_ : CS 75% BELLEFONTE REPUBLICAN. ~ Ee = A r W. W. BROWN, \ Eviton A. B. HUTCHISON, | sPITUAS, Terms, $2 per Annum, in Advance, | _— = | | BELLE PA. Wednesday Morning June 2, '69, EI REREALCIE FONTE, The REPUBLICAN Aus a larger circulation | ADVERTISING BELLEFONTE | than any other Republican paper pub lished tn the county. Qur merchants and business men will please make a wole of this. ‘“‘Attend to Your own Household.” The Pittsburg Commercial of the 28th inst., in anarticle with the above | title, says that '‘the Commercial, in common with other Rapublican jour nals, in its efforts to purge our State cy, has directed its attention, exclu sively, to the misdeeds of Republican members.”’ We have no doubt that the Commercial is *'in earnest on this question of legislative reform.’ and we believe thas it has done a good work, and saved thousands of dollars to the State, and nobly vindicated the character of the great Republican party, by its able articles, aud its high and manly tone; but have we not had fit? Ifthed 88 1 4 abou enougho cussion must go on, why not begin at the | foundation? Why not take the Legis lative Record and show 1 " member voted on every | member, ¢ 10W every If nembers, received br r voted for wicked and eorrupt bills )T & price to t 1 fe hem in hand paid, why not give the names of each and every one of them, and, at the same publish the price each one received? If the Commercial has chosen tend to 1 3 our househol ose none but R of money received, and the character of every bill voted for by these cor- ruptionists, or forever hold its peace Talk is cheap. Charges ¥¢ are easily made; but what does it all amount to in the absence of the necessary proof Is it honest? Is it the part of the (% iu just and fair on mere y eek to throw suspicions ug blacken the the on, or f ar party Let us have the names of character publi Ie car an partie 1 1 ( ILLERS an then withhold the ervide cans and Democrat we agree with the it says “if s 8 al (" tealing is tc risburg, we would mu Democratic party should furnish the thieves, than that the responsibility should attach to the Republican ty,” yet we desire a held it is our beund those thieves Believing that rect gme, we appeait as its facilities for than eurs, to give us the record in re lation to all of these men, and cially of the Meeks. Weare after os of the Meeks. He is a bitter Cop } perhead and Edits a notor 0 LS espe usly d “ loyal paper. He mis represcnted this county in the Legislature last winter, and, in all probability, will Demo be the We (ruard ratic candidate this fall beat him. The Stat Patriot both exclu led bh honest members When we appealed to th for an When us thie want to and the in from their list « f m explanation they were dumt we arked the Guard to give i the evidence of his having record taken corruption money, it refused to open its mouth, Now, the cial has wade the insinuation w, miner the charge--that MEEK was among the | dishonest members and thieves of the last Legislature. furnish the evidence of his guilt. We confess we are not able to find any evidence of corruption against him. If he aceepted a bribe, and the Edi tor of the Commercial knows that it is 80, he should, for the sake of the! Republican party in this co us all the facts To make charge prove them, weakens a cause. , give unt Uney Our role is to make no charges against any man, until we first havo the evi dence in our possession to substanti ate them. We are growing stronger, every day, in Centre county. fitical record alone; but if he has re. ceived bribes in the Legislature, if it is (rue, as the Commercial intimates, that he is among the Democratic thieves of the last Legislature, it would aid us amazingly, If it is not true, the Commercial and the State Guard should not make the charge, as it will only strengthen him in the estimation of his pets, and followers. Down with the corruptionists; but no fulse swear. ing, is our motto, Make out a case, or select some other subject. BunscRIBE and pay ( in advance) for the REruprIcaxs, { with our Irish fellow-citizens, | their | struggle | thy with Southern rebels | posed the war, they res { abused and derided the Union soldier, { while they had only kindness for Gen | They must be hu of legislative corruption and profliga- | | county leaders We appeal to it to | , and then fail tol We ean | Aefeat Mr. MEEK next fall, on his po- | Light Ahead, for the last eight | years, has been ruled aud vontrolled | by the Democratic Wavhtan and the “Court House Clique. ! The honest | German farmer, ds well asnany of the | laboring eh of the county, together entre county, have | this 1, bad men who have, | been lured into the support of Cligue—~these bol all along, sought their own, instead of In the great Nation's life arrayed against | country s for the men were every in) good. these | one the Union soldiers and in full sympa They op isted the draft LEE and Jerr, Davis in their unholy | crusade ag the Government. These men must be overthrown led frem place, and the character of Centre Co redeemed. The | county We see light ahead. masses and tax-payers are becoming restless under the heavy burdens imposed them bs their ues who have { fed, fattened and grown wealthy at the | expense of the tax-ridden Hundreds of these to throw off the Democratic yoke and ur rd of de ing the I. antic] people men have resolved leave the foul party forever Lrish zens have be d great change in the ithies of ith a view { When nen ext and pur est ion of Centre county and the death of the {‘ourt House Chi jue’ are both sure and cer tain events, | State Convention. | The 23d of June will oon be here { On that day the State Convention will { mest, Their business will be to nom | inate a candidate for Governor, and for t n candidat We take itfo | Winniams, who is Bench, will be « | of the Supreme » Rupreme Judgeship 3 Judge already upon the andidate for Judge rt We are satis 1 fied that no better man t! Witrniaus can be f mn Judge 3 mind for the | sition. The contest for Governor has wmrrowed down to two candidates present excellent Governor. Gen, Jxo | W, Geary and Gen. Joux F. Hare TRANFT, now Aud'r Gen. of the State them if nominated, shall have our most enthusiastic support; but we cannot refrain from giving it as our opinion, that Gen. HaArTRANFT would make the strongest candidate, and give us the State by an unprecedented major ity. Gov. Geary has made a good, nay more, he bas made a most excellent than any of his prodecessors, and the tax-payers of the State know it can re-elect him, but not so easily as we can Gen. Hanrranrr, We know | a great many delegates ave instrueted { for Gov. GEARY-a majority of the pol | iticinng are for Gov. GeAny | monwealth and the success of the Un { Joun I { and | without partiality, and afl | 1i beratic n { field, deem the re-nomina | GEARY | will say amen | with all our for } | seek only the good !« ENTRAI posi- | Our | They are both good men, and either of | (iovernor ; he has paid off more of the | State debt during his administration | We! but the people, who are not men-worshipers, who do not bow to power, and who seek the welfare of our noble Com- ion Republican party are in favor of a new man, and that man is Maj, Gen'l HARTRANFT if the delegates who assemble inthe State Convention on the 22d inst., will | | consult the best interest of party-—act honestly, i + apg a umn tion of Gov. | the best that can be made, we | and enter the campaign oe, ana n the struggle until tl ty is trivmphantls pal elected on | \ . . i | second Tuesday of October noxt. This is our position on this quest We of the prosperity of on the Wea th and manent success the Repul party Altoona District Sunday School vention. Con- PENN A CHUR CONFERENCH iL. ursuan In ful hymn, “Gather at the secmod as if the heavens had ly opened above were charmed with th { gelic voices, We cannot close this imper port, without speaking of tality of the citizens of Ty { especially of those and hotel-keepers, | “City “Fxchange Hotel,”') who so kindly received and entertained the delegatesduring their , az well as Rev, Tho Hotel, stay Barnhart, Tyrone, who them with homes. Near the ; the | preacher in charge at provided close of the Convention, follow- resolution was adopted Resolved, That the Secretary of the Convention prepare an abstract of the | proceedings and have it published in such papers of the District, 3s may | | be agreed upon by him and the Pre siding Elder | On Thursday evening, may 20th, business before Convention | singing the Doxology, the | Barnhart, when burg. W. M. MeOurtovan, Sed'y. «The steamship Peril, which re- contly landed a body of filibusters in { Caba, arrived at Now York on Satar- lay. | ( commences at Louisville on Thursday. The cash premiums amcunt to $4,000, ted in Richmond, Va.,on Saturday, for poisoning P. Hubbard, also colored. nati Friday night, whose house he was attempting to en ter. i | man of education, has been appointed | to a clerkship in the Chic { NO Insurance the representative of America, { gotten all of Motiey is coming after her deserts day to the extent of $40 000 $55.1 ), | OTHER PORTION of THE COUNTRY | having gone through with the pros | gramme, and there being no further | after | Benedic« i tion was pronounced by Bev. Thomas | and cur facilities foi obinining Tumber una the Convenion ad | { journed, to meet again on the first | | Tuesday of June, 1870, at Holliday: | J. 8B. MoMunray,Pres't, | CALL Editorial and Other Items, ~The Kentucky State Tobacco Fair ~Albert Tyler, colored was execu- A burglar was shot near Cincin- by a gentleman —J. B. White, a young colored LO pestof i ee. | ~Davis's theater and two dwell | ings adjoining, at Atlanta, Ga., were | burned Friday night. | Loss $75,000; { Punch has | the dinners and now t. Louis Type Foundry was | damaged by fire and water on Satur. £5 iBsurance There was an PY | hor the trp oli i Rate Fisher, the actress, charged i aling a watch from a woman ned Bevins was disc} in New York. . tha case a ro interested may atl JA i} I where end they ree LAN K MANUFACTURES FCOITAGE} ok Handles, Degeription CABINET MAKEUS throughout Central Pennsylvania, we in We are prepar farnish you with vite you to call and see ed t us | themselves indebted to | quested to make immediate j says Reverdy Johnson, as | {| road will NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANT OTICE. ~The regulas Annual Meeting i of the Btockholders of the ellefonte Glass Manufacturing Company, for the sled tien of officers of said Company, will be held at the office of E. & E. Blanchard, on Bat. urday, the 12th day of June, R. VALENTIXE, Sec’y. je2'69-2t, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Ve Letters of Administy estate of C. C, B ation on the late f-B to the umdersigned, gald estate are nent, and those having claims against game, present them duly authentic d by law settlement, JAMES GL} je2'60.64, M ARY JANE ROUNE, “ MANTUA MAKER, Having removed t pied by Martin Stone, on Ys the h friends an prepared st all LADIES » make AND CHILDREN DRES | Coats and Basques, TIN] MACHINE SEWI} Bellef |" ENITURE WAREROOM FTON OF THE PACIF. ( {OMPLI IC RAI GREAT RI ocean, connect ng notior tk at last § y and brisk in ten « m here t nore we take the an rrid le anged the passengers abou 1 wore out all their clothing The siage, a } Cuonvs, for the end of ¢ Great Pacific Railroad's 1s Frem ocean unto ocean, And we buy clothes from A A mest Celightful notion, STRRsnrnc Throuzh passengers by the Pacific Rail 1 eall at the store of A. Sternberg, be fore starting, and provide themselves with | & complete outfit of the elegant and rubstan. ALL THETURNED WORK NEEDED in your business, cheaper than you can | i purchsss in any i so people who | route at all, prefer to stay at home, can find tial Bpring and Swemmer Clothing, the very best assortment of which will always be found at A. Sternborg's Store. People who travel by other routes, and al y inttend of traveling by any { the most superior and seasonable garments, cheaper than you CAN PURCHASE IN THE CITY OUR MACHINERY isthe VERY BRAT, ble ux not only to compete with, but to UNDERARLEL ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT inthe whole country. ARD EXAMINE snd prices, WILLIAMS & CANAN, Bellefonte, Pa. OUR WORK ! figure. | for every sceasion, of every variety, and at the lowest prices. Do not fail to eall and examine our stoek before purchasing elsewhere ; if you do not, we are sure you will be sorry that you did not, Our goods are pul down to the lowest We sell whole suits, according to quality, RANGING FROM 24.50 TO #1800 «the vary best, A. WTERNBERG, Allegheny 8t, Bellefonte, Pa. my26°60.1y W H. SNYDER, Land Surveyor « and Civil Engineer, Will attend to all calle in his profession as promptly as en. agoments will permit. Address, Beech ‘took , Clinten Co., Pa. myl2'69- 1m. {ECHLER & CO., SS LER & | plete ass | in buying goods | ZIMMERMAN MISCELLANEOUS, TO JiARM ERS, LOOK YOUR INTERESTS, BUY AN ILLINOIS HARVESTER ! On which the binders ride—Thres men do the work of 81X. THE GREATEST LA~ BOR.SAVING REAPER now in use. Call snd see it at our office or send for a descrip- tive catalogue, BHORTLIDGE & Co. my20'69 5t Agents DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, B, 8 CONFECTIONERIKS, THE BEST ARSORTMENRT OF GC THIS We have an endiess tle artisles which g ritment Gr CAH } is ensier made tha | for it, po den’t spend your mony fi ome right along snd get good 6 fuli value for it at BROS & Agents for the American Dutie {| Overseaming and Sewing Machine, jab'e0.y. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICx Letters of Administration on ceiate of John MH. Carry,late of Harris town ob, MISCELLANEOUS, mows LOTS The under. signed informs Lhe oitizens of Bellefonte,and of Contre county, that be haz, just outside the Borough limits, and near the “County Fair Grounds,” FORTY. TWO BUILDING LOTS, beautifully situated, at ressonable rates terms, &e., apply Lo wpri 69 Sm. which will be sold For full particulars, JOHN COLE, Pu. Bellefonte FOR SALE. : | OBES LIVERY | 4 The unde od having entered into part Livery Business, under the fi [rasc Loge & B forming the pe public generall husiness n, ad ple ¥, that in the Burnside Blable determination to keep the very best HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGE and to hire thew y** ALIN & LAMBERT, PLARSTERERS! PLASTERER \ usAis W ANTED I HISTORY CONFEDRA( & w 1 the nes oa |“ Behis roughly re iors | and pee our toy the work A NATION myl2°69.4w the | ship, deceased, having boen granted to the | undersigned, all persor s knowing themselves | indebted to said ertats are requested to make immediate payment, and those having elaine | against the same, to present them duly suthentieated by law for seitlemont WM. L. SELLERS, Adwm'y, mal2'60 64 OTICR A meeting of tHe Stockhold ors of the Agricultural College and | Junetion Turnpike Road Company, will be | held at the Bush House, in the Borough of | Ay of | Bellefonte, on Saterday. the 12th June next, at 2 o0'elock, P. M., for the pur. pore of choosing one Prezident, five Mana gers and one Treasurer, and such other off. ines of said company. my190°89.3¢, AGON HUBBE, spokes and felloes large and sail, st IRWIN A And how they Lived, Fowght and Died for {tion of the work, & WILSONS' | lishing Co., Phila. Pa. GENTR WANTED COATS, FOR the Union with Sooner ond Incidents in the Great Rebeilifon Comprising narratives of Personal Adven. | ture, Thrilling Incidents, Daring Exploits, Heroie Deeds, Wonderful Eeeaper, Life in the Camp, Field and Hospital, the It containg aver 108 fine Engraviogs and is the spiciest and choapest war book pub. lished, circulars and see our terme, and full descrip aprifen. it. THE BLUR | Adventures | i of Spies and Beonts, with the Senge Ballads | {| Anecdotes and Humorous Incide.ts of | War. ears as tay be necessary to conduct the bus. | Price only $2.50 per copy. Send for | Address National Pub | HOTELS 0 B HOUERE. Tie undersigned adopts this method of informing his friends and the pu gener ally that he oc te keep the Hotel on the corner of Allegheny and Biskoy Ble, known by the cognomen of HOUSE pared ne nlisuce ci 0 Un rieter ba pains in STABLY Jone PLEASANT GAP HOTEL sergigned having purchssed td sunt Gs LE EN R arement of he Pa metantly on hand EST AL Be R RANT, h& MclLaine R. Depot new near i He keeps Orsters in every style, Roast Chic Hum and Eggs, Fresh ¥ Cutlets, Cod Fish Bale Baked | Roa t Turkey, Beefstonk, Fried Mutton Chaps, Tea and wader, Lombs Fr and everything te suit ng aerured that general va be given, he invites him a visit JOHN MALIPHANT nte, nasnge ve, Ulam Ch tied Hels, Foe wi the taste. Jal3'69.1y. Pa Belief | {jo D STATES REVENUE TAX NOTICE is hereby piven that the Annual | Lists of Taxes for 1589 ix pov dus. Al persons owing the United tater for Taxes, | im Centre County, are to call wt | my office, in Walker Township, on or before { the 10th day of June next, and pay their | indebtedness or costs will be made | For the convenience of Tax. payers I will | bo ut Bellefonte Tuesday, Wednesday and | Thursday, Jone 1st 2nd and 3rd, at Mill | holm on Saturday Jume Sth, and Philips | burg Toewday June Sth 1869. Ofce of Dep’ Collestor, | Nittany, May 10, 1868. § y WM. PP. HARRIS, Dep. Collector, reqested {may 13,6844.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers