EE... i... I —————————, SE ———————————— EE ——————————————————————————————————————— EL HL UL... i... —— Agricnitaral Department. Workin Heh 8 Lose, with is h : SEW \ MA TIN & SHEET. IRON WARE ' LR] | ! DRY GOODE, &« | HARDWARE 4 ING MILLE i LS ’ h 1 } Pod ol wi . i —s x WEDNESDAY MORNING, June 2, '69, ] © NOT FORGE] IE ANVIL HAJ RE Growing Root Crops, To grow root cr tage, a rich piece « weeds, should be which the manure a) crops is not exhaust ut Early Grass, a heavy applicati to the prese: not finely s; 1s very | sCraggy gr nure well spread does put on in the fall be diffused through still better \ & hag had a good nure the previous f cellent pre vaots of clover 0 wp the other crops, ai vation much e and at the sam able plant food The land sl worked, mal bed on the made fine A clean weeds a the loss the work mav he ¢ hoed three<f plants, and no there will be 1 ning out. ff when they are when some tw the thinni sharp-cornered hos plus plants the dom use my fingers in crops. Practice bas 1 Ih ti rained an aid dow raze. h are so many ways in which the corner | w ut fous arg Fm N BW BAKE! of a-hoe can be used take wae i | fully invites tl out of a row, that 1 find it much easi er and quicker to do it with a hos Hoeing often is easier, cheaper, bel = 4 ) id ne anderaiano hae Just vacaival Va kill the weed 1 hen the weeda don } 4 : juestion resu vad IRE i" bia } gh o this oF «iat ng g ; RAB " have time to injure thi crop, or to b ua on that Ang nt and Fob PIES : 3 FR . \ NY a Cin . ; : HIGHEST much in the way; nor does the . mn ary are the most suitable n ontug a i : : heh ¢ } AT ar svn : have time to got hard. At is Jess work | [OT Ulting Humber. In August 114 | the Can or Guar y evoked in all styles, to hoe twice ~etich time before the summer ®growin 1s mature and firn ’ L! A by i p do i wit : ni hi di to, oi , 3 ny Bu 3 weeds get an inch high, than once al. In February the circulation has been r «4 ‘ bh ; Cd : v kinds of Bf ow ter they are four inches high, while in { Beliofsnte ar [PREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LEATHER Kip, altimore Call, 4 ' 3 i (stionery. | OVLFINIEH AND BRUSH MOROCCH, ALL KINDS OF GRAIN for two or three manths suspended by Priva : farnisied und sar :, ot iven to orders. A KID GLOVE SKIN, ea soeinl parties. A special | liberal 4 ¢ mide those who buy to | ia Whang Leather, Goodedelivered w q v Vintoge and Bhoe Gndings, on show goode, Give him & eal] before va id 4 R.. Three Fount i i A sg A f.J. MeDOWELL., | 09.1%. Hellufonte, Ps | of every disoription, all of whieh will be | tharing elrewhors. [ jub'sl.y i b pleasure, No Pa i the cold of winter ’ the latter cass the growth of the crop tae cold of win ¢tonded to #11 | sell again. GRO. LIVINGSTON, will be checked by the wee de, and in , | asd a A an oh i bs | da i Se " ole aw WW amg ; ; f i Y dod | wWingnas peeorss UR ALE y Ready made Coffing, of 1 ide i vrioe the former, increased by the frequont | in ¢ | SYOREWH and II ¢ y ty and | NT ALLS, all od nd kinds, at 4 Stall umn y HAM 8 iy lt ADDLERY, t b 1 } Diftn kept constantly on hand. Alo of ’ ey ¥ ¥ . as WH ane inges of aVery varety a H WS BL MR nas, H ABRAHAM RUBEMAN. i ADDL , to suit the trade, at : Life Ins . ' wd 2" a bo - Vel , The rane rule applies to |, t 4 at IEWIN 4 3 dria | N , t dh BRAM . us] Affe Insurances on all plane fins manufactured to order. hoeing h Pies 10 | ns cattle. ™ Kind BWIN & WILEONS | IRWIN WILEOX'S.d | jal8'6d.1y Bellefonte, Pn a) IRWIN & WILSON'S | 1 ha SOON hp SiR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers