EE ——_—. Pot How to Fatten Chickens: RC —— We make the following extracts from an article on this subject in the London Cottage Gardener. : “It is hopeless to attempt to fat ten them while they are at Liberty. They must be put in a proper coop ; und this, like most other poultry ap- purtenances, need not be expensive. To fatten twelve fowls, a coop may be threo feet long, eighteen inches high and eigiteen inches deep, made cu- tirely of bars. No part of it solid— peither top, sides nor bottom. Dis cretion must be used according to the sixes of the chickens put up. They do not want room ; indeed, the closer they are the better—provided they can all stand up at the same time. (are must be taken to put up such as have been acoustomed to be together, or they will fight. If one is quarrel- some, it is better to remove it at once, as, like other bad examples, it soon finds imitators, A diseased chicken should not be put up. The fod should be ground oats, and may other be put in a trough or on a flat board running along the fiont «f the coop. It may be mixed with water or milk, the latter 1s better. It should be well soaked, forming a pulp WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jan, 27, 69’ Colic in the Horse. This is one of the most common diseases to whizh the horse is subject. The name is commonly used to desig- nate all abdominal affections charac terized by pain and uneasiness, gripes cramps, and other names are also ap~ plied to it, and a horse attacked with oolie is very often said io have the bets. There are two kinds of colic. spasmodic and flatulent. In spas modic colic there is spasmodic con- tractions of portions of the intestines, which occasions great pain; and in flatulent colic the large intestines are inflated, from which the horse's ab- domen has a swollen appearance. A sharp line of division cannot, howev- er, be drawn between spasmodic and flatulent colic as there is always more or less spasm in flatulent colie, and more or less flatulence in cases of spas- modie colic. Causes. —The custom of working horses immediately after being fed. and especially when long intervals between hours of feeding, weakens ! the digestive organs and predisposes animals to acts of colic. Very cold ‘water given when a horse is fatigued and when he is cooling down, or rath- er has cooled down after severe exer- cise, may produce the disorder. Horses are frequently attacked with colic on cotning into the stable after a journey, especially when they stand in the stable and become chilled and fatigued after eXertion. New hay | some gravel may be spread, and oats frequently produces colic, | es them to feed and thrive. and from our own observation we are | of the opinion that horses fed on corn | you will have good fat fowls, If, instead of oats are frequently attacked | however, there are but four or six to with flatulent colic. {to be fatted, not run off the board, They must be | —the first time as soon after day- { break as may be possible or couveni- { ent, and then at intervals of four { hours. Each meal should be as much {and no more than they can eat up | clean. When they have done feed ling the board should be wiped, and It caus- they must not have as Syyuproms.—The horse is uneasy | jyuch room as though | | and restless, paws and stamps on the | Nothing is ground with his feet, looks back at allot them the proper space ; his flank, and then, as if the pain had | only necessary to have become more severe, throws himselt { pieces of wood to pass between the down and rolls on the ground ; he | bars, and form a partition. Ths gets up again with his body bedewed may also serve when fowls are up at they twelve, easier than to as as loose as can be, provided it does well fed thre or four times per day | i After a fortnight of this treatment | were | it is | two or three | with sweat, and may remain free from pain for fifteen minutes or haif an! hour. When the horse urinates it is a favorable sign, and many consider | that after this the horse is out of dan- | He has frequently a succession | of attacks such as those above men- | ger. tioned, during which he suffers great | of course they are, or may be, all | pain. A horse's pulse in colie seldom rises above fifty beats per minute swelling of the abdomen, TrEaTMENT.—The horse should be | placed in a box stall or in some other | roomy place where he may roll about | without injaring himself, or getting In! flatulent colic their is considerable | | different degress of fatness. This re requires attention, or fowls wil not ! keep fat and healthy. fatted it must be killed ; otherwise will still get fat, but it will Jose | If fowls are intended for the market, { fatted at once ; but if for home con is better to put them nj | at such intervals as wil { when they will sumption it table, When the whether they or otherwise himself fixed in such a position that | it will be difficult to extricate him from it. ure of opium and an ounce of spirits of nitric ether in a pint of tepid wa ter ; the dose should be repeated in | half an hour if relief is not obtained At the same time a quart or two of warm water should be injected into the rectum, and this should be re- | peated every hour until relief is ob- tained. A horse affected with colic should not be driven about, but should be disturbed as little as possible. In cases where the disorder arises from indigestion, a dose of physic should be given, thoughit must be borne in | in mind that by doing this the horse cannot be worked for two days after- wardd,— The Rurul American. Tak California Farmer says: “Some two years since we spoke of a system practiced by scme scientific growers of euriching their vineyards by ecut- ting into fine bits the spring pranings, and plowing in the same, thus retur- ing the needed material for man- ufacturing the vine, this experiment carefully and success- fully tried, and have seen its good results, which is in keeping the soil pourous, and giving to the vine- yard a wholesome look and heavy crop. We hope those vine growers that have been in the habit of burn- ing up their grape wood, or cutting it off, will hereafter chop up the wood finely and plow it in deeply, and they will find their vineyard very greatly benefited thereby. WE are careless of leaves; we let the wind carry them away, when their uses are so manifold. They are ex- cellent for bedding horses and cattle, being dry, and absorbing the moist ure readily, and are a manure in them- selves. They are excellent fora mulch, especially for grape vines and the smallest fruit—berries more particu. larly. They are good to cover up ten- der things during the winter, flower- beds, &c. They are good in the ma- nure heap. They are readily gather. ed and saved ; and they cost nothing. Ar Springfield, Ohio, a plow for plowing corn, finishing one row at a time, has been invented. It hasfour shovels, two moving on each side of the row, sud is without wheels or tongue. Brooy corn was introduced intoour country by Dr. Franklin. While ex- amining a corn whisk (imported) he accidentally discovered a single seed, which he planted in his garden, and from which the corn was propagated. GoATs are pronounced profitable to farmers, if for no other purpose than clearing the land of nexious weeds, which they will devour with avidity in all stages of their growth. Every farmer in Central Penneyl vania should subscribe for the Belle- fonte' Republican, Our Agricultural department alone will be worth the subscription price, Try it. Then give an ounce of tinet- | }, for some time even in hot weat? Laming Horses, The horse is ful, amt Ine | f th tious and sen tic animals, and yet, | sense, is far from being a hardy In this respect the horse is n to the rough ane or { without sxhibiting marked signs of # tin} L equa the mule even the ox ean bear the seven | have been subjectod, { In reviewing the many horses daily thronging the streets of the larger | towns and cities, the number of defee | tive oncs can scarcely fail of being re- marked. Some are ailing in the fice | limbs, othersin the hind ones, aod | not 8 few in both. This is not neces- i sarily the vesult of age, defective | { blood, nor off special hard work, tho’ in some instances it may be so, but | much oftener is the consequence of | We have seen | careless Landlin on the part of those to whom they are entrusted, As has been already intimated, the horse, in a certain sense, is a delicate animal, and if pounced upon in a pas easy movement, the chances are that ness, Every one conversant with the rough and tumble work of the farm, the lumber forests, sone quarries, the docks and the like, will have enconn- tered many difficulties in which teams and teamsters have their powers of endurance severely tried, Both be. come excited and fractions, and what- ever the fault, if fault there be, the Lorse is likely to receive pretty severe treatment, if not permanent damage. Not a few horses are lamed under such circumstances, while othess are injur- ed by want of proper consideration on the part of those having them in charge—not from positive ill treat. ment, but by carelessness in placing the animals in such situstons as to cause unwonted exertions to escape from an unapprehended danger. Rough, boorish men are not suited to the care of an animal having the spirit tenderness and susceptibility pertaining to the horse, and were such less frequently entrusted with the management of stable stook, thery | would be fewer limping and compara- {tively valueless horses in our publie thoroughfares than there are at pres | ent. The greatest care, itis true, | cannot prevent accidents to horses, in | cases ; but with proper attention the i number of the halting ones would constitute the exception, and not the rule. as is now too often the case, -- Turf, Field and Farm. | Agric ulture says that sweet oil admin- istered to a horse with the bots will effect a cure, As soon as the fowl is sufficiently | fash 1 tumble usage which | discipline to which they 1g or positive eruelty | { sion while eicumbered with harness, | and possibly with a load too heavy for | efforts to escape punishment will re- | sult in such overtension of the mus | cles as to produce permanent lames DRY GOODS, &ec. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. BOOTS & SHOES, DRY GOODE, De NOT FORGET That the place to buy Cheap Goods, CALICOES, DELAINES, SILKE, SATINS, BROADCLOTHS CASSIMERES, CASBINETS, BLANKETS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, is at JOHN W. COOKPES CHEAP REYNOLDS" JASH STORE, ARCADB, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. We started “ut on the prineiples of ‘Small profits and quick Heturns,” and how well we have succeeded is known to everybody. OUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, are of the very best quality and are sold a the most reasonable rates. We pay at all times the highest cash price for Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn and Barley. We mont cordially invite everybody to give us a call, before par- chasing elsewhere. Do not forget the place, REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. 1a8'80.1y. J. W. COOKE. PRMAPELPHIA STORE! i PHILADELPHIA STOKE! | PAILADELPHIA STORE! KELLER & MUSSER {| ANOTHER NEW BTORE ANOTHER NEW STORZ { ANOTHER NEW STORE ] cheapest, largest 3 kK of beat as well as the best assorted at Go | or Central Pennsylvania, at their now PHILADELPHIA STOKE, in | BROC KERHOFF'S BLOCK, Bishop FOR THE LADIES. { They have Silks, Coburgs Alpacas, Merino, i Wool Delnines, Lastres, Ginghams, Prints, Popling, Lawns, Hand. kerchiefs, Kid and « i Gloves, Hoslery, Bal i morals, Hoop-skirt and & general va varisty of Buttons, Braids af the lowest prices, ther Ribbons, trimmings FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and and Fanoy weeds, Blue Cloths, Cassime Meit res, Satlinetls, Water. proof on we, DON Their READY MADE CLOTHING { cheap, an f als, of various prices, Plain snd Fancy Vests, Cassi Woolen and birts, Handkerchiefs, neck tics i consists Overcoats, Dress ¢ raalitiss and mere and Flannel Grembirts, ue Hats and Cape, and HOUSEHOLD GOODS Pin endless + such as Cloths, Rugs, Brown Mus Muslins, Drill Cloths, arietly, Carpets, Oil hed ngs, Sheetings, Table &e,, de, &e ns, Biea Their stock of QUEENSWARE 4 CERIES cannot be excelled pri GRO in guality or Ives that KELLER & MUSSER og you want and do business sick Sales and GRAIX AND PRODUCE ARE TAKEN, jand'80.15. (3R EAT, EXCITEMENT ! GLORIOUS NEWS PRICES REDUCED !! {HOWELL, OGILLIAND &C0 of Bush's Arcade, in Rooms No.1 and 2 | have just returned from the city with one of the largest and bert assortments of Goods, aver brought to Centre co, the Market. f hi AND SHEET-IRON STORE. THE OLDEST TIN.WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN BELLEFONTE. PENN'A, The undersigned hereby desires to call the attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre Co., tht he man. ulactures TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Cheaper and on u larger scale than ever.— He keeps constantly for sale, Tin Buckets, Wash Boilers, Coffee Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish Pans, Lard Canes. Wach Basing, Coal Oil Cans, Btove-pipe of the best Rus- sia, and other iron, constantly on hand, Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. All work warranted. Give us a eall. WM. 8. WOLF, Allegheny Street. WwW ETSLER & TWITMIRE. Jal'08 1y, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN CoOx AND PARLOR STOVES, | HEATERS FOR CHURCHES & DWELL INGS. KELLER & MUSSER have jost opened | ds in Bollefonts ! Se. | Flack | I ! Slate Pencils, Lead Penc The following Pattern of Cook Stoves con. stantly on hand, BARLEY.SHEAP, REGULATOR, IRON -BRIDRS, FARMER, EUREKA, AMITY. Castings and all kinds of repairs furnished to order for all kind of stoves in mar. kot Russia Sheet iron finished, Gas Burners neatly repaired, A large asssortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE | | | | | of our own manufacture, keptoonstantly on hand, shich we will sell bie r Retall at as elsewhere, ess le « reasonable SPOUTING, ROOFING, HARDWARE. PLANING MILLS. - mTue PLACE TO GET SHOES! $1000 "or BROS. & CO. EVERYTHING NEW & WARRANTED ZIMMERMAN (No. 2, Busn's Ancave,) BELLEFONTE, PENNK'A., P. McAFFREY & CO'S. OFFER the above reward for ihe sppreben sion and conviction of the wan who says Hl ESALE & BETAIL BOOT & SHON STORK. Ss {One dour above Meyoold's Bank.) THAT A DOLLAR BAVED IN BUYING GOODS IS BETTER THAN A DOLLAR WORKED FOR. WE have the evidence each day of numbers who purchase of us after having ex aw ined other ste cocks, thet this is pot & humbug, but a STUBBORX TRUTH and that our Goods Have just received the most complete as. sortment of ever ining In the BOOTY AND SHOE LINE, v er brought to Bellefonte. Their entire | stock, which is the largest ever apened 1n | this place, was made to order from the best | material. It was purchased for cash and | will be sold much lower than any une con afford whe buys on time. They AREEOLD ATLOWER PRICE than any other in the State. We cannot ENUMERATE ARTICLES as it would require this entire § ARE PRACTICAL WORKMEN age to do so. Ru Mee {it to say that we supply anything you want, snd everything sold will be guaranteed as AND GUARANTEE represented. Repairing and customs work ! promptly attended to, { 117 jnb'69.1y, | 4 ULL I U'RNSIDE & THOMAS, | Offer to the Public « | largest and best selected dise, in Centre « ne of the | whe of werchen mnoty. Call, examioe snd | tod spices see for yourself b i h Ad ns Largest and Best Stock of warrs od | SATISFY YOURSELVES | Boots and Shoes, warranted to Fa) satisfaction, found at BURNE rices, only t & THOMASN ! SH ES of all varietios, ground to ord | A and warranted to be strictly | It is the only place y Sud ur } AFAIRTEST IS ALLWE ABK IDE ZIMMERMAN, BROS & CO. Jab'69.y 4 ean y » Try them for A N IMI " i RTANT QUE TION! | faction Y can on | and all kinds of Jobbing done on the short. | est notice and warranted, We will re ceive orders for and put up ©“ COP PER LIGHTNING RODS)” which are superior to all other Rods in market We will pay the highest market prices for Jid Metal, Copper, Brass, Pewter, fo, de, ke. We always ensdeavor to sil CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, Try us and be convisced. ja0'89.1y BOOKS & STATIONERY NEW BOOK STORE. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Book, Nita f1onery & New 3 Emy Wrram JACOB D. MILLER Has purchased th News oats shment 5 Allegheny or # hich | he Das just goods, ruck go aa is general! nductod Book and Stationery Store stock consists of T Miseellaneot 8 Books Every His giral, Medi al, Law, inday Sol ! and hoo! ke. Pass Bocksand D grade and pr ap. Legal, Bill te Paper, ne French { every and he . b Time | afies e of ( Letter, Bath and N Paper, Envelopes feserint Price, Pens. Inks bor bands, transparent and common Elates, Is, Crayons, &¢ we ALSO we 1 Weekly » Blanks Papers, Magazines, and arge supply of Legal constantly on band Reve and Ales nae fare amps Agent for L ng Fioid at eval ochman’s Country marchants would do well to eall k before purchasing tell st nanulacterers jal'69 and examine wy cleewhere, as pri I ean re : J 1YINGSTON 8 BOOK STORE. | Esrantivnen 1x 1845 At this well ke found everything in the * whether BOOK LINE, | THEOLGICAL, CLSSICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC t LITERARY of family Bibles, with or without ot graphic Plates. ranging in price from $3.75, to $25. ALRO Hehool Books in general use | Legal Blanks, and all kinds of Stationery, Having the Largest assortment of Dry | Goods and Groceries they are able to rule } | sell again. We ask an examination of the Ladies | i | Dress Goods, CALICO FROM 8 to 15 ots Per Yard. Carpets at oid fashioned prices, The largest assortment of Cassimere in Market, READY MADE CLOTHING warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Our shoes for Ladies ware can’t be axcelled Our Grocery department aston ithes every one in assortmant and low prices, BYRUP, BUGAR, TEA & COFFEE. Canned Fruits, Jellies, Domestis and Foreign Fruits, Cheese and Pastries of all kinds, and every other articls belonging to the Grocery Department. WHOLE BALE AT PHILADELPHIA RATES. FARMEES, MECHANICS AND LA BORERS, LOOK to your interest, One dollar saved ia still one dolher your poeket. Then eail and seo at what astonishing Low Prices, AOWELL GILLILAND & CO. are selling Dry Goods and Groceries. No pains spared In showing their Goods. Ifnot an represented we wil pay you for your trouble. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, Bush's Arends, Rooms No. 1 and 2, jab'80.1y, JA%. A. QUIGLEY. HENRY CROSKRY. 1 i & CROSKEY'S CHEAP CASH STORE, EAGLEVILLE, CENTRE CO., PENNA bhp PR pr tong 10 fas nerw constantly nn hand al our firme in Eagle ville, Dry Goods, Groesties, ac., and BELL 48 CHEAP AS ANY STORE in town or eountry. We shall wi 4 on deavor ts pureliase good Goods war arnt everthing as we represent it. We also A correspondent of the Journal of | Aways pay the Please call sn 4 examine our stock for n13'e0.1y. yourselves, = FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE Musline that will astonish the purohaser | { | i dec. Promjt attention given to orders. A liberal discount made to those whe buy to GEO. LIVINGETOR, jab 0.13.) Bellefonte, Pa. - LIME Woo» & COAL BURNT LIME. Fresh burnt Lime always on hand and for sale at ths Jowest market price, at the SUNNYSIDE LIME KILXKS. on the Railroad near Bellefon's. We have no fear of successful contradiction when we say that we have the BEST LIME IN THE STATE. It is free from core, and our kilns are wo constrslad that all the ashes are sep. arated from the burnt lime be- fore itleaves the kiln. It isn PURE SBNOW-WHITE LIME! And makes as fine a finish as the lime barat from the marble quarries in the eastern part of the State. Our facilities for burning and shipping lime are such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same gaalit of lime can be had at any oths: place. All orders promptly filled. Address, J.R. AC. T. ALEXANDER. Janse. ly. Bellefonte, Pa. Wu. Sponvuivan. Bown Vatssrins, QHORTLIDGE & CO. WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME. Always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price at the BELLEFONTE LIME KILNS. on the Turnpike leading to Milesburg, The BEST PITTSTON AND SHAMOKIN Aviiuaaite coal. Also a new oon | 478 { ¢ $ forks, chaing, & SAWS, knives, spoons, hovels, spades, ¢ . ho lsznpe, | LET iE PEOPLE OF CENTRE («1 UN a A HUMBUG''| SA1I18FACTION IN An Extensive assortment | all the Day and Sunday | Blank Books, | BURNSIDE & THOMAS. | Hor: COLLARS, if you | your horse's shoulders gelled and wade sore, get good horse Viars, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS’ sort want ARNESS, o Hn great wart govern ment gears, saddles, Vridles, martingale , check lines, cart gears, tug Raroess, buggy, | barnes, bamer, bo. Jiveryihing in the sad | diery line, at MArs, tart whips, in es BURNEIDE » THOMAS® Rig you UBRNEIDE a THOMAR the lowsat BNFIDE « aah pr THOMA Iokstands, Erasers, Bub. | re bess, 1 be found BURNSIDE &« THOMAS, ASK ETH in al en riages, w their vaneies, « frens w ware, gong pistols cartridges, & at ANSIDE & THOMAS wn Establishment may be | 5, a1 re THOMAS OTIONS Han {in all their variety and very BURNSIDE » Tm REKEY PRUNES ples, oranges, lemon foreign frais, Hams. bacon ae BURSIDE » ia Ikerchiefa, ¢ ves, ok, sg ket bu heap. at THOMAS mbes, § taisens, pea het ap #, kinds of THOMAS", { { YANN J Loty, t ED FFP ITS, peaches, pine apples and peas in great vari BURSIDE « THOMAS fn FISH, Herring, mackerel, ae. | | at BEURNSIDE &« THOMAS, | jus'60.1y. I olive soap, Dobbins’ soap, Elderling’s soap, and a great varioty of oth. er soaps, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS". Whitman's celebraied confections, Whitman's celebrated choeolate, Baker's chooolate, Bmith’s chocolate, China Ginger. English Pickles, American Pickles, at BURNEIDE a "THOMAS", B“ & SHOE MANUFACTORY. The undersigned respectfully informe the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has established a first clase BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, next door to Morgan's Meat Marker, on the northwest side of the diamond, where he will be pleased at all times to wait upon customers. He being an EXPERIENCED WORKMAN, customers can rest assured that mo pains will be spared to render complete satisfac. tion. Gentlemen, Indies, misses and youth ean be acoommodated with the best Boots; Shoes, ’ Slippers, y WO, manufsctured from the best stock, and in the latest styles. Repairing of all kinds promptly atiended to. jas' PETER MoMAHON. A TTENTION ! REFLECT! ! Before ordering your BOOTS OR SHOES. The only exclusive Bost and Shoe Manu. facturing shop in Bellefonte. 1 would respectfully invite your consider. stion to the g peral satisfaction which in very Jan ifs my work, ronson wii * F*JORN Po n8'80.1y.] Allegheny St, CRTTinge tomatoes | ABDITS SOAP, Wem. Hagan snd Keons | Jesse | Oakley's soaps, old castile, pure, Palm soap, | TY CONSIDER! srsel res to } ROBBED by unprincipled dealers, your Dry and Favey G (hrocers on, g Gre sud gor dasg THE high Wheat. ¢ 25 jan £'f IL JOSEPH & CO., ALLEGH EN) Yride's- Building NOTIONS, NO iIONS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, SHING GOODR HING GOODS LADIER 2 6G FO FOR LADIES { n IR COVERLETS, COVERLETS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELKY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, all of which we warrant, snd at city prices. A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand, and all work warranted A liberal discount to the trade. Give u a eal. jaf'60.1y. GF° D. PIFER'S DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, No.8, Broxgrnorr's Row, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, Berieroxre, Pexx'a., Is the place for bargains in the way of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, 4c, do. Everything in hie line is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS, wre always in attendance to wait on his numerous customers. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of marketing snd produce. Cash paid for ALL KINBS OF GRAIN. Goodedelivered with pleasure No» trouble: to show goods. Give him a call before pur chasing elrewhore. [ja8'80.y J wr ANVIL HARDWARE BTORE ! IRWIN & WILSON. | | EIGN OF THE SRABARARAS AAR AAAAAARSARARS SEARARAABNS BABI GRE AMLAAANAAMABRMARSAAAMAALS DOHBRRNNLONDLRGRANN BHBON nopnonnDnunNnninRUanunn YYVVVYYY YYOYVY YY YY FYVYVIVYYVYYYY YY IVY EET TTI P ALE REET ER EE (LEER SE ERE EE FERRE RET TEA ALEERERRRERRRY FER ERR RERR REE PREFS IE 0 FREFLEY FEEFRERRERRRERERV FRR VROREER SERA TRRERTYI FEY) North-west Co roer of the Diamond, EELLEFOXNTEPa., is the piace to get HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION Blister and Drilling, Horse Bhoes and Horse Bi Toe Calks, Any is und 5 oer L makes ARG prices, lor Gar Burners, and takes and kinds, { SPRINGS i Axles ar | WOOD WORK, Bkeins, all sizes, all kinds, for Wagons, Bugger and Carnage: rin Beales, from ales and Balances, Fils, Paints and Vare of shes, all kinds LA ROPE, sll sizes asd PACKING, Houses and PUMPS Cisterne and Wells. DEX WATER PIPES, f any Dore and loseth, i see their Stock before making nme always pleased to show iy our goods | | ARDWARE HARDWARE! N 0. 65, BROELRHOFF'S ROW! TERE TLACE TO BUY 11d respectfully they Lave OVELS, AXES, usekeeper’s goods, eadd trimmings, etic ete. rota and viges of COAL OIL LAMPS, different parts se thereof, together Mment of the best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, #¢ They hope, | BY STRICT ATTENTION T0 BUSINESS | and a constant care for the to merit and receive a SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE. BUILDERS AXD OTHERS will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR STOCK. J. & J. HARRIS, Ne. 5, Brokerhofl’s Row. jab's9.1y. MERCHANT TAILOR. MN cual? TAILORING, ESTABLISHMENT, ¥0. 7, PROCKENOYY'S. ROW, The undersigned takes pleasure in inform. ing the citizens of Centre county and the public gemeraliy, that he is just opening a SPLENDID AND RICH ASSORTMENT OF FOREIGN AND DONRATIO Cloths, Cassimeres Which he is prepared to make to order the latest and most fashionable “tyles, for men or Gonde sold by the piece or the yard. He also keeps on hand a line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of every styie and description, He Tr ne for the celebrated EINGER BEWING MACHINE, '%01y JOHN MONTGOMERY. | BOLD ERS ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOMERS | re ee ———————— JUMPERS LOOK HERE! The subscribers having leased the MILESBURG PLANING MIL __, and added largely to its facilities for turn- ing out Brat class worl, sre now prepsred wo furnish FLOORING, " SHUTInAE BLINDS, BUILDING, BRACKETS, BCROLL WORK and manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION st the LOWEST CABH PRICES, All manver of work, such as Seroll Saw- ing, Mouldings, Brackets, 8¢., made after an y DEBIRED PATTERN, on the shortest possible notice, Connected with the mill and in operation atl al sved KILNS in a perfectly ing it, spdyin ties, mbile and times COKE leaves i8 one DEYING the lumber ale, Beeirle in preser t# lasting qual irymng deter i ders it more lable i TO DES Lumber i ahr of the latest impr h heats { fact add i or wetho Gil. rate, A AND WASTE kil L dried in a Coke ¢ drind pet wil nk, it wetly 4 | od and put uy i FHRIVE ) thus giving bai | AdYahlage ove {| PLARING wno MILL» iP pe we fee BLANCHARD & COMPANY, WHITE & YELLOW PINE yi AND WEATHER BOARI Description. BRACKETS OF ALL BIZES, RE” NED 28 ORDERS FROM ( DEAL GENERALLY JERS TRADE BELLEF até 1y INTE, CENTRE CO., FOUNDRY FOUNDRY, | OGAN 4 NEAR Ti} we are Row prepared > Castings We Ce tives, rach so ar wind Sash &o L and Saw Mi = ghia, all Caste Ww LGiates Gris ings, Sle Plows, also es of all kinds, We Plow Shares, menufscture the IMPROVED WORIEZ PLOW, Also BG 3 ETOV ES, Brave Castings, Oven Do and Frames, Coal Grates for Pave. ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Boxe es, together with every variety of Castings kept constantly +n band, or made to order. All order filled prompt ly. Gi e us a enll Don’t ferget the | place, near the Railroad Depot, Bellefonte. re #880.1y. BAYARD, TINKINS & CO. FURNITURE JruRNITURE WARE ROOM. Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa. WHERE BUREAUS. SOFAS, LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHAT NOTS, EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, STOOLK, dc, | of every description, quality and price, for i rale cheaper than at other ertab lishment of the kind in Central Penn's. UNDERTAKER Ready made Coffin, of all sizes and prices kept constantly on hand. Also Oof. Sor manufactured to order. ir Ate fH. P. HARRIS, ——— MEDICAL a AE FOR CONSUMPTION. -— fea ay ak po 18 is for sale Whales HIRAM LUCAS & BRO Howardrille, Centre Oo., Ps. Agents for Centre coun
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers