks torn away, and pigs and | ohickens ewept down with the irresista ble flond. The farmers suffered at ill more, Hi hay wire destroyed in large quantities. | The storm was accompanied with the | most terific thunder and lightening ever known in this viginity. . advertise. | | thun- ! 1g houses, fenees, grain and | County Correspondence, Center Hay, July 19,09. How pleasant it is to know that we exist, We went dowa for the third time, or, rather, the Third was the time we went down to the great international carnival on the pastoral grounds of the Sam: Auvdy-Johnson-Foster place. Every thing there was deliciously mellowed and softened with cologne congervatism’ ~—rovenue slamp attached —and all went de merry as a country marriage anvil.— Johnson Sam is, without doubt, the “Mildest mannered man, That ever scuttled ship, or cut a throat,” and, like a true disciple of the illustrious Tennessee Moses, had laid the bullrush- es of his grove with tangled festoons of hero-crowning laurel, and make peace honeysuckles. The fatigue of the week was excessive, One of us (committee) was most divine ly attired in rich garments, set off with a cone-like silk hat, all ordered up, irre- spective of cost, from the metropolotin { centre of Aaronshurg, and which was | duly submitted for inspection, one even- | ing, to an admiring bevy of croqueters { The remaining members of the commit tee completed their outfits with sundry handkerchiefs, ribbons, ete of At ten o'clock, » stockings, the , and be Rigde” | at command their sisters mothers, m., lo | precise, the elegant cavaleade © from the Hall with streamers spanking, k po bullroshes and with due dignity, to sgeusion of the aforesaid The wight was entranciog. With the exhilerating | aroma of a score of uncleaned horses, ! unwashed wilkmaide and cabbage pies, the air seemed freighted with the intoxi It Almost immediately, the various eating smell of island spices smelt bully delegations arrived, and deposited their precious cargoes upon the and slumps hay, arranged order, loz more than two mist oc rai with some two dozen otl attired for a sweltering siege ustrated the formed, in true | merry ripper Br up two o'clock me four feet a At ured sted spectators we dev our lleeted the fares of , the collection was retained by t rendered easy, as hey jent gatherings te and bountif th compels us to ads r ladies preferred be it walking the buggy came sich an ie thing for ber escort to ride therein. Beveral others, including, sym- two of cally, a member the or ittee became very sick during the ng and threw up their f ginger Candid y. the picnic was a very flattering success, numbering near one hundred couples, and, with the peculi arition ted, passed along with com mendable harmony A large seekers from the Glades party of patriotic pleasure every man and woman a hoon lepublican secured a eony le of Old Fort meals, and vou have heretofore expressed your admiration of ¢ Porter's excellence in the line of edibles A fourteen-couple delegation from Doals burg also made merry at the resonant Olid Fort, and departed with light hearts and lighter purses towards | Allow me to express my admiration of the highly “‘consistent’’ and Astor-like manner in which the Milroy House—W, | R. is eonduocted. A tarry with Dell is decidediy refreshing, Bell, Pre prieter and the traveller leaves his hospitable | roof with better thoughts of landlords in general, and Bell in particular, i MoCracuns, { i Berinroxte Aoapemy.—~Next term opens on Wednesday, Sept, 1, next, — The buildings are being enlarged, reno- vated and pleasantly furnished, The tervices of an ascomplishod and snoeess. ful lady teacher have been secured, Im. provements haye been made in the plan and course of instruction, and no pains { will be spared which are necessary to insure the moral culture, general refine- ment and intellectual improvement of the students. See advertisement of this Iostitation in another column Catalogues containing full particulars | oan be obtained, either at this office, or | from the Principal. Es MoNiry, 08 years old, lives on Ly- coming ereek, Tiogs county, at Carpen- {ters Station. He bas five sons, aged from 57 to £6. The united ages of father sons and (wo nephows present at a lals family wpeting, was 647 years. | — We learn from (he Jersey Shore Vi dette and Lock Haven daily Quid Nune, that our friend, Gen, Gregg, baw return. ed from Washington eity, We would be glad to see the General in our sanctum, He acted as Agent for the RErunricax Inst winter and spring, but his authority has been He is not Agent for the Reruniicas at present, revoked. Surniry Sauk. —The Bellefonte Na- tional Office was sold by Sheriff D. Z. Kline, on Monday, the 10th inst., und purchased by Edmund Blanchard, Gen. Beaver, and others, for £3,100. We un- derstand iat these men have employed the Messrs Kinsloe, under the super- vision of Col. Shortlidge, to run the ma- We have not space for full par- ticulars, chine, Luspreemex, Arresrion! We wo'd eal! the attention ot lumberman, to an adver- tisment, in another column of the Repub- lican in relation to valuable timber lands This is one of the mest de- sirable timber properties now in the mar- ket for lease The roads for getting out the lum- | ber are all made, and being situated on | to engaze i= the lumber business | advertisement, the banks of the Susquehanoa river, it is worthy the attention of those desiring | terms of the lease are easy, and whoever may be the successful bidder for this | i timber, will realize a large profit. See | Ww. B Le... Parexr Duy Hover Bavage, A lealer in stoves, tinware, Allegheny | street, Bellefonte, Pa., has been appoint ed Agent for L. A. House. Every fruit grower in the coun ty should have a ' The Oel lig patent is, in oar humble opinion, just Oellig's Patent Dry ‘dry house the one they should have. It only costs $20, and is the most complete thiog of its Kind we have ever seen Indeed, we never saw anything Like it a truth, surpass any ther ever brought before the public I wishing to examine before ur ore of Mr, Bavage The Marsh Harvester, tr ime f ard work ! Bre vest has passe =n t 1 4 i 4] H wway forever i a and | ( wculation of is no as it longer ye was when ye were b This waz the « tobert Valentine to us on last Satarday, at we entered his field. on the “Old Fur nace farm’ where the Marsh Harvester was al work And it wis working most beautifully and symmetrically It th Give feel wide, Every thing was right made very lit did ie noise ; cut a 1 well and searce'y dropp'd a bead the oor r ther Reaper, t Ave ever wil Married. R-SERRING MILLE Died, the f nearly LBITZELL tracted Bert per barrel EVoNTY Flour White wheat per bushe Red wheat Corn Oats new Rye per bushel Buck wheat per b ue Po ‘ “on avereoed Plaster 3 ton. — Provision Market, Apples, dried, per tho. Peaches, g " Cherries, Beans per quart. Butter per 1b “ “ “ Beefsteak per 10 Neef roasts Chickens, ea=h 1! Tarkeye, Cheese por 1b Hams, ' Jacon . Lard, per 1b Egge, “ doz Mutton and Lamb per 1b Veal catlets per Th.. Potatoes per bus Dried Besf 186 20 " “ Lumber at Snow Shoe Depot. { Bis first class Bakery and Confectionery, | mow prepared to furnish the public with The | { { | parties, &e., can be supplied with all kinds i on very short notice OUNCEMENTS. : EHERIFF, WE are authorized to aunounce the name of J. B. BUTTS ae a candidate for the office uf Bheriff of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Republican Co. Convention. PROTHONOTARY. WE are authorized to announce the name of GEO: B, WEAVER, of Bellefonte, as a suitable candidate for Prothonotary subject fo the decision of the Hepublican Conven- tion. Many Fuigxps. COMMIBSIONEX. Through the solicitation of many friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner of Centre county, sub. Jett to the decision of the Republican Co. Convention. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity. DAN'L B. MALONE, MISCELLANEOUS, TEW BAKERY AND CONFECTION N ERY. BUSH'S ARCADE, HIGH BELLEVOXTE, PENNA. Z. T. GUDYKUNSBT. Having purchased from]Adam Horkheimer, STREET, and having added largely to his stock, is good fresh BREAD, PIES, CAKES, CON. FECTIONS, and everything in his line, at | all times. In connection with the above, is | A FIRST.CLASS ICE CREAM BALOON for Ladies and Gentlemen, which will be open during the summer. Ple-nics, private of Confections, lee Cresm, Cakes and Fruits myli'e.1y Z T. GUDYKUNST, WECHLER & (X( = ER & CO., DEALERS IN | We GROCERIES, PROV ISIONS, , NUTS, & CONFECTIONERTES, HOURE BY GIVING BUSH HO SANFORID'RCELERRAG Brick Encased and § H me, 28 utualy largest Plumber and Gas tting neers our cities, can be shiained of tismy intention Lo spare neither time nor paine accommodate those favoring me with their orders ORDERS B0OLICITED CERIES from all parts of the State, especially from | Yincey Central Pennsylvania, and : | i PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BY COM- | PETENT WORKMEN J. W. BAILEY, Push's New Block, my26°69 iy Bellefonte, Penn's {OMPLETION OF THE PACIF. | J 1C RAILROAD GREAT RUBH TO STERNBERG'S * Bung to the Tune of Yankee Doodle, The Great Paciffe Railroad's laid, From ocean unto ocean, And now comple connection’s made, An enterprising notion, The mighty work at last is done, So speedily and brisk, oh! And now in ten days we can run From here ta Ban Francisco, No mare we take the ancient route, The stage, a horrid slow thing; It banged the passengers about, And wore out all their clothing | Pine Boards, un of Mill......818.00 per M i Pine Boards, Cullis 14.00 per M Homlock Ratt Staff Hemlock Hoards 4.00 per M | Bituminus Coal at Snow Shoe Depat, | Beraned Coal Ege coarse 84.50 per ton veereense 2.20 por ton Ran of Mines, ’ vive 0.00 per ton Fine Coal... Milroy Markets, Correated Weekly by Gos & 1. PP, Blymyer Miunoy, Fa, July 21,1868, i Flaxseod., | Cloverseed Fine Salt, American Coarse... ...... SE G. A. Balt........ Limeburners Coal.. we ier Htove Coal, Wilks: Barre... — " NE Special Notices, EAD ND GD ee Fon Bate.--0On band and for sale, a Now two horse Wagon end a new Baggy alee sne Tornado Thresher and Power, are offered for sale, by [SAAC HAUPT. NB. Notice ie hereby civen that Iwill pxebange either, far a good horse. Caonve, for the end of each verse are 100 per M | The Great Pacific Railroad's laid, From ocean unto ocean, And we buy clothes from A. Brenxprna A most delightful notion. Through passengers hy the Pacific Rail rond will call at the store of A. Sternberg, be. fore starting, and provide themselves with a complete outfit of the elegant and substan. tial Spring and Bammer Clothing, the very best assortment of which will always be found at A. Sternberg’s Store. People who travel by other routes, and al} so people wha, instead of traveling by any route at all, prefer to stay at home, can find the most superior and seasonable garments, for every sceasion, of every variety, and at the lowest prices. Do not fail ts call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhers ; if you do not, we are sure you will be sorry that you did not, Our goods are put down to the lowest figure, We sell whole suits, according to quality, RANGING FROM #850 TO $18.00 the very best. . A. STERNBERG Allegheny St, Bellefonts, Pa, my 26°69.1y. W 'hman's celebraied confections, Whitman's celebrated chosolate, Buket’s chocolate, Bmith’s chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickles, | the best o American Pickles, st : BURNSIDE » THOMAS, Inf'60-1y, 51 res ves, DRY GOODS, JoNT Gentle reader, don't for the world allow the important fact to escape your mind that the place to buy your new Spring and Bummer goods of every description which have been bought at panic prices, and are now arriving and opened for inspection st the familiar place you often READ about ZIMMERMAN BROS. & CO, Num ber Bix, Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. Oth er people biow but when it comes right down to selling honest goods cheap, we beat the whole crowd. We are offering A splendid stock of Ladies Dress Goods, White Goods, Notions, Hoslery, Gloves, Trimmings, Calicoes, Musling, Tickings flannels casimers, Clothing, Bhawls, Carpets, Cotton Carpet Chain, Hoop Bkirts and Coreets. Don't believe a single, WORD about hard times and high prices, There is no evidence of itin our stores, We keep a full Coarse and fine Boots and Fhoes for men and French and Turkey merocco, kid and lasting, lace and variety. boys. Beautiful button boots and shoes for ladies and chil. dren, with a choice invoice OF queensware, glassware, sugars, coffees, son ps, canned tomatoes, peat and green corn, pick els, plecalilli catsup, pepper sauce, honey and | f feyrups, teas and spices, all at the | lowest prices. And in addition to, m y THIS. have an endless var little articles which go t ake up plete assortment to | CASH buyers Ureal indocements imember, a dollar saved oods is carier made than to work | so don't spend y | come right al ¢ full value for | ZIMMERMAN BROS % fo r ’ Amer ewing e an Button Machine, Agent Overseaming and TLE NVR pHILADI LIPHIA STORE! PHI PAILADELPHIA ADELPHIA STOKE! | { (ELLE ANO 81 NEW AN ANOTHER NEW STOR] THER TM IMTMENT 0} MMER GOODS EPLENDID ARS« AND si SPRING KELLER & MUSSER have Jjast opened the best, cheapest ar ner the ods in Bellefonte atl their new PHIA STORE 4 , Bie Hl largest we best assorted stock f G Peunsy PHILAD} BROCKERUOF} r Centra rani 1 i in 8 LOA i ADF A fame FOR THE 1. ~ k . They b rg ts and Shoes Hate and Cape, and LD GOODS, rach ae HOUSEHO * are ae ins Carpets 0; Bleached ¢, Table 38 ng &¢ ; Ke sting ing , &e QUEENEWARE # GRO ed in e Call } lelphia Store and con t KELLER & MUKSER u want and do buriness Juick Sales and Small un at the Phila “ ¢ tha £3 the principle of Profits.” GRAIX AXD ja 6'69.1y have everythin FRODUCE ARE TAKEN, NEW STORK. HARPER BROTHERS Have opened up an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of 600ODS| | of avery description, at their new stare room on Spring street; which were] purchased at | PANIC PRICES, and will be seid as low ¥f not lower, than ean be found elsewhere in this section. Their stock comprives in part, { Dry Goods, Hosaries, Faney Gonde, Clothing, Boots & Bhoes, Hate & Caps, Carpet.Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Gentlemen and Ladies Farnishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks & Cirenlars In 8ilk and Cloth, Carpeting, Groceries Qnesnsware &e STATIONERY, and everything else that is to be [found in a well stocked country store. | COUNTRY PRODUCE, itaken in exchange for goods, and {the highest market price paid. nh 80.41 | | JAR. A. QUIGLEY. HENRY CRORKRY Qo & CROSKEY'S CHEAP CASH ETOAR, EAGLEVILLE, CENTRE CO, PENN'A WE take pleasure in announcing to far. mers and the public generally that we keep oonstantly on hand, at our store in Eagle ville, Dry Geode, Groceries, so, and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORER in town or country. We shall always en deavor to purchase good Goods snd war arnt everthing as wo represent it. Wo also sways pay the highest PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Please call and examine our stock for n13'80.1y. remember 1 quality or | DRUGH, &c. EW DRUG STORE. N : IN BROCKLERHOFFS NEW BLOCK, BISHOP BT., BELLEFONTE, PA. The underrignad take pleasure in announe ing to the citizens of Bellefonte Centre, Clinton and Clearfield countier in gen eral, that they have Just opened their New Drug Btore for the acovmmo. dation of the public, and they hereby extend a cordial invita- tion to all who may be in need and wish to obtain Fresh, PURE AND GENUINE MEDI CINES, CHEMICALS, DRUGS & all puch articles as are kept in a FIRBT CLABES DRUG BTORE, lately selected with great care in the cities of N, York and Philadelphia, by the Seuior part ner of the establishment, who has had over 30 yrs experience in the art, The German Language spoken, read snd writen here, ax well as the English Tongue, hence Physician's prescriptions will be necurately and carefully com. pounded, in either Languugs, and at all hours during the day or night, We modest ly and kindly atk for a liberal share of public favor snd patronage, We make no attempt Lo enumerate the ar. ticles kept in our establishment, since ruch enumeration would take up the grostost space of a newspaper. We would merely say here that our BELECTION & ASSORTMENT is well nigh complete, Come and judge for yourselves. Besides the regular DRUGE MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, we have a fine lot of FANCY GOODE such as EXTRACTS AND PERFUMES For Ladies ; POCKET CUTLERY, BIRD CAGES, HANGING BASK ETS, SODA FOUNTAIN WITH CREAM NECTAR, A LARGE {f WALL PAPER From Ten cents VE US A CALL, R& JARRETT. ana well selected Jot « and cheap at » $2.50 per je23'69 1y that, v RK ZELLE I 8S. WILSON'S DRUG STORE. Southwest Corcer of High and Alle. | gheny Streets, Bellefonte, Pa, Xo. " hl Brexeny ® 5 4 { n genera DRUG; ys Toilet , de cles too nu offers at low tx the aualities of the arti Pur and examine the his goods before purchas basers w Ls ug us and prices elpew here Casnily shot } IVER snd wi GREEN i and Fe ECELEBRATED I are a nu tual cathart remedy eases, Are THE SIGNATURE OF P. P. GREEN, he § ABLE Ar A VEGET f GREEN'S as either passed for the Put uy ete, 50 and one 4 COMA RESTITV indicates, PAIN KILL er. a reliever pain, if a medicine for nternal or external vee and diseases for which mended ties, and retaile at ™ 2 ar T TOR is, as |A RESTORER OF THE HAIR | iL 1 an elegant hair dres | draft, eruptions gray bair to original ¢ { stimulates the growlh of the hair and whie | kere. Price 81.00 Physicians Presoriptions, | ipes carefully compounded | Patent Medicines of ali kind stanily on hand or purchased to order §a6'89.1y. g. rem rares all { the stn | tlores its Jur, an and family ree # kept | CECA lt il i RA | No RuRBEG It is warvent ok lost or impaired Taste, Bmell or Hear. | ing, Waterin ger Weak Eves, offensive breath | Ulerated Threat or Mouth, Pain and Pres { eure in the Head, and lose of Memory when eansed, ag all of them frequently are by the | ravages of Ustarth. It is pleasant and pain t nian no sYTORg poisonous of | eanstic dengs, but | activ We will pay $500 Reward for a ease of Ca tarrh that we cannot cure. FOR BALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EV. ERYWHERE PRICE ONLY FIF1Y CENTS. If your Druggist has not yet got it on sale, don’t be put off with some worse than worth. less trong enuff, “tumigator,” or poisonous eanrtio pelution, which will drive the disease to the Inmge instead of eurink it, but send tixty cents to us and the remedy will reach you by return mail. Four pockages, paid, $2.00, one doves for $5.00, yp sage's lors use, eurer by te madd voothing } Send a two cent stamp for Di pamphlet on Catarrh. Address to Proprie tor, B.V. PIERCE, M.D, fe24'66-8m., Borrave, N.Y. JOR LADIES ONLY.—For an seticle - having a remarkable sale, address Mra. MORGAN, 130 Pulton St. N.Y. je383m. ANTED<LADY AGENTS, In every Town and Village, to sell what every lady will purchase st sight. Address Miss WILLIAMS, 139 Fulton St. N. Y. jo23 3m. FORTUNE IN ANY ETATE - Rights for BaleNow pstent article for every female. Sample $2. Address INVENTOR, P.C.Box 2438 N.Y. jo23-8m, AGON HUBRBK, spokes and folloss 1 d snall at ATES MTTTRWIN 4 WILSONS' | BURN | HA 1 leare at i| press Con. GROCERIES &e, (5) 2o0ERY AND PROYIEION BTOLE TWENTY PLE CENT BAVED. n bn now an selablished fact that Grocer. lex of all Winds ave mow to be obtained at M. RUKKLE'S new Sidkig GROCERY AND PROVISION BTORE, On Allegheny Eire Bellefonte, Pa., twenty per cept chesper (han at any other establishment in town or country. Flour of the very best quality, Kept con tantly on hand Bowad ing hoyre keepers, and Heads of futnilied would do well 1 give him a exll before pursharing else. where. Do not forget the place, jnb'69.1y.] M. RUNKLE. Molasses, in short J everything usually kept ats Greoery Btore, for sales low, at M. BUFKLE'S, DEAS, Beans, Soup Peas, Foup Beans, for sale cheap, at M. RUNKLE'S. {J ase] Peaches, Canned Tomatoes / Canned Apples, Canned Corn, Canned Fruite of all kinds kept constantly pu hand’ at M. RUNKLES. ————————————— | RIED Peaches, Dried Apples, Dried Currants, Dried Freite of all Xindd, at | M. RUNSKLES. | { VANDIER, Candies. A splendid variety J of Candies and Nuts, for sale bow at i M. RUNKKLES ) LS ( Jas GES, Lemons, J tale al | FTPYOBACCO, T basen Ne ” and al UEENEWARE of the very best quality for sule cheap, mt MM. BUNKLE'S. TILLOW Baskets, nnd Willow Ware of all kinds and sizes, for sa ¢ cheap, st M.RURKLE'E and Mots, for IUNKLE'S { | i ige M SeERTe, the |! | very best ao all kinds, RUNEKLE ( at or Pic Marmalsdes Ye \VCUMBER and « J Cateup {LAR X 1 nw rhes ARE, Glass Fru & foe assortment 3 BOOTS, SHOES & SIDE & THOM AS, Offer to the Pub srgest and best selec e, in Centre see for yourself YHE Largest s 1 wf i Ls nr ind them at DE & THOMA®, ne, © Soe ix fily, der, rakes, hoes, lamps, NDSAWS ke ives, §j shovels, forks, chains, sc. ENEIDE «a THOMAS, Pu 3 nt wans slders galled and jl \ BU} } es. at & THOMAS", IDE N\ ATTERNS PATTER a fhe, at res iced prices, at BURNSIDE » THOMAS’ ke, bite spots saddier wants to be found’ THOMAS", ERS BUCKLES he rz the wanulacture of harness, BURNSIDE » LR. ho versie 1) Bw : ir varieties, idrensy £ How ware, guns, pletals, y caps, cartridges, ac. at in all the ok La shot powder, TOTIONS of all kin gloves, A Handkerchiefs, combs, pocket books, in all their variety and very chetn, st BURNSIDE & THOMAS". TT RKEY PRUNES, raisens, peaches apr Its, oranges, lomong, all kinds of foreign fruits, Hames, baorn pe. BURSIDE & THOMAR", —y— " FRLITS, peaches, tomatoes pine apples, and peas in prea varie BURSIDE & THOMAS, { WE FIBH, Herring, mackerel, ae. at BURNSIDE a THOMAS", jab'6.1y, I ABBITE BOAP, Wm Hagan and Keons olive soap, Dobbing' soup, Onkley's conga, old castile, pure, Palm Elderling’s soap, and a great variety « er soaps, at BURNSIDE » THOMAS", LOGAN FOUNDRY, THE RAILROAD DEPOT BELLEFONTE, PENNA. N EA R We are happy to inform the people of Cenire and the adjoining counties, that we are Bow p red to wake House Castings: sock se Sash Weight Cellar window Grates, &e, of all sizes, Grist and Saw Mill Cast. ings, Sled Soles of all kinds, Plows, Plow Shares. We also manufucture the IMPROVED WORTZ PLOW. Alg BG 3 RTOVES, Stove Onetings, Oven Doors and Frames, Coal Grates for Pare. ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Dox. os, with every varioly of Castings kept constantly on hand, or made to order. AN srders filled prompt. Ir. Gi'e ut a eal Don’t forget the place, near the Railroad Depot, Bellefonte, _ntrenry. BAYARD, JINKINS & CO. Grass, g ualities, at N & WILSONS all rives and Rw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers