BELLEFONTE REPUBLICAN, W. W. BROWN, A. 8. HUTCHISON, Evirons, Terms, $2 per Annum, in Advance. BELLEFONTE, PA. Wednesday Morning, July 21, '69. Fe on REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Cumber'd. FOR SUPRENE JUDGE, HENRY W. WYLLIAMS, Allegh'y. ADVIRTISING, — The BELLEFONTE REPUBLICAN has a larger circulation than any other Republican paper pub- lished tn the county. Our merchants and business men will please make a note of this. Ropublican County Convention, The Union Republican voters of Cen- tre county will meet at the regular . Sele wn places of holding Borough and Town- ship elections, on Saturday, the 7th day of August, 1869, between the hours of 2and 7 o'clock, p. m., for the Re mblican Club Room. in the Boro’ day of Angust, 1869, atl o'clock p. m. t> nominate One candit ite for Assembly, One candidate for Sheriff, © One candidate for Prothonotary. One candidate for Register and (1'k of the Orphan's Court One candidate for Recorder. One candidate for Treasurer. One candidate for Commissioner, One candidate for Coroner. One eandidate for Auditor. Each Borough and Township is en titled to a representation of three dele gates- except the township's of Boggs, Harris and Potter, each of which are entitled to four delegates. WM. P. WILSON, Charr’'n Union Reprd'n Co. Com. Meek on His Travels, / ry Ii a eral repiranis, From various source: eiren nence and lation of the Rey ublica journals of the promi rare enabled to gather matter mn and we, this of Importance terest to their readers, week, present a decide 1 racy account of a recent pilgrimage friend. P. Gray ancient Rip Van Valley. Peter G performed by our MEEK, among the Winkles of Penns was never i SPANGLER found hi His Judge Hos- thing, Judge? ht well—good con of the ¢ a wonderful judicial me, at r sundry ott of the Zant The Judges telly put in con of Insp fon, and sugge Meyers, f{aines township candidate, and that an attempt on MERK'S part Wis rae ted that was his to foree a third nomination would re gult in a split, M.~ Let it split, then ed dolis as JAKE MEYERS are to crowd me off the track, I say the sooner the party goes to h=1, the better. Besides, Judge, who ever heard of a travelling singing-teacher amounting to anything. Humph, JAKE MEveR! a sweet stick he'd make to represent Centre county at Harrisburg. He'd better attend to his me-fa-sol-la-ing. No, Judge; neither LOVE nor MEYER can possibly get the nomination: and if they want to kick against the nominations, why, let "em. Judge~What do you think of Siyon ‘Worry for Treasurer? We dutchmen are all going for him in Penns Valley, M.1"m with you there. Doc, Don pins has been hanging around me for the past month to try and get me com- mitted to him; but, the fact is, I have been running copperheadism so strong, * a“ and the working men are becoming so disgusted with these aristocratic poli- ticians like Donning, that, in order to strengthen the ticket, and carry the duteh element with us, we must nomi- nate such a man as Worr, He was a good soldier, and, though I detest him for it, our chances are so slim that, with the best men only, ean we expect to carry the county, Besides, Dog- pins has become a regular drinking bloat, and just as quick as we get him up in a chape for a good run, he gets on another big bum, and kicks it all over. No, Dongixs be d—d; I'm go- ing for Wor for Treasurer. Take another drink, Judge! 1 like your Penns Valley whiskey better than Bauvm's, Judge—Well, what do you say to Livroy for Prothonotary ? M.—Oh, Liprox is a good enough fellow: but, if possible, he swills more than DoBeiNs, and you never can tell when he can be found in the office. 1 don't believe in having a county office closed for three or four days in succes. And there is Curis. KELLER; he wants to play Prothonotary. Now sion. ‘ ( | ha is, and between you and me, Judge, girpase of electing delegates to the | dunty Convention to be held in the | - { KELLER undertook and of Bellefonte, on Wednesday the 11th | § Prothonotary is Jonny Moras. through which | we ought to give him an office to spite i ticket {if it does not suit them. of | | ter and Clerk. | township—ix a radical copperhead, just { what is best of all, he will, if necessary, I've carried | the party on my back for the last five | ly. or six years, and if such mullet head. | bunting beggars like MoRRisoN, and I think Carist is well enough off as down on most everypody; und dem vat you go fur, 1 tot vas plait ouse, Meek-—Now, Brrr, don't you be frightened; just listen to me, I own the party organ; I can build up or tear down just who I please. You play sharp, Bivy; if you want anything, tie to me. But I am staying too long. | must be going, Come, let us take another drink. I like your whiskey better than Krav Ers;and, moreover, we intend to hold meetings here, and we will make your house our head- quarters. Good bye Musser; I must go; I must get home; | want to go to the Harrisburg convention: 1 fear that Packer will be our nominee, and | prefer Cass, Mus. —Vell, of you must go, MEEK, come in and take another drink first; and when you ret to Harrisburg, do all you can to lick de d—d Radicals. Meex- Bin, I've got about enough: but I'll take one more. Here's luck, Biri; good bye, Musser; good bye, Gray. Well, well, well Packer, Asa Packer, I don’t remember of any thing Curis. succeeded. He always fails. I've got a man whom ( | T shall bring up at the right tine It will be the duty of the Convention | Judge—Who? M.—Honestly, Judge, my man for | We | can always count on Jon; he isin the { ring; and if you want a re-nomination, { Judge, you can't do anything better | [ than to tie to Moran. one of the He the best workers we have got 1% in rng At Millheim, Prrer Bia Musser, who has never been satisfied with the late’ race of Sheriffs, After go- ing over with the other aspirants, Mus found SER pitched into the entire list of would be sheriffs, and * didn’t see why Penn township wasn't entitled to some consideration,’ Mees —T Dick CoNLEy McCoy ¢ y woud, eithero for Tom Th i, make the best sheriff we nw ¢ i Musser MEEK true The same arrangement holds as to myself: but the party must | have strong men, and McCoy or Cox LEY, either, are the strongest men we could put up. Mus. ) What objection have you to me The fact £ las of late is, MussEnR, your fs Meek sputat been uch a urt the ticket d iliarity with deemed the best recon officials, yon } KNOW her Musser ‘knew i ut my He . let Jor Wiisos ussed disagreeabls " winding candi " nomina Benner tp. 50 tig by lar De ticket. We are fool Gry, Davis moeratic ool along with the convention meets, go as few working men he may in He « : 1id kick against the ticket. ( Jonx Morrizson will want to Recorder east, 1.1 uldn’t hart us ang Md pt wly whe the but we want somel write hig name; and ' exeeedin was $V uth in not ge It would be a great sh 11114 { Morrison, who never could make a | 1% ent living. A wl many of our followers damn the SHUGERTS, and say that they have got rich off the party, | and are now stuck-up aristocrats, and | | that it won't do to run them any more; but. nevertheless, 1 will do my level best for Sam. Snvaert for Recorder, | beeanze he was ousted from his seat in | the Senate by the damned radieals,and them, if for no other reason. 1 tell vou, Bir, we must stick to the Snr. | a ents, for they have money, and ine fluence, and are not like your Penns | Valley Democrats, who stick to the under all circumstances; but they will split, fight and cut the ticket They must be conciliated. GeprarT must be kept in as Regis- He belongs to your our style of a Democrat, Biri; and, come down with the stamps, handsome- We don't want any more office some others; but we do want men who will shell out freely, and help elect the ticket, P. W. Banxuanr desires that I should help him to the nomination for Sheriff: but he has no force of charac: ter, and was never known to spend a cent for the party, 1 tell you, Bro, I don’t take any stock in these dead beets. 1 have too many of them on my Ist already, Barsnant has a lot of relations: but he hasn't one iota of in- fluence over them; and couldn't carry one of them out of the party if he should try. Surin Banxuanr tried that once, but failed most beautifully. I tell you honestly, Birt, we need not care for the BArxuanrs, for they are like spaniels, the more you whip them, the better they like you. could | ! a id Why, Convey has had it. | | Packer | be | lefthis native State when 17 years old, | with some £10 in money aud clothing . | of about equal value. and brought up | in Susquehanna County, North Pa. | where heapprenticed himself to learn | the trade of carpenter and joiner, | followed marrying which he { thersafter ; for in due season, Ome years and buying a tract of wild land, which { he proceeded to clear and till. At | length, he pulled up stakes and struck | for Mauch Chunk, the heart of the | Lehigh Coal region, toe whence he ran a Phil's. and soon engaged extensively in buying coal | &o., &e., | and enormously rich. He is now worth | at loast Twe nty Millions of Dollars, and { them, coal-boat then started a store, lands, building railroad, whereby he grew rapidly we \ his thrifty class appre | as useful men, and belic we y th a is better for their existe And d | making a Governor out of one whe nee yet we don’t like the idea of se distinction Twenty Mil chief is the ownership of of Dol Mr of respectabls Hons ATS, is a citizen boliel ) abilities and good charaster ; yet there {is no one acquainted with him whe { can honestly say that, if the ne result wf t of his past exertions had been £20,000 instead of $20,000,000, he would now for Governor of Pa a candidate He is nominated becauss of his great | that he did not believe he could take | that believe he came honestly by | Though we do not belong to | inate them | ’ word | { his duties.’ a smart Connecticut | : boy of old-fashioned Yankee stock. | A Conscientious Democrat. The Jersey shore Vidette, a spicy and excellent paper, gives the follow. ing account of a Seymourite in Ly. coming Co, Pa: A good story comes to us of an hon- est Democrat in Lycoming County, which for the credit of that party we pat in print. The Democrat in ques tion had taken a contract to carry the mails over one of the new mail routes in the county. which he found upon reflection he had taken at too low a rive and was anxious to get rid of his argain. In his dilemma he called on our fiiend Capt. Brown for advice how to proceed to avoid the executio of his contract. Capt. B asked him if he could take the oath that he had never given aid and comfort to the rebels. Our Democratic friend said oath. He had never bore arms against the government, but he had voted for Seymour and Blair, and be lieved when he did that he was giving aid und comfort to the rebels. The { Captain told lim that if such was the | | cage he did not see how he conld take | the oath, his conscience would not permit hing | To which he replied that to do so. Ie has not entered upon Tue Supreme court recently decid astration Ast Constitutional Co flee pot, Wall: his fraudulent Co-wo rkers of tes in Pennsylvania, lace, like Othello occupation gone h) thousand ¥ 1 Wii now find now find Let it g 10 Tue Opposit in Virgin LIS] y Tus rat Harrisburg, on the nominated for Governor ER : for the Sap J Ll. Persuing N i 1441 m \ 14th inst Asa Pack. | i Cynes NEW ADVERTISEMENTS wealth, and with the expectation that B* i FONTE ACADENY he will devot the wheels oi tl Thi Since 5 12 at or patent, money ing the fountain not onl tatesman of that keene ished xalted public tr a better standar Platform. rious i= bring perity to us as a nat Resolved, That we wholly 3 of the principles and policy Administration of General we heartily endorse every sentimen contained in his inaugural address, an { especially do hereby ratify and ap rove the late amendment proposed yw Congress to the Constitution of the United States, and known as the fif teenth amendment Resolved, That we he ve confidence that the General Administration will wisely and firmly protect the interests and dignity of the nation in respect to our just claims against Great Hritain and that we endorse the action of the the th | Senate in rejectionof theJohnson-Clar- | ¥ ¢. known ! | endom treaty, known as the Alabama | claims, Resolved, That we heartily sympa thize with the struggling peoples of al! | nations in their efforts to attain univer i sal freedom and the invaluable rights { of man. Resolved, That we confidently en- | dorse the Administration of General John Ww. and honest, and that it deserves, as it has received, the approval of the peo ple of Penna, and we especially com the evils of special legislation, Resolved, That in Hon. Henry W Williams, our candidate for the Su pure, and patriotic jurist, who will adorn the high position to which we purpose to elect him. Resolved, That we reiterate and affirm our adherence to the doctrine of protection, as preclaimed in the ninth resolution of the platform adopt ed at the State Convention of March i, 1866, Resolved, That we endorse the ticket this day nominated and pledge to it our hearty and cordial support. Tax Hartford Post says of the Re- publican nominee for Governor of Pennsyivania : '' Certainly no more popular candidate for Governor could be chosen than Governor Geary, His reputation throughout the country is high and needs no comment.” The Republicans promised to remem- ber and reward the Nation's soldiers, and they are doing it. Gen. Cham- berlain has been renominated for Gor. ernor of Maine ; Gen. Geary of Penn Mus. Why, Meer, you seen to be syivania ; and Gen. Hayes, of Olio. (Geary as wise, economical | { of the State, it mend his uniform efforts to restrain | | and which that son may come prepared to | receive, | This shall be fulfilled. preme Court, we present a learned, | | the exisience of this Institution, and very | few are aware of its large capacity and adap | todness to meet the great educational want | edge in all the useful branches, practically ' YLVANIA RECEPTION aced t afforded express thanks fort} With have ight wor ropa beet been at studies and d the College prt per have been carried on ; and now, at the close of | the term, the pleasant friction is experi tial mind tily and usefully mpresced, » terat This institu ion makes n y parade of the long list of ‘slogies, onom ies and’ graphics which ne « ther does it b fany incredible number of professors 1 grace 8 stalogues ene ast ae expected, speial, hoavrary and ocea ional, but with a sufficient number of com pe’ent instructors, all of whom are capable in their respective departments, and citizens undertakes to give round instruction in every branch of literature sei ence and practical art pertaining to its clase which any father may desire for his : tus som, Jeyond this no promise is made Not many citizens of the State ksow of of the day-—that of imparting there’ knowl- as well as theoretically. The Trustees and officers, feeling the effect of this geé want of information and appreciation, have decided to invite and even challenge inspec. tiom of the institution on the part of the pub. lie. Accordingly, A Hamvesr Recrrrion will be held at the College the last week of the present term, Srom Monday the 26th ev Saturday the 31a of July. During that time the building and grounds will be open to visitors who may de sire Lo ksew the nature and condition of the Tnetitatien, and inform themselves as to jis future prospects. Eepeeially will old grad water, the parents of present students, per. sonia desirous of vending students the next term, and editors of papers, be welcome, Plain fare and clean beds will Le provided without charge, and every effort made to render tho visit agreeable, Trains leave Tyione, on the Penna, R. RB, daily, at 9 a, mm, and Look Haven, on the Phil's. and Erie R. R. about the same hour, for Bellefonte by the Bald Eagle Valley I. R,, where they arrive in time for the dai. ly stage to the College. THOS. i. BURROWS Pret't. Ag. College of Pa. Jy21e0 2, | day, in the Chamber of Common ( | To | To { To am’) NEW ADVERTISEMEN I'S Mae, DRAWING AND PAINTING BOCHOOL. Maus. M. B. DUNHAM having been a successful toncher of Vocal and Instrumental Musio— Piano, Melodian, Ozgan and thorough Base —Painting and Drawing, for the Inst twelve years, 1 now prepared to admit a few more scholars to her school, upon reasonable terms. Having recently received a splendid new Piano, of a celebrated Boston manufacture, which,pupils not having instruments of their own to practice on, ean have the use of. Thankful for the liberal patronage here tofore received, the hopes to merit a contin. uance of the same, Rooms up one flight of stairs, over Centre Co, Banking House, on Allegheny street, Also, agent for all kinds of good Musical Instruments, Address, or eall on her at her rooms, at Bellefonte, Pa. Jy2U69-4f, rpuvses LEAVE FOR BALE. Sealed Proposals for the cutting of the Hemlock timber on the | Boudinot lands, held in trust by the city of Philadelphia, situated on the a of the Busquehanna River, in Burnside twp. Centre county, containing about thirteen thousand scres, will be received by the Bu perintendent of Trusts of the ity of Phila southeast side { delphia, at his office in Wills He spital,on the | | south side of Logan Equare until the day of September next, and will by him at 3 o'clock in the afterno 22nd n of that councils | of the said city, in the presence of the Com | mittee on Trusts and Fire Department and attend all bids to Jat, Superintendent and to be endorsed : + J the Hewiloek timber « " Bueh prog fthe } of such bidders ns may be addressed to Charle of Trusts, wr entling t Lan the ceeding Live wn the loud fuls are to furation nee asked for, n fl tex Yonrs, ered i the price « per for companied by urand juAre measure, saw logs; they must of twe lents of Philade he nnines CHARI AT Sup't f Trust JXAPENDITURE 4 C} 186 eF THE BORO1 BELLEFONTE. FROM JUN} TO JURE 1, 158 Bavard; wrenches for fire \ Ling sireet ligh oam't ree’d from Col and other sources $2( ine Treasu'r ement ‘ al Bal at spelt 41 10 &0 200 00 RECAPITULATION DR. am't cash re’d fr'm Uullestors am’t rec'd bonds issued . onds issued for work done.... To am’t red of Blan chard & M'Cafferty and others, damages in wid'g High ot... To am’t re’d of Delle. fonte gas co. divi'd. Toam'trec'd of A'm Hoy, Chief Burg’s.. To amt Lien's of hall To am’t bat. al set’mt CR. By am't Borough or ders lifted ............ 510,885 81 By am'tbor b'dalift’d 6,078 $0 By am’t Order for bor. bonds lied... By am’t pos. & sla'ry i By am’t salary oo... 200 00-821,274 41 LIABILITIES OF THE SOROUVAGH. Bonds in ha'de of sun. dry persons ......... 848601 10 Bor. erders outstnd’'g 1,340 25-850,040 35 Deduct am’t due on duplicate, 1884...... Deduot am’t due on duplioate of 1987... Deduet amt of stock in Baellef"e Gar Co. &9 4 1,274 4} from 00 22 75 35 oo 324 16-$21,274 1 540 57 1 mu 3,000 00.8 2.857 01 Total amount of indebtedness. 448,282 44 By order of the Town Connell, JOHN IRWIN, Prec't J. lL RANKIN, Clerk. Jy2l'g0-3L & NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " P. ODENKIRK, J. : witn ARTMAN, DILLINGER & COMPANY, No. 104, NORTH THIRD 8T., PHILA. Two Doors above Arch, formerly 226, MANUFACTURERE AND JOBBERS IN Carpets, Oil Coths, 01] Bhades, Wick Yarn, Cotton Yarvs, Carpet Chains, Grain Bags, Window Paper, Batting, &e. jy21'09. ly, Bonvevor Gesenar's Orricn, ) Hanuisnsona, Pa. July 7,69. TO the Owners of Unpatented Lands : } N obedience to an Act of Asrembly, ap proved the eighth day of April,« ne thou sand eight hundred and sixty nine, you are hereby notified that the “County Land Lien Docket,” containing the list of unpatented | lands for Centre coun'y, prepared under the | May, Act of Awrembly of the twentieth of | ment of the purchsre money, | fees, and receiving patents through this De | from this date, be opened | posals | specify | | deconsed, to wit { ship, County aforesaid, bounded and | goribed an follows one thousand eight bopdred and sixty-four, | and the supplement thereto, bas ths day | of the | | county, at whose office it may be examined been forwarded to the Prothonotary The liens can only be liquidated by the pay interest and partment. Proceedings the General have been by saved Attorney one rder that parties for Yenr in MAY © t additional e« CAMPBELL, Purveyor (ens tain their patents withou JACOB M kt, Jy21'69 ot I. Jou i, HAHN, ’ Wud PENN'A, LLEFONTE, TYOl Bi UANVYRHOALY AM EBT, . RING STRE SHORTEST Dusiness transs REHOUSE MEN WA BLY MN IYER GEORGE ving taker possess MILROY, MIFFLI beg leave to ane r tizens of Cer ared to buy GRAIN rec ALL unity 1: KINDS HIGHEST MARKET SALT WHOL} PRICES AND RETAIL \LE COAL AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON hand, iv14°€9 41 ( RPHANS COURT SALI} { ar By virtue rder of the Orphan's y there wi Court public raleat the Court House in Bollefonte on SATURDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1260 o'clock, p. m., the f described ats the property of Michael {f Centre © Ihe » real Hazel, 1i¢ wing The undivided one ball, sabject to the | widow's dower, of the following real estate, | All those certain messaages, tenements | vie and tracts of land situate in Benner town de Crock eighteen perches toa port ; thence an easterly course parallel with John Myers’ five perches to a port ; thence by a Bouth sourse eighteen perches to John Myers’ line, thence along said line five perches to place | of Beginning ecuinining 99 perches Also, that other messuage, tenement and ! tract of land described as follows, to wit Beginning at a corner, formerly of Robert Carson and Benj'n. Hartman, thence North eighty, West 83 and three tenth perches to stones ; themes North 57 and a § deg. east, 119 perches to a white oak, thence South 13 deg., east 3% and 3-tenth perches to a post, thence Bouth 49 ania balf deg. , West 50 and | 8-tenth perches to stones, thence South 40 and 3.fourth deg., West 108 perches to the place of Beginning, containing 44 acros and 8 perches, neat measure (less 70 perches con veyed by Jobin Weal to James Worley.) gang oF Rare 1 One third the purchase Rants to be paid upon confirmation of sale; one-third in one year thereafter, and sue third at the death of the widow the last two | payments to bo secured by bond and mort. gage, and the interest of the one-third to be pad to the widow annually during the term of her nataral life. FERDINAND BERZER, JYI60 te, Guardionm, id at | | ———————— | | Pid every Rin and kind at rr A MISCELLANEOUS, for rettlement, Jy 14°69.6¢, GEO. ALEXANDER, Ady, DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICk. colate of Wm, B, Krise, Inte of Boggs town against the sume, fo present them suthenticated by law for settlement RACHEL P. KRISE, HENRY HEATON JeB0'89 61, Adm'ys 4 Letters « of John Bailey late | persons knowing | estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having ¢ law for settlement SAM'L BAILEY, JNO. BAILEY, Adw r A PNINISTEATOR 8 NOTICE Pe Letters of Administration of C. C, PFhirk, of B been | estate Inte townshir to the um themse quested t th deceased, having jersiened ail persons ver indebled § se bavi prevent them du authenticate y aw ne wo JAMES GLENN, e269 61, Adm’ settlement DMINIS Anus RS NOTICE. stration or TRAT( 1 A ithe reps ule Central ( been granted the undersign ve, they have exiennive ALL HOURS A. MILLER & CO AGENCY OF THE MERCHANTS' UNION TEA COMP) Wehare ¢ hier & Co., No 6. Bush Hox as our Agent to supply the trade of Centre county, mmissioned Se oe with the BEST TEA INTHE MARKET, and at prices ranging from | TWENTY to FORTY Per LOWER Cent at 4) than regular retail rates, We have sent them a large and CHOICE VERY TEAS, comprising twenty kinds which bave been imported direct by the compary AND ARE NEW CROP, and unequaled in the United States for SUPERIORITY OF THEIR QUALITY AND FLAVOR Beginning at the bank of | | Bpring Creek, vix feet from the waters edge, | | at the line of John Myers, thence down said | | Our tear are pul up in pounds and half. Ts, with our wholesale prices printed on each package. and our agents are permitted to charge {ONLY FIVE CENTS PER POUND | in addition to the wholesale rates as printed on the package POVARRREEPERS OF CENTRE COUNTY, | SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BUY. ING YOUR TEAS OF SECHLER & COMPANY, No. 8, Bush House, Bel clonts, Pa. je28'69.1m, IRWIN 4 WILSON'S Bl ..-—el ik DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Wm, Brower late of Union twp., dee'd,, having been granted to the undersigeed, all persans knowing themeelver indebted to raid estate are requested to come forward end make immediate payment, and those having | claims to present them duly authenticated Letters of Administration on the ship, deconred, having been granted to the undersigned, all persor ¢ knowing themselves | indebted to said estate are requerted to make | immediate payment, and those havieg claims | daly DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. | { f Administration on the estats | f Ferguson twp., dec’d | having been granted to the undersigned, sll themselves indebted to said g claims againet the to pre ent them duly authenticated | on the gee granted Te TI uff te COOLEY & DAUCIHY'S. $3 500) Per Year to sell * Wonder of 0), the World.” Address J, C. ; TILTON, Pittsburg, Pa. jyli-dwm. SI PER DAY. Agents wanted every- DAV) where. Bamples for two stamps. — Address Bares, Hawes & Co., Cleveinnd, Ohio JIr21'69 Aw, FEYHIS IE NO HUMBUG! By sending 35 cents, with age, height, color of eyer and hair. you will receive, by return mall, and correct pie ture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P.O. Drawer No, 24, Fultonville, N. jeld York, 39. 4t : ) | fYVEAP PAISTING. One Third Cont J lewd ~1001bs,0f the Pecons Company's Covoney Paixr (oosting $12,50) will paint ax much as 200 Ibs, of Lead, snd wesr lon | ger. Vor particulars address 8, Brown, Sec’y | No. 100 XN Fourth 8t., Phil's JelG69 12 | A WORD TOCONEUMPTIVES. — Being iL & short and practical treatise on the | Poture, causes, and symptons of Pulme | Cossumption, Bros Asthma their prevention . and ee nary and «by in. Address {. West Four jel®'69 iy eh. fi®, ana halution, Rent by wa VAR HUMMELL, M ys I { teenth Ft N.Y IY SOT MAKE MONEY Brenan Key Cn WITH Our € ODuyrir and articles? AR TS OF THE TAI ty, |{ ( {ANCER KLIN E of th Can AxY f en of esncers and t use of the kr burnin y 1 ¥ « tron of H L) dress | Tu 5 WN ORLD jents, Interest Even » ng all Pe ail ple, PID IT New Rexesurner 98. 1860 Friexe 1 we wail ar bar week before writin to pee iri ng the on niinued $0 improve, as I have been d f ent of r some time, under the trea's snd | am ho that 1 am geting bettireeron than when you were here. | commenced the use | of DODD'S NERVINE withent anybody advising me to it. When 1 began with is I could only walk frm my bed to the chair. My trouble has been extreme pain the head. and har lasted over three years All the medicine I have heretofore taken has failed to give any relief. 1 am now able te | go up snd down riaireand daily improving. i | conrider the NERVINE the best medicine I ever found. and shall continae its wee, fer I am confident of entere recovery. 1 have taken only three bottles, and would not be | without it on any secount Very truly, ir 21°60 4w Mas. I. 8. NUTE pew medicine pry te tell » farter in full stock of | BF CAREFUL WHAT MEDICINES YOU TAKE When yom are exhausted by over. work of head or hand and feel the need of something invigorating, den’ drisk whiskey nor any intoxicating thing, whether under the name strength to your wemy body and mind as the whip gives to the jaded hores, and no mere. Alesholie stimulants are injurious to Nerve health, and nro ALWAYS followed by DEPRESBING REACTION DODD'S NERVINE & INVIGORATOR i*# 8 TONIC and GENTLE STIMULANT which i NOT attended by REACTION. What it gains for you it maintains. When it refreshes body or mind, it refreshes with natural strenght that come to stay. We are not recommending tetotalism ju the in. terest of any faction ; bat Jong and extend. ed observation teaches ue that he who re. sorts to the bottle for rest or recuperation, will find, ae be keeps at it, that be i» kindle ing a fire in his bones whick will consume ike the flames of perdition. Tarn from © Take » tonfe that will rerresh and not des. troy. Dodds Nervine is for ale by all Drug- gists, Price One Dollar. See book of Certifi. | estes that accompanies each bottle, je23'60 Aw. | — O0R LOCKS of all kinds, to suit every body, at IRWIN & WILSON.g —
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers