Woe have been requested to print the general laws of the State relat- ing to strays and to cattle running at large in the highways. We willen deaver to give a synopsis of all the laws now in force on this subject. The law provides that, if apy person shall discover stray cattle, horse or sheep or mules on his premises (improved and enclosed lands) it is lawful for the owner of the land to take them up, and he must give notice to the owner of such strays, if he ean readily be found. Ifthe owner is not conveni ently found the person who has taken up the stray must give to the town clerk a written description of the stray, stating color, age, marks, &e., as near as may be. If he neglects to give such notice, he is liable to a fine of $5. The t« must make an entry, of this description on a book ’ larl wn cierx A es thet UTDOSE AY for noeclect- kept for that purpose and for neglect- | ing to do go he is liable to a fine of &5. For making the entry, she clerk is en titled to receive, for each head of the horse kind, 50 cents ; for each head of cattle 25 ecnts ; strays, who may retain the strays in his possession until all fi es are paid, including six cents per mile travel from the residence person taking office « f the town cler) onable charges for keer If the owmer and charges to a justice , to the 11 | reas y of th point three disintereste to the strays, having d assess damages ciency of | which sum awa demanded | or tenderec must give ju £80 charged or re award be more than was t the owner, he mu i cordingly. If no own duty of th same under praised keepi fence, in oi { I'he ge 3 out ed wh nnect: t of strays ner tt ware pass. yet a prev ince and Po nt sine must be ficient botto alty for rai them out of sure, which has Th oa Viewers are, we nrc Pros not a laxful fen to fence generally known awa relating 117 4 Harp Work ann Haro Durvixo Horses were designed as beasts of bur den to relieve mankind from fatign. ing drudgery. It dose not hurt them | to work hard, if they are treated kind ly. derous loads that wear out horses and wake them poor, baulky and worth- less ; but it is hard driving, the worry by rough inhuman drivers, that use up more horse flesh, fat and muscle thsn all the labor a team performs. Consider the ponderous loads that many teams are required to cart every they appear to grow fatter and strong- er every year. They are treated kind. ly. On the other hand, othe horses, that do not perform half the labor #oon grow poor, and give out.and the next we hear of them is, they die with the harness on. Hard work does rot kill them ; but the worrying, fretting and abuse did the work, Svunscrinsg and pay (in advance) for the Rxrunrican. for each sheep 6 cents, | to be paid by the person taking up the f the | on that | | It is not hard drawing the pon- | MISCELLANEOUS, rmoOwN LOTS FOR BALE, HAV- ING THE FOLLOWING MERITS. They are near the Court House. They are not on a hill, They are loested on one of the principal streets of the Borough. They sre very low in price They will be sold on a reasonable credit. Half the marketing entering Bellefonte passes the front of these lots, and may be had, which is an important consideration ; for, who has not travelled the rounds of the stores in search of butter, &c., and returned home disappointed ? For a residence and boarding house for any who do not wish to loose time goin rs to or returning from meals, these lots are very desirable. Apply to JNO. D. WINGATE. apr2l’60.tf H OTEL PROPERTY FOR BALE. The undersigned offers, at private Sale, his Hotel property in Central City, situated near the MILESBURG RAILROAD STATION This House is now, well and excellently fur nished, and is doing a good business. Cen tral City is one of the healthiest and most pleasant loeations in the Btate. There are five lots belonging to the property, and fruit trees of all kinds in bearing order. This is a very desirable property for any person wishing to engage in the Hotel busi ness, and for Mercantile business it is one of the best in the country. Any persou wishing to purchase a Home, ra first-class Hotel and Mercantile stand, will please call on, or address MARTIN DOLAN, §09°80-3m. Milesburg, Pa the WILLIAMS & 103'89.1 Bell NEW GOODS HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT! CANAN AND NEW PRI- oh] GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICES. | HOFFER & BRO'S Would respectfully ir that they are BTOCK OF ¢00DS OF ALL KINDS, which they are offering at the very lowest |’ ho : | friends and the ladies generally, | prepared st all timeato make market price, PRY GOODS! Consisting o {f the latest styles of ricenen £%0 PLAIN ALrAcAs, Figured and plain al Wool Delaine. Shepherd Plaide, Black Silks, Summer Bilks, Irish Popling, White Goods White Counterpanes, Linen and Cet. ton Sheetings, Checks, Ginghams, Bedticks, Flannels, &¢., do. deo. Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, Corda roy, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, AND PLAIDB OF VARIOUS COLORS. A full line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Bati- notte, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, | which willbe sold cheap. We have oon. day, and several times a day, and yet | stantly on hand a large and well selocted #tock of sll kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, foweut onsh prices. All kinds of guuntey praduse Laken in sx. change for goods, and the highest marke, prices allowed FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER. ERT For we feclsatisfiod that we caneuil your TARYES af well as your rungns, jab’09.1y, i ob a ah T EW BAKERY. | N The undersigned respect. | SEWING MACHINE. A MERICAN BUTTON-HOLE OVER SEAMING AND BEWING CHINE COMBINED, MEDAL AWARDED ATTHE PARIS EX POSITION, 1867, MA irecting attention ta COMBIMATION BUTTON SEWING MACHINE, we fee] ted in claiming for it wage 4 ° over all others ns a Family Machine Ense and Certainty with | as the uniform ex the celebrated HOLE AND fully warran stionable sepreri tizens of | | MILLINERY | M ARY JANE ROURBE, MANTUA MAKER, t removed to the house f ¢ Martin Stone, on this method of pring niforming that LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS Coats and Basques, and to do Fitting. Also MACHINE SEWING done in the shortest notice, Gentlmen’'s Shirts made in the best of style. In shortall kinds of Machine and Hand Sewing WELL & NEATLY EXECUTED. M. J. ROUSE, Epring Street, Bellefonte, Pa, Culling jod'69.38, ma AND FANCY STORE. MILEBEBURG, PA. The undersigned would respecfully inform the eitizens of Milesburg and of Cenire County, that she has opened a large and ox tensive stock of MILLINERY AND FARCY GOODS in the store room recently oceupled by Harrison Levy. Her goods are all new and were purchased for cash and she is there fore prepared to sell at reduced prices. Her experience in the business warrants her in saying, that the Ladies of Milosburg, Belle forte, of elsewhere, will save time and money, by visiting her store before purchasing. The latost style and fashion plates can always be seen at the store, PATTIE WINTERS, _ myl12'60.1y, NAT, A JOREWE and ng of every variety and kind at RWIN & WILSHON TIN & SHEETIRON WARE. FPN AND SHERT. IRON STORE, THE OLDEST TIN.-WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. The undersigned hereby desires to call (he attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre Co., that he man ufactures TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever. He keeps « onstantly for sale, Tin Buckets, Coffee Boilers, Dish Pans, Wash Basing, Bleove pipe o Wash Boilers, Fruit Cans, Lard Cans. Coal Oil Cans, {the best Rus other iron, ustantly on hand, DRESSES, | and | AND STITCHING | Particular altent ion paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING MANUFACTURERS AND DEA A D PARLOR Mise! { Books, | Every | Letter. h Envelops Pens, Ink bar bands, transparet vo Pencils, Lead Pencils, Paper Price, ALSO Daily and Weekly Sheet Music, a i Justices Dla U.8. Internal Revenue Stamps He is alto Wholesale Agent I Celebrated Weiting Fluid Country merchants would do well to eall Papers, large supply of natant h) Magnzines, an legal and n hand Als at f nks, ¢ ace elsewhere, a2 I can sel) prices at nanufacturers ja8'89 (Beraprionen 1x 1845) At this well known Establishment may be found everything in the “ BOOK LINE, whether THEOLGICATL, CuodICAL, LAW, SOIENTIFIC lor LITERARY. An Fxiensive nse ent | of family Bibles, with or withent Photos graphie Plates, ranging in price from $3.75, to $25. ALEO, all the Day snd Sanday Hohos] Books in general use. Blank Book), Legal Blanks. and all kinds of Blationery, &eo, Prompt attention given to orders. A liberal discount made to those whos buy to sell again, GRO, LIVINGETON, Jad roy} Dellefonte, Pa. ALLS, a1} sizer and kinds, at IRWIN WILSON'RA and examine my stock before purchasing | 1 | | | | AT r Lochman’s BOOTS & SHOES, mae BELLEFONTE BOOT AND BHOE GRAMIAM & EON, GRAHAM & BON, GRAHAM & BON, STORE. BOOT & EHOE STORE, BOOT & BHOE BTORE, BOOT & SHOE STORE, JLEGHENY § | JLEGHENY BT JLEGHENY | One Door North Irwin & Wilson's Hard ware Store, GRAHAM & BON, MANUFAC MANUFACTU FINE CAL} Kept constantly om hand EFONTE BOOT & EFONTE BOOT & BOOTS, at the ELL BHOE ELL SHOE BTORE, I I I I A large assortment ¢ AT $5,600 PER PAIR, $5,00 PER PAIR, be had at pily filled ANDER nie. Pa ALEX Bellef Wu. Sponrrine Box QHORTLIDGE L CO J WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME. ys on hand and for sale st the lowest BELLEFONTE LIME KILNS on the Turnpike leading to Milesburg. The BEST PITTSTON AND SHAMOKIN 160 a new Anthracite conl, oonsignmen | of plastering lath, paling, and sawed shing los for sale for cash at our yard, near south | | end of B. E. V. R, R, Depot. I VINGETON'S BOOK STORE, | MMREMENIX { mos i i jaf'eén ly. LEATHER WS AMOUNT OF LEATHER! The undersigned has t extonsive lot of just received Le from the New York, Daltimore and Wilmington mar | kets, ever brought to this place, Consisting | of Spanish Hole Upper, American Kip, Freneh Kip, Balvimore Calf, OIL FINIEH AND BRUSH MOROCCO, KID GLOVE ERIN, Whang Lesther, Linings and Ehoo findings, of avery discription, all ef which will be sold cheaper than ean be bought wt any oth. | er establishmeni in Contral Pennsylvania, ABRAHAM BUBSMAN, i360. 1y. Bellefonte, Pa FINE CALF BOOTS, | STORE, | the | DRY GOODR, Le. | )v NOT 1 ORG ET That the place to vuy Cheap Goods, | CALICOEE, i DELAINES, BILKS, BATINS, CABSIMERES, CASBINETS, BLANKETS, | READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Men and Boye, is at JOHN W. COOKERS CHEAP CASH STORE REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHERY OFFICE, ty, Prxs’a | Is the place for bargaing in the way of Dry LE Goode, Clothing, Boots snd Shoes, Halse and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED | ALEO, | | NOTIONS, 4c. Evervihing pn hie line is sold at ver Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS, are always on his numerous in atiendance wail enstomers HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds « Cash paid for ALL KINDS OF Goodedelivered with pleasure. No trouble eo show goods, tharing elsewhere, uit the trade, at | {ADDLERY, to a IRWIN & WILSON BROADCLOTHS | | Home Fire The | | Uuardian Fire and Marine, Phil'a | Wyoming Fire Wilkesbarre, capital f marketing end produce, | (RAIN. | tive him a call before pur. | { Dividends ovor,.. HARDWARE. pus ANVIL HARDWARE BETORE! BIGK OF THE nunnonuUAnEnoAnLNONnG FYYYYYVYIYYYYY FIYYYYY ¥ INSURANCE AG Attors RR ANKIN & IRWIN, vv ey -al-Law REAL ESTATR aN GENERAL INSURANCE No. 3, Armory Building, Bellefonte, Pa. Represent the following Companies CAVITAL ETOCKR Jon... 80,602,880.19 Kina Fire, Hartford Putnam Fire, Connecticut S00, 600 and surplus. AY HA Ra Lancaster city and county, Lanoas. Bor, POR yu iciiirnivinis issn 00,000 ATNA LIVE. Aspels 6VOr evs Barples, iii SES Tea Losses paid in 1568, Three Fourths Million Dollars. of a wo One Hall of a Million Dollars Life Insurance on all plane. ward 6 ly cra core 310,000,000 | | Annus] Tooome,.....cooooviviinn nn PLANING MILLS. HM. BH. MACKEY ..cvvsis sone ceri WH, €, WILKKY, BAMUEL ADAMS couviirvssrsrasisnsnrs F. B. BAUPY M ILEEBURG PLANING MILL. MACKEY & COMPARY, baving leased the above named Planing Mill, and added largely to its facilities for | turning out first class work, sre now pre { pared to furnish ILOWEBT ( | | OSE'S LIVERY STABLE i | Livery Business, under the firm name YLOORING, LLINDE, BASH, BEHUTTRE, BRACKETS, BCROLL WORK, and manufactured lumber of EVERY DEBCRIPTION ut the ABH work DOORS, PRICES. such Beroll ing, Brackets, &e., &e ter any des pattern, SHORTEST NOTICE. manner of ™ wposed of practicable dams, one of the Bellefonte perstion i n ¢ latest pr COKE DRYING KILNE Ves mber in a perfect ¢ ix ur f 14 # ¢ ved ne it and in OFFERED HINES MBERT, ! PLASTERERS { rming the Bily thal we have pin the PLASTERING BUSIN ¥ emiry yortest 1 manner : buriness ted to us will ° ¥ like the weoelee oan give fall saticaetion may favor us with their work Address, or oallén VANVALIN & LAMBERT, fob 17°60.6m Bellefonte, Pa The undersign- ed having entered inte partnership in the of | Trane Lose & Bon. adopt this method of in AGENTS | forming the po ple of Bellefonte, and the | public generally, that they will carry on the { determination te business in the Durnside Stable. Tt is their keep the very best | HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, New York, von 2,000,000 i snd to hire thew out at the most reasonable rates. Thankful for ths kindoess and Mvor they have received from the community in | the past they will make it their chief object 00,000 | 170,800 | fous LOTS FOR SALE, | beautifully i terns, &o | at reasonable rates to merit the continuance of the sume ISAAC LOSE. GEO. AL 1 OSE apri4°60.1y — i ——————————— The under signed informe the citivens of Beiiefoute.and y ey ' 4 8.000 pop | Of Dentre county, that be has, just outside 9 BG | «2,000,000 | pc Grounds,” the Borough limits, and near the “County FORTY. TWO BUILDING LOTS, situated, which will be said For full partienlars, JOHN COLE. Bellefonte, Pa Apply to apri 69 Gm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers