greta Deparment RS = WEDNESDAY MORNING, Feb. 24 '69 i ee ee The Sickle and the Sheaf, — BY REV. 5, PF. SMITH, DP. D. Lord, ‘tis mine to wield the sickle, Thine to give the golden sheaf; As through Thee buds of spring-time Quicken into life and leaf: Mine to meet the toll of seed-time, Thine to give the sun asd rain; Mine the sweat, the care, the patience, Thine the heaps of precious grain. Though the wan and weary reapers Amid their labors fall, And the few and scattersd workmen In vain for helpers call; Though the noontide heat burns fiercely, Or the threatening tempest lowers— The gathering and the gleaning Are by mightier strength than ours, We can bear with ealm endurance While the sun curls up the leaf; We can trust Jehovah jireh To fill the swelling sheaf; "Tis ours the sturdy muscle, The powertul arm, to bring ; *Tis thine with heavenly blessing To make the valley sing. Winter Work. We faney that our readers are well- nigh tired by this time of the rules that we have felt it our duty to din into their patient ears, about painting tools, oiling gudgeons, tacking fast loose shingles ard clapboards, and mending up wife's wash bench, and ull that; and about the turning, hauling out, and spreading of manure heaps, gathering leaves, cutting fodder, sort- ing apples, and the whole of the long list of things which is necessary for farmers to do, and which it has been, and always will be, (more is the pity), our duty to remind them of. Just now we are going to say never a word about all that, but only to sug- gest that there is other work, which the farmer can only attend to when somewhat at leisure, and which 1s more important to his ‘getting on'’ than amy of the out of door or indoor patching and mending. Now that winter has fairly closed in, and winter arrangements are com fort- ably settled, every farmer,—at least every farmer who cares enough about good farming to read the Agricultu- vist, —should set vigorously about the | We shal h the outmost furrowe In their dreoping tassels drest ; We shall leave the fie! We shall find a place of rest; {f labor, We shall meet again the reapers Who once shared our grief and joy ; In the harvest song of heaven We shall find one blest employ. The eagle from her eyrie Flies forth at dawn of day, Poised on ber fearless pinions, With God to guide her way, — Boars upward, as the morning Glows in God's glory bright, On,—till her form receeding, Looses itself in light, So when the work is ended, The garnered crops secure, Ard God shall Lid his reapers Toil in the heat no more— We from all care and sorrow Bball find divine relief. And lay before our Master The sickis and the sheaf. [Cornhill Monthly Magawine. Woere SHALL I Go?—We have a number of letters asking advice as to whether the writers had better move to this place or that. A little reflec- tion will show that it is quite imprac- ticable to give advice in such cases. — | Some men will flourish where others | would etarve, and it is difficult to put | such under circumstances where they | will not make a living. Others would be “ ne'er do weels'’ if they had a | farm given to them in the most fertile | region, ready stocked with all that is | needed for its best cultivation. Un- | less one has made up his mind to be a ‘‘mover’’ as they say out West, 1. ¢., put all his worldly goods and family | into a wagon, and travel until Le finds | a place to suit him, he had better make a visit to the place first. It will | Lv vorrwy weed aes well Invested, = | Many inquiries are made about Vine land, N. J., and similar land specula tions, We ean only say about these, that we know some who have settled in such places and are quite content | with their lot, and others who have ieft in disgust. Success anywhere de- rends quite as much upon the man as | pon the place. — American Agricul- rist. | MiLk Fever —Cows that are well | d and get fat sometimes die of milk Alas! that it should be so, for * is used as an argument against pro- iding the most useful of all our do- | sstic animals with the necessary care 1 food during the most intercsting important period of her history. | he truth of the matter seems to be | 18 ver 3 i cows that are poorly fed get ac They sat C- 1stomed to this condition, ttle, and give little milk. Cows 1stomed to an abundance of f apt themselves to this condition, — | lhey will eat a good deal, and give a | od deal of rich milk; or, if bred for ie purpose, will gain rapidly in flesh. | ach a cow will suffer more from poor | {~eding than the other, while the lat- | r may be injured from high feeding It is a matter of fact that dairies of «uch gows, when fed on rich food, have 1iany cases of milk fever, while dairs sof grade Short-horns, in similar reumstances, are generally exempt. ‘We should adapt the feeding to the 'reeding, and the breeding to the | eding. We lose half the advantage | high feeding unless we have the shit kind of animals, and we lose all e advantages of good animals unless ¢ give them gnod food and good atment. SussotLing.~ “N. D.,”’ Lynn, Ct. I see a great deal in the papers shout subsoiling, Is it beneficial for +11 lands? I have tried it on one piece, | nd could not see any difference.’’— | 'I'se object of subsoiling is to loosen the soil beyond the reach of the plow, sud thus subject it to the action of the ‘r, allow the roots to go down, and !ia moisture to come up. IT thesub- il is a loose gravel, ailowing a free ‘renlation of sir, there is no use for lia subsoil plow. If it contains sub- tances injurious to plants, the first crop would probably be injured by the loosening. Ifit is so wet that the ots of plants eannot go down into it, ¢ would not be worth while to subsoil it. Well-drained lands are most ben- fted by the operation, and it is rare o find soils of this eharacter that ill not pay well for subsoiling, Itis ity to subsoil in & few furrows, and y comparing the crop with that of nd not thus treated, you can deter- tine if the operation will pay, IT is sad to relate, that when me- hanies have land chey generally give letter cultivation thao they ' ave more grapes, pears, strawberries nd water melons, and early potatoes } encumbers, of intelligent care, but above all let cultivation, planting and enriching of that other furm from which his great- | est satisfaction, —naye, and his most | paying crops, too, must come. : ““The part of the holding of a farmer or landowner | | which pays best for ealtivation is the small estate within the ring fence of skull.’”” It is mainly this small estate | to which our winter work should be | Of course, ether duties must | | 1 y ! Dickens Fays devoted not be neglected, and among other | duties we include the very important | ones of visitiog and of entertaining | friends, and of making life generally pleasant and cheerful for ourself and | | for the family. | Bat, after all this is done, there are | thumbs | able twaddle gz the | hours passed in twirling | over the fire, in unprofit | at the store or post-office, and in idle- i i ness about the house, which ought to | be devoted to better things, We are often told that farming is | the noblest, as it is the freest, of all | occupations. That depends. There | { is nothing especially noble in the life | + » » » i | of a farmer who drives hisbusiness at | | satisfaction, and only an animal sort | of happiness, and when he dies the | cause of the world's improvement will not have sustained a loss, The best index to the difference bes {| As occasion may require A MERICAN BUTTON-HOLE OVER SEAMING AND BEWING MA. CHINE COMBINED. EDAL AWARDED ATTHE PARIS EX PORITION, 1867. In directing attention to the cele’ rated COMBINATION BUTTUN HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE, we feel fully warran ted in claiming for it wnguestionable superi ortty over all others ni a Family Machine — The Simplicity, Eure and Certainty with TIN & SHERT-TRON WARE. FT IN AND SHEET- IRON STORE, THE OLDEST TIN.-WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN BELLEFONTE, PENN'A, o— The undersigned hereby desires to oall the attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre Co., th t he man. ufnctures TIN AND SHEET- IRON WARE, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever, ~ Heo keeps constantly fr sale. Tin Buckets . Wash Bollers, Couffen Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish Pans, Lard Cane, Wash Baring, Coal OF Cans, Stove-pipe of the best Ras. sis, and other iron, constantly on band, Particular attention paid te ROOFING AND SPOUTING. All work warranted. Give ue a eall, WM. 8B WoLP, which it operates, as well as thauniform ex. cellence of ita work, certainly place it far i advance of any « ther similar invention of the age. ] It is also the cheapest intrinsically, as well as the best, since it is really fwo machines | combined in simple and beautiful | mochanical arrangement pever bafore ac comp'ished by human ingenuity,) making either the Lock Stitch or Button Hele Stiteh, It is, at the same | time, simple in construction, comparatively { n understoo |, and, in a w vd it combines with those adeantager exclusive one, (by irelens, easily ly ita own the most desiroble qualities of all sthers, for it not only does very variety | of sewing in a surenriorn masxen, bot in addition Ovenspans splealilly snd Burrow axd Evever Hoes | This is far beyond the ea ther machine. makes beantifu in all fab pacity of any The srLEXDID MECHANISN and f this Machine, the superior skill workman hip and ma terinis emploved in ifs constr up, are a guarantee of accuracy, str ana dure. | nd its agents | to give bility. and enable the compa to Warrant Every Machine they seil entire salisfaction IVEN ON THE MA. CHINE GRATUITOUSLY. Lessons may be taken if desired with a y test the Machine, or to become bet. inted with it before deciding to pur Bamples of work will be furnish ed upon application at chase, J.J. BISEL & CO, LOCK HAVEN, PENNA. Kept e ly on band at the BELLEFOSTE ROOT & SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE BOOT & SHOE STOKER, BY GRAHAM & ON BY GRAHAM & BON AT 82.00 PER PAIR, selant jnG'e8.1y, Allegheny Rireet. ns—————————— hee WwW ETSLER & TWITMIRE. MILESBURG, PENN'A, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COOK AND PARLOR ST VES, HEATERS FOR CHTRCYES 4 DWELL INGE, The ‘ollowing Pattern of Cant Staves eon. stantiy on band BARLEY.CGNIRAP R¥ATTATOAR IRON SINpPR FARMER, EUREKA, AMITY I kinds rons rsder for all kind « mar ket Russia Rhest finished, (Gas Narnare neatly rensired A f r ’ Castings and 1) Tarnished te staves in ron large assortment | TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE | of mr own mannfartore n hand. «hich 1 «all Whalesals or Retal? Tt netantly at elsewhere ressonable as SPOUTING, ROOFING, and all kinds of Jobbing done on the short. eat potios and warranted, We will re. ceive arders for and pat up * COP- PER LIGHTNING RODS” whisk are superior to all other Rods in market. We will pay the highest market prices for 714 Metal, jat’69 | IVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE A Estanvionen 1x 1843) At this well known Establishment may be found everything in the * BOUK LINE’ i whether tween these two classes of men is to | AT $5.00 PER PAIR. be found in the manner in which they | A large assortment of KIP BOOTS, War pass their leisure winter hours, | ranted, | The one will simply doze them away, | A7 3 ZER P ALR? | ing out in the spring as nearly like | BY GRATAM & S0¥, | what he was the spring before, as itis | 2 BY GRAHAM & SON, possible for him to do. The other|™® TA ine tae aap 8 of Shy will turn bis spring furrow in pursu. LADIES BOOTS & SHORS, | work, and with a mind eager for their execution. Let the loose clapboards be not ne- gleated, and give the stock a full meed ! ance of well-laid plans for the season's the farmer keep his own mind in the | most perfect trim, and bestow a gond share of cultivation on the only part of his possessions to which his title is indefeasible. — Am. Agriculturist. Somermine Wort Kvowixg.~—A | friend says: one day while purchasing | a lot of dried fruit, I discovered small | pieces of sassafras bark mixed amongst it, and upon inquiry was informed that it was a preventive against the worm. It is said that dried fruit put away with a little bark, (say a large handful to the bushel,) will last for years unmolested by those trouble. some little insects whick so often de- stroy hundreds of bushels in a «ingle season. The remedy is cheap and simple. Try it. . IN#2CTS injurious to vegitation, it 12 stated, ean be destroyed by the ap- plication of a liquid composed of one part vinegar and nine parts water, — The mixture should be applied to vines and plants with a garden syringe or water-pot with a fine nozzle. EanrLy Rising, — Anti-early-risers will do well to note that one hour lost in morning naps will put back all the business of the day; thst one hour gained by early rising will make fif teen days in a year, or three full years in a long lifetime. A comical merchant had three cvs tomers, a father and two sons named Wheeler. In keeping their accounts to prevent confusion he styled the pa- rent “‘Stern Wheeler,’ the elder son, ‘Bide Wheeler," and the younger, a rather fa t youth, “Propeller” LADIES BOOTS & SHOES, | and all kinds of MISSES" & CHILDRDN'S MISSES" & CHILDREN'S BOOTE & BHOES BOOTS & SHOES CALL AND EXAMINE | CALL AND EXAMINE OUK CHEAP BOOTS & SHORS, | OUR CHEAP BoOTS & SHORS, Ja20°09 13 GRAHAM & BON, MENDOUS AMOUNT OF LEATHER! re The andersizned bas just received the most extensive lot of Leather, from the New York, Baltimore and Wilmin: ton mar kets, ever brought to this place, Consisting of Bpanish Sole Upper, American Kip, Fremok Kip, Baltimore Calf, OIL FINISH AND BRUSH MOROCCO KID GLOVE SKIN, Wharg Leather, Linings and Shoe findings, of every discription, all of which will be sold cheaper than ean be bought at any oth. or establishment in Central Pennsylvania. ABRAHAM SUSSMAN, Jald'e0.1y, Bellefonte, Pa. JAS. A. QUIGLEY, RENRY CROSKEY. IGLEY & CROSKEY'S Q° CHEAP CASH STORE, EAGLEVILLE, CENTRE CO, PENN'A WE take pleasure in announcing to far mers and the public generally that we keep constantly on hand, at our store in Ragle ville, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4e., and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORER in town or ccuntry. We ehall always en deavor to purchase grod Goods and war arnt everthing as wo represent it. We also always pay the highest PRICES FOR COUKTRY PRODUCE Plead® call and examine our stock for yourselves, al3'60.1y. pn a ORSBE SHOES, beri inaks at IRVIN & WILSON'S CREWS and Hinges of every variety and kind at IRWIN & WILSON'S, MMUNITION—Cartridges, and other smmunition ot IRWIN 4A WILBON'S, { Pell again THEOLGICAL, CLSNICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC r LITERARY Bit les, Plates ranging in price from $1,758, $25. ALEO. sil the Day snd Sunday hos Books in general use do. Prompt stiention given to liberal dim wrders, unt made tu those who buy to GEO. LIVINGBTON jab Bellefonte Pa. e.1y.} LIME \y vob & COAL BURNT LIME, Fresh burnt Lime always on hand and for tale at the lowest war ket price, at the SUNNYSIDE LIME KILNS on the Railroad near Bellefon'e. We hare no fear of ruccesrfnl contradiction when we say that we have the BEST LiME IN THE STA1E. It is free from core, and our kilns are so constracied that all the ashes are sop. aratel from the burnt lime be- fore it leaves the kiln. Itisa PURE SNOW-WHITE LIME! And makes as fine a finish as the lime burnt from the marble quarries in the eastern part of the State, Our facilities for burning and shipping lime are such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can be had at any other place. All orders promptly filled. Address, J.R.&C.T. ALEXANDER, Ja8'69.1y. Bellefonte, Pa. Wx. Swonrriven, Boro Vauswrins, QHORTLIDGE & CO. WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIMR. Always on hand and for sale atthe lowest market price at the BELLE} ONTE LINE KILNS. on the Tarnpike lending to Milesburg, Th BEST PITTETON AND SHAMOKIN Anthracite coal, Also a new conrignmen of plastering lath, paling, snd sawed shing. Jos for sale for cash at our yard, near south esd of BE V.R, R Depot. Jab'ee ay, BO P[PE PLACE TO GET SHOES: EVERYTHING NEW & WARRANTED P. McAFFREY & CO'S. WHOLBEALR & RETAIL BOOT & SHOE STORE [One door above KReyuold's Bank.) Hare just received the most complete an sortment of everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, ver brought to Bellefonte. Their entire stock, which is the largest ever opened in this place, was made to order from the best material. It was purchased fur cash and will be sold much lower than any une can afford whe buys om time. They An Exlensive assortment | Blank Books, | Legs] Blanks, and ail kinds of Siationery, | Al —— BROS. & CO. ZIMMERMAN (No.2, Busu's Arcavy,) BELLEFONTR, PENN'A., OFFER the above reward for the apprehen sion and conviction of the man whe mys Hi? IS. A RCMB UG THAT A DOLLAR BAVED IN BUYING GOODS IS BETTER THAN A DOLLAR WORKED FOR. WE have the evidence each day of sumbers who purchase of us after baving ex am med other st chs that this spol an bombug, buat a STUBEREORN TRUTH, and that cur Goods AREESOLD AT LOWER PRICE than any other io the State. Wo cannot | ANUMERATE ARTICLES. IRWIN & WILBON. EIGN OF THE AANAAAAMRRAANS ARAARARSARARARRASH AN AEES SARAAAAN REANRAUANAALS RELURAREARA PEBLDBRLLNNLBADANGL BANDE BLBBBLUEBLLDLLB LULL BE VYVYYYYY YYUYYYYYYYY FYVVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Bhai ig Fiatiadanaiding mtn HAR nun un Korth west Corner of the Diam od, BELLEFONTE,Pa, ar it would require | ARE | | and everthing PRACTICAL WORKMEN sold wit! be sunrantecd as | represented Revairing work snd custom { prometle gttended ta | je8nn te SIDE & THOMAR | BR Offer to the Publi Inrgest and hort selected ane of the sto ks «f wered lise in Centre county Call examine and ree for yourself be YHE Largest and Nest Btock of warrs od Boots and Bhoes. warranted to give on, st reduced BURNS satisfact | found at Q Pl J and be strictly pure | It 1a the only place you can find unadelters | tad spices. Try them for your own satis f un You can only find them at BURNEIDE & THOMAS prices nly & be IDE & THOMAS’ | warranted to sein | | ANDSAWE knives, spoons, coffee wm ills, shovals, spades, rakes, boss, lamps, forks, ebains, a2. at | BURNSIDE a THOMAS". ORSE COLLARS, if you don't want | at BURNSIDE a THOMAS with or without Photo. | ES of all varieties, ground to order your horse's shoulders galled and | thir entire age to do sn Fuffice is the place to get ite say that we supply snyibing you want, | ND CGIAR ANTEW AND GUARANTEE | HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION FULL SA1ISFACTION] | i | t as to LOW PRICES and -—— i QUALITY OF GOODS. Their k Ehelf G » complete 1 LORE Ta 1) We respect! y request you allt M nd Io Hemvy 4 # the * | SATISFY YOURSELVES, | bm part, {AFAIRTERT IBALLWEASK| . C ) f AR * pes ZIMMERMAN, DROS. 4 co, | Stesle—Cae | jab'6.y | Baer, ! prisg, | AN IMPORTANT QUE TION || Biiwet sod Drilling, Bp Horse Ehoe Nails LET THE PEOPLE OF CENTRE COUN TY CONSIDER! A NOTHER NEW STORE | | indore, fc | BPRINGS WOOD WORK, all kinds, for | | i Toe Calks, ils upd § oe, different maker at prices, Parlor Use Burners, and Cyl maker ard kinds Floves—C ur Axles and Skeing, all sizes, Wagons, : ‘ . | Copper, Brass, Pewter, #o, Ae, made sore, get good horse eollare, at Why will yeu suffer yourselves to be openly Bugg er and | the pace at which he drives his oxen, Agents for Clinten, Centre and Clearfield &:. We always enndeavor to sell BUKNEIDE a THOMAS" de Carriages . | . ‘ er who gives about as much thought Counties. | : . mere " ea ———— m— | ROBBED | bes a and who ¢1 2 gt | CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. | ET ARNESS, collars, cart whips, carvings | edo, to the one as to the other; who wastes | : ! | whips, in grest varieties, governs | tweiote] dealers. wh bes ) stform Ecales, from " . . a s 1 ' " | by wnprinciple] dealers, when you esd bu one-half of his labor in raising crops | Try us and be convinced. | ment gears, saddles. brid es, martingale , | os Drv ad Pines Cal eon at y . 4 ’ : | This Machine does all kinds of | JaB'89.1y | ebeck lines, cart gears, tug harness, boggr, | Shon: Cliath Y oe pi | Balances, under .unfavorable circumstances, | 4, hing, Hemming, Cording, Felling, | = | harness, bames, ac. Everyibing in theead. | ToAnd Ba A arian 0 | tant Varna au . ! ’ ' 4 3 f \ ol 3 i of 4 which he does not know or care how | Braiding, Biading, og, Tucking BOOKS &X STATIONERY diery line, at | . Siar sping . 1 Se hering on : : : JURNSIDE & THOMAS", | : . . : : to improve; who wastes one-half of | Hag ang ‘aiiering : BURNSIDE » THOMAS", | CHEATED asd PACKING » . ~ » ge R—— 1 L 's Ara tad kis erops in ill- managed feeding; and —— N EW BOOK STORE [isin TACKLES, rods Noes Tooks, | 3 ; ra a : | The Celebrated qa fro sane end te A 3 i H ee, des Lair baskest, 4. Lig you | bY going direct (0 the old Esta lieed stand | DIET _— y whose years, from on end to the oth hits grontest Novelty of the age, i now on §} + ARR CO REvAL | out to cated trout. at oi LOEB MAT & LOEB. ORIENTAL FURNACES er, are spent in a struggle to make | exhibition and for sale by | WHOLESALR AND RETAIL | BURNSIDE & THOMAS | " " ¥ " J ISEL & CO ry { - v . TIT - . fe I Bi 1" . both ends meet, and to scrape togeth : I Rvs Book, Stationery & News Emporium Tr highest mark 1 price paid for all ont Felnge Cosme, and Laviea | fow dollars. to lend out bond | | | kinds of country produce, at | iE er a few dollars, to lene ut en BR EEE m— . { 4 a ! - y TY - : : | i JACOB D. MILLER | BURNSIDE & THOMAS". WE sre determined sot 40 be exe lied in PUMPS and mortgage | Examine all or "Tachines, then call and i . —— mee | 8M Goode of the very best quality and p a On the other hand, no life is more exam ine this one before buying. Has purchased the Book, Stationary and | INE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, old | ot the most reasonable rates. . ATs and Wells 11 r ‘ re: Py foh3'A0 1v oil | News establishment of Kinsloe and Brother | A gov. java, be quality Ri offen, LOEB, MAY LOEB noble than that of an intelligent farm- | ’ ’ | om Allegheny street, near the Diamond, to | best clong black tens. green teas, lovering i VWOODEN WATER PIPES } EY FI TY ap - py . san | hick be has Just {dad a +g inves ff! asrur $d me ’ Liste & wh i | ¢ y Pore and Le er who commences as & young man TI a fa uP wl t he has Added a large Involte g FE syrup, i ps Ene article ba ——— i . Fe with straleened means and a poor farm TRue BRLLEFUONPR § gods, a4 is generally kept in a well | Ring moinsse ® snd everything in the “ thy hy _ conducted Book and Btaticdery Store. His | grocery line st the lowest cash prices in the | IT . ¥ " { Call and see their ck before making | with a mortgage on it, and who, hy [BOOT AND SHOE STORE. | #teck consists of Theological, Medial, Law, | market BURNSIDE » THOMAS, in the | pry noe t what you with to purchase | your purbhase activity of wind and body, makes 4 Miscellareous, Sanday Bebool and h plore { "ae 1 TITY Are always pleased shew r govds } : 3 GRAHAM 3 &8nN Books, Time Books, Pass Boskesnd Diaries, —— a i eo 4, LT an 8.69.13 every year a marked improve.nent in | GRAMAM & 50 5 ’ . price «f Cap, Legal. Bil PF IS known to all in Bellefonte oi Jig SEHORE roductis f his | i { \ 1 d ' A a Note Paper. ine French | the " a : , BOOTS & FHOES y STS TRY 2 4535 + the produ fivenesa of } 8 land in the GRAHAM & BON, . 1 r i a ne pwird 2 oh yp) h ® cou y if you want ! or snrthing vroaily kept in Fisrt Class | HARPW ARE HARDW ARI characte rift of his stock } ip \ 1 Jit ar Stores, ¥ 6 can b urpled b t Ta rand thri t of bi stock and SHOR STORE. | Price, Pens. Toke, Tokatands. Erasers. Rub. BURNSIDR & THOMAS’ oh, ¥ .u can Hai by ORY | XO. & BROREREOFHE Hiv in his knowledge of his} IrAINess, who EHOR BTONE ber band trapeparent and ecmmon Sialer - ’ 9 i » . 8, LI WLRHOF o RO sees where he can make an improve- SHOR BTORE, | Bla e Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, &e | EATHER of all dweriptions, french calf i. & 3. HaRRis — he | ) : Rin, spanish sole leather, moro seo’ me— ’. LARRI t . ment, and is judicious in procuring | REET — ALSO wll Bd y acini ode dtd . » wk fl i , | 4 me ] "gE ye 3 . -_ . the mans for making it i Tal hy ) nd Weekly Papers, M in oq | tent or line warranted to give satisfaction EKIRTS TW Bkirce, Balmoral Ekirts, | , The aba Hina Such a man as his will get more REET, Bes ria Ey er aga) Bs, xb 1 BURNSIDE a THOMAS. | for salechesp by LOEB, MAY & LOEB. | the community that x 2 : i ah nee a large supply of Legal and | —— ompiete { : : | satisfaction and happiness out of his | One Dosr N ton's Hard brian y ARES, FOR4IALLLY ON band a | Co MAKERS TOOLS and fadings, in — { life as a farmer than he esuld get in : iiarag. Nevenug Srcmpr al (eee. h all their varieties at STOCK OF IARDWARE ; on GR He is alse Wholesale Agent for Lochman's BURNSIDE a THOMAS' : . | any other avocation, and he will count | MANUF ACT | Celebrated Writing Fluid -— body highest CARI PRICE paid 00% \catoprising Al varietion of cuske il . ANUFACTUR 3 i! Country msrohant aid 1 to ni Fp SAAREY hdd - heat, Corn snd rain of all kinds by Fp ’ i Koods im Lhe far more in the general advance of MANUFACTURERS 1. c ry Setanty = y ; ie weit osu Yy ADDLERS i CELES, hooks, bits spots | on 6401s Arvhigin dy A line which they | mei} : T il 3 4 i (as 4 . EB. niu. Me ~ pe : ’ rings Brerything a saddler warts - . 4 W . | civilization. The other will get no | PINT CALF BOOTS, | gluewnere, as | can sell at seanufastarers | \ ih ak ma J fal y 4 | PINE CALF BOOTS. Sign ne €. 8 ea re Re Raanuinrtarers | for the menuinctare of harness ta be and WILL BEL] AT THE LOW EST PRICES Their stock con 1! sorts of building 1 a im all their ranieies, ehildrens hardware. table a pocket ‘ok , ) . o8 rages LAY w ware gone pistols, | EMIL JOSEPH 4 CO ALT EGHENY 8T, Carpeniers w ne piasterer » and | powder, shot, oaps rariridges ar. at | | bisckemith tools ud 1 BURNSIDE & THOMAR ¥ Wride's Building rials oh ’ ¢ ity . | N®™ PATTERNS of oil cioths, at re | BF! LEFOFIE, PENNA SHbet, 404 Barig-tiue wo duced prices, at | paile rope BURNRIDE 0 R]* i N mm ’ . . a tackle, : A TROMAS'. | CHEAP ~NEW YORK STORE | | OTTONS of all kinds, Stolring's gloves, | { FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES | A Handkerchiefs, eombe, pocket books, COME ONE! COME ALL!!! | { all their variety ard very cheap. at i | GRIND STONES, ete, ote BURNSIDE 2 THOMAS’ | AEE HOW CHEAP WE CAN SELL. TT hes PRON 8. SRL, [euros “> DRY GOODS pi 40 : 3X ot vy ; or SaTtiage ples, oranges, lemons, all kinds of DRY GOODS i ’ ne - ie, with all {| foreign froite, Hams hee n 2 : 4 Xi " ; 4 A TIONS, | URED THOMAS jee © BURSIDE 4 THOMAS", | id 8: NO.1ONS, | COAL OIL LAMPS, | . . | CLOTHING, | | fANNED F} IS, peaches, tomatoes CLOTHING { | pine apples. and peas in great vari ’ PURNISHING GOODS snd the different parts thereof, together | ety. t BURSIDE a THOMAS Pi KNISHING GOODS wilh a complete mporimont of the best BS e———— | FOR LADIES & GENTS, ) : " " | W HITE PISH, Herring, mackerel, ae. | FOR LADIES & GENTS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, 4 | at | FURS, | BURNSIDE a THOMAS®", FURS, They hope, Jas80 ty. t ABBITS BOAP, Wm Hagan and Keons olive soap, Dobbing’ soap. Jesse Oakley's soaps, old cantile, pare, Palm soap, Elderling’s soap, and a grest variety of oth of soaps, at BURNSIDE «a THOMAS". Whitman's celebrs ed confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Buker’s chocolate, Smith's chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickles, American Pickles, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS", BB" & SHOE MANUFACTORY. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has established a fret clase BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, next door te Morgan's Meat Marker, on the northwest side of the dismond, whers he will be pleased at all times to wait upon customers. Heo being an EXPERIENCED WORKMAN, customers can rest assured that mo paine will be spared to render complete satisfae- tion. Gentlemen, Indies, misses and youth oan be scoommodated with the best Boots; Bhoer Griters, Bilppers, de, he, manufactured from the best stock, and in the latest styles. Repairing of all kinds promptly sttended to. Jad'89.1y. PETFR McMAMON, A TENTION ! REFLECT! ! Before ordering your BOOTS OR SHORES. The only exclusive Boot and Shoe Manu. facturing shop in Bellefunte. I would respectfully invite your consider ation to the g veral satisfaction which in every oare ‘oilows my work. Prices reason. able, and neat fits guaranteed. JOHN POWERS, Jn880.15.] Allegheny Bt, Bellefonte, COVERLETS, COVERLETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, all of which we warrant, and at city prices, A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand and all work warrsnted A liberal discount to the trade. Give u a call, a6'89.1y. (GEO. D. PIFER’'S DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, No. 6, Broxxnrnorr's Row, NEXT DOOR TO THR POST OFFICR, Barieronrs, Pexx'a., Is the place for bargaing in the way of Dry Goode, Clothing, Biote and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, do. do. Everything in his line is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS, are slwayr In attendance to wait on his numerous customers. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of market ‘ng and produce, Cash paid Hg ALL KINBS OF GRAIN. Goodedelivered with pleasure. No trouble and a constant care for the to merit and receive a SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE. ERILDERS AND OTHERS will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR BTOCK. J. & J. HARRIS, Ne. 5, Brokerhofl™s Row. MERCHANT TAILOR N ERCHANT TAILORING, ESTABLISHMENT, ®a. 7, snocxEnore’s. mow, The undersigned takes pleasure in inform. ing the citizens of Centre county and the public generally, that he i» just opening a SPLENDID AND RICH ASSORTMENT OF PORRIGN AND DONERTIO Cloths, Caseimeres and Vestings, Which he ie prepared to make to order in the latest and most fashionable “tyles, for men or boge. Goods sold by the piece or b fhe yard . He also keeps on band a GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, 1 of every styie and tion. He is aloo agent for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE. to show goods. Give him a oall before pur. sharing eleewhare, [Jab'00.y Jo0'80ly JOAN MONTGOMERY. | | | | | od | } | BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS | ACCONNODATION OF CUSTOMERS | | ¥ J URNITURE WARE ROOM. a _—_ mt ————————— LOOK HERE! The subscribers havingleased the MILEFBURG PLANING MIL and sdded largely vo its facilities for tarn- ing out first o worl , are now tw furnish FLOORING, FRAMES, DOORE, ABH, BHUTTWRE PBUPERs BLINDS, BUILDING, BRACKETS, BCROLL WORK snd manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION st the LOWEST CASBH PRICES, All manner of work, such ss Bervll Baw. ing, Mouidings, Brackets, &e., made after spy DESIRED PATTERN, on the ehortest possible notice, Connected with the will, and in operation at all times, is one of the latest improved TOKE DRYING KILNS, whi ® leaves the lumber in perfectly healthy stute, wrricte in preser-ing it, and’in fart adds to ite larting qualities, while oth. or wethods of drying deter orate, sad ren | dere 1 ovore liable TO DECAY Lowber shrink ARD WARTR. i a Coke kiln will net i ie dried perfectly and whens werk. and put up, will pot FHRIVEL AND thus giving buliding bavitiy been erect We know t dried BHRIKNK, Le appearance of { Green Material fies give ua every bal eur BEC } roe in saving TION that ali ED BLANCHARD, BLANCHARD AUBYTIN BRRW &oLurs NG MILL rhw ’ LP LLEFONTE PL BLANCHARD & COMPANY, NAFUFACTURERS OF WHITE & YELLOW PINE AND WEATHER BOAR FLOORING \DIXNG Sl Var 8 Styles, Rr SALH INDE, AH TERR & MOULDISGE Ser " eve Deseript on BRACKETS ‘ SIZES ® PATTERN made order Having a “BULKLEY’S PATENT LUM PER DRYER nuecied with cur estab X we ale enabled Lo manufacture end Ld ® ts 4 'GHLY LUMBE ete Tet FON SEASONED R. FROM CONTRACTURS, AND THE SOLICITED am FOUNDRY I OGAN FOUNDRY. i NEAR THE RAILROAD DEPOT BELLEFONTE, PENNA PT , WORITZ PLOW, WER Dv and Frames, Coal Grates for Pave. ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Box. es, together with every variety o Castings kept constantly on band, or made to order. All orders filled prompt. ly. Gi e us un eall. Dont furget the place, near the Railroad Depot, Bellefonte. Stove { ir bre t astings, Oven M f ja6'69.1y. BAYARD, JINKINS & CO FURNITURE. Howard Street, Bellefonte, Ps. WHERE BUREAUS, SOFAS. LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHAT. 3 EXTENSION TABLES, 2073 STANDS, CHAIRS, STOOLR, de., f every description, quality and price, for rale cheaper than at other srtab- lishment of the kind in Central Penn's, UNDERTAKER. Ready made Coffing, of all sires and price kept constantly on hand. Als Oof- fins manufactured io order. Ja8'80.1y, H. P. HARRIS, DMINISTRATORS NOTICR. — Letters of Administration on the estate of Boare « Lucas late of Curtin township, dee’d., having been granted to the undersigned, all knowing themselves indebted to estate are sequeried to make immediate payment, snd those having claims sgaiost the same, to present them duly suthentioa- ted for settlement. JNO. 8. LUCAS, ja20°69.64. Adm'r, I Bpring Trade, T 18 our intention to dispose of our tire stoek befure the ing of the ioe T aw, FAIRER 4 0%
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