Wednesday Morning, February 24,'69. Tun Drug Store of F. P. Green will be removed, April 1st, 1809, from Brocker- haff's row, te the new Hotel of Bush & McLain, over the creck. Jan, 20uf. For Sarr. —A first class farm, within two miles of Bellefonte, is now for sale. Any persin wishing to buy, can learn full pirticulars, by ealling at the office of the Bellefonte Republican, Usxpsaraxsr —In the Republican will be found the advertisement of our fellow townsman, H. P. Harris, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker. ficury is a clever fel. low; a good mechanic, and is always ready with a good hearse to convey every one who bas shuffled off this mortal coil, to their last resting place. Tatroming -- Wm. 8B, Tripple, Merch- ant Tailor, continues to carry on his business (up stairs) in Busu's Arcade Building, on High street. Mr. Tripple is a first olass workman keeps constantly on band the very best of cloths, &e,, makes neat fits, and gives satisfaction Give bim » call. generally. A Goon Jon. —The visitors to the Ar cade 84loon, Geo. M. Peck, Proprietor, will ree that it has been newly papered with very handsome paper This was the work of Samue! Nichau's a firet class painter and paper hanger. We would recommend Mr. Nichauls to all persons wishing papering done in a neat and workmaulike manner. Ove Hover. —We haves one Hote! on Bishop street, kept by our good natured Wm Mr. Brown keeps friend irown a very good house, and persons who do | not wish to pay for their meals, the pri ces charged at other hotels in the Bor- ough, can be accommodated with good 1 sul ial meals, at from 25 to 40 Mr table not surpassed by any in the town, and At tani cents per meal Brown's is he spares neither labor nor pains Lis guests comfortable. bim, tomake Ca'l and pee How Cuaxasp.—This is an exclama- tion we hear every day in regard te Lishop Street And. may we not exelaim, how changed is Bishop Street? No more drunkenness ; no more drunken quar- rels; arrests by the Police few and far between. For some time, modest as we are, we were inclined to the belief that it was the establising of the Republican upon this street that had brought about the great change. We have learned bet- ter, however, and are willing that the honor should go where it properly be- longs. Rev. Thomas McGovern, with bis temperance pledge, bas done the work. Honor to whom honor, &e. Dr. Saox's Cararnu Renxoyis no Pa- tent Medicine humbug gotten uf to dupe the ignorant and eredulous, nor is it represented as being ‘‘composed of rare sud precious substances brought from the four corners of the earth, carried so- ven times across the Great Desert of Sa- barsh on the back of fourteen camels.” It is a simple, mild, soothing, pleavant Remedy, a perfect Specific for Chronic Ne- sal Catarrh, “Cold in the Head " and kindred direases. The proprietor. R. V. Pierce, M. D., of Buffalo, N. Y., offers a reward of $500 for a case of Catarrh that For eale by most Drug Sent by mail, post Address the pro t he cannot cure, gists everywhere. paid, for sixty ceats pristor as above, [ Communicated.) Tue Protracted Meeting, noticed one of your recent «sues, is otill in pre gress. Over ane hundred have been eon- verted, aud the work is unabated Some twenty were at the alter for prayer on the last evening. A visit was paid us by | your worthy pastor, Rev. Paidoe, who Our { Reveared pastor, E Butler, has labored in preached a very touching sermon untiringly ever since the first of January, {and yet bis cnergy and endursoce are thie | se of the young itinsrant, In fac! he | bas two meetings in progress at preseni; | one at Unionville, at which some eight The old veteran preaching alternately, one even- were at the alter for prayer. ing at Milesburg, and the next at Us- | ionviile. | his years, is almost superbuman. A more | feithful and worthy paftor, it bas not His endurance, for a man of | bea . 5 : A Goon Move — Rev. Thos McGovern, | 0727 00r lot to bave for a score of years pastor of the Catholic chureh in this Society for the especial benefit of his own people. The society, we are informed, | The seals to his ministry, during our 4 | : . place. recently organized a Temperance | D¢¢'I"E. bave been numerous, many o” them heads of families. It is mct un | —_——___ Our Western Letter---No. 3 THE CONING WOMAN, Dear Republican :—8orosis! Do you know what sorosis means? Now you need not hunt up your old, lidless Web- ster, for Noah did not kvow anything about it Leastwise he don't tell us any. thing about it, are fame; but Noah of the great spelling book— Noah of the dictionary. 1 don't believe, either, that any such society ex- isted in Admiral Noah's time. I never read of Mrs. Noab having been connect. ed with any such society; nor do I think sbe was much exercised about woman's rights, or female suffrage! Though the ancient historian does not inform us which wore the breeches—or if breeches were worn by either—it is generally eon- ceeded that Mr. Nosh, not Mrs. Noah, was “Capting” of that somewhat cele- brated craft. Mrs. Noah probably de- voted her time to the little Noahs! Borosis! [ am sure l don't know what it means! I do know that such is the name given to an organization of women, the object of which society is the emanci- pation and citigenising of women I don't know whether you have the so rosis in Bellefonte or not; though I ex- pect you have, for you used to have Mrs, Grundy pretty badly there, snd sorosis is one of the offspring of that prelific(?)old lady. We've got it in Chicago, though, sure; and we've got it bad! It is spreading like fire on the prairie, and all efforts to stop it are unavailing. It is a very loath. some disenge, like the smalipox, snd Ist. ter day Democracy. The Seat symptoms of this terrible malady is a adrious breaking out at the mouth, eslled, for short, gab! As the disease progrisses, the vic'im becomes more Gabby! In the last and worst stag- es, the gab increases, and | have beard the opinion expressed that it generally sands in g«b But zo telling. for gad is mighty, (especially female gab) and jt may prevail During the last week we bave had (wo Woman Suffrage Conventions. ! WoB'l call them Hen Conventions, as did one oo, our city papers, nor will 1 say that (he members of these conventions were like pallets, they run largely to feathers; but | will suggest that some of because common to see the father, mother and ! forth curses which, like chickens, come now numbers over one hundred members, |S" "170 pros'rated at the same alter “or | home to roost—curses to the irue inter. Rev. McGovern is a faithful minister—a gentleman in the truest sense of the word —and an able advocate of the temper- ance cause. The result of Fis labors in this direction are seen and felt every day, and many a wife and mother will | pever cease 10 call down the blessing sof | hesven upon bis devoted head . Rl { Exrerretse —We are pleased fo an- | nounce the fact that Edward Brown has commenced to build on the sorner of Al. legbheny street, opposite “Our House.’ the this corner has been a wrste aud An 87e #0ar (0 citizens | Hince last Winter and passers by; but this is to be reme- ! | During the pleasant weather of | last week, Mr. Brown had the masons at work upon the foundation walls, and bas | pow, we understand, determined to erect A three story frame building, the full size of bis lot. It will bea nice improve- | a great pity that he did | The | three large ment, but it is net determine to build a brick block new buildieg will cootaia store rooms. This will make more room | i for merchants, We want to see thomall i i secupied by lire men { Way ?- Mr. Brockerhoff bad several a of a f the large limbs cut off the shade trees 1 front of Keller & Musser’'s stare, just pposite the Republican office on Bishop &t ly ? Wasif to clear Keller & Musser cou'd see into the Republican cffice, or Why was this done the way so that Mezsrs was it to make room fur the large erowd | prayer f 3 ’ | streets after nightfall. | command, and parents should endeavor, | of the assertion that faid of bim: higher!" Tero. At Mou 1¥ run Evesixgs. —Norhing concerning the future welfure and hap- piness of the young is so neglected by | parents and guardisne as the manner in | Dark- ness is temptation to evil; and suffering | | | | which their evenings are spent young men and boys to be sbarnt from the family bearth, when the light of dey does not restrain them from miscenduet, is really training them to it, and produe. | ing incalculable mischief and ruin. All | the riots, disturbances of any kind and crimes are the results of running in the To home, some- i | | thing more is necessary than the mere | | whose nove by their own example, to show the im portance of spending the bours of dark- ness with the family, for if beads of households cannot experience the truth ‘there is uo place { like bome,,"” how can they expect their 4 P off -apring to be domentic? Evening re | creation and employment in the family | eirsle are infinitely more agreeable and | pleasant than any amusement or diseips | tion abroad ; and honorable and learned | i | | men are the products of the one, while miserable awd dissipated specimens of the human race are the results of the | other Let home be the place it should | be, and let the same fascinations and in- | ducements be cfered at the bomestead | | most prominent among whom were Anos { ably absent | impress— the only impress that had ever | whose appearance suggested that coun- | ling attendant upon the small amount of {Joined in this cackling-—some shanghais, May the blessing of God crown | e.ts of women—curses even to the Cause { the tabors of the o'd veteran, until it is ! of woman's suffrage; for [ think tha “It is enough, come up | some of the panialoon women who were active in these meetings would prove a cures to any cause. Many of the strong minded women of the country were here, Dickinson, E¢n., Mre. Busan B. Antbo ny, Mrs Elisabeth Cady Sianton—old Mrs. Train—G.o. Francis, | mean—was Tha old lady was unavoid- Among those present, were many maiden females, on whore classic brows the crys'aline frosts of forty sev tn or more sumtuere, and the gentle showers of many wioters bad left their not present, boen left! Maidens upon whose lips no tyrant man had ever bung, but from gracefully dongles elasks diamonds on a frosty morning! Maidens where the Lion roareth, and the | whang doodle mouraeth for her frst. | born; but upon whose breast no first-born ever rested ry There was an immense ame unt of cask laying done. Not a few male chickens some bautums, and not a few of the com mon dang bi'l order cocks among them ly short-spurs! I saw no game They were general In the convention the women resolved to do all sorts of things, and they will do it, too, for I don't mean Noah of the eggs laid may prove eggs of dissen- | | tion which, when hatched, will bring | meeting sending delegates to that Con: dragged dows to the level of man ; a wo- and my mother ! For the present, however, we must banish there memories, and shout ** Hull to the Chief who in triumph advances” — by which chief I mean the coming woman whom I now embrace. ‘Bee the con- quering Ae-ro comes,” and she will bang her panniers on the outer wall. She bas got ber back up—grecian bended—and the will make things hump. Her hair switches wildly about her bead as she charges forward upon her velocipedal war horre ! Hip. hip. hurrah, for the coming wo man ! Your Own, Ex Quan. Cuiocaao, Feb, 16, 1869, Hornisre Dears rrox Hyprormosta. —The Newark Courier says: Already tidings reach us from all parts of the country that hydrephobia prevails to an unusual extent, snd we hope our author- ities wil take immediate steps to guard our citizens against (he possibility of being aitacked by rabid cavines. On New Year's day Thomas McCarthy, » sober, industrious mechanle, of Peter- #00. was sligh ly scratched upon one of his fingers by the tooth of a little dog. No one suspected the dog. which after- wards died, of being mad st the time, aod no bad effects were experienced from the serateh until about three o'clock on Sunday morning, when the deceased begantogrow ill, and when water was brought to bim be at once flew into a vi- olent fit. He appesred t) suffer the most intense agony snd had the great est aversion t= water, always becoming unmansgesble when sny wes brought ‘o moisten bis lips. Alter undergoing an almost fouous series of fearful spasms and violent contortions, the un fortunate msn died at three o'clock in the afternoon, joel twelve hours after the appearance of the first symptoms. A man oamed Charles Ludlsw, who was bitten by a dog about a month since, died of this dreadful disease in Breok lyn yesterday. On Friday last, a voung cba. of a Mr. Kromeoacker, residing at Foster's Mea. "+ L. I, was seized with bydrophobis. and dies '® Test sgooy on Saturday night. The chila .** bit- 190 by a dog nearly three months before and it is (feared that the father snd another obild, who were bitten at the same time, wiil share the same horrible fate. We learn, further, that the eoun try districts about Newark are infested wii Tabid escines, and unless prompt aan! | measures are ‘35en to shut up the many worthless curs whic” Tun at large in our city, the tix: human vietim 7 1hie dread fal malady may prove to be ome of 087 own oil zens. Brrisvoxre, Pen. 224, 1869. Minutes of a Temperence Meeting. beld in the Grad Templer's Hall : On motion of Hom NH. NM Allister. Rev. H. C. Pardes was eleciod Prosi- dent The meeting was J0toed with prayer, by Rev Roberts The President made some remarks stat. ing the object of the meeting, after which an ode was sung James H. Rankin then read from the State Guard, a call for a State Temper. ance Convention to be held on the 284 inst., and advoeaied the propriety of this venijon Hon H N, M'Allister offered the fol. lowing resolution : Rezo ved, That it in expedient for this meeting to send three delegates to the Convention at Harrisburg, and they are hereby instructed to use their influence in the Convention to insugurate a meve- ment to have an amendment to the State Constitution offered 10 the people for their approval, prohibiting the sale of intoxieating liquors as a beverage Maj James Armor, Rev. H C. Par doe, and James H. Rankin, were ap man—best of sll woman—your mother Nr r————————iins ttn ys Grain and Flour Markets, Brrrzvonyr. Fub, 24, 1869. RE wersesnen sasnses Rye per bushel........ Buck wheat per bus, Cloverseed Provision Market. Apples, dried, per 1b..........c.... Peaches, * “ou - Chickens, such, live Tirkeys, ‘ Bituminus Coal at Snow Shoe Depot, Berened Coal.......o..uuneins cenne $1.50 per ton Run of Mines., «+0: 2.80 per ton PARE KIORE pe nsrnie sicessnss srioeinnssss 2.00 per ton i ——— Lumber at Snow Shoe Depot. Pine Boards, Run of Mill $15.00 per M Pine Boards, Culls wens 14.00 per M een 15.00 por M Hemlock Boards.....................14.00 per M Milroy Markets, Corrected Weekly by Geo & J. P. Blymyer Miunoy, Pa, Feb. 24, 1869, White Wheat, § bushel a Red “ Rye § bushel. TN Barley. Flazeeed Cloverseed 55 50 75 00 00 50 75 00 5 00 Fine Salt, American, Limeburners Conl....... ... ..... ereRh i Stove Coal, Wilkes Baire............... — Philadelphia Markets, Wapwzsnay, Fob 24, 1860 CLOVER SEED —Iu fair demand at$9 75 10 ¢0, FLOUR—Very doll; Northwasterr exira family 87 T8@8 50; Obio do $8 25625 00 WHEAT Prime, scarce: rod $1 99; am. ber $1 95, white $2 (0@ #2 10. RYE~§1 58 CORN-Tu fair demand; yellow 88 80e. OATR Steady ar Ti(g 78e. Po TROLEUM, groceries aud provisions unrhange.. WHISKY ‘ominal at $97@#1 64 I ———— DRY GOOL." —— — PHILADELPHIA STORE! PAILADELPHIA STORE! KELLER & MUSSER. “ER NEW STORE. ARNOT, ANOTHER NEW STORZ. ANOTHER NBw STORE. KELLER & MUSSER ha ™* Just opened the bast, chenpaet, fargest as w.'' ™ the best assorred stock of Goods in Bel fonte of Contry) Pengayivania, at their new PRILADELPHIA STORE, in BROCKERBOFFS BLOCK, Bishop i FOR THE LADIES. They ba™* Silks, Coburge Alpacas, Merines, Won] De. ines, Lustres, Gingham, Prints, Pop. ion. Lawns, Hand. Rerehisfs, ht and other Gloves, Hoviery, Hal morale, Hoop-akirts, snd a general va Tariety of Ribbons, irimmings, Buttons, Braids, ote., at the Jowest prices. ‘ FOR GENTLEMEN They bare Black and Blase Cloths, Plack and Fancy Casvimeres, Sattinetts, Tweads, Moltone, Water proof Cloth, Bilk, Satin and common Vestings, ote, in great variety, and at prices that will give general satis: faction te buyers. Their READY MADR CLOTHING is cheap. and consists of Overconts, Dress coats, of various qualities 45 | 20 on PRILADELPHIA STOKE! | ! | —— DRY GOODS, ke —————————— —— MISCELLANEOUS, a ——— c— D° NOT FORGET That the place to buy Obesp Goods, CALICOES, DELAINES, BILKS, BATINS, CASEIMERES, CASBINETS, BLANKETS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, is at JOAN W. COOKES CHEAP CASH STORE, REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY BTREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. profits and quick Meturne,” we have succeeded is known to wrerybody. GLASSWARE, the most reasonable rates. We pay at all times the highest cash price for Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn and Barley. We most eurdially invite everybody te give ue a call, before pur. ebasing elsewhere. Do not forget the place. REYNOLDS’ ARCADE, ALLEGUENY ETREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. No. 4, BUSH'S ARCADE. LADIES £4 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE. URS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS. Delsner, Hoods, Glover and Fasey Work baskets [fur sale by Jnb'80.y] G. W.TAIRER & CO | 7 EPHYRS, Zephyr Patterns, Ger- | £4 mantown Wool, Shetland Wool, Fancy : Trimmings of all kinds f r sale by G.W. FAIRER & CO. | | ADIES and Misses Shoes, Ladies’ sud Misses Uunder Cothing, for sale by G. W. FAIRER & CO. (FEATS Under Clothing & Ready- made Ov ershirte for sale by G. W, FAIRER & C0. T{ URS From $3 to $75 por Sett, for i tals by G. W_FAIREK & 00, FF ADILG and Misses Hoop Skirts, B lanl pete of all grader, for sale ehesp » . : G. W. FAIRER & Co. (FENTS' Home-made 2al Socks, forsale by & W_ FAIRER ¢ “VY | ADIES' apd Gents’ Rearfs for wale by G. W.FAIKER & CO. OLILS, of all kinds For Children forsale by GG. W. FAIRER & CO \ XT KE ARE selling off our present ¥ Stock st exceedinly low prices, so BROADCLOTHS We start 4 ut on the principles of ‘Bmall and how well OUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARK AND are of the very best quality and are sold a | Flanele, Musline, Calicoes, Coverlets, ~ | tially and permanentir a Nation, F P. GREEN, DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY. Ons Door North of Main Entrance to Brock. erboff House, Desler in Pure Drugs and Medicines, Eu. glieh snd Awerisan Perfumery, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Pocket Books, Combe, snd a ge ere! msortment of Faney Goods. such as sre urnally kept in fret class Drug Stores. Hels nleo BOLE PROPRIETOR the following articles, which have slread) attained u large sale, SOLELY ON THEIR OWN MERITS, and which uo family should be without. GREEN'S CELEBRATED LIVER Pills are a wild and effectual cathariio, and ae af remedy in Liver Compleint and Female dis eared, are unsurpassed. None Genuine with out THE BIGRATURE OF ¥. p. GREEN, around the Box, GREEN'S VEGETABLE PAIN KILL or, as & reliever of pain, is a medicine for either internal or external use snd is unrur- passed for the disesses for which it is recom. mended. Put up in bottler, and retails at 25 ete. U0 end ove dollar, COMA RESTITUTOK is, ae its name indicates, A RESTOREBR OF THE HAIR, itis an elegant Lair dressing, removes dan. drufl, cures all eruptions of the scalp, re- ttores gray bair to its oniginel eoler, and stimulates the growth of the bair and whie. kere. Price $1.00 Phyticians Prescriptions, and family ree ipes carefully compounded. Patent Medicines of all kinds kept con. stantly on band or purchased to order. Jab'68.1y | | | JEST MARKET. N. W. Cor. Diswond, opposite Court House. BELLEFONTE, PENK'A. JESSE MORGAN, Would respectfully call the sttention of th citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, to the su- perior quality of FRESH MEAT! FRESH MEAT! Constantly to be found on band. BEEP, PORK, MUTTON, YEAL, POULTRY, &e., ELE XL | always on band. Tes NEW YORE TRIBUNE FOR 186% { Within the last eight years cur country | bar Uismphantly passed through the grav- ett and most trying perils which have | confrunted berever since ber Independence | war acknowledged. Fhe bar vindicated be- yond appeal ber right to be regarded as no were confederacy or league of jealous, en- | vious, discordant Bister, but as substan. wherein the pretensions of no part can be admitted | of apbeld in opposition to the integrity, the | pan mount authority, of One Republic. The right of esch man, by virtue of bis | | birth or patoralisation ss a citizen of the | United Plates, to the full enjoyment of { “life, liberty. and the pursuit of happiness,” Sutil be shall forfeit A dp po by erime, is alec o “tablished on impregnable frundations. | it was left | irh as = fart what they merely | of Saratoga and Yorktown proclaimed as an | | abstraction the eapnon of Gettysbure, Vieks. that persons wishing bargains should call on | burg, and Five Ferke, established ag « liv. | posing elsewhere, uw. W. FAIRER 2 CO ———— ——————————" ri fall kids, at . OTS of ol BORNSIDE a TITUMAS us belore pure NEW STORE. = HARFER BROTHERS |Ha ve opened up an | ENTIRE NEW BTOCK of 800DE| oir naw slo { ‘ atth of every description, which w rosm op Spring street; purchased at | PANIC PRICES, land will be sold as low if not lower, than ean be found elsewhere in this weetion. Their stock comprises in ‘part, bo Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Hoseries, | our flag now Boats, etill wore widely as ft | i Ul | and the benificonee will become more palpa- | | ble with every adde? year. | quired to enable us to maoasure and apprecl. | , ‘riumph. | heeded “0d unvaloed, will year by year | stand forth ," Silestation that nome of us { bas as yet sdeqg nately realized the magni. | tude snd the benign tT of our National vie { tory. ing, embodied, enacted truth. Widely ase | may float hereafter, there is, there can | benceforth be, no legal master, no fettered slave. Wrongs and aboses, servility snd | oppression, mav still exist ; but the Feders! | Constitution is no longer their shield, and | the folds of our flag no longer emblagon por | soe’ to conceal a lie. The humblest Ameri | eam. #0 | BE a be violates po law, is master | of bis owy (uber and the vole owner of all be can “Arn. | Of thess ‘mmense results, the importance | i Distance Is re. | { i enduring monsment of our struggle and oor | New arte. new industries, mew de velo, Wents of natural wealth, too lomg un 1d | ciple What the canpod | Ie ————.:». of items which make up afirst-class dally paper. It in printed with Letter and clean. er type than ady other daily journal in Americas, It is published every Sunday excepted. Terme, $10» your; or six months. THE SEMI. WEEKLY TRIBUNE is published every Tuesday sud Friday, sn contains £11 the editorial : rticles, not wered ly local in charscter; reviews snd nit eriticimme ; letters from & large corps of foreign ana domestie Lr; epee. ‘al and Associated Press telegrapvic ols- puicher; a careful and comple’s summary iH foreign and domestic pews ; exclusive te- ports of the proceedings of the Farmers Club of the Am rican Institute ; talks shout fruit and other borticulturs| and sgricultu. ral information ; stock, financial, onttle, dry goods, and geners! market reports, which ere published in The Doi? Tribune. e Semi. Weekly Tribune also gives, in the conse of s yest, three or four of the bet and latest popular novels, by living sothore, The cost of these alone, if bought inboyk form, would be from oix to eight dollars. If pur. chased in the English magazines, from which they ure carefully selected, the cortmiuld be three or four times that sum. Mowtere else can #0 much eurrent intelligence sod permanent literary matter be bad at so chess arate ns in The Semi- Weekly Tribune. Those who believe in the principles sad spprove of the character of The T ibune can ‘netesse its power and influence by joining with their neighbors in forming clubs to subscribe for The Bem. Weekly edition. It will in thet way be supplied to them ot the lowest price for which such a paper can be printed. TERMS OF THE SEMI. WERKLY TRIE. UNE. » Mall subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year— 304 antmibiens. ..ossesnersapeecs Mail subscribers, 2 copier, | your— 304 DOMED. nnsessirs siocss sosionss Mail subserebers, § copies, os over, SOF CRBH 3 OD Persons remitting for 10 copies $30 will TECEive AL ¢Xira copy six months Persons remitting for 15 copies $45 will receive un extra copy one year. For $100 we will send thirty copies and The Daily Tritune, $4 00 ~. 700 THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE bas continued to cireulate a greater number of copies than soy other mewspaper in (be country. We sppreciste this confidence, snd «ball labor to retain it. Its previous atirse. tions will be continued and increased. The main festures of our Weekly will be agri. culture, literature, politics, and the markets, with the latest rummary of the daily pews We bave made special arrangements fo in. tresses its usefulness se an sgricvitoral jour. val. The Parmers’ Club will Le fully re. ported, und special articles om agrics tural pice contributed by the bert writers. Xo farmer who desires to til] the soil with prof it, and to know the progress constany wade in the science of bis calling, can afford to neglect the advantaper of a DEwEpRpOr { like The Weekly Tribune. erpecially whee n | nites with agriculture other features of in. | terest and profit. The Weekly Tvibume con. | tine o summary of all that appears in The Daily and Semi Weekly editions, while in addition it is made to address itself to the wants of the great firming class. Reviews | oll +f the new publications. and of all that | pew ‘n woric and the foe arte: letters from wll parte of the world—some of them of Tare inlerest to the farmer, as rhowing the progress of agriculture in other countries ; editorial essays on all topics of bome sud foreign interest, together will be furnished from week to week, and at a lower | price than that of any newspaper in 4 meri. {es. By purrving this policy The Weekly Tribune bas already attained ite present conmanding influence and clrenlation, ard | We enler upon the new year with a2 seen. | Tance Lo our readers that po pains snd me | expense will be spared to give it st I great i | or usefulness and power, snd to make it 3 { welocme visitor (0 every fireside in the lsad, { ! The Editor of The Tribume purpores to write, during the year 1880, an elementary { Our fath is proclaimed it in Jaetifyimg their | "OF o0 Dolitical Economy, wherein the pol | separation from Great Britain ; | to us to ertabl | aBrmed ae 8 prin ey of Home Industry will be explained and vindicated This work will fret be given to Shee aniie serene Fessern ve Tevlel 1 J he Tribune, and will appear in all its editions Daily, Newi. Weekly, and Week/y We »ili thank there whe think that the influence of The Tribune conduces to the | profit and well being «f the people, to aid us in extending ite ¢irenlarion TERMS OF THR WEEELY TRIBUNE. TO MATL FUBKCIDERE. One copy, one year, 52 imves.......... 08 00 Five copies, to vomer of sxbecribers at one Post-Office..... . . won J 8 Ten copier, to mames of subscribers at one Post- Office And one copy extra to the getter up of the club. Twenty copies, to mame of subsoribers st one Post Office... srerssncndil. OF And one copy exirs to the getter.up of the club, Ten copies to ane address, in one order 15 00 fe it oh Fifty copier, to one address in ome ur. der... pp One hundred copies, to one address, in eDe order wrens 168 60 GREELEY'S HISTORY OF THE WAR Fancy Goods, Clathing, Boots & Bhoer, and prices, Plain and Fancy Vests, Cassi mere and Flannel Cvershirts, Woolen and Cotten undershirts, Handkerchiefs, neck ties, The Tribune bar often been applied to for copies of Mr. Greeley's history of the late Civil War, entitled The American Confer. pointed said delegates. Rev. Megan made some remarks advo. No great good is ever se. ieved without | | “When a woman will, she will, you may de. | effort or without cost. Four vest ©f patri f cust * o2 cus: pend on't, mers who daily flock to the Phil- It den't matter It as abroad, and a more exalied and cred. adelphia Store? was a good job. We hope Mr. Parsons will trim the trees in front of our office to make room for the large vumber of subscribers tha: daily find their way into Whether the tress are our sancium trimmed or not, if the Republicans want the Demoersey well (rimmed subscribe just for the ecrip we will Republican over the Come a'ong, ie p in- Times wil the 4th of March, be bappy to be better, and mon- alter when it and Grant comes in, — | 1] { LL | | | | ng , possess your gouls io patience Tae Qresviox Axswrrin — Somebody | a woman, of course—inquires why, | when Eve was manufactured from the | epare-rib, a servant wasn't made at the Somebody clee—a woman, we imagine—replies in tke following Because Adam never came whiniog to Eve with a rag g*4d stocking to Le darned, collar wiring to be same time to wait on her? strain: sewed on, or a glove to mend, ‘right away, quick now !"™ Decause he never read the newspaper until the sun got down behind the palm trees, and then sireiching himself, yawned out, “Ain't supper most ready, my dear!” Not be. H« made the fire and bung the kettle over it himeelf we'll venture; and pulled the radishes, peeled the potatoes, sod did everything else he ought to do. He milked the cows fed the chickens snd looked after the pigs himself, He never brovght heme half a dozen friends to din- ner when Eve hadn't soy fresh pote. granates, and the mango season was over. He never stayed out 1111 11 ¢’cl'k to a ward meeting, burrabing for an out. snd-out candidate, and then scolded be- cause poor Eve was sitting up erying in- side the gates. He never played bill iards, rolled ten-pios and drove fast hor- sen ; nor choked Eve with cigar smoke He never loafed around corner groosries while Eve was rocking little Cain's ora- dle at home. In short, be didn’t think she was specially created for the purpose of waiting on him, snd wasn't under the impression that it disgraced a man to lighten a wife's cares a little. That's the reason that Eve did pot need a bired itable class of citizens would people the | i world Tux axes —We have the honor to sate that we now number among our ex- | changes Forney's Philadelphia lress. — It comes regularly, and is most heartily welcomed by us, It comen well printe!, snd filled with the choicest of matter, — [12 editorial eslumns contain daily lead. ing articles on one or more of the im portant questions of the dav, well writ ten, strong, emphatic, logieal and digni- fied Demoeracy; bat does it It deals terrible blows to the sham in so gentesl tratbful, and at the same time, so forei ble a manner as (oc carry conviction to the minds of the most incorrigable. Ia points are weil put; its Argumen’'s un- anawerable. The department devoted to “What the people say,” in a new feature, prenlhiarly ite own, and is as interesting a8 it is new, Every number contains the latest news from foreign countries, and the very lat- est Congressional, aod other news from all parte of our own great and glorious conntry—made great an) glori us by the Union loving patriets of the Republiean periy, and by the power and influence of feariess and independent journals among which Forney's Philadelphin Press ranks second Lo none, All through the fearful struggle for the National life, the clarion voice of the Editor was beard, aod bis pen, mightier than ths sword, was wielded in behalf of the Government, in behalf of the soldiers of the Nation, and now in favor of ex. tending the God-given rights of a saved Nation to all of ite citizens, the noble and the ignoble, to the oppressed and down trodden, as well ae to the most wealthy within our borders. Forney's Press should be in every Re: publican and loyal family in the States and an organized effort should be made to place it io the reach of every honest Democrat who sould be induced to read it. Knowledge is power. Intelligence sud Republicanism go hand-in-hand, — As these advance, our liberties are ren dered more secure, and the despotism snd class legislation of ihe past vanish like morning mist before the risiog sun girl, sod with it was the reason that he fair decoendanis did It affords us great plesse to recommend | the Philadelphia Prest to the Readers of And when she won't, she won't, and there's the end con't” Therefore, we may as well aceept the situation, and make up our minds never again to trample on lovely woman; nev. «r again 10 place our number 10's upon st alabaster neck! [, therefore, now the coning woman, and solemnly promise never again to bind her with shackles, or check the ambi tions female spirit an it roars downward to the polls. embrace Let "er soar, In I am willing she should trample me under ber pretty gaiters, if they ain't larger than 3's, and the ankle tapers nicely. [am willing she should speak at political meetings ; willing thet she should march defian‘'ly to the polls, flourishing her ballot and shouting the “Battle-ery of Freedom” willing that the should put her feet on the mantle and smeke her meershaum ; willing she rhall stand in the borse-cars, and in the Legislative Halls; willing she should enter the prize ring—this coming woman whom | now embrace! I don’t believe I can ever love the com- ing woman whom I now embrace. | doubt whether | ean respect her much. I nceept ber us | do internal revenue tax and castor oil. Woman, ss woman, is & very sweet creature ; but woman, se man, is somet hing very graceles«. The oneis the violet—the other the sunflower, | aceept the coming woman, whom I now embrace, but | can’t say | banker afer bor. While I now embrace the woman of the Period, memorios will come welling up of a woman not of the period —a we- man who is queen al her own fireside, and who rules her own household with the scepter of love; a woman whose infla- ence radiates far snd wide from her home circle ; & woman who olings to you thro’ evil and good report, and to whom in- visible forces are over drawing you, iy all timew and in all wanderings; a wo. man whose price is above rubles, who fooketh well to the ways of her hous, and whose children, and whose husband rine up and call her blessed; a woman upon whose breast you first opened your eyes to the light of day, and a woman fipon whose breast you would fain lie when you close your eyes forever to the fact "the Repepricay Habit: » woman too pelle evap ta be eating the formation of « public Temper. ance organization. A ermmittes of sey. en persons, viz: Reve. Megan, Iacken- berg and Roberts, Hon. H NM Allis. ter, Wm MeClellan, J. H. Rankin, and D. H. Hastings, were appointed 10 form sid organization and report atameeting to be held in ths Good Templars Hall, on Monday evening, March Ist, A collection was then taken up to de- fray the expenses of the delegates tothe Convention at Harrisburg Meeting adjourned. D. Larvex, Sect'y Wx will commenes in our pext mum. ber the publication of the History of the 49k Ps. Regiaent. A —— Married, DONACHY--SHROCK On the 17th inst, by Rev. Hiles Pardos, Mr. 1 homas Dons : y. and Mise Mary Shrock, both of Bele. onte. SATTERFIELD«<~HAMILTON—On the 21st inst, at the residence of brides father in Benner twp, by Rev. BE Butler, Mr. Elijah Satterfield, of Middlesex. Mercer county, Ps., and Miss Sarah K. Hamilton, of Benner twp, this county. With the above notice we received a sake ol huge proportions. We wish the young couple a long career of uninterrupted hap. pines, but sdvise them to remember that, “ The kindest and the happiest pair, Will find oceasion to forbear ; And something ev'ry day they live, To pity, snd perhaps frgive.” mm crores Ry KELLEY On the 19th inst., Robert Kel ley, aged ne Joan, ANE ERMAN the « inst, near Us. tony lexy, Mr. © Amer. Bla, aged 6 Yorae -y ———— Special Notices, mc St As bl Tagua Look Ar ran Sens. All men of bariness within the range of shis snd adjoin. wey visit Belafonte, t the splendid signe of the First National k, Reyncids & Co's. Bank, and Zimmerman Dros. @ Co; also the numerous smaller professional ** shin. gles” seatterea over town. Also the sign of the Brockorbolf House, all executed by our friend, and lets editor and publisher of the Central Press, Joux G, Kunva: For CERIRS cannot be excelled in quality or de be. de Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, Hate and Caps, and HOUSEHOLD GOODS, in endless variety, such as Carpets, Oil Clothe, Rugs, Brown Mutline, Bleached Musline, Drillings, Sheetings, Table Cloths, &c,, &e., de. Their stock of QUEENEWARE 4 GRO. price Call in at the Philadelphia Store and een. vines yourselves that KELLER & MUSSER have sverything you want and do business on the principle of “Quick Sales and Emall Profits.” GRAIN AFD PRODUCE ARE TAKEN, and'80 ly. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRI rs CES !! HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT! GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICES. HOFFLR & BRO'S. Would respectfully inform their oid friends, that they are daily receiving a large STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL KINDS, whieh v owent whidh aay Sve afuring ot the very | DRY GOODS! Consisting of the Intest styles of yigoann ard thar ALrAcAs, Figured snd plain al Wonl Delsine. Sheers Plata Hast $a, Summer ., in hite G White Counterpanes, | ig ton Sheetin Bedticke, &e., ov i Shepherd Plaid Baimorale, Black Cloth, C: v Corda. roy, Kentucky Jeane, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, AND PLAIDE OF VARIOUS COLORS. SALT, &e Which we will dicpose of at the Atk es sash evan roduce taken in pid om Meghort shangs for goods, rol prices allowed marke, FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER. EST work of thie description, eall at his pfs. ATE0.* tid For wa feo) satisfied that we oan suit your Hats & Caps, Carpet-Bags, Umbrelina, Parasols, Gentlemen snd Ladies Furnishieg Geode, ! Ladies Cloaks & Cirenlars, | In Bilk and Cloth, Carpeting, . | Groceries Queensware de | STATIONERY, and everything else that is to bel found in a well stocked country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken in exchange for goods, and ithe highest market price paid, | | juan a | (FREAT EXCITEMENT | GLORIOUS NEWS PRICES REDUCED !! HOWELL GILLIAND &cCO of Bush's Arcade, in Rooms No.1 and 2 have just returned from the eity with one of the largest and best assortments of Goods, ever brought tn Centre co. Having the Largest sssortment of Dry Goods and Grooeries they are able to rule the Market. We ask an examination of the Ladies Drees Goods. CALICO FROM 8 to 15 ets Per Yard. Musling that will astonieh the purchaser Carpets at old fashioned prices. The largest assortment of Cassimere in arket, READY MADR CLOTHING warranted to give ot satisfaction, Oar shoes for ware can't be exeslled Our Grocery department astonishes every one in assortment and low prices. SYRUP, SUGAR, TEA & COFFEE, Canned Pruits, Jellies, Domestiy ypa Foreign Fruits, Choose and Pasts'op of oii kinds, and every oth-: articlq to the Grocery Department, WHOLE SALE AT PRILADZLMMIA RATES, FARNERS, 4ECRANICS AND LA. BORERS, LOOK to your interest. One dollar saved is still ome dollar iu Jour Jicheh. Then oall and see at what Low Prices. HOWELL GILLILAND & CO. pn ae a Goods. If not as represeated we will pay you for your trouble, DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, TASTER as wcll as your ronges. Lo ojas'ta ry Bush's Arcade, Rooms Ne.) ond 3, | otic stroggle and sacrifice, Half a Jo. "lion of | { men slain in battle or dying of the pr," | Grant snd Colfax gives a surance that the { tions and exposures of War, Millions of be. | reared ones, Five Dillion of property de | rtroyed, and nearly Three Billions of Debt ! incurred, attest the magnitude of the con. test and the unyielding valer of the combat. ants At length, the smoke rises from the bard. won field, showing that the lsst entremch. ment hat been carried. The election of storm in over—that the Bow of Promise arch ot the sky. There are still obstacles to sur mount, periis to avert, noble ends to be achieved ; Lut the ship of State har ridden out the tempest and bas ber haven full in view. The seven Slates reconstructed under the recent acts of Convress, and will be fol lowed by the three that have bitherto stood aloof; the right of the Freedmen will be up held and respected, and Impartial Suffrage throughout the land will soon plant them on foundations that cannot be shaken. The Tribune will contend in the future, as in the for Universal Amnesty as well as for Impartial Suffrage. It bas no faith in vengeance, in proseription, in comfisca. tion, nor in the shedding of bload otherwise than in actual and necessary war. “ There ie a time for War and a time for Peace ;” and the latter follows swiftly en the heels of the former. Whenever those who fought again the Union shall have in good faith given up the contest, they are no longer our foes bat our countrymen, In the joyful trust that Grant's wlection has given the death blow to Ku Klux Kiang, and all manner of outrages on Unionists and Freedmen as such, and that Impartial Suffrage will no longer be seriously resisted, we hope to sen the mext four years wignal. ised by an uaprecedented expansion of the National Industry and a consequent inoreuse of the National wealth. We hope to tee pew eahing det the prairie; new cleariags che. quer the forest, new mills, factocles, farnuc. es, erected, North, South, East snd West, until oT axneal product rhall be Hundreds of Millions greater than st present, while Mines of Iron and of Cond, of Quld, Silver, Copper, &e., shall be opersd and worked, with an snd to an extent that defies oleh (Sh that the systematic, efficient Protection of Home Ind is the sornerestons of & wise, agai ational Polioy and that itis essential to the rapid de velopment of eur latent resources, the pros. of our sount:y, the maintensmes of De ee the honest payment of ber Debt, we shall give it our most enrnest snd sotive support. THE DAILY TRIBUNE bas been #0 long known ax the leading po. litionl newspaper of the ceentry, that its special features need no elaborate descrip. tion. It conia'ne the fullest and most ae. curate of the proceedings in Con. gress Av the Stats itlatares, careful rammarior of news from all quarters of the globe, correspondence from all the principal Many evidently presume that it is published by us, so that we can give copies at pleas. ue. In severs) cases Union soldiers have writin of saying that they were unable to pay ite 71 priee, but were nevertheless sanz. sous to pom = the work, and asking us te tell them by what means they may obtain it. In deference to these representions the publishers of The Tribune have made an ar- rangement with Messrs. 0. D. Case & Co, publishers of The American Conflict, where. by they are enabled to offer that work to ruch perevns ae may see fit 0 obtain mall subscriptions for The Trobune as follows : One copy of the History, in two volomes, will be sent to each of the following clube: 4 The money for sach club to be sent at one time, end all papers for the same club to be addresred Lo one Post Office. For #21, ten copies Weekiy Tribune, to names of rubseribers For $32, twenty copies Weekly Tribune, to names of subrcribere For $61, fifty copies Weekly Tribume, to names of subscribers. For $115, one hundred copies Weekly T+. Bune, to name of subseribers ty For $20, ten copier Weekly Fribune, bo one address. For $31, twenty copies Weekly Tribune, to one address, For $56, tny copies Weekly Tribune, to one addres, For $106, ane hundred copies Weekly 7 une, one address. For $36, ten copies Semi Week ly Tribune, to one Post- Office. For $63, twenty oopies Semi. Weekly Tb. une. to one Post. Ofce. For $116, forty onpies Semi Weekly ib. une, to one Post. Office. Friends wishing to.securs the History on there terme must send ‘be Clubs precisely so we have them, Bowi- Weekly and Weekly, tery plions must pet be mized in ove The American Conflict is a History of the Inte Civil War, ite snd incidents, in tws Inrge and well printed octaves o om and TE2 pages respectively, and is sold for $10 Tt is sbusdantiy snd admirably iher. trated with plane of battler and seiges, pore traits of Presidents, Generals, Governors, Ac, who were prominent in the struggle snd with a very large Map of the reat of war. It hat received frome all quarters (he highest commendations for of sistement and fallness of detail. It jr substantially bound, ad must be deemed u valuable ad dithon to any NHbrary., Thess volumes she'd be placed in every Rohool District library in the land, and cash school containg schol. std who oan, with a few hours of aliention raire Tribune Club and secure the history, Almost any one who wants 02D DOW wide thy giving a few hours to oblaighng nb. scription for the The Triburg ameng bis friends and neighbors, and wa hope pany will be incited to do pe. She wank will be promptly forwarded by sxpress or by mail, . prepaid, on receiga of the required subrerip. shone Terms, cas) in advance, centers of intelligence at home and abroad, letters from travellers in foreign lands, re. | views of new books, drapatica , musical avd i Sno art, eriticieme, literary, setentifie, apd jal'0R 1, religions mireslinnies, and all the multitady | remittance. Drafts on New-York, or Post-Offcoor Summ, payable to the order of Tun Taigup:yd safor, are preferable tv any other “opi Address y oo TUETRIBUNE, New pp” 1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers