a, T.ocal 1 Yepartment. | BELLEFONTE, PA. | tion, counsel, consolation and prayer,— | general attention. The session was one ed the very soul of contentment. Bright | penned by a sincere friend of the town | YHILADELPHIA STORK! 2 ; "i | » ( le fe asl 9 4 The Rev. J. EK. Long, John Hamilton, | of great interest, and it is hoped that it | smiles lit up Lis honest old face, and | 80% its people, have had their desired : _ m i 0 ‘ : \ . (eo | PHILADELPHIA BTC 81 | | TWENTY PLE CE SAVED Rev. PP. Salim, Rev. Alfred Taylor and | will awaken rehewed interest in the | happiness dwelt in every feature; though effect, A Vistron : J Fon} | | : ‘ / the magnitude of the subject to be taught, {| Will.” The reading was unusually fine, Wasne Ture Lavan Came 1x I saw | 1 visit my native town again, I bope to DRY GOODS, &e DRY GOODS GROCERIES & and their adaptation for mutual instruc. | and the beauty of the poem attracted | un old gentleman the other day who look learn that these few broken thoughte, — 1 . . - - AN IMPORTANT QUESTION | ( t ROCERY AND PROVISION STOR Xx | Wednesday Morning, June 2, 1869, ! n | —— PAILADELPHIA BTORE! JOB WORK dns 1 . na! Rev, 8hinn, of Lock Haven, followed, | schools of our town At 4}, p. m., the { his gait was unsteady, and bis locks : YUD UR ond 02479 br , Ii | : . : ‘ Brurar.—We understand that a Mrs rg ‘It 1 TVD TOOK OF RERTS "3 | giving their respective views on this sub- | convention adjourned with apprepriate | were whitened by the frost of time, his KELLER & MUSSER KOVEPRING AND teaver, living near Contre Hall, was GOODE last week the victim of a mos 1 ANOTHER NEW BTORE toad \ A . ANOTHER NEW STORZ anhl , i i ; ) Hea ern : H ) | a ‘ : voked, and shameful, personal “ ( t NRW RTO 11 YEOVLE OF CENT CAN UOrrice, al asonabie £8. nN e< ity of ten meetings, and reo { Ihe convention nssembled at 74 p.m. | joys, Oh, endless joys were looming up ANOTHER NEW BTOKRE ET T1 PEOVLE GO} (RT) | ’ ‘ : one of her immediate ni Heads, Cards, Pap . r. 33 ' ect, They seemed lo concur (with the ex- | devotional exercises heart was happy and light, for peace had { ception of the Rev. Mr. 8hiun) in the | Evexinag Session spread her snowy wings above him; and President Beaver in the chair, and was | gloriously in the distance! [| politely > 4 1 ih, ! . a b " + ‘ ARS PPM YY OED was l "wy 5% SE Save Moxey. —If y want jockey-sticks, mattocks, &e. ENDID ABBORTMENT OF SPRING IY CONSIDER opened with singing and prayer The | bowed to the venerable, happy old man, AND BUMMER GOOD ly employed, to the exten lars, bill heads, ca 1 stand, that Mrs, BB 1" 1 i MUBBEER ha minutes of the morning and afternoon | h And, taking me by the band, sessions were read and ap po Th { ' ung man, you look troubled 3 ; _— N i Chair then announced the foll © y fury f care ai i ¢ upon G8 ANY Perse! were | mittes on Lhe List of | ur brow; (nke my advice, an 0 { ' : . ow pp y . ra ! : : ' in : To | outs PIILAL ROBBED that they cou! \ eke, suitable o i bool i A days shall be long in the land } Mie Bias : wu { 1 farm, of 1! ores, wi ore effectively me iri Rev's Byron, McGann, Hugh | ings innumerab! in one'and a dalf miles of llefoante, for '} our for adgjour nt havin r: | oaht i ! n L Ji , dy r way shall | lear and ri Married ¢ shall eld dea Lg eos Sie ao ROUCKERHOFF'S BLOCK ’ rv x y and Fa . | FOR THE LADIES sale. r i! articulars, inquir ved, | eet J ! { & guminer a h J 10 § I " i ve Rilke, Coburgs Alpa Merines, | P , bd " pt ats i I WILBON he 2 b antes, Gughams, | Store, for ss t MRUNELRES ‘ br 1 } led | 1 { : Mr, Valent L L ihe § f tl Re vy the R . n Li i on, 1 a ni ’ ver, | £0 , cley merchants on . ’ Barr, B Jr. Jone ’ 4 plin wns, Hand , and belter Beans, Bony Peas, Bowp Pe 5 i KUCNELES ther nnd my exireme uapg vaelf to death —_—— Bituminus Coal at Snow Snow Shes Depot. Jueanswa STATIONERY, that N&I impress s or 5 k eal minds at ev ry session of the class. The t 1. i prayer by the } ) Uh, they kr FA 4 myse jues J LE LI ; ' ; aa . TL 3 ¥ HENRY ORC The Rev. P. 8ahm, of Aaronsburg, fol. | Sam But, says Mr. Saveall, Using costal} ie, that this i eshurg grave Y & CROSKEY'S W?* do n y inform you, reader | fi 4 t } id > 4 : that Dr. Wenderful, orany other mann | CHEAP CASH ETORE, | has discovered a remedy n assembled at 2:30, wm Cy SUT ' oF ti : oh sumption, when the lunge ar modes of tesshing infantclasses. Asin os} ) in the abate h ou thats in nothing \ ya Gl ILLE, CENTRE ( A | ed, in short will cure all i Deaver in the chair, and was ’ mind, body or estate, make wen | te and Si . in i y § { and leave death { att fos fowans Bh : 4 a mers and t ublic g ral i and is des u abla bea anal o ; y 3 Hats aad Caps, Queens snd Soir A 2 A | ) ne adjoin countie t Cedar Ware. Groceries tantly on hand, at r #lore { sphere a b sith Heaven oe usefal., If vor ; s wild Bows as the place is repulsive rather i Dry Ga U1 kC.y ® itself shal tas how, You have sting ruck ¢ ath Weights { useful. If you wan: the people fo know ’ 38 piace is rapuinl i | heard on , & tl t 1] ’ lt ineiti \ learned thal | CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS ELI HR Q Dorada obede y umbuggery, yeu have anything to sell advertise | han inviting,) fram whom I learned tha eid ko NOTIONS Ws, «ls AS CHEAP A and we de not wonder that you havs by thi y y gibt time become disgusted with i Bat when wo tell vou that Dr, RBepe’s Catanth He J | lowed, explaining the best methods of AVIERSGON Re money Vers ventilation, and discussed the various ¢ 3a th & ¢ of tationt y : 3 If it did net. every tla wi 3 » resting place ¢ iE ¥ ) Ane | } f nrgni 6 thes fancy is the period of imitation, the |, with singing by the choir and : =p | ig 3 con want P : . ' ] : 3 : 3 : v at § 3 ix. iil y Lt Ly A tL 4 speaker deemed it of the highest impor f the Scriptures and corn would stand as good a8 chance for ninilinr, when | was met by a litle being known as the very best and moet | B'TY induced thove, perhaps, to gather tanoe that, in purity of speech, and ur- ake Houre B. McGann banity of manners, the teacher should | This session being set apart for the present an example werthy of imitation, Children's Meeting,” several pieces of ” . it 3 2 Besa a i not ¥ aiid § i} 4 X Rev. J. E. Long, of Hublersburg, en- | excellent music were produced with fine | "7° it home paper first, then in your | 7°" ® TAYE sould be lug without exham - Hae 3 i ba ne " \E 0 3 GEE en guiet * 5 larged upon the same subject, and was | effect, after which Dr. Osborne addressed | neighboring papers. The man who has | \NE the bones of some one of (he guile yih fn his lie $.1 1 5% ¢ £ nt Yyiran far y { > = I'S Ee ia reputable bi ess, and spends the sleepers She assured me that this was | Pi arnt everih ng 88 we reps siways pay the highest IWR OF country We chs leavor § purchase g : H ponitively ture & wore! , FO followed by the Rev. J. P. Hughes, who | the audiancs on the scenes and asso ort that which thousands enn tes 8 4 5 im i fihaval bic : {the trated t " at 2d Ave To and vou will be ¢ 4 5 X oR & vs 7 recommended the use of maps for infant | tions of the birth pl=zs of our Savi | most inn liberal system ¢ advertising, | He br A bh Kor the respect and eredit of : "” ND ATTENTIVE CLER] | jaa i fe : wi be Lope 3 WORT) i the living eitizens of Milesburg, for the of 'I PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE _-— Ray § v A wud YB CBE0 . honor they should bear those who rest | ite always in sitendance | . . | Baa 8TON Potarons. Keller & Musser purchas- | from their labors in this ity of the | ™ it on his numerous customers. The Please call and examine our stock for | poR SALE BY MOET DRUGGISTS EV tings; etn Ba 4 ' ives, jale8.1y 1% 11 Virames al Grates 1 { ed, last week, three Lund ausbal " : tii i bsbaaddion ERYWHER ram bh red bushels of dead,” 1 hope that they will go to work, HIGHEST CASH PRICES mp -— — —— ments, Water Pipes, Wi Liver-by fat . Be : River bottom petafces They are very | without further delay, and clean up, and, | NAUTION large and good Price, $1 per bua {if needs be. enlarge the “old grave: | P® I for all kinds of marketing end produce. | I by eantioned i ; Cash paid for : Its p : ote - i is the on } k he 1 classes. The Rev. B, MeCans thsurhi-evineiig on sceurale knowle ige of the is the oue who makes the most money ! Fpropriaie piclures wall ealeulated to | Geography of the Holy Land™ Rev, Alfred impress SBoripture truths on infant minds | Taylor then gave us one of his chara The President them announced the next | teristic exercises on (he black board snd | together wilh every subject-—‘“Tenchers’ Mostings, their Ne- | succeeded in interesting even the small- os rabtme Tavs sant taking a note giv sen 4 i 3 on by me te Thee fen. on or aboal the J cot t stan foi Fo Bas ». J Crowpes Our. 0) H : " ' | . . day of March, 1808, far Saventy. five Dollars, | wh. Address tc Pearle or ur leeal matier bins | Jefore (his communieation reaches | ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. i us Tani determined not to hon dn btminind tarrh. Address to Pr po bo 3 een crowded out to me ‘Gg o { 2 ¢ i hh 8, ut te make room for the | you, or, al least, before your next num. g ut iy . tess compelled by law, as k did not receive | ang se, Nl RCE, MN. D., i INKIN : Ear will roach thin piace, I will be Goodedelivered with pleasure, No trouble | ¥aiue for it wh a x . " Burrato, N. ¥ ly. BAYARD, 1 NE INE & CO ronte $ " eo show goods. Give him a call before pur. HARRY HACKENHERGER MMUNIT Ln ——. vie for my hom= in the west. If ever thasing elsowhere. [ jnb'60.y my12'6% 5, Amar yONwOartridger, and other i { \ al LW J . . i" Four Pack cossity, their Influence, how Conducted.” | est scholars, by the vivid manner in which Mr. Roberts, of Bellefonte, opened this | he presented and ilinsirated important subject with a neat and appropriate ad- | Beripture (ruths, Rev. Mr. Shinn fb dress. The speaker argued the impor- i y vs f yarn while ar the Rallrea | i : | { lowed, reading, in & most bosutiful and | very interesting report of the Sabbath tance of tonshers’ meetings in view of | effective manner, the story of “ Little | i i Belool Convention TMWIN § WILSOR'S aw aitfon at IRWIN & WII BONS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers